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Author Topic: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Query48 Alpha Build 6.3 Released (pg. 5)]  (Read 68689 times)

Offline Melchizadek

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.3 Released]
« Reply #40 on: December 31, 2012, 04:00:22 AM »
Also, if everything goes according to plan, the first version of

1. A rather simple cross-platform solution to the original problem Romajifier48 was written to solve.

will be done in the next few days.

Here we go.

As a reminder, the original problem Romajifier48 was written to solve was seeing a name like this:

and using Rikaichan to try to figure out who it is resulting in something like this:

(Click to enlarge the first two)

Which, as I pointed out in the first post of this thread, isn't really very helpful at all.

But now, Rikaichan can be much more helpful:

This is the standard Rikaichan (for Firefox) Japanese-English dictionary with every entry from the Girls.48 Keyfile added. I actually had a version of this done months ago, but I was waiting for the developer of Rikaikun (for Chrome) to add support for user dictionary entries - which he said was coming in a future version - but Rikaikun hasn't been updated in almost a year, and I decided not to wait any longer. So there will possibly be a Rikaikun version in the future, if that support gets added.

Differences from Romajifier48:
1. Only works in Firefox, and not in all of Windows.
2. Should work in Firefox for OSX and Linux. This isn't tested, but a quick Google search shows that Rikaichan does work in those OSes.
3. Information is not configurable. You can't - for example - switch to western name order like you can in Romajifier48.
4. Will not work if there is a space in the name.
5. Doesn't include a LookUp Tool, Ranker, etc. (Though it is created using a special build of the LookUp Tool).

Installation Instructions:
1. If Rikaichan is not already installed in Firefox, get it from here:
   Alternatively, you can use Rikaisama - which uses the Rikaichan dictionaries and adds a lot of extra features for Japanese learners. It's what I use. You can read about it and get it from here:
2. If you want the Rikaichan Japanese Names Dictionary you can get it here: Don't worry about the Japanese-English Dictionary, you'll be getting mine in the next step.
3. Install my altered version of the Japanese-English Dictionary from here:
   Depending on your settings, clicking on the link in Firefox may automatically install the extension. If it doesn't, you can either drag and drop the file onto Firefox, or use File -> Open File in the menu.

And that's it, Rikaichan (or Rikaisama) will now help you out when you come to the name of an OOO48 member that you don't recognize.

New versions of the dictionary file will be released shortly after updates are made to the Keyfile. (Most likely in the official keyfile update post in this thread).

And that's not all...

Inspired by the userscript posted by Flyp in the Stock Game Thread, I added every entry from the keyfile and turned it into the official Romajifier48 Bookmarklet. This is basically an in-browser version of Romajifier48's parsing feature.

Just one click turns this:

(click to enlarge)

Into this:

(click to enlarge)

About the Bookmarklet:
1. The actual "romajifier" code is stored in my dropbox account, so once you have the bookmarklet installed it is always up-to-date.
   The one disadvantage to this is that there is a bandwidth cap on dropbox files, but it amounts to around a million clicks a day. If this ever becomes a problem, I'll find some other way. The autoupdate for the keyfile in Romajifier48 uses dropbox, and has worked well for me so far.
2. Will theoretically work in all browsers across all OSes. I'm sure, however, this isn't actually the case. It's only been tested on my computer using Firefox and Chrome
3. Just like the Rikaichan dictionary, It is not configurable. If there is demand for it, I can make a western name order version, though.
4. Also, like the dictionary, it will not work if there is a space in the name. Unlike the dictionary, support can probably be added at some point; once I figure it out in JavaScript.

It doesn't look like I can post a drag and drop bookmarklet to the forum, so click on the following link instead:
It's extremely bare bones right now, but it works.

One more thing...

The complete rewrite of the plus distribution of Romajifier48 is going to be called Query48. It's not ready for an alpha release yet, but I thought I'd throw some teaser pics into this post anyway.  :P

First, a few looks at the new fully configurable tooltip library (the pics are stored in a DLL):

Now, here's the query builder - which is the new version of the LookUp Tool (note that I haven't added Team J yet):

(click to enlarge)

And here's the results viewer - which displays all query results and parsed text. (It's using the JPHiP template in this pic):

(click to enlarge)

A look at the results viewer menus (not everything is functional yet):

Another look at the results viewer using the NMB48 template:

(click to enlarge)

Back to the JPHiP template, using the "by birthdate" format, and color coded:

(click to enlarge)

Color coded Parsed text (original from the mixi ranking thread):

(click to enlarge)

When showing parsed text, there is an option to turn it into a list:

And last, but not least, a look at the new ranker:

I'm especially proud of the ranker because it:
1. Uses the merge sort algorithm. (that might mean something to other folks here).
2. Allows progress to be saved and reloaded via the file menu.
3. Allows undo for up to the last 5 choices.
4. Has ignore buttons, so you don't have to keep seeing girls you don't care about.
5. Similar to my previous ranker, can rank any list created by the Query Builder.
6. Also, any parsed text can be turned into a list that can be ranked. So a list of senbatsu for a new single (for example) can be parsed, turned into a list, and then ranked.

I have to give Amplifier credit here because a lot of the design and functionality choices for Query48 are stolen from inspired by his ranker.

I'm hoping to release an alpha version of Query48 sometime in January, so I can make sure the functionality works in other versions of Windows besides mine. Especially the results viewer since it relies on Windows API calls (and the Internet Explorer engine).
« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 10:35:43 PM by Melchizadek »

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.3 Released]
« Reply #41 on: January 17, 2013, 09:18:31 PM »
Revision #31 of the KeyFile was uploaded to the server yesterday. As usual, it will (or already has) updated on next start of the program. The only change that affects Romajifier48 is that Nicknames were added for the HKT48 2nd Generation Kenkyuusei. Other changes were made to support functionality in the upcoming Query48.

The corresponding Rikaichan dictionary for the Revision is here:

The bookmarklet updates automatically to any changes.

The first Alpha version of Query48 is about ready to go live. Right now, however, I don't have time to do the write up for it that I want. So, it'll have to wait till after I come home from work tonight.

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.3 Released]
« Reply #42 on: January 18, 2013, 09:23:30 PM »
This is the release post for Query48 Alpha Build 1.

The download will be at the bottom of this post, but first some notes.

Please keep in mind that this is an alpha version of the software. It's stable at the moment on my system, but has not been tested under other versions of Windows (that's actually the purpose of this release). So, I cannot guarantee it won't cause your system to become unstable. Also, there are a lot of features missing from the software at the moment. If you are okay with all this, then please read on.


Changing the hotkey combination is currently done by right clicking on the tray icon and choosing "Set Hotkey..." from the menu. This is the only default option that can be changed in this build. You'll notice that, unlike Romajifier48, the hotkey is chosen by drop down lists. You must choose either Control or Alt, and one other key.

How it should work: I'll use Control+R as the example here, since it is the default hotkey.

If the selected text is exactly one girl's name in Kanji, Pressing Control+R will cause the current ToolTip type to appear with the girl's info in it. If you hold down Control and continue to tap R (Alt+Tab style), the program will cycle through all available ToolTip types. Releasing Control will select the currently showing ToolTip type to be the one used with the hotkey.

If the selected text contains at least one girl's name in Kanji, Query48 will open the Results Viewer with the text parsed. This is similar to the behavior of Romajifier48.

If the selected text is not - and does not contain - any girl's name in Kanji, You'll be shown a message that says "Quick Query?". Releasing Control now won't do anything, but tapping on R will cycle through "Family Name", "Given Name", "Nickname", and "Kanji". Releasing Control will do an appropriate query on the selected text, and notify you accordingly. Note that the "Kanji" option will find any girl with the Kanji or Kanji combination in their name.

If no text is selected, You'll be shown a message that says "Open Component?". This is similar to the Quick Query option except that tapping on R cycles through a list of program components that can be opened. The only one available at the moment is the Query Builder, but more will follow in later builds.

Known Issue: When Query48 is started, the first time a ToolTip is shown (of any sort), multitapping on R doesn't work. It works every time after that though.

Query Builder:

The Query Builder is where you choose criteria for performing a query on the KeyFile. It should be pretty self explanatory. Be sure to choose at least one Team for the query.

Known Issues: Entries that are not in one of the listed teams cannot be found. Mori Anna is the one member who graduated from Team 4, and Urano Kazumi's Team is listed as WH7. Also, Kitahara Rie won't show up under SKE48 because her team is pending.

Results Viewer:

The Results Viewer is also pretty self explanatory, if it works properly. This is the one I'm most nervous about, since it uses several Window's API calls, as well as the Internet Explorer engine display it's results.

Also, Saving and Opening of results is turned off in this build. I do have them working, but I need to change them somewhat to work with some future features. I didn't want anyone to save a lot of things, and then have them be useless when the next build is released.


The Ranker is started by choosing "Rank List" from the tools menu of the Results Viewer.

The best way to choose which button to press while ranking is as follows:

1. If you don't want either of the girls shown to appear in the final ranking, then press "Ignore Both".
2. If you only want one of the girls to appear in the final ranking, then press the "Ignore" button under the girl you don't want to appear.
3. If you want both girls to appear in the final ranking, then press the button of the girl you like more (or the "Draw" button if appropriate).

At first, a ranking may be almost entirely done by ignoring people, but eventually all the ignore buttons will be disabled and only choosing girls will be done.

Saving and Opening of rankings in progress is turned off in this build for the same reason as in the Results Viewer. You can undo up to the last 5 button presses.

Known Issue: If girls have been ignored, the default number in the "How many to list?" will be higher than the actual possible highest number of girls listed.

Please, if you download and use Query48, let me know of any other issues you find. Also, let me know whether the Results Viewer works for you - and include your Windows and Internet Explorer versions as well. Thank you very much.

Now here's the download:

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.3 Released]
« Reply #43 on: February 02, 2013, 09:25:22 PM »
Windows 7 32bit user here, with IE disabled (:P).

Possible issue found: After tweaking the results, if you end up flipping the ranks of members (for example, having Tomochin as #700; Milky as #701 at first, then using the tweaker to switch Tomochin to #701; Milky to #700), the results don't sort again to reflect this change; Tomochin would remain above Milky when listed in the Results Viewer.

Result Viewer seems to work well as is otherwise.

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.3 Released]
« Reply #44 on: February 03, 2013, 10:08:03 AM »
Hi. I can't get the Query48 program to run. I am using Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit version. When I try to run, it gives me some kind of error message and the program doesn't show up. And then after awhile my Anti Virus (BitDefender 2012) would pick it up so I'd have to restart my computer. =(
« Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 10:42:01 AM by yic17 »

Offline Melchizadek

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.3 Released]
« Reply #45 on: February 04, 2013, 08:46:16 AM »
Thank you to those who have responded.

Windows 7 32bit user here, with IE disabled (:P).

Possible issue found: After tweaking the results, if you end up flipping the ranks of members (for example, having Tomochin as #700; Milky as #701 at first, then using the tweaker to switch Tomochin to #701; Milky to #700), the results don't sort again to reflect this change; Tomochin would remain above Milky when listed in the Results Viewer.

Result Viewer seems to work well as is otherwise.

I would say I'm surprised that the Results Viewer works with IE disabled, but I'm pretty sure that even if the browser itself is disabled the backend is still working just fine. I'm glad to hear that it works in Win 7 32bit.

As for the tweaker, I'm not really happy with the way the current version works, and am planning to revamp it soon. Hopefully, that will fix the issue.

Hi. I can't get the Query48 program to run. I am using Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit version. When I try to run, it gives me some kind of error message and the program doesn't show up. And then after awhile my Anti Virus (BitDefender 2012) would pick it up so I'd have to restart my computer. =(

It's possible that the program won't run as is on 64-bit Windows. I'll try to find some time with a friend's Win7 Ultimate 64bit computer and see for myself. If I see the actual error message I'll have a better idea of how to solve the problem.

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.3 Released]
« Reply #46 on: February 04, 2013, 08:54:48 AM »
^I'm using a 64-bit Win 7, & I can run Quety48. So I don't think Yic's problem is the 64-bit system.

Also, Mel your ranker rocks! :thumbup
I really appreciate it, thank you! :deco:

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.3 Released]
« Reply #47 on: February 04, 2013, 02:44:40 PM »
I'm also using 64-bit Windows 7 and it worked perfectly here  :thumbsup

This was great. I liked the ranking algorithm and love how it colour codes and links for you, great features I wished ranking manually had. Good work  :twothumbs


Offline Melchizadek

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.3 Released]
« Reply #48 on: February 04, 2013, 07:25:38 PM »
Thanks for the kind comments, and the free publicity in the ranking thread.  :twothumbs

It ran fine on my friend's Win7 Ultimate 64-bit computer as well. yic17, is there anyway you could PM me the actual error message, so I can try to figure out what the problem is?

By the way, I've been continuing to work on the program - hoping it would run okay on other systems - and Alpha Build 2 should be released sometime in the near future. All the file saving and loading will turned on, and there'll be several other new features and bugfixes as well.

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.3 Released]
« Reply #49 on: February 05, 2013, 01:15:49 AM »
I was using Query48 on Win7 Ultimate 32-bit lappie and it worked fine! Just one small problem... Sometimes the photo's didn't appear or the names were mashed up while ranking. But that's all. It worked really fine and I think it is an amazing ranker. Thank you so much, Melchi-san!!! (can I call you like that?)
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Version 2.3 Released]
« Reply #50 on: February 05, 2013, 08:05:24 PM »
^ Thank you for the kind comment. You can call me Melchi-san if you'd like.

If the non-appearing pictures issue is what I think it is, it's fixed in Build 2. (Which I'm writing the release post for right now)

As for mashed up names, is it possible that you could take a screenshot so I can see what you mean? Then I'll see about fixing it for Build 3.

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Query48 Alpha Build 2 released (pg. 3)]
« Reply #51 on: February 05, 2013, 08:16:19 PM »
This is the release post for Query48 Alpha Build 2.

Oddly, the only file that didn't change between Alpha Build 1 and now is the Girls.48 keyfile. By Build 3, I plan to have added all the remaining JPHiP threads to it. I think the only ones missing now are most of the graduated girls, and girls who don't have threads yet.

One thing to note is that the Query48.exe is quite a bit larger than in Build 1. That is because I didn't compress the executable this time. Sometimes compression can cause false positives in antivirus software, so I didn't do it for this release on the chance that it might solve yic17's issue.

First, a few things I didn't mention in the Build 1 release post:
- Right clicking on a ToolTip will, in many cases, bring up a context menu.
- Pressing space while a ToolTip is showing, causes it to become sticky. That is, it won't be dismissed until you press escape. Hmm, I just noticed that you can't type spaces in other programs while the ToolTip is showing. I'll have to fix that.
- Pressing escape while a ToolTip is showing will dismiss it immediately.

Now, on to the changelog for Build 2:


Memory Leak in function for putting pictures on buttons. This was most problematic when ranking a large list, because there were a lot of pictures staying in memory. Thankfully, I was able to find the cause and plug it. This one change is probably enough of a reason on its own to download this update.

Some JKT48 member's pictures were not appearing in ToolTip or Ranker. Some of the files in the GirlPics.dll were named wrong.

When Query48 was started, the first time a ToolTip was shown (of any sort), multitapping didn't work.

Entries that are not in one of the listed teams couldn't be found in a query. Mori Anna will now be found if AKB48 is selected (using the logo), as will Kitahara Rie with SKE48. Urano Kazumi will be found if "Select All" is used (and so will Aki-P, so don't be surprised if you see him show up in the ranker.  :lol:)

If default template was deleted, a blank Results Viewer would be shown.

If girls had been ignored, the default number in the "How many to list?" would be higher than the actual possible highest number of girls listed.

You'll notice that all three Known Issues from the Build 1 post have been fixed.


Tooltips for Switches are now sticky. It looks better that way, I think.

Moved several options that had been hardcoded into the program into the ini file. Just preparing for the eventual addition of Options to the program. Right now, the only option you can set is still the hotkey.

Templates no longer require a particular script in the header. This will make it easier for others to create their own custom templates (and hopefully share them if they do).

Turned off AutoCopy for all ToolTips. Some of the Romajifier ToolTips were automatically copying their strings to the clipboard, which could be really annoying. This will, of course, be an option eventually.

Ranking Tweaker has been completely revamped. The Tweaker in Build 1 was never meant to be the final product. In fact, I'm still not 100% happy with it, but it is much better. Also, it hopefully solves the issue that Jaf reported it having.

The Tweaker is good for times when you finish a ranking, and want to move some of the girls around a little. Or if you have a saved ranking that you want to update, but it didn't change too much.

The Tweaker is available in the Results Viewer Tools menu when a Ranked List is showing. Use drag and drop to move girls around on the list, and the numbers will be updated automatically. Multiple girls can be selected by beginning the selection in the empty column on the right. Right clicking on a girl's name will make or break a draw with the girl immediately above her on the list.

Known Issue: Right clicking in the empty column will attempt to do a make/break draw with whichever girl was selected last, and not on whichever row the click actually occurred on. That is why I added a confirmation when right clicking.


Saving, Loading, and Deleting of results in the Results Viewer. These are available in the File menu. All of the results are saved together in a file called Query48.dta, so if you see that file has appeared then don't delete it. Also, Query48 knows what type of results are being saved, so there can be a Parsed Text, a Results List, and a Ranked List all named "Team A". Also also, delete lets you choose results to delete, rather than deleting whatever the current results are.

Saving, Loading, and Deleting of rankings in progress in the Ranker. This way you can come back to ranking later, if you don't have time to finish it. Also saved in the Query48.dta file, can be named the same as any results, and lets you choose a ranking to delete. Note that a ranking in progress consists of a lot of data, so saving a lot of them without deleting them will cause the Query48.dta file to get really large.

Master Ranking. Any ranked list can be saved as the Master Ranking (in the File menu). The Master Ranking can then be loaded or deleted like any other results. I'll discuss the purpose of the Master Ranking in a moment.

Combine Rankings. Available in the Tools menu, this allows a Ranked List in the Results Viewer to be intelligently combined with any previously saved Ranked List. For example, an SKE48 Ranked List in the Results Viewer can be combined with a saved AKB48 Ranked List, then the results of that can be combined with a saved NMB48 Ranked List to create a combined ranking of all three groups. Or, you can combine team Ranked Lists to create a group ranking. Note that this will only work correctly if any girls in both lists are in the same order in both lists. There is also a confirmation box to remind you of this fact.

AutoRank List. If a Master Ranking exists, then any Resuts List can be AutoRanked. This is available in the Tools menu, and ranks the current Results List in exactly the same order (draws and all) that they appear in the Master Ranking. Note that any girls absent from the Master Ranking will be ignored by the AutoRanker, so it's best to be certain the Master Ranking contains all the girls you'll ever want to list in a ranking - either by doing a large ranking all at once, or by combining smaller rankings until the large one is done.

Change Format string in Ranker. There's now a Format Menu in the Ranker that works like the one in the Results Viewer.

Added Results Viewer and Ranker to Component Switch. The Component Switch is the switcher available by using the hotkey when nothing is selected. In Build 1, all it could do was open the Query Builder. Now, it can load saved Results and rankings in progress without having to open the Results Viewer or Ranker first.

Added Restart Query48 and Exit Query48 to Component Switch.

SNH48 Template. SNH48 was the only group without a template based on their website colors. Now, they have one as well.

As before, please let me know of any issues that you find. That can either be done in this thread, or at the new Issue Tracker found at

And last, but certainly not least, the actual download:

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Query48 Alpha Build 2 Released (pg. 3)]
« Reply #52 on: February 05, 2013, 09:19:55 PM »
Hello. Alpha Build 2 works on my computer! Going to try out your ranker tool now. =D

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Query48 Alpha Build 2 Released (pg. 3)]
« Reply #53 on: February 05, 2013, 09:42:04 PM »
it works for me too!!

btw, about names mashing up... I think it happened when I was ranking a huge list as when I tried it today while ranking only graduated members, things were fine. Maybe that was coz of memory or smth. If I see the problem appearing I will take a screen shot. As for now, I'm using the ranker's version 2 and oh god thank you, Melchi-san!!  :bow: :bow:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Query48 Alpha Build 2 Released (pg. 3)]
« Reply #54 on: February 05, 2013, 10:34:42 PM »
Hello. Alpha Build 2 works on my computer! Going to try out your ranker tool now. =D

That's great.  :thumbsup  I won't compress any more versions, then. It was only saving about 600KB of disc space anyway.

it works for me too!!

btw, about names mashing up... I think it happened when I was ranking a huge list as when I tried it today while ranking only graduated members, things were fine. Maybe that was coz of memory or smth. If I see the problem appearing I will take a screen shot. As for now, I'm using the ranker's version 2 and oh god thank you, Melchi-san!!  :bow: :bow:

It's quite possible that the problem was caused by the memory leak. The ranker doing some really weird things was how I discovered it in the first place. I hope that's what it was, because if so it's already fixed.  :)

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Query48 Alpha Build 2 Released (pg. 3)]
« Reply #55 on: February 06, 2013, 04:52:33 AM »
A quick warning about a bug in Alpha Build 2: Using a forward slash (/) in the name of a saved result or ranking in progress will make it impossible to load or delete that save later, even though the data will still be in the Query48.dta file. So, for now, do not use a forward slash in your naming.

I feel dumb, because the same thing happened when I first introduced StringSwitch Strings in Romajifier48; so I should have seen this coming.  :sweatdrop:

Anyway, I'll make sure it's fixed in Alpha Build 3.

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Query48 Alpha Build 2 Released (pg. 3)]
« Reply #56 on: February 16, 2013, 07:16:20 AM »
Thanks as always for the great tools Melcchi. Hella useful program. :thumbup

I had some feedback for the ranker I used a while back to do my latest ranking. One issue (slow picture transitions) seems to have been fixed in Build 2 already! :D

One issue I found is copying results to plain text spits everything out as one giant line of text in Notepad, it's okay in Word or Wordpad though. Not a huge deal but Notepad is just my go-to, so I noticed it.

This is more of a selfish feature suggestion. :lol: It would be cool if the ranking tool had some keyboard interaction to it in addition to clicking. It might be a great feature for those who have carpel tunnel or easily annoyed wrists (i.e. me :lol: ) to avoid all that mouse movement and clicking.

Great work so far!

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Re: Romajifier48 (Windows Software) [Query48 Alpha Build 2 Released (pg. 3)]
« Reply #57 on: February 16, 2013, 08:08:01 AM »
^ Thanks for the encouragement and the feedback, Data.

I have actually completely replaced Notepad on my system with Notepad++, which would be why I never saw that error. I do have an idea as to what could be causing it, however. I'll see about fixing it in Build 3.

Keyboard shortcuts are a good idea. I'll add it to the to-do list. Probably for Build 4 or so.

I'm not certain when Build 3 will be released. Most of the code is done (I think), but I'm in the process of adding more data (links, specifically), and want to finish that before I release it.

Also, after months of dealing with my aging computer, I've finally gotten all the parts to build myself a new one. (Thank you, tax refund). My next day off will be mostly spent installing all the programs I can't do without, and configuring everything the way I want it. This will actually be good for Query48 development, because I'll be running Win7 Ultimate 64bit, and - if everything goes according to plan - Win XP 32bit in a virtual machine.

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For anyone still using Romajifier48, Revision #32 of the Keyfile will be downloaded the next time the program is started. This Revision would actually break some of the functionality of Query48 Alpha Build 2, but will  be included in Alpha Build 3, which will be released very, very soon.

- Kitahara Rie Promoted to Team S.
- Removed "Pending" Team from SKE48
- Minegishi Minami demoted to Kenkyuusei.  :cry:
- Hirose Sena and Sugino Risa (NMB48 4th Gen.) marked as Graduated.
- Changed Katakana of 4 JKT48 members to match official site. The members are: Devi Kinal Putri, Jessica Vania, Jessica Veranda, and Rezky Wiranti Dhike.
- Added Nicknames for SNH48 members. Thanks to Rust for putting them in the threads.
- Added SKE48 6th Generation Kenkyuusei.

The file is an accurate representation of the official sites as of a couple hours ago.

Rikaichan dictionary: The new version of the Rikaichan dictionary can be downloaded from:

Bookmarklet: The bookmarklet automatically updates itself.

For more information about the Rikaichan dictionary and Bookmarklet, and installation instructions if you aren't currently using them, check out this post.

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This is the release post for Query48 Alpha Build 3.

Please note that there are special upgrade instructions for this build. This is especially important if you have saved anything in Build 2, and want the saves to work in Build 3. The instructions will follow the changelog, but first a quick look at the most obvious new addition to Build 3:

(Click to enlarge)

It's the "Birthdays Tool" functionality, but it's a completely different implementation than how it was done in Romajifier48.

And now for that changelog:


Making a Results List from a Parsed Text, then saving it, saved the parsed text instead of the Results List.

Copying results as plain text, and pasting to Notepad, resulted in one run-together line of text. Thanks to Datalanche for letting me know about this one, since I never usually use Notepad.

Using a forward slash in the name of a save caused a corrupt Query48.dta file. Fixing this required a change in the structure of the Query48.dta file, and is the main reason for the special upgrade method for this build. Note that this won't fix an already corrupt file, but will prevent it from happening in the future.

Was unable to type space in other programs while ToolTip was showing. Now only the first time the spacebar is pressed, it will make the ToolTip sticky. After that, all other presses are sent to the active window.

in the Ranking Tweaker, clicking in the empty column would attempt to make/break draw with whichever girl was selected last, and not on whichever row the click actually occured on. Now, any clicks on the empty column (which is smaller) are ignored completely. I also removed the confirmation dialogues for making and breaking draws, so be careful with your right clicks.


Directory structure of Templates Folder. Instead of separate folders for each template, the templates are only html files. This should make things a bit simpler in the long run.

Links pulled out of Keyfile, and put into folder similar to Templates. I did this because 1) users of Romajifier48 can't use the links information, and it was just using up unnecessary bandwidth when updating, and 2) this will make it easy for users to eventually be able to choose which links they want to install and subscribe to updates for. (one of those things that will happen when I finally add options to the program).

When combining rankings, the Ranker now checks to make sure any girls in both lists are in the same order before continuing. Instead of a warning every time rankings are combined, you'll only get a message when the girls are not in the same order, and then the ranking will abort.

Names of Saved Results and Rankings in Progress cannot contain a Pipe Character ( | ), and the program will not accept names that do. This is related to the fix for the forward slash issue, and prevents corruption of the Query48.dta file.

Google+ Posts links now point to actual Google+ account. Adding all the Google+ links, as well as moving links out of the Girls.48 file is actually what took so long for me to finish this build.

A quick note about the links that I haven't mentioned before:
- JPHiP Threads, JPHiP Picture Threads and Google+ posts are set links, and are the same for a particular girl no matter what text is shown for the girl in the Results Viewer or ToolTip.
- Google Search, Google Image Search, Google Video Search, and Google+ Search (which is similar to the old Google+ Posts links) will perform the search on the actual text being shown for a girl. (ie "山本彩", "Yamamoto Sayaka", or "Sayaka Yamamoto") This is why some ToolTip formats have the searches in the context menu and others do not. There's no point in doing a search for the "Full Info" format.


Creation of Birthdays Index when first run, and when new revision of Keyfile is found. The birthdays are indexed now ( in a file called Birthdays.ndx ), so that actual birthday queries will be much, much faster than they were in Romajifier48. The index is only created when it doesn't already exist, and only updated when the Keyfile has been updated.

Shows Today's Birthdays at Midnight Japan Time, or when first run after. If the program is running at Midnight Japan Time, then the Results Viewer automatically opens with today's birthdays listed. If it isn't, then the list will be shown the first time the program is run that day. There is currently no option to turn this off, but there will be in Build 4 - which hopefully won't take as long to get done as Build 3 did.

Upcoming Birthdays item in Tray Menu. This will show all birthdays in the next 14 days.

Birthdays List item in Tools Menu of Results Viewer.  This will show birthdays of the girls in the current Results List for the next year.

Count Girls item in Tools Menu of Results Viewer. This will show a ToolTip telling how many girls are listed in the current results. I actually added this for a specific task I was working on, but thought I might as well leave it in because other people might find it useful as well.

Known Issues: At one point, sometimes a Results List would leave one girl's name in Kanji at the bottom of the list, which wasn't actually counted as part of the list. I haven't been able to reproduce this lately, and have no idea what was causing it. So, maybe I fixed it with something else I did. If any one sees this happen, please let me know. Other than that, I haven't had any issues with this build yet.

Installation/Upgrade Instructions (please read carefully):
1. If you are not currently using any version of Query48, you can skip to step 8
2. If you are currently using Alpha Build 1 of Query48, simply delete everything and skip to step 8
3. If you are currently using Alpha Build 2 delete everything except for the Query48.dta file (this file contains all your saved data, and you don't want to lose that) and continue to step 4. If you don't have a Query48.dta file, then you haven't saved anything, and can simply delete everything and skip to step 8
4. Download this:
5. Unpack the Update_dta.exe file into the same folder as the Query48.dta file.
6. Run Update_dta.exe and wait for the message box saying that the Query48.dta file has been updated.
7. Delete the Update_dta.exe file and the Update_dta.rar file. You don't need them anymore, and accidentally running it again later could actually corrupt the Query48.dta file.
8. Now download Query48 Alpha Build 3:
9. Unpack everything into the same folder as the Query48.dta file, if it exists, and you're done.

Sorry to have to make the upgrade process so complicated, but I guess that's just the nature of Alpha software sometimes. There hopefully won't be anymore upgrades like this in the development cycle.

Edit: while I was posting this an HKT48 Kenkyuusei picture thread and an SNH48 Picture thread were created. So, some of the links are already out of date. So, there will probably be a links files release between now and the release of Build 4. Also, I forgot to mention that any JPHiP links with no actual link listed will go to the forum home. And any Google+ Posts links with no actual link listed will go to a 404 page.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2013, 05:19:50 AM by Melchizadek »

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