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Author Topic: MAI'S S.C.[01/17] Unrequired Love [Atsumina]  (Read 83619 times)

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 05/05]PROTO Chapter 3 - Now Entering PROTO[SCI-FI]
« Reply #180 on: May 05, 2013, 04:19:03 AM »
thanks for the update!! Wow so they finally entered the game. Guess it's a good thing that Minami knew what to expect since Mayu told her, otherwise she'd  be freaking out like the rest of the players.

great chapter and sketches as usual :D I look forward to finding out what happens next!

Offline cisda83

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 05/05]PROTO Chapter 3 - Now Entering PROTO[SCI-FI]
« Reply #181 on: May 05, 2013, 11:47:10 AM »
Ah... Minami is quite insane to play the game just because she is bored....

I can understand the other players feeling...

To say you have to complete 1st stage to log out...

And if somehow you died in the game... you also died outside...

That's very scary...

Eh... the 1st battle is with a rabbit....

Can't wait to see what happen next....

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline TK.Yuu

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 05/05]PROTO Chapter 3 - Now Entering PROTO[SCI-FI]
« Reply #182 on: May 06, 2013, 07:05:31 AM »
Nice! Finally they are inside the game!

and the first battle is a rabbit?how interesting  :w00t:

I also like the 2nd sketch :DDDD  and the BGM really fits their situation :OOO

Please continue this  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs
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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 05/05]PROTO Chapter 3 - Now Entering PROTO[SCI-FI]
« Reply #183 on: May 06, 2013, 04:52:21 PM »
nice plot you got here  :thumbsup
love the drawings your specialty..
keep it up up up!!
in case I won't comment my thank you is present :3

Offline Mai-chan

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 05/12]PROTO Chapter 4[SCI-FI]
« Reply #184 on: May 12, 2013, 04:42:23 PM »
@arrow27 Yep! Minami might really panic! and loose control! Thank you for reading and I hope you'll stay reading this until the end :kneelbow:

@cisda83 Thank you for reading sir!  :D :D :D

@TK.Yuu Good thing someone still saw my 2nd sketch XDD It's a late entry for that Chapter,Sometimes I'm an air-head so sorry about that  :sweat: by the way!Thank you for reading! :D

@miayaka Dawwwww Thanks Mia! :farofflook: A great fan fic writer,reading my story! It's such a huge honor! T^T thank you very much for reading :')))

Chapter 4
"A Rabbit?"
I suddenly questioned out loud but as I look at Nezumi's face, she didn't wonder at all..... Maybe she's waiting for something to happen.
And so it happened. After a few minutes passed, the stuff toy rabbit suddenly moved its head. Its left eye shined bright red which indicated that it might just have activated. Then, the rabbit spoke and said,

"Welcome to Styx's Door 01,Mr. Rabbit's Room."

The creepy, weird rabbit said with a cheerful voice.
"Here in door 01 we will be ha-- OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH~!!!!!Wait a minute~?Is this who it think it is?! Is that you my lovely Nezumi-chwan~?"
"It's so nice to meet you again~! Cute (Kawaii) as always~!" :3
"Will you just shut up and just explain the rules to her?" Nezumi said irritated while pointing at my direction.
"Ahahahaha~ I like this gap of yours Nezumi-chwan~ and oh~? You didn't take a beta tester as your partner? Well this is interesting! Hey little young lady~! What's your name?"
"Oh...uhm...My name is Takahashi Minami, please to meet you Usagi(Rabbit)"I said with a low tone of voice.
"HEY! THAT'S MR.RABBIT(or Usagi-san) TO YOU!!!" The stuff rabbit said to me with a mad tone.
"Aaahhh!! S-Sorry Usagi-san!" I bowed down in front of the stuff rabbit.
"That's better~....Well! Minami-chan! Let me explain how this room works! Shall I?"
"Yes you can,Usagi-san."
"Ohoho~ I like the sound of that politeness you got there!"
" don't need to be that polite..." Nezumi whispered to me.
"*EHEM*...In Mr Rabbit's room or should I say MY ROOM! Is known as a puzzle game and if you look at your left wrist, you will see a rectangular chip that is attached through your skin."
"Chip?" I questioned myself. I rolled up the sleeve of my jacket to see what Usagi-san meant....Then, there it is! I did see a rectangular chip that is attached through my skin. Somehow I was quite disgusted as I saw it in front of my eyes since it looks surreal to me. As I looked at Nezumi’s, she also showed her left wrist which also has the chip attached to her skin. After that, we continue to listen to Usagi-san's explanation.
"Now if I may continue..*ehem*...remember, that chip of yours is really important. You will need that chip from World 1 up to World 3 and why is that? Because here in World 1,that chip is known as a "puzzle counter". It counts the number of puzzles that you have completed or solve from the very beginning of the game, and once that chip reaches it's full tank, you shall know its use! Andddd SO, that's all the things that you shall know in World 1! Now let's begin Puzzzzzlllleee NO.01!!!"
As Usagi-san shouts the number of the puzzle, A huge panel showed in front of us and after that, Nezumi suddenly said,"Eh it changed?",I wonder what she meant to say?
I observe the look of the rectangular panel and as I look at it on my point of view. It looks like a plain green box that is floating in mid-air although it's not literally floating so high! it's only floating half of our height and on top of it are buttons, symbol buttons to be exact.
There are 5 buttons. A star button, a triangle button, a moon button, a square button and a sun button.
After the setting for the first puzzle was compete and done, Usagi-san finally spoke to the two of us and said,
"Her is puzzle no.01 ladies and no gentlemen!"
"What is this? Why did it changed?" Nezumi suddenly said as she questions Usagi-san with a mad tone of voice.
"Oh....right~....I suddenly forgot that you are a beta tester Nezumi-chwan~! *ehem* well for starters, do you think Akimoto-sensei is dumb?"
"Nezumi-chwan~It doesn't mean that if you played the game before as a beta tester, it is still the same as you played it last time! You know that Akimoto-sensei doesn't want to spoil the fun, right?" Usagi-san said in a teasing voice.
"Tsk." Was the only reply Nezumi gave to Usagi-san's long explanation.
"Well! Let's start shall we? Here is puzzle number 1! Worth for 2 chip points! That is 1 chip point per partner, so once you solve this puzzle, each of you will receive 1 chip point! Do both of you understand?"
We both agree on Usagi-san's question but as I look at Nezumi's current situation, her whole aura suddenly changed, from the Nezumi that is calm and matured turned into a Nezumi that is nervous and anxious that I thought that I wouldn't see from her. She really didn't expect for this to happen but we have no choice but to solve this puzzles that are blocking our way to clear World 1 and after a second or so, Usagi-san finally said the problem of the puzzle but not in a form of speaking but by the help of a holographic image that is coming out from Usagi-san's left shiny red eye.
And here is the thing that is written to the puzzle:
"Though I am dead, right from your view, I am still bright. Although we are far away from each other, Nod you head up high! Go and look to the sky and we will meet, eye to eye."
After many minutes passed, Usagi-san said,
"I will only give you 1 hour to solve this your time starts......NOW!"
Finally I started to play this game but somehow why do I get this feeling that I'm going to die from this?'s really nerve wracking if you are on my place. Seeing this kind of case scenario in front of your eyes, can really lose your guard and you will forget that this is just a game.....but is it really a game? Or are we just being fooled by Akimoto-sensei?
Questions rolled through my head once again but what matters now is I have to solve this order to leave this hell zone that I am stepping on.

Hey! why not trying on solving the puzzle on your own? :D
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 05:33:09 PM by Mai-chan »
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INSPIRATION <----I need that thing so much... (.__.)


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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 05/12]PROTO Chapter 4[SCI-FI]
« Reply #185 on: May 12, 2013, 05:07:48 PM »

So even Nezumi dose not even know...
hoping Takamina would be able to solve it...

though when I first read the problem I then immediately thought of the moon...
Maybe it's just me...

anyway thanks for the Chap.!! Mai-Chan!!!!
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Offline cisda83

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 05/12]PROTO Chapter 4[SCI-FI]
« Reply #186 on: May 12, 2013, 07:57:28 PM »
Interesting... 1st test is solving riddle....

You're dead and far way but can seen up in the sky...

I think it's star

If you die you become star

That's my guess... Dunno if I misunderstand the riddle...

Nezumi got trick... now she needs to play the game the same as others

What's going to happen with Takamina and Nezumi...?

Would they be able to solve the riddle?

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline DarkEye

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 05/12]PROTO Chapter 4[SCI-FI]
« Reply #187 on: May 13, 2013, 11:14:10 AM »
Missed your stories Mai Chan! I went to a trip to Japan last week so I wasn't able to check your works out!

@topic Hmm....Nezumi doesn't even know the answer huh?Well.....I don't really know the answer but what I do know is that this is a trick puzzle.

Not a single word in Chapter 4 mentioned that the 1st puzzle was a riddle....Usagi-san just said that it's a puzzle,am I right?

So that is one of the weird things that I noticed,because if you are going to say the puzzle you will say,"Here's a riddle for our 1st puzzle" and etc!So that's my reason of thinking that this thing is a hidden puzzle or more like a hidden word puzzle....

Knowing the words are so long I am thinking that the answer is a long word too,So....I will go with Triangle.

Hopefully I answered it right ahahaha :sweat:

Thank you for the update Mai Chan! and more updates to come!  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline TK.Yuu

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 05/12]PROTO Chapter 4[SCI-FI]
« Reply #188 on: May 15, 2013, 06:47:55 AM »
Wow this is a really interesting Chapter! What is the answer?I wonder...  :? :? :?

Well there are so many theories in the comments section but DarkEye's theory really stands out the most!He is right about the Riddle part!

I don't really know the answer but I'm excited and cannot wait on what IS the answer! :D

@DarkEye I guess you like puzzles!Looking at the way you answer,you are really an observer  :lol:

Waiting for the update Mai-Chan and keep it up!  :twothumbs :twothumbs
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Offline Mai-chan

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MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 05/19]PROTO Chapter 5[SCI-FI]
« Reply #189 on: May 19, 2013, 08:03:15 AM »
PROTO Chapter 5

Play it here :)

After I heard Usagi-san's question I rushed to the panel and I was so prepared to push the star button to select my answer but then Nezumi stopped me by holding my hand.

"Are you stupid?"She asks me in a mad tone.

"W-What?Come on Nezumi!The answer is so obvious!!"I said as I try to let go off my hand but Nezumi's grip strength is really hard to defeat so I just listened on what she is going to say.

Nezumi suddenly called Usagi-san's name by saying "Oy.USAGI!I know you're still there!I have some questions for you!" in a really mad voice and in a bad manner of language.(Yankee tone of some sort) and after that,a second passes by and Usagi-san's voice was heard by our two ears.

"Chill out Nezumi-chwan~!What is your question?"Usagi-san said in a calm way.

"I....I agree with should chill out...."I said to Nezumi but still I'm scared on what is she going to say.

Nezumi let out a big sigh and just continued her questions by saying it properly,she crossed her arms,face Usagi-san and said,

"First,this is the thing I really want to this puzzle a riddle?"

"Uhuhuhuhuhuhu~ How should I know?I'm only a stuff rabbit~!"

"C...Cut the crap off!!I am not kidding!If you don't answer me properly then I will rip you off!"Nezumi said angrily.

"THEN DO IT.You will need me more than I need you."Usagi-san said with a plain voice.

Nezumi didn't continue her move,she's so pissed off and you can tell it by looking at her body posture.Both of her fists are tightly gripped through her palms and her eyes are like burning red....literally.Suddenly Usagi-san spoke.

"Well this is the only thing I could say.BE CAREFUL,why is that?because once you push the wrong answer on every puzzle that I give to you.The reward of the originally CP will go down to 1 point.For example!the puzzle has a total of 2 CP,just like now and then Minami or Nezumi chose the wrong answer to that puzzle and what's going to happen you ask?That 2 CP will be a 1 CP so that means if you answered that puzzle but the CP reward is only 1 CP then you two will have to share that CP!"

" CP will only get the half of that 1 CP which is 1/2?"I asked.

"CORRECT~!That's right!"

"But if our 1 hour on solving this puzzle finishes....will the original CP reward will still low down to 1 CP?"

"Right again Minami-chwan~!and it will go on and go on! even if you reach the negative score because here in my room(Mr.Rabbit's room), you should finish all of the puzzle,EVEN IF IT MEANS FOREVER."Usagi-san said in a happy voice.

"FUZAKERUNA!(Don't joke around!!!! or *F**K OFF!)"Nezumi shouted.

"Nezumi-chwan~ do you think I am fooling around? and just what happened to your cool aura?Why did you became a really scared girl?ahahahaha~ this gap of yours is really cute~"

"H-HEY!Usagi-san!You're going too fa--"

"'s okay."Nezumi said as she stopped me from getting mad.

" you have any paper and pen I could use?"Nezumi said in a calm voice,good thing she calmed down.

"Ah yes,We have prepared those for the players to use.You can see it coming out of the panel,it's under the buttons.If you need another pair of pen and paper,there is a blue rectangular button near the horizontal hole and you just press that button and you'll get the piece of paper and pen that you want!"

As we walked towards the table,we saw a paper coming out of a thick horizontal hole,it's like those things that you can see in a convenience store when they give up your receipt and after we get the paper we heard a clank that was under the table and as we looked down,We saw a rectangular hole that has a pen on it and so Nezumi grabbed the pen and started to jot down the words of the puzzle.

I wondered what she is planning,she just re-wrote the whole sentence so how does it help? and besides isn't it already there?Star is definitely the answer to this puzzle!that's why Usagi-san gave this puzzle a 2 CP rank only! it's because it's easy! but as I look at Nezumi,her opinion was's like she's finding a secret through this puzzle.

50 minutes has passed and we only got 10 more minutes to finish the puzzle.If can't solve this then we will loose 1CP on the original CP reward....I looked at Nezumi and she was so tensed but then I looked at the hologram screen,I re-read the whole sentence,

"Though I am dead, right from your view, I am still bright. Although we are far away from each other, Nod you head up high! Go and look to the sky and we will meet, eye to eye."

After that,my eyes started to shimmer,I went to the panel and press the blue button.The paper and pen came out from were we get them earlier.After that I jotted down the whole sentence but in a different pattern and there I saw my answer.

"I FOUND IT!"I shouted out loud.

I went to the table again to push my designated answer and as I pushed that button,Nezumi stood up and said,


"Listen to me Nezumi!this answer is correct I'm sure of it!"

"And if it isn't?"

"Then you could slap me in the face or put both of our pens until my nose bleeds!"

".....Okay then....."

After that Nezumi and I faced to the hologramic screen.The screen says "ENTERING ANSWER....." and many seconds passed.A catchy tone suddenly appeared and there the screen says.....

"YOUR ANSWER IS CORRECT!You have gained 1 CP"

We looked at our left wrist and we saw that 1 Chip bar glow.Nezumi thanked me for my answer and then she questioned me,

"Hey....How did you figure it out?"

I went to the panel to show her my solution.I pressed the blue button to get another pen and paper.I really didn't need the pen so I just left it where it belongs.After that I wrote the whole sentence but in a different pattern.As Nezumi saw the finished output of what I've written,her easy also shimmered.

"I see....I can't believe that I didn't noticed that....thanks again."

"No it's okay!Now we understand that this puzzle is not a riddle but a hidden word puzzle."

"Yeah...Akimoto-sensei is really good at giving puzzles..."

"He did this?"

"Yes,Everything that's in here is made by him."

"I see....his puzzles are really hard then...."

This is only the start of the game and what welcomed us is a hard puzzle and it only consists of 2 CP's and if you shared it, you will just gain 1's really far away to reach the full tank and to think that the answer to this puzzle isn't really that obvious.....this is how the word looks.

"Though I am dead, right from your view, I am still bright. Although we are far away from each other, Nod you head up high! Go and look to the sky and we will meet, eye to eye."

But then you would normally think "It's a star!It's soooooo obvious!" and I also thought of that! but Akimoyo-san didn't,at this puzzle it wasn't mentioned if it's a riddle or not and if it is then why hide it?Usagi-san gave me that clue of him by his actions.

"Uhuhuhuhuhuhu~ How should I know?I'm only a stuff rabbit~!"

It was obvious that this puzzle is not a riddle by just avoiding Nezumi's question.So the only thing that you will think is that the answer to this puzzle is hidden.You need to find the hints to understand it and the hint that i found is....a comma (,).It was so suspicious to have many commas to that sentence.Mostly in the part where the puzzle says " Nod you head up high! Go and look to the sky",If you were the one who will write the sentence then you can make the sentence much more shorter right?instead of a " Nod you head up high! Go and look to the sky" sentence,you could have just write the word "Look through the sky" in the sentence and replace it!

And that was the time I wrote this pattern,

"Though I am dead,
right from your view,
I am still bright.
Although we are far away from each other,
Nod you head up high!
Go and
look to the sky and we will meet,
eye to eye."

and after that I saw my answer.You can also see reading the first letters in every row and then I reached for the panel to press the triangle button.

After many minutes passed,Usagi-san's voice finally showed up.

"CONGRATULATIONS~!!"Usagi-san said in an English accent.

"Minami-chwan~!nice work!You figure out the answer to this puzzle~!But don't be too happy okay?I still have plenty more puzzles for you two~"

"Right now?We don't have any rest at all?"II asked.

"Fufufufufu~ of course~!this is not a hotel for you,ya know? this is MR.RABBIT'S ROOM!!!My room,my rules!now here comes Puzzle number 02 that consists of......6 CP."

"What" I said in my head.6 CP is a big amount of points.This is the puzzle that we must solve matter how hard it is,if this is the thing that will help me and Nezumi escape World 1 then I'm in!.

More challenges are blocking our path and this is just the start of our journey in PROTO.Just how can we surpass this blazing world called "hell"?


@DarkEye You got it right bro~ :3
« Last Edit: May 19, 2013, 09:35:20 AM by Mai-chan »
Creating stories is another way of showing my Persona

INSPIRATION <----I need that thing so much... (.__.)


Offline cisda83

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 05/19]PROTO Chapter 5[SCI-FI]
« Reply #190 on: May 19, 2013, 08:24:41 AM »
Ah.. I was wrong... I only read the meaning of the riddle... not looking at the word puzzle...

Yeah Triangel was correct...

I can see it... I saw DarkEye-san answer...

Can't wait to see the next riddle

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 05/19]PROTO Chapter 5[SCI-FI]
« Reply #191 on: May 20, 2013, 12:12:26 PM »
Awesome~ I didn't expect to get the answer right!

But what I didn't know is that it can FORM the word itself!

and the next chapter is about 6 CP?!  :shocked that's a lot!

Waiting for the next chapter! :twothumbs

Offline Mai-chan

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MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 05/26]PROTO Chapter 6[SCI-FI]
« Reply #192 on: May 26, 2013, 07:36:32 AM »
PROTO Chapter 6

"6 CP's no matter what it takes we need to gain these points....."That is the word that I kept saying inside my head.My temptation of gaining that kind of amount rip my conscience through reality.I was just standing in front of the stuffed rabbit that was portraying Usagi-san.My mind was so focus on waiting for the question but then as I waited and waited,nothing happened.

The whole room of Usagi-san(Mr.Rabbit) was so silent that you can hear every breath you inhale and exhale and what's weird is that Nezumi isn't even complaining for the time that is passing by, instead she is just standing up,waiting for something to happen and then many minutes passed and the wall that is behind the chair of where the stuffed rabbit is sitting upon wreck.

Collapsing into a hole but not just any hole.It is a really smooth hole,a rectangular hole that looks like a door.A large ray of light is strucking through our eyes.We didn't moved from where we are standing,perhaps I was just waiting for Nezumi to move or I'm just really confused on what's going on.We were about to take the 2nd puzzle but a wall breaks,forming a door-like hole,who wouldn't be confused in that kind of situation?

A minute passes and We heard a chime of a bell,it repeated 3 times and after that calm voice of a lady surrounds the whole room it's one of those things that you can hear at the supermarket when it's about to announce something.

"Please step outside."

and after that we did exactly what she said.We stepped outside but we didn't know what's on the other side or maybe I was the only one because maybe Nezumi knows what is it.As the large amount of light fades out on my eyes I finally saw what's on the other side.

We were on a grass field.The sky was so blue,the sun is shinning so brightly,you can sniff the fresh air!so fresh that it's like you are paying for it!It was really good to be true,It's like you're really not in a game but in a vacation.I looked at my back and I can see the hole that we came out off and I can see the whole row of the rooms were each player has been into.they came out of the exact same shape of hole were we came out off.

Some player's face are pale and some are just as calm as Nezumi and some are just like me,wondering....wondering what's in front of me.

Just.....what is that thing?I can't see the whole thing clearly since we are quite distant to that thing but all I can see is that per tower is being guarded by a guard.Is that were our next game start?Why is there a die-like drawing per tower?I have so may questions through what I am seeing and I think some of the players think the same too but questioning myself and just standing up while doing nothing can't solve anything so I just move closer to that place and then Nezumi said,

"It's about time you moved a muscle"

"Ah....sorry about that"I said with an awkward smile.

"No it's okay."

Now that I think about it,I just have 1 long conversation with Nezumi and that is where we first met but that's it.So I just decided to talk with her while we are still far away from our destination point.I want be closer to my ally to make our bond stronger.

"Uhm...Nezumi!Do you have any idea of those towers?"


Eh...I was hoping for a "Yes" to make the conversation even longer but this just turned into a question and answer portion!I need to make my ally feel at home when I'm with her!

"'s your family?"

"Don't budge in my family's business."she said in a cold aura.


"ahahaha I'm just kidding!jeez trying hard to get close to me huh? *smiles*"

I can't reply straight to Nezumi on that moment,I was so busy looking at her face while smiling.It was the first time she smiled so purely! and for the fact that she did that in front of me!

Finally some seconds passes and I came back to reality and continued our conversation.

"You're not bad at smiling huh Nezumi?*smiles*"

"Idiot.What do you think I am?Cold-hearted?"

"apparently yes...."

"What did you say?"

"I-I didn't say anything ma'am!!*awkward smile"

"Don't hide it...I heard you clearly.Is it because of my appearance? or because of my attitude of being ahead of my goals and putting aside the people I am with?"

" that how you look at yourself Nezumi?"

Nezumi suddenly gone silent,all I can hear is the rustle of the grass that was coming out of our footsteps as we get closer to our destination.Seconds just passed and Nezumi finally spoke and said,

"Sorry for that long pause...I suddenly remembered my past."

"No....I should be the one who should be apologizing...."

"Well enough of that,let's take that aside and head to our goal first.We are close to the towers.

As Nezumi said we are close to the towers and many minutes passed and tons of players gathered in front of the 6 towers.You can hear a lot of murmuring coming through each players mouths."What's about to happen?","6 CP is such a big amount!I think this is going to be a difficult one!","I can't really understand what's going on!","I want to fill my chip right now!!!!" and many more things to be heard from them.

Nezumi was just calmly standing up like there is no trouble at all.30 minutes passed and the 3 large monitors that we last saw in the main lobby of World 1 - Styx appeared once again.Some players,including me,expected for Akimoto-sensei's face to appear to the screen but it didn't instead it was Mr.Rabbit.

As soon as his face appeared through the monitor,some players whispered to each other,"Eh? who is this?first a talking doll and now this?"

"What?A doll?"That was the question that I asked myself.I though we all faced the Mr.Rabbit challenge but my question was rapidly answered as soon as Usagi-sam talked.

"Everyone~!I know some of you are wondering,"What a talking rabbit???first a doll then a rabbit???" Well wake up! this is a game and everything can happen!*EHEM* Anyways Some people are NOT wondering who I am since they have faced me in the 1st door! and those people are the beta-testers and the people that they are with!Although you don't know who are they am I right?but don't worry!they are just like you guys!they don't know the answers to every puzzles that are in PROTO because we change it!FAIR!!! am I right?

So!I know you are all wondering on what's those 6 towers in front of you!Well they are your ticket on aiming for the 6 CP!!!! "How can we get that,Mr Rabbit" you asked? well here it is!!! the question you all have been waiting for~!!!"

The 3 monitors showed the same picture and it is a Bowl.....a plain,white,bowl.

"Now!what I have hear is a dice!and right now I'm going to throw it through the bowl just like this~!"

We watched the die until it stops and then,

"There~!as you can see the number 1 showed up!Let's roll it once more!"

Usagi-san repeated the same procedure and,

"Number 5! and again....."

The die rolled through the edge of the bowl,it kept rolling and rolling and rolling, we watched the die's eternal circling through the bowl and when it's about to stop,


Usagi-san suddenly put a lid through the bowl,making us unable to see on what number appeared through the die as it stopped.We were wondering on what purpose did he do that for and there he said,

"Now then time for the question......Just what do you think the last roll was?"

"What.....What the hell are you saying??!!!!!" a random player complained.

"Didn't you hear me?Okay look.I cover the bowl so you couldn't see what the last roll was!So again!I am asking you....What do you think the last roll was?"

The crowd was silent they don't know what to do,how to answer or anything else.They were so stiff just like me, thinking of anything so logical to answer the question.

"Well everyone as you can see in front of you,there are 6 towers and it is counted 1 to 6,so all you have to do is to get in that number that you think the result was and that's it!BUUUUUUUT!!! be careful!once you've answered it wrong!as you can see above the tower there is a giant steel ball! once you've got the wrong answer it will damage your whole body and you're out of the game!! but I think you're saying "MEH!It's just an online game!I wont die in reality! WELL YOU'RE WRONG! do you know the PROTO device that you attached through your head?well that is an activation of a chip! that once you die in the game then you will die in reality too!it sounds insane but it's some kind of a benefit for an individual!for example,you're partner died and you're still alive then you will gain a full amount of 6 CP just for you~ isn't that cool???


the 3 monitors faded out,like a dust thrown by the wind.The crowd was silent for a second but then everybody went nuts and kept saying that they will die and didn't do the things they wanted to do in their life.

this is really Styx, a place were regrets are made,a river of wrath that contains the angry,irate,furious, wroth,ireful expressions.I looked at Nezumi and she kept thinking logical things but nothing came out.I can't believe it.....I might really die in this game or what's worst is that maybe my ally would die or half of these thousands of people around me will die.

Just how MAD can PROTO be??what I just need to do is think outside the box and to save my butt and Nezumi's butt too....


Puzzle and drawings is not made by me and is owned by FUKUMOTO Nobuyuki
« Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 09:48:10 AM by Mai-chan »
Creating stories is another way of showing my Persona

INSPIRATION <----I need that thing so much... (.__.)


Offline cisda83

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 05/26]PROTO Chapter 6[SCI-FI]
« Reply #193 on: May 26, 2013, 08:17:49 AM »
Interesting new game...

What's going to happen next to Minami and Mayu?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline kenjoy12

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 05/26]PROTO Chapter 6[SCI-FI]
« Reply #194 on: May 26, 2013, 09:11:54 AM »
Hi.. This is my first time to comment here.. :')

I'd read all your fics and.. everything are just awesome! Excellent story line.. Love it.. (o>.<o) Every type of genres you wrote were excellent, well written.. \(^o^)/

Now.. I'm reading PROTO, seriously.. Just wow.. WOW~! I love the storyline.. Mayu and Minami.. Uwaaa.. MayuMina.AWESOME (>…<) Very thrilling, i love how your ideas to put the players on the edge of their sits..

Wooo.. I can't wait for your next update.. \\((^o^))//

Hope Nezumi and Minami won't be crashed by the giant steel ball.. (-...-'!)  Come on! Nezumi and Minami.. You guys better think fast.. (>…<)

Thank you for the latest update *bows*  (o^_^o)

*sorry for my bad english*  :bow:

Offline Mai-chan

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@kenjoy12 D'awww :') thank you!! that really means a lot *sniff*

Anyways my first manga Hisashiburi will be posted here!

UPDATES WILL BE SLOW AND LONG! Since I'm going to school by June! every update MIGHT consist of 10 to 12 pages :D

HISASHIBURI Chapter 1 - Guilty Feeling


I know it's short but the process on making this is NOT short.

I'm the only one who is making this manga.No helpers for the art.

What I can only do is 1 page per day and sometimes I have appointments and commission arts to others so the continuation for this manga will be really long so hopefully all of you will understand my situation.

Like all of you feel,I want to finish this too but inspiration and time is what I am lacking right now. The script for the story is already finished but the drawing is not finished.

Here is a sneak peek of the process of the manga :D

YEP! really hard and it's numbing my neck and left hand. :'(( BUT!!! This is Atsumina that we are talking about so that's why I am doing this~! for the shippers like me and for Atsumina itself~!

Hopefully you appreciate this Manga and I hope you all can wait patiently :D

Check out my other artworks at: LINK~!!!!

Ja~ That's all~ :byebye:
« Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 08:57:30 AM by Mai-chan »
Creating stories is another way of showing my Persona

INSPIRATION <----I need that thing so much... (.__.)


Offline cisda83

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very great comic there...

The drawings were good...

Can't wait to see more

Thank you for the comic

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Hii_chan

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great i like your manga :thumbsup
i want to see next chap
thank you for this :jphip:
\\(''^0^)// Sou-chan  \\(^0^)//

Offline 7sam14

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You know you could become a really famous Mangaka someday...  :on GJ:
I can't wait for it!!!

I really Love It!!!  :heart: :heart:

I'll be waiting for More!!!!!
 :twothumbs :twothumbs
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Offline dark48

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WOw you're awesome

Love the manga <3

Pls Continue ^^

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