'Sup guys, let me tell you a story about the best idol event I've ever gone to.
2012.01.09 - ChocoLe release event @ Akihabara, Sofmap #1To start it off, this was an event for people that bought their debut single. When purchasing it from the stores eligible, you also got a lottery ticket per copy. The numbers were announced a few days before the actual event on the homepage and all you had to do was bring your ticket on the day of the event, i.e if you had the right number.
Two of my tickets were among the correct numbers so I headed to Akihabara this morning to exchange them for a real entry ticket -- got B-11, which was a pretty decent seat in the middle. The event was held at the top of the Sofmap building which was a surprise since earlier events were on the 7th floor which has a capacity of barely 80 people. lol. There were probably around 120+ today. The event space at the top of Sofmap also has an actual stage.
Around 15 minutes before the event started the staff were handing out a piece of paper which had O/X on respective sides, and this was apparently for a "true" and "false" game later in the event.
-- Live performance and talk sessionAnyways, the event started 10 minutes late with a live performance of "Milk to Chocolate". Ramu-tan forgot her chocolate heart stick sometime during the middle due to holding the umbrella which was pretty cute.
Like the pro she is, she didn't react and just picked it up again when she had the chance. Like a boss.
After the performance we had the not-so-popular MC come out and ask them questions as usual. Just see this as an appetizer since the fun part was after this. lol
-- King of ChocoLe battle!Now came the time to utilize our O/X boards. Three ChocoLe members, 120+ hungry men, a single piece of paper as weapon of choice, FINAL DESTINATION.
(seriously, there were no girls for some reason)The girls were asking questions one at a time and you had to answer whether it was a true or false statement. If my memory serves me well, the statements that I remember, in no particular order:
"The member with the longest hair of ChocoLe is Ramu" O
"All 3 of us have pink as our favorite color" O
"All 3 of us have pink mobile phones" O
(here's where my and more than half of the fans journey' to King ChocoLe ended. lol)"ChocoLe was originally supposed to have 5 members" X
"STAR WISH was originally the a-side, and not Milk to Chocolate" X
"A song called Exciting Summer was supposed to be our debut single" O
(I'm pretty sure it wasn't called Exciting Summer, but something along the lines...)
"The group name was originally "Ai-ash?" and not ChocoLe" X
(no clue about the spelling of this)Final statement: "ChocoLe are all good friends" O
(two guys were left, the other one picked X for lulz. haha)Some thin guy in his late 30's/early 40's took it home and received his trophy and banner on stage, and then he got to take a picture with the members. I'm pretty sure all of us were thinking the same thoughts during that moment.
The staff told him he had to come to the next future event as the defending champion. lol
-- Janken, Black Jack and Charades!I mentioned I got B-11 earlier, and to explain this further we were split into 3 different colors: pink (A), green (B) and orange (C). Each of the members were going to act as leaders for each group, and after a quick drawing: Kurumi (A), Ramu (B), Kaede (C). The winning team of each game would get 1 point, so if you won two games every member of that team would get a limited ChocoLe picture. So, off to the first game - janken, aka rock-paper-scissors!
Participants were hand-picked by the leaders themselves in different ways. lol. As janken was a 5-member (including the leader) survival game they had to choose 4 persons.
Kaede: "Who wants to participate in janken?"
- (Orange team raises their hands)
Kaede: "OK, you 4 over there were quick so I pick you guys!"
- "There's 5 of us..."
(one dude was nice enough to back out. lol)Ramu-tan was handpicking from the rear row and Kurumi like always didn't know how and who to pick. Kaede who had her team went over to help her, and in the end the pink team had to janken their way to 4 members in a mini tournament.
There's no use putting the janken tournament itself in words, so I'll just sum it up: the final battle consisted of Kurumi (pink) and Ramu (green). Kaede lost after her plan of "I'm going scissors" backfired. The fans had no mercy at all.
In the end Ramu-tan (green) won! So +1 point for our team!
Next game - black jack! They arranged it so that the number on your ticket, either the whole number, or just one of the numbers acted as cards. So, no.12 would be either 12, or 1, or 2. The leaders had to pick two persons from their teams in hope to get as close to 21 as possible. Kaede (orange) picked her cards based on looks, so a guy with orange glasses got to go up on stage. Anyway, orange team got 6 in the end. lol. Kurumi (who did a mini janken tournament again...) got 10 or something. lol. Ramu-tan who picked from the rear row again got 20.
0-2-0 for team green!
We'd already won, but Japan has an unspoken rule that the last game always gets you more point than the leading team, so the last game of charades would award you 3 points...
Who cares about the points, we were about to do CHARADES!
Each team would consist of the leader, an assistant, and someone on the guessing side. I actually don't remember how Kaede picked this time, but Ramu-tan was handpicking among those who wanted to participate as usual... and suddenly she got up to me and I got to represent team green.
The remaining spot was the blond guy sitting in front of me. We decided that I'd assist Ramu and blondie would answer. Ramu also decided we'd go first since the first group usually gets an easy one... lol
Green - Tamagawa Ramu, Ayabie, Blondie.
Subject: ドラえもんの四次元ポケットから出てきたEXILE (EXILE appearing out of Doraemon's 4th dimensional pocket)
I put on my game face when we got our subject and was like "We've got this", and told her our plan. She opened her 4th dimensional pocket and I did the CHOO CHOO TRAIN dance.
Blondie got EXILE correct, but had problems with what actually happens before that. We went on without much change in our plan for like 30 seconds, until I got an idea and told her to do たけコプター (what's this in English anyway?) and Blondie finally caught on and we finished at around 1 minute or something. lol
Pink - Takahashi Kurumi, Guy 1, Guy 2
Subject: マルマルもりもりを踊ってるたのしんご (Tanoshingo doing the Maru Maru Mori Mori dance)
it's a popular dance from the drama Marumo no Okite, that Tonooka also was in btw.The moment the subject was out team green and leader Ramu was like "That's so easy!". Pink got it in 18 seconds, our 2 point lead was now history. lol
Orange - Hashimoto Kaede, Lucky Guy, Guy 3
Subject: オリエンタルラジオの藤森にナンパされるKARA (KARA getting hit on by Fujimori of Oriental Radio)
OriRadi is a comedic duo, and Fujimori in particular kind of had a popular year acting as a playboy.This was too hard so everyone agreed on at least letting Guy 3 know who Lucky Guy was supposed to be in advance. lol. I call him Lucky Guy because he got to "hit on" Kaede while she was pulling KARA moves. Dat hip dance, I'd pay to see that again.
Anyway, they finished it in 20 seconds unfortunately so the final standing was
Pink won!
So, to end the event ChocoLe got to say their thanks and left the stage while the staff gave out pictures to the winning team and prepared for the handshake event. I only had two tickets so I took it easy, and when my turned ended the rest of the people and I had to watch the last 3 guys looping like 7 times. Rich bastards. I'm not going to write down what I said to them, but let me just say, Ramu-tan is a fucking beast. I have a hard time believing she's actually an amateur idol.
Well, there's no tl;dr for this, but this concludes my report for the best idol event I've ever gone to.