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Author Topic: Relapse & Recovery  (Read 9815 times)

Offline Dswizzle10

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Relapse & Recovery
« on: May 14, 2012, 09:48:12 PM »
Yo. *holds up peace sign* A new story for you guys. This is my very first story, so don't tear me apart. :whistle:
This actually contains a lot of my personal feelings and what not, but not soooo....dramatic? See if you can figure out who the person in the story is.  :on GJ:

Chapter 1

I stumbled into the club, soaked to the bone with water so icy cold it makes you choke. A few people stared at my entrance, and I feel my blood start to boil. My fingers flexed before clenching into a perfectly formed fist. I wanted to fight. No reason was really needed. I just wanted to pin someone in a corner and just let loose. Take everything out on whoever it was.

I’m being unnaturally cold and uncaring right now, but I didn’t give a damn. She never did.

I threw my shoulders back, puffed my chest out, and slipped off my jacket. I tossed it on a random chair and straightened my shirt up. I might find someone to lose myself with tonight and I was going to look presentable. A black shirt and skinny jeans aren’t much to work with, but they would be alright for tonight.

“Bartender, give me a neat shot of whiskey.” I murmured, somewhat in disbelief of the words in my mouth, as I hauled myself up onto a stool.

Obviously, the bartender was shocked too, because she hesitated quite a bit before tending to my drink. I ground my teeth together. What right did this woman have to look at me the way she did? Her JOB is to make drinks, not STARE.

Dammit. I held my head in my hands, watching the floor vibrate to the rhythm of a song I knew I recognized, but was too lazy to name.

It was all her. All of this. Why? I never did anything to her. I only loved her and this was the price.

My fist pounded into the underside of the table over and over, until I lost count. Or more importantly, my drink came.

“Here.” The bartender said, gently coaxing the shot glass into my hand. I looked up. Nice looking girl. She can’t be any older than me. Long hair, big beautiful eyes, and a nice figure…. Yeah. Nice little figure, just like… dammit.

My hand snapped hand to my wallet, but before I could even get into my pocket, I was interrupted.

“It’s girl’s night—drinks are free. Enjoy.”

Whatever, it wasn’t really any concern of mine how much money I spent coming here. I just wanted to forget, because underneath it all… I was hurting. She was killing me. I hated her. At least, my head was screaming that. I was working on drowning out the stupid organ in my chest.

I muttered a short prayer and downed my shot. It probably wasn’t a good idea to drink so fast, but hey, good ideas haven’t been my specialty for a while.

In a few minutes, it caught up to me. I felt warm all over. Buzzed, my mind shouted at me.

I closed my eyes. My mouth was on fire, but the good kind. My first drink. My first and favorite drink.

I ordered another. Gone. Another. Gone. One more.

Colors morphed together—green, yellow, orange. Happy colors. I smiled and rubbed my tongue against the inside of my mouth, as I spun around in a circle in my chair.

“Haaaaaapy..” I sighed, drunkenly watching a strobe light in the corner blink different colors.

I looked at all the pretty girls- no, women, I corrected myself. Nice shape. Pretty smile.

I whined her name before I could stop it. I hadn’t meant to, but it just came out…flooooop. Fell out of my mouth and splattered onto this shiny floor. La la la la la laaaaaaaaaaa.

“Hey, baby. You seem a little out of place here don’t you think?” a voice purred through the pounding music, while a hand dragged itself down my shoulder blade. I shivered and my head lolled to the side.

Who are you?

Why are you touching me?

Thoughts--questions blaring in the more reasonable side of me, but dying before they reached my vocal chords. I swiveled around, away from the hand drawing circles on my back.

“Ah, I recognize your baby face now. Who would imagine I would be drinking it up with a top mezzo soprano from Morning Musume, the school choir! Not only that, but also the only girl on the football team!” the girl who had decided to pick on me squealed.

Thank God I don’t have football practice this week.

I blinked slowly.

“Whatta ‘bout it? Wanna fight?” I slurred, clumsily getting to my feet. What a gorgeous girl. Shiny eyes that reflected all the lights in this club. Pretty hair, silky and soft. A sexy smile.

She laughed; a little bit too loud, but didn’t seem to care.

I scowled. She was stupid. I could knock her senseless right now. One punch. Ba-bow. I could make Jackie Chan cry for his mommy.

I hopped back onto the stool. “Gimme a ‘ole bottle.” I instructed the bartender, pointing to the Jack Daniels branded bottle on the wall. No protests this time. Just doing her job.

She unscrewed the cap for me and quirked an eyebrow at my company.

“Weeeee ain’t togetha, so shut ya trap.” I hissed, blinking as I went over my sentence. I took a large gulp of whiskey. Gotta stop using my brain. Have to let it go. Forget.


“I hate people.” I choke out, gulping another bittersweet ounce of whiskey down. My throat burns. I can’t feel a thing. What the hell is going on….

I’m not wearing shoes, just socks. I can hear the driving rhythm of a good song; bright lights flickering from underneath a shut door.

A hand crawls underneath my shirt, massaging the muscles on my lower back. It sends goose bumps up my spine.

“I know, baby.” A soft kiss on my biceps-- Hands crawling all over my body and unbuttoning my jeans.

Sounds so far away, but so close…

Instinct alone brings the glass bottle back to my lips. I shake my head, sending dark brown locks all over the place. I’m sweating. My hair sticks to my forehead and it gets hard to breathe.

Another kiss on my thigh. A hand pushing me back on the bed with more force than necessary.

I squint my eyes. Maybe if I focus on your face, this broad will turn into you.

“But we’re going to have some fun tonight.”

It never hurt to try. My whiskey bottle drops to the floor.

After everything I did for you.

After everything we went through.

All the battles we fought.

Everything we promised each other.

You tossed me away. I’m just an old toy.

Why keep an old toy when you can have an upgraded model?

I hate people.

Especially you.

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Relapse & Recovery
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2012, 05:58:46 AM »
Dang, this is a pretty emotional start!

...Reina...? :?

Offline Quietriot

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Re: Relapse & Recovery
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2012, 02:19:03 PM »
I had to wait a bit before commenting on this, hit me right in the stomach, it did.

Dunno why but instinctively I'm guessing Yossi for this? But I haven't seen anyone write much OG lately so I wouldn't be surprised if I was wrong.

Otherwise... given the clues... maybe Risa? I would guess Ai but I don't see her as the type to drown her sorrows in alcohol, and I would guess Reina if not for the description of clothing and mention of the girl being a mezzo. ...XD I like speculating~

Offline Estrea

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Re: Relapse & Recovery
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2012, 03:15:17 PM »
I came looking in with no expectations. I finished reading and now I have expectations. Please continue! I am terribly curious. It's a pleasure to read good writing. :D

Good start. Football, mezzo soprano, Morning Musume. I'm musically challenged, so I can only isolate those who fit criteria 1 and 3 and head from there.

In no particular order~

1) Tsuji
2) Miki-sama!
3) Rika
4) Yossi
5) ...Konkon?
6) Mako-chan?
7) Ah, Maki was in Gatas too. If it is Maki I might die happy. Need more OG around here :lol:

Though the "haaappy" part involuntarily conjured up images of drunk Charmy. ^^;

Awaiting the next update!


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Dswizzle10

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Re: Relapse & Recovery
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2012, 05:28:07 AM »
Estrea: A little side OG pairing for you in this chapter and thank you. I like to write. (And a drunk Charmy? tehe XD)
Quietriot: Good speculating. :mon determined:
rndmnwierd: Try oooooooone generation earlier. :)

Good news and sad news of the day: Risa Niigaki has graduated from Morning Musume.  :mon runcry:
I also graduated today, but from Early College Preparatory Academy in middle school and begin college classes next fall.
Shoot me.
 :mon headbang:

Chapter 2

“Gaki! Come on, you can’t look that bad. I bet they look great on you, so could you just come out here? Please?”

“Don’t wanna!” I screamed from the inside of my closet, blinking rapidly to rid my eyes of the tears burning at my eyelids. My chubby fists clenched together in random contractions in some effort to distract myself from the pain in my mouth. The pain was killing me and I even though I knew I was alive, I was wishing I was dead.


“Go away Yossy!” I wailed, flinching in pain from speaking afterwards. Couldn’t she tell I just wanted to be left alone? I just wanted to be left to my own misery.

“I’m not leaving till you come out.” She mumbled, and from the thud I heard afterwards, I knew she had plopped down on the floor in front of the door.

I frowned.

“Don’t you have soccer practice?” I asked, laying my irritation on thickly.

“Yeah, what about it?” Yossy said, and I could already see her shrugging her shoulders.

“You’re going to be late. Shouldn’t you be gone right now?” I pouted.

“My little sister is more important to me than practice.”

“I’m adopted!” I shot back, tears welling up in my eyes again, but from a different pain.

Yossy sighed from outside, and her head fell onto the door.

“Could you please just come out? Whether you’re adopted or not, you’re still my full-blooded little sister.”

Full-blooded sister? A real sister to call my own?

I unlocked the door.

“Really?” I whispered, poking my head out. Before I could blink, I was wrapped into a warm and welcome embrace.

“Really, really.” Yossy whispered back, giving me an affection pat on my head. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe.
Roses, spray paint, and sweaty sports equipment… is this what a big sister smells like?

“Hey, why don’t you show me your new braces, huh?”

I tipped my head off and forced a smile to my face. Yossy chuckled, face-palming my forehead. “Not like that, squirt! Make it real, like this!” She framed her face with her hand, making the most ridiculous grin she could, while batting her eyelashes. I laughed for the first time all day, and even though it hurt, I couldn’t stop.


“Explain to me why you were late.”

I gulped and tightened my grip on Yossy’s hand. Just stare at the ground and he won’t notice you. Just stare at the grou-

“My sister is having a rough time adjusting. I’m sorry, coach, but my first responsibility is to my family. Sports are a very close second.”

My eyes widened and I dared a peek at my big sister-- my real big sister.

She looked like a marble statue—beautiful, but cold. Her lips were pressed in a thin line and her eyes were narrow little slits. It had only been a month since I came to stay with her—no, our family, but I actually felt this was real. Yossy was my big sister that would take care of me and wouldn’t abandon me. I actually was her first priority!

“Yoshizawa, hit the dirt.” The coach ordered, the faintest hints of a smile playing on his lips, as he vaguely gestured towards the field where the other girls were doing push-ups.

Yossy gave my hand a squeeze and told me to sit on the bleachers. She ruffled my hair a little bit and gave me her bag to hang onto.

“I’m sorry. Did I get you in trouble, Yossy?” I asked. It was all my fault wasn’t it? I acted like a brat earlier and made her late. I’m so much trouble… I really understand why my parents left me.

“Hey, no negative thoughts. Everything is alright. Even if it isn’t, at least we’re together, right?” Yossy sighed, cocking her head to the side while she looked at me expectantly.

I blinked away a few tears I wasn’t aware that were coming, “Right.”

Yossy’s so cool. She was doing five in the time some people were doing one; she did some trick with the soccer ball too-- I couldn’t even dream of doing it-- and she’s so fast. Yossy’s such a smooth talker and handles people really well. She’s amazing.


We went to go get ice cream afterwards with one of Yossy’s teammates. Her name was Rika. Even though I’ve been around for a month or so, I haven’t met her before. She’s really pretty though, with the curliest light brown hair you can imagine. She’s thirteen, the same age as Yossy, and they go to the same school. School…

A cold splotch of pink suddenly appeared on my overalls. I scraped my tongue over the train track patterns on my teeth. People with braces usually get made fun of, right? I’m going to get made fun of so much. On top of that, I’m the new kid in town that moved here this summer. Not good.

“Oi, Gaki! Now your pants are stained, you little squirt.” Yossy exclaimed, quickly dabbing at the blob of ice cream on me. I quickly snapped back to reality, giggling shyly as she repeatedly rubbed the stained area with a napkin.

“Sorry…” I mumbled, grinning as she puffed her cheeks out at me. “Yeah, yeah.” She retorted back, tossing the ruined napkin into the trash bin behind us.

“Yoooooooooo-chan, don’t be so mean!” Rika teased, elbowing my sister in her ribs. Eventually, it turned into a full blown tickle war, and being in the middle of it all wasn’t a good thing. Or was it?


Even though big sister tried to keep me in front of her on the walk home, I kept slipping to the back. It was interesting. I’ve seen Yossy with her friends, but she acts different around this girl. She smiles so much more and laughs so easily. Hey, I may be ten (and only a few months from being eleven), but growing up the way I did has taught me something. Yossy says I’m a lot more observant than your average kid my age. Anyways, back to the subject at hand.

They walked really close together. I doubt you could fit a centimeter between them. Their hands kept brushing against each other all the while too. Something was up, but I couldn’t figure out what. It was weird.

“Ah. Looks like we’re almost at your house… is your…mom home…?” Yossy trailed off, coming to halt at the corner of a building.

Rika peeked around the corner of the street. “Unfortunately, yes. It’s probably best we don’t get caught together.”

They both sighed and Yossy made a frustrated face.

“It was nice talking to you like that again, Yo-chan.” Rika said, twirling some of her brown locks around her fingers.

Yossy put her hands in her pockets and rocked on her heels, “It really was, wasn’t it? Yeah…”

“I have to go now, but,” faster than you can imagine, she leaned forward and pressed her lips to Yossy’s nose and took off around the corner, leaving Yossy just as confused as me.

I blinked a few times. I’m not really sure what to make of what just happened. From the corner of her eye, Yossy noticed my perplexed expression, and before I can ask anything, she boosts me up on her back. I burry my face into her jersey; we start walking, but Yossy takes the long way home


“Yossy?” I nervously chew on my lip.

She doesn’t reply for a while, and I’m thinking about acting like nothing happened, but she finally responds.

“Yeah, squirt?”

“What just happened with Rika? Actually, why were you guys acting so weird?” I ask.

“You know, I don’t really know the answer.”

“Did you like what happened?”

She chuckles and repositions me so she can move a little faster. “Why do you want to know so much now? I don't know if I like it. I'm not going into details. There's just some things that you need to learn when you're older.”

I pouted and nudged her sides with my shoes. “I’m basically eleven! I think I’m old enough.”

“Hmmmmm… I’m not so suuuuure.” She teased, looking over her shoulder at me with a mischievous grin.

“Please?” I begged, giving her a puppy dog stare as best I could.

“How about I promise to tell you when you’re seventh grade?”

“EHHHHHHHH!?” I screeched.

“Whoa, take it easy there, reaction queen. If you take the deal, I’ll tell you something else important in life. Fair enough?”

“Fiiiiiiine.” I sighed, dropping my chin onto her shoulder.

“Hey, you’ll thank me for this later. You need to know love can’t ever be defined, okay? It doesn’t matter who you are or what you are. Everyone has the right to feel love. You can run from it, but you’ll never escape it. Don’t forget it.”

I cocked my head to the side, staring at the fast approaching shape of our house. What did she mean by that…

“Everyone?” I asked, unsure of the meaning of her unintentional riddle. Did I deserve love too? My real momma and poppa left me all alone in their house. Forever. They said they would be back, but they never did come back. Did they love me? If my own parents didn’t want me, who would?

“Mhm. Everyone. Even little squirts like you.”

I deserved love? What did it feel like? So many questions, but all too fast.


She nodded and set me down a couple feet away from the gate.

“What does it feel like, Yossy?”

She gave me a long stare, studying everything I was doing, from the nervous clenching of my fist to the slight twitch of my eye.

“Like this.”

I found myself wrapped in her arms again. I took a deep breath and let her warmth wash over me.
Roses, spray paint, and sweaty sports equipment. This is what a big sister is supposed to smell like. This is what a big sister’s love is supposed to feel like.

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Relapse & Recovery
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2012, 05:45:14 AM »
G-Gaki!? :shocked Well... I guess that could make sense...

Still, Gaki!? So angry in the first chapter, now we see her as a little kid. A little, adopted kid...

Offline mochi.rini

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Re: Relapse & Recovery
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2012, 05:53:16 AM »
ooooh :O  this sounds good :)  I'm curious to know if Chapter One was Risa or not?  Seems too angry to be her :O  DRUNK PEOPLE FTW

Lol Risa as a quaint :3  And she's totally oblivious to the IshiYoshi action going on~ :D

Congrats on your graduation :D
Hi~iiya!~  (>^_^)>
I support T a k a G a k i
Tumblr/blog \(^ - ^)/

Offline Estrea

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Re: Relapse & Recovery
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2012, 07:17:40 AM »
I'm reading this at work on my phone so I can't give the most enlightened comment. XD Gaki and Yossy have a nice dynamic going on, but I keep sensing Gaki having strange feelings about Yossy. Please let there be a time or confusion for her. Haha. *evil*

I love the IshiYoshi btw. XD Much love for the first real pairing to come out of Momusu history. I gather that Rika's mom already suspects something between them hence them avoiding being seen together? Cos Yossy's acting like a boyfriend sending his/her girlfriend home but doesn't want to get caught red-handed haha. This amuses me and I demand more IshiYoshi. We lack OG love lately. I guess I should introduce my own OG charas in my own fic soon..,

If Gaki is the person in the first chapter, I wonder what happened in the intervening time to make her so bitter. Unless it's Yossy. Hmm.

Please give me Maki as a character somewhere. *misses her badly* :lol:

As always, waiting for more!

EDIT: person in chapter one is most likely Yossy. Football lol. So Rika did something? Acha...oh. This raises another question. Who's the other girl she's having a one night stand with??
« Last Edit: May 19, 2012, 07:42:32 AM by Estrea »


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Dswizzle10

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Re: Relapse & Recovery
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2012, 05:02:06 AM »
Estrea: Thank you~ That's still a nice review coming from your phone. ^.^ We shall see what happens in the future with everything else.  :hee:
mochi.rini: Thank you. *salute* On the high school I go. Yaaaaaaaaay.... :gyaaah:
rndmnwierd: Is it Gaki in the first chapter? I'll never say  :cool1:

And by the way.... there is actually eye black called "Warrior" if you actually want to see it. And that's all I'm saying. Thanks for reading guys.

Chapter 3

“So, you’ll finally be home more?” Yossy asks, and we both send the man sitting at the head of the table a hopeful stare.

Our dad works for a construction company and his job keeps him away a lot. When he first brought me here, he was around all the time. But, about two weeks after I got settled in, he went back to work; I became Yossy’s responsibility. He’s a really sweet man though, even if he looks like he could be in the yakuza.

He looks away and scratches his bald head, “I’m sorry to say this, but…”

I eat a spoonful of cereal to hide the disappointment I know I’m going to have in the next few seconds.

“You’ll have to deal with me more often!” he exclaims, pushing out his chair, as he jumps up and holds his arms out to us.

“Really? Alright, dad!” Yossy cheers, tackling our dad into a bear hug. I follow suite and jump on his back.

“Dad’s gonna be home!” I screeched, squeezing his neck as hard as my body would allow.

“Hey, if you cut off the circulation in my head, you’ll make it so my luxurious curly hair can’t grow anymore!” he jokingly complains, trying as hard as he can to wiggle out of our grasp.

Family. Loving. Fun.

But never forever.

Nothing ever is.


“Do I have to go?” I whined, jerking away from Yossy’s hand angrily when she tries to mess with my pigtails.

“Is it really that bad in there for you? Do I need to go talk to the teacher?” Yossy asks, and the concern in her voice makes me feel sick.

“No, I just think it’s stupid I have to go on the last day of school! Can’t I just stay home?”

“You want to ditch on the last day of 6th grade?”


“Well, you’re not. I know it’s hard—school children are probably the meanest thing out there. Just stick it out till lunch and we’ll talk, alright?” Yossy offers, giving me a final hug before leaving me in front of my class door. Ah, my mistake. She leaves me standing outside the gate to hell.


“‘X’ equals ten.” I mumble, tapping my pencil idly on my paper. About a dozen kids are still working out the problem I just finished. Normally, I wouldn’t have let everyone know I was done, but I would get in trouble with the Yuko-sensei if I didn’t.

The kid behind me hits my chair leg. It isn’t an accident.

“Ah, Gaki-san, you’re already done? Very good!” Yuko-sensei exclaims, yanking the paper from my desk, as she skims over my work.

I blush a little and shrink into my seat. Kill me now. You would think some teachers would get the hint that you don’t want to be gushed over. I just want to be a shadow right now. I want to be small and insignificant. I must have been that way when I was younger, since my parents left me alone.

I frown and clench my fists. Why did they leave me alone? In that house… in that nice house I loved. We were happy right?

The classroom door slides open.

“Yuko-sensei, the principal needs you for a moment.” One of the senior students says, and leaves the moment Yuko looks at him.

“Now, I trust all of you to be good, but I’m leaving Gaki-san in charge.” Sensei sighs, disappearing out of the classroom in a flash.

Everyone stays silent.

I gulp and bite my quivering lip.

“Damn you! Always showing off!”

“Yeah, why can’t you let us get some attention sometime, huh?”

The girl sitting beside me tosses my pencil across the classroom. I flinch when another kid lunges at me.


“Your last name should be ‘Niigeeki’ instead of ‘Niigaki’!”

“Haha! What’s up, Geeki-san?”

Someone slaps my shoulder a little bit too hard to be friendly.

I just want it to stop.



Please stop. I don’t like this. Why are you doing this?

“Geeki, Geeki, what a weakling!”

They crowd in a circle around me.

“Look at her braces!”

“Stop staring at her mouth and look at those ugly things she calls pigtails!”


I hear something inside me snap. Before I know it, there’s the boy that started calling me “Geeki” on the ground, and all I see is the wood panels flying under my feet.

I’m not sure where I’m going, but at the same time, I do.

I’m not really aware of anything right now. I’m just running. Everything is numb.


My shoe collides with the bathroom cabinets and falls to a clatter on the floor. Man, that hurt.

“Sorry.” Yossy mutters, dabbing more peroxide on my knee.

“S’okay.” I mumble back.

A rainbow colored band-aid decorates my skin and I smile. “How’d you know?”

Yossy grins and shrugs her shoulders; she tosses away the wrapper. She starts checking my legs for any other cuts or brusies.

“Man, you sure can run…” she mumbles in admiration, making my chest swell in pride, “You ran at least a mile or two away from the school-- Are there any sports you want to do?”

“I ran that far away?” I ask in surprise. I don’t really remember any of that. I just ran away from that place…. It felt so good.

Yossy grunts in reply.

“I kind of wanna do track, but just running seems boring.” I say, wincing as she finds another cut on the back of my leg. I wriggle the toes on my sock clad foot as a distraction.

“You could try football-“

“ARE YOU SERIOUS!? I WOULD GET TURNED INTO A PANCAKE!” I squeal, visibly cringing at the thought of being on the field with guys five times my size.

“Calm down, it isn’t that-“



My cheeks are suddenly smooshed together and I can’t speak. I take a deep breath and give Yossy a shy grin. She lets go of me. “Sorry.” I mumble sheepishly.

“You and your reactions kid.. Well, I’m playing in high school. You can come to my games and watch I doubt I’ll be anything more than wide receiver.” Yossy explains, securing another rainbow colored Band-Aid on my leg.

“What’s a wide receiver?”

“I catch the football and use my awesome moves to confuse everyone else.” Yossy says, tossing the box of Band-Aids into the air while spinning around.

“Psh. Awesome moves….loser.” I tease, kicking the box out of her hands before she can catch it.

“H-hey!” Yossy shouts, stunned as I dash forward and snatch the box of Band-Aids before she can react.

Smooth woods tiles disappear under my feet till I’m not running anymore. I’m flying.

I’m laughing my cares away.

Yossy scrapes her nails against my jacket, but I twist out of her reach and swerve around the banister.

“Come back here, Squirt!” Yossy calls, and she’s laughing too.

“Never!” I giggle, taking two stairs at a time.

“Why does it sound like there’s a herd of ele-“

“TOUCHDOWN!” I shout, leaping into dad’s arms, and barely catching the sight of Yossy tumbling down the steps.

Dad easily catches me, makes a face at Yossy and nudges her head. “You alive…?”

“She’s quick.” Yossy mumbles, rubbing the back of her head.

“Hi daddy!” I grin, wrapping myself around him, as he nuzzles my cheek.

“How’s my princess today? I heard you had a rough day.” he asks, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead.

“Better now. Yossy is a good distraction.”

“I better be a good distraction.” Yossy shouts, struggling to her feet.

“Instead of naming you for your eyes I should have named you for your big mouth…” dad says with utmost seriousness, while he pokes a finger in his ear.


“I was just kidding!”


My bare feet tiptoe across bleach white linoleum. My squeaky voice echoes against the kitchen cabinets that tower over my head.
“Poppa!” I yell, peeking my head around the corner of the living room.
Where could they be? Momma shouldn’t have work. Daddy shouldn’t have military duty either.
“Is this a test to see if Risa is big enough to take care of herself?” I ask the family portrait on the wall.
Our happy expressions stare back at me.
“Challenge accepted!” I laugh, scrambling to the front door to lock it. It’s already locked, and I don’t think much of it as I scamper back to bed for a nap.




“Gaki! You were whimpering and twisting all over the place up there. Are you alright?” Yossy whispers, stroking my hair. I drop my face into her chest and lay there for a minute.

“Where’s mom?” I ask, surprising myself with how innocent I sound.

“Mom? She’s in heaven. So is our little brother she was carrying. That’s why dad brought you home.”

“Not that one.”

She tenses up and holds her breath. “Did you have another nightmare about that?”


“Did it get to….?”

“It stopped when I went for a nap.” I whisper back, forcing back tears.

“Can you sleep?”

I’m shaking all over. I can’t…thoughts…jumbled…

My mouth opens and closes several times.

“Hey, come on. Stay focused. We’re going for a walk, okay?” Yossy says, firmly shaking my shoulders.

I nod.

Yossy crawls down the ladder of our bunk beds and quietly opens the door.

I count her steps-- 7.



Gaki had a bad dream. I’m gonna take her for a walk in a bit.”

Okay~ Just don’t get eaten by polar bears.”

“…Good night, dad.”


“I don’t like my pigtails anymore, Yossy.” I blurt out, staring at my reflection in the soapy water.

Yossy slathers some soap on my shoulders and works it around.

We’ve had this routine for a while now. I have a bad dream; Yossy takes a warm bath with me. It’s a little embarrassing that an eleven year old still does things like this, but it helps.

”We can cut your hair sometime.” Yossy suggests, dumping warm water on my back.

“Hair cut…?” I trail off, twisting so I can see Yossy better.

“Mhm. We can cut it like mine, but bangs on the opposite side.”

“Can I get it light brown?”

“Any color you want, Squirt.” Yossy smiles.

I crash myself against her bare, warm body for a slightly painful hug. “Thank you.” I gasp, hot tears streaming down my face.



It’s a chilly summer morning. The stars are still shining above in a purple sky. I wish I could see this more often…

Yossy is wearing a black long sleeve under armour shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. We match all the way to the bandana wrapped around our heads. The only difference is our shoes—soccer cleats and regular tennis shoes. Take a guess at who’s wearing what.

“We aren’t just walking are we?” I ask, stating the obvious, as I watch the brown, oblong shaped ball spinning in her hands.

“I figured this would be a better for you.” Yossy states, stopping to look both ways down the street, “Come on.”

After a few minutes of walking, we stop at a vacant building. I’ve never seen this part of town before.

“What’s this building?” I yawn, rubbing my eyes.

“It’s an old school. They stopped using it for some reason, but a lot of people come up here for the field over there.” Yossy yawns, jabbing her thumb in the direction behind us, as she ties her cleats again.

I turn around and glance around the school, “USO! Those lights are bright!”

“The lights are on, huh? It’s probably a good thing I brought eye black.”

“Huh?” I say, scrunching my face up at the new term.

“I’ll show you when we get on the field.”


“Hold still.” Yossy instructs, pressing two stickers under my eyes, and she does the same to herself.

“Well, don’t you look cute!”

“Shush.” I reply, looking at my reflection in Yossy’s phone. “I look mean.”

“You look like a warrior! Now let’s see what I can teach you...” Yossy trails off, tossing the ball in the air.

I try and swipe at it, but she’s too fast. She twists and I collide with her shoulder and fall onto the grass.

“Payback~” Yossy sings, tucking the football under her arm, as she beckons for me to get up.

I puff my cheeks out in return and stomp over to her.

“This is a football-“


“Be quiet. This is a football. Now, you don’t want anyone to take this from you, do you?”

“No. They could take it and score.”

“Exactly. So when you’re running with it, you want a nice grip on it. Give me your arm.”

I stick out my left arm.

“Other one.”

I sigh and stick the other one out instead.

She places the ball against my forearm and stares me dead in the eye.

I nod and watch, no feel, how everything should be.

She presses it against the dip under my breast.

I nod and keep a firm grip.

Yossy doesn’t break eye contact with me once. She forces my elbow into my side.

She backs away and stands back for a minute—judging me. Carefully, she swipes down on the football.

It doesn’t move.

She chuckles and nods in approval. I smile and stand a little taller. This is good.

Another swipe.




Faster than my mind can grasp, Yossy digs her fingers into my shoulder, and presses our foreheads together.

I don’t breathe.

I don’t understand.. I’m afraid.

There’s a fire burning deep in those eyes.

“This ball, think of it as the thing you hold most precious to you.”

I nod and my hearts running marathons.

“Do you want anyone to take it from you?”




Yossy shoves me and frowns. I furrow my eyebrows and tighten my grip on the ball. What’s going on..?



Everything is quiet for a minute.

Crickets start chirping.

“Why don’t you want anyone to take it from you?” Yossy asks calmly, taking deep breathes to settle herself.

I lick my dry, cracked lips.

“Because it’s mine and it’s precious to me.” I say in a low voice.

“Run down that field and don’t stop until you’ve reached the end zone.” Yossy says, voice lower than me.

I stand rooted to my spot. She can’t mean all the way down there can she?

“MOVE IT!” Yossy barks and I’m gone.

But I’m not fast enough.

Yossy tackles me.

I groan and close my eyes. My side and back hurts.

I spit out a mouthful of mud and grass. I gag and reach up to pick some out of my braces.

“Get up.” I hear Yossy growl. Her soccer cleats stalk around me.


I grunt and heave myself upward on shaky limbs.

“Go back where we started.”

My body pulses in protest, but I shove it in the back of my mind.

Yossy walks behind me and pushes me down into a sprinter’s starting position.

“As soon as I say ‘Go’. Run. And don’t you stop for anything. Give 1000-percent. I better not be able to catch you.” Yossy whispers, voice low and serious.

“You ready?”

I lick my lips and focus on the goal zone. There. This ball’s home is there.

“Are you?” I growl back.

I’m going to take it there.


My arms are pumping and the ball is a secure little lump on my side.

I’m tasting the wind; Rejoicing in the whirlwind around me.

I’m not even trying.

It’s silent, but if I close my eyes…

Stands upon stands are filled with people cheering and screaming my name.

Cameras flashing…

And in the touch down zone there’s something waiting for me.

What is it? I can’t see it…

“You did it! That was fantastic! I don’t—I don’t even know how fast that was! Less than 10 seconds I bet! Great job! GREAT job! I’m so proud!” Yossy shouts, her voice echoing across the empty field, as she crushes me into a hug.

Sweat drips down my forehead, mixing with her’s before plopping onto our shirts.

She spins me around several times.

“Yossy….” I whisper, staring at our feet.

“Un, yeah! What is it, Gaki? ….Squirt?”

Hot tears cascade down my face.

“I don’t think I have anything precious to me, besides family.” I choke out in a sob.

My vision blurs until all I see is green and black.

“Gaki… look at me.” She whispers softly, tilting my chin up.

I sniffle, but can’t stop my tears.

I have no friends. I don’t even have a friendship like Yossy does with Rika!

What’s wrong with me? Did I do something? There must be something wrong. That’s why mom and dad left me when I was

Because I’m weird. I’m different. Nobody wants me because I’m a loser.

“Gaki. You’re going to find something precious to you one day. Maybe when you’re making a run down the field, you’ll look at the end zone and you’ll see it. And you’ll know. There’s nothing wrong with you, alright? I already know you’re thinking that. You’re one heck of a little kid and someday you’re going to make someone happy. Then you’ll have your own little family to love, and you’ll forget about us little people.” Yossy laughs, and I punch her in the shoulder.

“Me and you, at least, we’ll stick together?” I ask, rubbing my reddening eyes.

“I’ll take care of you until you’re strong enough to stand on your own.”

“Thank you.” I say, trying not to cry again. Man, I’m a reaction queen.

“Come on, let’s go home.” Yossy smiles, holding her hand out for mine.

We link hands and walk home.

We’re sisters.

No matter what, we’ll be there for each other.

Offline Quietriot

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Re: Relapse & Recovery
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2012, 05:49:37 AM »
Ouch, my heart. I'll come back and edit this when I've stopped crying. T__T

EDIT: Man, the bullying bit hits close to home... But don't apologize for writing heavy stuff that makes me cry! I'm kind of a baby so it doesn't take much. XD This story is so sad but im lovin it and waiting for more. :)
« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 01:20:21 AM by Quietriot »

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Re: Relapse & Recovery
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2012, 09:33:38 AM »
Can't personally relate to lil Gaki's feelings since I'm a heartless self centered bastard. /snark :lol: but good job dealing with the aspect of childhood bullying, it always causes some form of drama somehow. Yossy is a good sister. I like the concept of sport as a coping mechanism. I gather Gaki will embrace it and become that person we see in the prologue. I suppose she did find something, or someone, precious to her, only to have it be taken? Ah, life. Always capricious.

As always, waiting for more! You're doing good haha.

Also, typing on my phone takes way too long! :lol:


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Relapse & Recovery
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2012, 05:48:35 PM »
Poor little Gaki, good thing she has Yossie there with her. Ah, when will things start looking up for this kid?

Offline Dswizzle10

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Re: Relapse & Recovery
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2012, 08:59:53 PM »
I forgot all about this extra~ Ignore me~

Intermission: Yoshizawa Hitomi

“Momma has cancer? What’s that? Will I get it if I touch her?” A black haired little girl asked, nervously tiptoeing around the hospital bed. She didn’t like to breathe in this room. It smelled weird. It smelled like medicine and sick people.

Her poppa had chuckled, lifting her by her arms, and placing her on his hip.

“There are some strange little cells that won’t stop growing inside her. These strange little cells are beating up Momma’s normal cells. You can hug Momma all you want and you won’t get anything!” her poppa reassured, smoothing out her straight hair, as he gave her Momma a loving smile.

“Nothing but kisses, my darling little Hitomi; I promise.” Momma said, straining to bring her voice higher than a whisper, as she held her outstretched arms to her precious little girl.

She squirmed against her father, almost fell to the floor in the process, but managed to land on the hospital bed.

“Ah, our little Yossy is growing to be quite the monkey.” Poppa teased, puffing out her cheeks and pulling his ears out to mock her.


“Uh, sorry, dear.” The older man muttered, staring at his shiny black shoes in an attempt to avoid his wife’s gaze.

Yossy stuck her tongue out, making sure her silly father saw, which he returned whilst staring down.

“Hitomi, come closer. I have a secret for you.” Her Momma whispered, patting her lap draped in white sheets.

She did as her mother wanted, and crawled on her hands and knees along the curve of her mother’s legs. Finally, she lifted herself into her mother’s embrace with chubby arms and legs.

“What’s the secret?” Yossy asked, hanging her soccer cleats away from all the weird tubes hanging on the bed. She felt uncomfortable, so she huddled against her
Momma as best she could, pressing her ear to her heart.

“There’s something else growing inside Momma you’re going to love.” She whispered, smiling as she pressed feather light kisses around the seven-year-old’s head.

“A…pony?” she gasped, revealing the wide gap of missing teeth in her mouth.

Her parents chuckled at her innocence, forgetting how grim their situation really was.

“No-- A little baby brother.” Her Momma explained, placing a hand on her presently swelling stomach.

Yossy stared in childish wonderment at the bump she hadn’t noticed.

“A brother…?”


“Poketto no naka ni wa bisuketto ga hitotsu, poketto o tataku to bisuketto wa futatsu, mo hitotsu tataku to bisuketto wa mittsu. Tataite miru tabi bisuketto wa fueru. Sonna fushigi na poketto ga hoshii-“

“Fuu~ your voice is pretty, Hitomi. I’m sure the baby is enjoying it.” Momma spoke, her voice growing stronger with every month that passed. The treatments the doctors were giving her seemed to be producing remarkable results, without harm to the baby’s health of course.

“Thank you, Momma. I want to sing and play ball when I get bigger.” Yossy grinned, looking up from her coloring book to meet her mother’s gaze.

"Which does Hitomi like better now?"

"Singing because it makes little brother and Momma happy!"

Yossy's mother sighed in contentment, rubbing small circles around her tummy. Her daughter went back to searching for a yellow crayon for the sun in her picture and her hums soon filled the room.

“Can we name him Riku, Momma?”

“Riku… that’s a nice name. Riku is going to love his older sister more than anything else!”



Yossy was 8. She didn’t have a little brother yet because the chemo treatments had slowed his development down.

Momma’s stomach was still the size of a beach ball and it made it harder to give Yossy her daily hug. Also, one day Yossy had walked in and noticed her Momma’s beautiful, brown, curly hair was gone and replaced with a bandana.

Everything was changing. Momma’s voice was getting weak again and the machines in her room multiplied.

Yossy didn’t mind as long as she had her little brother.


She was singing again, on the same pristine white marble floor with the same coloring book. Momma was humming along too while she wrote something in a brown journal.

“What’s that, Momma?” Yossy asked, ended her song prematurely to send her mother a curious look.

“Hmm? This is something for Yossy to look at when Momma’s gone.” She replied, the happy note in her voice trailing over into an ominous and haunting one.

“Momma’s never gonna leave, because she’s a super hero!” and with that, little eight-year-old Yossy had begun running around the room with her arms outstretched like a plane.

Her mother had laughed, but then it was time for her medicine.

Then again, it was always time for her medicine.

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Relapse & Recovery
« Reply #13 on: June 06, 2012, 09:37:20 PM »
 :cry: :cry: Aww... How sad... Poor little Yossie

“Poketto no naka ni wa bisuketto ga hitotsu, poketto o tataku to bisuketto wa futatsu, mo hitotsu tataku to bisuketto wa mittsu. Tataite miru tabi bisuketto wa fueru. Sonna fushigi na poketto ga hoshii-“
I love this song!

Offline Dswizzle10

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Re: Relapse & Recovery
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2012, 10:29:34 PM »
Quietriot: The bully sequences are hard for me to write in many ways. I was bullied back in elementary because this girl (younger than me) was related to my dad's wife, before he married my mom. Basically, this girl told me I wasn't cool, called me dumb, and all this crap because I was born. I'm adding bits of my life into this story, and I'll point out the parts for you, if you can't pick up on them. But thanks, I got the whole summer to make this a good one.  :thumbsup
Estrea: Phone typing sucks. I tried to do an email on a touch screen... *shivers* It. took. forever.
Thank you~ and I will try not to disappoint.
rndmnwierd: I love that song too. I sang attempted to sing a broken english version of it. No one got it :(

And.... You'll alllll understand this later :D


Chapter 4

“I never thought I’d be the one taking care of you.” I sigh, nursing a cut on the inside of Yossy’s lip. It’s been like this for a while now, ever since school rolled around.

Yossy comes home, battered and bruised, but she won’t say who did it and why. Dad doesn’t even know, only because I’ve been helping her hide the evidence of anything bad happening at school. We’re all in the dark about everything really. Well, like I have any right to complain. I get beat up a lot, rather I would, but I’m too fast for anyone to catch. I don’t tell Yossy about any of the close encounters I’ve had, because…well I don’t want her to worry herself. She’s in high school.

She should be living it up.

But she isn’t.

“Yeah, I know. You used to get picked on all the time, not me.” Yossy laughs, but it’s humorless. Her eye twitches and her fist clenches sporadically.

“People still try to, but all I let them see is my backside as I’m running away.” I say, and it’s a real effort to crack through the saddened atmosphere surrounding us. It works and Yossy gives me an affectionate slap on the shoulder hard enough to send me to the floor.

“Owwwwwww. Geez…” I whine, rubbing small circles on the spot on my elbow where I fell. I shoot Yossy a glare, but she laughs it off.

“You can’t run away from all your problems, Squirt. They’ll eventually catch up.”

I nod in agreement, “At least my braces are gone!”

“I know that makes you happy. How’s everything look?” Yossy asks, doing a self-examination to be sure no Band-Aids are visible.

“Pretty good. If dad asks about your lip, you can always say it was football practice.” I say, lightly tapping on the swollen skin, “What happened anyways?”

Yossy’s expression goes blank, then sour. Whoops…


I blink a little to recover from that mental slap to the face. “Ummm… Okay..” I trail off awkwardly, as I stiffly leave Yossy alone in the bathroom. It was about time for me to go anyways.

Once I make it into our shared room, I shut the door. Yossy won’t bother coming in here. I know what she’s going to do, because this has happened before.

She’ll shut the bathroom door.

There’s going to be a couple minutes of silence.

Then the toilet seat is going to be lifted up. I cringe at what’s next and pick up a book on acting to distract myself.

Lazily, I heave myself up onto my bed using the metal railing instead of the ladder, which I started doing about a month ago. It really builds upper body strength…after the first couple times you try and fall flat on your butt, but then after that you get strong.

And I’m really strong for a twelve-year-old girl.

Knock knock

“I’ll be fine, Yossy. Go visit Rika-chan.” I say loud enough for her to hear, and she leaves the house in silence. That’s been a repeating ritual as well. Whenever Yossy isn’t, for lack of a better word, Yossy, she goes and secretly visits Rika. Secretly.

I’m not exactly sure what’s going on, but Rika’s mom doesn’t like Yossy. She doesn’t want her around Rika at all. I can’t imagine what Yossy would do to upset anyone.

Anyways, Yossy visits Rika, then hours later comes home like some soldier who just got promoted.

I peek through the blinds, watching her sullen form sway weakly from side to side with her every step.

I’m worried about her. I just want to know what’s wrong, but she won’t tell me! Didn’t we say we’d always be there for each other? This is not fair!

I grit my teeth and slap a pillow to my face.


It’s not fair! Why do bad things happen to us? Do we deserve it, in all honesty? I don’t think we do. We’ve suffered enough.

I just want my sister to be happy. If I can’t be happy, can Yossy be happy at least? Please. I’ll give anything for her.


Our helmets crash against each other. It’s a sound that’s stuck on repeat.

“Shhhhhh.” I hiss, pinching my left eye shut as some sweat slips inside. My feet are beginning to numb as they slip further and further into the earth. All my muscles are exerted, but I keep pushing.

My head slips down and her helmet is on top of mine, her arms are pushing me down as hard as she can.

My knees begin to shake from the strain and I let out a low grunt.


I growl at my self-directed insults and shove my helmet into Yossy’s chest, upsetting her balance, and she stumbles backwards.

Our eyes meet. There’s an unspoken agreement.

Five seconds.

I take a deep breath and wipe my face of with the hem of my t-shirt. Even with my eyes closed I can see the lights still. Is there really a need for it to be that bright? I take a quick glance at Yossy.

Silent marble; Thick, wet, curly blonde hair swept under a football helmet; The fieriest brown eyes in Japan.

I’m jealous of her. I have the small face of a bean. I’m not some statue Michael Angelo would carve from the most beautiful marble. I’m like the gargoyle statues on a famous cathedral.

I lick my lips and rub at my eye black so it will stick. Our eyes meet again. Go time.

I make the first move this time and grab her shoulders hard enough to break them. She locks her arms under my own and positions them on my chest. We push hard against each other. Of course, Yossy has an advantage, being older, which makes her taller.

“I’m jealous of you.”

Surprisingly enough, I’m not the one saying those words. I shove our helmets together and we lock gazes.

Her expression is one of contemplation.

We walk in a circle, not letting up on each other.

Suddenly, the force against my chest starts hurting.

“Ah, Yossy can you-“

She knows what I’m talking about and moves her hands on my shoulder.

“Puberty coming in, eh?”

I blush a little and avert my gaze. “Maybe. Why are you jealous of me? I’m jealous of you.”

Our grips on each other loosen.

“Why?” Yossy says, brown eyes startled beyond belief.

“You have the perfect package—good looks, strong, smart, and you actually have friends.” I admit.

She stares at our feet; Football cleats and her old soccer cleats.

“You’re…normal.” She says quietly.

We drop our hands off each other and timidly stare at the grass.

Yossy’s normal. She has two eyes, a nose, lips, ears, legs, arms, and everything else. I’m pretty sure; I mean I’ve taken enough baths with her to know. Unless there’s some weird mutation she’s hiding.

I give her a scrutinizing glance from head to toe.

“What’s with the weird expression?” she laughs, pointing a finger at me.

I make a face, undo my helmet and let it drop onto the ground. I stifle a yawn and slap my cheeks. I swear Yossy woke me up earlier this morning.

“You’re insinuating you’re ‘weird’ and that’s why you’re jealous of my ‘normalness’.” I say, air quoting myself.

She lets out a sad sigh and drops her helmet to the ground. “You are normal. I’m weird. I’m not like the other kids at school.”

The soft sadnes in her voice is confusing me and so is her definition of ‘normal’ and ‘weird’.

“Just what does ‘weird’ mean? I’m not very good at speaking Yossy.” I sigh, crossing my arms expectantly.

“I’m gay, Gaki.” Yossy hisses, angrily stomping her cleats into the ground.

Gay? I’ve heard that word before. The kids in my class use it a lot when they talk about the teachers or homework assignments they don’t like. It usually means stupid, and Yossy isn’t stupid! The lowest grade I’ve seen her come home with is a B+ that was one percent away from an A.

“You aren’t stupid.” I say innocently, adding in a smile.

Yossy blinks for a moment and stops her tirade on the turf. “Huh?” then realization of my naivety hits her, “No, not the slang meaning.”

I remain silent. Is there another definition for gay?

Yossy lets out a long sigh at my befuddled expression, “Gaki, I’m gay. That means I like girls.”

I look up and Yossy cringes and closes her eyes. Why is she afraid? I’m not going to do anything. If anything, the only things she has to be afraid of are my questions.

 “Is that possible?” I yawn, dropping onto the grass with a muted thud.

She follows suite. “Apparently so…” She trails off, warily eying me.

“Why are you acting that way?” I ask, rolling onto my back so I can relax comfortably.

“Well, being gay isn’t something people approve of most of the time. You have to be careful who you tell.” Yossy explains, tiredly rubbing her eyes.

So she did wake us up earlier.

“Is that why you get beat up?”

“Yeah. I get called ‘heterosexualomi’ and most of the guys on the football team mess with me at practice.”

“Why can’t people accept you the way you are?” I ask, poking a blade of grass with my thumb nail.

It’s more of a question aimed at myself. Why are people so…unaccepting of people different from themselves? Why do we have bullies in the world? It makes no sense. We weren’t made to be alike.

“Momma left me a journal when she passed away… it explained a lot of things I didn’t know. I read it a little before you came here,” Yossy rolls next to me, staring up at the stars, “It’s like she knew what I was before I hit puberty.”

“Don’t say ‘what I was’, Yossy. You’re calling yourself some…monster. You aren’t.” I interject, lazily connecting stars in the Big Dipper.

She sighs again, “Momma had cancer. She died when I was eight, but when we had the service, neither of my grandparents came, on both sides,” and her fist slams into the ground as a strangled whimper leaves her throat.

“They didn’t come because she was different. They abandoned us because they thought cancer was contagious and a curse," Yossy's growl softens in a remembering whisper, "No matter where you go, or what you do, people will always have something to say. You just have to ignore them, because you’re being you. They don’t matter as long as you’re standing for what you believe in and enjoying life.”

And so… the hunt for what I believe in and treasure begins.


“So, would you still accept us if we were… ugly little beasts that were abominations of society?” I ask, watching dad’s facial expressions carefully.

I asked Yossy how she felt at first when she figured out she didn’t like guys; the above is her response. She’s afraid to tell dad, because she’s afraid. He doesn’t take bad news well, according to her. So, I decided to give him a bunch of scenarios ranging from gangsters to vampires.

“Mhm~. Why are you asking this again?” he says, slurping from his coffee cup.


Crap. Don’t panic! Think of something quick!

“Yoss-English! It’s for English!” I shout, and at father’s curious stare, I begin shoveling mountains of frosted flakes in my mouth.


“Warry rad, rotta get to school!” I gurgle through the waterfall of milk and soggy cereal dripping down my chin. I toss my bowl into the sink (thank god it’s plastic) and trip over my shoes by the door.


“But it’s Saturday!”

“I knew that! It was just a test to see if you were listening!”


I rub my thumb over the ticket stub in my pocket. In the darkness of the movie theatre I can barely make out the word “Madagascar”. Somehow, Yossy convinced me to tag along with her and Rika on a date today—talk about a third wheel. I’m really regretting coming. The loneliness I feel is overcoming.

I decided to sit all the way in the back of the averagely filled theatre so Yossy and Rika can have some alone time. Yet, I can’t help but notice every act of affection. A butterfly kiss here, a tiptoeing hand there. They’re all over each other, but not in a disgusting way. It’s sweet really—as if they feel like every moment is their last. Maybe it is. We never know when some disaster is coming to rip us away from what we love.

I chuckle at myself quietly. I’m becoming more poetic as I grow older. It’s really no wonder why my English grade is so high.

I watch Yossy ever so lightly stroking Rika’s palm; I hear silent sighs of content from both. This isn’t some high school romance. I can see that much. It’s something more to both to them. Oh, I wish they could be happy together. I wish Yossy didn’t get beat up.

I really wish I had someone too.

I know, twelve-year-old talking about adult things. It’s just… no one understands me. Yossy does, but I can’t say everything on my chest. I don’t want her worrying about her kid sister all day.

A lot of the kids in my class have started dating already. Of course, I haven’t. I’m still little Geeki to everyone. But there is… No, no. It’s just admiration. That’s all. That’s all..

I wonder, what am I to be in life? I feel.. my life is a mystery. Ever since I left that temporary home, my path in life has become engulfed in darkness. At first I was flopping around like a fish. I had nothing to stand on. I was miserable. I wanted to go home.

The good thing is.. I’m getting strong. At first I was using Yossy as support, but I’m growing. One day, I’ll be able to stand on my own and maybe if I get lucky, I can lean against someone and grow old together.

Yeah, something like that.

Maybe I’m not ready for something like this in front of me; In time, maybe. For now, I’ll just have to help Yossy tell dad.


I nudge Yossy in her side, “The garage door just opened. You ready for this?”

She closes her eyes and nods, “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“You’ve got this.” I assure her, placing a hand on her back, as we stand up and walk into the kitchen to wait.

“I’m not sure if I really do. I mean, I must have went over a thousand scenarios already, but still..” Yossy trails off, hopping onto the kitchen table. A pearly white canine tooth curls out from her lip and digs into the skin under her lower lip.

I understand how she’s feeling kind of, the not knowing feeling is the worst. I have confidence though, and her telling dad has to be good.

“Everybody, I’m home! Yossy, come her—oh, there you are! Come on, I have a surprise for you.” Dad says, disappearing into the garage again through the door in the kitchen.

Sullenly, Yossy and I follow him through the door. It’s all dark and—

“Surprise! I know you have your license, but no car. So I got this for you from one of our old friends. Happy early birthday!” he shouts, gesturing to an new Ford Mustang.

“You’re…kidding..” Yossy gapes, eyes wider than I’ve ever seen before.

“ARE YOU SERIOUS!? AWEEEEEESOME~!” I shout, jumping up and down, and I barely touch the ground before I start running for it.

“Hey, calm down! It’s not even your’s!”  Yossy whines after me, slamming me aside so she can get into the driver’s seat first. We fight for a couple minutes and somehow I end up buckled into the passenger’s seat.

But I’m upside down. Don’t even ask how.

“Settle down you too. We don’t want to break it before it’s been driven!” Dad says, giving us a faux stern glance.

We stop at once, giving each other sheepish glances.

“Thanks, dad.” Yossy says, a sad smile forming on her face, as she experimentally turns the steering wheel.

“You’re welcome.” He replies, and for the first time, he looks old.

I hear Yossy let out a shaky breath and her grip on the steering wheel turns knuckle white.

“Dad, can we talk sometime soon?”

“Yeah…of course, Yossy.”

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Relapse & Recovery
« Reply #15 on: June 09, 2012, 04:15:25 AM »
Oh man, why do I have a feeling either Yossie isn't going to be able to talk to her dad, or that conversation is going to end horribly.

Offline Quietriot

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Re: Relapse & Recovery
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2012, 05:52:27 AM »
I can empathize with the bullying. Well, I think a lot of people can since childhood is rarely completely kind to us, but yeah, I've had experience on the receiving end, myself. That being said, it takes courage to put such raw pieces of your life into a fic, so I commend you for that. I think it can be good self-therapy, too.

Anyway, chapter. More snapshots of the adorable sisterly bond between these two. I really am loving how you portray their interaction. It's just so sweet~ I can also unfortunately relate to both of their situations...

"No matter where you go, or what you do, people will always have something to say. You just have to ignore them, because you’re being you. They don’t matter as long as you’re standing for what you believe in and enjoying life."

Wise and true words but difficult to apply to life, especially when people treat you so poorly. Good thing Yossy at least has some support from lil' Gaki.

And I think Rndy sums up how I feel about the impending father-daughter confrontation...

As always, looking forward to what's next. :)

Offline maikeatoot

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Re: Relapse & Recovery
« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2012, 07:00:32 AM »
i like this!!really!

Offline Dswizzle10

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Re: Relapse & Recovery
« Reply #18 on: June 10, 2012, 06:27:11 AM »
Quietriot: Bahaha. I swear I get new nicknames daily. See, my real name is Dayanara, with a long A (but people say DIE-uh-nara and it's like nails on chalkboard I swear). Since it's kinda long, I get new nicknames everyday: Day, Dayda, Dayanana (Banana), and then I got Dswizzle as an rapper alter ego because I rapped for a project one day. XD And don't worry about the gang bit, I gotta have something to daydream about this summer~ :on GJ: I wish I had a sister like Yossy. Life would be filled with rainbows with unicorns flapping nearby. *sighs*  :on cloudeye:
rndmnwierd: May this keep your mind occupied till the daughter-father talk.  :kneelbow:

maikeatoot: Thank you very much ^.^

Intermission #2: Yoshizawa Hitomi

Her father was holding her hand, staring meekly at the growing puddles of rain on the hospital curb they were sitting on.

The silence was filled with animosity and sadness, and it more so came from the elder of the two. Of course, it wasn’t held for the innocent child next to him, but, to put it bluntly, the world. Years ago, it seemed he was on top of everything. Easily securing a nice paying construction job that kept him home every night; the marrying his precious wife; and then finally having his inconceivably more precious daughter.

“I won’t have a little brother?” Yossy whispered, fat tears streaming down her cherub like face, as she stared at her poppa. The only thing she had left.

The sound of her voice, not happy and squeaky like it was any other day, but tight and pain filled brought him back to reality.

He only gave her a cold stare, and shook his head, tipping his soaked fedora further down his head.

Aki Yoshizawa wondered what on Earth had caused such a terrible thing, but then, he wondered if it could be seen positively. Maybe, his child would benefit from pain early on, becoming a strong individual that could fight for herself. He discreetly gave her a once over with lifeless ochre eyes.

“Where did Momma and Riku go?” she asked, feeling miserable inside. She dug her teeth into her bottom lip to stop the trembling, both from the ice cold rain and the storm inside her heart.

“A place much better than this—where damn doctors are paid amounts that don’t drain your bank account and kill your wife and unborn son!” Aki choked out, burying his face in his hands, as all the emotions he had hidden through the ordeal found daylight.

She didn’t understand all of it, but Yossy unleashed a new torrent of tears as her mind wondered.

“Was it my fault, Poppa? Was I a bad girl? Is this punishment?” She sobbed, furiously rubbing at her eyes even though the rain was wetting them the same as her tears.

“No, no, no! Never! You were a perfect little girl. This isn’t your fault and don’t you think that.” Aki murmured, cradling his heart broken daughter closer to him.

“At least we have each other, right?”


“Why didn’t they come?” Yossy asked, glaring daggers at the carton of milk in front of her.

Aki nearly choked on his coffee, but managed to calm himself, as he gently placed the mug on the table.

“Who?” he asked, knowing exactly what his ten-year-old daughter was vaguely hinting at. The question was random, but there was no doubting the look in those brown eyes. That fire that would burn anything it touched.

“You know who.” Yossy dryly responded, crossing her arms.

Since when had she become so grown up? Wasn’t it just yesterday she was a happy little baby taking a bath in the kitchen sink?

It was useless, that much he knew, to dwell on the past. She was growing with increased vigor each day. Soon, she would be ready to take on the world.

“Your grandparents… for some reason they were deadly afraid of cancer, even though you can’t catch it. They don’t want to be around us..” Aki whispered, wincing as the reality of his parents and in-laws set in.



Her chair found a new home on the floor and suddenly, Aki Yoshizawa was alone.


He found his daughter later that night at an old field, lying in the grass with a girl that seemed to be around her age. The girl wrapped her arm around Yossy, who in turn leaned on her shoulder for support while she sniffled. Aki smiled and decided to just watch. Yossy always made friends very easily, but something seemed different about this meeting. From what he had noticed throughout the years, Yossy was very reserved, and even if she felt like she was sharing a lot of information about herself, in fact it was nothing more than her shoe size. For her to break down in front of someone, nevertheless a stranger, was a sight to see to believe.

 “Listen, no matter where you go, or what you do, people will always have something to say! You just have to ignore them, because you’re being you! Who cares what they say? Just do right, be yourself , and stand for what you believe in!” the girl whispered, the twinkle of her eyes rivaling the stars. Aki’s little girl slowly sat upright, dragging her palms down her face to dry her tears. It was odd, but it seemed effective.

“I ruined your pretty shirt with my tears…and here I don’t know your name. What is it?”

“Rika, but you can call me Charmy! What’s your’s?”

“Ah, I’m surprised they don’t call you Easter Island! My name’s Yossy, by the way.”

“Yo-chan is mean~!”


Aki leisurely sipped from his coffee cup, wiping some of the brown liquid from his upper lip. Was almost eight years enough time to heal, he wondered. He was perfectly fine with the opportunity, but he hesitated conversing on the matter with his 15-year-old (or was she fourteen?) daughter currently searching for something to eat.

He quietly observed her, noting her stance was wide and strong; those light brown eyes, in a shade similar to his deceased wife, held a large amount of wisdom for how early in her youth she was. She was a smart child as well and as a result, never ceased to amaze him with her quick comebacks to his teasing.

Indeed, she was built like an athlete, both inside and out. Perhaps he would have to contact Naoko and see if he would have a look at her sometime. Curiously, his daughter turned to send a quirked eyebrow his way, which he responded to with a shrug and a sip of coffee.

Shrugging back, Yossy took her see at the table, which was currently the head of the table. She admitted to herself on occasions she felt lonely, since there was a seat right next to her that her mother usually sat it.

Jabbing her spoon into her cereal as an escape from those thoughts, Yossy cautiously swallowed a spoonful, as she once again caught her father sending a watchful glance her way. She swallowed hard, not even blinking at the pain that shot through her throat.

“Whatever it is you want to say, can you say it? You’re scaring me, dad.” And she fidgeted only a little under his gaze.

“It’s nothing; I’m just trying to see if it’s the right time.” He answered simply, finding his long forgotten paper once again.

“I bet you it is the right time for it. I’m not a child anymore.” Yossy pointed out, jabbing a milk soaked spoon in his direction.

Maybe she was right. He sighed, scratching his head, even though anything that could be really itched had been shaved long ago. He smiled at the memory of himself in the yearbook for best hair. Ah, if only they could see him now.

“Dad.” She interjected through his recollection calmly, showing no hints of backing down.

“I’ve just been look around and I was wondering if it was right timing…”


Her heart began beating with increasing excitement. Was she getting sent to some sports camp this summer? She only had two days of school left and that would be a fitting surprise. Perhaps she was getting a car that she would get to fix up this summer that she could drive herself and Rika to school in. Now that sounded nice. They could go anywhere, together.

She shoveled more cereal into her mouth, frowning at the thought of Rika, which led to Rika’s mother. Things we getting complicated and currently, the two weren’t speaking. It wasn’t forever though. It was just something Rika had done to get her mother off her trail. She was sure that with them being registered on the same soccer team, added with Rika’s mother being wrapped up in a new job, they could secretly go off on their own.

And with that thought came the wonderment of why Rika’s mom hated her, though Rika tried to convince her otherwise.

Yossy had always been avid about guitar collecting since she had taught herself soon after her mother passed. The first actual guitar she played on was a black and white Stratocaster style electric that she had gotten for her birthday with a little amp. Then, years later she noticed a nice little les paul knock off on a clearance rack at the music store. With some convincing, her father had bought it for her along with a new amp.

So, one day she had surprised Rika with her old guitar and promised to teach her all she knew.

Yossy frowned at the recollection. She had always made a point to present Rika with some kind of gift every now and then. After the guitar was given and more time was spent in each other’s presence, it seemed that something had morphed inside.

Notes about the newest sports equipment turned into love notes. Then those notes turned into long scripted letters with her initials printed in the prettiest cursive she could muster on the envelope. Rika had kept every single one, compiled them into a binder along with other pictures and gifts Yossy had given her. It was an act of friendship in her eyes (and she had long tried to convince herself and her mother of that fact), but her mother didn’t approve of the events. Thankfully, the Ishikawa elder hadn’t told her father of the sour turn of events between the children, or rather his child and Rika’s mom.

She was sure she liked Rika, in more ways than she could count, and when Rika had come to her, bawling furiously because her mother wanted her to return every gift Yossy had given her, she was in shock. All because Rika’s mother was more perceptive than Rika herself, who was involved first hand. Her mother hadn’t a single want in her body for her child to begin down that path and even told her aunt and grandmother of the child that was ‘attempting to corrupt her darling daughter’.

Yossy experimentally swirled her spoon around her bowl, still caught in her thoughts, and thankfully, so was her father.

Perhaps she could convince Rika to try and date some random guy, but at the idea came heart clenching pain. Of course, when Rika had asked her the night her mother yelled at her for still talking to Yossy, if she was gay, she furiously denied it. Her heart was knocked down with the finest spade into a deep grave, buried several times, and then covered with a large rock. Still, even with that blockage, her heart still felt a large around of pain when she said, “No, I’m just trying to be a good friend… j-just a good friend.”

But it was a lie, and while Rika was going on about how her mother was making something from nothing, Yossy was recollecting every late night spent writing in dark pen words brimming with love. The wounds were still fresh, barely even three days ago. Still, her father was oblivious to the turmoil his daughter was hiding behind her cool mask.

Her father cleared his throat and she was out of her revere, blinking away the tears that lay on the brim of her eyes.

“I was thinking about adopting a little boy.” Aki said slowly, closing his eyes as he waited for her to run away again.

She only blinked in response, wondering if she had inherited her father’s ears as well. Another child running around this house? Yossy unconsciously cocked her head and parted her lips into a deformed ‘O’ shape at the idea.

A little brother to teach all she knew to?

A small smile cascaded onto her face as she imagined them playing catch and soccer together, going for swims in the creek in the winter, and then laughing about it later when father scolded them and they had fevers.

But then again, who could take care of him? Dad was always working now and rarely at home. Yossy wasn’t sure if she was prepared for that responsibility at all.

“Who’s going to watch over him?”

“Well, I was thinking, you.” Aki chuckled, watching his daughter’s eyes widen in disbelief.

“Me? Are you sure about that?” Yossy shot back, pointing a finger at herself.

“No, you.”

Yossy snorted at her father’s little joke and stared at her milk, growing more off-white as the moments ticked by. Was she prepared to have to deal with a person, besides herself, to monitor and take care of?

“If you think so. Have you found any so far?” Yossy said, carefully wording her sentences.

“None so far. I’ll keep looking.” He replied, then with a glance at his watch, kicked Yossy out of the house so she could get to school in time.


“A police station.”

Yossy blinked in surprise. Why would a child up for adoption be held at a police station? Suddenly fearing the safety of herself and her father, Yossy turned her nose up, muttering something about home security.

“Relax, Yossy. I think you’ll love the new addition.” Aki muttered, glaring at his GPS for declaring the obvious fact that he missed a turn.

Yossy only grunted in response and decided to focus on all the houses she saw.

Eventually, the car stopped and her father proceeded to get out and head into the police station. When Yossy attempted to follow, he pivoted and sent a well-received glare her way.

So, Yossy sat on the hood, stomping on some grass in between the sidewalk cracks. She could only imagine the greedy, smudged face of the little boy. Of course, her father had chosen to keep her in the dark about everything, which accounted for her sudden bitterness.

As if responding to her thoughts, here came her father out of the police stations carrying a little duffel bag on his shoulder. A pink duffel bag. It hadn’t clicked until she noticed the little girl in pigtails holding his father’s hand, staring at her shoes with the utmost interest. Even then, her brain wasn’t moving fast enough to put the duffel bag and little girl together.

They stopped right in front of Yossy. Her father sending a premature warning glance as he watched her jaw drop, not that Yossy noticed it anyways. She was too preoccupied.

For the first time since she left her precious home, the little girl looked up and stared at the older girl before her (who noticed said little girl had the most adorable mole on her nose).

They stared at each other for God knows how long, and Aki was about to make Yossy get into the car out of fear of a battle between the two, but surprisingly enough, Yossy’s new little sister shot forward, wrapping herself around the older girl’s torso in a bear-like grip.

For Yossy, all the growing bitterness she was secretly feeling when it dawned on her that she wasn’t getting a little brother for the second time vanished in that moment. She was shocked, honestly. She hadn’t expected to be embraced by her new sibling, boy or girl, on the first day.

But in that moment, Yossy decided she loved this little girl with everything she had, and lifted her new sister onto her hip to carry around for a while. Yossy all but ignored her father’s calling of her name as she walked away from the police station with little arms wrapped around her neck; once she determined they were far enough, she gently placed her down, even though she seemed to object to being away from Yossy.

Quietly, Yossy stepped back and examined the girl, and the other did the same.

“I’m your new big sister, I’m Yossy.”

“I’m your new little sister, I’m Gaki.”

They stared into each other’s eyes, somewhat startled by the clear tenderness shining in their voices, but also unaware they were thinking the exact same thought.

She has Momma’s eyes.

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Re: Relapse & Recovery
« Reply #19 on: June 10, 2012, 07:43:27 AM »
Ouch. My heart. Ouch...

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