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Author Topic: [Ch 4 Pt 2] The Person That I Fell In Love With Is...You [YukoRena, others]  (Read 50279 times)

Offline sakura_drop_

  • サクゲキと読んでください | Sakugeki to yonde kudasai~ | Please call me "Sakugeki"
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  • YukoRena(Geki) & AtsuYuu shipping all the way! ♥♥♥
Hello there!  :gmon hi:

So, being a silent reader for a few months now I decided to write a fanfic, coz my dreams are giving me a headache already  :gmon sweet:

Yuko-sama is the one I adore since the OLD TEAM K formation, and she never dropped down from my number one spot, never even shared it with anyone. OC, I also LOVE (in fangirling love oc  :gmon shy:) Matsui Rena and Kashiwagi Yuki (and a someone certain *coughcoughKAPPAcoughcough*  :gmon sing:)

Anyway, this fanfic will be about a couple that I didn't stumble upon other's shipping. (If my English has mistakes, feel free to fix me  :gmon blonde:) So I wonder, should I really post it...  :? :? :? Oc, it will have other couples that I like  :tama-yeeaah:

So for you to decide whether you want to read something like this, I'll post a teaser  :)



"Yuko-sama!" the girl called in a surprised voice. " doing here..?"
The smaller girl just patted the taller girl on the head and rufled her hair gently. "You're having fun, right? And I never do miss fun, do I?"
"B..but where's Sa...?"
"BEHIND YOU!!" Yuko interrupted her friend and both started running.


Feel free to comment.
Till next time,

EDIT: I just wanted to note, that all people, who will be included in  :luvluv1: :shy1: :shy2: :on slopkiss: scenes, are +18 in my fanfic. And teachers near 30, but not 30  XD
EDIT 2: Other people, like principal, or some other important persons, might be around 30, hehe (or even near 40 *gets shot by readers*)

The Person That I Fell In Love With Is...You

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4


!MAIN CAST [More information is revealed down below.]

Oshima Yuko

Matsui Rena

Shinoda Mariko

Matsui Jurina

Kashiwagi Yuki
Itano Tomomi
Kasai Tomomi

Miyazawa Sae
Watanabe Mayu
Maeda Atsuko
Kojima Haruna


Students at AkKanbe Basshi Jogakuen

Grade III, Senior Class
  • Name: Deguchi Aki - class president.
  • Name: Oshima Yuko
    Nickname (s): Yuko-sama, Yuu, Yuuchan, Yuko
    Age: 25
    Occupation: student, the president of
    Family: Oshima Mai (older sister)
    Bio: Is really strong and dependable person.
    She is best friends with Sado. Has a sister
    MaiMai. Everyone loves her to the extent that
    they are afraid of her. Knows she can beat you
    hard if you hurt her beloved ones.
  • Name: Shinoda Mariko
    Nickname (s): Sado, Maririn, Mariko-sama
    Age: 25
    Occupation: student, the vice president of
    Rapappa, model at Meetan&Co.
    Family: yet unknown
    Bio: Is best friends with Yuko and Shibuya,
    loves teasing others, especially Yukirin. Always
    fights with Miichan, and guess who wins?
    Mariko, of course. Deep in her heart she
    sometimes wants to skip down the stairs and
    cheerlead near  Sasshi. Oh well... (Sasshi is not
    a cheerleader, so her wish is.......)
  • Name: Katayama Haruka - Top student in her
  • Name: Kato Tomoko
Grade III, Middle Class
  • Name: Kuramochi Asuka - class president,
    loves to boss people around.

  • Name: Kojima Haruna
    Nickname (s): Kojiharu, NyanNyan, Haruna
    Age: 24
    Occupation: student, member of Rapappa,
    actress at Suzuki Stardust Corporation
    Family: yet unknown
    Bio: The airhead of the airheads. She is good
    friends with Acchan and Miichan. Knows
    everything about everyone, so sometimes calls
    herself Gossip Girl.
  • Name: Umeda Ayaka - Gathers information
    for  the school’s newspaper.
  • Name: Hata Sawako - Student Council Vice
  • Name: Hirata Rikako
Grade III, Junior Class
  • Name: Ogiso Shiori - class president.
  • Name: Minegishi Minami
    Nickname (s): Miichan, Shaku, Minegishi
    Age: 23
    Occupation: student, Student Council
    Family: yet unknown
    Bio: A girl who hates know-it-alls, though she
    herself is striving to be one, craving for
    screen time (??), well, attention. Imagine her
    disappointment, when she loses to Sado ALL
    the time.  Is a good friend of Kojiharu and
  • Name: Itano Tomomi
    Nickname (s): Shibuya, Tomochin, Itano
    Age: 23
    Occupation: student, member of Rapappa,
    fashion designer at Meetan&Co
    Family: yet unknown
    Bio: The fashionista and the bling diva.
    Loves fast cars, planes, bikes, etc. That is,
    FAST rides. Can become deadly tired with
    no action oncoming. Is good friends with
    Chiyuu and mostly all Rapappa, especially
  • Name: Suda Akari
  • Name: Matsubara Natsumi – gathers
    information for the school’s newspaper,
    creates dance moves.
Grade II, Class 1
  • Name: Furukawa Airi - class president.
  • Name: Matsui Rena
    Nickname (s): Rena-chan, Rena, Gekikara, Amakuchi
    Age: 22
    Occupation: student, new Rapappa member
    Family: Matsui Jurina (younger sister), Matsui
    Sakiko (aunt)
    Bio: Is weak, or is not, but looks like it.
    LOOOVEEES SPICY food. CRAVES for it, tbh.
    Can't eat raw meat. Doesn't remember much
    of her childhood, just since she was about 14
    years old. Has a very sad and dark past.
  • Name: Maeda Atsuko
    Nickname (s): Acchan, Atsuko
    Age: 22
    Occupation:  student, Rapappa member
    Family: Mrs Maeda (mother), Mr Maeda
    (father), Komori Mika (younger cousin),
    Maeda Ami (younger cousin)
    Bio:  She’s a shy girl who cannot defend
    herself, but tries to help others all the time. Is
    bad at English, so after MANY attempts to find
    a suitable mentor [EVEN professor Akimoto
    Yasushi was of no help], now she might have
    found a suitable one. Has fallen in love with
    her mentor Takahashi Minami at first sight.
    Likes jumping on her mentor a lot.
  • Name: Kitahara Rie - leader and creator of the
    Culture Club.
  • Name: Takayanagi Akane
Grade II, Class 2
  • Name: Kashiwagi Yuki
    Nickname (s): Yukirin, Black
    Age: 21
    Occupation: student, class president
    Family: yet unknown
    Bio: Is really lady like, very beautiful and clever
    girl. Always quiet can become really loud while
    expressing herself (though that happens
    mainly just around Mariko-sama for some

  • Name: Kasai Tomomi
    Nickname (s): Tomo~mi, Chiyuu, Kasai-sama
    Age: 21
    Occupation: student, cheerleader
    Family: yet unknown
    Bio: Is a very sweet and beautiful girl and is
    fond of her childhood friend Tomochin. Has a
    steady fan base, tries avoiding it, but....
    Sometimes becomes furious, because the
    certain fan base ruins her plans with
    Tomochin. Mostly, nearly, basically... OK,
    every her sentence has a ‘Chiyuu’ in it (except
    when she’s angry or serious).
  • Name: Takajo Aki -  tries to flirt with Akimoto
    sensei, but always fails.
  • Name: Nonaka Misato - leader and creator of
    the Driving Club.
  • Name: Hiramatsu Kanako - self-taught
    journalist, runs school’s newspaper.
Grade II, Class 3
  • Name: Takada Shiori - class president.
  • Name: Yagami Kumi
    Nickname (s): Kuumin, Dansu
    Age: 20
    Occupation: student, Rapappa's
    Family: yet unknown
    Bio: She is close friends with Tomochin,
    would do anything for her (is secretly in love
    with Tomochin). Tomochin thinks of her as
    Rapappa’s member. Has a very good sense.
    HATES spicy food.
  • Name: Kobayashi Kana - is know to be very
  • Name: Komori Mika - another airhead. Is very
  • Name: Nakata Chisato - member of Kasai
    Tomomi's fan club.
Grade I, Class A
  • Name: Oota Aika - class president.
  • Name: Sashihara Rino
    Nickname (s): Sasshi
    Age: 19
    Occupation: student, member of Wotagei Calligraphy Club
    Family: yet unknown
    Bio: Is a huge wota of different girl groups, such as 48’s or Kawaii. Is a good friend
    of Miichan and is known to have a childhood friend whom she calls ‘Hagi’.
  • Name: Kato Rumi - leader and creator of the Fishing Club.
  • Name: Nito Moeno - member of Kasai Tomomi's fanclub.
  • Name: Hirajima Natsumi - member of Kasai Tomomi's fanclub.
Grade I, Class B
  • Name: Uchida Mayumi - class president.
  • Name: Matsui Jurina
    Nickname (s): Jurina, Center, Juju
    Age: 18
    Occupation: student, self-called Center position claimer, new Rapappa member
    Family: Matsui Rena (older sister), Matsui Sakiko (aunt)
    Bio: Really caring for her sister and sometimes going overboard with it. Loves being
    Center, ahem, in a center position, or at the center of attention. When it’s not
    possible... that doesn't happen. For her, everything is possible, if that means being a center position, that is. Due to very cruel past, both she and her sister don’t
    remember much about their childhood, but knows that something bad happened.
  • Name: Watanabe Mayu
    Nickname (s): CG, Cyborg, Mayuyu, Watama
    Age: 18
    Occupation: student, otaku
    Family: Watanabe Shiho (diseased older sister)
    Bio: The nickname says it all. So called cyborg girl is really fond of anime, video
    games, manga, cross-dressing, etc. Well, basically, everything that goes with being an
    otaku. Clings onto Sensei Sae-san a lot, coz ya know, ikemen are HAWT, right? (is it
    allowed onto a teacher for a student, I wonder, by the name..?) Is
    still mourning for her sister (she died 8 years ago).
  • Name: Fujie Reina
  • Name: Maeda Ami - is famous for her thick eyebrows.

School staff/personel

  • Name: Noro Kayo
    Nickname (s): Nonti, Fatty
    Age: 38
    Occupation: principal of AkKanbe Basshi Jogakuen
    Family: yet unknown
    Bio: She’s fun to have around, though can get serious
    (sometimes). Is called Fatty by her friends, she herself
     thinks it’s a normal weight that she has at her age.
    She’s not a teenager anymore, afterall.
  • Secretary
    Name: Yamamoto Sayaka, 27.
  • Administrator
    Name: Takeuchi Miyu, 27.
  • Nurse
    Name: Oshima Mai, 28 - is good friends with the school’s principal.
  • Librarian
    Name: Kimoto Kanon, 25.

●Name: Miyazawa Sae
Nickname (s): Sensei Sae-san, Genking
Age: 26
Occupation: Chemistry Teacher at AkKanbe Basshi Jogakuen
Family: yet unknown
Bio: Just last year he..oops..she was a student at this school, and now is already a teacher..?And of all subjects it’s chemistry?!! This teacher is always smiling, bringing the girls from being in the most bad state/mood to smile brightly as she comes into the classroom. Neat. She’s the only one, who calls Mayuyu ‘Watama’, meaning Watashi no Atama Mayuyu (she tends to forget things, and Mayu is always there for help)

●Name: Akimoto Sayaka
Nickname (s): Saaya
Age: 29
Occupation: Sports Teacher at AkKanbe Basshi Jogakuen
Family: Nakanishi Yuuka (lover)
Bio: Whether it comes to basketball or all sports in general, go straight to Akimoto sensei. She knows everything, everywhere, everyone related to sports. And can play you to death and still not loose and NOT get tired. Has a secret lover.

●Name: Nakanishi Yuuka
Nickname (s): Yuuka
Age: 28
Occupation: Swimming Teacher at AkKanbe Basshi Jogakuen, a professional swimmer
Family: Akimoto Sayaka (lover)
Bio: Hates people calling her by last name, but can’t avoid it at work, that’s why she rarely smiles.

●Name: Ishida Haruka - Singing Teacher at AkKanbe Basshi Jogakuen

●Name: Iwasa Misaki - History and Literature Teacher at AkKanbe Basshi Jogakuen

●Name: Urano Kazumi - Geography Teacher at AkKanbe Basshi Jogakuen

●Name: Oba Mina - Acting Teacher at AkKanbe Basshi Jogakuen

●Name: Kawasaki Nozomi - English Teacher at AkKanbe Basshi Jogakuen

●Name: Kikuchi Ayaka - Martial Arts and Tea Serving Teacher at AkKanbe Basshi Jogakuen. Was expelled when dated a student from another school. Came back proudly.

●Name: Kuwabara Mizuki - Maths Teacher at AkKanbe Basshi Jogakuen

●Name: Nakanishi Rina - Dancing Teacher at AkKanbe Basshi Jogakuen. Gets angry, when people ask if she and Nakanishi Yuuka sensei are related. Indeed they are not.

●Name: Nakaya Sayaka - Arts and Calligraphy Teacher at AkKanbe Basshi Jogakuen

●Name: Mitsumune Kaoru - Modelling Teacher at AkKanbe Basshi Jogakuen

●Name: Yamada Nana - Cooking Teacher at AkKanbe Basshi Jogakuen


Suzuki Stardust Corporation
Personnel, Owner

●Name: Suzuki Mariya, 30.

●Name: Suzuki Airi - secretary at Suzuki Stardust Corporation, is mostly responsible for Acting and Singing management.

●Name: Suzuki Shihori - manager at Suzuki Stardust Corporation - is mostly responsible for Gymnastics and Dancing management.

●Name: Ueda Akio aka Shuzo - singer under Suzuki Stardust Corporation, goes to Toho Gakuen School of Music. He's the sub-leader of popular boy's band 'DevilZZ'.

●Name: Sakai Tomio aka Rikishi - singer under Suzuki Stardust Corporation, goes to Toho Gakuen School of Music. He's the face of popular boy's band 'DevilZZ'.

●Name: Masuda Yuttan aka Chiro - singer under Suzuki Stardust Corporation, goes to Toho Gakuen School of Music. He's a leader of popular boy's band 'DevilZZ'.

Personnel, Owner

●Name: Ohori Megumi
Nickname (s): Meetan
Age: 28
Occupation: director and owner of Meetan&Co.
Family: Oku Manami (lover)
Bio: Uses her nickname for as long as she can remember.

●Name: Oku Manami - a private secretary at Meetan&Co.

●Name: Nakagawa Haruka - basketball player, a spokesperson for Meetan&Co.

●Name: Umeda Erika - model under Meetan&Co. She's on good terms with Shibuya.


●Name: Mr Maeda - a father of Acchan’s. Loves SDN48 a lot.

●Name: Mrs Maeda - a mother of Acchan’s. Her cooking melts everyone’s hearts.

●Name: Matsui Sakiko - aunt of Rena and Jurina. Plays piano really well.

●Name: Oya Kana - Oya Shizuka's wife.

●Name: Watanabe Shiho - Watanabe Mayu's sister. Diseased. Appears only in flashbacks.

WARNING: some sexual scenes, can find some strong language or even violence.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2016, 07:45:47 PM by sakura_drop_ »
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo


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Re: The Person That I Fell In Love With Is...You [YukoRena, others]
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2012, 11:13:28 AM »
Welcome to the world of draining your head off..  :badluck: LOL... welcome new writer..  :onioncheer:

Is this gonna be Yuko x Rena?? this is new..  :hehehe:  btw, the teaser is too short~  :grr:  write more..  :on GJ:

Offline kahem

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Re: The Person That I Fell In Love With Is...You [YukoRena, others]
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2012, 11:14:39 AM »
Yuko and Rena? Oh, never see that pairing, interesting. Continue, I wanna see how you will manage this ^^

Offline msst28

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Re: The Person That I Fell In Love With Is...You [YukoRena, others]
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2012, 11:29:15 AM »
Random new pairing.. interesting :glasses:
Agree with Flean the intro too short
Pls write more :bow:

Offline sakura_drop_

  • サクゲキと読んでください | Sakugeki to yonde kudasai~ | Please call me "Sakugeki"
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  • YukoRena(Geki) & AtsuYuu shipping all the way! ♥♥♥
Re: The Person That I Fell In Love With Is...You [YukoRena, others]
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2012, 11:39:52 AM »
@Flean: thanx for the welcome  :) mhm, is it to short, I wonder... hehe
@Kahem: thanx, and yes, YukoRena all the way, and some other couples (and a thick plot...that I hope I could manage to write down here without fail... :ptam-cry:
@msst28: as you both wish hehe and thanx, btw

The Person That I Fell In Love Is...You


The sun was high up, the birds were chirping; it was the middle of a wonderful summer, the summer all the kids always dream about. Not too hot and not too cold, a slight breeze sometimes oncoming and blowing off the slight heat. The park was filled up with families, playing catch or tossing a ball, or couples romantically holding hands or having a picnic. Everyone was having fun.

Near the middle of the park at a small pavement near the fountain five little girls were dancing with happy faces and singing out loud, their joy coming from within their hearts. In front of them was a cap laying, looking like someone just lost it, though starting to fill up with money.

"Dokoka de sakura no hanabira ga
Harari to kaze ni mau you ni
Dare ni mo habataku toki ga kite
Hitorikiri de arukidasunda"

The girls sat down for a bit. Suddenly one of them stood up.

"I want to be in the center again!"

The nearly identical, though somewhat different girl took the standing one's hand.

"Neechan, we're supposed to equally share… Calm down, ok?"

"I'll never give up on my dream being a center forever! I'll climb the stairs of... What's that word that I heard in a movie, I wonder...?”

"It's stairs of hardship, neechan..."

"Oh, yes." She fakely coughed, gathered her composure. "Like I said, I'll climb the stairs of hardship and defeat anyone getting in my way in order to become the only one holding center position forever."

Her sister smiled fragilely and sighed.

"Aren't we too young to have this topic...neechan?"

The usually fired up girl kneeled down to her weak sister, then tilted her head to other three friends.

"We should stop, neechan is tired."

Others agreed and wanted to split the money, but when the dark shadow covered them all, everyone understood it was not going to happen. The three friends of the girls' ran away, not wanting to deal with the person owning a shadow. The mood of that person was not good. The two girls shivered with fear, as the figure smiled coldly, so to hide from the people in the park her cold eyes.

"Oh my dear children, are you having fun?"

Both sisters nodded their heads, hugging each other tightly.

"Goood." Then she kneeled down closer to them and started whispering in a cold, angry voice. "If you do not bring LOTS of money tonight, I SWEAR I'll beat you with my own hands. Though dad would love to do that too, wouldn't he?

“Well…" she backed a bit, smiled again, but her eyes were as cold as ice in Antarctica. "Have fun, my girls."

When their mother went away, the fragile one started crying into her sister’s chest, hiding her face so not to show people in the park her state. The other trying to smile just gently patted her sister’s head.

"We can do this." she thought to herself. "I have to try harder to get to the center, and then I know I'll be able to protect oneechan."


"Yes, Rena-chan?"

"We should dance and sing, oneechan. Remember that song obaachan used to sing? Let's stand up and sing, ok?"

"But Rena-chan, you're..."

"I'm ok, oneechan, really…" she gave a brave smile and stood up, though her vision was blurred. ”I'll start, you continue, and then we sing both, ok?"

Jurina just nodded her head silently and stood up near her sister.

Rena   Jurina   wMatsui

Atama to kubi to kubi to dou to
Dou to ryoute ashi
Karadajuu no acchi kocchi ni
Hone no kakurenbo

Jouwankotsu ni rokkotsu
Daitaikotsu ni kotsuban
Kenkoukotsu ni sekichuu
Doko kana? sakotsu

Honehone honehone minna de
Honehone honehone issho ni
Nihyakurokko no honetachi
Te wo tsunaide odori dasu
Honehone honehone WARUTSU ni
Honehone honehone awasete
KARUSHIUMU no chouzouko
Kimi no hone wa ikiteiru

As girls sang, more and more people gathered around tossing the money into the cap. Behind the crowd in the shadows behind a tree, someone was worriedly watching at the girls putting up a brave face. That person knew what awaited the girls at home, if they can call that creepy place home at all...

When the sun sat down the park became more like a place for two, as there were only two little girls sitting near a fountain holding hands.

"Nee, neechan…"


"Let's go home. I'm hungry..."

Jurina looked at her sister with a gentle but firm gaze.

"Okay, but I'll help you walk."

Rena smiled widely.

"Neechan... Carry me on your back...." Another wide smile appeared on her face. "I'll carry the money for you, hehe..."

"Can't help it, can I?" Jurina carried her sister home, as her sister hold onto her with one hand and legs wrapped around her while holding the money with another hand.

"Nee, neechan, want me to sing?" asked Rena.

"Un, go ahead."

AH- bokura no kamihikouki wo
kodagai oka no ue kara tobasou
minna no omoi wo nosete
chiheisen made yuke

AH- rikutsu ja umaku yukanai
hontou no kaze kanjitemiyou
nakama to mabuta wo tojite
aoi sora no kanata e

AH- bokura no kami hikouki wa
ima demo kono mune no oku doko ka de
ano hi no nakama wo nosete
tobi tsuzukete irunda
nani mo kawarazu ni
tori no you ni tobe

When they came to the house, they became silent for the moment. The light was only in the kitchen which meant dad was already drinking... and mom was there too... They held each other's hands while walking inside.
"Oh, look who's here." Their mother laughed and chuckled. "Did you bring LOTS of money?"
"Yes, okaasan, otoosan." They gave the cap full of money to their parents.
"Well," said the woman with sparkling eyes at the money then looking deviously at the children. "You won't get the beating today. But oh, look, dad accidentally ate all the food. I guess you will go to sleep hungry. Is that a frown I see?"
Jurina reacted first. "No, okaasan, otoosan, we're fine. We ate in the morning so that's fine."
"Good. Oh, Rena, wanted to say something?"

The person outside the house in the shadows was trying to hear anything, wanting to find out if any of the girls was beaten, when she suddenly heard a loud shriek. Then lots of loud noises could b heard, presumably of things falling, breaking. Then the lights went out, the woman was still screaming.

Then a silence came.

Such a deep silence you could hear your own breath, heart beating, and…

...a little girl, laughing her heart out as she protected her oneechan from third adoptive parents.

NOBODY can ever hurt her oneechan, NOBODY.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA...hahahahahahahaHAHAHAHA... Nee...okaasan.....otoosan.....okotteru?"


« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 10:40:41 PM by sakura_drop_ »
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline sakura_drop_

  • サクゲキと読んでください | Sakugeki to yonde kudasai~ | Please call me "Sakugeki"
  • ecchi
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  • YukoRena(Geki) & AtsuYuu shipping all the way! ♥♥♥
I felt the need to inform you, that this is not some ordinary fanfic. I do not only ship YukoRena, as I also ship MariYuki  :ptam-shy: so expect unexpected hehe
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline yukofan

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YukoRena? interesting..random pairing but i don't mind..because i ship YukoXeveryone  XD

please update more..

the teaser and the prologe were too short..i'm so curious about the story..

visit my tumblr :


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ARGH!!!!!!!!!!! :panic: Taka!!! Taka will be one of the main cast too??  :w00t:

Offline sakura_drop_

  • サクゲキと読んでください | Sakugeki to yonde kudasai~ | Please call me "Sakugeki"
  • ecchi
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  • YukoRena(Geki) & AtsuYuu shipping all the way! ♥♥♥
@yukofan: yup yup, YukoRena~
@Flean: yes, my dear  :P and as you can guess by her description, she'll have lots of fun with some random *couhcoughAcchancoughcough*  :bigdeal:
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 02:14:08 PM by sakura_drop_ »
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo


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Owh!!!  :on lol: I shall wait patiently for my taka to appear!!  :on drink:

*Taka.. Taka.. Taka.. Please make Taka gonne appear next~:prayers:

Offline haruhi16

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Ohh i just wanted to say I LOVE YOU 'cause YUKO is my oshi too <33 , she's the reason why i became a fan of akb48 and she will be my number 1 <3 FOREVER. <333

YUKOxRENA? Actually, my OTP is KOJIYUU but it's okay , as long as YUko is in it, then i'm in =))) PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!

Offline sakura_drop_

  • サクゲキと読んでください | Sakugeki to yonde kudasai~ | Please call me "Sakugeki"
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  • YukoRena(Geki) & AtsuYuu shipping all the way! ♥♥♥
@Flean: hehe~ XD
@anzai48: :)
@haruhi16:heart: you back ;) thanx for reading  :kneelbow:
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 02:15:23 PM by sakura_drop_ »
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline Spicy Sapphire

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woah woah woah wait a second... YUKOXRENA??? AWESOMEEEE!! both are my favs!  :inlove: I'll be following this fic  :twothumbs

Offline sakura_drop_

  • サクゲキと読んでください | Sakugeki to yonde kudasai~ | Please call me "Sakugeki"
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@Spicy Sapphire:ptam-cry: :ptam-kiss: i'm so glad people like my Yuko-sama X Rena/Geki idea  :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow: thnx for commenting and reading  :)
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 02:15:38 PM by sakura_drop_ »
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline msst28

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Gekikara in the house
Well who ask to abuse them..
Go Geki..

Offline sakura_drop_

  • サクゲキと読んでください | Sakugeki to yonde kudasai~ | Please call me "Sakugeki"
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  • YukoRena(Geki) & AtsuYuu shipping all the way! ♥♥♥
@anzai48: yeah, mother is not a goody-two-shoes... Well, she got what she deserved, nee? Mhm... JuYuki...? Not sure...
@msst28: nya~ Geki!!!

The Person That I Fell In Love Is...You


"NyanNyan, hayakuuuu!"

"But Yuko, I can't run fast in these heels... Mou, I'm stopping!!" Haruna stopped running and leaned her back to a tree.

"NyanNyan..." Yuko turned around at her friend then whistled. Her friend with laid back, a bit ruffled hair was leaning against the tree, her eyes closed. The tall girl was breathing deeply, one leg a bit raised. Yuko came near Kojiharu. "You... Do you know, how sexy do you look today?"

"Yuko stop! What if..someone come..s..." Her moans were silent just because Yuko didn't hurry.

She started from the bottom of those damn sexy legs of NyanNyan's. At first she took one heel off and kissed NyanNyan’s toes, one by one. Then she did the same with the other heel and toes.


Yuko grinned. She knew her friend wouldn't be able to resist the sudden biting on the thigh.

"Now..." Then she heard someone coming. "Oops, I guess, you were right, NyanNyan. Better off we go hehe."

"Mo..u.." Kojima hurriedly tucked her skirt down and ran to her friend, carrying the heels and trying to gather herself.

"I'll pay you back someday, I promise." Haruna thought.

"Nee, Haruna..."

Haruna stopped for a moment. It's something serious, if Yuko calls her by her real name.


"Have you ever had really REALLY realistic dream? A very creepy one but somehow sad too. Have you?"

"I…don't think so. Why do you ask? Are you having nightmares?" Kojiharu asked in a worried voice.

"No, I was just curious. Let's go." Yuko grinned, smacked her friend’s ass and started running.

"YUUUKOOOO!!!!" shouted Haruna but all she heard was Yuko laughing, so she just sighed and started running after her.

"Are you sure you wanna miss the bus?" teased Yuko.

"Noo~~~! I'm just not good at running after...." she got all red remembering what just recently happened, all the more someone nearly found them. "That WAS dangerous."

"It wasn’t; hehe. I have keen ears and a good nose, that's why I'm your midget friend, right?"

"Yuko..." she sighed. "Yes, you're right, but next time please be careful."

"Oh, so you wanna next time?" smirked Yuko and rushed her hair back with her fingers, then turned her head to her friend. "If we miss the bus, I won't touch you for the whole week."

"I didn't..." she thought a second, and started running as fast as she could.

"What a sexy nice friend I have. And I'll kill the person who ruined the moment someday… Damn you, Sato wtf Family bodyguards!" thought Yuko, and went after her friend, still loudly teasing her of what she said about wanting a next time to happen.


"Look, it's Yukirin!"

"UWA~~~, Yukirin-sama!!!"

"Beauty is approaching from the west end. I repeat. Beauty is approaching from the west end."

"Roger." a girl's voice clearly stated she was wearing a grin. "Be ready. 3, 2, 1, NOW."

As Yuki was walking to her first lesson, suddenly someone behind her back and out of nowhere gave a LOUD SHRIEK. She slowly turned back, eyes wide open and saw her friends Mayuyu and Tomo~mi crying, laughing and nearly rolling on the floor at the same time.

"Good morning." she slowly said, while sighing. "As I can see, you are prepared for the test?"

"You...hahaha... should have seen.... hahaha ... your reaction..." Mayuyu started banging the floor with her hand.

"Chiyuu~~~~ hahaha..."

"Well, good luck then." Yukirin hold her head high and went to the classroom, where she nearly bumped into a senpai Mariko-sama. That startled her, so she quickly apologized and returned back to her friends. And oh, they started laughing more. Now even Chiyuu was banging the floor.

"Am I that funny today, really?" asked Yuki, still flushing deep red from the encounter, her legs trembling, heart pounding.

"Mariko-sama nearly hugged me!!! Our bodies touched!!!" screamed she inside herself, her eyes becoming wider making her friends cry not only from laughter, but also the pain of their stomachs.

"I see… Well, I won't help you, Chiyuu. You can now send some waves to the other side of classroom, so to get the answers from the Cyborg." She turned around again and walked inside as perfectly as possible. The two were still half crying and laughing, when the bell rang.


After school she decided to go anywhere but home. A mentor, really..?


"Acchan!! Come over here. Your mentor came."

"Hai, okaasan." the girl walked down the stairs to aged man. "..konnichiwa...Maeda Atsuko desu."

"Konnichiwa. Akimoto-san desu."

After all introductions and explanations thus her fun began. Yeah, right. He's good at English, he's an amazing person but... Something is wrong with her. She's useless, no matter how hard she tries to learn...

→end of flashback←

"Acchan!" a familiar voice called.

"Ah, Kuumin. Where's Tomochin?"

"She’s busy in helping Tomo~mi to run away from her main fan base. Those three can be pretty aggressive."

"I know..." Atsuko sighed. "Well, Tomochin has a fast car in a principal's garage, so let's hope those three won't steal some motorcycles to chase after."

"Like that other time?"


"But that was not them."

"Then who?" she looked surprised. Who else can go after Tomo~mi than those three from 'We Are *text missing* Kasai-sama' fan club?

"You'll never guess." Kumi giggled.

"W..wait? Principal herself? Is she insa... Wait, she is." both girls chuckled.

"So why are you down, ace?"

"Well.... I have a new mentor. I'm tired of them as you know already. I thought I'll have a walk and you know, free my mind."

"Mhm, maybe this time it's something different." she winked to Acchan, as she felt good vibes going through her body. "I really think this time you should not be afraid."

"Thanks, Kuumin. Now I see why Tomochin calls you a true Rapappa." she winked and smiled as she watched the girl blushing. "I know you like her. She likes you too."

"Acchan... It's not the same… She... I can see the way she glares at that 'We Are *text missing* Kasai-sama' fan club."

"Well, you're still best friends, right?"


"They're coming, let's hide." both girls hid behind some fence, just merely missing three girls, who came from behind the corner. They were in a deep discussion though, and probably wouldn’t have noticed the two anyway.

"Sohowcomeshecanstillrunawayandnotnoticethatwelovehersomuchandthatwejustwanthertobehappybutwe'renothappywithoutherthatwemadeafanclubjustforher......." [A/n.: on and on and on rambling to herself]

"While Nacchan is in her own world... I made a new poster yesterday. I just need some last touches to it."

"Mhm, Moeno, are you sure it's fine?"

"It's ok. You made the bulletin board and pencils last time, right?"


"And the time before last Nacchan made table serving accessories, yes?"


"So, Chiichan, this time it's my turn. I am Moeno who is a member of the best fan base ever, so I won't disappoint you."

"Deal." the girls winked to each other and turned to still mumbling Nacchan.

"........ [A/n.: not worth to write, lots of fast talked stuff]." She took a deep breath. "I'll make her understand that we, ‘We Are the Best Fan Base of the Best and The Most Wonderful Kasai-sama’ fan club, are the best she can ever have and that she should appreciate us." said the girl and smiled lightly as they walked further on.

When the girls disappeared out of Acchan and Kuumin's side, these two sighed in relief.

"Wow, that was some talk..." Acchan still couldn't believe that fast talker.

"Well, gotta go and warn both Tomos. Good luck with the mentor." winked Kuumin and skipped to call Tomochin.

"Yeah, good luck to me" sighed Acchan as she walked home to meet her fate.


"Sae sensei~ Can I come in?"

"Yes." sighed Miyazawa sensei. "You can come in."

"Lost something, sensei?"

"Watama, do you remember where I put those files yesterday? About chlorophyll and distillery tests... I can't seem to find them."

"Oh, are my kisses that tempting, sensei~?"

"Hush, it's nor the time nor the place to talk."

"But lessons ended, everyone's gone to the dorms or home. We're alone."

"Except all the teachers and principal are still here. And Sado-san stays long enough here."

"Well..." the girl locked the door from inside. "I don't think that now there is a possibility to find us out, is there?"


"Call me Watama, sensei~~.. It turns me on…" she slowly started undoing her shirt's buttons, biting her lower lip and looking at sensei all the time.

"That Chemistry lesson today... All those formulas that you explained..." Mayu moaned just remembering all those lines. She took off her jacket and shirt. Her bra was black with red lace and ribbons.

It looked sooo perfect on her, that Ikemen-looking sensei couldn't bear it any longer.

"I'm so glad this school is not taking in any girls that are less than 18." slowly said sensei as she left a few marks on Mayu's neck. The small girl tried to moan as quietly as possible. "Your skin is so soft, so delicious, Mayu.."

Twin-pigtailed girl just let her fingers run through sensei's hair, and still tried to moan quietly.

"Not arguing about nickname anymore, are we?" Teased her Miyazawa, as she undone Mayu's bra, let her thumbs brush slightly through girl's breasts. "If I were a man, I would do you right away. But I'm not, so I will tease you." chuckled Sae.

"...pi...ty..." whispered Mayu. "I soo...." she screamed quietly as sensei bit her breast with a passion. "...want…your...ah…baby..."

"Perverted Mayu." said sensei, while taking of Mayu's skirt. "Perverted girls need to be punished, you know that?"

Mayu just nodded happily and let another quiet scream out, as Miyazawa bit her most private part.

What happened further? Let's leave that to imagination, shall we? They need their privacy, you know.


"Guard B, report." a sweet and nasal girl’s voice demanded.

"Hai, ohimesama, right away. Everything is clear, I spotted nothing wrong."

"Guard 0, report."

"Hai, ohimesama, right away. I think I spotted the usual intruder, just she wasn't there alone."

"You think?!"

"Is she on helium or what?" asked the guard herself, as it's the first time the First and the most important ohime is asking about THAT intruder. "I am sure, ohimesama. The usual signs were there. Like, her scent, footprints, her laugh. And her squirrel-like figure far away. It was really her, ohimesama."

"Hmph, that BITCH." and the connection was out.


"Was it really that necessary, Yuko?"

"Yes, Sado. I had no other choice. She took what belongs to us. I won't give up on getting it back. EVER."

Mariko just gently smiled as she watched her friend with fire-full eyes.

"You know... I don’t understand it… Why can't you forget the colony days, huh? You still call me by my nickname from those times."

"Sado, this is time you tell me this. I'll repeat you the 10000th time that I like your nickname better. It suits Rapappa. It doesn't change our friendship, does it?" Yuko snickered as she punched her friend lightly to her shoulder.

"You should take that fur coat from your wardrobe and wear it again." she chuckled.

Mariko punched her back.

"Never. It reminds me of those times. So the answer is as always - no."

Suddenly the girl, who was reading a fashion magazine, raised her head.

"Well, Sado, I think the real reason is that lady-like Yuki or whatever her name is, right?"

"It's not your business, Itano."

"Why? You always tease me about Tomo~mi and Kuumin, right? So here's the change." she smiled deviously.

"Keep it." she yawned. "I'm getting bored; I think I need some action.”

“After I had so much fun riding in my beloved deliciously painted pink and black decorated with Swarovski’s baby," she took some breath in, still with a happy winner face. "I was able to race away from those Chiyuu's pursuers, ah, the feeling..."

She went off to the garage, still in a dreamy mode.

"So it's Chiyuu already, huh?" asked Yuko.

"I heard that!" responded Tomochin, before closing the main hall’s door.

The other two chuckled.

"So, you got her?"

"Oh yes, she said ‘but next time, please be careful.’" Yuko happily chuckled.

"Do you love her?"

"Sado. Of course no and she knows that. We just both love to play with each other. Her breasts fit too perfectly in my hands and my fingers fit PERFECTLY down there, at her inviting place. That's all."

"Mhm...Ok. So, what's next?"



"Okaeri, Acchan. Put your things and come to the living room."

"Hai hai." she placed her things in her room, took a deep breath and went to the living room. The person, who was sitting on a couch, stood up and turned to her. Acchan's heart started BEATING LIKE CRAZY, her mouth became dry.

"Who is this gorgeous beauty?" thought she to herself.

"Konnichiwa. Maeda Atsuko desu. Yoroshiku onegaitashimasu."

"Konnichiwa. Takahashi Minami desu. Yoroshiku. I'm your mentor to be. I heard the previous were all fails, so I hope we do get along so I can teach you English well."

"Hai." she was still dazzled but tried to breathe in and out equally. "Is this what Kuumin meant by saying that this time I might be lucky? Well then, I am OH SOOOO DAMN LUCKY!!!"

"Acchan!" her mother woke the girl from her fantasy world. "Show the mentor your room, ok?"

She just nodded and showed the goddess a way to her room. She pitied, that she's in front of her mentor and not the other way around.

"This is my room." she said while opening the door.

Takahashi went in and looked around. "It's a neat room, very fitting for learning. The lights are okay. And it's spacious. You have a nice room, Atsuko-san." she smiled gently and started unpacking her mini suitcase.

"Arigatou." she just watched her new mentor with a smile. "Nee, sensei..."
"Un?" Minami turned around, just to find the girl really close to her. That gave her quite a shock but the table behind her didn't leave any space to retreat.

"I think I like you. And I think we might get along. Sen.sei." Acchan slightly brushed her lips through sensei's forehead and went downstairs skipping. "I'll be back in a sec!"



"Hai, neechan?"

"I think I found us a school."

"Hontou ni?!"


"Well that's good news," said their aunt Sakiko, coming into a room with lemonade and freshly baked cookies.

"Melon?" Rena-chan asked.

"You ate it all this morning. I'll buy it tomorrow, ok?"

Rena pouted a bit, but nodded.

"So, Jurina, what is this school thing about?"

"Oh, it's soooo cool. It has a long history, is ruled mostly by students, there are lots of interesting classes and regulations."

"Go on, tell us more." asked aunt, with Rena nodding.

"Well, where to begin? The school is for girls like us. That is for those who have no family, or are not on good terms with their family. Also, it's for those who have a dark or unwanted past, those who never found the place to fit and those who want to find out who they really are. I can go on and on. To be blunt, it’s for difficult girls with/without special needs. We fit this category perfectly."

"Neechan, there's more?"

"Were you listening to me, Rena-chan?" Jurina sighed. "Moving on. The school has a very simple system which lets students be in charge of mostly everything. There is a principal and teachers of course, and they take a big part in leading the girls the right way. But there is also The Student Council, Rapappa formation, cheerleader camps, as well as Calligraphy and Tea-serving clubs. That's not all. It has not only regular lectures like History, Geography, Literature, Maths, Chemistry, etc, but also has Swimming, Modeling, Acting, Singing, Dancing, Sports and lots of others to join. You can yourself choose any classes you want to take; you can choose even not to take some classes. There are lots of statuses you can achieve, clubs to create. The area of the school is huge, has its own pool, stadium, lots of sports courts, tea serving room, dance hall, acting hall, etc. Also it has a huge garden, a streaming river. Well, LOTS OF other things."

"Nee, neechan... Where did you hear this information?"

"I read it in a booklet and learned it. I learned it while the girl standing in front of me was reading it."

"Kakkoii, neechan." Rena smiled with love at her sister.

"And, obaasan, there are dorms for students, if they have no family, or if their family lives far away."

"What can I say..."

"Here's the number." Jurina quickly wrote the number that she remembered clearly.

"Ok, I'll call the headmaster. Tomorrow." said Sakiko.

"HAI." both girls nodded enthusiastically as they started eating the cookies.


A lone person in a pool was crawling forward with such a passion that the whole swimming team in their life never did.

"How, how can that girl touch MY dear Akimoto-san? I'll make her drown in my next lesson, I SWEAR. God, that devious smile, she looked like she was undressing my dearest Sayaka. I'll show her who the boss is. The hell, I'm the best swimmer in my country after all." the girl's head was nearly boiling from thoughts.

Then a sudden silent firm splash into the water, fast firm movement forwards, and here she is, in her dear Sayaka's hands.

"Hey, are you angry?" asked Sayaka, while hugging the other woman tightly.

"Dunno." murmured the woman and hugged Akimoto really firmly.

"I just got jealous..." she nearly whispered.

Sayaka chuckled.

"Oh." she smirked.

"That's why you swam so furiously..." added she. "Yuuka, look at me"

Nakanishi Yuuka, a professional swimmer and a Swimming instructor at this school looked at her beloved with a firm glance, or what it was supposed to look like a firm glance, but her eyes were so warm looking at Sayaka.

"I would never ever cheat on you. I know, in the past I did mistakes but now I am only yours."

"But what ab..." the sudden and passionate kiss surprised her more than you would expect from half-a-year-lovers. She answered, while holding tightly onto her love.

"I said that I would never cheat, so let's end this strange topic of yours and lets have fun, shall we?" said Akimoto sensei and laid her girlfriend near the pool edge. While herself still in the pool, she slowly undone her girlfriend's bikini.

"You know why I love this school?" asked she while inspecting her girlfriend’s body with hot kisses and passionate licks.

Moaning Yuuka just shook her head.

"Because here I can not only see my girlfriend every day, but I also have an opportunity to see her in bikini every day, being wet, swimming, drying herself, or being strict to students. That is, I get to see my beloved in all the ways I couldn't normally see some casual girlfriend. And also. I love you." while suckling on beloved Yuuka's breast she let her fingers enter the place, where every sane woman (having a woman for lover) would love to go. Imagine the sounds and fun later on.


"So, how was your first lesson?" asked the girl on the other side of the phone.

"Thanks for calling, Komorin, Aamin. It was THE BEST." chuckled Acchan.

"Is it some drop dead gorgeous guy?" asked Aamin.

"No!" Acchan nearly fainted from that idea. "Of course not. You know my point of view."

"Yes, we know." smiled Komori Mika. "So, it WAS a woman. Did you do it?" she chuckled and smiled devilishly.

"Not yet. She's sooo my type that I do not want to hurry. I mean, if I want her to stay by my side forever I have to be very cautious and make her fall for me at first. Right?"

"Un." both Aamin and Komori added.

"So, um, good night and see you in school." said Maeda Ami.

"Good ni~~ght." said Mika while yawning.

"GUDDO NAITO" said Atsuko and hang up. Then she cuddled in her bed thinking about that gorgeous mentor of hers.

"Takahashi Minami sensei, I love you." murmured the girl before falling asleep.



"Hai, I'm coming!" she ran down the stairs to the kitchen where her sister and Kojiharu were already sitting. The food on the table was looking so deliciously teasing, that she sat down and started eating in a fast way, trying to say 'Itadakimasu' with a full mouth, so it went differently. "Ithashashimadch."

"I think you should try and eat food in a slower manner."

Yuko looked at her, gulped her food down her throat and drank some juice.

"MaiMai, you're a nurse at school, I respect it when you help injured ones and etc. But here at home please do not lecture me on how to eat. Can't you see I'm hungry?" said squirrel while looking at her friend Kojiharu's breasts (they were a bit seenable through that white tank top).

"I can see what kind of hunger that is" chuckled Mai. "Still, as your sister, and older by the way, I am responsible for you. So eat slower."

"Blablabla..." Yuko razzed but still tried to eat slower.

"Nee, Yuko, I forgot my blanket at home..." said Haruna.

"NyanNyan, that's not a problem at all. I can be not only your blanket but all other sorts of things. My hands are like a bra, you know." she said with a serious tone. "And I'm fucking hungry for your juices, hehe."

"Yuuchan, language!" shouted both MaiMai and Koharu. And because MaiMai was closer, she hit Yuko with a fork. Or so she thought.

Yuko was able to avoid because she leaned in and stole Kojiharu’s lips.


"Nee, sensei..." asked Mayu, while lying on Sae's bed at her apartment.


" love me?"

"What's the sudden urge?"

"You don't love me, do you?"


"That's what I thought..." the girl stood up and started dressing up.

"Mayu... It's just..."

"I understand. I fell into your trap, you played with me nicely. It was really fun. Now good bye." Mayu nearly cried.

"And do not talk to me at school, except when there is a very huge need, like during the lessons." she slammed the doors and ran into the cold night, crying and sniffling.

In her room, Sae thought about lots of things.

"Why am I not stopping her? Why she didn't let me explain? Where's the hurry? Do I love her? Am I a bad person? Will she tell the authorities about an abuse or something? What did I do? What to do?" she thought more and more, until desperation took her over and she fell asleep, holding a pillow that Mayu just recently held her head on.

As Mayu ran faster and faster, she understood that she made a silly mistake.

"I asked her all of a sudden. And I didn't let her explain. Maybe she misunderstood something? Was my question wrong? What should I do? Should I talk to her? No. Never anymore. It's over. She's at fault. She should have seen how I feel; she's older and has more experience. She should have prepared for my questions like this one. I won't forgive her. I do not need her. Do I...?" she stopped, fell on her knees and started crying more and more, until there were no tears left. She stood up slowly then and went on.


"Good night, MaiMai."

"Good night, squirrel. Good night, Haruna."

"Good night, Oshima sensei" chuckled Kojiharu as she went into Yuko's room.

"Mhm, so it's that funny, yeah?"

"Well, yeah." smiled Haruna. "You said to me yourself, that you are my.....oh...."

"Oh, so now you do understand, yeah?" Yuko pushed her lover on a bed, got on top of her and kissed her fiercely but at the same time gently. "I am YOUR squirrel, not anyone else’s."

"Mhm, I get it, I get it... Geez...AH!" she couldn't control her scream, cause Yuko so suddenly bitted her breast through her tank top. "Yu...uko..."

"Remember, you promised me the next time." snickered devilishly Yuko and took of Haruna's tank top. She just sat there on her friend and watched as the moon shone at those two beautiful hills of Haruna's.

"You are so pretty, NyanNyan.." she slowly and lightly started touching NyanNyan's neck and ears with her fingers then suddenly kissed her. The kiss was deep, passionate and wild. It lasted really long. Just when Haruna was about to think she'll die from suffocating, Yuko let her inhale some air.

"Ho.....w...." she got her breathing back bit by bit. "How can you not suffocate?"

"You are the air to me, especially your lips, NyanNyan. Your mouth is really inviting for more and your saliva is like honey." she watched her friend blushing into such redness that the blood color near her face would have been like white near black. She decided to tease her more. Yuko leaned to her friend’s ear.

"I so wanna eat you up, you have no idea my darling friend. I'll start kissing, licking, sucking and biting every bit of your skin, until there will be no parts untouched." she whispered. And oh, it was a success. Haruna was moaning just from those words, her heart was beating like crazy and the air around was hot like fire.

"Hehe, you can't resist me, NyanNyan, can you?"

Haruna said nothing; she just took Yuko's hand and put it on her thigh. Yuko was content and agreed that it's time to give her friend a reward. Her fingers slowly found a way and started their dance, as Yuko watched her dearest NyanNyan reaching the stars.

« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 11:35:48 AM by sakura_drop_ »
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline kahem

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Oh you are fast ^^
My Chiyuu is here and Takamina will yay!!!!

Offline RenaChii

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Many rare pairing~

Please update soon~

Offline sakura_drop_

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@kahem: is it bad that I update fast? un, wTomo is here~


"I cannot breath anymore, her tongue is deep in my mouth, dancing like mad, and her hands, going all over my body.... I'm going numb..." she lost control of everything around her and gave up to passion and loving hands of the woman beside her.

« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 10:57:09 PM by sakura_drop_ »
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline haruhi16

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I want a continuation of that KOJIYUU moments. kekekeke~

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