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Author Topic: Portraits (Atsumina) Chapter 4 Part 2  (Read 54145 times)

Offline Hitobo

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Re: Portraits (Atsumina) Chapter 1 Part 3
« Reply #20 on: April 09, 2012, 11:52:01 PM »
@ilovecandiedapples: Thanks for replying! Yes, the flower does symbolize a blossoming love, though that wasn't really my original intention in writing that scene.  It just kind of turned out that way, and I'm glad that you were able to pick up on it.  The metaphor is not all too important to the story, though, since it wasn't in my original plans.

@Haruko: Thanks for the reply!  I'm glad you like it.

@saeyukilover: Exactly! And thank you! :)

@badsaints: Hmm... I wonder who those three were...  You have quite the theory in mind.  Are you spot on, or as far from the mark as possible?  Or maybe somewhere in between?  And why is Atsuko acting so strangely?  We'll see... Thanks for replying; I'm glad to hear that you like the writing style.

@kahem: Thanks for the reply!  And yes, to be honest, I tried to make Takamina seem as hopeless as possible.  Hopefully it wasn't too much...

@Nakamii: Thanks for replying!  And yes, it's Atsumina.  Just bear with it a bit longer.  Believe me; I wasn't lying in my opening post.

I'm glad to see that the story has captured the interests of so many readers.  Who were the three spies?  Who were Atsuko and Minami caught spying on?  Who was/is Atsuko's crush?  As Chapter 1 nears its end, I believe more questions will come forth.  However, Chapter 2 will certainly bring answers to many of these questions.

I'd like to write a bit more of the story before I make another update, so expect Chapter 1 Part 4 in a few days at the earliest.

And yes, this story is Atsumina. I apologize if the karaoke scene was a bit confusing.  At this point in the story Minami and Haruna's romantic relationship has ended.  However, I felt it necessary to illustrate their strong friendship, as the Minami in this story thrives more on friendship than love (momentarily, anyhow).  Of course, there's also the matter of how the other characters react to the closeness Minami and Haruna share.

For those of you that found the Minami/Haruna karaoke duet a bit odd or hard to imagine, that is actually one of the scenes that I based off a real event.  (See video below.  Thanks go to Cookai16.)

« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 05:35:39 AM by Hitobo »

Offline Hitobo

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Re: Portraits (Atsumina) Chapter 1 Part 3
« Reply #21 on: April 14, 2012, 05:39:38 AM »
     //Why is my heart beating so quickly?//
     Ignorant of Minami’s discomfort, Atsuko lightly blew on the wound she’d caused, not noticing as the other girl froze in reaction to the gesture.  “It’s just a scrape and a small bump, though you might end up with a bruise.  I’m so sorry, Minami.”
     //Why is my chest so tight?  And why does my stomach feel so strange?//
     “A-Acchan, I think I need to r-rest; my heart it beating pretty quickly and I-I don’t feel so well.”
     Atsuko looked at Minami with worry filled eyes.  “I’ll help you into one of those chairs. C’mon, stand up.”
     It was the familiar sound of a displeased person clearing her throat to gain attention.  Minami and Atsuko both froze in their ministrations and slowly looked up to find a certain couple looking down at them disapprovingly.  Caught red-handed, the two cast sheepish, guilty smiles at the pair.

An AKB48 Fan Fiction
Chapter 1, Part 4

_   _   _   _   _

     Humans have complex emotions; it’s one of the things that most sets them apart from other animals.  Love; hate; joy; jealousy; these are but a handful of many such emotions.
     Humans also make mistakes.
     Contrary to popular belief, Takahashi Minami is, indeed, human.
     Amidst the overlooked seeds of love in Minami’s heart, a dark seed sat germinating.

_   _   _   _   _

     “I’m getting a solo song! Can you believe it?”  Atsuko squealed as she stepped through the doorway behind Minami.  Crossing the lobby swiftly, she ran up and pulled a stunned Minami from her seat and into a hug.
     “I’m sorry, could you repeat that?” Minami asked, glancing up at an elated Atsuko.
     Atsuko let out another excited squeal.  “I’m going solo!”
     “That’s great!” Minami cheered, doing her best to show her excitement for her friend.  “Congratulations, Atsuko.”
     “I can’t believe it!  I have to go call my family.  Don’t go anywhere, okay?  Promise?”
     Minami cast Atsuko a small nod and a wry smile, but in her current state of elation Atsuko didn’t notice Minami’s sudden sullen demeanor.  Minami gave a slight wave as Atsuko left the small lobby area, turning once to look back at Minami with a wide grin.
     I’m happy for you, Atsuko, Minami thought with a sigh, collapsing into the chair from which Atsuko had pulled her out of excitedly just a minute before.  I really am, which is why I’m scared of this ugly feeling that just washed over me.
     Minami knew this feeling; it was jealousy, through and through.  It was the same thing she’d felt when Tomochin’s solo was announced.
     There goes another friend, living my dream.  Minami hung her head over the back of the chair with a grunt of disgust.  Her eyes quickly focused on the item before them, albeit upside down.  It was a doorway with a placard next to it, leading to an office with which she was familiar.  In her current emotional state she probably wouldn’t think twice about going into said office and discussing graduation.
     After all, it was beginning to seem that her dream of a solo career would not be possible while she was still in AKB.
     She stood from her chair and moved slowly across the room in a trance-like state, coming to a halt before the door.  How long she was standing there staring, she didn’t know.  Her heart was screaming one thing while her mind was screaming another.  Hesitantly, she lifted her hand to knock on the door.
     “Minami?” a concerned voice called out, and Minami shot her head around to find that Atsuko had returned.  “Is everything okay?”
     “Yeah,” Minami replied with a smile.  “Everything’s fine.  I’m fine.”
     Atsuko tilted her head curiously.  “Did you have an appointment with Akimoto-sensei, too?”
     “No, no,” Minami stuttered, shaking her head in fervent denial.  “No, I’m only here because you asked me to accompany you.”
     “Okay,” Atsuko said slowly, her voice laced with suspicion.  “Shall we go then?”
     “Let’s!” Minami agreed, running up beside her.  It was clear that her sudden change in behavior only strengthened Atsuko’s doubts, but the taller girl did not question her any further.  The two turned to leave in silence.  After a few steps Atsuko reached down to grab Minami’s hand, an affection which Minami realized she had long since grown used to; it was something that felt natural.  As they stood waiting for the elevator Minami gave Atsuko’s hand a light squeeze.
     “Thanks, Atsuko,” she said honestly.
     “You’re welcome, but… for what?”
     “For being here,” Minami replied, earning a blush from Atsuko.  You saved me from making a very big mistake.
_   _   _

     Minami was overcome by a strange sensation as she stood on the set behind Atsuko, her eyes focused on the other girl’s back.  The band was placed around them, ready to play.  The song had started flawlessly, yet as they continued Minami almost missed the cue.  Admittedly, her mind had been elsewhere.
     The two were on television, Atsuko performing her single, “Flower,” and Minami performing as her back up.  And although Minami’s role was only that of back-up, she was elated at the chance to sing with Atsuko.  Despite her initial feelings at the news of Atsuko’s single, Minami had fallen in love with the song instantly.  Performing it today brought her no worries; she’d memorized it almost immediately after she’d first heard it.
     Here she was, singing on a stage with Atsuko, something they’d done numerous times before, and yet… something felt different.  Perhaps it was because it was nearly a duet?  Or maybe it was because she was behind Atsuko, and not beside her.
     No; it wasn’t that it felt different.  Simply feeling ‘different’ wouldn’t affect her this way.  No, Minami had been caught off-guard because it all felt so comfortably natural.  Supporting Atsuko, singing a song with her, basking in her smiles; these were all things Minami suddenly understood were natural to her.  She smiled as the realization washed over her.
     Bringing her focus back to the song, she was relieved as the performance ended flawlessly.  Being together with Atsuko was indeed natural for Minami.  As she stood studying Atsuko’s back during the applause, she couldn’t help but to think that she didn’t want it any other way.
_   _   _

     //Not again.//
     With a huff, Minami reached a hand up behind her ear to find that the flower from last time was still there.  Heaving a sigh in defeat, she once again began trudging toward the small light in the distance.  The song she was always humming quickly returned to mind, and the sound filtered out into the nothingness that surrounded her.
     //I’m stuck in this awful dream once more.//
     “You know, little flower,” she began, giving a small chuckle at the idea of her talking to a flower.  “I wish you could tell me where the heck we are.  That light never gets any closer.”  She nodded towards said light, as if the flower needed clarification.  “Here I am in the middle of nowhere with nothing but you and that song to keep me company.  The other members tell me that I hum it all the time, but to be honest, I never noticed until now.  I’m not even sure as to why it would be that song, but… it’s not a bad song, so I’m not complaining.  There must be some reason behind it, right?”
     Minami paused and reached a hand behind her head as she smiled sheepishly.  Realizing that in the end she was still talking with a flower in the dark in a dream, she hung her head in shame.  With a sigh she took another step forward but paused yet again, her face contorting in thought.  Looking up in a double-take, a smile reached her lips.
     “Look, we’ve gotten closer!” she shouted, running towards the light.  As she drew even closer she could now tell that the light was filtering through a small window, about the size and shape of a ship’s porthole.  Suddenly she crashed over a large, hard object, falling to the floor with no amount of grace.  The small flower fell to the floor as well, going unnoticed by Minami.  Rubbing her backside, she stood up and scowled at that which had assaulted her. 
     “Why is there a chair here, in the middle of nowhere?” she mumbled, righting the chair so that she could take a seat, though cautiously.  (She sighed. Even in her dreams she was hesitant to take a seat, after the pranks they’d pulled on her.)  Minami was a bit startled to find that the chair retained some warmth, but from what?  It hadn’t been in the light when she’d arrived.
     //The light…//
     Turning to the source of the light behind her, another important question came to mind.  “Never mind the chair, why is there a window in the middle of nowhere?” she grunted.  “How is there a window?”  Minami stood and moved the chair below the window, climbing atop easily.  However, try as she might, she could not see through it.  With a huff she sat back down and closed her eyes.

     “May I please wake up now?” she asked in frustration.

     “Please do, Takamina,” a gentle voice said beside her, and Minami awoke with a start to find she was in a van, seated next to Haruna. 
     “Where am I?” she asked groggily, sitting upright. 
     “We’re in a van, on the way back to the theater after a no3b event.”
     Seeing that Minami was still confused, Haruna pointed to a spot on her shirt.  “You were talking in your sleep, and you were beginning to drool.  I’d rather you didn’t drool on my blouse.”
     Minami looked up to see that despite her scolding words, Haruna was smiling kindly.  “Sorry, Kojiharu.  And thanks for letting me sleep on your shoulder.”
     “Don’t worry about it,” Haruna replied with a light laugh.  “Strange dream?”
     “Probably,” Miichan piped in from behind them, her head appearing over the backs of their seats.  “The same thing happened a little while ago, when I’d spent the night at her house.  When she woke up she couldn’t even remember why I was there.”
     Haruna turned to Minami with her brow raised in curiosity.  “Care to share?”
     “Not really, no.”
     Disappointed that Minami was being so reserved, Haruna smirked before resting her hand atop Minami’s head.  Closing her eyes for a moment, she opened them again with a grin.  “I saw it!” she exclaimed, earning a glare from one Minami and a laugh from the other.
     “Knock it off,” Minami said, swiping Haruna’s hand away.  “You want me to tell you what’s wrong, but this is exactly why I can’t hold a serious conversation with either of you, not to mention both of you together.”
     “Relax, Captain,” Miichan drawled, grasping Minami’s shoulders.  “We’re just poking a little fun.  C’mon, now; you just admitted there’s something wrong, so you might as well tell us.  I mean, if you can’t tell us, then who can you tell?”
     Minami glanced between Miichan and Haruna and sighed.  The youngest no3b member was right.  Miichan was at the top of her of list of people that she could be open with, and Haruna was not far behind.  Shifting in her seat, Minami settled her gaze on the headrest in front of her as she spoke.
     “I’ve been having weird dreams lately.”
     “Tell us something we don’t know,” Miichan teased, earning a smack in the arm from Haruna.
     “There’s not much to say.  I’m in the middle of nowhere, darkness all around.  In the first dream there was nothing but a faint light, so I began walking towards it.”
     Haruna and Miichan both stared at Minami, aghast.
     “What?” Minami grunted.
     “Takamina!” Miichan exclaimed, shaking Minami by the shoulders.  “Don’t you know?  You should never walk towards the light!  You should run away from it!  Very, very quickly!”
     “She’s right!” Haruna gasped, at the same time saving Minami from Miichan’s grasp.  “We could have lost you!”
     Minami scowled at their teasing, as if to say, ‘This is why I didn’t want to talk about it’. 
     Miichan, unhappy with Minami’s sudden silence, poked the distraught girl in the cheek.  “What else, Takamina?”
     “There was a flower.  I don’t know what kind, I can’t see it, but I know it’s a flower.  I picked it up and carried it with me.”  Minami heaved a sigh and continued.  “In the first dream I never made it to the light, but in the dream just now, I did.”
     “I’m glad to see you’re still with us,” Miichan mumbled, earning a glare from Minami and a giggle from Haruna.
     “And?” Haruna asked, prodding Minami to continue.
     Minami sighed.  “The light was streaming through a window, though how there was a window, I don’t know.  And there was a chair.  It was warm.”
     “How so?” Haruna prodded her again, genuinely intrigued.
     “Almost like-” Minami began, trailing off in mild shock.
     “Almost like?” Miichan repeated.
     “Almost like… someone had been waiting in it,” Minami whispered, only just now realizing the cause.  Miichan and Haruna shared quick glances.  It was obvious to them that Minami had not wanted to continue any further.  Still, it certainly was a strange dream, and both of them were eager to hear more about it.
_   _   _

     ///“How about a movie?”
     “I don’t know, Atsuko, it’s kind of late.”

     Minami glanced at the girl sleeping peacefully beside her.  They were seated in the back of a cab on the way home to Atsuko’s house, having left the movie theater not too long ago.  (Always see Atsuko home first; it was a part of Minami’s chivalrous side that she never failed to execute.)  Atsuko had rested her head on Minami’s shoulder and within minutes had fallen asleep.  Minami always is the best pillow, after all; Atsuko would swear by that fact.
     The slumbering idol had called Minami a few hours ago, insisting that the two go out to catch one of the film industry’s latest releases.  The film was rather mediocre and a bit predictable, Minami felt, but Atsuko had been smiling the entire time.  Minami eventually found it more interesting to watch Atsuko’s reactions instead of the film.  Now she sat watching Atsuko’s slumbering face.  As busy as she was, Atsuko had been adamant about going out tonight with Minami; she simply wouldn’t take no for an answer.  Her schedule was obviously taking a toll on her, and Minami was both a bit disappointed and honored that the other idol was risking her health to be with her.
     As the cab rounded a corner Atsuko mumbled something in her sleep.
     “What was that, Atsuko?”
     The sleeping Atsuko made no reply, but…
     //“This was fun, like a date.”//
     Minami gulped nervously, suddenly remembering Atsuko’s words from right after the film had ended.  They had been outside, idly spending time with each other while waiting for a vacant cab.  Atsuko had saddled up to her, taken her hand, and with a bright smile (too bright for that time of night)…
    //“This was fun, like a date.”//
     Minami felt her face grow red as the words repeated in her mind.  How was tonight different from any of the other times they had gone to see a film together?  The cab hit a bump and Minami lifted an arm to brace the sleeping beauty beside her.  Atsuko’s head began to slip so Minami gently guided it from her shoulder to her lap.
     //“You know, Minami…”A hesitant whisper.
     “Hmm?  What is it?” A curious pout.
     “No, it’s nothing.” A cowardly shake of the head.
     “Aww, c’mon, Atsuko, that’s not fair!  What were you going to say?” A grasp of the hand.
     “Well, it’s kind of silly.” A small, embarrassed blush.
     “Try me.” A serious expression.
     “Sometimes I feel like we’ll be together forever.”//

     Minami absentmindedly stroked her fingers through Atsuko’s hair.
     “Forever, huh?” she thought, gazing down at her friend.  It’d be nice if there were such a possibility.  As she studied Atsuko’s face a warm smile crept upon her lips.  “You’re most beautiful when you sleep, Atsuko,” she whispered, sighing contently.
     Wait… (A pause.)
     What? (A blush.)
     Beautiful?  Well, sure, yeah, Atsuko certainly is beautiful, but I think all the others are too…
     Wait, why is my heart beating like this?  It’s just like when we were spying on-

     “Minami, are you feeling alright?”
     “Eh?” Minami squeaked, jumping in her seat as best she could while wearing a seat belt.
     “You were making a lot of silly faces,” Atsuko continued as she sat up drowsily.  “Are you okay?”
     “Oh, yeah, sure.  I’m fine.  Just fine.”  Minami blabbered, earning disbelieving looks from both Atsuko and the cab driver.  “Umm…” She gulped nervously.  “Acchan, h-how long have you’ve been awake?”
     “About half a minute.  Minami, you’re rambling.  Are you sure you feel fine?”  Atsuko gently touched her forehead to Minami’s, earning a gasp from the short-statured idol.
     Why is my stomach suddenly full of butterflies?
     “You don’t seem to have a fever,” Atsuko said with a sigh of relief.  “I’d feel horrible if you’d wound up sick because of my selfish request.”
     Oh, no; Atsuko’s feeling guilty.  I have to do something, quick.
     Wait, why do I have to do something?
     Because she’s my friend, and I don’t want her to be sad.
     Right; she’s my friend.

     “Don’t worry, Acchan; I feel fine, really,” Minami assured her with a sheepish smile.  “There’s nothing to feel guilty about.  Even if we hadn’t gone to that movie I would probably be up this late anyways.  Honestly, I’m more worried about you.”
     Atsuko clasped her hands together and stared down at them in her lap.  “Even so, I was still being selfish.  It’s just that…”
     Ah, crap, Minami thought, panicking as she stared at Atsuko.  Those are tears.  She’s about to cry.  What do I do?  I can’t handle crying people…
     “It’s just that, I’m going to be really busy with filming soon and no3b just released a single so your schedule will get busier so I wanted to spend one last evening with you while I could a-and-”
     “Atsuko.”  Minami whispered her friend’s name as she reached out to embrace the about-to-cry woman.  “There’s nothing wrong with being selfish from time to time.  You can always be selfish around me.  I like the selfish Atsuko.”
     Atsuko gave a small laugh as she wiped at her eyes.  The cab pulled up in front of Atsuko’s house then, and Minami quickly escorted her out of the cab to her door. Seeing Atsuko successfully unlock her door, Minami said a quick goodbye and turned on her heels.  Walking back to the cab, she paused when she heard Atsuko call out to her.
     “Thank you, Minami.  I love you, really.”
     “Heh, I know,” she replied with a small wave.  “You tell me that all the time.”  But this is the first time my heart has skipped a beat because of it.
_   _   _   _   _

     As easily as Minami and Atsuko had grown close, they also grew distant.  Each had a growing career, and as Minami appeared as a guest on more television shows and Atsuko landed roles in more movies and dramas, they soon lost time for each other.  Mails were shared and phone calls made, but there was a difference between such contact and being with someone in person.
_   _   _   _   _

     Minami hummed quietly on her walk down the hallway, practice having ended not long ago.  It was a song that seemed to always make its way into her head over the years, but most especially of late.  Having walked the path thousands of times she walked on auto-pilot, not really paying much attention to her surroundings, a reflex which allowed her thoughts to wander.
     Today’s practice had been another success.  The newer members continued to try their hardest and the veteran members ‘kept up the good work’.  Minami spent most of the practice watching the others, stepping in to help out where needed.  From time to time she caught herself spacing out, remembering old times with the others, both good and bad.
     The first time Acchan and she danced next to each other…
     The time that Meetan successfully harassed every member in the span of one rehearsal…
     The time that Yuko tried (and failed) to do the same…
     The first time that she heard their single on the radio, the experience filling her body with euphoria.  She was one step closer to her dream…
     The time Acchan slipped and fell during the middle of their routine.  Minami had been the first to reach her side, and Acchan had thankfully stood up laughing with little more than a bruised rear-end.
     The time Mariko finally joined the group, fitting in with the others seamlessly.  Minami was relieved to know that she had worried for no reason…
     The time that she consoled Amina after the girl’s disappointment with the Iiwake Maybe video.  (The girl deserved more than she received, and Minami hoped to convey that.  It may have been a small mistake on her part, though, as Amina seemed to have fallen in love with her after the fact.)
     The time that Haruna pulled her aside to confide in her…
     The time that she consoled Akicha…
     …and Tomochin…
     …and Maachan…
     …and Acchan. (Here, Minami smiled unknowingly.) Always Acchan…
     (Okay, so she did a lot of consoling.  That was one of the responsibilities of being a captain, was it not?  Even though she found herself consoling members from all of the teams, not just Team A.)
     The time that Acchan led her by the hand (and every time after)…
     The times she argued with Myao…
     (This thought brought a frown to her face, but it was quickly replaced with a smile.)
     The time that Miichan fell asleep in the middle of rehearsal, standing with her eyes wide open…
     The time that Tomochin attempted to give her a complete fashion makeover… and failed…
     The multiple times the group learned about overseas performances…
     The first time Accchan hugged her (and every time after)…
     And then it dawned on her:
     Most of her fond memories involved Atsuko.
     I miss her, Minami thought, pausing a moment as she rounded the corner and approached the stairwell. I miss Atsuko.
     Atsuko had grown busier lately with her drama schedules and the two had not had much time to spend together.  Minami was not lonely; she continually hung out with the others, particularly Miichan.  In the end, though, it was hard to ignore the fact that the girl she had grown used to seeing nearly every day was no longer hers to see.  Acchan was moving on with her dream, and Minami was still here in the halls of AKB, a place she undoubtedly loved.  She was also busy, turning down Miichan’s invitation to dinner tonight in hopes of gaining a couple extra hours of sleep.
     Just then the sound of mumbling and a door slowly shutting reached Minami’s ears and she slowed down, approaching the bottom of the stairwell cautiously.  Her humming dwindled as quickly as her nerves.
    I spaced off again.
       “Hello?” she called out hesitantly, stepping down from the last step.  “Is somebody there?”
   There were more muffled whisperings and Minami gulped as she slowly took a few more steps down the hallway.  Opening her mouth to speak again, she jumped in surprise when the door she passed flew open.  In the next instant she was pulled into a small practice room, her mouth covered by her abductor’s hand.
     Beginning to panic, Minami took a moment to calm down and ponder her situation.  The hold was by no means romantic, but it was strong and protective. Most importantly, it was familiar.  I know this embrace, these strong arms.  Minami relaxed into the person holding her and her suspicions were confirmed when she heard a familiar voice.
     “You recognized me, huh?” the captor said, releasing her grip on Minami.
     “It wasn’t hard to figure out,” Minami replied, turning to face the Team K captain.
     “Nice song you were humming there, by the way.  It’s one of my favorites,” Sayaka complimented before singing.  “Hajimete kimi to…” ++
     Minami’s eyes narrowed menacingly, ceasing Sayaka’s singing prematurely.  “Why did you drag me in here like that?” she asked, not letting Sayaka stray from the matter at hand.
     The older girl grinned mischievously.  “I’m kidnapping you.”
     “Eh?!” Minami gasped, her eyes bulging incredulously.  “Why?”
     Sayaka crossed her arms and looked down at Minami.  “The answer to that is because somebody,” here she paused to indicate Minami with a fierce stare, causing the shorter girl to gulp involuntarily, “turned down Miichan’s invitation, so now I have to do things the hard way.”
     “You’ll see.  Let’s go,” Sayaka instructed, placing her hands on Minami’s shoulders and turning the short girl around, pushing her back through the door from which they’d come.  “Forward, march!”

     A chorus of voices greeted Minami as she and Sayaka stepped into a private room at a restaurant the group frequently patronized.
     “What’s this for?” Minami gasped in disbelief, facing the whole of Team K before her.
     Sayaka stepped up beside her and led her to an empty seat in the middle of the group.  “This is Team K’s thank you to you, Takamina.  You’ve done a lot over the past few years for the better of AKB as a whole, not just for you or Team A.  We wanted to say thank you so we’ve thrown this party.”
     “Oh, I see,” Minami muttered, still in shock as she took in the familiar faces surrounding her.  “Wait, why is Paru here?” she asked, seeing Haruna standing at Yuko’s side.
     “Eh, just ignore her presence,” Miichan said, answering Haruna’s pout with a teasing smile.  “She and Yuko are kind of like a two-for-one.”
     “Oh,” Minami replied as she finally sat down, not quite comprehending the answer.
     “Am I late?” a voice asked melodically from the doorway and Minami instantly turned to see Atsuko standing there with a warm smile.
     “Atsuko…” The name escaped her lips as Minami stared at her friend, her voice barely above a whisper.
     “Acchan!  Just in time!” Sae shouted excitedly, rushing over and guiding Atsuko to sit beside Minami.  “We were afraid you wouldn’t make it!”
     “I wouldn’t dare miss this.”
     Minami blinked at the sight of the girl next to her in confusion.  “First Kojiharu, and now Acchan?  I thought this was a Team K thank you party.”
     “Huh?” Sayaka grunted with her classic gorilla expression.  “You don’t know?”
     Minami shook her head.  “Know what?”
     “It’s kind of like an unwritten rule in AKB,” Tomochin offered with a sly smile, stepping behind Minami and resting her hand on Minami’s shoulder.
     “What is?” Minami asked, only growing more confused as she saw Atsuko look away from her with a small laugh, albeit red-faced.
     “Where there is Takamina, there shall also be Acchan,” Yuko declared dramatically, a wide grin on her face.
     “Or something like that,” Sayaka stated, wincing as she watched Haruna smack Yuko in the back of the head.  “Besides, she’s also done quite a lot for the benefit of the whole group.”
     “Should we ask her to leave?” Umechan asked with a devilish grin.
     “N-no!” Minami shouted, half-rising from her seat, and the others paused and stared at her in silence.  “I-I mean, she’s here now, so she might as well stay, right?” With a hand behind her head, Minami smiled sheepishly in an attempt to mask her outburst.  Somehow her face grew even redder as she heard a slight giggle from beside her.
     “Oh, c’mon, Bakamina!  Just admit that you miss her already!” Miichan shouted, rolling her eyes at Minami’s classic failure behavior.
     The others’ laughter filled the room, and Minami sat back down in embarrassment.  Minami was not the only one growing red at this point, and Atsuko had long since given up trying to hide her face from the others.
     “Alright, that’s enough teasing.”  Minami glanced up to see Tomochin stepping into the role of savior and gave the young woman that was one of her best friends a thankful smile.  “We invited her here to thank her, not to tease her.”
     Sayaka nodded a confirmation.  “She’s right; let’s show the midget captain how we say thank you, Team K style!”
     “Here here!”
     “Long live Takamina!”
     “Woohoo! I’m singing first!” Ucchii shouted as she ran to the karaoke machine, having beaten Ayarin, Tanamin, and Reinyan in janken.
     As the festivities began, Minami couldn’t help but to feel happiness from the image before her.  The room was filled with smiles and cheering, and each member took the time to stop by and say their thanks.  Feeling a hand on hers, Minami turned to find Atsuko smiling at her, the other girl enjoying the party as much as anyone.
     “I missed you too,” Acchan whispered, her breath tickling Minami’s ear.  The sensation brought a bright blush to Minami’s cheeks.
     “Hey, Takamina-san, you’re up!” Moeno called from across the room, where Micha and Sakippe had just finished singing.
     “R-right!” Minami shouted, standing up as she felt Atsuko give her hand a small squeeze.
     What’s wrong with me? she thought as she walked over to the karaoke machine, her heart beating quickly.  “Th-thanks,” she stuttered as a smirking Yui stooped to retrieve the microphone.
     “What would you like to sing?” Yonechan asked her, having taken over the job of manning the selection system.  Tomochan sat beside her, scanning the options diligently.
     “Eh?” Minami squeaked, caught off guard for the second time that night, having been lost in her thoughts yet again.    “Umm… surprise me, I guess?”
     “Ooh, let me, I’ll pick for her!” Miichan shouted, running across the room and quickly making a selection.  Seeing the information on the screen, Yuko and Sayaka sent Miichan approving nods.
     Gripping the microphone and not quite understanding what she was feeling as she stood there looking over her friends (her gaze lingering on a certain member), Minami began the song expertly.
     “Kore kara donna mirai ga matte itemo You & I boku wa kimi wo hanasanai…”****
End Chapter 1, Part 4
**** “YOU & I,” copyright Shimizu Shota and Mastersix Foundation.  Released January 26, 2011.  The opening lines (repeated in the song) were used in this chapter.  “What kind of future is waiting for us after this?  You and I, I won't let you go.”
++Again, this song's legal information will be shared at a later point.

Woohoo!  An update!  Although it's a bit shorter than the previous parts, but... I did say that it would be.  Hopefully this part has helped to convince the doubters that this story is, indeed, an Atsumina story.

The sequence of memories that Takamina remembers are a mix of fictional happenings imagined by yours truly and real incidents that I learned about in my research.  Also, I'd like to state that I don't have anything against Myao; I needed a minor antagonist for a couple parts, so I decided to play off the rumored animosity between Myao and Takamina.  There have only been a couple hints thus far, but in the next part it's more prominent, so I felt that I should put out a little disclaimer.

Also, in regard to the Team K scene, I apologize if I offended anyone.  Regrettably, I don't know much about all of the members, so if I portrayed them in what you deemed to be a blasphemous manner then again, I apologize.  I meant no harm by it.  Also, I know that Yonechan is (sadly) no longer in AKB, but at the point in the story's timeline at which that scene took place she was still a member.
As for the next update, as stated before, I'd like to write more of the story before updating (in a mediocre attempt to not use up what I have completed too quickly.)  Chapter 1 only has one more part, and while it is rather short compared to all the others, it is arguably one of the most important.

I hope that you've all enjoyed the story thus far.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2019, 12:51:36 AM by Hitobo »

Offline Haruko

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Re: Portraits (Atsumina) Chapter 1 Part 4
« Reply #22 on: April 14, 2012, 07:28:23 AM »
atsumina so cute... come minami make your wifey happy ok :D

Offline Megumi

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Re: Portraits (Atsumina) Chapter 1 Part 4
« Reply #23 on: April 14, 2012, 04:31:44 PM »

Thank you for your update!
ArígatoU! :kneelbow:
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline Kid_Alpha

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Re: Portraits (Atsumina) Chapter 1 Part 4
« Reply #24 on: April 15, 2012, 11:35:52 PM »
I really like how you're fitting your story into an actual timeline, I don't know it has a sense of realism.

Always looking forward to updates~ :thumbup

Offline staringatme

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Re: Portraits (Atsumina) Chapter 1 Part 4
« Reply #25 on: April 16, 2012, 01:18:03 PM »
This is getting really good.
I'm usually too lazy to comment but I can't wait for your next update.


Offline kahem

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Re: Portraits (Atsumina) Chapter 1 Part 4
« Reply #26 on: April 21, 2012, 09:52:14 PM »
Great end of chapter and Team K FTW! Good job!

Offline hott3stson3

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Re: Portraits (Atsumina) Chapter 1 Part 4
« Reply #27 on: April 23, 2012, 05:16:30 AM »
ehem. Hitobo-san.
To be honest, I've been supporting you since the start of this Fic. but I've been lurking in the shadows. Gomen!  :nervous
 I need some Atsumina loving  :)

Offline saeyukilover

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Re: Portraits (Atsumina) Chapter 1 Part 4
« Reply #28 on: April 23, 2012, 07:27:54 PM »

 :) :) :) :) atsumina  :) :) :) :)

 :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: w8t for the nxt update!! :)

Offline Hitobo

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Re: Portraits (Atsumina) Chapter 1 Part 4
« Reply #29 on: April 24, 2012, 05:44:57 AM »
@Haruko: I'm glad that you're enjoying the story.
@Megumi: You're welcome! Thanks for reading.
@Kid_Alpha: As stated before, a more realistic story is what I was aiming for, so I'm glad the format has been successful so far.  Thanks for appreciating that aspect (and for reading).
@staringatme: Wow.  I'm honored that my story has drawn you out of the shadows; I feel a bit pressured now! I hope that you won't be disappointed with future updates.
@kahem: Lol, thanks!
@hott3stson3: Don't worry, I'll update soon.  Thanks for your support thus far.
@saeyukilover: The next update will come, I promise!

To all readers:

Thank you for reading my story thus far.  Fear not: I've not abandoned all of you or the story.

Actually, while re-reading what I have completed I discovered a rather serious flaw, and it's something that has proven difficult to correct.  Unfortunately, it deals with Chapter 1 Part 5 (I said it was an important part!), so I can't post more just yet.  Please be patient just a bit longer; I do hope to update soon.

Thank you for all of your support!

Until the next update,

Offline Hitobo

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Re: Portraits (Atsumina) Chapter 1 Part 4
« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2012, 05:48:48 AM »
Chapter 1 Part 5, as promised.

Disclaimer: As stated in my ending notes last time, I have nothing against Myao.  I needed an antagonist so I decided to play off the rumored animosity between her and Takamina.

     //What’s wrong with me?// she thought as she walked over to the karaoke machine, her heart beating quickly.  “Th-thanks,” she stuttered as a smirking Yui stooped to retrieve the microphone.
     “What would you like to sing?” Yonechan asked her, having taken over the job of manning the selection system.  Tomochan sat beside her, scanning the options diligently.
     “Eh?” Minami squeaked, caught off guard for the second time that night, having been lost in her thoughts yet again.  “Umm… surprise me, I guess?”
     “Ooh, let me, I’ll pick for her!” Miichan shouted, running across the room and quickly making a selection.  Seeing the information on the screen, Yuko and Sayaka sent Miichan approving nods.
     Gripping the microphone and not quite understanding what she was feeling as she stood there looking over her friends (her gaze lingering on a certain member), Minami began the song expertly.
     //“Kore kara donna mirai ga matte itemo You & I boku wa kimi wo hanasa nai…"//

An AKB48 Fan Fiction
Chapter 1, Part 5 (Chapter End)

_   _   _   

     [I have a meeting with Aki-P today.  Want to catch lunch afterwards?  I don’t mind staying to watch rehearsal, especially if it means I get to watch you.]
     Minami blushed as she read Atsuko’s mail.  It was a typical, teasing Atsuko message; there was nothing apparently special about it.  Yet as Minami read it over again, she couldn’t help but to feel embarrassed.  She found certain happiness in Atsuko’s words.  Whether or not the other idol really meant it, Minami was touched by Atsuko’s admission of being happy to watch her.
     However, this latest mail wasn’t the only one to elicit certain reactions from Minami.  She realized that for a few months now, she’d been reacting oddly to anything pertaining to Atsuko.  If asked to pinpoint when, her guess would be ever since their movie ‘date’ not long ago.  But then again, there had been that time when they had been spying on a certain couple, and her heart had suddenly started racing. 
     (She blushed brighter now, remembering the feel of Atsuko’s breath on her face.)
      My strange behavior may have started even before then, she thought, as a distant memory of one of Acchan’s past birthday gifts to her drifted to mind.
     Minami realized that Atsuko’s presence now had a profound impact on her.  Her heart would race whenever Atsuko was near (which, lately, was not often).  Her stomach would sometimes fill with butterflies.  What frightened Minami the most, however, were the touches.  Lately she had come to relax under Atsuko’s over-affections, and it occurred to her that she missed the feel of Atsuko’s arms in a tight hug around her.
     Last week, while en route to a no3b event, Miichan had caught her staring at an advertisement that featured Atsuko.
     // “Like what you see, Takamina?”  Miichan had asked teasingly.
     “I miss her.”
     “Eh?” The sound was drawn out as Miichan’s eyes narrowed in curiosity.  “You just saw her not long ago.”
     “I know, but I…”  Minami hesitated to elaborate.
     “Go on… I’m all ears.”
     The huge, Cheshire cat grin on Miichan’s face was a bit alarming, but Minami decided to relieve the growing burden from her shoulders.  “Whenever I’m with Acchan lately, I feel…odd,” she admitted with a sigh.
     “Oh?”  Miichan asked in piqued interest.  “Define odd.”
     “Well… my heart starts racing, my stomach churns, and I feel really warm.  All that I can think is that I’m getting sick, but then it only ever happens around Acchan.”
     A triumphant laugh escaped Miichan’s lips as she patted Minami’s back.  “Well it’s about damn time!”
     “It seems that you two not seeing each other as often has proven useful after all.  Don’t worry, Takamina.  You’re not sick or anything.”
     “If I’m not sick then what’s wrong with me?”
     “It’s not my place to tell you,” Miichan stated, shrugging.  “Try putting down the shounen manga and read a little shoujo for once.  Then you might understand.”//

     Minami had only needed to read the summaries on the back of a few volumes to ascertain what Miichan had been hinting to her.  Half a year ago she would have thought that the younger girl was imagining things.  But now, she wasn’t so sure.  As she reread the message she’d just received, Minami couldn’t help but wonder if maybe Miichan was correct.
     What I’m feeling… could it really be… love?
     Minami shook her head forcefully.
     That’s impossible.  I swore not to fall in love; to put my career first.  There's no way that I fell in love.
     Grabbing her bag from beside the door, Minami stole one last glance at the message before she sent a quick, affirmative reply on her way out.  She easily cast aside the [crazy] idea that she was in love with her friend.  What they had already was special enough, and she did not want such strange thoughts to jeopardize their bond.
     I’m not in love with Acchan; she’s my best friend, that’s all.  I’m not in love with Acchan…
     That one line repeated through Minami’s head on her way to the station.  Atsuko was her best friend, and that was the extent of Minami’s love.  That’s all there was to it.  For Minami, AKB would always come first.
     For Minami, it seemed impossible that Atsuko could ever love her, anyways.

     “You just don’t get it, do you?  And you never will!”  Atsuko yelled, and Minami was stunned to see tears in her eyes.
     “Get what?”  You’re not making any sense, the way you keep switching between those two and graduation!  “What did I do now?”  Minami panicked as Atsuko tried to pull free of her grasp.
      “Please… just let go of me!”  The emotion behind Atsuko’s words was enough to stun Minami, allowing Atsuko the chance she needed to break free.
     “Wait, Acchan, where are you going?”  Never before had Atsuko acted this way towards her, and Minami could only watch helplessly as Atsuko fled out the door and down the hallway.  “Atsuko!” she called out, and the others present looked on as Minami reached a hand out to Atsuko’s fleeing form.  “Atsuko!”
     She ran to the doorway then, yelling at her still fleeing friend.
     “Atsuko, please, don’t leave AKB!”  Minami sank to the ground, tears filling her eyes as some of the other members gathered at the doorway.  However, one look from the little captain was enough to send most of them away.
     Minami closed her eyes tightly.  It was what she had always done when bad things happened, and this most certainly qualified as bad.  Then she took a deep breath and held it, waiting hopefully for Atsuko to return.  Sure enough, Atsuko trudged back around the corner, her arm before her eyes, hiding her tears.
      “Atsuko,” Minami whispered with a weak smile.
      Then she opened her eyes and was faced with the brutal reality that Atsuko was indeed gone.
      “Atsuko, please… don’t leave me.”  Though barely above a whisper, the words expressed the honest feelings that Minami could not bring herself to admit.
     There was a laugh then, and a pestering voice called out behind her.
     “‘Don’t leave AKB Acchan!  It’s me that should be graduating, not you!’ ”
     Minami stood up and scowled at the girl that had mocked her.  “I’m not in the mood to put up with you right now, Miyazaki.”
     “But it’s true, isn’t it?” Miho asserted with a smirk.  “Even though she’s hardly done anything with AKB lately, she still remains super popular.  Yet you, who puts AKB before all else, always fail to rise in rank.  If anything, it should be you that graduates, not Maeda.”
     Though said spitefully, it was a fact which Minami could not ignore, and a small shadow of doubt flashed across her features.
     “Do you think I don’t know that?”  Minami barked.
     “Then why don’t you?”  Miho asked, egging her on.  “One of these days, Captain, you’ll come to realize that your reign is over, and that it’s time to move on.”
     Despite her inner conscience yelling at her, in her depraved state Minami could not help but snap back at Miho.  “You’re one to talk; your rank keeps dropping too, you know.”
     “Yes, but I’m younger than you; I still have years to go.  And with you and Maeda out of the picture-”
      “Acchan is not leaving,” Minami growled, her eyes narrowing menacingly, yet her voice betrayed a lack of belief in what she said.
     Miho was unfazed.  “Stop kidding yourself.  She’s too successful as an actress and singer to not graduate soon.”  Before Minami could reply a new voice interrupted them.
     “That’s enough, Myao.”  This new voice was cool, commanding, and a bit condescending, and Minami sighed in relief.  “Team B is done for the day; why don’t you go home now?”
     Miho rolled her eyes but reluctantly obliged.  Minami watched in contempt as she disappeared down the hall.
     “Anything you want to talk about?” Mariko asked beside Minami, who only replied with a shake of her head.  “Shouldn’t you have gone after her?”
     “No,” Minami said coolly.  “You said it yourself; rehearsal is starting again soon.”
     “And Acchan?”
     “Was only here for a meeting.  She doesn’t need to be at the rehearsal.”  It is true that she never does much with the group anymore.
     Mariko crossed her arms.  “You may not like it, but Myao was right.  You put AKB before everything, Takamina.  Even the people you care about, and the people that care about you.”
     Minami stared up at Mariko.  Though her savior, the older girl was quickly growing on her already frayed nerves.  She was in no mood to receive a lecture.  “The people I care about are in AKB.”
     “Exactly.  They’re not AKB, they’re in AKB.”
     “Is there a point you’re trying to make?”  Minami asked with a huff.
     Mariko stared down at Minami, her face relaying the seriousness behind her words.  “We’re all only human, Takamina.  Just once, you ought to put AKB on the back burner and try putting yourself and your friends first.”
      “I’ll think about it,” Minami grunted.  “For now, let’s go start rehearsal.”
     Minami had tried to mask the sadness in her voice, but Mariko could tell that Atsuko’s leaving had indeed upset the younger girl.  As Minami stepped towards the doorway Mariko sighed resignedly and reached out with a slender arm, pulling Minami into a consoling hug.  The kind touch was all that was needed for Minami to finally lose control of her emotions and her tears. 
     “I don’t want her to go,” Minami cried.  My chest hurts just thinking about it.
     “I know,” Mariko said, patting Minami’s head soothingly.  The younger girl spoke again between sobs.
     “How much… do you… really know?”
     “More than you think.  Don’t worry; she won’t graduate.”
     “She said herself that… she thinks… she’ll graduate.”
     Mariko smirked.  “That was a bluff.  Acchan has a very good reason to stay in AKB. For a little while longer, at least.”
     “And what reason is that?” Minami asked, her face still buried in Mariko’s shoulder.
     Mariko gave a small shake of her head.  “It’s not something that I should be the one to tell you.  You need to hear it from Acchan herself.  All I can say is that before she would ever seriously consider graduating, there’s a question that she needs answered.”  Mariko’s voice was full of kindness and understanding, and Minami was grateful for her friend’s mature insight.  Despite not knowing Atsuko’s reason, Minami couldn’t help but to smile hearing someone confidently say that Atsuko would not be leaving so suddenly.  A few moments later she stepped away from Mariko thankfully and walked through the doors to the studio with a renewed hope.
     Atsuko, when you’re ready to, come tell me what’s troubling you.  But hurry… I miss you already.

     I don’t feel right without you by my side.

End Chapter 1, Part 5 (Chapter Complete)

Phew.  I'm not completely satisfied with it (I never will be; that's just how I am as a writer), but I think I've properly fixed things.  You'd be amazed at how simply changing one word in a scene can have such a huge impact on the entire story.  (I did have to change more than one word, mind you.)

Super short, yes; it was originally in Part 4, and I'm not entirely sure why I ever separated it, to be honest.  It worked out though, seeing as how I had to make corrections.

Up next: Chapter 2, Part 1

Until then.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2019, 12:51:04 AM by Hitobo »

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Portraits (Atsumina) Chapter 1 Part 5 (Chapter End)
« Reply #31 on: April 27, 2012, 08:55:39 AM »
 :wub: :wub:

I love this part!

I understand that minami feel sad... (all feel the same respect atsuko graduation)

please continue !!

Offline Tejinashi

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Re: Portraits (Atsumina) Chapter 1 Part 5 (Chapter End)
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2012, 09:23:53 AM »
Amazing as always but I feel a little bad because I'm a Myao's oshi ^^ and she is like a student to Takamina, when she was still in team A at least ^^ anyway, this is just a fanfic so I don't really mind, just a little rambling to boast about my oshimen lol
« Last Edit: April 27, 2012, 09:29:41 AM by Tejinashi »

Offline kahem

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Re: Portraits (Atsumina) Chapter 1 Part 5 (Chapter End)
« Reply #33 on: April 27, 2012, 01:21:43 PM »
Wo Myao don't turn around and say thing straight xD

Offline Haruko

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Re: Portraits (Atsumina) Chapter 1 Part 5 (Chapter End)
« Reply #34 on: April 28, 2012, 07:25:26 AM »
OMG!!! again i feel takamina´s pain in my chest T_T .. be strong minami!! i support atsumina!

Offline Kid_Alpha

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Re: Portraits (Atsumina) Chapter 1 Part 5 (Chapter End)
« Reply #35 on: April 28, 2012, 06:28:51 PM »
I can see why you're unsatisfied with this part of the chapter, it does seem a little rushed but I guess it can't be helped if you had to change a few things for it to fit within your plotline.

Still enjoyable read and looking forward to see what happens next.

Offline Hitobo

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Re: Portraits (Atsumina) Chapter 1 Part 5 (Chapter End)
« Reply #36 on: May 03, 2012, 10:55:41 PM »
@Minami-chan: Thank you very much!  I'm glad you liked it.
@Tejinashi: Amazing?  Wow; thank you. I like Myao, so boast away! Will we see her again?
@kahem: Lol, Myao, just tellin' it how it is.
@Haruko: Thanks for your enthusiasm, yet again!
@Kid_Alpha: Oh, no; was it really that noticeable?  :sweatdrop: I needed a filler scene where Minami kind of acknowledges her feelings, but I wrote that first scene in about 30 minutes, as opposed to the hours (sometimes days) that it usually takes me to write a scene.  If the second scene seemed rushed, it'll make more sense when I post the end of Chapter 2.  Hang tight, and thanks for reading!

To all readers:

Thank you everybody for reading!

I write rather slowly, but I do intend to update soon.  I'm just easily distracted.  I sit down to write and a video game controller finds its way into my hands, lol.  I also have stories in other fandoms that I'm writing, so I can't devote all of my time to any one story.

Chapter 2 is complete, so I'll post Part 1 when I feel I've written enough to compensate for doing so.

Also, don't hesitate to ask questions; I'll answer them as best I can without giving away spoilers.

Until then,
« Last Edit: May 03, 2012, 11:45:17 PM by Hitobo »

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Re: Portraits (Atsumina) Chapter 1 Part 5 (Chapter End)
« Reply #37 on: May 07, 2012, 02:19:49 AM »
So... what happened?  You'll have to wait and see, because true to m-flo fashion, it's time to Reeewind.

     Atsuko, when you’re ready to, come tell me what’s troubling you.  But hurry… I miss you already.

     I don’t feel right without you by my side.

An AKB48 Fan Fiction
Chapter 2, Part 1

_   _   _   _   _

     It is said that every little girl dreams of falling in love.  Maeda Atsuko was no exception to the desires for holding hands and passionate kisses.   And, like every other girl, she also dreamed of stardom.
     Surprisingly, the latter dream would be fulfilled more easily than the first.
     When she first joined AKB, Atsuko would have sworn that she knew what real love was.  After all, it was the subject of nearly all their songs, and she was mature enough to know that their physical appeal helped to sell their merchandise.   The group’s policies restricted the girls from having romantic relationships, an ideal which, despite her natural yearnings, Atsuko had agreed to without a second thought.  However, though confident she knew what love was, she was yet to experience it, and it wasn’t on her mind.  She took love for granted, figuring that she’d get married eventually.
     However, Atsuko’s heart had different plans, and when a second wave of members was chosen, she had joined.
     She was older, a bit of a tomboy, and had a playful atmosphere about her.  Atsuko admired her; due to previous work, the older girl already had the air of an idol, something which everyone in the group respected and desired.  She was friendly, and the other members found her antics amusing.  After some time, Atsuko caught herself observing the girl from afar.  She was happy to catch a glimpse of the girl’s smile or watch her dance her hardest.

_   _   _   _   _

     Atsuko watched the girl across the room move through the choreography with ease.  She wondered how many times now she had caught herself watching the other idol.  When she smiled, Atsuko smiled.  (If she were to frown, Atsuko would probably also frown, but that was something which, thankfully, Atsuko had yet to witness.)  Yet those smiles were never directed at Atsuko, and she couldn’t help but to feel a bit saddened by the fact.  She couldn’t quite pinpoint the feeling in her gut when she watched a certain girl being ‘friendly’ with other members.
     And then one day Atsuko gathered the courage to say hello, and the girl’s smile was directed at her as a response.  She felt her heart jump and her face heat up, and she was glad that she had made the greeting simply in passing.  Excusing herself from the rehearsal hall, she hurried to the restroom, passing by a few curious members.  Once there she rinsed her face, hoping to cool down the sensation she felt.  Looking at her reflection, Atsuko was startled by a sudden revelation.
     For the first time in her life, Atsuko began to wonder if what she was experiencing was that which she read about in manga and novels: love.
     That can’t be.  Another member?  But...
     From that point on, she caught herself doing little things that allowed her to be closer to the person she liked.  She stayed late at rehearsals just to watch her practice.  She sat next to her during their late night game show, allowing her the chance to latch onto the girl’s arm and chat with her excitedly.  A few times she had even grasped the girl’s hand and a warm, tingly sensation had coursed through her.
     Whether or not this was really love, or perhaps just a simple crush that would soon pass over, Atsuko was not sure.  One thing she did know was that she felt her heart growing fonder of the older girl each day.
_   _   _   _   _

     Nearly one year after the group started, Atsuko spoke casually for the first time with the girl that would eventually become her dearest friend in AKB.  They had absolutely nothing in common aside from their work.  (Both of them would later state their beliefs that they would never have become friends in a different setting, and thus were even more grateful for having joined AKB48.)  This girl was also a bit tomboyish, chivalrous even; gruff in manner but hiding a rather feminine side.  It was this girl that Atsuko would eventually trust with her very life, and it was this girl that, after nearly a year’s friendship, she had first told about what she believed was a serious crush.
_   _   _   _   _

     Atsuko paced in the corner of the dance hall debating whether or not she could confide in Minami.  The two had quickly become close friends, had been so for over a year now, and what Atsuko had to confide in her was something that could ruin that friendship.  But Atsuko felt comfortable around Minami; the other idol was someone in whom Atsuko saw great leadership potential.
     And having great leadership potential meant that she would be more understanding, right?
     I can trust Minami, right? she thought, casting a nervous glance at the girl guzzling down water not far away.
     Yes, I can, she concluded with a firm nod, smiling when Minami looked her way.  She slowly made her way to Minami’s side, determined to share her secret.
     Besides, she had to tell somebody, anybody, before she burst.  She’d been keeping this a secret for too long.
     “Say, Minami…” Atsuko began hesitantly.  The music had finally died down and everyone was busy running around preparing to go home.  Atsuko waited a moment as Minami finished packing her bag and turned to her with her full attention.
     “What’s up, Acchan?”
     Atsuko bit her lip anxiously for a few seconds before she continued, the words escaping her lips quietly enough that only Minami standing right in front of her could hear.
     “I think I like somebody… one of the other members.”
     “Is that so?” Minami asked with the tilt of her head.  “Well… I like all of them, so you have a bit of catching up to do.”
     Rolling her eyes, Atsuko delivered a light jab to Minami’s shoulder.  “You know very well that I like everyone here.  What I meant was that… I like someone.”
     There was a brief silence before Minami’s eyes lit in understanding.  “Ooooh, you mean that kind of like.  Sorry; Tomochin always tells me that I’m a bit slow when it comes to things like that.  But, that’s good for you, Acchan.  They say love is an important thing for a girl our age to experience.”
     “Eh?” Atsuko squeaked, her eyes widening in surprise.  “You’re okay with it?  You don’t think it’s weird?  I mean, I like another girl…” Atsuko asked in a bit of a panic.
     “Nah.  That’s what you’re worried about?  Why would I think it’s weird?” Minami replied with a small laugh.  In her current state, Atsuko didn’t notice the slight blush that crept onto Minami’s cheeks.
     “Thank you, Minami!” Atsuko exclaimed, throwing her arms around the shorter girl.  “I was worried about what you’d say, but I should have known that you would understand.”
     “Want to walk out together?” Minami asked her, and Atsuko shook her head in reply as she released the grip she had on her friend.  Racing to gather her belongings, Atsuko returned to Minami’s side a minute later, quickly claiming the other girl’s arm.  The two quickly said their good byes to the others as they headed toward the door.  “So…” Minami began teasingly.  “Who’s the girl that managed to capture your attention?”
     With a blush on her cheeks, Atsuko nodded towards one of the girls chatting animatedly in the corner of the rehearsal room.  Minami responded with a small, surprised ‘oh,’ and the two continued on their way out of the studio, arms still linked together.  Atsuko rested her head on Minami’s shoulder with a sigh, happy to finally be relieved of her burden.
     After walking a few blocks from the theater Minami turned to face Atsuko with a shy smile.  “Acchan, would you like to spend the night?”
     Atsuko shook her head yes vigorously, ignorant of the fact that her heart leapt at the invitation. 
_   _   _   _   _

     Atsuko would soon learn that she was not alone in her predicament.
     In becoming friends with Minami, Atsuko had automatically gained the friendship of Itano Tomomi, the girl that was arguably the member closest with Minami at the time Atsuko first met her.  Atsuko had made a note of the dynamic relationship between the other two (often wondering if there was some truth to the teasing within the group), and had been a bit hesitant at first to become involved, but Minami had insisted that the three spend time together.  In doing so, Tomomi and Atsuko also quickly grew to gain the status of being best friends.
     Tomochin, as she was called, was everything that Minami was not, and Atsuko was glad to claim her as a friend.  (Atsuko felt that her two friends were the best of both worlds, perhaps one of the reasons for their apparent compatibility.)  While Minami was very dear to her, there were certain things which Atsuko learned were impossible to hold a proper conversation over with the girl.  To discuss such matters, Atsuko needed, for lack of a better word, a ‘female’ friend, and she found such a treasure in Tomochin.  (The first thing the two ever discussed alone had, in fact, been Minami’s inability to comprehend such matters.)
     Left to their own devices, the two were an indestructible force of femininity.  No page in a fashion magazine was left unturned, no information unabsorbed.  No lip gloss overlooked, no nail salon passed up.  And there was, of course, teenage angst and drama to be discussed, most of it happening within the confines of the group.  (Atsuko had quickly discovered that Minami was not the type to gossip, but Tomochin had no such moral boundaries.)
     Atsuko’s biggest dilemma at the time had been her ever increasing crush.  Her daily experiences sometimes left her bursting at the seams, dying to tell someone what she felt.  Minami was her only victim, the only one she could tell, and while Minami was a great listener, her vague responses left Atsuko wondering if the girl had really listened to anything she’d told her.
     Again, enter Tomochin.  It was Tomochin who would be the only other person that Atsuko would trust enough to tell about her crush, unexpectedly finding a comrade in matters of love.

_   _   _   _   _

     “Tomochin, may I ask you a personal question?”
     Tomochin looked over at her friend curiously and discovered Atsuko looking at her a bit nervously, biting her lower lip.  They were browsing the products of one of their favorite cosmetics retailers, having already swept over the nail polish and since moved on to mascara.  Shrugging, Tomochin turned back to the shelf before her, running her hand over the selection.
     “Yeah, sure.”  Whatever it was Atsuko wanted to know was obviously bugging her, and Tomochin was bored enough to find enjoyment in the peculiar request.
     “You know how everybody teases you and Takamina about being a couple, how you’re the girl and she’s the boy, I, well…”  Atsuko’s voice trailed off and she failed to notice the slight blush tainting Tomochin’s cheeks.  Fiddling with her hands, Atsuko gave a frustrated huff and spat out what had been bothering her for some time now.  “Is there some truth behind it?  I mean… sometimes I really do feel like a third wheel when I’m with you two.”
     Tomochin was now red as can be and Atsuko’s blunt questioning had caused her to drop what she was holding.  Looking around her embarrassedly at the other patrons’ curious glances, Tomochin swore under her breath as she replaced the item to the shelf.  Grabbing Atsuko’s hand, she led the confused girl to a more secluded area.
     “Why do you want to know?” she asked, refusing to meet Atsuko’s gaze as she glared at the products before her, feigning indifference.
     “Well… mostly because, depending on your answer, I might share a secret of my own with you.”
     Tomochin grew stiff as she pondered the statement.  Does she…?  Shaking her head free from such thoughts, she relaxed her stance and turned to face Atsuko more directly.  “Honestly, yes,” she sighed.  “Though it’s pretty one-sided, and you know how dense she is when it comes to such things.”
     “Eh?  Really?”  Atsuko squeaked, covering her mouth at the realization of her outburst.  Withdrawing her hand a moment later she continued in a more whispered tone, “You really like her, as more than a friend?”
     “Yes and no.”
     “Huh?”  Now Atsuko was more than confused, and Tomochin couldn’t help but to release a small laugh at the sight of her friend’s pouting face.
     Tomochin then sighed again, resting her hand on the shelf before her.  “There was a period when I really liked her,” she admitted, her face growing redder as certain memories flitted before her.  “But… I think the emotions I feel towards her are fading.”
     “Oh, no!” Atsuko gasped.  “It’s my fault, isn’t it?”  She sank to the ground slowly, her small outburst once again drawing the others’ attention.  “You two were so close, and then I came along and broke up your alone time.”
     “I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t true,” Tomochin stated with an accusatory tone, finding a bit of pleasure in watching Atsuko come to terms with her guilt.  The faces the other girl was making would undoubtedly bring a smile to anyone’s lips. 
     “I’m so sorry!  I’m so sorry!  I’m so sorry!”  Atsuko chanted, drawing even more curious stares as she knelt before Tomochin with her hands clasped before her, begging for forgiveness.
     “Look, it’s alright, would you please just stand up and calm down?” Tomochin hissed, pulling on Atsuko’s shoulders as she glanced around with panic stricken eyes.  Atsuko’s reaction had been more extreme than she’s expected.
     After quickly brushing off her knees Atsuko stared at her friend in disbelief.  “What do you mean it’s alright?  I ruined your chances at a good relationship.”
     “No,” Tomochin said sadly with a shake of her head.  “While it’s true that your presence kept us from getting any closer, it only accelerated what was bound to happen eventually.”  Seeing as Atsuko was still feeling guilty and a bit confused, Tomochin elaborated in a way as to place the blame elsewhere.  She and Atsuko were close; Atsuko was dear to her, and she didn’t want the girl to always be in an apologetic state when around her.  “Ever since no3b was formed, Takamina and I have been drifting more apart since we don’t see each other as often.  And… I’m not really bothered about it.  We’re still good friends.”  Turning from her friend with a sigh, Tomochin quickly turned the corner to another aisle, Atsuko hot on her heels.
     “I still don’t get it!”  Atsuko whined, almost walking into Tomochin, who’d abruptly stopped.  “If anything, Minami and I have grown closer since no3b was formed.”
     There was a momentary silence before Tomochin heaved another sigh and turned to face her friend with a gentle smile, though her eyes held the slightest hint of tears.  “Look, there’s nothing to get.  Just don’t worry about it, okay?  I’m not heartbroken or anything.  It’s something I should have seen coming all along.  I’m ready to move on.”  Seeing Atsuko nod in understanding, Tomochin’s smile widened eagerly as she gave her friend a playful shove.  I had my chance; I wasn’t fast enough.  “Now then… I shared my secret, so it’s your turn.”
     It was Atsuko that grew red this time, and she shyly turned away from Tomochin’s coy grin.  “I have somebody I like, too.  Somebody in the group.”
     “And who, pray tell, has captured the heart of our ace?” Tomochin asked teasingly.  With a small, nervous laugh, Atsuko leaned over to whisper the answer in her friend’s ear.
     “Is that so?” Tomochin asked, earning a small, embarrassed nod from Atsuko.  “Good for you.   I wish you luck, though.  She’s a bit of a flirt; you might lose her to someone else.”
     The two spent another fifteen minutes in the store, selecting a myriad of products to purchase.  Taking their respective bags from the cashier, the two left the store side by side, eager to move on to the next store.  Pausing as they stepped outside, Tomochin lifted her face skyward to soak up a few precious rays of sun before turning to Acchan, whose smile was radiant in the afternoon glow.
     “You know, Acchan, Minami’s always loved your smile,” she said, a thin smile gracing her own features.
     “What does that have to do with anything?” Atsuko asked innocently from beside her.
     Tomochin grinned.  “Nothing; nothing at all.  C’mon, I know a great ramen shop nearby.”  She started towards her destination eagerly, dragging an apprehensive Atsuko behind her.
_   _   _   _   _

     Of course, Minami and Tomochin were not Atsuko’s only friends in AKB48.  Atsuko was surrounded by girls she called friends, people with whom she could take a break from the idol world.  When together outside of work, they were able to talk and spend time together like normal teenage girls.  Shopping, cafes, movies; the group of friends did everything together.
_   _   _   _   _

     “Acchan, where are we going?” Minami asked.  Her whining caused the two girls giggling before her to stop and turn around, facing her in disbelief.
     “Have you not heard anything I said?” Atsuko asked, her voice relaying her disappointment in Minami’s inattention.
     “I guess my mind was elsewhere?” Minami offered as a lame excuse.  She smiled sheepishly, hoping to ease the lashing that was sure to come.
     “We told you that you didn’t have to come,” Yukarin chided, crossing her arms with a huff.
     Minami gulped nervously.  “I-I kind of… didn’t mean to…”
     The two stared at her curiously, uncertain as to what she’d said.
     “Repeat that?”
     “I didn’t really mean to come with you,” Minami admitted with a nervous laugh.  “I meant to go my own way at the station, but before I knew it I realized I was following you and now we’re in a district I don’t recognize.”
     “So, in other words…” Yukarin started, looking at Atsuko with a smirk.
     “… You’re lost, and totally reliant on us,” Atsuko finished with a smirk of her own.
     “Acchan, Yukarin, I don’t think I like that look you just shared,” Minami said, glancing nervously between the two.
     The two taller idols quickly saddled up to Minami’s sides and each grabbed her respective arm.  “We’re going fishing,” Atsuko informed her, tightening her grasp on the now squirming Minami.
     “You can be our bait; you’re tiny enough,” Yukarin added, doing her part to restrain Minami.
     “Eh?  Fishing?” Minami asked incredulously.  “You two?”
     Atsuko shrugged.  “It’s actually pretty fun.  Nyan Nyan recommended it.”
     “Kojiharu?  Really?” Minami pondered with a confused pout, having since given up on escaping, knowing that resistance was futile.
     “And, since you’ll be there, maybe this time Atsuko won’t freak out about baiting the hook or releasing the fish; or even just reeling it in.” Yukarin teased, earning a glare from Atsuko.  “We’ll let you do all those things; it’s the perfect job for a boy.”  The two taller girls shared another laugh at Minami’s expense as they continued on their way.
     “I’m not so sure I’m going to like this,” Minami mumbled, following the other two begrudgingly.
     Unbeknownst to the disheartened Minami, they had invited others to join them.  Haruna, who could technically be blamed for all of it, had been the first to be called, and she had shown up accompanied by Mariko, Yuko, and Nontii, with Miichan arriving quickly soon after.  Tomochin of course was also invited, arriving with a rather curious albeit confused Tomo~mi in tow.  Still others soon followed and the fishing hole was eventually over run with AKB48 members.  (The young man working that night was certain to have a story to share with his friends.)
     Even though Atsuko was nervous with her crush present, in the end they’d all had a fun time that night.
_   _   _   _   _

     Throughout the next year Atsuko noticed that she and Minami grew closer even as their work increased.  (This was, perhaps, why they grew closer, as they found themselves in the other’s company more often.)  They began to spend more time together outside of work as well.  Atsuko was confident that Minami would always keep her secret.  In fact, Minami would, from time to time, ask if Atsuko’s relationship with her crush had progressed at all.  Atsuko could only reply that they’d grown closer as friends; as it was, the occasional hand hold or hug was more than enough to satisfy her.
_   _   _   _   _

     “I can’t eat another bite.”
     “I’m sorry to hear that.”
     Atsuko took a break from stuffing her face to look at the girl across from her.  The two had gone to lunch and Minami had finished eating after a small meal.  Atsuko had ordered three times as much and was even pondering dessert.  She cast Minami a smug look before she continued eating.
     “You certainly eat a lot, Acchan.”  Immediately Atsuko’s hand found Minami’s head, eliciting a yelp from her companion.
     “There are some things you don’t say to a lady, Takahashi,” Atsuko scolded before returning to her meal.
     Minami winced as she reached a hand to her newly acquired bump.  “It was a compliment, Acchan.  I’m amazed, not disgusted.”
     Atsuko stopped just long enough to ponder Minami’s words before taking another bite of food.  “Still… trust me.  You shouldn’t say that to a lady.  You’re such a guy sometimes, Takamina.”
     “Whatever,” Minami resigned.  “What do you want to do after this?  You’re the one that called and asked if I wanted to hang out.”
     “Let’s go shopping,” Atsuko said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.  It was voiced as a proposal, but Minami suspected that it was more of a demand.
     Minami raised her brow skeptically.  “Isn’t Tomochin a better choice to be your partner in crime for such an activity?” she asked.
     “But I want to go shopping with Minami!” Atsuko pouted, her food momentarily forgotten as she cast a sad glance across the table.
     “Alright, alright, shopping it is,” Minami agreed, casting her friend a large grin.  She knew better than to go against Atsuko’s wishes.
     “Great!” Atsuko cheered, flagging down the waiter to order dessert.
She’d since lost track of how many times the two had gone out together; lunch, shopping, movies.  Minami was one of her best friends in the group; this much Atsuko knew was certain.  However, Atsuko couldn’t help but to reserve the selfish desire to be doing such things with the girl that she still claimed as her crush instead.  Never-the-less, Minami was the best ‘second best’, and Atsuko couldn’t be happier in this moment.  Shopping with Minami (which usually became ‘make Minami my patsy’) always made for a good time.
_   _   _

     “Acchan, doesn’t that bother you?” Minami asked, gesturing across the room with her chin.
     Atsuko turned to find the familiar scene of her crush hanging on some of the other members.  In just under a minute, the older girl managed to give seven members [over]friendly hugs.  The others present laughed at her antics, not one of them bothering to scold the lecher.  The scene actually brought a smile to Atsuko's lips, the nearly complete opposite of what was expected.
     “I’m pretty used to it by now.  It’s actually kind of amusing.  And, from time to time, I’m her chosen victim.  Besides,” Atsuko began, watching as her crush latched onto a new victim.  “She doesn’t even know that I like her, so how can I hold any of this against her?”  She winced as the girl’s newest victim, the one she frequented most, fought back, smacking her in the head rather harshly.
     “Oh, I see,” Minami replied monotonously, and Atsuko wondered if the other girl had actually understood.
     “Acchan!” a voice rang out, and Atsuko was soon assaulted by a bouncing Miichan.  Before she had time to react, Miichan quickly moved onto the next available victim.
     “Miichan, get off me,” Minami grumbled, trying to shrug the younger girl away.
     “Nuh-uh!  You’re just the right height!”  Miichan protested, snuggling closer to the tiny idol.  She rested her head on Minami’s shoulder and sighed contently.  Minami, on the other hand, sighed resignedly, her attempts to remove the younger girl quickly abandoned.
     “Hey, that’s my spot!”  Atsuko declared with a playful huff, quickly removing Miichan with a pinch of her ear.  Minami’s shoulder now free, Atsuko swiftly settled in comfortably.
     “You don’t have to be so possessive, Acchan.  All you had to do was ask; I wasn’t trying to steal her from you.”  Miichan stuck her tongue out teasingly and Atsuko could only stare blankly in return.  “Well, if I can’t rest on this midget’s shoulder, I’ll just have to find another.”
     “Acchan,” Minami muttered, patting her friend’s head.  She had watched curiously as Miichan quickly made her way across the room and latched onto someone else.  “Acchan, shouldn’t you go get Miichan off your crush?”
     “Nah,” Atsuko mumbled.   Minami’s shoulder was surprisingly comfortable and Atsuko wrapped her arms around Minami’s waist as she slowly succumbed to sleep.
     “I don’t get you, Acchan,” Minami stated with a shake of her head.  “Shouldn’t she be the one that you reclaim from other people?  She’s the one you like, not me.  Acchan?”  Not receiving an answer, Minami glanced at the head on her shoulder and a gentle smile soon formed on her lips.  “Geez, Acchan, don’t drool on me,” she said, nudging the sleeping beauty back to reality.
     “Hn… tired.”
     “I’m not a pillow, Acchan.”  Minami could feel the other girl smile against her shoulder in response.
     “Not true.  Minami’s the best pillow.”
_   _   _   _   _

     Contrary to what it may seem, being an idol isn’t all fun and games.  It’s also hard, busy work.  On top of this, Atsuko was the center of not only Team A, but AKB48 as a whole.  It was a position which required determination and responsibility, one that she fulfilled to the best of her abilities.  However, no one her age had the strength to succeed alone.  Throughout the years leading up to that position and after, Atsuko often found herself relying on the other members for support, especially Minami.
_   _   _   _   _

     Acchan was collapsed in the corner of an unfamiliar area, bawling into her arms as if her life depended on it.  Her whole body shook with each sob.  The tears she allowed to fall had begun to puddle on the ground beneath her.  Her eyes were tired; her lungs were tired; her nose was runny and her throat hurt, yet she still could not bring herself to cease crying.
     What gives him the right to say those things to me?
     She hated herself for being so weak against mere words.  She wished she had been stronger.  She wished she had simply told him ‘thank you,’ with a broad smile, giving him the opposite reaction of what he’d hoped to gain.  That’s what Minami would have done.
     But he had won, and she had gone running from the handshake line in tears as he stood there grinning triumphantly.  She had heard Miichan calling her name worriedly, but it didn’t matter.  Atsuko had wanted to disappear in that moment, and fast.
     I’m not strong enough to stand against such hateful words.  My heart hurts so badly, my chest aches.  Why does he feel such hatred towards me?  Why would he say those things?  What have I ever done but try to achieve my dream?
     As the moment replayed in her mind yet again, Atsuko again succumbed to her sobs.  Her whole body once again shook in a weakness that she hated.  The tears didn’t stop; they wouldn’t stop; she was too weak to stop them.
     She suddenly felt a protective, comforting hold on her shoulders, and she couldn’t help but to sob louder.  She knew this kindness. It was Minami’s, no doubt about it; Minami whom she needed more than anything or anyone else in that moment.  Minami, whose hold told Atsuko what she most needed to hear:  ‘I’m right here beside you, Atsuko.’
     Please, Minami.  Please let me rely on you.
     In an instant she flung herself upon Minami, her tears unending.  Minami caught her with a practiced ease, though the added weight was enough for her to lose her balance for just a second.  Atsuko felt Minami rubbing her back soothingly, but her savior said nothing.  Atsuko didn’t want to talk; she wasn’t ready to talk.  Minami’s presence was enough to console her for now, and her best friend understood that.

     As Atsuko’s sobs began to wane, it occurred to her that she had been crying in Minami’s arms for over twenty minutes now.  Slowly and a bit reluctantly she withdrew from Minami’s hold.  She focused her eyes on the ground beneath her, unable to bring her gaze to meet her best friend’s.
     “Thank you, Minami,” she whispered.  Sniffling, she shifted her position, bringing her knees up to her chest.  Another tear escaped her eyes and she wiped it away with the back of her hand.
     “You’re welcome,” Minami replied, her own voice laced with a hint of sadness.  Atsuko closed her eyes in disgust when she heard it.  She had obviously worried Minami enough to bring her sadness, something she had never wanted to do.
    That man was right; I am an ugly person.
     “You’re not an ugly person.”
     “Huh?” Atsuko looked up and quickly realized her mistake as she locked eyes with Minami.  She looked away as a blush appeared on her cheeks.
     “You said some things while you were crying,” Minami stated quietly.  “You just got this frown on your face, so I knew you were thinking about it again.”
     “He said that I’m too arrogant, that I’m a boring, ugly person.  He said that I’m a ‘nobody’, and that the group was better off without someone like me in it.”
     “That’s not true, Atsuko.”
     “Yes, it is!” Atsuko hissed, immediately regretting it.  She watched with an aching heart as a frown settled on Minami’s lips.  Disgusted with herself, she could feel the tears returning to her eyes.
     Minami sighed as she considered Atsuko’s words.  Adjusting her position, she now sat beside the taller girl, mimicking her as she brought her knees to her chest.  “Is this about what you said on television the other day?”  She received a small nod in confirmation.  Seeing it, she gave another heavy sigh.  “To be honest, Atsuko, even I have to admit that what you said was a little arrogant.”
     Atsuko buried her face further into her arms.  Despite her current mood and the guilt Minami’s admission made her feel, she couldn’t help but to find Minami’s tone of voice amusing.  It was like that of a father admonishing his child.  Minami, the ‘Papa’ of AKB, as was teasingly stated by the other members.
     “Wake up and smell the roses, “princess”.  AKB48 is far better off without someone of your kind in it.  Think you’re all that, huh?  Nobody likes a person as arrogant as you.  You’re an ugly person, inside and out.”
     The man’s words echoed in her mind and Atsuko reluctantly let a sob escape her lips.
     “But…” Minami said, regaining Atsuko’s attention.  “I know what you said is not how you truly feel.  You made a mistake and people will forgive you for it.  I forgive you for it.”  Atsuko remained quiet so Minami returned her arms to her friend’s shoulders.  “That guy was just one hater that stands against the millions that love you, including me.”
     A thin smile made its way to Atsuko’s lips as she listened to Minami’s honest words.  Minami was right; she couldn’t afford to let this one incident affect her so much.  Unfortunately there were bound to be more similar incidents, and she had to grow stronger not only for her sake, but for the sake of AKB48 as a whole.  Giving a firm nod, she stood up with a renewed determination, feeling Minami do the same beside her.  Yet despite her now calm state, tears still escaped her eyes.
     Atsuko’s breath caught in her lungs as she felt Minami’s hand against her cheek, the shorter girl’s thumb gently wiping away her tears.
     “There.  Now that’s the Acchan that I love,” Minami said, beaming up at a stunned Atsuko beside her.  Just as Atsuko began to recover from her shock, Minami grabbed her hand and laced their fingers together.  “Believe me, I know the real you.  You’re not an ugly person.  You’re beautiful, Atsuko.”
     In that instant, Atsuko felt a peculiar sensation wash over her.  Her chest grew tight, her stomach filled with butterflies, and she felt her face grow warm.  This was the first time that Minami had ever initiated any kind of intimate contact between them.  Maybe that was why Atsuko suddenly felt embarrassed looking into Minami’s eyes.
     Or maybe it was because of Minami’s kind words.  It was the first time that Minami had ever used the word ‘love’ so loosely, as Atsuko and many of the others often did.  And who wouldn’t blush after their best friend called them beautiful?
     Or perhaps it was because of something deeper, something more personal, and something that Atsuko could not quite comprehend.
     “C’mon, Acchan, let’s go join the others.  Everyone’s worried about you; I want them to see that a minor thing like this isn’t enough to bring you down.  Remember, Acchan:  I’ll always be beside you.”
     Nodding, Atsuko granted Minami one of her classic, brilliant smiles, and the two quickly made their way to the others hand-in-hand, their fingers still intertwined.
End Chapter 2, Part 1

As I'm sure you can tell, Chapter 2 is presented from Atsuko's POV.  In future updates, there will be more scenes that crossover with Chapter 1, like the last scene above.  For the most part, the sections should match up, i.e. scenes in Ch. 1 Pt. 2 crossover with scenes in Ch. 2 Pt. 2.

Chapter 2 is projected to be in four parts as opposed to Chapter 1's five.

I hope you enjoyed this update!
As always, thank you for reading.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2019, 12:50:12 AM by Hitobo »

Offline Sydney W

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Re: Portraits (Atsumina) Chapter 2 Part 1
« Reply #38 on: May 07, 2012, 04:00:37 AM »
Acchan is going to love Minami, is it? Better the two realize they are a perfect couples and meant for each others. Waiting for your next update.

Offline Tanchan

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Re: Portraits (Atsumina) Chapter 2 Part 1
« Reply #39 on: May 07, 2012, 05:39:55 AM »
I see where you're going with this after reading from Atsuko's perspective. Both of them had experienced crush before actually finding out true love. I'm anticipating for your next chapter.
And I think Atsuko's crush is Yuko. ACtually it's quite obvious from the characteristics you've described.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 06:55:11 AM by Tanchan »

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