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Author Topic: [TV] Breaking Bad  (Read 19950 times)

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Re: [TV] Breaking Bad
« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2013, 10:37:28 AM »
One of thee best shows on television right now; in my opinion, the best. Rethink your decision if you thought you could just set this series aside. I agree the premise doesn't sound convincing, but once you watch just the first episode you'll see the depth this show has.

Everything is just done right in the show: story, cinematography, pacing, suspense, character development...

God I love this show. Glad to see it conclude before getting stale like most shows.

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Re: [TV] Breaking Bad
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2013, 08:35:17 PM »
"Yeah Mr White! Yeah, science!"

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Re: [TV] Breaking Bad
« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2013, 06:25:25 AM »
the final 8 eps.

7 more to go.

they're not holding back. That ending scene with Walt and Hank was not what i expected.

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Re: [TV] Breaking Bad
« Reply #23 on: August 13, 2013, 12:49:21 AM »
The tensest closing of a garage door in history. Was only when the credits rolled that I realised I could breathe again.

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Re: [TV] Breaking Bad
« Reply #24 on: August 13, 2013, 07:51:11 AM »
Mondays are worth waiting for again.

So many amazing scenes. Everything with Hank was great, the drive home, the evidence box scene, the ending scene. Jesse is falling apart. And that fucking Star Trek scene oh man... I'm still reeling from the zombies.

The most interesting thing of course was the first scene that took place a year in the future. Walt's house is trashed, his neighbour is scared to death of him. Did he beat the cancer? He's got his hair and we see him later (earlier) telling Hank he's got 6 months to live, which obviously wasn't true... what happened between that point and where the show's at? I wonder if they're going to use this non-linear narrative more during the season...

How's it all going to end??? Ahhhh can't wait to find out.   :bow:

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Re: [TV] Breaking Bad
« Reply #25 on: August 13, 2013, 07:06:49 PM »

Oh man...  :rofl:

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Re: [TV] Breaking Bad
« Reply #26 on: August 13, 2013, 09:10:12 PM »
The most interesting thing of course was the first scene that took place a year in the future. Walt's house is trashed, his neighbour is scared to death of him. Did he beat the cancer? He's got his hair and we see him later (earlier) telling Hank he's got 6 months to live, which obviously wasn't true... what happened between that point and where the show's at? I wonder if they're going to use this non-linear narrative more during the season...

In the first flashforward sequence it shows you Walt in the public restroom and he goes into a coughing fit, which I'm guessing means that he still has cancer. And I'm guessing with the full set of hair and all, he's rejected chemo? I think in the timeline there's only a few months between now and the flashforward so it's entirely possible Walt is on borrowed time. I'm guessing he knows it too, considering he's planning for something. I imagine the rest of the season will show what happened between now and then, with the finale being what exactly Walt intends to do with a machine gun and the ricin. With the home completely abandoned like that I wonder what happened to Skyler and Walt Jr? Witness protection?

Hank was brilliant last episode. You've got to feel bad for him. It's a personal victory for him, as he finally caught Heisenberg, but it's a hollow one. He discovers it's his brother in law and realises he can't convict him because Walt is dying and he has circumstantial evidence at best, nothing solid. You would have expected that scene to occur after 2-3 episodes worth of build up but no, straight in after the first episode. It's what I love most about watching Breaking Bad, you can never, ever predict what's gonna happen next.

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Re: [TV] Breaking Bad
« Reply #27 on: August 26, 2013, 07:23:30 PM »
Wow that last episode. It just gets better and better. I wanted to punch Todd in the beginning. Recalled the train heist with such glee, such excitement, but failed to mention that he shot a kid. Because it doesn't register with him that it's a bad deed.

Did not expect that confession at all. I was wondering what his motivations would be to confess everything and then sure enough, you know what he was doing. My mouth hung open when it clicked.

And Maybe it was too much of a reach to make those connections that he did, so quickly, but you could also say that he's in a frame of mind where he's blaming Walt for everything bad happening now anyway so he could be in this fragile, paranoid state where suddenly it's plausible that he would blame Walt for something else if given the opportunity. It just so happens that this time he's right and Saul confirmed it.

Stunning stuff.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 10:32:57 PM by Tuffty »

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Re: [TV] Breaking Bad
« Reply #28 on: August 26, 2013, 08:37:49 PM »
Amazing episode, that confession was some brilliant shit. I guessed it wouldn't be a real one but I didn't see him executing such a perfect story.

And yeah, I loved how Todd left that little detail out of the heist re-telling. A good example of how such stories become glorified.

How about Walt retrieving that gun... Skyler can't be that oblivious, I suppose she's just past caring at this point. XD

In the first flashforward sequence it shows you Walt in the public restroom and he goes into a coughing fit, which I'm guessing means that he still has cancer.
See, this is why I was planning on rewatching the whole show before season 5.2. I even managed to forget that little detail. :doh:

Ah, the sweet, sweet unpredictability. How is it all going to end.. So many good, crazy options.

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Re: [TV] Breaking Bad
« Reply #29 on: August 27, 2013, 10:02:22 PM »

Oh man, it fits perfectly... :lol:

Offline Tuffty

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Re: [TV] Breaking Bad
« Reply #30 on: August 27, 2013, 10:29:54 PM »
Yeh a lot of fans (or maybe it's just a vocal minority), don't seem to like Jesse's epiphany. But they're the ones confused, because most of the posts I've seen seem to forget that Huell pickpocketed Jesse in S4 so they were confused why Jesse would have this massive leap. They also say there's no connection between the weed and the ricin because the ricin was already found (thanks to Walt who was "conveniently" there and found it "conveniently" in a vaccuum cleaner). But it's not that there's no direct connection, it's just that having been pickpocketed by Huell makes Jesse realise about that other time he was convinced Walt had him do it. And because Jesse was at a point where he could see through Walt's lies, it's not that illogical to think Jesse made a leap of logic. While it might not have been 100%, it was enough to act on and Saul had it confirmed. I know I mentioned earlier it might be much of a stretch but actually having read other people's opinions on it, they point out some subtle clues in that episode which actually do build up that reveal, which are genius when you look into them:

- Hank says to Jesse at the beginning "Walt really did a number on you"
- Saul says to Jesse before making the call to the guy "Anybody you want to say your final goodbyes too?" Obviously it would be to Andrea and Brock, which puts them in the forefront of his mind
- In his code speak, Saul actually mentions a broken vaccuum cleaner, again, putting the ricin in his mind.

I also think the key factor in this chain of events is Saul taking the weed off Jesse. It not only reminded him of that time when he accused Walt of having the ricin stolen, it also resulted in the first time that Jesse has possibly been clean in a while, standing there on that road, which probably helped him piece together things more clearly than he would have been had he been on weed. As a result that one foil has set about a chain reaction where things can all come crumbling down.

Also, that restaurant exists in real life and they actually do advertise the making of guacamole there on the table :lol:
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 10:35:04 PM by Tuffty »

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Re: [TV] Breaking Bad
« Reply #31 on: September 09, 2013, 08:48:49 AM »
FUCK! The last episode was intense.

Gonna be a long week.

Offline Stryfe

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Re: [TV] Breaking Bad
« Reply #32 on: September 09, 2013, 09:34:46 PM »
Jesus fuck that ending. Kind of amusing that nobody managed to hit anyone with a gazillion bullets, but it was such a great, superbly cruel time to end the episode.

After Hank talked to Marie, I was just expecting him to catch a sniper bullet or something. You know, it was a pretty typical "Guess who dies next?" kind of a phone call, lol...

Gotta wait until next week, but things aren't looking too good for Hank... Long wait indeed.

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Re: [TV] Breaking Bad
« Reply #33 on: September 09, 2013, 09:38:04 PM »
^ Ah, but how do you know they weren't hit? Think I saw Gomez wince at one point, but can't tell if he was hit or from the intensity of the firefight. Gah, who can say? Next week?! REALLY?!

My face, as I watched the latest episode:

Woah bro. Woah. Stunning television, the best compliment I can give is how ill that episode made me feel. I loved every second and hated it at the same time. Can't believe it just ended like that. If I had to make predictions, then Gomez might be gone :( Knows too much and is doomed by the fact that he's a Mexican being shot at by neo-nazi's. Dunno about Hank. The phonecall with Marie was perhaps...too obvious? If you know what I mean? Because it was so obvious at making you think about what was gonna happen but you just can't tell until next week. BB always does a good job of subverting my expectations. Hell they did it in the first episode this season where Hank had the showdown with Walt, something which would be teased out over so many episodes in other TV shows. Walt will probably negotiate something to spare his life. I feel like Jesse will be traded off somehow, hence, why future Walt needs the machine gun to go save him. To fight fire with fire.

Best line of the show is a tie for me. It's either Saul's "Don't drink and drive, and if you do, call me!" or Jesse's "Did you get my photo bitch?!"

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Re: [TV] Breaking Bad
« Reply #34 on: September 11, 2013, 09:34:50 PM »
Gomez isn't a vital character so he probably won't make it  :nervous

Great ride so far, +1 on all you guys said. Awesome series.
I was a bit worried because I would have been fine if it had ended when Hank found the book at the halfway point.
But yeah, the new eps picked up right were they left of and manage to maintain the suspense.

Hard to believe that it'll be over forever in three weeks!  :panic:

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Re: [TV] Breaking Bad
« Reply #35 on: September 17, 2013, 08:58:00 PM »
3 people died in that gun fight. Gomez, Hank, and Walt.

'i watched jane die'.

Offline Tuffty

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Re: [TV] Breaking Bad
« Reply #36 on: September 17, 2013, 10:48:29 PM »
Gomez didn't even get a last line, just...dead.

So, that episode. I know I say it every week but, best episode ever? Certainly seems that way. Over 5000 users went onto IMDB and gave it 10/10. My heart was in my throat the whole time. There's just so much to say, but who could have predicted Walt being the one to confess to Jesse about Jane? The look on Jesse's face after, it was the look of a man who's soul was destroyed. Who could have seen Walt want to take Holly away? And of course, that compelling, gripping phonecall with Skyler. People read into that scene as Walt being brutally honest with Skyler and to be honest that's what I was wondering at first. But then you see Walt tearing up and Skyler clues in just as we do too, that he knows full well the police are listening and he's exonerating her from any of the guilt. Just breathtaking. And how good was baby Holly?! Apparently the mama was unscripted! What a pro!

To me, it really was one of the best episodes ever and goddamn I will miss Breaking Bad so much when it's gone. Two episodes left. Of all the reviews and analysis of the past episode floating around on the net, this is the most interesting read.

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Re: [TV] Breaking Bad
« Reply #37 on: September 23, 2013, 10:54:25 PM »
Well again, another great episode. Dark and borderline depressing at times. I mean, Andrea.....fuck. I think it's far worse when someone not really involved with the criminal world gets killed; with Hank you kind of expected it, but with Jesse's ex, it just seemed brutal. Now Brock's an orphan and poor, poor Jesse, my heart absolutely broke watching him.

Todd is such a sinister, complex character. A complete psychopath who just kills with no remorse or hesitation. He is properly eat your baby kind of mental.

I figured the blue meth would be what brought Walt out of hiding and it was partially right. The Grey Matter report is a brilliant way to keep it connected and harks back to why he did it in the first place. You can see the switch from Walt to Heisenberg in one scene and when the opening credits kick in too. I'm dreading and unbelievably excited for next week. I want to believe Walt kills all the Neo Nazis (with Todd meeting a Gus-like death) and Jesse and Brock live happy ever after. But....can it? I just don't know. I love how unpredictable the show can be, so what seems like the obvious course of action now, could have a complete 180 or may not even happen at all. Does Walt die? Who lives? It's eating me up inside thinking about it.

Cool fact about the finale:

Breaking Bad's final episode is called "FeLiNa"



It's also an anagram for "finale"

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Re: [TV] Breaking Bad
« Reply #38 on: September 30, 2013, 07:10:07 AM »
What a perfect ending to a perfect show!
It could not have ended any better than it did.  :thumbsup

Offline Tuffty

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Re: [TV] Breaking Bad
« Reply #39 on: September 30, 2013, 11:10:32 PM »
Yep, just about perfect.

I'm confused that some people's disappointment stems from the show wrapping everything up and tying up all the loose ends. The way I saw it, it wasn't the show doing it just to wrap everything up in a neat little package, it was Walt. He knew that one way or the other he wasn't going to be around too much longer, so he was running round getting his affairs in order and tying up all the loose ends of the whole sorry mess so that he could die happy, knowing that the people he cared about were going to be taken care of, and the people he didn't were, well, going to be taken care of.

It's just an amazing show, I really struggle to think of a 'bad' episode because each one is so meaningful in greater context to the story, or even the standalone ones like 'The Fly' have some great moments and wonderfully shot. It'll take something special to displace it as my favourite show, but then I said the same of The Shield after I watched it too. Needless to say, amazing finale to an amazing season to an amazing show.

Breaking Bad I will miss you. Bitch.

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