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Author Topic: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XX, 10/17]  (Read 56468 times)

Offline Koei

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVII, 7/2]
« Reply #120 on: July 04, 2012, 05:59:58 AM »

I'm behind on commenting once again.  :bow: Sorry! But here goes my paranoid insight!

Haha I can see ErixAika wasn't so crazy as I thought!

So GakiKame will begin to sober up. Bring on the pain. Shivering, nausea, headaches, the sudden numbness and cold that rushes through your body, your brain screaming and pleading for the drug. Yeah. That's going to test all the girls in an unimaginable way. No one can escape that lol.

TanaGaki are becoming closer but there has to be a huge blow that brings Reina to the state she is right now (meaning: old Reina)

Ai is fading from the spotlight. But she carries some serious baggage she surely cannot withstand. In the end that's what's probably going to fuel the TanaGaki fire that causes the ultimate fall-out.

Sayu and the sudden appearence from little Koha will bring such a twist! It's the showcase of the girl's only oportunity to become honest to herself and decide to accept who she is and not the part she plays in someones life.


Ok I know I'm crazy and that the comment is all scrambled with thoughts but: I like this fic!
Not only the fic but the title songs as well. I listen to them before I begin reading and they actually help the story make sense  :P

Keep it up!  :peace:

Offline rokun

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVII, 7/2]
« Reply #121 on: July 05, 2012, 10:05:52 PM »
So I've been a horrible friend and now just caught up with this story... (not to mention all your other stories - wow, you've been going crazy!!! You'll have to IM with me sometime with brief summaries to see if I should read them :P)

But it doesn't feel like I've missed a whole lot. XD You like going crazy with the omakes, lol. Although we do have that *ahem* EriKa confirmed... I wonder if Sayu clearing her schedule means she's not doing that interview with Reina? Still suspicious of how that's gonna turn out... but it certainly is a crazy orgy you've got going on. XD It's like, "who's gonna trip the kitty into bed first?" lol. Well, at least it shouldn't be Eri. Or well. I HOPE it's not Eri  :shocked  Though it'd add nicely to the whole fucked up flavor of the story. XD

Anyhow, looks like you've slowed down your updates (probably with all the stories you're updating), but I'll look forward to the next one... You need to be around more to get me in shape with keeping up. :P

Offline darkacex99

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVII, 7/2]
« Reply #122 on: July 06, 2012, 03:46:54 AM »
Omg i juss started this fanfic and i love it already!! There is a good aount of drama in each chapter :cathappy:

Eri trying to give up the drugs :pimp:, thats gunna be intersting to see how she battles her withdrawl

Sayukoha sistah relationship, sistahly luv eager to see wat hapens there  O0
I juss luv the role of everybody in this story XD sooo nice!!

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVII, 7/2]
« Reply #123 on: July 09, 2012, 01:12:33 AM »
 :stoned: EGAD! I'm behind. *quickly reads chapters*

Hmmmm. I'm torn. A view inside the conflict of my brain:

 :on yellcard: We vote TanaGaki! They're just! :drool:

And on the other side...

  :on redcard: We vote TakaGaki, tried and true, and obviously Ai-chan still likes her!

Then someone pulls out a chair...  :bangchair: Then everyone goes nuts.
:knee: :kickass:
(And this is what's going on in reality) :mon slapself:

So, we adjourn this meeting and turn our vote in as undecided on the relationships (minus Eri and Aika :heart:)...even if there is no official poll anymore XD

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVII, 7/2]
« Reply #124 on: July 12, 2012, 11:36:23 PM »
poor old!Kame Dx  In the earlier chapters when Aika said that she "had her good days and her bad days"  I thought you meant she had Alzheimer's or something Dx  Not...coma  :cry:  And old!Reina's dying :(  old!Risa's already dead ain't she? Dx  THEY CAN REUNITE IN HEAVEN~

GakiKame...I've missed me some GakiKame  :deco:  Way to support each other though~ ....although their cravings better not result in using each other's addiction as relief...or I'll die Dx

I been waiting for some SayuKoha...they're such opposites lol!  Just turn in the stinkin mama >.>  Abuse=bad.   :thumbdown: 

Y'know, if SayuKoha mama threatens to call the cops for "stealing Koha" the smart thing to due would be to call the cops for child abuse and get that woman's nasty butt in prison (or Project Morning Reformatory where she can chill out with cannibal!Kyuukies and Juukies  :twisted:)

oh these 10 days seem so long~ -glomp-
Hi~iiya!~  (>^_^)>
I support T a k a G a k i
Tumblr/blog \(^ - ^)/

Offline Quietriot

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVII, 7/2]
« Reply #125 on: July 16, 2012, 06:39:19 PM »
ogranny reina is so sweet...and still in the mood to argue with someone even at that age is hilarious

Mm, I just can't imagine Reina ever 100% mellowing out. Gotta have some of that fiesty yankii in her up until the very end, ne?

gakikame bonding

Heheheh I figured those two needed a moment together, they're the best friends foreverrrr~ now let's just see if they can lean on each other well enough to pull out of their addictions. As for Takagaki, i wouldn't hope for things to be resolved between them so soon. We're not even halfway done yet bahaha

sayukoha bonding

Big sis is strangely enough a perfect refuge. As for whether or not Koharu has met Ai, Sayumi tends to keep her... 'personal business' away from her sister. It's more likely that Koha knows Ai from being a fan of the band. And yes, alone indeed... Though its not really important ^^

a confirmation of EriKa and a narrowing down of suspects of who she ends up with.

But whooooooo could it be?! XD

GakiKame bonding!

Ahahah I think we all knew there was drama coming up with or without those two tryin to cut their habits. But you're right, it certainly won't be an easy road, especially coupled with upcoming romantic entanglements...

And a bit of Risa introspection. Beginning to think that she should let go of Ai is a good thing, now, lets just turn her sights a little harder at a certain kitty...


And SayuKoha relationship gets delved into a bit, a lot of their backgrounds coming to light. Poor kids, though I still kinda don't like Sayu...

Haha you probably still won't like her for the next chapter or so. Though my aim isn't to make her likable so much as it is to make her human :3

ErixAika loving was megadorable

Haha the pairing was so crack to me when I started writing this and then ever since, when I watch stuff that they're in together I notice their little interactions and I'm all <3333 

For the record, I'm taking mental bets with myself to see who's gonna crack first LOL

Who indeed. Ahaha either one is likely to, but perhaps the bonds of FRIENDSHIP will sustain them. ...ahahahah

And this is the first time I've ever actually sympathized for Sayu lol As much as I love your Crimson Sayu to bits and pieces, I like how you give her just a bit of humanity to make her less bitchy and evil here ahha But i'm gonna remain cynical and wait until the next chapter. I'm guessing it's only a matter of time before we get her back to scheming and being bad again xD

+1 for me~ I love it when I can manage to change people's minds about a character XD but you're right, may wanna hold your breath. This next chapter...

I'm behind on commenting once again.   Sorry!

No need for apologies! ^^ I'm way behind myself...

So GakiKame will begin to sober up. Bring on the pain. Shivering, nausea, headaches, the sudden numbness and cold that rushes through your body, your brain screaming and pleading for the drug. Yeah. That's going to test all the girls in an unimaginable way. No one can escape that lol.

Reality is kind of a bitch. It's easy enough to want to quit cold turkey, but willpower quickly diminishes as soon as your body starts reacting. We shall see...

Ai is fading from the spotlight. But she carries some serious baggage she surely cannot withstand. In the end that's what's probably going to fuel the TanaGaki fire that causes the ultimate fall-out.

Hahahaha I love your paranoid predictions~ I won't say one way or the other though~ we'll just have to see~

It's the showcase of the girl's only oportunity to become honest to herself and decide to accept who she is and not the part she plays in someones life.


Not only the fic but the title songs as well. I listen to them before I begin reading and they actually help the story make sense

Glad you like ^^ Ive actually gone through and removed most of the links because I noticed some of them were broken, but I intend to go back and fix that when it's easier for me to do so. Hard to do on a phone XD  

So I've been a horrible friend and now just caught up with this story...

Bad Rokun! :P jkjk

I wonder if Sayu clearing her schedule means she's not doing that interview with Reina?

oh no, Reina's not getting out of that so easily XD

I HOPE it's not Eri

It's not. XD ahaha I'm not THAT crazy. 

You need to be around more to get me in shape with keeping up.

Though I've already said this via AIM, you need to update your own stuff bro -prods- :P XD

@Darkace: ^^ glad to have you on board here as well! :D and happy to see you enjoy it~

@Imouto:  Bahaha~ I'm so behind on everything myself it's not even funny T.T Still, I think you've pretty much illustrated the Team Tanagaki/Team Takagaki conflict well. XD Unfortunately, I'm not at all finished messing with everyone's heads on the matter so just sit tight and buckle your seat belt.


Ahaha no worries, they won't mess with each others addictions, but they are in for some tough times, as I've said above. At least it'll probably give birth to some funny and dramatic moments XD

SayuKoha insight

It's not quite as easy as just turning in their mother in Sayu's mind, for several reasons. For one, Sayu's afraid of their mom, as will become apparent later. Second, even if the police come and take the mom to jail, there's the possibility they could snoop around and discover her own illicit activities. Third, Koha would have no where to go but to be with Sayu and assuming the police left her alone, the bunny doesn't see herself as fit to take care of a kid; she can barely support herself. So in her mind, better that Koharu go back and forth between them like that than to starve with her or be out on the streets.

Ten days? It's been such a short vacation... Perhaps a bit longer ^^

Jk, I'm going ahead and replying to comments now as I've started work on the next chapter finally. Third time's the charm, I suppose XD I wouldn't be hopeful for an update tonight, but you never know~

Offline Quietriot

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVII, 7/2]
« Reply #126 on: July 17, 2012, 10:40:49 PM »
(The song Reina and Ai are singing is called I'll Be Back by the Beatles. I don't really care for the original song but this cover got to me and finally helped me start the chapter properly XD)

Chapter XVIII: Ladykiller

"Sit up straight Reina-chan, you keep slouching."

I complied tiredly, only because it was too early to be anything but obedient. Ai had decided it was probably most convenient for us to meet for voice lessons in the morning, before I had to go to work and before she did whatever the hell it was she did. I hated mornings with a fiery passion, but I didn't really know how to say no to Ai, and couldn't think of a better solution anyway. At least, not one that didn't involve us spending our nights together instead and that... that...

"Are you listening?"

"Yes!" I replied, snapping back to attention at the stern look I was receiving from my leader and blushing slightly in embarrassment. Ai saw right through me though, rolling her eyes as she repeated whatever it was she had been saying before I drifted off into my thoughts.

"You're still singing from here," Ai jabbed me a bit harder than necessary right in the sternum, "You ought to be singing with your whole body, all the way from your toes."

"You can keep sayin' that over and over all you want--it still doesn't make any sense to me," I yawned, rubbing a bit of sleep from my eyes.

Ai stroked her imaginary beard for a moment as if to contemplate what to do with me. I was ready for the lesson to be over; nice as it was to be around the older woman, I hadn't made any sort of breakthrough that morning and my voice was just as tired as the rest of me.

"Stand up," She commanded, and I reluctantly slid off of the stool onto my feet. Ai gestured to the keyboard at the other side of the room with her hands, "Do you need the starting note again?"

I shook my head, scowling a bit. We'd gone over this song so many times that I could have easily sung it in my sleep. Plus it didn't hurt to have decent relative pitch. She smiled at me, moving a bit closer.

"Your pitch and range are perfectly fine, and you have total control over your voice. Tone is... well, something you have to earn, but you're getting there. What you lack..." Ai held me steady with one of her hands behind my back, while the other pressed uncomfortably into my stomach, " power."

She was close, so close that it was almost an awkward embrace of sorts. My breath caught and I glanced at her, eyes questioning.

"What are you-"

"Sing." Another quiet order that brooked no arguments. I swallowed hard, still very much aware of her hands on my body. Drawing in a shaky breath, I began.

"You know, if you break my heart I'll go
But I'll be back again
'cause I told you once before goodbye
But I came back again..."

As the air left my lungs with every word, she pressed harder against my stomach, until I trailed off into nothing, unable to continue singing. She released her hold when she realized this and I took a gasping breath, feeling more than a bit light-headed.

"What on earth... Was that supposed to do?" I panted, trying to steady myself.

"Show me how lazy you're being," Ai drawled, taking a step back to put some space between us again, "You used every bit of air in your lungs and still I had to be that close to you to hear..."

Irritation washed over me and I glared at her, temporarily forgetting my infatuation and embarrassment and swapping them for indignation. I watched as Ai wandered over towards her keyboard, gracefully taking a seat before filling the room with a gentle melody. It didn't calm me so much as it made me more irritable.

"You know, I find it amusing just how much you remind me of Gaki-san sometimes." She mused over the sound of the music, looking back at me over her shoulder, "At least, all those years ago."

I wasn't sure how to respond to that, so I just listened to her play, waiting for her to continue. It was only then that I even realized Risa wasn't around. Surely the girl would have made it a point to be there if she knew I was coming... If only to keep an eye on me and Ai. Of course, it was possible the leader hadn't told the other girl about our arrangement, or had, and Risa decided to ditch the place specifically to avoid me. I still wasn't sure what exactly I'd done to make her so hostile towards me and I sighed as I recalled every cringe-worthy glance that'd been sent my way.

Maybe I... should apologize for making that comment about Ai to her...

"But the difference between you two is that you've had this just fall into your lap while she's always had to work very hard to get anywhere." Ai went on, making me bristle at her words, "If you're not going to be serious about this, the two of us are wasting our time here, I'm afraid. You'll be good enough, no doubt, but only just enough."

"I am trying. But not all of us can be so perfect just like you."

It was a stupid thing to say, another instance of my pride and anger getting the best of me, but my sharp words had cut the older woman before I could even think of taking them back. Her fingers slipped against the keys, a painful yet bitter-sweet dissonance flooding the room.

"Perfect, you say..." She intoned quietly, and I could see her shoulders shaking with what seemed to be strange laughter as she turned back to the keys. I quickly thought up an apology, but Ai had begun to sing before I could speak.

"I love you so, oh
I'm the one who wants you 
Yes I'm the one who wants you 

You could find better things to do
Than to break my heart again
This time I will try to show that I'm 
Not trying to pretend

I thought that you would realize
That if I run away from you
That you would want me to
But I got a big surprise

I want to go, oh
But I hate to leave you
You know I hate to leave you..."

Her voice was a slow and melancholy note against the haunting harmonies she drew out with her hands, and I thought her very soul was being bared to me through the lyrics. It moved me deeply, as if her sadness was mine and I had never felt something so terrible and lonely before that I almost thought I could cry right then and there.

"You... If you break my heart I'll go
But I'll be back again..."

She finished, leaving the final chord unresolved and hanging in the air between us. Ai sighed deeply, shrugging off some heavy invisible weight that I could not understand and that I hadn't noticed was there until now. Was everyone here so deeply wounded?

Perfect people don't sing like that...

I moved forward quietly, lifting a hand to place it on her shoulder, but before I could touch her she turned her head to flash me her ever-charming smile.

"We're done for today, I think. You're going to be late for work if you don't get a move on. Don't forget your interview later tonight."

It was as though the song hadn't even happened. Ai seemed perfectly normal and I could only nod dumbly at her as she turned once again to the keyboard, losing herself in another melody. Confused and feeling more than a little out of place, I grabbed my bag and headed for the door, slipping away after one last look back at her.

When Ai was finally alone, she drew the melody to a close, rising from the bench to grab her phone resting on the coffee table. She flipped the device open, only to be met with the same disappointment she'd encountered all night and this morning: several unread messages from Sayumi, but nothing from Risa. The bunny could wait a bit longer; Ai was still a bit put off by the younger girl canceling their plans to meet last night.

Instead, she dialed the bean's number for likely the tenth time that morning, listening to the phone ring once before the call clicked and cut off. It was a sure sign the bean was ignoring her; Risa was likely answering and hanging up each time. Ai continued to hope for a different response, but it didn't seem as though the younger girl was going to ease up any time soon.

At least the leader knew she was alright if she was getting this sort of treatment. She closed her phone and moved back to the piano, attempting to fill the lonely apartment with the sounds of music instead.

...I hope you'll come home soon.



Aika happily sing-songed as she skipped up to her best friend, tackling the girl in a hug as best she could. This resulted in the duo crashing to the ground next to the lockers, the older girl's books and papers going up in a flurry of movement. She didn't seem to mind so much, however, simply grinning as she returned the hug.

"Mouuu... I missed you! I've got so much to tell you and- eh? What happened to your face?"

Koharu managed not to flinch as Aika's thumb brushed against the bruise on her cheek, valiantly maintaining her smile. It didn't look half as bad as it had when she'd shown Sayumi, but was still prominent enough that she couldn't completely hide it with makeup.

"Ah, well, you know me..." She replied, grinning and sheepishly scratching the back of her head, "I'm clumsy and that factor sort of multiplies when I'm sick. I fell down the stairs the other day."

"Jeez, be more careful..." Aika scolded, Koharu responding with a cheerful affirmative as the younger girl pulled her to her feet. The two began to gather up the books and papers, chattering about nothing in particular as they started heading towards their first class.

"...So you said you had lots to tell me? Like what? How was the concert?" The older girl questioned, glancing sideways at her friend. She hadn't seen Aika so happy... well, ever, and it was as if the girl was walking on air that day. 

"Mm, that's mostly what I wanted to talk about. I sort of... met someone the other day."

"Oh~? Details, please."

And so Aika recounted the weekend's events to her friend, the majority of their conversation carried out via notes passed in class. This did not go unnoticed by Miyabi, who quickly intercepted the duo before lunch with Airi in tow, and the four of them sat down to eat, still continuing the same discussion.

"At least you had the sense to fall for Kamei." Miyabi stated around bites of her sandwich, "She's hot, maybe a little weird, but not as sleazy as Michishige."

"Miya..." Airi scolded, cutting a glance at Koharu, who shook her head.

"No, she's right, I wouldn't let any of my friends date my sister, and it's definitely not for her sake..."

"Takahashi-san wouldn't be so bad, either..." Airi's eyes seemed to glaze over a bit as she spoke, her nearby bandmate mumbling something like, 'Here we go again...' "Or Niigaki-san, but she kind of scares me... that whole ex-con thing..."

"Rei has a thing for Takahashi-san." Aika chimed in, drawing the looks from the other girls at the table, "Well, she won't admit it, but it's obvious to me. They sort of had a date the other day and now Takahashi-san is giving her private voice lessons."

Miyabi smirked knowingly, even as her bandmate adopted a distressed expression.

"So I guess your sister's off-limits then, too?"

"Ew, yes, don't even think about it," Aika replied, making a face as she swiped at the singer, only to miss and be subjected to the older girl's chuckling. Airi slumped in her chair, head falling back as she let out a depressed sigh. Koharu rolled her eyes.

"Don't be dramatic, Airin. It's not like you ever had a chance with Takahashi-san, and besides, you like Maimi-chan, remember?"

"Wh- no! It's not like that! She's just my idol, and, uh, Maimi-chan is..."

The lead singer seemed to be struggling for words while her face got redder and redder, causing her friends to burst out into a fit of laughter. 

"Your prince?" Miyabi offered, grinning devilishly as Airi glowered at her from behind her lunch tray. "Knight in shining armor?"

"Actually, she was at the concert, you know." Aika cut in, deciding to try and save the poor girl from more teasing. "She talked about you. Or rather, Captain brought your name up and she got kinda mushy."

Airi sat up straight, eyes wide with excitement, while Miyabi's narrowed slightly.

"Shimizu was there too?"

The older girl was tense, and Aika was more than certain now that something must have happened between her and Saki. Especially with the way that Captain had reacted to hearing Miyabi's name at the concert. It wasn't hate, but there was definitely something negative there. Aika wondered briefly if Koharu knew, as her friend was staying well out of the conversation, and was about to reply to Miyabi when the group was approached by three other girls.

"Hey guys."

Maimi walked up behind Airi, and Aika watched as the color drained from the singer's face. Miyabi's strange mood melted back into mischievous glee, and she seemed to be struggling to keep her mouth shut. The track captain was flanked by Sudo Maasa and Sugaya Risako; they were the only students that Aika ever saw with Maimi on a regular basis besides her adoring fanclub and she assumed they were likely her only real friends. Maasa was a friendly girl with a good sense of humor, but Aika had heard rumors that she also possessed certain triggers that weren't to be touched unless you wanted to spend a week in the hospital. Risako, on the other hand, was a quiet and pretty girl who had some trouble speaking and by choice seemed to avoid it when she could.

They were a strange trio, but then, Aika had been befriending some interesting people herself lately. 

"Aika-chan, I just came over to ask if you wouldn't mind giving something to Kamei-san for me?" The runner slipped a sealed envelope across the table to the artist, who took it and looked at it curiously, "Tell her it's for Niigaki-san."

"Sure, but, uh-"

Maimi ignored her, moving slightly so she could catch Airi's eyes.

"You were amazing at the concert," She stated quietly, smiling, "I'll have to come to those more often, I guess."

Airi seemed to melt on the spot, making incoherent noises as the older girl and her friends wandered off, much to Miyabi's delight. As the two squabbled with each other, Koharu leaned over to glance at the envelope in Aika's hands.

"What was that about?"

"I don't know... Eri was acting strange around her too..." Aika replied lowly, "I guess I'll ask her about it when I see her next."

She had been intending to bring up the topic of Maimi anyway, but now with the envelope she had a reason to do so. Something was going on, and young as she was, Aika knew better than to start a relationship with secrets in the background.

"Ah~ tell me all about it, okay? And go back to what you were saying earlier about a kiss!"


When I arrived for my interview later that night, I was quickly ushered into a waiting area of sorts where I was given cards with all the potential questions on them, a bit of coaching, and a few minutes to process everything. But as I sat there, flipping through the cards and very much distracted by the crew members that continued rushing back and forth, I knew I was too overwhelmed for anything to stick. I'd never been to a tv studio before, and so far the impression I was getting was that they were all crazy and hectic, and the sooner that I could get out of there, the better.

I was going over one of the questions for what seemed to be the tenth time when I suddenly felt hands slide onto my shoulders, beginning a gentle massage.

"Mm, you're very tense, Reina-chan~" A husky voice purred into my ear, intensifying the shivers I was getting from her expert touch. The latter was effectively disarming me, at least until I felt a pair of soft lips nibbling at my neck, causing me to shoot out of the chair like a rocket. I fell to the ground in a clumsy heap, staring wide-eyed up at one Michishige Sayumi.

"Wh-what are you doing here?!" I stammered out, face growing hot under her gaze.

"Oh? I'm here for the interview, same as you," She replied easily, as if I were an idiot for even asking, "Didn't Aichan tell you?"

No... She failed to mention that... I watched as her eyes traveled up my legs towards my disheveled skirt and I quickly adjusted it, managing to glare at her despite my embarrassment. Sayumi smirked, sending another chill down my spine.

"Ah, I'm so very looking forward to getting to know you a bit better tonight..."

Something in her tone told me that she wasn't talking about the interview and I gulped, feeling my throat suddenly go dry. All of my instincts were telling me to get out of there, but I couldn't embarrass the others like that, so I pulled myself together. 

You can do this, Reina. Besides, she won't do anything in front of the camera, right? Just get through this and go home, no big deal...

The crew were calling for us to get on the set and before I could protest, Sayumi had dragged me to my feet, and I stumbled forward, very nearly planting my face right into her chest. My mind went blank as I hovered there, steadied by her hand on my waist, and she tilted my chin up with the other, dark gaze piercing mine.

"Don't worry Reina-chan, I'll take good care of you."

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVIII, 7/17]
« Reply #127 on: July 18, 2012, 01:35:20 AM »
 :cow: yay!!!! New chapter!!! Oh man risa givin ai da silent treatment :(, miyabi saki secret past chemistry :deco:,  secert envelop for risa O0 or lord things r gettin tooo gud

Poor reina, she better run before sayu gets her :cathappy:

Nice chaptahhhh :twothumbs

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVIII, 7/17]
« Reply #128 on: July 18, 2012, 02:59:27 AM »
seeing risa giving ai the silent treament makes me think that next to the cigs maybe she's also gonna try and give up on ai now too? like aichans also one of her drugs? does that even make sense?@~@

i love aika's school life LOL such intresting ppl. i wanan know what that letters about~ ;3; and what miya and saki have going on for miya to act weird like that....

lastly seems like sayu's obsession with cats have reached a new level with trolling/"seducing" reina XD cant wait to see how this interview'll go
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVIII, 7/17]
« Reply #129 on: July 18, 2012, 04:58:22 AM »

The ReinaxRisaxAi triangle struggles on!!!!!!! And mad props to Risa for stickin' it up TO THE MANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. But seriously, she doesn't need that poison in her life ho ho ho~ but it's a nice relief to know that Ai misses/worries about her still.

Apart from the sketchy envelope for Eri/Gaki, I JUST LOVE THIS LOVE ORGY BETWEEN ALL THE BERIKYUU MEMBERS <3 Getting passed all the subtle dark secrets and everything, it's totally like high school crush fest ahha it's adorable.


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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVIII, 7/17]
« Reply #130 on: July 18, 2012, 11:35:51 AM »
I SEE AICHAN WANTS RISA EHHS. XD I didn't comment for  long time, but I was reading and catching up. THINGS ARE GETTING INTERESTING.

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVIII, 7/17]
« Reply #131 on: July 19, 2012, 06:21:15 PM »
@Darkace: glad you like :3 and things are bout to get MORE complicated XD

@KB: Good speculating. It's sort of the case, but Risa's ignoring Ai more because she's pissed and slightly hurt by the way Ai treated her at their last rehearsal. But totally makes sense. :3 as for the letter... Coming soonish. MiyaSaki revelations? Not as soon. XD maybe. Haha I've some planning left to do. But you don't have to wait long to see what happens with Sayu and Reina...

@kjpop: I don't even LIKE them but this song, I just T.T XD But yep, Ai does care about Risa... In her weird, sort of messed up way now, but she does care. And haha, writing the school bits are like, my new favorite parts. High school drama is the besttttt XD To read about, not necessarily get stuck in ahaha and Tanashige... eheheheh~

@risa_ai: Glad to have ya back :3 Just wait and see~

What!? Another chapter so soon?! And a long(ish) one?!?!?! Yep. Was so inspired I couldn't stop myself so I just kept on writing XD and there's LOTS to pay attention to here as the plot thickens a bit and the game of seduction is played and well... Enjoy! XD did I mention you need to buckle your seatbelts, cuz you should...

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XVIII, 7/17]
« Reply #132 on: July 19, 2012, 06:23:59 PM »
Chapter XIX: One More Night

Smoke flooded the large basement in a haze, the dim fluorescent lights overhead doing little to illuminate the room. That was fine enough for its occupants, though; one had a pounding headache, and the other was trying to forget the throbbing pain in her arm, her wound only just now beginning to stop bleeding. The latter was using the former's lap as a pillow, the two of them sprawled out comfortably on the couch in the room.

"Bastards..." The upright girl hissed after a brief moment of silence, smoke billowing out of the corner of her mouth, her cigarette glowing in the haze, "I still can't see straight."

The girl in her lap said nothing, simply curling more into the other female for comfort. She felt a hand come down to gently stroke her hair and she relaxed a bit, closing her eyes.

"You did well, Rii-chan." The older girl continued, her voice less brusque than before, "That one guy ain't gonna be able to walk anymore... That'll send Matsuura a pretty clear message, I think. The Lion of Fujimoto Clan don't mess around."

Risako attempted a smile, but it came out more of a grimace as another spike of pain shot up her arm. Those gentle hands that had been playing with her hair moved to her arm, thumb trailing carefully over the bandages beneath her sleeve.

"He nicked ya something nice, though... Those damn kids better get back here with the stuff soon."

As if summoned by her voice, four younger girls suddenly piled into the room, looking breathless and worn out. They were the gang's newest recruits, and with Aya pushing so determinedly into Miki's territory, they were being worked overtime to prove their worth and loyalty. The youngest of these was barely even ten, and yet she moved fearlessly towards the couch first, tossing the older female a bag.

"Sorry it took so long, Maasa. Daishi thought we were being followed, so we took the scenic route home."

Maasa grinned reassuringly, reaching out to ruffle the kid's hair.

"No worries, Kuduu. You did the right thing. You guys just chill out for a while now."

Haruka nodded, sitting down on the floor next to the couch and watching as Maasa dug through the bag, producing a sewing kit, gauze, surgical thread, and some painkillers. She helped Risako sit up before assisting her in peeling off her bloody shirt, wincing as she saw the bandages completely stained with crimson. As Maasa began to remove these as well, one of the younger girls paled, deciding to move to the other side of the room as the wound was exposed.

"Ayumi, it's just blood, jeez..."

But even Maasa in her experience felt bile rise in her throat at the sight. A nasty slash had been torn into Risako's arm, trailing from her shoulder all the way down to her elbow, painfully deep. The only fortunate thing about it was that her attacker had made a fairly clean cut, and it wasn't yet showing signs of infection; meaning Maasa would attempt to stitch it up herself, much as she didn't want to. It wasn't as though they could go to the hospital, as too many questions would be asked.

"Riho, bring me some water and a clean towel. Fukuchan, come steady her..." Maasa murmured the commands quietly but firmly, the two girls in question immediately obeying. After handing over the water, Riho went to try and comfort Ayumi, while Mizuki climbed up on the couch behind Risako, pulling the trembling girl's hair back out of her face.

Maasa began to clean the wound, flinching herself every time the girl would hiss or whimper. It couldn't be helped, though, and she tried to go as quickly and carefully as possible, setting the rag aside to begin skillfully stitching up the wound. She was the gang's medic by default; her father was a surgeon, and she'd watched him practice at home, as well as take care of herself and her mother whenever was needed. She knew what she was doing, regardless of the way Risako was reacting.

She was finishing up when the door opened again, and in walked an exhausted Maimi, sweat plastering her hair and clothes to her skin. Maasa could tell that the girl had a fair amount of blood on her as well, and she gave the track runner a slight nod, speaking through the cigarette and needle clamped between her teeth.

"You're next." She muttered, winding a length of bandage around Risako's wound.

"Don't bother," Maimi grunted, flopping down in the armchair across the room, "It's not mine." She gestured to the red streaks across her middle, before waving her hand in Maasa's direction. The younger girl tossed her her pack of cigarettes.

"Where's Mikitty?"

"Hell if I know," Maimi responded through a breath of smoke, "We had to split up to get outta there. Managed to take a few guys out along the way, though."

The runner pulled her gun out and began to dutifully reload it. She'd been lucky tonight; three guys and only four bullets. Maimi berated herself inwardly for being so unprepared.

But at least I had the gun with me.

The door swung open for the final time that night, the woman in question stumbling in and cursing as she slammed it shut behind her. Miki looked just as haggard as Maimi, and was limping slightly, but was otherwise no worse for wear. The gang leader staggered over to the fridge in the back of the room, pulling out several bottles of beer before flopping down on the only other unoccupied chair in the room. The gang members watched her quietly as she started in on the first bottle, waiting for her to speak. When she did not, young Haruka dared to break the silence.

"Mikitty... What are we gonna do?"

"I am going to get very drunk and then probably go out and engage in various acts of debauchery until either I pass out or morning breaks, whichever comes first," The woman glared cat-like over the top of her drink, causing the kid to jump slightly, "This used to be a great business, you know. Fresh meat didn't ask questions--didn't even make a sound unless they were told to--and now there are brats like you..."

Maimi rolled her eyes, mentally preparing herself for one of her leader's moods as the older woman barked for all "kids" to leave the room. This left Maasa, Risako, and herself, though Risako remained simply for the fact that she didn't ever talk and the painkillers Maasa had given her were beginning to kick in.

"I bet Ayaya doesn't have to babysit..." Miki growled, letting the empty bottle roll to the floor as she reached for another. The Matsuura clan did indeed have four new recruits just as green as their own, but Maimi wasn't about to correct the woman. Not in this state. 

"The hell does she want over here anyway?" Maasa asked, shifting so that Risako could lay down in her lap again, "She never dared to go so far before... And it ain't like we've been askin' for trouble."

"I think she figured out that Rika's dead." The leader replied, taking another gulp of beer, "It was only a matter of time, I guess. Ayaya must think we can't handle our shit without her, so she's throwing her weight around."

Maimi carefully surveyed their leader's face, eyes trailing across the scar that stretched from one cheekbone to the other. It had been barely two months since the power shift that ended in Rika's death, but things were already so much better under Miki's leadership. The change had not been planned, but Rika's harsh treatment of their latest recruits had caused something in Miki to snap, leading into a full out street brawl between the two. Rika made it clear that it would be a fight to the death, leaving Miki with little choice but to cut the other woman down. It had affected her deeply somehow; Miki was much surlier and more irritable than ever before, and prone to getting into more trouble. Maimi wondered how long it would be before she made a move she could not undo...

"Did you deliver the letter as I asked?" Miki questioned, gaze landing on the runner.

"Yeah. Aika has it now."

"Remind me who the kid is again?"

"Apparently she's related to one of Gaki-san's new bandmates." Maimi replied, stretching out her tired legs a bit, "Tanaka is the name--in fact, I heard she's supposed to be on TV tonight." 

Miki's gaze rolled towards Maasa at that, who grunted and dug around in the couch for the remote, switching on the television. The screen flickered to life and Maasa flipped through the channels until she found the right station, settling on an image of Reina and Sayumi, the interviewer's laughter booming from the speakers.

"Ah~ Michishige-san, it's always such a pleasure to have you here."

"Pleasure to be here. But I think Reina-chan's feeling a bit neglected, ne?"

The yankii squirmed uncomfortably in her seat, trying to put as much space as she could between herself and the dark-haired female. Sayumi seemed unphased, however, and was taking every opportunity to touch Reina as casually as possible, causing Miki to snicker.

"Knew I always liked that girl for some reason..."

"So my sources say you were a bit of a rebel in your hometown, Tanaka-san. They say you dropped out of school, even."

"Well, that's true, but-"

"Fans are saying you got in Wild Musume based on looks alone. What do you think about that?"

"I... don't know. The bouncer thought I was part of the band so I guess that's somewhat true. After all, if he hadn't dragged me backstage none of this would have ever happened."

"She doesn't seem like anything special." Miki determined, the sounds of the show fading into the background, "What do I know about bands anyway... So this kid you gave the message to is that one's sister?"

"While most fans seem to be pretty thrilled about Wild Musume's comeback, there's also been a lot of negativity... Perhaps even hatred generated towards you, Tanaka-san."

"Yeah. And she's got a thing with Kamei, it seems." Maimi replied, tossing the smoldering remains of her cigarette into a nearby metal bucket. "Who hasn't placed an order for her usual stuff this month, I might add."

The gang leader raised an eyebrow.

"Well that's interesting. Not that it matters, we have other clients... But perhaps it's just as well."

"...All I can promise is that we're working hard for the music festival. And that it'll be an amazing show."

"Can we just get back to the question of what we're gonna do?" Maasa growled from her position on the couch, hand clenching the armrest she was leaning on. "They've all but declared war by what they've done tonight. We can't just sit around, but we can't hit 'em directly, either--they outnumber us by two...three to one."

Miki leaned forward in her seat, discarding her second bottle and reaching for her third as she rose to her feet. The leader staggered towards the door, looking back at her young subordinates.

"For now, just shut up and wait. Ayaya will make the next move, and this time we'll be ready. Now, if you'll excuse me, I told that kid I was gonna be up to no good tonight and Fujimoto Miki is no liar."

With that, the cat-like woman slipped out of the basement, the door creaking shut behind her. Maasa cursed the woman's name several times before gingerly lifting Risako off the couch and informing Maimi that she was going to bed.

The runner waved her away, pulling out a second cigarette from the pack as she rose from her chair. She shrugged off her jacket and pulled the bloodied t-shirt over her head, the roaring bear on her back exposed as she searched around the room for something else to wear. Maimi spotted a baggy tank top--likely Maasa's, but she didn't care--and slid into it before tucking her gun back into her pants. She was just planning on going for a walk, but after the ambush earlier that evening, she wasn't going to leave the hideout unarmed.

She fished around in her jacket for her phone, unraveling the headphones from it and putting them in her ears as she made her way to the door.

I just hope Gaki-san gets that message soon... 

That was her last grim thought as she stepped out onto the streets, before Buono!'s latest album began to play, and she relaxed and hummed along to the sound of Airi's voice.


All things considered, I didn't think that the interview had been a complete disaster, but I still felt dazed when I exited the studio that night. My mind was a blur of questions; I thought it was strange that the interviewer had asked me certain things, and a bit more than frustrated to hear that certain fans disliked me so much that they hated me. I hadn't even officially performed with the band yet, not counting the time in the club, so to hear something like that had shocked me.

"Well. You survived, hm?"

Sayumi appeared at my side, gaze fixed on her phone as she finished sending a text message. The device flipped closed and disappeared into her purse before I could see who she'd sent it to, and I remembered that I was supposed to be nervous as she shot me a disarming smile.

"Yeah... I guess so... Are they always like that?"

"When you're new to the game, yes." She looped her arm through mine, and I resisted the urge to shiver as she pulled me a bit too close for comfort, "That's why when I heard Ai had set you up for this by yourself, I volunteered to join you. I couldn't let our newest member be thrown to the sharks all alone."

Something in her tone made me incredibly wary, but I had to admit that despite her relentless flirting during the interview, I was relieved that I didn't have to do it by myself. And when I went back over the questions in my head, I realized that she had deflected a good deal of the more personal ones towards herself. I didn't know what she was playing at, but I knew that I didn't trust her, and what gratefulness I felt was certainly overshadowed by my desire to get home.

"Well... Thank you, Michishige-san," I started, prying myself free from her grasp, "But its getting kind of late and I-"

"Aw, come on, Reina-chan~" She cooed, her fingers tracing my jawline and temporarily rendering me incapable of logical thought, "We haven't really spent any time together just the two of us... Come out with me for a while, I'll buy us some drinks, we can dance... It'll be fun~"

No. No. Don't. Bad idea.

I swallowed hard, closing my eyes so I could steel my will. This woman had an obvious effect on me, but if I gave in, I knew that I'd simply just regret it in the morning. Nothing good would come of it. At all. I'd just only managed to gather enough strength to refuse the offer when I felt a hand sliding down my waist, down over my stomach and into my... pocket. My eyes shot open as she dangled my car keys in front of my face, smirking at my breathless expression.

"I'll drive."



An hour later, we were in a club, lights and music blaring all around us, and my tension all but gone as I nursed drink number whatever up at the bar. Sayumi was coming and going as she pleased; she'd all but ignored me since we arrived, a fact that was starting to irritate me more than anything. I should have been relieved, perhaps, or I should have ditched her then and there, but I had become more than a bit tipsy by that point and my competitive, possessive nature rose to the surface. I didn't like being toyed with.

She floated back to me again, and I caught a glimpse of the sweat glittering on her neck before she leaned against the bar, grinning like a shark.

"Care to dance with me now, Reina-chan~?"

I glanced sideways at Sayumi, calmly setting my glass down on the counter.

"You're not as seductive when I'm drunk, you know."

"Oh?" She questioned, moving closer to nibble on my ear, "Is that so?"

The action caused me to flush slightly, but the alcohol had emboldened me and I turned to grab her chin, locking eyes with her.

"Yeah, that's so. I know what you're trying to do here, but I'm not gonna be one of your weird conquests just so you can have like, a matching set." I released her, growling a bit as I turned back to my drink, "I'm not like you, I don't run around having meaningless sex."

Sayumi seemed taken aback by my sudden outburst, but didn't falter, sliding her arms around my waist. One of her hands slipped beneath my shirt to draw lazy patterns on my stomach, my skin burning  everywhere she touched.

"Oh trust me, we could make it meaningful... And you're much more like me than you think."

"How?" I was disturbed to think that I could have any kind of connection with this girl, but curious enough to hear her out.

"Well, we've both been pining for someone that doesn't even know we exist," She replied, and I shuddered as she brushed her lips against my neck, "Ai will never notice you the way you want her to, and nothing you do will change that. She only has eyes for Gaki-san."

That statement settled hard in the pit of my stomach, and sober me might have gotten flustered and tried to argue with her. But Sayumi was just voicing aloud the things my inner cynic had been saying all along; that Ai was just being kind to me, like a mentor or an older sister figure, and everything she'd done up to that point was just out of friendliness. I still didn't want to believe her, though, especially the part concerning Risa.

"In fact, if she shows any interest in you at all, its only because you remind her of Gaki-san. But then you'd just be a replacement, never really filling that hole in her life."

I wanted her to shut up, and definitely wanted her to stop touching me, and yet the truth in her words kept me still. Especially after I remembered what Ai had said earlier that morning.

"You know, I find it amusing just how much you remind me of Gaki-san sometimes."

Feeling slightly numb, I quickly downed the rest of my drink, tugging a surprised but not unwilling Sayumi behind me towards the dance floor. I didn't notice the way her eyes glinted in the light or the way her grin was sharper than it should have been. I simply lost myself in the rhythm of the music and her body, not wanting to give a damn about Ai or anything else.

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XIX, 7/19]
« Reply #133 on: July 19, 2012, 07:10:36 PM »
gah gang changes, nurse maasa, tough rii-chan and now riho fukuchan ayumin and kudu are in this @~@ lord must know how maachan, haruna zukki and eripon are like in ayayas gang  kyness to the max there lol
as helpful as it was for sayu to help reina ut god knows reina clearly fell for that stuff the bunny said at the club @~@

whats in dat letter????? could miki be asking for risa to come back and help again???? :panic:

kiwi needs to know~
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XIX, 7/19]
« Reply #134 on: July 19, 2012, 08:18:13 PM »
 Risako, maasa, and maimi are all part of a gang? Soo nice :twothumbs
I luv the fact that even tho maasa is a yankii she still keeps tjhe characteristic of being motherly :cathappy: so cute how she takes care of risako

Now im super curious to find out wats in that envelop dats ment for risas 8)

Sayu's devil tougne is being used to the fullest in the last part :twisted: , hopefully reina doesnt do anythng too drastic when she becomes sober  :lol:

Awesome chapter i was sad when i reached the end of it, but shall be awaiting ur next chapter patiently :peace:

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XIX, 7/19]
« Reply #135 on: July 20, 2012, 04:13:58 AM »
My heart kind of died with the whole beatles thing  :fainted: But it's alright~ ahha

omg the gang tho LOL
"I am going to get very drunk and then probably go out and engage in various acts of debauchery until either I pass out or morning breaks, whichever comes first,"

I love you Miki, I love you so much  :lol:

The Matsuura clan did indeed have four new recruits just as green as their own

9th gen i reckon  :?

"I think she figured out that Rika's dead."

 :panic: :panic: :panic:


Meanwhile at planet Tanashige  :fap lol

I nursed drink number whatever up at the bar


Ai will never notice you the way you want her to, and nothing you do will change that. She only has eyes for Gaki-san."


omg drunk sex with a THE HANGOVER inspired morning after?  :P Bring it on!!!!

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XIX, 7/19]
« Reply #136 on: July 20, 2012, 11:56:06 AM »
And.... Sayu. XD Seductress, that girl. Reina's falling into her tr~ap!

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XIX, 7/19]
« Reply #137 on: July 25, 2012, 12:02:24 PM »
Dun dun duuun, I hope Reina didn't go at it with Sayumi. :deco: Gaki-san's better for Reina :w00t:
Well, this is very entertaining! :grin: Waiting for the next chapters. :hand: ;)

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XIX, 7/19]
« Reply #138 on: July 27, 2012, 05:58:43 PM »
maachan, haruna zukki and eripon are like in ayayas gang  kyness to the max there lol
This made me LOL at the truth!! :lol: We almost have to see an omake with Aya and them... especially if she's anything like Miki... lol.

Back to the chapter... Now this is what I was looking forward to!! (no, not the hot TanaShige almost-action :)))
The stuff about the gang in the first part of the chapter is what I feel you write so well and I loved in HT... I wonder why that is...? Or well, I enjoy it at least XD whatever it's like.  So the gang's still going strong, huh? I hope Risa doesn't get drawn back into it. Maybe good timing with her just making that pact with Eri to set the both of them straight again? Or we'll see if it just means she'll be breaking it almost before it's started...

And as for the aforementioned TanaShige... :heart:
So hot, but so wrong... and you left it there at an interesting place :lol:

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Re: The Rockstar's Guide to Growing Up [Chapter XIX, 7/19]
« Reply #139 on: October 19, 2012, 10:09:33 PM »
I just got my Morning Days 11 dvd and it's Gaki-san's B-day in Japan already. I NEED this to be updated soon or I may explode from the lack of. >.<;

JPHiP Radio (15/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Berryz Koubou - Maji Natsu Sugiru