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Author Topic: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XX, 10/17]  (Read 56469 times)

Offline kjpop

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVI, 6/25]
« Reply #100 on: June 26, 2012, 02:24:56 PM »

ErixAika is sooooooo adorable~ Aika asking her about the whole "do you like her" thing is like so innocent and like high-school-ish xD megadorbs <3 Plotting turtle to bring on the Tanagaki action? OH HELLLZ YEAHHHHH  :thumbsup

But whoa buddy, Saki doesn't seem to dig the whole ErixAika thing as much as the rest of us xD Guess her reputation precedes her. Yikes  :(

"Thanks for doing what the rest of us have wanted to do for about a year now."


And whoa, mad intense moment between Eri and Maimi. AHH THE TENSION  :panic:

Which died down when the AirixMaimi love started ahahhahahah oh Maimi <3 you idiot  :wub:

"Just to think, had Eri managed tell me her secret that day, things would have turned out very differently,"


AND WTF REINA CAN'T DIE! UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :panic:  im being a total nerd now and going through my mental index of illnesses and diseases to figure out what her problem could be AHHAHAHHAHA im such a loser T__T

As for the omake that's gonna happen regardless hahah any of the girls would be interesting, but personally speaking, I think we've gotten quite an eyeful of Ai and Gaki already (and how tragic they are T__T) and Sayu as well. We got a lot more insight into Eri in the last chapter, and bit more-ish in this one. Idk what you could say about her, unless you're gonna recount that horrific blackout encounter when she got abducted X__X that'd be so cruel and hard to read  :cry: Buono would be interesting ahhaa but I voted for another chapter instead HOHOHO  :lol:
« Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 03:01:37 PM by kjpop »

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVI, 6/25]
« Reply #101 on: June 26, 2012, 04:20:28 PM »
double clifhangers...u slay me! erika is forever adorbrable and plus the leader/capitan crushes were cute~! ;3; i want more~! but pls dont lock urself up in the coloset XD
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Offline Quietriot

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVI, 6/25]
« Reply #102 on: June 28, 2012, 11:37:37 PM »
So yeah locking poll cuz that's p much how many people voted in the last one and the obvious winner is obvious XD (NOT SURPRISED AT ALL) ahaha

Okay SO, because I'm the author and I do what I want I'm granting yalls request HOWEVER, I sort of wrote a really long thing that is mostly an Ai omake that fleshes out the Takagaki past from her POV, leading into the Takagaki part (which is a perv lol). My hang up is that the Ai part might be a bit I'm kinda hesitant to post it or I'm thinking of editing it to make it way shorter.

tl;dr I'm probably gonna post everything anyway lolol so I guess this is mainly a post to say that I finished comment replies to the last chapter and am gonna edit this with my replies to the last one soon~


nuuuuuuu don't die Reina Dx (> ; A ; )>

She's old, bro, it's inevitable T.T

Wow...I've only heard that quitting drugs is tough, so poor Kame...withdrawls must suck beyond all belief...but LOVE can fix it~

Love conquers all~ :heart: And perhaps in this case that's not quite too far off the mark ;)

Kame's pretty much the only friend Risa really has now

True story. And was kind of vice versa until Reina and Aika showed up. Though Eri calls p much anyone her friend XD

So Kame probably knows a bit of the truth huh?  Or at least a tidbit that Risa was arrested for protecting Maimi and Mano? Your fic causes lots of speculations y'know

Fortunately you're good at speculating ;)

-Rini's Tanakamei omake- And thus, there would be no KamexAika and readers would be very very sad :3  At least...this is how my mind is imagining things ^_^;

Yeah that's pretty accurate XD

...spiders o.o

... -flips shit and runs-

Eri is such a sweet space case, not even realizing the effect she's having on little Aika.

Indeed~ They're pretty much the cutest couple in this whole thing hahaha at least until I screw it up with drama trololool~

Hmm, being said like this makes me wonder if Eri really can trust Reina... There're so many ways that conversation could end badly, especially since Aika now has some feelings for the drummer.

Depends on what you mean by trust. To keep her secrets? Perhaps. To keep her head where it involves a junkie associating with her baby sister? ...Debatable XD

Hmm, that sounds like an interesting story...

Considering what you know about Maimi...

ErixAika is sooooooo adorable~ Aika asking her about the whole "do you like her" thing is like so innocent and like high-school-ish xD megadorbs <3 Plotting turtle to bring on the Tanagaki action? OH HELLLZ YEAHHHHH

Haha yeah wanted to make the distinction that Aika's still a high schooler in this XD but Eri is all spacey and derpy it just makes it even better~ <3 and Eri plans on involving Aika as well, so hilarity will abound fa sho XD

But whoa buddy, Saki doesn't seem to dig the whole ErixAika thing as much as the rest of us xD Guess her reputation precedes her. Yikes

Actually, Saki's sort of impressed. She's kind of a big -cough-Miya-cough- wota here but she appreciates bands in general so the fact that the new kid is pals with a famous drummer is points for Aika in Captain's opinion.


See Rini's post for detailed illustration XD

AND WTF REINA CAN'T DIE! UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    im being a total nerd now and going through my mental index of illnesses and diseases to figure out what her problem could be AHHAHAHHAHA im such a loser T__T

Do recall that I'm an art major and know like jack squat about illnesses and disease. Read: Fimmy just BS's symptoms and shit. XD

I think we've gotten quite an eyeful of Ai and Gaki already (and how tragic they are T__T)

True. XD likely won't be writing any more about them after this one.

and Sayu as well.

Kind of. We know she does stuff, just not really why XD tho I think everyone hates her now so they don't care~

Eri...Idk what you could say about her, unless you're gonna recount that horrific blackout encounter when she got abducted X__X that'd be so cruel and hard to read

I dont think I WANT to write that XD

Buono would be interesting ahhaa but I voted for another chapter instead HOHOHO

I can only assume which it was Ahahahaha

@KB: Ehehehe but the closet is dark and cool and I like it there~
« Last Edit: June 29, 2012, 12:08:22 AM by Quietriot »

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVI, 6/25]
« Reply #103 on: June 28, 2012, 11:41:42 PM »
Don't care if redundant, just want all the Ai omakes!

Offline Quietriot

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVI, 6/25]
« Reply #104 on: June 29, 2012, 12:38:26 AM »
(Expect the extended part of this later tonight, I've a headache now XD)

Omake V: Hide and Seek

Takahashi Ai was a rational person. At least, she liked to think she was. She didn't rock the boat, played by the rules, and since graduating high school lived her life following a rigid routine that allowed her to maximize her time. These were habits that had followed her since childhood, thanks to a mother and father who were loving but strictly invested in their child's talents and future.

So when Niigaki Risa stepped into her life, loud and emotional and a little bit wild, Ai really wasn't sure what to do with herself at first. She could still remember the day they met, when she'd transferred schools and she sat in the cafeteria alone to eat, the aura of 'new girl' scaring off all prospective friends. Risa had ambled up to her, completely fearless even though she was two years her junior, wanting to know everything.

The girl firmly wedged herself into Ai's life. They quickly discovered that they didn't live too far from each other and often walked one another to and from school, the latter frequently ending in sleepovers. So frequently, in fact, that she'd gotten into the habit of referring to Risa's parents as mama and papa and vice versa. They were together save for when they had class, and Ai had to admit that she didn't mind that one bit. Risa was like the little sister she never had, and Ai doted on her every opportunity she got. 

And then she entered high school, where everything changed. Different campus, different people, and fewer and fewer opportunities to see Risa. Not to mention her body was changing and people started to look at her differently. Boys asked her out. Girls did too, when they weren't busy trying to imitate her or to push their way into her circle. Almost overnight she became extremely popular, and overwhelmed, Ai was swept up in the peer pressure.

"I can't walk home with you as much anymore, Risa..."

"Why not?" The younger girl stopped swinging, kicking up a bit of dust as she glanced sideways at her best friend. Ai couldn't meet her gaze.

"Because people don't like it when they see me with you."

"You're worried... About your reputation?"

The silence was enough of an answer for Risa, the look of hurt on her face twisting in Ai's stomach like a knife. She wouldn't ever forget that look, or the tears that started to run down the bean's cheeks as she turned to walk away.

"I won't bother you anymore, then..."

It was a terrible, awful thing to do to the person who had befriended her when no one else would. But Ai didn't know how to say no or to resist the clique that was steadily building itself around her. She attempted to apologize for weeks afterwards, but Risa ignored her completely, and the monkey couldn't blame her. 

She didn't give up on trying to mend their broken friendship, however. When the bean's next birthday rolled around, Ai was determined to make it special in the hopes that Risa would forgive her. What she didn't anticipate, however, was that her skill level didn't match up with with the skill required to bake a cake from scratch; when the bean came home that evening, she found Ai in the kitchen in tears, covered in flour and clumps of dough.

She laughed. It started out as a low series of chuckles before erupting into shrieks that sent her to her knees, clutching her sides. Risa's reaction only made Ai cry harder.

"I was just trying to make you a cake..." The monkey wailed miserably, sure that she would never get her friend back now.

To her surprise, Risa gathered her in a tight hug, still giggling a bit.

"I can't stay mad at you forever. You're just too hopeless without me anyway."

It was true, Ai realized. She didn't really know what to do without Risa; the girl was her rock and her confidante, always reliable. Their friendship was restored, but things didn't go back to the way they had been before. Risa insisted that Ai remain friends with her group, which meant that when the bean moved up into high school as well, Ai had to pretend that the girl didn't exist in public.

"I don't like doing this. I don't know what to say to them when they make fun of you... I don't care what they think of me anymore, I'd rather just spend time with you..."

"Trust me, its probably not the best idea to make enemies of the most popular girls in school. They'd make your life hell. And I don't want that for you."


"Just trust me, I can take what they say, it's no big deal."

But it hurt the girl, Ai knew, to be pushed around and teased all the time. Risa laughed it off, but it was just to refuse her tormentors the satisfaction of seeing her cry. The monkey was glad when the bean managed to find a friend other than herself; Kamei Eri was constantly cheerful, and was such an airhead that bullies had all but given up on bothering her anymore. This 'protection' extended to Risa when they were together, but it didn't keep her from getting whispers and dirty looks.

Still, Ai was grateful for the moments she had with Risa, and always did her best to make the girl happy when she could. Life seemed just fine; time passed, and Ai entered her senior year, and she couldn't help but await her graduation with eager anticipation.

It was during this time that she began to notice Risa more, beyond the platonic things one would think about their best friend. The girl had stopped wearing her hair in pigtails so much, and cut her bangs so that they cutely framed her face. Ai found herself staring whenever Risa smiled or laughed, and made conscious efforts to elicit these reactions out of her friend. The bean began to walk with an unconscious grace and though she was still much skinnier than Ai liked--the monkey continuously attempted to get her friend to eat more--every time they hugged, Ai was aware of the gentle curves that Risa now possessed.

"Sounds like you've got a crush on your best friend." Sayumi stated bluntly, stretching out lazily in her seat. The bunny was new to her circle, chosen for her looks and her sharp tongue after humiliating one of the older girls in the cafeteria. For whatever reason, she stuck close to Ai, and didn't seem to care that the girl was friends with someone so low on the social totem pole.

"What?!" Ai shot up straight and very nearly brained her head on the wall behind her.

"Trust me, I know a thing or two about attraction," The younger girl replied mysteriously, "Besides, you just spent a whole two minutes describing what her perfume smells like."

The more she thought about it, the more Ai had to agree that Sayumi was right, and as with most things involving Risa, she had absolutely no idea what to do. She couldn't simply just walk up to her best friend and tell her she wanted to be... well, more than that. Besides, Ai didn't know the first thing about romance. She'd never even been kissed! Granted, neither had Risa--unless the awkward incident with Eri counted and the bean liked to insist it didn't--but how was she supposed to woo someone if she didn't know what to do?

For weeks the monkey agonized over her feelings, steadily working up the courage to do something about them, and she finally decided while walking Risa home one day that she would tell the girl that very night.


When she'd gathered all of her thoughts and emotions back together, Ai decided to finally approach the nearest officer, leaving a sleeping Risa against the station's wall. She paused for a moment, using her thumb to brush away half-dried tears from the exhausted girl's face before walking up to the policeman.

"Do we know what happened yet?"

"Are you family?" The man questioned gruffly, barely looking at her over the notepad he was scribbling on.

"I may as well be." Ai replied firmly, refusing to back down. The officer looked at her fully this time, shrugged, and then answered her.

"Seems like the usual gang-related violence we get around here. Probably initiates who were told to rob the place. These two just unfortunately happened to be home at the same time."

She imagined Mama and Papa Niigaki, Mama making a snack for her and Risa and Papa just arriving home from work, likely getting in the way with a good natured smile on his face. Her eyes stung at the senselessness of their deaths, and the realization that had she and Risa been there on time...

"Listen, miss, you probably should take your friend and go home. It's been a long day."

"Thank you," She mumbled, sniffling lightly as she pulled her phone from her pocket, dialing her mother's number.

Risa wasn't the same after that. Ai hadn't expected her to be, of course, but the change was so drastic she could barely recognize the girl she'd fallen in love with. Though her parents had offered to take the bean in, Risa was adamant about taking care of herself and got a job at a cafe downtown, as well as her own apartment. Her grades started to slip, her mood was awful, and she began to pick up habits that Ai found disgusting. Like smoking.

The monkey knew her friend was spending more and more time with a few rumored gangsters, and even discovered that Risa had gotten a tattoo all of a sudden. She worried, constantly, but every attempt to talk some sense into her friend was met with defense or anger.

And then hope came in the form of Eri's little band project. It was meant to be for fun, mostly, but Ai knew that what Risa needed was a distraction. She made the girl promise to come to rehearsals, and while the bean protested loudly every chance she got, Ai slowly began to notice that her friend was smiling again. 

Sometimes she would even laugh. 

She wasn't sure who suggested it first, but soon after they'd been rehearsing the band managed to get a real gig at some karaoke place in the city. It was small, and definitely not a full house, but the lights and the music had charged Ai to the point where she felt like she could jump off a skyscraper and bounce back like it was nothing.

Electrified with the post-performance high, she found Risa backstage after the concert, humming as she put away her bass.

"That was amazing, wasn't it?" The bean asked, knowing it was Ai without even looking up, "I mean, there weren't a lot of people, but we were perfect and it..."

Risa trailed off as she stood up, caught in Ai's intense gaze. She swallowed, and for a moment the monkey caught a glimpse of the girl hiding beneath the badass gangster facade.

"You are amazing," Ai replied softly, taking a few steps to close the space between them. She watched Risa's face flush red in the dim lighting as she slipped her arms around the younger girl's waist, pulling her close, "Not to mention beautiful, wonderful..." Ai realized how close their faces were and attempted to stay on track, "Well... I have a list of things but that could very well take forever to go through."


"I love you." Ai confessed, holding Risa's gaze, "I have... For a while now. I just didn't know how to tell you or how you'd react or-"

"Ai, please shut up and kiss me now," Risa breathed, and her request was quickly granted, lips crashing hard together. 

Unlike most first kisses, this one was desperate and hungry, Ai pressing the younger woman back up against the wall while Risa clutched fistfuls of her shirt in an attempt to stay upright. Both had been waiting for and imagining the moment for so long that for it to finally happen seemed to shatter some invisible wall between them, and when they broke the kiss, Ai met Risa's grin with a dark gaze.

"You're coming home with me tonight," She whispered into the bean's ear.

"I better be." Risa replied, nipping lightly at Ai's neck before gently pushing her away. Feeling pleasantly light-headed by the action, Ai watched the younger girl pick up her bass and sling it over her shoulder, and she quietly followed Risa out of the building.




Ai nuzzled into her new girlfriend's hair, breathing in deep the mixed scents of perfume and sweat and sex, nearly intoxicated by that alone. She was so comfortable that she almost forgot what it was she was going to ask, until the girl in her arms rolled over, dark eyes curious.

"Will you promise me something?"

"Of course," The younger girl snuggled up under her chin, "Anything."

"Please don't go back to them," Ai murmured softly, her fingers lightly tracing the contours of Risa's shoulder blades, ghosting over the tiger etched into her skin. The bassist seemed to tense at the contact at first, but then she let out a quiet sigh, her breath tickling Ai's collarbone.

"I won't. I promise."

She failed at protecting Risa from the cruelty of their classmates. 

She failed at giving her enough support when the girl's parents died. 

She could not keep Risa from joining a gang, nor could she pull her out of it.

She also couldn't keep Risa from going to jail.

They made her leader, trusted her, respected her, and she watched as it crumbled around them; she watched Eri get carted off in an ambulance, and watched Sayumi leave a trail of broken hearts in her wake.

The blame for all of these things she carried on her shoulders; because she had done nothing.

Because she was a coward.

But the moment Risa got out of jail and walked back into her life, something snapped inside. She resolved then and there that they would succeed, that the band would be restored to its former glory and she would crush anything or anyone that got in their way. She wouldn't even allow Risa to distract her from this goal.

I don't hate you... But I don't trust you... 

Not yet. 

But maybe when this is all over, I'll take you away from here and we can start over again.

Just you and I.

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Omake V, 6/28]
« Reply #105 on: June 29, 2012, 12:56:15 AM »
can i just go cry in a corner? i dont think i can hate ai anymore ;3; god damn it ;3;

i had to edit after re-reading and i clearly want to know how that gakikame 1st kiss went XD
« Last Edit: June 29, 2012, 01:57:16 AM by kawaii beam »
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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Omake V, 6/28]
« Reply #106 on: June 29, 2012, 02:07:59 AM »
...Ok, I have sympathy... But I still see Ai as the "villain" here. Just because she started out with good intentions, doesn't make the things she's doing right. Openly encouraging Sayu to do something about Reina, manipulating everyone around her. No good will come of it.

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Omake V, 6/28]
« Reply #107 on: June 29, 2012, 02:16:34 AM »
gah ur so right ;3; can we just clarify that everyone's messed up in the head? XD
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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Omake V, 6/28]
« Reply #108 on: June 29, 2012, 03:02:40 AM »
I don't hate you... But I don't trust you...

Not yet.

But maybe when this is all over, I'll take you away from here and we can start over again.

Just you and I.
UGH!  Right in the kokoro Dx  My overweight TakaGaki fangirl is psyched and cheering for them...but my little average sized TanaGaki fangirl resists on...IT'S TOO LATE TO TURN BACK~ Why are OTP decisions so difficult? Dx

Ma~aaaan you just HAD to make me feel sympathetic for Aichan (> 3 <)

"I was just trying to make you a cake..." The monkey wailed miserably, sure that she would never get her friend back now.
Lol I could seriously imagine this happening.  With an addition of her accent of course :D

Still....I feel pretty bad for Aichan ; A ;  Don't be so darn ambitious dude~  the ambitious ones always die first in this crazed battlefield Dx 

^ and ^x2
« Last Edit: June 29, 2012, 03:51:17 AM by mochi.rini »
Hi~iiya!~  (>^_^)>
I support T a k a G a k i
Tumblr/blog \(^ - ^)/

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Omake V, 6/28]
« Reply #109 on: June 29, 2012, 03:11:42 AM »

Pssh Ai, rationale is so boring. you end up like me  :thumbdown:

Ai really wasn't sure what to do with herself at first.
Easy, just fuck her brains out ahhahahahhahahahhaha  :lol:

Risa was like the little sister she never had
...well I guess incest is ok.... XD

But Ai didn't know how to say no or to resist the clique that was steadily building itself around her.
Oh my god this is like freakin' Mean Girls LOL AI, Y U HANG WIT DA PLASTICS!? lol

kahlskdjfhaskldfsdf cake scene  :cry:

Ai had to pretend that the girl didn't exist in public.


unless the awkward incident with Eri counted and the bean liked to insist it didn't
Prithee, do tell  :P AND LOL ABOUT POPULAR MEAN GIRL AI NOT GETTING KISSED ahah it's always those damn popular kids that get some >___> jerks lol

Oh man, I was bracing myself for the heavy X__X That really blows for Risa man >__< We really gotta give her some lovin' these days xD BUT WOO ERI TO THE RESCUE <3

DAT CONFESSION THO  :farofflook:
"Ai, please shut up and kiss me now,"

"You're coming home with me tonight," She whispered into the bean's ear.


....But I take that back because Ai still has bad intentions >__> and I ain't trusting her LOL LET ME WAVE THE TANAGAKI FLAG, FOREVER ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :cool1:

EDIT: jk everyone is kind of on the same boat haha
« Last Edit: June 29, 2012, 03:49:26 AM by kjpop »

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Omake V, 6/28]
« Reply #110 on: June 29, 2012, 07:23:14 AM »
Hurhur, so to make all of your shipping feels even more complicated, you can find the extended part of Omake V in the perv section, located here:

If you can't access, tough nuts.

Now I need to... Tanagaki... Help, my brain... Someone write something to get my OTP back on track...  :panic:

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Omake V, 6/28]
« Reply #111 on: June 29, 2012, 10:33:47 AM »
I NEED A PM. ONEGAI~ I WANNA READ IT SO BAD. :( *sits in corner and cries*

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Omake V, 6/28]
« Reply #112 on: June 29, 2012, 02:51:11 PM »
commenting here to troll the unfortunate souls that cant read LOL

I have no idea where the hell you're going with the tana/takagaki/sayu/eri love orgy XD I'm like I SURRENDER I SURRENDER. You make Takagaki so lovely and adorable and like AHHHHHH~ Smooth operator virgin Ai, bahhhhhhh And to think that was before she became like a total manipulative ass xD


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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Omake V, 6/28]
« Reply #113 on: July 03, 2012, 02:18:53 AM »
@KB: heheh glad to keep messing with your emotions~ as for Gakikame incident, perhaps I'll throw it in some conversation later on XD

@Rndy: haha you're right, no good will come of it. Basically just wanted to show that Ai has motivations just like the others; they're not exactly pure but she feels justified in what she's doing.

@Rini: hurhur I'm just gonna keep confusing your emotions I promise~ hang on tight XD

@KJ: yeahhh don't trust Ai too soon. XD shits all about to just hit the fan~ And soon Tanashige encounter as well :x

@risa_ai: my policy is if you can't access the perv, there's a reason for it, so I'm not in the business of sending PMs. Doesn't sit right w my conscience. If someone else doesn't mind copy pasting for you, I can't stop 'em, but I won't do it. My apologies. :)

Lots of dialogue in this one but I couldn't help but come up with two more scenes to involve before moving forward. Forgive my long-windedness~ this is about to pick up a bit XD Enjoy~

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Omake V, 6/28]
« Reply #114 on: July 03, 2012, 02:20:47 AM »
Chapter XVII: 50 Ways to Say Goodbye

The sound of a gentle beeping and mechanical hissing greeted the elder Tanaka when she awoke, the former keeping time with her pulse and the latter, her breathing. Dim fluorescent lights cast a glow overhead, and Reina quickly deduced she was in a hospital bed; as if the oxygen mask plastered to her face weren't enough of a clue. Carefully, so as not to bother the IV taped to her hand, the old woman slowly propped herself up so she could look around.

She was not alone; Aika sat dozing in a chair on the other side of the room, next to another bed that was also occupied. Reina wasn't surprised they'd moved her here, since it would be much easier for her sister to keep an eye on the both of them. In fact, she also wouldn't have been surprised if Aika had personally requested such a thing.

Reina gingerly moved her legs so that they hung off the bed, grumbling something about her body not working the way it should. She discarded the oxygen mask, silently hoping some doctor would notice later so she could argue with someone. The old woman reached for the stand that her IV and pulse monitor were hooked up to, and after rising from the bed, used it for balance as she rolled herself over to the other side of the room.

She sat on the edge of the bed almost reverently, careful not to touch or wake its occupant. Not that she could; the woman was in a coma after all. It had been too long since Reina last saw her, though she knew if the woman were awake, forgiveness would come easily. Still, the old yankii felt guilty, even if her absence was due to mourning.

"How are you today, Eri?" She questioned the still form, reaching for the unconscious woman's hand. Her eyes fell on the wedding band as her fingers brushed against it, and she smiled, "Aika and I were talking about you just before I ended up here, you know. I was beginning to think perhaps you were sick of me since you don't visit anymore."

Eri's breathing remained steady, and though it hurt to see her friend this way, talking to her still helped. And Reina liked to think that somehow the turtle could hear her anyway.

"I know I haven't been here since..." She gripped Eri's hand for strength, unable to say the name. Three years wasn't enough time to heal some wounds. No time would be enough for this one. "Well, I haven't ever been here alone. I'm sorry. I know you'd tell me it's alright and that you understand, but that's just you being an amazing friend and me being a terrible one. And I guess that's how it's always worked between us, hasn't it? As much as you try to argue differently..."

She paused as Aika shifted in her chair nearby, but her sister wasn't waking up anytime soon. Another pang of guilt ran through Reina's system, considering what her own plans were. She turned back to Eri, voice softer now.

"She misses you terribly, you know. She doesn't ever leave, unless it's to check up on me," Reina brushed stray hairs from Eri's face, "So I'm afraid I have to ask you to hurry up and wake up soon. She's gonna need you even more when I go, you know?"

The old woman sighed, leaning back against the wall.

"I've been dying since... Since I lost her, you know? It's my time to go, Eri. I'm tired. But I've still got a few things left to do. Gotta make my peace to die in peace I guess."

Reina picked at the flimsy hospital blanket, wondering if she'd live long enough to do what she wanted. As old as she was she no longer feared death, but certainly wished she could outrun it just enough to have no regrets. 

No one's that lucky, though.

"...Can I tell you a story? Aika and I were just getting to the good parts."


When Eri returned home that night, it was late and and she felt absolutely terrible. All she could focus on was getting to her fix; fortunately, the overwhelming urge hadn't kicked in until she and Aika left the concert. But by the time she dropped the artist off at her home, she was gritting her teeth and making her most valiant effort to keep from shaking in front of the younger girl.

"Thank you for coming with me tonight." Aika said shyly, staring at the ground near Eri's feet, "I had fun."

"So did I," The drummer tried her hardest to smile, thankful that the girl wasn't looking at her. It'd been quite some time since she regretted picking up this addiction, but she definitely wished she weren't bound by it now. "We should hang out again soon."

"Y-yeah?" The younger girl squeaked, head jerking up to meet Eri's gaze. The drummer hoped it was dark enough that Aika didn't notice much. 

"Yeah. I'll call you sometime this week, okay?" She replied with a grin, shoving her hands in her pockets as she turned to leave. The drummer only managed to walk down one step before a hand on her shoulder stopped her.



As she turned to face the artist again, she felt warm lips on her own, Aika using the height advantage to surprise her with a kiss. It was chaste, and over too quickly for Eri to react fast enough, blinking as the younger girl pulled away. Aika was too red now for even the drummer to be oblivious.

"A-ah, I'm sorry-" She began apologizing, and even in her shock Eri thought she was cute, "I just-"

The drummer smiled, forgetting her aching head for a moment and reaching for one of Aika's hands. 

"Don't be sorry," she murmured quietly, leaning up to give the artist a kiss of her own. The younger girl sighed happily against her lips, and after a moment Eri broke the contact to look up at her, still smiling, "I'm not."

Aika slowly smiled back at her, and the drummer gave her hand a squeeze before turning again to descend the steps.

She could still taste the faintest hint of strawberry lip gloss, and couldn't help but smile even as she wandered through the quiet mansion towards the kitchen. But regret soon crept into her mind; what was she thinking, spending time with someone so innocent? And then letting herself start to develop feelings...

Eri needed those damned drugs. Now.

As soon as she entered the kitchen, she was greeted with the sound of clanging metal, watching as an avalanche of pots crashed down in the corner of the room. Risa was in the middle of this, cursing loudly as she surveyed her mess.

"Gaki-san?" The ex-gangster looked over at her, eyes narrowing slightly, "What are you still doing here? It's nearly midnight..."

"Didn't really feel like being around Aichan tonight," Risa grumbled, "Figured you wouldn't mind if I just crashed at your place."

"Oh, I mean, I don't mind, but..." She could no longer ignore the burning, but she could tell her friend was definitely bothered by something, "What's wrong, Gaki-san?"

Risa shook her head, kneeling down to gather up the scattered kitchenware, and Eri sighed. When the bassist was in this state it was best to let her speak first, and the drummer decided to take care of her own problem in the meantime. She wandered into the pantry and pushed aside a few boxes on the shelf, reaching into the darkness to find a small metal case she knew was 'hidden' there. Her secret wasn't so secret from the staff, who minded their own business, didn't ask questions, and didn't touch her stuff.

Eri drew the case close to herself, giving it a slight shake to hear the contents rattling inside. She had about a week's supply left before she'd have to get more... Aika's face popped into her mind, and she felt a pang of guilt, unable to open it.

The drummer walked back into the kitchen, where Risa had set a pot of water on the stove to boil, everything else back in its place. Eri walked around the bar to sit across from her, setting the case down on the counter with a sigh before burying her face in her hands.

"What's eating you, Kame?" Risa grunted, looking over her shoulder.

"I don't want to do this anymore, Gaki-san..." Eri replied, even as her fingers trembled against her face, "Today was the longest I've gone without and it was like... stepping out of a cloud or something. I can speak easier... Think more clearly..."

The ex-gangster raised an eyebrow, turning to face her friend fully.

"You gotta be serious to get out of this kinda shit, Kame. And you have to want to do it for yourself, not some girl you like." She replied, firm but not unkind, "You tried that before with Michishige and it didn't work. Same thing will happen with Tanakacchi."

Eri blinked, lifting her head to glance at Risa.

"Gaki-san, about Reina-chan..."

"You don't have to explain anything, I saw you two in the garden..."


"...I mean, it's not like I care or anything but..."


" should probably know she has a thing for Aichan-"


The bassist stopped her rambling, confused.


"Reina and I are just friends," Eri clarified, smiling softly, "I know maybe it looked a bit fishy, but we were just talking when you saw us. I told her about a lot of things and I started crying. She was just trying to comfort me."

"Oh," Risa replied dumbly, looking a mixture of sheepish and relieved, "Then, what were you doing tonight? I thought you said you were going to her house?"

"I did, but it was to pick up her sister," The drummer fidgeted with the clasp on the case, aware of Risa's questioning gaze. Risa was smart enough to figure things out on her own, however, and began to chuckle, shaking her head.

"Oh man, you have a thing for the kid? I so called it... But you're so dead. If Tanakacchi finds out, she'll kill you. Does she know about this?" The bassist gestured towards the case.

"No... I was trying to tell her in the garden before I started crying, but then someone interrupted..." Eri groaned, slumping back down on the table, "But forget Reina... If Aika finds out I bet she won't want anything else to do with me..."

Risa watched her friend quietly for a moment, trying to come up with something to say. It'd been a long time since Eri showed interest in somebody, and the short-lived thing with Sayumi... The drummer had started using during all of that, and her inability to care for herself, let alone the other girl, had destroyed that relationship. And to think the bunny had actually been good for Eri once...

But that was then, and thinking of Sayumi even for a moment made Risa see red, so she shook the thoughts from her mind, returning to the present. Aika was an innocent kid, and probably just what Eri needed in her life... but only if Eri could rid herself of the drugs. And if she did it for Aika and then the girl left her, Risa knew things would just go back to the way they were.

"What if I help you quit this," She held up a hand just as Eri sat up to thank her, "But, you gotta promise you're doing it for you. And you need to tell Tanakacchi and this girl of yours soon. Nothing good will come of keeping something like this from a woman like her..."

"Okay... I promise." Eri replied slowly, seeming to think hard about the answer, which was good enough for Risa, "And I'll tell them. But since we're making deals here, you do a few things for me as well."


"More incentive for me to be serious about this."

"Depends on what you're asking, I guess," Risa replied, but she couldn't help but be curious, "What is it?"

"First, you quit smoking."

The bassist scowled, leaning on the counter so she could be eye level with her friend.

"The hell I'm doing that."

"Come on, Gaki-san... It's terrible for you, and besides, how am I supposed to listen to someone when they're tearing up their own body?"

"Fine," Risa growled, eyes on the case under Eri's hands. She fished around in her jacket for her pack of cigarettes and tossed it on the table, holding her hand out for the case in exchange. The drummer stared at her. 

"And the one in your back pocket as well, Gaki-san."

The bassist scowled harder and reluctantly complied, pulling the mentioned pack out and tossing it next to its twin. Eri obediently slid the case into Risa's hands, pocketing the smokes to dispose of them when the older woman wasn't looking. Risa knew she would regret this later, but maybe Eri was right, and besides, she would do whatever she needed to get her friend sober. She definitely owed her that.

"What's the second thing?" The bassist asked, trying to keep the irritation out of her tone.

"You should go apologize to Reina for being such a jerk today."

"What?!" Risa jumped to her feet, the look on her face telling Eri that the older girl would much rather throw herself off a cliff. The way the girl reacted sometimes, honestly...

"It wouldn't kill you," Eri replied flatly, "She's trying pretty hard to fit in here and you and Sayu aren't making that easy for her."

"Don't lump me in with that bitch," Risa warned coldly, but the drummer was unphased.

"Then stop being an idiot about things," Eri replied gently, tone contrasting with the insult, "I don't understand why you're suddenly all standoffish with Reina anyway, you stood up for her when Sayu harassed her once, and even today you took a swing at Sayu for saying... well..." It had been a really lewd comment about taking the singer to bed--not too uncharacteristic of the bunny, of course, and Eri wasn't a prude but she didn't say things like that. "Anyway you were there. It just seems like since that day you taught her to drive you've been kind of rude to her."

Risa was aware of the way she'd been acting. But she couldn't help it, not with the singer slowly getting closer and closer to the woman she loved. Especially with the thought that Reina was so much better for Ai than she could be floating around in her mind. Reina didn't carry around 50 tons of baggage and a bad attitude, and she was good-looking and talented beyond that.

It wasn't Reina's fault Ai was taking an interest in her, and Risa certainly couldn't blame Reina for liking Ai. There was the other thought that crept into the bassist's mind, the one that told her she was probably just holding Ai back by not letting go of what they'd had before.

And maybe... If something were to happen... Maybe Ai could be happy again with her instead of me.

She buried the other thoughts in her head, the strange ones that confused her thinking, like the way  she'd felt when Reina had fallen on top of her in the restaurant, or what it was like to hold the other girl in her lap as she taught her to drive. It was easy to filter them out, and she chalked them up to the fact that Reina was simply an attractive girl, and Risa noticed. It meant nothing more than that.

Risa sighed. No, it wouldn't kill her to make peace with the yankii. 

"Fine, I'll do that too." She finally responded, eliciting a pleased grin from Eri. "Now come here and help me with this, I'm starving..."


Sayumi realized something was out of place as soon as she approached her apartment door. The untrained eye would have completely missed it, of course, but the bunny noticed everything, and the fading watery footprints leading up to her place didn't escape her gaze. She reached for the handle, turning it slightly, her apprehension fading into annoyance when she realized the lock had been tampered with, rendered useless. 

The guitarist kicked the door open, stomping inside and throwing her bag on the floor when she entered the kitchen.

"Koharu! That's the fifth one you've broken! It's not exactly cheap to get the lock replaced every time you decide to drop in, you little brat..."

"If you would just give me a key, I wouldn't have to break in every time," A tired voice responded, coming in from the living room. Sayumi huffed angrily, following the sound to find her half-sister curled up on the couch.

"You know very well why I don't do that either. Look, you can't crash here tonight, I've got someone coming over and-" The bunny halted as she realized Koharu's current state. The girl was soaking wet--not really surprising considering the way the rain was coming down outside--jet-black hair plastered to her face. An angry bruise graced Koharu's otherwise lovely cheek, and Sayumi could tell her sister had been crying. Eyes that were generally sparkling with energy stared back at the bunny, completely hollow.

"Oh Koharu," She sighed, quickly and silently moving back into the kitchen. Sayumi pulled a large dry towel from one of the top cabinets and then opened the freezer to retrieve an ice pack. These things she returned to the living room with, and she handed the latter to Koharu while forcing the younger girl to sit up. 

Sayumi and Koharu shared the same mother, and thankfully had gotten most of their looks from her as well, rather than from their absent fathers, both of whom the bunny had been told weren't exactly handsome. Their mother had chased after them for their money, just like every other man she'd ever had in her life, unsurprised and uncaring when they left at the first mention of pregnancy.

Sayumi had inherited her mother's cunning, and was all but following in her footsteps; the only difference being that she never saw the same partners more than once, save for Ai and occasionally Eri. She had been ousted from her mother's home when she was three, and bounced around from foster home to foster home until she eventually simply aged out of the system. She took up exotic dancing and sold her body when she needed extra money, careful to avoid getting caught.

Koharu hadn't even been a factor in her life until her mother returned to the city a few years ago, and Sayumi had to deal with the double shock of seeing her mother again and coming to terms with the fact she now had a half-sister.

Where Sayumi was cold and ruthless, Koharu was somehow kind and cheerful. The bunny mostly thought her sister was an idiot, and never missed an opportunity to tell her so. What was irritating was that Koharu generally answered her with a dopey smile. She tolerated the younger girl, however, and would die before admitting out loud that she liked the kid.

Koharu enjoyed a more stable home life than Sayumi ever had, save for the fact that their mother took up drinking and tended to get violent at times, meaning that the girl was prone to becoming a human punching bag. It was after these episodes that the kid would flee to Sayumi's apartment for a few days, returning when her mom threatened to call the cops to bring her back. It was a cycle that Sayumi hated, and as much as she wished she could take the kid in, she was barely able to take care of herself.

She couldn't force Koharu to turn their mother in, either; the kid was adamant about not doing so for whatever reason. The most the bunny could do was nurse her sister back to health each time and give her a few days of refuge.

Sayumi threw the towel around the girl's shoulders and dug in her pocket for her phone, dialing the latest number she added to her ever growing list. As Koharu sniffled and settled into the crook of her arm, the bunny cleared her schedule for the next few days. 

She would do what she could to take care of her sister.

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVII, 7/2]
« Reply #115 on: July 03, 2012, 03:23:39 AM »
ogranny reina is so sweet...and still in the mood to argue with someone even at that age is hilarious XD though it totally shocked me that eri was in a coma ;3; i wonder how that even happened? >.<

gakikame bonding is the best and i had to lol when risa was all rambling on and on and had a total "hell no" at the mention of giving up her cigs XD like i can just imagine all of the expressions of this moody risa lol and with kame i really hope she can pull it through. risa's right that she has to do it for herself and not aika cus if something happens thats it and she'll dive her way back into the hole again >.< and with risa gah i swear i think she needs to talk stuff out with ai and just straighten out the jumbled mess in her head @~@

sayukoha bonding is also cute but totally bittersweet ;3; poor koha. atleast she has sayu there for her >.< i wonder if koha's met ai then when she comes over? speaking of ai, does that mean that she's the only one pretty much chilling alone at her place? i just realized this lol

gah i cant wait for the next chapter :panic: :deco:
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Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVII, 7/2]
« Reply #116 on: July 03, 2012, 09:24:31 AM »
A long chapter! :w00t:

Whew, Old!Reina survived, for now. And we get a bit more insight into her past, a confirmation of EriKa and a narrowing down of suspects of who she ends up with. Still sad, though, poor broken hearts.

GakiKame bonding! I'm so excited that they're helping each other with their addictions, though, one has to wonder how long it will last. I sense a lot of drama coming up and it will probably be hard for them both to get through without smokes/drugs unless they really lean on each other.

And a bit of Risa introspection. Beginning to think that she should let go of Ai is a good thing, now, lets just turn her sights a little harder at a certain kitty...

And SayuKoha relationship gets delved into a bit, a lot of their backgrounds coming to light. Poor kids, though I still kinda don't like Sayu...

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVII, 7/2]
« Reply #117 on: July 03, 2012, 06:42:38 PM »
rereading this i just noticed risa never gave eri the lighter XD and then i was on tumblr when i saw this:
and it made me have a funny thought that eventhough risa has this "bad ass" attitude she could still have and show her girly side by having things like a rilakkuma lighter on her XD

i must sound crazy but i just had to get this out my head XD
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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVII, 7/2]
« Reply #118 on: July 03, 2012, 06:49:33 PM »
^This is an idea I like very much  :cathappy:

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVII, 7/2]
« Reply #119 on: July 03, 2012, 07:17:05 PM »

Comatose Eri made me sad =[ but this popped up:
"I know I haven't been here since..."
And now I'm wondering  :?

ErikxAika loving was megadorable <3333333 High school crushes are so adorable, until you realize they're not that cute in real life LOL ever~ Gakikame bonding was love <3 For the record, I'm taking mental bets with myself to see who's gonna crack first LOL Risa's lack of self-confidence and total I-suck-as-a-human-being mentality is so depressing omg >__< I just wanna hold her~  :(

And this is the first time I've ever actually sympathized for Sayu lol As much as I love your Crimson Sayu to bits and pieces, I like how you give her just a bit of humanity to make her less bitchy and evil here ahha But i'm gonna remain cynical and wait until the next chapter. I'm guessing it's only a matter of time before we get her back to scheming and being bad again xD

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