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Author Topic: Subtle as it is – Chapter 10 [12/22/12 – Update]  (Read 19878 times)

Offline arisa03

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Subtle as it is – Chapter 10 [12/22/12 – Update]
« on: July 04, 2012, 04:45:35 PM »
Well... Like I said... this is an experimental storyline. Don't worry I haven't forgetting everything else ^^. This is just really experimental, and the first 3 chapters are definitely going to be confusing because I can

The prologue and Chapter 1 is posted in my oneshots thread.

- Prologue - 00 -
- Chapter - 01 -
- Chapter - 02 - (Below)
- Chapter - 03 -
- Chapter - 04 -
- Chapter - 05 -
- Chapter - 06 -
- Chapter - 07 -
- Chapter - 08 -
- Chapter - 09 -
- Chapter - 10 -

===== PM List =====
(This list is for my life to be easier, yes, yes. So yeah. If you want to be added, just drop a reply and tell me. xD)

1.) maikeatoot
2.) yellow
3.) rndmnwierd
4.) McSmigge
5.) risa_ai

Subtle as it is – Chapter 02 [07/04/12 – Update]
What you see is not always real… when the hardest thing is to tell apart dreams from reality.

“I wanted to do my beauty sleep.” Someone with long pristine white hair said as it played with the tips of its fluffy tresses. “This has been quite often lately.”

“Mmhyeah, it’s as if they suddenly had willpower to like, simultaneously rob banks everyday or something.” The other with long jet black hair said. Its golden eyes looking straight at the road, it was sitting at front passenger seat, beside another with flame colored hair and blue eyes.

“Well, let’s just be glad they’re still asking for our help,” The driver answered with a sigh. It made the car swerve to one corner where a bank with sealed front was presented upon them. It was deserted even the police aren’t there.

It was part of their contract that if they were to do the job, no one see must them, not one of them. However apparently, among the leader of their pack and a medium, a representative of the leader of humans have been trying to talk it out if it was possible for the humans to cooperate with them.

Though the leader had firmly answered, “It would affect their normal human lives.” The human leader representative was brought into distraught.

“The deities who have been helping us are humans?” The humans asked.

Way over at the other side, the leader smirked, its companions sending over funny glances, and left the communication.

In another direction a female was being chased by a couple of men armed with guns. One of them groaned, the rest just shrugged.

“Not again.” The one with golden eyes shrugged, its companions just sending it a lazy go.

“Just don’t make a mess.” The one with white hair shrugged and gave her another lazy go.

It kicked off the ground as pristine white wings appeared from its back again and in a split second’s notice, it was already standing in between the chased female and her chasers.

Its wings still out and abound, long jet black hair scattered in the air as if it was slow motion. The familiar set of men recognized the ball of shadow and immediately broke into a run to the other direction.

It shrugged and turned around to leave.

“Wait!” The female called, it stopped on its tracks, silent. “Wh- Who are you?”

It hesitated for a moment, but then left to disappear again.

“Takahashi!” The voice of a male teacher called to the attention of the school’s student council president who had dropped her pen on the floor. “Are you listening?”

“Yes sir! I’m sorry.” Takahashi Ai apologized as her pen was handed to her by the person sitting in front of her. “Thanks.”

“Are you alright, Ai-chan?” Vice President Niigaki Risa asked as Ai took the pen from her. The female just nodded and smiled. Risa sighed.


“Yuuchan, are you sure you don’t want to make a contact with the human world?” Short with blonde hair, it talked to the one sitting behind a table legs up atop it with a smug look.

“I’m thinking of the young ones.” Yuuchan answered. “I mean, I’m sure we’ll all be fine, you, Kei-chan, Rika, W and everyone else since we’re all living here in heaven because we don’t have human duties to do. But the youngsters have some things to attend to as humans. We don’t know how the people would react if they were to react. ‘Ah they’re just humans too but with supernatural power’ or something.”

“Well, that’s true.” Another voice added in. The female with short brown hair appeared her arms crossed in front of her. “Well, I do have a candidate for the job if you guys want to test it out. Tsuji-chan’s been really bored lately.”

“Hmm…” Yuuchan put a finger on its chin and smiled. “Call.”

In an empty high way a truck was speeding up the counter flow swerving left and right. From the opposite side was a white sports car running at over 190mph it has four passengers, five including the driver and a non-working breaks. Two vehicles are destined to crash and injure seven people that may lead to six deaths.

The truck skidded, tires boring into the gray cement of the high as it tried to swerve in a drift, the sleepy driver who seemed to be driving since yesterday’s 9am trying to avoid the clash. However the sports car was chasing after it as if it has magnet on it.

In a second fracture before hitting each other, a fast shadow of light exploded right in between the two cars before they crashed. Hands stretched on both sides, stopping both from moving forward as the car wheels immediately break.

Amidst was a female with brown hair, and straight fringes, she wore casual clothing of what seemed to be black pants, white boots, a white top with a white jacket, and a stream of slightly imaginary wings made up of translucent light rose up in the air before disappearing like shards merging into the light.

She had large shades on her face that hid most of her features. Seven people, two from the truck and five from the car went down their respective vehicles, clutching their chests as if trying to comprehend what had happened.

 They looked at the figure in front of them; she seemed human, save for what just happened that they cannot understand.

“Hey there, mortals.” The female greeted, propping her shades up to her head. “Name’s Nono. Nice to see you.” 

In a few minutes, the police officers and media alike had arrived in the scene of the accident, as well as the medium who was believed to talk to the Gods.

“Who are you?” The Medium asked as he warily walked near Nono. “Why are you here? What are you?”

“I thought I already said my name is Nono.” The female greeted with a salute on the camera in front of her and the many microphones almost shoved to her face. “I’m here to save those people from that accident,” She pointed behind her with a thumb. “And I’m a goddess.”

The humans started whispering to each other as she spoke and waved at them. “Are you really?” Someone from the crowd of people not involved in the accident asked. “You must be a fraud!”

“Why don’t you ask these people I saved what I did then?” Nono stepped down from a pedestal of sorts and the newspaper writers started crowding towards the people as they attempted to answer everyone’s question.

“Are you sure this is gonna work, Rika-chan?”  Nono asked telepathically as she stretched her arms and legs as she stood at the side of the highway. “They don’t seem to entertain the idea well. Been long since I’ve been here in this form too.”

“Oh god why.” Niigaki Risa muttered under her breathe as she looked at the running field, a hand over her face. “Yes?” She turned to look at her side upon seeing a kouhai, Ikuta Erina look at her.

“Are you alright, Niigaki-san?” The female asked and tilted her head to one side.

“Ah, yes, yes. Sorry about that.” Risa sighed. “Please tell Takahashi-san that I need to leave early, that I’m really sorry I have to go now.” She explained as she picked up her bags.

“I heard that, Gaki-san.” The voice came from behind Risa, who immediately clasped her hands in front of her and bowed. “It’s okay. Please take care” Ai smiled at her as she wiped her sweat away with a towel.

Risa immediately blushed and gave her a smile back, then left. She immediately sprinted into a run inside the school building and then quickly opened the door to the Literary Club.

“Say—oh my god.” The moment she opened the door, a frightening sight immediately clouded her vision as she covered her eyes with her free hand and closed the door. “FIX YOURSELVES, GET A ROOM! KAME HOW COULD YOU!”

“I’m sorry, Gaki-san! I wasn’t—“ Eri immediately cut herself off as she cried out in a muffled way in an attempt to cover her mouth. “Sayu!!”

“Thanks for the meal.” Sayu said loud enough for the beat red Niigaki Risa outside the door to hear. “Do you want me to clean up for—“

“JUST CLEAN UP, WASH YOUR HANDS, AND WIPE THAT… THAT TABLE AND OPEN THE FREAKING DOOR!” Gaki shouted at the door and banged her closed fist on it. “GOODNESS!”

“I wasn’t just gonna leave Eri unsatisfied you know.” Sayu explained by the door and opened it. “Wiped clean. Except Eri’s—“

“I don’t want to hear i—“

“—clothes, sadly.”  Sayu crossed her arms and smirked. “So what is it?”

“We need to go—“

“—Eri already went—“

“—Sayusuke please quit your dirty jokes—“

“—Let’s go—“

“—You already went—“

“THEY’RE CALLING FOR US, LET’S JUST GO OKAY?” Gaki explained in a panic as she dropped her track stuff in the room. She immediately took Sayu and Eri by their collar and half-dragged them out the room. “Seriously… having sex on the table… I should’ve known better…”

“Learn how to knock, Gaki-san.” Sayu mumbled.

“Learn how to have decency, Sayusuke.” Gaki retorted back as they walked out.

“Ah, please, please don’t argue.” Eri half panicked.

“Why do you always think I always initiate it?” Sayu grumbled.

Risa immediately turned to look at Eri sharply who just looked at her hands and scuttled closer to Sayu.

“See?” Sayu smirked at Risa. “You know you should just confess to—“


“—in her pants, that sexy ass and just—“


“—you know, get laid.”

“I don’t need to, and you two needs decency, learn how to know what time, place and day okay?” Risa rubbed her temples. “Ah, Junjun there you are.”

“Yo, what happened?” The tall black haired female greeted them with a smile. “SayuEri strikes back?”

“Strikes every time, you mean.” Risa answered and sighed.

They had met up in an isolated park, after school.

“They requested for damages to be minimal. Remember, it seems that the enemies have developed bullets made of silver that can actually gradually damage you and your functions. Take care.” Ishikawa Rika’s voice echoed into the minds of three people.

“They actually have time to do that?” A different voice from an entity that could not be seen talked.

“Apparently. Just to rob a bank.” The one with golden eyes answered and cocked a glock-9 handgun and placed it on the holder on its right thigh.

“Well, it’s not just a bank. It’s a bank that produces gold, I guess I can kind of understand that.” Blue eyes scanned the surroundings.

“Well, let’s just get this over with, there are stuff I need to be busy about.” The white hair flipped with the air as it winked towards a direction.

“Ah… y- yeah…” The voice from an unknown entity stuttered.

An explosion suddenly emerged from behind trees as employees from the bank in front of them started rushing out not even paying attention to where they were standing and who they were.

“What Tsuji-chan did actually helped, now we can just stand here and be cool and no one cares.” The blue eyed one with red haired mentioned as the four of them slowly walked towards the location.

“The best wish I have is that no civilians would pass by as we execute this mission.” The golden eyed answered with a sigh.

“Seriously, you worry too much.” The white haired answered as they stood in front of the bank and police cars started flooding in.

A female with shoulder length blonde hair disembarked from the car and slowly walked towards them. “I’m Senior Inspector Yoshizawa Hitomi from First Investigations Division. You must be them.” She asked as she offered a hand to shake the three present beings.

“Yup. Nice to meet you.” The golden eyed one shook her hand. “Just so you know, we have a fourth companion, but you’re not allowed to see her.”

“Understood.” Yoshizawa answered and saluted before instructing her officers to scatter about the buildings. “What should we do?”

“Do you have the floor plan of the whole building?” A fourth voice spoke from the three person group and the SI nodded and handed a piece of paper to the direction the voice came from. “Thank you.”

After a few seconds of an invisible hand flipping over the floor map, it was then handed towards the one with white hair.

“I’ll go through the second floor vent and investigate there.” The fourth person spoke and seemingly left. “I’ll inform you of how many casualties are done, hopefully none, and hostages are left inside.”

“Un. Take care.” The white haired answered and flipped her tresses. “Let’s wait for an update, before heading in or making contact inside. I assume they already know the police are here.”

Everyone else nodded as they waited. Yoshizawa suddenly turned to them. “Do…”

“Yes?” The black haired one with gold eyes answered.

“Do you know someone named Ishikawa Rika?” Everyone’s eyes widened but nonetheless stayed silent. “Guess not huh?”

It was a rule that no one should know about your real name, your whole real name… as a God unless the other party was/is/will be your future spouse.

“I’ll explain later.” Rika’s voice suddenly echoed into the four’s minds telepathically. “You guys as well need to know about it I suppose.”

“There are twelve armed robbers, ten bank tellers and five civilians. Someone’s favorite is right here… arguing with one of the armed men, probably their leader. There are five casualties… all treatable and one grave. If we don’t make a move now, they will die.”

“You didn’t have to shoot anybody!” Takahashi Ai argued, her hands tied behind her as she stood beside a woman with her left shoulder shot and a pool of blood beneath her. “We were all going obey you if we wanted our lives. You don’t have to shoot anybody.

“Then you do want me to shoot you instead, bitch!?” The man who seemed to be in his late forties shouted at Ai’s face. He had short messy black hair and facial hair that looks like it hasn’t been shaved for three months. “Stop being all so high and mighty when you can’t do anything towards me!”

“Calm down, bro.” Another guy who was moving money from the vault into a bag spoke. “We don’t need to do anymore casualties than that one you accidentally shot and the others who have tried to fight against us.”

“You know this chick’s kinda pretty.” The ‘leader’ spoke as he took a step forward. “Could make use of this one, as long as she keeps her mouth shut.” He slings his gun behind him and makes a few steps forward. He reached his hand forward and grabbed the female’s shoulder which she immediately shrugged away. “Oooohhh.” He sarcastically spat out at her aggressiveness. “You’ll definitely writhe once I get to take you down on that damn floor.”

She just looked at him sternly, gritting her teeth.

“Hey, hey, we have no time for any of those.” Another guy who emerged from a different vault with a few other men behind him as they drag sacks of what seem to be gold. “Stop that bro.”

“Just take her with us.” Another man shouted from behind him, dragging another sack.

“Yeah! Bro you’re a genius!”

“No one’s going to take anyone and none of you will be going out of here unscathed.” Another voice chipped in, it was a female’s voice, high pitched but not too high.

“Have our mortal enemies arrived?” The leader spoke as he put an arm over Ai’s shoulder again and held her in place. “I mean immortal enemies?”

“That’s right, my dear friend. So stop touching her.” A low growl-like voice emerged from behind Ai as a burst of white feathers scattered around making the leader fly from in front of the female towards the bank counter, hitting his hip on the edge. The black haired female with golden eyes only looked at Ai and walked away to position in front of her. “Go away. Escape. Tell the others the front door is open and it’s safe to run away. Hurry.”

“O- Okay!” Ai agreed as she led the rest of the people who can still move. “Wh- what about her?”

“Leave her to us. She’ll be fine. Trust me.” She answered as a bullet grazed on her left cheek injuring her smooth face. It started bleeding instead of regenerating. “So it was true. This is going to be troublesome.”  Another pair of wings flew in front of the golden eyed female, and took the injured female to safety.

“We can’t use her powers to heal.” The white haired female rushed in as the front shutter was raised up and shots were exchanged between the robbers and the police officers. “They’ll know that we have healing ability and the media and the government might start taking advantage.”

“Just apply enough healing to stop her from dying.” The blue eyed female told the fourth existence who nodded and immediately performed her abilities. “I’ll take her to the ambulance.”

Soon enough the people inside were rescued and the robbers were apprehended, money and gold were returned. However it did not end without any casualties even for our deities.

“Ah geez, that hurt.” The golden eyed female muttered as she wiped away her left cheek that continued bleeding. “It stings.”

“Sorry, can’t do anything about that.” The fourth existence spoke. “You’ll regenerate anyway.”

“Yeah, I know.” The golden eyed turned around only to find a curious pair of brown orbs looking at her. “Why are you still here?” She frowned as she gritted her teeth.

“I… want to know…” Takahashi Ai spoke. “Who you are… What I am to you… and why you keep on appearing…?”

The golden eyed female just looked at her, with a glare. She closed her hands into a fist and tight enough to make her hands bleed, as she held Ai’s neck with her free and bloodless hand and immediately captured her lips into a fierce kiss.

It was wild. Accidentally one of her fangs sunk into Ai’s lower lip making it bleed, sending the other female moaning as blood dripped into the golden eyed females mouth. She immediately pushed Ai away, and turned around.

“…Take care of yourself.” She muttered before disappearing into thin air.

The rest looked at each other, bid Ai goodbye and left as well.

“I thought you wouldn’t do that again.” The white haired female asked. “I thought you wou—“

“It was an accident.” The golden eyed female gritted her teeth as her eyes blinked from gold to red, fangs showing. “It was an accident…”

“Gaki-san…” The three people said as they watched her stop herself from slightly transforming into a different entity.

Ai sat up from her bed, completely sweating as the birds chirped outside her window. She moved a finger over her lower lip and saw blood.

“It… it was real…”

(Chapter 2/END)
« Last Edit: December 22, 2012, 07:33:02 AM by arisa03 »
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Subtle as it is -- Chapter 02 [Updated - 07/04]
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2012, 06:35:19 PM »
I'm still a bit confused XD But I'm looking forward to more!

Offline MsSmigge

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Re: Subtle as it is -- Chapter 02 [Updated - 07/04]
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2012, 07:29:33 PM »
I'm a bit confused too but it doesn't matter because the story is so interesting  :lol:
Gaki's reaction queen moment, when she found Sayu and Eri, was priceless! XD I laughed a lot!

Hopefully we will get more soon!  :)
*Sits down and patiently waits for more*

Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.

Offline arisa03

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Re: Subtle as it is -- Chapter 02 [Updated - 07/04]
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2012, 11:54:31 PM »
I'm kind of curious of what everyone understands by this point though xD if any. OTL
« Last Edit: July 05, 2012, 12:32:52 AM by arisa03 »
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

Offline darkacex99

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Re: Subtle as it is -- Chapter 02 [Updated - 07/04]
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2012, 06:18:00 AM »
Aite i iz confizzled :mon ko: but im hooked so far so dats gud :twothumbs

Offline risa_ai

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Re: Subtle as it is -- Chapter 02 [Updated - 07/04]
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2012, 11:05:39 AM »
YOU GO RISA. YOU GO KISS HER. IT NO ACCIDENT. Cos us readers love it. XD GOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline yellow

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Re: Subtle as it is -- Chapter 02 [Updated - 07/04]
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2012, 04:27:11 PM »
i also a bit confused here :? :? :?... but please continue huh

Offline arisa03

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Re: Subtle as it is -- Chapter 02 [Updated - 07/04]
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2012, 04:33:19 AM »
Thank you guys for all of the interest!

I'm sure this chapter will enlighten you a bit more, with more confusion arising 8D


Subtle as it is – Chapter 03 [07/14/12 – Update]
What you see is not always real… when the hardest thing is to tell apart dreams from reality.

“Gaki-san, are you alright?” The invisible entity suddenly turned visible into the form of Kamei Eri as she clung to the white haired female. “I can heal the wound but the desire won’t—“

“I’ll be fine.” The long black haired female with golden eyes answered while she held a hand onto her temples, her eyes changing colors from gold, red to her normal chocolate brown. “It’s just a bit… confusing right now. I’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure? It’s been 20 years since your last… suddenly getting exposed to it is a bit…” Michishige Sayumi asked her pristine white hair slowly getting discolored to black to return to her normal appearance.

“To her blood too.” The flame haired female with blue eyes chipped in as she crossed her arms in front of her leaning onto the wall inside the white house they had teleported in. Her hair evaporating into black and eyes turning the same color into the form of Junjun. “Do you need any—“

“I don’t need any blood donations.” Risa answered as she held a hand in front of her, her other still on her temple. “I’m not gonna bite Eri either.”

“Is what she said, babe.” Sayu turned to look at the quivering turtle clinging to her who started shaking her arm forward and backward.

“But, but we have to help her, Sayuuuu.” Eri cooed to her girlfriend with her high pitched voice.

“No, seriously. Ugh. Eri, I’m fine. It’s just taking time to subside.” Risa answered as she controlled her transformation, her hair returning to its normal brown but her eyes refuses to vanish color to normality.

“Why did you even think of kissing her anyway?” Sayu crossed her arms as she questioned the struggling female against her, other other form. “I thought you didn’t want to?”

“Sh- She… It was an accident okay?” Risa explained after finally returning herself to normal and glared at Sayu.

“Oh, sure sure. Grabbing her neck like that and suddenly kissing her oh so passionately with tongue is like the best accident ever. Eri, I want more accidents with you, like right now.” Sayu explained sarcastically. She turned to her beloved turtle who suddenly clasped both hands on her mouth.

“You guys do a lot of that already.” Junjun pitched in with a snap of her fingers. “Anyway, you two stop arguing. Niigaki-san, if you can’t control your desires, just tell her. You know she has a right to know.”

“You’re not one to talk about ‘telling,’ Junjun.” Risa spat back with a sigh. “There’s Tanakacchi.”

“As long as I don’t go after Tanaka-san, no one will know she was ever involved or she knew anything.” Junjun explained as she turned to leave the white room. “I’ll tell her… if her temporary amnesia heals completely.”

“Wait, don’t leave yet, I thought we had a meeting with Ishikawa-san?” Eri said whilst the door opening the moment she mentioned ‘Ishikawa.’ A hand popped out of the door and motioned for them to go there, the four obliged.

“Gaki-san, what happened to your cheek?” Takahashi Ai reached for the younger girl’s cheeks who softly took her hand and put it back to her side. “Are you alright?”

“Un.” Risa answered with a bright smile. “Sayu’s cat last night just decided to be a bit violent so I got this scratch. It’ll be fine, it’ll heal soon.”

The two stood in the hallway waiting for the turtle/bunny combo to arrive so the four of them can take lunch together at the rooftop.

The two chatted amicably until a certain mischievous bunny decided to play a prank. Waiting for the correct moment, Sayumi immediately lunged herself to kiss the innocent Council President on the lips.

Ai’s eyes widened like a deer caught in head lights and stepped backward a hand covering her mouth.

“Ara, Takahashi-san, why do you have a wound on your lower lip?” Sayu asked casually, Risa threw her a glare, Eri pulled her arm.

“Oh, I don’t know.” Ai answered after recovering from the surprise kiss that seemed to remind her of something. “I… I must’ve bit them in my sleep.”

“Oh really?” Sayu asked after glancing at Risa who started gritting her teeth while looking at her. “Is something the matter, Niigaki-san?”

“Nothing. Let’s eat.” She turned around and walked ahead.

“Her mood suddenly turned around…” Ai mentioned, following the Vice President as she walked to the rooftop.

“Must be that time of the month.” Sayu rolled her eyes and shrugged.

“Why would you do that…” Eri murmured to her lover who just winked at her with a smile.

“Gaki should know that she should just tell cause it’s easier that way.” Sayu replied to Eri telepathically as they walked.

“But you know Gaki-san just doesn’t want her to get involved in things to come.” Eri answered.

“That brat needs to get laid, please.” Sayu answered with a grin and Eri just pulled on her arm again.

“I heard that. Shut up.” Risa pitched as she clenched her fists. “I don’t need a weakness.”

“Having a lover is strength, believe me.” Sayu answered in a serious tone, when Gaki suddenly squatted down holding her head. “Gaki-san! Are you okay?”

“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” Risa answered.

“I’ll take you to the clinic.” Ai said as she put her arm around Risa’s shoulders. When the younger was about to refuse, she tightened her hold onto the younger’s shoulders. “I insist.”

“Shit.” Risa thought, unconsciously sending it out telepathically.

“Heard that. No cursing!” Ishikawa Rika replied telepathically from somewhere as Sayu and Eri chuckled, Risa unconsciously face palmed.

In this world existed Gods and Goddesses, up in heaven, these mentioned creatures bore the appearance of humans with extraordinary powers. However, some of them had descended to heaven with immortality, whilst the younger ones remained on earth to control peace and quiet by the order of the God of Gods Tsunku♂.

The current time is a year where everything is advanced, enough to even think of weapons to ward and injure even Goddesses by the use of a special kind of Bullet. There are humans who believed that they existed, some who doesn’t believe and those who are opposed to them. These people are Atheists.

As the word means, they do not believe in Gods, however some of them had grown to hate the believers and now currently attempt to vanquish any hint of these ‘gods’ and expose the truth that they’re just excessively trained humans to protect city. That people with extraordinary powers does not exist at all.

Nakazawa Yuko lifted her legs up on the table of an all white room with white chairs, as a large statue of Tsunku♂ stands behind her with a shine of yellow light.

“You think the lil brat’s gonna tell her?” Yuko spoke as she yawned. The rest of the team, Yaguchi, W, Kei and Rika all scattered around at different places of the almost empty room.

“Think not.” Kago Ai said as she bit off a chocolate in her hand and then gave some to Tsuji. “You know how much she treasures the girl. Won’t tell her even if it’s a necessity.”

“Besides, Rika-chan gotta explain about that Inspector knowing her real name.” Tsuji Nozomi said, biting onto the chocolate offered by Aibon.

“That… I’ll explain that when everyone’s present.” Rika answered as she smiled sheepishly. “Risa-chan needs to deal with her issue first before I can explain everything.”

“On another hand, seems like the Atheists are really out to get us, aren’t they?” Yaguchi opened up the topic drinking some water from her glass.

“Well, if they even put some effort as to research that silver bullets may have do some damages towards goddesses even if they’re for Vampires only is such a feat.” Kei explained. “Doesn’t it seem like they believe us more than the Theists do?”

Yuko suddenly chuckled. “That’s true. Well… as far as what’s been happening, it seems that they’re trying to start an all out war with us. More like with the humans however.”

Everyone nodded concern all over their expressions.

“We were humans after all.” Rika sighed.

After arriving in the School Clinic, Ai assisted Risa to sit on one of the beds. Immediately, Risa put a hand over her face mostly covering her eyes.

“Ai-chan…” Risa whispered, however the female had already walked away to look for some sort of medicine. “Ai… Ai…”

Takahashi Ai looked at her with confusion in her eyes. “Did she just call me without any honorifics?”

“Can I ask you for a favor?” Niigaki Risa spoke, her voice deep almost in a growl.

“Yeah. What is it?” Ai calmly answered as she looked at the female… “Are you ok—“

“Please leave the room. Now.” Risa commanded. Her hand still covering most of her face, she wasn’t even looking at Ai.

However the threat in her voice and the growing aura immediately made the female obey the order.

“I’ll be outside.” Ai said.

“No. Go… go away.” Risa said, her free hand tightly clutching on the sheets of the bed she was sitting on. “Hurry.”

“O- Ok.” Ai answered. She didn’t know why. She suddenly felt fear against the almost always smiling and friendly vice president.

Ai slowly walked towards the door, the moment she grabbed the door knob, a hand grabbed her wrist. Instantly she turned around to face Risa. She had red eyes, and black hair for a moment, but it immediately subsided to normality.

“Uh… sorry. Please go.” Risa said covering her face with a hand again. Ai could only nod and close the door behind her.

“How… was it my imagination?” Ai thought as she walked away. Behind her were Eri and Sayu who probably knew of what happened.

The two entered the clinic and watched as Risa sat on the clinic bed, her hair jet black and straight, her eyes changing colors from red, gold, then to chocolate brown.

“You really want her don’t you?” Sayu asked as she crossed her arms and the two of them blocked the clinic door.

The school bell rang. Risa looked at the two of them, eyes piercing.

In a dark red color.

(Chapter 3/END)
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

Offline risa_ai

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Re: Subtle as it is – Chapter 03 [07/14/12 – Update]
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2012, 04:40:46 AM »
HOLY SHIT. Risa, you love her too much. OAO IN A DARK RED COLOUR? This is bad. :panic:

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Subtle as it is – Chapter 03 [07/14/12 – Update]
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2012, 04:53:46 AM »
is risa like half goddes half devil or something?! :panic: kiwi wants moar~~~~~~
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Subtle as it is – Chapter 03 [07/14/12 – Update]
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2012, 11:55:23 AM »
Oh man, Gaki's barely in control. Wonder what would happen if she broke?

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Re: Subtle as it is – Chapter 03 [07/14/12 – Update]
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2012, 01:14:16 PM »
Gaki isn't human at all?!!

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Re: Subtle as it is – Chapter 03 [07/14/12 – Update]
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2012, 10:10:26 PM »
I almost forgot I am reading this story too.... This is what happens when you can't use computer for two weeks xD

Gaki-san is out of control when Ai-chan is around... :shocked I wonder what would happen if Gaki would lose her control  :twisted:


“Shit.” Risa thought, unconsciously sending it out telepathically.

“Heard that. No cursing!” Ishikawa Rika replied telepathically from somewhere as Sayu and Eri chuckled, Risa unconsciously face palmed.

Lol, everyone's against Gaki-san xD

Very interesting chapter and I also want to see more Takagaki in the future =) (And maybe with Risa out of control...)
Keep up the good work! :kneelbow:

Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.

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Re: Subtle as it is – Chapter 03 [07/14/12 – Update]
« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2012, 05:08:47 PM »
Subtle as it is – Chapter 04 [07/24/12 – Update]
What you see is not always real… when the hardest thing is to tell apart dreams from reality.

“Ow, Ow, ow.” Michishige Sayumi, white haired winced in pain as she sat on a clinic bed. Cuts were present on her left cheek and left arm, blood threatening to fall from the wounds. “Eririn~ be gentler!”

“I’m sorry, Sayu.” Eri pouted as she poured antiseptic on a piece of cotton and slowly damped them on Sayu’s wounds. “If you’d just agreed to biting me then we won’t have to be so tedious in this and yeah…” She mumbled under her breathe, damping the cotton on wounds occasionally pressing harder than usual. “Stupid Sayu.”

“Eririn….” Sayu told the female tending to her wounds and winced again in pain. “Where’s Junjun?”

“She went out to get Nakazawa-san, she should be back soon.” Eri answered exactly at the same time the door opened. “Speak of the devil.”

“More like Gods,” Nakazawa Yuko chipped in, popping in an M&M inside her mouth. “Where’s the brat?”

“She’s lying down over here.” Sayu answered, pointing at the bed beside her. “Junjun and I managed to exhaust her to normality, somehow.”

“Well, after 150 years, I guess sometimes your patience would just get thrown down the canal someday.” Yuko said, popping another M&M in her mouth. “I guess you could just say she was a bit unlucky, this time the girl’s drop dead gorgeous with the same level of stubbornness as her.”

“You can’t deny that what she did was a bit careless of her, whatsoever.” Sayu pitched in, watching Eri finally wrap up on bandaging her wounds. “Then again, time will come that she’ll have to tell her someday.”

 “Or make her forget forever.” Junjun chipped in as the atmosphere became darker. “Well, of course we’d never use that option unless we need it.”

“Urgh…” Risa moaned, her hand plastering itself onto her forehead. “My head hurts…”

“And my face hurts.” Sayu said, turning to the female beside her. “Are you in control now?”

“Yeah. I’m sorry.” Risa answered, sitting up. “I… I really don’t want to…”

“But you have to. You need it.” Yuko explained, sitting on the foot of Risa’s bed. “It might be unfair to her, but you need her. Unless you’d just have to give up yourself to your berserk, and then we’ll have to kill you.”

“I’d rather die…” Risa muttered. “This time.”

“Seems like Takahashi Ai is a different case.” Yuko repeated. “Are you that madly in love her?”

“I… I don’t know.” The female answered, looking down at her lap. “I… I just feel like I don’t want her to get involved in anything.”

“But kissing her means she’s involved already.” Junjun explained. “She’s now your weakness.

“I know. I’m stupid.” Risa face palmed herself and sighed. “But I can’t reverse anything now. I can just protect her.”

“If you tell her it’ll be easier right? She’ll be more aware of her surroundings.” Yuko explained and popped in an M&M in her mouth and noticed that the pack she had been eating was empty. She crumpled the paper and threw it at the nearby trashcan. “Are you afraid she doesn’t feel the same way you do?

“…” Risa sighed again. “I’ll think about it. Maybe.”

Takahashi Ai sighed, her bag on one hand and her track bag hanging on her shoulder. She reminisced of how tight Gaki’s hand was around her wrist.

How familiar her eyes where when she looked at her. She knew she had seen it somewhere before, she knew she’s familiar with it.

Ai never believed in the gods or the goddesses or whatever they are. She had always relied on her own strength, training herself to protect herself from danger at all times to stop bothering her family. Her foster family.

However, this belief had been sending her mind haywire for the past days, for the past months. Unbelievably, those dreams she had been seeing. She couldn’t tell apart reality at all. It wasn’t possible.

Ai shook her head left and right, and continued walking down the street to her part-time job. “It’s not possible at all.” She muttered to herself. “Gaki-san’s probably just sick.”

“Yeah, the brat’s probably just sick.” A voice came out of nowhere, Ai turned around to look for it. “Oh geez. Over here.”

“Ah, Miki-san.” Ai said, looking at the door of the convenience store she had unknowingly went to already. It was definitely time for her part-time job and she’s still daydreaming. “How long have you been there?”

“Since the brat being sick?” Miki grinned opening the door for the younger woman. “What’s with this brat business?”

“Oh, Niigaki-san is not a brat. That’s just her nickname.” Ai smiled, the two of them walking into the lockers to allow Ai to change. “She’s just a friend. She seems to not feel well early this morning so she had stayed in the Nurse’s room the whole day.”

“Just a friend.” Miki repeated with a blank expression. “Say, Ai-chan.”

“Hm?” Ai answered, putting on a new shirt with the logo of the convenience store.

“Do you believe in Gods?” Miki asked, Ai could only look at her.


“Don’t look at me so seriously!” Miki joked and reached for a grab at the younger girl’s behind making her yelp. “I was just asking.”

“Miki-san!” Ai shouted, protecting her behind with two hands.

A female with long orange reddish hair tied into twin tails walked out into the open air of the park the wind softly blowing onto her face. She scrunches her nose a bit, before breaking into a cute sneeze. She sniffed a little before being offered tissue which she took with a quiet “Thanksh.”

“Do you always come here?” Came the evidently Chinese accented Japanese. “You gotta be careful of the pollen around, it is almost Spring.”

“I don’t remember always coming here.” The female answered blowing into the tissue cutely. “For some reason, I just find my body coming here almost every day, it’s almost automatic.”

“I- I see.” The other person answered with a nervous smile. A gust of wind blew again, making the other person’s long black hair flutter with the wind.

“You?” Came the sweet voice.


“Do you always come here?” The female asked with a grin, showing her cute cat-like fangs to the other person.

“No.” Always. The blackhaired answered. “It was my first time here today.” I come here every day.

“I see. You must be new around here then.” The orange head answered with a cheerful smile. She then offered her hand in front of the other woman. “My name’s Tanaka Reina. What’s yours?”

“J—“ The blackhaired woman swallowed a little. “Call me Junko.”

“That’s kind of a weird name.” Reina said and giggled. “But okay, I’ll call you Junko, then.”

“Junjun!” Nono’s voice echoed inside the blackhaired’s head. “Don’t pull a Gaki-san—“

“I know.” Junjun answered mentally with a serious tone.

“Juz’ sayin’”

“Sayuuuuu!” Eri called as she clung onto the younger female’s arm. “As I was saying—“

“The answer will always be no, Eri.” Sayu answered sternly not even looking at the older female.

“… I was gonna ask if I could stay over…” Eri finished her sentence, poking her fingers at each other.

“… Well I guess that’s an exception. Everything else is a no.” Sayu changed her answer, continuing to walk ahead the poor turtle trying to keep up with her frustrated attempt of stomping.

“E- Even if I ask… if you could touch me tonight?” Eri muttered under her breath, her ears turning pink at the boldness of her words.

“Ah, you know Eririn, the answer to that is always yes.” Sayu smiled, taking one of Eri’s hands from her arm to entwine them together. “But the answer to the mere idea of me, biting you, is no.”

“I know already!” Eri spatted, pouting at the younger female who usually acted older then her.

“So… tonight?”

“You were just after that, after all?!” Eri shouted, watching Sayu run away from her. “Sayuuuuuuuu!”

The black haired female stuck her tongue out and started running away from the fast turtle.

 == ** = * =
“You’re to stay with us, until you’ve decided.” Inside the white room, Niigaki Risa was seated down on a white chair with protective shackles around her wrists and ankles. “You really need to tell her… or you’ll find someone else to use, and we erase her memory of you.” Ishikawa Rika questioned, sitting on a nearby chair.

“I just…” Risa spoke, her hair turning into a different color. Her hands started shaking as if to break away from the shackles. “I just… don’t want to use her this time.”

“But your little accident.” Yaguchi Mari started. “I understand it was supposed to be a simple kiss. But you tasted some of her already. You know you can’t keep in control anymore.”

“Please let me go… I have school tomorrow.” Risa whispered under her breathe, trying to sound as calm as she could.

“In that state? No.” Nakazawa Yuko answered popping in another M&M in her mouth. “You have to choose, now.”

“I choose later, then.”

Yuko sighed. “Nono, please send an absence of leave for the brat.” Tsuji Nozomi quickly nodded and disappeared into thin air. “Your girl’s going to be worried.”

“It’s not like she has any kind of feelings for me other than friendship.” Risa answered, her voice hoarse. “It doesn’t really matter.”

“You’re sometimes too hard on yourself, Mame-chan.”

(Chapter 4/END)
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

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Re: Subtle as it is – Chapter 04 [07/24/12 – Update]
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2012, 01:37:16 AM »
Oh lord slowly im starting to understand the story! Its gettin too gud XD risa better make up her mind lol her hormones b all ova da place

Offline arisa03

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Re: Subtle as it is – Chapter 04 [07/24/12 – Update]
« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2012, 02:53:46 AM »
^lmfao omg, that just made me spurt my water and I'm not even on my PC. LOL.
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

Offline risa_ai

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Re: Subtle as it is – Chapter 04 [07/24/12 – Update]
« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2012, 01:19:14 PM »
YOU DON'T PULL A GAKI-SAN LAYDAE. YEH KNOW WE WANNA AIGAKI RABURABU YOU NO COME AND ERASE RISA'S MEMORY, NO? XD Buuuuuuuuuut! Nevertheless, Risa... If she tasted Ai, does that mean she's addicted to her? O_________O ME GUSTA. YOU GO RISA. And Ai, YOU GO LOVE RISA YOU. **orders**

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Re: Subtle as it is – Chapter 04 [07/24/12 – Update]
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2012, 04:54:18 PM »
Erase Risa's Memory? No not hers. Ai's. LMAO.
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

Offline risa_ai

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Re: Subtle as it is – Chapter 04 [07/24/12 – Update]
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2012, 02:03:24 PM »
**gasps** OHGAWD. THAT'S WORST. RISA WATCHING THE PERSON SHE LOVES NOT KNOW HER. O____O Le me: Well, **** this shit! I ain't gonna like it if someone who I likes FORGETS ME. THAT'S AIHKOHSAKLFHOKLSGABK!!!!! You know that feel? XD

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Re: Subtle as it is – Chapter 04 [07/24/12 – Update]
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2012, 03:03:28 PM »
Nope. It never happened to me, I guess. lOL
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

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