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Author Topic: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART III [04/27/14]  (Read 113127 times)

Offline cisda83

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART II [01/18]
« Reply #320 on: July 14, 2013, 09:22:15 AM »
Getting more and more interesting

Thank you for the update

Can't wait to see the next

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Rena-chan Daisuki

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART II [01/18]
« Reply #321 on: July 14, 2013, 03:47:17 PM »
I read it in one go and i just LOVE this fic :twothumbs
pls update soon
this fic is just to AWESOME

Offline deguchi

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART II [01/18]
« Reply #322 on: January 13, 2014, 12:14:07 AM »
More interesting!
Update soon please...
So its rabu-tan, I wonder why...?
just love to read alot of fiction story

Offline MayuxMatsuixMusic

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART II [01/18]
« Reply #323 on: January 15, 2014, 02:41:27 PM »
can i sugeest

that mayu and rabutan were best friends and mayu was angry when she now knows raabutan

thank you

and your story were amazing!!!!!!!!

mayuki plss

kojiyuu and atsumina :heart: :heart:

mayuki!!!!!!!!!! :inlove: :inlove:

mayuyu and rena is <3

mayuki and mayurena is my fav <3

Offline DKA48

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART II [01/18]
« Reply #324 on: January 20, 2014, 10:11:02 AM »
this fanfic is great  :onionwhip:
but has too much time standing in hiatus.  :badluck:
I hope to be back soon to be updated and continued until final satisfactory  :bigdeal: :bingo: :kneelbow: :byebye:
Kami Oshi: Matsui Jurina
Oshis: Takahashi minami, Kojima Haruna, Minami minegishi, Yamamoto Sayaka, Yokoyama Yui, Miyazawa Sae, Watanabe Miyuki, Watanabe Mayu, Iriyama Anna, Iwata Karen, Takayanagi Akane, Matsui Rena, Furukawa Airi, Takayo Aki, Kashiwaki Yuki
OTP: "Wmatsui", Atsumina, Kojiyuu, jurimayu, juriannin, mariharu, saeyaka, saeyuki.
GroupOshi: Kami Oshi: AKB48 Oshis: SKE48, NMB48, JKT48

Offline imintoyou128

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART II [01/18]
« Reply #325 on: January 26, 2014, 03:33:25 AM »
 :on bleed:
Takamina-san being dominant :mon bleed2:
 :imdead: I'm done  :hip smile: :hip smile:
more please
''Do you know why the snow is white?
Because it forgot what color it was.''

Offline karomuwi

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART II [01/18]
« Reply #326 on: April 26, 2014, 05:17:02 PM »
@Chanaline: Thank you.  :ptam-cry: I'm glad that you liked who kidnapped Meetan and Maachan. I'll try not to disappoint you.

@Tam_atsu:  :hee: I'm so happy that you liked the KojiYuu part here!

@kahem: Yes. Even I am wondering how I ended up with Lovetan being the villain here. hahaha  :on lol:

@kurogumi: It's no problem, kurogumi-san. I'm just terribly sorry that I suddenly disappeared and stopped writing for this fic (as well as the others)  :sweat: I don't really have other reasonable excuse besides being busy because it was my senior year. but since I'm in the middle of a vacation, I'll try to update as frequently as possible. Though....that'll take a long time. hahaha

@Haruko: Really?  :farofflook: Thank you! I'm happy that you were happy with it!

@takamae: Yeah, I guess so too.  :hiakhiakhiak: :on lol: And it's up to you to decide whether Haruna likes Takamina.  :hee: However, if you want me to make her do so, I'll do it. You guys are the boss after all!

@vPANDAv: I think that it'll take a long time for them to save those two. hahaha after all, they have been doing some crazy things. :on lol: And I'm so glad that you liked the twist! Plot twists are what I've been striving for in everything I read and write, so hearing that you liked it is a really good compliment!  :farofflook:

@Cometerz48: I will, I will. :sweat: I'm really trying not to disappoint you guys, that's why it's been taking such a long time (as well my studies and life's ben taking a toll on me)

@sakura_drop: Hai, hai. I'm still waiting for your comment though, Sakura-chama.  :hee:

@cisda83: Interesting... :gyaaah: I'm so glad that it's interesting-ness is not going down. probably has because of the late late SUPER MEGA late update... gomenasai... :kneelbow:

@Megumi:  :sweat: G-gomenasai. I'm really really sorry. I've stayed away from the site far too longer than I've anticipated. In fact...I forgot my password. :sweat:
I'll update soon, megumi-san! I promise!

@DiVAGal2458: Sorry.... :sweat: I need those cliffhangers to know what to write next. hahaha
and sure. I guess that I've been forgetting those two. Thank you so much for reminding me! :kneelbow:

@blakwhite: Yes. Yes they were, though it's actually Rabutan who killed her.

@Rena-chan Daisuki: One go... wow.  :on study: You read fast!  :shock: But after you said that, I can't help but feel embarrassed because of the past chapters.  And I'm very very very EXTREMELY happy that you find this fic awesome!  :farofflook:

@deguchi: Update shall start commencing in a few days! So don't you worry, deguchi-san! And as for that shall be revealed soon. :hee:

@MayuxMatsuixMusic: Of course! any suggestion is welcome! :hee:

@DKA48: y-yes... Sorry.  :sweat: I've actually written the next chapter...but it got erased.  :pleeease: :temper: BUT DON'T WORRY. I've started re-writing the chapter again. this time with major changes to it, so yeah. :sweat:

@imintoyou128: Dominant Takamina-san is sexy, isn't she?  :luvluv2:

To everyone: I don't think anything I'll say is good enough to make up for the late replies and promise of update. That's why I'm terribly sorry. But now that I've graduated from high school, I've got some spare time to write my fics again, so there'll be some updates here and there. I've also been trying to gain back my inspiration, so it just might take a while, BUT DON'T WORRY. After a few more editing here and there, the update will be posted! Thank you for all your comments. :kneelbow:
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART II [01/18]
« Reply #327 on: April 27, 2014, 07:40:04 AM »
Yes you comeback!!!

Offline karomuwi

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART II [01/18]
« Reply #328 on: April 27, 2014, 01:37:56 PM »
@gek geki: Yes! A comeback!

A/N: As promised, here's the update that I've been editing for some days now. As for more SaeYaka moments, I'm going to work on that right after my other fics have been updated.  :bingo: And advance apologies for the writing and boring chapter. I'm a little rusty. :sweat:

Chapter 23 Part III

“…I was the one who killed Erena.”

Meetan’s eyes widened in complete shock, and this caused the younger girl to let out a cynical laugh as she leaned back into her seat and stared at the shocked expression on the older female’s face. She was finding it hilarious that even after all these years, the Royal girls still blamed the girl standing next to her.


The said girl turned to her right and looked at the older girl, who leaned close and started whispering of the plan that they were supposed to execute. Rabutan gave a curt nod and intertwined her fingers together, staring right at the still-shocked Consigliore.

“It was very fun watching all of you blaming the wrong person.” She laughed, snapping the older girl out of her shocked trance.

Crossing her legs, she started tapping her cheek and began to lightly hum. “I wonder what fun it would bring if I kill off the Akiba’s Consigliores~?”

Turning to Ami, she gave a curt nod and laughed wickedly when the brown-haired offered her a control that controls the electric chair that the Akiba Consigliore was held by. Meetan’s eyes instantly widened at the mere sight of this and stared at the thick leather that kept her captive to the electric chair.

She couldn’t find any keyholes on them, making her shake them as she tried to pull against the chair as hard as she could, getting flustered when Rabutan merely watched her with evil eyes. From that moment, she was completely sure that she has to escape and find where her fellow Consigliore was.

Since she was still tied to an electric chair, there’s a slight chance that she wouldn’t be killed at the moment, which would mean that she needs to escape as soon as she was left alone. It may be a hard feat to do, but she needs to find Maachan as soon as possible and get out of the Yabakune Family’s territory.

“It’s better to get over this torture as soon as possible.” She thought with clenched teeth as she felt Ami’s subordinates tighten the straps against her. “I just hope that I have enough strength later.”

With that thought in mind, she immediately stopped her struggling and stared at the two figures in front of her. Rabutan merely stared back at her with a wicked smile when she noticed the lack of resistance, twirling the gun with her hand as she waited for the wonderful torture session to commence.

A few hours later…


The groaning and ragged breathing that left her mouth broke the eerie silence surrounding her, leaving her wondering at the amount of time that she had spent unconscious in the room as soon as she started hearing that annoying high pitched sound in her head.

Battered and beaten up, she suddenly started feeling a cramp coming up that made her move without thinking, and sat up, instantly regretting it as she winced from the pain all over her body shooting up to her nerves.

As she controlled her breathing to ease her misery, she leaned against the chair, causing the shackles chaining her to the spot to echo throughout the entire damp room, making her shut her eyes at the sounds it made.

Hoping that she doesn’t make the same mistake of alerting those who stood guard outside her door, Meetan stayed as still as she could, ignoring the annoying dripping of water from the ceiling onto her face.

Successfully whipping her wet bands to either sides, she started looking around the room, hoping to find something that would be able to help her escape. Unfortunately for her, due to the intense beating that she had received, her eyesight has worsened.

It seems that the only possible thing that could help her see better was the light bulb that was merely hanging loose from above her. But as if being punished by fate itself, it lightens only a small area of the room, not even allowing her to see anything a meter away from her.

Meetan sighed as she stared at the bulb angrily, thinking to herself about how whoever’s up there must be enjoying the show that she was currently putting on. She was dehydrated and desperate for water, even though just a few hours ago, she had her entire head submerged several times into a drum.

Oh the irony. The heavens must really hate her it seems.

She can clearly see how she was currently sitting on the chair— chained and beaten up to a bloody pulp. It made her let out a scoff at the predicament that she found herself in. Well, who wouldn’t? Just a few weeks ago, she was the one who did the torturing, not the other way around.

Just then, someone entered the room, opening the door long enough to let some air to get in and brush against her wet skin, causing her to shiver from the sudden exposure to the cold wind. Looking up straight, she stared right back at the familiar faces that made her eyes narrow to a slit.
“Ara, ara~” one of the four girls spoke, clicking her tongue as she made her way towards their captive. “Missed us?”

The other three walked behind her, each making sure to let out a chuckle, knowing how much effect it has on her. Mustering up some of the strength she has left, Meetan lets out a growl and scowled, hoping that despite it being weak, she was able to put up a brave front.
“As if I would.” She told them with a scorned scoff.
Her response earned some cackling from the four girls, who took it as a sign that she was still yearning for more. Feeling ‘generous’, Comeback pushed the drum away from them and took a good look at the Consigliore, smirking to herself as she made her way back to others’ side.

Walking towards her, Mayuge placed a hand on the older girl’s shoulders and squeezed as gently as she could, despite the desire to crush her right there.

“Now, now.” Mayuge chided. “Don’t be such a tsundere, Meetan.”

“I’m sure that you’d be very glad that we came back…” Mariyagi added, in a sweet voice that could have made the Consigliore vomit— if it weren’t for her empty stomach. “…just to torture you.”

“Mariyagi’s right, you know.” Sanshoku agreed, nodding her head as she tucked a strand of her hair behind the Akiba girl’s ear.

Leaning her head closer to get her lips nearer to the older girl’s ears, she whispered. “I’m sure that you wouldn’t like having your dear Maachan tortured by us.”

“We know just how much of the jealous type you are, despite that cold image you try so hard to portray.”

Images of the younger Consigliore having the same thing done to her flashed through Meetan’s eyes, making them widen in horror before focusing at the four girls in front of her. Seeing them grinning angered her to the point that she lost control of her composure and tried to grab Sanshoku despite being chained to the chair, ignoring the pain that the chains were doing to her.

“Let her go!” she demanded, her voice hoarse from the sudden exerted force.

The three girls helped Sanshoku in getting Meetan’s hold off of her, kicking her back to the chair as they replied with a cruel smile. “We don’t want to.”

Meetan grunted in pain and tried to lunge for one of the four once more, but the pain she received from the chains prevented her from doing so. Right at this time, her body was screaming for her not to do anything that would cause more harm to it.

Seeing this, Sanshoku decided to use the opportunity to get her revenge, despising how she was unable to move back like the others, thus leading her to being grabbed by the Akiba Consigliore. With a grin, she landed a right uppercut to Meetan’s face and sneered after seeing how the older girl ceased her talking right after.

The punch that Meetan has received from Sanshoku instantly made her regret losing control over her emotions, though she knew that it was completely impossible not to be infuriated. Maachan was a fellow Family member and someone very dear to her. It’d take a thousand years for her not to lose her composure over the younger girl when told about such things.

“Tsk.” Sanshoku gritted her teeth in anger and instantly began kicking at the girl’s stomach, still unable to move on from getting grabbed at, despite punching her a while ago.

Sanshoku’s continuous beating weakened her beaten body even more, bringing her to a fit of coughs. It nearly took ten minutes for the younger girl’s anger to lessen, replacing it with a huge satisfied smile at the ‘art’ that she had just made.

Meetan silently cursed at herself as the four girls laughed at her condition, hating how she kept falling for their trap every single time. She’d have to keep herself from acting the way they expected her to or surprising them, otherwise, she just might die from the beating that she’s receiving.

“Leave her alone.” She muttered out, trying hard to maintain her gaze on the four girls despite feeling like the room was turning, when the four continued to talk about how they were going to ‘play’ with the younger Consigliore once they were done with Meetan.

“Just deal with me.”

Comeback smiled wickedly, patting her on the back. “That’s the spirit!”

“You know what?” Mariyagi asked a second later as she placed a hand on the older female’s shoulder. “Compared to her, you’re more fun to mess with.”

Mayuge added with a smirk. “She’s so weak, always falling out of consciousness and such.”

“That’s true!” Mariyagi pouted with a sigh. “Just how many times did we have to wake her up using electricity?”

“Probably enough to light up an entire mansion, nee?” Sanshoku tapped her chin thoughtfully.

The four girls giggled soon afterwards, contented with the horrified expression on Meetan’s face when she heard the last statement. Hearing those words fueled her with so much hate, making her wish that she could at least have the chains loosen up a bit, just so she could give a good hard beating to them.

“You guys are sick!” she cried at them, breathing heavily as fatigue started to catch up to her.

Despite this, she attempted to at least get some revenge for the younger Consigliore, forcing her body to lift up the chair she was chained to and kick one of them on the knee. The four girls seemed to have expected it and backed away. However, not all of them were able to dodge Meetan’s second kick.
Comeback instantly gave a pained cry and dropped to the floor, grabbing her knee with her hands after feeling her dislocated knee joint. As she watched the girl writhe on the floor in pain, Meetan couldn’t help but smile smugly as she turned to the other three.

It pleased her that she was still able to inflict pain despite being tortured continuously, bringing back the confidence that she thought she had lost. Unfortunately for her, her happiness was short-lived by the other three, who took no moment of hesitation to bring her down with punches, instantly punishing her.

Instead of allowing them to beat her up like she had done several hours ago, Meetan fought back as hard as she could in spite of being chained to the chair, not wanting to spend another session with them.

Fate must have decided to give her a break and be kind to her, since all of her efforts did not end in vain. Despite the fatigue that she was feeling, she was still able to bring the four girls down to the floor at least three or four times before standing victoriously in the end.

She lets out a scoff at them, watching as they groaned in pain on the floor. After all, who wouldn’t? She had been changed and beaten mercilessly, yet it only took her less than five minutes to take the four girls down, making it even harder to believe that she was kidnapped by the weaklings lying unconscious before her.

Rubbing the sore spots on her body, she sighed and felt her body relax after freeing herself from the chair with the keys that she had found hanging by Comeback’s belt. “Now to find Maachan and get the heck out of here.”

Throwing a glance back at the four unconscious girls, she gripped tightly onto the keys and strutted out of the room as quickly as she could. Since the rest of the Akiba girls have yet to arrive, Meetan concluded that the best move to make would probably be finding the other Consigliore and escape.

Who knows how long she would have to suffer under the Yabakune’s wrath if she continued to do nothing, allowing them to torture her and Maachan as they both wait for them to arrive? The probability of them being dead would be quite high then, especially after beating those four up.

“Maachan…” she muttered under her breath as she walked as quietly as she could through the dark hallway. “Where are you?”

Her head turned from left to right in a fast manner as she searches for any door that would probably lead her to her fellow Consigliore, knowing that she doesn’t have much time until the four wakes up and alert the rest.

She quickened her pace and sighed in disappointment when she finished checking every room on the current floor, finding herself growing restless. She instantly went up the stairs and began another search, not wanting to waste her time.
There weren’t any guards on that floor that she had just gotten on, making her conclude about moving onto the next time. With that in mind, she lets out a sigh turned away from the door that she was about to open, quickly heading for the stairs once more.

But just then, right before she could even take a step on the stairs, a pained cough echoed throughout the entire hallway. Her body turned with a snap as she acted on instinct, raising her fists up to prepare her for any incoming attack.
“What the…” she muttered after a second or two.

With a brow raised in question, she slowly relaxed her body once she has seen that she was still alone and has not felt any presence of another person. She started looking around her, carefully making sure to inspect each and every corner because she was completely certain that she heard a cough.

When she didn’t hear any more sounds, she gave a dismissive shrug of the shoulder and turned her body to resume walking up the stairs, blaming her imagination and paranoid senses. As she was about to place another foot down, she halted and stared back at the doors she didn’t open.

“What if…”

There was this nagging feeling at the back of her back, screaming at her to check the remaining rooms on the floor that she just came from. She knew that she was wasting her time with just standing there, contemplating on whether she should go back and check the rooms.

With an exasperated sigh, she walked down the stairs quickly and went to the door that she had suspected hearing the cough from and turned the door. When the door opened, Meetan froze to the spot.

Her eyes softened in relief and started forming tears, blurring the Royal Family’s Consigliore’s sight as she came face-to-face with the girl that she has been anxiously worrying about.
“Maachan…” she uttered.

Her heart ached when she saw the current condition that the unconscious girl was in. She felt anger, as well as guilt for not making a move previously. If only she had acted out sooner, she wouldn’t have seen the younger girl with so many bruises.

They really did electrocute her.

“I’ll kill them.” She muttered angrily to herself as she immediately rushed to the younger Consigliore.

Cursing the four girls mentally as she began to untie Maachan from the ropes, the brown-haired’s eyes narrowed to a slit as she noticed some visible burnt marks on her skin. She gritted her teeth as she recalled what the four told her, about how many times they have electrocuted the younger Consigliore.
Once she has finished throwing the ropes to the side, Meetan gently tapped the girl’s cheek. As much as she enjoys watching Maachan sleep, now wasn’t the right time to do so. They still have to find a way to escape without alerting anyone, hopefully.

Just then, Maachan’s eyelids slowly fluttered open, making the older girl smile unconsciously and let out a sob as she hugged her. “I missed you.”

“Too tight…” the younger girl told her in a very weak voice.

Meetan’s eyes widened when she came to realize that she was hugging the girl too tightly and released her afterwards. Wiping the tears on her face, the older girl then closed her eyes and gave a kiss to the younger girl’s forehead.

“Come on, let’s get out of here.”

Meetan wrapped an arm around the other girl’s waist, stifling a pained grunt as she helped Maachan stand up, not wanting to worry her and cause any worry from forming. She figured that the younger Consigliore had been through a lot, adding any more worries might worsen her condition.

“Aren’t I too heavy?” Maachan asked, knitting her brows together when Meetan bit her lower lip to stifle another pained grunt.

Shaking her head, the older of the two smiled. “Not at all.”

Kicking the chair to the side, Meetan slowly turned her body and smiled encouragingly at the younger girl, who was trying her best to steady her shaky legs. The older of the two allowed Maachan to lean on her for support despite the huge amount of pain she was feeling, hoping that she wasn’t showing it.

However, it became pretty obvious that she was having a hard time supporting Maachan the moment she staggered backwards and dropped the younger girl by accident. Filled with guilt that she brought more pain to her, Meetan instantly uttered an apology and stood up as fast as she could. She grabbed Maachan by the waist once more and tried to help her stand.

Just then, she heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind them. Her mind began to scream at her to drop Maachan and knock out whoever’s heading their way. Unfortunately for her, she wasn’t even able to fully turn her body around after dropping Maachan gently and lifting her fists up when she felt a sudden pain to her side.

As Meetan felt her back hitting the wall due to the force she received from the kicked, she heard Maachan cry out her name. She pushed herself up at the same time she shook her head to get rid of the dizziness she was feeling, only to be stepped down on the back and coming face-to-face with the floor.

“You didn’t forget about me, did you?” a familiar voice asked as she stared down at girl pinned to the floor.

The older Consigliore merely blinked her eyes open and close as she tried to get her sight return to the way it should be, wincing and groaning as she was forcefully kept in that situation. When she attempted to grab the Mayuge’s foot, she was instantly given a hard kick to her ribs by second person that just came in.

“Rabutan.” Maachan uttered the girl’s name.

Meetan caught a glimpse of the Yabakune boss smiling in return as she gave a gentle pat on the other Consigliore’s head. The action caused Meetan to emit a low growl. The pain has finally receded, but the foot remained and kept her pinned.
“Don’t touch her.” Meetan spoke through gritted teeth.

Rabutan merely gave a dismissive wave of the hand to her and chuckled to herself, resuming the patting on the head on the other Consigliore. When she seemed to have had her fill of Meetan’s growling, she walked to the back of the younger girl, and took out a weapon that made Meetan flinch.

“Like my new Taser gun?” she asked, before giving a kiss to it.

Meetan kept her mouth shut even as Rabutan pressed the button that switched the gun on and allowed the newly-arrived four girls to hear the sizzling sound it was emitting. A wicked smile played on the girl’s lips as she brought it close to Maachan’s neck slowly, making sure to lock eyes with the older Consigliore as she did.
Placing a hand on the girl’s shoulder, the Yabakune Boss started enjoying the glare that was being sent to her by the girl in front of her. In an attempt to amuse herself even further, she brought the Taser gun even closer, making Maachan flinch in fear.

Without any care for the pain she was feeling, Meetan reached out to her back and grabbed Mayuge’s foot. She wasted no time and flipped the girl to her back, instantly turning her attention to Rabutan before charging at her.

However, due to the bruises and beating that Ami’s subordinates generously gave to her from their previous sessions, Rabutan was able to dodge her punches with ease. Mayuge has finally gotten back on her feet and got ready to take Meetan down, but Rabutan merely shook her head and resumed playing with the Consigliore.

The girl obediently stood by the side with that annoying expression on her face, watching how Rabutan smirked when she saw an opening despite the continuous punches and jabs that Meetan was doing. Dodging an elbow jab, the Yabakune Boss decided to return a series of attacks on Meetan’s chest.

That last jab to her chest caused Meetan to drop to the floor, panting as she tried to regain her proper breathing. She pushed her legs to carry her weight, but she wasn’t even able to stand firmly on the ground due to the silent order that Rabutan has given.

Once again, Meetan found herself kissing the floor as several feet kept her pinned this time around. A mere pained grunt left her lips as Sanshoku grabbed her by the hair and forced her to kneel before the Yabakune Boss.

Humming as she twirled the gun in her hand, Rabutan smirked at the current predicament that the older girl was in. “You surely didn’t forget about them, did you?”

Meetan winced in pain when she was grabbed by the hair, glaring instantly when she was forced to turn her head to look at the people holding her captive. She didn’t find it quite surprising that they have an expression of mockery on each of their faces, knowing fully-well that they enjoy the current situation.
“What?” Comeback laughed as she slapped the older girl hard on the face. “You actually thought that we could be beaten THAT easily?”

“It’s just part of the act, you old hag!” Mariyagi told her scornfully whilst sending a hard kick to her stomach.

Rabutan laughed. “They wanted to toy with you, so they asked me if they could let you go for a short while to find your partner.”

“Brilliant, aren’t they?”

Meetan grunted as she felt the air sucked out of her, gasping when the pain refused to recede. Fortunately for her, just as the four were about to begin another session of beating, Rabutan stopped them with the clearing of the throat.

There was clearly a frown on her face after she had come to realize that there was a missing person in the room, obviously not liking the missing presence. Raising a brow at them, she then crossed her arms across her chest and asked.

“Where’s Ami?”

“She’s currently on patrol.” Mariyagi answered almost too nonchalantly.

This caused the Yabakune boss to narrow her eyes to a slit when the reply came a bit too quickly, along with the lack of tone of respect that she’d normally hear whenever their leader Ami was around. Rabutan was well-aware that they aren’t under her command directly, but their leader was. And that pretty much puts them under her.

Not wanting to make it seem like she was affected or whatsoever, Rabutan chose to ignore it and lets out an inaudible sigh from her mouth. “Just tell her to deal with that hag.”

“I’ll take care of the younger one myself.” She instructed, gesturing for them to leave the room.

Instead of lowering their heads or giving a curt nod as Rabutan had expected them to, the four girls muttered the word ‘yes’ under their breaths, further annoying the Yabakune boss. She was about to open her mouth when Meetan started shouting at the four to let her go.

“Let me go, you good-for-nothing!” the Consigliore growled as she struggled hard against their hold.

When Meetan saw an opening to land a head-butt on one of the four, she didn’t allow the chance to pass her by and acted quickly, successfully landing a hard hit on Mayuge. Her attack obviously irritated the other three because as soon as Mayuge wiped the blood off from her lips, Sanshoku walked towards Rabutan with a huge scowl on her face.

“Meetan!” the younger Consigliore cried in horror.

She watched as Sanshoku snatched the Taser gun from the Yabakune Boss without uttering any word and tossed it instantly to the thick-browed girl, who wasted no time in using it. Everyone watched as Mayuge pressed the Taser gun against the struggling girl’s neck.

“Learn your place, bitch!” the thick-browed girl growled at her as she pressed the button on the device.

Meetan’s body shook in response to the electricity that went through her, ceasing all struggling that she has been doing. However, instead of dropping the limp body onto the floor, the three girls kept their hold on Meetan to allow the thick-browed to electrocute her further with the Taser gun.

“That’s enough.” The Yabakune boss ordered.

The four ceased their torture on the unconscious girl and stared at the Yabakune boss with slight disbelief in each of their faces. When Rabutan hardened her face at them, the four sighed in disappointment, not even bothering to hide the fact that they were.

Sanshoku lets out a scoff and threw Meetan’s arm away from her as Mariyagi and Comeback gave a shrug to each other before turning around and walking out of the room, dragging the Consigliore’s body behind them.

As if trying to show that they were displeased with Rabutan, Mayuge and Sanshoku walked out of the room without any salutations, slamming the door behind them once they were both completely out into the hallway. Rabutan could merely frowned at the two’s actions before glancing at the girl next to her.


An exasperated sighed escaped the short girl’s lips as she threw the nth shard of glass out of the window. She cursed with much irritation under her breath before standing up from her spot, startling the rest of the girls in the room.
“Why didn’t they leave anything behind?” Takamina muttered angrily under her breath, ruffling her already-messy hair.

She clutched the hem of her shirt with her hands, trying to calm herself down before she goes on a rampage and break whatever her hands could lay themselves upon on. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she squatted once again and inhaled as slowly as she could, resuming her search once she had calmed down.

The rest could only stare at her in worry. They can’t really blame her for the sudden outburst that she had just done. After all, each of them has a frown on their face to match with the short girl’s own.

They have been searching the place for quite some time, yet not a single clue was found. The mess that had been left behind was already cleaned up, except for the blood stains that could be found on the carpet and walls.

“They left something behind before, so why isn’t there anything now?” Jurina asked no one in particularly, rubbing her chin as she continuously scanned the area with her hawk eyes.

Judging from the remains of small shards of glass that they were all standing on, a huge fight had occurred. And that wasn’t unexpected, considering how it was the Akiba Consigliores the kidnappers were against.

That’s why it would most likely seem impossible to leave nothing behind after breaking several things in the room, as well as entering through the window from the outside. There has to be some sort of object that will point out the Family responsible for this.

Maybe a piece of clothing with their Family insignia.

It has to be something solid, unlike blood. Because despite the spots of blood that can be found on the walls and floor, it has already dried up, proving to be worthless and nothing but another thing to clean. They can’t even use Mayuyu’s specialty.

Letting out a sigh, she dropped the picture frame of Meetan and Maachan, and took a seat on a spot the girl beside her had completely swept clean. She took the gloves off and winced when she felt a splinter that caused some blood to seep out.

Licking the blood off after carefully pulling it out, Jurina turned her head to find Rena diligently brooming away any remaining mess, bringing a smile on her face. She found it a mystery that the raven-haired could still look so cute despite the worried frown she currently has on her sweaty face.

“Don’t just sit there!” a familiar voice scolded, wiping the smile off of Jurina’s lips. “Help us search!”

Narrowing her eyes, she stared back at Rena’s older sister and frowned. “I’ve been searching for hours, and I haven’t found anything!”

“That’s because you’re not looking hard enough!” Yukirin retorted, crossing her arms. “You’re just sitting there, drooling at my sister!”

Jurina imitated her crossing of the arms and gave a huff. “If I was supposed to find something in my area, I should have seen it by now!”

“Besides, I wasn’t the only one! You were also staring at her, you old hag!”

“Stop it, you two.” Rena chided, sighing as she dropped everything that she had swept onto the dust pan, into a black plastic bag.

The two girls instantly zipped their mouths shut, not wanting to be scolded even further by the apple of their eyes. They resumed their searching, though making sure to send an insulting expression to the other every now and then whenever Rena wasn’t looking.

Meanwhile, a certain cyborg girl kept muttering under breath after witnessing the scene between Yukirin and Jurina, irritated that the happenings of yesterday night kept playing back in her mind. It made her throw the things in her hand to the side with quite a force, hitting some of the girls who were unfortunate to be in her range.

One of them was the Airhead Queen, who had snapped out of the trance that she had somehow fallen into. Shaking the dazed expression off from her face, she turned to her side and frowned when she came to realize that a certain squirrel-like girl was looking through an adult’s magazine with a perverted grin on her face.

“Stop looking through Meetan’s stuff and help us look!” Haruna scolded, smacking Yuko on the back of her head hard enough to knock her into the wall she was facing.

Groaning, the brown-haired formed a pout with her lips and rubbed the sore spot on her head, sighing in disappointment afterwards as she reluctantly puts away the magazine that she found underneath the remains of Meetan’s bed.

“I’ll be back for you, my babies!” she whispered excitedly to the stack of magazines before resuming her search.

Everyone was busily trying to look for any clue that would lead them to a conclusion on who could have kidnapped their Consigliores, spending the entire night and morning in their room, only to be disappointed that they have yet to find anything even until now.

“I think that it’s time to accept reality guys.” Mariko said with a yawn, taking a sit on Maachan’s bed as she took off the gloves that she was wearing.

They have spent the entire night searching the room after all. If there was really anything to be found, they should have found it by now. Just like what Jurina said earlier.

“As much as I hate to say it, the dinosaur is right.” Miichan sighed, grunting as she felt pins and needles in her legs as she stood up.

Mariko sent her a warning glare. “I’ll ignore that, Gachapin.”

“Whatever, tall stick.” Miichan stuck out her tongue.

Sayaka rolled her eyes at the two. “Enough, let’s go freshen up.”

“Yeah, someone’s starting to stink here.” Jurina remarked as she stared at a certain raven.

“I’m glad that your nose is functioning well, Jurina.” Yukirin glared. “It’s a miracle that it hasn’t gone numb from your stench!”

“What?!” Jurina stood up and pointed an accusing finger at her. “My nose almost shriveled and died from the fart you let out minutes ago!”

“How dare you!?” Yukirin stood up as well and placed her arms on each side of her hips. “I would never fart in the same room that my dearest Rena is in!”

“And clear your ears because it’s obviously filled with disgusting ear wax! It wasn’t me who farted, but Haruna over there!”

“Hey!” The said girl looked at them with a pout. “Don’t include me in your fight!”

Yuko went in between the two girls, who had their foreheads against each other, and pushed them apart. “Calm down, you guys.”

“NO!” they shouted at her as they pushed her back, before resuming the battle between their foreheads.

Mariko rolled her eyes at the sight before her and groaned when she found herself sweating more than she had expected. Wiping at her forehead, she raised a brow the moment she locked eyes with Miichan, who kept staring at her with an questioning look on her face.s

“What?” she frowned.

The younger girl shook her head and sighed. “Nothing really. I was just wondering how many facial products you had to use to.”

“I don’t really use any, if that’s what you’re asking.” Mariko stated, trying not to show the smile that was forming.

After all, the younger girl had never once complimented her, and hearing an indirect compliment was starting to make her feel warm. Much to her disappointment, Mariko soon found out that Miichan didn’t mean to compliment her, and her smile was quickly replaced by a scowl the moment the younger girl opened her mouth to speak.

“Oh, that explains it then.”

“You’re looking older than your actual age.” She laughed, much to Mariko’s annoyance. “I thought that you’d spent billions of dollars, only to have the opposite effect.”

“If I were you, I’d shut my mouth.” The taller girl warned.

Miichan raised her hands in surrender. “Sorry, I was raised not to lie.”

“Okay, that’s it!”

Mariko bolted up from her spot and tackled the younger girl, angered that she had assumed that Miichan actually meant well. What was she expecting from her anyway? Of course Miichan only wanted to annoy her and get on her bad side. Because when has she tried not to?

“You should learn to keep quiet, Miichan.” Tomo~mi told the said girl with worried eyes.

She bit her lower lip as she watched the older of the two grabbed her fellow Royal member by the neck. “No matter how true it is, you have to keep your mouth shut, Miichan!”

“I know that it’s hard not to, since Mariko has more lines on her face than I could count. And that’s saying something, because I still don’t know what comes after eleven!” A nerve popped at the model’s forehead as the younger girl continued to talk, which was only serving to fuel her anger.

“But you have to try, or she’ll really kill you if you manage to live after this! And you don’t want to die with her face in your memory!”

“Tomochin, you better shut that girl of yours or I will!” Mariko snarled at Tomochin’s namesake, who only squeaked as she hid her face behind a compact powder.

Tomochin sighed and headed out of the door. “Whatever.”

“Nyan Nyan!” Yuko suddenly cried out as she rubbed her head.

Running off to the Airhead Queen, the brown-haired started tattling about how mean Yukirin and Jurina were being towards her, when she was trying to do was to help. Haruna was about to give a pat on the sore part on the older girl’s head, when the two ‘mean’ girls halted her with their angry statements.

“She was trying to touch my chest!” Jurina told the brunette.

Scoffing, Yukirin crossed her arms. “There’s nothing to touch on you!”

“At least I don’t look like I’m carrying watermelons all the time!” Jurina retorted.

“Rena likes girls with big breasts!” Yukirin told her.

Jurina shook her head. “Nuh-uh! She likes girls with normal-sized chests!”

“I love Nyan Nyan’s breasts!” Yuko intervened.

Wanting to prove her point, the brown-haired snuggled her face into Haruna’s chest with a huge smile on her face. Pushing the older girl off of her, Haruna shrieked and covered herself with one hand, as she other grabbed one of the magazines under Meetan’s bed to hit Yuko in order to prevent any advancement.

“Get away from me, you hentai!”

“What is wrong with this Family?” Sayaka pinched the bridge of her nose. “In fact, why am I surrounded by weirdos?”

Everyone scoffed at her in offence and cried all at the same time, “We should be asking you that, Gorilla!”

“I will ignore that.” Sayaka narrowed her eyes.

Everywhere she looked, she would see chaos. Sae has even managed to get involved in the Mariko-Miichan-Tomo~mi mess for some reason. On the other side of the room, Acchan was busy comforting Takamina, who had fallen into depression over thinking that the kidnapping was her fault.

Rena at the moment was nowhere to be seen, probably trying to hide and get away from the two girls who have been going at each other’s throat the entire time. Lastly, Kuumin and Anna were sitting on the broken couch with popcorn that Sayaka has no idea where they got from, busily watching each scene in the room with excitement.

“I’m out of here.” She sighed. “Better get away before I get infected by them.”

After a few hours, the chaos in the Consigliores’ room finally ceased, and the mansion was finally at peace. Everyone had finally come to an agreement after finding themselves in such situations— each blaming fatigue and anxiety for making them act that way.

After unanimously agreeing that every one of them needed to get some rest, the Akiba girls headed to their respective bedrooms. On the way, all of them made sure to utter, groan, and moan about how tired and heavy their bodies were feeling.

“Still nothing.” Takamina groaned as she entered the room with a certain black-haired.

Acchan watched as the shorter girl flopped herself onto her bed, who only sighed as she allowed herself to be cushioned by the soft and smooth sheets beneath her. Wanting to make sure that Takamina was completely relaxed, the black-haired sat on the same bed as her.

She gently grabbed at the older girl’s shoulders to give her a massage, smiling to herself when she felt Takamina’s shoulders lose some of its tension, the moment her hands started their magic. When she started to notice how Takamina’s eyes were closing sleepily, Acchan stopped her ministrations.

“Clean yourself up before going to sleep, Minami.” Acchan chuckled.

The older girl sighed and laid her head on the black-haired’s thighs. “I can’t just go to sleep, Atsuko.”

“I need to find out who did this.” She opened her eyes and found herself staring back into the black-haired’s eyes.

She gripped Acchan’s hand tight and brought it to her lips. “Maybe then, my friends’ souls will finally find peace.”

Just as she was about to stand up and head towards the door to go back into the Consigliores’ rooms to restart her search once more, Acchan grabbed her by the arm and dragged her towards the bathroom, ignoring the older girl’s protest.

“Well, you can’t definitely do that in such a sweaty state.” The black-haired stated as she pushed Takamina inside, locking the door behind the two of them.

When Acchan started taking her clothes off, Takamina looked at her with a flabbergasted expression on her face and immediately looked away. “Get into the tub first.”


“I’d never thought that she’d agree so quickly.”  Acchan thought to herself, forcing herself to hide a smirk.

Hoping that it would somehow lessen the anger that she was currently bottling deep inside, the pig-tailed girl slammed the door behind her with great force. She was so annoyed, she actually started muttering under her breath— something that she would only do whenever she was very pissed off.

“Is there something wrong, Mayuyu?” a certain raven-haired asked, causing the said girl to look up from the couch that she had sat on.

The pig-tailed girl glared at Yukirin for a few seconds before turning her head away with a huff as she stood up from her seat to head for the door. She gave one last angry look at the girl staring at her from the bed before walking out of the room with another hard slamming of the door.

Mayuyu’s action only made the older girl to quirk a brow in question, wondering to herself what in the world did she do for the Cyborg girl to act that way.

“What the heck got into her?” she muttered.

Ever since they’ve gotten out of the Consigliores’ room, Mayuyu had been acting strangely towards her. For instance, she bumped against the raven-haired hard when they were right in front of the stairs Yukirin was really fortunate to have anticipated some sort of action from the younger girl, thus preventing herself from kissing the stairs.

“I don’t know what to do with that girl.” Yukirin rubbed the side of her head.
Now what our dear Yukirin didn’t know was that Mayuyu had been watching her all day, distancing herself to see if the raven-haired would notice the lacking presence of a certain pig-tailed girl and spoil her, only to be majorly disappointed and annoyed when Yukirin didn’t even bother to do so.

But that was fine.

What really irked the younger girl was how Yukirin kept on giving her attention to a certain Matsui Rena. It infuriated her that while she was being ignored completely by Yukirin, Rena was getting all of the attention that she’s been craving for.

“They’re blood-related, damn it!” Mayuyu cursed under her breath, stomping her feet as hard as she could as she made her way down the stairs.

Scoffing as her foot reached the ground, she then turned her head and glared at the direction of the room that she had walked away from. “Yukirin, you jerk!”

“What’s your problem?” Kuumin asked, suddenly appearing beside her.

The pig-tailed girl snapped her head to the side and growled at the younger girl. “None of your business!”

And off she went stomping away, leaving behind a very confused Kuumin. Anna walked out of the kitchen a second later and looked at her in question, wondering what had happened for the usually composed girl to show such an angry expression.

“What got her circuits into a knot?” Anna asked as she handed a glass of orange juice.

Taking the glass into her hands, Kuumin simply shrugged her shoulders. “I’ve got no idea, Anna.”

Meanwhile at a certain hideout…

The four girls watched in satisfaction at the sight of the Consigliore before them, perfectly capable of seeing how their ‘game’ had left her limp and weak to the point that raising her head even for a slight second proved to take a huge toll on her.

“Wake up!” Mayuge shouted at her, slapping her by the cheeks once Sanshoku finished throwing some icy water onto her face.

If Meetan was in any normal circumstances, she would have gotten up from her seat to grab those foolish enough to dare disrespect her before beating them to death. However, considering how she was currently chained to the seat, all she could do was let out several strained coughs.

“Looks like the Akiba’s Consigliores are weak.” Mariyagi scoffed, grabbing her by the chin before giving a hard punch to the jaw.

The force was enough to drive her off the chair and leave her unconscious on the ground, but the chains that bind her from her seat kept her from doing so. Letting out a groan, she swore she could taste some of her blood on her lips.

“How pathetic.” Comeback mocked, clicking her tongue as she and the other three continued to stare in pure distaste at the Akiba girl.

Meetan tried to open her eyes to send a glare to each of them, but ended up opening one eye because of the punches she had received that left the other swollen. Even muttering out a curse to them needed a huge amount of energy, which only left her vulnerable to their mocking once she was unable to form any coherent words.

“Oi!” Sanshoku grabbed her by the collar when Meetan started to lean unconsciously to the side. “Wake up!”

With a scoff, she pushed the older girl back to her seat and started kicking her on the stomach when the chair fell down along with her. The other girls joined in the kicking, making it impossible to ignore the pain.

With the tremendous amount of beating that she has received for several hours, Meetan knew that escaping was completely far from her reach at the very moment. What’s worse was how she knew that she was in no condition to even worry for her fellow Consigliore.

“Maachan…” she lets out a pained groan as she felt one of the four punch her whilst the other three continued to kick her entire body. “…Please hang in there.”

The only thing that she could do was stay alive and strong enough until the rest of the Akiba girls find their location and save them, or maybe just the younger Consigliore. She doesn’t have to make it out of the hideout with them.

All she wanted is to see the apple of her eye safe and sound.

“Guys…” she took a deep breath, dreading of what was to come next. “Please hurry up.”

She doesn’t know how long she can hold, especially when you’re in the hands of the spawn of the Devil. Meetan was currently unaware of what the four girls have in mind, but despite the inability to see, her trained ears allowed her to pick up sounds from across the room, giving her an idea about why they sound so eager even though they’ve stopped beating her.

“Do you know what this is?” Mayuge asked gleefully a second later as she waved an object in hand in front of Meetan for her to see.

The Consigliore remained silent with her head down low, finally aware of what they have planned in mind after hearing the terrifying sounds. Unfortunately for her, the four girls were unaware that their beating has left her unable to lift her head up.

Comeback grabbed her by the neck and squeezed as hard as she could, growling at the older girl when she mistook the silence as intentional disrespect. “Your life is in our hands, you old hag!”

“Show some respect!” she growled.
When she didn’t let out any sound, Mayuge gritted her teeth in anger and used the object— a knife— in her hand to make Meetan do so by stabbing her in the thigh. When she did, she was rewarded by the sweet pained cry from the Consigliore, earning a smirk from each of the other three.

Without any moment of hesitation, Mariyagi took an object from the table behind them and started another session of torture. It was practically heaven for the four of them, yet a complete pandemonium for the older girl.

A few hours later…

“Ugh…” she moaned, feeling the vibrations of made by her voice throughout her entire body.

Her mind was fuzzy and her sight remained blank, probably because she had her eyes closed at the moment. There was this loud buzzing sound in both of her ears, causing her to have a hard time in keeping her head balanced.

She remained slumped against the electric chair, tired and completely worn out. Her limbs felt numb, and it seems like it would take an extremely huge amount of energy for her to move them, even for just an inch or so.

“Ami.” Rabutan gave a curt nod to the said girl.

Ami lowered her head in understanding and walked to the back of the Consigliore’s chair. Grabbing Meetan by her hair, the younger girl forcefully pulled back, effectively making their captive look up to see the Yabakune Boss walk towards with a mysterious smile.

“Traitor.” Meetan muttered.

Ami’s grip on her hair tightened, causing the Consigliore to wince from the pain her former Royal member inflicted. Smiling from the scene that she had just witnessed, Rabutan sat down on the chair that Ami had prepared earlier on and stared at Meetan.

Lifting a finger, she started caressing the older girl’s cheek as she asked. “Have you heard about the Yabakune Family’s specialty, besides being killers?”

“What did you do to Maachan?” Meetan asked as she ignored the younger girl’s question.

“None of your business.” The Yabakune Boss replied. “So, do you know what our specialty is?”

Hearing no reply from the Akiba Consigliore, Rabutan leaned back on her chair and smiled smugly. “It’s the ability to manipulate information in things like CCTV cameras.”

“Bet you didn’t know that.” She sneered.

Crossing her arms, she laughed. “It’s a good thing that your Family didn’t.”

“Because of you, the Yabakune Family managed to get an extremely loyal member.” Rabutan averted her eyes to the girl standing behind Meetan. “Isn’t that right, Ami-chan?”

Hearing the younger girl’s mocking tone, Meetan couldn’t help but clench her hands into tight fists. All she could do was look at the leader of the Yabakune Family, feeling angered about the fact that she was held captive by such a younger girl, and was unable to escape to avenge her dead member.

“Such a shame that you guys had to throw her out like trash.” Rabutan clicked her tongue. “I thought that the Royal Family was all about Family values?”

“Yet…” Rabutan sneered. “…You guys didn’t even bother to try and figure if she was framed.”

“You’re no better than those hypocrites that go to church acting like a damn saint, when they’re nothing but rotten inside.”

She sighed mockingly. “Aren’t you glad that she found a better person to serve?”

As the Yabakune Boss talked about how she pitied Ami and the Royal Family’s poor treatment on the said girl, Meetan stared at Ami. She has finally released her hold on Meetan and made her way to Rabutan’s side, standing straight as she maintained eye contact with the Akiba Consigliore.

“Why didn’t you try and fight for your innocence?” Meetan thought to herself as she stared at the former Royal member walking to Rabutan’s side who only stared back without any emotion. “I get that we didn’t give you a chance, but you shouldn’t have given up.”

“The truth would have come out eventually.”

She kept on staring at the former Royal member, hoping that she could have some private time with her. If Ami was still the Eguchi Ami she once knew— the one whom she had grown up with— before she and the rest of the Royal Family had condemned, then maybe she stands a chance in getting Maachan out.

“Ami-sama!” the doors bursted open all of a sudden, startling the three people staying in the room.

The three of them turned their focus onto the newly-arrived Mariyagi, who quickly went to Ami’s side. She whispered something into the older girl’s ear for a few seconds before taking a step backwards as Ami turn to the Yabakune Boss.

“There seems to be a problem, Rabu-sama.” The former Royal girl reported.

Rabutan merely gave a sigh and waved her hand dismissively at Ami. “Take care of it quickly.”

With a curt nod, she walked out of the room with her subordinates tailing after her. Rabutan resumed talking about things that the Akiba Consigliore had no interest in, failing to notice the curious expression on the older girl.

Uza! Uza! Uza!
Katte ni!
Uza! Uza! Uza
Jiyuu Ni!

As the phone’s ringtone reverberated against the walls, Jurina muttered under her breath. She was about to enter the bathroom when her phone started to ring, thus preventing her from even setting a foot inside.

“Tell me you’ve got a lead.” She growled.

Jurina heard some scuffling of the leaves in the background. “Of course I do.”

“There’s no way I would contact you if I didn’t have any.”

“Now start explaining why I never heard from you until now.” Jurina scoffed.

The girl on the other side of the line sighed exasperatedly, and Jurina could clearly imagine her rolling her eyes. “Well, if someone doesn’t get too angry about receiving calls whenever I find something, I would have called you sooner.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Jurina gave her own exasperatedly sigh. “Just tell me what you have.”

“Well, that thing that you gave me earlier? It’s a precious token given by the Family Boss to his or her right-hand man. And guess what Family has that flower as their insignia?”

“Stop stalling and just tell me.”

“Boo… You’re no fun, Jurina.” Jurina rolled her eyes for the nth time. “But as soon as I learned what Family has it, it really took me by surprise, you know?”

“Just freaking tell me!”



“It’s the Yabakune Family, Jurina.”

“Yabakune…” The younger girl narrowed her eyes as the name slipped off her lips.

Hearing that name come from the older girl’s mouth, after years of not doing so was making things seem a bit unreal for her. The Rappapa Family once had an encounter with the certain Family several years ago, during the time when their former Boss was keen on wiping out the strong ones.

“Karomuwi, do you know any place they can be staying—“ Jurina started to say, only to be interrupted by the older girl.

“—Way ahead of you there, Matsui.” Jurina hears a few more background and static noise. “I’ve decided that you’d want to find out where they are, so I’ve narrowed it all down.”

“Before you continue, where the heck are you? It’s so noisy!”

“Just so you know, I’m outside an abandoned observatory.”

“You could have talked to me after you were done with whatever mission you’re doing.”

“Instead of whining about the noise, you should be thanking me. If it weren’t for your sorry ass, I wouldn’t be sneaking around an abandoned observatory during a terrible storm, just to make sure that you get what you want.”

“Wait, what?” Jurina pressed her phone closer to her ear. “You’re at the Yabakune Family base?”

“Yes. And I think that you’ll be glad to hear when I say that all of my suspicion was proven correct. This is where the Yabakune Family is currently residing in.”

Jurina opened her mouth to speak indirect words of thanks when she suddenly heard a loud thud from the other line, effectively shutting her mouth and causing her brow to raise in question. She was about to ask if everything was alright, when she heard unfamiliar voices speak.

“I told you I smelled an intruder, Mayuge.” One of the voices said.

A second voice replied. “What should we do to her, Mayuge? Dispose of her?”

“No, Ami-sama would want us to bring her inside. And that’s what we’ll do. ” A third voice told them. “Come on, I want to get back to those good-for-nothing Consigliores.”

“Hey, I heard that we’ll finally get to do some action. I can’t wait!” A fourth voice squealed.

Jurina clenched the phone tightly in her hand as she heard the four voices talk about how heavy Karomuwi’s body was. Feeling helpless when the girl’s being dragged away by the same people that killed her parents, Jurina threw the gadget away and screamed.

“Damn you, Yabakune!” she muttered angrily under her breath.

Breathing heavily, she started pacing back and forth, nipping at her thumb as she started thinking about how she was going to find the base that the girl was. Though she said that it was an abandoned observatory, she never really said anything about where it was specifically.

“There aren’t a lot of observatories here, right?” she asked no one in particular. “Wait… there are.”

She sighed. “I need help.”

And with that, she walked out of the room and slammed the door, heading straight to a certain girl’s private room. She had been waiting for Rena to come out of the bathroom earlier by the balcony, but after what she had learnt, it was the last thing on her mind.

Not when a friend and her Family members were in need.

To Be Continued…

Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

Offline kazutoryu

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART III [04/27/14]
« Reply #329 on: April 27, 2014, 03:17:51 PM »
poor mayu  :fainted:
more mayuki moment please  :bow:

Offline Kakeru15

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART III [04/27/14]
« Reply #330 on: April 27, 2014, 05:53:06 PM »
What will happend with atsumina next???? :)

Can't wait!!!! Please continue... :thumbsup :grin:

Offline Shinoki

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART III [04/27/14]
« Reply #331 on: April 27, 2014, 08:10:38 PM »
Woooooah!'s been a long time...
And them Yabakunes must go down....

Offline cisda83

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART III [04/27/14]
« Reply #332 on: April 28, 2014, 12:37:14 PM »
Would the Akiba family be able to save them in time?

Why did Akiba family throw Ami away easily...?

Would Ami go back and help the hostages?

Would the Akiba be able to defeat the Yabakune?

What's going to  happen next?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART III [04/27/14]
« Reply #333 on: April 28, 2014, 07:51:45 PM »
This is the best Comeback Chapter in the history of AKB48 Fanfic in Jphip....


Man, somebody gotta end Meetan and Maachan's misery quickly.. Guys, when are you going to rescue them???!!!

Ps: Welcome back, Karomuwi~

Offline Drakon

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART III [04/27/14]
« Reply #334 on: September 03, 2014, 08:00:24 PM »
Such cheerful, but incorrectly, Mafia...

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