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Author Topic: a complicated higschool life a thanks to everyone (Aibon and Tsuji)  (Read 4502 times)

Offline XxRoByNxX78

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a complicated highschool life
Aibon and Tsuji fanfiction
By XxRoByNxX78
chapter 1
"Tsuji wake up or i will give you detention agian for the 5th time this week." Came a voice that she could be bearly hear. She opened her eyes halfway and looked up to be face to face with with Nakazawa sensie. In shock she fell back off her chair and hit her head agianst the floor. The class burst out laughing at the clumsyness of Tsuji. Aibon jumped out of her seat and helped Tsuji up and brushed Tsujis brown hair out of her face."Are you okay?"Aibon whispred. Nakazawa answred for Tsuji " Of course she is it Tsuji rember you guys are the two top for a reason Aibon because you look alike and you both have thick sculls." She said taping both of the top of there heads.

When the bell rang for school to end Aibon had to stay behind because she had snuck food into class and got caugth eating it so Tsuji decied to wait for her. After a long hour of waiting Aibon emarged from the class room with food that Nakazawa sensie had confascated but she sneakly took it out of the top draw of her sensie's desk. "Let's go Miki is going to be angry at us for keeping her waiting."Aibon said dragging Tsuji out of the school.

"Where meeting at the park rigth?" Tsuji asked Aibon earning a nod. There walk to the park was full of playfull figths and small talk when they got there a tall short haired brunnet came flying towards them in break neck speed." You made me wait what the hell you took your time ive been waiting for about 1hour and a half." Her serious tone coming out harsher than needed.
"Sorry sensie kept me behind she caugth me eating in the middle of class sorry Miki." Aibon said hiding behind Tsuji to protect herself from the wraf of Fujimoto Miki. "Whatever Sayu said that she is coming soo we should wait abit more .. or not her she is." Miki replied. A huge smile was spread across Sayu's pale face as soon as she caugth sigth of Miki,Tsuji and Aibon. She skipped over and linked arms with Miki "Lets go to the arcaed!!"The two top shouted at the top of there lungs.

end of chapter one honestly am not sure what to do so i would apraciate it if you the readers could give me some ideas!!
thank you for reading
« Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 11:26:33 AM by XxRoByNxX78 »

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Re: a complicated higschool life
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2012, 07:44:41 PM »
first off interesting story :thumbsup second watch out for the spelling mistakes  like "sensei" and other words (spell check before posting :thumbsup)

as for the ideas, the best thing is to write it down and plan it out, how you want your character(s) to be progressing through the story or their lack of progress.  You don't need to rush to post but pace is very important to keep your readers interested :nervous
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Offline XxRoByNxX78

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Re: a complicated higschool life
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2012, 08:33:00 PM »
thanks will keep that in mind am new to this so am trying my best to please ppl and update at least 2 a week i havnt got spell check i use something called wordpad an it dont tell me if i spelt something wrong sry bout tht  :nervous i just finished chapter 3 of my fanfic yankee love  :D i hav read ur fanfics an i think there dead gd btw :grin:

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Re: a complicated higschool life
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2012, 10:18:05 PM »
thanks will keep that in mind am new to this so am trying my best to please ppl and update at least 2 a week i havnt got spell check i use something called wordpad an it dont tell me if i spelt something wrong sry bout tht  :nervous i just finished chapter 3 of my fanfic yankee love  :D i hav read ur fanfics an i think there dead gd btw :grin:

openoffice might be a benefit to at least give you the spell check.  and thanks if you read some other stuff, its actually much worst than the stuff I have now XD
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline XxRoByNxX78

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Re: a complicated higschool life chapter 2
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2012, 11:25:02 AM »
chapter 2
"Ha in your face Mikitty i told you i would win!"

"What no way are you winning me elephant face you cheated rematch rigth here rigth now Aibon."Miki retorted grabbing Aibon and put her in a headlock as she kept dening she cheated."Fine bring it on obaachan i will wipe the floor with you agian.!" Aibon shouted wriggling out of the headlock and jumping on Miki's back."You did not just call me obaachan am one year older you brat!"Miki retalated throwing Aibon off her back. Tsuji and Sayu watched there little squable go on and on until both gave up and called it a draw.

Both pulled tounges at the other and walked to the sides of Sayu and Tsuji. *Ring*Ring* Aibon pulled her phone out an walked outside of the arcade and answred her phone.

"Moshi moshi hi daddy wait what!!!" Aibon screamed down the phone."Like hell am i moving to China because your fiance is home sick!"She shouted agian down the phone causeing her father to explode down the phone at her and  almost deffing her. When she got off the phone she pulled a mirror from her bag fixed her bangs and noticed her skin was whiter than snow."Aibon come an win me a stuffed animal from the claw machine." Tsuji said running up and hugging her from behind. Aibon nodded her head but Tsuji noticed something was wrong with the older girl."Are you Aibon you where okay until you got the phone call."Tsuji asked worried Aibon said she was fine and asked what she wanted her to win her on the claw machien.

(while Aibon was on the phone)

"Tsuji do you know who is calling her?" Miki asked Tsuji shook her head and smiled then grabbed both Sayu and Miki and pulled them to the claw machien."Sayu can you win me that?"Tsuji requested. Sayu gave Tsuji a death glare "No i want the bunny."Sayu displeasing Tsuji. Tsuji asked Miki but got the same answer excpet Miki wanted the dragon."Ha the dragon fits your personality perfectly!"Tsuji argued.

"What did you say?!"Miki questioned
"Erm nothing just that Aibon will win something for me since am terriable at them."Tsuji pointed her tounge out and ran out towards Aibon. Sayu just won the bunny she wanted "There both just big kids." Sayu said Miki turned and faced the bunny mad girl "Yup but they are both gaga for eachother haha."Miki stated.

(when Aibon and Tsuji came back into the arcade)

"Why do you want an elephant Tsuji ahhhh whatever fine i'll win it for you." Giggled Aibon. Aibon put in the money and began moving the claw towards the stuffed elephant then picked it up and then ..."Yay Aibon you the best!" praised Tsuji. Aibon blushed from the satetment but Tsuji didnt notice but the other 2 did. "Ive got to go meet my dad." Announced Aibon "So i will text you all later see you at school."Aibon said running towards the exit while waving."Aibon never told me she was meeting up with her dad." Whinned Tsuji. Sayu and Miki didnt know either but they figured they will be told sooner or later.

(Aibon's pov)

I got to the restraunt my daddy was meeting me at just in time to see him come out of a huge black limo gaining everyones attention. Then rigth behind him his smug girlfriend Junjun stepped out in a red sliming dress. "Aibon come here."Excliamed my daddy earning me jelous and dangours looks as she walked foward to him. "Hi daddy." I sadly said. Junjun gave me a evil smirk god i would love her and Miki to meet Miki would have her begging for mercy in seconds. My daddy led me and Junjun inside of the restraunt and the waiter led us to a table where my daddy sat next to the witch. And i sat on the other side trying to create enough distance between me and Junjun.

"Now about what we where discussing on the phone you will be moving to China wheather you like it or not we already have plane tickets we will be going in two weeks." Daddy explanied to me i was speechless i didnt have a choice in the matter which means i have only two weeks with Miki,Sayu and Tsuji the one i love. "This will be a good move Junjun and me are gettin married 3 days before we leave and Junjun's has a sister your age so you should get on well with her and i hope your grades will improve." Lectured my daddy actually my father he doesnt deserve daddy.

Wait wait back up did he just say married you mean am going to have the devil as my step mother ahhh hell no! "Like hell am i going to China and like hell am i going to have a devil as a step mother." When i shouted this everyone stared at me and my father who was now stood up facing me looking rigth into my eyes. Then a loud smack echoed through the restaruant my face stung an was going red quickly. I didnt even cry i was frozen still with fear and shock.

"You will move to China and dont you dear call the women i love a devil!" My father belowed."What is devil to nice i dont see why i have to go with you since its rare i see you even though you live with me!" I screamed back but before he could say anything and before he could hit me agian i walked out of the restaraunt. I had know idea where i was going but after a couple of hours of wondering around i headed home an seen it was 3 in the morning. I didnt bother to sleep for the little amount of time i had instead i took a long shower,straigthened my bangs,brushed my hair and teeth,got changed into my school uniform and made breakfast. By the time i had done all of this i had about 20minutes to eat my breakfast which was easily done now i just needed to meet Tsuji.

(end of Aibon's pov and chapter 2)

hope you all enjoyed it thankyou for reading!!
 :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: a complicated higschool life Part 2
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2012, 11:33:57 AM »
Hmm interesting second chapter especially the way Aibon spoke back to her father XD
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline XxRoByNxX78

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Re: a complicated higschool life Part 3 tsuji and aibon
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2012, 04:35:08 PM »
chapter 3

As useual Aibon and Tsuji met up at the trainstation but Aibon was late by about 5minutes but Tsuji didnt think anything of it. She just assumed Aibon slept in a little longer than she should have. "Come on where going to be late!" Clamied Tsuji. Aibon made it just in time to catch the train. Jumping on the train with Tsuji in tow a huge sigh of relife came from Aibon's mouth causing Tsuji to chuckle at her cuteness.

When they reached school the realisation of Aibon's situation hit her. They went to class only to be confronted with a pissed off Nakazawa sensei. This really wasnt Aibon's week at all. "Your late!!" Nakazawa sensei snapped.

"By like 2 minutes you havnt even started teaching!" The two top argued making a little dramitic scene at the end making all the other students fall of there seats laughing. "I dont care your still late!" Responed Nakazawa sensei ignoring the students that are still laughing. "Get to your seats now before i send you to the headteacher!"

They both shook there heads in disbelife and went towards there respective seats. A couple of minutes later Aibon was told to read a passage from the book the class was reading. But she didnt pay attention to anything that her sensei was saying as she was thinking how to get out of going to China. Looking to Tsuji for help was useless as she was asleep agian and by the looks of things she wasnt going to wake up anytime soon. So she gussed and suprisegly gettin it right. The bell rang for break and Tsuji woke up to see that Aibon was not in class. "Where did Aibon go?" Tsuji questioned.

"Nakazawa sensei called her out of class." A voice replied then the owner of the voice jumped out of no where an scared Tsuji "Ahhh Konno dont do that to me." Tsuji breathlessly said.

(outside of the classroom)

"What do you need sensei?"
Complined Aibon rather annoyed at her sensei. This got her an dissoproving look."Your father phoned the school and told us that you will be transferring to a school in China and asked us to tell you what school you will be attending." Nakazawa sensei explained only to see Aibon turn her back and start heading into the class room. She grabbed Aibon and pulled her back."You will be attending Morning musume highschool it is an all girls school like this one and has the best grades in China." She noticed the sad expression on Aibon's face and let her go. (Aibon is a sweet and innocent girl why would you do that to her) Nakazawa sensei thougth.

When Aibon entred the class room she was greeted with a huge hug from Tsuji "Help she keeps eating my food!" Tsuji pouted pointing at Konno who was laughing and seen Aibon laughing to. So Tsuji tigthened the grip of her hug almost killing the poor girl but still Aibon kept laughing.

(The day before her fathers wedding)
(Aibons pov)

I coudnt believe how quick the days went that led up to see the most horrifying thing ever my father gettin married to the devil. The women that teased and made fun of my weigth when my dad wasnt with us. The women that first sentence to me was is it true your dad is worth like 1 billion yen. It was then obviouse she just wanted my father for his money. Which made me angry very angry.

Now it is the day before the wedding an i have been told to pack my bags and get ready to go to china. I am quickly starting to hate my father. Not like i knew him. Before my mother left he always had to spend time with me. And after she left us he blamed it on me saying i was the reason because my grades where bad i never did as i was told. Well he got that wrong cause i remember hearing there argument one night it was because my father cheated on her with Junjun. I cried the enitre night and went to school like nothing happaned putting on a fake smile to please everyone.

Of course Sayu,Miki and Tsuji saw through what everyone else didnt and made me tell them everything. But now they dont know anything they dont know am leaving and they dont know that my dad is getting married. I was forbbiden to tell them not like i was going to anyway. I dont think i would be able to face Tsuji.

(end of chapter 3)

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Re: a complicated higschool life Part 3 (Aibon and Tsuji)
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2012, 05:12:29 PM »
Aibon transferring schools because of the father  :thumbdown:
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: a complicated higschool life Part 3 (Aibon and Tsuji)
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2012, 02:43:21 AM »
I am very interested in the story so far.  Evil Jun Jun is deliciously evil.   :on cigar:

As for spelling, the browser Firefox has a built in spell checker that has corrected my spelling countless times.  It could be a big help.

Offline XxRoByNxX78

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Re: a complicated higschool life Part 3 (Aibon and Tsuji)
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2012, 12:00:09 AM »
chapter 4 end

It was the day of the wedding and Aibon had packed her bags ready to leave in 3 days. Junjun had picked out an ugly braidsmaid dress for Aibon it was brigth pink and you could see her for miles. Aibon was stood by the preist waiting for the devil to walk down the ale.As Junjun did Aibon could see the smile her dad had when he seen her causing her heart to sink thinkning how can her father love something like that.

As each said there vowes Aibon felt tears come pouring out from her eyes also remebering she had 3 days to tell Tsuji she loved her and that she is leaving and she had to tell Miki and Sayu she was leaving to.The couple kissed making Aibon gag in her mouth.Soon it was the reception party and Aibon coudnt find nothing to amuse her so she pulled her phone out to play some games when it was snatched out of her hand."No going on phones Aibon its mine and your fathers wedding he would get angry and i am you mother now so do as your told."

"Your not my mother Junjun and dont call me Aibon just cause you married my father and are making me go to China doesnt mean i want to be anywhere near you!"Unfortenly for Aibon her father heard her which lead him to whisper to her saying go get her things as they are leaving for China tonigth as she had angred him.

Aibon left the recpetion and ran to Tsujis house.She knocked on the door louder and louder until finally Tsujis mum answred.She pointed upstairs and Aibon jumped up to them and opened the door scraing Tsuji as she jumped into her arms crying and coudnt say anything proprly as her sobs covred most of what she said.Tsuji however caugth on to most of what Aibon had said an began crying to pulling Aibon closer to her."Aibin dont go i..i...i..i love you."
Aibon looked up and more tears began to fall as she creased Tsujis cheek and said those 4 precious words."I love you too."They then sealed there love with a kiss."I have to leave tonigth im sorry i will be back i promise i dont know when but i will i love you Tsuji dont leave me or forget me."

"Aibon your my first and only love i wont forget you i never could if i wanted to i love you and i will wait for you i promise you."Tsuji replied and followed Aibon to the door where they kissed once more and Aibon left Tsuji promising that she will be back for her.
Miki and Sayu found out the next day and comforted Tsuji every second she was down hopeing that one day they will be able to see there friend again.


hope you liked it thanks for reading and comment.

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Re: a complicated higschool life Part 3 (Aibon and Tsuji)
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2012, 12:07:45 AM »
Junjun had picked out an ugly braidsmaid dress for Aibon it was brigth pink and you could see her for miles.

Poor Aibon had to wear an ugly dress... JunJun... how could you... Though I love her being evil, hehe

"Your not my mother Junjun and dont call me Aibon just cause you married my father and are making me go to China doesnt mean i want to be anywhere near you!"

I so agree with her on this one!! I hate when people who pretend to be your family but act badly towards you trie to tell you how you should act.

Tsuji however caugth on to most of what Aibon had said an began crying to pulling Aibon closer to her."Aibin dont go i..i...i..i love you."
Aibon looked up and more tears began to fall as she creased Tsujis cheek and said those 4 precious words."I love you too."They then sealed there love with a kiss."I have to leave tonigth im sorry i will be back i promise i dont know when but i will i love you Tsuji dont leave me or forget me."

"Aibon your my first and only love i wont forget you i never could if i wanted to i love you and i will wait for you i promise you."Tsuji replied and followed Aibon to the door where they kissed once more and Aibon left Tsuji promising that she will be back for her.

This was so sweet, it made my heart race. Aw...  :wub: :wub:

Miki and Sayu found out the next day and comforted Tsuji every second she was down hopeing that one day they will be able to see there friend again.

They will definitely see each other again. It's not a hope, it's a statement, hehe. If not XxRoByNxX78-san, then I'll make them meet each other again  :on asmo:

It was a great read. I read other chapters yesterday, but was too lazy to comment. So yeah, here's my comment, hehe

I really loved the story (though your best story imo is still 'Beauty and the Thieves'  :hee:)
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: a complicated higschool life Part 4 end (Aibon and Tsuji)
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2012, 06:22:55 AM »
Aibon Nono love is awesome although the Aibon departure is such a sad event
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline XxRoByNxX78

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Re: a complicated higschool life Part 4 end (Aibon and Tsuji)
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2012, 11:25:47 AM »
thx for reading the story  :thumbup and i think i will take you up on that Sakura_Drop_  :twothumbs we should work on the continuation story togther  :lol: lolz thanks to everyone for reading

Offline sakura_drop_

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Re: a complicated higschool life a thanks to everyone (Aibon and Tsuji)
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2012, 11:38:18 AM »
Why not?.. Hehe.

In reality I already have too much projects going on. Plus I just had my exams... It was a tough week, but I still updated the stories. Now that exams are over, I can write more, YAY!

but if you do the continuation, I'd be glad to read it  :thumbup
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

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Re: a complicated higschool life a thanks to everyone (Aibon and Tsuji)
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2012, 11:41:37 AM »
i had exams two weeks ago and my teacher said that i am to layed back dont know how you can be to layed back lol i got like 2 f's 1 e and the rest were d's arnt i gd lol and i will be workin on the continuation !!

Offline sakura_drop_

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Re: a complicated higschool life a thanks to everyone (Aibon and Tsuji)
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2012, 11:53:05 AM »
I'll find out my results next week, as I had just two exams (I'm a student, so having JUST 2 of them was a shock, hehe). But I hope for the best  :peace:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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