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Author Topic: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XX, 10/17]  (Read 56449 times)

Offline mochi.rini

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XIII, 6/9]
« Reply #80 on: June 09, 2012, 04:55:20 PM »
I forced myself out of bed because I knew it would totally be worth it.  And it most definitely was~   :heart:

I'm a bit surprised that Risa actually spilled.  After keeping all that personal information and emotions to herself...I'm half surprised that she let it all out.  You'd think that she'd be able to keep it all bottled up, especially when it came to Reina, who she still barely knows.  But they're gonna be in love at the end of this so that justifies it all~  :heart:

d~awwwwh!  Kame+Aika luffles~  Hopefully our sweet little artist won't get too attached to Kame (unless she gets rid of the drugs)...or else she may be at a risk too.   They've only met twice and they're going on a date~  I wonder if Kame feels the same way about Aika?  Cause...they're like my OTP in this fic...:)

RISA~ :heart:  I agree with kjpop.  Smoking=bad.  Risa+Smoking=...not bad :3  Not bad at all~

But back to the TanaGaki...denial of love is the first sign of of getting together :)  Just sayin.  And if Sayubear really is going along with Aichan's jacked up plan...I hope Risa beats her first ;)

Sorry for hounding you last night/this early morning.  BUT THANK YOU FOR BEING SO DEDICATED~ I knew I should've stayed up that extra hour and "cleaned my room"   I've planned out the rest of this fic in my head, so I'm totally ready to see how close I get once you finish this lovely guide of chills and excitement.  (Are we at the halfpoint yet? :O)

YAY~  :deco:  Get some rest you awesomely awesome person~
« Last Edit: June 09, 2012, 05:59:59 PM by mochi.rini »
Hi~iiya!~  (>^_^)>
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Offline Quietriot

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XIII, 6/9]
« Reply #81 on: June 09, 2012, 10:39:07 PM »
Just passing by to say I've edited the chapter to include my comment replies for that last omake, in case anyone is interested~

Also, um, y'all can all call me Fimmy if you'd like? Quietriot is sort of a mouthful. XD -rolls away to attempt to catch up on commenting-

Offline Quietriot

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XIII, 6/9]
« Reply #82 on: June 11, 2012, 10:28:48 PM »
Reina read the omakes, too.

XD In all actuality, the omakes were basically Risa recounting her story to Reina, so that's not far off the mark.

Feels like the beginning of a Tanagaki theme, there.

Takagaki: Fluff and cuddles or one-sided unrequited love with Risa usually suffering.

ReinAi: Bucket of angst, with Risa usually suffering.

Tanagaki: Slap slap kiss, with Risa... suffering? XDDDD 

Quote this the whole 'girls like assholes' thing I've heard so much about? All the red flags going off and a part of her still wants Ai. For now, at least.

Reina's not really sure what she wants. She's settling into the band slowly but surely, but her life is still kind of a whirlwind that hasn't slowed down. She trusts Risa's words, but still really admires Ai, so it's hard for her to figure out how to think. Though I think I've explained this a bit in this next chapter.

Is that jealousy I detect? Of Reina or of Ai?

Perhaps a bit of both~

Good way to get into a scuffle, that's for sure. Maybe we'll see more of the broken thing getting Reina into trouble later?

Absolutely! XD

Somehow I think it's not hard to get that particular look.

Not if your name is Tanaka Reina!

Don't be too eager to wash away the memory of that sexy badass all pressed up against you now.


@risa_ai: hopefully that's a good noise? Of approval? XD

Ok, I wasn't like, waiting in anticipation like a dog or anything. Nope, not at all...

Yeah. Right. XD

And I know the entire point of that portion was you know, to give us insight on some of Reina's thoughts and how her relationship with Gaki would be from now on, but I was kind of totally being distracted with Risa smoking   Like, whoa LOL I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm not down with the whole smoking biz (too much of a runner for that LOL), but unffff you make it sound so damn attractive it hurtssssssssss

I would never date a smoker myself, as I think it's stupid and I have asthma problems so it would quite literally kill me LOL but if it was Risa... Hm. Might be worth it. :heart:

Aika+Eri is interesting. Took me a while to like take the hint LOL but then I remembered the present day scene with grannies Aika and Reina, and now it kind of makes sense   Kind of sad to think about, but I'm still interested to see how that works out.

Haha I was wondering if anyone would remember that tiny hint in the beginning. Or make that connection, heh I mean, I'm not officially confirming or denying anything yet~

Will smooth operator Ai keep up with her personal mission with corrupting Reina? Will Sayu pull through with bangin' the girl like it's her job? Will Gaki throw a bitchfit when she sees what's going down? Will Eri...idk lol just be stoned out of her mind and not give a rat's ass what's going on? AHHH THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDORESS~

If this were a tv show I would definitely hire you to do the little cliffhanger announcements at the end of every episode XD also 'smooth operator Ai' makes me think of Smooth Criminal ahahaha

So with that, I wanted to dedicate a song to you. This probably just shows how old I am, but whatever LOL I thought it fit with the whole "band" sort of thing anyway.

Wait, this is supposed to show that you're old? ...Does that make me old too if I know it? XD Whatever, you can dedicate songs to me any day~ :heart:

...And I suppose this counts as an update from you. Hmm, guess it's my turn to fork over another chapter? Idk yo, this "vacation" is a little to sweet   i reckon you'll be begging first

Or I'll just run this story into an OMGWTFBBQ-type cliffhanger and refuse to update until you give me like five chapters. The choice is yours~ I have such great capacity for evil, just you wait and see...

it seems like tanagaki bonding took some kind of weird turn in the wrong direction now ^^;

Well, after all, I'm not one to make my characters' lives easy~

then again i can see why risa would be pissed/jelly i mean reina's like the holy virgin wile we got 2 girls who's innocent days are way long gone.

Ahahahaha hilarious comparison but it's pretty true XD

im sure risa wouldnt mind going back to when everything wasnt so messed up as it was now. like everyone's screwed in the head here...

Too bad life doesn't have a reset button, ne? But perhaps things won't end so badly for her. :3

erika(thats what im calling them now )

Heheh, you may have just coined the pairing name as I don't think anyone has ever put the two together. That I know of. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong, of course.)


YES MA'AM -salutes- XD

I forced myself out of bed because I knew it would totally be worth it.  And it most definitely was~

Crazy people not sleeping... XD still I'm so flattered you guys stayed up to see if I'd update hahah just for future reference, if I'm online, 99% of the time I'm simply lurking~

I'm a bit surprised that Risa actually spilled.  After keeping all that personal information and emotions to herself...I'm half surprised that she let it all out.  You'd think that she'd be able to keep it all bottled up, especially when it came to Reina, who she still barely knows.  But they're gonna be in love at the end of this so that justifies it all~

Thing is, Risa is so used to people not giving a damn or not giving her a chance to speak, Reina's insistence sort of caught her off guard. Plus on top of that, Reina's already surprised her a few times before by being different (for one, deciding to reserve her judgment after hearing about Risa's gang days instead of just writing her off) so she's curious despite being cautious. Of course, Reina knows how to say the right things to set her off as well, thus ruining the moment. XD

d~awwwwh!  Kame+Aika luffles~  Hopefully our sweet little artist won't get too attached to Kame (unless she gets rid of the drugs)...or else she may be at a risk too.   They've only met twice and they're going on a date~  I wonder if Kame feels the same way about Aika?  Cause...they're like my OTP in this fic...

Heheh it's not technically a date~ though you'll have to wait and see what happens~ :heart:

But back to the TanaGaki...denial of love is the first sign of of getting together   Just sayin.  And if Sayubear really is going along with Aichan's jacked up plan...I hope Risa beats her first

XD I'm sort of reminded of the Twilight fandom and I feel like I may have inadvertently (psh, what am I saying, it was definitely on purpose) started a Team Tanagaki v. Team Takagaki campaign. As for Sayu... Bunny's been absent for the last few chapters, huh. I did say there would be an encounter between bunny and kitten soon. :x

Sorry for hounding you last night/this early morning.  BUT THANK YOU FOR BEING SO DEDICATED~ I knew I should've stayed up that extra hour and "cleaned my room"   I've planned out the rest of this fic in my head, so I'm totally ready to see how close I get once you finish this lovely guide of chills and excitement.  (Are we at the halfpoint yet? )

Don't apologize, all the hounding definitely motivates me to work hard on this. :) plus all the comments have been excellent feedback that have helped me tweak a few things and make the story better. Haha I'm interested to see if you've predicted stuff correctly as well! As for the halfway mark... Tentatively it's probably gonna be chapter twenty? (I say that because I keep having to break chapters into new chapters because they're gettin long so they keep multiplying on me XD

Haaaa~ I've decided to put comment replies and the story posts into separate posts now since they're getting long and the chapters are long and it's better for my OCD mind XD

Just a point of interest, I'm going back and putting links to the songs I've used for titles at the beginning of each chapter, just so you guys can listen to my personal playlist for this story if you so desire. ^^ Remember, the songs don't necessarily go with the chapter they're placed with; I basically picked the titles from my list at random so as not to give anything away too early or too obviously.

I've got some editing to do and then the next chapter should be up soon~

Offline Quietriot

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XIII, 6/9]
« Reply #83 on: June 11, 2012, 10:43:51 PM »
Chapter XIV: Speeding Cars

"Hey, I just met you // And this is crazy // but here's my number // so call me maybe~"

I rolled over in bed, fighting to free my arms from the comforter in order to grab for my phone. However I only managed to clumsily knock it from the table to the floor, and I groaned loudly, laying still for a moment as my groggy brain tried to process how to retrieve it.

"It's hard to look right // at you baby // but here's my number // so call me maybe~"

My instinctive reaction was simply to ignore the stupid thing until whoever was calling me gave up, but as I cracked an eye to peek at my alarm clock I realized it was 6AM. Nobody ever called me this early, and even half-awake I realized it could possibly be important. With a sharp grunt I reached over the side of the bed and groped along the carpet until I found my phone, whipping it up towards my face before any more of my ringtone got stuck in my head.


"Reina-chan." Ai's warm voice filtered through to me from the other line, and I immediately sat up, alertness spiking through my body like a lightning bolt, "I'm sorry if I woke you, I realize it's a bit early..."

"Uh, yeah- no- I mean," I ran a hand through my messy hair, shooting the alarm clock another confused glance as I tried desperately to shake my grogginess, "It's not a problem... Um, what's up?"

"Well, I was wondering if perhaps you could come let me in?" A beat, then, "I brought coffee and donuts."


The comforter and I settled round two with my falling flat on my face as I tried to get out of bed, the blankets tangled around my feet. I dashed into the living room like a kid at Christmas, though my motivation was less of excitement and more of curiosity. And sure enough, when I opened my door, there stood Ai, the aforementioned goods in her arms and a calm smile on her face.

"Good morning," She all but sang, subtly looking me over. I shifted uncomfortably, suddenly remembering I was still in pj's; an old t-shirt and sweatpants, but I felt a bit exposed even still.

"Ah, good morning..." I replied hesitantly, combing my hair with my fingers in an attempt to look more presentable. Ai, of course, was the picture of perfection, even at this hour. I stepped aside to let her in, following slowly as she made her way to the table next to the kitchenette. "So... What are you doing here?"

She chuckled softly, sitting down at the table and linking her hands together to rest her chin on them. Ai was looking at me the way a wolf pack studies prey, and that thought excited me as much as it scared me. Her overall expression remained amicable, though, which was probably the most jarring thing in my opinion; the intensity in her eyes did not match her appearance or demeanor.

"It's always to the point with you, isn't it?" She questioned, offering one of the drinks to me. I took it before slipping down into the seat across from her, waiting for an answer.

"Well, to be honest, I came to apologize for the other day. My actions were a bit inappropriate."

I took a sip of the coffee, grateful for the instant warmth and comfort it offered. It gave me the strength to meet her gaze again; though those orbs were still very much intense, I could detect the sincerity behind her words.

"It's fine, really." I managed awkwardly, remembering the way I'd fled from her like a little girl, "I just... wasn't expecting you to do that..."

"Well, I assure you, I meant no harm. I keep forgetting you haven't been here long." Ai replied, and I felt her smile disarming me, "Being with you was so comfortable it seemed as though I'd known you for years."

"Do you kiss all of the people you're comfortable with?" I blurted out suddenly, some combination of nervousness and suspicion blocking my internal filter. To my relief she only laughed at me and shrugged.

"No, I suppose I don't. You're rather cute, after all. I couldn't resist."

My ears definitely burned at that and I focused on scarfing down the donut she'd brought me in an attempt to temper my embarrassment.

"Other than to apologize--and to offer you some company to rehearsal, as I hear you've got a new car--I actually have another reason for coming by."

I stopped chewing, looking up at her to indicate my curiosity. Ai was still smiling her charming smile, but she seemed to drop the teasing for a moment, all business as usual.

"Do you enjoy singing, Reina-chan?"

Of course I did. And lately, probably more than I thought I could. I'd just never really been given a chance to do it before.

"Well, yeah..." I answered, unsure of what her aim was, "I mean, I never considered it seriously until you guys asked me to join the band, but... I like it. A lot."

"How would you feel if I were to give you voice lessons?"


I had to admit, I was drawn to the idea. A chance to work on my voice, the passion I'd kept to myself for so long, sounded like a fantastic idea. And I thought I was lucky for the opportunity to use it in the band, but here was a woman who was leaps and bounds ahead of me in experience and talent, offering me the chance to be even better.

But everything Risa told me drifted around in my head, and I hesitated. Ai hadn't done anything yet to make me feel as though she was untrustworthy, and while I don't think I would have been able to move on so quickly myself... I also felt like I could understand her reasoning for keeping her distance from Risa. The two of them had both hurt each other, so I couldn't really take a 'side'.

It wasn't like Ai was asking something ridiculous of me. But I decided there that I would be cautious, at least until my crush wore off... or... well, it was still too soon to hope for anything else. Especially until I found out from Ai herself what the situation was with Michishige...

Until then, I decided that spending a bit of extra time with her couldn't hurt.

"You have a gift, Reina-chan." Ai stated sincerely after my silence persisted a moment too long, "Of course, it's up to you to decide what to do with it, but I'd like to help you if you'll let me."

I was about to give her my answer when I heard footsteps padding up behind me, and both of us turned to glance at Aika, who had wandered into the room. She looked much like I had after waking up, rubbing at her eyes as she stumbled over to me.

Tanakas were not morning people.

"Rei...? What's going on? It's so early..."

Our conversation must have woken her, and I smiled apologetically as she settled down into my lap. Almost instantly she drifted back asleep with her head against my shoulder, reminding me of all the times she would crawl into my bed to sleep when we were kids. Well, she still was a kid, after all. I stroked her hair until her breathing evened out, content to let her stay there for a moment longer.

"Your sister?" Ai asked quietly, a soft smile on her lips as she watched us.

I nodded, shifting Aika a bit so that I could still see the woman across from me.

"About your offer... I accept." It was less of a struggle to maintain my confidence while around my sister, even if she was out cold. "I'm a fast learner and... I know that you could teach me a lot, so I'm grateful. Not only for that, but for what you've done so far as well."

Ai grinned at me, taking another sip of her coffee.

"It's nothing. Nothing at all."


Though it took a bit longer than necessary, I managed to drive both Ai and myself to Eri's mansion, remembering all of the things Risa had taught me the day before. If the older woman was unnerved by my ability--or lack thereof--she didn't let it show, rising from the vehicle with her usual dignity and poise. In contrast, I stepped out on wobbly feet, feeling as though I'd shaved a few years off of my life.

The rate I'm going, I'll be lucky to even make it to fifty...

I composed myself quickly, not wanting to seem weak around my leader, and I hurried to catch up with her as we entered the house. I was used to the giant mansion by now, and even the maids greeted me by name when Ai and I passed them by. Still, I found it odd that I had yet to catch a glimpse of the master of the house; it wasn't that I really wanted to meet the guy, since he seemed like a less-than-stellar dad to Eri, but I found it strange that it had been a bit over a week now and the guy didn't even make an appearance.

I guess if you're that rich, what do you care if you've got girls coming over every week?

"Oh, there was something else I meant to mention to you," Ai stated as we rounded the corner into Eri's wing of the building.


"I managed to set up an interview for you to attend on Monday. An opportunity for the public to get to know the newest Musume better."

She grinned and winked at me, but I was more than a little apprehensive about the idea. Sure it was one thing to be on TV with the whole group, but by myself? It wasn't like I could say no, either; it made sense for me to do an interview on my own, I'd just have to be brave and get through it somehow. As if she read my mind, Ai stopped to place a hand on my shoulder, slowing us to a halt just outside the room we used to rehearse.

"You'll be fine. All you have to do is focus on the interviewer and you'll forget the camera is even there."

Somehow I doubted that, but I gave her a weak smile and nod in response. Satisfied, Ai reached for the door and opened it, and we were immediately assaulted by the sounds of a loud scuffle. I wasn't really surprised that a fight had broken out in our absence...

Eri was desperately attempting to keep Risa and Sayumi apart, sporting a bruised lip for her efforts. She had the bunny's shirt gripped tightly in her fist, attempting to avoid her swinging arms, while Risa had been knocked to the ground, pinned there on her stomach with the drummer's foot pressing into the small of her back.

Ai let out a disgusted groan.

"What is going on here?!" She demanded, the tone of her voice interrupting the madness. Sayumi looked smug, breaking out of Eri's hold to step back and rub at what looked like a fading handprint on her cheek.

"Someone has anger problems..." The bunny mused, and as Eri helped Risa to her feet I watched the bean begin to bristle all over.

"Hey, you started it with your big mouth, you little-"

"Enough!" Ai shouted, cutting in sharply and causing all of us to jump. I hadn't known her to be anything but quiet since I'd met her, after all. "I don't care who started it. The two of you have been fighting nonstop since we got back together and my patience is wearing thin."

The room fell into an awkward silence, neither girl willing to meet our leader's gaze. Ai let out a tired sigh, reaching up to rub her face.

"I don't care how you two settle your differences--go outside and beat each other until you bleed, I really could care less--but you will not do it here." She stated fiercely, and I watched as Risa and Sayumi both flinched at her words, with Eri standing between them, shuffling her feet awkwardly.

"We have two weeks until the festival. Get it together." With that, Ai silently left the room, our cue to start setting things up.

Almost immediately, Sayumi jumped up and shot after her, leaving me alone with Eri and Risa. The latter refused to look at me, hurt evident in all of her features as she slunk out of the room as well, slipping out a side door instead. I let out a quiet sigh, making my way over to Eri, who looked so torn and distraught that it almost made me want to give her a hug.

"What happened?" I asked, eyeing her injured lip, "You alright?"

"Y-yeah..." She replied shakily, looking at me as if just breaking out of a trance, "This is why I always try to be the first one here... It never ends well when Sayu and Gaki-san end up alone in the same place..."

Well, I could certainly believe that.

"What were they even fighting about?" I asked, though I was sure I already knew the answer.

"Well, first it was the usual, Sayu started pushing Gaki-san's buttons, teasing her about Aichan, that sort of thing. Then somehow the topic shifted to you..."

Me? I blinked in confusion, and the drummer nodded at me, anticipating my reaction.

"Well, Sayu doesn't like you much, after all. I don't remember what she said exactly, but whatever it was it set Risa off like a bomb. I was so surprised by her reaction that I couldn't separate them before she got to Sayu and slapped her... Even if maybe Sayu deserved it."

As she trailed off I processed her account of the incident, trying to make it make sense in my head. Why would Risa care what Sayumi had to say about me? Especially after things ended up sort of tense between us yesterday...

"Either way, looks like it's gonna be a little bit before everyone cools off... I'm going to grab a bite to eat. You hungry?"

"Aichan brought me breakfast, but if you don't mind, maybe I'll tag along?" I replied, somewhat eager to see more of the mansion. Eri smiled and nodded and I followed after her as she led me out of her wing and into the main part of the building.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2012, 07:50:03 AM by Quietriot »

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XIV, 6/11]
« Reply #84 on: June 11, 2012, 10:48:49 PM »

Haha I was wondering if anyone would remember that tiny hint in the beginning. Or make that connection,

My memory is impeccable  ;) And I would love to be the Morgan Freeman equivalent to your fic bwahaha
And for the record, challenge has been accepted and I am happily lounging away doing nothing related to writing whatsoever  :pimp:

"Hey, I just met you // And this is crazy // but here's my number // so call me maybe~"


"Well, I was wondering if perhaps you could come let me in?" A beat, then, "I brought coffee and donuts."

YOU'VE BEEN HIT BY A SMOOTH CRIMINAL. She said coffee, she might as well jump with me in the shower LOL Magic words.

"Well, I assure you, I meant no harm. I keep forgetting you haven't been here long." Ai replied, and I felt her smile disarming me, "Being with you was so comfortable it seemed as though I'd known you for years."

ANNIE ARE YOU OKAYYYYY, ARE YOU OKAY ANNIE?! ok foreal, smoothest. Smoother than a baby's backside  8)

Until then, I decided that spending a bit of extra time with her couldn't hurt.

 :doh: Reina, you're an idiot. I repeat, you're an idiot. *le sigh*

After that "fight scene," I'm kind of just laughing at how Ai's words just seem to be the end all, be all for everything LOL You make her seem like she's freakin jesus christ or something like that ahha

Then somehow the topic shifted to you..."

RED ALERT RED ALERT  :panic: But GOOOOOO gaki for defending her, sort of ahha And now we will see more of the kamei mansion? What goodies hide behind closed doors? What skeletons does our junkie drummer keep in her 10,000 closest? oh ho ho, stay tuned~

But foreal. Tanagaki or bust :P Or no updates HO HO HO. I'll play dirty if I have to  :glasses:

« Last Edit: June 12, 2012, 12:47:02 AM by kjpop »

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XIV, 6/11]
« Reply #85 on: June 11, 2012, 11:22:19 PM »
ai-chan's a total wolf in sheeps clothing to me now XD it's only a matter of time...and i want to see more gakishige battles XD i'd write more but my brain is all crazy right now @~@
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline mochi.rini

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XIV, 6/11]
« Reply #86 on: June 12, 2012, 12:27:04 AM »
Homework or Fanfic?  I'll take fanfic anyday :3

No trust for Aichan.  nuh uh.  no way.  I agree with Kawaii.  She's a sneaky, devious, deceptive, calculating, sly, wily, deceitful, manipulative, untrustworthy little trickster with a hidden agenda >.<  Be aware everyone!  I feel like she's gotten a plan up her sleeves that even Sayu may not know about :O 

Our conversation must have woken her, and I smiled apologetically as she settled down into my lap. Almost instantly she drifted back asleep with her head against my shoulder, reminding me of all the times she would crawl into my bed to sleep when we were kids. Well, she still was a kid, after all. I stroked her hair until her breathing evened out, content to let her stay there for a moment longer.
Awwww~  :nya:  such a cute image in my head now~  No matter how mature and adult like our Mittsi acts...she's still such a little kid on the inside~  I'm gonna go cuddle with my sister now after I type this!

Eri was desperately attempting to keep Risa and Sayumi apart, sporting a bruised lip for her efforts. She had the bunny's shirt gripped tightly in her fist, attempting to avoid her swinging arms, while Risa had been knocked to the ground, pinned there on her stomach with the drummer's foot pressing into the small of her back.

Hmph! I gots a recipe for some braised bunny  :kekeke: beware Michishige...BEWARE!  (On a lighter know, it's so easy/fun to villainize Sayu :3)

Bam! Risa's been bit by the L.O.V.E bug~  She's defending her kitty just like how a defensive husbands beat the crap out of people who slander their wives >.<  Keep up the good work my lovely gangster Risa  :heart: :heart: :heart:  You make me so proud~  :deco:

So the adventure continues on as kitty and turtle journey into the dark lair that is the Kamei household :O  Maybe now is when Reina finds out that she's actually a junkie?  Can't wait to see her reaction for that XD

Y~aaaaay you updated midway~  I'll go to bed early tonight instead of refreshing the page for two hours straight while reading online posts about how 50 shades of grey sucks beyond all belief :3  I'M PROUD OF YOU TOO MY LOVELY AUTHOR/SECRET GANGSTER  :heart: :heart: :heart:

P.S. Way to go voters! :D  Whoot!  :onioncheer:
« Last Edit: June 12, 2012, 12:32:17 AM by mochi.rini »
Hi~iiya!~  (>^_^)>
I support T a k a G a k i
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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XIV, 6/11]
« Reply #87 on: June 12, 2012, 04:02:25 AM »

Offline Quietriot

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XIV, 6/11]
« Reply #88 on: June 13, 2012, 04:31:07 PM »
And I would love to be the Morgan Freeman equivalent to your fic bwahaha

*Fimmy imagines kjpop as deep-voiced man who is God and also the guy she gets confused for the Allstate man

And for the record, challenge has been accepted and I am happily lounging away doing nothing related to writing whatsoever

...she says as she then silently prepares another chapter for QPQ or HnK. Yep. :P


At least it wasn't Super Bass. XD

kjpop quotes some lyrics from Smooth Criminal


After that "fight scene," I'm kind of just laughing at how Ai's words just seem to be the end all, be all for everything LOL You make her seem like she's freakin jesus christ or something like that ahha

Here's why: though she becomes leader because she's the eldest, Ai's real power here lies in the relationships she has with the other girls. At the start it's not something she exploits because she's kind and relatively innocent and Gaki loves her, she loves Gaki, Sayu has a secret admiration for her, and Eri doesn't rock the boat. XD then, post Gaki-jail time that power only increases cuz she's got two women here who are very much in love with her, Reina who has a crush/is starting to idolize her a bit, and Eri still trying to please everyone. For them she may as well be Jesus because even though she's made her share of mistakes (and though my reader base here seems to have definitely pushed her into the villain slot XD Guess you can only be sympathetic when you know the whole story ahaha~) Ai remains the most sane and most stable out of the four.

RED ALERT RED ALERT   But GOOOOOO gaki for defending her, sort of ahha And now we will see more of the kamei mansion? What goodies hide behind closed doors? What skeletons does our junkie drummer keep in her 10,000 closest? oh ho ho, stay tuned~

NEXT TIME ON: FIMMY IS A GREAT BIG TEASE- What? Oh. You mean that isn't what the show is called? ...oh. Damn. XD

But foreal. Tanagaki or bust  Or no updates HO HO HO. I'll play dirty if I have to

I promise nothing except for that I'm totally NOT DONE screwing around with the pairings yet. :heart:

@KB: She is, isn't she... And ahaha Gakishige still have plenty of things to say to one another, rest assured. -pats- Hope your brain gets less crazy! ^^

Homework or Fanfic?  I'll take fanfic anyday :3

Hellz yeah! procrastination is the best! :3

I feel like she's gotten a plan up her sleeves that even Sayu may not know about

So... Let me get this straight... You don't trust Aichan? XD I feel like this part of your quote is pretty  correct...

Awwww~    such a cute image in my head now~  No matter how mature and adult like our Mittsi acts...she's still such a little kid on the inside~  I'm gonna go cuddle with my sister now after I type this!

Awwww~ T___T I think I write them so fluffy because deep down I wish I had a sister to cuddle with. -sadness- My brother is not cuddly and we don't come within five feet of each other because usually it = slapping. XD

Bam! Risa's been bit by the L.O.V.E bug~  She's defending her kitty just like how a defensive husbands beat the crap out of people who slander their wives >.<  Keep up the good work my lovely gangster Risa      You make me so proud~ 

Ahahahaha~ Well, she only slightly dislikes Reina after all. She HATES Sayu. ;)

So the adventure continues on as kitty and turtle journey into the dark lair that is the Kamei household   Maybe now is when Reina finds out that she's actually a junkie?  Can't wait to see her reaction for that


Y~aaaaay you updated midway~  I'll go to bed early tonight instead of refreshing the page for two hours straight while reading online posts about how 50 shades of grey sucks beyond all belief :3  I'M PROUD OF YOU TOO MY LOVELY AUTHOR/SECRET GANGSTER

Ahaha you just can't predict what I'll dooo~ lol and apparently I need to figure out what 50 shades of grey is because I've heard it being referenced a lot lately and I'm all ??? tee hee secret gangster~ :heart: Secretly I'm the biggest freaking nerd EVER.

@risa_ai: Nobody messes with the Gaki. ^^

GUYS. After that teasing yesterday I totally meant to update! But then LORD OF THE RINGS happened. And then tired Fimmy was tired and fell asleep. ^^;

In other news omg this bit of the story keeps spawning babies. (And also I'm realizing how much of an idiot I am for using Roman numerals to number the chapters, wow.) Enjoy~ (No really, I'm super tired, I need to write something fluffy. Or someone else write something fluffy. I'm going to go sulk for a few hours XD )
« Last Edit: June 13, 2012, 04:45:23 PM by Quietriot »

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XIV, 6/11]
« Reply #89 on: June 13, 2012, 04:33:54 PM »
Chapter XV - Creep

"You seemed awfully chummy with the kitten just now..."

Ai turned away from the window to glance down the corridor at Sayumi, who was approaching her slowly. Chocolate eyes narrowed sharply, halting the bunny in her tracks.

"Everything I do, I do for a reason." The elder female replied quietly, the faintest hint of an edge lacing her tone. Because she knew Ai, Sayumi registered this quickly, and she decided to stay where she was.

"I understand, Aichan..." She murmured quietly, in the hopes she could find some way to placate her leader.

"You say the same thing when I ask you not to bother Risa and yet here you are again, getting under her skin," Ai replied with a scowl, turning back to stare out the window. "So, needless to say, I'm not sure that I agree with you when you tell me that you understand."

Her response hit Sayumi much harder than Risa's slap had, and it stung worse, too. She inhaled a shaky breath, attempting to curb the jealousy and hurt welling up inside of her. She hated it when the leader treated her like a child, regardless of whether or not she was acting a bit like one. After all, she had every right and reason to hate Risa; Sayumi didn't think she'd ever forgive the girl for hurting Ai and Eri.

After a moment of silence, Ai spoke again.

"I don't belong to you. Or Risa." She added quietly, "The two of you are fighting over something you simply don't have."

Ouch. The bunny willed herself to become numb, instinct burying emotion. It wasn't the first time the older girl had said something like that to her, and she really shouldn't have been surprised; Ai never promised her anything, even if she always harbored some hope that things might change. Still had hope, even. Sayumi was stubborn and used to getting what she wanted.

"I'll try to behave myself," The guitarist answered icily, though she promised nothing for those moments when she was with Risa alone. What Ai didn't know didn't matter.

"Thank you," came the terse response, and Ai finally turned to face Sayumi again, her usual fake smile plastered on her face. To people that didn't know the singer, it was a pleasant, even charming expression. But to Sayumi it was an irritating reminder of the walls the woman had built around herself to keep others out.

To keep her out.

"Oh, since we're alone, I suppose I should mention that you and Reina-chan have an interview together on Monday. Just the two of you."

Sayumi's gaze darkened considerably as thoughts of revenge swirled through her head. Whatever hesitation she'd had about attempting to seduce Reina had flown out the window when she saw the new girl with Ai. She wasn't about to let some outsider waltz in and do whatever she wanted.



I could have lived in Eri's pantry. Literally--the thing was much bigger than the apartment Aika and I shared, and held enough food to feed probably fifty people for a week.

As I stood inside of it gaping like an idiot, Eri rummaged through the shelves to my left, looking for something to eat. The maids had swarmed us when we first entered the kitchen to offer their assistance, and even though the drummer waved them off, I could see them peering in at us out of the corner of my eye. But if Eri was ignoring them, then I would just have to do my best to do the same.

"Do they... always follow you around like this?" I asked, turning back to the older girl. Eri had found a muffin and this she held in her mouth as she moved to the fridge in search of a drink. I was reminded of Aika and I couldn't help but smile a bit.

"Mhm..." She mumbled back, hopping up to sit on the counter after pouring herself a glass of juice. This she offered to me as well, but I shook my head, still content after what Ai brought me earlier. The drummer paused to take a bite of her food, swallowing before she attempted to speak again. "At least outside of my wing of the building."

"What for?" I was curious; after all, it wasn't unreasonable for a place this big to have a large staff, but it was almost as if the maids lingered around Eri for another purpose besides to cater to her whims.

She gave me a hesitant look, the kind that told me she was about to make a decision whether or not to trust me. After a moment it appeared she decided she would, and the drummer slid off of the counter, beckoning for me to follow her.

Eri led me silently back through the house, reaching behind her for me, and I gladly latched onto her hand. The idea of getting lost here didn't sit well with me, not with the weird maids about. And they were definitely following us, their footsteps padding along in rhythm behind ours. Eventually the drummer and I emerged outside into a central garden of sorts, an oasis of green carved out into the middle of the building. There it was quiet and peaceful, and much to my surprise and relief, the over-attentive women remained inside the mansion, leaving the two of us alone.

Eri let out a sigh that was half-groan, taking a few steps forward into the grass before flopping face-down into it. I stifled a laugh, deciding to sit down beside her. It was soft and comfortable there, and were it a bit later in the day, and the sun higher in the sky, it would have been the perfect place for a nap.

"The maids are sort of... bodyguards." Eri started to explain, rolling over on her back so that she could look up at me. "I mean, they're not like... trained to kill or anything but any one of them would have knocked Sayu and Gaki-san out cold were they allowed to be in that part of the house..."

I blinked, leaning over to remove a stray leaf from her hair.

"But- bodyguards? Why would you even need them?"

"Gaki-san told you my dad's an investor, right?"


"Well, it's not exactly a lie, but it's not the whole truth either," Eri replied, smiling slightly, "Nowadays, he's pretty legit, watching the market, that sort of thing... But when I was younger all of his dealings were more on the shady side."

Sensing there was a story behind her words I laid back in the grass beside her, listening intently. It was still somewhat chilly being early in the day, and Eri must have noticed my shivering because she turned to lay on her side, draping her arm lazily across my middle. To any passersby it may have looked a bit intimate, but I thought nothing of it with no one else around.

"First it was smaller stuff, like drugs." She continued with a yawn, "I mean, I suppose that's not really small to someone on the outside looking in, but my life was much more dangerous when he began putting money towards moving weapons...

"That's when Daddy started to be afraid of what he was getting into as well. And then the police followed a few pointing fingers that lead them to him. They offered my father a deal; information and complete shutdown of all illegal operations for a clean slate and freedom."

I raised an eyebrow; Eri's dad must have been pretty high up to be important enough for the police to offer him a deal that good. But the drummer's expression told me the story wasn't easy for her to recall. Eri had probably buried everything she didn't want to remember, and I wasn't cruel enough to pick up a shovel and start digging.

"Of course, Daddy took the deal. And for a while it seemed like things were gonna be okay. But one of the guys that got put behind bars managed to get out..." A shudder passed through her and I reached for her other hand, squeezing it gently to offer some comfort. I noticed that her fingers were trembling, reminding me of the time she had been in my apartment. "He broke into our old house one night while Daddy was off on a business trip. I was the one who heard the guy moving around in the house and I got up to investigate. I thought maybe my father had come home early...

"He knocked me out when he found me, and took me. I don't remember a lot after that, other than most of the time I was blindfolded, and I think he was putting something in the food he gave me to keep me asleep. Three days of that before the police finally found me and brought me back home... That was the first and last time I ever saw my father cry."

I rubbed my thumb over the back of her hand, willing myself not to cry. I couldn't imagine how I would react to the situation were I in her place, but her shaking suddenly made a whole lot of sense.

"I was only fourteen when that happened. Daddy got extremely paranoid after that and used his money to buy the mansion... And every year since he's hired new 'maids', installed new security cameras... Know why he buys me new cars all the time? He's afraid someone will tail my car driving home." Eri let out a heavy sigh, "Even though it's pretty clear the people he dealt with aren't coming back to bother us now..."

I nodded slightly, still unsure of what to say. It was clear to me that Eri's dad cared about her a lot, and wasn't exactly the cold, rich bastard I imagined him to be. But the way he handled the situation was like locking his daughter in a cage; a gigantic, well-stocked, beautiful cage, but a cage nonetheless.

"There's something else I need to tell you about..." She whispered, and as I looked up to meet her gaze I realized Eri was crying. Instinctively I reached forward to pull the older girl into my arms and the dam broke; she clung to me like she'd never been hugged before and sobbed openly into my shoulder.

I let her cry as long as she needed to, gently rocking her there in the garden, ignoring the twenty sets of eyes watching us vigilantly from the mansion. She needed a friend, and I decided then that I would be that friend.

"You don't have to tell me anything else right now," I whispered, "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere."

I was gonna hold myself to that quiet promise.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2012, 07:51:02 AM by Quietriot »

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XV, 6/13]
« Reply #90 on: June 13, 2012, 05:12:36 PM »

this aisayu combi is like full of evil plots. i felt that blow too when ai said that she doesnt belong to neither sayu or risa, but yet eventhough she doesnt really seem to care about risa she cares enough to scold sayu over starting the fights...but then again that could just be so the band can get through with rehersals no? damn it i think we all need to just go and kick down these walls she has up >3>

as reina put it, eri does seemed like a caged bird. of course her dad's doing this cus he loves her but at the same time it isnt right ;3; and i bet sayu's hate meeter will rise if she catches reina and eri being all huggy and such.

lastly how is risa calming down? she couldnt've gone far in eri's side of the mansion right?

cant wait for more~! ;3;
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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XV, 6/13]
« Reply #91 on: June 13, 2012, 09:41:36 PM »
You know, I wish I could have a god voice LOL but instead, i have my voice =__= which is soooo not awesome haha AND SHH DON'T SPOIL IT FOR PEOPLE RAWRR!!! Super stoked you didn't use super bass, and super happy to get smooth criminal stuck in your head <3 Sheesh about stable Ai though LOL idc if she didn't need prozac to function, she's still evil to me LOL


Ai v Sayu: I kind of giggled to myself when you used "chummy" LOL I love that word ahha Anywho, wow all sorts of ouchies errwhurrrr. It's kind of funny really. Especially when you recall that one omake/chapter that was from Sayu's perspective about everyone, and you remember how "nice" Ai was to her at the beginning. I just found it funny LOL It probably isn't, but *le sigh* Um, so I can't wait to see Sayu go batshit crazy horny on Reina. Just sayin'.

Eri & Reina: IF YOU KEEP THROWING HEAVY THINGS AT ME, I WILL DROWN DAMMIT. holy crap about Eri though T__T There go all my feels since I love her so freakin' much T__T And damn 3 days...she could have honestly been murdered aklsjhfdlkahdlfkhaskldfj

And I reckon that last bit was going to be about her junkie-ness? WHY U RUIN ERI!??!?! IT'S GAKI'S LIFE THAT WE'RE SUPPOSED TO MAKE MISERABLE T__T NOT THE LOVABLE IDIOT'S T_________T

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XV, 6/13]
« Reply #92 on: June 14, 2012, 04:08:30 AM »

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XV, 6/13]
« Reply #93 on: June 14, 2012, 08:46:09 AM »
Oh man, I realized I forgot to reply to the last chapter. XD

Dang, Ai is certainly butting in where I totally don't want her :lol: You really have made her a great villain, though. XD

Oh man, BunnyBean fight! That would be awesome to watch, though.

Hmm, Ai's command over them is amazing... :shocked

Hmm, fighting over Reina? I wonder what was said.

Now, the short chapter. Short, yet important.

We learn that Ai has manipulated Reina into being alone with Sayu, which is terrifying on many levels, but the most important ones to me are Sayu wants to get into Reina's pants and Ai wants Sayu to get into Reina's pants.

So, that...

Then we learn about Eri, though she still hasn't told Reina she's a junkie... And the two become closer in a pose that is just begging for someone to stumble upon them and a misunderstanding occurs...

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XV, 6/13]
« Reply #94 on: June 18, 2012, 06:41:05 AM »
I poofed :O

Anyways...I KNEW IT!  Aichan IS evil~  At least...I still think she is XD  You...I HOPE THERE'S A SCANDAL ABOUT YOU IN THIS FIC!  That'll teach ya >.<  You don't need to belong to Risa anyways since she's with Reina now~  Or she will be :3

At first, I felt like Sayu was strictly in love with no one (although slightly with Kame) and only bedbuddies with Aichan...but she seems to have a softspot for this evil demonwoman.  :O  The moral side of me says I should feel pity for Sayu since she has that small sliver of hope that she'll be loved back...but we all know she's a turd to Risa and Reina without knowing the full no pity for Sayu or Aichan! >.<

Eri's suddenly makes so much more sense :O  How...tragic.  No wonder the girl is a junkie.  After having been scarred like that and then enforced such strict ruling from her pops...I'd go insane too~  :panic: 

TanaKame is bonding :D  She's just taking everyone's buds huh? XD  Risa from Ai and Kame from Sayu :3  Like a boss~

P.S.  50 Shades of Grey is a "rated M twilight fanfiction turned into an adult novel."  AKA badly written mommy porno that use to be a poorly written fangirl fanfiction porno :3  IT'S FUN TO MAKE FUN OF THOUGH~ :heart:

I hopes you come back soon~  :byebye:
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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XV, 6/13]
« Reply #95 on: June 26, 2012, 05:14:34 AM »
-will reply to comments in the morning-


Ahaha I'm not a machine bro! I gotta write shorter stuff sometimes too. I go with my instinct on length and pacing of stuff I write ;)

but yet eventhough she doesnt really seem to care about risa she cares enough to scold sayu over starting the fights...

Actually, she's scolded Risa in front of the others. In chapter... Four? I think? Though Sayu started it and kind of was teasing Reina... It would get sort of boring if I wrote out every rehearsal but lets just say that if she's got a choice between yelling at one or the other she's much more likely to get on Risa's case.

sayu's hate meeter will rise if she catches reina and eri being all huggy and such.

The question is, are Sayu and Eri very close anymore? Eri sort of perceives all of them as her friend to some degree, but its been a while since that little KameShige fling in the omake, and that was the last moment Sayu really had any feelings for our spacey turtle. 

lastly how is risa calming down? she couldnt've gone far in eri's side of the mansion right?

Perhaps she saw something and misinterpreted it~ (lol answered this question with the following chapter XD)


I didn't say it wasn't Tanagaki and I also never said I wouldn't give Risa somebody to love (caaaaannnn~ ANYBODYYYY~ find meeeee~ somebody toooo~ LOVE~). I'm just neither confirming or denying that ship. XD

Ai v Sayu: I kind of giggled to myself when you used "chummy"

I legit use this in conversations XD

Especially when you recall that one omake/chapter that was from Sayu's perspective about everyone, and you remember how "nice" Ai was to her at the beginning.

Well, you have to consider that it's been two years (well, a little less than, but basically) since that point and Risa came back into Ai's life. She's sort of suffering some dissonance and doesn't know how to deal. So basically she's fucking up everything around her. lolol

Um, so I can't wait to see Sayu go batshit crazy horny on Reina. Just sayin'.


-stuff about Eri-

Ahaha everyone here has a bit of angst to deal with. Basically only Reina, Aika, and Ai have come from decent backgrounds. But I can say it gets better ;)

@risa_ai: Because she's being an idiot mostly. XD and not really Tanakamei but it certainly would look that way to any passersby...

Dang, Ai is certainly butting in where I totally don't want her  You really have made her a great villain, though.

-cries- I didn't mean to~ Lolz she's certainly an antagonist, and to be honest I actually wanted to make her a lot worse. But I have this thing about people not really being 100% good or bad and I wanted her to be able to redeem herself at some point so hopefully--if I do my job right--she won't be so hated by everyone at the end.

We learn that Ai has manipulated Reina into being alone with Sayu, which is terrifying on many levels, but the most important ones to me are Sayu wants to get into Reina's pants and Ai wants Sayu to get into Reina's pants.

I'm so excited about this chapter like you have no idea XD 

And the two become closer in a pose that is just begging for someone to stumble upon them and a misunderstanding occurs...

-cough- Risa. -cough- XD

You don't need to belong to Risa anyways since she's with Reina now~  Or she will be :3

You're so determined, its so cute :heart:

The moral side of me says I should feel pity for Sayu since she has that small sliver of hope that she'll be loved back...but we all know she's a turd to Risa and Reina without knowing the full no pity for Sayu or Aichan! >.<

To be fair, Risa hated Sayu from the beginning, just because Sayu annoyed her. The bunny didn't really start antagonizing her back until Risa got thrown in jail, thus breaking Ai's heart and p much causing Eri to spiral out of control (indirectly, but Risa's absence killed the band which was what Eri was coping with). So. XD Also I haven't written much about Sayu's past other than her sleeping with her bandmates, but as of yet we don't know her home situation or how she got into the business she's in~

-Rini's helpful and accurate description of 50 Shades of Grey-

Lol I googled it and I regretted it. You're right tho, it's damn hilarious to make fun of XD

-blows the dust off this thread- its been a little while, ne? This chapter was exponentially hard for me to write for whatever reason, I literally started it and deleted what I'd written three times before getting it done. I kept changing my mind about things and added in stuff to make some later chapters not as stupid to write XD and then today I was determined to finish this so I spent about five hours locked in my closet writing the bulk of this chapter, I kid you not. And it's done! The good news? It's long and there's lots in it. The bad? It's kinda a double cliffhanger. :cathappy:

I love you all :heart: -scampers off to work on Crimson more-


EDIT: also there's a new poll XD
« Last Edit: June 28, 2012, 11:29:25 PM by Quietriot »

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XV, 6/13]
« Reply #96 on: June 26, 2012, 05:16:14 AM »
 :heart: :heart: :heart:

I totally locked myself in my closet today too  :cathappy:

-continues bouncing in seat-
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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XV, 6/13]
« Reply #97 on: June 26, 2012, 05:17:23 AM »
Chapter XVI: You and I

"You alright?"

A gentle voice brought Eri out of her musings, and the drummer turned her head slightly to glance at Aika, who was looking at her with concern. She offered the younger girl a faint smile, leaning her head back against the seat.

"Yeah, just- it was a long day today."

"If you're tired, you really don't have to come with me," Aika frowned, "I can just go by myself."

"No," Eri shook her head, leaning over to place her hand on top of the artist's, which rested in the space between them, "I'm happy to be going, really. Honestly, I think it'll help me take my mind off of things..."

She failed to notice the other girl's slight blush and left her hand where it was, thinking nothing of it. Eri was too focused on replaying the day's events in her head, and soon got lost in her thoughts again, staring out the car window.

She had wanted to tell Reina her secret. She wanted to be honest with the singer because she thought perhaps the other girl wouldn't judge her, and she trusted her, but instead all Eri managed to do was turn into a sobbing mess like always. And Reina had been kind and understanding then, too. For whatever reason, perhaps because Reina was a newcomer to the situation, Eri almost felt like the girl could help her.

But just as she managed to stop crying long enough to talk again, Risa burst into the garden, looking more annoyed than usual and announcing that it was time for rehearsal to start. Eri didn't pay attention to much else after that; they got so busy putting together a set for the festival that she never got an opportunity to slip out, and so she spent the entire time focused mainly on her shaking hands and the burning ache in her body.

Unfortunately, by the time rehearsal was over, she only had just enough time to get ready and head over to pick up Aika. This was the longest Eri had been without her fix in a while, and although her mind was full, she was pleasantly surprised that her hands had stopped shaking and the burn was dull enough now to ignore.

Maybe it really is this easy to just stop.

"Hey, Kamei-san- Eri?"

"Mm?" Eri looked over at Aika again, blinking as she tried to clear her head.

"Do you really think it's alright to show up in a car like this? It might draw a lot of attention..."

"Oh, I hadn't really thought about that..." She murmured, grinning apologetically, "I'm used to it by now, but I can get the driver to let us out before we get there and we can just walk the rest of the way."

Eri didn't really ever take much notice of people staring at her or following her; after all, she'd been thought of as a freak since elementary school so being a rockstar really only changed the meaning behind the way people looked at her, and she had secret bodyguards for the latter. Now that she was focused back on Aika, however, she realized that the girl seemed nervous, even uncomfortable, and she gave her hand a light squeeze.

"I guess wanting to be in the spotlight is more your sister's thing, huh?"

"Kinda..." Aika admitted quietly, smiling a bit, "My friends back home used to ask if it frustrated me that she always got all the attention, but I kind of like hiding in her shadow."

The drummer sized the other girl up, really looking at her for once. She shared similarities with Reina, like her attitude to some extent, and maybe her taste in clothing-- besides the fact that Aika was more practical--but the two were seeming more different to Eri with each moment she spent with either one of them. But while she got along with Reina well, she found Aika fascinating, and was completely forgetting about her earlier worries.

"Speaking of my sister... Do you like her?"

"Of course I do," Eri beamed, completely missing the implication there. Aika shook her head, reluctantly slipping her hand from beneath the other girl's as she attempted to make herself clear without being obvious.

"No, I mean, do you like her?" The high schooler tried again, gesturing vaguely in the air.

Eri got it the second time and she blinked rapidly, quick to explain.

"I see your sister as a friend. That's all. Why, does she like me or something?"

"No," Aika blushed hard as she realized how harsh her answer might have sounded, "I mean, you're great, that's not why- I'm just asking because I care about Rei. I needed to know what your intentions were."

Eri resisted the urge to laugh, not wanting to make fun of the other girl. But a thought suddenly occurred to her, like a puzzle piece locking into place.

Gaki-san got so mad at Sayu when she was making fun of Reina... And then when she saw us in the garden... 


The turtle's eyes widened and she sat up straight, clapping her hands together and causing Aika to jump. It was just a guess, of course, but it made sense; Risa only defended people she cared about, and it had been a hell of a long time since she cared about anyone new. But Eri didn't know how Reina felt, and if left to their own devices the yankii's bluntness coupled with the bean's anger issues, the two were likely to develop a relationship even more toxic than the one Risa shared with Sayumi. She would have to watch them for more clues, and definitely needed to talk to Risa asap.

"Uh, Eri?"

She looked up, realizing that Aika was staring at her, and that the car had stopped as well. The drummer smiled.

"Oh, don't worry about it. I'll tell you later." She could enlist the younger Tanaka in her plans, after all. Eri hopped out of the car, waving her driver away so that she could be the one to help Aika out of the other side. "For now, let's just have fun, okay?"

The younger girl blushed and nodded, and the duo walked together towards the venue, Eri not minding one bit that Aika was still holding her hand.


The space outside the arena was packed with people, and the mood was high-tension, glowsticks bright in preparation for the concert. This wasn't really Aika's scene, but she didn't mind the crowd so much as soon as they were lost in it, and she had to admit that the buzz in the air gave her excited chills. Reina had snuck out to her fair share of concerts as a teenager, and so the artist knew essentially what to expect, but being there in person was much much different.

"They're more popular than I thought," Eri shouted to her over the din, and Aika had to agree, nodding her head as she surveyed the crowd again. Most of the fans appeared to be girls her age or a bit older, and she recognized many of them from school.

"Oi! Mitsui-chan!"

A voice called to her from the side and Aika turned to see the face of Shimizu Saki, a petite, cheerful girl she knew from her science class. The artist smiled and waved, watching as Saki moved towards them.

"I'm surprised to see you here," Saki chirped, "Especially after that thing with Momochi. I wouldn't have pegged you for a Buono! fan."

"Guess it's definitely all over the school, huh," Aika groaned, receiving a comforting pat on the shoulder from Eri, "Actually, I'm sort of friends now with Miyabi-chan and Airi-chan, they gave me tickets."

"Ah, I see."

Though the smile didn't leave the older girl's face, Aika could see a flicker of something strange pass over Saki's features at the mention of Miyabi's name. Whatever it was disappeared quickly when the small girl glanced at Eri, mouth forming a tiny "o" as she realized just who the drummer was.

"You're... Kamei Eri-san... From Wild Musume..." She breathed, and Eri gave her an amused smile.

"I am." The turtle confirmed, placing a finger over her own lips, "Let's not tell the world now, though."

"Oh, no, I understand. I don't think anyone will notice you in a crowd this big," Saki replied, seeming to understand. She glanced back over at Aika with a newfound curiosity in her eyes. "You certainly have interesting friends, Mitsui-chan."

Before Aika could respond, the crowd around them roared as the doors to the arena were opened, and people began to steadily stream inside. She clutched tighter at Eri's hand, not wanting to lose the older girl, eliciting a chuckle from her companion. Saki, however, seemed unconcerned, obviously a concert veteran.

"Hey, you guys wanna get up close? I've been to plenty of these so I know the best ways to move through the crowds."


True to her word, Saki had led the duo around the clusters of people in the arena until they were right up next to the stage, where it was so uncomfortably hot Aika thought she might literally melt. Of course Eri and Saki didn't seem phased at all, and so the artist decided she'd just suck it up for now. Besides, there was, surprisingly, a bit more room at the front and she was relieved to not have to keep bumping into random sweaty strangers anymore.

"This is the only way to watch a concert," the smallest of the three stated happily. She began to babble about the setlist and her favorite songs, Aika graciously pretending to listen until she noticed that Eri seemed distracted again.

She followed the older girl's line of sight, eyes landing on a tall, striking girl standing not too far from them. The girl's head was down, and she seemed focused on her phone, but still Aika thought she recognized her. When the girl looked up at the stage, she was sure.

"Do you know Yajima-san?" She questioned, even as Saki continued going on about Buono! beside her. Eri nodded slowly, and Aika registered a slight apprehension in her features.

"Through Gaki-san, yes... Though-"

"Ah! Maimi-chan~" Saki had noticed her audience was no longer paying attention, and when she spotted the girl they were talking about she waved her over to them. Aika felt Eri tense up beside her, and she moved closer to the older girl as the runner approached them. 

"Hey Captain, how are you?" The girl smiled softly, giving her friend a light hug. 

"I'm good, happy to be here of course~" Saki gestured to Aika and Eri, "This is Mitsui Aika-chan, she goes to school with us--she's the one that hit Momochi in the face."

Maimi's lips twitched with what was an obvious attempt to stifle a laugh. 

"Thanks for doing what the rest of us have wanted to do for about a year now." She shook Aika's hand firmly, leaving the artist to wonder just how strong the athlete actually was.

"And this is-"

"Kamei-san," Maimi cut in before Saki could introduce the girl, holding out her hand to the turtle next, "It's nice to see you again."

Eri nodded shook the runner's hand almost robotically, her expression neutral. Aika wasn't sure what was going on, and decided to be cautious until she could ask the drummer about it.
If Saki noticed the tension between the two, she didn't let it show.

"So, are you here to watch Airi-chan~?"


The runner sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck, swinging playfully at Saki, who easily dodged the hit.

"Maybe, but we all know why you're here, hm?"

Aika watched as the smaller girl lunged at her much taller friend in an attempt to cover her mouth, giggling at the sight. The two scuffled amicably for a bit, Maimi easily maneuvering Saki into a headlock. They stopped struggling as soon as the lights began to dim, smoke billowing dramatically off the stage while the crowd around them went into a cheering frenzy. 

A low hum vibrated through the air, a single bass note setting the ambience for the performers as they were slowly raised up from beneath the stage. This was followed by the drums and a guitar riff, the lights above the stage pulsing in time with the music. A spotlight struck Airi in the center like a flash of lightning, and Aika was stunned at how the kind and seemingly-docile girl she met only days ago could look so fierce and sexy.

Two more beams of light illuminated Miyabi and Momoko in turn, and soon Aika was lost in the atmosphere, swept up by the sights and sounds.


"Just to think, had Eri managed tell me her secret that day, things would have turned out very differently," Reina mused as her sister finished her account of the date, turning to the next page in the scrapbook.

"You don't regret the way things happened, do you?"

The old woman smiled, shaking her head and leaning back against the couch cushions, wrinkled fingers caressing the necklace she still held in her hands. 

"Not at all. Everything happens for a reason, after all. The good and the bad. ...I just was a very naive young woman."

"I'm glad for that," Aika chuckled, and the two sisters spent a moment in companionable silence, each reminiscing on their own. Both were too old for regrets now anyway, and Reina had let all of hers go a long, long time ago. Sure, some of the memories were painful, and there were even some she still wasn't quite ready to revisit, but in the end her choices landed her in a place where she was happy, and she'd had a good life.

As she sat there, however, Reina felt her throat tighten uncomfortably, the familiar cough that had plagued her for the last few years rising up to seize her tiny frame. 

"Are you alright?"

Reina wanted to answer that she was, that it was normal and there was no need to worry, but she couldn't catch her breath long enough even to do that. The old woman watched as her vision became blurry, and the last thing she heard was Aika calling out to her son before she lost consciousness.

Offline mochi.rini

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVI, 6/25]
« Reply #98 on: June 26, 2012, 05:27:16 AM »
nuuuuuuu don't die Reina Dx (> ; A ; )> 

shall return tomorrow to finish off comment since Rini has a killer headache and bounce-spinning on the roll-y chair ain't helping  :catglare:

...12 days since last update?  seems like a lot longer then that XD

I still retain the first line :3  Reina~ <3  I've grown to actually like you more don't die even though you're old Dx

Wow...I've only heard that quitting drugs is tough, so poor Kame...withdrawls must suck beyond all belief...but LOVE can fix it~  :heart:

Gaki-san got so mad at Sayu when she was making fun of Reina... And then when she saw us in the garden...


The turtle's eyes widened and she sat up straight, clapping her hands together and causing Aika to jump. It was just a guess, of course, but it made sense; Risa only defended people she cared about, and it had been a hell of a long time since she cared about anyone new. But Eri didn't know how Reina felt, and if left to their own devices the yankii's bluntness coupled with the bean's anger issues, the two were likely to develop a relationship even more toxic than the one Risa shared with Sayumi. She would have to watch them for more clues, and definitely needed to talk to Risa asap.
YES!  OPERATION RRR time~ (Risa-Reina rabu  :heart:)  Go Ka~aaame!  :onioncheer: 

Y'know, at the beginning of this, I didn't think GakiKame would be very close, but as we delve deeper in, Kame's pretty much the only friend Risa really has now since TakaShige are acting like complete turds~  So Kame probably knows a bit of the truth huh?  Or at least a tidbit that Risa was arrested for protecting Maimi and Mano? Your fic causes lots of speculations y'know :P

"Just to think, had Eri managed tell me her secret that day, things would have turned out very differently,"
Eri: Reina...I have a secret  :err:
Reina:  :pig huh: don't have to-
Eri: I'm a drug addict!  :gyaaah:
Reina:   :mon wtf:
Eri:  :depressed:
Reina:  :mon mad: NO CONCERT FOR YOU! :on kimbo:

And thus, there would be no KamexAika and readers would be very very sad :3  At least...this is how my mind is imagining things ^_^;

.....DON'T DIE REINA~  :fainted:  ...I'm glad you mopey-ness has reformatted to happiness now~  -hug-  :deco:

-notpesteringatall- u~uuuuuuuuupdate so~ooooooooon :D closets are fuuuuuuuuun except if there's god-sized spiders o.o
« Last Edit: June 27, 2012, 02:42:02 AM by mochi.rini »
Hi~iiya!~  (>^_^)>
I support T a k a G a k i
Tumblr/blog \(^ - ^)/

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVI, 6/25]
« Reply #99 on: June 26, 2012, 08:35:07 AM »
EriKa date!~!

Eri is such a sweet space case, not even realizing the effect she's having on little Aika.

She had wanted to tell Reina her secret. She wanted to be honest with the singer because she thought perhaps the other girl wouldn't judge her, and she trusted her,
Hmm, being said like this makes me wonder if Eri really can trust Reina... There're so many ways that conversation could end badly, especially since Aika now has some feelings for the drummer.

Gaki-san got so mad at Sayu when she was making fun of Reina... And then when she saw us in the garden...


Oh, indeed. Wonder what her meddling is going to be like?

"Through Gaki-san, yes... Though-"
Hmm, that sounds like an interesting story...

Two more beams of light illuminated Miyabi and Momoko in turn, and soon Aika was lost in the atmosphere, swept up by the sights and sounds.
:w00t: :w00t:

"Just to think, had Eri managed tell me her secret that day, things would have turned out very differently,"
Damnable curiosity! It practically hurts! >.<

The old woman watched as her vision became blurry, and the last thing she heard was Aika calling out to her son before she lost consciousness.
:O :shocked Damn!

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