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Author Topic: Secret Admirer Chapter 17 4/15/12  (Read 9729 times)

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Secret Admirer Chapter 17 4/15/12
« on: February 20, 2012, 10:28:34 AM »
New story, new pairing, and new style

Maimi Yajima, underdog, underachiever, future champion.

Maimi was nervous over the deal that was made from her father’s bragging.  She had to face the present champion in a catch weight match.  She had been training for a match that would have given her a chance to gain a medal at lightweight.  However, a late change gave her an opportunity to challenge the half middleweight champion.

She heard rumors about her background training in the streets of Tokyo and her father blocked her out of the outside distraction.  The week leading up to the match, she sat down in the dojo with her father with textbooks on the side.  He requested a week of leave every three months to train for the final preparations and this one presented her most difficult preparation.

Every kick had to be perfect, blocking had to be timed perfectly, and her mindset had no faults.  Then, the day before the match, the routine was a light practice after attending school in two layers of sweats.  She had dinner with her parents before going to sleep but she felt her adrenaline run through her body and it was going slower than usual.

“Maimi, are you excited?”  Her mother came from behind handing her a glass of water.

“Yes, I’m sorry I can’t sleep yet.”  Her mother grinned and punched her daughter’s arm.

“Don’t worry.  I have confidence in you.”  She grabbed Maimi’s hand and held it close to her head to murmur a prayer.

Maimi drank the glass of water and closed her eyes for the night.  She had no dream of winning the match which was unusual for the night before and it concerned her when she woke up.  The morning routine was altered because of the weather which was also weird for her.  Her father confided that she wouldn’t have to worry and he drove her to the gym.

She walked into the locker room and locked eyes with her opponent.  She had a size advantage over her which gave her the confidence to analyze her.  She changed quickly in the stall and punched her hands together.  She looked at her father and gave him a grin before heading off to the staging area.  Her father walked over to the coaches’ holding area and looked over at her daughter.

Maimi walked up to the mat and bowed herself into the fighting area.  She held up her two fists to her coach and replied back with two fists held up to her.  The opponent walked into the gym with the crowd behind her, she blew kisses to the crowd before bowing herself in the area.  The referee instructed them to walk into the middle and bowed to each other and the judges.  Then, the bell rang to start the match and she held up her defense over her face.

Maimi saw the first low kick and swept it away causing the opponent to take a step to the side to balance her.  Maimi delivered a shot to the thigh causing the leg to buckle but let her stand up to make her walk towards her.  She connected with an ankle shot causing the feet to slip under her, the referee stepped in front of her to give her a chance to stand up. 

The opponent faded and saw her right coming towards her.  She threw the leg to the side and pounced on the opportunity with her left high kick to her jaw.  Maimi heard a crack and saw her tumbling down to the floor.  She saw the eyes glazed over and the referee called the match.  She ran over to the coach and jumped on top of him.  Her father held her head near him with her eyes bawling from the victory, her opponent was carted off for safety reason, and she accepted the medal in the locker room before leaving the gym.

A girl looked from the stands and she fell in love with her.  She admired her as a spectator and being around her made the heart beat a million times per second.  She held her letters in her bag and finally released them to her.  She hid behind the crowd cheering her for her victory and it was confirmation of her love for Maimi.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2012, 10:50:39 AM by kurosawa87 »
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Secret Admirer Prologue
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2012, 10:39:15 AM »
Hmm, interesting start, Maimi sure can kick some ass! looking forward to more

Offline kuro808

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Re: Secret Admirer Chapter 1 2/22/12
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2012, 10:30:15 AM »
@oddy Maimi will be the main character with others, the main thing is to guess the admirer



I hide in the corner waiting for you after your kickboxing training every day.  Many people think you are unapproachable but I think you can talk to people easily and you are just funny to me.  I watch you sometimes and heart beats faster than usual that I tend to run away to catch my breath.  My name shall be a secret until I can admit to you my soul.  I will be there for you tournament at the gym this Saturday.  I hope you good luck!

-Secret Admirer

Maimi read each typed word diligently twice to the effect of her heart beating quicker.  She folded the letter and placed it with the stack she had built over the past two weeks.  She grew red with embarrassment after each reading but it always concerned her that someone had liked her.  Maimi knew it was a girl that sent it to her but who was it?  She couldn’t try to pinpoint anyone because of celebrity status.

She was a reserved girl with a muscular built until a first-round knockout gave her status among the school over a prominent opponent.  Every person admires her strength after the match but it manifested to being a personal protector of the school.  She tried to stay humble to everyone but with all the gifts, she had to take a few to cherish for herself.  The girls developed a trust with her as they wanted to avoid any conflict with other schools but she knew they had to avoid a disappointment.

Maimi trained alone as usual with a punching bag, keeping her eyes on the bag, until she finished with her high kick that gave her status.  She looked around for the girl but dedicated herself back to the training.  It was special to see her train for tournaments because no one would see for a while until the day before the competition.  She would appear in sweats and carried her bags up to her classes with no eye contact with anybody else.  Unfortunately, her grades never matched her success on the mat.

It wasn’t that she had tutors but the time she dedicated to studying never seemed to develop into success.  It was frustrating that she could fail despite her out of school success but luckily she gained an ally: Shimizu Saki.

Captain as she was known as wasn’t the most intelligent but she was the most relatable out of the senior class.  She had a way to teach her pupils to achieve in their school work.  She rarely was hard on them but gave them enough encouragement to keep them connected with her.  Maimi’s first visit presented an awkward situation when she came fifteen minutes later than usual because of her bad training day where her first strike to the bag led her to slipping on the mat and landing hard on her hip.  Then, she fell one more time after misplacing with footing causing her to quit prematurely.

Captain noticed the limp in her leg as she bowed to her and apologized to her profusely.  The older girl noticed her attention span was quite small compared to the others which probably caused the slipping grades in the first place but she led on with constant attention to her work. However, one day after the second letter had arrived; Maimi was still in awe that someone had left notes for her but it concerned her a bit and came in deflated for the first time after she gained her status that she needed advice.

“Captain… has anyone sent you a letter?”  She nodded.

“I mean like from a secret admirer.”  Her eyes shot straight to Maimi and hesitantly shook her head.

“I’m not surprised that you have one but you can’t let it distract you.”  She warned as Maimi understood her words.

“I was just curious; it isn’t too bad to think about it.”  Maimi’s half smile had changed the mood of the room but she was now in full thought that she was scribbling stuff that was incoherent and prompted Captain to send her home.

Maimi wasn’t angry that she did send her home but for the first time, she had the urge to concentrate on her work, it felt unusual that she wanted to succeed at all costs.  The next month, she didn’t have to see her tutor as much as she had to but a few impromptu visits created new scenery for Maimi away from the usual study places.  As test season came up, it was common to see her with Captain, and she managed to succeed in the tests.  Maimi presented her gratitude in offering her tickets to the tournament, which Captain had no interest in but accepted it as a gift from her pupil.

However, the tournament wasn’t her only concern but the image of her admirer started to pop up everywhere when she passed through everyone in the halls.  It only made her baffled that a girl had written to her but who it was, only drew more questions than answers.  Then an idea came into her mind, she would write back secretly to another to expose the true face of her admirer.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Secret Admirer Chapter 1 2/22/12
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2012, 10:41:22 AM »
Awww, is it Airi:wub:

Well, anyway, lookin for more.

Wow, my first comment here, on H!P fanfics, hehe
« Last Edit: February 23, 2012, 11:17:15 AM by sakura_drop_ »
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

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Re: Secret Admirer Chapter 1 2/22/12
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2012, 11:15:40 AM »
Ohh, seems as though Maimi is kinda surprised to have a secret admirer even though Capatain tells her that its not surprising.....

Even though she does not know who it is , Maimi seems to be getting distracted by this person, and now it seems she has a plan to try and bring her secret admire out, so she is not so secret anymore.....

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Re: Secret Admirer Chapter 2 2/26/12
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2012, 10:39:51 AM »
@sakura welcome, I hope you have read the others and comment on theirs too and I have noticed yours are interesting too keep up the good work

@oddy Captain takes it on as something to a psychological effect and tries to downplay the effect although the secret can be exposed anytime :)


Dear Admirer,

I would like to thank you for your letters of encouragement but I want to know you.  It does feel creepy you watch me train because of this admission I get distracted a lot.  I hope you can see me in the tournaments and not be a spy for an opponent.  Whoever you are, please show me your face so I can treat you with the same respect as I do for others.  If you can do that for me, I will be at my happiest.

-Concerned girl

Maimi slipped the letter absentmindedly into the locker right of hers.  She never knew who it was but she had to wait until next week as she was five days away from a tournament.  She packed up her books and waited outside for her tutor to finish her classes.  Maimi stood upright with the slight breeze blowing her forward while the shorter girl walked from the dust.

“Sorry, I’m late.  Shall we take the bus to the dojo?”  Maimi shook her head.

“Do you mind we walk?”  Captain’s eyes blew up thinking that they would need to walk two miles to the dojo.

“I prefer to take the bus.”  She paused and then she realized Maimi had something on her mind.

“I think we need to talk to your sensei.  He understands that you are having trouble in school so I hope he doesn’t mind we come in later than usual.”  Captain suggested to Maimi as she took out her phone to call her sensei.

Captain was unfamiliar to a conversation between Maimi and her sensei.  Maimi resisted in pleading the truth but the sensei kept the conversation going by reversing the tables on her about training but school was weighing on her until she gave up in convincing him.  She squatted down and held her fist down onto the pavement.  She lifted it up ready to deliver a blow but slowly lowered it down.  Maimi looked up to her tutor and wiped the tears away from her face.

“Let’s go to the library and we can rent out a study room.”  Maimi pursued forward while the tutor held up the rear.

The two didn’t speak to each other for the trip to the library until they asked for the keys to the room where they each had to write their names on the log.  They marched up the stairs and into the room where Maimi vented out her frustration by throwing her bag against the wall.  The tutor rarely seen Maimi frustrated, even in matches she held up a defense that many could not penetrate through.  It was officially an uphill battle about her personal life.

Captain took an initiative to calm her down before they would go into any discussions.  She grabbed Maimi’s phone and turned it off to assist in adding more fuel to the fire.  Maimi sat there pounding the table with Captain soothing her back until she could gain back her composure.  Captain knew too much to throw away a practice session but it was something to make Maimi understand the situation.

“Okay, it seems like it could be a tactic.”  Maimi shot her head up.

“You mean…”  Captain nodded.

“We have to say that whoever she is, will play a mind game to make you lose.  We will combat the problem for the rest of the week.  I am curious though… why did you have an outburst over staying away from the dojo.”  Maimi wiped away her tears and took a calming breath.

“My father doesn’t like the fact that I am getting recognized at school.  He saw me once talk to a classmate and he threw her aside to just lecture me about friendship.  School is more for discipline of the mind and soul, never a path of gaining relationships.”  Captain understood why her father felt that way and she had to agree to it for the reason she stated before but she had a feeling that the only way to prove it was wrong was through what the girls saw her as a hero.

“Okay, we will spend an hour here.  I will face your father to tell him about the emergency meeting, if he does understand, we will meet each other tomorrow here to explain further about this situation.”  Maimi nodded and took out her math book to start on her homework.

Maimi breezed through it with little assistance but it had taken most of the time.  Captain and Maimi returned the keys and waited at the bus stop for the next bus but a dark car pulled in front of them.  The windows rolled down and it was Maimi’s dad with sunglasses on despite being late evening.  He lowered his glasses and he was wearing an eye patch over his right eye.  He smiled and invited them into the car.

“Gomen.”  Maimi nodded to her father.

“I should be sorry.  Your mother heard the conversation and when I hung up, she gave me a lecture about how I was nervous to ask her out on a date.  It was the reason for the eye patch.  She likes to exert a little energy about Maimi’s happiness.”  Captain smiled nervously as she wondered how she got her strength.

“I just needed to study for a test next week.”  He nodded as he looked for a safe location to drop her off.

After dropping her off, Maimi held onto her bag feeling the sweat roll down her head as the letter seemed to fill her head but the faceless girl was drilling into her consciousness.  Her father looked at her every chance she had during the drive and he couldn’t seem to release the image of her little girl.  He looked back on the road and pushed the breaks to stop short of the car in front of him.

“Sorry, can we talk instead of practice today?”  Her father drove into the parking lot and placed his hand on her head.

“I love you as my daughter and I felt protecting yourself was my number one concern.  Your mother was strong with her fists but she always told me that she liked me because I was more feminine than her.”  Maimi giggled.

“I want you to live your life as best as you want to, if it is a boy, let me know.”  Maimi hesitantly shook her head.

“Let me train until I lose.”  Her words were the dagger to her father’s heart but he understood and she walked up to the dojo with her mind free of concerns.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Secret Admirer Chapter 2 2/26/12
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2012, 11:07:20 AM »
Hmm, so Maimi wants to know who this admirer is, I wonder though if that letter will really work?

And t seems as though Maimi's father is not to keen on the relationships that Maimi might get at school....

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Re: Secret Admirer Chapter 1 2/22/12
« Reply #7 on: February 29, 2012, 09:56:51 AM »
Awww, is it Airi:wub:

we'll see but don't be shocked if the pairing doesn't come out like that, because I roll that way 8)

@oddy: the letter(s) are the main part of the story which introduces the characters, I was considering more toward older characters (Ai, Risa, Reina, etc) but it would seem weird to make a chibi style fic (I rather deal with mature aspects than go into chibi style)  As for her father, I could remember a story like that and it was meant to be comedic for her mother being stronger than the father in family matters which shows who has the "true" strength in the family

By saying this, the pairing could be well-known or a one shot type of thing, now onto part 3


Dear concerned girl,

I am sorry to inform you are mistaken.  I am not your secret admirer but if you can relay a message to the one I do love, I want to tell her that she is beautiful without forcing her own personality on people.  She is cool in public but I want to see in private one day as we can meet each other face to face instead through a window in a classroom.  I only want that, she is three lockers to the right of me, and her name is Momoko.  I like her a lot and I hope you can find yours en route in helping me.

-Afraid of a peach

Maasa Sudo pushed through the slot of the locker right of her and walked toward her next class.  She was ridiculed for her size and always was conscious about people around her despite having the aura of a bully.  Maa-chan as she was usually called by her few choice friends liked to study alone.  She never fond of studying with others as they were distracting to her but it hurt being alone.

Momoko Tsugunaga was the total opposite and the outgoing personality brought friends and enemies alike.  Her friends liked that she treats them to lunch or snacks but her enemies were sick of her peppy attitude.  She always tried to remain cheerful but it stung that no one could acknowledge her hunger for love.  She never did admit to herself that she needed someone but she kept the thoughts that someone would take a chance.

Since Maimi was in the midst of training, the school was quieter than usual as they kept the students within the classrooms for studying.  Momo was the next person to involve the noise of the school with many pending fights to shut her up or ruin her attitude towards everyone.  Unluckily, she had a fight on the horizon with a Nakamura Shizuko, an older girl who despised the peach’s peppiness.

Shizuko called out the peach in the middle of the hall for being an annoying girl to everyone and wanted to ruin her day with a bruise that could destroy her.  Maasa overheard the conversation and her hand closed into a fist as she calculated Shizuko before leaving for her next class.  The whole time she watched the clock tick down to the fight and stood in the crowd overlooking the school grounds.

Momo took center stage with the crowd rowing in size until Shizuko and her group surrounded the peach.  The four girls encompassed the peach as the girl looked towards her with a killer’s intent.  Maasa crept up closer to see the fight and as usual the bully makes the speech to intimidate the weaker person.  Shizuko pushed her around to the other girls while she laughed at her enemy.  Within five minutes the speech was over and she held her hand high ready to put it down onto the peach.  Then, the crowd roared when Maasa dropped her bag and grabbed her arm.

“Do we have someone protecting the princess from getting pounded?”  Shizuko asked Maasa as she held the wrist of the attacker.

“Yes, because you cannot beat someone up for being happy all the time.”  Maasa couldn’t believe the words but she kept confident.

“I guess so but now you shall take my wrath.”  She lowered the arm and threw a punch straight at her barely passing her cheek.

Maasa countered with a punch that was easily dodged and Shizuko saw her opening but Maasa caught her mouth with an elbow.  The blood was flowing from the lip after the elbow got her.  Shizuko took a step back and came with another punch and it came up short with the base of the hand coming toward the nose causing Shizuko to cry.  The older woman fell to her knees as she held her nose.  Blood was trickling down two places as she told the rest to attack Maasa but no one came to her rescue and ran away instead leaving their boss high and dry.

“Stupid girls.”  She commented and Maasa picked her up from the ground.

“Don’t pick on Momo again.”  Maasa warned as she took her bag and started on her way home.

Momo was glad someone had protected her but Maasa was now on Momo’s list to fear but she trailed her home to observe her path home.  The peach crept quietly over the bridges until she got to a townhouse where Maasa had entered from the front and never noticed her crush had been following her home.  Momo began thinking about how to repay her and the thought of asking her to hang out was now in play.

The peach walked up and rang the doorbell.  Maasa answered when she saw Momo waving to her, she bowed down, and let herself in.  Momo went back to her usual self curiously looking around her house for anything unique and admiring her interior.  Maasa was nervous in letting her inside with no one else home but when Momo went straight to her room, Maasa panicked over the arrangement.

“Your room is nice.”  Momo commented.

“Thanks, I guess you should…”  Momo turned and pouted as Momo flung herself towards her savior.

“I want to thank you for standing up for me, no one does that.  I want to repay you by having a snack on me.”  Maasa shook her head.

“I need to pay you back somehow, I cannot let this good deed go unforgiven.”  Maasa smiled and denied the offer.

Momo moved in closer pleading her offer and landed on top of Maasa on the bed with Maasa’s hands around the peach’s body.  Momo scooted up towards her lips and gave her a peck as a thank you but Momo gave her one more kiss longer than the last one to thank her again.  Maasa was shocked that anyone would give her a kiss, to make matters worse, it was from her crush that she just save off of pure will and her admiration of the peach.

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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Secret Admirer Chapter 3 2/28/12
« Reply #8 on: February 29, 2012, 11:02:28 AM »
Yay!! MaaMomo FTW!!!
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: Secret Admirer Chapter 3 2/28/12
« Reply #9 on: February 29, 2012, 01:38:30 PM »
Aww MaaMomo is always good,  :lol: Poor Massa writing a letter to help pass on the info that she likes Momo..... hmm think beating up those bullies was a better way of doing it, seems as though Momo might have something for Maa too.....

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Re: Secret Admirer Chapter 4 3/1/12
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2012, 06:56:50 AM »
@sakura yes it is, although the pairing is still foreign to me in imagining them

@oddy She needed to prove her dedication and will it work?


Dear Afraid of a peach,

I have the same concerns too.  However, I have told her my intentions but she is always with the tall athlete.  I don’t think she likes her but I want her to know that I do like her.  If she can be with me once, I will be happy but I am a selfish person.  I want to know if you can help me, whoever you are.  If I find you walking by, I shall use my power and your power to help me gain my girl.  I also want you to know that I am not a bad person, just wanting to leave soon from my past.


Summer colored sunshine

Miyabi Natsuyaki slipped the envelope into the locker to the right of her before the bell rang before her third class.  She held her books like a normal student but she had an evil past that she wanted to leave for a long time.  She was the secretary to a local gang and she had been hiding out in a basement for the past two weeks.  She was aware of the people in school and many were connected with the gang which made her concern for her life.

She was the most persuasive of the people to let her stay with other classmates but only one had given her a place to hide.  Her neighbor, Risako Sugaya, was introverted and two year younger than her but she was the only friend she could confide with.  Miya had asked if she could sleepover when her parents had to go on a trip, which was a lie but her parents were out most of the night.  Rii-chan as she was known as helped her to hide until a few days later when Miya’s parents had asked her to come back.

Early the next morning, she ran to an abandon apartment near the school and unloaded her items into the room.  It was ill-smelling but the running water was a plus for her.  She lived in the dark for a few days before the landlord kicked her out and ran to the basement of an abandon house which had no luxuries.  She used the women’s locker room to wash off before school and it gave her a little bit of comfort.

She sat down in the middle of the classroom with her glasses on and the teacher writing up the topic for math class.  The lectures were long and boring but she had to concentrate to get herself back into a normal society.  Her head heavy with thoughts lulled her to close her eyes and woke up with five minutes left on the clock.  She managed to write down whatever was left and she heard the bell ring for the end of class.

“Natsuyaki-san, can you stay for a while?”  Her teacher called out to her and Miya closed the door to gain privacy.

“I know you are coming back to school but you need to stay up.”  The girl nodded.

“I know but I have been just trying to gain back my normal schedule.”  She explained as she opened up her file.

“Well, we can meet with your parents to help you gain the normalcy back.”  Miya held her hand on the page.

“My parents won’t be of any help, they were the ones to lead me down the dark path.  If it wasn’t for a neighbor, I would have been doing the stupid things from before.”  The teacher gave a short nod and closed the book.

“Well in these situations, parents would be helpful, and I will meet with them soon on your transition based on school rules but if you don’t want to be with us at the meeting, it can be arranged to split up between you and them.”  Miya thought about the meetings and gave her confirmation.

“Go to lunch.”  The teacher released her from the room and saw Rii-chan across the hall.

Risako smirked at Miya as she strides towards her and meet up with the elder girl.  They headed to the vending machine to buy their usual veggie chips before heading to the roof to have a chat.  Miya observed her neighbor a little jittery than usual but never pointed it out until Risako ripped her bag open to spill the contents.

“Rii, tell me what’s wrong?”  Miya asked as she shared her chips with her.

“It’s nothing.”  Risako pushed the bag away and left Miya guilty with a full bag of chips and she slipped it into her bag.

“Just tell me, you have told me everything, especially your period which irritated the hell out of me that you were happy for it.”  Risako presented a grin and she sat closer than usual to her.

“I always wondered how it feels without a chest.”  Miya titled her head.  “I mean I have an abnormal-sized chest and I want to try dieting to lower my chest size.”  Miya giggled as she punched her playfully.

“You got me worried for a second there… my only question is why?”  Risako breathed slowly and looked back at Miya.

“Umm, I just want to have people stare less at me.  Ever since you decided to go with the gang full time, I have seen everything grow exponentially bigger that my classmates think I have been getting implants.”  Miya frowned as she let her head lean on the shoulder.

“We all mature differently and if you want to diet, you can but it won’t change your chest size by a lot.”  The younger girl put her head down.

Risako cried over the realization but Miya lifted her head up and wiped her tears away.  She poked her on the cheek to cheer her up but it was non-effective.  So, she faced her and held her hands on the younger girl’s face.  Risako stared at her as she embraced her.

“Calm down, I wish I had a chest to show off but it doesn’t hurt me because my body is something I have to deal with and you should too.  Maybe, there is someone who likes you for who you are; maybe she can confess her love to you.”  Risako slapped her as she smiled.

“I hate you.  You have someone.”  Miya stopped her.

“I don’t have anyone to be with me all the time.  I want someone too.  Maybe, we can go to the mall to get some clothes that makes you feel better, ne.”  Risako nodded and walked back down for the next class.  Miya, on the other hand, had more issues as she saw a crony hanging outside of a classroom and took the long way to make her late for her next class.
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Re: Secret Admirer Chapter 4 3/1/12
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2012, 10:44:29 AM »
Poor Miya, she has alot of problems other than just her love life dosn't she, I hope she can get back to a normal life, at least she has Risako there for her....

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Re: Secret Admirer Chapter 5 3/4/12
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2012, 01:27:25 AM »
@oddy: makes it interesting to get a story along


Dear Summer colored sunshine,

Keep fighting don’t give up, despite everything she says show that you are the better person.  Please confess everything to her as I watch from behind.  I want to do everything I want to say but I feel ashamed to say it but the one I am in love with works at a convenient store.  My parents wouldn’t be happy in my choice but she is sweet and considerate.  I want to tell her everything about my parents, they wanted me to go to a high-end college prep school, but I chose an all-girls private school which angered them.  I prove to them I can keep up with my work but they insist on sending me there to improve myself.  I feel comfortable here but if I stand up to them one more time, I can achieve my stance and go to college soon enough.

-Scared Preppy Girl

Koha dropped off the letter to the locker next to hers as she ran off to see the convenience store girl many liked in general for her peppy attitude and good personality.  Koha was keen to see that she held back her temper well and even the people who tend to anger others a lot, she kept her cool with them until they leave and a tongue sticks out playfully.  She entered and waived to the cashier as usual but she wasn’t there to buy anything.  Koha was nervous to talk to her especially when the nerves over takes her body.

She strolled to the cashier and placed her elbows on the counter to just stare at her for a moment unconsciously before the cashier pushed her off.  Koha became startled over the push and saw the cashier signal her to go to the side as she prepared to load snacks onto the shelves.

“You come here often, ne.”  Koha hid her grin and nodded to her.

“I want to ask why.  My manager thinks you are doing something suspicious so I wanted to talk to you.”  Koha tilted her head and kneel down next to her.

“I wanted… to say… I like you.”  The cashier shook her and scoffed.

“That’s the first time someone has said that to me in a while with a sense of nerves.  I guess you were stalking me here.”  She let out a grand laugh as she folded the box edges down.

“I really do like you, I want you to accept my confession.”  The cashier shook her head again and tossed the box over the counter.

“If you want me to accept your confession, I have a challenge for you.”  Koha nodded quickly and soon found herself in the freezer with the cashier.

The challenge was merely simple; she had to survive the cold for a few minutes with the cashier’s evil side.  The cashier posed like she was in front of a mirror, saying irritating things to Koha that would make any other girl run away swiftly but Koha just shivered and smiled at the cashier.

“Sayu is cute, ne?”  Koha shook every time she said it until Sayu dragged Koha out and slammed her onto the door.

In her frustration, she pressed her lips upon the girl’s and kept still until Koha pushed her away.  Sayu grinned at her and slipped her a piece of paper.  She opened it up and it was the same quote she had said hundred times before except Koha giggled at it.  Sayu walked back to her job and rung up the people in line before hanging up her apron to see Koha waiting for her.

“You waited for me… Shouldn’t you be going home?”  Sayu asked.

“I will but I wanted to walk home with you.”  Koha said with a smile as Sayu took a few steps forward.

Sayu was impressed with her determination but internally it gave her a dreaded feeling of past people who were initially interested and they ran away as soon as it got serious.  The bunny hated that feeling to the point that tests would be occasionally set to test their determination but she had an instant connection with her.  Sayu led her companion by a few steps calmly looking back every so often seeing Koha matching strides with her.  Then, at a corner, she turned to face her only to lean back toward the street.

“Sayumi!”  Koha yelled as she grabbed her hands and clamped her arms around her.

“You really care for me.”  She scoffed as the light turned.

Koha felt her heart crack as Sayu led the way but she cared too much to dump her and she needed to prove it to her until she gets her message.  After the incident, Koha ran by her and halted her progress to face the bunny.  She held her hand up and slapped it across the bunny’s face.  Sayu placed her hand on the bruise as she saw a determination rarely seen by her.  Then, it finally came to her that Koha wasn’t going to abandon her, she would be all in if it takes saving her a million times.

“I hate you because you are not like the rest.  You did that like I was your child and I guess if it means a lot to you, I will accept your heart.  However, if you do leave me, I will punish you to the highest extent vested in me.”  Sayu’s seriousness quickly turned into a smile as Sayu led the way until they arrived at an apartment building where they bid each other farewell.

Koha was ecstatic that Sayu had changed.  She felt that once before as a child to a young boy, she was shot down, and went into a deep depression but a harsh slap and a speech later, she had become hardened to find someone to give her heart to and she hoped that it could continue for a long time.
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Re: Secret Admirer Chapter 5 3/4/12
« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2012, 11:27:07 AM »
Well nice to see at least one person is taking a slightly more direct approach to things....  :lol:

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Re: Secret Admirer Chapter 6 3/5/12
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2012, 09:45:07 AM »
@oddy Koha has that feel to it :nervous


Dear Scared preppy girl,

Your pain is my pain.  I want you to see my pain as Maimi walks out every so often and she comes back like she doesn’t notice me.  I was her closest friend and we always held each other’s hands when we went home.  She liked me to come to kickboxing class too and then she told me that she had to transfer because of her parents.  I begged my parents to let me transfer too despite our financial issues and when I saw her, she had changed because of her father.  I felt betrayed but I can’t blame her.  I still Maimi as the girl I fell in love with and now I need to win her back.

-Winning back a friend

Mano Erina reread her letter and threw it into the trash as the feelings came rushing back again.  Mano-chan was rarely depressed but the sensitive subject of Maimi always brought back incredible memories of their elementary school days.  Maimi was out of place among her classmates.  She was slow in catching onto things and was made fun of after weird haircuts done by her father.  But, she could take it in stride because of Mano.

During their time together, they had developed a sense of reliability with each other.  Mano was Maimi’s tutor and Maimi had become the protector for her friend.  She never used her strength against anyone, which was symbol of her discipline but boys were the main concern.  After a day of playing in the park, they decided to visit the convenience store for snacks but they ran into a group of boys a few years older than them.

They demanded money but Maimi resisted as a friend would do despite Mano-chan willingness to give up.  One of them flipped her skirt up and Maimi sprang into action by giving him a swift kick into his privates.  As he fell over, the leader charged towards them and tripped over a rock into the medal pole.  He grabbed his shoulder crying in pain as they both escaped without any harm.  Later that night, the boy had visited Maimi to apologize and she realized that it was the sensei’s son.  She returned an apology for hurting his son but refused to accept it as the son was at fault.

Then, Maimi was forced to move which devastated her.  Their last meeting ended horribly as Maimi had to rid of Mano-chan’s presence as she building herself to become a champion whom she had supported but the lingering feelings made her a distraction.  She knew Maimi wasn’t going to break it off easily but she seemed to be convinced that it was for her to not become Maimi’s vice.

After the meeting, she had drowned herself in misery by sitting at the edge of roof of the school building.  No person would go near her and she always wondered if someone had visited her.  She felt the wind breezing by as everyone walked home and it gave her time to reflect over her life.  One day, her body was being pushed by the wind as an indicator of what she should do next but a hand interrupted the proceedings.

“Don’t commit suicide; your friends would miss you too much.”  The squeaky voice entered into her ears and she shook her head.

“I cannot live without my best friend; she left me to pursue her dream.”  The girl shook her head.

“No person will ever do that.  Love continues on forever.  She must be thinking of you through every obstacle she is facing.  She never will give up because you are there with her.”  Mano smiled as she turned to see the peach inches from her.

“I want her to be happy even if it makes me depressed.”  Momo slapped her on the cheek.

“I want a smile from you.”  Mano cracked a smile towards her and then she saw a figure by the door.

Mano-chan ran towards her as she escaped to go down the stairs and eventually seeing she stumbled onto the floor.  She tried crawling before Mano could stop her.  The girl had glasses on and seemed intimidated by her as she curled up protecting her from any abuse.  Mano lent her a hand so she could stand up and looked at her with tears slowly crawling from her eyes.

“Gomen, I was wondering if anyone was up on the roof.”  Erina patted her on the shoulder.

“Don’t worry; I just wanted to know your name.”  She took a few steps backward to prepare an introduction.

“My name is Kikkawa Yuu; I just transferred her from Ibaraki prefecture.  I was afraid that many don’t like new students so I tend to look around when no one is present but I am sorry for butting into the conversation.”  Mano smiled and tried to relax her.

“Nice, I am Mano Erina.  I moved from Saitama but originally from Kanagawa.”  She bowed towards Yuu.

“Wow, I guess I shouldn’t feel bad about moving.  My parents had been transferred her for work.  How about you?”  Her stomach knotted as she didn’t want to say she was following a childhood friend but the excuses weren’t functioning until Momo butted in.

“Her parents were transferred here too, right Mano-chan.”  She hesitantly nodded as the excuse seemed to satisfy the transfer student.

Kikkawa ran away to another room as Momo winked at her for a lie that seemed obvious but the truth in her heart was eating her quickly.  She felt like vomiting and ran into the bathroom to only see the toilet water giving her a reflection of her face.  Maimi would have done the same if they switched roles and she felt compelled to finally feel confident that she could move on despite Maimi leaving a string of hope for them.  She rushed out and drunk some water before heading out to the hallway where she saw someone slipping a letter in Maimi’s locker.

“Who is that?”  She asked as no one was there to answer and the knot started up again except she was in a bad mood to keep it all in.
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Re: Secret Admirer Chapter 6 3/5/12
« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2012, 03:22:46 PM »
Poor Manochan, she has had to endure alot without Maimi, but it seems as though she is not as alone as she might think..... and she sees a girl slipping a letter into Maimi's locker, has the secret admirer been revealed?

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Re: Secret Admirer Chapter 6 3/5/12
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2012, 05:54:27 PM »

Waitin for next update!  :thumbup
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: Secret Admirer Chapter 7 3/7/12
« Reply #17 on: March 08, 2012, 09:34:58 AM »
@oddy: we'll see

@sakura: let me promise you Airi in another story :nervous


Maimi was days away from defending her championship against another opponent in a higher weight division.  Her mind was cleared to enter into the match but in the furthest depth, she wondered who was her admirer and if she was someone who truly loved her or causing to lose the match.  The thoughts slowly crawled to the front and she forced it back until she went into the shower.

She broke down trying to fight the frustration of whom she is and why is she doing it at such an important time.  Then, she heard yelling at the door and quickly wrapped up to see what it was about.  She peeked outside to see Mano-chan speaking to her father.  He walked away from her vision and Mano-chan saw her at the door.

“I want to speak to you.”  Mano said in a soft voice.

“Can it wait?”  She shook her head.

“I want to know something right now.”  Maimi let her into the room.

Mano felt the sweat run down her brow in the steamy room and took a seat on the bench as Maimi slipped on a t-shirt and shorts before meeting up with her friend.  The elder girl’s throat dried up as Maimi wrapped her hair with a towel and she took a deep breath.

“What is it?”

“Someone has been dropping a note into your locker.”  Maimi held up her hand.

“I know but if that is your only concern, please leave.”  Mano looked down and agreed to her command.

Mano wished her good luck in her upcoming match and left the gym without saying anything more.  She walked down the stairs and saw the janitor walking up past her.  Mano assumed it was an older male but the floral scent caught her attention and looked up as she disappeared from sight.  She disregarded her thoughts and decided to bus back home.

The janitor saw Maimi walking out of the locker room and greeted her as she was packing her bag.  The janitor walked past the girl to get the cleaner and placed it on the floor as she usually would but this time she spoke to her as Maimi was wrapping up her bag packing.

“Hello, Yajima-san.”  She bowed as she revealed her face to the light.

“Toku-chan, why are you here?”  Her eyes widened as she saw Chinami in a janitor uniform.

“I clean up after you finish the gym, my uncle was janitor here but he had gotten sick weeks ago and I took over to gain some money from your father.”  She smiled as she flipped her phone.

Her father explained that Chii was willing to do it for a discount for her uncle and it seemed right to let her do it otherwise it would be filthy when she practiced.  Maimi closed her phone and let out a sigh as Chinami set up her pail and mop to clean the floor.  Maimi waved goodbye to her and let her do her job.  Chinami watched her go down the stairs before walking into the locker room.  She opened the door to let the steam out from the room and checked if the truck left from the parking lot before digging through her uniform pile.

“Hmm, I guess she left this here to clean up, that is unusual for her.”  Chinami said to herself before turning to see Maimi at the door.

“What are you doing?”  She asked.

“I was looking for… the other mop head.”  She lied as Maimi slyly smiled.

“I think we should have a talk.”  She closed the door behind her and sat on the bench.

Maimi looked at her and put up her hands against the janitor.  Chinami threw a straight right that she telegraphed and Maimi countered with a kick to her ribs that took her down to one knee.  Chinami held her ribs paralyzed from the pain and waved her hand conceding the match.  She kneels down and brought up her face to look into her eyes.

“My father will not let you train because that is the way he is.  He doesn’t know you have a background in self-defense, at worst a beginner.  I’m sorry that I had to kick you.”  She patted her on the head.

“WAIT!”  Chinami yelled as she tried to get up by leaning onto the bench.

“I only started because you won the belt and wanted to make myself better against bullies.  I got sick of them beating me up so I wanted to protect myself.”  Maimi nodded in agreement before she walked towards the door.

“I understand but you cannot train with me.”  Chinami yelled out again.

“That wasn’t the reason why I got the job, it was…”  Maimi moved in closer.

“Because I love you.”  Chinami said in a soft voice.

“What?  Say that again.”

“I love you.”  She said in a higher tone.

Maimi froze as she heard the three words that haunted her and the letters came back as a raging river and ran out.  Chinami took a few steps and stopped as she began to clean it as fast as she could without trying to concentrate on anything else.  But, it was draining her out as she took a break to cry out most of her frustrations.  Her mind went back to the first day that she dropped it off.

She felt nervous that she had gone through with it as she was an icon within the school and if she could take a few lessons it would benefit her but together they would be a fighting duo.  However, Maimi encouraged doing it on their own without any explanation why she wouldn’t join anyone on a crusade.  Chinami wanted to know why Maimi would never train with anyone else until she saw it for herself in disguise.

She saw the match that gave her the title and her stomach turned every which way until she was held in her father’s arms.  The match gave her confidence that she should work hard to be next to Maimi in status but the one catch was the workout wore her out until she suffered from dehydration one day.  She kept with the mindset until she offered to fight Maimi on the school grounds.  Her father interfered and placed it in the gym with a mat.

She stepped onto the mat and heard the bell to the start the match.  Maimi swung her right leg low and knocked her down to her knees.  Chinami stood up quickly and the roundhouse came inches from her face.  She countered with a right punch to her shoulder which was square but had no effect.  The left came high and connected on her jaw which knocked her out.  The nurse came to check if Chinami was alright and it wasn’t too serious and Chinami walked away with tears in her eyes.

Maimi consoled her about training and Chinami walked away without any more concerns.  She refused to do anymore as it failed her until her uncle was sick and she went back to train for a bit but something in her mind made her think why she was willing to fight her.  Then, the letter popped into her head and she wrote it out during one of her matches to slip it into the locker.  It seemed to be the honest thing to do but after seeing her walk out her heart sank lower and wondered if she should appear or stay away from her victim.
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Re: Secret Admirer Chapter 7 3/7/12
« Reply #18 on: March 08, 2012, 11:49:44 AM »
Poor Mano, Maimi is being pretty cold with her, maybe Maimi has her reasons but it still hurts Mano, I hopeshe will be ok....

And Chii ..... seems as though she really does love Maimi, I wonder what Maimi will do now she knows this.....

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Re: Secret Admirer Chapter 7 3/7/12
« Reply #19 on: March 08, 2012, 12:34:54 PM »
UNEXPECTED!! ChiiMaimi...  XD

Anyway, don't forget to keep your promise!  :inlove: :inlove:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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