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Author Topic: Airing my dirty laundry - kjpop's one-shot collections (updated 7/8)  (Read 18246 times)

Offline kjpop

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Not really sure how this works, but I think I'm doing it right LOL So this here is a place for me to put some one-shots. A lot of these stem from personal experiences that I more or less shouldn't be discussing publicly, but I will anyway (hence the name of the topic :lol:) or are just the result of me watching some horribly gushy, romantic/angsty piece of romance in movie/drama form. Blah :doh:

So yeah, first up: The character's aren't explicitly stated, but you can figure it out if you think hard enough. At least for the characters I had in mind lol Actually, this doesn't have to be anyone in particular unless you want it to be. It's written from 1st person perspective, so you have a lot of flexibility when it comes to deciding who's who =D It's pretty angsty, but I just can't help it. I promise it gets better at the end, I SWEAR!!!!!!!  XD)

Anywho, here it is! Props to you if you can call out the movie shoutout that I have somewhere in this fic  :cow:


I always knew nothing good could ever come from these graduations. We promised everyday before and after my own graduation that we would never lose contact, always keep in touch. Things would never change and nothing between us would be different. Time, however, was fleeting and the two of us failed to keep up, keep our empty promises.

There were the precious moments, the times when our often conflicting schedules finally granted us the rare pleasure of each other's company. We walked separate paths of life now, a fact made painfully clear over the conversations we shared over our occasional dinners. While I talked about musicals and fashionable fancies, you discussed tour dates and members' progresses. Conversations about anything else seemed all too trite, almost forced in despondent attempts to find common ground in the haze of the great divide that manifested itself as time sped forth. It worried me, and though you were never one to show it, I could tell it bothered you, too.

I realize your schedule must be dreadful, and mine is not quite a walk in the park, either. Yet, with quiet confidence and heavy hesitance, I ask you if you would like to spend your few days of free time with me. Bring your things in your duffle bag or small carry-on, and just come over. Stay for a while. Let's enjoy each other's company as life expected, as we wanted: together and without the limitation of time.

Staring outside my bedroom window, I find myself with sweaty palms and a slightly racing heartbeat. I couldn't begin to describe the number of times and ways I had rearranged my apartment for you, how I shoved the things I was inherently ashamed of into tucked nooks and crannies throughout my living space, how I changed my sheets and cleaned my bathroom and kitchen, how I wondered if I should change the sheets on the guest bed as well. Nervous anticipation for your arrival no doubt, but I realize with each second I wait is a second wasted. But I see you pull up in a local cab, tugging your bag outside with no struggle before paying your dues and bidding that blessed driver goodbye.

I rush down the stairs of the apartment complex to meet you. We share smiles and a warm, almost desperate embrace in silent greeting. There was never a need to say hello, never any need for conversation. You were here, I was here, and to us that's all we ever needed. I offer to carry your single bag up to my apartment and you accepted the offer appreciatively, wearily. I wonder if you can see the disappointment on my face as I drag along behind you. You lead us to the front of my apartment door without a word and with such confident familiarity of your surroundings that you were probably not aware. Your decision to remain silent during the ascent and the weight of your bag were foreboding and confirmed one thing: I was merely a vacation, your weekend getaway.

You wait for me at the top of the steps, in front of my apartment door, and take your bag from my hands upon my arrival. I fumble with buttery fingers in search of my keys in my pockets, and I see you grinning at the corner of my eyes. Always patient, always kind. I slowly open the door and you enter and gawk as though it was your first time being there. I close the door gently behind me and offer you an almost obligatory tour of my apartment, the same one we shared several moments together before I graduated. Nothing has changed, except for time. It's been a while and I just want to refresh your memory. Those rooms to the left are off limits, mama and my little sister enjoy their privacy; Bathroom is down the hall to the left; Ignore those horrible purikura pictures on the fridge; Would you mind terribly if we watched the latest Big Bang concert? It's the only new DVD I have...Your room is right here.

I notice the puzzled look on your face and you openly question why we aren't sharing my room like we used to. I close the door to the guest bedroom and lead you obediently, reluctantly to mine. Because this is only a visit, and I am only your vacation.

We share a glass of wine, or five beers or so. The conversation afterward happens naturally and suddenly we are reminded of a time when we weren't total strangers. As you let your guard down, you begin to remind me of a time when this room felt less empty, when the joys of summer weren't limited to 500 days, and when enough body heat was generated to keep us warm on the coldest of winter nights in this room.

You begin to feel less foreign to me. I begin to ease in to your pace. The off limit doors are opened, and you take note of the silly purikura pictures that adorn my kitchen fridge. All things considered, we make your stay worth while, playing house and rushing back into the past, when times were simpler. But you had no intention of staying; I knew that before I even offered, before I let you in. All things considered, can't we just ignore tomorrow and share another beautiful morning in bed, whisper sweet nothings and have our limbs tangled along with sheets that are begging to be cleaned?

But suddenly it's your last day of freedom. Though the clock on my wall signaled its impending arrival all too clearly, the time just came too soon. Your bag lays open on my bed, empty and revealing: No real intention to stay, I was your vacation, your distraction, and you were my guest, a visitor. We force the cab to wait a few moments longer as we stand before one another, and you force chuckle and mention that your bag feels heavier for whatever reason.

I watch you through the rear window of the rapidly speeding vehicle until you become an indistinguishable presence fading along the horizon. I take slow, belabored steps back to my apartment, and open the door with a calmer heartbeat than before. A gentle draft forces its way inside, filling the space that you once occupied.


I sit in the crowd, tears falling as I watch you crying on the stage as well. Backstage we are reduced to a puddle of inexpressible emotion and even more tears. Members and former members alike join us in our tearful embrace, watching helplessly as another graduation passes them by. I cry because you are sad to leave. I cry because you're glad to move on.

I cry because we can finally progress.

Long after everyone has gone, I find you still in your dressing room with a number of beautiful bouquets held protectively in hand. You aren't wearing any make up. Your gaze lingers aimlessly at the bright lights that surround your dressing room mirror and I wonder what you're thinking of. I take a step closer and you wake from your daze, greeting me with puffy eyes and a throaty 'hello.'

I feel now is a better time than never to ask you if you would like to spend the night at my place. You hesitate for a few minutes beyond my comfort zone and I hold my breath, waiting for her answer with every nerve-wrecking second that ticks by. You smile and ask me if it would be alright to carry your things for you. I agree without a second of doubt.

We walk through the corridors of the empty concert hallways of the Budokan in silence, eyes stained red and hearts throbbing. I let you into the cab waiting outside first, and I slide in with your belongings after you settle yourself beside me. We sit and stare as the lights of a still bustling Tokyo pass us by, and I still wonder what you're thinking of as you sit beside me, uttering no words. The atmosphere in this contained cab space is heavy, almost unsettling, but I choose to ignore it.

As the cab drifts off into the night, we make the familiar ascent up the steps of the building complex to the front door of my apartment. I lay your things beside me as I fumble through my purse to find my keys, and I see you smiling with tear-stained eyes through your bundle of bouquets beside me.

You enter first, eyes wandering to and from as I turn on the lights of the main room. We don't bother changing, we don't bother speaking. I lead you to the bedroom, and you drop your bag onto my bed. I watch as you open to reveal the bag's contents. No longer empty, and heavy in a different sense from before.

I turn off the lights of my room and I join you beside my bed. We used to walk the same path, only to be separated by unforgiving circumstances. Though we suffered briefly in our time apart, our diverged paths come together again after a night filled with tears and goodbyes. In this room, you were once a visitor, and I was merely a vacation. It was a room filled with heavy regret, unfulfilled promises, and the burden that came with inevitable farewells. Now, I hope it is a place you can find solace, a place you can finally call home. 


SEE, SEE?! HAPPY ENDING! I am capable of writing happy things! I just like taking the more complicated route there  :deco:
« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 02:45:31 AM by kjpop »

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Re: Airing my dirty laundry - kjpop's one-shot collections
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2012, 12:42:19 AM »
I'm on what you would call a roll today ahha I have no idea where these are coming from, but I guess it's whatever. I've got a Kameshige one-shot for all the fans out there! It's totally crack and a lot more light-hearted than the one I posted up there. By a mile. Or 30. Or something. LOL. Can't you tell I'm not used to writing this sort of stuff? Enjoy anyway~

Just note: This is part 1 of a 2 part fic. Second part is kind of similar, but different. I'm not sure how to explain it without spoiling, so just hang tight and enjoy! Hopefully lol

Oh btw, song of the one-shot:
I have no idea what the song is about since I can't understand LOL but it was fun and bouncy, just like the feel I wanted for this ficlet ^__^


She never thought herself capable of such a thing. The words were simply not in her dictionary. Envious green-eyed monster? More like the jolly green giant...or midget rather. But sheesh, details are useless. No, no, Kamei Eri was definitely not the jealous type. No, sir.

"So why aren't you talking to me?" whined one slightly miffed bunny, her face contorted into a rather unsightly, yet still adorable pout. It had been quite some time since the bunny could hang out with her significant turtle, and she found it to be a blessing from the management when she was told she had the day off. What better way to spend this glorious freedom than with her best friend?

But the meeting did not go quite as girl had imagined. Eri had taken her merry time responding to the x number of text messages Sayumi had sent her throughout the day, asking if she was free to get together for a breakfast, brunch, lunch, an afternoon snack. When she finally received a response, Sayu braced herself for her friend to arrive an hour late; she came after 3. And after an unrequited embrace and greeting, the two made their orders at a cute little cafe in the city. It struck Sayu as odd that the usually bright and talkative Kamei wasn't uttering a single word in the currently one-sided conversation.

Eri leaned her cheek against a closed fist, sipping through the straw of her beverage without so much as batting an eyelash toward her flustered partner in crime.

This did not settle well for Sayumi. It was bugging the absolutely crap out of her, too. All she wanted was a nice little get together with her best friend, chat about going-on's and boys and go shopping and eat. Something. ANYTHING! The silence was damning. It was one thing being ignored, but it was another to be deemed less entertaining than her friend's cellphone. How absolutely insulting!

Eri had absolutely no intention to act in such a manner initially. This friendly neighborhood turtle? Mean? Insulting? Inconsiderate? Never. In fact, she had been quite excited to receive said text message from Sayu. It had been so long since they last spent some quality time with one another, but Eri never blamed the girl for having such a demanding schedule; she knew how painfully cruel the entertainment biz was, especially for a girl like Sayu.

So what was it? What forced the turtle to act like she had woken up on the wrong side of her shell this morning?

Kamei knew that her best friend could count on her being at least an hour late for their meeting, so she was in no rush to get to the cafe. As she changed clothes and prepped for their little get-together, she had the latest episode from Sayu's mobile drama "Kare wa, Imouto no Koibito" streaming on her mobile.

Needless to say, the girl was quite shocked with what she had seen. Kissing? Implied sex? With that man? What?! Oh god, her not-so-virgin eyes!!

She should have known better, shouldn't have been so sensitive, but impulse had it's way of screwing with some already few-loose screws in that turtle mind. One hour late? Oops, she had to go through 30 more outfits, called out for 5 different cabs and dismissed each one, chose to walk the longest path to the cafe - make that 3 hours late. Weariness mixed with some miffed tension, Eri made for quite a pitiful sight upon her arrival, but maintained her silently hostile guard at the sight of an incoming Sayumi.

However, after nearly an hour of being ignored, the bunny would not sit here and have anymore of it! What could be on that damn phone that could be more interesting than having a conversation with her? Extending her arm across the length of the table, Sayu made a grab for Eri's cell and fought off her friend's clawing grasp to retrieve her device.

"EHHHHHH???" the bunny gasped as her eyes fell onto the screen. "THIS? YOU THINK THIS IS MORE INTERESTING?!"

Deeming the struggle fruitless, Eri sunk back into her seat, arms crossed, and with a rather frightening scowl on her face. "I never thought you'd do to that sort of thing...You seemed to enjoy yourself quite a bit..."

"EHHHHHH?!?!? It's acting, Eririn!"

Palms planted on the table, the turtle straightened herself to retort. "Acting in such a compromising position with a guy that's not too horribly dreadful to look at? You don't have to lie, Sayu!!" Eri sat back down in her seat, the cutest little pout on her lips while she poked the tips of her two index fingers against each other. She looked almost disappointed, almost defeated, but damn did she look cute. So cute. "It's ok, Sayu. I guess I can't really be a good substitute for the male anatomy..."

Sayu couldn't help but release a hopeless sigh. Oh this girl, oh this person she called her 'best friend.' Ugh, sometimes she had no idea what to do with her. A devilish glint adorned her eyes, and the bunny smirked. "I never pictured you to be the jealous type, Eri. This is brand new information, and I quite like it."

The frown on the poor turtle's face only worsened. Teasing via a mobile drama and teasing in real life? This was just cruel! "I AM NOT THE JEALOUS TYPE!!"

Sayu retaliated by flashing the scene of herself and her male costar in bed together before the poor Kame's eyes. Almost immediately, the turtle turned her attention back helpless to her forgotten beverage.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." Sayu closed the video stream and returned the device back to her friend. She couldn't help but laugh as the turtle made for a swift and nervous grab for the phone before placing it protectively on her lap. "Oh, Eririn~ You know I love you the most!"

The turtle picked her head up with a snap, eyes wide open and mouth agape, a slight trail of juice dripping from the corner of her mouth. "Eh, really? You mean it?"

Sayu smiled and playfully patted the girl's head. "Of course!! But now I think I know how to finally get my way in most of our disputes, ne?" Sayu stood up from her seat and began walking off into the sidewalk.

Eri pouted and screamed toward the bunny, "BUT I HAVEN'T FINISHED MY SNACK YET!!"

Even from the distance where she stood, Sayu knew her friend had a perfect view of the bed scene streaming on her phone. The turtle blushed, stole a few quick bites from her cake and grabbed her beverage to go in a desperate attempt to catch up with her friend. The fiendish bunny couldn't help but smile as she locked an arm around the flustered turtle's. It was playing dirty, but damn did Sayu like how this was looking for the both of them!
« Last Edit: May 15, 2012, 12:51:51 AM by kjpop »

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Airing my dirty laundry - kjpop's one-shot collections
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2012, 06:11:08 AM »
First story was bittersweet and lovely.

Second was total lols :lol: :lol: Do wants moar plox

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Re: Airing my dirty laundry - kjpop's one-shot collections
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2012, 04:15:14 AM »
500 days of summer?

Both cute. Not as angsty as I thought it would be. Perhaps the standards of angst around this forum is pretty high.

Moar dirty laundry plz.  :P

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: Airing my dirty laundry - kjpop's one-shot collections
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2012, 06:37:05 AM »
I did not mean for this to be so crack-ish. It was supposed to be semi-serious, but then I realized, man I can't do this serious ish anymore. I need a break. So I just kept watching Friends and got a few good laughs to get me in the mood for writing some stupid crack LOL Hope you enjoy~ Part deux of the jealousy is a green eyed monster series lol

Speaking of Friends, the theme song for that show actually fits this fic pretty well LOL


What does one do with their free time? Enjoy some dishes on the more adventurous side at restaurants in the city? Perhaps take a stroll around Shibuya? Go shop for the latest tech-gadgets or fashion must-have item for the season? Well, check, check, and check. She began wondering if she was desperate enough to ask her socialite younger sister to hang out with her, but she realized time together with her sibling would most likely end in some ridiculous quarrel over nothing. She let the idea pass.

No, instead Takahashi Ai sat on her couch pondering over what to do for the day. Her latest play had just concluded its show times and she was not needed for any programs or other such televised appearances. She wondered if she could drop by ISBIT and see if they had anything new...since she had been there yesterday. She ran her hands through her hair and groaned. So this was the life of an OG? Sheesh!

But then the most brilliant idea had popped into her head. Reaching for her phone, she decided to shoot a message to her most favorite partner in crime. It had been quite some time since they had seen one another. With constantly conflicting schedules, it was difficult to find a compatible time for a decent conversation. And almost as soon as she sent the message, she received just the reply she was looking for.

"Yeah, sure I'll be there after this photoshoot. Give me an hour?"

Ai giggled with pure delight.

Yet the time came, and it was far from the delightful scenario of rainbows and sunshine she had imagined. Niigaki Risa was quite exhausted from her crammed schedule of photoshoots, interviews, and television appearances; such was the life of a graduating Morning Musume leader. Too exhausted to laugh, to converse beyond the greeting of "hello," to do...well, you know...that sort of stuff.

Ai had tried to make the most of their time. She knew how hard it was at this time for Risa. After all, she had gone through to the same situation last year. As selfish as she had wanted to be, as much as she wanted to monopolize the younger's time and attention, she knew it wouldn't be very well appreciated. But damn did she need some...

The two cozied up on the couch after some late night snacks and half-hearted conversation. The graduating member looked like she hadn't slept for a few days, and she confessed that Budokan rehearsals and guiding the 9th and 10th gen members was taking it's toll on her well-being, but it was a job that needed to be done. Ah, leader obligations. But in her modest attempt at being a good friend, Ai spoke up. "Ne, Gaki-san, you can sleep over if you'd like. It's getting late and you look pretty tired..." It was a sincere, no strings attached, I'm-not-expecting-any-sexy-time-from-this-sweet-gesture sort of offer. Seriously.

Gaki turned to her friend with weary, but thankful eyes. "Really? Oh, thank you! I don't have a really full schedule in the morning tomorrow, so I can afford to sleep over!!" she said with as much joy as a tired person could muster. Through heavy-lidded eyes, she could see Ai extending her arms open for a nice thank you hug, but Risa opted to pass on the buddy-buddy embrace for her girlfriend's very tempting, very comfortable looking set of thighs. Sprawling herself happily against the couch, Gaki didn't even care to think about that kind of agony that she was putting Ai in.

Almost as soon as her head hit those wonderful thighs, Gaki was fast asleep. Ai couldn't help but smile, fiddling with a few loose strands of her companion's hair as she dozed silently. Well, with this extra baggage snoozing on top of her, it didn't seem like she could go anywhere. Ai looked at the clock on the wall and noticed it was only 11PM. Much too early for bed, she thought. Deciding it would be quite the naughty idea to sneak a feel or two, the former leader was wondering what else she could do to occupy her time. With great care as to not wake her sleeping beauty, Ai made quite a reach for the remote control for her television set. Maybe some late night shows would put her to sleep.

Flipping from channel to channel, Ai found little to no interest in the programs that were airing. News, sports, blah blah blah. But as fate would have it, a late night variety show popped up before she called it quits. "Koisuru Game Park Kyundere?" she pondered, "...Sounds cute at least."

She was beginning to grow bored with the intro sequence, but before she flipped to the next channel, she caught sight of a rather familiar face in the contestant panel. "EHHHHH!?! Gaki-san!?! WHO IS THAT?!" Her mind was frantic. "She never told me she recorded for this show!!" It was slightly upsetting, given the context of what the title of the show implied, but Ai wasn't so sure; she had never exactly seen this variety before. Not in its totality anyway.

Deciding she was probably overreacting, Ai settled into her place on the coach, carefully making sure not to make any sudden movements that would disturb her friend from her slumber. She found her heart pacing after the explanation for the first round of the show entitled 'Ring of Destiny.' The B team consisted of Niigaki and some guy named Yuji. "Ahh, he's so tall and handsome," Ai thought quietly. The man was very much something out of a teenage girl's daydream and by the look on Gaki's face, she didn't seem to mind the setup. Nor did the man...But Ai quickly shook her head and continued to watch in self-torture.

The first round was already painful to watch. Reenacting romantic poses? Oh Lord, she didn't think she could handle it! Ai found herself giggling at Gaki's attempts to evade any bodily contact with her handsome gentleman companion. She was quite the crafty one. But it seemed with each pose that passed, the young woman was less and less reluctant to go on, despite how much more daring each subsequent pose was. The crowd went wild, and all Ai could hear was her heart frantically beating through her chest. It was so freakin' adorable, she had to admit, but...but that guy was just so pretty and perfect! And Gaki looked like something straight out of a high school confession scenario after every pose. It was so frustrating to watch!

"Trick of Blow" was the title of the second round of painful games. Even the title sounded dirty. It had asked for the "couple" to use various portions of their faces of all freakin' bodily organs to catch a ball in mid-flight. Cheeks? Forehead? Lips? LIPS!? DID SHE READ THAT RIGHT? Ai watched in silent rage as the pretty body reached from across the air-blowing platform to hold Gaki in place to catch that elusive ball. Weapons of choice? Pretty boy: Lips. Gaki: cheek.

That boy was getting so painfully close with his pretty boy lips. At one point, the ball was quickly sliding away from Gaki's cheek and pretty boy's lips...OH GOD THEY WERE GOING TO KISS, WEREN'T THEY? Ai couldn't bring herself to watch, but she just couldn't rip her eyes away. She never dreamed herself to be so masochistic.

But if the first two rounds weren't enough, the last one came at the poor ex-Momusu leader with full force. Couple dance karaoke to Renai Revolution didn't sound all that bad. How badly could they screw this one up, she wondered.

A familiar Morning Musume tune popped up and the "Master of Love" title faded from the screen. Niigaki looked happy to be back in her natural habitat of Morning Musume songs bustling in the background. Hand to hand, hip to hip, cheek to cheek...Well, coordinated dance couple positions weren't bad so far, Ai thought happily. At least Gaki looked like she was having fun right? Even the "couple's" off rhythm was enough to distract her from any 'romantic' tension on screen.

But then..."WHERE'D THAT HUG COME FROM? THAT'S LASTING A LITTLE TOO LONG THERE, PRETTY BOY YUJI. WHAT'S WITH THAT SMUG LOOK, PRETTY BOY YUJI?" Ai screamed painfully in her head. She couldn't take it anymore and grabbed the remote, smashing her pointer against the power. Making a grab for a pillow beside the sleeping figure on top of her, she planted her face against it and screamed her frustrations for the rest of the evening.


The following day, Gaki had left before Ai had awoken and left an apologetic letter on the table explaining her absence. She had a schedule to follow after all, and if anyone would understand it was Ai.

Later in the day, Gaki checked her phone during down time from concert rehearsals. Naturally, she found a message from the friend she had abandoned that morning. "Ne, come over again later?"

Her schedule for the day was a lot more on the compassionate side, so hopefully she wouldn't be as tired and rude as she was the night before. Aichan was making quite the effort to keep their relationship going, so the least she could do was show some appreciation on her end, right? Mentally preparing herself for some decent conversation and other such...activities (ahem), Gaki went on her way with rehearsals full-throttle until the group's instructors were satisfied for the day.

Weary and in dire need of a bath, Gaki arrived at Ai's apartment and let herself in. "Imasu~," she greeted as she took off her shoes. She heard a muted "unn" from somewhere in the living room and made her way there. Dropping her bag beside the couch, she found Ai curled up on the couch, eyes glazed over as she watched what seemed to be a different episode of Koisuru Game Park Kyundere. "Eh, Aichan what's wrong with you?"

Without a word, Ai lifted herself from the couch and turned off the TV. "Ne, is there something you're not telling me?" she asked, her voice uncharacteristically monotone.

Confused, the younger woman asked, "Eh? What are you talking about?"

Ai flipped the TV back on to show the Koisuru game program. "You were on this show, ne?" she asked, her eyes fixated on the screen. She heard Gaki mutter an "unn" in the background. "With some man named Yuji??"

Another "unn" in confirmation.

Ai flipped the TV off again, placing the remote control on the table. She slowly walked over to where Gaki stood completely confused as to where this conversation was even going. But before she could process what would even happen next, Risa found herself being hoisted into the air in a rather shaky power grip. "EH, NANI? NANI? NANI?"

"I CAN LIFT YOU, TOO, YOU KNOW!!!" Ai whined, burying her face against the younger woman's stomach as the mame fought and smacked against Ai's mini-Hulk-like grip. After much struggle and some well-placed smacks on the head, the older woman let the young girl back on her feet, which was rewarded with another smack to the head.

"What's the matter with you, Aichan? What the hell was that just now??" Gaki asked frantically, running her hands along her shirt to smooth herself back to normal.

The former leader put on her best pout and proceeded to explain. "Gaki-san, I know we haven't been able to see each other in a while because we're both just so busy, so I can understand why you would go on programs like that and enjoy being around other people, but I never though I'd see you looking so happy with that pretty boy Yuji. He's so tall and handsome and perfect and you looked so happy and you two make such a cute couple, that if you want to break up we ca-"

Gaki burst into laughter and placed another good smack on Ai's poor head. Oh how the tides have turned. "Me? Yuji-san? Couple??? Oh my, that's rich!" Another well-placed smack to the forehead. "It's a program, Aichan. You know, like your dramas and musicals with the male species! It happens, but it's not like we're dating or you're dating old co-stars!"

"IYAAAH~ But this is different! That variety show with that pretty boy wasn't scripted! And he's tall, and handsome, and a boy..."

Gaki sighed and petted her girlfriend's head. "Ne, Aichan, you being paranoid and jealous doesn't suit your cool image, ne?" Ai's pout grew worse and Gaki swore she could see some tears developing in those pretty doe-like eyes. "Oh come on, Aichan. Yuji may be tall and handsome, and the show might not have been scripted, but think about it this way," Gaki paused to grab hold of Ai's hands. "What you lack in height, you make up for in all your efforts and energy in all that you do. You're bigger than what your body gives you credit for."

The younger pulled the former leader closer so their foreheads rested against one another. "What you lack in handsome, pretty-boy features you make up for with your classic beauty all around." Gaki wrapped her arms around the older's neck and whispered, "And what you lack in male bodily organs, you definitely make up for in the bedroom. You know I love you."

Ai could feel her face heating up to a shade of cherry tomato red. Shame on her for doubting Gaki. Shame on her for having so little faith in their relationship. 10 years as gokkies had obviously gone down the drain with 30 minutes of a ridiculous love variety show? Bah, she deserved all the shame in the world. But before she could delve into a world of self-loathing, Ai felt warm lips press against hers.

And with a revitalized ego, the former leader hoisted the bean into bridal-like hoist and began marching toward the bedroom. "AND I CAN LIFT YOU, TOO!" she yelled happily as the younger woman playfully smacked her on the head again. Being an OG with free time wasn't so bad after all.

Yeah, baby, Hulk smash  :P

No but seriously, Gaki and Yuji were so f*cking adorable I cried.

« Last Edit: May 27, 2012, 08:05:17 PM by kjpop »

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Re: Airing my dirty laundry - kjpop's one-shot collections
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2012, 07:16:12 AM »
Man...I was reading perfectly fine with a dorky grin on my face, and then...

"I CAN LIFT YOU, TOO, YOU KNOW!!!" Ai whined, burying her face against the younger woman's stomach as the mame fought and smacked against Ai's mini-Hulk-like grip. After much struggle and some well-placed smacks on the head, the older woman let the young girl back on her feet, which was rewarded with another smack to the head.
:pig laugh: Way to prove your point Aichan!  Seriously, this part cracked me up XD 

I love how you captured Aichan's jealousy.  This is pretty much exactly how I imagined her when she found out, except for Hulk-Ai lifting our little bean friend and running off to the bedroom.  Wonderful job kjpop! :D 

nd with a revitalized ego, the former leader hoisted the bean into bridal-like hoist and began marching toward the bedroom. "AND I CAN LIFT YOU, TOO!" she yelled happily as the younger woman playfully smacked her on the head again. Being an OG with free time wasn't so bad after all.

...THEY WERE TOTALLY CUTE~ <3  I ship it!  Though not even close to how much I ship our beloved TakaGaki~ :deco:
Hi~iiya!~  (>^_^)>
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Re: Airing my dirty laundry - kjpop's one-shot collections
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2012, 07:33:40 AM »
Dis crackiness is super awesome! XD Poor Aichan, so much time, but now Risa's in the same boat... More sexytimez! Lol, getting jealous of Yuji. They were super cute together. Ai-chan is very hilarious with her "I can lift you too!" part.

More from you please!

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Re: Airing my dirty laundry - kjpop's one-shot collections
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2012, 08:41:09 AM »
I'm swamped, but I just had to respond because of this:-

I did not mean for this to be so crack-ish. It was supposed to be semi-serious, but then I realized, man I can't do this serious ish anymore.
Why does this sound so familiar. Ohwait, 'cause I said it right before I started on call. Welcome to what we call the Cliff of Sanity. And right below it, if you'll just look down- is the Sea of Crack. *pushes*

*clasps Kijichan's hands and jumps around while sobbing manly tears* I'm so haaaappy! It's been lonely here by myself.

I will return with a blow by blow (pun intended) account of what I liked about this piece.

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: Airing my dirty laundry - kjpop's one-shot collections
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2012, 05:43:46 PM »
omg i love i wondered how ai-chan would react to this and you wrote it perfectly! XD i totally love gaki yuji couple and ship it so much just cus they were so DAMN CUTE!!!! D:  omg i just wnated to die in that fluffyness LOL again i love how you wrote this and wether its serious or crackiest of crack i'm sure it'll be great! cant wait for more!

and  ai-chan shouldnt worry about yujii, she should know that just turning into guychan will make anyone fall for her XD
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Re: Airing my dirty laundry - kjpop's one-shot collections
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2012, 06:17:56 PM »
^ Tee hee, glad everyone liked the Takagaki crack <3

@ grac - X__X Sea of crack? I can't swim LOL thatssuchablatantliebutyouknow

ugh, freakin' guychan. I really need to hurry up and finish Honto no Kimochi so I can start Russian Roulette and get guychan in action LOL

I'm in one of those weird moods where all I want to do is skip, toss around a rose petal trail, and hope that a choir of angels will pop up and sing some crazy melodic tune as background music because even weirdos like me need a theme song. Anywho, the couples in this one aren't explicitly stated, but hopefully you can figure it out. No real plot, no real direction. It's kind of first person, but the speaker changes from paragraph to paragraph, and the person they're addressing changes along with them. Yeah, idk I'll just try to make sure you know it's a different person every time by alternating between italics and regular font, ok? Or not lol Just a bunch of fluff and mushy love stuff that I can't deal with right now LOL So I trash it upon ya'll <3 BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, IN THAT CRAZY WEIRDO KIND OF WAY. Without all the creepiness. Hopefully. I need to get off my ass and stop being in love or shit like that XD

Can you guess who's who? =D I like playing games, can't you tell? xD

I love the way you dress like you're from some alternate universe. Quirky styles with a touch of hipster flare that make you seem like something out of a stoned Lady Gaga's closet, with an emphasis on stoned. Sometimes I wonder why you dress that way you do, and sometimes I wonder if it's just your way of self-expression. You never had that gift of gab, after all,  but I appreciate how fashion forward you are. Just realize while I like your out there fashionista tendencies, I like you naked, too.

I love the way you make me wait a good two hours for you at a restaurant or shopping district. At first I found it irritating, but I realized with time that there's just no point in scolding you for it. You had this pout on your face that I couldn't wipe away during our very first excursion, and ever since I just couldn't find it in myself to do it again. I love how you march to the beat of your own drum, to the beat of your own pace. For that, I don't mind waiting.

I love the way your face scrunches up when I say something funny. The little crinkle on your nose is enough to make me smile along with you. You look like a little kid, not a day older than 14. I love the way you laugh so honestly, so unabashed when you find something that strikes your funny bones in the right ways. That low, infectious bellow that fills a room is enough to get me started. As soon as we realize it, people are staring at us but it's ok, you insist, because we're smiling and laughing, and god only knows how much I love your smile.

I love the way you lick your lips in the middle of a conversation. It's innocent enough, but you always find a way to drive me wild in public places. It's uncomfortable and you don't seem to notice how wound up I get. I suppose it's one of the few secrets that I have yet to share with you in the future.

I love your quick wit. Most people find it rude to the point it's almost humorous, perhaps more insulting than funny. Poison-tongued and narcissistic is what they often call you, but I know better.  I like the way you take your time to calculate and respond with a BOOM that sends the crowd into fits of uncontrollable laughter and gasping. With your thoughtful calculations and my slow-paced spontaneity, we make for quite a match, don't you agree?

I love the way you can say what you think. Sometimes it worries me how your victims will react, but I know even that won't phase you. I wish I could be more like you. That confidence is kind of sexy, and even though Nakazawa joked about how you've toned down a bit since your debut, I'd like to think otherwise. I think  you're the same person you were 10 years ago, no-nonsense and straightforward. You seemed to have warmed up a bit since then, but even a warmed heart can do nothing for the bluntness of your words. Can I just say it again? I find that really sexy.

I love the way you chew on ice like it's popcorn. I love hearing that crunching noise with every bite you take. I tried to tell you once that this weird habit of yours is horrible for your teeth, but you just shrugged it off and chewed on, like it was popcorn. I love the way you prop your feet on the couch when I come over to just hang out and watch TV during our rare times of leisure. I love how you can just let your guard down and be un-idol-like when we're together. It's just funny how unladylike you can be sometimes, and even funnier when you yell at me for having my legs spread when I'm concentrating on cutting apples. I love how contradictory we can be.

I love how you keep things professional, but sometimes I wish you would let me in.

I love the way we keep in touch. Our schedules always conflict and when they don't, we just happen to be sleeping in our own beds. Or should be sleeping. I love waking up at 2AM to read a text message from you about your day. I hope you don't mind me when I text my reply at 5AM because I fell asleep shortly after reading yours. I like to imagine your laugh when I type something witty. I love to imagine the blush on your face when I type something naughty. I love to imagine your smile when I say I love you. I'd love to imagine all these things a little less by seeing you in person more often, but then maybe my texting fingerwork would get rusty, and we can't have that can we? Because with schedules like ours, technology is our best friend, our middleman that let's me love you even when you're away.

I love the way you can't cook with actual kitchen cutlery. My heart always skips a beat whenever I see you wielding a kitchen knife. You insist it's ok, that you've had practice since I last saw you, but when the knife accidentally slides off the rounded, smooth edge of that tomato, I can't help but tear that weapon away from your hands and insist I cook instead. You always pout and retort with some ridiculous excuse. "I'll never learn at this rate!!" But for the sake of your fingers and my rapidly pacing heart, I think it's best that you stick to stirring the pot while I do the chopping.

I love your wonky eyes and the way you try to hide your toothy smile. It's one of the few insecurities about yourself that you were willing to share with me, but I couldn't imagine you anyway else. Even then, you insist that it's ugly and you try to hide behind a tight-lipped smile. You tell me I've got some nerve try to get you to smile otherwise, but you brush it off with one of those genuine, toothy smiles and laugh. I love it when you do.

I love the way we can be honest to one another. I love how we unveil our deepest, darkest secrets to each other after the deed is done. We can be hiding under our fort of sheets and pillows, shrouded and shielding our naked bodies from each other's wandering eyes and digits, but somehow I don't mind that you can see me. I don't have a great body, not like yours anyway, but you treat it like something worthy of praise. I love the way your hand just lingers on my hip when we lay side by side, and you stare at me with those big, beautiful eyes. We're so naked and open, and you just don't seem to mind. I love the way you dismiss all my flaws and imperfections, and lightly trace some half-hearted designs along the contours of my body while you whisper sweet nothings like it was our first time. I love how these moments never last long enough for me to appreciate because you always find some second wind to continue. The night is young, and so are we.

But most of all, I love the way you love me. I love the way you make me feel. I love the way you make me smile. I love all your stupid, silly jokes and your nonsense banter about something that happened at work. I love the way you make me hate how messy you can be, and the way you fold the laundry. I love how you always manage to burn something in the kitchen when I leave you to make dinner some nights. I love the way you can honestly say you hate my guts when I hurt your feelings, but then come back and apologize moments later. I love how we argue over who was wrong. I love when we forget about what we were fighting over to begin with. I love how words become so insufficient when it comes to describing how much I love you. I love how appearances play second fiddle. I love how I know everything about you, but know nothing at the same time. I love the way your hand fits perfectly into mine. I love your smile, oh yes I love your smile. I love everything about you and I can only hope you love me all the same.


You know what it is? It's freakin wedding season LOL Bahumbug.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2012, 07:22:49 PM by kjpop »

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Airing my dirty laundry - kjpop's one-shot collections
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2012, 06:28:34 PM »
make more more~! lol

anywho i want to say that renai, aigaki,kameshige,and maybe gakikame was in no particular order  of how i wrote them...idk if i;m right though lol ubber cute~ ;3;
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Re: Airing my dirty laundry - kjpop's one-shot collections
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2012, 06:53:31 PM »
So many pairings!! :panic: :panic: I think my heart exploded a couple times at the cuteness... There's so much love!! :wub: :inlove:

We're still waiting for that other story, though. You know what I mean. :lol:

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Re: Airing my dirty laundry - kjpop's one-shot collections
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2012, 07:01:37 PM »
^ Haha, that's a work in progress ;D I need to be in one of those extra lovey dovey moods for that sort of writing ho ho ho~

but it's in the wrap up stages now =] so just hang tight <3

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Re: Airing my dirty laundry - kjpop's one-shot collections
« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2012, 09:07:55 PM »
-dying of sweetness- oh my goodness. I just- ahdkfnmskfownzkjdhelp, the writing, so fluffy~ I may or may not have shed a few tears as well  :heart:

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Re: Airing my dirty laundry - kjpop's one-shot collections
« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2012, 12:36:27 PM »
My attempts at emo fail lol And I really need to quit writing these vague first person stories.

Song of the oneshot (been in a radwimps mood lately lol)


There you go again, leaving me behind. It was always hard to catch up to you, because even though you like felt your dreams, your life were out of reach, you were always out of mine.

We used to sing a song about hopeless dreamers. Do you remember? I never told you this, but you always struck me as that type of person. You were always off seeking a new adventure, a new challenge to overcome. Always bright-eyed and eager to feel the new experiences that were just past your fingertips. Something was always waiting on the horizon for you, and you were always ready to reach for it. Hopeless? Sometimes. A dreamer? Quite definitely. You embodied carpe diem.

Do you remember how we were supposed to graduate together? And do you remember the look on your face when you heard I wasn't going to graduate with you? I had told you back then that it would be ok, that you could go and reach for the stars, your dreams. Everything would be just fine, and your dreams would never be hopelessly unattainable. It would be alright to go without me, because I will always stand on able feet and catch up with you.

Do you remember when you graduated that autumn, because I remember it rather fondly. I remember all those tears we cried, I remember them well. You told me it was scary facing the future alone, and that your dreams felt like they were crumbling in front of you. Do you remember all those promises we made? Promises of dinners, catch-up gossip, and shopping? Do you remember how many of those promises were kept?

I never took it personally when you were always two steps ahead and I was several steps behind. I sometimes wished patience was more of your virtue, so you could stop in your race against the clock to wait for me to catch up. But I suppose at the end of the day, I really didn't mind. Because while you were always racing to reach for the future and living so desperately to fulfill the present,  I was there to keep you balanced with the past, to remind you of the moments tucked safely in the recesses of your mind. To remind you that you had seen better days in the midst of your present failures, and the inevitable failures to come. To remind you that it was ok to fall one step short of success, because everything is a learning experience. To remind you that no matter how alone you felt in the world, that you would always have me to turn to if you needed a familiar face. To remind you that it's alright stumble every once in a while, because I would always be there to catch you when you fell.

But maybe I just wasn't a sufficient enough person to keep you anchored in this life, because there you go again leaving me behind. Are you off seizing new moments, reaching for new dreams that are off in the distant future? Is someone there willing to keep you balanced, to keep you grounded by reminding you that the past is an integral foundation that you build your life upon? Because even though you were off chasing the future, until now I'm still stuck living in the past, relishing in the moments that were instead of the moments that could have been.

Perhaps I'm the hopeless dreamer.

...But I suppose it's too late for dreams now.

I wonder everyday if in the midst of your former present struggles, and your races to reach for the future, if you had ever once looked to your past. Did you ever look back at me and realize it would be alright if you stopped for five seconds to let life pass you by?

I wonder if you remember how much I loved you..., but don't worry about breaking your stride, we'll be together again soon.


In case anyone was confused: Written from an older, older, wayyy older Gaki's perspective (granny gaki lol). Ai died from [insert whatever you'd like here] and Gaki's paying her a visit at the graveyard. Sad times. But not really lol

And here's what kind of randomly inspired me to write this. Even though it's wedding season and I'm unfortunately being dragged left and right to look pretty and happy for the people around me that are getting married, I sometimes forget that for every moment of happiness someone experiences, someone else is suffering the pain of loss. I got this idea on the drive home this morning after a crazy wedding reception when I saw an old man in a graveyard. Kind of grim, but it was the kind of grim that I found particularly beautiful. Didn't know the guy, but I assumed the story he was telling just from how he sat in front of a single gravestone that was kind of isolated from the rest. He didn't look very sad, which isn't the reaction we all expect from people visiting these sorts of places. It was kind of beautiful. So here's to you, old man.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2012, 12:58:19 PM by kjpop »

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Re: Airing my dirty laundry - kjpop's one-shot collections (updated 6/4)
« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2012, 12:56:57 PM »
Dang, that was beautifully sad. Your story about the old man was poignant as well.

Ah, early mornings do not make for good comments, sorry...

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Re: Airing my dirty laundry - kjpop's one-shot collections (updated 6/4)
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2012, 09:55:19 PM »
^ no worries <3

Hahaha I think Quietriot and I are on a roll with one shots today! Makes me smile~

Anywho...what happens when this author is forced to watch action movies with her roommate? Magic lol Just kidding. But this idea was a result of a movie marathon a while back with the roomy. Aannnnd after re-reading it for proofreading purposes a couple of times, I kind of want to extend this to a full-fledged epic lol My imagination is just going wild (slow days at the office = too much free time, I can't even deal with it), but it's cool if you'd much rather pass haha I do have Russian Roulette to work on, after I finish HnK xD And that's nearly finished.

I was kind of thinking of incorporating as many H!P people as I possibly could into this fic *if it happens* haha because that'd be more interesting than the usual.

Mind you, I should probably make it clear that since it would be an action fic, I doubt I could incorporate as much romance as you'd all probably like haha. Maybe if I write this simultaneously with RR, that could buffer the blow (since RR is outlined and finished; just needs to actually be written lol) Soooooo hmmm...

I am curious: Would you guys want a whole fic for this? Let me know if you're interested!


The sound of harsh breaths and boots clanking on metal floorboards. The rancid taste of a salty sweat and metallic blood concoction flowing freely from their mouths. The look of insolent, foolish pride in the face of danger. The smell of fear in the air.

This time there was no escape. Bullet wounds and exhaustion had finally rendered their bodies useless. And now, as they sat side-by-side, with backs against the wall out of sheer necessity for physical reinforcement, they knew this was the end. The men in uniform stepped closer and closer, guns wielded before them and prepared for fire at the signal.

Tanaka Reina could only smirk, wincing as a flesh wound from a bullet misfire on her cheek opened anew, allowing a steady trickle of blood to flow freely from her face. But anything more would have been a sign of weakness. She grabbed her companion's bloody hand and looked at her through teary eyes, her vision slowly fading into white, the amount of blood loss finally taking its toll on her usually resilient body. "Well, we made it this far," she grunted, another trickle of blood from a head wound cascading over her left eye.

"Yeah," her companion sighed, a gurgle of blood dripping slowly down the side of her mouth. Takahashi Ai smiled and leaned her head back against the final stone barrier that separated them from freedom. A pool of warm tears formed in her eyes as she stared up into the night sky, flinching at the sound of rumbling thunder on the evening horizon.

They were looking at death right in the eyes. Time had escaped them, and neither was aware of just how many years were wasted planning for this moment. To have wasted all that effort only to die in the same place they were trying to escape after years and years of tactical manipulation...and how many lives were sacrificed tonight? It was almost too much of an overwhelming thought to bear. She almost felt like they deserved to die here.

One more reassuring squeeze. Ai leaned her heavy head to face her partner in crime, a bloodied tear strolling down her bruised cheek.

"Sorry I couldn't save ya, monkey brains," Reina stated, chuckling softly as rain began to fall from the stormy sky.

"Nah, don't say that...," Ai whispered in reply. She watched the younger girl face the uniformed men approaching them through wonky, but unyielding eyes. Regardless of the blood, the sweat, and the tears that fell from every wound that ripped through her delicately pale flesh, Reina's will to survive was foolish, but unwavering.

It was such a shame it had come down to this...

The guards paused a few paces before the cornered duo, loading their guns and watching the girls with cautious eyes. They aimed and prepared to fire.

"...We're finally free."

The sound of thunderclaps and a barrage of gunfire echoed through the night.

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Re: Airing my dirty laundry - kjpop's one-shot collections (updated 6/4)
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2012, 10:01:37 PM »
Bro. Brooooooo. You can NOT leave that hangin there like that, I will have an aneurysm.  :panic: Whatever I gotta do to persuade you to write more, I'm all ears! Goodness... T___T Though, I'll read anything you write, and I'm sure everyone else agrees. ^^ -scampers off to continue reading-

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Re: Airing my dirty laundry - kjpop's one-shot collections (updated 6/4)
« Reply #18 on: June 05, 2012, 02:07:46 AM »
Why, yes, this would be quite a looked forward to epic, if you decided to go that route. I would certainly read it! Poor Reina and Ai, though, Fimmy's right, you can't just leave it!

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Re: Airing my dirty laundry - kjpop's one-shot collections (updated 6/4)
« Reply #19 on: June 07, 2012, 08:08:20 AM »
One-shot overload!!!  :heart: :heart: :heart: Of course I cracked up at the Gaki-Yuji one lol and swooned at the ones they loved!! but still Russian roulette so hardcore... more...only one word: MORE

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