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Author Topic: ave. café et thé | Coffee and Tea : Chapter 1 (EXTENDED CHAPTER)  (Read 2985 times)

Offline fryingghetto

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Greetings everyone. Newbie here. I don't have much to say. I am just someone inspired by these people under the names I don't want to mention. And one of them or some of them who knows me-- I tell, shan't you mention who am I. There's pm if you want to shout at my existence for being here. Ok. This is my first fic so my grammar might be terrible. Just imagine yourself watching a drama. If there's any problem with your understanding, comments are appreciated. I'm very concerned about my readers' imagination when they read my writing. Without further delay, let's go!


"Kou-chan! Breakfast is ready! You're supposed to meet Acchan today was it?", a voice of a woman was heard calling her child.

"Yes mom! I'll be down!", the boy rushed with his clothes then dashed downstairs.

Seto Koji who's just an ordinary boy, a university graduate, came back from America, was supposed to meet his childhood friend. He hadn't seen her in years and doubted if he could remember how she looked like.

"Seriously, how does she even look like now...", Koji mentally facepalmed.

Koji walked to the kitchen and sat down for his breakfast. His mother prepared so much for her son. Koji scanned around, no sign of his father anywhere.

"Dad didn't have breakfast?", he asked.

"Your dad just had his slice-of-life", his mother punned.
(It's a pun on slice-of-life anime protagonists. Usually you see them going to school with a slice of bread in their mouth.)

Koji only chuckled. After his breakfast, he thanked for the food then he got up and kissed his mother's cheek, and made his way out of the house. He took out the letter he received yesterday. It was from his childhood friend Acchan. She stated where Koji could meet her. They would meet at a coffee and tea shop. Acchan also wrote that she currently works there.

 Koji rode his motorbike to the destination.


In a coffee and tea shop...

"So who is this childhood friend of yours you said gonna come here today?", a small girl walking back and forth.

"Ehehe. Minami are you jealous? You've been asking alot-- that I could count. 8 times now.", another girl told her friend while she brewed coffee, giving a light smile.

"I'm just curious",

"You're worried... How adorable... ♥ "

High-schooler Maeda Atsuko who also works part-time at a coffee and tea shop. A gentle, sincere and honest for her personality and has the habit of teasing those who are close to her. Another high-schooler Takahashi Minami who is Maeda Atsuko's best friend. A small but a big worry-wart. Then, a door opened, ringing the bell attached on the wall above the door. Koji entered the shop, bringing a bouquet of roses along with him. He thought it was strange that there weren't customers around yet. So he walked to the bar and sat on one of the mini highchairs then set the roses on the bar. As usual, Acchan greets customers before taking orders to make them feel at home.

"Good morning", Acchan greeted. "you're not one of those faces around this neighborhood",

"Ah, I was from America and just came back here", Koji said, finding the bar's wooden appearance interesting. He hadn't taken a glance at Acchan since he got there.

"I see. Do you want to have something? Coffee? Tea?"

"Coffee would be fine."

Acchan left the bar and turned behind to the shelves to gather ingredients for coffee brewing. Minami was observing from the end of the bar. She decided to come closer to the two so she sat next to Koji. Koji noticed Minami and looked at the small girl. Minami kept staring at him. Koji wanted to break the awkward silence.

"Hmm? Shouldn't you be at school now?", he asked, after observing Minami's uniform.

"It's still early,"

Koji stretched his arm up and looked at his wristwatch. 5:30AM. Indeed still early. He got used to the time when he was in America that he forgot the sun rises earlier in Japan than any other countries.


"You're waiting for someone?", Acchan asked casually, coming back and brought the coffee grinder over to the bar to keep the conversation on while she's working. Koji laid his eyes again on the bar. Surely there's something attractive about that bar than the girl behind it. Oh right, sexy wooden color, damn waterproof, termiteproof paint and so on... Observing him like this, made Acchan pouted. Minami's eyes twitched. She didn't like this scene...

Koji scratched behind his neck and told Acchan, "Yeah, a friend of mine. She works here",

"Those are lovely roses you have there",

"Mmm. For her", Koji looked up to the ceiling.

Both Acchan and Minami sweatdropped. They had no idea it was difficult to catch Koji's attention. Especially that he never once did look at Acchan since he entered the shop.

"Are you girls happened to be friends with a girl named Maeda Atsuko?", Koji panned his view at Minami.

Minami facepalmed.

"Why on earth are you looking at me for?! She's just infront of you! You twat!" , giving Koji a glare.

Acchan sighed, putting her elbows on the bar and cupped her own face.

"Seto Koji-san is still silly like before", Acchan blurted. Koji was surprised to have heard his name called.

"Eh?!", Koji turned to Acchan, "How'd you know my name?", his eyes widened.

"I didn't have to find out your name. I already know it was you when you came in"

"Why didn't you say anything? Ah, same ol' Acchan",

"I doubted you know how I look like now hehe",

"Don't ignore me", Minami finally spoken. Acchan chuckled then payed her attention to Minami and they're talking to each other.

Koji only stared at Acchan, he was half-listening, observing everything on her, her beautiful face, charming pair of eyes, permed black hair, wearing light yellow-colored sweater over school uniform, with a matching light pink apron above it...a sweet smile, everything just so natural to him.

"Kou-chan!", Acchan alarmed at him. She made Koji snapped back to reality. Acchan chuckled, serving Koji's coffee.

"Ah, yes? Oh yeah! These roses! F-for you!", Koji almost stuttered all his words that he faked his cough.

Acchan giggled, "Thank you",

"36?!", Minami suddenly shouted.

"What 36?", Koji asked back.

"36 stalks of roses! I counted!",

"Oh! I asked the florist that I wanted a bouquet of roses for a childhood friend. She said if you treasure a childhood friend in heart, 36 roses represent 'I will remember our good times'", explained Koji.

*PLAK* Minami foreheadpalmed, "The florist lied to you",

"Eh? Haa...",


"These 36 stalks of roses represent 'I will remember our romantic moments'", she added. Koji stared blankly into space, he had his jaw down, not believing that he was lied to.

"Mou... Minami, Kou-chan is a nice person afterall. It's ok. He didn't mean to have the roses like this, he was lied by the florist. So I'll accept these. It's like a present from a big brother I've been waiting him to return", Acchan settled, giving a smile to both parties. Minami just puffed her cheeks. And the three of them continued to talk more...


@Flean - Ah, Kaoru's Cake House? I know that comic and read it but I don't remember the scene was the one like this. And yeah, the comic's nice. I like Kaoru's old works compare to now.xD

@Sydney W, Prataz & haru9210 - TQ for reading this. Please stay with us! :>

@XxRoByNxX78 - Ah, a newbie as well? Indeed we should stick together! :B Yes, I am trying to keep up with my schedule to update. TQ for reading and for the warm welcome!

@sakura_drop_ - TQ! :D Honestly I was very worried that my writing's might be boring. Do follow~ :> TQ for the comment on my drawing too! I'm using the strategy to use my talent into my writing if it could bring more readers. :D

@Haruko - Oh! That's a nice idea! TQ! I might make use of it!

@kahem - TQ. Stay tune!

"I used to be like you, Takahashi-san. That's good", said Koji as he sipped his coffee. Minami gritted her teeth and made funny faces while Koji was not looking. She didn't want to be labeled the same like him. She wanted Acchan only hers to protect.

Acchan leaned, resting her elbows on the bar and cupped her face, "Really? Lately... I've been told by some friends and classmates that Minami... is being overprotective for me like how usually boyfriends would do to their girl. Kou-chan was more to brotherly protecting me",

"Gee, thanks Acchan", Koji scratched his head, smiling sheepishly.

"I was only casting off those creepy people away from us-- of course because our parents told us to take care for each other-",

"Tsundere," Acchan blurted out, cutting off Minami from finishing her sentence. Acchan shut her eyes, scrunched her nose and puckered her lips, giving the expression to Minami. She then proceeded to pat Minami's head.

"Like I said...",

"Ah Minami, that's cute of you to do something like that",

"You'd totally passed in Acchan's date preference test if you were a guy instead", Koji added an extra to Acchan's sentence.

*WAN WAN* A sound of a dog barking can be heard. It ran inside the shop from the staff entrance followed by a beautiful tall woman trailing the dog. She seemed like a supermodel with the boa fur around her neck, matching outfit and a pair of sunglasses. The dog still kept barking happily and jumped onto the bar, diving itself onto Minami before she could even catch it. So she fell off from her seat with the dog on top of her, slobbering her face. This is what usually happen to her almost everyday whenever the dog's present. Because of that, she's not very fond of dogs. She's more to a cat person. But since she likes cute things, she'd eventually gave in. The most great example, is the person she'd like to keep to herself.

"Wontan! Stop! Bad doggie!", Minami struggled. Wontan kept licking Minami.

"Ah, good morning, Mari-chan", Acchan greeted the tall woman.

"Morning, Acchan. You two can go now. I'll take over", the woman said.

"Hmm, alright then. Thank you. Minami, get ready", Acchan smiled then walked inside the staff room to get things ready. Wontan finally stopped licking Minami. He jumped on the highchair and try to get Koji's attention. Minami wiped her wet face with the ends of her sleeve and stood up, dusting off her uniform.

"Eew", Mari-chan retorted.

"What?", Minami threw a glare.


"Are you ok, Takahashi-san?", Koji asked while playing palms and paws with Wontan.

"Imagine you're attacked by this dog everyday",

"Of course, small build people couldn't handle such an energetic dog", Mari-chan retorted again.

"Say again, you giraffe",

Fortunately, Acchan came out of the staff room. A relief for Koji as he didn't want a fight going on later.

"What are you guys talking about? Sounds fun", Acchan looked interested.

"It's not. And it isn't important. Anyway let's go to school", Minami answered Acchan, walked to her, grabbed her hand and threw another glare at Mari-chan before they left the shop, leaving Koji speechless.

"That's smart, you two. Leaving me alone. This is awkward", Koji thought. What would he do now?

I hate the fact that I have no scanner. True story. Because I like my hand-drawn more than digital... scanner.... WHHHYYYYYYIIDDONNTTHAAVVEE


So how was it? I know. Getting boring... I have no motivation. orz

« Last Edit: March 16, 2012, 09:21:13 AM by fryingghetto »


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Re: ave. café et thé | Coffee and Tea : Chapter 1
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2012, 03:15:21 PM »
I wanna be the first to comment~ LOL.. but I'm too busy to read right now.. So, welcome!!!  :welcome

edit :
kay~ finally got time to read it and it was nice..LOL..  :on GJ:  I can imagine the scene like in one of those kaoru's cake house comics..LOL..  :on lol: and I like that comic a lot!! :luvluv2:

I wonder if the pairing gonna be...  :dunno:  but you know what to do if you wanna have me as your loyal reader~ LOL..  :glasses:
« Last Edit: February 11, 2012, 05:11:25 AM by Flean »

Offline Sydney W

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Re: ave. café et thé | Coffee and Tea : Chapter 1
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2012, 03:28:31 PM »
Please continue on the next update ~ thank you

Offline XxRoByNxX78

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Re: ave. café et thé | Coffee and Tea : Chapter 1
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2012, 04:57:28 PM »
hi dude am new 2 us newbies got to stick togther  :lol: lolz any way update soon i cant wait to see how your fic plans out =)   :welcome 

Offline Prataz

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Re: ave. café et thé | Coffee and Tea : Chapter 1
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2012, 01:15:59 AM »
Update please =)

I wonder how it will develop next.

Offline sakura_drop_

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Re: ave. café et thé | Coffee and Tea : Chapter 1
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2012, 02:10:00 AM »
Oh, i love this. It doesn't sound boring, it's beginning really cached attention. I'm following this fic, hehe

And the drawing is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUUUUUUUUTE  :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1:. I wanna huggle them al  :luvluv2: :luvluv2: :luvluv2: :luvluv2: :luvluv2:l. NOW!!! :wriggly: :on crazygran:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline Haruko

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Re: ave. café et thé | Coffee and Tea : Chapter 1
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2012, 05:55:33 AM »
i thin that koji can teach to acchan some american`s behaviour for example when you dont see a friend for long time ago.. you need to hug that person :D

JAja only i imagine many different situation to make takamina jelousy. yeah im a troll :D

Offline kahem

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Re: ave. café et thé | Coffee and Tea : Chapter 1
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2012, 12:53:09 AM »
Waiting for your update ^^
Like the kou-chan character

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