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Author Topic: The Hello! Project Postwhoring Thread  (Read 879885 times)

Offline Aioros

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Re: The Hello! Project Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #940 on: December 28, 2012, 02:06:28 PM »

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

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Re: The Hello! Project Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #941 on: December 28, 2012, 02:47:28 PM »
Radio show has come back!
■ MaaDuu Station
Chinami: I wanna shave my hair once in my life!
However manager-san will stop me XD
Manager-san: No problem! Try it!

■ Natsuyaki Miyabi no Feel Like summer
Miyabi: Show me Too excited Chisato!
Chisato : fdsfiewur87314eewrwfdadsf
Miya: calm down please XD
Miya: Aika and Mai loves something cool (** miya couldn't say it smoothly)
Mai: Too cute! :P
■ Suzuki Airi no DajaRadio (Cheap Joke Radio)
Airi:Chocotto Chocolate? (a little chocolate) XD
Meimei:: Choco... ... ....
Yurina; I had never concern with cheap jokes! ( concern is En in Japanese )
Airi: Een! Eeen (*Crying*)
Yurina: Wow!! You are amazing! Airi!
Maimi; XDD

■ Riitan no Nakayoku Hanashim show (Let's talk friendly)
Iikubo; I wanna be a friend with Sugaya-san
Risako: let's be friends!
Iikubo; Actually, we are same ages, we looks different so much.
Risako: without words. O_o
Captain: When Risako is excited, her laughing voices sounds like a witch!
Risako :No way!

■ Erii's Hello House
Ikuta: Suzuki Kanon's friends are Nakanishi Kana-chan, Tamura Meimi-chan, Katsuta Rina-chan.
Suzuki: Aww, listen! listen!
Take-chan: Awww, You forget only me in 2nd period Smileage!
I'm here~XDD

■ Ayacho no Pico Pico Bravo
Mano & Nacky: Pico Pico Pico-n!
... It's really embarrassing!
Sayashi; It's the first time for Oda-chan to work with her senior except for MM members!
Oda: I'm going cry!!
Ayacho: OMG, She is really crying!! I'm sorry!

Once again all credit goes to 910percent:

Offline Chibs

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Re: The Hello! Project Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #942 on: January 01, 2013, 10:23:30 PM »
Quote from: randompasserby
^thx lol, I always considered it a fruit myself so I'm kinda confused hearing people refer it as a vegetable
Quote from: randompasserby
121231 「Morning Musume。 Michishige Sayumi no Konya mo Usachan Peace」

      I chose negi for a good reason. For example, when eating ramen that's normally delicious already but you can sprinkle negi on top of it and it'll become   
      even more delicious. I think that's the role she's going to play in Morning Musume from now on. The current Morning Musume already feels complete but
      with Oda-chan as a plus it'll become even better than I imagined. Also I picked Negi for her because it matches great with almost any kind of food. It's
      good  in stir-fried vegetables and also in a hotpot, Oda chan is also like that. She adapts very quickly to her surroundings and in Morning Musume now
      too she's very easy to become friendly with

从*・ 。.・)<And then for myself, I'm a tomato. fufufu♪~ Or probably more of a mini-tomato. Tomatoes are very cute don't you think?
      Moreover if cabbage is the king of vegetables, then tomato is the princess of the vegetable world (lol). That's why I'm a tomato fufufu~

-Iikubo's eating healthy, that's good. I'm glad Sayu mentioned that, looking at some Alo Hello screencaps has me wondering quite a bit
-Aww 6ki love is still strong
-Sayashi and Ishida comparisons are pretty interesting though iirc cauliflowers wont ever turn green and become a broccoli irl lol
-Maachan, Zukki and Oda are spot on
-Uhhh her descriptions of Fukuhime ... xD and lol Ikuta still being teased everywhere
-Sayu's first impression of Kudou is the same as mine though for completely different reason ... I was afraid she's just a bossy brat, I'm glad she turns out to be such a cute kid ^^
-Are tomatoes vegetables or fruits? I forgot lol
Someone over at 2ch is already making fanarts of it XD

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Re: The Hello! Project Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #943 on: January 03, 2013, 09:29:48 AM »

Offline Slack

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Re: The Hello! Project Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #944 on: January 05, 2013, 08:54:36 AM »
A new JPHiP Subcru release!

"manoeri. awesome. YES! YES! YES! get it."
( ・e・) :heart: marimari  ● 川o・-・) :heart: Jabronisaur :heart: (・o_・`川 ● ノノl∂_∂'ル :heart: ChrNo ● Never Forget.

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Re: The Hello! Project Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #945 on: January 05, 2013, 12:29:44 PM »
Morning Musume's dancing as a group is really looking good, and it was great to see Mai Satoda- she looks and sounds great, and what
a great crew to help her on that song!

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Re: The Hello! Project Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #946 on: January 07, 2013, 09:24:20 AM »

Offline Chibs

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Re: The Hello! Project Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #947 on: January 07, 2013, 10:41:38 PM »
Quote from: randompasserby
^second part of the article

     鞘師 幼稚園のお遊戯会で「Go Girl~恋のヴィクトリー~」を踊ったのがすごく印象的で、そのときにはまりました。


     道重 私、芸能界に興味がなくて、「アイドルにもなりたい!」ということでもなく、本当にただただモーニング娘。にしか



     道重 なったばかりの頃は、めちゃくちゃありました。なる前は「リーダーになりたい」とすごく言っていたんですけど、


     鞘師 本当に道重さんは尊敬できるリーダーです。新しいメンバーもだんだん「自分もしっかりしていかなきゃな」という気持ちが

69 :名無し募集中。。。:2013/01/05(土) 14:11:59.80 0

     道重 新垣里沙ちゃんと光井愛佳ちゃんがグループを卒業した次のシングルが50枚目でした。しかも、15周年も迎えた。


     道重 世界にも、すごくたくさんのファンがいてくれるんだなとうれしくて、15年も活動が続けられたのは日本のファンだけの

     鞘師 私は中学生なので参加できず、学校でした。行きたかったです。話を聞いていると、ファンの人たちが、日本語でメンバー


     道重 よくかっこいいモーニング娘。と言われて、それはすごくうれしいことです。でも、私たちからすると、すごいことをやっている

     鞘師 昨年は、15周年を迎えてシングルも50枚を超えた。改めてモーニング娘。って歴史あるというか、大事にされてきた

70 :名無し募集中。。。:2013/01/05(土) 14:13:30.09 0

     道重 AKBさん、普通に好きですよ。今、アイドルブームと言われて、アイドルの特集をしてもらえることも多いので、

     鞘師 たくさんグループがあって、グループの良さはそれぞれある。モーニング娘。は、モーニング娘。のいいところを


     道重 今年は、小田が入ってきて11人で活動を始める。新生モーニング娘。って胸を張って言えるようなかっこいいグループに

     鞘師 今は、たくさんのことを吸収できる時なので、いろんなものを見て、勉強したい。すごくお手本になる先輩もたくさん
edit Might try to translate some of it later tonight ... but on a glance there's not much that we haven't heard before if you're keeping up closely with them, which I assume most everyone on this forum does
Well nothing better to do came up so here goes nothing :lol:
cmiiw as always

--What makes Sayashi-san start wanting to join Morning Musume。?
 鞘師 In kindergarten during sports festival we danced to Go Girl~Koi no Victory, it leaves such a big impression on me that I started getting into Morning Musume. Since before I can remember, it feels like I've been watching Morning Musume on television and dancing to their songs afterward. Joining something that I've been practically raised alongside with, at first it feels so strange/mysterious I'm not sure what my actual feelings are.

--What about Michishige-san?
 道重 I didn't have any interest in joining showbiz and I can't say that I have that 「I want to be an idol!」feeling, it's just that I absolutely wanted to join Morning Musume. Morning Musume from what I saw at the time is like, when you turn on the tv Morning Musume is on it since Love Machine became a big hit. It was Morning Musume's era back then. I can feel the members' fighting spirit just from watching them on tv.
One day they were broadcasting the audition in one of the shows and watching that made me want to take the audition too. The other girls are around my age and they're all trying so hard, seeing them cry after they passed the audition I really thought they were amazing. That was what influenced me to try and take the audition.

--Last year in May you were appointed leader of this group you admire, do you feel any pressure Michishige-san?
 道重 Back when I was just appointed, I really felt the pressure. Even though before I actually become one I used to say 「I want to be the leader」 but when it comes down to it I realized that's not something you can lightly say. The burden of responsibilities and the pressure you feel every day. I especially felt very strongly that I don't want to give other people any reason to say that the situation has become worse compared to previous leaders' time. Things like 「The previous (concert)tours were better/more exciting」, I was really afraid of those comparisons.
During the the time I was just promoted to leader, even on stage I kept worrying 「I have to make all the members talk more」、「Who would be the best one to conclude the talks and what topic should I give her?」. I thought about those things too much and pushed myself beyond the limit, it was painful. But then the first leader, Nakazawa-san told me that there are many kinds of leader and I should do it my own may. Those words put me at ease, that it's best just to do it my own may.

 鞘師 Michishige-san is really the kind of leader you'd respect. Because of that the new members are also gradually starting to feel they've to become more reliable. We feel that when we're doing group activities, we have to think about the group first and not cause any confusion.

--Looking back on last year's activities, what do you think about it?

 道重 Niigaki Risa-chan and Mitsui Aika-chan graduations from the group and the next single after that being our 50th single, furthermore we are also heading towards our 15th anniversary. In a good way it feels like we're once again standing at the start line. Even though we're an idol group continuing from our 15th year, last year was the year we stood again at the start line as the second, new Morning Musume.

--There was also the World Handshake tour in Taiwan, South Korea and France. You're also popular overseas but how do you feel about the local response in those countries?

 道重 I was happy to see that we have so many fans around the world, it makes me think all over again that we have been able to continue doing activities for over 15 years is not only due to the Japanese fans support but also from our fans abroad.

 鞘師 I'm still a Middle High School student so I wasn't able to participate. I really wanted to go though. Listening to the conversations of those who went about how fans talked to them in Japanese and set up welcoming signs in the airport, we really felt loved. I'm very grateful.

--Recently, out of a great number of idols there's the impression that you're increasing the difference between you and other groups by pushing out your coolness.
 道重 We're frequently told that we're the cool/stylish Morning Musume right now and it makes us happy. But from our point of view rather than being able to do something that amazing from the start, it was the accumulation of daily efforts. From dance lessons to concerts, one by one we took it seriously and the end result is something born out of our full concentrated hard works. Instead of forcing ourselves by aiming 「We want to look cool!」 from the start , it was by giving our utmost effort that we managed to reach this far.

-- How do you see AKB48?
 道重 I like AKB-san too. At the moment we're in a period some called the "Idol Boom" and because of it we're getting featured in a lot of special editions (in newspapers/magazines) for idols so speaking on behalf of Morning Musume I appreciate it. We're getting a place to make our appeals too and we're going to make the best use of this chance. Right now part of the momentum for idols is being pulled by AKB-san. We'll also do our part to make things even livelier and more exciting, not exactly as rivals but as fellow idol colleagues doing our best together.

--Tell us your aspirations for this year
 道重 This year with Oda joining, we're starting activities an an eleven-members group. I want to make this Reborn Morning Musume to be a cool group you can take pride in being a part of. My Kouhai's strength/potential is really amazing, you know? They're of course still "fresh" but their growth is also very fast. They're on a totally different level compared to the 13 years old me when I joined Morning Musume. I've often thought to myself how amazing they are in both dancing and singing. With my 10 years of career, I think it'll be great if they can support me.

-- 鞘師 Right now is the time we can still absorb a lot of things so I want to watch a lot of things and learn from it. We have a lot of great senpais as role models, I want to study those people's performances. There are a lot of new members so if we all grow rapidly Morning Musume will evolve as well. Currently we're in the still-growing period but I hope soon we can do an explosive power-up.

I like the part when asked what does she think about AKB, how Sayu's answer feels very tactful but still honest ... she said she likes them too and appreciates their part in the recent idol-boom. While she prefers to think of them as idol colleagues to work alongside with making things more lively instead of rivals, in the last part she didn't forget to state her goals of making her new Reborn Morning Musume to be a group they can take pride in being a part of and promotes the hell out of it. So it's not like she's lacking in drive or ambitions, she's just a lot more subtle and tactful about it compared to the gung-ho OMGMUSTCONSIDEREVERYONEASRIVALS!! state of mind that most of the Golden-era OGs (and by extension their fans) advices
Sayu's approach is much more enjoyable to watch for me, go Sayu! :notworthy:

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Re: The Hello! Project Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #948 on: January 10, 2013, 11:41:25 PM »

Offline muppet

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Re: The Hello! Project Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #949 on: January 14, 2013, 03:28:43 AM »
Sorry to have just learned that Minami Mogi left Hello Project in September, 2012.
Post 7500 dedicated to the girl who may not have passed her auditions, but still came back
singing and dancing with a smile!

Today is Minami's 14th birthday, hope she has a great day, and may
the coming year bring her much joy and satisfaction!! Good luck to
lovely Minami in school and in taking part in whatever activities she



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Re: The Hello! Project Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #950 on: January 17, 2013, 07:10:02 AM »
from the UFFanclub channel

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

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Re: The Hello! Project Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #951 on: January 18, 2013, 12:41:20 AM »
^The M-Line Memory Dvd has Rika too

Sayu and Miki's husband

« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 12:49:26 AM by Chibs »

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Re: The Hello! Project Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #952 on: January 19, 2013, 01:32:08 AM »
Quote from: randompasserby
Quote from: DSQueenie
Quote from: Celedam
From the official channel: 52nd single, 52 questions…

tis' weekend and I'm bored so ... [size=50]kinda feeling a little deja vu here but what the heck XD[/size]
1.What is your birthday?
──March 12th, 1999
2.What's your hobby?
――Humming a song!
3.What are your favorite foods?
――Matsumae pickles, eggplants and kurage (jellyfish o_O?! )
4.What would you say is your strong point?
――Being able to talk to poeple without creating a wall between us
5.and your weak point?
――I'm a bit too positive
   When I get scolded for something I always made up excuses ("but that was because of this") in my head so sometimes I  give it too little attention
6.Tell us your favorite phrase
――「~~or so I think」
7.If you compare yourself to an animal, what would you be?
――A cat-like rabbit
8.Are you a dog person or a cat person?
――I'm a cat person, i have five cats at home
9.Do you have a treasured item?
――I do. A stuffed bear that has been in my house since before I was born
10.What motivates you to start wanting to become an idol?
――When I was 3years old, my friends were unusually so into Morning Musume. I was dragged along by that girl and in the end I got into MM as well
11.Since entering Morning Musume, is there any painful happenings?
――Umm... when I got scolded by a lot of people like Manager-san or Leader of course (lol)
12.How about happy ones?
――When i started to get along with my senpais
13.Is there anything that makes you think "I'm glad to enter Morning Musume" ?
――The number of people praising me has increased lately and they said things like "You've become more polite"
14.Tell us one thing that surprises you the most since entering Morning Musume
――That Tanaka-san really is what she looks like, she doesn't have a front/reverse side.
15.Among the members, who is the person you'd like to learn from the most and what part of her?
――Tanaka-san's sense of rhythm
16.Among the members, who is the person you'd like to have something fixed and what part?
――Sato Masaki-san, the part where she glares at people who scolds her for about 3 seconds (lol)
17.Among the members, who is your No.1 rival?
――Sato Masaki-san. Because she's a genius.
18.Among the members, who is the person you can talk to the easiest?
――Suzuki Kanon-san. We get along well
19.Among the members, who is the person that your impression of her has changed the most since the first time you met her?
――Ikuta-san. I can feel her becoming more like a senpai. She's still very open but gradually she's becoming stricter/more intense.
20.Please say a few words to your senpai members
――Umm, I'm so sorry that I keep making you angry
21.What is your favorite song from Hello!Project ?
――I like ℃-ute-san's Midnight Temptation. I like the sound behind the song or more like the part where even without vocals it still sounds cool, it's great for karaokes.
22.Please sing the song from question 21
23.What is your favorite beverage?
24.Is there anything you can't stand to eat ?
25.What is your favorite type of clothes?
――Something airy/fluffy ... like Mori-girl maybe
26.What is your favorite work (movie/novel/manga) ?
――Charlie and the Chocolate factory
27.Tell us something that you're not good at
――I have a hard time memorizing my positions on stage during performances
28.How about something that you're good at?
29.Tell us something you'd like to challenge someday
――I want to be able to jump into my senpais conversations from my own initiative.
30.What would you like to be if you were born again?
――I want to be my parents child again (?)not sure about this(?)
 31.Is there a hairstyle you'd like to try next?
――Umm, I want to try a short cut like Kudou-san's
32.Aside from Morning Musume, is there an occupation you'd like to try?
――Hotel Manager. At school we had a lottery where we can choose an occupation we'd like to experience and I wanted to try being a hotel manager but I lost the lottery
33.Tell us three things you'd like to try at least once in your lifetime
――I want to try using a very thick makeup, I want to walk in the sky and then I want to do as I please in a concert without worrying about staff-sans
34.Where is the place you'd like to go to the most right now?
――Home. I want to go back to my house and see my cats
35.If you can have one of your wish granted, what would you wish for?
――I want to become someone who doesn't need to have any of her wish granted
36.If you were going to an amusement park, where would you play first?
――I'd go to the closest place and ride whatever is in it
38.Tell us something that made you cry recently (from a painful /mortifying experience)
――When I was given a solo part in the medley, Sato-san looks so frustrated that somehow I felt bad too
39.Tell us something happy that happened recently
――I talked a lot with Tsugunaga-san. She's just like how she looks in tv, and then she told me "From now on instead of calling me Tsugunaga-san, call me Momochi senpai ok?". What was it... somehow it felt like we signed a contract so now I call her Momochi senpai.
40. How do you relieve your stress?
――By crying
wtf the second part got eaten somehow when i tried to preview it and suddenly needed to log in again zzZZ oh well :(
posting half done now before it got eaten again i'll post the rest later tonight, maybe .... .... it's mostly about the song and i don't really understand technical descriptions so lol
if someone more fluent would like to take over please by all means  :notworthy:

cmiiw as always :)

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Re: The Hello! Project Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #953 on: January 23, 2013, 01:10:09 AM »
Nice tribute to the 9th:

{embedding disable by request, please watch on YouTube}

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Re: The Hello! Project Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #954 on: January 29, 2013, 04:39:46 AM »
Quote from: randompasserby
Morning Musume。Michishige Sayumi ■  『Konya mo ☆ Usachan Peace』#326

-Aneshige recent obsession with chocolate is rubbing off on Sayu too lately

-A letter from listener asked how long does it take to learn Help Me!'s choreography?
Sayu said before the first lesson actually takes place the dance instructors gives each of them a video of how the choreography would look like as performed by the teachers. Apparently Sayu can't really remember any of it just by looking though, she has to try practicing in front of a mirror and along with the other members to make sure she's doing the moves and formation right. It took about three days until Tsunku is satisfied with how it looks and stop making changes, but just learning the basics can be done in a day. Sayu said Reina learned the choreography the fastest among them, and then jokingly said that she was born for Morning Musume and if she wasn't she'll probably be running around causing troubles in Fukuoka :lol:

-Another letter asked if she had visited a shrine for the first time this year and does she believe in fortune-telling and power spot gossips in shrines?
She hasn't made her first shrine visit this year yet. She also doesn't really believe in fortune telling like what her lucky color is for today etc but she enjoyed reading it with normally like other people. Her power spot is her house and her family.

- Sayu's responses to a new corner where fans send in comedic sketches of Morning Musume's members according to their characters
---Ayumin always slipping and met with a cold reaction during live MCs/talks + her expression afterwards like she's pleading for help
>>> "You can always tell when Ishida's going to say something cold, it's written all over her face (lol). It kinda makes you want to tease her more"
---Eripon saying her goal in 2013 is to become Gakisan's manager
>>> "By all means, go ahead (lol). It was cute when she keeps obsessing over Gakisan when Gakisan is still in the group, but now that she's graduated she seems a bit lonely so to keep it interesting I started teasing her about it and now I just can't stop (lol)"
---Rihoriho stumbling even though there's nothing in her way and grabbed hold of Sayu, and Sayu grinning happily
>>> "What is this Manga-like situation? But it really sounds like something Rihoriho would do.. no, wait it's more like the possibility of tripping herself over nothing is her constant condition (lol). By the way it doesn't have to be Rihoriho and this exact situation you know.. I'll always be happy whenever my cute kouhais comes up to me and start hugging me for no reason like "Michishige-san!~ *glomp*"
---Fukumura Mizuki Ojousama having a red carpet from the entrance of her house to the gateway
 >>> "Since when does Fukuchan's rich girl image gets so huge (lol) ? Admittedly when I first heard about her grandfather having a private train, I thought to myself too "whoa how rich is this girl?!". She really does have that rich girl aura though ... like an Ojousama, she's also fair complexioned, gentle, calm and I can just imagine her laughing "Ohohoho" cutely (lol). There are lots of type out there like binbo-chara the ones you can tease easily etc but Ojousama-chara is really great isn't it? Like an unattainable flower or something, I'm actually a bit jealous (giggle)."
---Harunan striking a Jojo pose during Love Machine all by herself
 >>> "That girl is really amusing (lol) If it's Harunan maybe she'll actually do it someday too"
---Sakura getting too good at monomane, she forgot her own voice during recording
 >>> "Uaahh...This might actually happen. She's seriously really good at imitating other people voices. In a recent concert when performing Koko ni Iruzee she was in charge of some of Aichan and Gakisan's lines, I almost thought they were back on stage with us. Conversely Reina can also do a Oda-chan monomane, in Help Me there's a solo part for Oda-chan right? Reina can imitate that line so good it sound more like Oda-chan than the real Oda-chan (lol) "

Fukuhime~  :love:
I've always thought of Sayu as a Ojousama/Ohimesama type character too, though her story starts off a bit rougher than Fukuhime's in my mind :lol: [size=25] she's like the timid, youngest and the unfavorite daughter from a minor noble house rising to be the High Queen cough*cinderella*cough lol[/size]
« Last Edit: January 29, 2013, 09:50:55 AM by Chibs »

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Re: The Hello! Project Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #955 on: January 29, 2013, 11:51:31 AM »

now I admit I am a bit under the influence...but am I seeing this correctly?

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Re: The Hello! Project Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #956 on: January 30, 2013, 11:18:00 AM »
Hello! Project Station & Up Front Station are up and running.
Weekly shows will start February 5 & 1 respectively.

More info:
« Last Edit: January 30, 2013, 11:28:34 AM by TommyVD »

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Re: The Hello! Project Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #957 on: January 30, 2013, 02:46:21 PM »

now I admit I am a bit under the influence...but am I seeing this correctly?
DUDE At first I thought it was Eripon and went like O________________________O

It's Chisato? Hellz yeah moar blondes 8)
LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

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Re: The Hello! Project Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #958 on: February 01, 2013, 04:18:21 PM »
takes a little while but interesting to see most  of the girls gathered:

« Last Edit: February 01, 2013, 04:24:32 PM by muppet »

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Re: The Hello! Project Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #959 on: February 01, 2013, 05:57:42 PM »
Maimi looks almost Yurina's height? :?

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