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Author Topic: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Christmas Special] Under the Mistletoe (29 Dec)  (Read 238873 times)

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.2] Broken Mask (20 Aug)
« Reply #80 on: August 23, 2012, 05:22:13 PM »
I can wait for as long as you need. Just update someday. About Mayu.. I hope we don't need to chase after him to hell, because I want him to live
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.2] Broken Mask (20 Aug)
« Reply #81 on: August 23, 2012, 08:43:23 PM »
OMG!!! It must be though for the little Hikari

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[Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.3] Won't You Look at Me? (24 Aug)
« Reply #82 on: August 24, 2012, 08:10:40 AM »
A/N: Hi all! As promised, here is Part 3.3 of my Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi series! With this update, Part 3 is finally completed. Will Mayu live or die? Read on to find out! :deco:

Note: This is a genderbend story.


Won't You Look at Me?

“Mayu!” Yuki cried and broke free of Yuko’s slackened grasp. The ground was still shaking from the powerful aftershock and small pieces of debris were raining hard on her but she paid them no heed. The desperate nurse tried to lift the boulder pinning down her groaning boyfriend but it did not even budge an inch. Risking their safety, Sayaka and Yuko skidded to a stop next to her.

“Let’s lift this at the count of three,” Sayaka instructed. “One, two, three, up!

With their combined strength, they managed to barely raise the concrete block and tossed it to the side. Yuki was close to tears to see Mayu in so much pain. Defying the general rule of not moving a casualty, the trio hurriedly carried the wounded doctor to safer grounds with Yuki giving as much support to his body as possible. Once they reached the first aid station, they set Mayu down. By then, he had lost consciousness and blood was trickling out from his mouth.

“Crap, he has internal bleeding,” Yuko exclaimed and placed her fingers at the side of his throat. “His pulse is weak. Rie-chan!”

Rie who was packing supplies nearby heard the urgent call of her name and ran towards Yuko. The sight of a battered Mayu elicited a gasp from her.

“What happened?”

Ignoring her question, Yuko asked, “Where is the helicopter?”

“It… It just left five minutes ago.”

Quickly doing her math, Yuko mumbled, “That means it’ll take another fifteen minutes to get back here. Taking the ambulance is a no-go too as it is too slow.”

Next to her, Yuki watched in helpless despair as more blood oozed out from Mayu’s mouth.

“Don’t do this to me. Mayu, wake up, wake up!” she kept calling, hoping for Mayu to hear her pleas. Tears spilled from her eyes as the man remained motionless. “No… God… please…”

“We don’t have a choice. Let’s operate on him now,” Yuko declared and promptly unbuttoned Mayu’s bloodstained shirt. A massive red bruise covered nearly his entire front torso. She hooked him up on the echograph and ran a scan over his chest and abdomen. The monitor showed a dark mass gathering around his stomach and liver.

“Scalpel,” the senior doctor stretched out her palm. When nothing was handed to her, she turned to find the nurse a blubbering mess. “Yuki! Get a grip on yourself!”

Yuki could not control the cries racking her body. She heard Yuko saying something to her but her mind simply blocked out all the words.

“Yuki!” Yuko forced her to look at her. “You want to save Mayu, don’t you? He needs you right now so pull yourself together! Remember the time he saved you? You would’ve died then if he was acting like you now. Stay calm and let’s do this together,” she paused, staring hard at the inconsolable woman who was still drawing sharp breaths. “If you aren’t up to it, then move aside. You are getting in the way.”

The harsh words were a tight slap in Yuki’s face and made her realise how useless she had been acting. Sniffing loudly and wiping her tears hastily, she forced down the wayward emotions that threatened to consume her.

“I want to… No, I will save Mayu!”

Allowing the newfound determination to guide her, Yuki grabbed the scalpel lying in the medical kit and passed it to Yuko who smiled in relief. Steadying her hands, the doctor sliced a hole in the side of Mayu’s chest. Blood poured out like a running tap and spilled all over the floor.

“Drain the blood, Yuki,” Yuko instructed while she blotted the excess blood with gauze. “Stupid boy, I was joking about the pancake thing. You didn’t have to really go and get yourself flattened like one,” she scolded the unresponsive man.

Yuki snatched a thin suction tube and held it in the pool of blood inside Mayu’s chest. While it managed to clear the cavity briefly, more of the crimson liquid kept streaming out, making it hard to view the damage. After using a clamp to keep the incision open, Yuko pushed her hands further in, trying to find the artery that was supplying blood to the wounded organ.

“Found it. Forceps,” taking the pair of Satinsky forceps from Yuki, she clamped down on the artery and waited with baited breath. The blood flow stopped as she had hoped. However, before she could feel a sense of victory, the machine behind her beeped loudly.

“Heart rate decreasing rapidly!” Yuki almost screamed. “Yuko-san!”

“Damn it!” Yuko slipped her bloody hands back in and enveloped Mayu’s weakening heart. Stomach-churning wet squelches could be heard as she compressed the organ with a regular beat, manually doing a heart massage. “Don’t you dare die, Mayu! I’ve taught you so much since your residency days. Don’t you let my efforts go to waste!”

“Heart rate still falling!” Rie pointed out, her eyes fixed on the dropping numbers on the monitor.

Hot tears started to sting the corners of Yuki’s eyes again as she gripped Mayu’s limp and icy hand tightly, holding it close to her own beating heart, “I won’t allow you to leave me. You have to come back. Please Mayu… Don’t just go to sleep on your own… You still owe me an explanation, remember?”

She slipped one hand to his pale face, wiping at the blood and grime. “Do you know that you are so handsome today? The suit looked very good on you. The others said that you were planning a surprise for me. What is it? Won’t you wake up and tell me? If you keep sleeping, I… I’m going to get v-very, very mad,” she tried making an angry expression only for her voice to break down in erratic sobs.

“It’s not working. Get the defibrillator, Rie-chan” Yuko shouted. “Hurry!”

Yuki’s eyes widened at Yuko’s words. “No, Mayu!”

“What’s going on here?” Ren jogged up to them. He had sensed something was amiss when he spotted the emotional scene from afar after sending off Hikari. When his eyes fell on Mayu, his stomach lurched as his worst fears had come true.

“Help set up the defibrillator. We are losing him!”

Pushing all questions aside, Ren grabbed the device from Rie and swiftly stuck one electrode pad on each side of Mayu’s chest.

“All clear!” he warned. Yuko removed her slippery hands from Mayu’s chest cavity while Yuki forced herself to set his hand down. Ren delivered a jolt of electricity to the unconscious man, causing his body to jerk up. When no improvement was observed, he instructed for another charge.


A loud thump was heard, followed by a resumption of regular beeping on the heart monitor.

“Heart rate’s back up!” Rie cheered as heartfelt smiles broke out on the tense faces of all present.

“Thank goodness,” Yuko let out a long sigh. “Let’s get him back to Akiba Hospital.”

At that moment, she spied the helicopter making a landing. The group transferred Mayu onto a stretcher and quickly brought him over. Once everyone, with the exception of Rie, had hopped on the chopper, it took off again to the place where they were all familiar with. With the calming whir of the engine and the serene night sky, the trip back was peaceful and quiet unlike the chaotic scene at the collapse site. Throughout the journey, Yuki never let go of Mayu’s hand, afraid that he would slip away again.


Upon reaching the hospital, they sent Mayu to the ER where they joined Dr. Yamamoto Sayaka and her team in saving Mayu. The worst was yet to be over as they found more internal injuries than the initial diagnosis at the site. Aside from four broken ribs which resulted in a punctured liver and stomach, the previously healthy man suffered from a torn diaphragm and a pelvic fracture too. After a six-hour surgery, he was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) as his condition was still critical.

“Yuki-chan,” Yuko placed a gentle hand on Yuki’s shoulder. The nurse had been awfully quiet ever since she sat by Mayu’s bed two hours ago and it was worrying everyone around her. “You should take a rest. It’s been a long day.”

Yuki sat as still as a rock, her eyes never leaving the man who was on life support with numerous tubes inserted in various parts of his frail-looking body.

“Yuki-chan,” Yuko tried again, this time nudging her shoulder lightly. “At least get something to eat.”

Something snapped in Yuki.

“How can I eat when I know that Mayu can die anytime?” she whipped around and lashed out at the startled doctor. That was when the other woman saw the bloodshot eyes and dried tear stains on Yuki’s face. “You said it yourself that tonight is a crucial period! I-If he pulls through tonight then he should be fine. But… But there is a high chance that he won’t make it!”

“Yuki-chan…” it pained Yuko to see Mayu and Yuki in their current states. She had always treated the younger doctor like a little brother she never had. A calm and sensible brother who would listen to her complaints, rein her in when she got too excited over pretty female patients, and blush and scold her when she described her fantasies in detail. And Yuki, she loved teasing her as much as she did to Mayu. She had always prided herself on being the first to notice the mutual attraction between them. To her, the pair was akin to her family, people whom she held dearly in her heart.

A soft knock sounded on the door before it swung open, revealing an exhausted Ren. His entrance seemed to have eased some of the tension in the air. He walked towards Yuki, holding something small in his hand.

“We found this in Mayu-san’s pocket,” he handed the tiny black velvet box to Yuki. He eyed her with knitted brows as she opened the box. Her mouth opened and gasped soundlessly when she saw the shiny diamond ring in it.

“Mayu was planning to propose to you tonight,” Yuko informed, sorrow lacing her voice. “I was supposed to keep it a secret from you but,” she glanced poignantly at the comatose man, “I think it’s better that you know now.”

Fresh tears poured forth as Yuki clenched the ring tightly to her chest, her body trembling violently with silent sobs that were swallowed by grief.

Unable to contain his emotions anymore, Ren stepped up to the bed, glaring at its occupant. “Mayu-san, do you know how much I hate you right now? You took away the woman I love and now you dare to lie here and let her cry for you? What kind of man are you? You asked me to look after Yuki-chan but damn no, I’m not going to do it. You wake up now and look after your own woman!”

Ren stared at Mayu after his outburst, as if hoping for a reaction. However, the room fell silent except for the soft beeping of the machines and Ren’s ragged breathing. A moment later, shuffling sounds were heard and Yuki sat herself down on the edge of Mayu’s bed. She gazed lovingly at his boyish face which still captured her heart despite the scrapes that marred the once smooth skin. Holding the ring in her right hand, she smiled bitterly and spoke in a choking voice, “I love you so, so much, Mayu. Even if you were to die today, I still want to be your wife.”

Without another word, she slipped the ring onto her left ring finger.

“Yuki-chan…” Ren felt something rip his heart to shreds. Why are you doing this to yourself, Yuki-chan? You would rather remain a widow if he dies. Why? Do you love Mayu-san so much that you wouldn’t even give yourself and someone else a chance?

Biting down on his lower lip, he looked at Yuko who gave a knowing nod and the two doctors left the room quietly, giving the couple some private time to themselves.

Yuki lost track of time as she sat by the bed, grasping Mayu’s limp hand in her own. Memories of them in happier times filled her mind. Sometime into the wee hours of the morning, her eyelids drooped heavily and she succumbed to the lulling call of sleep.


The sun was already out when Yuki’s eyes shot open. Snapping her head up immediately, she exhaled in relief when she saw Mayu still lying on the bed and the machines showed no sign of abnormality. Her neck was sore from lying in an awkward position the whole night and she tried standing up to work out the kinks in her body but a weight held her left hand back. Looking down, she noticed Mayu’s hand gripping hers.

That’s weird. I don’t remember him holding my hand back last-

Her eyes bulged when she realised what it meant.

“Mayu! Mayu!” she shook his hand, hope rising in her heart. “You can hear me, right Mayu? It’s me, Yuki!”

“Yu… ki…” a weak, raspy voice said. Mayu’s face twitched as he struggled with tremendous effort to open his eyes. Instantly, a warm familiar touch caressed his face, relaxing his stiff muscles.

“It’s okay. Take your time,” Yuki whispered, her eyes getting moist again. For once, she was actually glad to be crying.

When Mayu’s eyes finally peeked open, it took him a few seconds to adjust to the sudden brightness. Blinking, he found himself staring into Yuki’s glassy brown orbs.

“You… are… cry… ing…” he then launched into a coughing fit, prompting Yuki to pour him a glass of water and feed it to him after removing his oxygen mask. He gulped down the cooling liquid thirstily, spilling some on his light blue patient’s shirt.

“Slow down,” Yuki chided even as a smile made its way to her haggard face. It warmed her chest to see life in him again. She wiped his dripping chin with a piece of tissue.

“I’m sorry.”

Guilt was written all over his face.

“I know I’ve made you wor-” a slim finger stopped him from speaking more.

“Shh… I’m just glad that you are better now,” Yuki bent down and embraced him, careful not to press onto his wounds. Gently laying her head against his chest, she basked in the comforting steady beat that resonated within.



“The ring…” Mayu detected a familiar sparkle on her ring finger. She sat up and held her left hand out to him, allowing him to feel the beautiful ring. “How did you…?”

“Ren-kun found it on you and gave it to me then Yuko-san told me about the proposal you were planning,” she replied as her eyes watered at the memory of the previous night.

“But then why? Why are you wearing it? What if I… didn’t survive?”

“I want to be Watanabe Yuki,” she declared softly, “even if you died.”

“Yuki, you…” at that moment, he saw the woman before him in a brand new light. She might be his big crybaby but her inner strength was much greater than he had expected. “You are so amazing. I love you. Really.”

A lone tear escaped his eye. In the years they had known each other, it was the first time Yuki saw the cool doctor get misty-eyed.

“Silly boy, I love you too,” she leant forward to capture his lips in a tender kiss. “But I’ll have you know that I’m returning the ring to you once you recover. I still want a proper proposal,” she giggled.

“Of course,” he promised, chuckling softly.


Oshima Yuko stretched her arms and yawned unglamorously as she woke up from her nap on the couch in the Staff Lounge. She had been up till after midnight checking on victims of the earthquake.


She snapped towards the sound and found Mario aiming his smartphone’s camera lens at her.

“I’m sure that would make a good impression on Haruna-chan,” he smirked deviously, storing the phone in his pants pocket.

“Why you…” Yuko growled and sat up, brushing her messy brown hair back. “I’m sure Nyannyan will find me cute though,” she stuck out her tongue at the tall man who rolled his eyes at her childish action. “Anyway, I don’t have time to entertain you. I need to check on Mayu,” she stumbled to her feet and raced to the door but was stopped by Mario’s next words.

“There’s no need to. He’s already dead.”

All blood drained from Yuko’s face.

“Fuck! Why didn’t anyone tell me?” she bolted out the door, swearing profusely all the way to the ICU. Before she knew it, her vision blurred and tears were streaming down her face. Idiot boy! How can you die before me! I’m gonna kill you when I see you in hell! Stupid, stupid, stupid! Slamming the ICU door open with a thunderous bang, the first thing she heard was a startled shriek followed by a grunt of pain.

“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry Mayu!” Yuki yelped.

The doctor-cum-patient was cringing as a small amount of blood oozed out from a cut on his bottom lip. Yuki fussed over the wound with a piece of tissue, trying to stop the bleeding.

“Huh?” Yuko looked on in confusion, panting hard from the run. Mayu was alive and fine, well, maybe not so fine at the moment and Yuki was definitely not grieving over his death. “What is this?”

“Yuko-san!” the couple chorused accusingly at the newest arrival in the room.

“What did I do? And Mayu… you are alive. I’m not dreaming, am I?” Yuko slapped herself with a resounding smack, leaving a stinging red mark on her right cheek. “Ow! That’s not a dream for sure, meaning… Oh my Mayu boy!” she rushed towards the man, shoving Yuki aside unceremoniously.

“Hey!” Yuki protested but was ignored by the overjoyed woman.

“You stupid boy! I thought you were dead!”

“Why would you think that?”

“That stick Mario told- Ah, damn!” realisation dawned upon Yuko. “He fooled me! He said you were dead!”

“Looks like you got trolled again,” Mayu noted with a snicker but was promptly silenced by a light knock to his head.

“No laughing at your senior!” Yuko rebuked, folding her arms across her chest pompously. The smug grin on her face was wiped out by a hard smack to the back of her head.

“How dare you hit my boyfriend!” Yuki glared down at the shorter woman who was clutching her head in pain.

“Ren is right. You are abusive,” Yuko complained. “Anyway, what happened to your lip, Mayu?”

The couple avoided her eyes at the question and both were blushing suddenly. Yuko eyed them suspiciously and an idea hit her.

“Don’t tell me you bit Mayu?” she had the same irritating smirk that appeared whenever she was thinking of something perverted.

“It wasn’t like that!” Yuki retorted, her cheeks flushing bright pink. “We were just… just kissing…”

“Oh?” Yuko raised an unconvinced eyebrow.

“It was all your fault for barging in so suddenly! I got scared and accidentally bit Mayu’s lip,” Yuki confessed, her voice trailing off till it almost vanished towards the end of her sentence.

“What are you two? Horny teenagers?” Yuko cackled mockingly, making them feel like burying a hole to hide in.

“Hey, don’t laugh at Yuki,” Mayu warned with a scowl.

“And keep Mayu out of this,” Yuki shot daggers at Yuko.

Sensing the dirty looks, Yuko raised her hands in defense. “Whoa, whoa, ganging up on me now, eh? Don’t forget that I saved both of your asses.”

Mayu and Yuki’s eyes met briefly before they broke out in light laughter. Yuki slung an arm around Yuko’s shoulders and guided her nearer to Mayu for him to reach out and clasp Yuko’s hand.

“Thank you, Yuko-san. We owe you one,” Mayu uttered sincerely on behalf of himself and Yuki.

The big sister figure shivered, “Brr, you two are so mushy! Enough of the talk, it’s time for your checkup. I need to make sure you won’t suddenly die on us.”

Yuki narrowed her eyes menacingly at her, “Say that again and I’ll tell Haruna-san you groped the new nurse the other day.”

“Alright, alright. You are scary, you know that? Are you sure you want to marry her, Mayu?”



Smiling at the heartwarming albeit violent scene, Mayu said, "The answer will always be yes."


The End

Thank you very much for reading! Hope you enjoyed the update. As always, reviews are greatly appreciated :deco:
« Last Edit: December 31, 2012, 07:48:26 AM by seigus »

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.3] Won't You Look at Me? (24 Aug)
« Reply #83 on: August 24, 2012, 09:02:58 AM »
*saves spot for the proper comment*
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.3] Won't You Look at Me? (24 Aug)
« Reply #84 on: August 24, 2012, 09:07:32 AM »
Thank you seigus-san

Ah i cant say crying after read warm..mayuki! Love


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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.3] Won't You Look at Me? (24 Aug)
« Reply #85 on: August 24, 2012, 11:31:08 AM »
WAAAAAAH  :imdead: this fanfic is really, really, really good, beautiful, wonderful... :on GJ:

Yuko is really good in this fanfic. :shy2:

And Yuki... is so sweet :shy1: , she want to be Watanabe Yuki even if Mayu die... Aaah tooo sweet! :luvluv1:
Mayukiiiiiiii !!!!!!!

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.3] Won't You Look at Me? (24 Aug)
« Reply #86 on: August 24, 2012, 11:45:47 AM »
wow it's like code blue haha  :ding:
Yuki is for Mayu even after life how sweet  :shy2:
I'm happy that Mayu is alive  :gyaaah:
but it's the end of the fic  :fainted:
I loved the fic please if you can make you like this one  :pleeease:

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.3] Won't You Look at Me? (24 Aug)
« Reply #87 on: August 24, 2012, 12:00:45 PM »
Ahh.. I thought you would end up with wedding story.. :O

But, still awesome!   :thumbup  :D  :cow:

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.3] Won't You Look at Me? (24 Aug)
« Reply #88 on: August 24, 2012, 01:04:34 PM »
KYAAA~ -Currently Fangirling-

Lol Yuki bit Mayu's lip xD

The surgery parts made me grin all the time and my bro was teasing me -.-

I thought you would end up on a wed scene or some sort of mushy mushy kissy kissy scene xDDD

Naisu update ! Then, again another part would be greatly accepted C:
I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.3] Won't You Look at Me? (24 Aug)
« Reply #89 on: August 24, 2012, 01:54:27 PM »
Same here... I was thinking of the proposal ending instead of wedding.
This ending is great though... the drama/suspense/mushiness...  :farofflook:
I was kind of worried that Mayu won't live through the on-the-spot surgery. (thank seigus for that.  XD)

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.3] Won't You Look at Me? (24 Aug)
« Reply #90 on: August 24, 2012, 02:11:22 PM »
YAY!!!! Mayu is alive!!!
They are so cute!!!!

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.3] Won't You Look at Me? (24 Aug)
« Reply #91 on: August 24, 2012, 03:19:01 PM »
Wah what a great ending!  :luvluv1:

I'm so glad Mayu is alive. :farofflook:

Haha mariko be trolling like a boss. :on lol:

Yukirin slow down a little. Don't get too carried away with Mayu. :shy2:

Ah this was a great story. Thank you for all your hard work!  :byebye:

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.3] Won't You Look at Me? (24 Aug)
« Reply #92 on: August 24, 2012, 04:11:06 PM »
Oh my GOD!

 :thumbsup Super super great!
All my feelings! MaYuki!

Super great ending!


Oh have you heard of the team shuffle? At Tokyo Dome?
Why did they split MaYuki!!!!  :panic:  :angry:

But super great fic!
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.3] Won't You Look at Me? (24 Aug)
« Reply #93 on: August 24, 2012, 06:55:58 PM »
A Fanfic Writer's Thoughts About the Team Shuffle and the MaYuki Fandom

I was actually feeling really good this morning and afternoon as I had finally concluded this rollercoaster Part 3 of the Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi series. But just now, I found out about the team shuffle that happened at Tokyo Dome and I am devastated at the news of Mayuyu and Yukirin being separated. To be honest, I wanted to cry but I was out with my friends and held back my emotions. On the way home, I kept thinking about the shuffle and was feeling very sad for Mayuyu and worried about the MaYuki fandom. However, the more I think about it, the more I told myself that MaYuki's bond is unbreakable and fans will continue to support this pairing. They've been together since the creation of Team B and their mother-daughter/lovers/friends relationship will not vanish just because they are in different teams now. There are still many chances for them to meet and hang out since they always appear together on TV shows and such. Just look at Yuko and Haruna. They had never been in the same team in the first place yet the KojiYuu pairing has such a huge following. And then there are AtsuMina and SaeYaka/SaeYuki which are worse off than MaYuki as Acchan is leaving AKB48 while Sae is going the SNH48. Therefore, as a MaYuki diehard I should actually thank my lucky stars that at least they are still in AKB48 and in Japan! Besides, MariHaru is going through the same thing as MaYuki so they are not alone. Mariko-sama please take care of Mayuyu in Team A! :bow:

Mayuyu moving to Team A may be good for her as the management probably wants to push her as the next face of AKB48 after Acchan's graduation. I'm more concerned about Yukirin who is no longer Team B's captain. She used to share double center spot with Mayuyu in Team B but now that Mayuyu's in Team A, I'm worried about our dearest weather girl. She's not young like Mayuyu and the management tends to neglect her. Hence, she may lose out on the spotlight to younger potential aces in Team B such as Milky and Paruru. Milky in particular is one of Aki-p's favourites and gets a lot of push. Let's hope Yukirin doesn't get chucked to the back because of this shuffle.

Please pardon my rambling. Typing all that out really helped me to organise my thoughts and face up to reality. MaYuki fans (and all other pairings' fans), please continue to believe in your OTP and support them! I'm in fact more motivated to write more MaYuki fics because of this shuffle! :rock:

Replies to Comments

kurogumi: Once again, thank you for crying! :P

Pwety: Thank you for your compliment! Yuko plays an important role in bringing Mayu and Yuki together. Plus, she is their lifesaver!

mo-chan: I used Code Blue as a reference for some of the medical procedures. I'm sure you remember seeing Yamapi and Gakky perform the heart massage in the show :D

ChuuuPuffss: Great to know that you enjoyed the surgery scenes! And I totally understand the grinning in front of computer part. I do that a lot!

kahem: Yup, Mayu is alive! If he died, I will be like Yuko and kill him when I see him in hell :twisted:

miyumi-chan: I love Mayu too much to kill him off even though I was really tempted to do a character death. Mario always trolling :twothumbs Yuki needed to pour out her love for Mayu after almost losing him but she really didn't mean to bite his lip. It's all Yuko's fault! :rofl:

Megumi: MaYuki is the way to go!!! No one can separate them!!

Jessye, kiruchi: A wedding's too soon for our injured Dr. Watanabe! He still needs time to recuperate and be nursed by his beautiful Kashiwagi-san :wub:

To all: As some of you have asked, where's the wedding? Mayu needs to rest for now (so does the author) but he and Yuki definitely deserve a reward for going through thick and thin together. Keep your eyes peeled for there might just be a Part 4 in the future :deco:

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.3] Won't You Look at Me? (24 Aug)
« Reply #94 on: August 24, 2012, 07:48:44 PM »
Loved the last part! Mayu survived and happy ending~~~

but w-wait what?! Mayu is no longer in team B and Yuki is not the captain?!!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?

Cna you give ma a link please? I wanna see/read this myself!!! my world of Mayuki almost turned to ruins......nonojonono!!! Mayu MUST be with Yukirin!!!
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.3] Won't You Look at Me? (24 Aug)
« Reply #95 on: August 24, 2012, 08:01:03 PM »
but w-wait what?! Mayu is no longer in team B and Yuki is not the captain?!!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?

Cna you give ma a link please? I wanna see/read this myself!!! my world of Mayuki almost turned to ruins......nonojonono!!! Mayu MUST be with Yukirin!!!

You can read it at the News section here

It's not the end of the world for MaYuki. They are still in the same group after all. And let's say this is a test for them. If their relationship is really as strong as they say, we have nothing to worry about. Yukirin will always be Mayuyu's beloved mother and Mayuyu will always be Yukirin's cheeky daughter. And they will always be a married couple. A mother-daughter married couple (damn weird, I know), that was how they described their relationship in a recent interview. They said they would always return to each other no matter how much they flirt with others. That's how much trust they have in each other :heart:

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.3] Won't You Look at Me? (24 Aug)
« Reply #96 on: August 24, 2012, 08:12:34 PM »
thank you!

I know that we should trust them but.....I feel like breaking!! I almost started crying and with my mother in the room!!! I want to punch my laptop and say this is a dream.....all bad news have been coming for some days.....

I will lose it!  if in the next month Mayu and Yuki dont post something new about them then I wont ship Mayuki anymore. the pain is too much and I am a very sensible person, I cry very fast. I will leave all my storyes and or move to another OTP or leave JPHIP......Im sorry but Mayuki got me here and if they leave each other then I leave too......

Ignore my message please.....
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.3] Won't You Look at Me? (24 Aug)
« Reply #97 on: August 24, 2012, 08:47:22 PM »
I will lose it!  if in the next month Mayu and Yuki dont post something new about them then I wont ship Mayuki anymore. the pain is too much and I am a very sensible person, I cry very fast. I will leave all my storyes and or move to another OTP or leave JPHIP......Im sorry but Mayuki got me here and if they leave each other then I leave too......

I understand how you feel. I was close to tears when I first read the news too.

I'm not in a position to advise you but I do hope you will have faith in MaYuki. How strong is your love for them as an OTP?

I love MaYuki a lot and seeing their pictures/videos and reading their fanfics make me happy. It's something I look forward to everyday. But I'm telling myself that a line needs to be drawn between reality and fantasy. Mayu and Yuki are not going to leave each other because they were never in a love relationship in the first place or even if they are, they can't admit it so we will never know the truth. However, one thing's for sure, they are friends and friends care for each other no matter where they are :deco:

I will continue to write MaYuki fiction as MaYuki is my OTP and a damn team shuffle is not going to stop me XD

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.3] Won't You Look at Me? (24 Aug)
« Reply #98 on: August 24, 2012, 08:58:42 PM »

Offline yuukimoko

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.3] Won't You Look at Me? (24 Aug)
« Reply #99 on: August 24, 2012, 09:00:09 PM »
You are right again...... but the line between fantasy and reality for me is nothing and everything. I lose it pretty fast when Im bored and lose the line confusing reality with fantasy, even imagine Mayuki and things in the math hour at school.....

I will try to continue too but for a while I will probably only post sad things.......and this happened when I have exams too! now I cant concentrate on learning anymore and with them 2 days away.....I dont care anymore about the exams......but Ill still try to do my best ignoring the news from today.

Thank you Seigus-san!

I believe in them and hope to still see new photos and things about them! I love Mayuki!!!! if something doesnt happen....then ill go back to my obssesion with Negitoro(LukaxMiku) so I could become happy again and then maybe come back.

Bye Bye~                                                                     Yuuki was here? maybe~
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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