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Author Topic: ステーシーズ 少女再殺歌劇 Stacey's maiden murders at the opera house  (Read 11542 times)

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« Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 05:40:12 PM by Chibs »

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Does the poster mean that those are the main actresses? :3

Reina looks amaaaazing on the poster >_<
LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

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Sniper wrote:
Mo-Musume zombies?! Based on the novel Stacy by Ohtsuki Kenji turned into a stage play.

Selected members of Morning Musume have been announced to participate in the stage play Stacey’s Shoujo Saisatsu Kageki (Stacy’s maiden repeated killing opera). Taking part in the lead role, Tanaka Reina (22) showed great enthusiasm into wanting to show everyone a beautiful zombie morning musume.

The story is about young girls aged between 15-17 years old, suddenly due to some weird phenomenon lose their life but come back seconds later as a zombie. The zombies are known as "Stacies". The disease spreads as the "stacies" increase almost like an explosion they spread. Humans vs Stacies, a battle which will be shown.

Ohtsuki commented very kindly on Morning Musume as the actresses, "Out of the blue." "The contents of my novel have a sense of a lot of madness going about it. It has an inconsistent and cruel feel to it. A story about being in conflict with yourself when having to kill someone you once loved again and again, it's a sad story. Which is why I'd like Morning Musume to act this. He said as though he "yelled" (in support) to the members.

Suzuki commented with great willingness "I'd like to be of good service and do my best in practice to understand my character."
Masaki commented with aspiration, "Being able to participate in such a big play for the first time really does make me feel quite shy/embarrassed. But I'd like to watch and learn from my seniors in order to make myself into a better person.

Because of her graduation 18th May at Budokan, Niigaki Risa will not participate.
Mitsui Aika is still recovering from her ankle injury and Michishige Sayumi will not participate due to schedule conflicts.

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Here's the movie adaptation of the story:

And a short clip:
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Everyone looking cute and doing a good job when they have the mike:

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^I think I liked Eripon's zombie yell the most, since she put some gurgle in there at the end!
( ・e・) :heart: marimari  ● 川o・-・) :heart: Jabronisaur :heart: (・o_・`川 ● ノノl∂_∂'ル :heart: ChrNo ● Never Forget.

Offline shirenuファクトリー

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lol they actually made all of them do zombie screams? AWKWARD!! :lol: (..zombies wouldn't even scream like that...)

I love Ayumi's expression after hers though... :lol: Coupled with the Masaki-accidental-upskirt-face, I almost feel like changing her personality point in the pentagon poll for these alone... (EXPRESSIONS ARE AN IMPORTANT PART OF PERSONALITY)

I loved this sequence of reactions after their screams though:
Ayumi - "damn. what did i just did done d'oh."
Iikubo - embarrassed giggle
Fukuchan - "yeah. that's it. suck it. ^_^"
Eripon - cute over-the-top giggle
LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

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« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 08:25:25 PM by oaxiac »

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Main insert song for the musical?

 :rockon: :rockon: :rockon:

Reina even thinks of covering the song with her upcoming band  :lol:

Offline urhomos

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This story seems a bit over the top for so young girls. I hope they will be ok.

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The dvd release is slated for September 12th

rina ♥ mini

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I'm surprised no one has commented about how they feel about the musical since the DVD rip is already released. Then again, not really. No subs for one thing, so I bet most people just aren't in a position to comment properly yet lol.

I've watched it repeatedly though. Loved it that much haha. The narrative was cruel, tragic, and beautifully engrossing. I even went and bought the original novel to compare notes, and the musical is definitely more true to the spirit of the book so far. The movie version plays up the horror, but the musical is more subtly cruel and painful. I hope someone subs this so I can show it to everyone haha. I couldn't shut up about it at work and now everyone at work wants to watch it. Muahahaha. :lol:

Can't post long thoughts right now, but I'll get right back to it when I have the leisure to do so.

Also, the song Saisatsu Butai? The musical version is SUPERIOR. No two ways about it. I should get round to translating the songs cos they be awesome. Haha.

Anyway my point is EVERYONE SHOULD GO WATCH IT. Now. Lol.

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I saw the movie with a friend one night and it was one of the creepiest things I'd ever seen, yet with this tragically poignant streak running through it.  It wasn't exactly scary, but it gave me chills almost the entire time.  Even now, thinking about that last line is giving me the chills, and oddly feels like it's on the verge of bringing a tear to my eye.  It was a really unique combination of horror, revulsion, and tragic love story that really stuck with me long after the movie ended.  For what seemed to be just another B-grade zombie movie, there was some remarkable depth in there.

That said, when I saw the musical from the web stream, I loved it.  In contrast to the chronological narrative of the movie, the non-linear structure of the musical really seemed to bring out a different meaning in certain scenes.  While the movie was content to go with madcap craziness and over-the-top gore for its own sake, the musical felt more grounded in the story.  The songs had hauntingly beautiful melodies and lyrics, while being accompanied in some parts with metal guitar underlined the brutality of it all.  I imagine the story was closer to the novel, since the movie seemed like it skipped a big chunk of the ending scenes.  The musical, in contrast, just made a lot more sense dramatically.

But for all of that, I haven't worked up the nerve to watch the whole DVD yet.  It's such an emotional trip to such a dark place that I felt kind of emotionally drained after I was finished watching the web-streamed version.  I really don't know how they all managed to do so many performances of it night in and night out without some kind of personality side-effects.  (Actually, I wonder if that was the reason behind Fukuchan's obsessive mic recording about Ayumi...) I'd guess if I watched it a few more times I'd become desensitized to it, but it was so powerfully effective that I'm not sure if I want to lessen that experience.

And yes, I'll agree that this version of Saisatsu Butai is SO MUCH BETTER than the original version by Kinniku Shojo Tai.  Reina wrote that she wanted to cover it with her new band if she could, and I think I remember reading that Ootsuki Kenji gave her permission to do so.  I know I'd buy it if she did!
( ・e・) :heart: marimari  ● 川o・-・) :heart: Jabronisaur :heart: (・o_・`川 ● ノノl∂_∂'ル :heart: ChrNo ● Never Forget.

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I posted this in the H!P PW thread a while back, I hope the rest of it gets subbed

Offline Estrea

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One of my favorite songs. I don't really know how to sub a video but I can in fact translate the song. ;_;

「リルカは地獄 -ステーシー聖歌隊斉唱-」
『ステーシーズ 少女再殺歌劇』 劇中歌
作詞:末満健一 作曲:和田俊輔

ごめんね あなたたちを苦しめて
わかってるわ 本当は辛いはず
ありがとう あたしたちを再殺にきてくれて
リルカは地獄 あたしたちの楽園はどこにもない
リルカは地獄 あなたたちがあたしたちを救ってくれる


Can you hear our voices?
Our voices that you pity
We're sorry for the pain we have caused you
We know how difficult it must have been
So we are thankful to you for killing us again
If we hadn't met like this
We could have become lovers
That's why we love you now
Even though we can't put this love into words
We love you
Riruka (Lilica? *) is hell, paradise does not exist for us
Lilica is hell, and you are the ones who save us from it

*Lilica is the name of the all girls' boarding school in the musical, where the students were turning in batches into Stacys, and the place was converted into a research center/holding facility. It's the setting for Act II of the musical.


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I'm on a roll for translation tonight.


ああ、夜は明けて ユラユラ歩を合わせ
さあ銃をかまえろ 銃爪を

髪の毛も指も 思い出も骨も
恋人見つけても心凍らせろ 目を伏えるな

あのね、あたしたち好きな人に もう一度会うため歩いただけよ

ホラ いつものように ホラ 町へ逃がすな
うちまくれ罪の意識はひとときだ 気の迷いさ

あのね、あたしたち好きな人の 肌に触れるため歩いただけよ

その深い哀しみからのがれるために 少年は部隊に志願した
おそらく神の気まぐれで あの世から蘇った14歳から16歳までの少女たち
歩き回る屍を 鋼鉄の銃弾で もう一度闇に帰し 始末するために。
部隊の規律は厳しく右向け右!僅かな心のゆらめきも 許されなかった
少年にはかえってそれが心地良かった このまま何も考えず
ただ 少女達を始末してさえいれば それで 俺の一生はOKだ
もう 誰も失うこともない、、、
それはとても楽な事だから きっと楽な生き方だから


あのね、あたしたち好きな人に もう一度会うため歩いただけよ
でもね、許されないのならば どうぞ、メチャクチャにして欲しいな
だって あたしは好きな人が 血まみれだって抱いてあげるワ
だって あたしの好きな人は 血まみれだって抱いてくれるワ

髪の毛も指も 思い出も骨も



Aa, dawn is breaking
With wavering steps
What approaches are the corpses of girls aged 14, 15 and 16
So lift your guns, and get ready to pull the trigger

Be it hair or fingers, or memories or bones
Shatter them all and send them back to the darkness once more
Even if you find your lover, harden your heart and don't look away

Did you know, we walk again only for the chance to meet the people we love once more?

Hey, be as you always are
Hey, don't let them get away into the city
There is no need to feel sadness in battering away at the already dead
To feel guilt for inflicting violence, that is only a moment of confusion

Did you know, we walk again only for the chance to touch the ones we love once more?

In order to escape from this unendurable grief, young men started volunteering for the death squads
It is probably God's whim that causes girls aged 14-16 to be resurrected as walking corpses
With bullets of steel we send them once more back into the darkness, and in order to do so
Squad discipline was brutally harsh, and when we say turn right, you turn right!
Not even the slightest of hesitation was allowed, and the young men felt a sense of relief
For they no longer had to think or make any decisions, all they had to do was dispose of the girls, and with that they think "our lives are OK like this, we won't lose anyone else..."
That this is a happy thing, and this has to be a good way to live
...and one day, the young man found his lover amidst the corpses.

Did you know, we walk again only for the chance to meet the people we love once more?
But if that is unforgivable, then go ahead, cut us all to pieces
Because, even if we were covered in blood, we would still embrace our lovers
Because, even if I were covered in blood, my loved one would still embrace me

Be it hair or fingers, or memories or bones...


The dialogue was most heartbreaking for me. Actually, all the scenes with the Romero Death Squads were painful to watch. To see the men in despair really cut deep. The screaming in Kimagure Zetsubou Arigatou was another moment when you could actually feel their minds and consciousness literally splintering because they couldn't deal with the trauma of a Stacy actually being able to speak. Because if they can speak, they can think; if they can think, they can feel; and if they can feel, there might have been a way to save them and ohgodwhathavewebeendoing? That's what makes the whole narrative so tragic. To have to kill the ones you love, or even just ones you might have loved, that kind of trauma to the psyche... I won't doubt that most of the guys have PTSD and a host of other psychological problems (which is evident in that one scene in Act II when we see a gathering of them).

As an aside, I was struggling through reading the novel (which, in parts, is entirely identical to the musical) when a sudden realization just hit me. The term Near Death Happiness (written as 臨死遊戯状態, but pronounced as ニアデスハピネス, a romanization of the English name) didn't occur to me as any more than just a technical term until I remembered how I heard it in the musical during Act I. I actually misheard it when the Death Squad member actually asks Reina's character "ニアデスハピネスですか?" or "Are you in Near Death Happiness?", but in my first viewing I totally heard "ニヤですか?はっぴーですか?", which translates to "are you smiling? are you happy?". It seems like a silly mistake at first...until I read the novel and experienced a moment of Fridge Horror. Because either way I hear it makes a horrible kind of sense. Because Near Death Happiness is the state where the girls experience a phase of euphoria where they are always smiling and laughing and generally being high, and this is the state BEFORE THEY DIE AND REANIMATE. So once they enter this stage IT IS ALREADY TOO LATE, THEY'RE GONNA DIE. And what made it horrifying for me was that...the term Near Death Happiness in Engrish is basically pronounced "ni-aa de-su hapi-ness". Which sounds like "ニヤです、ハッピーです" = "I'm smiling, I'm happy" = Near Death Happiness = ..... :on blackhole:

...yeah. I'm weird. :lol:
« Last Edit: October 06, 2012, 07:30:22 PM by Estrea »


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OMG I love you so much right now.  If no one else is up for subbing it, maybe this could be a jphip subcru project?

I actually never caught the kind of double nature of how "near death happiness" was pronounced before you mentioned it.
It's kind of oblique and makes you wonder if it was intentional, but just reading about it is chilling.

And yeah, I felt like the most heartbreaking part of the story was what the survivors had to live with after being forced to kill their loved ones and subsequently chop them up into tiny pieces.
The fact that the girls are at their most lovely due to the near death happiness just compounds the tragedy.
Having that act of re-killing and mutilating their bodies be twisted into an act of love is just too cruel.

I'm kind of wondering if there is some special significance to the name "Lilica".
After all, they named the death squads after George Romero, and the hand chainsaws were named after Bruce Campbell in the movie...
( ・e・) :heart: marimari  ● 川o・-・) :heart: Jabronisaur :heart: (・o_・`川 ● ノノl∂_∂'ル :heart: ChrNo ● Never Forget.

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^ I was thinking of the same! I would love to work on such a project haha.

I too was wondering if it was intentional, and I suspect it is, otherwise why write it in kanji that way but spell it out in furigana for the English pronunciation? It has to be deliberate on some level. And he doesn't come out and talk about it. It's just there, but then again in Act III they keep repeating ニヤです、ハッピーです / ニアデスハッピーネス in that scene where they keep hitting that scientist guy, and that's what stuck in my head and made me recall it while I was reading the novel.

And man, I'm not sufficiently familiar with zombie movie tropes to spot that reference for Lilica. maybe I'll have to do some research lol.

Oh one more random reference note. The name of those hand chainsaws? Riderman. Reference to Kamen Rider V3's protagonist, who also had a variety of prosthetic weapons attached to his arm. I think I'm having fun with this. XD;


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JPHiP Radio (25/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Sistar - We Never Go Alone