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Author Topic: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Christmas Special] Under the Mistletoe (29 Dec)  (Read 239228 times)

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.3] Won't You Look at Me? (24 Aug)
« Reply #100 on: August 24, 2012, 09:52:40 PM »
me too I stopped my fics Mayuki's and even Wmatsui's I couldn't write nothing today because of the shock but some pics of today realived me

 but still I lost insperation Mayuki my best pairing is gone :badluck: :on cloudeye:

Mayuki is the best  :fainted: :on speedy: :gyaaah: :gyaaah:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.3] Won't You Look at Me? (24 Aug)
« Reply #101 on: August 24, 2012, 11:11:28 PM »
TRUE after all Sae&Akicha decided it by them self to transfer....    :panic: Akicha!

Personally I think that this might make the bond stronger between the members.
But sure it was he** of a shock!

And thank you again for your lovely wonderful MaYuki fic.

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.3] Won't You Look at Me? (24 Aug)
« Reply #102 on: August 25, 2012, 02:27:11 AM »
Thank you for writing such great fics. I totally loved the Dr Kashiwagi and Nurse Kashiwagi storyline, especially the way you paced it. It would be nice if you can continue with their marriage and married life but if this was the end of the storyline then it's also fine and doesn't take away the awesomeness of it at all.

I was also saddened by the shuffle of Mayu since Mayuki was really the main reason for my early obsession with AKB48, they were really cute and fun to watch during their Team B stages and back stage DMM interviews etc that I immediately took a liking towards them. I will miss them being in the same team but as you said I believe they're great friends, the time they will spend together might be less than before but I believe their bond will not weaken. Though I'm a bit worried about Mayu as well, her closest friends I believe are Lovetan and Yuki and both are now on different teams, while Yuki still have Haachan and Miichan which are considered her close friends as well. I just hope both can adjust well to this change and hopefully Mayu will have someone she can lean on in Team A.

I may not comment a lot but yeah I'm a huge fan of your writing style and your stories, please do continue to write more. Thank you for writing and sharing them.

Offline Seigus

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.3] Won't You Look at Me? (24 Aug)
« Reply #103 on: August 25, 2012, 07:45:31 AM »
Megumi: Thank you for supporting this story! That's the spirit, Megumi-san! As the saying goes, distance (absence) makes the heart grow fonder. The shuffle will make the girls appreciate each other even more :thumbsup

rexywhite: Thank you so much for your review! It's reassuring to know my writing style and stories appeal to you. I remember that you posted a MaYuki oneshot about them being the rain before and I love it. I'll be more than thrilled if you write about this lovely couple again. I left a little note in the previous page about the possibility of a Part 4 of the Dr. Watanabe series (the note probably got overshadowed by the reactions to the team shuffle :lol:) so your wish might just come true.

I love love love watching MaYuki during their stage performances and backstage nonsense. It's sad that we won't get to see those precious moments anymore but I'm sure their heartwarming and crazy interactions will continue to materialise elsewhere :lol: MaYuki will live on so I'm not too worried about them. I'm more concerned about how Mayuyu will adapt to her new team. Over the years, she had lost close friends in the old Team B such as Lovetan and Nacchan. Yukirin was the only one left whom she could really trust and depend on. Mayuyu doesn't open her heart to just anybody so I hope Mariko will keep a lookout for our little cyborg. However, Mayuyu has a bright future ahead of her and the management knows her star power and will certainly continue to promote her. As for Yukirin, while I'm not worried about her settling down in the new Team B as she has her other good friends with her but I have a feeling the management may neglect her to push other members such as Milky and Paruru. Oh Great Team Shuffle, you really are scary!

Offline aruka

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Part 3.3] Won't You Look at Me? (24 Aug)
« Reply #104 on: August 25, 2012, 08:44:57 AM »
Well said on your thoughts about the shuffle, seigus-san. :D
KojiYuu has already given us the best example of a cross-team pairing, so MaYuki's separation-within-AKB shouldn't be big since MaYuki fans can learn to see like how KojiYuu fans see their OTP's halves in different teams. You saying 'MaYuki will live on' is so reassuring. :thumbsup

The shock's still there (in me either), but it will heal over time.
Even if the inspirations are lost in some writers, later on they will have it back I'm sure. Just like the initial reaction of AtsuMina writers on Acchan's graduation news a while ago, yet not too long after that they managed to write fics about them again, moreover new AtsuMina writers are coming too.

Hoping the same for MaYuki fic writers shouldn't be harmful. :D And you said 'you'll continue writing MaYuki and not stop because of the shuffle'... another reassuring words from you again. :twothumbs

Okay, commenting on your story.. just one minor discomfort: Mario's fooling Yuko by saying Mayu is dead.
Never feel comfortable about jokes like this, even if it's in fiction. :smhid Or am I taking this too seriously?

Aside of that minor thing, the rest is all :wub: :wub: :wub:
Repeating what I've said on my old comment in this thread: I really really love seeing Dr. Watanabe and Nurse Kashiwagi as a couple.

Possibility of a Part 4? Take your time, fellow writer.
The doctor-nurse couple coming out too often would be too tiring. Dr. Watanabe needs privacy for his recovery after all. :lol:
« Last Edit: August 25, 2012, 10:25:20 AM by aruka »
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Contributing a bit in : [script?] saku-chan's Drabbles | Completed: #33 - #40 - #89 - #213 - #214

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[MaYuki Oneshot] A New Beginning, A New Goal (25 Aug)
« Reply #105 on: August 25, 2012, 12:42:00 PM »
A/N: Hi all! Here's a little MaYuki oneshot that I just came up with. Writing this really helps me come to terms with their team separation. This oneshot is a way for me to express my faith and hopes for MaYuki. It's not the end of the world for them nor is it for us MaYuki fans. Let's watch them withstand the test of time and distance and continue to show them our love! :heart:

aruka: Thank you for your thoughts on the shuffle. It's reassuring to hear that you share the same views and hopes. OTPs are always OTPs no matter where each half is.
Regarding the joking about death part, Mario's just exceptionally mean towards his perverted love rival Yuko. I'm sorry if that bit offended you though :bow: Yup, Dr. Watanabe needs some private healing time with his Nurse Kashiwagi :halo:

A New Beginning, A New Goal

“Yukirin, stop with the long face. You are making it seem like we aren’t good enough for you,” Miichan complained as she frowned at the former Team B captain who was sitting on the floor of the dressing room with her knees brought up to her chest. Yuki simply ignored her and continued staring at the ground.

Haachan who was leaning against the wall with her arms folded said, “Miichan, don’t blame her. Mayu’s moving to Team A. I’m sure you know how it feels to be transferred away from your old teammates.” She stepped towards Yuki and bent down, placing a comforting hand on the silent girl’s shoulder, “You know, sitting here won’t make things better. Mayu is probably hurting just as much or more. At least you still have Miichan and me here.”

Hearing Haachan’s words seemed to have struck a chord in Yuki as she snapped her head up. She blinked away the unshed tears in her eyes and stood up. Without a word, she walked towards the door.

“Hey, where are you going?” Miichan asked, surprised at her sudden exit.

Yuki paused and replied without turning around, “Haachan’s right,” and promptly left the room.

“Huh?” Miichan glanced at Hacchan for an answer but the other girl merely shrugged and flashed a mysterious smile which puzzled the Gachapin further.


Yuki marched down the corridors with a purposeful stride. Other members hurriedly moved aside when they noticed the stern expression on the usually smiley Team B member. Countless thoughts were racing in her already chaotic mind. However, her number one concern was a certain little cyborg crying all alone in a corner. Mayuyu, you are horrible at opening up to people and through the years, you’ve had your friends leaving you one by one. Do you hate me for leaving you too?

The weather girl turned a corner and her heart sank at the sight of more AKB48 girls and crew members but no sign of her beloved pigtailed Mayu. Where are you, Mayuyu? We always seek each other out backstage. Will you do the same now? Or are you mad and hiding from me?

Her chest tightened at the thought and all the pain came flooding back again. She stopped and rested her hand against the pale yellow wall, feeling a surge of emotions suffocating her. Maybe I should have gone to find her earlier right after the concert. Maybe she’s mad that I ran away. Maybe she’s already having fun with her new team. Maybe… Maybe…

“Ungh!” she grunted and punched the wall in frustration. A sharp pain shot up her arm and she briefly wondered if she had broken her hand. This is stupid… No, I’m stupid. What the hell am I doing? She slowly slid down against the wall, feeling the annoying sting at the back of her eyes again. How am I supposed to comfort Mayu when I haven’t sorted out my feelings? Gosh, Yuki, you suck.

“Yukirin?” the huddled figure on the floor froze at the sound of that all-too-familiar voice. Quick footsteps pattered towards her. “Yukirin!” Yuki spun around and was about to straighten herself when a force hurtled into her, causing her to crash back on her bottom.

“Yukirin!” Mayu wrapped her arms around Yuki’s body tightly, burying her face in her shoulder. “Where were you? I was looking all over the place for you!”

Yuki blinked. “You were?”

She felt the trembling girl nod her head against her neck.

“You aren’t mad at me?”

Mayu pulled back from the embrace and stared at Yuki quizzically. “Why would I be?”

“Because I left you…” Yuki answered in a low voice, avoiding Mayu’s gaze. “I’m sorry.”

Her response earned a frown from the new Team A member. “Silly Yukirin, if you are going to put it that way, then I’m the one who left, not you. Besides, you didn’t ask for this change. How can I blame you?”

Realising how much sense Mayu’s statement made, Yuki felt like banging her head against the wall.

“Mayu, sometimes I forget that you aren’t a naive sixteen-year-old anymore,” Yuki smiled earnestly despite a tear rolling down her cheek.

“But… I’m still sad,” Mayu confessed, her own tears falling as her voice choked. “I don’t like being in a separate team from Yukirin. I still want to perform stages with Yukirin, to play backstage with Yukirin, to be spoilt by Yukirin.”

Drawing Mayu into her arms, Yuki held the softly weeping girl. “You know, Mayu, I never thought we would be separated. I always thought we would lead Team B together. I really wish things didn’t turn out this way but you will have a bright future in Team A. Mariko will look after you. She’s doing a good job with Jurina, isn’t she?”

“But I want to follow Yukirin and Team B forever!” the ex-Team B ace wailed, the brave front that she had put up finally shattering.

Biting her quivering lip, Yuki tightened the embrace and did not utter another word for she was afraid that she would break down too. They sat on the floor, hugging as if they would not see each other again. The others stopped and stared but no one dared to intrude on their little world. After what seemed like a long time, Yuki gently pushed Mayu back. The younger girl had calmed down considerably, sniffling just every now and then.

“S-Sorry… I just needed to let it out,” Mayu rubbed her dampened eyes.

“It’s alright,” Yuki fixed Mayu’s messed up fringe lovingly. Usually, the fringe-obsessed ace would not let anyone tamper with her bangs but now, she just wanted to savour every little touch by Yuki. Admiring her handiwork in satisfaction, Yuki grinned before clamping her hands down on Mayu’s shoulders in the usual fashion when she had something important to tell Mayu.

“You said during your election speech that you want to be number one next year, right?” Yuki asked, staring deeply into Mayu’s reddened eyes. “I will work hard and be number two. Together, we'll lead AKB48.”


“It’s not going to be easy but let’s make that our new goal, shall we?”

A heartfelt grin crawled its way to Mayu’s face and she nodded, feeling her trust in Yuki grow. This is why I’ll always follow you, Yukirin.

“It’s not about Team B anymore, it’s about AKB, it’s about us,” Yuki continued. As hope rose in her, Mayu lunged forward and threw her arms around the reliable older girl again.

“Let’s do it, Yukirin. You and I, leading AKB.”

A few seconds later, Yuki withdrew from the embrace and shifted Mayu to the floor. She then turned her back to her in a crouching position. Looking back, she flashed an encouraging warm smile.

“Hop on.”

Mayu’s previously confused face lit up and she happily jumped onto Yuki’s back. The taller girl carefully stood up and piggybacked her favourite cyborg down the corridors.

“Where are we going?” Mayu asked, her blissful face right next to Yuki’s ear.

“I don’t know.”


“I just want to spoil you.”

Upon hearing the answer, Mayu giggled and was soon joined by Yuki’s merry laughter.


The End.

Thank you very much for reading! I hope it helps to alleviate the shock and pain some of you are experiencing from the team shuffle :deco:
« Last Edit: August 25, 2012, 06:43:28 PM by seigus »

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Re: [MaYuki Oneshot] A New Beginning, A New Goal (25 Aug)
« Reply #106 on: August 25, 2012, 04:40:39 PM »
T_T I'm going to cry
Ganbatte Mayuki!!!

Offline ChuuuPuffss

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Re: [MaYuki Oneshot] A New Beginning, A New Goal (25 Aug)
« Reply #107 on: August 25, 2012, 05:11:22 PM »
Seigus-san ! I LOVE YOU SO SO SO MUCH !!! Joke~

You gave me much more hope looool

Seems like everyone was disappointed with the sudden shuffle

But they need a virtual slap or something LOL

MOAAAR xD We'll act sad or something so you'd write more

Joke~ Thanks for that hopeful OS ! AISHITERABURU~ xD

I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

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Re: [MaYuki Oneshot] A New Beginning, A New Goal (25 Aug)
« Reply #108 on: August 25, 2012, 10:53:16 PM »
“Hop on.”

Mayu’s previously confused face lit up and she happily jumped onto Yuki’s back. The taller girl carefully stood up and piggybacked her favourite cyborg down the corridors.

“Where are we going?” Mayu asked, her blissful face right next to Yuki’s ear.

“I don’t know.”


“I just want to spoil you.”

Kyaaa!  :thumbsup No one can separate them!

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Re: [MaYuki Oneshot] A New Beginning, A New Goal (25 Aug)
« Reply #109 on: August 26, 2012, 06:17:02 AM »
anzai48: You are welcome, anzai-san. I have to admit I'm not totally over their team separation yet as my heart aches whenever I recall how heartbroken Mayuyu and Yukirin were during the announcement but it is a feeling that will heal with time for them and for us :deco:

kahem: Cry if you need to. Get this weight off your shoulders and you will probably feel better :)

ChuuuPuffss: Thank you for your love but... :scared: are you planning to work me to death?! :lol: Just kidding! It's ok to feel disappointed, anguished or sad as long as we are able to pick ourselves back up and continue with our lives and fandom because that's exactly what Mayuyu and Yukirin are going to do. They are not going to stop their AKB journey just because of this so we got to keep up with them. Can't let them get too far ahead of us, can we? :wink:

Megumi: Yup, no one can separate them except maybe a handsome otokoyaku from Takarazuka :P

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Re: [MaYuki Oneshot] A New Beginning, A New Goal (25 Aug)
« Reply #110 on: August 26, 2012, 04:07:38 PM »
It is too kawaii~ :heart:

Aaaah your really good for passing feelings! :thumbup
Mayukiiiiiiii !!!!!!!

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Re: [MaYuki Oneshot] A New Beginning, A New Goal (25 Aug)
« Reply #111 on: August 27, 2012, 12:21:01 PM »
Megumi: Yup, no one can separate them except maybe a handsome otokoyaku from Takarazuka :P

 :lol: Oh right Mayu is weak for those kind of stuff AND "France" from Hetalia  XD
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Re: [MaYuki Oneshot] A New Beginning, A New Goal (25 Aug)
« Reply #112 on: August 29, 2012, 05:47:34 AM »

first, i'd like to comment about the fic. NOOO~ please do not end it that way~ there must be next part, right? at least, let us read how mayu's gonna propose to yukirin.  :ptam-cry: but it's ok if you're just gonna end it that way (tho it's still feel incomplete)

then, about the OS. thank you for writing such a lovely OS. love seeing yuki still want to spoil mayuyu in what seems to be the last remaining minutes the have together.  :ptam-shy: :ptam-shy:  you successfully raised my hopes high!

i have the same opinion as you regarding the team shuffle. it's horrific enough to think that mayuki has to be in separated teams, but at least they are still in the same AKB or at least in the same country. however, what devastated me more was that yukirin was no longer the captain of the team B. i don't understand the reason/s behind the decision, but in order to cheer myself, i just think that yukirin might be busier now since she's in the 3rd position in recent senbatsu. however, looking at yuko, i don't understand why she's a captain of team K despite being the 1st or the face of AKB for now. aren't she going to be even busier? hah!~  :smoke:  i don't know what to think about this anymore..

please, may mayuki fans stick with them even after what has happened now. mayuki is always going to be my fav OTP. all hail mayuki!  :bow:
I love FTM. Nuff said.

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[Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Interlude] The S Word (16 Sep)
« Reply #113 on: September 15, 2012, 07:48:32 PM »
A/N: Hi everyone! I'm back with yet another installment of my Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi series! I know I said before that I'd probably end this at Part 3 but I love this couple too much so... :nervous I hope you aren't getting sick of them. Anyway, this update is an interlude before we get started on the next part. Hope you enjoy it! :deco:

lollita90: Don't worry, this series won't be ending just yet. Thank you very much for your support! After reading what Mayuyu said to Yukirin in the latest AKBingo here, we can tell that Yukirin really spoils her little cyborg a lot. Mayuyu wiping her dirty hands on Yukirin's clothes just makes me LOL and then go awww... They are so precious together. A little team separation is not going to dilute their bond! Regarding Yuko, her situation is different from Yukirin's. I believe Aki-p made Yuko captain to delay her graduation.

Note: This is a genderbend story.


The S Word

Kashiwagi Yuki hummed an upbeat tune as she strolled towards the next ward for her morning rounds. Whenever people she knew – colleagues or patients – crossed her path, she would call out a chirpy greeting with a smile so dazzling that it threatened to blind its receivers. Those close to her would know the reason behind her unusually high spirits. After being hospitalised for three weeks, her one and only dearest Dr. Watanabe would be discharged on this bright and sunny day.

“Good morning, Hayashi-san!” Yuki greeted the middle-aged male patient in Ward 54. The pot-bellied man had just finished his breakfast and was sitting against the headboard, browsing through a men’s magazine. Hearing the sweet voice of the lovely nurse, he snapped up and sent a crooked grin her way which she failed to notice as she was preparing his medication.

“Hello, Kashiwagi-chan. You seem happy today,” he remarked, putting his magazine down. Yuki’s smile grew wider as she thought about her recovering boyfriend. Hayashi eyed her every move as she stretched up high to change his IV drip. When she was done, she handed him a few pills.

“Please take your medicine, Hayashi-san,” she held out a glass of warm water to him. As he reached out to take the glass, the pills in his hand dropped to the floor.

“Oops, I’m so clumsy!”

“It’s okay. I’ll get them,” Yuki bent over to pick up the scattered medicine with her back facing the patient. The next thing she knew, a hand grabbed her bottom roughly and squeezed it. She shrieked in reflex and spun around, her hands holding her rear protectively.

“What are you doing?” she stared wide-eyed at the grinning man and took a few frightened steps back.

Hayashi raised his hands defensively, “I didn’t do anything!”

At that moment, Yuki noticed the Weekly Playboy magazine on his lap, turned to a page featuring a voluptuous woman dressed in a skimpy string bikini. Her eyes popped larger, realising he was one of those lecherous patients who she had a tendency to meet.

“You…” she pointed accusingly at him, “touch me!”

“Whoa! That’s not something you can just accuse anybody of! I wanted to help you pick up the pills but my hand slipped again. You know the medicine I take makes my hands tremble. See?” he shook his hands exaggeratedly to prove his point. Suddenly, something hard smacked him in the face, causing him to recoil in pain.

“The hell!” Hayashi cursed, clutching his sore nose.

“Mayu!” Yuki cried out at the sight of a frowning Watanabe Mayu leaning against a crutch on his left side at the entrance of the ward. He was still dressed in his light blue patient’s garb. Flashing her his usual calm smile, he hobbled towards Hayashi’s bed.

“I see you’ve got my apple,” Mayu noted, referring to the red fruit lying on Hayashi’s magazine. The other man glanced down and saw the offending apple in his lap. “I’m sorry my hand slipped. As you can see, I’m still not used to multi-tasking with a crutch,” Mayu explained matter-of-factly.

Hayashi growled, “You think I’d believe that lame shit, you little twerp? How can the apple just fly into my face?”

“It can, if your hand can slip,” Mayu narrowed his eyes at the shocked patient. “If you are still unhappy, you can call the security and report me. Then they will watch the CCTV tape to see how my apple got into your face.”

Hayashi’s face paled, knowing very well what Mayu was implying.

“Apologise to Kashiwagi-san now,” Mayu demanded, glaring hard. “If not, it will be me calling security.”

Hayashi gritted his teeth. “Fine,” he turned to Yuki and muttered an apology reluctantly.

“Good. Now I need some help from Kashiwagi-san so you pick up your own medicine,” Mayu shot Yuki a knowing nod and both of them made their way out of the ward. At the door, he paused and added offhandedly, “You can have my apple by the way,” before fully exiting the room with his beloved nurse. Once outside, Yuki wrapped her hands around his right arm, steadying his wobbly gait.

“You tricked him! There’s no CCTV there at all!” she exclaimed in a hushed tone so that the people around them could not hear their conversation. Mayu leaned some of his weight onto her as he limped along the corridor.

“It’ll stop him from harassing you or the other nurses again,” he stated, looking a little upset. Yuki detected this and poked his cheek.

“You still angry?”

Shaking his head, he replied, “I’m just worried. This happens too frequently to you.”

Yuki could not help but giggle and inch closer to him, “I like it when you get protective.”

Mayu sighed and gave a resigned smile, “Guess it can’t be helped that my girlfriend is so beautiful.”

“Oh you,” a red hue appeared on Yuki’s cheeks and she pinched his nose playfully, earning a small chuckle. “You are lucky that you are still wearing your patient’s clothes if not you could’ve got a complaint.”

“I know,” he grinned and grabbed the hand pinching his nose, intertwining their fingers.

“Would you two mind toning down the mushiness so early in the morning? It’s making my hair stand even though it’s hardly winter yet,” a voice interrupted the couple. They looked ahead and found an amused Ren walking in their direction.

“Good morning, Ren-san,” Mayu greeted with a small smile, still holding onto Yuki’s hand.

“Ren-kun,” Yuki mumbled, eyes cast to the side, suddenly finding the wall very interesting. Her avoidance shot a twang of pain to Ren’s chest. Things had been awkward between the two friends ever since his outburst at the then-unconscious Mayu about the younger doctor stealing the woman he loved. Yuki had been aware of Ren’s feelings for her shortly after he came to Tokyo but since he never brought up the subject, she thought his feelings had faded over time. Now that his love was out in the open, she was finding it tough to look him in the eye.

Mayu switched his sights between Yuki and Ren. One was studying the ivory paint on the wall as if it would come alive any moment while the other appeared to be checking out his own white sneakers. His observant mind was quick to pick up that something was wrong between the childhood buddies. Squeezing Yuki’s hand, he called her softly, not once but twice, before she snapped out of her daze.

“Yuko-san has something to tell us. Let’s go to the office, shall we?”

Yuki nodded absentmindedly, causing his forehead to crease with worry.

“Please excuse us. We’ll be on our way,” Mayu told Ren who seemed equally troubled. The taller man visibly jerked at being spoken to and quickly shuffled aside to let the couple pass.

The trip to the Emergency Doctors’ Office was a quiet one. When they were a few steps away from their destination, Mayu stopped, prompting Yuki to look at him quizzically.

“What’s wrong?” she asked. Mayu simply raised her hand and drew small, slow circles on her palm. She closed her eyes, relaxing under his soothing touch.

“Something is up between you and Ren-san. You want to tell me about it after we get home?” he asked gently after a while.

“Looks like I can’t keep anything from you,” she smiled in defeat, taking in the concerned face before her. “I promise I’ll tell you everything later.”

“That’s my good girl,” he pulled her in and planted a quick kiss on the tip of her nose. “Let’s go in before Yuko-san gets impatient.”

They entered the office and were greeted by the sight of Oshima Yuko stuffing her face with an assorted array of heart attack-inducing gourmet bread and creamy cakes.

“Yuko-san, I really don’t wish to do a bypass for you anytime soon,” Mayu deadpanned but the woman merely brushed off his comment.

“You just want to see me naked, don’t you?” Yuko teased in between mouthfuls of cake with calories-laden white cream lacing the edge of her lips. Mayu almost bit his tongue at the absurd suggestion and protested vehemently, “Heaven forbid, no!”

“Hey! That’s insulting to a fine woman like me, you unappreciative boy!” she pointed her fork at his scandalised face. Laying her eyes on the silent Yuki, she cooed in understanding, “Ah, you just don’t dare to admit it in front of your abusive girlfriend, right? Or perhaps you are already satisfied with Yuki-chan’s impressive jugs?” she wiggled her eyebrows at Yuki’s ample bosom.

“Yuko-san!” Yuki crossed her arms over her chest and hid behind Mayu, feeling exposed in front of their overly imaginative senior. Yuko guffawed loudly and wiped her mouth with a paper napkin.

“Forever the reaction queen, Yuki-chan,” Yuko shot a Cheshire cat-like grin at the blushing nurse. “Anyway, the reason I called you two here is to tell you that we are throwing a party to celebrate Mayu’s recovery two weeks later at Okinawa! It’s going to be a two-night stay at one of the beach resorts there so get ready your sexy swimwear and condo-”

“Wait, who’s we?” Mayu cut in before Yuko could rattle on about something inappropriate.

“Me, Nyannyan, Rie-chan, Akicha, Mocchi, Sae, Ren, and that Mario stick. I’ve spoken with Yamamoto and her team had agreed to stand in for us during that period.”

“Will Mayu be alright by then?” Yuki asked, concerned. “He is still on a crutch.”

“He has to be unless he has the body of an old man,” Yuko replied casually. “If he still doesn’t recover by then, you better not marry him ‘cause it’ll be hard to make babies.”

“Yuko-san!” the flabbergasted couple blushed darkly at her audacious remark. Something clicked in her mind upon their outburst.

“What? Why are you so shy about it? Don’t tell me you two haven’t done that?” she gaped at them disbelievingly. When the pair remained oddly quiet, she smacked her forehead. “You have been living together for like six months and still haven’t had sex? Oh my God! Do you live in the Stone Age or something? No wait, even the cave people were going at it like rabbits. Gosh, you two are ridiculous!”

“We… are not rabbits,” Mayu reasoned lamely, eyes shifting while Yuki snorted in the most unlady-like manner when she tried to hold in her snicker.

“I swear if food wasn’t so scarce in some countries, I would throw this bread at you,” Yuko waved a glazed ham roll threateningly. Then her eyes bulged as a scary thought struck her like a ton of bricks. “Or don’t tell me… Come here, Mayu.”

Mayu eyed his mentor suspiciously.

“Just come here!”

Not wanting to incur her wrath, he limped towards Yuko who roughly yanked him down to her height, almost causing him to fall over. She leant close and whispered into his ear. After the first sentence, Mayu flinched and stumbled back in shock.

“I’m perfectly fine! There is nothing wrong with my- I mean, me!”

Yuko burst into peals of unrestrained laughter while Yuki scowled at being kept out of the discussion. That was surely a slip of the tongue. What did Yuko-san say to get Mayu so riled up? She kept a watchful gaze on Mayu as he staggered back to her, his face crimson from anger. The skin on her left arm tingled from the heated huffs he was expelling.

Yuko almost choked howling at Mayu’s flustered reaction and slapped her thigh repeatedly in an attempt to catch her breath. “Y-You are getting infected by Yuki-chan, Mayu boy! Be careful you don’t lose your cool image!”

The ill-timed joke did nothing to appease the fuming man who continued to glare daggers at her.

“Fine, fine. Let’s drop the subject,” Yuko surrendered with a long wheeze, not wanting to burst a vein in Mayu’s head. “Anyway, shouldn’t you be packing your things and get going? I know you love the hospital a lot but you are taking up bed space.”

“Come on, Mayu, let’s go,” Yuki had to drag her boyfriend who looked like he was ready to explode, out of the office. After the door closed, Yuko rested her chin on her palm in thought before breaking into an accomplished grin.

“Male pride… That should speed things up,” chortling, she popped another forkful of cake into her mouth.


Mayu stood before the wooden door to his house. It had been three weeks since he last stepped into his humble abode and he should be hit by a wave of nostalgia and appreciation towards life, however, at this moment, he was feeling more perplexed than anything as his girlfriend had disappeared into the house and instructed him to wait outside. On his right index finger, he twirled the bunch of keys, waiting for Yuki’s signal to enter.

“Okay, you can come in now!” Yuki’s muffled voice sounded from behind the door.

Smiling at her weird antics, he inserted the key and turned the doorknob. Upon stepping into the house, he saw Yuki standing a few feet away with her hands before her lap, making it a sight to behold for she resembled a devoted traditional Japanese wife. The prospect of finally bestowing upon her the title of Mrs Watanabe brought about a little somersault in his heart.

“Welcome home, Mayu,” Yuki beamed warmly before rushing forward and throwing her arms around the surprised doctor. “I’ve been waiting to say that for so long,” she breathed in deeply, basking in his warmth. The feeling was almost surreal as she had come so close to losing this man, the love of her life. “I missed you.”

Returning the embrace, he surveyed the interior and discovered it to be spick and span with every item in its original position.
“You did a fine job as the mistress of this house,” he whispered lovingly, dropping his right hand to her hip and drawing her closer. Inhaling her sweet floral scent, he realised how much he had missed being alone with this wonderfully gorgeous and dedicated woman. Unconsciously, he slipped his hand under her white blouse and caressed the smooth skin of her back while burying his face in the waves of her soft tresses.

“M-Mayu?” Yuki squeaked. She felt her body growing warm at their close proximity and his titillating touches. When his lightly callused fingers travelled upwards, they lifted her top, exposing her flushed midriff to the cool air. Light butterfly kisses trailed her jaw and before she knew it, a burning sensation attacked the throbbing pulse point along her neck, eliciting a moan from deep within her throat as Mayu’s teeth grazed and gnawed on the tender skin there. Heat pooled in her lower abdomen as her thighs quivered and rubbed against each other uncomfortably. Her mind was beginning to cloud from the sudden invasion of her senses but a gust of wind blew in from the open door and reminded her that anyone passing by could see them. With all her willpower and what remaining strength she possessed, she grabbed Mayu’s shoulders and pushed him back firmly.

“Mayu, stop.”

He grunted in protest as a frustrated scowl graced his features. Staring at the red-faced woman before him, realisation hit and he reeled back, startled by his earlier actions.

“S-Sorry! I… I don’t know what came over me!” he apologised hastily, taking Yuki by surprise. “What was I thinking?” the normally gentle man had an overwhelming urge to bang his head against the wall right there and then. She giggled at the adorable guilty look on his face.

“It’s alright,” she hugged him again as if afraid that he would hobble away in shame.

“I’m really sorry. I promised we won’t do it until after marriage yet I couldn’t control my-“

“If it’s you… I don’t mind,” she cut him off shyly, playing with his shirt collar, “but not here and now. You just got out of the hospital. You don’t want to go back there so soon, do you?”

He shook his head vigorously in response, pouting, “I want to stay here with you… and I don’t like hospital food.”

“At least it’s better than my cooking which you will be stuck with for these two weeks,” Yuki quipped, hooking her hands behind his neck.

“I don’t care. I’d rather have your cooking any day.”

“Really?” Yuki’s eyes lit up with mirth. “Don’t regret your words.”

“I won’t,” he insisted stubbornly and captured those tantalising pink lips again before moving to close the door.

As he locked the door in place, he mentally cursed a certain Dr. Oshima.


That night, as they lay in bed together for the first time since the devastating earthquake, Yuki snuggled up to Mayu who could only lie flat on his back due to his pelvic injury.


He turned his head at the lulling voice and her breathing hitched at his clean, handsome face framed by the soft orange glow of the small bedside lamp. No matter how many times she had seen it, his youthful glasses-free appearance always set her heart aflutter. The scrapes that he sustained in the building collapse had healed nicely under her meticulous nursing and all that were left were faint marks which would disappear with time. She could not help reddening under his mesmerising gaze.

“Why are you so handsome?”

“Why are you so beautiful?” he shot back with a winsome smile only to deepen the blush on her supple cheeks. “I can stare at you forever,” he added, gazing into her bashful brown orbs.

“The others will surely gag if they hear our conversation now,” a toothy grin stretched across her lips as she recalled their colleagues’ mortified faces whenever they caught the couple being sickeningly sweet to each other.

“Speaking of that, what’s going on between you and Ren-san?” Mayu’s tone turned serious at the change of topic. Keeping true to her promise, Yuki recounted what transpired when Mayu was still in a coma after his surgery.

“What should I do?” Yuki asked, hoping that the insightful man would have a solution. “I feel bad towards him.”

“Will you feel better if you go out with him?”

“N-No!” she shot up, appalled that her boyfriend would even suggest something like that. Mayu smoothly pulled her down to his chest and cuddled her in his lean arms. Speaking into her ear in a low, possessive voice, he said, “Even if you wanted to, I wouldn’t let you.”

She slapped his arm, cheeks puffed in indignation, “You scared me! I thought you’d be so willing to give me up!”

“No way. I will never let you out of my grasp,” with that said, he tickled her sides mercilessly, sending her into a fit of uncontrollable giggles.

“Hahaha… S-Stop, stop it! Hahahaha! I… can’t, can’t… b-breathe! Mayu, s-stop, stop! Ma-Mayu!”

Seeing how breathless his dearest nurse was, Mayu finally stopped his teasing ministrations and allowed her to fall back into his embrace. Frantic hot breaths smothered his neck as she gripped the collar of his white cotton tee and panted hard.

“Were… were you trying to… kill me?” she questioned in between heavy gasps for air.

“How could I bear to do that?” Mayu stroked her heaving back. “I just thought you needed to release some negative energy.”

Hearing his words, it dawned on Yuki that she indeed felt her worries had been lifted off her chest somehow and she was grateful for the oxygen-stealing stunt.

“Anyway, regarding Ren-san, perhaps he needs someone to take you off his mind,” the doctor mused. Yuki raised an eyebrow at the suggestion.

“You mean as in get him interested in someone else?”

“Maybe, if fate decides to help us and him. Love can’t be forced after all.”

Yuki’s other eyebrow rose incredulously, “Since when did you believe in fate?”

Mayu gazed steadily into her searching round eyes. “Since the day I met you.”

Heat rushed to the woman’s cheeks at his simple yet heartfelt words.

“You are so cheesy, do you know that?”

Encircling her slim waist, he grinned.

“Only with you, my dearest. Only with you.”


End of Interlude.

Thank you very much for reading! I'm very sorry if I made your skin crawl with the overwhelming amount of fluff and cheese :bow:
As always, reviews are greatly appreciated :deco:
« Last Edit: December 31, 2012, 07:58:06 AM by seigus »

Offline ChuuuPuffss

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Interlude] The S Word (16 Sep)
« Reply #114 on: September 15, 2012, 08:20:20 PM »

You did not make my skin crawl! You actually gave me a mini heart attack!

Oh, the perks of being a wota xD

Yeee~ I love how you write the fluffiness and the cheesiness :3

Lol All hail Yuko! Mayu and Yuki should be thankful in the future

Can't wait for the next update! Well, wasn't expecting for this update, but I'll be expecting the next one Lol.

I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

Offline alpacas

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Interlude] The S Word (16 Sep)
« Reply #115 on: September 15, 2012, 09:17:25 PM »
Yuko is a successful troll.  :glasses:

I hope Ren finds somebody.

My WMatsui heart hopes for Jurina. Even though Rena is a male here...

And ugh the Mayuki no words.  :luvluv2:

Offline rhin12

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Interlude] The S Word (16 Sep)
« Reply #116 on: September 15, 2012, 09:36:43 PM »
Mayuki lovey dovey..  :inlove:  :inlove:  :inlove:

i'm having a diabetes because of this..  :P

and ants are flying on my  :P

thank you for the wonderful fic seigus-san  :bow:

Offline miyumi

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Interlude] The S Word (16 Sep)
« Reply #117 on: September 15, 2012, 09:44:03 PM »
Ahhh so cute! I'm so glad you updated!   :luvluv1:

I missed you so much!  :farofflook:

Yuko is such a perv!  :on lol:

I really love this story.  :luvluv2:

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Interlude] The S Word (16 Sep)
« Reply #118 on: September 15, 2012, 10:43:10 PM »
Hihi Yuko is the best~

Offline lollita90

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Re: [Dr. Watanabe x Nurse Kashiwagi Interlude] The S Word (16 Sep)
« Reply #119 on: September 16, 2012, 06:53:09 AM »
sir, will there be more??? if yes, please include jurina-chan! pretty please~~ (with cherry on top)  :mon cute: :mon cute:  i'll be happy with lovely mayuki and wmatsui ending here~  :wriggly: :wriggly:
I love FTM. Nuff said.

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