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Author Topic: ~Photo Drabbles~  (Read 25475 times)

Offline tkmnwen

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Re: ~Photo Drabbles~
« Reply #60 on: March 29, 2012, 08:40:03 AM »
wTomo #3

A/N: Read wTomo#2 in the previous post first even though this could be a standalone drabble. It would make more sense. ^^

Tomomi was thankful for the existence of the other Tomomi in Team A.


The younger Tomomi puffed up her cheeks in anger as Tomochin hopped out of the room after tricking her into waking up. “All Tomo wanted was a kiss,” she mumbled to herself before reluctantly dragging herself out of the bed. She thought back to the scene in her dreams and groaned; so close, she was so close to getting a kiss from Tomochin before that girl tricked her into waking up.

“I made breakfast for us,” Tomochin announced when she saw the other Tomomi walked into the kitchen. “Eat and then we’ll go shopping like you wanted alright?” Tomomi mumbled something under her breath and Tomochin raised an eyebrow then giggled.

“I love you too.”
“Tomo said Tomo hate you!”
“And that’s why I said I love you too.”
“Tomo hate you. Tomo hate you. Tomo hate you, Tomochin.”
“I love you. I love you. I love you, Tomomi.”
“Don’t you get it? Tomo hate you! Tomo hat-”

Cutting off the younger girl’s words with a soft peck, Tomochin smiled against the other girl’s lips. She pulled away from Tomomi, retrieving something from the apron pocket and bringing it up to the girl’s line of sight; a tiny velvet box. Opening the box, Tomomi stared as a silver ring tucked snugly inside was being pulled out by Tomochin.

“Be mine?”

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Re: ~Photo Drabbles~
« Reply #61 on: March 29, 2012, 12:29:56 PM »
Acchan, go on ahead and be the best in everything you are gonna do in the future. Because you are our ace, and you are Maeda Atsuko, you can do it. ^^
Takamina, even with Acchan’s graduation, you are still gonna be alright, just because you are Takahashi Minami. ^^

This is the best post that I ever saw on JPH!P XD
Ima Yuko oshi and my otp are the Wmidgets!!!
Yuumina ftw~!

Offline tkmnwen

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Re: ~Photo Drabbles~
« Reply #62 on: March 29, 2012, 09:59:33 PM »
Title: Crystal // KojiYuu #6
Pairing: KojiYuu
Characters: Haruna, Yuko, Mariko, Miichan.
Words: 3142

“Nyan nyan~” The door burst open to reveal an energetic squirrel, sprinting towards the cat-like girl at the far end of the room. “I miss you,” the girl whined and got comfortable sitting on the lap of this ‘nyan nyan’ girl. The girl nodded absentmindedly, focusing on the magazine she was reading before she was rudely interrupted by the squirrel. The squirrel puffed up her cheeks in mock irritation and grabbed the magazine, throwing it across the room. “!” Yuko demanded loudly, ignored by not just Haruna but the other members in the room as well. It was a usual occurrence; Yuko harassing Haruna only to get the cold shoulder from the latter. “Pay attention to me,” the girl whined again, leaning towards the taller girl who responded with a quick peck on the older girl’s forehead. If there was something that Haruna learned over the years of harassment, it would be that a kiss would silent the other girl almost immediately and it never failed.

To everyone else, it seemed that this was a one-sided love. How Yuko could remain so infatuated with Haruna over the years despite the younger girl’s lack of response bewildered their friends. It must be love; many reasoned and had tried ways to help the shorter girl in her pursuit for the cat-like girl but to no avail. Don’t mistake this though; it wasn’t as though Haruna didn’t make any advances towards Yuko, but it was in such measly amounts that no one bothered to think that it meant anything. “I heard the photoshoot later will be in swimwear. Nyan nyan in swimwear~” Yuko said dreamily, earning a smack from Haruna. Yuko pouted and lowered her head, rubbing it in pain as a look of guilt flashed past Haruna’s face.


Haruna tightened the robe around her body as she walked towards the changing room. The photoshoot had been relatively smooth even with the perverted squirrel trying to grope her whenever a chance arises. She was glad the staffs at the shoot today were mostly females; she had enough of those men who tried so hard to undress her as they photographed her and she would pick a perverted Yuko over those men any day. “Yuko Yuko Yuko. Why am I thinking about her so much lately?” the cat-like girl mumbled to herself as she locked the room to change back into her casual clothes.

Haruna is a beauty even though she had chose not to believe so. Life before AKB48 included many heartbreaks and tears; boys she dated turned out to be jerks and toyed with her heart so much that she didn’t think that she was truly in love before. Thankful for the no dating rule, she had used it many times to get away from those advances from co-stars. That rule however, did not keep away a little perverted squirrel that had on numerous occasions made known to everyone that she loves Haruna. Haruna treated it as a joke at first but was slowly pulled in when Yuko had shown so many times how serious she had been in her love declarations.

“My nyan nyan, open up,” a voice interrupted Haruna’s thoughts, followed by the shorter girl latching herself onto Haruna once the door opened. “I am going off for my drama filming. I’ll miss you,” the older girl whined.

“I’ll miss you too,” the taller girl mumbled softly in reply, resting her head on Yuko’s crown. Haruna didn’t know what made her said that but what she knew was that she had to say so. Yuko pulled away from Haruna and beamed an eye-smile at the girl, mouthing an “I love you”.


“You know, you should start loving Yuko more,” Miichan casually suggested during the break no3b had in the midst of their new album recording. Haruna’s forehead wrinkled in confusion. “Well, I heard from the trainees the other day that they voted who’s their favorite senpai and Yuko won hands-down. And look how she had been friendly with the other members recently. Don’t be surprised if one day they snatch her away,” Miichan shook her head as she filled in the airheaded girl then walking away to find the captain. Haruna looked at her cellphone; half a day had gone by without a mail from Yuko and a year ago, that wouldn’t have happened. Stopping at the door, her fellow bandmate turned around and looked at the bothered girl. “You know, sometimes you shouldn’t wait till the last minute before doing what you should do.”


That night, Haruna couldn’t fall asleep. Her mind wandered back to the moments she had with Yuko over the years. The skinship, as Yuko liked to call it, that they shared which Haruna resisted at first, but found herself liking it after a while; for a long time now, the resistance from the cat-like girl were a pretense. She had promised not to fall in love with anyone after joining the team, building a wall around her heart to prevent it from getting hurt once again. But this one girl had been trying over the years to tear down this wall; even though it hadn’t been a success yet, Haruna could feel that she was opening up bit by bit to that girl.

And that, that scared Haruna.


The next day, Haruna woke up with a splitting migraine. She didn’t even remember falling asleep; her mind was filled with thoughts about Yuko, particularly, the things that Yuko did for her. Her day past by foggily. Haruna sighed as she pushed open the door to the dance studio for the practice, only to wince in pain from the loud noises and bright lights from the room; how her fellow teammates managed to maintain this high amount adrenaline even at 1AM amazed her. She took a seat near the door quietly, observing the squirrel-like girl messing around with the team’s cyborg and found herself frowning. In fact, she sourly thought, Yuko seemed to be happier around Mayuyu than around her.

Haruna is a tough character to crack. With the walls she built around herself, seemingly airheaded and my-paced were the steps she took to protect herself. With these teammates, she found love from friendship. But love on its own still scares the shit out of Haruna. “You have to grow up, Haruna.” Mariko spoke a tone just above a whisper. The cat-like girl looked away from the duo and at Mariko, who was staring towards the direction that Haruna was looking at earlier.

“My nyan nyan!” Yuko spotted Haruna from across the room and ran over. Then without warning, she lost her footing, tripping over her other leg and landing painfully on her tailbone. A pain shot right through her body and she curled into a ball in the middle of the room. Haruna gasped, jumping out of her seat and rushing to the girl as the other members did the same. Yuko's face contorted in pain just as their instructor came into the room. "I...I don't think I will be able to stay for practice today," Yuko said faintly with an apologetic look on her face.

The instructor dismissed the apology with a wave of her hand, yelling for someone to bring Yuko home to rest. Mariko pointed down to the girl who was kneeling beside the injured squirrel and the other members followed suit, much to the amusement of the injured girl. "Nyan nyan...I think you have just been volunteered by everyone," Yuko whispered, making a move to get up then face twisting in pain and let out a loud cry.

Haruna flicked Yuko's forehead lightly. "Don't you dare move on your own. I'll carry you," the taller girl chided. "Mariko, do you mind calling a taxi for us?"


That night, Yuko couldn't sleep; she feigned asleep just so Haruna, who had been acting like a fulltime nurse since they left the studio, could rest without worrying for her. Replaying the night's events in her head, the squirrel couldn't help but smiled as a tear rolled down her cheeks. As sadistic as it might seemed to be, Yuko thanked her clumsiness for her fall earlier the night.

Haruna had carried her bridal styled out of the studio, onto the taxi and into her room; when in heavens did that girl get this amazing strength puzzled Yuko, for Haruna was known for being the least athletic among them all. Knowing that she’s hurting too much to shower, Haruna wiped the sweat of the shorter girl with wet towels and helped her get changed into her pyjamas. Yuko watched as the taller girl did all these with a look of seriousness on her face, occasionally frowning when she winced in pain from the little movements. If there’s anything that Yuko’s feeling right now, it’s loved.

Yuko turned her body slightly to the right, biting her lips to stop herself from groaning in pain and observed the sleeping girl. Sitting on the chair beside Yuko’s bed and resting her head on a hand on the bed, those pouty lips looked even more kissable under the moonlight that crept into the room. Her eyes travelled down to the hand that was supporting her head only to find a towel held tightly in her grasp. The faint silver streaks of moonlight that washed over her body only further enhanced her beauty. “I love you,” Yuko whispered, closing her eyes once again and tried to sleep.


After the incident, Haruna’s actions towards Yuko seemed to fluctuate a lot more than usual. While she opened up to Yuko loads more than usual, she seemed to pull back a lot more as well; one moment Haruna might be telling Yuko about her past, the next would be Haruna telling the shorter girl that she had an appointment and had to leave. “Nyan nyan,” Yuko started, taking a seat beside the taller girl only to see her bolting up from her seat.

“I’ve to do something. Be right back,” and off Haruna went, dashed off to God knows where, leaving a bewildered Yuko. Mariko took a seat beside Yuko, the exact same seat that Haruna was sitting on just moments ago.

“Where is that cat running to?”
“I have no idea,” Yuko replied, barely a whisper.

“Do you know what’s wrong with her?” The ace turned and looked at the eldest, hoping that she had some answers for Haruna’s weird actions recently. Moreover, the two were known to have close friendship, sharing their deepest secrets with each other; something that Yuko couldn’t help but felt really jealous of. Mariko cocked her head to the side and looked closely at the squirrel; the uncertainty seemed to seep through from Yuko’s dark brown orbs as the girl tried to appear indifferent to Haruna’s actions in front of her.

Mariko nodded.


Marichan…are you awake? –Nyaro
Mhm…where do you want to meet me? –Ue Kara Mariko
The restaurant near your place? I could do with some hot soup now. – Nyaro
See you in 30! ( *`ω´)八(бвб) –Ue Kara Mariko

It was one of those sleepless nights that Haruna had always dreaded and taking out her cell-phone, she sent a mail to her best friend. Thankfully, Mariko was available to meet her and the night crawled on with the two ladies exchanging heartfelt talks with each other over a hot pot of soup and some alcohol. The older girl watched as Haruna fell silent for a moment, trying to fight back her tears and placed her hand over the girl’s arm to calm her down. “It’s about Yuko, isn’t it?” Mariko asked softly as tears started streaking down the girl’s eyes. Haruna sniffed loudly and nodded, secretly thankful that they had been given a private room instead of out with the public. “Remember that I told you that you have to grow up?” the older girl continued. “She loves you, and you love her. What exactly was the thing that’s holding you back? Is it…worth losing her over that?”

Haruna didn’t know what was holding her back from accepting and reciprocating Yuko’s love fully. It would be irresponsible to say that she was afraid of being hurt again because Yuko would be the last person to hurt her and Haruna knew that very well. Then why was she so afraid to let Yuko into her heart? Haruna didn’t have an answer, or so she thought.

“You were afraid because you based those fears on your past relationships. But you know Yuko’s different. Why not try to open up to her…and see if she’s the one that you had been looking for? The unknown in front of you terrified you but without embracing the indefinite ahead of you, there will be no way for you to find true love.”


Where are you? – Yuuchan

Yuko sent Haruna a mail, desperately wanting to see Haruna after hearing what happened between her and Mariko some nights ago. It explained everything; why Haruna had been talking to her and opening up to her more and why Haruna had been drawing back even more. Haruna was trying to let Yuko in but she was unsure, unsure of the future and basically just about everything. Yuko wasn’t sure if she could convince the girl otherwise but she wanted to be there for the love of her life and work out a way for the both of them.

……Answer me please, where are you? –Yuuchan
Rooftop. –Nyan nyan
Stay there! –Yuuchan

“Go, I’ll cover for both of you.”


The rooftop door clicked open.

“Nyan nyan?”Yuko’s confidence seemed to seep away with every step she took towards the girl. Taking a seat beside the taller girl, Yuko grabbed hold of Haruna and turned the girl towards her. “Nyan nyan, I can’t promise that I won’t make you cry but I can promise I will always make sure you have a smile on your face. I can’t promise that I will love you forever but I can promise that you will be the last person I ever loved. I can’t promise that I won’t hurt you but I can promise that if you are hurting, I will be hurting more,” she paused and took a deep breath just as the taller girl wanted to speak. “Please let me finish. I can’t promise you a lot of things, Nyan nyan…but I can promise that I’ll give you all that I can ever give to you. You mean a lot to me,” Yuko spoke in a panicked whisper, looking down and nervously fidgeting her fingers.

“You mean a lot to me too…”

“What?” Yuko looked up to the girl in front of her, doubtful of what she heard a second ago.

“I said…you mean a lot to me too. Like…like really a lot!” Haruna yelled out the last word, then taking a deep breath before continuing. “Because you meant so much to me, I was afraid to accept you. Because I knew the walls around my heart were slowly being torn down by you, I was afraid that you would be turned off by the me that was in it. Because I knew the past would always be a scar for me, I was afraid that I couldn’t love you as much as you love me. But because I knew I couldn’t win over that nagging little voice in my head telling that I love you,” Haruna paused, gently placing her hands on Yuko’s face and leaned her forehead on the girl’s and said in a firm whisper.

“I love you.”


“Happy 4th year, nyan nyan…” Yuko mumbled, fitting snuggly in front of her girlfriend as they enjoyed each other’s company before needing to head off for another rehearsal. The girlfriend rested her head on the squirrel’s shoulder, nuzzling into Yuko’s neck knowing that her girlfriend loved it.

“Yuuchan, I’ve got you a present.” The shorter girl twisted her body around and watched in anticipation as Haruna reached to the drawer of their bedside table and retrieved a plain black box with a messily tied ribbon on top. “I guessed you wouldn’t really mind the messy ribbon…since you are not Takamina,” Haruna said sheepishly as she watched Yuko unwrapped her present. Sitting in the middle of the box was a delicate crystal squirrel figurine. “I’ve got myself a kitten figurine too,” Haruna said as she took out the other box from the drawer. “I had them engraved our initials at the base as well.”

“The squirrel looked really happy and I want my Yuuchan to be always happy. Especially when she is with me. But yet because this is a figurine, it’s quiet. And that is a side that Yuuchan doesn’t show often to others. This is the part of Yuuchan that is very precious to me because a quiet Yuuchan is a very vulnerable Yuuchan; it is the moment when she’s serious and just a wrong move would result in grave consequences and I am very honoured to always have a part in this. Being a crystal figurine, it is also very delicate and fragile and my Yuuchan is so as well, even though she tried hard to appear otherwise. Taking the figure up to the sunlight,” Haruna paused, placing the squirrel figure on the side of the bed where the sunlight washed into the room through the half drawn curtains. “You can see that the insignificant details of the figurine coming to life; how the crystal shimmers in the sunlight and refracting the light into the many different colours of the rainbow. That’s like my Yuuchan. Those hidden qualities within you will only shine out when you are in the right company and I want to be that one that highlights all your positive qualities.”

Yuko couldn’t believe her ears, slowly taking in everything that her girlfriend had said. Even though they had been together for such a long time, and even though Haruna had been more open in skinship towards Yuko, never once did she say such words to the girl before. Not that she needed to, honestly. She felt her breathing got harder and felt light-headed. All she could do was to stare at her girlfriend lovingly, amazed and thankful to God that this amazing girl here beside her, was hers to keep.

“I love you, Yuuchan. 4 years ago, 4 years later, and for the many 4 more years in the future.” Haruna whispered, gently placing her hands on Yuko’s face and leaning in to give her a shy kiss. A very sweet and shy kiss that spoke of Haruna’s feelings for the girl who had selflessly gave all her love for this cat-like girl over the past few years.

“Let me love you forever.”


I actually spent a lot of time on this piece. Like a lot a lot. LOL.
I started wanting to write KojiYuu with no plot/aim in mind and came up with this somehow in the end. I wanted to address Haruna's lack of skinship towards Yuko and also how it all changes in the end when she found love in that perverted squirrel.

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Re: ~Photo Drabbles~
« Reply #63 on: March 30, 2012, 06:53:04 AM »
awww my kojiyuu so sweet :D.. where i cand find one yuko for me :D... I hope that yuko let free haruna for me cof cof aww thanx :D

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Re: ~Photo Drabbles~
« Reply #64 on: April 02, 2012, 05:27:55 PM »
these drabbles are fantastic! love the variety of pairings and scenarios for each drabble :) its interesting how you use photos to get your ideas in writing these  :thumbup keep up the good work and i hope to see some more kojiyuu drabbles/fics :P

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Re: ~Photo Drabbles~
« Reply #65 on: April 08, 2012, 06:34:46 PM »
Oshiri Kojiyuu

 “Mayuyu! Did anyone tell you…you have a pretty butt!” a voice rang out from behind the quiet girl followed by a loud smack to her butt. The girl jumped in surprise and turned around, coming face to face with Team K’s Yuko, better known as a perverted midget ace. The younger girl gave an awkward smile and inched away from the shorter girl. “You know, I have a pretty butt too!” the ace exclaimed, turning around and sticking out her behind to show the frightened girl.

“Yuko! Can’t you see you are scaring the poor girl!” a voice reprimanded the ace and Mayuyu gave her saviour a grateful smile.

“Nyan nyan! B-but! She does have a pretty ass!!” Yuko inserted, latching herself onto the taller girl and whined. Mayuyu stared at the pair, unsure of what she was supposed to do. “But my nyan nyan has the best butt on earth. The best!” the short girl exclaimed, skilfully reaching behind and gave the taller girl a pinch on her butt, earning a painful smack on her forehead.

“I am sorry for the embarrassing actions from Yuko,” Haruna apologized to Mayuyu, bowing her head. “Don’t mind her. Not all of us are as insane as she is. Sorry,” Haruna apologized once more before dragging the midget out of the room by the collar of her shirt.

“Ma~~~Yu~~~Yu~~~~~~~~Let’s be oshiri sisters~~~~~” Yuko yelled as she was dragged out of the room, making a butt sign with her hands. “We’ll talk more soon!!!!!” 

Mayuyu shuddered.


Majisuka Settings:


It was past visiting hours as Sado quietly slipped into the hospital ward that Yuko was in. Closing the door quietly, she paused as she picked up the faint snoring sounds from the love of her life. A smile crept onto the taller girl’s stoic face.

Yes, Sado loves Yuko. So much that it didn’t mattered to her that the shorter girl couldn’t reciprocate the love because all she could love was Rapappa. Sado didn’t know when she started having feelings for Yuko; maybe it was the day when the crazy girl defeated her or the day when they sat at the top of Majisuka Gakuen admiring the scenery from the top. It didn’t matter because for as long as Sado remembers, Yuko is the one for her.

Taking a seat beside the bed, Sado admired as the girl slept peacefully. If only time could stop, Sado would want it to freeze at this moment because it seemed that the only time when Yuko could be at ease is when she sleeps. Always thinking about Rapappa, about her friends, about the school, Yuko could never give herself the rest she deserved. Even after falling sick, Yuko couldn’t let go of Majisuka Gakuen, draining all her energy to make sure Rapappa is fine.

Sado stroked the sleeping girl’s hair gently, leaning over to give a light kiss on the girl’s forehead. “I love you,” she whispered as she turned to leave the ward.

The sleeping girl stirred in her sleep, gently touching the spot where Sado kissed earlier and smiled.



You don’t know how scary she is when it is unleashed…

Yuko fell back onto her bed as the sentence resonated in her head after Sado left the ward. No one had really seen Torigoya being…well, being Torigoya except her. Her skills were a legend, something that no one had seen before but very much feared since she’s part of the Heavenly Queens; and everyone knows that no one messes with Rapappa unless death is what they are asking for.   


Quietly following the tall girl for a while and observing her unique skill, Yuko wondered if she could really defeat this girl. “Come out from where you are hiding,” an eerie voice called out as Yuko stepped out from behind a pillar. “Why are you following me?” the girl in front of Yuko asked, looking at the shorter girl with a playful yet creepy grin on her face. A hand whooshed up and landed itself on Yuko’s head followed by a very sharp “見えた!”.

“The top will always be a lonely place.”


Yuko shuddered as the advice from Torigoya ringed in her head once again. The latter had looked into her past and picked her weakest point; the fear of being alone. Yuko remembered how she collapsed on the dirty ground once Torigoya let go of her as flashes from her past flew past her eyes; the loneliness felt so real once again and Yuko shivered. 

“Can I look into your head once again?” a spine-chilling voice called out, making Yuko jumped from her bed and looked around, finally spotting a lone figure near the door.

“Torigoya…” Yuko whispered. The figure nodded, walking nearer to the bed and the sick girl couldn’t help but hugged the seemly sinister-looking person. “Please don’t get hurt…” the shorter girl mumbled into Torigoya’s shoulders, tightening the hug.

“I won’t…Because I don’t want Yuko to be lonely at the top.”



The two became friends, or more accurately, more than friends after that trip out of the hospital. Granted that it wasn’t really a trip since Yuko sneaked out, but it definitely make Atsuko open up to Yuko much more than before.  The wannabe nurse came for more shifts and the troublesome patient stopped sneaking out of the hospital. The other nurses and doctors were thankful to Atsuko for being able to somehow tame the wild patient to which the girl humbly smiled and left, not wanting to waste a single second with Yuko.

“I wished that I don’t have to fight anymore.”

Yuko wished that she could help Atsuko fulfill that simple wish but rules are rules. When someone who’s strong comes into the school, she will face challenges until someone stronger defeats her.

Yuko smiled bitterly as she looked at the girl in her arms who was sleeping peacefully. She stroked the healing wound on the edge of Atsuko’s lips, watching as the girl snored softly and giggled a little. Gently removing the stray strand of hair covering her pretty face, the older girl hummed her favorite melody as Atsuko stirred slightly in her sleep.

You know Yuko. She’s nearly fearless. Nearly.

And the one thing that she feared the most wasn’t death nor was it the possible fall of Rapappa after she passed on; it was the fact that one day Atsuko might get hurt more than the superficial wounds she was suffering now because there will be new fights that she will have to go through every day in Majisuka Gakuen.

And that, that scared Yuko. 

“Yuuchan,” a soft voice called out. Yuuchan, that adorable nickname that Atsuko gave to the fearful Yuko-san which brought a smile on the older girl’s face. “Why haven’t you slept?”

“Because I am chasing away all your bad dreams so that you can have a peaceful sleep and get strength for a new day in school later…”

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Re: ~Photo Drabbles~
« Reply #66 on: April 08, 2012, 09:06:47 PM »
Hehe Yuko is spoiled here, she has a lot of partner ^^

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Re: ~Photo Drabbles~
« Reply #67 on: April 08, 2012, 09:46:52 PM »
i love the Crystal fanfic <3 awww..haruna is so lucky for having yuko in her life..

yuko-sanxmayu/sado/torigoya/atsuko <3

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Re: ~Photo Drabbles~
« Reply #68 on: April 09, 2012, 09:09:29 AM »
oh yuko....your love for butts is just amazing  :thumbsup
gahhhh these pairings ! they're so lovely  :D :D sado is just so loyal ! and she even fell in love with yuko
then theres yuko and torigoya  *squeal* just so awesome! torigoya doesnt want yuko to feel lonely :)
and then theres yuko and atsuko :O just too cute!

but its just so depressing that yuko has to die in the end in majisuka :(

thanks for the update  :D

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Re: ~Photo Drabbles~
« Reply #69 on: April 09, 2012, 09:36:23 AM »
Woah~ An Update! ^
I Love the AtsuYuu ones... At first, I thought Yuko was the who was taken care of/The one who's Hurt.. But then, It's the Opposite...
Ah! The Last line (AtsuYuu's) was So Wonderful!
Thanks for the Update! Want moar!
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Re: ~Photo Drabbles~
« Reply #70 on: April 09, 2012, 11:17:47 AM »
I'm loving all these fics~ Please keep posting! <3

Offline tkmnwen

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Re: ~Photo Drabbles~
« Reply #71 on: April 09, 2012, 02:14:13 PM »
I've been writing drabbles randomly at work recently so most of them aren't photo drabbles.  :nervous
Hope you guys don't mind. ;~;


For my oshimen, an amazing little captain who turns 21 this year.

Happy Takamina Day

Being a captain isn’t an easy job. Heck, simply being an AKB48 member isn’t easy period.

But being the captain of the entire fleet of girls in Japan’s most popular girl-group just made it about a hundred times harder. Aki-P must be thanking the Gods up there for being able to discover probably the toughest girl in history to take up such an important task; thanking that he found a Takahashi Minami.

As much as she had said that AKB48 shouldn’t be an end but instead, just a road leading to everyone’s dreams, it is quite evident that AKB48 is Minami’s everything. It is her start, her road and if anything, she wants to be with it till the end. 6 years and counting, Minami has been in this team, giving her all and helping to shape it to where it is today. Minami wants to make this group one that the graduated members would be able to tell everyone proudly that they were once part of this awesome team, one that the trainees would work hard because they want to be part of this amazing team, and one that the existing members would be filled with pride knowing that they were what made AKB48 this wonderful.

And because of all these, Minami gives herself too much pressure.

Many times, the little captain would break down behind closed doors from all the stress before putting on a strong front once again to lead the team forward. Many times, she would quietly pop a pill when she felt sick and carried on, worried that the team will go into chaos without someone holding them together. Many times, she would go out with the members till late, rather not spoiling the fun by leaving early, only to come home and spent her night awake just to plan out the team’s schedule for dance practices together. Many times Minami would sacrifice so much for the team that everyone seemed to take for granted, as though all these were part of Minami’s duties.

“Happy Birthday Minami!” voices behind the captain rang out. Snapping out of her trance, the little captain saw two cakes being brought into the room, lit with 21 candles. A tear quickly escaped the corner of her eyes as her teammates watched in amusement.

“You’ve worked really hard, Takamina,” a solemn looking Mariko said, ruffling the captain’s hair. “On behalf on everyone here…and everyone that’s not, happy birthday. And please, give yourself a break. You know you are allowed to give yourself more space and less responsibility, don’t take it as though you have to do everything yourself…because you don’t,” Mariko paused and watched as Minami took everything in. “And we know you won’t heed the advice anyway because that’s what we had been telling you for the past 2 years.” Mariko added, laughing heartily. The other members laughed along, giving the tough captain hugs and birthday congratulations.

The night crawled on with everyone talking about everything else.

“You know, you are really someone everyone respects. So please, take care of yourself and let us shoulder some of your burden. Especially with Atsuko leaving soon, let us be your support,” Mariko moved to the seat beside the captain and said, hoping with an additional year, the captain will be less stubborn and more cooperative. Minami gave an absent-minded nod and Mariko knew that her words fell on deaf ears once again.

“Oh by the way, Acchan says she will let you bed her if you heed my advice.” Minami snapped her head to Mariko’s direction with her eyes wide open, dropping her jaws.

“Wait!!! What did you say just now? What Acchan? What advice? WHAT?” the captain panicked, grabbing the older girl’s arm and begged her to repeat. Mariko stuck out her tongue and shook her head, refusing to repeat a single word. “B-but!! It’s my birthday today and you should be nice!!” Minami argued, putting on her cutest expression, hoping Mariko would take pity on her.

The older girl stood up and laughed, leaving a bewildered Minami on the sofa, lost and confused.

“Go into the second room on the right. Acchan’s waiting.”


AtsuMina #28

“Say…why are you so clingy lately? Even in public!” The captain asked, pulling her girlfriend to into her embrace gently. The pair had just ended the rehearsals for the next Team A concert and were grabbing the short time to rest before starting another round of practice with the members.

The ace gave a soft whine, pulling Takamina’s arms closer around her and laid comfortably. Knowing that that is the way Acchan avoids questions that she doesn’t wish to answer; Takamina rocked the girl in her arms gently, quietly enjoyed the sweet moment that the pair could rarely share now. 

“Because…soon I won’t be able to do so in public…” the ace mumbled softly, finally letting her girlfriend knows of her insecurity.  The short captain turned the insecure ace around and looked into her sad eyes, closing the gap between their faces with a firm kiss. 

“Well, you can always wait till I get home…Nothing’s going to change ya know? You will always be mine, like how I will always belong to you.”


Somehow after Acchan announced her graduation, she had been very very very clingy towards Takamina. :/ Just thought that I should write something about it as well. ^^

Offline tkmnwen

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Re: ~Photo Drabbles~
« Reply #72 on: May 20, 2012, 04:12:55 PM »
Coming back to post some of the back-logged oneshots/drabbles. ;~;


the case of Haruna's panties;;;

“Nyan nyan, what is this all about?” An agitated squirrel barged into the room, waving Tomochin’s cellphone in the air. Haruna raised her eyebrow in question before being shoved in her face a reply from Mariko to her on twitter. “I saw Tomochin laughing at her phone and asked her what is it, and she show me this!!!”

篠田麻里子‏ @mariko_dayo
Your p-p-p-p-pant◯ can be seen ( *◯ω◯)

Haruna pushed the cellphone out of her face and glared at the over-reacting girl. “I already told her it’s not my panties,” the taller girl replied, sounding bored. “Why are you so…excited?” She added, rolling her eyes and pushing the clingy girl who’s now blushing away.

“I am not excited! I am worried,” the older girl protested, waving her hands in the air as if to prove her point. Haruna scoffed at the answer and walked away, knowing that Yuko’s mind was definitely in the gutters thanks to Mari-chan’s tweet. Silently thanking God that her agency doesn’t allow Yuko to have a twitter, Haruna sent a DM to Mariko to blame her for the Yuko-harassment.

A sudden tight hug from behind surprised Haruna, almost causing her cellphone to fall out of her hands. “I…I only reacted like this because I love Nyan Nyan,” Yuko mumbled into the taller girl’s shoulders.

“And because only I can see Nyan Nyan’s panties.”


gorilla vs squirrel;;;

Some things just don’t change even with time.

Yuko looked at her cellphone and smiled.

One day, I’ll be the one asking you out for lunch first!!! – Akigori 
Never. It’s already so many years. Gorilla sure is shy. – Yuu-chan
Just you wait!!! - Akigori

Yuko had always believed that if the elections meant anything, it probably meant that people are blind to not vote for Sayaka.

Without a doubt, that gorilla is one of the squirrel’s best friends.

They were told to treat each other as rivals, but the old team K had changed the rules on their own; becoming tighter comrades and striving to higher peaks together rather than to fight against each other. And throughout the years that they had been together, 6 years to be exact, Yuko always believed that Sayaka is so much better than herself and there’s so much more to learn from the leader than she couldn’t ever finish doing so.

The shorter girl loves hanging out with Sayaka, loves teasing the leader’s awkwardness around the other members, and loves horsing around with her; basically just doing what friends would normally do. Yuko knows almost everything about Sayaka; the struggles the leader have because of her responsibilities, the disappointments the taller girl felt after elections, the happiness the leader felt whenever something went smoothly…

And all these only made the squirrel respect the gorilla even more.

“Yuuchan! Sorry! Sorry, I am late,” a voice boomed from behind Yuko and a panting Sayaka appeared a second later, both hands clasped in front of her face, apologizing. The shorter girl flipped her cellphone close and frowned, waving her fists at the apologetic girl before breaking out into uncontrollable laughter.

It’s the taller girl’s turn to frown, looking confused at the same time at the giggling girl. “Did…did you seriously think I’ll be angry?” Yuko asked, in between fits of laughter. Sayaka glared at the tickled girl, watching as the mischievous ace made a funny face at her. A smiled crept onto Sayaka’s face and it wasn’t long before she joined in the laughter.

The leader could never stay angry at the ace for long; Yuko knows how to make her feel better when she’s down in the pits, how to poke fun at her without being overboard, and how to give her support even without doing anything much. One thing that the leader knows, no matter how different their ranking might be for the elections, the ace will always be by her side, leading Team K with her and that she can always count on Yuko as a teammate, as a friend. 

“What are you thinking?” the shorter girl poked the leader, who seemed to be caught up in her thoughts. “You are paying for the meal since you are late,” Yuko continued, grinning at her leader then regretting almost immediately when the leader hooked her arm around her neck and pulled her forward.

“You make more money than I do. Stop trying to get free meals from me!!”
“But I have a Nyan Nyan to feed back home!”
“And I have a whole Team K to feed!”

Some things just don’t change even with time.


whiny chiyuu is irresistible chiyuu;;;

"Tomochin~” a whiny voice from behind the girl called out to her just before a pair of arms snaked around her shoulders, pulling Tomochin back. Tomochin made a face; one of the things she dislikes the most was public display of affection, and it just happens that the girl whom she likes loves it. Tomochin peeled away from the girl’s embrace before turning around to look at her.

“Tomomi,” she started, glaring at the Tomomi girl in front of her.

“Tomo~chin…” Tomochin’s eyes softened at once when she heard Tomomi using the unique way of calling her name. If anything, all the telling off that the older girl felt like showering on the other girl died upon looking at Tomomi’s apologetic face.

Yet, Tomochin turned around suddenly, back-facing Tomomi. The sorry girl sighed softly, knowing that she had probably pushed Tomochin to her limits and pissed off the girl. Before she could say anything, the older girl reached behind her to hold the other girl’s hands before clasping them across her waist.

Tomomi let out a soft gasp in surprise, then pulling her girlfriend deeper into her embrace. “Tomo~mi…” the shorter girl started, leaning closer to Tomomi. “I am sorry. I’ll try…to like this…more,” she promised as Tomomi rested her head on the older girl’s shoulder, warm breathe caressing Tomochin’s neck making her hard to concentrate on what she wanted to say. “I love you.”

Tomomi gave Tomochin’s stomach a playful jab before turning her girlfriend around, cupping the shorter girl’s face and giving her a chaste kiss.

“I love you too.”



Natsumi could feel her feet protesting in pain while she continued to battle it out with the shorter girl; no one is giving each other a chance for to catch a breath, stealing nervous glances at each other hoping one will give up first. Umechan is so close to throwing her hands up and waving the white flag when she bit down on her lips, drawing blood to get the temporary boost of strength to continue on.

Tomomi clings onto Yuka’s arm as they looked at the arguably best dancers in AKB48 gave their all in this impromptu challenge. It all started with Yuko’s innocent comment of “Natsumi! I think you danced the best for today’s End Roll performance! I love watching you dance!”. Tomomi thinks it’s probably Umechan’s time of the month; it’s really uncharacteristic of the short girl to be this scary unless it involves a certain kenkyuusei. Yuka thinks it’s probably that kenkyuusei that Umechan set her sights on had rejected her; Umechan had been acting beyond stalkerish and touchy towards the poor kenkyuusei who goes by the nickname of Micha.

“Woo waaaaaaaah! You guys are dancing!” A loud voice echoed the tense studio as a squirrel popped her head in and exclaimed. It wasn’t long before the clueless girl stood in between the pair and did a crazy dance, failing to recognise the tension in the air.

Yuka gave herself a mental facepalm before leaning over to cover Tomomi’s eyes, muttering softly, “Don’t look, it might get bloody. You don’t want to see a dead squirrel”.

Offline sakura_drop_

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Re: ~Photo Drabbles~
« Reply #73 on: May 31, 2012, 08:33:55 PM »
So, I 'thank you' it, but I did not comment, so...

KojiYuu  :wub: :wub: :wub:

Yuko-sama will always be the pervy Yuko-sama, nee? But I like her serious mode, too... What I'm saying?! I love Yuko-sama the way she is, all, everything about her  :wub: :wub: :wub:

Thank you for these wonderful drabbles  :bow: :bow:
« Last Edit: May 31, 2012, 10:22:55 PM by sakura_drop_ »
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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Re: ~Photo Drabbles~
« Reply #74 on: May 31, 2012, 10:07:05 PM »
i love the gorilla-squirrel relationship..LOL..And kojiyuu <3..

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