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Author Topic: (Kojiyuu) Where The Heart Is - COMPLETED  (Read 26556 times)

Offline Haruko

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Re: (Kojiyuu) Where The Heart Is - Day 08 (Updated December 21)
« Reply #40 on: December 21, 2011, 06:01:17 AM »
jajajaj poor yukirin now maritroll is in the game teaser...

aww haruna make you girlfriend relax a litlle.. you know how.....

atsuminaaaaaaaaa :D ok im waiting :D

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Re: (Kojiyuu) Where The Heart Is - Day 08 (Updated December 21)
« Reply #41 on: December 21, 2011, 08:54:42 AM »
Go Yuki go!!! Confess to Mayuyu!!!

Offline haruhi16

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Re: (Kojiyuu) Where The Heart Is - Day 08 (Updated December 21)
« Reply #42 on: December 21, 2011, 10:17:28 AM »
Yuki need to confess her feelings now to Mayuyu!! GO YUKI!!

Awww Yuko is indeed an amazing person. After all what Jiji and Yuki said about Yuko to Haruna, i can feel that Haruna wants to take care of her squirrel after spending so much time to her work and taking care of her Jiji. Awwww <333

Thanks for the update!!

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Re: (Kojiyuu) Where The Heart Is - Day 08 (Updated December 21)
« Reply #43 on: December 21, 2011, 03:10:49 PM »
I think I'm falling in love with this story's version of Yuko. :oops: The always responsible yet cheerful woman. :)
Can I have her as my future waifu? <hoping> But I guess not... she's Haruna's already. XD
You're really a lucky person, Haruna. You mustn't let her go.. never!

Btw, ganbare yo Yuki! Have more confidence!! Mayu's waiting for you. ;)
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Re: (Kojiyuu) Where The Heart Is - Day 08 (Updated December 21)
« Reply #44 on: December 21, 2011, 03:57:16 PM »
Finally has the time to leave comment.

Really love the story more and more.  :wub:
Love Yuko more and more too, the responsible and the thoughtful one. :inlove:

Yuki must confess fast, reveal your real feeling.

Offline kaoru-chan

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Day 09: December 22
« Reply #45 on: December 22, 2011, 04:40:03 AM »
I'm in a hurry to post this, so I probably will have to add the thank yous later!

Only 3 more parts after this...

Day 09: December 22nd

Utsunomiya, Tochigi

Haruna flipped her cell phone closed and placed it on the bed. She looked at the papers that were scattered all over her hotel bed and sighed.

She never thought that there was so much to do. She had talked to Tachibana-san earlier about the arrangements for her departure, and then she had called her landlord about terminating the lease on her apartment. And she had just now finished arranging the details for her move with a moving company.

She looked at her notebook and crossed off the item that read, "Movers".

She knew that Yuko was not happy about her staying at a hotel instead of Yuko’s house, but there were so many things that Haruna needed to take care of without Yuko being around.

Haruna looked at the time on the front of her cell phone and realized that it was almost time for her to meet Yuko. She quickly gathered the documents and placed them neatly in a pile on the desk.

Haruna had convinced Yuko to take a break from the supermarket and go on a date with her. Since Yuko could not go out in the evening because to her grandfather, the two of them decided to go on a shopping date in the afternoon instead.

Haruna went to the bathroom to freshen up before quickly leaving her hotel room. Thirty minutes later, she arrived at the shopping mall. She walked to the meeting spot to find Yuko sitting on a bench by herself. The younger woman was crying and was using her hand to wipe away her tears. Upon seeing this, Haruna quickly walked over and sat down next to Yuko.

"Yuu-chan, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Nyan Nyan!" Yuko threw her arms around Haruna and hugged the taller woman tightly.

"Yuu-chan?" Haruna started to rub Yuko's back, trying to comfort her girlfriend.

"They were so mean to me!"

"Who?" Haruna asked in confusion.

"Those boys over there! They were teasing me with their balloons."

Haruna looked over to the corner to see two boys running away with balloons in their hands. Haruna looked back at Yuko who was still pouting and smiled. "You are not afraid of heights. You are not afraid of insects. Yet you are petrified about balloons."

"But balloons are dangerous! They can pop any time!"

Haruna gently wiped away the tears from Yuko's face with her finger. "Okay, you are right. They are dangerous."

"I'm having a bad day so far! First, my coffee maker wouldn't work, and now those boys were teasing me with their balloons!"

"You really cannot function without your daily coffee." Haruna shook her head in amusement. "Okay, there is a cafe over there. How about I buy you a cup of coffee?"

"Nyan Nyan is the best!"

"C'mon, you big baby!"

The two of them got up from the bench and walked over to the cafe. A few minutes later, Haruna walked out of the shop with a happy and satisfied Yuko.

"This coffee is so good!" Yuko drank another sip of her coffee. "Want to try, Nyan Nyan?"

Haruna shook her head. "I'm good, Yuu-chan."

The two of them walked around the crowded mall, taking in the festive mood.

"So, what did you get me for Christmas?" Yuko asked.

"I'm not going to tell you."

"Nyan Nyan..."

"Yuu-chan..." Haruna copied Yuko's tone of voice.

"Fine, be that way!" Yuko answered with a pout.

"You will find out soon enough anyway." Haruna looked at the Christmas decorations around them and sighed softly. "It's almost Christmas."

"I can't wait to find out what you have gotten me! But I know that I will love it anyway."

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because it's from you! I love anything from Nyan Nyan!"

Haruna smiled weakly as she remembered the news she still had to deliver to Yuko.

"C'mon, Nyan Nyan, let's go look at the dogs!"

Yuko took Haruna's hand and started to pull her towards the pet store.

Haruna decided to just enjoy the time she got to spend with Yuko now, and worry about the other things later.

It's been awhile since they had been out like this, so she was going to treasure it.

Day 09 End

Offline Haruko

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Re: (Kojiyuu) Where The Heart Is - Day 09 (Updated December 22)
« Reply #46 on: December 22, 2011, 05:18:14 AM »
now im worried for yuko T_T what haruna is planning?

Offline haruhi16

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Re: (Kojiyuu) Where The Heart Is - Day 09 (Updated December 22)
« Reply #47 on: December 22, 2011, 05:45:01 AM »

Offline luckymmsg

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Re: (Kojiyuu) Where The Heart Is - Day 09 (Updated December 22)
« Reply #48 on: December 22, 2011, 09:46:02 AM »
"I'm having a bad day so far! First, my coffee maker wouldn't work,
This make me think that Haruna had bought the coffee maker for Yuko. (Am I imagining something? :? )
It's been awhile since they had been out like this, so she was going to treasure it.
But this line make me think oherwise.
Oh Kaoru-chan, you sure is a great writer that make me longing to read the story. :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline kahem

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Re: (Kojiyuu) Where The Heart Is - Day 09 (Updated December 22)
« Reply #49 on: December 22, 2011, 12:23:43 PM »
Poor squirrel T_T
Kojiharu don't leave her or take her with you

Offline kaoru-chan

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Day 10: December 23
« Reply #50 on: December 23, 2011, 04:32:50 AM »
@Haruko: You will find out soon enough!  :)
@haruhi16: What is Haruna going to do?  :roll:
@luckymmsg: Thank you so much for the kind words!  :wub:
@kahem: Well, Yuko can't leave because of her grandfather...  :(

Day 10: December 23rd

Utsunomiya, Tochigi

"Takamina, can you please pass me the markers?" Yuko asked as she pointed to the set of markers that were sitting on her desk.

Minami picked up the markers and passed it to Yuko. "Here you go."

"Thanks. I'm sorry that you have to help me with this on your vacation."

"It's not a problem. It's quite enjoyable actually." Minami paused then added. "And I need a break from all the sightseeing Mii-chan is making me do."

Yuko laughed. Yuko was working on the preparations for the children's fair that the supermarket was sponsoring. Mii-chan and Minami had stopped by the supermarket and they decided to help out for a little bit before they headed off on more sightseeing. Haruna and Mii-chan were at the local print shop making more flyers for the event while Yuko and Minami worked on the posters in the office.

"It's very nice of you to help out with the Children’s Fair. Not only do you sponsor the event, but you also help out with the organization, too!"

"The community centre does a lot of work for the children in the neighbourhood. The kids are very cute and I enjoy spending time with them. Besides, it's also like promotion for the supermarket too."

"Do Yuki-san and Atsuko-san help out at the community centre too?" Minami asked.

Yuko nodded. "Yukirin and I usually help out with the community events. Acchan actually volunteers at the centre. Once a week, she would teach the children how to bake."

"That's wonderful of Atsuko-san. I wish I could have the time to do some volunteering work."

"I guess it's hard when you have a demanding job."

"Maybe that's life in Tokyo!"

"And you guys must be really busy. I wanted Nyan Nyan to stay longer, but she said she has to go back to Tokyo right after Christmas."

"Actually, we are not that busy right now because of the holidays. We do have some interviews scheduled after Christmas, but not that many. I guess Paru just has a lot of arrangements to look after since she will be going to London soon..."

"What?" Yuko asked, surprised by the news.

"Ahh..." Minami put her hand to her mouth when she realized that she had just told Yuko something she shouldn't have.

"What do you mean Haruna will be going to London?"

"Ah... That... Um..."

"Just tell me!"

"Paru has been promoted and she will be transferring to the office in London."

"Nyan Nyan is leaving..." Yuko sat in her chair, shocked.

Minami looked at Yuko in worry. The other woman was staring at the ground with an empty expression.

Just then, Haruna and Mii-chan walked into the office. They put down the flyers that they were carrying onto Yuko's desk and Mii-chan turned to Minami.

"Takamina, are you ready to go?"

"I... Ah..." Minami answered as she looked at Yuko.

"C'mon, I don't want to waste more time! We still have more gyoza shops to try!"

Mii-chan was a big fan of gyoza, so she instantly fell in love with Utsunomiya, which was famous for gyoza. She and Minami had gone to a few gyoza shops the last two days but they planned to visit more shops today.


Mii-chan pulled Minami up from her chair and turned to Haruna. "I know you will probably be eating dinner with Yuko tonight anyway, but don't wait for us!"

Haruna shook her head in amusement at Mii-chan's eagerness. "Okay."

"Well, we’ll see the two of you later!" Mii-chan pushed Minami out of the office.

Haruna watched them leave, then turned to look at Yuko. She noticed that the smaller woman was very quiet and was just looking blankly at the ground.

"Yuu-chan..." Haruna walked closer to Yuko and placed her hand on Yuko's forehead. "Are you not feeling well? You look pale."

"Nyan Nyan, I..." Yuko looked up at Haruna.

"What's wrong?"

Yuko shook her head as tears started to run down her face. Haruna noticed that Yuko’s hands were shaking.

"Yuu-chan, you are scaring me." Haruna's heart raced as she tried to think of what to do. "Umm, let me take you home. I think you need to rest."

"No!" Yuko suddenly broke out of her trance. "No, I don't want Jiji to know that I'm not feeling well. He will worry."

"How about going to my hotel room? You can rest for awhile there."

Yuko looked up at Haruna silently for a moment before nodding.

Haruna guided Yuko from the chair and helped her put on her jacket. After telling Yuki what was happening, the two of them left the supermarket. Once they were outside, Haruna quickly hailed a taxi and they arrived at the hotel 15 minutes later. Haruna led Yuko to her room and helped her removed her jacket. She guided Yuko onto the bed and placed the blanket over her.

Haruna gently brushed Yuko's hair. "Get some rest, okay? You will feel better afterwards."

Just as she was about to walk away, Yuko grabbed her hand and held on to her.

"Stay with me?" Yuko whispered softly.

Haruna nodded and sat on the edge of the bed. "I will stay right here."

"Don't leave me?"

Haruna shook her head. "I won't leave. Just rest, okay?"

Yuko nodded and closed her eyes. Haruna leaned back against the bed and continued to hold Yuko's hand. She watched as Yuko's breath evened out as she fell asleep.

"I'm here, Yuu-chan. I'm always here, even if we are apart, I'm always by your side." Haruna leaned down and gently placed a soft kiss on Yuko's forehead. "No matter what happens, my heart is always with you."

Day 10 End

Note: Someone's in trouble...  :P

Offline Haruko

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Re: (Kojiyuu) Where The Heart Is - Day 10 (Updated December 23)
« Reply #51 on: December 23, 2011, 04:59:45 AM »
aww takabaka  you arruined all!!!

poor yuko now how she gonna act maybe that nothing happen,  its just a suggest...

aww Im waiting for atsumina moment jajaja

Offline haruhi16

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Re: (Kojiyuu) Where The Heart Is - Day 10 (Updated December 23)
« Reply #52 on: December 23, 2011, 07:09:14 AM »
Waaah! Takabaka you fail!!! Now i'm worried how Yuko will take this , it sounds really sad that my heart is really aching for this story..please don't break my heart Kaoru-chan! Nyan nyan you should prove that you love her!! don't leave her! Fuck that promotion thing and be with her forever!!! WAAAAHHH ;_______;

Offline kahem

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Re: (Kojiyuu) Where The Heart Is - Day 10 (Updated December 23)
« Reply #53 on: December 23, 2011, 08:44:28 AM »
Oh beng! Takamina said it. Well, someone has to do it anyway ^^

Offline luckymmsg

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Re: (Kojiyuu) Where The Heart Is - Day 10 (Updated December 23)
« Reply #54 on: December 23, 2011, 10:24:33 AM »
Oh Bakamina had spilt out.  :x
How Yuko's going to react to that? :cry: :(
This is just so sad. :cry: :cry:

"I'm here, Yuu-chan. I'm always here, even if we are apart, I'm always by your side." Haruna leaned down and gently placed a soft kiss on Yuko's forehead. "No matter what happens, my heart is always with you.[/size]
This line just make me feel like crying. :ptam-cry: :k-sad:
Kaoru-chan, you had once again hurt my heart. :pleeease:

Offline kaoru-chan

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Day 11: December 24
« Reply #55 on: December 24, 2011, 03:39:19 AM »
@Haruko: Please go easy on Takamina, she's just being Takamina...  :lol:
@haruhi16: You will find very soon!  :)
@kahem: How true...  XD
@luckymmsg: I'm sorry for the sad update...  :cry:

Day 11: December 24th

Utsunomiya, Tochigi


Yuko lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

She had spent the afternoon in Haruna's hotel room yesterday before the older woman took her home. Haruna had stayed at her home last night to keep an eye on Yuko.

Haruna had also made Yuko stay home from work today and she had promised Yuko that she would stay with her. So, Yuko ended up staying in bed all day, while Haruna took care of her. The older woman had cooked for her and kept her company so she would not feel bored.

Even though she was ecstatic to have Haruna around, she could not get over the shocking piece of news she had received from Minami yesterday.

Haruna was leaving Japan for England.

They could barely see each other now and there was only a 2-hour difference between Tokyo and Utsunomiya. How were they going to maintain their relationship when Haruna goes to London?

Maybe Minami misunderstood the situation and Haruna was not leaving at all.

Yuko was sure that Haruna would tell her the news if it was true. Haruna wouldn't lie to her and she wouldn’t keep such important news from her.

Yuko felt a little relieved at that thought. She looked at the clock on her bedside table and decided to go to the kitchen to check on Haruna.

She walked down the hallway and into the kitchen. Haruna was hunched over the stove, busy stirring something in a pot.

“Nyan Nyan.”

Haruna looked up and frowned at Yuko. “Yuu-chan, what are you doing up? You are supposed to stay in bed today!”

“I have been sleeping all day already and I’m feeling better!”

“Are you sure?”

Yuko nodded. “And I want to have a sit down dinner with Nyan Nyan in the kitchen instead of in my bedroom.”

“Hmm, okay, but only if you are feeling better!”

“I’m fine really.”

“Okay then, just have a seat at the table. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes.”

Yuko sat down at the table and looked at Haruna. “I’m really sorry, Nyan Nyan. You are on vacation and yet you still have to take care of me.”

Haruna shook her head as she placed the food in front of Yuko. “I don’t mind. I love to take care of Yuu-chan.”

“Nyan Nyan…”

“C’mon, the food is ready.” Haruna said as she sat down across from Yuko. “Let’s eat!”


Yuko took a bite of her food and she let out a satisfied sigh. “This is delicious!”

“You like it?”

Yuko nodded. “Nyan Nyan’s cooking was good before, but it’s even better now!”

Haruna laughed softly at Yuko’s compliment. “I guess I have lots of practice since I live by myself in Tokyo.”

“I love it!”

“Well, then you should eat more because it will make you feel better.”

Yuko nodded as the two of them started to eat their dinner.

After dinner, the two of them decided to watch a movie. Haruna wrapped her arms around Yuko’s body and pulled the younger girl closer to her. Yuko sighed softly in content. She pushed all of the previous thoughts of Haruna leaving out of her mind and enjoyed the feeling of being in her girlfriend’s warm embrace.

After the movie was over, Yuko went to her grandfather’s room to check on him while Haruna cleaned up. She had a nice talk with her grandfather and after saying good night to her grandfather, she left the room.

Yuko had just closed the door on her grandfather’s room when she heard Haruna’s cell phone rang. She walked towards the sound and heard Haruna talking on the phone.

"Moshi moshi… Ah, Kanazawa-san… It’s Christmas Eve; you are still working this late… Thank you so much for looking after the details for my move… Yes... I don't know how many boxes I will need yet... Will you be bringing the boxes to me... Okay, thank you very much... I will contact you again once I know how many boxes I will need, and then we will set a date for the truck to come and move the boxes… Thank you very much again… Merry Christmas…"

Yuko closed her eyes as she a felt stabbing pain in her heart. So, it was true. Haruna was really going to leave. She covered her mouth with her hand as a sob threatened to escape.

She could not let Haruna see her like this, so she quietly walked away from the room. She rushed down the hallway and went into an empty guest room. She went into the corner and wrapped her arms around herself.

Haruna was going to leave and she didn’t tell Yuko. Maybe because Haruna was going to break up with her and that was why she did not tell Yuko anything.

She could not control her tears as she thought about losing Haruna. The older woman had meant so much to her since their meeting a few years ago and the thought of living without Haruna tore her up inside.

She put her head on her knees and wrapped her arms tighter around herself.

Yuko did not how long she had stayed in the darkness, but suddenly, she heard the door opened.

“Yuu-chan?” Haruna walked into the room and turned on the lights. Haruna looked at Yuko in concern. The younger woman was sitting in the corner with her hands wrapped tightly around her knees and tears running down her face.

It pained Haruna to see Yuko like this. "Yuu-chan, what's wrong? Are you not feeling well again?"

She kneeled in front of Yuko and gently wiped the tears away from Yuko’s cheek. “I’m here, Yuu-chan. Tell me what’s wrong?”

Yuko looked into Haruna’s eyes and whispered hoarsely. "Nyan Nyan, don't break up with me..."

"What?" Haruna looked surprised as she stared at Yuko.

Just then, the clock turned midnight.

It was finally Christmas day.

Day 11 End

Note: Only 1 more part to go... Happy Christmas Eve!  :)

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Re: (Kojiyuu) Where The Heart Is - Day 11 (Updated December 24)
« Reply #56 on: December 24, 2011, 04:13:42 AM »
I'm really hoping Haruna is planning to move to Utsunomiya instead of London :) Plus can we expect something of Mayuki & Atsumina?

I really like how you took the time to develop the story & main characters as well the pace you are going, rather than simply taking the 'template' personality of the girls that most of the stories here seem to adopt. It has been an enjoyable read though it's reaching its end soon :(

Offline haruhi16

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Re: (Kojiyuu) Where The Heart Is - Day 11 (Updated December 24)
« Reply #57 on: December 24, 2011, 04:46:34 AM »
Oh nooooo~  :cry: HARUNA WHY ARE YOU MAKING YOUR GF SAD!!  :cry: :cry: Stop it please ;_________;

Oh it's christmas day already, and this story is gonna end soon  :( i hope you'll extend this story until new year! please  :bow:

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Re: (Kojiyuu) Where The Heart Is - Day 11 (Updated December 24)
« Reply #58 on: December 24, 2011, 05:15:41 AM »
Oh Kaoru-chan, this is sad once again.
But in some parts of my thoughts, Haruna is moving back to Yuko instead of London. (imaging)
As Bakamina had not heard the whole thing.

Haruna, please don't make it a bad Christmas for Yuko. ;_;

Offline Haruko

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Re: (Kojiyuu) Where The Heart Is - Day 11 (Updated December 24)
« Reply #59 on: December 24, 2011, 06:11:28 AM »
oww sad chapter again T_T...

yeah haruno move with yuko and be a happy family!

im waiting for atsuminaa :D jajja ok Im teasing you :D

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