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Author Topic: Devolution : Homo sapiens {Number 6 5th September 2012}  (Read 15027 times)

Offline caiyunki

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Re: Devolution : Homo sapiens {Number 3 14th April 2012}
« Reply #40 on: May 25, 2012, 04:41:44 PM »
Number 4 - To get to know her

"That's weird. . . Why is it that I can't track the location of 20102012?" Asami mumbled to herself as she stared intensely at her computer screen, trying to locate the precise position of the robot through the GPS system she had installed on the latter. Tapping lightly on the touch screen, Asami screened the angle of view to another district, hoping the GPS detection would appear blinking on the screen. However, non as such she hoped to happen had happened. She sighed deeply and inwardly before switching the map back to its original focus.

"Konno-sama!" The bursting of an unexpected figure into her workroom caught Asami off guard, causing the poor girl to fall heavily onto the ground from the chair she was seated in.

"What are you doing here?" Asami asked with panic as she struggled to get herself off the ground surface. That was prove fruitless, due to the lack of her muscle strength at her lower limbs. Just as Asami was troubled about the location of the robot, the robot had just appeared right before her now.

"I need help!" Risa answered, still standing at her position at the door, with the door wide open.

"Close the door and help me up." Asami ordered gently. Risa followed as what she was told, closing the door after her before she reached over to where Asami was and helped her back onto the chair. It took Asami a while to calm her racing her from the sudden intrusion of Risa into her workroom. And when she finally did, she turned around. "What help?" Asami asked in a calming voice. It was so calming that one could not tell she had just suffered a shock moments ago.

"About Master." Risa started off. "She - "

Before Risa could express what she had wanted to, she was interrupted by Asami by questions. "Wait a minute, 20102012, were you being switched off during your stay with A- Takahashi Ai?" Asami interrupted.

"How did you knew about that?" Risa asked, amazed that Asami had knew, even without her saying anything to her. Indeed, that was something Risa had wanted to inform Asami about, in this visit for SOS.

"Well, I am able to track your whereabouts through the GPS via the Wifi receptor I had installed within your brain." Asami answered effortless as she turned her attention back to the computers where she hooked Risa back onto the system. "How is she convinced to switch you on again? That's so not-" Asami was mumbling to herself and halted in the mist of the sentence when she remembered the fact that Risa possessed the ability of super hearing.

"It was raining, and I was standing alone outside the rain. She thought that I might be damaged by the rainwater, so she had decided to switch me on again," Risa answered, even though the question was not directed directly to her. "How does Konno-sama knew that Master is not going to switch me on? From what you have mentioned just now, you seems determined that that something Master will not do."Risa continued asking curiously.

"What was your reason for visiting, 20102012?" Asami ignored the question raised by Risa and raised another new topic, hoping Risa will not pester onto her in explaining the reasons for her knowing. And indeed, that had work.

"I need SOS." Risa answered straightforwardly.

"For?" Asami asked casually as she tapped onto the touch screen panel of the computer.


"Everything?" Asami raised half a tone, sounding off curiously.

"Everything." Risa reassured.

"So fast? Are you trying to tell me that you have failed your mission, just merely 20 hours into it?" Asami turned around and looked interestingly at Risa. "You have 3 months for that, do you remember that?"

"Not that. But it's just. . . .I was being threatened." Risa explained vaguely.

"You learnt the word 'threatened'? That's amazing. Considering the time you had spent out there." Asami continued, not getting the atmosphere of the situation correctly. "About what were you being threatened?"

"Master. . . She threatened to scrape me into metals if I continue to pester after her." Risa explained without much emotions.

That made Asami burst into huge fit of laughter, sending Risa into waves of confusion. She did not thought that what she had just said was funny at all. But to Asami, it was due to the words Risa had learnt to use once again, and her expectation of that to happen.

"What is so funny, Konno-sama?" Risa asked innocently, still without much emotions.

"Nothing." Asami tried to tone down her laughter, and she had finally did so after a long 5 minutes of internal war with the giggles that popped every second.

"I really want to know if she has the ability to do that, before I plan my next move, Konno-sama." Risa continued, failing to notice the internal struggles Asami had within herself.

"Yes, she do, 20102012." Asami answered honestly.

"Am I supposed to be wary about her then?" Risa asked, yet once again in her innocence.

Asami chuckled at the question. "Maybe you will need to. But I'm pretty sure you will not have to., I think." Asami answered ambiguously, though there were attempts of reassurance within the sentence.

"So what should I do?" Risa continued asking.

"Hmmm. . . That's a good question. But with Takahashi Ai being a real stubborn personnel, I'm suggesting you, 20102012, to approach a soft approach." Asami advised.

"Soft approach?" Risa repeated.

"Yes. Soft approach." Asami reassured.

"Which is?"

"You can look into the reasons why she is rejecting the idea of the technologies created by NST." Asami further on explained, with Risa nodding her head slightly as the data was registered in her memory chip. Just then, a figure on the CCTV image caught Asami's attention. With not gentleness, Asami shoved the humanoid under her desk before pushing her chair slightly in. "Stay quiet." Asami ordered. Just as so, the laboratory door swung open, revealing a taller figure with a silky long black hair standing at the doorway. "Sayu, what are you doing over here?" Asami asked in a clam voice before continuing again. "You should have the courtesy to knock on the door before entering though."

"You should know what am I here for. And Why do I need, when you are already expecting me through this?" Sayumi replied harshly as she pointed her finger over at the CCTV screen.

"Why should I know the reason for your coming?" Asami feigned innocence as she leaned her back against the back of the chair, which Risa were hiding behind after.

"The unaccounted request for increase funding." Sayumi brought straight into business, being not in the mood to play the game with Asami right now.

"Like I had told you, it was for a research for a new product I've been working on." Asami replied clamly.

"Which is?" Sayumi was slightly irritated by now, judging from the tone when she continued her questioning.

"Since when do I have to report my research projects to you, Sayu?" Asami persevered on, refusing to give in to Sayumi.

"Tsk." Came the clicking on the tongue from Sayumi. Though that, the expression Asami carried had not changed at all - no smile nor frown.

"You will know it, when the time comes, Sayu." Asami finished. "If you are done, could you please leave right now as I would wish to continue on my work." Asami requested.

Sayumi rolled her eyes slightly at the request made by Asami. Checking the time on her left wrist, she made a quick turn on her heels. "Be sure that you are not doing anything that is against the company, or something that is going to hurt Eri. If not, I'm going to hunt you down." With that, Sayumi began to head towards the door where she had came from and out into the hallway.

"That was close." Asami mumbled to herself as she limped a step forward, pulled the chair away and allowed Risa back onto her feet.

"Why is there a need for me to hide, Konno-sama?" Risa asked curiously after she had crawled out from the underneath of the table.

"I don't have to answer that." Asami replied stubbornly. "Shouldn't you be going back to your Master right now?"

Risa glanced at the time that were located at the bottom of her vision. "Yes, I should be going back."


Ai was surprised when she had returned back into an empty mansion. "Where's that thing?" Ai mumbled to herself as she walked herself down to hallways to the different rooms, checking if Risa was in any of them, only to return back to the living room in a slightly disappointed feeling. "Why are you feeling sad, Ai?" Ai slapped herself mentally when she realised her emotions. "It's not like you had wanted her in the first place. She was the one who insisted to stay when you have refused the trail usage." Ai continued to scold herself as she paced herself into the kitchen where she dropped the lunch box from afternoon in the sink and headed for the water flask, where she poured a glass of water for herself.  "Perhaps she's afraid that I'm going to scrape her into metals and had retreated from her trail usage period." Ai let off a bitter laughter before sipping a small sip of the water. "Isn't this for the good?" Ai continued on her bitter laughter.

"What shall I eat tonight?" Ai asked herself. Placing the transparent glass on the countertop, Ai turned away from the countertop and towards the refrigerator and opened it, only to be shock at the amount of food that was stocked inside. "Since when did I have some much food inside?" Ai asked herself in a stupid way, only to remember the conversation she had with Risa earlier this morning. "Oh, she had ordered the groceries for me." Ai mumbled to herself. She squatted down onto the floor and began to flip through the food stocks in the vegetable drawer. "Eggplant? Why is it in my fridge? Who eats such horrible food?" Ai groaned in surprised when saw the purple fruit in lying at the corner of the drawer.

She had the urge to throw the purple fruit right into the bin, but some unexplainable forces stopped her to do so. 'It's too sinful' was what the force where telling her. "It's all because of that robot." Ai grumbled. "Eggplant had never ever appeared in this house before and there's not even a need to worry about wasting food." She continued. Pretending that she had not seen the purple fruit, Ai reached her hand for the carrots and potatoes, and brought them back to the countertop. "I shall have curry tonight. . ." Ai decided. After she had peeled the skin off the root vegetables, Ai ran them under the water before she chopped them into pieces.

Just then, the door flipped opened.

"Sorry! I'm home late!" The figure announced.

"R-?" Ai mumbled when she heard the voice.

"Master, you shouldn't be doing all these work. It's my duty." Risa hurried over and snatched the knife from Ai. "You should go wash and rest for awhile while the dinner is being prepared. You had a long day at work, didn't you?" With that being said, Ai was being pushed out of the kitchen and into the living room. "Dinner should be ready in an hour time, so Master you can take you sweet time in the shower..." Risa continued.

Ai remained stilled in the living room. She turned around and stared at Risa through the glass window that separates the kitchen from the dining and living room. Something was different with the humanoid. Her motions and speech was absolutely different from the one that had arrived at her house last evening. A wave of familiarity grew within her, bringing tears brimming at the corners of her eyelids. 'No, Ai. No, Ai.' Ai thought repeatedly in her mind. Bitting on her lower lips, Ai made her turn back to the direction of her bedroom, leaving Risa alone in the kitchen to prepare the former's dinner.

When Ai got out of her shower and returned back to the dining room, she saw Risa, standing by her own usual seat, holding onto her chair, with a plate of warm curry rice seated at the table. "Master, your dinner is ready." Risa informed as she pulled the chair out for Ai. Ai slipped onto the seat and was guided nearer to the table by the gentle push of the chair Risa did. "Enjoy your meal." Risa continued as she hopped over to the opposite side of the table where Ai sat and settled herself into it.

Awkward silence filled the place. Risa was just watching intently at Ai, who was bringing small bits of the food on the spoon into her mouth. She swore that she had saw Risa was about to speak, but nothing as such had happened. 'Was she going to ask me whether the food was nice just now?' Ai thought. When Ai finished almost half of the food that was on her plate, she placed her spoon back down on the plate.

"What's wrong? Is the food not to your liking?" Risa blurted out immediately upon seeing such action from Ai.

"Not that." Ai replied with a two worded sentence. "Is there something that you would like to ask me? Cause you seemed so." Ai confronted.

"How - " Risa stuttered, which had amazed Ai. She had never imagined a robot stuttering and Risa could probably be the first one she had seen. "I'm curious."


"What are you so against the technologies from NST?" Risa asked, just as what Asami had told her to.

"I'm not telling." Ai replied monotonously.

"But - "

"I'm done." Ai interrupted. Placing her palms together, she continued." Thank you for the food." With that, she stood up from the seat and headed straight back to her room. Just as she do so, she head a familiar voice ringing at the back of her mind.

"Why are you so not interested in the technology I'm trying to introduce to the students?"

Sorry for neglecting this story!! =X
But I'm here with an update, after 2 week!! heheh

edited: gosh! I realised it has been a month plus since I last updated this story!

@ arisa03 : Well not really, since Risa is a robot, she won't be able to feel all these yet. hehehe Thanks for encouragement. Just 3 more weeks of hell and holidays will be here :)

@ rndmnwierd : yupps. . .i do too :(

@ alwaysYou : [i got it right this time round!] hahah. I understand where you are coming. too naggy? lol yupps, it's super cute ^.^ hahaha. Ai . . . will . . . .:)

yupps! hopefully i can really update this more often after I finish with Strawberry Penguin. so yupps ^.^
de wa, until the next time then! :)

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Devolution : Homo sapiens {Number 4 26th May 2012}
« Reply #41 on: May 25, 2012, 06:44:46 PM »
Ah, poor Risa, having to deal with two stubborn peoples. I really wonder if she can get through to Ai in 3 months...? Although, it seems as though Ai is already attached.

Offline risa_ai

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Re: Devolution : Homo sapiens {Number 4 26th May 2012}
« Reply #42 on: May 26, 2012, 03:08:51 PM »
Ahoho. xD risa and ai~

Offline arisa03

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Re: Devolution : Homo sapiens {Number 4 26th May 2012}
« Reply #43 on: May 26, 2012, 10:53:49 PM »
Good luck Cai-san! Could it be... it was Ai/Konkon after all? hoho~ hoho~ xD And attached Ai is attached. It seems like she liked the robot after all. >XD
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

Offline caiyunki

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Re: Devolution : Homo sapiens {Number 4 26th May 2012}
« Reply #44 on: July 12, 2012, 03:36:25 AM »

Number 5 - Senpai

"Master, why is it that you are so reluctant to tell me the reasons for your denial towards the technologies from NST?"

That was the first question humanoid Risa greeted Ai with the very next morning. The moment Ai set her foot out of her room door, all washed up and prepared for her work, Risa had began her pester after Ai.

"I'm really sincere and curious about your disinterest towards these latest technologies. People are all looking forward towards convenience, and all these technologies contributes to the convenience people are seeking for. But why aren't you - " Before Risa could finish her sentence, she was silenced by Ai, who had turned around after retrieving a spanner out of her backpack. "I - " Risa squatted on the floor as she squirmed "I'll keep silent." Risa retaliated.

And before she knew it, the main door clicked close and Ai was already out of sight when Risa raised her head back up. "Master?" Risa called out into empty echoes. "I got threatened again. . . " Risa mumbled to herself.


Meanwhile on the other hand, back at the headquarters of the Nakazawa Sky Technologies, there sat a young lady behind a glass screen, giggling at the scene that were played out just moments ago. "20102012, that's definitely not the way to deal with the stubborn Ai-chan. . ." She said to herself as she continued her giggling. "I've told you, soft approach, soft approach. . ." She continued mumbling before sinking into silence. "You need to use the soft approach in order to get to Ai for your mission, 20102012." The previous lightness was all gone. Her tone was in a quiet seriousness as she muttered her last sentence. She blinked her eyes quietly before flipping the screen away.


"Ai, are you alright?" Rika concerned as she watched Ai slumbered forward on her working desk through her working screen.

"Hmmm." Ai nodded her head tiredly.

"You looked really tired." Rika continued concerning.

"It's just that I hadn't had a good rest last night." Ai mumbled her reply to Rika as she brought her hands up and ruffled her hair into a mess. She closed her eyes lightly as voices from the past echoes in the back of her mind.

"Why are you so not interested in the technology I'm trying to introduce to the students?"

'Why? Why is she here in the first place. . . She shouldn't be here. Never ever suppose to be here anymore. . . Why? Ai continued thinking in her mind. 'What's their intention for sending that robot over to my house. . . . How do they even get to know my address in the first place?"

"Ai?" Rika called out, only to be ignored by Ai as she was so into her thoughts that she had failed to hear Rika's calling voice. "Ai?" Rika called out again.

"Hmm?" Ai finally heard Rika's call.

"I think you should really take half a day leave and return home to rest, Ai. It doesn't matters too if you stayed over here and continue working. There's no one here to check on you too." Rika suggested.

"But -" Ai sat up straight, pulling her face away from her work table.

"No worries, Ai, I can cover your work today." Rika reassured.

"But -"



Risa was surprised when she heard the front door cracking open at 4pm in the afternoon."Master? Why are you back so early?

Ai, in her usual way. ignored Risa and went straight into her room. Risa, in her usual way, followed after Ai until the closed door. "Are you hungry, Master? What would you like to have for dinner tonight? It's about time that I start preparing for dinner too. " Risa shouted to Ai through the door.

With that, Risa made her way back into the kitchen while Ai made her way out of her bedroom and into the common bathroom where she prepared to take her bath in. Upon getting into the bathroom, Ai turned on the faucet and allowed water to fill up the tub before undressing herself and got into the water. soap bubbles was added into the bath, lathering the water up to reduced visibility. Placing a towel around her neck, Ai leaned her the back of her head against to the warm surface of the bathtub and closed her eyes lightly, enjoying the serenity the warm bath was bringing her with.

However, the serenity was interrupted when Risa's voice was heard from outside. "Master, what would you like to have for dinner?" Risa asked.

Ai let off a heavy sigh as she heard Risa's voice. Instead of responding, Ai went on her lathering, scooping water and massaged her neck and shoulders.

"Master~" And the bathroom door went open, came Risa walking through the doors. "Have you heard me? What would you like to have for dinner?"

"WUAH! What are you doing in here?" Ai asked as she covered her chest with the piece of towel.

Risa tilted her head slightly as she glanced weirdly at Ai and her reaction. "I'm here to ask what would you like to have for dinner?" Risa innocently asked.

"Get out of the toilet first. This is not the right place to talk about this topic." Ai brushed off lightly.

"Is there something known as a right place to talk about a topic?" Risa tilted her head again as she asked.

That made Ai speechless. Risa made her way from the door and closer into the bathroom. "So what is the right topic to talk over here?" Risa tilted her head again lightly.

Ai directed a deadly stare towards the humanoid. However, Risa was way too oblivious to deadly approach Ai had just directed to her. "I'm curious Master." Risa continued. "Just like how I am curious about your reason for rejecting the technologies of NST."

The patience level of Ai had reached the maximum. Without having a second thought, Ai stood up from her bath. "Get out of the bath, right now!" Ai ordered.

Risa stood there, staring wide-eyed at Ai's damped body.

"Why are you still standing still there? Get out!" Ai ordered again.

Within a second, Risa got herself out of the bathroom and back into the living room. She pant heavily as she felt mechanics within her rising up in heat. 'What was that?'


"20102012, what are you doing?!" Asami shouted at the screen as she covered her eyes with her hands. "Asking you to convince Ai-chan through a soft approach does not meant this!" Asami continued rattling.

"Konno-san?" Just then, Eri walked into the laboratory room. "Senpai?"

A really short update this time round! =X
Had a really busy week before with family issues.
but this short update is to reassure that this story is still being written!! It's about a month since i last updated, so . . . I should pace myself better =S

de wa, until the next time then :) hehehe

Offline darkacex99

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Re: Devolution : Homo sapiens {Number 5 12th July 2012}
« Reply #45 on: July 12, 2012, 04:16:05 AM »
Yay finally apthe awaited update!!! This is aweosme, risa is so cute when she is oblivious to everything

Ai is so hard headed, omg i wouldve taken risa da humanoid the first day she showed up at mah fornt door XD hopefully ai can soften up and accept risa before risa goes night night forever when "deleted" after three month

The new chapter was cute  :deco: even tho risa is a robot thingy shes beginning to have some emotions developin in there

Offline risa_ai

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Re: Devolution : Homo sapiens {Number 5 12th July 2012}
« Reply #46 on: July 12, 2012, 03:36:21 PM »

Offline maikeatoot

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Re: Devolution : Homo sapiens {Number 5 12th July 2012}
« Reply #47 on: July 12, 2012, 03:47:14 PM »
 haha that was cute.!  a very innocent humanoid risa..keep doing that ! ! i love it.!  please update soon thank you for this update!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Devolution : Homo sapiens {Number 5 12th July 2012}
« Reply #48 on: July 12, 2012, 06:50:18 PM »
Short update is short, short reply is short. Risa its heating up!

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Re: Devolution : Homo sapiens {Number 5 12th July 2012}
« Reply #49 on: July 13, 2012, 01:26:00 AM »
UWA~~ RisaAi is just AWESOME!!!

Finally, some smexy tension, hehe

I wonder, if senpai that Eri likes is Reina..
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Offline caiyunki

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Re: Devolution : Homo sapiens {Number 5 12th July 2012}
« Reply #50 on: September 04, 2012, 05:34:48 PM »
Number 6 - Plots

Asami jumped up in surprise when she heard Eri's voice echoing throughout her personal working laboratory. With just a simple tap on the on screen keyboard, Asami blacked  out her screen and turned around, taking her back as a cover to the glass screen penal. "Eri, what are you doing here at this time?" Asami cautiously asked.

"Is that Senpai I had seen on your screen, Konno-san?" Eri asked immediately, ignoring the question Asami had asked in attempt to divert the younger's attention from what she may had see on her screen penal earlier on. Now that Eri had decided to pursue on, it seems like Asami's plan of that had ultimately failed.

”That - I -" Before Asami could even reply, the muscles at her calf buckled without much warning, causing Asami to suddenly fall forward and onto her knees. "Ah-" was all she could give in reaction her inability to control her lower muscles.

"Konno-san!" Eri rushed forward immediately and held onto Asami by her elbow, preventing the older senior from attaining yet another serious injury from the fall. "Konno-san, you should know that you are advised by the doctor to abstain from standing and stay on the assisted limbs all the time." Eri continued. She looked around her surroundings and found the said assisting limbs sitting alone at the other end of the corner. "Why -"

"It's none of your business, Eri, whether or not am I following the doctor's directions or not." Asami interrupted Eri way before the latter could even project her question. That sent a wave of awkward silence to reside in the room. "Thank you for saving me from the fall though. . . " After a long moment of silence in the room, Asami spoke again, this time in a her usual gentle and quiet voice. With Eri's aid, Asami returned back to the seat right before her computer. While Asami remained seated, Eri made her way towards the other end of the laboratory where the assistance limbs were. With the intention to bring the limbs to a distance nearer to Asami's usual hang out area, Eri could not help it but to notice the amount of tools and scrape materials lying around at the experimental area.

"Konno-san. . . "Eri trailed into silence. Asami swirled around by the rotatable chair and glanced over at Eri. "Why are they so much materials running around the space? If I didn't remember wrongly, Konno-san, you said you are not working on any new projects, aren't you?" Eri look up from the table ahead and asked, with her voice cracking up in nervous at the confrontation.

"Did Sayu sent you here to be a spy?" Asami asked quietly under her breath.

"I -" Eri was halted, speechless. It was true about that. Sayumi had mentioned something about this to Eri earlier in the afternoon. Seeing her best friend being really troubled about this issue, Eri had decided, at her own decision without informing Sayumi, to come into Asami's workshop after normal operation hours, hoping that would get her some answers. Just as she did so, she remembered something else important. "Senpai!" Eri scrambled her way back beside Asami and grabbed the older girl at her two wrists. "Takahashi-senpai! That's Takahashi-senpai, isn't that so? The lady on your screen when I came in." Eri agitatedly asked.

Asami tried to look away from Eri's demanding, questioning eyes. They were forcing her soul out of her.

"Say, Konno-san, you knew the location of Takahashi-senpai all these while? Why did you lie to us about it?" Eri continued her questionings, not being bothered about the fact that Asami was not answering any of the questions she had posted.

"Eri." Asami gently called out, hoping that would get the younger girl's attention. But it seemed like it was futile. Eri had sank into her own world of excitement, confusion, and anger. She eventually began to release her grip on Asami's wrist and began to cajole her own hair, subconsciously pulling her long her black hair behind her ears and allowing her fingers to stay at where they were.

"Senpai. . . I finally got to know where senpai is. . . She's still alive . .  ."


"What are you doing over there?" Ai curiously asked as she attempted to dry her hair by ruffling her dry towel on her hair as she walked out of the bathroom, clothed in a tight fitting spaghetti top and tightly fitted shorts. There from the mini hallway where Ai walked down, she saw Risa sat down alone on the couch, hands and fingers intertwined tightly together, with her face facing down at the floor.

As Ai's voice echoed into her system, Risa snapped out of her dazing state and flexed back onto her feet, with her vision still fixed on the floor. Rather reluctantly, Risa looked up and their eyes met. That made Risa flustered again and quickly returned her glance back at her feet. "Mas-master." Risa greeted nervously.

"What's wrong?" Ai stopped her ruffling on her hair and narrowed her eyes weirdly at Risa.

Risa shook her head immediately in response. "Not-thing."

Ai sensed the weirdness of Risa and decided that she shall not buy the story of the humanoid even though the she wanted to believe that the humanoid was incapable of making up excuses or even lying. She stomped her way towards where Risa was and wrapped her hand around the humanoid wrist, only to have her hand pulled away immediately when she felt a scorching heat radiating out of the humanoid. She looked up at Risa, with her famous eye wide shock expression. "Why are you over heating yourself?" Ai demanded in a strong voice.

Risa shook her head stubbornly. "It's nothing. . .Master. .  ."

It was then Ai realised what could be the reason for Risa's rising heat. "Why are you having such reactions?! Aren't you suppose to be an emotionless humanoid?!" Ai blurted out as she rushed forward, pushing Risa back onto the couch and shadowed over the humanoid. "I'm ordering you now to erase all those data. NOW!" Ai continued with a strong determination painted on her face.

"How did Master know that -" Risa wanted to ask why did Ai even knew the fact that there was data storage system when Ai had never heard anything as such from her before. But before she could even do so, she felt herself being silenced by the eyes Ai had set on her. "I - " Risa switched into a helpless defensive mode - a function designed by Asami and incorporated into her for a backup purpose - and emitted emotions of helplessness through her now puppy looking eyes.

"I SAY NOW!" Ai demanded again, only find her strong will weakening when she looked into Risa's hazel lovely orbs . "Risa?" Ai mumbled softly under her breath, so quiet and soft that it was barely heard through her ears.

"Why? Why are you so not interested in the technology I'm trying to introduce to the students?" Ai heard her own voice echoing at her back of her mind. Her memory brought her back to 5 and half years ago, where she found herself chasing after a lady with a shoulder length brown hair, asking the same question that had echoed at the back of her mind.

"Devolution." Yet another familiar voice echoed in her mind.

"Devolution." Ai found herself mumbling again, this time in a slightly louder voice.

"Devolution?" The defensive mode was switched off, sending Risa to now an alert state. That had caught Risa's attention. "Devolution?" Risa repeated again. "What is devolution, Master?"

That question had made Ai realised what she had just did. She shook her head lightly and pulled herself away from Risa. "Nothing." Ai lied.

However, Risa did not stop her approach, even after Ai's half hearted response. "What's Devolution, Master?" Risa repeated her question again.

Ai on the other hand, continues to back away from Risa. After about a good 5 foot away, she turned away from Risa, and began to make her way back to her room.

"Master?" Risa uttered. Deciding that she should not depend Ai on the education about what devolution was, Risa began to log onto the internet browser software installed within her, hoping that the internet would fulfil her curiosity.

Knowing the fact that the country had made Wi-Fi free and available in every centimetres of the country, Risa was utterly shock by the response. "Eh?! Why is there no Wi-Fi connections in this house?" Risa mumbled out loudly. She set her sights afar, and towards the closed room door of Ai's bedroom. 'Who is she actually?' At the thought of Ai, image from previous encounter with Ai in the bathroom surfaced before Risa's vision, sending the humanoid into yet another wave of heating up. 'Why am I heating up at that scene? Could it be some problems with my mechanism?'  

*bows* I'm so sorry for such a late (and short) update!! *bows*
and i'm so surprise i'm still alive =X I thought I was trashed dead by the assignments that were just dued hours ago =X

@ darkacex99 : And yet another awaited update. >.< sorry for the long wait. hahah. seems like Ai does look a little soften up over here? =X heheh

@ risa_ai : hahahaha. *nod nod*

@ maikeatoot : hahahha. innocent humanoid, may not be that innocent after all. =X heheeh

@ rndmnwierd : hahahha. it's alright ^.^ heheh short update again. . . and Risa continues to heat up again!!

@ sakura_drop_ : heheheh. . .the identity of the senpai is now revealed. :) heheh

de wa, until the next time then. . .

(which I won't know when would it be :( )

Offline darkacex99

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Re: Devolution : Homo sapiens {Number 6 5th September 2012}
« Reply #51 on: September 04, 2012, 07:07:19 PM »
Yay a new chapter  :cathappy:
Risa is getting human emotions oh snap XD devolution
Cant wait for the next update
« Last Edit: September 05, 2012, 02:25:44 AM by darkacex99 »

Offline maikeatoot

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Re: Devolution : Homo sapiens {Number 6 5th September 2012}
« Reply #52 on: September 04, 2012, 07:58:28 PM »
could it be that risa.. was a human before? ooh next time~~~~! damn assignments!!hahaha!

Offline risa_ai

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Re: Devolution : Homo sapiens {Number 6 5th September 2012}
« Reply #53 on: September 05, 2012, 01:55:03 AM »
Risa's a robot with feelings. DEVOLUTION. Quick! Next update!

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