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Author Topic: Sieka's Collections [01/20/13 - ON HIATUS]  (Read 105054 times)

Offline Sieka

  • YukiRena, SayaMilky & AnniNaga Banzai ( ・ω ・ )
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  • ~All hail Gekikara, Milky & Annin~
Re: Sieka's Collections (Chinmoku - Part IX) [05/05/12]
« Reply #120 on: May 05, 2012, 07:01:40 PM »
This post is certainly not an update, lol, just want to comment on everyone's I go to bed. *currently is still laughing hard*


@karomuwi-san - Why? Why you're the one who started this kind of trolling in your other thread, I'm just getting back at you for doing that, not that I was one of your trolled victims, but I'd like to get back at you for what you did, which I've been longing to do ever since, and now I got the perfect chance, its such a winner. :lol:

I'm sorry for trolling... *laughs* :lol:
Energetic? Because of YukiRena? You know what Chinmoku's genre, why would you get energetic over angst? :lol:

Ahahaha, again, I'm sorry, looks like I really got you, hard, it seems. :lol: :lol: :lol:

@bochang - Aw, you don't like being trolled oppa? XP Too bad, I like to be playful when I want to be. Ahahaha, but to comment again lol? How cruel oppa, are you planning on stealing my readers just because you got trolled? :lol: How exactly will you make me pay oppa? You know angst, tragedy and drama won't work on me...although if you use my OTP, it might get to me, but the same trick won't work if you do it again because I try to remember what types of trolling methods or tricks the authors have already used.... :roll:

@kurogumi - Twice? Lol, who trolled you first? XD I'm so curious who. Ahahaha, sorry though kurogumi-san. :lol:

@Spicy Sapphire - Ahahaha, and lets add another one to the list, after leaving this forum and coming back to get trolled, lol, I made you comment in my thread again, after who knows how long I haven't had a comment from you. Trolling sure works wonders. :lol:

Ahaha, I can't exactly update fast, but I do can say that I will update a rather long one. :P

@kahem - I don't know if you got trolled, just based on your reaction, it seemed like you expected it or something. XD Yes, I do love teasing, but I rarely troll, basically because I love to be a good author, just that, I wanted to trying trolling you guys for once. :cathappy:

Ohh! Incest in your OS, I want to read that! I'll look forward to it if you ever post it. :3

@Pandah - Your glaring, and I'm laughing. Lol.... :lol:

I know, I do think I've said that, but its nice to troll you guys for once....and your comment is the most hilarious one I've ever read, I still can't stop laughing even after reading it an hour ago...omg... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Is that the work of your magical moustache? Lol, speculah to the max, that's a nice speculation you know, about Sae's disappearance. Lets see if that's true when I get to update in the next parts. :roll:

It's just a teaser, there won't be more after that, unless you want to get a second troll post, which I certainly would not want to do since I might evoke my readers into chasing after me and kill me for trolling. :lol:

Lol, thanks guys for the comments and thank yous over that troll post.....Gosh, I love you guys, ahaha, I'm currently having the best laugh of my life after reading all your comments...... XD Sorry about that though............... :roll:

I'll update Chinmoku, maybe....tomorrow or so? I'm currently nearly finished with writing, and I tell you, its a long update. :P Anyways, see you guys around, please don't chase after me and hunt me down for trolling you guys. :lol:
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~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
[ Memories of the Heart ]

Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

Offline Sieka

  • YukiRena, SayaMilky & AnniNaga Banzai ( ・ω ・ )
  • ecchi
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  • Posts: 308
  • ~All hail Gekikara, Milky & Annin~
Re: Sieka's Collections (Chinmoku - Part IX) [05/05/12]
« Reply #121 on: May 06, 2012, 10:08:45 AM »
A/N: It's update time! No trolling this time because I'm serious. Just finished writing this today, so its fresh, and I've yet to read through it......and check for errors, eyes are a bit teary I need to rest it for a bit, but anyways, like I promised, I did an extra long long update to make up with not updating last week and for the trolling~ :heart:

Thank you for everyone who's been visiting and reading my fics and all the thank yous! :cathappy:

Before we go on with the update, I'm gonna give you links to other posts.
For those who haven't read my Kiriban 4000+ & 5000+ special shot, here's the link to it:

Anyways, let's get on with this update! I hope you enjoy reading this, I did my best you know...... :lol:
To those who are uncomfortable with fighting or violence you can take this as the chance to leave or click this link to go back to the AKB Fanfic Thread.



Part IX

The young queen giggled shamelessly, snickering at the raven, a large smirk plastered on her face as she watched Black with mild interest, seeing the former queen’s face changing into a twisted looking expression that hinted of pain and dissonance.

The words hung in the open air as likely as the silence continued in that very place under the humid and tense atmosphere; the words kept ringing in Black’s ears, it kept repeating, just like a broken tape recorder, almost hauntingly mocking her.

Those were words which she had not heard from a long time after their last fight, and yet, it had now resurfaced once more and sent an unbelievable amount of terror in her heart. Black never wanted to hear them, Gekikara would often use that phrase, something which the younger girl liked, but to have that phrase aimed at her, at a timing like this was something Black did not wanted at the very moment.

Black never had the younger girl tell her that, much less being the one directed with Gekikara’s violent streak. So why of all times, had it been directed to her? Black wanted to question it oh so bitterly in her own frustration, had it not been that the young queen was staring at her with an obvious deadly glint in her eyes, something that the former queen felt fear in.  It was not just a normal glint, the one that Gekikara would often wear on her eyes whenever she fought in the past; it was different as it held a much more dangerous edge in it.

It was as if Black had caught a glimpse of a killer’s eyes, void of emotions or life.

It was as if, the person Black was looking at was not Gekikara, but someone else…

Someone that wasn’t Gekikara, someone that wasn’t familiar to Black herself, as if someone had taken over the younger queen’s body…

She looked far off, too distant, too cold and malevolent, guttural even like she was deprived of something, her eyes glowed so brightly in the dark; it somehow seemed to have glowed in an eerie deep crimson color. Yet, when Black blinked for a second, it was gone, without even a single trace, as if it never appeared, as if it was just a mere illusion of a sort.

‘Was that just my hallucination…?’ Black frowned as she asked herself of what she had seen a while ago, and what she was seeing right now.

Black herself knew that she had seen something, yet looking at Gekikara and comparing her own memory of that quick unpleasant sight, it was odd and weird; also, it somehow collided with reality and common sense. While the raven did want to believe that she had seen Gekikara’s eyes glow red, Black’s eyes were telling another story as she was seeing that the younger girl’s eyes were brown, yet distant and emotionless, just like what she used to have in her own.

Yet she did not want to deny it either, that quick glimpse of seeing Gekikara’s hidden feelings. Although it scared her, seeing the younger girl’s eyes flashing red for just a few seconds, she was utmost concerned at what she had a glimpse of.

Black felt like she was looking at a mirror, a mirror of what she had used to be in those chocolate brown orbs, emotionless, careless and unconcerned.

She was plainly cold and distant.

Filled with hatred and anger over everything, regretting and guilty of all the miseries her parents had endured and taken against all the people spitting out words of indignation towards their family.

It was the anger and hatred that always hurts the most.

Taking the blame, being guilty and being hurt countless times over a mistake she never did.

That was Black disliked the most, and she felt it, those emotions through Gekikara’s eyes.

It was like a mirror, it was like she was staring at a mirror, and yet it was still different in more than one ways.

It was unexplainable and ominous.

Black quickly felt her body jerk, her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when she heard the other girl snickering, letting out a maniacal giggle as she took a step forward while dragging her weapon, its edge scrapping the floor. It made Black grit her teeth and back away, glancing back and forth from Gekikara to her dangerous gleaming katana while keeping a distance away from the younger girl.

A soft giggle escaped from Gekikara’s lips, tilting her head to the side as she eyed her victim, watching her tremble slightly like a puppy, yet bearing its teeth at her. The sight made Gekikara feel happy, almost too happy that she was enjoying the frightened and alarmed expression Black gave when she lifted her katana and pointed the tip at the raven’s chest.

“What’s wrong…?”

“Why aren’t you talking?” Gekikara asked in a gentle yet mocking voice, sharply staring at Black while she kept the katana pointed at her, a malicious grin on her face.

“Are you…scared? You seem so pale…you’re shivering you know.” The insane queen pointed out the obvious, much to the raven’s own chagrin when she saw the pleased expression on Gekikara’s face.


“Why are you doing this?” Black hissed through her teeth, the frown marring her face never leaving once. The older girl could not hide her apparent frustration and anxiety as her eyes kept pacing back and forth to the weapon and to the younger queen. There was definitely something odd, there was something wrong in all of these, not only did her gut feeling dictated it, but also her brain and heart, they were all screaming at her, telling her to run away from Gekikara.

“This? What ‘this’?” Gekikara stared at Black innocently, smiling like an angel; the kind of smile that made Black’s stomach turn uncomfortably, it was disturbing, it looked so wrong, so out of place in this alley at this time of the night with the younger girl drenched in blood.

“Don’t play with me…you know what I’m talking about.” Black bit her bottom lip, taking a step back while she kept herself into gazing back at the lifeless hazy orbs that kept staring at her, watching her just like a predator would look at its prey.

“Do I? Who knows~” The insane queen giggled, lowering the katana as she turned to her side, she laughed, her maniacal laughter echoing inside the dark blood stained alley. All of a sudden, Gekikara eerily tilted her head, limply even while gazing back at Black, staring at her with lifeless brown eyes, the annoying smirk on her lips never disappearing as it only served to grow larger.

“…Rena…” Black growled in agitation. The younger girl was playing around, as if she wanted to push Black off the edge, as if she wanted to trap the former queen.

Black hated it but she kept silent, closing her mouth tightly, restraining herself from speaking and protesting.

She hated how Gekikara was avoiding answering the questions. It was another issue however on the blood-drenched queen’s side; Gekikara immensely enjoyed Black’s twisted and pained expression, just watching the older girl as her brow furrowed and her teeth grit made her heart leap and palpitate, it made Gekikara excited. It made her want to torment this person before her even more.

Other than that though, Gekikara felt confused and curious about this person, this hazy figure in front of her who’s face she could not see, whose voice was just merely static sounding, yet when it called her by her true name, Gekikara felt an odd feeling throbbing in her chest other than excitement, other than happiness. There was something next to all those emotions; it was a feeling of something throbbing oh so painfully in her chest that it left a nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach.

‘Why…does this person know my name…?’ Gekikara thought to herself, her curiosity increasing and wanting to delve further into the thought when a voice suddenly spoke, cooing in her head, disrupting her train of thoughts.

[Does it even matter to know who this person is?] The voice in Gekikara’s head sighed, its voice dripping with disappointment hinted in the statement, as if it did not want the younger girl to think, as if it did not want her to know, as if it was hiding something from Gekikara, talking pretentiously and lightly of gaining freedom.

Gekikara listened to that voice, placing her whole attention to the devil’s whispered words that entered and ran around in her mind, lulling her into a deep trance as the voice carried on.

[Of course, it does not matter!]

[All you just need to do is kill. Kill everyone and you’ll be set free.]
The voice said its words caressing, tingling and light; Gekikara felt entranced with the voice’s words, convinced of the words the devil in her head spoke of as it continued on; [Don’t think of any other pointless things…]

[…Just kill…]

[Kill and set yourself free; show everyone what you can do.] The voice quietly whispered; its tone caressing and light, fleeting even as the voice disappeared in an instant, leaving silence in its wake.

Those words, the words of the voice were encouraging, it became a fuel to Gekikara’s igniting desire, like fuel lighting up a fire, but it was dangerous as those words were tainted with malicious.

Even then, the voice did not say anything but of a promise, a promise that was far off to happen, she did not pay attention to the nagging feeling in her conscience that she was doing something wrong, Gekikara did not pay any attention to morality and humanity.

She chose not to listen to anything else but the voice inside her head itself, thinking that everything devil said was true.

‘That’s right…all I need is to kill…’

‘This person…doesn’t matter.’
Gekikara clutched the handle of her katana tightly, throwing her head forward before letting it hang limply just as that to her limbs.

Black had been watching, staying silent and barely even moving the whole time while Gekikara was lost in her thoughts. The raven had been staring in curiosity at the younger girl, watching Gekikara’s expression change constantly as she stood still, barely even moving from her position before the insane queen suddenly threw her head forward and kept her gaze lowered down, her limbs limp with the katana still tightly clutched in her hand.

Startled, Black took a step back in alarm at the suddenness of the action, yet was still able to keep her expression intact, her frown never disappearing. Black kept her resolves intact and kept herself in staying in the area instead of fleeing even as the atmosphere dropped cold, becoming too ominous and tense, making the alley seem more dangerous and isolated; a perfect ground for a perfect bloody carnage.

Black did not like her current position, there was not anything favorable of it at all in fighting the younger girl, fighting someone she cares and loves.

Not only that, Black knew that she was in a total disadvantage, her body was already screaming and aching from all the exhausting running she had done, her ankle was also hurt in the process after the wrong step she had done after evading Gekikara’s attacks earlier.

She would have died in an instant if she had not evaded them.

The thought made Black’s stomach toss over in upset, as Black felt her legs tremble and weaken at the thought of Gekikara’s earlier attack. It was intense, furious and wild, unyielding, unwavering without any restraint, every blow aiming to hurt her, to kill her.

It scared her more than anything did; it frightened her seeing Gekikara’s lifeless mocking eyes shine in the dark with amazement and glee, it was like an eye of a killer, an eye of a true fiend, the sight haunted her and it made her upset and guilty.

‘It’s my fault that it has come to this…isn’t it?’ Black bitterly thought to herself.

Bead of sweats trickled down Black’s cheeks, her mouth shut tightly as she clenched her jaw, a large lump forming in her throat. The raven teen held her breath unconsciously, waiting and waiting, watching while anticipating for the younger girl’s actions.

Black watched as Gekikara’s head slowly moved, watching as the young queen stretched her shoulders, moving her head in a circular pattern as she heard snapping or cracking sounds of bones accompanied along before Gekikara’s head was bowed down again, in the same limping fashion from a while ago.

‘What’s…happening?’ Black thought to herself; arching a brow up, puzzled yet cautious of the insane queen’s movements. There was no telling what the other girl would do. She was an enigmatic after all just the same as Black is and even though the former queen had been with Gekikara for few years; there were still some things that she had yet to understand.

It was some things that she wanted to learn and know to be able to understand the younger girl. Although Black did know of Gekikara’s past, although she did know what kind of girl the insane queen had once been, she did not know just how exactly Gekikara’s brain and emotions work.

Gekikara was a mystery, in more than one ways, yet a mystery that Black did not mind delving into and answering. It was one of the reasons why she wanted to make the younger girl open up; it was a reason next to wanting to see her smile. She was aiming for a smile so genuine, so true and pure, something that Black had only caught seeing for just a few times.

Why had she forgotten of that purpose anyway?

Why had she forgotten of the promise she had kept to herself of wanting to make the younger girl happy?

The answers were simple yet agitating, but it was the truth; the truth of which Black felt irritation for. She was obliged of being selfish. She was aware of it, how she had always kept a dark part of herself inside, something that had been set free after Black had lost her past self.

She was guilty beyond reasonable doubt even just by simply being selfish.

She had more or less taken for granted the younger girl’s dependence on her, and she took pride it in, having her attention all for herself, having all of Rena’s focus on her even if it was in the depths of her mind.

It was in human nature to be selfish, but there were boundaries to how far one can be selfish, and Black wanted to stop herself from going further and make up with all the attention Gekikara never failed to place on to her.

If she were to do that, then maybe, just maybe…Gekikara would be more free and unconstrained than of her usual restrained self as how Black viewed her all the time.

The idea itself wasn’t far off, but it wasn’t easy to attain either, but if she were to work on it now and catch up, she might as well have it in her hands. Maybe then…Black might be able to grasp her past self, her past wishes and joys, even if only a bit through fulfilling this.

‘But to do so…’

‘I’ll most likely have to stop her first.’
Black pursed her lips into a tight line, a grim expression on her face.

Taking in a deep breath as to calm her nerves, Black waited and watched patiently, keeping her guard up while in she was facing the insane enigmatic queen.

Gekikara abruptly let out a soft low giggle escape from her lips from all of a sudden, startling Black as it grew louder and crazier, turning into a full-blown maniacal laugher. The younger girl threw her head back as she cackled; a sly malicious smile slowly formed on her lips, Gekikara adjusted her line of vision, setting her attention primarily on Black.

Gekikara kept giggling even as she just stood there, watching Black, whom stared at the younger queen with her ever-present frown.


“…Is it alright if I kill you?” The blood-drenched queen questioned, raising her katana as she tapped the hilt, the back of the sharp edge on her wounded bloody hand, flashing her sharp fangs at Black in a menacing way.

“It won’t hurt too much, only a little~” Gekikara cooed tilting her head cutely to the side with an innocent look on her face, a large grin crossing on her lips. The whole image was sickening to look at, especially with the obvious dangerous intent behind the expression itself, it was twisted.

“As if that could ever happen…!” Black answered in irritation, hissing a bit while glaring at the insane queen.

Gekikara gazed at Black in mock shock, her mouth agape, forming a small ‘o’ before it disappeared, leaving only a pout on her lips before it melted into a small smile, a smile that would normally looked so beautiful, but far off in this situation.

“Don’t be like that…”

“You still haven’t tried it…how would you know?” The younger girl placed a thoughtful finger below her chin, gazing at Black like a curious child, pouting for a second before a feral smile formed on her lips.

“Do you want me to try it? Look here…” Gekikara said inquiringly, slowly placing her palm onto the sharp edges on the katana before she gripped it, moving her hand as the katana slid and cut her skin, wounding her finger as blood dripped from the wound.

Black watched in wide horror when she watched the younger girl giggle while licking off her own blood with a pure expression of glee before she presented her wounded palm to Black with a large grin on her face, happily giving the figure in front of her, her personal opinion, “It doesn’t hurt at all.”

“Hey, now that I’ve tried it…”

“…Let’s have you try it as well, to be fair…ne?” Gekikara giggled, placing her hand in front of her mouth, biting her nails, causing the clicking sounds to echo throughout the alley in an eerily disturbing manner as the noise went on continuously.

“Rena…” Black mumbled; frowning sadly amidst all the pressure and tension between them, even amidst the painful words of killing intent, Black did not feel any remorse or rage over Gekikara. The raven only felt despair at the words as they hurt her deeply.

Was it intentional? Or unintentional?

Did Gekikara really want to kill her?

Did the younger girl’s affections change all of a sudden from love to anger and resentment?

Black did not know, what she did know was that she was having a hard time digesting everything in her head. The words, her actions, their surroundings and what were transpiring; it was hard to process.

She did not know how to deal with this…

Black lowered her gaze, bowing her head while she placed her defenses down, her arms limping on both of her sides. Gekikara arched a brow up and frowned, ignoring the fact that the person before her called her name as she playfully swung the katana in her hand back and forth in a childish manner.

“What’s wrong? We haven’t even started yet.” The insane queen pouted, puffing her cheeks cutely as she eyed her victim, watching as how the hazy figure’s shoulders slumped while shaking its head.

“Stop it.”

“Just stop this already, please. Let’s just go home together…” Black sighed; the tone of her voice was desperate and pleading yet loud and clear enough to hear.

Gekikara tilted her head, her expression turning emotionless. The insane queen glanced at Black and blinked, once, twice, thrice…before she eventually averted her eyes, staring at her bloody katana instead while she swung it, watching as it gleamed in the dark.

“Stop?” Gekikara repeated the word, that one single word that intensely made the atmosphere’s temperature lower down. Black’s brows twitched a bit, feeling the cold midnight air biting her skin, filling her mind with apprehension and anxiety over at the situation at hand.

“Stopping now would be no fun…”

“We barely even started…” Gekikara shook her head disapprovingly while gazing straight into Black’s eyes, staring at her with lifeless and emotionless eyes that seemed so hollow, so cold and so distant.

“Besides, the police won’t come here anyways…seeing as how this place is isolated and hidden…” Gekikara simply let a smile for on her lips, her eyes blinking and twitching in an odd manner as she bit her nails, snickering a bit.

‘She’s really serious…isn’t she?’ Black asked herself, shuffling her feet awkwardly on the concrete pavement as the insane queen lifted the katana up and pointed its tip at her like before, a large malicious smirk forming on Gekikara before she shouted a battle cry, charging forward towards Black.

The blood-drenched queen howled, lifting the katana high up in the air before bringing it down by doing a swift downward slash. The older girl took a step to her side and ran forward, grabbing the insane queen’s forearm while thrusting a palm towards Gekikara’s chest, placing all of the pressure into the center of her palm creating  a clean powerful attack that hit the younger girl, making her flinch.

Gekikara hissed, staggering a bit after being hit, but she quickly went back in and swung the katana furiously at Black who quickly avoided by swiftly jumping back a few feet away from Gekikara’s dead attack, the katana hitting the concrete pavement loudly, echoing throughout the alley.

The sound was shrill and ear-piercingly painful, yet the damage suffered by the ground was far more severe as the attack left a long slit mark, small bits of rubble and dust dirtying the ground.

Black took a deep shaky breath, her wide eyes never leaving as Gekikara lifted the katana and positioned herself for another incoming attack. The raven stared back and forth at the katana and at Gekikara in alarm and tried to move back, only to let out a hiss from her mouth when she took a step back, pain jolting on her ankle as she did so.

“Kuh…!” Black gasped, her leg shaking a bit as she felt pain travel throughout her body, the older queen almost staggered forward if not for the hand she used to support herself.

Black gritted her teeth, her expression turning pale and pain-stricken one as she placed a hand on her knee. Although she was able to establish and avoid Gekikara’s second frontal attack, the older girl however landed rather badly on the floor with her feet getting all the strain and her ankle taking all the pressure, causing pain to rupture throughout her legs.

‘This is bad…’ Black panted; sweat dripping down her chin as the pain throbbed. This was a large disadvantage; the unexpected injury came at an unwelcomed time.

The former queen growled indignantly at the small figure in front of her as it walked forward slowly, one small step at a time while dragging the katana from behind, giggling joyously, only to pause for a moment when she noticed something fairly wrong with her prey.

Gekikara arched a brow up, her interest perking up when she saw the hazy figure in her sight slightly slumping and immobile, whilst clutching its leg. She curiously watched like a child when the figure staggered back while attempting to a step.

At first, it confused Gekikara as to why her prey was suddenly acting awfully timid and slow, but it became all too clear when it attempted to walk off again, only to let out a soft small pained after doing so.

“You’re hurt…” The insane queen said that fact oh so obviously, yet not a single tone of worry or concern evident on her voice as she said the words emotionlessly without a care at all.

“…Too bad it seems…”

“Don’t worry though…I’ll free you from your pain.” Gekikara cooed before cackling evilly, smirking devilishly afterwards as her eyes glinted evilly. The blood-drenched insane queen raised the katana once more while she took a step forward, continuing her path towards her prey with every intention to kill.

It was irritating and frustrating, yet it was painful to hear the other girl snicker afterwards mockingly, as if wanting to humiliate her, wanting to kill her even.

It was painful, yet, Black could never ever hate this sinister young queen.

She could never hate her.

Black prepared herself, mentally and physically for the next attack, placing her hopes onto surviving from another furious onslaught.

The former raven queen forced herself to stand on both of her legs, hissing a bit as she placed pressure into her left feet as her ankle throbbed in pain, yet, she ignored it, or rather, she tried not to heed any attention towards it. It did not matter whether her leg would scream in pain and kill her later on.

What mattered the most was to escape from Gekikara’s katana, whether wounded or alive.

Black waited, raising her both of her arms up with both fists clenched, taking a stance of just like a boxer’s. The raven expected an incoming attack up ahead, yet it still had caught the older girl off guard when Gekikara suddenly rushed towards her, wielding the katana forward as if wanting to stab her with its pointy tip.

Black’s body jerked forward towards her right, evading just right in time before the katana even touched her, yet the action itself caused her to shoulder to forcibly colliding painfully with the bricked wall, bruising her shoulder in the process. The older girl winced yet she forced herself to move.

The raven took a light step forward, placing the pressure and her weight on her other good foot as she swiftly went behind Gekikara before ducking and tackling the younger girl when she swiftly turned around and slashed horizontally, hitting empty air and colliding yet again the bricked wall, emitting yet another ear-splitting noise.

Black did not pay any attention at the ear-splitting noises as she quickly aimed for Gekikara’s arm and grasped the younger girl’s wrist while her other hand tried to pry away the offending dangerous weapon.

Gekikara grinned malevolently at Black as she fought to keep the older girl’s prying hands away from taking the katana from her by launching a jab towards Black, aiming for the older girl’s face. Black took a step back, dodging the offending hand from hitting her before she intercepted with Gekikara’s incoming bolo punch with a front kick to the insane queen’s stomach, sending her staggering back.

The younger girl coughed a bit, coughing out a mixture of saliva and blood on the ground while she clutched her stomach as she tried to recover from the strong pressure inflicted on her stomach. Black took this as a chance to take several steps away from Gekikara, dragging her feet before she leaned her trembling and tired body on the bricked wall of the alley for support while resisting the pain that was threatening to overtake her body.

‘I’m already…at my limit…’ Black panted, grasped her chest as she felt her breathing constricting, making it hard for her to breath all the same as exhaustion was slowly taking its toll on her body.

Black wanted to sit down and rest, the aching feeling of her ankle was already killing her immensely as she was overusing her legs, even pushing herself as farther from her normal limit. It hurts, the pain in her ankle was throbbing, yet she couldn’t just let herself rest completely, knowing that a single mistake such as putting her guard down might cost her her own head.

Gekikara frowned and huffed in frustration as she missed her target yet again, but smiled slowly at the fun and entertainment her prey was giving her. She did not mind that this person was struggling from her; she did not mind any one bit as she was enjoying this immensely. Gekikara knew however that her prey would eventually fall in her hands, just as the rest did.

A smile crossed on her face at the thought of what to do her victims body, just thinking of what she could do made her excited, her insane mind unconscious of the fact that she was battling someone dear to her as the voice inside in her head simply hummed in satisfaction at what was currently transpiring.

On the other hand, Black herself was not enjoying this unexpected fight, being aware of the fact that the younger girl was immensely enjoying this.

Not only that, Gekikara was perfectly fine even with the few blows she had done to her, give an unsettling feeling Black’s stomach seeing as how there was no such effects on the younger girl. It was evident with Gekikara herself cackling immensely even, looking perfectly fine. Her face painted a picture of pure happiness and amazement as she gazed at the former raven queen, a sly devilish smile on her face.

“Hehe…” Gekikara sputtered, wiping off the trail of blood dripping down her chin before she looked at her palm and stared at her own blood, sputtering out-loud maniacal laughter at the deep crimson liquid painting and staining her self-inflicted wounded hands.


“You’re good…really good…!” Gekikara chortled, clapping her hand onto her wrist frantically while bobbing her head as she giggled, still holding onto the katana.

“You’re fun…better than the rest…”

The younger girl offered a smile to Black, biting her nails, the tasting the coppery taste of her own blood while her eyes trailed from up until down the figure’s body, scanning the former queen.

“You’re really good…”

“But even so…” Gekikara mumbled, licking her lips before smirking widely, flashing her teeth at Black.

“…I’ll still kill you.” The younger queen whispered ominously before giggling again, taking an offensive stance as she readied her katana, charging in all at once.  Black growled in frustration as she pushed herself away from the wall quickly and run backwards, hissing as the pain in her joints intensified.

Gekikara laughed maniacally, swinging her fist at Black, who quickly placed her guard up, easily defending herself from the attack, yet only to be wounded by the younger girl’s quick upward slash, cutting the sleeves of Black’s jacket and in the process, the raven’s skin as well.

She quickly took a step back while grasping the wound on her forearm as blood dripped down from the cut. Black stared at the wound, flinching a bit when she moved her arm, she quickly took a quick scan at the wound, but thankfully, it wasn’t all too serious, it wasn’t deep either, but it was painful never the less.

‘Damn…’ The raven inwardly cursed to herself, clutching the wound while she watched as Gekikara giggled, staggering limply; smiling darkly and mischievously at her.

‘I seriously need to get that katana away…’  Black glared at the younger girl, waiting and watching, searching for a perfect time to act. The former raven queen’s sharp hawk-like eyes quickly scanned Gekikara while she tried to find a weak spot, noticing the wounds on the hand the held the katana.

Black smiled to herself when she spotted that opening and jerked forward, running with all her might while ignoring the pain in her ankle. Black’s brows knitted together, grimacing a little at the prickling sensation of the cut, she continued to ignore the pain in her body and released a timed-in roundhouse kick when Gekikara has raised her arms, ready to deal another strike at her.

The older teen succeeded in hitting Gekikara’s hand, making the katana fling out of the younger girl’s grasp due to the all the force Black placed on her kick. The katana flew down towards the floor, landing on the floor with a loud heavy clanking sound as it skid further away from the two teens and into the shadows, out of their view.

Gekikara stood there, a bit startled yet amused at what had occurred. She did not expected it, being disarmed by this person who put up so much with her, fighting back with much more force and determination that her other victims. The way this person fought was in par with the insane queen’s ability, she had so much force, and fought much better, a challenge that she enjoyed, in fact, it made Gekikara’s blood boil even further, a smirk playing on her cherry lips.

Gekikara howled, swinging her fist furiously at Black whom was completely open, landing a hook to Black’s cheek, forcing the older girl to stumble back, cutting her lips in the process.

Blood dripped down Black’s chin, the cut on her lips deep and big. The raven grimaced and flinched, coughing a bit before she spit the blood and saliva accumulating in her mouth.

The scent of copper, dust and dirt floated in the air, Black scrunched her nose and winced, coughing as the scent was rather too much for her. Her heart hurts as it continued to beat rapidly inside her chest, as if wanting to leap out, as if want to be reaped off inside her.

Black placed a hand on her chest, grasping the beads adorning her rosary and her chest as she winced.

It was hard to move her body, yet Black did not want to yield, she did not want to surrender, not now, not when she had just finally realized something, just when she had finally remembered something. Moreover, knowing that if she let Gekikara take her down there and then, everything would be over.

Everything would end; all the hard work she had done; all the pain she had taken; everything that she had treasured and loved; everything that she kept in her heart and mind.


All of them will be at lost if she were to be killed now by Gekikara.

Black desperately tried to keep her trembling leg from giving up as she watched Gekikara back towards her, releasing a hook to her right side, which the raven teen blocked with her forearm before she countered back with a short straight punch to Gekikara’s stomach.

Gekikara gasped at the force and choked down, spewing blood over the pavement as she took a step back, heaving a deep breath, before rushing back in, and thrusting in a jab straight at Black’s face. The raven moved her head to the other side, tilting her head in order to evade the punch, only to get hit by a surprise cross attack, hitting Black straight on her left cheek.

The force exerted was excessively hard and strong that it made Black stagger back, only to fall down completely as her knees gave in, making the former queen land on her bottom in the process while she groaned and hissed, clutching her head in pain, slightly dizzy from the surprise attack.

Black did not have enough time to recover as Gekikara staggered her way towards the raven, kneeling down, pushing Black to the ground before she sat on the raven’s stomach, straddling the former queen while giggling brazenly at her, forcibly grabbing the collar of Black’s t-shirt, sending down a powerful punch as she pounded the older girl.

“Ugh…” Black groaned, choking down a pained gasp. The former queen fought to keep herself from fainting whilst attempting to struggle from Gekikara as she wriggled and kicked, trying to force Gekikara off her, forcing her arms to move even just to stop another incoming assault from hurdling down towards her by catching the blood-drenched girl’s fist into her own palm, holding onto it tightly.

The action however did not stop the insane younger teen, Gekikara used her other free hand and quickly thrust her palm, grasping Black’s neck. Black’s eyes widened in horror as she felt the insane queen’s hand on her neck, her hands instantly reached up to pry off the offending hand away from her neck, only to cry back from the painful pressure when Gekikara tightened her hold.

“R-Re…na…!” Black sputtered, grasping the younger girl’s hands furiously as she tried to pry it off, finding it hard to talk due to the offending hand on her neck and the weight on her stomach.

Black wriggled, struggling excessively to be released from Gekikara’s hold, which amused the insane queen as she watched her prey gasping, her chest heaving up and down in a fast rhythmical state.

“I finally got you now…” Gekikara let a giggle escape from her lips, enjoying the sight of her prey struggling and in pain, hearing this person’s gasps and pained groans was musical to her ears, it made her want to hear more.

“I’ll be able to kill you after all that struggling…hehehe…” Gekikara giggled in amusement, smiling angelically at Black while she used her free hand to cup the older girl’s cheek, caressing it lighting with her thumbs.

The blood-drenched queen turned her head to both of her sides, looking around, searching for something while she securely held Black in place. Gekikara quickly spotted something shining in the dark from out of the corner of her eyes and instantly, she reached up for it, picking it up; a malevolent and vicious grin on her lips.

Black stared at Gekikara in wide horror as she saw what the shorter girl held in her hand. It made all the blood in the raven’s body turn cold, her body started to sweat and shiver at the sight of the sharp point blade in front of her; it was the blade that she had carelessly thrown away, only to be back, but in Gekikara’s hands instead.

The blade gleamed threateningly at Black, frightening the older girl as she saw it coming closer to her. Black tried to struggle again, but Gekikara was far too powerful for her.


“Okkotteru?” Gekikara asked the familiar ominous question yet again, tilting her head cutely with a perfect angelic smile on her face. Seeing the younger girl’s smiling face up this close, Black trembled, tears slowly forming at the corner of her eyes as she stared at Gekikara, her predator, her would-be killer, this young frail looking girl, Matsui Rena.

The thought of being killed and dying in Gekikara’s hands made Black weep at her helpless state.

This seemed to be her end.

The end of everything.

The realization of what was to come left a burning and stinging sensation in her heart just as much as the pain in her throat, as much as the pain screaming in her lungs. Yet she wasn’t angry, nor was she blaming Gekikara.

“I-I’m…not angry…” Black shakily struggled to answer, only coming out in a weak voice.

Gekikara frowned at the answer, but shrugged her shoulders before she giggled, she did not care either way of what the answer was; this hazy figure before her was a no body, and Gekikara did not care for someone she did not know.

It did not matter whether this person was angry with her or not.

What matters the most for her was her freedom.

What matters the most was to be worthy to be someone near Black, and she was going to prove it everyone, by all means of killing or eliminating them all.

It did not matter what method, just as long as she gets what she wanted.

“I don’t care either way…”

“I’ll kill you anyways…” Gekikara cooed softly at Black as she raised her arm, the blade ready in her hand, its sharp tip dangerously pointing threateningly down at Black while the insane queen kept her head steady by holding onto Black’s neck and placing all of her weight onto the raven’s stomach.

There was no escape, struggling was not an option either way.

It was hopeless.

‘This…is the end it seems…’

Black stared at the blade, letting tears trickle down her cheeks as she choked down a sob, painfully trying to breath as much as what was possible.

Black watched Gekikara raise her hand higher, everything seemingly happening in a slow-paced motion, nevertheless, tears cascaded down in a long trail, never seemingly ending as it travelled down her cheeks to her chin.

‘I’m sorry.’

She closed her eyes tightly, apologizing in her mind as Black had no more strength to open her mouth, she let darkness obscure her sight, and after that…

It happened…

The sound of the blade cutting and piercing flesh resounded in the silence of the humid and dark alley. Blood splattered on the pavement floor, painting it with a new and fresher deep crimson liquid…

End of Part IX


A/N: Long update is long! See you guys next update! I hope you enjoyed reading, btw, if anyone's curious, Part IX is worth two updates you know, its 15 pages long in MS Word and about 6500+ words all in all. XD

Longest update I ever wrote in my whole time as a writer! This is my way of paying you guys for the trolling, hope it'll calm you from wanting to hunt me down~

Anyways, bye! Gotta catch up with reading other fics and commenting. :cathappy:

(Note: Edited this a bit and corrected some mistakes. I don't think I got them all though... Anyways, there are some terminologies here coming from boxing and basic kicks for the moves/attacks, you can find more information about them in wikipedia.)
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 05:29:04 AM by Sieka »
[ Author Profile | Tumblr ]
~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
[ Memories of the Heart ]

Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

Offline bochang

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first! will edit after reading. :D at last!! SIEKA SAN!! UWAH! SO HAPPY! LOL

at last.. i don't know if i had the mood to comment right now.. after read the ending

I already saw this.. Rena will trying to kill Yuki since she's became a schizo.. She has delusion and hallucination..
also the bipolar personality.. i already saw it.. i have predicted it..

so i'm not too suprised to found they're fighting in this chapter.

The fighting scene was excellent! I thrilled! UWAH! it's so good. I almost forgot to breath

and the ending.. OMG! A CLIFFHANGER!
i don't want to conclude that Yuki is already dead..
(yet imagined that rena chopped off yuki's head from her body.)
since you're giving us a cliffhanger, you maybe can change the plot and giving a twist. LOL

and it's worthed to wait.. even if you trolled us sieka-san..
update please! *curiousity level 140%*
« Last Edit: May 06, 2012, 10:39:44 AM by bochang »
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

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please drop by :D

Offline kurogumi

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Finally finally finally yes! Yes! Yes! A 'REAL' UPDATE!!! Horaaayyy!!!

Aaah...after read the update...i just want the next update...hahaha..

Hope that geki wont suicide or kill yuki...or maybe..umm..
Police! Help! Help! Wakakakaka...

After geting trolled my brain become


Offline Spicy Sapphire

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I was pretty busy lately you know, dating with with the books and stuffs. Sighs. For sure next week I wont be around. Hopefully, I will have the time to read. There's been a lot of new good fanfics lately. 

Did you miss me? Lol. Sometimes I forgot to leave a comment.   :nervous you know I had to scroll down first before reading your update.   XD

okay okay let's put that aside...

Is Black dead now!??? No waaay!! :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes: Burakuu don't die! Gekikara needs you to be by her side! Or Gekikara stabbed herself instead of Black??  There's always a twist in everything~  :twisted: :twisted: Man, I want to smack Gekikara's head and put some senses in her. She's too cute even when she's insane. :3

I spotted a reference from KF' bonus dvd. XD XD XD only this one is much more gruesome with blood...which is really damn awesome!

Okay Black you need to be alive at the next chapter.

Phew, hahahaha it was a good read. I will troll you next time! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Offline oddball

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Wow, I think we can definatly put that ending down as a cliff hanger!

Seems to me though that all the posibilities at the end of this chapter could happen.... Did Geki kill Black? Or even herself? Or maybe even it was Rena killing the 'Geki' part of herself! Needless to say I will be checking for the next chapter!!!  :panic:

As for the chapter itself I feel as though Poor Black had no chance of really winning this fight, for her you see it was Geki she was fighting (or perhpas more importantly Rena) and whatever it was that Rena was trying to do to her in that alley to Black it was still the girl she loved, more accuratley despite all the things that Rena  had done and was doing, Black could not look past her love for the mad queen, of course Rena has lost herself to 'Geki' at this point so she does not see that it is black infront of her, just another opponent to kill, not the girl that she loves so desperatly that it got her into this situation in the first place,.....

Geki's one purpose here is to kill,  her mind is focussed on it where as Black's (or maybe it's better to call her Yuki here) mind is filled on thoughts of why Geki is like this, is it her fault, does she really want to kill Yuki?......

Maybe though, just maybe Yuki saying that she wasn't angry..... well maybe that might of brought something back.......

Offline kahem

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Noooo!!!!! Black!!!! Gekikara what did you do?!!!!

I didn't expect that you would troll but I find that funny^^
My fic with incest I think you will wait a long time since I'm writing another OS and I have to update my long story and post a new long story lol

Offline luna

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O___o What did i just read again? Lol, it is like watching MG with much more blood and angst. All of the characters here are like really really hurt, physically and mentally.
Rena as Gekikara is twisted and scary in a way. No, i dont want to meet Gekikara in real life, no matter how adorable she is. I want my death to be clean, not bloody, lol. Her character, as Rena is like a lonely and misunderstood child, she is full of affection toward people important for her. She is cute when she asked Yuki to pick her up and on their road home. Then, things happened, and the situation become intense. She is delusional to a point. She is too hurt to face the reality. Her guilt is blinding her sense of surrounding that she cant see, all that she could is hearing. And, then...her mind altering her from reality, protecting her from her fear..of hurting Yuki. Resulted in Gekikara to be unleashed and she even got her memories of Yuki being momentarily forgotten. Why i said momentarily? Because i hope she will remember Yuki's voice calling her, i dont want Yuki or her to die in that way >__<;; If she ended up killing Yuki, the moment she realized what she had done will make her delusion come true resulted in her to losing Rena to Gekikara possibly permanently. As i thought she cant live with the guilt of killing Yuki. If Rena end up realized that it is Yuki that she;s about to slash, and she stabbed herself in the process, it will make Yuki feeling guilty, resulted in her living her life not as Yuki anymore. Oh, and the fighting scene is pretty intense, i could feel myself hold my breath when Gekikara going to slash Yuki and then, it is cliffhanger lol.

About the troll update, for part IX, lol, troll author is troll :lol:

Our Past Together
It is really painful. What is it? I mean...i cant..imagine any parents to do such things to their child. It is frightening. It is like....if i feel like i want to take her away from such environment. But, i guess, it is that princess-like girl task  :yep:. Well, if she is who i think is.

Ahh, too sweet lol. It reminds me of Heavy Rotation, somehow, i wonder why. Then again, i feel embarrassed reading it  XD

I’ll Reach You Again
It started somehow poetically, then in the middle it became full of sadness, in the end it is full of determination. Feeling sad, thinking bout it, trying to make a conclusion, in the end able to find a strength to keep on moving forward, it is such a ride full of emotions :D because i thought one must have felt it at some point of life, not necessarily about love, but about things in general.

Stay By My Side
Oh? Supernatural? Grimreaper? Lol, so black xD. What am i talking about, she is black XD. Hmm, Tomomi is kitsune? Or vampire? Or demon? It is gloomy, the atmosphere but, there are some lighthearted feeling too. Curious...bout the continuation.

Sacrificial Ritual
Arara? Hn, i dont like the idea of sacrificing one for all if the condition is like this. And, the way you write it, the ritual seems really scary and cruel, exactly what are they doing in the ritual anyway? :( But, you say Sayaka died in the process? So, it is possible that the one being sacrificed to not die, right? Or is it only my wishful thinking? Ah, on the other hand, arent Yuki and Rena really cute here? :wub:  Who will be sacrificed next, i wonder. Yuki? Rena? Jurina? Or one from other family?

I write quite a lot o__o;; But, Sieka-san...your name somehow familiar, i wonder why? :huhuh but, never mind... maybe it's just me being weird. Anyway, i like your way of writing, really like it :oops: your words vocabulary is really wide, it is amazing o___o and then the way the story being unfold  :w00t:  :heart: ....i think i am fangirling, right now? Lol, have to stop then. I will wait for other updates then, Sieka-san ganbare~ ^o^)/

Offline karomuwi

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Well of course I'd try to comment on this wonderful fic of yours, Sieka-san! I love it! And if I love a fic, I will comment no matter what!

Haha, maybe I should try to make it as a secret about being a sadist. I need to stop showing it, so that it can surprise others. Mwuahahahaha.  :twisted:
Oh Sieka-san, if all of those four gets combined....It'll probably be the best! I mean, just Yukirin...then with Gekikara-sama. WOW.

And I guess that it IS pretty harsh even if you don't give a level. haha.
Well, the options shall be answered through time, isn't that right Sieka-san?
You're not just going to give out hints of what's going to happen, isn't that right? :P

Well~ :bigdeal: It's their fault (and the author's) for having such an interesting ritual. ahahaha~ :hiakhiakhiak:
Just kidding. I won't make such a joke.
And I'm glad that EVEN boys are not exempted. Well, the girls are really unlucky to have such a ritual. Poor them.

ahaha, disaster in the making huh? That seems nice! Bwuahahaha~ :hiakhiakhiak:

Well, the main reason that she's the one I'm putting the death tag on is the reason that there's just this...feeling I get. It's just that.... I don't really know how to explain it. But it would be great if it wasn't her.
ahaha~ Well, whoever gets chosen is pretty much unlucky. I hope that they can escape the it.

Hmm~ Maybe I should do it!
I'll be fine with whatever you choose to do. ^^ so go ahead!  :on GJ:

And I received my punishment. Boohoo~  :on speedy:
And you know me~  :nya:
Loving it more when characters suffer, because it's always happy endings.
Angst brings color to life, that's what I think. LOL

And onto the commenting!

Chapter Nine: Rena-sama is really controlled by Gekikara now. She can't even stop herself from killing her poor victims, nor even realise that the person in front of her is the person she loves. Black is really in trouble, since Gekikara-sama isn't affected by her attacks. The girl is immune to pain, after all. And what's worse, the monster inside her has been let loose. *shivers from the thrill* never fail to make me worship you more~!
And the blood... I wonder if Yukirin really got stabbed. I mean...there might be a twist. someone might be coming over to stop them, and such. But then the blood....that crimson liquid splattered onto the floor.
Yukirin...  :fainted:

I'll be waiting for your update soon! Thank you for your work! :kneelbow:
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

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LOL!! im glad im entertaining enough for you to laugh at xD hahahaha   8)

and yes! it might be the work of my..magical moustache!! (its magical now? lol)  mmm i wonder if my speculation will be right  XD
ROFL NO MORE TROLLING D: or else ill go throw a stress puzzle piece haha

indeed an epic fight indeed.......rena has lost herself to the devil now and does not know that the person shes going to kill is her beloved D:
and blacks attacks dont affect her at all! shes actually enjoying them :O
 bahhh i loved that last sentence   :P love the epicness of it all!

thanks for the update! :D  :thumbsup

Offline Chikane Himemiya

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very intresting plssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!
update soooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!

I hope black is not killed!!!!

Offline Sieka

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I'm just here to reply to everyone's comments, Chinmoku update will be late again though. :lol:
And seriously, I'm not trolling anyone again, I don't use the same methods twice you know and I don't plan on trolling you guys again, that unless I'm up for being mischievous, but not now. :lol:


@bochang - Oppa, you shouldn't have commented after reading it if you didn't feel like it. You shouldn't force yourself you know~

Hehe, to be honest I really wasn't planning to write a BlackGeki fight in the first place, it was supposed to be a different scene......but since someone requested a fight scene for them, I did it, even though it would be predictable that way. Let's say I'm being kind to my readers and fulfilling their request for BlackGeki fight because first of all, I've never written any fighting scenes, only now, in this part, and I was against the thought, but then again, why not? Since Chinmoku is nearing its end after all..... :lol:

Hahaha, plot twist? As expected from you oppa! A psychologist should know all the possibilities...hehe...there are quite a lot of options presented here and I can choose any of them and end this fic with one dead. :roll:

@kurogumi - Geki going suicide is likely to come true if she kills Black....ahahaha, the police won't come you know!! That place's deserted and unreachable since its one of the most prominent places where death would likely to take place, and Geki already confirmed that the police won't come there anyways......

I'm sorry for making your brain crazy after trolling you. :sweatdrop:

@Spicy Sapphire - I know, I know that all the readers here are busy, one way or another and I understand that, hopefully enough, you guys take vitamins, rest and eat healthy food! :)

Did I miss you? Hmm, I think I did, especially your fics! :lol: Lol, to be sure that it isn't trolling? Hahaha, you know, I don't use the same methods...... :roll:

Twisty twist, hehe...sure there will be twists, twists wherein Black dies, Geki ends up suicide and the fic ends horribly. There are a lot of possibilities after all. :lol: Hehehe, I know what you mean, I love it when Geki's insane....she's just too cute and sometimes she still retains this innocent look on her face....uwahhhh...... :heart:

KF meaning Kataomoi Finally right? I don't know what reference your talking about though. :sweatdrop:

Troll me next time and I'll get back at you! That is if you can troll me. :lol:

@oddball - Yep, all possibilities are open and we can get a dead end, a bad end, a good end and a normal end. Is this some kind of game? Lol. :lol:

True....its hard to fight someone who you love, much less when your injured and barehanded. Gekikara has all the advantages here, not like Black would really want to fight her, she was just aiming to come out alive. :)

You maybe right with that speculation, but you maybe wrong as well......I mean if you try rereading Gekikara's response to Black's statement of not being angry and all.

@kahem - DUN DUN DUN! Gekikara, she--------not telling. :P Haha, I see... I'm quite patient when it comes to waiting. I can wait forever. :lol:

@luna - Hahaha, I'm sorry for making it bloody and angsty? It wasn't really meant to be like this but it came out what it is right now. :lol:

Hahaha, you want your death clean? You can always ask Black for that. She does her job quick and simple. :lol:
A momentary lose of memory? Hoho, you want that to be it? It seems you don't like tragic ends luna-san. :) I'm sorry for the cliffhanger though, but it was intended to make you guys want the next part and basically because I love cliffhanging. :lol:

You saw that troll post? Lol, trolling Sieka is trolling, but I don't use the same method again you know. :roll:

Hmm, I think you should be aware though that there are parents who abuse their kids, while they do keep a clean and parently front, deep inside in their house, they do much more with their kids. :sweatdrop:

Heavy Rotation! I understand why you thought of it that way because there was this particular scene in Heavy Rotation PV where they were eating cake and there was pastries..... :lol:

I think everyone will feel that kind of collar coaster ride, I mean, your down in the drains, the next thing your depressed but then you see the light and rise up from the ruins, everyone has their moments like that, one way or another. :)

I was intending to make it a bit dramatic yet lighthearted too because I wrote it after writing a depressing part in Chinmoku and I needed something light.....hahaha, it sometimes nerve-wracking to write continuous angst. :lol:

Well, we can't always get our ways you know. What will you choose, the lives of a thousand or the lives of a few? Of course you'd choose a thousand because its much more worth larger than the'd take that gamble, even though you know that you're killing people, if it means to save many. Erm...I don't think not sacrificing would help, I mean.....there are consequences to that.

My names familiar? Hmm, if you're a user in SSF, I'm a writer there with the same username, Sieka, I'm the write of Complete, Don't Resist, Desires and What?!, but right now I'm an AKB writer. :lol: Thank you, vocabulary isn't that wide.... :sweatdrop:

Welcome to JPHIP btw. :)

@karomuwi - I don't think its a surprise you know..... :lol: I don't want to think of the equation though because if all four gets combined it might turn out much more bloody and messy.......someone might die too.

Yep, it'll be answered in time, just when....who knows? If I give out hints that would spoil the whole story you know and I don't want that to happen. :lol:

My fault? Hey! It's because your.......ugh....never mind. :sweatdrop:
So its the gut feeling? Everyone's been stating that its Yuki.....and to be frank I'm laughing a lot about it

Erm...that's a very naive thought karomuwi-san....I mean angst as all the possible routes, it can end tragically with a person dying, it can end as a normal one, but the person never recovering after that scene, and yeah, the happy ending and the "I just realized something, please forgive me" or the last minute realization end which comes either as tragically again, or happy. I don't think that angst would always have happy endings labeled on it. :lol:

Even when Gekikara's most likely trying to kill Black, you're still adoring her? I don't know what to say...... :lol:
It's like your on the Gekikara team :lol: :lol:

@Pandah - You never fail to entertain and make me laugh you know. XD

I think its magical, it grew again even though I shaved it
I won't troll, I won't......come on......geez, don't throw anything at me though, your efforts will be wasted. What's a stress puzzle piece though? :huhuh

Gekikara is an insane beast, she can handle all the pain basically because she can't feel them, she just feels something weird.

@Chikane Himemiya - I'm trying to update soon....I'm trying. :lol:

@anzai48 - I also have a hard time with Creative Writing you know, I'm not that too good with combining words that it takes me quite a long time before I accomplish something coherent to read, thanks to successive readings of fanfics and novels, I learned to write.......a bit though. :sweatdrop: Thank you though.  :)

I must say, I love your avy... 8)

That line was actually intended. It isn't in my style to write things directly. :sweatdrop:

So now we have spicyness level? Hoho, I think you got a few of it right. But it's still not quite there..... :rofl:

Black wouldn't throw the first punch, its always dangerous to charge in on your opponent, especially if they suddenly acted like that. You need to be patient and alert and watch your opponent, letting your opponent strike first will give you at least a few percentage chance of either dodging, countering back or getting hit, depends on how fast your reflex works though. Besides, if Black did the first hit, there might have been a chance that she would have been stabbed by Gekikara. Plus, she doesn't know what Gekikara was up to, until she moves again. :lol:

HEY!!!!!! :(
Why is it my fault now? It's a part of the story line, unless you want me to suddenly write it happy then I might as well call in for shit writing. :(

You wound me you know, anzai-san........not that I mind because I'm a sadist and I do love seeing them like that. XD

Ah....I forgot to place a bite scene.....dang, though you missed something, it was punch, slash, dodge, kick, stab. :lol:

Black was pushing herself to her limit, she did want to survive, if she died there without a fight, who knows what least she tried though even if she did failed.

You're very keen! Yep, Gekikara didn't dodge at all, which I picked up from MG, wherein Geki just takes all the punches, though she counters them back with a much more fiercer attack. :roll:

I know, I need to explain things, whether who gets stabbed there, no matter what the outcome goes...hehehe...and I do intend to explain why and how they got stabbed, whoever does get it. I won't leave it unexplained. ;)

I think your on neutral. :lol:

Hahaha, read it when you want, its not like it'll run away anyways. But yeah, that's much more preferable, to just read one fic first because sometimes the plots get mixed up. :lol:

Thanks for everyone's comments and thank yous!
Hello to all my readers there who's reading and following this fic.
See you guys around, gonna update.........whenever I get it written down. Was busy these week, fangirling over AKB0048, you guys should try watching it if your into anime. It's good. :thumbsup Also, I was out shopping some stuff for college and I just got my glasses. To be honest, I'm wearing em right now while my hair is tied up like Black's loosened side pony hairstyle. Hahaha. :lol: It looks wtf seriously.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2012, 08:54:33 AM by Sieka »
[ Author Profile | Tumblr ]
~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
[ Memories of the Heart ]

Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

Offline Sieka

  • YukiRena, SayaMilky & AnniNaga Banzai ( ・ω ・ )
  • ecchi
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  • Posts: 308
  • ~All hail Gekikara, Milky & Annin~
A/N: Gonna post a one-shot! Consider this as something to relax you a bit after Chinmoku, I mean the fight and all was intense and with all the drama, I'd like to have a bit of a break. :lol:

Anyways, since I don't have any comments to reply to since I've done it, let's go with this shot, I hope you enjoy reading, and I hope it serves to calm a bit of the feelings you've had after reading Chinmoku.


A Break Time


A sigh escaped from cherry red lips, chin propped on a hand with her brows knitted together; a small visible cute frowning pout on her face; that was descriptively what the youngest Rappappa heavenly queen’s expression was at that current moment.

Patiently or impatiently, she tapped her foot on the floor continuously, staring at a distance before she limply placed her arms on the chair’s backrest, crossing them before placing her chin on them, using it as a support as she sat rather improperly on the wooden chair.

Her eyes were cast far off to another place, somewhere farther than her location, she had her attention currently on only one person, whom was just seating on the red comfortable soft couch in the club’s room, holding onto a black book of a title which she did not know of. The raven was noticeably serene and calm while reading, an emotionless expression evident on her face.

This sight was perfect, beautiful and peaceful; it was as if it were a canvas painted to perfection, she mused, a small smile forming on her lips. She liked it, seeing the older girl in that state, free from any conflicts or pain; it made her heart feel at peace, tranquil and silent as a dormant sea.

She closed her eyes, sighing again, yet this time in relief and content. She snuggled forward to the chair, burying her face into her jacket-covered forearm.

Today was perfect, she decided, it was peaceful, unlike the ordinary days where they had to fight other schools or their own schoolmates.

She was content today, not having to fight for now even as she found excitement and joy in fighting, she preferred her long awaited resting time to be like this, with the older raven queen, even though there was nothing but silence between them, even if there was not any topic or a simple conversation.

She did not mind. She was content this way, she liked the older girl’s company and she was not looking for anything more than what the raven could offer to her.

She only needed her company, to see her and be close to her, even though there were a couple of few feet away from them, this distance was already close enough for her. She did not want to interrupt the older teen anyways, and instead, she only resolved to watch her from afar, admiring her silent beauty.

The sunlight filtered through the windows, lighting up and filling the whole room with its warmth and brightness, it was still early in the morning, way to early even for both of them to be here, seeing as how their attendance nor early presence were mandatory in the school.

The young queen did not mind being up this early in the morning though; she was even keen on coming in early just to get a glimpse of the silent dark queen, knowing that she would come early to spend her whole time in the clubroom and truth be told, it was accurately true.

Gekikara smiled, softly and gently to herself, something which she buried and hid away from Black’s sight, she knew that the older girl was somewhat looking at her direction with a curious and suspicious glance, but she ignored it and kept her face buried on her forearms, acting as if she was oblivious to the older girl’s stare. She did not need to raise her head up or glance at Black’s direction to know, she just had these unfathomable yet pleasant feeling like butterflies was in her stomach whenever Black had her eyes on her, she knew just by that. Yet even though she loves and feels giddy whenever she garners the older queen’s attention, Gekikara could not help but feel a bit self-conscious sometimes.

It was typical, oh so typical for a young teenage girl in love to be self-conscious in the presence of her special someone, and Gekikara found it embarrassing. She would often shy away from looking upright into Black’s eyes, knowing that she would be too absorbed into staring at the raven’s crystal-clear obsidian orbs; she could even stare at it forever and be caught up in a huge blaze of stirring emotions welling in her heart.

Black might not know that herself, but that was just how much power she had over her fellow Rappappa member, whether intention or unintentional, the raven would just send Gekikara’s heart racing into a mad dash, or soaring up, flying like an eagle whatever she does and whenever she pleases.

It was not fair, just being the only one to feel all these emotions and be caught up in the unbarring nets of despair.

She loves her.

She needs her.

She wants her.

She knew just that much, although it did took quite a long time for her to understand it, Gekikara became aware of it, just after the very moment she had asked their beloved president for some answers and advices concerning on the usual upset stomach’s been receiving.

Though at first, she was puzzled of the intent stare she was garnering from Yuko, until their president doubled down and let out a fit of laughter, laughing like a mad woman. It was unnerving at first, being laughed at like that made Gekikara feel humiliated, but she did not do anything about it and just pouted, arms crossed while she patiently waited for their president to stop laughing and wipe the tears off her eyes.

After then, Yuko apologized to her, although still sputtering out some giggles every now and then, she did gave her some coherent answers, which the older girl explained to her in a manner that she could cop easily.

Although it confused Gekikara at first of what Yuko had told her, she had taken it well, and as days pass by with her mixed emotions for the older raven still intact, Gekikara understood them, the meaning of what Yuko had tried to convey to her.

Little by little, Gekikara learned to realize that she had been taking extra special attention of Black, even from the way she sat, to the way she held on her book until the way she walked or ate. Even the littlest changes, she could easily seem them even just by a glance.

She was caught up, too wrapped up even with everything about Black. Black herself did not seem to mind nor pay any deep attention towards Gekikara’s actions, she just merely shrugged them off, already having been used to being around Gekikara and her weird movements to even care of that little change, or so, Gekikara thought.

The younger girl did not mind either, she was far too happy and pleased with just being around the raven’s side, either near or far by just a few feet away, but sometimes, just sometimes, Gekikara wished that Black would notice her affections, even just once.

She knew it was selfish to ask, knowing how much stress and pain Black had went through, Gekikara was already content with simply being around Black, but sometimes her thoughts would carry off into ‘what ifs’ and whenever she thought of it, sometimes Gekikara wished that she was not the only one in love.

‘I love you…Black.’

‘I love you so much…’
Gekikara let out a deep breath and slumped her shoulders, nuzzling her face as farther as she could into her arms.

She did not want to think of it, knowing that her thoughts would end up going into something far worse and depressing, yet amidst all the pain that her emotions was steering up inside her body, amidst all the confusing and mixed up jumbled feelings in her heart, there was one thing that made her feel happy and warm.

It was the feeling of loving someone.

Though the whole process itself was still unfamiliar to Gekikara, she was willing to learn more, if it meant that she would able to treat the older girl more properly, like a princess of a sort, just as much as she deserved it. Maybe then, she might be able to make Black love her, just as much as she does.

Maybe, just maybe…yet even that small glimpse was enough for Gekikara to hope, even though it was only by a few percentages high.


‘I’ll make you feel that way…Yuki.’

Gekikara smiled to herself, the thought was pleasant, it made her giddy, warm, happy and determined, it was just a simple little thought, yet it made her feel so much worth of joy.

Was this the power of love?

If so, it was a real deep mystery, how love works.

The young queen exhaled softly while she closed her eyes, her smile never fading from her lips as she let darkness invade her sight as she used it to clear off her thoughts of anything and everything as much as possible.

It was brief, but when Gekikara closed her eyes, she felt her senses blur for a moment, her mind starting to be induce to sleepiness. It was only in a matter of seconds did she fell asleep, silently being pulled into oblivion.


Silence was daunting, short and inconstant yet eternal at times, time seems to pass by slowly at that point and everything seems to stay in place just as the short constancy of this silent time span remains, she liked it that way, this kind of silence. It was peaceful and clear; there was simply nothing boisterous or eventful, be it tragic or comedic in a sense, people might find it boring and dull, but she appreciated every chance she could take in this short span of silence. Though it might last for only a few minutes, it seemed almost eternity.

Black often liked to spend her days like this, tranquil and uneventful, normal even as what someone would say. She did not mind it even if all of her days were to be frequently like this wherein she would just sit in one place and read her book without any disruption, not having to worry about anything at all, yet there was something that was unnerving.

Although Black did not want to admit it or show it, she was utterly disturbed with the occasional glances and stares that she was receiving, much less from a certain young companion she had. Though at first had just taken it just a curious gesture from the shorter girl, it had worried her immensely when Gekikara’s eyes continued to stare at her, silently even.

It was nerve-wracking, there were multiple mixed up feelings shimmering and surfacing in her heart, she felt bothered, it was like her heart was constricted, it was tight and hard to breath, it made her feel nervous and overly self-conscious.

She started to wonder what exactly did Gekikara wanted, yet she kept silent, hoping that maybe the younger girl would stop or either, ask her of something, but to Black’s on disappointment, it never happen.

Black mentally sighed in her head, it was becoming unnerving, just how much Gekikara had been eyeing her, not that she wanted to protest about it because it was only natural to stare…or so she wished it was. Besides that, it was not that Gekikara was having any bad intent on her, which she knew for sure that the younger girl could never have.

Even so, she still continued to ask the same question: Why was she staring at her?

The answer itself was vague, and although she had been itching on wanting to ask the question, the raven kept herself from doing so and instead, she continued with reading, or so she wished she could call it.

It might have looked like she was reading intently, but to be precise, she was only staring at the words in her book intently, idling flipping to another page, only to stare at it again. The older queen just found it hard to read even a single word, as nothing would enter her mind at all.

Black pursed her lips into a tight line, the raven tapped her foot impatiently on the floor, her mind already feeling tired from keeping her act and her body itching to move; it was only a matter of time when she gets up and run away, far enough from Gekikara and her intent gaze, it was brain wracking after all.

The raven took a quick glance to her left, only for her eyes to widen and her mouth to open in silent wonder and awe. Black did not look away, she just stared, silently gawking to herself as her hold on her book loosened.

Black felt breath caught up in her throat, her heart madly and wildly beating in her chest, it was hard to breath, not when her mind was not cooperating with her, not when her body did not want to move. However, she could not blame herself, not when she was seeing a sight that was perfect, ethereal and beautiful; it was like a well-painted canvas.

Basking in the morning sun, was the younger queen, her head resting on her forearms, eyes closed, sleeping soundly yet a smile etched on her perfect face. The silent dark queen could not help herself but to stand up and approach Gekikara, lost in her own thoughtless mind as her body moved on its own, carrying her closer to the sleeping queen.

She let out a sigh, running her hand through her hair as she stared at Gekikara sleeping on the chair. It was awkward and uncomfortable to look at the younger girl sleeping in that kind of state, especially when the younger girl did state that she had back problems.

Worried, Black tried to carefully pry off Gekikara’s arms off the backseat before she carried the insane queen in her arms, bridal style.

Fortunately for Black, Gekikara was light, even though she had seen the younger girl eat quite a lot, maybe twice even, and second, she was still sleeping, heavily even, only to move a bit, wrapping her arms around Black’s neck, pulling the older raven’s face close to hers.

Black’s eyes widened in surprise, her mouth agape, blood started to rush to her head, preferably to her cheeks, tinting it with a bright pink color.


Black stared at Gekikara, nervous and fidgety all of a sudden, the thought of Gekikara waking up anytime to see her holding her like this would surely embarrass Black. Although she was close with the younger girl, being close by means of physical intimacy was not the norm for Black as she tried to establish some distance, even from her fellow Rappappa members and Gekikara as she was still not used in handling them, and yet here she was…intimately carrying Gekikara.

It was laughable, yet Black did not seem to mind the close proximity between her and Gekikara, and for some reason, it bothered her.

Black quickly walked off, towards the couch that she had been sitting a while ago, slowly and carefully placing Gekikara on the couch, her head on her pillow. Gekikara immediately unwrapped her arms from Black’s neck and turned to her side, her lips forming in a pout, snuggling further into the pillow that Black laid out for her.

Black took a step back and brushed off the sweat threatening to drip off her forehead, smiling softly at the cute sight of Gekikara’s pout. She kneeled down, staring closely at the younger girl’s face, suppressing a giggle when she poked the younger girl’s cheeks, earning a small whimper from the insane queen.

It was cute, awfully too cute seeing her like this, it was unusual and Black found it a refreshing change. She did not even know that Gekikara had this kind of side of her.

Drawn in, propped her elbow on the edge of the couch, placing her chin on her hand while she stared at Gekikara’s face, trying to remember the littlest yet finest details about Gekikara: porcelain pale white skin, cherry pink lips, a cute nose, long black eyelashes and the evident scars above her eye brow and on her eyelid. Her luscious black silky tresses also seemed appealing and oh so inviting to touch, it seemed so soft.

Unconsciously, Black reached up and touched Gekikara’s hair, and true to its image, Black felt awed, marveling at its soft silky texture in her hands, it even smelled nice, the scent of sweet strawberry lingering. Her hands slowly trailed down to touch the insane queen’s cheek, caressing her soft warm flesh with her thumb in a circular pattern before she brushed Gekikara’s bangs to the side, tucking the stray hair behind her ears.

Black felt herself suck in a deep breath, the hand on her side closing into a tight fist as she clenched her skirt. She drew closer, leaning a bit, enticed with Gekikara’s natural beauty, Black felt like a bee being drawn in by a flower’s sweet golden nectar, and the younger queen just had that same effect on her.

Unable to restrain herself, Black did was she was not supposed to do.

She leaned in and pressed her lips on the sleeping queen’s own lips, reveling in the softness of Gekikara’s cherry pink lips. Black felt breathless, yet even with that, her shoulders relaxed, the pain in her chest slowly disappearing, only leaving the feeling of something stirring in her stomach, lurching quite pleasantly while her heart felt warm and fuzzy.

The effects on her was different, it was far from displeasure, it was higher than satisfactory, yet she could not place it into words, the feeling was amazing and right even though what she was doing was oh so entirely wrong…

Gekikara slightly twitched, groaning and mumbling out muffled and incoherent words, startling and alerting Black. The older queen quickly jerked back and withdrew herself, moving away, far from Gekikara as much as possible, afraid that any moment the younger girl would wake up to see her too near.

Luckily enough, Gekikara did not wake up, and instead, continued to sleep. Her slumber a bit too deep for a casual nap, Black let out a relief sigh, relaxing her tensed shoulders, only for her body to stiffen again as she realized something.

A frown immediately appeared on her face as she realized this something.

Black’s eyes widened at the blatant realization, slowly raising her hands, trembling slightly as her fingers touched her lips; her mouth fell agape, forming a small ‘o’.

Black quickly retrieved her hands and instead, placed it on her cheeks, cupping them as she felt the warmth seep through her cold palm. Black looked down and stared at her lap, her browns knitted together.


‘What…was I doing…?’
Black asked herself, closing her eyes tightly as she tried to shut off reality, letting darkness to enter her sight of vision as she focused to calm herself, only to fail immensely as the raven’s cheeks were still warm and flushed.

Embarrassed by her earlier impulsive actions, she turned her head to the side. The older queen placed her hand on her side, slumping down the floor in a sitting position with her head bowed down.

Why did she do that?

What was the reason why she suddenly acted unconsciously?

Why did it felt right to just go ahead and touch Gekikara? Without her consent and proper permission even?

It was all trivial questions, questions that only her heart could answer, yet Black only focused on her mind as she tried to find a logical answer, only to receive none.

Black pursed her lips and looked up, looking at the younger queen, fast asleep in a deep slumber, fragile and weak, unusual even as Gekikara often had this image that sent people running off combined in with her deadly and vicious aura. This however was different, the image sent Black’s heart palpitating hard that it hurts somehow. 

Black frowned at the unexplainable feeling pounding and welling in her chest as it nagged for attention. She placed a hand on her chest gazed down, brows knitted together as her mind slowly processed one thought in her mind.

The raven queen’s cheeks immediately flushed into a deeper red, Black’s expression mortifying into an unexplainable one, her face twisted into an embarrassed expression that crossed between a grimace and a frown, it was combined and Black was not sure of what exactly she looked like at that moment. It was just as mixed up as her feelings right at that moment.

Feeling fidgety and awkward, Black swiftly stood up from her pleasant sit on the cold hard floor and left quickly. She closed the door as quietly as she had opened it, but not before taking one last quick check on Gekikara. Once she saw that the younger teen was still in her deep slumber, Black strode off to an open space where she could take a breather and to possibly cool of her flushed cheeks.


The sun was still shining brightly when Gekikara woke up, yet it had a different hue, it was much more darker than from awhile before, she thought in bemusement as she slowly sat up, yawning into her hand while her other rubbed the sleep off her eyes.

She looked around, curious, looking around for a certain someone, only to be disappointed that she did not spot even the older teen’s shadow. Sighing, Gekikara slumped her shoulders forward and grumble something under her breath, swinging her legs to the side of the couch, letting her boots touch the floor with a soft clicking sound, which resounded in the room.

It was quiet and still, also lonely, Gekikara frowned, wondering to herself why there was no one present around.

Huffing, Gekikara scratched her head, puffing her cheeks as she pouted cutely in frustration. She lowered her gaze, looking intently at her lap before noticing something weird.

Gekikara instantly turned around and checked the item that she was lying on, and to her own shock, she was sitting on the couch, where she had last seen Black before she had fallen into the depths of sleep. The young queen blinked a couple of times, confused why she was there.

When Gekikara was about to open her out to voice out her question, she was only to  be cut off by the sound of the door opening, quickly, averted her attention and placed it towards the door, watching as she saw the silent dark queen enter the room. Black quickly closed the door behind her, her eyes gazed down on the floor, and when she looked up her, it immediately perked her when she saw the younger girl wide-awake, staring at her.

“You're wide-awake…” Black silently mumbled, looking away immediately before Gekikara could even establish eye contact with her. The raven shifted nervously under Gekikara’s gaze, uneasily, she tried to adjust her standing position to balance out her weight, causing some rustling sounds coming from the plastic bag she was carrying.

“Did you just woke up?” Black asked, walking towards Gekikara.

“Unn…” Gekikara bobbed her head, eyes still focused on Black when the older girl merely answered back with a hum and even whilst when the older raven walked forward, towards her. She curiously watched Black, fascinated and enchanted by the older girl’s gracefulness, eyes trailing over the raven’s body as she slowly stopped in front of Gekikara, presenting her a plastic bag.

“I bought you food while you were asleep.”

“Eh…? A-Ahh.” Gekikara stared at the bag dumbfounded, taking the said item from Black before mumbling a small thank you.

It took her by surprise. It was not normal for the older girl to currently present her food, much less offer her one, that unless there was a good excuse for it, but now that she did, it struck Gekikara hard in her heart. It just made her heart race, just simply receiving something from Black.

Gekikara stared at the bag, unable to look at Black as she hid her flushed cheeks from the older girl, faking her actions as she uninterestedly fumbled with the bag, scanning through the food that Black had given her, her eyes immediately sparkled in delight at the certain treats inside. Gekikara quickly picked up one and held it up high a large smile on her face.

“Wah! It’s a melon pan!” Gekikara exclaimed in happiness and glee, which somehow caused a small smile to form on Black.

“It is.” The older raven shortly replied, making herself comfortable as she took a seat beside Gekikara, only a few distances away from her.

“What’s with you, did something happened?”

“You suddenly bought me food…” Gekikara turned her attention back to Black, a brow raised up while she questioningly gazed the older girl, watching Black as she picked up her book and opened it.

Black glanced at Gekikara, staring at the younger girl waited for her answer, she looked away and pursed her lips, the side quirking up a bit.

“Nope…nothing happened particularly…”

“Are you sure?” Gekikara pouted, placing a hand on the older girl’s shoulder, grasping it softly. Black merely looked back and offered a small smile at the younger queen before turning back to her book, mumbling her reply, “I’m very sure…you don’t need to worry about it.”


Gekikara crossed her arms and frowned, not particularly agreeing to Black’s answer and was about to ask again, only to shake her head, keeping her mouth shut as she decided not to ask the older girl, seeing as how she did went through the trouble of getting her food and all.

The younger girl sat down properly and peeled open the plastic wrapper, shoving the sweetened bun to her mouth as she took a bite at its crispy and warmth, the texture rich and flavorful in her mouth. She sighed in content and continued to eat to herself, lose in her own little oblivion.

Gekikara continued to eat silently, unaware that Black was staring at her the sooner she took in a big bite.

Black smiled from behind her book, shrugging her shoulders as she sat back on the couch, feeling at ease with Gekikara’s company. Her heart was still warm and fuzzy at it had been when she had left the room, but there was something that changed.

She was enlightened a bit from her walk, finally figuring out all the feelings that was coursing around her body after being able to rearrange her thoughts properly, and though Gekikara still made her feel excessive and weird emotions in her heart and stomach, Black was not that all too irritated about.

She had already come to a realization, though that little realization that she had found was all too sudden, Black would let it be hidden in the dark for a bit more, finding it far more proper to right herself, both her past and her current state before acting out.

Maybe after she readies herself, she might confess…

Someday; maybe…just maybe in the near future.



A/N: Btw, if your wondering whether this somewhere related in Chinmoku, it may as well be, but its around before their senior year, and as the title says too, this two are currently having a break, a day off from fighting, even yankees get tired once in a while from fighting you know. If you are also wondering where the others are, let's say they didn't come to school or are just out wandering instead of being caged up in the room.

Anyways, thanks for reading, see you guys around.

(EDIT: Corrected some errors and changes somethings to correct some of my fail grammar....dunno if I got them all though.)
« Last Edit: August 04, 2012, 05:04:02 PM by Sieka »
[ Author Profile | Tumblr ]
~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
[ Memories of the Heart ]

Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

Offline bochang

  • Psychology Student with a Psychological Problem
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  • You can't love another if you don't love yourself.
Re: Sieka's Collections (One-shot - A Break Time: BlackGeki) [05/13/12]
« Reply #133 on: May 14, 2012, 12:53:40 AM »
Me! First again! #onmywaytoanothertownforstudy
*squealing on the train*
An update! Yeah!! =3

Will edit this post.. In 15-20minutes..

*squealing again*

*noticed that the passangers glancing at me confused*

*look down and read the story trying hard not to grin or squeal*

I want to try something new when I comment. I hope you enjoyed it. LOL

At the train

HaeJin's POV

'A new story from sieka-san!!' I grin unconciously when I glaced at my old blackberry's screen

'I wonder what's this story', I hit the last post button and waiting for the webpage to be loaded

'A one-shot? Break time? I wonder which pairing..', as I walked down the cabin, looking for a nice seat

'It's yukirena!! My prediction is correct!', I sat at the corner seat in the number 3 cabin.

'I'll comment first then.', typing furiously in my phone

after a few minutes..

'Now, it's time to read'

*read* *read*

'A black book? Bible?'

'Rena is so cute.. '

'So the gekikara can be like this too.. Why I imagine gekikara's cute pout' *grinning*

*looking around see if someone noticed me grinning*

*read again*

'Yah! Just said that you love her Rena' *frustated* *still grinning*

*still trying to imagine gekikara pouting*

'She must be so cute'


'LOL yuki!! Gekikara's stare made you uneasy eh?'


*noticed that someone looking at me*

*trying hard not to grin*

*hiding my grin with my hand*

'It's means that you like her yuki!!' *frustated* *still trying hard to hide my grin*

*read the part when yuki lift rena's body*


*notice some passangers looking at me confused*

'Shit.. Sieka-san, this is your fault'

*continue to read*

*read the part when yuki kiss rena*

'Ugggyaaa!!' *grinning from ear to ear*

*doesn't care about other people stare anymore*


'sheesh!! Those two, just confess!' *frustated* *grinning*

'Ah.. It's finished' *pout* (don't imagine that I'm really pouting. LOL*

'It's so fluffy, now time to comment' *hit the reply button*


'Should I write this like a story? LOL'

*laughing silently at my self*


'Finished!' Smile proudly at myself

*hit the change button*

'I hope you write something like this again Sieka-san'

'And thank you for made me smilling and grinning like an idiot in public place. LOL'
« Last Edit: May 14, 2012, 01:30:54 AM by bochang »
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

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Re: Sieka's Collections (One-shot - A Break Time: BlackGeki) [05/13/12]
« Reply #134 on: May 14, 2012, 01:14:22 PM »
lol, I think we can definatly say this was a bit of a change from Chinmoku!  :lol: still as you say, nice to have a break....

Aww, poor Geki, not being able to tell Black about her feeling, even kinda creeping Black out what with staring at her all the time and stuff..... Seems as though Black however figures it out...... or should I say that Black's body going into automatic solved it for her when Black could not help but kiss Geki and only fully realizing what she had done afterwards....

At least it seems as though black has accepted what feelings she has for Geki though, even staring at Geki at places in the end, I wonder if Geki will notice, just like Black did.....

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Re: Sieka's Collections (One-shot - A Break Time: BlackGeki) [05/13/12]
« Reply #135 on: May 14, 2012, 04:58:22 PM »
It's so cute how Black kissed Gekikara~

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Re: Sieka's Collections (One-shot - A Break Time: BlackGeki) [05/13/12]
« Reply #136 on: May 16, 2012, 07:03:14 AM »
A/N: Gonna post another one-shot. Been doing a lot of them lately because I need a break from Chinmoku. There's also another one-shot in coming, though I'm still writing it down. Don't mind me posting this one-shots though, I just do as I please.


@bochang - Oppa, you sure are weird, though you're also entertaining and funny. :lol:

The story format comment was refreshing to weird, though it made me laugh a lot. It's not my fault that you were grinning like an idiot, you read it yourself, not my fault. :lol:

@oddball - Yep, its a nice break. :) Hahaha, your mind doesn't realize it but your heart already does, Black has it that way, so you're very right. Geki noticing is a 50-50. 8)

@kahem - I know! I was squealing myself when I wrote that part. :cathappy:

@anzai48 - I'm glad I inspired you to change. 8)

Hahaha, its a game of.....I dunno, really, I don't think their playing at all.

Black being tsundere is a win win situation to see, I think Gekikara would love that, if only she knew.
Yeah, I noticed that two, if its Mayu or Geki, Yuki's often the one who initiates the carrying or being the lead, not that I mind, hehehe, though I think Geki would have done it too, if she were any stronger than Yuki. Also, Sae fits the part of carrying Yuki, I can't imagine Yuki carrying Sae. :lol:

I was planning to extend it, like have Gekikara wake up, half-asleep, thinking that its a dream, she'd suddenly wrap her arms around Black's head and pull her closer, kissing Black back, but then again......that would be too much of a sticky situation when Black tries to get out of it, so I went against it and ended it with a short quick kiss. :)

I'm glad you felt that way, hahaha, I was really aiming for it to at least give you some break from all the angst and the darkness of Chinmoku.

And that ends my replies, thank you for all the thanks and comments!
Let's move on with the one-shot. I hope I did well..........I hope.




I’ve never told of anyone before, of my fears, I know its human nature to fear for something, but I can’t shrug off this feeling that I might as well be paranoid because of this feelings that are locked up inside my heart. These certain fears of mine that always creeps into my heart each time I wake in the morning, they always leave me feeling the aftermath of painful waves inside me.

Every day I dread for the time when everything would fall into this… The fear that has long been eating away on me has finally appeared.

Everyone loses something
Before they even realize it
I suddenly realize that you’ve gone

The memories of you standing there in the center, tearing up while making your announcement has been repeating inside my head, just like a broken video tape for the past few days.

It hurts, it hurts to know that you would leave, it leaves me restless and depressed and somehow, it discourages me. I know you’re also hurt, I know that you’re sad and heartbroken, everyone else was, but it isn’t anyone’s fault.

I know you’ve thought of it thoroughly, we’ve talked about it already; I can’t ask you nor convince you to stay no matter how much I want you to.

I’ve always been afraid of when this time would rise. I’ve always been afraid, ever since the day we’ve become close and our feelings grew for one another.

I can’t tell anybody of this, knowing that if I let this fear defeat me, what would be of the other members? I don’t want them to be anxious or bothered, I want to support them fully and help them to the best of my abilities.

I am a leader; this is my duty and my role. I need to be strong, not just for everyone’s shake, but also for me, and for you.

I know you have your own fears and insecurities, everyone does, that’s why I want to strong so that I can help everyone, I want to support everyone with all my full strength, I want to show you that I can help you and lend you a hand.

I want to be your shoulder to lean on. I want to be light. I want to your guide; there are many things that I want to be. I just really want to be everything that you want and need. I know it’s silly, I know it’s childish, but I want to everything. I want to give you the same support as what you’ve always given me.

We’ve known each other way back since day one, you’re the first person that became a part of my life, you’re far too precious to me. We’ve been together through thick and thin from the very start of our career. We had it hard, we’ve went through many challenges and tribulation to get to where we are now.

You don’t know how much I appreciate how much you’ve helped me, you’ve been a great friend to me for the past few years, you’ve been my pillar of support and when everything gets tough, you’re always there beside me.

I want to do the same for you.

I want to be there for you no matter what happens.


I wonder…

Do you still remember those days of hard rigorous practices? Do you still remember those days where we cry over our own failures and success?

I remember them, just as if they had happened yesterday.

Remembering these memories, they leave a smile on my face. I can see how much we’ve grown and improved over everything we did, it leaves a warm feeling inside my chest. I treasure every memory we made, they are like a part of me, or so, I’d like to say.

I know it’s silly, you might say so as well, but I’m serious about it.

Leaving behind only memories
Amid the happiness, we lost our words
Like dolls
Like all those lost cats on the street corner

It saddens me to know that you would leave; I don’t know when since it’s still undecided when you would leave, but even then, it leaves a bitter taste inside my mouth, knowing that our days together are numbered, knowing that you would leave sooner-or-later after your announcement.

I still want to be with you, six and a half years is still not long enough, I crave for your companionship.

‘Please stay. I don’t want you to leave.’

I want to say those words, but I’ve already come into terms, I must accept and respect your decision.

I’ve already decided on it, is what my mind would often tell me, I did tell you that I would support you, didn’t I?

On that very same day, in front of the whole crowd, I cried and held your hand as we walked away from our friends. Each step we took, each time your hands grasp tightened around mine, I felt my heart break slowly into small crumbs.

I cried hard, I felt your hand tremble in mine, I glanced at you and I saw you looking at me with sadness in your eyes. I felt my body start to feel heavy, it’s almost hard to breathe now, seeing you look at me like that, yet a smile curved up on your lips, even though it seemed forced, even though I know you can’t smile in this kind of situation, you still tried.

Tears continued to flow down my cheeks, I bit my bottom lip and smiled at you before I look forward, grasping your hand tightly in mine while we walked forward to the center.

The crowds’ cries were deafening to the ears, I could not even distinguish the sobbing, wails or screams of support from our fans, all I knew is that they were all shouting and crying.

I felt you halt; it made me stop all the same.

I turn my body so that I am facing you, I smiled at you amidst the tears, amidst the sadness and the overwhelming mixed emotions that I have been feeling ever since the start of this concert.

I have my own regrets, maybe because I can’t stop you, maybe because I’ll lose you and maybe because I’ve yet to fully express how much grateful I am and how much I love you. I know I can’t express them with just simple words because I know that words aren’t enough to express everything I feel for you so it dawned to me that if words aren’t enough, then I’ll put them into action.

I squeeze your hand softly, making you look at my way.

You gazed at me in confusion, your sparkling eyes reflecting the spotlights, making them shine like jewels; your eyes, they looked like precious fragile glasses. I’ve always loved how fully they express your emotions well, and I’ve come to love them more every time I gaze at you, even right now, even though they sparkled due to the tears building up in your eyes, even though you look so heartbreakingly beautiful right now, I still love them.

Yet it pains me, because I know of what’s to come.

There’s already a voice, screaming inside me, telling me and discouraging me. I can hear it very well, that weak side of me deep locked away inside my heart.

I hear a silent scream

It hurts, my heart, it hurts.

I don’t know how the future will become without you beside me, without you as my pillar of support. I can’t just imagine a day without you, I’ve always thought you would be here until the end of our generation, the end of AKB48, but I guess that won’t happen now.

It hurts me.

I can’t tell you how much I’m discouraged about your decision because I know that you’ve thought it well, I know that you thought of us and took each and every one of our feelings into consideration, I just can’t tell you that I don’t like your decision.

It’s bitter, we’re going to part soon, after all these years of being together, this sadness is eating away a portion of my heart, yet I stood up strongly, trying to be your pillar of support. I know that you are also hurting as well, I know that it’s hard for you to part from us, but you have to, for a reason we all just know as you wanting to fulfill your dreams by yourself in this cruel world we’re in.

If I could see you one more time
I just want to say one word: thank you, thank you

I love that part of you, yet it hurts, knowing that you won’t back down on your decisions.

I know I will never be able to gaze at you again like this once that time comes when you have to part from us, from me. Although the time of your graduation has yet to be decided, it hurts me deeply.

I’ve still yet to say I love you.

I know you’ve told me those three beautiful words to me for multiple times already, yet I’ve yet to do the same to you. I’m thankful, of your affection, of everything you’ve given to me, from support to love, but I can’t help it, you know me as the cool boyish Takamina. Saying those words…I’m shy about it, it’s embarrassing, but if I let this moment pass by, then I might not be able to see you again.

I don’t want that to happen, I want to be with you. I want to see you again…even after we part, even though it hurts, I still want to see you again.

I know that I’m being selfish, I know that this thing that I wished for was something selfish, but let me act this way, even just for once. I want to be with you, even after this, I don’t want to let you go even though I know that I’m hurting, even though a lot of people already told me to give up, knowing that when you completely leave and disappear from the group, the circumstances of us communicating and connected are impossible.

I still want to hold onto you and even if you’re to leave now, I don’t want to give up. Even though the pain feels like a rose’s thorns prickling over my skin, I’ll still hold onto you tighter, even if I end up bleeding, even if it kills me even.

I still want to hold onto you, forever if possible. It doesn’t matter whether I’m hurting, whether I’ll suffer from this in the end. I just want you in my life; I want you to stay in my heart.

Even if I get hurt sometimes
I want to keep feeling you
At least I have my memories to comfort me
I’ll always have you here

I still remember the day when we held a short party after the success of our concert. Although it was meant to be a happy one, everyone held gloomy and sad feelings in their hearts after your announcement, I know you did not meant any harm in trying to make everyone feel that way that’s why you tried to apply yourself into the party, something you don’t do.

You tried your very best to make everyone smile and laugh, I watched you from the sidelines, smiling happily as you successfully did so, though it pained me, I tried to enjoy the night.

The party ended quickly though as we had more jobs to do and everyone parted ways, we all left the building, parting ways as we waved goodbye. I still don’t want to go though. I didn’t walk away, and instead, I walked with you.

Side by side, we travelled down the road in that cold night, silence floating between us. I glanced at you for a moment and held my breath, startled as you’ve had your eyes on me, looking at me with a sad eyes, yet a smile was on your sweet cherry pink lips.

I frowned, stopping myself from taking another step, I ended up stop walking and so did you, but you were a few steps ahead of me.

I stared at you, and you did the same, yet your smile never faltered.

“You’re not yourself today…” You told me softly, watching me as I uneasily shifted my body.

“I’m sorry…I just can’t help it.” I mumbled, responding back to your statement, it seemed like a bad and failed attempt of an excuse, but that was how I felt at that moment. Although I knew that this would come soon as you have already talked to me about it a year before, that happening now had weighed me down. I can’t just exactly go back to being cheerful as if nothing happened. I just can’t.

“Don’t be. It’s not your fault.”

I looked away, smiling bitterly, I know.

I know…

Yet I can’t stop myself from feeling sad.

“It’s my fault, I’m sorry I made you feel this way.” You told me, your voice sound constrained and weak, trembling even. I felt angry, hearing you blame yourself; I clenched my hands into fists, both of which were on both of my sides, I tried to steel my resolves as I listen to you as you continued on talking.

“I know I’m hurting you right now just because of my decision, but I hope you could support me…”

“It’s fine…if you’re angry at me. You have the right to be after all.” You forcibly laughed. I know you were trying to keep positive, even after the concert ended and after the announcement. Hearing you say that now is just hurting me much more, I don’t want you to carry down the weight, the weight of hurting me.

“Don’t say it like that!”

“I can never be angry at you…” I told you, my eyes staring down at the ground, gritting my teeth tightly as tears flooded my vision, and slowly, they started to fall, cascading down my cheeks, droplets continuously streaming down.
“I can never hate you, nor can I blame you…”

“I can’t do that…”

“And even if I wanted to, I’ll never do that…”

“You know that I’m always behind you…I’ll support you all throughout the way.” I said in between sobs. I looked up at you when I said those words, staring at you fiercely; I wanted to get the point across.

“It pains me though to know that you’re to leave…knowing that you won’t be here…in the next years to come. The thought of you disappearing hurts…”

“…I don’t want that to happen.” I sobbed, admitting the painful truth in front of you. I know that my emotions was stirring me into acting based on what I feel at this current moment, but I don’t care, even if I look weak and fragile in front of you.

Just once, just this one time, let me be the person you see right now, weak and helpless, hoping yet fearing and dreading.

I just want you to know what I feel.

“Minami…” You called my name softly, catching my attention,  looked up to you and watch as your hand reaching up to my face, slowly wiping off the tears before I saw you lean in and press a quick kiss on my forehead.

I stood there startled at what you did, my tears slowly coming to a halt at the suddenness of your gesture.

You smiled happily, looking relieved before you turned away, glancing to your right, a hopeful and determined expression in your eyes.

“…Even though I’m to leave AKB soon, I’ll never disappear.”

“I’ll always be around.” You turned your attention back at me and grinned, crossing the remaining distance between us as you held me, pulling me into a tight hug. I felt you bury your nose onto my hair, sighing, pleased as you kept me close.

I felt myself at peace, near you, in your arms.

I heard you hum, pleased when I leaned forward into your arms, your hands finding its way to my hair as you combed it with your fingers, comfortingly stroking me.

“…No matter how far apart we may be, I’ll still always be with you, Minami.”

“So please be at ease…”

“I’ll always remain here…inside your heart.”

“And so will you be, inside mine…”

You slowly broke the embrace, looking at my faces, a lovely large smile on your face as you stroked my cheeks tenderly, wiping off the tears that remained before you leaned in and pressed your lips on my forehead, sighing in content. I closed my eyes and let the radiance of your kiss stay on my forehead, I could feel my heart beat twice fast as the norm and my cheeks warm and flushed, but it felt nice and pleasant, I feel so fuzzy, safe and secured.

It was as if I was wrapped around your warmth, and these feelings that you make me feel, I want it to remain for all eternity.

I want it to stay that way.

So even if it hurts, I’ll try to endure it, if it meant that you’ll still be here, even if not beside me, but instead, in my heart.

I let a small smile form on my face, opening my eyes as I raised my head, I watch you shift your position, staring down at me, your lovely smile still in your face, yet your eyes shined brightly of relief and joy.

I leaned forward to you, my arms wrapped around your waist as I pulled you closer to me, dumbfounded as you watch me reel you forward to me, I tilted my head and whispered in your ears, the sweetest of words and my confession of love.

“I’ll never let you go.”

“I’ll always support you until the end.”

“I love you, Atsuko.”

Your eyes widened, cheeks flaming red, mouth agape, but I was rest assured by the tight hold of your hands on my shoulders, before then loosened and I saw you recover from shock. You close your eyes and nod frantically, pulling me into a tight hug, melding our bodies together as you laughed, choking down a sob.

“Thank you…Minami.”

Even if I get hurt sometimes, I want to keep feeling you



A/N: The paragraphs italized and centered at lyrics from KOKIA's song, Arigatou, just took a bit, not everything because that would make this toooo long. >w<lllll

If anyone's wondering, the type of writing style I used her is 2nd person POV that uses I and You, its different from the 1st person POV which uses I and the name of the person, or the 3rd person POV that sets an all knowing character to see through everything, and even naming the characters by their names.

I hope you enjoyed this shot.......? I did try for this pair.......and this was supposed to be posted long long before, only got to finish it now, sorry.... :sweatdrop:
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~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
[ Memories of the Heart ]

Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

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Re: Sieka's Collections (One-shot - Arigatou: AtsuMina) [05/16/12]
« Reply #137 on: May 16, 2012, 09:20:44 AM »
Ehhh atsuko dont say "i love you too" aww you are so tsundere acchan

And i think they need a real kiss!!!

Good fic maybe a part 2?  Atsuko confession Part

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Re: Sieka's Collections (One-shot - Arigatou: AtsuMina) [05/16/12]
« Reply #138 on: May 16, 2012, 09:41:09 AM »
It's sad T_T but it's warm at the same time. Acchan!!!! T_T

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Re: Sieka's Collections (One-shot - Arigatou: AtsuMina) [05/16/12]
« Reply #139 on: May 16, 2012, 03:26:47 PM »



*Crying* (exaggerated)

It's.. bitter.. and sweet story..

I almost tear up.. but i can stop myself not to tear infront of those guys in the train. #again

I should learn my lesson.. Not to read any fanfic on the train.. LOL

but it's good! It's SUPERB~!

I love this fic so much!
It makes me wondering though..
what will happened to an AKB without Acchan?

She's not my first oshi, but yes, i will miss her. The girl-next-door is moving away..
The center.. Minami's partner.. TT.TT

The last single.. Manatsu no Sounds Good's PV will be the last time i will saw her with AKB..

yes, but she needs to move on, spreading her wings and fly higher..
i can only hope the best for her, and AKB.


thank you for this fic Sieka-san. :D

oh, and thank you for Anzai-san, Sieka-san and Muwi that found my comment amusing.
i just thought about it and without thinking i just typed like that.
and it's a real story bro.
It happened on my way from Jakarta to Depok. (i think anzai-san know this.) LOL
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

ask me anything @

please drop by :D

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