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Author Topic: BLU's ONESHOTS :P [SaeYuki request Fic - Is there Forever???]  (Read 6465 times)

Offline blughise

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BLU's ONESHOTS :P [SaeYuki request Fic - Is there Forever???]
« on: August 17, 2011, 02:34:40 AM »
]This is my first ever songfic...Flean asked me to write one...  and song used in this fic was given by anoni2 aka Nalyn
Please don't kill me if you don't like it...this is my first ever attempt to writea songfic....
The whole things is on Atsuko's point of view

On My Mind -Atsumina/Takaachan
This is my first ever songfic...Flean asked me to write one...  and song used in this fic was given by anoni2 aka Nalyn
Please don't kill me if you don't like it...this is my first ever attempt to writea songfic....
The whole things is on Atsuko's point of view

Here I lay on my bed, as I couldn't fall asleep thinking about you. It's been six year now since I first meet you, I can still clearly remember it, like it was just yesterday. You were wearing a loose and baggy clothes, like a hiphop dancer. I thought you're a yankee when I first saw you at the audition. But the moment you stand up on your sit and went up to sing. I was in awed, I thought I was listening to an angels voice.

From that moment on, I couldn't stop myself from looking at you, following your every movement. Laughing at your lame jokes and failed stories. Listening to your angelic voice that calms and soothes my heart. Making me feel energetic as you dance with all you might. Thinking about you every single night, as to help me sleep for this long pain nights.  Your smile,that always made my day no matter worse and tiring it was.....Takahashi Minami, my best friend, is it possible for me to love you?

"Acchan....Atsuko wake up" Minami shaking Atsuko to wake her up
"Acchan...wake up...wake up..."Minami waking me up
"Hmmmm...Minami"I rubbed my eyes
"come on... get up...we have morning practice" Minami already dress, had a make on and ready to go
"hmmm...."I went back to sleep
"Atsuko don't go back to sleep" Minami said
"I'm still sleepy!"I complained
"what time did you went to bed again? I told you right,  we have to wake up early today" Minami sigh
"I know..but I couldn't sleep" I lied, as I still lay on my bed. I couldn't really tell you the real reason. That I was watching you, sleeping soundly for the whole night.
"then give me a wake me up" I tease.
"A-atsuko! If you're awake hurry up and get dress! I'll see at the dining hall!" Minami stuttered, she hurriedly leave their room as to hide her blush

I giggle as I saw you quickly ran out of the room, hiding your blushing face from me ' so cute' I thought. Seeing you getting flustered like that makes me really happy. It's really nice to tease, your expression never fail to make my heart skip a beat.......So I got up from the bed, went to the bathroom took a quick shower, get dress and head to dining hall too.....

'Neh Minami, will you give me a chance to love you? Will you tell me what I should I couldn't stop myself from thinking about you. You're always on my mind. Tell me, Minami, what I should do about this feeling that I have for you!'

As I happily walk in the dining hall, my eyes starts looking for you and it never fails to find you, as I continue to walk inside the hall, I stopped, my face turn sour as I saw you being harass by our other Team A member Kuramochi 'mochi' Asuka. Mochi as always loves to bite and nibble your ears. I tried to control myself not to get angry as she continues to bite and nibble your ears while you just sat there doing nothing. I know I don't have the right to get angry or jealous since we are not even together but as I couldn't help it.

"waifu.... good morning!" Miichan called

Miichan calling me, snap me back from reality. I tried to smile a bit as I sit beside Miichan making me face Minami, as she stop Mochi from her assaults again.

"You're finally up... sleepyhead" Minami smiled
"Yah...come lets eat..." I tried to sound happy.
We ordered our food and eat breakfast. I was in a deep thought and wasn't really eating much.

"Atsuko are you okay? you haven't eaten your food yet?" Minami concernly asked
"Yes, waifu... are you sick? "Miichan asked
"No, I'm fine, just not hungry." I said
"Are you sure Atsuko? You can take a break from this practice. I'll let Aki-p know that you're not feeling well!" Minami concerned
"Yes...I'm fine. The concert is just a week from now! We have to practice" I stood up determine, not to let my personal feelings get in the way. We have waited for this day to come! I can't messed up now! I can't let myself be a burden to her. I left them and head to the practice room!

After hours of practice, Minami let us take a 2 hour break. Everyone felt relieve to have a break...some just lying on the floor trying to catch their breath, some members going out in little groups to eat, some stay inside. I on the other hand walked up to Minami who's sitting together with her fellow no3b members, Miichan and KojiHaru. Miichan and Haruna saw me walking towards them excuse themselves to give me and Minami some privacy.

"Hey, where you guys going?" Minami asked miichan and Haruna who suddenly stand up and starts walking away from Minami and Acchan
"Hey, Minami can we talk?" I asked.... my voice sounded weak and shakey. Since I'm really nervous on what I'm about to do. I've been thinking about it since this morning, and I've decide it's now or never.
"Ohh, hey Acchan....sure we can talk." Minami stood up.
She quietly followed me as I lead her back to our hotel room. I open the door and went inside, she followed behind me and lock the door behind, so that no one could disturb us for the moment. I stand not facing and a few feets away her, still silent. As If something is blocking my throat to make me speak.
"Atsuko, is something wrong??? Are you ok???" Minami broke the silence, sounded so concerned about me.
"Neh, Minami....."I started....still not looking at her...the words seems stuck on my throat as I begin to speak
"Yah....Atsuko, you know you can tell me anything. I'm always here to listen to you."Minami slowly moving closer to me
"Minami.......there's something I've been wanting to say to you all this time...."I quietly said. I inhaled as I gather up my courage and get myself prepare for the answer that I'm about to get as Minami waited for me to speak again. I turned around, looked at her in the eyes full of determination and love.........
"MinamiILoveYou!" I quickly said out loud.
I quickly averted my eyes from her as to hide my blush face from hers. Her eyes went wide and she remain silent for awhile.
"Mi-Minami?" trying to look up to her as she still not saying anything.
"Minami, please say's killing me in here. "I pleaded.
"A-Atsuko....can, can you say it one more time, but more slowly so I can fully understand what you just said." Minami said
I gathered up my courage and said it again but this time a slowly and more clearly.
"Takahashi Minami, I.Love.You. not just as a friend but more than that!"
"I know you it's impossble, but I don't know what to do anymore. I can't stop thinking about you! You're stuck on my mind, no matter how hard I try not to think of you. You're image just keeps popping in my head! Everytime I see you with Mochi or with anyone, I get so angry and jealous. I don't want rhem touching you, getting near you and getting all over you! The mere thought that you've already fallen for someone, makes me so afraid and go crazy! Tell me Minami what should I do with this feelings I have for you!" I finally break down....thinking all those what ifs made me loose my control that I started to cry and fall down on the floor.

Minami moved closer and bent down so she could hug me. Then cupped both of my cheeks and lean down to kiss me
Then Minami slowly pulled away and looked at me in the eyes

"Atsuko....I love you too"


XD....I tried my best.....
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 10:36:48 PM by blughise »


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Re: My SongFics
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2011, 02:44:26 AM »
nice!!! :twothumbs  I always love takacchan moment... :lol:

write more!!  :cow:

Offline anoni2

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Re: My SongFics
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2011, 02:46:27 AM »
wow u'r fast   :w00t:

yay i see my name XD thx  :lol:

man i really like it when acchan teases Takamina   :mon evillaff:

takamina's reply   :mon inluv:
Still shipping them early pairs. 1st generation ftw!

Editing in progress ~ T's and J's
SRO(Their Journey)

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Re: My AtsuMina/TakaAcchan SongFics
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2011, 03:54:45 AM »
wooooooooooooooooooow, nice nice nice  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

i want moreeeeeee~  :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

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Re: My AtsuMina/TakaAcchan SongFics
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2011, 05:57:00 AM »
I agree with sora, I want more toooooooo!

Please write more  :luvluv1:

Offline moekare

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Re: My AtsuMina/TakaAcchan SongFics
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2011, 06:23:22 AM »
wow that's nice story  :thumbup

Fufufufufufu, and I want ..... M.O.R.E!  :grin: :heart:

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Re: My AtsuMina/TakaAcchan SongFics
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2011, 06:49:36 AM »
yeah!! we need to know.. takamina reaction.. ;D

Offline blughise

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Re: My AtsuMina/TakaAcchan SongFics and OneShots: Busy Body
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2011, 09:10:34 PM »
Hello guys...this is my first Oneshort...I got this idea last night as I listen to Majisuka Rock n' Roll before I went to bed. But this is not a song fic.
Anyways, I've also been curious on how did Minami and Atsuko meet and become Best Friends Forever since the drama never really told us about it......
Depending on your comments and feedbacks, I might right a second part to this.


   I, Maeda Atsuko am just your everyday Yankee girl. I love fighting, beating up people makes me feel alive and ecstasy, and it has always been my life since I can ever remember. Both of my parents are former Yankees, so I guess it’s in the family. Every day I fight with hundreds of people, I don’t care when, where, or how, whether you’re a guy or a girl, I’ll fight anyone who wants a piece of me.

   Today, I’m on my way to my school, the Shojiki Jousei Gakuen, one of the few decent and strong all girls Yankee school in the area. My mother wants me to go to her former school, Yabakune Joshi Shougyou Koukou, where she was once the Top. Before, I always say to them that I’ll go to that school and rule it, but I changed my mind, that school is a lot different now compare to my mother’s time, there reputation is so bad, they play really dirty and don’t really have honour, they are the lowest of all the Yankees out there.

Once I reach the school gate, a couple of second years are waiting for me. It’s only been a month since I started my High school in this school. And in that one month, I’ve already pretty much beaten my fellow first year students, so I guess, it’s about time for the second years to step in.

I smirk at the second years, taunting them to fight. It’s so obvious that they are waiting to fight with me. I can see the students are all watching this.

“Don’t get too cocky, first year!” one of seconds years who is standing on the middle warned. She must be the leader. She’s just pretty much the same height as me. She got a red highlight on her bangs; her school uniform is so messy, her blouse three of the buttons are undone, showing her cleavage, though there’s really nothing to show.
As if, I’ll get scared to that. My smirk just grew widely to that remark.

“Where are your greetings first year?!” the girl on the leader’s right asked. Just like her leader, she does also have highlights on her bangs. Everyone on their group have different colors of highlights.

“I only say my greeting to the sempai’s who deserve it and you seconds years doesn’t qualify.” I simply said but my smirk is turning to grin.

“You B*tch!” the girl on the leader’s right shouted at me...

This only makes me taunt them even more...

 “Come on, if you want to fight, just do it already, Pussies!” I taunt

Then the brawl started. I was smiling and playing with them the whole time. They are throwing punches and kicks at me, but I just easily avoided it, I knew that they are just weakling like everybody else, but I was kind of expecting a little more to them. The smile on my face disappears as disappointment starts to form. I sigh.

“I shouldn’t have expected anything. Boring.” With less than minutes, the second years are down. As I started to walk in, I feel like someone else aside from those students is watching me. I shrugged it off and continue to walk.

I sat on my chair at the far end corner beside the window, and then put my head on my desk with my arms as a pillow and sleep. Minutes later, I heard a loud voice. I take peek, my head still resting on my arms to see who the hell it was to try and disturb my sleep.

“Sh*t! Sorry I’m late!” a short girl, standing on the doorway, breathing heavily.

She must have run all the way stupid, she could just take her time; this school wouldn’t care, after all this is a Yankee school.

“Ohh, Takahashi-san, you’re finally here. Come on in” The teacher motion her to come inside the room...

“Uhmmm...Takahashi-san has a family issue that’s why she couldn’t be here at the beginning of the school term....”The teacher trying to explain, but nobody is really paying attention.

“Takahashi-san....Uhmmm...please introduce yourself.”The teacher said.

“Takahashi Minami, nice to meet yah!” the short girl enthusiastically said.

“Where should I sit?” she asked the teacher

“Uhmmm...Over there..... the sit beside the girl who is sleeping. “The teacher said as he points a finger to the sit beside mine.

Great, I got someone loud sitting next to me.

She starts walking to the sit beside me. One of the girl put out her foot, to trip the short girl name Takahashi Minami, without even looking, she easily skip over it, and continue to walk as if nothing happened, then she sat on the assigned sit to her.

“Hello....I’m Takahashi Minami, please to meet yah.” She turned around and greeted me.

Does she know that I’ve been awake and have been watching her the moment she got here?

All eyes suddenly turn toward our direction, waiting to see me erupt, like what happened before. As they all know what I would do if some disturb my sleep.

“That Takahashi girl, is dead for sure”

“She doesn’t know what she just got into.”

“Waking up that Maeda...she’s a goner.” The girls murmuring to themselves

It was during the first day of school, this stupid girl wakes me up and I got pissed off. I guess they didn’t know about it yet. So I beat the living hell out
of that stupid girl to give an example to anyone who dared to try and wake me up from my sleep. It was a bloody mess, I sent that idiot girl to the hospital. She was the first and last person who ever dared to wake me up, and after that she never came back to this school.

I slowly raise my head and look at her, then she look back at me too, all eyes still looking at us, waiting anxiously for me to beat this short girl. 

“Ohh, it’s the famous Maeda ‘berserker’ Atsuko....”She said.

“It’s been awhile since someone called me by that name.” I smirk at her.

“This is gonna be a fun.” She simply smiled to me.

The girls start whispering again.

“ bloody fight. What’s up with that?” Some disappointed girls said

“Berserker...Berserker.....I think I’ve heard that name before.” Some confuse girls said.

Takahashi Minami huh, this is definitely gonna be fun and interesting year.

Then I went back to sleep like nothing ever happen. I have slept the whole morning since I’m a not morning person. I only got to go to school on time because my father wakes me up before he leaves to work. But if he didn’t, I’ll just continue to sleep until I wake up myself which is usually really late. I’m more of a night person.

When I woke up, it was already lunch break. I’ve notice that Minami girl wasn’t sitting on her chair anymore. I ignore it and took out my lunch from my bag that my father prepared. The smell of my lunch is so delicious it’s making me so hungry. I hurriedly open my bento and start eating. Aside from fighting, I find joy and peace when I sleep and eat. Then suddenly someone kicked my desk making my lunch topple over on the floor. There are only two things that can made me really angry, one is never wake me up when I’m sleeping and second, do not disturb me when I’m eating.

“You just did something you shouldn’t have.” I glared at the second years that wasted my food.

Right now I feel like I’m a hungry predator that’s just about to kill its prey.  Without hesitation I beat those second year students, this time I wasn’t holding back. I’m letting all my anger and hunger for blood take over me and break loose. It’s a bloody mess. No one dared to help the second years, as I still continue to hit them.

“Hey, that’s enough. Are you trying to kill them?” A hand stops my fist as I’m about to continue my assault to them.
I looked up to see who stop me, and it was none other than, Takahashi Minami. I pulled my fist from her grip and breathe in to calm myself. I turn my attention now to the people on the classroom

“Looks like I forgot to mention this from the beginning. Anyone who dared to my spoil my sleep and my food well ended up like this.” I said with a smile on my face I like nothing happened as a pulled up one of the second years on the collar of her uniform to show the people an example on what would happen to them, and then drop them on the floor.

 I walk out of the classroom and went to the bathroom to clean my hands and to wash my face. I knew she would follow me but I continue to ignore her.

“Hey wanna eat together?” She asked me.

“What?” is the only I can say. I thought she would pry and interrogate me. This girl is really quite something.

“I said, what to eat with me, my treat.” She said

“Heard what you said. You don’t have to repeat it.” I said a little bit annoyed.

“So you want to come or what?” She asked again.

“No, thanks.” I decline her offer

“Come on, you haven’t eaten anything yet. I’m hungry too” She dragged me out of the bathroom and head to the cafeteria.

I guess I’m wrong; this girl is such a busy body. I resigned myself and let her drag me to the cafeteria

As we enter the cafeteria, all eyes turned to us, examining and following our every movement. I ignore the staring and follow Minami at the line to order the food. She ordered Katsudon excitedly like a little kid. I chuckle upon seeing this.

“Hey, are you laughing at me?” She asked

“Nope.” I calmed myself

“Whatever, what do you want to eat?” She rolled her eyes, and then asks me what I want to eat.

“I’ll just get the salad....”I simply said.

“Just salad?! Is that enough for you? I doubt that. Just tell me what you want to eat.”She said.

“I don’t eat cafeteria food.” I get a little bit irritated.  I quickly took the salad, paid it at the cashier, and then left her.

“Hey wait! Atsuko!” she called out, as she hurriedly paid her Katsudon. Then run after me

I walked as fast as I can, but she was able to catch up with me....I sigh again, this girl why can’t she just leave me alone.

“Geez, no need to get all that moody, you know.....” She said

“Hey, let’s go to the rooftop.” She grabbed my free hand and once again about to drag me, she’s so troublesome.

“Fine, you don’t have to drag me. I can perfectly walk.” I sarcastically said, then she let of my hand, then she starts walking upstairs to the rooftop, while I followed behind her.

We walked up to the rooftop silently. We grabbed a two chairs and a couple of desks, we place it at the middle, and then we sat and eat.

“You know, you intrigued me Atsuko.” She suddenly spoke after taking a few bites from her Katsudon. I looked up to her as we are sitting facing each other.

“Atsuko??? Since when did I allow you to call me by my first name?” I asked

“Uhmmm...then will you let me call you that Atsuko? And I’ll let you call me Minami” She smiles at me, trying to make me agreed to it.

“So how do I intrigue you, Mi-na-mi?” I asked her,
She smiled widely when I called her by her name; I slightly turned my head to avoid making myself blush.

“Well, A-tsu-ko, there’s just something about you that really makes me want to get to know you a lot better.” She said, and copying the way I said her name minutes ago.

“Hmmm....”Is all I said as I took a bite from my salad

We skip the afternoon class and stay at the rooftop, just lazing around and talking randomly. This girl is definitely weird. I don’t know what she did to me, but I who always preferred to be alone, find her company quite comfortable and relaxing, and before I knew it, I let my guard down and drifted to sleep. Even when I sleep in class, I never once let my guard down, I’m always on alert, to my surroundings, but with her, I feel safe and secure.......


« Last Edit: August 22, 2011, 09:36:21 PM by blughise »

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Re: My AtsuMina/TakaAcchan SongFics and OneShots
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2011, 05:49:56 PM »
Only Minami can disturb Atsuko's lunch and lap lol

Offline chibi-nyao-chan

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Re: My AtsuMina/TakaAcchan SongFics and OneShots
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2011, 09:57:29 PM »
wow the meet of Atsuko and Minami !! This is so cool !  :k-wink:
nobody has never written about that and... FINALLY you try that !!!
Thanks  :vv:

I really want a second part please !!  :tama-excite:


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Re: My AtsuMina/TakaAcchan SongFics and OneShots
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2011, 06:49:23 AM »
wow thats cool  :thumbup

part 2?? I want to read it  :grin: update asap

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« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2011, 10:36:00 PM »
This is my first ever attempt to write other pairing than my ATSUMINA....and its requested by qyyzz101.
I'm really sorry that I took quite sometime to write this, and I'm saying sorry now if you didn't like this...........................


Ruka who has been searching the whole world for his significant counterpart, Maria for hundreds of years, and when he finally got  an information regarding where she is right now, he only found a single word ‘Japan’ written on a piece of paper. Though the information he got was so vague, he didn’t minds as long as he got a direction to where his going to find her. So without wasting any time, he immediately flew to Japan accompanied by his two very loyal maids. As he is a son of a very rich and powerful Pureblood Vampire King, Ruka’s family have houses and villas, around the world whether it was during the ancient time or today, the modern world, so that it’ll be easier for his family and especially to him to settle in without attracting unwanted attention, like Vampire Hunters.

When he got to Japan, it wasn’t that long for him to find Maria, but Maria has forgotten about him and the vampire hunters where able to tract him down too. Though with so much going on, in the end Maria remembered about him and they were finally reunited
A year has passed after their fated reunion; After Maria graduated from high school without any trouble, Ruka insisted that Maria should live with him in his big mansion after what happened a year ago with the vampire hunters and he couldn’t stand to see Maria living with her abusive father. So Eventually Maria gave in and decides to take up Ruka’s offer, and now they are living together.

One night, the couple are spending some quality time together at the lounge. Ruka who is laying his head on Maria’s lap keeps on twirling the blue rose around while Maria read her book attentively. They are just enjoying their time of being together, when suddenly Ruka sat up, and at the same time, one of his maids came in.

“Ruka-sama…”The maid called Ruka, she knew her master would know what the reason why she suddenly disturb her master’s alone time with Maria, because Ruka gave an order to never disturb him when his with Maria unless it’s an emergency like right now.

“Yes, I know.” Ruka said as he stands up from the long couch. Maria, who was startled when Ruka suddenly sat up, closed her book and looked at Ruka and sees the sudden change in his demeanor.

“Ruka, is there something wrong?” Maria carefully asked.

“No, everything is fine.”Ruka gave her a reassuring smile.

Maria wanted to say something but for some reason the way Ruka looked at her, sealed up her lips preventing her from speaking.

“Some visitor just came, I’ll be back soon.” Ruka reasoned interrupting Maria before she asked more. He lean forward and gave a kiss on Maria’s forehead before leaving the room.

“Tanabe, stay here, and looked after Maria.” Ruka ordered before he left the room.

“Ruka rarely get a visitor. So….ummm…Tanabe-san, who’s it?  “Maria asked to the tall maid, name Tanabe.

“It’s an acquaintance of Ruka-sama, Maria-sama.” Tanabe went to the coffee table and pick up the tea pot and pour Maria some tea to drink while she waits for Ruka.

At living room, a middle age man is sitting comfortably on the couch while, Nakaya, the other maid pour him wine to drink.

“Ruka!!!” The man happily called once he saw Ruka.

“Hello father, to what do I owe this pleasure?”Ruka blankly said, as he didn’t expect to see his father to come and visit him suddenly.

“What else will be the reason, Of course, I’m here to see you! I haven’t seen you for years. I missed you.” Ruka’s father said as he stood up from the couch, walk to Ruka and give him a hug.

 “Of course.” Ruka knew better, whenever his father visits him unannounced, there’s always something up, but he still let the old man hug him and he respectfully gave the old a short hug.

“So what is your business with me this time father?” Ruka asked more bluntly as he sits down on one sitter sofa. His maid pours him his usual wine whenever he and his father discuss important matter.

“Hahahaha…”Ruka’s father laughed.

“Ok, let’s get serious.” Ruka’s father stops laughing and suddenly looked like more of a king now and deadly. He took the seat opposite to where his son sits while Ruka took a sip from his wine while he waits for his father to tell him the real reason of his unexpected visit.

“Nakaya, will you leave us for a moment.”Ruka commanded to the short maid. She curtly bow down to her master then left the room.

“Son, you have been living by yourself for more than 200 years now….”Ruka’s father started. Ruka nodded, urging his father to go on and continue.

“I have decided to engage you to your cousin Tomo~mi.” He finishes.

“W-What!!!”Ruka shouted in surprise to what he just heard.

“No! I won’t accept that father! I won’t marry someone I don’t love!” Ruka protested

“You are the prince of our kind, it is your duty.  The engagement has been finalized.” He said.

“You should have known this. My decision is final Ruka. I want you to get back to Romania so when can prepare for the wedding.”He added as he stood up from his sit.

“I’ll be going now. I still have an appointment. I only came by since it’s on the way.”He said as he heads towards the door. Ruka stand up from his sit too and walked his father out of the mansion. The moment he and his father came out of the living room, Yukirin came out of the lounge room adjacent to the living room, as she was able to persuade Tanabe-san to let her go to see Ruka.

“Ohh Ruka! I was just….”Maria surprise to coincidently meet Ruka but was even more surprise to see the man behind him.

“A human girl, what is a human girl doing in my house? Don’t tell me…”Ruka’s father said as he looked at his Ruka to answer him, then looked back intently at Maria. Ruka glared at Tanabe for letting Maria leave the room. While Tanabe gave Ruka an apologetic look and bowed down to him.

“Father, don’t you have a meeting?”Ruka asked trying to avert his father’s attention away from Maria.

“I knew it, I smelled something weird when I came in. So you are keeping a human girl, Ruka.”Ruka’s father said and His father’s voice starting to sound more deadly by the second.

“Yes, I still have to meet the Japanese prime minister.” He said but still eyes on Maria
Maria gripped her hand tightly to support neither herself to not cry because she so scared that she even couldn’t speak nor move from the look that Ruka’s father giving her. Ruka saw the expression on Maria’s face, he felt guilt and angry at himself for not being able to protect Maria from his father.
Tanabe and Nakaya, his two maids went to Maria’s side while Ruka start pushing his father for him to starting moving as he know, Maria is reaching her limit. Once his father turn away from Maria and start walking to the door with Ruka on his side, Maria’s knees buckle down but Tanabe and Nakaya was there to catch her.

“What just happened? I felt like my energy is being drained out of me, and the way he looked at me.”Maria spoke. She shiver when she remember the intensely and deadly stare that Ruka’s father was giving her.

They helped and guided her back inside the lounge room. Once she’s seated on the couch, Tanabe poured her some tea to drink in order for her to calm down and relax both her body and mind. She took the cup from Tanabe-san but as her hands are still shaking and she couldn’t properly hold the cup it slips from her hands.

“Maria!”Ruka called once she saw Maria drop the cup. Maria looked up to Ruka and the tears that she’s been holding back finally let out. Ruka in an instant were by Maria side, holding her as she cried out.

“Forgive me Maria.” Ruka apologizes as she holds Maria in his arms. Tanabe and Nakaya knew that their master Ruka and Maria need some time alone, so without making any noise they slip out of the lounge room.

“Forgive me…”Ruka keep on apologizing to Maria. Moments later, Maria finally able to calm herself down with the help of Ruka, they sit on the couch quietly for a bit before Ruka break the silence.

“Maria, are feeling alright now?” Ruka asked as still concerned about Maria.

“I’ve calm down a bit now Ruka.”Maria gives a smile to Ruka to reassure him.

“Maria, forgive me about my father. I should have stopped him sooner, so you didn’t have to go through that pain and suffering.” Ruka apologize again for the nth time already.

“I’m really sorry. Please forgive me, Maria. I was being naïve. I was forgetting about the existence of my kind as I spend time with you. Being with you, makes me forgot about my lineage and duty. I am just Ruka. Your Ruka, Maria. “He continue

“It’s alright Ruka, I’m not blaming you, but why did your father suddenly showed up?”Maria asked the question Ruka dread to answer the most.

“……..”Ruka pause for a moment, thinking how he will break the engagement news to Maria. He looked at her to decide how he will answer her question. But instead he was able to think of something else to avoid being married to his cousin, Tomo~mi and be with Maria forever though the risks at stake are a lot higher, he didn’t mind it as long as he and Maria will stay together, because he wouldn’t be able to bare to lose her again for the second time.

“Maria…..”He stood up from the couch, and then kneels down in front of Maria, holding her hands while he looked at her in the eyes.

“Takajima Maria, will you do the honour of marrying me?” He proposed.
“W-ha….R-Ruka….”Maria’s eyes went wide upon hearing the sudden proposal of Ruka that she wouldn’t properly speak. Ruka waited for Maria to say something but Maria still lose in words.

“Maria, please forgive me for surprising you. If it’s troubling you, please forget what I just said.”Ruka stand up, turn around and start heading for the door when Maria grabbed his hand stopping him from leaving.

“I’m sorry Ruka, It’s just I didn’t expect you suddenly proposing to me.”Maria apologize

“Maria, I apologize. “Ruka apologizes again

“No don’t apologize. Ruka tell me what is going on.” Maria said as she starting pulling back Ruka to the couch.

“You don’t have to carry the burdens all by yourself.  Let me help you Ruka, that’s what I am here for.”Maria added as they both sat back down again on the couch.
“Maria….”Ruka looked at Maria in the eyes then he slowly leaning in forward to capture Maria’s delicate and soft lips, then stop just inches away

“Maria, no matter what happen, remember you are the only girl I will love in all of my existence.” He said, then closes the gap between then and gently kisses Maria.

I know the ending is rushed, so please forgive me about it :cry: :cry: :cry:, because I don't know how to finish it and I don't even how I even came up with this storyline......

and  someone's been threatening me to upload this as soon as possible........ :on freeze:

Really VERY VERY sorry... :kneelbow:

I won't expect and wont' mind if no one actually read this....but to all that will read this Very Crappy fic of mine, thank you very much and I'm sorry for wasting your time on reading this......

Offline kahem

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Re: BLU's ONESHOTS :P [SaeYuki request Fic - Is there Forever???]
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2011, 09:05:12 AM »
Chiyuu is in? Oh~

Offline qyyzz101

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Re: BLU's ONESHOTS :P [SaeYuki request Fic - Is there Forever???]
« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2011, 01:43:42 PM »
thank you, blu :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: BLU's ONESHOTS :P [SaeYuki request Fic - Is there Forever???]
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2011, 06:25:22 PM »
'twas good!! i want moooooooooooore <3

Offline fuu_kun

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Re: BLU's ONESHOTS :P [SaeYuki request Fic - Is there Forever???]
« Reply #15 on: October 13, 2012, 01:52:38 PM »
wow~~ the ending.. please continueee m(_ _)m need big dozen of saeyuki plisss

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