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Author Topic: The Betrayal towards a New Love (KaixAcchan) - COMPLETED  (Read 139254 times)

Offline axel0048

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wow you update really fast!!! :mon scare:

please update more!!! :mon XD:

part 2 part 2 part 2!!! :mon yeah: :mon yeah: :mon yeah:

Offline Haruko

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OMG!! i just read all your fic until now.. gorgeous.. I love kaixray since mendol... BUT when I meet atsumina well.. they stole my heart.. I prefer atsumina so much.. please please...

Offline karupin12

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I'm still adding some scenes.  :mon study:
gomen if i'm not able to post the part 2 of this chapter
bec. I also need to review for exams  :mon sweat:

Offline kahem

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WOW!!!! It becomes really interesting!!!

Offline karupin12

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Chapter 3 Part 2

“EEEEEEHHHHHHH????!!!!! You actually did a make out session with her??” Everyone in the room exclaimed in chorus.

Yes. Kai said that Acchan and him did a make out session at that time but he didn’t tell the detailed part of it. He doesn’t want the others tease him.

“I told you already! So there’s no need to scream about it!” Kai said as his cheeks redden in embarrassment.

“I’m so proud of you blond midget!” Everyone was shocked when Yuko appeared in front of them.

“Eh? Yuko? What are you doing here? I thought you have a meeting now with ‘your Keito-senpai’” Riku grinned but it’s obvious in his eyes that he’s jealous.

“Oooowwwwhh ……. Are you jealous Nyannyan?” Yuko also grinned at Riku and move closer to him.

“Don’t worry Nyannyan, I’m all yours”

Everyone rolled their eyes and look again at the blond midget.
“So what’s next? You haven’t told us about Ray! Why both of you were in the clinic?” Kuu said while having a ‘you also did a make out session, right?’ face.

“Isn’t that obvious? I helped her because she’s sick!”

“But why she’s soooooooo close to you?” Kuu grinned. Oh my, why does everyone have a grinning moments?


         Today is the day that Acchan will leave. I still haven’t spoken to her since the day that ‘something’ happened to us. I’m afraid that she will just ignore me if I’ll try to approach her. I’m just sitting here at the back of a tree which is located beside of a bench. I can hear murmurs that sounds so weak but irritated. I quickly took a look to know who that person is; I didn’t recognize her because of her hair that was covering her face. She’s just wearing a simple but elegant white dress with sunglasses on her head. I think she’s a new student here. I went back to my previous position and I can still hear her irritated voice whenever someone is approaching and offering her some help. Hearing those irritated voice of her made me also irritated and annoyed. I can’t focus about my problem! I can’t focus on thinking about Acchan! Damn this woman. Just accept the others help so I can have a peaceful atmosphere!!

After a few minutes, the murmurs stopped.

“Ugh. At last! She finally stop” Kai sighed. But a thought was immediately popped into his mind.

“She stopped? What the?! What am I thinking?! She’s sick and maybe she …….” Kai quickly stand up to make sure that his thoughts were wrong but when he looked to the place where the woman is, he rapidly ran towards to her as he saw that she’s going to faint. Kai hold the hand of the woman and wrapped his another arm onto her back to avoid her from falling. The woman in a simple but elegant white dress refused at first but it’s obvious that she can’t take her sickness anymore so she just let Kai to help her.

“Huh. Now you’re accepting a help. But why me?! Of all the people who are offering a help to you, why did you choose me?! Ugh you’re really ruining my ‘supposed to be emo moments’” Kai said to himself as he keep on walking with an arm wrapped around his shoulders.

When they reached the clinic, he found the school nurse sleeping on the bed.

“A-ano …. This bed is for patients only right? And not for some sleepy nurse?” The nurse quickly stand up when Kai interrupted her from sleeping. The nurse recognized the woman that wrapped around the blond’s shoulder and it made her feel nervous.

“Ah! T-t-t-the D-d-d-diva! Hurry and put her onto the bed! I’ll go downstairs first and contact her bodyguards. Just stay here and keep an eye on her! Ok?” The nurse ran as fast as she can before Kai say something; he’s really confused right now.

“Eh? Diva? Who?” Kai said. He’s still confused why the nurse said that and act nervously. When he looked to the woman who’s lying on the bed, he fixed the hair that is covering on her face. And then ………….

“AHH!! T-t-t-the D-d-d-diva! R-r-r-ray!” Kai shouted and immediately covered his mouth.

‘What the?! The Diva from …. From …. From ….. from whatever University it is! Why I didn’t recognize her?! All this time, I’m being with the Diva! She’s really popular on every School newspapers! She occupied every page of our school newspaper last time and we only got one fourth space article on it!’ Kai said in a fast mode without pausing on every sentence to breathe and at the same time face palm himself.

Kai sat down on a couch next to the Diva and stared at Ray’s face.

“She’s ……. Beautiful. She looks like a sleeping angel. I wish that she’s always sleeping so she can have this look”.

“Oh I’m just joking kami-sama. Don’t take it seriously”. Kai added when he realized the meaning of those sentences that he said earlier.

While staring at the Diva, Kai fell asleep and he didn’t notice the time; the time for Atsuko to leave. After an hour, Kai felt something strange. He felt a thrill from his head to toe so he decided to open his eyes. He was shocked when he saw the Diva staring at her.

‘Oh no, maybe she’s mad at me now’ Kai said to himself and gulped.

‘Yes, she’s mad at you right now for taking her at this place. You better run now! Hurry!’ the inner Kai appeared again in his mind.

‘Just shut up little inner Kai. You’re making me more nervous’

‘Little huh? Yeah right. You’re just insulting yourself too’.

‘I said shut up! You midget!’ Kai said to his inner self again and face palm when he noticed that he insulted his self again.

“A-a-ano .. Are you okay now? The nurse said that your bodyguards will pick you later” Kai finally spoke and smiled even though he was totally nervous.

‘Oh damn. She’s coming closer to me. What am I going to do now?! Say something inner midget!’ Kai didn’t get any reply from his inner self.

“What’s your name?” Ray said while looking at the blond’s eyes.

“I .. I .. I .. I’m …..” Kai was interrupted by a voice that is calling him.

“Kai! Let’s go! We don’t have enough time! Acchan will leave soon!”

Kai pushed Ray and quickly took his leave in the clinic. ‘You saved me, thanks Kuu’ the midget looked at the person who’s beside him and also running.

-end of flashback-

"oh? that's all? what a boring story" Mariko said in an unsatisfied voice.

"Marichan is right. I think I shouldn't disturb you at that time" Kuu added.

"You're a weakling midget Kai. You should grab that opportunity to kiss her"" Yuko said while still clinging at Riku.

"I'm not as pervert as you Yuko!"

"Oh right! I forgot about that. You're not as pervert as me because you're, MORE perverted than ME. Remember what you did to Acchan" Yuko smirk then laugh hard when she saw the red face of their midget.

Everyone also laugh when they heard about it then Kai leave the room.

"Hey Kai! we're just joking! where are you going?" Yuko said but the blond ignored her.

"Just let him Yuko. He will do some emo moments again. I still can see in his eyes the sadness that he felt about the song that we'll play" Riku said and didn't notice the girl on his neck.

Kai walked towards the school's rooftop to relax himself. When he arrived, he just sat down on the ground and remembered the day when Acchan left.


Kai and Kuu ran as fas as they can to the bus station to see Acchan for the last time. The two arrived just in time and the other members made a look of 'I'll kill you for being late'

"Kai! Where the hell have you been?! Acchan is really waiting for you!" Tomochin shouted.

Kai blushed and said "A-a-ano. .. I'm sorry. I just helped someone at the school" Kai blushed more when Atsuko came closer to him.

"Oh I see. so. .......” Atsuko paused for awhile

“Take care of yourself okay?" Atsuko cupped the blond's cheeks and stared directly on his eyes.

“Of course. I’m not a baby anymore; I know how to take care of myself”

“But you still look like a baby” Atsuko giggled when Kai just pouted.

Both of them were back into their ‘look at me’ scene. Everyone was expecting something will happen like 'kissing'. All of them become impatient specially Yuko as their blond and ace keep on looking each other.

"Stop that lovey dovey staring moment ok?! Just give her a goodbye kiss midget!"

"EEHH?!! W-w--what d-d-do y-y-you mmmmm" Kai said nervously but immediately interrupted by Atsuko’s lips. Kai didn't know what to do, his heart was beating fast. He can’t explain what he feels right now. He hoped that feeling this lips won't end but when Kai was about to answer Atsuko's kisses. .....................

The tsundere ace bit his lips!!

"Itaaaaaaaaaaaiiii~!!" Kai shouted with so much pain in his voice.

"Why did you do that?! It hurts you know" The midget pouted and everyone laughed at him.

“Nothing. I just want to bite your lips because I felt that you’re going to answer my kiss” Acchan smirked at Kai who is now having a super red face. *lol*

The lively atmosphere suddenly became a sad one when Atsuko finally said her goodbye.
Everyone looked at the bus which is slowly disappearing on their sight.

-End of Flashback-

Kai sighed as he remembers everything on that day and feel confused when he remembered something.

“At the moment when Acchan went into the bus, I really saw someone that quickly sat beside her and I think I saw that person before but I don’t know where …………….. Arrrrggghhh!! What am I thinking?! Maybe it’s just a normal passenger also that quickly sat on a vacant sit just like Rena said before”.

‘You’ve seen that person before’. Inner Kai said.

‘ehhh???!! Maji de??! Where?’ Kai’s inner self didn’t answer.

Kai let out a sigh again as he relaxes himself, lie down to the ground and close his eyes but when he opened it again, he is surprised to see Ray in front of his face.

“Ahhh!! R-r-r-ray! What are you doing here? How did you find me?”

“Owh Kai, You don’t need to shout like that. Do I look like a ghost or something?” Ray pouted.

“O-o-o-of course n-n-not …”

“not? So do you think I’m gorgeous and beautiful? Owh Kai, I knew it …. You really like me and by the way, let’s eat lunch together”. Ray giggled and put her head on Kai’s chest.

Kai sighed again; He will never win against this Diva.


BTW, It's confirmed. I'll make a part 2 of this story  :glasses:
after writing all the events in every chapter, I thought some sequel about this.  :kekeke:

before that, I should finish this first  :mon sweat:
and pls. tell me if you didn't like it so I can stop it already :mon sweat:

Offline Sydney W

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I'm suspecting the guy with Acchan is Tomo. I want the next update. I need to know why Kai and Acchan separate despite Acchan returning.

Offline kahem

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Acchan? Ray? Acchan or Ray? It seems really hard to chose lol

Offline Haruko

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yw°TA DIFFICULT MY FIRST OTP.. or my last and favorite otp.. I chose ATSUMINA!! sorry ray but sexadicchan always gonna win.. for me :D

come one we need that atsuko come back and fight against ray :D

Offline karupin12

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@Sydney : You'll know everything you want to know on the next chapters  :lol:

I'm going to write Chapter 4 now  :mon study::kneelbow:

Offline karupin12

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Chapter 4 Part 1

"Where the hell is that midget?!" Mariko said; a bit irritated.

"I don't know either so don't look at me like that!" Kuu rolled his eyes.

"I'm sure he's fine. Let's go and eat our lunch. I'm really hungry Nyannyan!" Yuko said and hugged Riku.

"No. we're only going to eat until we find that midget!"

Everyone looked shocked when they heard it from Riku. All of them are now hungry but they can’t do anything as their 2nd leader ordered it, they just sigh and look for the blond midget; they will definitely kill him for making them hungry.

“Aha! I remember something! I think I know where he is. Maybe he’s at the rooftop now! I saw Ray-san earlier heading towards the rooftop”
Jurina exclaimed and everyone who looked really hungry immediately ran to the midget’s destination. When they arrived near the door of the rooftop, they looked at each other .......... there’s no words needed to say as they decided to sneak a peek and just observe what the two individuals will do.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ray is still resting her head on the blond’s chest as she also lay down on the ground. She’s a bit troubled as she can see and feel that Kai has a problem.
“Is there anything wrong? Do you have a problem? Are you sick?” Ray asked worriedly.

“None. Not really ....... Just don’t mind me”. Kai said while just staring at the sky, obviously thinking about a lot of things and did not bother to take a look on the worried Diva.

Kai didn’t know what he’s doing as he put his hand on Ray’s cheek and caressed it. The Diva felt her heart beats fast and didn’t know why Kai acted this way. Then suddenly, Kai asked a question that made the Diva more confused.

“If ever you’ll leave, Will you come back for me?”

Ray didn’t know what to say and just remained silent for a couple of minutes while Kai was still staring at the sky. The Diva holds the hand that still caresses her cheeks and answered,

“I’ll never come back ………………. Because I’ll never leave you, Kai”

Kai stopped and looked at the person who is now looking directly on his eyes. He can see the sincerity on it and he didn’t know why, but he felt something …. Something like even him, he didn’t know what it is; he just know that he’s now comfortable with this woman.
‘Do you …. really love me? But …….. Why? Why you’re still here for me even though I’m not loving you back?’ Kai thought and looked again at the sky as if he’s finding some answers but he was interrupted when he felt something again ……

“I’m hungry” Kai said in a plain voice and it made the Diva to giggle.

“so what are you waiting for? Let’s go and have our lunch”

“Yeah, let’s go and let the others join us. Oh! I forgot! Maybe they’re now searching for me. They couldn’t eat if one of us is missing”. Kai and Ray stand up and didn’t notice that they are still holding each others’ hand.

“We already found you midget and we also saw your lovey dovey moment with Ray-san”
Kai immediately turn to look at the near door and found a smirking squirrel with her troups.


Everyone laugh at Kai who is now having his failed expression and a face that as red as a tomato. They know that behind those expressions, pain and hatred are still dominating his little heart. All of them are still wondering why Atsuko didn't come back yet and also she didn't even contact them for almost a year now. The lost of her presence really affect on Kai; he skipped classes and band practices, not eating on time, always staring out of nowhere etc., but that was before, before he met Ray. They're really thankful that the Diva came into his life and forgot his 'Atsuko Problem' for a while or shall they say for a long time. They still don't know if these two are really together even though sometimes Kai was pushing away Ray but still there are sweet moments happening between them. It's not the case now, sooner or later they will figure it out, the most important now is their midget being secured and happy with the Diva beside him.

"Aha! I knew it! You two are really together!" Kuu pointed out at the two hands that still holding each other. Kai immediately let go of Ray’s hand and didn’t notice the disappointed look of the Diva.

“Huh?! What are you talking about?! W-w-w-we’re not t-t-t-together!!”

“Owh really? So how can you explain what happened earlier?”

“Just shut up Kuu. You’re just hungry. Let’s go to a near restaurant and eat” Kai rolled his eyes and walk towards the exit. While the other members followed him, Mariko remained at the Diva’s side that was still on the same position, same reaction.

“Just let and wait for him. His feelings are still in process. Even himself, he didn’t know what he feels for you”.

“Uhnn …” The Diva nodded and left Mariko.

“Oh come on! Why Kai is always been loved by tsundere girls”

-At the Restaurant-

They are on a long table and everyone is on their usual place. On the right side, Kai sat with Ray on his left and followed by Mariko, Kuu and Riku. While on the opposite side, there are Yuko, Jurina, Rena and the two Tomo. Everyone have their own conversation while waiting for their foods.

“Mou~ Nyaaaannyaaaaannn~ ! Why do I need to sit here and not beside you!” Yuko pouted.

“It’s because that’s your usual place Yuuchan” Riku grinned and felt happy that there’s no clinging Yuko beside him.

“But.. but………. Sitting beside you is my usual place since Acchammmmmhhmpp!” Riku immediately put his hands on Yuko’s lips to prevent her from saying things that might hurt not only Kai but also Ray.

“Oh look! Here comes our food!” Riku said and smiled awkwardly to everyone except Kai and Ray who did not bother to look at them.

When their food was served, everyone is ready to eat and yell
“Itadakiiiii~ …………………… Hey Kuu! Why are you eating so fast! You almost ate half of your order!” all of them said in chorus but the hungry Kuu just ignored them.

After 30minutes of eating and resting at the same time. All of the band members look at their phones and read the message from their Shachou.

‘All of you are going to practice tomorrow ……. For the WHOLE DAY without any breaks! Because the day after tomorrow will be the University’s Party!! Don’t be late or else you know what will happen!!’

Everyone gulped and looked at each other. Tomorrow will be a very tiring and stressful day.
“What the?! Why the student councils suddenly moved the day of the University’s party!” Jurina said and looked irritated.

“We still haven’t memorize our first song! And we need to do all of that just for tomorrow??!!” Rena added.

“We had no choice. We need to do it or else the student councils will not allow us to perform again” Kai said in a sad tone.

“So what songs are you going to play this time?” Ray said and holds Kai’s hand.

Everyone looked at Kai with a ‘Oh no! not this topic again’ face but Kai managed to smile and answer Ray’s question even though it is obvious that he’s back in the sad mood again.

“We’re going to play Hey! Say! Jump’s Magic Power and ………………… our own song; Give Me Five”

Ray can see again the sadness in Kai’s eyes when he said the last title. Now she have an idea why Kai is acting this way lately but she just said,
“Owh I heard about it and it’s really a nice song. You did compose it right?”

“Yeah… It’s really a nice …… song”

All of them looked worriedly at their midget. They didn’t hesitate to talk as they are afraid that it might just add the sadness that the blond is feeling right now. Ray can’t take it anymore looking at her sad Kai so she invited everyone to just go home, rest and prepare for tomorrow’s practice. All of them thought that she’s like a spokesperson of the midget right now. Yuko and Riku went to the other direction and said that they’re going to some place that they can be alone while the others are just go directly to their dorm house. Kai and Ray walked for a while and head towards Ray’s house. Kai who is still not in his self again realized that he’s now at Ray’s bedroom.

“Ehh? What am I doing here?” Kai said; he seems back to himself now.

“You did walk with me. Ugh, you’re really not in yourself today” Ray sighed and bowed her head while she sits on her bed.

Kai walked towards Ray and sat next to her. He grabbed the Diva’s chin to be able to face him.
“I’m sorry. I’m just ………. Worried about our performance; I don’t know what to do”

Ray cupped Kai’s cheeks and move closer.
“Don’t worry, everything will be alright. I’m sure that you can do it” Ray smiled but her thoughts suddenly change.

“Do you want to spend the night here?” Ray smirked and tried to seduce Kai when she touched the blond’s chest down to his thigh.
Kai gulped and stand up quickly; he regretted that he come close to the Diva who is now in pervert mode.

“I-I-I-I need to go now. See you tomorrow and have a nice sleep later” Kai smiled awkwardly and finally took his leave.

Ray giggled when she saw the nervous look of her blond
“Like Mariko said, I still need to wait. Time will come and you’ll be completely mine”

The Diva is now imagining things that she and Kai might do in the future but she was interrupted when someone knocked the door,
“Ma’am there’s someone on the line and needs to talk to you”.

Ray went to the location of her phone and talked to the person in the other line.
“Yes…. Did you get it? This is the time. I want to know everything. Call me if you need something ……. Bye then”.
Ray hung up the phone and smiled.

TBC ….

this is quite a short one  :mon sweat:
I'll write longer on the next part. :mon sweat:

Chapter 4 Part 2 : Band's Practice and their performance at the party and also .................... :mon evil: :mon mischief:
Just wait for the next part my dear readers  :mon thumb:

PS: you can suggest a band name for them. I can't think a name that will fit for them. XD

Offline Sydney W

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Re: [UPDATED *07/21/12* Chapter4 Part1] The Betrayal towards a New Love
« Reply #30 on: July 21, 2012, 07:05:34 AM »
Next chapter seem suspicious. What Ray-san going to do to Kai ?  ^^

Offline karupin12

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@Sydney : I don't know  :kekeke:
just wait for the next part  :glasses: :kekeke:

Offline Haruko

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awww finally i made a decision.. I want atsumina!!! aww but maybe you want kaixray desune?

the name of the band could be DESTINY...

Offline karupin12

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Chapter 4 Part 2

Today is their first and last practice for tomorrow’s Party at the University. Everyone woke up early and went to the club’s room to start preparing their instruments and everything. All of the performers for tomorrow were excused in their classes. Their platypus shachou was glad that the members came early than expected, so she quickly gave the song sheet of their first song then leave with her assistant …………… to do some L again.

“Ok! Stand up now and go to your position! We will start in a few minutes!”
Kai shouted as he ordered the other members to get ready. In spite of being a midget, he can really lead this group all by himself. Just a single shout and everyone will follow. But this time, the midget’s shout seem to be ignored by Riku who is in deep thinking while staring at the ceiling.

“I SAID STAND UP NOW AND GET READY!!” Kai shouted again but this time he shouts near Riku’s ear but their airhead 2nd leader just ignored it. Kai thought that this guy might have a problem so he asked and sat next to him.

“Is there any problem Riku? You seem to be out of yourself”

“Yuuchan ……” Riku said while still looking at the ceiling.

“Oh I see ……. We’ll talk about your problem later. But for now, we should practice or else we will not able to perform tomorrow or should I say forever. It’s now or never Riku”

Riku finally managed to stand up and get his bass guitar. Kai also go to his position as the lead guitarist and followed by the others. Kuu is on the drums, Rena and Tomo~mi on the keyboards, Mariko and Tomochin on the maracas and vocals at the same time and Jurina than has been moved to the other guitar when Atsuko leaved. Their practice for the Magic Power song went well even though sometimes Riku failed on some notes. When they’re about to play the next song which is Give me Five, everybody look at Kai but the blond just smile to inform them that he’s fine and they definitely need to do this.

Their practice lasted until 11:30pm, each of them really look tired and they need to rest to be able to perform well for tomorrow. While they are walking towards their dorm house, Kai asked Riku what happened between him and Yuko.

“Anou … Riku. Can you tell me what really happened between you and Yuko?”

Riku just smile and said “You can laugh if you want or tell me that I’m such a stupid person after this”.

Kai remained silent and didn’t know what to say so Riku continued, “Remember the day when we ate on the restaurant? After that, we just sat beside the tree that is near the park. She said that she will say something important to me”. Riku tried to smile while holding his tears.

“so what did she said to you to be like this?”

“She said that …………… she do really love me”

“Eh? Aren’t you happy with that? I mean all this time, I can see that you’re happy when she’s around even though you’re always pushing her away”

“That’s the problem Kai!! I’m always pushing her away! That’s the reason why she said that she’s tired being pushed away and treated coldly by me! Damn it Kai! I’m such a fool! After she said that to me, I didn’t know what to say so ……….. I leave her alone and I know it made her feel that she’s really not important to me!”. Riku finally let out his feelings and cry. Kai just assist him into his bed when they arrived at their dorm.

“You do really love her Riku. Don’t deny it anymore or else she will be out of your life ……. forever” Kai said to a sobbing Riku.

“Are you saying that for me? Or also for yourself?”

Riku’s words made Kai to think a lot when he lay down onto his bed. ‘Why did Riku tell that to me? I’m not in love with anyone’. Kai thought and let out a confused sigh.

‘You’re in love with someone midget’. Inner Kai said. He’s back!

‘Oh you’re back little inner Kai. Me? In love? Haha! With whom?’

‘Soon you’ll know who the lucky girl is’

Yeah right. Talking with his inner self made Kai even more confused. He just fell asleep when it’s already 5am and in just one hour, they need to prepare themselves for the party.

“Good moooooorrrnniiiiiiiiiinnggg!!” Riku shouted near Kai’s ear; he seemed back to his self now. It made the midget to rise up from his bed but he can’t fully open his eyes because of still feeling sleepy.

“What’s with that look Kai? You look like a zombie”. Riku laugh at him.

“Don’t laugh you airhead! It’s because of you that I didn’t get enough sleep! You’ve made me think of certain things!”

“Owh, is that because of our SAME situation huh midget?” Riku grinned at Kai and immediately run towards the door when he felt that Kai will kick him.

“You better get ready now midget, or else Shachou will …….. You know”

“Ok, Ok. Just get out of my sight now!”

Kai prepared his clothes that he will wear later. When he’s about to go to the bathroom, his phone suddenly rang indicating that he have mail ……………… of course it is from the Diva, Ray.

‘Good morning my dear. Did you sleep well last night? I hope you’ve seen me in your dreams. See you later <3 *kiss*’

Kai ignored the Diva’s mail and didn’t bother to send a reply when he saw the time. It’s already 6:30am. He needs to be hurry or else he will perform having his butt hurt a lot. After 45 minutes, he’s finally done on everything. All of them ran fast as they can to their club’s room and when they arrived, Shachou is already in the room.

“It’s Kai’s fault Shachou!”Everyone said in chorus and pointed out the midget. ‘Arg! Traitors!’ Kai whispered to himself.

“Don’t worry; I will not whip your butts this time”. Everyone sigh in relief. “The student councils announced that our party will be held this night, and not this afternoon” after a few seconds of realization, all of them shouted.

“WHAAAAAAAAATTT??!!!! We woke up and prepare ourselves early and yet the party will be this night and not this afternoon?!!”

“”Don’t shout at me! If you want to complain then do that in the student affairs office!” shachou said and whipped the floor before she takes her leave.

“so what are we going to do now? Don’t tell me Kai that we’re going to practice?” Tomochin said without looking at their leader. “Hey Kai! I’m talking to ………..” Tomochin didn’t continue when she found the midget sleeping on a couch with a smile on his face. “I’ll take that as a ‘no’” everyone smiled and leave their sleeping midget. They decided to just go to the mall and meet up at the backstage before the party will start.

Riku did not join them and just walk towards the drama club’s room to see and talk to Yuko. After long hours of thinking, he will now confess to her.

“My god, I’m so nervous. Am I really going to do this? I almost memorized all of the sentences that I will say to her but I know that I’ll forget everything when I faced her. Here I am walking towards their room and I can see that I’m getting closer and closer as I see some lights that are switched on. What if she rejects me now? What if she’s really tired being with me? What if she didn’t love me anymore? What if ……………… Arrgghhh!! It makes me have a headache. You can do this Riku! Ganbare!”

Riku’s negative thoughts are now dominating himself as he walked towards the room. When he’s now close enough to the door of the room, he can hear a two person that is obviously having a serious conversation; there he found Yuko and that Keito-senpai who is now cornering the squirrel with his arms.

“Why don’t you just forget about him and love me? It’s obvious that he don’t like you!”

Yuko remain silent so this Keito-senpai continued, “Look, he’s always pushing you away! It’s time to move on. Just give me a chance to love you. I’ll prove it to you that he’s not the right man for you”

“keito-senpai …….. I can’t. I don’t love you and no matter what I will always love Riku. I don’t care if he keeps on pushing me away. I’m ready to suffer just to be with him!” Yuko finally talked and tried to free herself from Keito, but this guy immediately hold her right arm.

“and where are you going now? To him? To that stupid Riku?! You’re not going anywhere Yuko! You’re mine!” Keito shout and hold tighter on Yuko’s arm.

“Let go of me!! I don’t love you and I will NEVER uhhmmpppp!” Yuko was interrupted by a sudden kiss from Keito.

Riku can’t take it anymore and run inside the room. He immediately grab Keito’s shoulder and punched him directly to the corner of his lips. “Don’t you dare to kiss ‘MY’ Yuko or even touch her! If this will happen again, it’s not only a punch you will get from me! And also, you’re wrong when you said that I didn’t love her. Totally wrong! Because the moment that I saw her, I already fell in love with her!”

Riku grabbed Yuko’s hand and leave the man who is now lying on the floor. They ran towards the rooftop and still, Yuko can’t believe everything that just happened earlier. Her eyes are still widened in shock as they arrived at the rooftop. There’s an awkward silence between them; then Riku finally broke it.

“Are you okay?” Riku asked.

“Yes. I’m fine. But why did you bring me here?! Don’t waste your time with me” Yuko was about to leave when Riku grabbed again her hands to prevent her from walking away.

“Let go of my hand Riku!”

“No! I don’t want to! I don’t want you to leave me! I want you to stay with me!”

“Stay with you? You want me to stay with you but you can just leave me whenever you want!”

“I’m sorry for what I did last time, ok? It’s just ………… I don’t know what to do at that time”

“And so? It’s not the right excuse for it! You shouldn’t leave me alone!” Yuko said while tears are now forming on her eyes.

“Please don’t cry Yuko. I’m sorry for everything” Riku cupped Yuko’s cheek and wiped the tears.

“Don’t treat me like this if you don’t like it, I might misunderstand it and think that you love me”. Yuko sobs as she looked down.

“Ugh Yuuchan! You’re not listening to what I said earlier, right?! I will not repeat it again!” Riku said as he pouted and pinch Yuko’s cheek.

“Itaaaii~! You don’t need to pinch my cheek, so what did you said again earlier?” Yuko lied and smirked. She really wants to hear it again, but this time in a proper way.

“No! I will not repeat it again! You should focus on me at that time!”

“How can I focus on you when you just came up and punched Keito-senpai!”

“So you’re concerned to him huh?”

“Don’t change the topic Riku! Are you going to say it again or not? If not, I’ll take my leave now. Bye” Yuko free herself from Riku and start to walk away but she was quickly taken aback when Riku grabbed her hands and pull her closer to him. Their faces are just centimeters away from each other.

“Oops, where are you going now? I will not let you leave me”

Yuko’s eyes widened when she heard a familiar line again “Eh? Who are you now? Are you pretending to be Keito-senpai?”

“Owh just shut up Yuuchan, You talk too much” Riku leaned closer and kissed Yuko. The girl didn’t expect this and her eyes are still widened in shock. Riku felt that Yuko is now answering his kisses and it made his heart to jump because of so much happiness. Their kisses become more intense when they hugged each other. After a few minutes, Riku broke the kiss to gasp some air and said,

“I love you so much Oshima Yuko, will you be my girlfriend?”

Yuko can’t hold her tears anymore when she heard those words from her love; she can’t even speak because of the constant flowing of her tears, so she just nod and hug Riku. Both of them can’t explain what they are feeling right now, they’re just happy to be like this.

It’s almost 6pm when they decided to go downstairs and go back to their club’s room to wake up Kai who is probably still sleeping. When they arrived at the room, they found the Diva inside and just staring at the sleeping midget. Ray seems to be happy by just looking the way she smiles, they don't want to interupt her but they need to wake up Kai because the party will start in just a few minutes.

"Sorry to interupt you Ray-san, but can you please wake up your little sleeping prince?" Riku smirked and the Diva just smile to agree on what Riku means; Ray kissed Kai sweetly on his cheek and it made the midget to open his eyes.

"Hello sleepy head. You need to prepare now, it's already 6pm" Ray smiled sweetly at Kai.

'What the?! Why do I need to be wake up by this woman who is now having a lovely smile'. Kai said to himself.

"Ray. ...... What are doing here? You're also going to perform right? You should be in your private dressing room" Kai finally talked and something caught his attention.

"Eh? Yuko? What are doing here also? and. .....and. ....... why are you with Riku? I mean you two are in 'avoiding each other' mode right? How come that you're now clingging again on him?"

The new couple just smile and blushed at the same time, "We're now officially a couple Kai! Riku confessed to me earlier" Yuko said excitedly at Kai who is now having a jaw dropped.

“Really??!! Woah! So fast huh Riku. I’m happy for you, you’ve finally realize your feelings”

“Yeah. And you? When will you realize your true feelings for SOMEONE huh?” Riku smirked when he emphasize the word ‘someone’ and look at Ray who is now blushing.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Come on, let’s meet the others now” Kai coldly said and just walk away from the three. Riku just smiled and thought ‘Still denying the fact that you do love Ray’. All of them followed the midget when they heard the voice of the MC announcing that the party will start in a few minutes.

-At the Akihabara University ground-

Every sound system is now in their proper place. Little by little, the guests from the other universities are now coming and walking on the red carpet that is placed at the school gate. Later on, the President and the owner of the Akihabara University made his grand entrance with the Diva on his side and followed by the Student Councils. All of them sat in the special area for the guests.

“Ray is going to perform too right? But why she is with the President?” Kuu said in a confused look.

“What do you expect? She’s the Diva at all” Mariko answered and quickly glanced at the area where the student councils sit.

“Hey look over there! Can you see the president of the student council? She’s looking over here and …………………………….. Oh! She’s coming here!” Mariko noticed. Everyone is wondering why the president is coming at their direction.

“I knew it! Mochii the Student Council’s president like our midget here. I’ve heard it from the other students” Kuu laugh and look proud of himself that he knows about it. Kai gulped and looked nervous when the SC President is now in front of him.

“Hello Kai-san. Anou ……. Goodluck on your performance” Mochi said shyly and looked on the ground.

“Eh? ………… I mean, Thank you. I hope that you’ll enjoy our performance later”. Kai smiled awkwardly.

“Of course! I will definitely enjoy it! I’m really a big fan of yours”. Mochi quickly grab Kai’s hand and did not notice the woman that is now standing beside them. All of the band members were surprised when the Diva suddenly appeared with a deadly look in her eyes. ‘Oh no! You’re dead now midget’ everyone thought.

“Ehem ……… As far as I know, the student councils area is over there and not here. Right Ms. Kuramochi?” Ray looked at Mochi like she’s going to kill the president. Every student knows that Ray is really head over heels at Kai so the poor president said nothing and just decided to go back to their area.

“Kaaaiii~ you’re cheating on me even though you know that I can see you from there!” Ray grabs Kai’s shoulders and shake his little body.

“Chottoooooo Ray! I’m not doing anything; I’m just talking to her. Stop shaking me!” Everyone laugh at Kai who is now looking a bit dizzy. After that Kai and Ray shaking moments, they went to the backstage to prepare and tune up their instruments while waiting for their turn to perform. They’re going to perform after the Diva’s song number.

“Thanks for that lovely song number Ms. Takigawa Ray” the MC said but Ray gave him a deadly glare; No one is allowed to call her with her surname, unless if it will become Takahashi Ray.

“I mean Ms. Ray .. hehe” the MC corrected himself and laugh nervously.

“so this is our last performers, I know everyone can’t wait to do some party party but let’s give them a round of applause first. Here they are ……….. The Ummei Arashi!” everyone shouts when the members come up on the stage and play with their instruments.

“This is the first time that we’re going to play a song like this. So here it is ………. Hey! Say! JUMP’s Magic Power!!” Riku said in a very energetic voice and it made the audience, especially the girls, scream when they heard the title. Some are dancing but most of them are singing loudly along with the band. “It seems that you enjoyed that song! Specially the girls! Haha, it’s obvious that you’re a fan of them. Now it’s time to play our last song, get ready for ‘Give Me Five!!’” Kai said cheerfully. The audience knows about this song and the story behind it. It’s not the same as the ‘Give me five’ before when ‘Atsuko Maeda’ is still part of the band but they really don’t mind it now because it’s been a long time when the band played this song. When their performance ended, all of them step out of the stage and they found their Shachou standing with her assistant.

“All of you did a great performance. As a prize, I’ll let you have a day-off tomorrow. You can do whatever you want” everyone looks very happy and excited on what they’re going to do for tomorrow. Their Shachou excused herself to answer an important phone call.

“Moshi Moshi ……… Yes, I told you. They can do it. There’s no need to worry …………. Ok take care and by the way …………….. Welcome back, Hope to see you soon” Shachou smiled and leaved the members who are now planning for their special day tomorrow.

-Meanwhile at the Ummei Arashi assigned table-

“Nyannyaaaaaaaaaaan~ Omedetou!” Yuko approached Riku who is obviously looking for her earlier. “Yuuchan! Thanks” everyone glared at them in a confused look. How come that this two become so close? And Riku is not pushing Yuko away? What’s happening here?

“Hey! Since when you two become like this? Did we miss something?” Mariko asked.

“We’re busy here you know, just ask Kai. We told him about it earlier” Yuko said and did not bother to look at Mariko. She’s busy kissing on her Nyannyan. Mariko rolled her eyes to look at Kai but the blond seems that he’s finding for someone.

“How can I ask him if he’s like that! Look at him! He’s obviously looking for someone, or should I say looking for Ray!” upon hearing that, Kai immediately look at Mariko.

“I … I … I’m not looking for her!”

“Owh really? But why are you blushing right now? You know, if you’re worried for her, just stand up and look for her. Nothing will happen if you will just sit here”. After a few minutes of realization, Kai finally stand up and run away from them to look for Ray.

“Way to go midget! Be a man!” Riku shouted at the running Kai.

Kai run towards the special area and asked directly the president if he know where Ray is, but he failed to get an answer when someone approached the president. He even asked the student councils but he ended up teasing with their SC president, it’s obvious that they also didn’t know where the Diva is so he immediately took his leave. He also asked the security guards but again, they didn’t know where she is. ‘What the hell is going on?! She’s the diva and yet they didn’t know where she is?!’ Kai is now panicking and a bit annoyed. He really don’t know what to do, he searched on the two school buildings but there’s no presence of his diva. ‘Ray, where are you? I’m really worried you know’ Kai thought while running towards the 3rd and last school building, if the Diva is still not there, he will definitely call a police to help on searching. He went to the 1st and 2nd floor of the building but he found nothing, He quickly run upstairs to the 3rd floor, while running at the hallway he felt a thrill on his back and it made him stop for a while. He is now in front of the storage room and he can still feel the thrill from his back, he knows that there’s someone behind him. Kai remained at his position, he closed his eyes and encourage himself to look who’s the person behind him, he slowly turn his back with his eyes still closed. After a few seconds, he slowly opened his eyes and scream.

“Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh~ !!” Kai screamed as loud as he can when he saw a woman in a white dress, but he quickly hold his mouth to stop when he realize that the woman is no other than, Ray. He noticed that the eyes of the Diva are still wet from tears.

“Mou~ Kai! Why are you always screaming whenever you see me? It really hurts me you know. It feels like I’m a ghost on your eyes” Ray said and looked down.

“I’m sorry Ray. I didn’t mean to do that. I’m just a bit shocked”. Kai lied, the truth is he really thought that there’s a ghost behind him.

“By the way, what are you doing here? Why did you go here? And ………… did you cry?” Ray didn’t answer Kai’s questions. She just immediately hugged Kai and said,
“I heard some student’s talking about you and that Atsuko, they said that you still love her and you’re just using me!”
Those words from the diva made Kai stunned. He didn’t know what to say because even himself, he really don’t know what he feels for the diva and also for Atsuko. They stayed in that position for a few minutes and when Kai hear some footsteps coming to their location, he grabbed the Diva’s hand and quickly went inside the storage room. He placed his hands onto Ray’s mouth but the Diva was still trying to free herself from the blond. Kai can’t control the force from the Diva so he had no choice; he cupped Ray’s cheeks and kissed her. It’s effective; it made the Diva stop but Kai didn’t notice the shocked face of Ray as he keep on listening to the footsteps. Little by little, he can also hear that the person who’s walking at the hallway is also singing a song then ………………………....... *clicked*

Kai broke the kiss when he realized something. He tried to open the door of the storage room but it’s now locked.
“Damn it! It’s the guard that assigned to lock all the doors! We’re now going to spend the night here” Kai said and look at Ray whose eyes are still widened in shocked.

“A-anou …. Ray ……….. I’m sorry for kissing you. I don’t know how to control your force so I had no choice”.
Kai bowed and looked again at Ray who is now having a smirk on her face. He definitely know what’s the meaning of that face so he run away from the Diva. When Ray was about to go towards Kai, the lights suddenly switched off, their school lights are automatically switching off when it’s already 11pm. Ray screamed in fear, and it made Kai to go again to her. He assists the Diva on walking to a certain part of the storage room which is only the light from the moon can be seen. They sat down on the floor; Kai put his arm around Ray’s shoulder and said,

“I’m sorry for leaving you. I didn’t know that you’re afraid in the dark. Don’t worry I’ll never leave you again”
upon hearing this words from her midget, Ray looked directly at Kai’s eyes. They keep on staring each other and feeling the same air that they’re breathing. They didn’t notice that inch by inch, their faces are moving closer until they reach each others’ lips. Both of them feel happiness inside even though they can actually hear their fast heart beats. Kai noticed that Ray is now moving her lips to deepen the kiss. He didn’t know why but he can’t control himself to answer back Ray’s kisses. The blond soon asked permission and let his tongue out to the Diva’s lips. Without further ado, Ray opened her mouth and let their tongues fight for domination. Kai hold the hand of the woman that he is kissing right now and it made the Diva to remember again the day when he met Kai, her first love.

The intense moment of kissing was broke by Kai when he felt that they need to breathe some air. Their foreheads are still cohering at each other. ‘What am I feeling right now? Why do I feel so much happiness when I’m with you?’ Kai thought as he go back to their recent position.

TBC ……

What do you think about this Chapter? ^^'
Atsumina fans, get ready for the next chapters  :kekeke: :wahaha:

Offline hara

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 thanks for update this fic so fast, karupin12-san  :gmon flowers:

and i will waiting for my AtsuMina  :gmon sweet:

Offline saeyukilover

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I both love atsumina couple and raykai couple but then in your story I really like for Kai
To end up with ray..... :deco:

Offline Sydney W

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The call Shachou received must be from Atsuko. She (Atsuko) is back. ^^

Offline karupin12

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Thanks for reading  :kneelbow:

@Sydney: hmm. maybe?  :kekeke:
@saeyukilover: I think you'll like the Chapter 5  :nya: :mon mischief:
@hara: no problem, atsumina will be there soon  :mon thumb:

Offline acchaniu

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“Moshi Moshi ……… Yes, I told you. They can do it. There’s no need to worry …………. Ok take care and by the way …………….. Welcome back, Hope to see you soon” Shachou smiled and leaved the members who are now planning for their special day tomorrow.
There is SOMETHING here
I bet its my Acchan xPPP
BTW I miss KaiAcchan :(((
waiting for the nxt chapter or maybe waiting for KaiAcchan
KaiAcchan KaiAcchan KaiAcchan

Offline chichay12

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i think acchan is ???!!!!!
i love this fic!!!
plss update MORE!!!!

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