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Author Topic: MAI'S S.C.[01/17] Unrequired Love [Atsumina]  (Read 83637 times)

Offline Mai-chan

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 06/09]PROTO Chapter 8 part 2[SCI-FI]
« Reply #220 on: June 09, 2013, 02:19:00 PM »
PROTO Chapter 8 part 2


I can't believe it....Nezumi is gone?This.....this is a joke right??!"

I can't understand this situation I'm having right now.....Nezumi is gone in just a blink of an eye....

"Ta.....Takahashi-san.....don't tell me that is your...."

"Sadly....I think she is my partner,Maeda-san....."


Tears flow down through my cheeks,expressing how much hatred I feel through this game......Right now....I just want to punch Akimoto-san's face by inventing this stupid game!.....but I think....I am the most stupid one here...

"A word of advice from me,Once you play this game,I'm sure you will regret on playing it in the first place."

Nezumi warned me.....She warned me by this game.....but....

"You bought the PROTO device to enter a new world that you haven't seen before and now you're backing out? You're such a weakling."

Why did she suddenly wanted me to go in the game?I just can't think straightly....Nezumi is gone and I am halfly blaming her why I am here at PROTO.


.....Nezumi....why??I thought you have figure it out?


Darn it......DARN IT!!!!!!!!!!



I looked straight up and saw Maeda-san.She kept calling my name while I am spacing out earlier.Her eyes shows a bit of pityness through my situation that I am having right now.She's holding her chest and she crouched her body and patted my back.

I just kept silent while looking at Nezumi's crushed body.

"...You're such a caring team mate Takahashi-san.......I am sorry for your lost...."

"It's okay....I just....wish I trusted her in the first place...."

Maeda-san didn't say anything....she didn't say anything at all.She just stayed silent,like I didn't said anything to her.

I didn't want to waste my time so I stood up and head through the front of the Big screen T.V. so that I would know what will happen next.I'm sure Nezumi would do the same too....



As I was about to leave Maeda-san,her hand stopped me by pulling my jacket.

"What is it Maeda-san?"I said as I faced in front of her.

"....Ca....Can up?"

"What?Don't you have a team mate with you?You said that you have one right?"


"But what?"

Maeda-san didn't say anything....That's it....I remembered that she was betrayed....

" betrayed me....he said that he will stay by my side but now he doesn't want to accompany me....."

That's right...she said that to me as we met for the first time....

I didn't think twice as I remember her situation about her partner.



"From now on....I'm looking forward to our companionship.....Maeda-san.......Is that okay with you?"I said as I turned my head away from her sigh while scratching my head.


"...Y...You answer?"I said with a bit of embarrassment.

"A-Ah!!Y-Yes!Definitely!!"Maeda-san said as she quickly grabbed the palm of my hand that is reaching through her.

"Well....Let's not waste our time and just finish World 1,okay?"


After all that drama,we headed through the Giant T.V. to wait for Usagi-san's return and as many hours passed the T.V. finally turned on and there we saw Usagi-san once more.

"Hello everyone~!Break time is over~!Did you have a good rest~?Well lets just continue our game shall we?The next round is called the!!!...."

Usagi made a long pause that made us all more curious than before and there it happened.

We suddenly saw Usagi-san fade out and a doll showed up.

"Hello and I am your new host!Mary~"the moving doll said with a smile.

Creating stories is another way of showing my Persona

INSPIRATION <----I need that thing so much... (.__.)


Offline kenjoy12

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 06/09]PROTO Chapter 8 part 2[SCI-FI]
« Reply #221 on: June 09, 2013, 03:04:44 PM »
OH MY GOSH! :shocked Why is this happening?! :banghead:

NOOOO?! Nezumi-chwan~ My heart! :bleed eyes: Please tell me i'm just dreaming! Can someone just slap me! :banghead: I know there is a reason why Nezumi had died. :'( So i believe in you Mai-chan.. :thumbsup Keep going :fap

:cry: :banghead: Need to calm my nerves~ Okay! round! Now, Takamina and Acchan are partner now. Hope everything will be alright.. :) Atsumina gambatte ne~ :twothumbs

What will happen round? What puzzle or game that they will going to face next? Why sudden change of host? What will happen to Atsumina partnership? :? :?

Can't wait :fap Thank you for the update :bow: :thumbsup :twothumbs

Offline cisda83

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 06/09]PROTO Chapter 8 part 2[SCI-FI]
« Reply #222 on: June 09, 2013, 03:17:59 PM »
Ah... so Mayu did die here....

Ah... why....? Poor Mayu...

Yeah... Atsuko and Minami pair up....

How are they going to operate with each other...

Would they betray each other later...?

Can't wait to see the next game

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Mai-chan

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MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 06/16]PROTO Chapter 9[SCI-FI]
« Reply #223 on: June 16, 2013, 05:05:17 AM »
PROTO Chapter 9

"M-Mary?" I said in a low tone of voice.

"Mary is the one who faced the non beta testers...." Maeda-san whispered to me.

"How do you know that?"

"Common sense...remember what happened as the other players saw Usagi-san?"

I tried to remember on what Maeda-san is trying to say to me and I remembered that there is one random player that said,

"Eh? who is this?first a talking doll and now this?"

and there... Usagi-san replied and said,

"Everyone~!I know some of you are wondering,"What a talking rabbit???first a doll then a rabbit???" Well wake up! this is a game and everything can happen!*EHEM* Anyways Some people are NOT wondering who I am since they have faced me in the 1st door! and those people are the beta-testers and the people that they are with!Although you don't know who are they am I right?but don't worry!they are just like you guys!they don't know the answers to every puzzles that are in PROTO because we change it!FAIR!!! am I right?

"Darn it...."

"What is it Takahashi-san?"

"....PROTO will pay...."

"What?" Maeda-san wondered.

"PROTO will pay for what they have done to Nezumi!!!!" I screamed out loud.The roar of my voice startled almost every player and Mary itself.

"Hey little smurf!before you blabber around you should listen on what I am saying!!!"The doll said with an annoyed tone.

I didn't replied anymore,I don't want to start a fight or create a ruckus on such a childish act but I'm seriously going to crush PROTO.....just you wait....Akimoto Yasushi.....just you wait....

"NOW!Let me introduce our next game~!!!!The "3 DOORS!!!"

"3 doors?" Some of the players said and even me.

"The rules are simple!,there are 3 doors to choose from and it right.....HERE!!!"

Suddenly a big wall out of nowhere appeared in front of us,like...magic.There,like Mary said, is 3 doors that we are going to chose.

"These 3 Doors is the key on your next goal to the number of chips that you wanted to accomplish!Per door holds different Chip Amounts or so we call it CP's!You might get lucky to get the door with the highest chip amount!"Marry said with a teasing voice.

"Anyways!Once you get in to the door that you choose from those 3 doors in front of you,both you and your partner will see another set of doors!but don't worry!they are all the same,it's for the other players that chose that same number of door that you also chose!So that we can escape that waiting in line process,right?"

"Now you all have an hour to choose the door you would like!Timer starts.....NOW!!!"

A large timer suddenly appeared on the giant monitor that Mary was on earlier.

I looked at Maeda-san as a signal that we should go and choose but suddenly she spoke and said,

"Let's rest for a bit Takahashi-san....I'm really getting tired from all the stress that I am getting from this game..."


We went to a near vacant area to rest on.We can still see the gigantic television so there is no problem with the time.

"So Takahashi-san....What made you play this game?you know...PROTO."

"Oh...uhm...actually I wanted to play it at first but as I know it further I decided to back out."

"then why are you here?"

"Nezumi pushed me to play this game....." I said in a gloomy aura.

"I..I see....I'm really sorry about that...."

"No it's okay."

The atmosphere between us suddenly got really awkward.Both of us are just watching the gigantic TV,looking at the timer until we are prepared to chose a door that we would like to get into.Bit by bit,we can see that per team mates are going in different doors.There is no biased door but just random choices as we can see in our point of view.

"Atsuko....can I call you Atsuko?"

"E...EH?!Wh-Why is that???"

"It sounds perfect for you."

"N-No....I decline...."

"Why is that?"

"I just don't want to be an easy girl that's all!"she said with a pout.

"What are you talking about....I'm a girl..."

"Like I said I decl- WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!!! YOU'RE A GIRL?!!!"Maeda-san said with full of shock on her face.

"You mean...all this time you thought I was....a boy?!"

"Apparently yes....ahehehe..."Maeda-san said while scratching her head.

"What makes you think that I'm a guy?It hurts a lot when I say this but my height is not suitable for a guy!!"

"Well that is true....(Minami:OUCH  :cry:)....but I thought you're a guy because you have no chest!"


"H-HEY!!!!!!!!I AM NOT FLAT!!!!!THIS IS AN -A CUP SIZE!!!!IT A VERY SHORT SIZE!!!!" *she said the "very short" part in english*

"-A cup??I've never heard of that~ you just wont admit that you're flat~~"

"M-Maeda-san PLEASE STOP THAT!!!"I said while blushing.

"Ahahaha!I'm just kidding! and! it's Atsuko!right,Minami?"

"Uh....y-yeah...yeah"I said with a smile.

It has been awhile since I've smiled to myself.....Atsuko is not a bad ally after all.

Both me and Atsuko go to the door that we both wanted to choose,What's that door you asked?Door number 3 of course...a random choice because this is our 3rd puzzle.Just what kind of trickery will happen to us as we face this new challenge that is going ahead of us?

I don't know but I'm burning with curiousity to know what it is.


Hi everyone!I would just like to inform you that I might be absent for awhile in JPH!P because of my school work.I want to take my college life seriously and that's it :D Hopefully I can still update and I hope that when I come back here,there are still some people that will read my stories DX

Until next time! :byebye:
« Last Edit: June 16, 2013, 09:46:38 AM by Mai-chan »
Creating stories is another way of showing my Persona

INSPIRATION <----I need that thing so much... (.__.)


Offline kenjoy12

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 06/16]PROTO Chapter 9[SCI-FI]
« Reply #224 on: June 16, 2013, 05:34:15 AM »
Atsumina moment! :lol: Acchan really thought Takamina was a  guy! :lol: Ahaha Acchan really teases Takamina for being.flat and her height as well! Ahaha.. Poor Takamina :twisted: Ahaha..I' evil im laughing at her.. :lol: Back to the PROTO world.. Atsumina need to prepare for round.. Gambatte ne~ :fap Aww.. I really miss Nezumi.. :cry: Takamina take a revenge for Nezumi! Tuloy ang laban ni lola~! :nervous Hehe

What will happen next? Ahh! Can't wait what kind of puzzle they will going to solve.. What surprises PROTO brings for the players?

Thank you for the update :bow: :thumbsup

THRILLED ~ :twothumbs

Goodluck on your studies! Gambatte~ :fap We'll be waiting for your return! :twothumbs

Offline TK.Yuu

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 06/16]PROTO Chapter 9[SCI-FI]
« Reply #225 on: June 17, 2013, 03:51:51 PM »
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NEZUMI!!!!! D': Man....I thought that if I waited many weeks I might get a great marathon of PROTO but it turns out I got more tense on what is going to happen next!  XD

Good Luck on your Studies Mai-chan! and great art as always  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs
A kiss to the cheeks isn't enough and so is to the lips~

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Offline DarkEye

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 06/16]PROTO Chapter 9[SCI-FI]
« Reply #226 on: June 22, 2013, 05:54:03 PM »
Finally I have time to read your fic.

The storyline is getting interesting!I can't wait for it's progress :D

and by the way Mai-Chan,how is Hisashiburi doing? I hope chapter 2 is going to be published soon  :(

Looking forward to your stories and as always take your time!  :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Mai-chan

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Finally I have time to read your fic.

The storyline is getting interesting!I can't wait for it's progress :D

and by the way Mai-Chan,how is Hisashiburi doing? I hope chapter 2 is going to be published soon  :(

Looking forward to your stories and as always take your time!  :twothumbs :twothumbs

Here is a preview.

ALSO! I'm having a hard time in this manga. Please answer below if you want the manga to be a FULL COLORED MANGA( meaning no black and white) or a BLACK AND WHITE MANGA.

or if you want to. A half Colored and a black and white manga ( ex. page 1,2,3 is colored and the rest of the pages is black and white.)


This will help the progress of the manga more faster! Just say what you think is the best for HISASHIBURI to keep on going! :D

Just reply to this topic and I will go for the majority. :)

That's all~ :byebye:

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INSPIRATION <----I need that thing so much... (.__.)


Offline alexiel17

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Colored Version and Black and White Version of Hisashiburi Please~  :on cny1:  :mon inluv:

Gambatte Mai-chan!!!  :mon yeah:

Arigatou~ :on gay:

This is the longest comment I've done (so far)  :tama-piss:
ahahaha  :lol:
« Last Edit: June 29, 2013, 01:52:39 PM by alexiel17 »

Offline blakwhite

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for me half colored manga is okay  :grin:

Offline bunny_rabbit

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I vote for the one that will put less hard time for you which is black&white I guess...but if you're up for challenge then go ahead with full color :on GJ:

either way I'll wait for the update...take your time to finish the manga :on GJ:

Offline Shinoki

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just read through all of proto...
nooo... Nezumi...
lol? acchan though taka was a boy, -A cup~~
ah, so you drew ears... oops sorry for no noticing~
I find that the style of doing color pages as the first one or two pages and black and white for the rest is the best~

Offline kenjoy12

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I don't want to be demanding.. Well it's fine half-colored :thumbsup.. meet halfway? :nervous

Anyway.. Gambatte ne~ :fap Heehee :oops:

Going to wait for your next up.. And take your time :thumbup No need to rush.. :peace:

Thank you for the sneak peek of Hisashiburi! :bow: :twothumbs
« Last Edit: June 30, 2013, 11:10:50 AM by kenjoy12 »

Offline bunny_rabbit

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bwahahahaha...ahocchan thought that bakamina is a guy :hiakhiakhiak:

A cup?! that's a lame excuse...just admit it bakamina,you are FLAT :hiakhiakhiak:

anyway, I saw few similiarities between PROTO and SAO...did you inspired by SAO :dunno: just curious

Offline Mai-chan

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bwahahahaha...ahocchan thought that bakamina is a guy :hiakhiakhiak:

A cup?! that's a lame excuse...just admit it bakamina,you are FLAT :hiakhiakhiak:

anyway, I saw few similiarities between PROTO and SAO...did you inspired by SAO :dunno: just curious

Nope some people say it's like SAO but the ending has a twist :D
Creating stories is another way of showing my Persona

INSPIRATION <----I need that thing so much... (.__.)


Offline nunku

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B&W becuase I don't want you tire  XD
Ok guy!! I will wait for your manga  :yep: :jerk:

 :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
I love AKB !
I love AKB fanfic !
I love the most Atsuminaaa!

Offline Mai-chan

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 07/09]Drabble#2 [Short Atsumina drawings]
« Reply #236 on: July 09, 2013, 02:16:32 PM »
Actually I just found this thing on my old file and I decided to share it to you guys!because I haven't updated for a loooooooooooooong time DX

Don't worry PROTO readers I'll update PROTO soon XD I just reaaaally need to have the enough time to write it :D


DRABBLE#2 - The Deal

To make it understandable. Acchan made a dare for takamina and the dare is to not call her by her nickname which is,"Acchan" and If she fails Takamina needs to kiss her INSIDE the restaurant.

Thus after that they got the front page of Shuukan Bunshun(joke)

And I know,I know that my drawing is so half-assed back then but I have now improved after 1 year DX but still it's hard to improve because we have no art class even though I'm learning in a non-sectarian University DX

So for the people who wants to draw just go for it~! You'll improve someday too :D

Creating stories is another way of showing my Persona

INSPIRATION <----I need that thing so much... (.__.)


Offline kenjoy12

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 07/09]Drabble#2 [Short Atsumina drawings]
« Reply #237 on: July 09, 2013, 04:34:51 PM »
Then Takamina you should always call Atsuko by her nickname~!  :twisted:

That was so entertaining.. :w00t: Lovey-dovey moments  :wub: :wub:

KISSU~! :ptam-kiss:

Will be waiting for your update :fap

Thank you for the drabble you shared :bow: :twothumbs

Offline TK.Yuu

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Re: MAI'S S.C.[UPDATE! 07/09]Drabble#2 [Short Atsumina drawings]
« Reply #238 on: July 10, 2013, 01:21:55 PM »
DAYUUUM!Can't wait for the release of chapter 2 for Hisashiburi!  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

Also~!This drabble is perfect!Since today is acchan's birthday  :w00t:

Awesome as always! Thanks for the share  :twothumbs
A kiss to the cheeks isn't enough and so is to the lips~

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Offline Mai-chan

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MAI'S S.C.[01/17] Unrequired Love [Atsumina]
« Reply #239 on: January 17, 2014, 02:41:22 PM »
Unrequired Love [ATSUMINA]

Takamina POV

Why do we fall in love?

Even though we have an assurance that the one that we love, wont give back the amount of love that you gave to her?

Is it because it gives us strength? but why is it that even though it gives us strength, it's on a limited time only?

Why can't it last forever?

I have so many questions for this thing called "love", maybe it's because this is the first time I felt this way in my entire life.

And I'm going to be honest.

It hurts a lot, So hurtful that I can't take it anymore, knowing that she wont love me back. But why is it that I can't just let her go? Is it the fact that when I see her smile everyday that says "I'm glad to see you" gives me a great mood to star my day? or am I just really addicted to her attractive aura?

Mannnnn I really hate this feeling but I can't let it go,

I want to but there is this rope that she has in me that can't be cut by just some ordinary scissor.

I really hate makes me go crazy, even while typing this! it makes my heart throb because I kept seeing her image inside my head even though what I know is that I have a low esteem towards imagining things.

She actually has my everything....well...mostly.

My strength,

my joy,

my happiness,

My heart,

My emotions.

What's left in me is my pride.....pride of not showing her my true feelings....and it hurts a lot that it made me cry one night on just thinking about it...

Long story short....I'm a weak person and I can never show my true feelings to her anymore because now....she is taken.

End of POV



Long time no post everyone! First and fore most I am really really really sorry for having a long absence here in jphip without even informing you guys that I will be on hiatus mode for a long time...

I am taking my college course seriously and that is why I can't focus on making stories anymore and for that I am superbly sorry.....I really want to continue my stories and Someday I wish I could finish them all even if it means that no one would read it I will still continue it :))

Anyways this short story is actually based on what I'm feeling right now.I just chose my favorite OTP to portray my character and my "crush's" character which is acchan.

Somehow the god of Love chose to stab an arrow to me and I felt this somewhat you all guys call, "love", Apparently my love is unrequired and my crush is actually not taken though I know I have no chance on getting her heart, instead she got mine... </3

Anyways thank you for reading and have a nice life! :D
« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 02:50:27 PM by Mai-chan »
Creating stories is another way of showing my Persona

INSPIRATION <----I need that thing so much... (.__.)


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