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Author Topic: MAI'S S.C.[01/17] Unrequired Love [Atsumina]  (Read 83615 times)

Offline TK.Yuu

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Awwwwwwww My Pet Lover is over :( taka's decision about being a dog is kinda funny for me  :lol: sorry about that XDDD

and about Chapter 3 of P.S.: I WANNNNNNNNTTTT CHAPTER 4 DDDDD:
A kiss to the cheeks isn't enough and so is to the lips~

My Amateur Stories

Offline Mai-chan

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« Reply #161 on: March 09, 2013, 04:45:46 PM »

New fan fiction entitled "PROTO" is going to invaid jphip :D

"A sci-fi fiction that makes the readers feel that they are the main character."

 Takahashi Minami
 Watanabe Mayu

and many more AKB48 members

Releasing date for this fiction is on ext month(April)

designated date is still unsure -____-

*This fiction is being written since the start of march so that the readers don't need to wait anymore for the fiction to update*

1 chapter update per day is the schedule :3

This is a sample of the fiction.

I'm still thinking if I really should shorten Minami's hair :/

and this is the 2nd one

^BADASSSSS/ I'm still thinking if I should entry this in the story. MEH will know in the future XD

Well~ that's all ^___________^
Creating stories is another way of showing my Persona

INSPIRATION <----I need that thing so much... (.__.)


Offline arrow27

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« Reply #162 on: March 09, 2013, 06:11:35 PM »
wow! I like the sound of Proto so far :D Liking the sci fi idea :) & Interesting to have Minami & Mayu as main cast :D Also love the pics! Both of them look really cool in that first pic & the 2nd pic is just too awesome! Minami def knows how to weild a sword :3

Offline Mai-chan

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 03/24]Drabble #1 [Atsumina]
« Reply #163 on: March 24, 2013, 02:40:49 PM »

I miss them.... (T ^ T)
Creating stories is another way of showing my Persona

INSPIRATION <----I need that thing so much... (.__.)


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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 03/24]Drabble #1 [Atsumina]
« Reply #164 on: March 24, 2013, 05:06:50 PM »
that was so cute *_____* I miss them too :( Very cute & great drawings of the two :D

Offline miayaka

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 03/24]Drabble #1 [Atsumina]
« Reply #165 on: March 24, 2013, 05:25:02 PM »
I always love your drawings :3

Offline TK.Yuu

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 03/24]Drabble #1 [Atsumina]
« Reply #166 on: March 24, 2013, 10:37:48 PM »
D'aaaaaaaaaaaawwww  :wub: Takamini is so adorable~~~~~~~ MORE DRABBLES~!!!!  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:
A kiss to the cheeks isn't enough and so is to the lips~

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Offline 7sam14

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 03/24]Drabble #1 [Atsumina]
« Reply #167 on: April 16, 2013, 12:34:15 PM »
Takamina is so adorable!!!
I Need more Drabbles to heal my Atsumina Heart!!!

I'll Surely be waiting for "PROTO"!!
u know since it's April and all...
so yeah!!!
Tumblr -
Fb -


Offline Mai-chan

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MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 04/21]IPROTO Chapter 1[SCI-FI] + Author's note
« Reply #168 on: April 21, 2013, 11:34:50 AM »
PROTO Chapter 1
"Minami! Breakfast is ready!"
I run downstairs as I heard my mom's voice. I can smell her home-made cooking that is grabbing my whole body to the kitchen to eat breakfast. This day is really starting so well.I can see the sun shining so brightly that uplift my spirit and made me smile. As I go down the stairs, I greet my mom with a smile saying "Good Morning!"
She suddenly smiled and said, "What's up with you today? Waking up early and greeting me happily?" My mom said while smiling as she puts the plates on the kitchen table.
"I don't know really! But I think this is the best day of my life!" I said as I sit on my chair.
"Well I hope this mood of yours is forever since it won’t be any bother on waking you up on your bed." My mom said with a bit of laughter.
"Mou! Mom!"
My mom and I enjoyed breakfast together and have some laughs and giggles. This day is really going so well for the both of us. My mom and I are the only ones that are living in our family.
Actually I have a very sad family background. I had a sibling but then she died and my father left my mother because he blamed her for the death of my sibling. I was only 6 years old at that time so I can't really understand what was happening. Honestly on the day, my sibling's coffin was buried through the ground.
I was asking my mom so loudly, "Mom why are they doing this to Nao? I thought she was only sleeping!" I said as I grabbed my mom's darkish dress.
As I asked my mom with my question she kneeled in front of me and hugged me so tightly. She cried and cried and cried on my shoulder although I didn't understand why she was crying but I also cried not because of Nao's death but because I can't understand the situation that was happening and worst of all, I can see Nao's coffin being buried.
After that year by year, my attitude changed, from the Takahashi Minami that was cheerful, active and easy to approach, became a dark person that isn't approachable (amicable) and doesn't give a care to anyone at all.
Many of my classmates are afraid to be friends with me and when there is a group project, I always have a 70% grade since I don't attend to it or even if I wanted to, my classmates doesn't want me to join their group. As my elementary and middle school life was over, I tried to change my attitude for the sake of my mom and it did turn out great but somehow seeing people smiling breaks my heart...I don't really know why but by seeing someone smile, I can see ...Nao.
"Minami? Are you alright?"
I was shocked at my mom waving in front of me. I have been spacing out which I often do when we are eating breakfast.
"Are you thinking about Nao?" My mom asked as she looks at me with a worried face.
"Y...Yeah." I said with a low tone of voice. I suddenly felt that I lost my appetite on eating after thinking about Nao.
My Mom just smiled at me and said, "If you don't want to eat anymore it's okay, you don't have to force yourself!" My Mom is so nice. I am really grateful to God because he gave me a really nice mom that can be with me when I get lonely.
"Let's just watch the news on t.v. okay?" My mom said as she grabs the remote near the small table on the dining room.
As the television was turned on the reporter talks about the weather and the current events that is happening to Japan and to some countries too but what really grabbed to my attention is the next segment of the news, this is what the reporter is saying,
"Ohayou Everyone! Are you all enjoying your breakfast? Or are you not eating right now? ahahaha! Just kidding!" The host said while scratching his head after he said his lame failing joke.
"Anyway, here is the Gaming Corner! On this segment, we are going to talk about the current events about what is happening in the gaming industry!" The host said with a smile as he introduces the segment.
"Just get on with it..." I said as I watch the segment boringly.
"First up is the "PROTO" gadget! It is a new creation developed by a famous gaming genius, the great “Akimoto Yasushi!" The gadget cannot be shown to any news or anything that involves picture and stuff according to Akimoto Yasushi himself because once you do you will be in prison! What he only approved is the explanation of the looks of the gadget! So, by the looks of the gadget, it is really plain and it really looks like a headset but with a blue transparent glass! Although you would really think twice if you are really going to buy this item for ¥25,000, but gamers were really intrigued after they hear Akimoto Yasushi's words!" The host said with his eyes sparkling with passion which I clearly see that he really loves his job.
Suddenly the news shows a short video footage of the Akimoto Yasushi guy being interviewed by a certain reporter asking him on why should the gamers buy his product and all he said is,

"The gamers are not the one who is waiting for the game, it is the game that is waiting for the gamers."
My eyes suddenly widen as I hear his words, it made me think of what he actually meant but as I try harder, the more I can't really understand but his words really touched my heart I really never played any game before nor touched a game console! But his words sure are amazing, so that's the reason why the host introduced him as the"Great Akimoto Yasushi"
After that the host said that the "PROTO" gadget received many pre-orders online and because of that the pre-orders can only be accepted up to 2,000 orders because of the enormous amount of it. While the releasing date for tomorrow, only 6,000 copies are going to be released and sold to Japan and the host added that once you activate the gadget there is a game in it although no one knows what kind of game is it, even the production company doesn't even know it, the only one that knows it is Akimoto Yasushi himself.
After the segment was finished my mom suddenly spoke and said,
"You wanted to buy that huh?" She said with a teasing smile.
"E-eh? Hrmmmm....Y...yeah...but I don't have any money so it's impossib--"
"Then I'll buy you one!" My mom said with a bright smile.
"EEEEEEEHHHHHHH?!!!!! Are you really sure?! I mean that is ¥25,000 Mom! ¥25,000!!!! Isn't it too much???" I said as I stand up in front of her with a really shocked face.
"It's really okay!"
"But.....don't you think I am bothering you too much?" I said with a depressing tone of voice.
"Minami, when is the time I said that you are a bother to me?" My mom said as she crossed her arms in front of me
"It's when......uhm........hrmmm.....when uhmm.............okay, you’ve never said that that I’m a bother..." I said with a sigh.
"See? So just take this money and buy it for tomorrow!" My mom said as she grabs my hand and puts the stack of ¥25,000 to my palms.
"Already?!...*counts the money*....But this is ¥30,000! You should take the extra ¥5,000 mom!" I said as I reached for her hand.
"Don't worry it's yours! Use it for your allowance at school!" My mom said as she leaves the dining room.
"But Mom!"
"Minami...." *glares.
Well I have no other choice but to buy the "PROTO" gadget. Hopefully I CAN buy it because I am really sure that this thing would be sold out the next morning I wake up.
I forgot to mention that the "Takahashi Family" is a wealthy family. Outside of our house is an enormous garden and if you look at the far end, there is a river close to it and yes it is also owned by our family but on my point of view I just wanted to have a really simple life that is not being served by butlers and that's why my mom fired all of our 50 butlers and just served me with all her love.
The employees that we only have in this mansion is Yurika-san, our one and only maid, Mr.Kurosaki, our gardener and Mr. John Voclain, our driver and head butler. I also treat them as my own family since they are all really nice.
I went outside the mansion and just sat by the stairs and sniff the clean, soft breeze of air. Mr.John suddenly noticed me while he was helping Mr. Kurosaki watering the flowers and plants. I waved my arms and smiled to the two gentlemen and they waved back to me as well. I suddenly look at my wristwatch which alarmed me since it is already 8:30 a.m.!
"Shoot! I will be late for the last day of summer school!" I said as I head upstairs and wore my civilian clothes and ride on my bike as I head to my school. Suddenly, Mr. John called me and said,
"Mistress! I should send you to your school since it is really far away!" he said with a worried face.
"No Mr.John, it's okay! I still have 2 hours before class starts!
"Minami why won’t you go and let Mr. John escort you to school?" A voice suddenly appeared on Mr. John's back. It was my grandfather, the owner of the land I am standing at.
As Mr. John saw grandpa, he quickly bowed and greeted him a pleasant morning which my grandpa did the same.
I ride on the limousine that Mr. John is going to drive and left our residence. On our way to school Mr. John suddenly spoke and said,
"Mistress, why don't you want me to ride you on your way to school?"
"Uhhmm....I don't want to be a bother," I said quietly as I look at the window of the limousine.
"Mistress, you know you are not a bother to me and besides being like this is a butler's job, so please tell me the truth, Mistress."
I left a sigh and just told the truth to Mr. John. He smiled as I said that I just want to be a normal person that everyone can approach too and also I wanted to feel on what is the feeling of being a normal student. After that Mr. John suddenly giggled a bit and said to me,
"Mistress being normal isn't about blending through the atmosphere, it is about being you.
You don't have to force yourself to a thing that you are really not. Being a normal person comes with your heart and with your soul. It is in you when you were born in this world. You are the one that controls it, don't you agree, Mistress?" Mr. John said with a smile.
I suddenly smiled through Mr. John's words and agreed to his short opinion to a "normal person". Many minutes later, we are near my school but then Mr.John stopped the limousine and went outside to grab something. As soon as he got what he wanted on the back seat he suddenly knocked on my window and when I opened the door I saw my bike and Mr. John said with a smile,
"School is way up ahead Mistress! you can now use your bike!"
I smiled and thank Mr. John for understanding me. After that, I ride my bike and said goodbye to Mr. John but before I forget, I gave him a order about buying me the "PROTO" gadget for tomorrow and he agreed on it so I gave him the ¥25,000 money to buy it for tomorrow. I headed to school using my bike.
I suddenly felt an excited feeling on what I could expect through that gadget named "PROTO" but suddenly as I think some thoughts inside my head another bicycle knocked over me, causing me to fall with my bike. My flesh on my knees started to bleed and the wheel of my bike suddenly broke and as I hold my head I suddenly felt that my knees swelling and my head suddenly aches in pain. My vision started to get blurry. And I can’t see clearly who had knocked my bike, but that person is somewhat approaching me. As the unknown person draws nearer and nearer, my vision suddenly turned black.
And I thought this IS my best day ever.



Sorry for my BIG absence... :kneelbow: So that was PROTO Chapter 1! Update is held Every Sunday! plus I am making a Atsumina manga story entitled HISASHIBURI~!!!

here's a preview:

Okay~!that's enough preview~

I think this will be finished when a month finishes or much more than that O______O

well that's all~ :byebye:
« Last Edit: April 21, 2013, 12:20:08 PM by Mai-chan »
Creating stories is another way of showing my Persona

INSPIRATION <----I need that thing so much... (.__.)


Offline FNK23

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 04/21]IPROTO Chapter 1[SCI-FI] + Author's note
« Reply #169 on: April 21, 2013, 01:04:50 PM »
mann, i like the preview part,minami really cute and in the same time she really cool.
looking forward the next part  :kneelbow:

Offline cisda83

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 04/21]IPROTO Chapter 1[SCI-FI] + Author's note
« Reply #170 on: April 21, 2013, 05:11:00 PM »
Minami as a rich person...

Who was the one that approaching Minami as she lost consciousness?

Can't wait to see Atsuko coming on...

Thank you for the start of the new series...

I enjoy reading it... for now... it's still the start...

There are lots of mysteries to be reveal... later on...

Can't wait to see the next mystery and of course how the story going to develop

 :wub: :inlove: :heart: :love:

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 04/21]IPROTO Chapter 1[SCI-FI] + Author's note
« Reply #171 on: April 22, 2013, 02:59:58 AM »
Sci-fi huh?II'm going to wait for the next chapter again ' A')

By the way I like the preview of your manga!Hopefully you'll finish it soon :)

Offline Hii_chan

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 04/21]IPROTO Chapter 1[SCI-FI] + Author's note
« Reply #172 on: April 22, 2013, 12:18:27 PM »
great update
chapter 1 make me curious, i'll waiting for your next upate
thanks for update
P/s: I had to admit that I want to see your manga so much may be more than your fic XD
\\(''^0^)// Sou-chan  \\(^0^)//

Offline TK.Yuu

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 04/21]IPROTO Chapter 1[SCI-FI] + Author's note
« Reply #173 on: April 23, 2013, 11:44:43 AM »

WAAAAAAW!!!! That preview is hot~!!! I CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGERRRR!!!! joke~ yes I can!

Please take your time on making the manga Mai-chan! :)

and what happened to Pinky Swear????
A kiss to the cheeks isn't enough and so is to the lips~

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Offline Mai-chan

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 04/21]IPROTO Chapter 1[SCI-FI] + Author's note
« Reply #174 on: April 24, 2013, 05:45:58 AM »
@Hii_Chan ahahahahaha I agree! many people like you,can't wait for the manga itself XD

@TK.YuuHrmmmmm Pinky Swear huh....err....I am still grabbing inspiration to continue that fic. plus I don't want to continue that with a half-hearted story if I am not inspired so hopefully you could understand and also to the people that is reading this note. :)
Creating stories is another way of showing my Persona

INSPIRATION <----I need that thing so much... (.__.)


Offline Mai-chan

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 04/27]IPROTO Chapter 2[SCI-FI]
« Reply #175 on: April 27, 2013, 11:15:01 AM »
PROTO Chapter 2
As I opened my eyes, I saw a white curtain that is swaying so blissfully in my front view. I touched the solid object that I am lying at and knowing that it is a soft cushion bed. As I set my realization mode, I noticed that the place where I am is really familiar since it is my own bedroom. How did I get in here in the first place?
I try to forcefully remember what happened moments ago but I can't really remember what happened or at least how did I return to my home in the first place. As I refreshed my mind while lying on my bed, I heard a creak on the door. As I turned my head to that direction, I saw our maid, Yurika-san.
I greeted Yurika-san with a smile. I can see her carrying a tray that contains a tea set and a sandwich. She put the tray down on the table near my bed and bowed down in front of me saying,
"Good day Mistress, I am glad that you are now awake," she said while smiling.
"Good day to you too Yurika-san," I replied back as I tried to stand up to my bed.
"Wait Mistress! Please take some time to rest. You still have some injuries." Yurika-san said with a worried tone while gently pushing my shoulders to let my body lay on my bed.
"Injuries? What exactly happened to me Yurika-san?" I said as I looked straight at her eyes.
"Ah I see, because your head struck on your metal bike. Maybe it has caused you to lose your memories with what happen to you earlier... Or wait, maybe you’ve forgotten when you were born?! Mistress, answer me quickly, what’s the sum of 2+2??"
"Four! Wait Yurika-san! Stop joking!"
Yurika-san just laughed at me because she’s trying to be silly with her plain jokes. But since I’m her Mistress, she explained what happened to me earlier. She summarized the things that happen, as I leave home, riding on the limousine that was driven by Mr.John and then as Mr.John left, someone knocked my bike and gave me a minor injury to my knee and to my head but then as Yurika-san finished her explanation I suddenly got a question to my head and asked her quickly by saying,

"What Yurika-san ,how do you know what happened to me after Mr. John left?"
"I AM WATCHING YOU MISTRESS~~~"she said with a smirk and with her glasses, sparkling so brightly.
"Y...Yurika-san!!!"I said with a creeped out tone.
"Ahahaha~ I am just kidding Mistress! That information came from the suspect herself," Yurika-san said as she touched her glasses.
"Suspect? You mean the one who hit me right?"
"Yes Mistress! We’ve put her in prison now," she said with a smile.
"W-What?! Why so sudden? And don't do that without my permission! And she is a “girl” so why punish her so harshly?" I said as I lift up my upper body facing Yurika-san with an upset face.
"Ah...My apologies Mistress, I will report this to Mr. Takahashi and tell him to free the young lady." Yurika said as she bows in front of me.
"But for now mistress please eat your meal. It’ll make you feel better."
"Hmmmm...okay then. Just tell uncle about it.”
"Yes, I have respectfully received your request" Yurika said while lifting the end of her skirt as she bows in front of me.
"Why so formal? You could say it to me in a normal way!" I said to Yurika-san with a smile.
"Yurika-san!!! Stop joking around!"
"Eh? Doesn't normal people talk about that nowadays?" Yurika said as she puts her finger near her mouth.
"Well some people do but not in that kind of way! Please Yurika-san."
"I got you Mistress. I will message your order to Mr. Takahashi. Roger that!" Yurika-san said with a salute.
"*sigh* Okay, thank you Yurika-san" I said with a smile.
After that, Yurika-san gently closed my bedroom door and left my room at peace. I pour some tea on my tea cup that Yurika-san prepared for me and took a bite of her home-made sandwich. Eating Yurika-san's cooking is really going to give you a short trip in heaven. Several minutes passed, I finished eating my meal Somehow half of my energy was restored thanks to Yurika-san's cooking.
I tried to stand up on my bed and I did it easily and after that I went outside my bedroom and headed on our garden. I really do love seeing fresh flowers and sniffing up some fresh air. It somewhat boosts up my energy!
Finally as I reached the ground floor of our mansion, I gently sat down on the nearest bench that I could see. I closed my eyes and listened to the rustle of the grass, sniffed some of that fresh air and hummed a calm, random song that is playing through my head. As a person that is going to school on ALMOST every day, this is the best time to just lay down and relax.
After many minutes passed, Kurosaki-san approached me and greeted me a "good day" while smiling and I greeted him back just like what he did and then he sat with me on the bench and exhaled really long, I guess he is really tired seeing from the sweat in his head.
"Kurosaki-san you can rest for today. And besides, you have done many things today in our garden. It really looks so beautiful."
"Thank you for your words Mistress but I will just take a short break and after that I will start putting some fertilizer on the cabbage and tomato section!" Mr. Kurosaki said as he swept his sweat by using his face towel.
"I really think you need to take some rest though." I said to him with a worried tone.
"Thank you for being concern my Mistress but don't worry, I'm okay since I love what I am doing. I will keep on working!" Kurosaki-san said while smiling in front of me.
"Kurosaki-san why do you love being a gardener?"
"Ahh~ that is a good question Mistress! Let me see...." Kurosaki-san suddenly crossed his arms and bowed his head to think why he loves his job and after a few seconds he finally answers my question.
"I think it's because I love seeing the flowers and crops that I value. Seeing them as a little seed at the beginning and watching them grow into beautiful flowers or crops makes my hard work pays off in no time!" Kurosaki said happily and with a sense of satisfaction in his words.
"I it's like taking care of a child, right?"
"I bet your kids at home are like the flowers in our garden, huh?" I said while smiling.
But as I said those words, Kurosaki-san didn't reply at all. I was expecting for him to respond happily through my words but instead, he gave me the opposite emotion that I was expecting to see from him. He gave me a sad aura that caused our whole conversation into an awkward one but after a minute or so, Kurosaki-san suddenly spoke and said,

"Sorry about my sudden silence Mistress... I think my break time is up so I must continue my work." Kurosaki-san said with an upset tone as he stands up to the bench that he was sitting at.

His actions made me feel remorse. Maybe if I didn't ask him about his kids, maybe we are still having a fun conversation together…. But then I took the wrong path and it turn out to be like this but I don't want him to feel gloomy. I grabbed his hand and said,
"Kurosaki-san, it's alright. You can tell me your problems."
After I said that, Kurosaki-san slightly smiled in front of me and said,
"I have a child. My daughter named Watanabe Mayu. Actually, I am just her step-father. Her real father died long time ago and I married her mother. I tried to get close to her but she just became a troubled child. She kept cutting classes, always locks herself to her bedroom and now she wanted to buy the PROTO device."
"PROTO?" I said with a shock.
"Yeah, she is one of the beta-testers of the company and after that she wanted to buy the company’s product, saying that she wants to be inside that hi-tech world but the game and gadget is worth ¥25,000. Who could even afford that?" Kurosaki-san said as he crossed his arms with a sad expression.
"So what are you going to do? Will you buy her the PROTO device?"
"No but she already have the money to buy one. Can you believe it? She took a part-time job just to buy that crap!"
"Y....yeah....." I agreed slightly.
"Well Mistress I have to go. Thank you for listening to me." Kurosaki-san said with a smile.
After that I suddenly thought, "Wait it her daughter is a beta-tester, then she knows the whole process of the game!", yeah, I just need to talk to her daughter secretly without Kurosaki-san knowing it! And with that, I’ll know the process of the game in advance!
Many minutes passed and I am still sitting at the garden bench and suddenly I saw Yurika-san approaching me with a really fast amount of speed. When she finally reached me, she said,

"Mistress!Your order is now done. The suspect is now free."
"That's nice to here! where is she?"
"She's over there, Inside the car. She wanted to thank you, apparently."
"Is that so? then let's go."
As I arrived at the back side of the limousine, I saw a girl that is wearing a hood jacket, chewing a bubblegum and looking at the window with a far-off gaze. I sat down on the seat of the car but it's like she doesn't even felt my presence that’s why I knocked the window. I finally got her attention but she’s giving me a look like saying "Who is this person that is disturbing me?". After a minute or so she suddenly spoke,
"Thanks for setting me free. I thought that you are going to keep me in jail just because I knocked you on your bike."
"Ah! It's not a problem. Sometimes my uncle is over reacting to things. I'm really sorry about that."
"No it's okay. Hey, mind telling me your name?"
"I’m Takahashi Minami. Nice to meet you." I said as I give my hand in front of her to receive a handshake.
"Nice to meet you too. I'm Watanabe Mayu,” she said as she gave me a handshake.
But wait......Watanabe Mayu? Didn't I heard that from somewhere?....yeah! She's Kurosaki-san's step-daughter! The beta tester! I can't believe that this is happening. I wanted to ask her all about the “PROTO” but I don't want to just budge questions to her. She will be wondering how I knew that she's a beta tester in the first place. I must think of a way to put the "PROTO" device into our conversation
Suddenly Mr. John knocked through the window and as I roll down the window he said,
"Mistress I have bought the PROTO device! If you want to see it please inform me!"
"Eh? How? I thought they sell it for tomorrow?"
"I actually got the package because I pre-ordered one and my order got in!"
"Is that so? Thanks Mr. John"
"My pleasure Mistress, now please continue with your conversation."
"Okay.” After that I rolled up the car window to let our conversation continue.
After that, I heard a pop that came from Mayu's bubble gum. After that, she took a paper from the pocket of her jacket and put the used bubble gum into the paper and put it to her pocket again. She suddenly looked at me with her glaring eyes and said,
"So you’re playing too huh?"
"Playing? Oh! The “PROTO” device? Yeah. I will."
After I said to her, she let out a smile and said,
"A word of advice from me,Once you play this game,I'm sure you will regret on playing it in the first place."
Regret? What does she mean? Is the game inside the PROTO device really violent or anything that can be strictly dangerous? I pretended to not know that she is a beta-tester for the device and asked her about something and that is,
"How do you know? Are you a beta-tester or some sort?"
"Touché Minami. Yes I am a beta-tester and as for helping me on getting out of jail I am now advising you to not use the PROTO device for your sake."
"For my sake? What kind of game does the PROTO device contain? And why for my sake? Can you say it clearly?"
Mayu suddenly smiled in front of me and let out an "It can't be helped then" face and said,
"I know that once I said this to a person that can spread the word, Akimoto-sensei will hunt for my name but since you save my life and you look like a person that can be trusted I will give you a little information about the game inside the PROTO device. Listen carefully because I won’t repeat it again, okay?"
"Okay." I agreed.
Finally she's going to say the function of the game. My face suddenly turned into a serious one and listened carefully on Mayu's words.
"The PROTO device is a three dimensional game that will bring you into another world. Three Worlds to be exact. World One is the Styx, the 2nd World is the Gradia world and as for the 3rd is unknown."
"Unknown? Why?"
"Akimoto-sensei didn't showed the 3rd World to the beta-testers because he knows that some of us are going to play the actual game and that would be not good because we are going to spoil the fun and that's the reason I am going to buy the PROTO product for tomorrow.
"I see....but what kind of world does per world contain?"
"*smiles* That...I must not reveal. You have to see it for yourself though you save my life, giving information still has its limits."
Darn this girl is really smart maybe if I take her as my companion in the event then I can clear it easily.
"Hey can we be companions?"
"Companions? Hmm....ah sure because to the PROTO's game, it is important to have at least one companion with you."
"Why is that?"
"Oh, I forgot to mention, inside the PROTO is a game that can be the "hell" we know itself."
"Hell? Why is that?" I asked.
"Because once you entered the 1st World, you could never back out. Meaning, you can never log out."
"W-What?! But how can you log out to the game?"
"You need to finish the first World and if you don't want to play anymore then you can log out or if you want to play again you can log in and start on World 2 but once you enter you can't back out."
"Then....Can I back out now?"
Mayu didn't answer my question but she stared at me. She didn't talk for a minute and after a minute passes she suddenly talked and said,
"I thought you are not like them but you are just all the same. Scared, Weak, Selfish."
"What do you mean?"
"You bought the PROTO device to enter a new world that you haven't seen before and now you're backing out? You're such a weakling."
"But you don't understand! The PROTO device can kill us! What if you didn't finished the 1st World quickly?! Your body will be dying because of hunger in the reality world for sure!"
"Are you scared? Scared of facing a new world? Why not just try? Try the 1st World and I'm sure you can pass anything."
"I will try it but with your help."
"Sure. I know that you will change once we finish the 1st World."
"'s a promise then"
Both of us shook hands and after that I let Mr. John escort Mayu to their home. I talked to Mr. John before he left and he said that my PROTO device is in my bedroom.
As I looked up to the sky, it is really dim and that's when I noticed that our talk with each other was really long and thus I go straight to my bedroom and as I arrived at my room I saw the package of the PROTO device lying on my bed.
I opened the box and as I saw the device. It was a simple, plain device just like the reporter said on T.V. but who would think that this small device can kill your body? I read the instruction manual and all of the controls for the device that was written on it. All I need to do is link the cable of the device to a socket and I can play the game. It indicated that the game is already installed through the device itself.
To make it short, the PROTO device is simply a device that can only activate one game but what people don’t know is that it could change your entire life once you enter on it.
Tomorrow, the story of my life is going to change REALLY BIG! That is for sure, just what kind of world am I really going to enter? Questions about what's going to happen to me for tomorrow rolled through my head. But for the meantime, I'll just sleep on my bed to get ready for tomorrow.

Creating stories is another way of showing my Persona

INSPIRATION <----I need that thing so much... (.__.)


Offline cisda83

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 04/27]IPROTO Chapter 2[SCI-FI]
« Reply #176 on: April 27, 2013, 01:54:07 PM »
Ah.. the suspect is prisoned just because she hit and caused injuries to Minami...?

Very Harsh indeed...

Yukari is such a joker...

Eh... Mayu is Minami's gardener step daughter.... and the suspect.... very nice twist...

Ah.. what a dangerous //hack&Sign 'the World' game... but unable to log out...

And similar like the game in 'Sword Art Online'

Trap in the game until they can clear the stage

Wah... can't wait to find out what's going to happen with Mayu and Takamina in the game...

Thank you for the lovely update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline arrow27

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 04/27]IPROTO Chapter 2[SCI-FI]
« Reply #177 on: April 27, 2013, 03:35:44 PM »
thanks for the update!!!!!

Never wouldve guessed that was Mayu :D & lol, wow Minami's uncle sure does take things seriously for improsining somoene :P

Pretty cool meeting between Minami and Mayu. Those two will make interesting companions in the game :)

thank again. I look forward to the next chapter!

Offline TK.Yuu

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 04/27]IPROTO Chapter 2[SCI-FI]
« Reply #178 on: April 30, 2013, 07:16:11 AM »
Lol Minami's grandfather is so strict!

and Yukari-san is so funny XD

And I thought the one who bumped her is Atsuko! Guess my wish didn't came true....but! Seeing these two in A fiction is pretty interesting!

Thank you for updating! and as always I am looking forward for the next chapter! :D
A kiss to the cheeks isn't enough and so is to the lips~

My Amateur Stories

Offline Mai-chan

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MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 05/05]PROTO Chapter 3 - Now Entering PROTO[SCI-FI]
« Reply #179 on: May 05, 2013, 04:05:13 AM »
Everyone thank you for supporting this fiction! Hopefully I wont loose any supporters  :cry: :cry: :cry:

PROTO Chapter 3

"Gooooood Morning Everyone!I am Seiji Nakayama reporting live in Akihabara!We are here in a long lane of a certain shop in Akiba!why is the lane so long?Because today is the grand opening sale of the PROTO device!yes!you heard me right!today is opening sale of the brand new device that is being screamed by the gamers voice,nationwide!Now let's ask that guy over there!Sir!Sir!What is your comment to the PROTO device and why do you want to buy it?"

"Because it's features are awesome!"

"Oh!Is that so?do have any further comments or expectations to the device?"

"Ofcourse!for starters I want the device to---"

*turns off television

"*sigh* so it's really going to begin huh?"

I said as I watch the news on the television set that is in my bedroom.

Few hours to go and i'm going to enter the world of PROTO and once I get in that device I need to clear World 1 before I can log out.Darn it....what kind of thing did I just get into?I want to back out but my mom would be wondering on why I don't want to play the device but atleast I have Mayu on my side,with a beta tester on my side I'm sure I can pass World 1 in no time and just pretend to mom that I finished the game and got bored already,it can be a perfect lie to her and to some people that will question me.

Suddenly someone knocked on my bedroom door and as the door opened I saw Yurika-san carrying a tray with my breakfast on it.She greeted me by saying "Good Morning mistress" and laid down a small wooden table on my bed to put the tray on it.

"Mistress,Are you getting better?"Yurika-san questioned as she brewed some tea for me.

"Well my head is still aching a bit but I'm getting better than yesterday."

"I'm glad about that Mistress."

"Thank you,Yurika-san."I said with a smile.

As Yurika-san finished brewing my tea,she suddenly saw the package of my PROTO device and there she asks,

"So you have already bought it huh?Why are you still not playing it?"

"Ah...I'm waiting for a friend to contact me.Once that friend of mine texts me,I'm entering PROTO."

"I see.Uhm Mistress I must leave,I'm going to prepare your mother's breakfast so if I could."

"Oh!It's okay,please take care."

After that Yurika-san left my room and I started to text Mayu if she bought the device and then she replied by saying,

"Yeah,I'm just waiting for you to text me back.I'm going to enter PROTO,hurry up and enter too."

Wow she so fast at buying the device...but I can't believe I'm going to enter PROTO at this early!Well I have no more choice but to plug the cable of the device to the socket and enter PROTO.As i look at the description's manual of the device,PROTO is a device that is activated in voice command."Well that is really easy!"I said in my head.Before I went inside the PROTO device,I looked once again to my whole bedroom because maybe I'm not able to come back again because honestly I'm scared on entering PROTO.

After an hour or so,I opened my TV and looked at the Game corner news and there I saw a marquee that is saying that the PROTO device is finally sold out and after that I closed my TV set and let out a big sigh,I put the device on my head and lay down on my bed,I scream out loud the voice command of starting the device which is,


After that,the blue transparent glass of the device let out a really bright light that let my eyes close for a second but as I opened my eyes I was so surprised that my whole body is floating in mid-air and my whole surrounding is just plain black.I was scared for a second but then A huge word came out in front of me.

"LOADING GAME...50% complete"

That is the word that is written in front of me,bit by bit the loading of the game is reaching to 100%,somehow my heart is beating rapidly.I was so anxious on what does the 1st World look like and as the game reaches 100% and the "Welcome to PROTO" word appeared,I slowly closed my eyes and as I opened it.what I saw is this,

rough sketch of the author without people in it because it's too difficult OTL

What I saw is a stadium-like place.My whole body is landing softly through that surface that contains many people in the small circle of the stadium,many people with dark glasses are blocking their way to not step over the lane of the circle and all of the participants are wearing the same transparent blue glass that I am also wearing and as I look above to observe the surroundings,I saw 3 big floating flat screen TVs above the stadium-like place but what really catches my attention is the number of doors that is aligned to every corner of the stadium.

As my body reaches the surface,A guy that is also wearing a dark glasses told me to follow him in the circle and I agreed to be assisted by him.As I stepped inside the circle,someone poked my shoulder and as I turned my head around I saw Mayu.

"Hey,you're pretty late huh?"Mayu said as she chew her bubble gum.

"Yeah...sorry about that,I just did some things and stuff."I said as I scratched my head.

"*Sigh* anyways the event is about to start in a few minutes so let's just wait."

"Okay...uhm by the way!How does the device do this?knowing the clothes that we wore as we enter PROTO?"

"Ah that?it's not written on the manual but the PROTO device can read your whole body and analyze it,after that they will entry everything that your character is wearing,even what's inside of it,that's why I have this bubble gum with me and my bag."

"I see,but why did you wear a bag with you?"

"I just wanted to,I feel really out of balanced when I don't have my bag with me."

"....your weird"

"I know."

After many hours passed and the 3 flat screen TVs turned on above us and what we saw is Akimoto Yasushi,the creator of the game itself.What he did is that he smiled to us and said,

Play it here

As I observe my surroundings,I ca hear some voices saying,"Why does he want to budge into the game?","Can't we just play already?","I think I just wasted my 25,000 yen" and many more words but Akimoto-san just continue to introduce the world of PROTO,he explained everything like Mayu did to me.He said everything about the 3 Worlds and what we are in is the World 1 itself but then as he gets to the part about the log out button and explains the whole situation of it,


Someone suddenly screamed to the crowd,After that many complains suddenly submerged to Akimoto-san's face.Everyone is in a panic just like I did as I heard this thing from Mayu but right on that moment,there were some people that are not speaking.Me,Mayu,the other beta-testers and the people that are so shocked they couldn't even speak.

Suddenly Mayu whispered and said,"tsk,Weaklings..."

After the crowed finally quiets down,Akimoto-san continue to speak out that the only way that we are going to escape this hell zone is to finish World 1 and our first step is to find one partner or even more and after that the body guards that are surrounding them,will be their assistance through the door that they will be entering.After his explanation,the 3 televisions turned off and the crowd gone insane once again."Is he insane?!","Why did I buy this game?!","I was fooled!","He's such a devil!" those are some words that I heard once they complained about Akimoto's game,PROTO.

"Hey Minami,Let's go."Mayu said as she gets out of the circle with a guard assisting her.

"Ah okay,Mayu."

"Don't call me by that me Nezumi."

"Nezumi??Why is that?"

"Because I wanted to."She said as she continues to follow the guard that is assisting her.

"Okay then..."I replied as I follow her footsteps.

After a minute or so,we finally reached the door that is dedicated to the two of us but as I look at my back,I can still see many people that haven't decided to move forward and find a partner.They are still in panic on what is happening to them,I actually pity them because I don't want to see people suffering because of this kind of thing.So that is why World 1 is entitled as the Styx...

It's a river of wrath that contains the angry,irate,furious, wroth,ireful expressions.Styx is defined as the punishment for the wrathful and the gloomy.The former are forever lashing out at each other in anger, furious and naked, tearing each other piecemeal with their teeth. Because you lived a cruel, vindictive and hateful life, you meet your fate in the Styx that is based in the book of Divine Comedy,I remembered that I read this when I was on my dark memories,that only books are closest friends.

Maybe that is the reason why Akimoto-san named this 1st World as "Styx",many people here played the game to let go of the reality and to leave the life that they hate and now we can see that people releases their anger,wrath and furious expressions through their whole body.Akimoto-san really saw that happen but right now I must get out of this world and live my normal life once more.

"Hey Minami,Stop daydreaming and Let's go!"Nezumi said with an angry expression.

"Oh!I'm sorry!"

After that the guard that is assisting us opened the door and said,"Go inside." straightly to us and so we did.As we went inside,the whole light that was coming through the door that we just went to suddenly fade.The room that we are into is just a black-colored room.I really have no idea what to do but all I have to do is let Nezumi do the work and I'll help her out but many minutes passed and nothing happened or change inside the room!

"Hey Nezumi?What are we going to--"

"Shhhh.....just wait."

That is the words that Nezumi said to me.So I did what she said and as another minute passes,A sudden spotlight flashed in front of us and there was a chair and the interesting part is that there is something that is sitting on it and that "something is....

a rabbit.

« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 07:01:50 AM by Mai-chan »
Creating stories is another way of showing my Persona

INSPIRATION <----I need that thing so much... (.__.)


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