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Author Topic: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... (Kai&Acchan) - COMPLETED  (Read 23215 times)

Offline moekare

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 5 Aug 19th
« Reply #20 on: August 19, 2011, 12:29:42 PM »
Thanks for supporting me guys  :nya: :nya:
sorry for the delay...

Here is the new chap, hope you like it  :on GJ:
forgive my poor english


Chapter 5

After what I heard yesterday, I couldn’t forget Kai’s expression… That time he just left with Mayu after saying that words. Why I keep thinking about him? Arrghh… It can’t be, that was just an usual word from a play boy… I am sure that was one of his trick.

In the classroom as well… He keeps playing and chatting with girls, ignoring Mayu. I can see Mayu is in pain as she always puts a glance of him… I don’t know what to do… If I talk to him like some times ago, that would be more problem, and Mayu would be the one who hurt… I just hold myself as seeing my friend like that…

“Mayu…” I whisper to her… She sits behind me.

“Hm?” she keeps looking down.

“Are you alright?”

“Yea I am fine…” then she looks up, “Please Acchan, don’t shout at him again…”

“Don’t worry, I won’t. That can’t change anything….”

She looks down again…

Over there, Kai is with 5 girls. That guy is always surrounding by so many girls everyday… What the hell is on their minds? Kai is play boy, he is so dangerous, but they still want to be his girl friend. I sigh….

“Acchan!” a familiar voice comes from door, that is Tomo!

“Tomo!” I call him as he walks closer to me.

“Do you have time after school?”

“Yes I do!!” yey!! He must be asking for a date!!

“Yosh! Okay, I will wait you at park at 4 pm, okay?” then he leaves after I say “yes.”

Uwaa first date!! I am so happy!!

“Your boyfriend is so kind…” suddenly Mayu speaks….
I turn back… I can see lonely on her eyes. Now I feel so guilty.

“Ohm…ehm….” I bite my lower lips. That must be hurting her so much.


“I am okay, Acchan! Hope you two have a good date today!” I know that is a force smile…. I just reply her by smile too, then she stands up and walks away…

BAKA!! Why I have to be that happy in front of Tomo just now? My first friend Mayu is sad though, arrghhh!!

>> At park <<

I am waiting for Tomo in front of fountain. It’s 3.55 pm, woaa I arrived early… The feeling of waiting for our boyfriend in first date is like this. Heart is beating and cute smile formed on my lips.

“Acchan!” I turn back as I see Tomo is running to me. He is waving his hand, I smile.

“Tomo!” I call him back.

“Sorry, I keep you waiting.”

“Ah, no. I just arrived.”

“Sou ka… Okay, let’s go!” he holds my hand,

My first date!!!!!

“Okay my princess, where would you like to go?”

“Ehm…. I want to go to amusement park, my prince.” I wink at him.

“Okay my princess…”

>>Amusement Park<<

Here we are now… At amusement park. I really want to go here on my first date, and yatta!!! I am here now!!

We are playing so many rides here… I am so happy! Together with Tomo here, riding roller coaster and I can hug him at that time.

We head to the bench near park and sit there.

“Here …” he gives me juices, on the way here we have already bought it.

“Thanks…” I drink it…

“Are you hungry?”

“Not yet….”

“Well then, shall we continue?”

“Ah, please wait… I can’t feel my feet… Hehe…” I am little bit tired, and I need some rests.

“Oh, alright then…” then he rubs my foot. He is really taking care of me. Tomo is such a kind guy I’ve ever met.

When he is rubbing my foot, I look to someone familiar over there.

I widen my eyes as I see Kai’s over there! He is with a girl? Who is she? She is not Mayu… Grhhh….. Kai! How long you will hurt Mayu like this? I stand up and Tomo is looking at me.

“What’s wrong?”

“I will go there….” I walk and leave Tomo there.

“Hei! Wait, Acchan!” he stands up and chasing me.

As those 2 persons are in front of me, I grab Kai’s hand and now he is facing me.

“What are you doing here?”

“I should be the one who is asking, why did you grab me like that?” then his eyes are on Tomo who just approached me. “Are you following me?” Kai ask to me.

“Hah? Sorry I am not! I am on a date now!!”

“Oh…” short response from him.

“Nee Kai, who is she? Are you cheating on me again????” the girls are hugging Kai and that is so annoying! That Kai also! He has Mayu, but then he is going out with another girl??

“He is my friend’s boyfriend!” I shout to her.

“Ah! Really? Are you serious Kai?”

“No, no… Just don’t trust this crazy girl. I don’t even know her…”


PLAK!! This is for the 2nd time I slap him. He puts his hand on his cheek that red because of me…

“What the hell are you doing!!!” he looks so angry.

“That’s for Mayu, you jerk!”

“Ah you!!” Kai moves closer to me but then Tomo blocks his way.

“Don’t dare you to touch her….”

“You are not even qualified to be her body guard or her boyfriend!! You are weak!” Shouts Kai…

“What are you saying?! Tomo is strong, he is karate’s club leader after all, it means that he’s not weak! He is the strongest!!”

Kai looks straightly at me… No anger on his eyes again….

“Do you really love him?” he says with slow tone.

“Yes of course! He’s my boyfriend! So what??” Kai then looks at Tomo, then at me again…. He smiles back but not long…… He then pulls the girl and leaves me and Tomo.

“What’s wrong with him? Weird.” Tomo says as he looks Kai is walking away…

Somehow I can feel he’s in pain… But how come he is in pain? He is here with his girl, yeah might be going on date, and how come he is in pain? Okay, this is my second time thinking about him like this. What’s wrong with me? Am I sick? No. Okay, I hate Kai, no more than it.

Today’s date is not successful… It’s all because of Kai. I asked Tomo to walk me home….

“Good night, Acchan…” he waves at me, we have already been in front of my house.

“Good night, Tomo….” I smile and when I turn back, he calls me again.


“Come here….” he says. I walk to him,

“Closer…” I walk closer  and now we are in close distance.

“What is it Tomo? Do you want to ask me about something?” I ask.

“Hmm….Not really but, I want to…..” then he kisses me on my right cheek. I am surprised…

“Hehe…. I really want to do that.” he smiles and at the same time he is blushing. I am blushing too, as I don’t expect something like this will be happened. But little bit disappointed it’s not on my lips. I smile to him…. And then, Tomo keeps looking at me as his hand holds my hand…. He moves his face closer again and kisses my lips. It’s not a long kiss, because he breaks it….

“Good night, Acchan….” he says as he strokes my head.

“Okay, I am going in. Be careful Tomo….” I walk to the door and get inside of my house. Oh god, I receive Tomo’s kiss on my first date, I am so happy… This is my dream, have nice date, and kiss….. I blush again, I can feel Tomo’s soft lips for the second time.

This day has come. We will have a club practice outside for a week…….. Now we are already on a bus. I sit with Tomo and glad that Kai is sitting with Mayu. But I see Kai is always looking out the window and Mayu is sleeping… Her head can’t stop moving, Kai should lend his shoulder to her as her pillow…..I hope for the best for their relationship though I want they to break up… I just can’t see Mayu is always the one who suffers. Then  I see Kai is moving Mayu’s head slowly on his shoulder. Now Mayu’s head is on it. Kai smiles to the sleeping Mayu and looks to the outside again.

The first time I see him smiling… That is pure smile from his heart, and without I realize it I smile too…… Maybe Kai is kind guy, caring and daring, but bad he’s a player.

“Okay guys! please gather!!” Tomo is in front of us right now.

“We have already arrived to our practice area… Here we are now!” We look around as we see so many trees and beautiful lake. Far away we can see a place, I bet that is our place to sleep, eat, and take a bath.

“We will start practicing today and place your belongings at that house!” he points to that house.

We are heading to that house and taking the key. I am Mayu’s room mate.

“Glad that we share room…” Mayu smiles. I smile too as I unlock the door.

The room is not too large but it suits for 2 persons… I sit on the right bed as Mayu sits on the other. We take out our shirts and places it in wardrobe.

“Okay, let’s go!” I ask her, she nods.

We are watching the boys practicing… And of course I watch over Tomo… He’s so cool…..I can’t believe he is my boyfriend. Not far away I can see Kai….. He is practicing with the other members and they lose so fast… Kai movements are wild, not even smooth like Tomo’s. I bet he didn’t learn the technique and just follow his instinct to move. But yeah…. I admit that he’s strong.

The practice is over, now its alread 5 pm and everybody starts looking for wood that we will use tonight. I and Mayu are separating, she looks over there and I look over here. I don’t see any of wood here, and I go inside to the forest… The sun is setting, it’s already dark…. I don’t get any wood then I decide to go back to base camp…. Shimatta. I am lost… All directions look so dark and look same. Where should I go now? I don’t know the direction and I am totally lost here. Then I sit under a big tree and take out my handphone.

Oh good… low battery and in any second it will…. OFF already. Phew… It’s cold and I don’t wear jacket on me. I have to calm down…. Tomo will save me, Tomo will come for me…. I must wait here and remain calm. Okay, calm….

SREK…. a sound. It comes from behind those trees…. and no sounds again. I am in fear now… Is that a wild animal??


That sounds repeat rapidly and I close my eyes as I am screaming so loud.

“What are you doing here?!”

I realize that is a human not wild animal, I slowly open my eyes and there he is…. Standing beside that tree with a flash light.

>>At Base Camp<<

“Do you see Acchan?” Tomo asks Mayu.

”Eh? She should be here, shouldn’t she?”

“Eh? What do you mean? Didn’t you go together?”

“No we didn’t.” Tomo looks panic.

“Acchan has not come back yet?” Mayu looks panic too…

“Yeah… Okay I will look for her….” Tomo then runs and goes in to the forest to look for Acchan. Yet there Mayu is waiting for Tomo to find her friend in full of hope. Mayu then looks around her and looks for someone….

“Hmm……Where’s Kai?”

>> In forest <<

I still sit under the tree and I see that guy is standing beside that tree with flash light…. He comes closer.

“What are you doing here?” he crouches near me.

“Don’t you understand, I am lost!”

“Hee???? How come?” he chuckles.

“No more talk. Lead me to the camp.”

“Hmm…” he bites his lower lip.

“What?” I narrowed my eyebrow.

“Actually, I am lost too….” he rubs his neck.

“WHAT????” I sigh… No way I can get out of here. and Yet this guy is here with me…

“You are useless…” I say as I don’t see him….

“What are you saying? It’s lucky you can meet me here, idiot!” he stands up.

What? Idiot? I stand up too as we are facing each other.

“Lucky? You are lost too and you call it lucky?! Idiot!” I shout at him….

“FINE! You stay here, I will go back alone!!” he turns around and starts walk away…. I am standing there, and……..hoping for him to ask her to go together to the camp. Then Kai turns back as a small smile appear on my face. You should not leave a girl alone, Kai.

“Don’t follow me!!” he walks away. What? Unbelievable!! He really leaves me here alone!! How if a wild animal eats me alive? How if….I can’t go back forever and be a tarzan??

“What?! He really means it?! Okay! FINE!!!” I go back to where I sat and sit there alone. Waiting for Tomo.

“I wish you save there, KAI!” I keep praying to the god soon there will be a help coming. The air is so cold, and I can’t hold it anymore…..I hold my self, rub my arm, as I can feel little bit warmer….

Not long after, I can feel something warm cover my body… I look up as I see Kai is standing there still with his cool style.


He supposes to go back, right? Why is he still here?

“Yo…”he says still doesn’t look at me.

“Why are you here?”

“Yea….. I can’t leave you alone.”he sits beside me…. I don’t know but I smile to him. I know he is kind guy and really care….

‘Don’t you feel cold? You gave your jacket to me…”

“Nope.... You need it more than me.”

See? He is so kind…. But sometime he is really annoying and yea I had slapped him twice….

“You are stupid. You went inside a forest until dark and got yourself lost. You’d better stay at camp….”

Just now I said he was so kind, and now he annoys me again….

“Why are you calling me stupid? I want to help because I am also the manager here!!” I pout.

“I have not done yet….I prefer you stay, and…… I was worried when I knew you had not come back…”

I look at him…. This feeling again…. He worried about me? And he came here just wanted to find me? Eh…. it means he know the way right?

“So you know the way to the camp?” Then he rolls his eyes….

“Err… no-no! Ho-how could I? I was lost and now its already dark. Too hard to find the way back….Hehe..” he stutters.

Hmm….. He maybe look for me before the sun was set, yeah… We don’t have any choice, we have to stay until tomorrow….

“Huatchii…” I am so cold!! Brrr….. I need hot water…….. And then suddenly Kai hugs me. I am surprised.

“Hey! What ar-”

“Don’t move!! I just want to help you to feel warm. Don’t you remember I said I hate you? Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to you…..” he hugs me tighter now…. Warm. It’s so warm…. Kai’s body is warmer than Tomo…. And I feel more save if I were with Kai…. It feels so peaceful and I have faith in him…. But Why I feel sad when I heard that he hated me? No…no…. It must not be! I hate him too…. Maybe this time I let him hug me…. Just for once.

“Kai…..”I call him and I am still in his embrace.


“Why did you play around with every girl?”

“No reasons.”



“Why did you do that to Mayu? She is nice girl….”

“I know.”

“So? Why did you still do that to her?”

“Why did you ask?”

“Because I care with her….She is my friend…”

“Oh….” he pauses himself. “I do that t avoid myself from loving someone.”

“What is that reason?”

“I am scared if I am in love….”

“Why is that so? I am happy if I fall for someone….” he sighs.

“But your problem and mine are different. I………..had been dumped by someone.”

Serious? Kai had been dumped by a girl? No…no….that mustn’t be.

“I bet you think I lie, but that is true.”

“Why she left you?”

“Because I am not good for her….”

“Hmm…. You are smart, yeah handsome, and good in fighting, why did you say you are not good enough for her?”

“It happened when I was in junior high school. I couldn’t fight, I was not smart, and I could not do anything well….”

I keep listening to him…

“I met Chihiro senpai and I fell for her. She accepted me and we dated for 3 months.”

“You fell for your senpai?”

“Yes I did. Chihiro senpai told me that she was dumped by his boyfriend…. She said his boyfriend didn’t want to be in serious relationship with her…. Then I told myself, I loved Chihiro senpai and I wanted to be with her forever….I know I was just a kid, but me at that time was so serious… After I told her my feeling toward her, she accepted me. She said, she loved me too because I was always there and cheered her up…..”

“One day, we had appointment to meet in a park for our date…. I saw her with her ex and they kissed in front of me. I was shocked at that time. I felt betrayed as I ran to them and separated her from her ex. But……she shouted at me and asked me to stay away from them and did not ever disturb senpai again. I asked her, what it was these 3 months and….said love me?! Then she just said, she never felt for me, she said she loved me because she was so lonely…She still loved her ex. I couldn’t say anything as I straight looking to her…. Then her ex pushed me and punched me….I couldn’t defense myself coz I didn’t know how to fight. His body was bigger than me….And from that time, I promised myself to not ever fall in love again….”

So sad. I am so sorry about his story…. I understand his feeling so much…. If I were him, I might do the same…. I also could feel from his voice, it was so lonely and need love and care….I never see Kai this weak.

“Eh? Why did I tell you this?” he looks at me.

“It’s okay…. I am glad I can be your place for you to share all about your past and can take out your burden. Feel better?” I ask him….
He smiles.

“Thank you…..I feel better now….”

After that long story, we fall into deep sleep as now is already morning.

I open my eyes as I heard somebody’s calling my name.

“Tomo?” I get up and see Kai is still sleeping. And he still hugs me….I move his hand and I stand up.

“Tomo!!! Tomo!!!” I scream loudly and hope he can hear my voice and find me here.

“Acchan!!!” he is there and he hugs me.

“Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

“No Tomo… I am okay….” he releases his hug.

“Okay, let’s go back…” he pulls my hand as I stop him.

“Kai is over there… We have to wake him up.” then Tomo looks at the sleeping Kai.

“Were you with him last night?”


“Did he do something to you, Acchan?” Tomo sounds panic,

“No, I am okay… He didn’t do anything….”

Then Kai opens his eyes….. He then stands up and walks closer to us.

“Good morning….” he said.

“Good morning, Kai…” I smile to him…

“Why did you say that to him? I know there was something happened last night! Don’t lie Acchan!”

“Wow easy! We didn’t do anything.” said Kai.

“Yes Tomo… Trust me, we didn’t do anything….”

Tomo still looks at Kai and suddenly Kai grabs my waist and pulls myself closer to him, and he kisses on lips… I am surprised… Why did kiss me so sudden? And…..Kai is watching us. Tomo releases his kiss and sees Kai again.

“Understand?! Okay, Acchan…Let’s go back…” he grabs my hand and leaves Kai alone there. I see Kai there, he’s looking down and smiling.

It has been 7 days we practice outside and I felt Kai is avoiding me…. We never meet in a person…. Somehow I feel lonely…. But I’m glad that Kai spends his more time with Mayu….This evening we will go back to our home and we are ready to get in to the bus.

A small, cute girl is walking inside the school. Her hair is long, she wears glasses and looks modish. Every couple eyes are on this girl. As she walks everybody starts to follow her.

“Wow she looks so beautiful!”

“And sexy!” said those guy.

The girl is just smiling after hearing those statements. She keeps walking…. She is at the school corridor now and she puts her glasses off.

“So…this is Tomo’s school.” a cute smile is forming on her red lips.

how?   :on freeze:
I will do my best to finish this fic as fast as possible, coz I think I might be not writing any fic in the future  :on cloudeye:
and I hate hanging my fiction  :on grad:
please leave comments  :cow:

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Offline anoni2

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 5 Aug 19th
« Reply #21 on: August 19, 2011, 12:49:58 PM »
gah  he got slapped twice now   :shocked

no guy should leave a girl alone in the dark   :yep:

I wonder who's that girl   :lol:  tomomi?
Still shipping them early pairs. 1st generation ftw!

Editing in progress ~ T's and J's
SRO(Their Journey)


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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 5 Aug 19th
« Reply #22 on: August 19, 2011, 01:12:37 PM »
 :shocked what happen next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

more update please....  :bow: :bow:

Offline snowmi9x

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 5 Aug 19th
« Reply #23 on: August 19, 2011, 01:27:28 PM »
I want to know what happens next.
please update soon

Offline sorakamiya

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 5 Aug 19th
« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2011, 02:55:43 PM »
 :shocked :shocked :shocked i think acchan n kai relation will soon develop  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

i bet the girl is chiyu / tomo fiance  XD XD XD XD

kai.... go get heeeeer~  :grin: :grin: :grin:

Offline blughise

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 5 Aug 19th
« Reply #25 on: August 19, 2011, 03:24:02 PM »
Yappari, Acchan and just not right for each other :P

Kai, I'll kill that bitch who played and toyed with you, I'll kill her!

The new girl is definitely chiyuu...this is gonna be interesting a love square :P

update soon

Offline moekare

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 6 Aug 31th
« Reply #26 on: August 31, 2011, 08:35:01 AM »
Sorry for the delay~~  :cow:
I was busy lately.... You know, I was one of senior at campus so yeah....  :ding: time to be a devil. hahaha ..  :twothumbs

btw there was a mistake on my fic before, but too lazy to edit it  :yawn:

here's the new chapter...

douzo!!  :on GJ:


Chapter 6

Today Tomo can’t pick me up because he has something to do at club, so I walk to school alone. Arriving in front of my class, I see Kai has come… Wow it’s so rare he comes earlier than me. I walk inside and sit on the chair… I put my bag on the table and take out my book…Suddenly Kai comes closer.

“How was yesterday?” he asked. I look up at him.

“What do you mean?”

“That guy can’t kiss you….”

I narrowed my eyebrows… “What are you talking about? Don’t look for any trouble. It’s still morning.”

“Ow… I am not looking for any trouble here… Hmm… I saw you two were kissing in front of me, and his kissing was really sucks. He couldn’t even do a kiss. He is still a kid.” he laughs…

I stand up as I slap him on his cheek.

“That is not your business!! Can you please not insult anyone?? Every single thing you say is annoying!!” he still holds his red cheek and doesn’t look at me.

“I think you are good guy after what happened yesterday… But actually, I was wrong. One question, why do you hate Tomo? Did he make something to you??”

He doesn’t answer me… Then the teacher comes and I back to sit as he slowly moves to his chair.

Should I once punch him right on his face?? Until he is bleeding?? So that he can’t badmouthing Tomo??

After school I come to the club as well and Tomo has already there. He smiles at me. I approach him…

“Tomo I miss you….” I give him a small hug.

“I miss you too Acchan….” he smiles as he replies my hug. Not long, he releases my hug.

“Sorry couldn’t pick you up this morning.”

“Ah, don’t worry… I know Tomo was busy…” I smile and he pokes my cheeks…

“Well, I am going to change…. Sit there…” I nod and he disappears.

I come to the bench and sit there…. While I am waiting for Tomo, I see Kai is coming with Mayu. Mayu is holding Kai’s hand. I feel happy for Mayu, I hope Kai will be always with her…. Then my eyes and Kai’s are meeting… He is looking at me straightly and I can’t control my feeling as I look away. I still mad at him though, and I hope this time someone will beat him down… I really want to see he loses.

“Acchan….” Mayu approaches me and she sits beside me.

“Oh, Hi Mayu!” she smiles.

“You don’t practice?” I ask her.

“No… I want to see Kai….”

“You really like him, don’t you?”

“Yes. I like Kai… I don’t care for how many times he hurts me, but I still like him…. This is the first time I feel this way to boy.”

“I wish you happy, Mayu….”

When I have a small chat with Mayu, then I see Kai is appearing. He is with his karate’s outfits and ready to practice… I see him to the arena and a member has already waited for him. I hope he will beat Kai this time. The fight has been begun and Kai starts his move. Damn! He is so fast!!! He sends his elbow to the opponent and he’s down. Can’t stand up. My eyes wider as I see he can’t stand up. Kai has finished him with one move… He’s so strong….

Another member comes closer to Kai as his last opponent has taken to the side of arena. This one is bigger than before…. He starts his move and Kai can dodge his kick and quickly sliding his kick. He falls, but he can stand…

Good! Get him! that is in my mind. I don’t want this big guy loses.

Before the big guy can punch Kai, Kai hurriedly launches counter attack and punches his stomach…. He then falls as he holds his stomach… Can’t move.
I blink. How come Kai wins that easily???? I can see a smile on his face, victory’s smile. He is not long celebrating his victory as Tomo comes.

Yes!! Tomo!! I know you can beat him! Beat him!!

“Kai….” Tomo stands in front of Kai.


“Be my opponent….” Tomo is ready. My heart is tapping, hoping Tomo will win… Then Kai turns around.

“I pass….” he walks away.

“Are you running away!!!!!” Tomo shouts at Kai and it makes him stop. He turns around again.

“Sorry, Tomo… No word “run away” in my dictionary. I want to smack you down this time, but…..the timing is not now.” he smiles.

‘So when??”

“In championship… I will beat you and make you embarrass in front of many people. Just wait, Tomo…..” Kai then walks away and sits on the bench not far from the arena.

Why does he full of confidence?? Does he think he can beat Tomo that easy?? Not even in your dream!! My Tomo is different and he can beat you before you can, Kai!!!

“Okay guys…Let us-” before he can finish his word, someone has put hands and closed his eyes….

“To~mo~kun…” she says. I am surprised as a girl is standing behind him and closing Tomo’s eyes with her hands.

“Eh? Who are you?” ask Tomo.

“Hee… Hidoi!! How could you not recognize me, Tomo?!” she pouts.

“Ah!! To-Tomomi??” the girl slowly lower her hand as Tomo turns his back.

“Ah!! Tomomi!!!” shout Tomo. I tilt my head… Eh? Tomo knows this girl??

“Yey Tomo…. I think you forget me….” the girl who just called “Tomomi” then gives a smile to Tomo.

“How come I forget you?! Btw, since when you arrived here? Why don’t you call me?”

“I want to surprise you, Tomo….” every members now gathers and starts making some noises.

“Who is she Tomo? She is really beautiful.”

“She is cute and sexy!!”

Tomo is laughing and he totally forgets about my existence. I step backward and feel so jealous. How come this girl get near Tomo so easy? Is she his ex? But Koji said Tomo has not ever dated any girl before….

“Ah!” Tomo then realizes I get too far from them.

“Tomomi, she is Acchan…. My girlfriend.” I smile to Tomo… I think he has forgotten me… I relieve now…. Then that Tomomi girl is looking at me. She is not happy and rolling her eyes.

Eh? What does she mean?? She hates me? Why? because she likes Tomo too??

“Is that your girl friend??” she blinks.

Hey! What’s wrong with that!!

“Yes, Tomomi. You can be friend with her too….” she looks away.

“She looks stupid.”


“Eh? What are you saying?” looks like Tomo doesn’t hear her.

“Ah nothing! Nee Tomo….” she holds Tomo’s arm.

My head is boiling! Tomo is my boyfriend!! Stay away from him!!!

“….introduce your friends to me.”

“Ah! Yea.. I forget to. Well minna…. Let me introduce you to my friend. Her name is Kasai Tomomi. She just came back from America. Please be nice to her.”

I hear everyone says “yoroshiku, Tomomichan!”, “Welcome!” etc.

“And Acchan…..” I look at them both. Tomo!! Could you please release her hand from your arm?? It’s irritating!

“Please be nice to her. She is my childhood friend.” Tomo smiles to me… I am forcing my mouth to smile….

“Nee Tomo….” she even puts her hand around Tomo’s arm. Woot!

“I wanna be manager here….”

“But…Acchan is already…”

“Two is better, right?”

Tomo rubs his neck, looks confused. Come on Tomo. Say she can’t be one. You are the leader right? You have right to decide something…. Come on Tomo!!


Eh??? Tomo?? I can’t believe it! You said, Yes! I can do this job by myself! And I don’t even need someone to help me!! Or you can’t say ‘no’ to her? Right Tomo??

“Waaa!! Thank you Tomo! You are the best! I love you!” Tomomi then hugs Tomo.

I can feel smoke come out from my ears. My head is boiling, and getting red!! Why do you let her hugs you, Tomo! She even says, I LOVE YOU !!

Everyone starts whispering… starts making some noises…

“To-Tomomi….everyone is watching.” he looks uneasy because Tomomi hugs him.

“So? We always do this back before right?!” she releases her hug.

“Uhm… yeah…but that time was different. We were kids.”

“Aaa…Tomo doesn’t want to hug me anymore. Okay I understand.” Tomomi turns back and pouts.

“Al-alright Tomomi…. I am wrong, forgive me….”

Tomomi then smiles and laughs…

“I forgive you Tomo! How come I am mad at you?! Hehehe….”

Tomo smiles to her…

“Well everyone… From today, Tomomi will be the manager here… She will help Acchan to do the job.”

Everyone is clapping their hands.

Okay, nightmare. She will be manager here and I am sure my time with Tomo will decrease. Hmm…. No. I won’t lose to this girl. Tomo is my boyfriend and I must win him for sure!

A week has been passed and I will take back my words before. Tomomi never gives any single seconds for me and Tomo. She monopolies him…. Omg, Tomo can’t say no to her and I feel so jealous… When I talk to Tomo, she then appears and drags him away. Huh?! Guess what?! She never does any single works! Mopping, sweeping, everything is done by me!! She just hangs around with Tomo and chats with other members. His time is only for Tomomi…. He never walks me home like before coz Tomomi asks him first to do so…. Should I stay like this? If I don’t do anything, Tomo will be hers! Tomomi will steal Tomo from me!! I have to do something!!

I place the mop back and look for Tomo. I have to tell him about my jealousy and ask him to choose between me and her. He must be firm, he is man after all. Now I arrive at back yard of dojo…. Where is Tomo? I can’t find him… Tomomi too… She is not at dojo…. Okay, I am sure they are together now… I keep walking and then I see them both under a tree….. I walk slowly and hide behind a big rock.

“After this, please accompany me to the mall Tomo!”

Tomo nods. I can see Tomo forcely nods his head… I know he doesn’t want to, but for some reasons he has to… Yosh! So Tomo doesn’t have any feeling to her.

“You know Tomo, when I was in America, there were so many handsome man there. Even my classmate confessed to me….”

“Wow… sounds cool. You must be famous Tomomi. You are pretty after all…”

“Yeah but I rejected them all….”

“Eh? Why?? You didn’t like them?”

“I like them Tomo…. They were good looking but….”


“But I have someone I love already…” Tomomi’s face then turns pink. She is blushing.

“Eh?? Really? Who?? Mind to tell me, Tomomi??”

DEG DEG DEG… Why my heart’s tapping?? Yes, I feel something I don’t want to see will be happened after this……. The fear I feel now, I don’t want to lose Tomo.

Tomomi then looks at Tomo and she holds his hands….

“Why you are so slow Tomo?”

Tomo tilts his head.

“When I was in America, I couldn’t stop thinking about you….”

“To-Tomomi? What do you  mean??”

Yappari……….. I bite my lower lips as my heart continue beating.

“It’s you Tomo. I love you….”

Tomo then laughs.. “Me? Come on, Tomomi… don’t joke around.”

“I am not joking!! My feeling to you is not a joke… I really love you, and I missed you so much Tomo….” Tomomi then hugs Tomo.

“Tomomi…..please…..”Tomo wants to release Tomomi’s hugs but she stops him.

“Please Tomo! Let me hug you….” Tomo then can’t do anything. He lets her hugs him.

I am shocked. What will Tomo do after this? Will he accept Tomomi’s feeling and dump me? Is that so? I feel my eyes teary….. but I hold it… I have to trust Tomo. Nothing gonna happened.

”Tomomi…..I have girlfriend and you know that.”

Tomomi is shaking her head.

“I will make you love me and forget her….”

“My love to her is real. No one can change it, even you Tomomi… I am sorry.” Tomo then pushes Tomomi slowly and smiles to her.

Tomo…. I know I must trust you. Thank you Tomo…..

“I am not good for you… and I am sure you will find better person than me.” Tomo then walks away and leaves Tomomi there.

“Tomo!!” she screams, Tomo then turns around.

“Me too! No one can replace you in my heart! You have to understand me!!” Tomomi then runs to Tomo and kisses Tomo on his lips.

I feel like a knife stabs my heart already. I am freezing. I can’t move…. I don’t want to see this view, I want to run and………..cry. But my body won’t move… My tears are about to fall but then a hand is closing my eyes. This person helps me to stand up and drag me away from that place.

This person takes me somewhere and slowly he pulls his hand… I open my eyes. Then I see Kai is standing in front of me.



“What are you doing?”

“I followed you from dojo and I saw everything.”

“Why you drag me here? You don’t have any right to do that!!”

“I can’t see a girl cry.”

“I didn’t cry!”

“Almost did.”

“What?! Stay away from me! I hate you!!” I push him so hard. Why I said I hate him? He’s so kind to me, he even helped me just now…. I don’t understand myself, those things that just happened drove me crazy!

“Why you didn’t understand!!!” suddenly he shouts. He walks closer…

“Atsuko….why you didn’t understand me little bit?!”

I keep looking into his eyes…

“You know how hurt my heart is when I see you with him? You know how hard I hold my self to not touch you? You know how much I want to talk to you? You know how I much I want to protect you? Make you smile???? You know that?”

Kai….this is the first time I see him like this. He is bad player but….this time is honest. I can’t see a lie behind his sentences.


“Its all your fault! I promised my self to not fall for someone anymore, but……I can’t resist that I love you!”

I am surprised. Kai loves me? But how come?? Since when??

“You are the reason why I keep playing around. I don’t want to fall for you, but my feeling to you is so strong. I can’t resist it….”

“Kai please….don’t make a joke.”

“How dare you say my feeling is a joke?”

“Kai but I…..I love somebody else.”

Kai closes his eyes and looks down. I understand his feeling and I am sorry, I can’t accept your feeling. I know its hard to resist our true feeling but….I am sorry….

Kai opens his eyes.

“I won’t give up.”


“I will break my promise… I will win you for sure.”

“Kai, please…. I don’t want to hurt you…”

“Don’t mind me Atsuko. I will wait for you…. Even for 10 years, 20 years, I will keep waiting.”

“Kai please…I don’t want to hurt you any further...”

“This feeling I have is the strongest. Past is past, now is now…. And this time is the most important and I don’t want to lose…… I love you Atsuko, and that’s real. I am not lying. Please, let me have this feeling.” he smiles. The brightest smile that I’ve ever seen.

“You don’t need to give me the answer now. I will wait.” then he walks away.

Kai… So many things happened. I don’t know what I should do. I don’t want to hurt Kai, coz I know his past was hurting him so much, but he can’t be stopped now. A playboy like him, is falling for someone like me. I am sorry Kai, I guess I can’t accept your love.


Ok. Time to run!!!!  :mon lurk:

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Offline kazuski

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 6 Aug 31th
« Reply #27 on: August 31, 2011, 09:24:18 AM »
aww~ Kai is so weet!  :wub:

yes, finally he admit his love for Acchan.   :twothumbs

now is your time to admit, Acchan.  :smhid  you definitely love him, or will be soon anyway  XD :lol:

thank for update  :heart:

Offline Sydney W

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 6 Aug 31th
« Reply #28 on: August 31, 2011, 09:25:56 AM »
oh my god... the story is going to the main part... kai please win acchan heart for sure... both of you are meant to each other... please update the next chapter..

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 6 Aug 31th
« Reply #29 on: August 31, 2011, 01:11:06 PM »
Drama!!! I want more Tomotomo! Chiyuu go win Tomochin's heart!

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 6 Aug 31th
« Reply #30 on: August 31, 2011, 03:47:56 PM »
Yappari...Tomo~mi is here to take Tomo away...which is so totally cool to me

I want Acchan and Kai to be together!
And finally Kai confess his feelings to Acchan!!!!
Hurry up Acchan and realize that Kai is definitely the one for you!

Tomo is so wishywashy....I'm starting to hate him now

update as soon as you can


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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 6 Aug 31th
« Reply #31 on: September 01, 2011, 11:59:02 AM »
hahaha... I'm so love Tomomi for trying to take Tomo away from Acchan...  :P

Acchan.. You're in love with Kai but you're just in denial ...LOL.. :lol:

More drama.. more complicated.. more Love to come... yeah!!!  :cow: :cow:

please update soon...  :thumbsup

Offline moekare

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 7 Sept 3rd
« Reply #32 on: September 03, 2011, 11:39:37 AM »
Thanks Minna....  :peace:
here is the next chapter......  :otomerika:

sorry my bad english.....


Chapter 7

Yesterday, Kai confessed his love to me. Many things happened yesterday… Tomo got kissed by Tomomi, and then Kai’s confession. I am so confused now. My feeling is mixed. I don’t know what to do… I can’t cry, but my heart cries. Deep inside, it does. I can’t let it out, I am so confused right now. I hate Tomo, I don’t want to see him right now… The other side, I can’t hate Kai, but I don’t want to hurt him. His past had turned him into bad person, and I don’t want to do the same like what his senpai did. Okay I know I must not hurt him,  but I can’t accept his love. I still love Tomo after what he did yesterday, it still can be talked just both of us. I worry about Kai, what if I say no to him? Will he turn bad again? Oh god… What do I suppose to do?

“Good morning, Atsuko….” when I walk in the corridor, a voice from person that I am thinking about right now calls me.

“Ehm… Morning, Kai…” I don’t know what to say next. Is greeting enough?

“Come on, relax Atsuko. Don’t think about what I said yesterday, okay? I didn’t mean to leave you a burden.” he puts his hand on my shoulder and then leave.

I am sorry, Kai. I make you say those words. I know that is really painful, I am sorry. I wish the person I love is you…. You won’t be suffering like now.

I sit on my chair and I see Kai is looking outside the window. Looks like he is thinking about something.

Should I give the answer right now? I can’t love him, as my heart is still for Tomo. Is it okay I say that? Will he be mad? Disappointed? I will feel guilty if I make him like that then…

But…. If I don’t give the answer right away, he must be feeling more suffer right? Okay. I should give the answer now. I stand up and walk to the Kai’s chair.

“Uhm…Kai….” Kai then gains his conscious and realizes I am standing in front of him now.

“Oh, Atsuko… What happened?”

“I….uhm……..” I bit my lower lips. That words won’t come out. Hurry Acchan, he’s in front of you right now!!

“Listen….about yesterday…”

“Acchan?! What’s wrong?” then Mayu comes to both of us. She looks curious coz its not usual I talk to Kai in the morning.

DEG! How could I forget Mayu’s existence?? She is Kai’s girlfriend, right? Why do I always think about myself? Just myself and Kai?? How come I forget about Mayu? Oh god… I am so egoist! But yeah…. It will help me to reject Kai. He has better person, and that is Mayu.

“Oh, morning Mayu. No…. I just want to say ‘Hi’ to Kai. I am leaving now.” then I walk away.

“Wa-wait!” I heard Kai calls me, but I ignore it. I come back sit on my chair.

Some minutes later, I take a look to Mayu and Kai. There I see them talk happily and Kai is smiling even laughing. They should be supposed to be together, but Kai just confessed to me…. Mayu is better than me, and she loves Kai so much. Being close to her, will make Kai fall for her slowly….

A lesson just started…. I can’t concentrate. Hmm…. I want to go home and I will skip today’s club activities. I don’t want to meet Tomo and Tomomi. I have to calm myself alone….

Break time and I walk to the canteen. On the way, I see Tomo runs to me. I turn around and walk away. Yeah… Avoiding him.

“Wait!!” he grabs my hand. “Why do you avoid me?”

“Let off…”

“Why Acchan? Something wrong?”

How could he ask ‘something wrong’??! He doesn’t care about my feeling anymore!! Just go and be with Tomomi!! I am fine!

“I am okay.”

“You sound not okay! You even don’t look at me. What’s wrong?”

Then I face him, “I am okay!”

“Why your eyes are teary??? Acchan, please… Did I do something?”

My eyes suddenly become teary. OMG. I don’t want to cry here!! Its embarrassing.

“Just…..leave me alone, Tomo. I don’t want to see you!!” I try to pull my hand, but he is too strong.

“Please Acchan, I wanna talk to you. I can meet you, coz Tomomi is busy now… Please, this is our chance… I wanna talk…”

“Oh, when she is busy, you come to me? If she’s around, you won’t meet me? Like that? Oh…. good. Now, LET ME GO!! I DON’T WANT TO SEE YOU! I HATE YOU!!!”

“Its not what I mean! It’s hard to explain but please….. I miss you Acchan….”

“Bullshit! I can’t trust you Tomo!!”

“Why? We have been together until this time, how come you could not trust me?”

“You even kissed her yesterday! How come I trust you???”

“You……saw it?” he loosen his hand.

“Why?? You regret it now?? Good. I saw my boyfriend kissed another girl….”

“Acchan, no. That was misunderstood. She kissed me first. You have to trust me!”

“NO! Stay away from me!! I hate you….” I run away.

“Acchan!! Acchan!!” He keeps calling my name and I keep running.

I end up on rooftop. Alone sit on the chair that has not been used anymore. Sobbing and crying. Oh damn… Why I should cry? Tomo must love Tomomi. She is beautiful, she’s even his childhood friend. So yeah…. Tomo must love her. Who am I? I am not someone who worth you, Tomo. Not worth for anybody else….

BLAM! I heard a door closed. I raise my face and take a look who it is. EH??? That’s Mayu and Kai?! What are they doing in here?

Kai is pulling Mayu to the middle and they are facing to each other.

“What is it Kai? What do you want to tell me?”

“Ehm…Mayu….” he rubs his neck. “Gomen!” then he bows his head.

“Eh? Kai?? What are you doing?”


“Why do you keep saying sorry?? You didn’t do anything wrong…. Please raise your head.”

“No, I can’t. I want to apology. I have made mistakes. Gomen.”

“What mistakes Kai? I don’t understand.”

Kai……he keeps bowing his head to Mayu… What is it on his mind right now?
Ah! Masaka……

“I am sorry Mayu. I am using you…….”

“Using me?” Mayu looks even more confuse.

“Yes. I think, being a player will help me to forget her, but I can’t.”

DEG! DEG! DEG! My heart is beating. I know, my name will be come out from Kai’s mouth. Please, don’t say it Kai. Mayu will be sad.

“I love Atsuko.”

Finally. Finally my name…. I keep listening and I still can’t see tears from Mayu’s eyes. Maybe she is still in shock.

“Kai…..” a simple word comes out from Mayu’s mouth.

“I love Atsuko, Mayu. Please don’t blame her, I am the one who will responsible to all of this.”

Then, Mayu helps Kai to raise his head.

“Please…..don’t bow your head again. I understand.”

Eh?? Mayu??

“So….you….are not mad?”

She is shaking her head.

“How come? I have already known it long before.” I blink. Eh? How come she knows?? Long before??

“How… do you know?” ask Kai.

“From the way you look at her, it’s really different. Your eyes are so soft when you look at her. When it’s about her, it’s honesty written on your face. Those can’t lie, Kai.”


“Don’t say anything. I am glad I can be your girlfriend even for short times, but it’s fun. Thanks.”

“Don’t say thanks. I don’t even do anything that makes you happy. I am sorry.”

“No, Kai. I know you have suffered from this feeling. And I know….how hurt your heart is when you look at Acchan while she is with her boyfriend. I understand all.”

“But Mayu, I have been using you-”

“I said it’s okay. You are the best person I’ve ever met.” Mayu smiles. Kai then replies her with smile too….

“Thank you, Mayu. We can be best friend from now.”

“Yeah…. I will support you to win Acchan’s heart. Let me know, and I will help you.”

“Thank you, Mayu.” Kai then hugs Mayu.

Suddenly my tears are falling. I cover my face and wipe my tears. Why I feel the same just like Mayu feels before?? Sometime I can feel Kai is so kind, honest, and care… So that’s because of me? Because he loves me?? I feel sin since I always shout at him even slap him for many times. But Kai’s feeling to me never change. He still loves me. I am sorry Kai. I was so cruel to you…. Now, I don’t know how I should face you….. I can’t be the usual Acchan to you after what I heard just know.

>>School garden<<

“Why Tomo??”

“Sorry, Tomomi. I can’t be with you. I have Acchan. She saw us yesterday, and misunderstood that.”

“Why you care that much to that girl? You don’t even think about my feeling?! How cruel!!”

“I am so sorry Tomomi. Please understand me… She is my girlfriend, and she saw us kissing in front of herself. I don’t want my relationship with her to be broken. You have to come with me and explain everything.…” Tomo pulls Tomomi’s hand.

“No! I won’t! Just let her be! I don’t even care!”

“You what?? How about me? I beg you, please understand us! You will meet someone that better than me, Tomomi. I am sure you will.”

“I don’t want the other, I want you Tomo! Only you!!” Tomomi then hugs Tomo.

“Sorry…..” Tomo then pushes Tomomi. “I can’t. I love Acchan.”

“To-Tomo……you……..” Then Tomomi holds her chest. She looks hard to breathe.

“To-Tomomi? Hey! What happened? Tomomi!!”

Tomomi is unconscious as she keeps holding her chest.

“Shit! I forget her heart is weak!!! DAMN! DAMN!!!” Tomo is panicking as he reaches his handphone and dial some numbers.

>>In the hospital<<

“How about my daughter, doc?”Tomomi’s dad is asking the doctor just came out from Tomomi’s room.

“She’s fine. Nothing wrong with her heart. It’s just a light shock. She might be awake tomorrow.” said the doctor as he leaves.

“Thanks god…. and thank you Tomo, you have brought here…”

Tomo just stays quite. He is the one who has to be blame though.

“I am sorry, uncle. I am the one who makes her like that. I am sorry.”

“What did you just say??”

“I am sorry uncle. I have said bad words to her…..”

“What did you just say to her?!” Mr. Kasai shouts at Tomo right now.

“I…..I said, I don’t love her. Then, she fell. I am sorry….” Tomo bows his head. Mr Kasai sighs and sits on the bench…..

“What was that just now? My daughter loves you?! Ugghhh………”

Tomo feels so guilty to make Uncle Kasai worried, and Tomomi is like this also because of him.

“Uncle…please, let me responsible for everything.”

Mr Kasai raises his head, “What?”

“Let me…..take care of her. I will be by her side. I promise and I will make Tomomi happy…..”

“You… just said, you can’t…”

“Please uncle….I won’t make her sad again. I promise.”

Tomorrow when the school has finished, I walk to the gate. From the morning I didn’t say any words to Kai. I can’t face him properly like before. Then I see Tomo is standing in front of me.


“What is it again? Hurry, I don’t have much time left.”

“Okay, I know you are busy…..and don’t want to talk to me. I just want to say something. Please listen to me. This is the last.”

What do you mean by the last? Oh, I know. You finally choose Tomomi, right? See? I am right…. Get dumped now.

“Acchan….I love you. The first woman I’ve ever felt for.” he smiles. What do you mean by those sentences?? Just straight to the point, I know what you are going to say.

“I know I am not better for you. I am sure there will be someone better than me, and you deserve them.” he then walks closer.

“And this is really painful to me, it also hurts me….”

“Just what is it? Hurry….” I know I don’t want to listen to it. I have already known what it is about. I am sure he wants to break up. Come on, I am not ready….

“Okay. Ehm… I can’t leave Tomomi.”

See?? He wants to break up… I must hold my tears. I can let it fall. Relax Acchan, you have known this time will come one day, and it’s today.

“I am sorry Acchan, I know you are hurt when you heard this. Me too. Its really painful. But, I can’t leave her…..I am sorry….”

Long pause between us……… I look at Tomo, he is crying.

“Why are you crying?? You should be happy right?!” I shout at him to hide my pain. I want to cry as well, but I have to hold it.

“Why I should be Happy?? Why? I will leave you, the woman I love the most! Do you understand how I feel right now??? It’s so hard, Acchan…………………….”

He wipes his tears…

“I am sorry Acchan… I have made you sad. I know I am the worst. Please forgive me. Forgive me Acchan….”

“You love her?”

“No, Acchan. I love you. Really love you.”

“So why you choose her? I’m hurt, and you say you love me, but you choose her? I can’t understand!!!”

“Acchan, it’s difficult to explain…. I really don’t want to break up, but I have to……….”

BUK! A hard fist flies and punches Tomo’s face. He falls.

“Do you know I hate it when a boy makes his girlfriend sad?”


Tomo then slowly stands up. “Please punch me again! Harder!!! Punch me Kai!”

“Oh…as you wish!!” I stop Kai when he’s about to give another punch to Tomo.

“Don’t waste your energy Kai…..”

“Well… as Atsuko stops me, you are safe now. But……why do you want to break up with her? You better give me good reason so that I can forgive you.”

Tomo just stays quiet as he looks down. “Please, take care of Acchan….”

“What?!!! You BASTARD!!!” Kai then punches Tomo’s face again.

“How come you say that? You know how much she loves you?? You are so easy saying that words, you don’t even care what she feels!! I know it…..I know it you are this weak! So that I don’t want to have a duel with a weak guy like you!!”

“Yeah I am weak!! I know I am weak!! I can’t choose the girl I love. I end up making her sad!! I am so weak!!”

“Don’t say anything again, or I will kill you right away….”

“Just kill me now!! I prefer to die!!”

“Well if you say so…..TAKE THIS!!!”

PLAK!!! I slap Tomo, and Kai stops his move.

“I just know you are this weak, Tomo…” Tomo puts his hand on his cheek.

“You just embarrassed yourself. I am disappointed….” I walk away as I grab Kai’s hand….

I pull Kai to somewhere far away from school. This place is pretty quite..

“Atsuko…..” he calls my name as we arrive there.

My body begins to shake….

“Thanks Kai, you can leave now.”

“No I won’t. I will stay here…..”

Kai then decides to turn my face as I don’t give him any response. He finds me crying.

“So-Sorry, Kai… I am crying….”

“Atsuko…Don’t cry...” he wipes my tears away.

“I……I love him, Kai. I don’t want to break up….” I keep crying, then I feel a warm hand on my hair. He strokes my hair softly.

“It’s okay Atsuko. I know it… I will be here…. I will lend you my chest….”

Then Kai hugs me. I bury my head into his chest and cry louder on it. I feel better when he hugs me…..His body is really warm.

Nee, Kai…….why its not you whom I love? I must be happy then…..


too short???  :depressed:
eh??? I dunno how to end this.....  :tantrum: :tantrum:
need moar inspiration  :badluck: :badluck:

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 7 Sept 3rd
« Reply #33 on: September 03, 2011, 03:24:57 PM »
Acchan deserve better!!!!
Tomo you jerk!!!!!!!!!!!!
With you finally gone, my Acchan and Kai can finally be together!!!!!!!!!
Don't worry Acchan Kai will never make you cry unlike Tomo XD

update soon!!!!!!
I can't wait !!!!!


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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 7 Sept 3rd
« Reply #34 on: September 03, 2011, 07:36:44 PM »
ganbare~~~  :onioncheer: hu~hu~ give inspiration to moe~~

need next update~~  :panic: :panic:

Offline Sydney W

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 7 Sept 3rd
« Reply #35 on: September 04, 2011, 09:03:37 AM »
Ganbare x3 Please update ~~ I want to see Kai x Acchan together + happy ending

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 7 Sept 3rd
« Reply #36 on: September 04, 2011, 12:32:31 PM »
i wanna see acchan n kai tigether toooooooo~  :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 7 Sept 3rd
« Reply #37 on: September 04, 2011, 11:49:00 PM »
OMG love polygone is complicated

Offline moekare

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 8 Sept 11th
« Reply #38 on: September 11, 2011, 01:38:46 PM »
Sorry for the delay  :kneelbow: I just realized my school's day really crowded! Grrhhh...!!!  :frustrated: :frustrated:
and thank you for those who read my ficts ... hehehe  :bow:

btw here is the next chapter!!

Enjoy! forgive my bad english...


Chapter 8

I could not forget the time when he hugged me… The way he stroked my hair, the warmness of his hand, her body, I felt so safe in his embrace. He wiped my tears gently, his smile encouraged me, and he kept saying, “I am here and I won’t leave you.”.

Was I wrong when I hugged him back? My status with Tomo was so complicated and I already said broken up to him though, but my heart needed time to recover from this ache, and I felt guilty to Kai… My feeling to him was not more than a friend, ah I had never said we are friends in front of him... When we saw back, we always fight and I hated him because he always says something bad about Tomo and me.

“Where is your house? I’ll take you home.” He says gently to me. I know he is worried about me… and he won’t let me walk alone right now.

“It’s okay. Don’t trouble yourself.”

“No, I don’t. I can’t let you be alone at this time. Let me walk you home, please….”

Those eyes again. I have seen it for so many times. It shows his honesty, his warmness, softness, no lies on those eyes.

Kai, how much you fall for me?

I am sorry, I am not good enough to you…

You are always beside me although you know my feeling for Tomo can’t be stopped or changed. I know it will hurt you more, Kai.

I am sorry….

Because he keeps forcing me, I let him to walk me home. On the way, he keeps his distance to me. Walking beside me and never look at me. I look down…  So silent between us. I can’t even start any topic…

At station before we get in to the train, he softly pulls me.

“You must be behind the yellow line, Atsuko…It’s dangerous.”

“Th-Thank you Kai…” I look at him, but he looks away.

He avoids me? No. It must be my feeling.

For some minutes, the train arrives and he lets me get in first. Inside the train is really crowded. There are so many students in here. Everybody starts pushing each other because of these narrow space. I feel my body is being pushed from my right side, then my left side. I am so unlucky being in the middle of these people.

Then, I feel something on my butt. I freeze.

It must be a hand from hentai ojiichan! I scream inside my heart, asking for a help but my mouth is locked. I can’t even say one word. I see Kai is backing me, I guess he doesn’t know I am in trouble here.

Yikes! He moves his hand higher and reaches my shirt. Then he moves it lower again to my skirt. I don’t even see his face, but I am pretty sure he is just an old man just like news on TV. I look at Kai’s back. Please, please Kai turns around! Help me please!!

Then he pinches my butt because I don’t make any reaction of resisting his move. Spontaneously I look back and I am surprised when I see an old man looks so happy while his hand is playing on my butt. When he raises his head to look at me, suddenly a hand is pulling this hentai-ojiichan away. I turn back and see Kai is already facing me. He looks so angry and that ojiichan moan slowly coz his hand hurt.


“How….dare you….touch her?”

“Auch….aaa….I….I am sorry….young boy. Auchh….”

“Want me to break your hand, uncle?”

“No…please, forgive me. I won’t do it again….Itatatatata…!!”

“As If I want to forgive you….”

“Kai stop! Please. Don’t hurt anyone...”

“Listen. If I see you somewhere, I’ll make sure to break your neck! Now go!!” he releases his hand on that uncle’s, and he moves far away.

“Why you didn’t tell me? At least you could scream, Atsuko.”

“I am sorry, I….”my tears rolling down in to my cheek. No doubt I am crying now. This is my first experience meeting a hentai-ojiichan inside a train. I wipe my tears as my body keeps shaking. And then suddenly Kai’s body presses mine. But its not because of Kai, but people behind us push us so hard.

He raises his head to look at me, and suddenly my cheek turns into pink.

It’s really embarrassing!

“O-oi…you don’t need to be shy.” He looks away.

I feel people come to push us again, now his body is really close to me. His head is on my shoulder.

“Atsuko, just hang in there. We will arrive soon….”

I nod. I could feel his hard breathe on my neck. It’s so clear. Now my face turns pinker, more than before.

Then, we arrive at the next station. We get out of the train,

“Ah! Finally I can feel the air!!” Kai screams.

I just smile…

“Now where is your house?”

“Not so far from here, Kai.”

“Well… you go first. I will follow you from behind.”

Then I do what he said. I walk first and he follows me from behind. Somehow I don’t like it. I want him to walk beside me, not behind me. I keep walking and he also doesn’t say anything. Then finally we arrive.

“This is my house.”

He keeps looking at my house as he nods.

“Would you…..want to…”I ask in full doubt, but before I could finish it, he already talks.

“Well then, Atsuko. I am going back.”

“Oh….okay.” I heard disappointment in my voice. He just smiles.

“See you tomorrow, Atsuko.” Then he walks away.

Slowly my eyes follow your figure… The back that I see looks strong… I haven’t even said thanks to you yet.

~At School~

I wish I don’t meet him right now. I don’t know what I should do when that happened. When these feet leads me to the class, I feel relieve I don’t meet him. One side I relieve, but one side I want to know how he is. I still have feeling for Tomo, and I just can’t forget him that easy. I walk to my desk and Mayu-chan approaches me.

“Good morning, Acchan!” she smiles.

I envy her. She could smile even brighter like this. The day when I saw everything between her and Kai, I felt guilty. It was because of me their relation ended. Mayu, she always supports me, even she sometimes tells her feeling toward Kai to me. I know she really loves Kai…But on that day, she could let Kai go because she wanted Kai to be happy. I don’t know I could smile in front of you Mayu.

“What happened Acchan? You don’t feel well?” she puts her hand on my forehead.

“No fever. Are you okay, Acchan?” she really worries about me. How come she speaks normally to me after what happened?

“I am alright, Mayu. Thanks.”

“I think you are uneasy with something Acchan. Is it about Kai?”

How….how come she knows????

“You were together yesterday, weren’t you? Hmm…. Ah!” she then runs to the back. I confuse and I look back. I see her drags Kai to me. Hah?

“Did he do something to you yesterday, Acchan?”

“Eh???” Kai looks confused too. He just arrives.

“Eh?” similar reaction with Kai.

“Haha…. You know Acchan, I am not with this guy anymore. He said he has someone special already.” Mayu chuckles.

“No! Shut up!” I can see Kai’s face blush.

Mayu then smiles, “Nee Acchan… Trust me, first love must not always be until the rest of your life. You may find your love on the 3rd or 5th not only on the first.” She says as she winks at me.


“I share my experience to you…” then she looks at Kai, “Kai, Acchan doesn’t feel well today. Take care of her, you idiot.” Then Mayu leaves us alone.

“What a weird girl…” then Kai looks at me as he rubs his neck.

“Are you….okay?” ask him. I nod.

“Hmm…good.” Kai is losing words.

Fufufu…. It is funny when I see Kai likes this. His face when he is shy is really funny.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

Ups… He realizes it.

“Nothing. And I didn’t see you…..”

“My face….is the most handsome so girls can’t resist it. Haha…” then he back to sit to his chair.

I hold my laugh. Kai is really funny.

The bell is ringing. Now the time for us to take a break. I put my books inside of my bag and decide to stay at class. I don’t bring bento, and too lazy to go to canteen.

“Here…” I see a box is in front of my eyes. Then I look up and I see Kai is standing there.

“Take it….”

“What is it?”

“Your lunch. Horaa….” I blink. He brought me a box of lunch? Really?? I think he never does this thing before.

“For me?????”

He nods. And my hand moves to that box and takes it. I place it on my table and open it.

WOW IT IS SPARKLING!! As not I expected, the meals look so delicious!

“Did you make it by yourself?” I ask him. I don’t believe it he made this food. I mean, he does look like a man who can’t do this thing.

“Why? Who do you think who made this food? I live alone…”

Heee????? I can’t believe it! He cooks??? Really, Kai cooks???

“Hahahahaha!” I can’t hold my laugh anymore.

“Hoi! Why are you laughing?! Nothing funny here!”

“Hahaha…. I am sorry Kai. But hear you cook, it makes me…..bwahahahaha!!” my laugh is harder. He blushed.

“Huh! Okay, I take it back.” When his hand moves to take my box, I stop him.

“Okay…okay… I am kidding. Hmpffhh… Let me try your cook, kay?”

“Ck, okay. But don’t laugh…”

“Itadakimasu…” I take the spoon and eat that omeraisu. Its really delicious!! Even he can cook better than me. I am done as a girl.

“Wow… it’s good! Do you learn it?”

“No. It’s easy, you don’t need to learn….”

“Okay, okay… You are good. Happy?” I say as I eat it again.

“Haha… I am happy you like it, Atsuko. And if you want, I will always make bento for you. Everyday….” He smiles.

This is really touching. He wants to cook again for me? This thing is really embarrassing for men, and he keeps wanting to do it only for me. He just sacrifices his pride….

“No, Kai…Thank you…” I smile.

“Why? I am happy I cook for you, Atsuko. Because when you ate my omeraisu, finally you smiled. And I love your smile just now….”

I blush. Why did he say something that really embarrasses me?? My head is hot, I could feel my blood gathers on it and really hot.

“Hey, don’t just stare on it, eat it….”

I do what he says… I eat the omeraisu and its really good….

“Gochisou….Thank you, Kai. And how about you? Don’t you want to eat?!”

“Ah, honestly, what you just ate was my lunch.”

“Ehhh????? What?? So…why….why did you give me your lunch Kai?? And wht are you going to eat now????”

“Hahahahaha…..” he laughs. I tilt my head. Is there something funny??

“You are panic, Atsuko! Hahaha….. I have eaten my lunch when we are in class! Hahaha…..”

“Hah?? You ate in the middle of lesson? You are insane!”

“Hihihi… Couldn’t help it. I was so hungry, and I couldn’t concentrate to the lesson, so I ate my lunch. Fufufufu….”

Seeing his face right now, I want to laugh with him together. I smile to every parts of his laugh. I am enjoying it, I feel so comfort and save beside him. And then I realize he is so important now. I just don’t want to lose him, his existence is irreplaceable.

After school, I decide to join the club activities. It’s really hard option, but I have to. I can’t leave anything so easily since I am the manager. I have prepared myself when later I meet him. This man was offering himself to accompany me.

“I will go with you, Atsuko.” He said.

He is walking behind me and following me as what he did yesterday. I open the doujo’s door and everybody seems have started their activities.

“Oh Acchan!!” a member approaches me.

“Hi… Sorry I am late.”

“No problem. You know, since Tomomi-chan is hospitalized, nobody does the manager’s job. You also didn’t come…. It’s really difficult for us.”

“I am sorry….”

“Yeaa…. And now Tomo-san is staying at hospital…. We must do the activities as usual.”

What? Tomo is staying at hospital??

“You mean, he always goes to the hospital to visit Tomomi?”

“Hmm…. Or you might say, he is staying there for these days backward. And he doesn’t go to school either. He told us he will come back when Tomomi gets recover….”

It’s hurt. My heart is hurt. This is the reality that I don’t want to hear about. He really loves Tomomi, but why that day he said he loved me?? Why?? He didn’t need to lie by telling me he loved me, though he loved Tomomi.

“Okay, that’s enough. Come on, Atsuko…” Kay then pulls me to the room.

“Atsuko… don’t think about it again…”

“No….I don’t…” I wipe my tears….

“Okay, I trust you. Now I will go to the front and practice with the other. You may do your work as manager, okay?” I nod and he smiles.

“Good. Smile Atsuko…” he pinches my cheek and it makes me smile to him.

He then walks away with his karate’s outfits on him. He looks strong and cool with that outfit.

I do my job as manager. I clean the floor, take a note of member’s illness, and other things. I see Kay is practicing with the other members. He is untouchable. Nobody could hit him. He is really strong.

Suddenly I remember about Tomo. What is Tomo doing right now? Does he eat well? Honestly, I want to hear his voice… But I am afraid if I make Kay sad. Kay is really kind to me. He always supports me when I am down. He is really good man. And I don’t have right to make him sad….. I will feel more guilty then…

Speaking of Tomomi, is it okay If I don’t visit her? I know she probably hate me, but at least she is one of manager here, and it means she is belong to this club…. I just need to come, say hi and get well soon, and then leave. I think that is simple. Okay, that is really simple.

Then I decide to go to hospital after finishing my work here. Of course, I won’t let Kay knows about it. I will leave smoothly so that he doesn’t know I go to hospital.

“Acchan, where are you going?” I meet Mayu in front of doujo.

“Oh hi, Mayu. Hmm… I wanna go to the hospital. My friend is sick. Hehe…”

“Oh, okay. Be careful….” I nod and start walking again.

On my way, I buy a bunch of flower. It’s really beautiful. I arrive at hospital and starts walking…. I ask the reception where the room is. It’s 207. She shows me the direction and I follow it as I say thanks to her. I walk and my heart is beating. What if I meet Tomo here?? No need to be panic, Atsuko. What I should say is greeting him, not more than that. Come on Atsuko. You can do it. He is not your boyfriend anymore, at least you have to act as both of you are friends… Okay… Calm down. Ah, here is the room. The door is bit open as I look from outside. I can see Tomo there alone on the bed. She is reading a magazine and I don’t see any sign of Tomo, he must be out right now. Yosh, my chance to go inside. Greeting here, placing the flower on to the vase, and leaving. Yosh! I open the door slowly, but something stop my move. Tomomi is looking away from her magazine as someone approaches her and sits beside her. That is Tomo. He says something and Tomomi laughs. Not long, Tomomi whispers something to Tomo and he looks surprised. She smiles and closes her eyes. I cover my mouth as I know what will happen next. And that has just happened. Tomo moves to her and kisses her lips. I know that is not a view that I want to see…. I come here to wish her get well soon, but this what I got. I could feel tears falling, I stuck, I freeze, I couldn’t move…. I don’t know what to do if they look at me…. Then, a hand is closing my eyes and slowly pulling me back.

“I know it will be happened… You just have to tell me when you want to go here. I will accompany you…..” he says as he keeps closing my eyes and whispering to my ear.



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Give me back my lazy time  :gyaaah: :gyaaah: :gyaaah:

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Re: Kirai Desu ga, Daisuki da... Chapter 8 Sept 11th
« Reply #39 on: September 11, 2011, 04:38:52 PM »
Damn you Tomo!
Acchan :cry:
Kai always there to save the day XD
It's nice that Acchan's slowly realizing that Kai is such an important person in her life right now

update soon

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