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Author Topic: Your 100%  (Read 10292 times)

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Your 100%
« on: February 11, 2012, 03:26:37 PM »
What are your 100%?

Now I don't mean games that you beat to completion, I mean games that you played to a CRAZY extent, playing more than you had to, or just grinding away to get extra amounts of items or just because you liked it, or maybe you didn't like it! but you were addicted and just kept playing it endlessly to practice, even though the overall experience wasn't the best ever.

I'm suggesting this as an alterative to "what are your top 10 games!" whatever lists, so this may end up being entirely different from what you would think to list for that.
I'm just going to do it by date so it's easier to sort out  :cow:

1. Super Mario Bros.
This was the first game I ever owned, and I didn't get a new game for a long time after this, and when I did it was crap like the NES Simpsons games or TNMT1 D: I played SMB obsessively, because as I found out recently when I tried to beat it again it was really freaking hard if you didn't cheat and use the warp pipes, I was so happy when I finally beat it back then :D

2. Super Street Fighter II
I didn't own a SNES until after the big SF2 boom, which is why I played my NES still so damn much, so SSF2 was the first one I owned, but I of course was playing it in the arcades and at friends houses the whole time. I played every single character through the grueling and HARD arcade mode (you had to fight every single character) and watched every single ending even though it was so difficult for me at the time and it was really freaking annoying.

3. Final Fantasy VII
I have probably never played a game for as long as I've played this, this was really insane, I must of finished it several times, I have 2 whole memory cards full of save files just to get all the save file pictures (but they're all legit different saves) I have a save file with Aeris levelled up as high as she could go before she died (limit break maxed out) I have about 5 master materias of EACH type, it really is ridiculous all the chocobos, etc etc. PERFECT save file. I really loved this game.
(Honorable mention goes to VIII, while I played it almost as much, I messed up and missed the Squall Tetra card, lol)

4. Phantasy Star Online 1 & 2
Possibly 1000+ hours played, haha. Even though the first game had that annoying thing where you'd lose your character if the memory card fell out of the controller, I'd still keep playing, despite losing 100s of hours of hard work and not having that many levels to play on.

5. Shenmue 1 & 2
Long story short, I obsessively played both games, got everything, collected everything, spent tons of extra days playing for no reason apart from I really liked driving the forklift (LOL) or hanging out in the arcade beating the top scores obviously, haha. Also I must mention I did this in both English & Japanese because I had them both and ended up playing 4 games just to hear the different dialogue.

6. Resident Evil CODE: Veronica
I played this game so much I have the whole thing memorized to this day, I also have over 7 copies of it in various different formats, I have an entire 3 hour speed run handwritten out by myself (no cheating reading a FAQ, because there wasn't any made yet when I got it, anyway lol)

7. Pokemon Pearl
I have played lots of Pokemon games in the past but Pearl is still the game I played the most! 800+ hours of breeding, levelling, and holding Pokemon from my other DS games, every single type of Unown, 2 shiny Pokemon, on and on and on.
It's my base for all the Pokemon from my GBA too!

8. Animal Crossing: Wild World
I played this game a ridiculous amount, partly because, it never ends!! I have 3 characters all with completely filled inventories, a maximum size house, 5 super cool rooms filled to the brim with items, I was so addicted to it I had to stop playing, filling up my mailbox so no animals could leave, then stop playing since 2009

9. The Sims 2
I played this game for YEARS literally years, I spent so much time playing, but what I really ended up doing was writing stories for all my sims2 screenshots and that kept me crazy busy for so long. Honestly the only reason I stopped playing with my town was that the lot was getting really full and it was very hard to manage (I didn't like characters getting old before others who were older, lol) and I tried to end the story, with yeah, more screencaps videos and stories I wrote.

10. Dead Rising
This game was one of the reasons why I bought an xbox 360! really I wanted one for SF4, but this game had something that the sequels are lacking, I can't quite explain it. The difficultly, the challenge, the story, all the endings and pictures you could take.
It's also the first game that I played that contained any achievements, added to that, this game actually made getting them really fun & rewarding and actually part of the game itself! No other game has really done that for me since. of course I got 1000/1000 :)

11. Street Fighter IV
And Super Street Fighter IV, AE, AE 2012.. the list goes on! while this is not a perfect game, it's addictive as hell and was my first chance to play Street Fighter online decently! I still play it to this day and have uncountable hours poured into it, while the online play can be variable and is mostly full of assholes, I need to keep practicing! (I'm garbage, lol)

12. Resident Evil 5
I can't count how many times I've played this game through, mostly because of people knowing I've played this a hell of a lot so I end up playing it with them, haha. Meowchi and I played this a hell of a lot together too!

13. Yakuza 3 & 4
This is the most recent one! playing them back to back might not have been the best idea, since they have a lot of similar elements, but I really really enjoyed playing these, and both games are my only platinum trophies on PS3, and were the reason I even bought the system. new one coming soon :3

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Re: Your 100%
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2012, 06:40:33 PM »
The only game I did that way was Kingdom Hearts II!
I played that game ten times or more and know where all treasures are hidden, how I need to finish the mini games etc. That game was just awesomely epic! x3

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Offline shirenuファクトリー

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Re: Your 100%
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2012, 08:29:02 PM »
Well I have to say I guess I've been too lazy with any game to do absolutely everything that was possible >___>

With that being said... I would mention Sims 2 as well. It's a gift that keeps on giving, if you have imagination (and custom content) :w00t: I seriously see myself still playing it years from now, and I've already played it forever. lol

In recent years there was also Mass Effect: I've played through it twice, started a 2nd playthrough with one same char and also tried a male Shepard. This is a huge deal because I really can't even remember the last time that I finished a game, let alone finished it TWICE. Also, with Sansa Shepard (my 2nd Shepard) I went through every single planet trying to get every single little thing - there were still some things I couldn't unlock :| but I did everything I could.

Recently, I've also spent countless hours on Lord of the Rings online. My main character Sulwing has maxed every reputation that is currently possible to max, is at the current level cap and generally flawless. Heeee.

As for games from my earlier years... I definitely spent a lot of time on FFVIII, but there were some things I was unable to complete and some aspects I didn't enjoy so I didn't complete them (card games in any game are this to me). But I played that game a LOT~! Tried my best to get all the GFs too, but I don't remember if I succeeded :lol:

My childhood gaming took place so much with my bro, or watching my bro playing, that I didn't really get to focus myself on any game in particular lol
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Re: Your 100%
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2012, 08:51:30 PM »
I don't tend to do multiple playthroughs for games (even for something vast like RPG's) but there are notable exceptions. Mostly my 100% games tend to come from character action games like Devil May Cry 3/4, Fist of the North Star : Ken's Rage or Bayonetta. I guess they are structured in a way that encourages me to come back to it. Played them so much even beyond the point of getting all the achievements from them, on multiple times and on multiple difficulties. Still do. The only other game I've gotten all achievements for is Virtua Fighter 5 but...I can't say I've really completed that game. You can get all achievements by focusing on one character (Kage for me) but if you really want to 'beat' that game, then you would go into Quest mode for every character and get their unique accessories. Something which may take hundreds of hours to do. The games I know I'll get all achievements for soon are Bastion, Modern Warfare 3 and Vanquish.

It's not all down to achievements of course. I played Resident Evil 5 and Left 4 Dead 1/2 a ton of times on co-op after beating it. Shenmue 1 & 2 and Sonic Adventure immediately sticks out in my mind for playing through multiple times. There are probably others I'm not remembering.

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Re: Your 100%
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2012, 11:46:10 PM »
rainbox six vegas 2 - was borderline obsessed with the terrorist hunt mode

mw3 is sort of getting this way...even tho after prestiging and the thought of having to start over again was discouraging, i'm still playing and working my way up again (especially since it shows my multiplayer percentage as over 100% - i guess if you reach level 80 prestige it goes to 200% ?) not to mention the spec ops section...gonna be playing this game for a long time

Offline arun.yothin

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Re: Your 100%
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2012, 01:08:13 AM »
I tend to play most of my games a lot. (I don't really play a lot of different games though.) The ones that I've played the most are ones that let me play them in different ways, not just playing to get or do everything.

With all the different weapons and the ease of picking levels to jump right in to the fights, I like going back to my favorite sections to play around with different combos. I'm not into the game enough to get all platinum trophies, but it is fun to go back and play.

Saint's Row III
I'm surpised that I've been hooked on this recently. I was excited at first, but then passed on buying since these types of games are fun at first but I get bored of them quickly. The GTA games, Red Dead Revolver, and Yakuza were all like this for me. It seemed like there was so much to do, but after a while I find I have no interest in a lot of the extras. Not the case for me in SR3. There are a few challenges that aren't great, but they can be pretty fun. I forget how many hours I have in it, but I've already completed a little of 90% of the game without thinking about doing it just to reach 100%. Reaching 100% doesn't interest me in most games, but I'll probably do it in this one just beacuse everything is fun.

Guilty Gear
I played the hell out of this a few years ago. One semester, I played this game with a friend for at least 3 hours straight for two days every week plus the hours I played by myself. I used to travel to play in tournaments for GG. I eventually lost interest when I didn't have the drive to play to win. High level play can be fun, but I don't enjoy competition enough to play to win.

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Re: Your 100%
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2012, 10:07:48 PM »
Super Mario Bros.
Blood, sweat and tears at the time. I still know every route throughout the game and I can beat it in record time.

Super Mario Bros III.
The best 2D platformer ever. I can beat it in around 20 minutes. I played this so much it's not even funny.  :lol:

One of the most gorgeous games ever made. The graphics and soundtrack blew my mind. It's a bit on the easy side, but I kept playing it to discover all the areas, treasures, items, feed the animals and whatnot.

Final Fantasy XII
My fav of the FF series. I love the story, characters and maps. I did go nuts getting rare items, but I actually had to go cold turkey on this one. This is probably the most addictive game I have ever played. Literally addictive. Thinking about nothing else all day.  :panic:

Kirby's Adventure
Once you unlock every area and get 100%, you unluck the hard version of the game. You can't save during the hard version of the game, meaning you have the beat the entire thing 100% again in one go! Once you do that you get the Kirby DJ bonus  :twothumbs

Gran Turismo 1, 2, 3, 4
Getting all golds on licenses, lap records, 24 hour endurance races... yup, I played this a LOT.

Grand Theft Auto 3
First game where you can walk and drive around in a city in 3D. Endless entertainment.

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Re: Your 100%
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2012, 07:36:03 AM »
Grand Theft Auto 3
First game where you can walk and drive around in a city in 3D. Endless entertainment.

THIS.  I'd take refuge in some of my fave kill spots and just go to town with a sniper rifle or bazooka and keep going till I've gotten the army after me. XD

The World Ends With You
Totally was addicted to this game.  I was super into the gameplay and the story.  I also grinded quite a bit to get all the different varieties of pins (I still haven't gotten them all >_>).

I actually enjoyed grinding in this game, and maxing out my magic spells by drawing them from enemies or finding hidden draw points on the map.  I still remember the hidden one for the ultima spell. XDDD

SSII, Mortal Kombat and other random fighting games
Played these to no end with friends while growing up and to this day. :D Great for trash talking.

Unreal Tournament 2004 demo
Yes, I still play the demo from time to time.  And every time it's still fun.  I love both assault mode and onslaught.  It never gets tired.

LOL, do I have to explain? Spent god knows how much time on the JPHIP MC server building my base, Little Akiba, train stations, railways, giant Totoro, acting like a goofball with other HiPstaz. Good times.

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Re: Your 100%
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2012, 11:47:24 AM »
Chrono Trigger
It was fun seeing the different endings of this game. Still kept playing even if the character levels were already **. After numerous playthroughs, I still think I don't have all of the items. Played it in the console version so there were no fast forwards and save states like in zsnes. :lol:

Guardian Heroes
Played this a lot with my bro. Fun characters and various routes made it worth playing again. And then there's multiplayer vs. mode.

Megaman 1-4
Before I was in my teens, my bro and I weren't allowed to go out and play until it was afternoon during summer vacation so we spent most of the time playing Megaman games. Sometimes we'd play all the 4 games in one sitting, then we'd try different challenges like beating the robot masters just with the regular weapons. Wasn't able to own Megaman 5 but we were able to borrow it from a friend and played it a couple of times too. The 'Megaman/Rockman 5' we owned was a hack of the Darkwing Duck game. Still able to finish it though  :lol:

Sonic R
Had to use Robotnik in the first run to get the chaos emeralds easier and unlock all the characters. It was a simple and fun game to play over and over. Also, the music was nice. :lol:

Diablo 2
1. Create character. 2. Kill enemies. 3. Get items. 4. Repeat step 2-3. I remember almost missing and exam back in college because I was grinding my character.

Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Almost the same reasons as Chrono Trigger. Kept playing even 100+% map completion. Got the duplicator and killed Dracula using the different monster vials. Also tried to grind the sword familiar to the level where it can be equipped by Alucard. High dmg but sucked compared to the multi-hit swords. When I played it again in the PSP, I discovered some new items I wasn't able to get in the PS ver.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel
Needed to play a lot of times to get the cards I needed for the deck. I think I also set a goal to have at least a 10 game winning record against the other duelists.

I watched my bro play RPGs like Suikoden 2 and Chrono Cross and PC games like GTA3, Sims, Civilization and Ceasar. I'm pretty sure he spent a lot of hours on those games. :lol: 

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Re: Your 100%
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2012, 12:28:31 PM »
I really feel like I should give Chrono Trigger another try :O I tried it once when I was significantly younger, and got stuck pretty early on when I wanted to get healing items or something but couldn't access a shop anywhere, or something. Haha. Yeah I don't even know.
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Re: Your 100%
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2012, 07:39:02 PM »
Mass Effect 2

I played through this game double-digit times.  I've logged like 400 hours of play time according to Steam (though I have to think that some of the time was due to idling in-game).  I did Renegade and Paragon playthroughs, did playthroughs for every single DLC mission, and had to do a few more playthroughs to find any hidden resources or upgrades I might have missed previously.  Also, I got every single achievement too (I got the Insanity achievement with a little "assistance").  Lastly, I've put some hours on testing out Texmods and whatnot.  I'm definitely prepared for what ME3 will throw at me.

Fallout 3 + New Vegas

Although I haven't had as many playthroughs with these games combined as I have with ME2, I've still put over 100 hours of playtime combined just testing out post-game mods (or in the case of NV, pre-finale).  But like any of the Bethesda games I've played (since Oblivion), I lose interest very quickly.

Left 4 Dead 2

My brother, friends, and I beat the core campaigns but I still play this game for the character skins and custom campaigns.
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Re: Your 100%
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2012, 07:55:58 PM »
Oh yeah, I have 386 hours on Left 4 Dead 2, too :lol:
LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

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Re: Your 100%
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2012, 11:28:52 PM »
Uh so yea this may seem really crazy. I've played Shenmue probably 10+ times. I made a scrap book with a page for each resident with all their info, which house they live in, where they work, what activities they do each day of the week ect. That's like over 100 people and I gathered this info by stalking them. >_>  I collected every toy, won all the raffle prizes at the convenience stores and all the passport collectables. It was also one of the first games with online leader boards and I would spend hours playing darts trying to get into the leaderboards. I think I was top 5 in North America. :P I also modded my dreamcast so I could import and play Shenmue 2, in Japanese no subtitles then the European version and Xbox version when those came out. Still the only game I have ever imported. I participated in a lot of stuff @ Shenmue Dojo finding all the easter eggs and what not.

It was kind of what got me interested in Japanese culture and eventually led to Jpop and everything else. I wish I could play it again but neither of my Dreamcasts work anymore. One is dead and the other overheats after playing 20 min or so.

I used to be TA for my moms class in middle school and high school and I would just play RollerCoaster Tycoon 1+2 and Age of Empires 2 for hours. :lol:

I've played NCAA Football games waaaay more than any other game starting on SNES up till today. A lot of my close friends don't have very eclectic gaming tastes just NCAA, Golf and maybe fighting games so I always end up playing a lot. Don't play as obsessively as I used to but still do a dynasty every year. It's nice because you can track it right online now.

Metal Gear Solid 1-3 I have beaten 3 to 4 times. Got pretty much all the dog tags on both the plant and tanker in mgs2, all the kerotan all the extra items and rare animals in mgs3, played that game probably 4 times all the way through. MGS4 I couldn't get as much into, mostly because the traversal is broken up into acts which kills the sense of being on one continuous adventure. And the installing before each chapter and hitting start to enter new areas kills the replayability.

Mass Effect 1+2 My favorite new series this gen. I've beaten them both on insanity which is crazy considering I usually don't care about getting a challenge and play most games on easy or normal. Played through them both multiple times and will probably try to play through them again before 3 comes out. I even read all the books (except for Deception). I also played KOTOR a ton and MAss Effect are kind of the successors.

Fallout 3 and New Vegas I got really sucked into the world. Explored every location. Put over 180 hours into my main play through of F3 and another 90 into NV. Thats not including second and third playthroughs. I think I got most of the achievements outside maybe 1 or 2.

Minecraft Not really a game you can 100% but I played for a good 9 or 10 hours straight on more than one occasion.....
« Last Edit: February 13, 2012, 11:39:07 PM by zoolander »

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Re: Your 100%
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2012, 11:58:38 PM »
I'm right there with you on the Shenmue obsession, zoo. It was unlike any other game I played at the time, and still to this day there's not much else out there quite like it (leaving out the Yakuza series obviously). I don't really think any game has come close to having made such an impact on my life, in fact your statement here:

It was kind of what got me interested in Japanese culture and eventually led to Jpop and everything else.

This x1000. I was already into Dragonball Z and JRPG's at the time, but like I said, Shenmue sparked something in me to persue my interest further in anime/games/JPOP and stuff. I wanted to see everything there was to see in that game, to the point where I too was a member at the Shenmue Dojo and engaged in speculation and debate etc.

Continuing on my list, I'm pretty sure I've spent over a 100 hours in each main titled Final Fantasy game since VII.

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Re: Your 100%
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2012, 02:24:18 AM »
hmm been trying to think of games...

I think I did it most with the original Legend of Zelda, which is still my favorite game of all time. Also, Link to the Past. Both Kingdom Hearts games I played like crazy, too. Super Mario RPG was the first rpg that I can really remember just playing like a fiend, which then lead me to rpgs in general and Final Fantasy VII. Final Fantasy IX would probably be tied with VII. And then in party/just for fun type games, the Guitar Hero franchise like a motherfucker, like nonstop.

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Re: Your 100%
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2012, 02:34:14 AM »
I'm right there with you on the Shenmue obsession, zoo. It was unlike any other game I played at the time, and still to this day there's not much else out there quite like it (leaving out the Yakuza series obviously). I don't really think any game has come close to having made such an impact on my life, in fact your statement here:

It was kind of what got me interested in Japanese culture and eventually led to Jpop and everything else.

This x1000. I was already into Dragonball Z and JRPG's at the time, but like I said, Shenmue sparked something in me to persue my interest further in anime/games/JPOP and stuff. I wanted to see everything there was to see in that game, to the point where I too was a member at the Shenmue Dojo and engaged in speculation and debate etc.

Continuing on my list, I'm pretty sure I've spent over a 100 hours in each main titled Final Fantasy game since VII.

Yea Shenmue is definitely a special game for me. I knew of Japan and used to watch some DBZ when I was at my friends house, had watched my cousins play some JRPGs like FF7 ect. but Shenmue almost gave you a tangible feel and put you into a living 1980s Japan town. The atmosphere and scope of detail is unmatched to this day. There were some photos of the town it was modeled after and it's crazy how exacting the replication was.
I remember right when we first got internet I was already hyped for Dreamcast and was browsing old school IGN and they had some clips from the "Whats Shenmue" VHS (looking back it was August 1999) that made me say HOLY JEBUS. The ones that will forever stick in my mind were and the other was just . Most people would be like "wow that looks really boring" but for me it was "HOLY FUCK HOW CAN A GAME LOOK SO AMAZING AND BE SO REAL" [/noembed]Maybe it's because I have gotten cynical but nothing will ever amaze me like seeing those clips did back in the day. And the game met the Hype.

Looking back it's hilarious seeing quotes like this on that article.
we've split the video into segments and squashed the footage into 320X240 compressed format. The video size is high, but so is the quality; keep your computers on all night if need be, these puppies are required viewing
Oh how far the internet had come.  XD

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Re: Your 100%
« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2012, 11:44:03 AM »
Continuing on my list, I'm pretty sure I've spent over a 100 hours in each main titled Final Fantasy game since VII.

Me too, but that's pretty much my average playtime for any RPG XD

The only games I can remembert that I played really excessivly in recent time are NIER and Alice: Madness Returns.

NIER I loved so much, that I simply had to do everything and grind my ass of for material to get all achievments done, to show my love for the game  :heart:

Alice I liked but did the achievements more because most were easy to get.

Pre-Achievement times ... I can't remember playing any Sega Genesis/PS1/PS2 title more than I had to or to grind/level for hours. Sure I did some leveling in one or another RPG, but nothing over the top.

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Re: Your 100%
« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2012, 06:38:05 PM »
I'll just add that last night, I 100%+ Assassin's Creed Revelations.  Thanks to some informative Youtube videos, I 100%-sync'd the two missions I needed to achieve 100% overall sync.  Adding on to that, I picked up all of the animus data fragments (I hate the one on the Galata Tower) and all of the treasure chests (the final treasure chest I opened was in Capadoccia just like my final animus data fragment was).
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Re: Your 100%
« Reply #18 on: June 10, 2012, 12:06:43 PM »
Hmmm... I don't think there are many finishable games that I've lost a lot of life over :lol:

Kingdom Hearts. I think I've fully replayed it 7 times now. I did start a new game this year, but then my holidays ended and I haven't turned my PS2 on since. I think it's one of two games where I've done absolutely everything. I loved suping up the gummi ship :heart: It's the first game that made me feel strong emotion, haha :sweatdrop: I remember fighting Sephiroth for the first time. I went into the tournament, completely oblivious as to who I was about to face, but then I saw him and the name. At this point in time, I'd read about Sephiroth and heard just how good a villain was, and now I was facing him. I don't think I lasted 30 seconds :doh: By the end, I had cold sweat running down my face and my heart was beating so hard. After that, I trained so hard to beat him and I always make sure to fight him on each replay, facing him when I'm weaker and weaker. I do the same with him in KH2 as well, but he's just not so scary there. Ultimately, the thing that always brings me back to KH is the ending. When Simple & Clean and that last cut-scene start, I always get goosebumps.

Ratchet & Clank 2. It was my first game on PS2 and I played it over and over again. I loved the humour and kept playing so much that I had it all memorised at one point. The games just haven't been as good since. I got all the platinum bolts and unlocked all the skills. My sister and I always used to keep doing the hoverbike racing, which was really fun!! We'd always be competing to beat each other's best time. I remember getting pretty angry one time when she beat my best time and it took me what felt like an eternity to beat that new time.

Star Wars: Battle Front 2. I played this game so much, both online and offline. I tried beating the game with every class (except the ones you have to unlock for each new mission) but I just couldn't with the sniper and heavy trooper (rocket launcher). I did give it a concerted effort, but killing jedi while having to reload the rocket launcher was just too much. I also played offline multiplayer with bots to upgrade my guns and then try doing fancy kills with them, like the sniper rifle to the particle rifle which could penetrate one enemy and hit another :D The online was great fun!! I was usually a heavy trooper or an engineer (shotgun) and had especial fun running around with the heavy trooper, planting mines on huge vehicles, only to have an enemy get into them and then get blown up :grin: Also, kamikaze with mines on speeder bikes. I got a great sense of satisfaction from beating PC players while on my PS2. The space battles were brilliant, too :thumbup

I haven't really played games much since I got my PS3 and especially now with the television in my room having died on me. The only thing I can think of that I put some intense hours into since is Terraria, even though I only played it through once. I think my fellow JPHiP bros can confirm that I let it consume my life too much for the short time that it took us to finish the game. That said, that's how I played every MMORPG I've ever played. I'm just lucky the Terraria could be finished. Freaking Conquer Online :bleed eyes: Now that was a disease for me.

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Re: Your 100%
« Reply #19 on: August 20, 2016, 11:53:50 PM »
I've gotten a few other Platinum trophies over the years like Deadly Premonition, Bloodborne, Driveclub, Assassins Creed Black Flag, Rogue and Syndicate. All worth it.

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