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Author Topic: "Where home is"(RenAirin/BlackGeki) Ch.6:Talking whit a friend *03/13  (Read 13359 times)

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My first FanFic in english!!  :yossi: so please tell me if I have grammatical errors!   :nervous

Well this fanfic is about the past of Gekikara when she was just Rena and the reasons of why she went crazy!

I already decided the couples for this fic: RenAirin, BlackGeki, JuriChuri, NishiKana and more...

We will have several characters from SKE48 and a few from AKB48. I can't tell you nothing more
because the rest is gonna be a surprise!  :roll:

Please enjoy and comment!  :welcome

"Where home is"

Prologue (Gekikara)
Chapter 1 (Gekikara & Rena)
Chapter 2 (Rena)
Chapter 3 (Rena, Gekikara, Airin, Nishishi, Kanakana & Churi)   
Chapter 4 (Gekikara & Yuko)
Chapter 5 (Gekikara, Rena & Airin)
Chapter 6 (Airin & Yuko)*new!


-Kami-sama, please tell me, how we should live?! Is right the path we have been following?! Please tell me!- I shout out loud in this dark night, I wait for an answer but only the noise of the city answered me, this is just funny, I begin to laugh –hahahahahhahahhaha… Well, fuck it! that doesn’t matter anymore- I start walking whit a smile in my face, I need blood.

-“You can’t hit or hurt someone if you don’t have a reason, getting hurt and hurting is no fighting”- Your voice is in my hearth, always. Sometimes when I close my eyes I can feel you, soft whispering in my ear. – “remember this, you need people in your side, you need friends to protect”.

I stop my walking and place my right hand in your face, I can’t feel you, your warm is no here anymore, you were my warm home, now I’m a homeless and empty kid again, I need blood, I continued my way.

In my walking I get to see two yankees girls plus they boyfriends talking and eating outside a 24hrs store, they are my targets. I feel my blood going up, this is so fun. I need to fill this hole in my hearth. I approach them, I chuckle, I can´t help showing my excitement.

-Nee, I’m hungry, give me that what you are eating- I said whit a child voice and my best smile.

-WTF Girl?! What is your problem? You want troubles? Haaa?!! – one of the girls shout in my face.

-Yes, that is what I want- I whisper to myself and bite my nails nervously, this is so fun.

-What you said stupid girl? I can´t heard you!- This time is her boyfriend who speak, in seconds I’m surrounded by 4 yankees. I exploded in laughter; I can see them so angry.

- Nee, okkoteru?- I speak innocently.

That was all, in one second, 4 fists were on their way to my face, but in less of one second I dodged the four, they are so slow! The four fell to the ground, I laugh again, I grabbed one of the guy and  hit him in the face, my first K.O., then I throw him straight to the other guy who was trying to beat me, that is my second K.O. I headed towards the girls, they are so scared! but I can see they anger in they faces, they ran towards me, I dodged all they strokes, and whit just a few hits and a kick the two were in the ground bleeding.

-So boooooring- I said to the air whit frustration and continue whit my walking, I need more blood.

« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 05:22:46 AM by Souju »

Offline Wmatsui22

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Re: "Where home is" (Rena-Gekikara FanFic) *Prologue* 06/08/2012
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2012, 05:17:49 AM »








I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

Offline Souju

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Re: "Where home is" (Rena-Gekikara FanFic) *Prologue* 06/08/2012
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2012, 06:00:45 AM »
Hi Wmatsui22! well we can discover together if this fic will end like a BlackGeki or not!

I really like BlackGeki pairing but this fanfic isn't only about Geki is about Rena too, that is all
what I can say.  :sweatdrop:

Offline miyumi

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Re: "Where home is" (Rena-Gekikara FanFic) *Prologue* 06/08/2012
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2012, 06:29:16 AM »
Interesting....  :ding:

I like it!  :on lol:

Welcome to the forum. I hope you have fun here.  :welcome :welcome

I'm looking forward to the first chapter.  :hee:

Offline Sara-chan

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Re: "Where home is" (Rena-Gekikara FanFic) *Prologue* 06/08/2012
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2012, 12:23:39 AM »
HI! i like the prologue!
I want to know about the past of Gekikara!
please update soon!  :hee:

Offline mo-chan

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Re: "Where home is" (Rena-Gekikara FanFic) *Prologue* 06/08/2012
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2012, 12:33:04 AM »
I like it  :luvluv1:
I wonder what happened to Geki in the past  :dunno:
If it's talk about Rena too then I would like a Wmatsui  :wriggly:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Offline Souju

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"Where home is" (Rena-Gekikara FanFic) Chapter 1:Father *08/08/2012
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2012, 07:22:52 PM »
@miyumi Thanks for the welcome!! :grin: I hope you like this chapter too!

@Sara-chan Thanks for the comment! I want to know the past of Geki too! lol

@mo-chan Hi! thanks for the comment! A Wmatsui! might be, I don't know!

Well, for all who wonder what is my intension with this fanfic? I have to say, that I don't will center this fanfic in the love story, of course we will see all the loves of rena, but my purpose is that we become mad all together whit Rena, I invite you to enter into the mind of Rena! I promise you it will be interesting!  :cow:

This Chapter is short sorry! enjoy and comment!


Chapter 1: Father

Blood in my hands, face, hair and soul. I don’t feel better when I look at the mess around me, a pool of blood, 3 unconscious girls and a lot of garbage scattered. This is my third fight won tonight, I think is the number 24 won in these last three days and I still feel empty.

-I’m sorry- I start talking to the stars- I’ve been hurting people without a reason, is just… I’m really sorry, don’t be mad at me-I close my eyes and take air, a smile is drawn in my face. I open my eyes and begin to walk, is time to find a place to eat and spend the night, I’m tired.

In my path I find a broken mirror in the floor, I pick it up, the image projected in it makes me shiver. A girl whit a broken smile, crazy eyes and covered whit blood is looking me,  that is me? when did I change this much? I bite my nails hysterical while my eyes settle in the two scars above my left eye.

“It’s because of my faith in you

that I know you won’t betray me

Because I wouldn’t know it if you did

please don’t change who you are

Whether you’re sad or happy, there you go again, crying

What’s more you cry about how your tears cause me grief

but they don’t really, here have a candy…

We will not pray to an immortal god

I saw the purpose of my life, when I felt your body heat as you coughed.

I had faith in you, but what would I do if I lost you?

once I start thinking about it I can’t stop

I start to question everything…”

Is you again, singing one of my favorites songs of Bump of Chicken, you always sing to me when you don’t know how express yourself.

 “… I won’t lose and I won’t pray to an unbeatable god

but, you have a limited time and in your last moments,

you’ll come out on top

Invisible to the eye, everlasting, in our world

when touched by your hand, when touched by your heat

I too laugh, I laugh with you

Because I have faith in you.”

- I really love “Amedama no uta!”- I said excited to you and I start to hum the song.

-“Don’t hurt people without a reason you kid! You remember your father?”.

-Yes, I remember him… he was a really bad person- I respond and a melancholy smile settles in my face.

Is friday night and like always my mother is in the kitchen getting high and I’m in the dining room shaking and biting my nails, I watch the clock on the wall constantly, is almost ten p.m and I only know one thing: he is coming.

I listen the noise of his keys in the door, he is taking his time, that only means he is drunk like all Fridays. I just wait there in silence praying to god that he has had a good day.

He makes his entry and without looking me he rushes to the kitchen and I exhale the air that I had no realized I was holding.

-You are high again bitch?! Where is my dinner?! You need a little of education- I heard how my father yells and then hits my mother in the kitchen. She is so high that she even doesn’t protest. This is bad, he had a bad day.

-What is this shit?! I don’t want eat this fucking potatoes and salad! I want fucking meat! I’m a man!-He shouts as he pulls his dinner on the floor in anger.

Fuck, I need to lock myself in my room now. I get up and try to run to my room, but is too late, I feel how he pull me toward him, now I’m facing him.

-You little shit, I want meat- he talk furious.

-fa-father, we-we don’t have meat- I said trembling. Yeah, I’m screwed.

-So, Rena you need education too?- he said calmly and returns to the kitchen.

I’m just here, petrified by the fear, accepting my fate. I see him coming back and I get ready for the first knock, if I didn’t resist whit lucky I will have only a black eye. But instead of a hit in my face I feel my body being thrown to the ground, before I can do something he turns my head to the right and presses against the floor.

-Rena you are mine, and I want everyone to know it- I can see the madness in his eyes while he takes a knife and make two deep cuts on my skin just above my left eye.

The blood and pain cloud my view, I hear his laugh and echoes in my mind. I can feel the cold knife in my throat now, he is going to kill me. Whit all my might I achievement take him away from me, the anger is controlling me. I stand and run to the kitchen, take a knife and go back to the dining room, there I see my father disoriented in the floor unable to stand for his drunkenness. I approach to him whit decision, this is the final of his life and my life in this shit. I cut his throat without any hesitation and his blood spreads over me. He collapses in the floor lifeless . I can see the shock in his dead eyes, he didn’t expect to die today.

The terror gripped me , I realize what I've done, I’m a murder… a murder… a murder, that word spins in my head.

When I calm down I only can think in one thing: I need to get out of here. I go to the bathroom and wash my bloody hands and face, then I rush to my room and I keep some things in my bag.  I head to the kitchen to say goodbye to my mother, there is she, sleeping on the ground.

-You are free now mother, I need to go- I talk and kiss her in the forehead. She doesn’t respond like… always.

 Which is my next destiny? Port of Nagoya, maybe I can be a free rider in some transport ship and leave this horrible city, I don’t have nothing here anymore.



N/A:  When rena begins to remember I always will start her memory with a song by BOF! why? because is her favorite band and in this way we can understand her better.

The song "Amedame no Uta" was translated by Brian Stewart & Takako Sakuma! here they web:
« Last Edit: August 13, 2012, 11:36:16 PM by Souju »

Offline miyumi

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Re: "Where home is" (Rena-Gekikara FanFic) Chapter 1:Father *08/08/2012
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2012, 08:48:57 PM »
Once again another interesting chapter.  :ding:

Keep it up!  :on GJ:

I want to know what happens to Geki.  :frustrated:

Please update soon!  :hee:

Offline Sara-chan

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Re: "Where home is" (Rena-Gekikara FanFic) Chapter 1:Father *08/08/2012
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2012, 06:47:53 PM »
I love this fic!!
poor Rena!! her father was a very
bad person! he deserved to be killed  :scolding:
I wonder where rena will run away  :dunno:

please update soon!!  :prayers:

Offline Souju

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"Where home is" (Rena-Geki fanfic) Ch. 2: This is how the hell is? *08/10
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2012, 12:00:35 AM »
@miyumi I really glad you like it!!

@Sara-chan Today we will know where Rena go!

Today CH.2! We have new characters! please enjoy and comment!!  :twothumbs


Chapter 2: This is how the hell is?

“It's a town with sky and earth

How is it different from the town where you grew up, I wonder?

Why can you tell the difference, I wonder?

I guess you've been taught since you came here

Things like all the lies, the cold, not being able to see the stars,

A storm of troubles

It's the revenge of things not going well, I guess

You started and quit so many here

What was it that you came here to do?

For whose sake was it?

Roads and railroad tracks are connected but... that's so but...

Jump out as you please, struggle along as you please

This town is all that you know

The drawer of your abandoned dream…”

-You really love sing, even in my memories, nee?- I speak calmly to you-.“Tokyo Sanka” from Bump of chicken, nice choice.

-“You are my inspiration Rena-san”- You respond.

-… Yeah, I know.

“…No matter where a person goes

They are same as always

Separated from somebody and separated from yourself

You're alive!

Chosen as you please, hated as you please,

This town is all you have

The place where you, who can't go home, are...

… You jumped out as you pleased, struggle along as you pleased

This town is all you know

The continuation of the dream you got back

Chosen as you please, hated as you please

This town is all you have

The place where you, who can’t go home, are

This town is all you have

The way back home to the place you grew up…”

Port of Nagoya, one of the symbols of pride and power of this fucking city.  I only can see colds containers and stinking garbage. Now here, I need to find a ship whit a place where I can hid. My eyes are set in an orange transport ship, in large letters I can read the ship’s name “ZGMF-X10A Freedom”.

- That… that is the name of a mobile suit from Gundam Seed, I love that anime!- I talk excitedly, now I’m sure, this ship will take me to my new freedom, away from the memory of my father.

I walk stealthily to the boat, I think there is nobody around. When I go up in it I start looking for a place where I can hide during the trip. I find a place behind one of the containers and I lean back there, now I just need wait, hoping set sail soon.

-Well Rena, you are a killer now, you only need run away of this crap the rest of your life- I talk to myself whit sadness. 

Today I killed my father, my own blood. Today I leave alone my mother the only family I have left. I don’t have a place to return, I’m just a homeless and empty kid. I close my eyes and feel a sharp pain in my left eye, physical and mental pain make tears come out of my eyes, they mixed whit the blood of my left eye, the blood didn’t stopped flowing in all this time. Well, maybe I’ll die bloodless this night, whit that thought I fall sleep.

I wake up in the middle of the night by the sounds of steps. I get up quickly and sharpen my hearing.

-Hurry up, we need to find out what is in these containers- I heard a man say in a whisper.

- Yes, sir!-  Other two men responded.

Looking for a better vision of what was happening I move from my place, now I could see a man struggling whit the lock of one of the containers, I think that he is the boss. With a tool similar to scissors to prune, he managed to break the lock. He enters to the open container followed by his two subordinates, and a few minutes later I see them come out again whit rifles in the hands. I’m surprised whit this vision and my legs begin to tremble in fear but I don’t move from my position.

-Wow! these bastards have a lot of weapons here!- One of the subordinates said.

- Yeah, this ship is full of guns, we need to steel some- the boss responded –Take all you can, the family will be happy!.

The three of them began to rapidly fill a bag with her booty, and me? I decided that it was best to get off this ship now, a ship full of guns can’t have a good place as destination. This boat must belong to a yakuza gang or something. I begin to turn slowly to not make noise, but for my surprise a man twice tall as I, was standing in front of me. Before I can react, he grabs me and takes me to the other three men.

-Hey guys, I found a small toy hidden over there!- he shouts.

He throws me down and I stood there surrounded by 4 men bigger and stronger than me. Although a few hours ago I killed a drunken man, against these 4 I haven’t chance to win.

-She is only a girl, but she has seen our faces and what we have done here –the boss talk- you three can do whatever you want with her, but later you should kill her. I must take care of other things, so I charge to you the weapons and the girl.

- Yes sir!- the 3 speak in unison and laugh while I watch as they boss leaves.

I begin to cry on the floor with impotence. I've gone through the hell to finish dying humiliated and alone here. Suddenly one of them grabs my hair and forces me to stand.

-You know girl, this is for you to learn that at night you should stay at home- Other says and gave me a strong slap in the face which made me fall again to the ground.

They make me stand  again and I feel another hit in my face, the blood mixed with my tears and my vision began to cloud, I'm going to faint.
-S-stop, ple-please- I manage to talk. They just kept laughing and hitting hard my body. I close my eyes defeated. This is my final, I will see you soon father.

- Hey idiots, what do you do on my ship?! I am the captain and I haven’t given to you permission to get on in my beautiful freedom!- I hear someone yell.

I open my eyes and I see three peoples behind my attackers, there is Roy Mustang from Full Metal Alchemist, Homura Akemi from Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kenshin Himura from Rurouni Kenshin.

- You have angered the captain of this ship-Mustang says.

-That is no good for you guys, you need permission from the captain to be here- Homura speak.

-And you three are hitting a poor girl, that’s worse- talk Kenshin whit a big smile and then giggled.

-Shit! is the crazy princess and her underlings, we need to go out of here- I can feel the fear in the voice of one of my attackers- let go off the girl and the booty and get ready to fight!.

They let me go and I fall to the ground in pain. My blood is everywhere; I don’t know if I’m aware anymore, I’m so confused. I only can hear Kenshin laughing like a crazy while unsheathed his sword. I see Homura and Mustang departing to one side whit fear.

-Captain don’t be so cruel, remember we have a lady here looking- speak Mustang.

-I know.

One of the men pulls out his gun and instead of pointing to the samurai he is pointing to me. I look to the red hair man for help, and I see how his smile fades and his eyes now show deep anger and insanity.

-Hey! let us go or we will kill the girl!- the guy shout.

I don’t know how it happened because was so fast, but now the samurai is behind the man with his sword pressed on his throat.

-You and you people, broke the Yakuza’s rule of not harming ordinary people, so you deserve to die- The red hair says whit anger and then cuts the throat’s man without hesitation. The blood spilled out everywhere spotting me and my savior.

-Shit! She killed Yuto-kun!-Other man cries and points his gun at Kenshin.

-Nee, okkotteru?- responds childishly the samurai whit crazy eyes and a bloody smile.

Yeah, I have died and now I'm in hell with the crazy version of the characters of my favorites animes.



N/A: The Ch.3 will be longer!
"Tokyo Sanka" by Bump of chicken! Translated By MELISSA her web:

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Rofl anime character hahaha!!!

Offline Sara-chan

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I think I know who are the new characters  :ptam-psst:
 Poor Rena she never finished her bad luck  :scared:

Offline Souju

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@kahem: Yes! in this ch. we will know
who the characters really are!

Sara-chan: If you're a SKE's fan you'll
know immediately! thanks for all your comments!

CH. 3!! the official presentation of several of the characters in this story!!

Please enjoy and comment!!


Chapter 3: Saru, Mokyu, Tori & The Princess

“We pretended we were explorers on a great adventure, on a scribbled map

one lost child met another, in front of the area for nonflammable trash

with baggage packed full of all my most despised memories

[I’m never going anywhere, just bury me here,] I laughed.

of course we resemble each other, it’s just that kind of place.

we ask one another where we each came from, it’s silly

what were we thinking, telling each other how we got here.

I’ve been everywhere I ever wanted to go, underneath the clouds about to burst forth with tears.

I haven’t lost anything, but I feel somehow empty, and yet still…

I have to tell you, [It’s OK]

but I’m not OK, in fact I’m not moving at all. Ah, well…”

-Let me guess, this one is one of your favorites from Bump Of Chicken, hmmmm … is Arrows!- I said.

-“That is correct kid! I love this song! Sing whit me while we wander through your memories”- you speak excited.

I just give you a tired sigh in response.

“… It’s ok. What we found was real. Finding you was real.

I can’t throw it away so I take it with me, that time I spent as a lost child

those I met were alive, and so were you, laughing

You walked with me when I was lost. It’s not fake baggage.

With this, I think I can stay true to myself.

Let’s leave this place together.

Tears meet other tears and build this arc of song

if we meet again after I’ve been everywhere I wanted to go

without the baggage, we’ll cross that arc just two bodies

and climb that cloud, so close and yet so very far away.”

This is real? I’m alive or I’m already dead? I think I’m on a pirate ship, sailing in some unknown sea. Three demons dressed as anime characters have appeared in front of me, claiming that this boat is theirs and we need permission to board. The red demon, apparently the captain of the ship, already killed one stowaway. Sure he will end with the others two first, because they have guns and are strong, and then will come to kill me, because I’m the disarmed and weaker of the free riders.  That's what the pirates do, especially those who are “samurais-pirates-demons”. I can’t do anything to scape. I’m too weak, dizzy, disoriented and tired of life itself.

-You killed one of our men, and if you kill us you'll never be forgiven by Haragata family!- the man, who is pointing his gun at the samurai, shout whit voice and hands trembling.

-You are really mad! Hahahahahahahhaha!- Kenshin replied with a laugh-. You know, I will really enjoy the angry of all members of your family.

-You bitch! You are gonn…-The man was interrupted by the sound of his own flesh being cut.

The samurai, somehow, had achieved with extreme rapidity, reach the man and with a nice and accurate movement of the sword, he cut both of his hands. The man is now in the floor writhing in pain, and his attacker just looks at him with a smile of pure fun in his face.

- I'll hurt you very bad before I kill you, I really enjoy torturing, you know?- I can see the insanity in the samurai’s eyes. He is really enjoying all this slaughter.

Suddenly, a bullet crashed centimeters away from the feet of the crazy samurai. He turned around, to be face to face with a frightened guy who with his trembling hands can’t hit any shot to the madman.

-Nee, okkotteru? Hahhahahhahah!-laughed again the red demon.

Kenshin walks to his next victim through a shower of bullets that fail to touch him. He raises his sword to attack and cut him both hands as well, but is interrupted by the sound of two shots. The two men from the Haragata yakuza gang, fall dead by an accurate shot in the head, they were saved from a most horrible death.

-Furukawa Princess is time to stop- spoke Mustag with a serious and determined look, still holding his gun - death is enough punishment for them.

-Airin, are you ok?- said Homura holding his gun too.

-… yeah, I’m ok Kanakana- Replied the red hair whit a confusion look.

I'm confused too, the crazy and sadistic captain Kenshin turned out to be a princess called Furukawa Airi. Well, that makes me feel better, at least I will be killed by a girl, a samurai-pirate-demon-princess one.

The princess pirate falls to the ground defeated and tired, but still holding a smile on her face. Her two subordinates approach her with a look of relief.

-Nee, Nakanishi-san, I’m really sorry- She speaks regretful to Mustang.

-Captain, it is not me whom you need to apologize- responds the alchemist and points me- now, she must be traumatized because of your berserker behavior.

Everybody is looking me now whit concern and the samurai girl seems really surprised by my presence. I can see that she just remembered my existence in this world .Yeah, I think It’s my turn to die in the hands of the samurai-pirate-demon-princess girl. I can only ask her for a dignified death without suffering.

-Please captain, I know I'm a stowaway in your ship and I deserve to die for that, but kill me quick whit your sword, don’t throw me into this unknown sea to the sharks or leave me alone on a desert island- I speak scared.

-… What?- The three pirates respond in unison.

-You fucking stupid! look what you did to this poor girl!- The Pirate-Alchemist yelled at his boss -. She is so traumatized that she believes we are sailing somewhere and that we are pirates or something!.

-Nee girl, we are still in Nagoya and this ship hasn’t even set sail, and we don’t have sharks in this port. - The magical girl said gently as she walked slowly to where I’m sit.

I can’t understand what is happening. We are in Nagoya?. I need to clear my head. I close my eyes and try to concentrate. What happened? I was in a ship hidden and then three men hit me, and the rest is just confused. I just know that these three men were killed by three others persons. I open my eyes again in surprise when I feel a gentle pressure on my shoulder, is the soft hand of the magical girl, who is now at my side.

-You are ok? You have a lot of wounds- she said whit a worried face.

Her kind factions reassure me. I don’t answer her question, because nausea take over my body. My own bones feel heavy and I collapse, she catches me in time. Somehow the fear to these people, especially to the red hair demon, enables me to continue conscious.

-Shit, she is really bad boss- The alchemist talks to the red hair girl.

The samurai gets up from his place and begins to walk toward me whit decision. I'm terrified and try to escape from the arms of the other girl, but my lack of strength not let me. The red haired girl note my fear, so stopped her way and looks at me timidly.

-do…do…don’t be a…afraid of me- she says stuttering-. I…I…I will not hurt you, please forgive me.

It’s seen that the girl is so sorry and sad that I get to feel pity for her. Her sudden shyness and lack of confidence amazes me, she is another person now. She once again embarks his way to me and kneels in front of me.

- I…I…I can che…check your injuries?- She ask me and I agree with a nod.

She began to check me completely, from my teeth to even my toes. She check, with an incredible concentration, my wounds on my back, torso, arms and legs. And then she just stared at me mesmerized.

-Nee captain, what are your orders?- was the alchemist who broke the silence.

- Right! Orders! Hehehe… is just… she is so cute that I…- She stop talking when she realized her words.

I can swear that the color of his face turned red, but I can’t say anything because the color of my face is not different. That demon said I’m cute!. Nobody had called me cute in my entire life.

-I’m … I’m sorry! I…- She was trying to speak properly but unsuccessfully.

-Nee, you fucking Romeo, give me orders before Juliet dies!- shouted impatient Mustang to her.

-Ho! yes, I’m sorry. Saru calls Tori, tell her to come get us fast because we have people hurt- The boss girl spoke with authority.

-Yes princess!- replied the alchemist and walked away a few step to talk whit that person called Tori.

-You Mokyu, calls Dr. Yuasa, tell him that we go with a patient with multiple wounds, no broken bones but with much blood lost.

-Yes princess!- Replied the Magical girl and took out her phone to call the doctor.

-Princess, Tori is on his way to here. She reported that she has put double security at home to keep the kid safe- Saru spoke.

-How is the kid?.-Asked Airi

- Sad, because we had to go in the middle of the club party, but she is sleeping right now- Saru answered.

-Well, we still have the next month’s party.

-Princess, Dr. Yuasa will be waiting for us-Mokyu spoke.

- Good… -The princess respond, and then she diverted his gaze to me- You'll be fine, just trust in us- she said to me with a comforting smile.

Trust them?  in a pile of yakuza murderers? Never! Certain after heal me, they will make me work on they business of prostitution or something!. I close my eyes resigned, for now I need to rest, then I will think of how to escape from them. And so the world around me turns off.

I awake in an unfamiliar room, in a strange bed with my whole body in pain. I try to discern the space around me but is very dark here. I approached my hand to my face and feel all the bandages and band-aids that cover me.

- You are better, in these three days in which you sleep, you have healed very well- A voice in the dark says.

-I…I…I need to go- I speak with a weak voice.

- You can go if you want to, nobody is forced to be here, if I wanted to go I just should give my pinky finger to my boss and quit, you have it easier, you just have to stand up and go.

I stood in silence, watching the silhouette in the corner of the room of the person who is speaking to me.

-And besides- she continued- I haven’t given orders to retain you here, only to take care of you.

I didn’t say a word. I just get out of bed, slowly, to avoid the pain, but still the pain stabs me the body. I swallow a cry of pain and I sit on the edge of the bed waiting for the pain passes. She doesn’t move from her position in the corner.

- You can stay here if you want, we will take care of you…

-I don’t want to!- I interrupt her- You are a yakuza gang, a danger one. You are a band of murderers!.

-…You are a murder too.

-What? I…

-Your Name is Kudo Rena, thirteen years old, three days ago you killed your own father and then you disappeared.  The police is looking you. But we can help you, we can give you another name, another life, a new beginning! But only if what you want to.

I kept quiet, analyzing her words one by one. How is she knows that much about me?.

- How I know so much of you? You'll be asking. Well, my job is to protect my princess, so I can’t let anyone come and stay in this house without knowing his past. And kid, I am an expert in research.

She knows everything about me, and she is offering me a way out, a new life, in exchange for what? a life of crime?. I want to be free, not owe my life to anyone.

- I need to go-I repeat to her whit decision- I don’t want to be the subordinate of your crazy boss or princess or whatever you call it.

-She is not a bad person, she got a little violent just because she was angry about what they did to you. Is something she can’t control, but she definitely is not bad. Also we had to kill these men for the good of the city, and the honor of the Yakuzas. That band is only doing shady business and we have to eliminate them.

-I don’t care! I just… I just need to go!- I say and stand to go from here.

-Ok, but before leaving , put your new clothes which are in the chair of the right , you're naked- she told me amused while I hear her steps to the door.

I feel so ashamed that threw myself back to bed and cover myself with the sheets. She turns on the switch of the lights. I close my eyes for the pain that gives me the sudden light. When my eyes get used to the light, I get to see the back of a girl in the door.

-My number is in one of the pockets of your new coat, if you need anything or if you're in trouble just call, I know the street life is hard for someone so young. And one last thing, I promise you something, my boss will go in your search, she is more persistent than me. In this moment she is not at home so you can go peaceful - she said and proceeds to go.

-Wait!- I speak before she leave- Please tell me your name-. She stop her steps and answered me without turning around.

-…Tori is the name that my princess give me, Takayanagi Akane is the name that I was born with- she said nothing more and left, leaving me alone in the room.

I got up slowly, and I took some painkillers that were on my side. Then I check the wounds on my body, they aren’t so bad, in a couple of days will heal all. I wore my new clothes and went out quiet of the traditional castle in which I was. Now I need to run of here, so I just run, run run, run away losing myself in the streets of Nagoya.

-Nee, crazy girl!-Someone shouts- Neeeeeeeeeee, crazy girl!.

-“Someone is calling you in the real world”-You say to me.

I'm back on the streets of Tokyo lookin at myself in a broken mirror. I can feel the presence of somebody coming up behind my back. I throw the mirror and smile.

-Nee, cra…crazy girl!, I was… I was looking at you!- a smiling tiny girl talk to me gasping, when she manages to reach me.

I look at the girl in front of me whit enthusiasm, I think it will fun destroy this girl before going to sleep.


N/A Arrows from Bump of chicken Translated By: Brian Stewart & Takako Sakuma web:

Offline Sara-chan

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I loved this chapter has been the best of all chapters  :bow:
I knew that the cosplayers were the trio of perverted  :hehehe:
I want Rena back before the police catch her  :scared:
please update soon  :byebye:

Offline Sara-chan

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When you upload the new chapter? I'm waiting for days OTL


Offline Souju

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"Where home is"(Rena-Geki fanfic) Ch.4:Squirrel Girl v/s Crazy Girl *08/20
« Reply #15 on: August 21, 2012, 04:18:13 AM »
@Sara-chan: so sorry for the wait!  :ptam-cry:
hahhaha yeah were that trio! hhahahhahaha!
Thank U for the birthday greeting!!!
I really hope you enjoy this chapter!

Ch.4 back to the present whit Gekikara!!

Plase enjoy and comment!  :hee:


Ch.4:Squirrel Girl v/s Crazy Girl

Face to face with a little girl grinning. What she want from me? I don’t care! My blood already boils in my veins. What I want and need is her blood spread in my hands and clothing.

-Crazy, girl! I was looking for you! You know how difficult is to find you?!- She said whit happiness in her voice.

I can see how her smile is genuine, not like mine, which hides my sincerity with madness. Seeing her makes me so angry, I need to erase her smile, make her suffer!. I can’t help laughing over these thoughts, I’m so excited.

-Nee, nee, nee crazy girl! I've heard that you are really strong!.  Nobody knew you before; you are not from Tokyo right? Where are you from?- She speaks so fast that annoys me even more, she is like… like… like a squirrel!

-Yeah, I’m from the glorious city of Nagoya!- I spoke with feigned pride.

I watched how her smile fades and her eyes shine for my words, like if for a second she remembered something important related to Nagoya. But after that second, as if nothing had happened, she returns to her usual smile and joy.

-WOW! I have a friend there! a very good friend!- she shouted smiling.

 I giggled in respond. That's it, the situation overcame my patience, I hate his voice already. I can´t stand her happy existence in this world. My muscles tighten and wield my hand, and with a quick movement tried to hit the happy smile of my opponent, but her face is no longer there. My fist hits the air and I lose a little of balance. What happened? She managed to dodge my punch? Impossible, the only one who can do that is ...

-Hey, crazy girl, you are really good. If your fist had reached my face, now I would be spitting out my teeth- She speaks to my back.

I can’t contain my excitement so I laugh. I turn around to be in front of her again.  I smiled at her and she smiles me back. We looked at each other in silence. I was studying her and she was studying me. I think tonight I will have fun, finally a worthy rival.

-You are really good too, little squirrel- I finally talk.

Both slowly move our arms and legs to be in position of guard. I don’t took off my eyes from hers. We are ready. I am the first to make a move, I drop over her a burst of punches, but she easily eluded all. I’m so in shock for her speed, that the desperation makes me lose concentration for a second and she takes that second to give me a strong kick in the stomach. The hit push me back and I fall to the ground without air. Thanks God I have nothing in my stomach, otherwise I would have thrown up right here. I get up fast and ready to fight again, despite the dizziness.

- Waaa! you are really good, usually nobody pulls himself back up when I hit a kick like that- The squirrel girl said astonished.

- I'm not like other people- I respond, now fully recovered.

- I have heard that. Nee crazy girl, you know why come here to defeat you?- She asked me. I respond negatively with a nod.

-Well, I come here because you've massacred many of my people in these last days. I can’t allow that, for a thing of honor and reputation. But I wonder, what is your reason? Why you hit everyone mercilessly?.

-“Good question! I know why!”-Is you again talking in my mind.

Is because you are not here! Is your fucking fault! .What is my reason she asks? That only question makes me shiver. It’s because I'm hurt? Because I’m alone? Because I’m lost? or is it a mere act of rebellion? maybe I’m just crazy.

-I don’t have a reason- I giggle and bite my nails. Shit, I’m nervous.

-No good- she said with rage in her eyes- You need to have a reason or you will never really win a fight.

She is furious!, good, that is what I want of her. I want to fight seriously. This time she is the first to attack, she throws a punch straight to my face. I manage to protect me with the back of my forearms, but she still has not finished his attack, with a quick kick she hit me in my right side.  Creck! That was the sound of a pair of my ribs being broken.  I take advantage of the fact that she is destabilized by the kick she gave me, and I hit her directly in the nose. Creck! That was the sound of her nose being broken. We separated a few meters to recover our breath.

-Shit! That hurts!- she cries holding his nose to stop bleeding.

-  Don’t mind not having a reason, what matters is winning. See? I made you bleed- I talk with joy.

-You are so wrong, today I will make you realize that- she said and raises her fist to attack me again.

Her fist tries to touch me, but I eluded. I think I'm getting used to the girl’s speed. I direct my fist at her collarbone and I hit the target. Creck! now her left clavicle it's broken.  She not waste her time complaining of pain as any would, and she runs a kick at my head wich I managed to stop with my right arm. Creck!, now my right arm is broken. Without giving me time to recover, she gives me a strong blow in the face, I fall to the ground with my mouth bleeding. I try to stand up while I laugh uncontrollably. I spit out of my mouth a tooth and I smiled at her. She just looks at me with a serious look.

-Nee, Okotteru?- I ask her innocently.

-That pharse…- she spoke stunned- I see! You are… Crazy girl this will be my last attack -she said with a sad smile on her lips, and then she stood in a fighting stance again.

- That sounds fun!- I yell at her ready to receive her last attack.

- I will make you remember her words!- she shout back and ran to me with her fist raised - You must have a reason to fight. A fight without a reason is pointless, whether you win or lose!.

-That words are from “her”… - I whispered to myself .Shocked by her words I lowered my guard- That means you are…- I could not finish my words because a strong impact took me to the world of unconsciousness.

-Getting hurt and hurting is not fighting, sometimes you can discover important things from it too -I can still hear the distant voice of the squirrel girl in the darkness of my mind- She also had to have taught you that, remember it while you're unconscious.

-“You lost, you lost because you don’t have a real reason to fight, you need a reason, I thought I had taught you that”- finally you talk to me face to face… well not exactly , at least I can see your silhouette in this darkness.

-You are her, isn't it?- I ask you.

-“No, I’m not her anymore”- You respond.

-So, who the hell are you?!- I cry.

-“I’m you, the new you”.- Your answer me calm.

-The new me?- I'm so confused.

-“What I am trying to say is, in simple words,that you are no longer Matsui Rena or Kudo Rena or whatever”.

-I don’t understand!  you must be her! Because you know everything about her! Because you made me a promise!.

-“I’m sorry kid, this was the only way to keep my promise. You have to trust in the reality that I suggest or…"


-“Or you'll have to accept that you turned crazy, Gekikara”.


Offline Megumi

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 :shocked Eh? eh? eh? EHHHHHHHH?

Thank you for your update!
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline Sara-chan

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OMG! the chapter was amazing  :ding:
I have many questions about rena and gekikara!
please update soon to know more :pleeease:

Offline Souju

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"Where home is"(RenAirin/BlackGeki) Ch.5:Because you are dying *09/04
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2012, 05:55:44 AM »
Sorry for the delay, is really take long to write in English!  :banghead:
I already decided the couples for this fic: RenAirin, BlackGeki, JuriChuri, NishiKana and more...

@Megumi:I promise that in chapter 6 I will clarify many things!
hehehehehe!  :cool2: thanks for your comment!

@Sara-chan: I'm really happy that you liked! sorry for not
clarifying many things with this chapter!  :err:

Chapter 5! a little of love!

Enjoy and comment!... please :prayers: XD

Chapter 5: Because you are dying

-Gekikara… I see… that is my new name-I talk in the darkness.

-“No, that’s our name”- You correct me.

We stay silent for a while, each lost in our own thoughts. I’m trying to digest your words in my mind.

-Nee Gekikara…-I speak.

-“hmmm?”-You respond.

-That squirrel girl… is Oshima-san isn’t it?.

You don’t answer, like if my question flied away to other world, to a world different from the world where you are.

-“You need to take a decision, an important one”- You said ignoring my question.

-What do you mean?.

-“That day in the port, you take a decision, today isn’t different”.

-what? be more specific!- I begin to exasperate, your words confuse me.

“I came to you Just now, nearby

I think I heard the sound of a teradrop falling

I came running but, I wonder whose tear it was

And well, your eyes are pretty red

Well, yeah...

That's right, I give you as present any number of stories

I'll read them to you properly Isn't this ok?

Well then, see you later…”

-Present, that song…

 -“You remember that song? You remember that day?”- You interrupted me.

-… yes- I said insecure and bite my nails.

I’m back in the streets of Nagoya. It had been 3 weeks since my scape from the Yakuza Furukawa Family castle. I spend my days running from police and child prostitution gangs. I sleep a few hours a day, with an open eye because they want my freedom, and I just want a dry place to sleep and one plate of food per day.

Every day I beg for food, water and money to the people who walks to their jobs. They sometimes give me some money or leftover from the lunch, and others just ignore me. My injuries are really bad because I have nothing to clean them. The pain, the hunger and lack of sleep make me weak; I think I’m dying alone, little by little like an injured animal in the African Savannah.

Today I wake up feeling worse than ever, I have fever, severe body aches and nausea made me throw up a couple of times, my stomach is empty already so I just vomited bile.  I sit on the floor and hug my legs, close my eyes and beg for get over all this pain soon.

- It was obvious that you were going to end like this Rena- a male voice called me.

I open my eyes and look straight ahead, there's my slaughtered father, he is looking at me with a smile of satisfaction.

-You're dead- I speak with a cold voice.

-Yes, I’m and you will be dead soon too- He talked laughing.

- Get outta here!- I shout - you no longer can control me!.

-Hahahahahahahahaha! You are still a child! I'll be with you until the end of your agony, and when you finally die I'll take you with me to hell.

-You will control me in hell, Father? You can do that?- I asked him with fear.

-Of course I can! you are underestimating me.

I can’t die today, because he would take me to hell if I do.  Instinctively I plunge my hand into the right pocket of my jacket, where the phone number of the only person who can save me is. I get up and start walking in search of a phone. My father walks beside me.

-They will not save you, they will send you to one of their prostitution business, that's what Yakuzas do!- he said mockingly.

-They looked after me once, I don’t think they are bad-I talk to him with anger.

-Hahhahahhahaha! they need you healthy in order to explode your body and make money!-I can see how he really is enjoying this conversation.

-You… you… I don’t know, maybe is better be in hell, maybe you are right, but I want to believe in them.

-In hell you'll get your freedom, that's what death brings.

I stop my way abruptly. He's right, true freedom is in death, isn’t it?. Dead you are not bound to responsibilities, there you must live, not just survive like here. Before I can continue rambling, the sound of approaching sirens put me on alert. Shit is the police!. I look around for some escape. I see, about 3 feet from me, a small truck parked and waiting to leave, I get in it quickly and hide among a forest of boxes.

My transport starts the engine and leaves to some unknown destination. I sigh with relief, and rest my body in a box. I listen as my father whistle a happy song, I don’t mind his presence anymore. I have decided not hear him more, I'll have to listen him for all eternity in hell. I have come to the conclusion that I haven’t fear of death, what terrifies me is lose my freedom again.

After forty minutes of travel, I hear that the truck engine turned off, the driver gets out and slowly walk away. I wait in my place, sitting in the truck about fifteen minutes more.  When I'm sure that no one will come, I get off the truck, and surveyed my surroundings. 

Here I’m again, in the port of Nagoya, in front of that ship called “ZGMF-X10A Freedom”. Fate always seems to be so ironic. I drag my feet to the boat, I only have enough energy to get to the ship and rest my body in one of the containers. From my position I can admire the vastness of the sea, beyond of it are the places I've never visited and I will never go. My father sits beside me and remains silent, mesmerized by the beautiful sunset.

-I was looking for you- Spoke a girl to me.

My father at my side vanishes, and I stood there unable to move, staring at the girl in front of me with a serious look. She comes up to me, she kneels and gently touches my forehead to check my temperature.

-You're burning with fever, your wounds should be severely infected and you are undernourished- She said with scolding tone.

-I’m dying- I said in a small voice.

I feel my throat dry, and it hurts a bit when I talk. I licked my cracked lips and tried to breathe normally, but I find it hard.

-I know… I’m sorry- She apologizes whit a sad look.

-You look sad Samurai, this wasn’t your fault.

-Is just… hey!, you are no longer afraid of me- She said surprised.

-Yeah, there is nothing to be afraid because I’m dying.

She just looks at me in silence, and tries to smile. Everything is vain, her eyes tell me she is getting desperate. Her reaction puzzles me, a demon with feelings?, and worse, feelings for someone so insignificant as me.

-For weeks I looked everywhere for you, today I decided I should find you in this place, and now that I see you here you are in a critical state- she talks with seriousness.

-You're not stuttering when you talk to me- I grinned at her amused.

Her cheeks turned red in seconds, and I can see the embarrassment spreading over his face.

-Yeah, is because you are dying Rena-san.

-You are right captain-I respond.

-Anyway!-She shouts-I came here to make you a proposal, you must make a decision, here and now.

-No, whatever your proposal is, my answer is no.

-Are you sure?- she ask me, looking into my eyes directly.

-Yes- I answer without hesitation.

-I see- she sighs resigned- so, there is nothing I can do.

She stands up, turns around and begins his journey, silent, as when she arrived. My father back to me with a wicked smile reflected in the face, he is followed by several little demons. This vision is the result of fever or is reality?.

-Wait!- I yell.

Furukawa Airi stops her way, and waits for me to talk without turning to me.

-Stay with me a while longer- I beg her.

-You're not afraid of death, but you're afraid of dying alone.

-I…- before I could continue with my sentence, a warm arms surrounded me protectively.

-I can see your demons- she whispered in my ear. - But I will protect you from them, until the end.

I nod with my head buried in her presence trying to hold back my tears, for the first time in my life I feel safe. All the demons disappear, leaving me alone with only one: Furukawa Airi, the Yakuza Boss demon.

-You want me to tell you a story?- she asks me when I stop sobbing.

-Yes-I said whit a shy voice.

-Good, but after hearing my story, I'll make you a question and you must answer it ,ok?.


-Once upon a time a lonely girl named Airi, who lived in an orphanage in Tokyo, met someone who changed her life. Airi was born with a demon inside and with a rare disease: she was unable to feel physical pain.



A/N: "Present" from Bump of chicken english translation by

Offline Megumi

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Re: "Where home is"(RenAirin/BlackGeki) Ch.5:Because you are dying *09/04
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2012, 10:49:08 AM »
Ahhh I can't wait for next update!

Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

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