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Author Topic: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Query48 Alpha Build 6.3 Released (pg. 5)]  (Read 68781 times)

Offline Melchizadek

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.1 Released]
« Reply #20 on: March 25, 2012, 09:02:58 PM »
Here's Romajifier 2.1 with Revision #12 of the KeyFile: (339.04 KB)

Version 2.1 of the Program:

ADDED: The Parser will now recognize Kanji names with spaces. This solves the first of the known issues that I listed at the release of 2.0

ADDED: Support for Girls to be in multiple Groups/Teams. (Uses the Separator for Multiple Nicknames).

So, on my setup, Milky's ToolTip looks like this:

Revision #12 of the KeyFile:

Five Kenkyuusei promoted to Team 4. Congratulations, girls.

Matsui Jurina & Watanabe Miyuki edited to reflect "Rental Transfer".

Also, I have five external tools that are pretty much ready to go. The plan is to have a separate post for each of the tools, starting tomorrow or possibly late tonight when I get home from work. This is so I can explain each of the tools without having to write one really, really, long post.

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.1 Released]
« Reply #21 on: March 27, 2012, 12:26:22 AM »
Here is the StringSwitch Import Export Tool: (344.21 KB)

This tool is useful if you have a lot of StringSwitch Strings that you want to backup, or possibly transfer to another computer. It's also useful if users want to share StringSwitch Strings with each other.

Just put the StringSwitch Import Export Tool.exe in the Tools subfolder of Romajifier48. When you run it you will get this message:

Just press yes. Romajifier48 will restart, and the traymenu will have changed from this:

  To this: 

You get two tools in one! This, however, still only counts as one of the five tools I mentioned in the previous post.

When you click on StringSwitch Export Tool, you get a list of all active and inactive Strings:

(Click to enlarge)

You can double click on any String name to see what it looks like in action:

Just choose which strings you wish to export (you can SHIFT+Click or CTRL+Click to choose multiple strings) and press the Export button. You'll get a save file dialogue. The extension for the saved file is .sse (StringSwitch Export file).

Then, after you choose a file to save it to, you'll get a message telling you it's done, and you can close the tool.

When you run the StringSwitch Import Tool, the first thing you get is an Open File dialogue. You choose which .sse file you want to open, and then get a list of Strings in the file:

(Click to enlarge)

Just like the Export Tool, you can double click to see a String in action, and can choose multiple strings at once. Here, though, you have the choice to import strings as either active or inactive.

If you already have a String with the same name, you'll see this:

The Old String and New String buttons will show you the ToolTip of each String.

You have a choice to Replace the old string entirely with the new one, Rename the new string and keep both, or Ignore the new string and keep the old one.

Once the tool is done importing, it will give you a message letting you know; and you can close the tool.

And that, I believe, is everything a user needs to know to use the tool. It's certainly not my favorite of the five tools, but it does give the user the option to add some useful functionality to the main program.

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.1 Released]
« Reply #22 on: March 27, 2012, 06:05:08 AM »
Next up is the LookUp Tool: (366.96 KB)

Like the previous tool, when you put the LookUp Tool.exe file in your Tools subfolder and run it, you'll get a message:

And a new entry in the tray menu:

Unlike the previous tool, however, you don't actually have to be using Romajifier48 to use the LookUp Tool; but using them together does unlock a lot of the LookUp Tool's potential. The LookUp Tool does require you to have at least revision #12 of the Girls.48 KeyFile (and will complain if it doesn't find it).

If anyone wants to use the LookUp Tool without Romajifier48, they can grab the KeyFile by itself here, and put it in the same folder as the LookUp Tool.

So first, I'll discuss what can be done with the LookUp Tool even without Romajifier48.

When the tool loads, you'll see this screen:

(Click to enlarge)

From here you can use the tool to look up girls in the KeyFile using various criteria. If you click on LookUp right away, you'll get a list of all current members.

Say you have no idea who has the nickname "Tomochin". If you do a search for nickname Tomochin, you'll get this result:


Now you can copy her name to the clipboard, or save it in a text file if you'd like.

You can also use the tool to get a list of all the Harukas:


If you click on "Choose Groups and Teams to Include" this screen comes up:

(Click to enlarge)

Here you can narrow the search down to only certain Groups and/or Teams. If you choose a group but not a team, the search will include the entire group. You can use multi selection here to narrow the search down to, for example, Teams K, KII, and N. You can also choose a Group/Team, and no other criteria, to get a list of that Group's/Team's members.

Oh, and Jurina and Milky will show up under both of their Groups and Teams.

Now, for the added benefits when combined with Romajifier48.

If you run the LookUp Tool alongside Romjifier48, the screen will actually look like this:


Now, you can choose which string to show in the results. "Family Given (Reversed for JKT48)" is the string that is used if you don't have Romajifier48, but now you can choose the Default ToolTip String, the Parser String, or any Active or Inactive StringSwitch Strings. The results will also use all Romajifier48 string settings, such as the Nickname Separator, RS Team name, etc.

Inactive isn't a choice in the above screenshot, because there are no Inactive Strings currently. However, after importing the Strings from the included "LookUp Tool Examples.sse" file into Inactive Strings [Ha, didn't think the Import Export Tool was going to be used here, did you], you can get to this:


Now, a String that is only the Kanji would be pretty useless for Romajifier48, but if left as an Inactive String it can come in pretty handy in the LookUp Tool. You can, for example, look up the Kanji for Tomochin's name:

As you may have noticed from the Harukas example above, the result list is sorted in alphabetical order. This actually allows you to do custom sorting using Strings. For example, the "By Group" String will get the Harukas list to look like this:


And that is the LookUp Tool. Personally, I love this tool and have been using it more than the regular Romajifier48 functionality. Though, that's probably in large part due to its connections to the last two tools in this batch of five.

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.1 Released]
« Reply #23 on: March 27, 2012, 06:42:33 PM »
The third tool is actually Tools Setup: (421.09 KB)

If you've been following along with the tool introductions, You'll have a tray menu that looks like this:

So far, there's been no way to edit the tools menu. That's the gap this tool is meant to fill.

Just place the "Tools Setup.exe" and the Tools.ini files in your tools subdirectory. When you start up Tools Setup, you'll see this screen:


Here you can easily "install" and "uninstall" tools from the tray menu, as well as rearrange the order of the menu. I've made some changes here:


After clicking on save the following message comes up:

And after clicking yes, the tray menu for Romajifier48 now looks like this:

And that is all there is to Tools Setup. A bit anticlimactic after the introduction of the LookUp Tool, I'm sure. I thought about posting it first, but all it would have done at that point is add itself to the Romajifier48 tray menu. That would have been pretty useless. I'm introducing it now because the last two tools aren't actually run from the tray menu.

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.1 Released]
« Reply #24 on: March 28, 2012, 06:49:43 AM »
Now for the fourth tool, the Ranker: (318.43 KB)

About a month ago, I did a major ranking of the AKB48, SKE48, and NMB48 girls. This was, while rewarding, quite a bit of work. Not just deciding the order to put the girls in, but also typing in all the numbers.

While working on that ranking, I thought about the old AKBRanker that was once used a lot around here. I thought it would be nice if it had actually still been updated on a regular basis. Keeping an up to date list of the OOO48 girls for a ranker like that would mean rewriting the code pretty often though. I should know; as of this writing the first Girls.48 KeyFile was only released about two months ago and is already on revision #12, with a 13th coming in less than a week. Plus, if someone wanted to rank just a specific team or a list using some other criteria, then a database would have to be kept of that information as well. That would be a pretty daunting task to go through just for a ranker.

Wait a minute, I thought, I've got a file with all of that information - that I'm planning to keep up to date - right here. What's more, once I've finished the LookUp Tool (which I had already thought about, but not started coding, at the time), there will be a way to create lists of the girls based on all sorts of criteria. Wouldn't it be awesome to be able to rank any list created by the LookUp Tool and format it with numbers automatically?

Anyway, now that I've probably shared more than anyone really wanted to know about my thought process, I'll tell you about the program itself:

The Ranker itself is actually a full standalone program. If you run it; it will let you open a text file, rank the contents, and then prompt you to save the ranked list to a file. So it can actually be used to rank any list you want, not just OOO48 girls. However, since it was developed alongside the LookUp Tool, it's when you put the Ranker.exe in the tools directory that things get interesting.

Remember this list of Harukas?


Well, if the LookUp Tool "sees" the Ranker, the results screen will actually look like this:


Now there's a new "Rank List" button. Click it and the Ranker will start up, with the list fully loaded. Here's a screenshot from in the middle of ranking the Harukas:


Yes, the interface is almost an exact duplicate of the website version (minus the pictures). So, I'll go on record right now to say that the Ranker interface is heavily inspired by the AKBRanker, written by Johpan. Please don't sue me.  :nervous

Anyway, after the ranking is finished, the LookUp Tool results screen reopens with the ranked list in it:


Which, like any other result, can be copied to the clipboard (for posting in the forums here, for example) or saved to a file.

This can be done with any list created by the LookUp Tool. So you can rank all of AKB48, or members of Teams A and S, or the entire list of 429 entries in the Girls.48 KeyFile - though that would probably take a very long time to do.

And that is the Ranker. I don't know about anybody else, but I'll be using it for all my rankings from now on. So now, there's now only one tool left to post.

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.1 Released]
« Reply #25 on: March 29, 2012, 07:04:51 PM »
The last - but not least - of the five tools is the Quizzer: (328.41 KB)

Like the Ranker, the Quizzer can be used as a standalone program. It will open a properly formatted text file and present the user with a quiz. The proper format for a quiz is that each line of the file needs to be like this:

Question : Answer

Also like the Ranker, the Quizzer is "seen" by the LookUp Tool if it's in the tools directory; but only if a certain condition is met. The user must choose a StringSwitch String with the word "Quiz" in its name.

The Quizzer comes with a "Quizzer Examples.sse" file. This file contains two StringSwitch Strings that can be imported into Romajifier48. I would suggest importing them as Inactive. The example below uses the "Kanji Quiz" String.

Here, I'm about to do pull up a list of Harukas again:


In order for the Quizzer to work properly, the String needs to be formatted as Question : Answer. In the case of "Kanji Quiz" it is $0 : $1 $2 ($3). Here are the results:


Instead of a "Rank List" button, there is a "Take Quiz" button. Click it and you're given a choice of which Quiz Mode to use:


Once Through List: The questions are shuffled, and - after each is presented once - a score is given.

Review Incorrect Till All Correct: The questioned are shuffled, and - after each is presented - any questions the user missed are reshuffled and presented again. This continues till all questions have been correctly answered. Then a score is given.

In either mode, the score is the percentage of total answered questions that were correct. So the first mode is a better indication of how much you know, while the second is good for learning. I chose the first for this example.

After the choice is made, the first question is presented:


Just answer the question to yourself, and then click on it. Then, the next screen comes up:


The answer is on the left. You just have to click the button indicating whether your answer was correct or incorrect. Then the next question is shown. And so on till the you're done with the quiz and the score is shown:


Yay, I knew 64% of the Harukas by Kanji. Once you click on the score, the Quizzer closes.

The other included String is a quiz that presents you with a girl's nickname(s) and expects her full name as an answer. You have to careful with that one though, because some girls in different groups have the same nickname.

And with that, all of the Tools I've made so far have been posted.

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.1 Released]
« Reply #26 on: March 31, 2012, 08:33:14 PM »
Here's Revision #13 of the KeyFile: (12.34 KB)

I've marked Ono Haruka, Mano Haruka, Yamada Erika, and all of SDN48 as Graduated. Almost makes me believe the number 13 really is unlucky.

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.2 Released]
« Reply #27 on: April 05, 2012, 09:24:13 AM »
I apologize in advance, because this is another one of those insanely long release posts.

Here's the Regular distribution of Romajifier48 version 2.2 with Revision #14 of the Girls.48 KeyFile: (353.3 KB)

And, here's the Plus distribution: (2.54 MB)

The only difference between the two distributions is that Plus includes the newest versions of all six external tools. Yes, there's six now. More on that in a bit.

Revision #14 of the KeyFile:

Marked Suzuki Rika as Graduated.

"Ungraduated" Urano Kazumi and marked her Group and Team as WH7. Cindy always did want to be special.  :lol:

Added birthdates for all entries except Wako Junna. This is the big change that rippled out and affected almost everything else. Oh, and Wako Junna was an SKE48 2nd generation Kenkyuusei who left before her birthdate was even posted anywhere. Also, Siyeon's birthdate on every SDN48 related site that I could find was simply listed as March 11th, with no year. However, a site about her career as an actress in Korea listed her full birthdate (1983/03/11).

Version 2.2 of Romajifier48:

ADDED: Strings for Birthdate ($7) and Age ($8).

So, the string:

Code: [Select]
$1 $2 ($3): $4 Team $5 $6
Birthdate: $7   Age: $8

Will result in:

The default for $7 is the date in the ShortDate format for the current user's locale. (Set in Regional and Language Options under Win XP). The default for $8 is the age in years. In calculating the age, the current date in Japan is determined "magically" without looking it up online. (Actually the Windows Time and Date and Time Zone information is used to determine UTC+9, but magic sounds more awesome.)

ADDED: On-The-Fly string formatting.

I wanted the user to be able to format the Birthdate and Age strings however they see fit. But, I didn't want it limited to just one possible format; so the formatting can now be done in the ToolTip, Parser, or StringSwitch String itself. Which means that this string:

Code: [Select]
$1 $2 ($3): $4 Team $5 $6
Birthdate: $7[yyyy/mm/dd]    Age: $8[YY`Y MM`M DD`D]

Will result in:

Then, when I realized I could do it, I went back and added On-The-Fly formatting to most of the other strings as well. This could come in handy if, say, the user wants the nickname separator in some particular StringSwitch String to be different than the default set in options. This is probably the most complex thing I've put into Romajifier48 yet. So there is a "String Formatting.chm" file in the Help directory, with a table showing all the On-The-Fly string formats.
Also, I think the method for using commas as separators in Groups and Teams came out really unintuitive, so I would suggest not doing it for now because I'll probably revise it at some point. Everything else should be okay though.

ADDED:  Double clicking on the list of available strings (the area that tell you $0 = Kanji etc.) on the Strings tab of the Options window - or the StringSwitch Edit String window - will open the "String Formatting.chm" file. I figure the best way to learn the On-The-Fly formatting is to play around with it, so I made the help file for it easy to get to from the window you enter the strings in at.

FIXED: Spacing issue when $1 was included in String and no Family Name was present. So, for example, if a string is $1 $2 - and there is no Family Name for this girl - the result would act as if the string were just $2 with no space present. This had actually already been partially solved in the LookUp Tool (to make sure the alphabetical order would come out right).

FIXED: Spacing issue when $6 was included in String and Girl was not Graduated. Same thing as above just with $6 instead of $1.

Now for what's included in the Plus distribution.

The LookUp Tool:

Of course, the LookUp Tool had to be updated to handle Birthdates and Ages. The main window now looks like this:


Note the new "Birthdate/Age:" label with the "Click to Choose" button. I'll get back to that in a moment.

The Tools directory has an "Example Strings.sse" file. This contains the four strings included with the previous releases of the LookUp Tool and the Quizzer, as well as two new strings. "By Birthdate", which makes my favorite example - the Haruka list - look like this:


And "By Age", which shows this:


(Note: Three(!) Harukas graduated since the last time I used this list as an example. I used the "Current and Graduated Members" to get the full list today.)

Now then, if you click on that "Click to Choose" button that I mentioned earlier, you'll get this:


The "Day of Week" and "Month" lists use the current user's locale, so I get this:


Whereas someone else might get this:


The Age part is done as a range to give it the most flexibility. The user can look up girls who are in a certain range, a certain age or older (leave the To field as any), a certain age or younger (leave the From field as any), or exactly a certain age (put the same number in both fields).

This can be combined with certain strings to do things like, as an example, look up the birthdates of girls who are exactly 17 years old:


Of course that particular example can be done easily in the Birthday Countdown here at JPHiP by using the Prepare the Thread sorting, and with pictures.

The StringSwitch Import Export Tool:

Updated so that Birthdate and Age strings, and On-The-Fly formatting, would display correctly in the examples.

Tools Setup:

The Tools Setup program was actually not changed at all. However, the Tools.ini file that it uses was updated to include the new sixth tool.

The Quizzer:

The Quizzer didn't need to be updated because of the Birthdates and Ages, because it never interacts directly with the Girls.48 file. Lists are sent to it by the LookUp Tool. However, there was a bug involving file encoding - when used as a standalone program - that needed to be fixed. So, that was done.

The Ranker:

The Ranker had the same file encoding bug as the Quizzer (they use the same function to open files), so that had to be fixed here as well.

Also, a new ranking mode was added. Before ranking, this window is now shown:


If "One on One Battles" is chosen, the ranking proceeds exactly like before. But, if the user chooses "Whole List at Once", this window comes up:


In this mode, an item in the list can be chosen and moved up or down the list with the buttons on the left.

And introducing, The Birthdays Tool:

The Birthday Tool can be added to the Romajifier48.ini tray menu by either running it once or using Tools Setup, just like the LookUp Tool and the StringSwitch Import Export Tool.  Also, like the LookUp Tool, it can be run without using Romajifier48 at all if the Girls.48 file is in the same folder. Though I can't imagine anyone would want to do that.

When run, this window appears first:

Choose a number, click "OK" and the next thing you see is:

Don't be too alarmed. On my computer it took about 45 seconds to process 365 days.

Then the results come up:


The results here are very simple. You just get the days on which there is at least one birthday, with the girl's name and the age she turns on that day. It's definitely no replacement for the Birthday Countdown, but it isn't meant to be. It's just a simple and (relatively) quick list of today's and/or upcoming day's birthdays that can be accessed from the Romajifier48 tray menu.

Maybe one of these days I'll get that Romajifier48.chm help file done, but not if I keep adding features to the programs instead of working on it.  :nervous

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.1 Released]
« Reply #28 on: April 09, 2012, 07:17:48 PM »
This is the first post in this thread in a while that doesn't include a download. I am working on what will probably be Version 2.3, and here's what I've done so far:

1. Changed the way On-The-Fly formatting handles commas. Like I said in the previous post, this came out extremely unintuitively at first. Now "`," (without the quotes of course) will produce a literal comma, no matter where it occurs in the string. This leads to updates of Romajifier48, the LookUp Tool, and the StringSwitch Import Export Tool.

2. Linked the LookUp Tool and the Birthdays Tool together using a StringSwitch String (similarly to how it works with the Quizzer). LookUp results can be sent directly to the Birthdays Tool; and the Date, Name, and Age strings can be customized.

3. Made Quizzer only accept a colon with a space before and after it as a separator. This way a colon can be used as normal punctuation in either the Question or Answer strings without causing a bug.

I'll probably also add some configuration options for the tools that can be changed via Tools Setup.

In retrospect, I probably should have kept Romajifier48 in Beta for longer, while I added so many features. But I honestly thought I was done when I released 1.0 (except for bug fixes).  :lol:

Now, on to the point of this post. So far, Romajifier48 has been guided by my vision alone. I'm pretty happy with where it's at, and where it's headed. But, I know I'm not the only one using the program, so I'm requesting some user feedback. No one besides myself has posted in this thread since the release of 2.0, and I really want to know what people think about all the new features: The Parser, StringSwitch, On-The-Fly formatting, and the external tools.

Do you think they are great additions to the program?
Do you think they're overkill?
Do you wish I would hurry up with that damn help file, so you can figure out how to use them all?

Also, a few more questions:

Should I release a "Lite" version of the program with no Parser, StringSwitch, or On-The-Fly formatting features and a simpler options window? [This would essentially be Version 1.1, but with the "Swap Given and Family names for JKT48" and "String to display for Nogizaka46" options, the Birthdate (formatted to ShortDate for current user's locale) and Age (formatted to years only) strings, and all pertinent bugfixes.]

Is there anything about the program that you wish worked differently? [This includes the external tools]

Are there any feature requests?

Anything goes on that last question, no matter how farfetched it seems. Heck, when I first tested the original functionality - by highlighting "山本彩", hitting CTRL+R, and having a standard Windows message box with "Yamamoto Sayaka" in it popup - I thought I had stretched myself to the limits of my programming ability. If any one had asked me to add Parsing or StringSwitch capabilities then, I would have told them they were crazy.

So here's the plan. Any requests that I can fill easily will get added to 2.3 (or possibly 2.4), while any major requests will get added to the roadmap for version 3.0. Once I'm done with with 2.3 (or 2.4) I'll finally get that help file done, then take a long break before I start on the 3.0 development cycle. The only updates to the program(s) during that time will be bugfixes. Of course, I'll keep the KeyFile updated as needed by changes in the membership.

I'll probably also use that time to find a (hopefully free) web and file host, and set up a site for Romajifier48. That will make it a lot easier for users to find the latest version, and what it's features are, than reading through this thread and trying to figure it out.

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.3 Released]
« Reply #29 on: April 25, 2012, 02:19:22 AM »
Version 2.3 is here, and it is the last feature update to the Romajifier 2.x development cycle.

Any versions after this point will be bugfixes, and will be numbered 2.3.x. Hopefully, there won't be any need for this very soon. I've tested this version pretty thoroughly, and think I've got out most of the bugs. But please do let me know if you find any. I will, of course, continue to update the KeyFile as things change in the OOO48 empire.

Anyway, here is the Regular distribution of Version 2.3 with Revision #15 of the Girls.48 KeyFile: (355.64 KB)

And here's the Plus distribution: (2.54 MB)

Like version 2.2, the only difference between the two is the inclusion of the external tools in the Plus distribution. However, Romajifier48 has a few added features that only work if a certain tool is present. More on that in a bit.

Revision #15 of the KeyFile:

Added Umeda Haruka. How in the world I went through 14 revisions without ever noticing I had completely left her out is beyond me. Especially since I was using Harukas as an example so much.  :roll:

Triple checked Birthdates and fixed a few that were wrong. This is actually what I was doing when I caught that Umeda Haruka was missing. There were, in fact, four birthdates that were wrong. I didn't keep an exact list of them, but they were all Nogizaka46 girls, and the year was what was wrong in all four cases.

Version 2.3 of Romajifier48:

ADDED: On startup, Romajifier48 will now automatically check for updates to the KeyFile, and offer to update if found. This is the functionality I've been wanting for to add quite some time so that users can be up to date with the newest KeyFile without having to check this thread, and here it is.

When starting the program, if it detects a new KeyFile, you'll get a message box like this one:

If you click "yes" and all goes well, you'll get this message box:

FIXED: Bug introduced to the parser in Version 2.1 that sometimes messed up formatting.

CHANGED: Made using commas in On-The-Fly formatting strings more intuitive. Now, to add a literal comma, you can use "`," without the quotes. This was updated in all external tools that use strings, as well. Also, the "String Formatting.chm" file was updated to show the changes.

ADDED: If Tools Setup is found in the Tools directory, it will be automatically added to the Tools submenu. This is to make the Plus distribution feel more like an integrated suite of programs. In fact, a lot of the changes aim towards making the Plus distribution feel more like an integrated suite of programs.

ADDED: User can now choose which girl to use for the String Examples. [Plus Distribution] When I first wrote Romajifier48 I had my reasons for using Eguchi Aimi as the girl in the example strings. Now, after more additions to the program, some of those reasons no longer apply. So, I made it possible to change to any girl in the KeyFile (heck you can even use AkiP if you want). The reason this is Plus Distribution only is because the LookUp Tool is used to make the change. More info in a moment.

ADDED: Romajifier48 can now start the LookUp tool if selected text is not girl's name in Kanji. ( Family Name, Given Name, or Nickname) [Plus Distribution] This is a really cool addition, that I'll explain a little later as well.

Tools Setup:

ADDED: Options button, that opens new dynamic options window for all the tools' options. By "dynamic", I mean that it will only show options for Tools that are installed to the Tools submenu.

Here's Tools Setup with the new Options button:


And here's the full Options window (with the default options):


These options all affect other tools, so they will be explained more in those tools' sections.

Birthdays Tool:

ADDED: User can change default strings for Date, Name, and Age.

If you change the strings like this in Tools Setup:

And push the See Example button, you'll get this tooltip:

And then, the Birthdays Tool will give you results like this:


That is, of course, an extreme example just to show you what it is capable of.

FIXED: Error in size of first Input Box.

ADDED: Can be started from LookUp Tool to narrow down list of girls shown. I'll cover this in the LookUp Tool section

LookUp Tool:

ADDED: Can be customized to exclude most sections of window. All four "include" options turned off, will give you a LookUp Tool that looks like this:

ADDED: Options to start Quizzer and/or Ranker can be turned off. These are the next two options, and if turned off you'll never see a "Rank List" and/or "Take Quiz" button in the LookUp Tool results.

ADDED: Option to use LookUp Tool to set which girl to use for the String Examples across all programs. If the next option is on (it's off by default), then a result of only one girl will now look like this:


There's now a "Set Example" button. Push it and a message box like this one appears:

Pressing "OK" will now make your new girl the example for Romajifier48, and all of the Tools.

ADDED: If started by Romajifier48, will show selected text in (unchecked) Family Name, Given Name, and Nickname fields. This is the last option in the LookUp Tool section (also off by default). If you run across a name that's not in Kanji but is a Family, Given, or Nick-Name then you can select it and press the Romajifier48 tooltip hotkey to do a LookUp Tool search on it. For example, selecting "Haruka" and pressing the hotkey will bring up:


There's a couple other things going on here, but notice that the top three fields already show "Haruka", you just have to check the one you want to use and choose other criteria like normal. This can come in really handy if you see a nickname and have no idea who is being referred to.

ADDED: "See Example" button to show example of chosen string. Notice the button in the screenshot above. It does exactly what you would expect.

ADDED: Option to use Birthdays Tool for results if "Birthdays Tool" StringSwitch String is used. The above screenshot also shows a "Birthdays Tool" String selected. There is one in the "Example Strings.sse" file that I suggest you import. It uses the default Birthdays Tool strings, but can be edited however you see fit. Note that the format of this string needs to be

Code: [Select]
Date String : Name String : Age StringThe spaces before and after the colons are necessary.

If the "Birthdays Tool" String is selected, then the normal results window will not open. Instead the Birthdays Tool will take over and first ask for the number of days you want to use, then show its results. So a Birthdays Tool search for Haruka will result in:



CHANGED: Spaces before and after the colon separating Question and Answer now required. (To allow colon as punctuation)

ADDED: Option to set default mode ( Ask each time, Once through list, or Review till all correct). This is done through the Tools Setup Options window (as seen in its screenshot above).


ADDED: Option to set default mode ( Ask each time, One on one battles, or whole list at once). Also done through the Tools Setup Options window.

And that's that. Now that I'm done adding features to the program, I can finally get the help file done. I'm certain it's more necessary than ever now, because finding how to do something specific from this thread would probably be a nightmare. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask either right here in this thread or by PM. I'll be happy to answer as soon as I can. I also still need to do a tutorial on creating Browser Templates sometime, but that will probably be after I'm done with the help file, and have a website up.

And I don't plan on even looking at the source code again (unless I get a bug report) until quite a while after all that is done.

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.3 Released]
« Reply #30 on: May 02, 2012, 03:50:51 AM »
Just a quick note to inform all the users that Revision #16 of the KeyFile has been released.

Hara Mizuki, Kodakari Yuuka, and Ishikawa Kokoro have all been marked as Graduated.

The next time you start Romajifier48 it should detect the new revision and ask if you want to download it. If it does not, or if it does but you still don't have Revision #16 afterwards (as shown in the About box) then please let me know.

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.3 Released]
« Reply #31 on: June 04, 2012, 09:08:24 PM »
The KeyFile should automatically update to Revision #18 at the next program start.

Okita Ayaka is promoted to Team M and Imade Mai is marked as graduated.

I just realized I never posted when the update was made to #17, but it was done sometime in mid-May - Fahira and Allisa Astri of JKT48 were marked as Graduated in that release.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2012, 09:25:22 PM by Melchizadek »

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.3 Released]
« Reply #32 on: June 19, 2012, 08:01:20 AM »
Just a note that Revision #19 of the KeyFile has been uploaded to the server.

Sashihara Rino has been transferred to HKT48. I thought about listing her Team as "Pending", since that is what the site actually says. In the end, I decided to go the same route as Amplifier's ranker and list her in Kenkyuusei for now.

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.3 Released]
« Reply #33 on: July 16, 2012, 03:44:27 PM »
Forgot to post when Revision #20 was uploaded about a week ago:

Sashihara Rino placed in Team H. Sasaki Nanami (NMB48 Kenkyuusei) marked as graduated.

And now we're at Revision #21:

Added AKB48 14th Generation Kenkyuusei.

As usual, the KeyFile should update when the program is started.

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.3 Released]
« Reply #34 on: August 28, 2012, 03:08:09 AM »
Wow. I haven't posted about the last 3 updates:

Revision #22: Wakabayashi Tomoka marked as graduated.

Revision #23: 5 Kenkyuusei who failed performance reviews marked as graduated.

Revision #24: 5 HKT48 members who resigned marked as graduated.

Of course, they should have updated automatically the first time Romajifier48 was run after each upload.

Revision #25 - which will reflect Acchan's graduation - will be done soon after the official member's page is updated.

Now then, on to the matter at hand. The shuffle.

Once the effects of the shuffle are reflected on the member's pages of the groups - especially AKB48's - I will begin editing the Girls.48 file to show the changes. This will, of course, take longer than the typical edit done when a member graduates or some Kenkyuusei are added. I hope to have it done within a few days of it happening on the site.

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.3 Released]
« Reply #35 on: August 31, 2012, 06:44:47 PM »
Just uploaded:

Revision #25: Maeda Atsuko marked as graduated. SKE48 Promotions.

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.3 Released]
« Reply #36 on: October 31, 2012, 05:41:19 PM »
Hmm. Looks like I forgot to post back in September when I uploaded Revision #26: Added HKT48 2nd Generation Kenkyuusei.

Anyway, I just uploaded Revision #27:

1. AKB48 Shuffle 2012. Any girls not yet assigned a team (such as Yui in NMB48) are listed as Kenkyuusei for that group. Also I swapped the Family and Given names for Nakagawa Haruka and Takajo Aki so that they'll still be in Japanese name order when the rest of JKT48 is in Indonesian name order. This issue will be dealt with in software at some point.

2. Graduations.
   AKB48: Mitsumune Kaoru
   SKE48: Hirata Rikako (this has not been updated on the official site, yet.)
   NMB48: Jo Eriko (this should have been done already, as it was updated on the site a while back. The rest of the NMB48 changes were just made on the site, however)
               Fujita Runa
               Ota Riona
               Togo Sora
               Matsuda Shiori

3. Team M Promotions. Azuma Yuki, Koyanagi Arisa, and Yamamoto Hitomi

4. Formation of Team BII.

5. Added Nicknames for AKB48 14th Generation Kenkyuusei.

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.3 Released]
« Reply #37 on: December 03, 2012, 09:55:54 PM »
I just uploaded Revision #28:

The file should now be consistent with the official sites member pages. (except that Eguchi Aimi is still listed on the site, but Aki-P announced a long time ago that she was graduating so I'm keeping it that way)

1. Marked Akimoto Manatsu (N46) as NOT graduated. I had marked her as graduated back when she was suspended and never undid it till now.

2. Graduations.
   Saeed-Yokota Erena (Something else I missed doing till now.)
   Neneng Rosdania
   Sato Natsuki

3. Added JKT48 2nd Generation. 31 members.

4. Added SNH48 1st Generation. 26 new members. I also added the names in Chinese characters for Miyazawa Sae and Suzuki Mariya. This will cause the two girls to be listed twice when using the LookUp Tool, for now. The official site does not list years for the birth dates, so I took the years only from the Wikipedia article. Therefore, I'm not considering the birth years to be set in stone until I find a more official source. [Especially since some of the months and days were different from those on the official site. In those cases I used the month and day from the official site and the year from Wikipedia.]

This update brings us to over 500 members and ex-members (and one producer) indexed.

As usual, the keyfile should update automatically the next time the software is run.

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.3 Released]
« Reply #38 on: December 04, 2012, 09:12:22 PM »
And now for some bugfixes.

First off, I just uploaded keyfile Revision #29:

1. Changed teams for Yokoyama Yui in NMB48 and Kitahara Rie in SKE48 from "RS" to "Pending". This fixes an issue where the 2 girls were showing up in the LookUp Tool as AKB48 Kenkyuusei.

2. Added "Pending" teams to NMB48 and SKE48. This is so the girls can be found by the LookUp Tool.

3. Fixed Issue where "Thalia Ivanka Elizabeth" was being parsed as "Thalia" (Both Gen. 2 JKT48 members). This was as simple as switching the two in the parsing string at the end of the file.

Second, for anyone using the plus distribution, I've updated the LookUp Tool and the Birthdays Tool to fix the issue mentioned in the previous post about Miyazawa Sae and Suzuki Mariya being listed twice. I also fixed an issue where choosing both AKB48 and SKE48 as groups would make Team S disappear in the teams box.

Here's the download of just the updated version of these two tools:

Just unpackage them to the tools subfolder of your Romajifier48 installation.

This will most likely be the very last version of Romajifier48. The reason for this is that its replacements are currently under development.

There will actually be two replacements:

1. A rather simple cross-platform solution to the original problem Romajifier48 was written to solve. This will probably actually be released in the very near future.

2. A complete rewrite of the entire plus distribution. Romajifier48 Plus distribution as-is is basically a Frankenstein in that all the newer features were stitched onto the original design in ways that make them rather non-user-friendly and just plain weird in some cases. It's also a nightmare to try to maintain the code. For example, updating the LookUp & Birthday Tools for the Sae/Mariya issue took me somewhere around 30 minutes total. I was able to fix the same issue in the development code of the replacement in about 15 seconds.

This replacement is actually a long way from a release. A lot of the core features are actually working, but quite a few more are not. Also, the only way to configure the options at the moment are through editing the ini file (which isn't exactly intuitive). I'm planning on adding the options dialogues after all the features are done, in order to avoid the stitched-on problems.

That being said, it would probably be a good idea to make sure the features work on systems other than my own. So, there will probably be an alpha release at some point fairly soonish.

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.3 Released]
« Reply #39 on: December 29, 2012, 03:12:33 AM »
I just uploaded keyfile Revision #30:

1. Formation of Team J. This hasn't actually been reflected on the official site yet, so I used the list in JKT48 Thread.

2. Yokoyama Yui Promoted to Team N.

3. Removed "Pending" Team from NMB48. No longer needed since Yui is now on Team N.

4. Added NMB48 4th Generation Kenkyuusei.

5. Graduations.
   AKB48: Masuda Yuka
   NMB48: Hikawa Ayame
               Sato Sorai
               Sugimoto Kano
   JKT48:  Cleopatra
   SNH48: Hu MeiTing
               Yu TingEr
   N46:     Iwase Yumiko

6. Fixed issue where Iwahana Shino (HKT48 Kenkyuusei) was appearing twice in LookUp Tool results.

Also, if everything goes according to plan, the first version of

1. A rather simple cross-platform solution to the original problem Romajifier48 was written to solve.

will be done in the next few days.

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