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Author Topic: Space Love/48 Days  (Read 85505 times)

Offline haruhi16

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 10 part 2
« Reply #60 on: August 16, 2012, 12:30:44 PM »
LMAO, Poor Yuko, now she'll have to take care three alien people in her house.

Great chapter btw! Update soon!  :thumbsup
« Last Edit: August 16, 2012, 12:47:26 PM by haruhi16 »

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 10 part 2
« Reply #61 on: August 16, 2012, 01:35:23 PM »
"Great now I'm taking care of three people."
poor Yuko  :hiakhiakhiak:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Re: Space Love update Chapter 10 part 2
« Reply #62 on: August 16, 2012, 03:12:22 PM »
you're so fast miyu!
you're updating and posting fic in one day waw!

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 11
« Reply #63 on: August 16, 2012, 04:51:48 PM »
@Haruko: Yuko does need a bigger place. Maybe I'll give one to her. I don't know....  :?

@haruhi16: Thank you for reading! Yeah Yuko is running out of room! I wonder what she'll do.  :?

@mo-chan: Yes poor Yuko. Taking car of three people is going to be hard. But remember Miichan is a maid. Maybe she can help.  :)

@miayaka: Yes now I'm updating well more than twice a day. I think its more like four now. I'm probably going to end up buring my eyes out and my head exploding. All well! That's the kicks that comes with being an writer!  :lol:

Now it looks like Yuko is runing out of room at her place. Some thing must be done! And it looks like Miichan has the answer. Let's see what the maid has planned for them.

Chapter 11

"Mistress Yuko."


Yuko turned around and saw Miichan staring at her.

"Oh hi Miichan. What is it?" Yuko said.

"Well I wanted to ask, where will I be staying?" Miichan said.

"Oh well we don't have any more beds and so I guess you'll have to share a room with Mariko since she's using my parents bedroom."

Yuko could have sworn she saw a spark light up in Miichan's eyes.

"Oh thank you mistress Yuko thank you so much!"

Miichan ran into Mariko's room where there was a loud scream. Soon after Mariko came back out with a ticked off look on her face.

"What the heck is she doing in my room?" Mariko said.

"We don't have any more beds so she'll have to sleep in yours." Yuko said.

"Why can't she sleep on the couch?"

"Because I don't want her feeling uncomfortable."

"She's a maid Yuko. They're supposed to feel uncomfortable."

"Still I don't want her sleeping on our couch. It wouldn't feel right."

"Ok fine! But if you try to make any moves on me I will personally send you back to our planet."

"Yes mistress."

Mariko ran off and slammed the door behind her.

"Isn't mistress Mariko so great?" Miichan said.

"What?" Yuko said,

"She's great. She's wonderful. Absolutely perfect!"

"Why do you say that?"

"Back at the palace, Mariko was already there way before me. She was very young at the time but still older than me. I was hired to me her maid and take care of her but in the end she was the one that ended up taking care of me. Because of that I have an undying love towards her and nothing will ever kill it."

"You are one werid maid you know."

"I just wish there was a way for me to make her happy."

"Well we're stuck here so until then you might as well get used to things."

"Very well then I will go out and gather things for dinner tonight."

"Ok you I'll see you later."

Miichan walked out and then Haruna came in just waking up from a nap.

"Where Miichan?"

"She went out to get dinner."

"Ohh. Where Mari-chan?"

"In her room."

"Can we play with Mari-chan?"

"I don't think she wants to be bothered."

"It's fine Yuko."

Mariko had come out of her room and was now standing next to Haruna.

"You wanna go out somewhere?" she asked.

"Sure where to?"

"Anywhere. I just want to relax."

"Ok I know just the place."

Yuko took Mariko and Haruna to a small cafe she would go to relax and have some coffee. They took a seat and ordered what they wanted.

"Hey this place isn't so bad." Mariko said.

"I go here a lot with Mayuyu."

"That explains all the maids."

Yuko forgot to mention it was a maid cafe but she only went for the food. Although time to time Yuko does enjoy seeing all the cute girls dressed in cute maid outfits. Yuko was chatting with Mariko when one of the maids walked up to the front of the cafe.

"Everyone! The best maid contest is about to begin! The maids will go around and pick a master or mistress to act as their partner and compete in the contest. Whoever wins will win a brand new house!"

The maid showed a picture of it and Yuko almost choked. The place looked like a smaller version of the palace of Versailles.

"Maids on you mark, get set, go!"

Yuko watched all the staff run out and look for the right person to be their mistress.

"Hey Yuko maybe they just might pick you." Mariko said.

"I wish!"


Standing next to Mariko was Miichan!


"What are you doing here?" Mariko asked.

"They pulled me in thinking I was one of them. So now here I am trying to get Mariko-sama to come with me."

"No way."

"Come on Mariko. We could really use the new house."

"Alright fine."

"Yay! I won't let you down mistress!"

Miichan and Mariko walked up to the front of the stage along with the rest of the maids and their partners.

"Ok everyone the first event is preparing tea for their master/mistress. The maid will have to prepare one cup of tea for their partner within a certain time limit. The judges will judge on a scale from one to ten. We'll start off with the first couple."

Yuko watched many maids go up and attempt to make and pour tea. Some screwed up making it and some ended up spilling the tea. The highest score Yuko saw so far was a 18. You could get 30 points max. When it was Miichan's turn, Yuko only blinked once and she already had everything set up and ready to go. She even poured it in a elegant way. In the end, Miichan got a 28.

"Spectacular! The next event is cleaning the house. The maid will be given two minutes to clean as much as they can before the mistress is home. Based on how much was cleaned, the judges will score. Start!"

Many of the maids struggled. Having two minutes to clean a mess that would normally take an hour is very hard. Some of them couldn't even get the first layer clean. The highest score so far was a 23. But now it was Miichan's turn and Yuko was waiting for something spectacular to happen. She was right. As soon as the timer started, Miichan went to work. She threw away trash, made the bed, folded clothes, and polished the windows at the same time. When she was done, she had ten seconds to spare. She used those last ten seconds to pull out a nice vase full of flowers. In the end, Miichan got a 29.

"This girl is amazing! Why can't you be like her? Anyways the third and final event is protecting their master/mistress from harm. We will have someone pretend to be a bad guys and try to kill your partner. As a maid it is your job to protect them. But if they die, then you have failed as a maid. Ready go!"

They just basically had three guys come up and try to touch the maids parnter. Many of them failed mainly because they tried to fight but failed or they were too scared. The highest score was a 25. Now it was Miichan's turn and she looked ready to go. The guys came out and before they could make even one step towards Mariko, Miichan had already taken them out sending them flying off the stage.

"Sugoi! But wait!"

There was the sound of a gun loading. Yuko had no idea where it was coming from but Miichan knew. She moved Mariko out of the way and got in front of her. The gun fired and Miichan was splattered with red paint.

"Congratulations! You've won the best maid contest! Here is your prize!"

The maid handed Mariko the keys to the house and then walked over to Miichan.

"You're a really good maid. I know a couple people that might be interested in hiring you. You want to look into it?" she asked.

"I'm sorry but I serve only one mistress and that is her."

Mariko walked over and proudly stood next to Mariko.

"Darn. We could've really used someone like you."

"Sorry but she's mine. Yuko Haruna let's go!"

When they got to their new place, Yuko almost had a heart attack.

"This place is huge!" she said.

"Big house! Really big house!" Haruna said

"Let's go check it out inside Nyannyan!"

While those two ran off to explore their new home, Mariko pulled Miichan over to the side.

"You are either the dumbest or the smartest maid I have ever had." Mariko said.

"Can't I be the cutest?" Miichan said.

"As I thought you are the dumbest."


"But you're also the best one I've had."

"Ahhh mistress!"

Miichan reached out and hugged Mariko who was having a hard time breathing. Yuko could see the two outside and thought they made up.

"Aww now that's sweet."

Mariko saw Yuko and gave her a "i'm going to kill you look" that sent chills down Yuko's spine. Then Mariko broke free of Miichan's hug and started to head for the front door.

"Shoot Nyannyan run!"

Well now Yuko has a place to fit as many people as she wants! I hope you all liked the chapter and please tell me what you think. Also if you haven't checked it out already, I've posted a new one shot collection thingy so check it out! Thanks and look forward to the next update!

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 10 part 2
« Reply #64 on: August 16, 2012, 07:19:57 PM »
Yuko is sweet in this fic~ not so pervert as what she was~
And she has to take care three aliens in her house~  :mon roll:
Mariko was so cool in all the time, acts just like a queen as always~ ue kara Mariko!!  :gmon flowers:
lol at Miichan appearance and her undying love toward Mariko-sama  :gmon heartu:
They even win a house! or I should say a Palace!
Things start to get more fun now~  :mon mischief:

Offline kahem

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 10 part 2
« Reply #65 on: August 16, 2012, 08:22:53 PM »
Great birthday! And gift!!!
WOW Marimii!!!!

Offline aruka

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 10 part 2
« Reply #66 on: August 16, 2012, 11:03:58 PM »
Mariko is really a caring mistress indeed (despite the 'rude' words). Where else would you find a mistress getting hugged so casually by her own maid? :lol:

And congrats for the house! :D

But I still don't understand the "Shoot Nyannyan run!" sentence. Is it Yuko asking Nyannyan to reach the front door before Mariko does?
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Re: Space Love update Chapter 12
« Reply #67 on: August 17, 2012, 02:32:34 AM »
@ichikawa: Ahh it's so good to hear from you! When I heard about your accident I was so worried. Thank you for reading my fic! I hope I hear more from you!  :)

@kahem: Yes Marimii is here! Haruna's birthday was the best thing ever for her! Look forward to more Kojiyuu!

@aruka: Ahh I'm sorry for confusing you! The last sentence was basically Yuko saying that she was going to start running and wanted Nyannyan to start running with her. I'm sorry for confusing you.  :cry:

Here is chapter 12! I forgot to change it to 11 before so I'm sorry everyone! Anyways, here's chapter 12 and I hope you all enjoy it!

Chapter 12

Yuko was at school with Nyannyan just sitting there doing her work when Mayuyu came over and started poking her head.

"What is it Mayuyu?" Yuko aksked.

"I'm mad and I need you're help." Mayuyu said.

"What is it?"

"It's Sae."

"What about Sae?"

"She's been trying to hit on Yukirin and Yukirin's been letting her do it. She even returns the flirts sometimes!"

"No way."

"Yeah and it's ticking me off. Yukirin is mine and I don't want anyone going near her. Especially some shemale."

"So what do you want me to do?"

"I need you to help me train Sae."

"What do you mean?"

Later on that day around lunch time, Yuko told Sae to meet her at the back of the school. Yuko was waiting for Sae and a couple minutes later she finally showed up.

"Hey Yuko what is it you needed to tell me?"

"Oh I wanted to ask you something."


"Have you been hanging around Yukirin a lot lately?"

"Yeah I have. She's really cute."

"You better watch out."


"Because the Terminator has been set loose."


Sae got hit right in the head with a fire extinguisher and knocked out.

"Help me drag her to the roof."

"Nyannyan you help too."

"Yuu-chan why we taking Sae to the roof?"

"I don't know."

They got her up to the roof where Mayuyu had tied her to a light pole. When she came too, she was confused and a litle groggy.

"What's going on?"

"It's time for your training Sae."


Mayuyu walked over and grabbed Sae's hair. She brought her hair right up to her face and then said,

"I'm going to teach you to stay away from my Yukirin."

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean."

"I honestly don't."

"Then I'll have to remind you."

Mayuyu walked over to the nearby fire hose and unrolled it. She brought it over and then aimed it right at Sae.

"Yuko go turn it on."

"No way Mayuyu. You'll hurt her."

"Fine then Haruna you do it."


Haruna walked over and turned the nozzle turning the water on. A couple seconds later water came gushing out of the hose straight at Sae. She got soaked with water and when Mayuyu turned it off, Sae was shivering.

"Now let's being. Will you stop hitting on my Yukirin?"

"What do you mean?"

"Wrong answer."

Mayuyu blasted Sae with the hose a second time this time being longer than the last.

"Now I'm going to ask you again. Will you stop hitting on my Yukirin?"


"Correct. Now to prove it, you have to tell her you hate her."


"Wrong answer again."

Mayuyu once again sprayed Sae right in the face. Sae probably couldn't breathe from all the water being blasted in her face. At one point Yuko thought she had passed out but when Mayuyu stopped she was still awake. Yuko wanted to help Sae but she was afraid to get in Mayuyu's way. When Mayuyu is mad it is not safe to get in her way.

"You will tell Yukirin you hate her!"


"Fine then say hi to Satan to me!"

Mayuyu sprayed Sae again and didn't look like she was going to stop any time soon. But then the water suddenly turned off. Yuko looked over and saw Yukirin standing right behind Haruna.



Yuki walked over to Mayuyu and the first thing she did was slap Mayuyu in the face. But Mayu just stared at her with a blank expression on her face. She was a cyborg after all. Maybe she didn't feel the pain.

"What are you doing?" Yukirin said.

"Punishing Sae." Mayuyu said.

"This isn't right Mayuyu. Why are you doing this?"

"Because she was getting too close to you."

"What do you mean?"

"She was getting to close. Always hugging you and holding your hand. Saying cheesy pick up lines and you going along with all of it. It made me sick. So I had no choice but to teach her to lay off."

"Mayuyu you didn't have to do that. Sae is a person not an animal."

"Well how else am I supposed to teach her?"

"You ask her nicely or talk to me."

"I think my way is better."

"No way. Now listen to me Mayu, don't you ever do that again."

"I can't promise that."

Yukirin slapped Mayuyu again this time on the other side.

"Mayuyu I am yours. I was just playing with Sae. But you and I both know I would never leave you."

Tears started rolling down the Cyborg's eyes. Yukirin pulled her in for a hug and and comforted her.

"I was afraid I was going to lose you." Mayuyu said.

"There, there."

"I'm sorry Yukirin."

"It's ok Mayuyu. Let's go eat lunch together."


Mayuyu and Yukirin walked out and when they left, Yuko and HAruna rushed over to help Sae.

"Nyannyan help me untie her."


Nyannyan walked over and tore the ropes off Sae.

"Sae are you ok?"


"Hang in there we'll get you help. Nyannyan go find Sayaka."


"Gorilla girl."


Haruna ran off and a couple minutes later she came back with Sayaka.

"Oh my god Sae!"


"What happened?"

"I'll explain later just help me right now!"

"Right. Sae hold on."

Sayaka took off her balzer and shirt revealing her rock hard abs trying to cover Sae and warm the poor freezing girl. Thank god Sayaka had a sports bra on. Sayaka pulled Sae in close to her to help her warm up.


"Just stay quiet Sae."

"You got things from here?"

"Yeah. So what happened here?" Sayaka asked.

"Long story short, Mayuyu got mad at Sae and took out her anger on her" Yuko said.

"I'll kill her."

"Don't. Let me talk to them."

"Alright. I'm counting on you."

"Let's go Nyannyan."

Yuko and Haruna ran down to the cafeteria where Yukirin and Mayuyu said they would be. But when they got there, there was no sign of the two anywhere. Yuko was about to start searching but first she had to use the bathroom. Haruna and Yuko were about to go into the bathroom when Yuko heard a werid moaning noise.

"Nyannyan wait a minute."

Yuko looked around the corner and couldn't believe what she was seeing. There standing in the middle of the bathroom was Mayuyu and Yukirin making out. Yukirin was holding Mayuyu carressing Mayuyu's back while Mayuyu was moving her hands up and down Yukirin's butt.


"Shut up I'm punishing you."

Mayuyu pushed Yukirin against the wall and started massaging Yukirin's chest slowly trying to tare off ther shirt. But then Yukirin flipped the tables and positioned herself to where Mayuyu was pinned up against the wall.

"Hey now fair!"

"Life isn't fair."

Yukirin tore open Mayuyu's shirt revealing a small pink bra with ribbons on them.

"Cute Mayuyu. Did you know I was doing this to you today?"


"You sneaky cyborg."

Yukirin started to caress Mayuyu's chest and kissing her neck making the little Cyborg let out small moans. Yuko saw Yukirin's hand move down towards Mayuyu's skirt. She reached under and started to pull down Mayuyu's panties. Yuko thought it was time to go so she turned around and was ready to run. But then she saw Haruna right behind her staring at everything Yuko was seeing.


There was loud moans coming from behind them and Haruna's eyes grew wide. Yuko pushed Haruna out of the bathroom and out to the hall. Haruna's eyes were frozen. Yuko had no idea how she was going to explain what Haruna had just saw. She'd have to think of something though.

"Uh Nyannyan what you saw there, it was a way of showing someone you love."

Haruna didn't say anything. She just stood there with a spaced out look.

"Nyannyan?" Yuko said.

"Oh sorry Yuu-chan. Nyannyan fell asleep waiting for you." Haruna said.

"You sleep with your eyes open?"

"Yeah Nyannyan does sometimes while standing."

"So you didn't see anything?"

"See what?"

"Nothing! Nothing at all." 

"Oh ok. Yuu-chan Nyannyan hungry."

"Let's go eat."

While the two were walking, Yuko was thanking the lord right now that Haruna did not see any of what Yuko saw.

So how is that for hot scenes? I hope you all liked it. Please let me know what you think and look forward to the next chapter!

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 12
« Reply #68 on: August 17, 2012, 04:15:24 AM »
JAJAJ mayuki ... smexy time

Offline Sasshii

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 12
« Reply #69 on: August 17, 2012, 05:25:35 AM »
OH MY GOD I'M DYING. This is so great lol. I think Yuko should just drop out of school and become a alien housing service lady. Think about it, she can keep the whole planet in her new house LOL.

Also, I can't believe Haruna fell asleep with her eyes open, well at least it saved her innocent eyes haha.

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 12
« Reply #70 on: August 17, 2012, 07:44:00 AM »
Yay! Another speedy update, Mayuki are such perverts hehe, great chapter keep up the good work!

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 12
« Reply #71 on: August 17, 2012, 10:28:54 AM » hot~   Mayu jealous is cute ~ and Yukirin~ mouuu! lovely chapter!
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 12
« Reply #72 on: August 17, 2012, 11:13:18 AM »

I cant coment anything...hahaha HOT! Miyumi-chan thank youuuu~


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Re: Space Love update Chapter 13
« Reply #73 on: August 17, 2012, 04:04:54 PM »
@Haruko: Yes they love their smexy time.  :wub:

@Sasshii:Yes Yuko's Alien Daycare Service. Now that would be interesting. Yes once again Haruna managed to save her innocnece. Thank god!  :lol:

@sasumiofjp: Ah thank you for reading my fic! Look forward to more speedy updates!  :)

@yuukimoko: Thank you thank you very much. I thought you would like it since it was Mayuki. My instincts were correct.  XD

@kurogumi: I knew you would love it since it was a hot scene. I'm getting better at them but still trying to put a little more detail into it. But again, I don't want to get reported. Let's see what I can do.  :twisted:

Now as you all know, Rena isn't Rena without Gekikara. So I think it's time for Gekikara to come out and have some fun. I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 13

For the past few days, Yuko has noticed something very strange between Rena and Jurina. Jurina had mysterious injuries on her body and Rena was becoming more distant and quiet than usual. Yuko was becoming very conerned about it so she decided to investigate. She caught Jurina on the way to her next class. Her mouth was bleeding and she had a black eye.

"Jurina what happened?"

"It's nothing. Just leave me alone."

"Tell me."

"Forget it. I'm fine."

Jurina ran off before Yuko could get anything else out of her. Seeing how she wasn't going to get anywhere with Jurina, Yuko decided to go try to talk to Rena. She found her sitting at her desk staring at the floor.

"Hey Rena?" Yuko said.

"Yes?" Rena said.

"Something seems wrong with Jurina. Do you think you know what it is?"

"Yes actually I do know."

"What is it?"

"Jurina is being bullied by the same girls that bully you."


"They don't like her. They say she's an annoying first year in a third year's class. I once walked in and saw them beating her. I wanted to help but Jurina saw me and told me to stay out of it. I felt so angry with myself that I couldn't do anything to help. I just felt so angry. I wanted to beat them. Beat them untii they stopped breathing. But yet I couldn't..."

Yuko could see Rena's hands shaking. Her pupil were dialating and her mouth curling into a wicked smile.


Rena stopped and looked back at Yuko. Yuko knew exactly what was wrong with Rena. She was turning into Gekikara.

"Rena listen to me. No matter what happens do not let her come out you hear me? We put Gekikara away for a reason. If you let her out not only will you hurt yourself but you might also hurt Jurina. Do not let Gekikara out do you understand?"


"Alright good. I'm going to go try talking to Jurina again. In the meantime you push her back. Keep her in and don't let her through."


Yuko walked away feeling worried for Rena. Back in middle school, Rena was bullied because she was weak. Eventually she had had enough and let out all her anger. That anger was Gekikara and Gekikara is a monster. She feels no pain and has no boundaries. She's the opposite of Rena who is usually weak and fragile. Gekikara is strong and very scary. She'll tare you shreds if you get her mad. Not only that but she also likes watching people suffer which is so scary about her.

"Things will get bad if Gekikara comes out." Yuko thought.

It was during middle school Yuko met Gekikara. She was almost killed if it weren't for Rena trying to fight back. Rena is still in there even when Gekikara is out and she will fight. Yuko was able to save Rena and has helped her restrain Gekikara for a good four years now and she wasn't going to let her come back out now.

"Hey Jurina!"

When Jurina saw Yuko she started running.

"Nyannyan get her!"


Haruna ran after Jurina and a few seconds later there was a loud thud followed by a scream. Yuko caught up with them and found Haruna sitting on top of Jurina.

"Get off me!"


"Get off me!"


"Jurina we know about the bullying. Rena told us." Yuko said.

"So what? It's not your problem and it's not Rena's either." Jurina said.

"It is. You're causing a lot of trouble. If you just let us help you then maybe we can put a stop to all of this."

"I don't need you or Rena's help."

"Jurina listen, Rena is on the edge right now and I don't want her losing it."

"Let her! She needs to let out her anger. I'm tired of always seeing her so calm and happy all the time. It makes me sick."

"You have no idea what you're messing with Jurina."

"Maybe not but you're messing with me and I'm telling you to leave me alone!"

Jurina threw Haruna off her and then ran again.

"Nyannyan go after her?"

"No Nyannyan let's leave her be. For now you and I have some business to take care of."

Yuko found the girls who had been bullying Jurina on the roof. She told Haruna to stay back and she walked over to them.

"Hey look it's the perverted uncle." one of them said.

"What do you want hentai?"

"I want you to stop bullying Jurina." Yuko said.

"Oh the annoying first year? No way! She's too much fun to mess with."

"Leave her alone or else."

"Or else what? You'll steal our panties?"

Yuko lost her temper at that point and decided to attack. She attacked one of the girls and jumped onto her pounding her with her fists. But then the other three pulled her off and slammed her onto the ground. Two of them held her arms back while one started punching her in the face.


"Don't Nyannyan don't come over here!"

"Hey go get her girlfriend and let's beat her too."


Yuko threw off her attackers and started beating them again. However one of them kicked Yuko on the side sending her flying back. Then they all started kicking her in one big attack.

"Leave her alone!"

Jurina came flying in and attacked one of the girls by latching onto her back.

"Ahhh get it off!"

Another girl pryed Jurina off and threw her onto the ground.

"You're going to pay for that!"

They all started kicking Jurina and punching her at the same time. Yuko wanted to help but she was too hurt to move.


Rena came running over and pushed the girls out of the way. Then Rena used her body as a sheild wrapping herself around Jurina protecting her.

"Hey look it's the weakling coming to protect the first year."

"Let's teach her what happens when you try to be heroic."

The girls started beating Rena kicking and punching her. Rena was getting badly beaten and Yuko could do nothing.

"Rena stop it!" Jurina was crying now.

"No I will protect you!"

"Shut up!"

One final kick to the face and Rena was down.


"Now that she's out of the way, let's get back to you."



"What was that?"

Everyone looked over to Rena who was slowly getting up. Her hair was in her face and blood was dripping from her head. Rena raised her arm and started bitting her nail.

*click click* hahahaha!

Yuko knew what was going on. Rena wasn't with them anymore. Now it was Gekikara who was out and she was ready to play.

"What's with this chick?"

"Doesn't she learn to stay down?"

"Looks like we'll have to teach her."

One girl ran over and punched Rena in the face. Instead of falling over, Rena just stood there.

"The girl punched her again and still there was nothing from Rena. Then Rena looked up at the girl and Yuko nearly jumped. Her face was covered in blood and her eyes wide. She had that wicked smile on her face and the crazy look in her eyes. Rena just giggled more and more and the girl kept punching her over and over.

"Ne... okotteru?"


Rena punched the girl sending her flying five feet back.

"Let's sing a song. I know one! One... Two... He's coming for you..."

Rena walked over and grabbed the girls head. Then she slammed it into the ground several times until the girl was bleeding. Then she finally stopped dropping the girl's head into her own puddle of blood.

"Three... Four... Lock the door..."

Rena walked over to another girl and grabbed her arm. She took it and bent it until it snapped. Then she took the other arm broke it like you would break a stick. When she was finished she threw the girl to the side and started moving to the others.

"Five... Six... Scream and kick..."

One girl tried to attack Rena but Rena caught her and slammed her to the ground. Then she got on top and started clawing her neck leaving a huge cut on it.

"Seven... Eight... You're too late..."

This girl tried to run but Rena caught her. She threw her to the ground and then grabbed her legs. She bent them both the wrong way until they both snapped. Then she continued to play with them like they were some toy making them worse.

"You monster!"

The last one pulled out a knife and was heading straight at Rena. But Rena grabbed her head causing her to drop the knife.

"Nine... Ten... You're already dead..."

Rena carried the girl over to the edge of the gates and kicked down the safety fence. Then she opened the girls mouth and placed the upper level of teeth on a ledge. Before the girl could move, Rena kicked down on the girl's head causing her teeth to either brake off or jam further into her mouth. She screamed in pain but Rena wasn't done yet. She took the girl and held her over the edge of the roof.

"Rena don't!" Yuko cried.

But crying to her was not working. There was not stopping Gekikara when she's on a rampage. But then something grabbed Rena from behind. Rena looked over and saw it was Jurina.

"That's enough Rena. That's enough. Just please... please stop this."

Seeing Jurina's tears slowly started to bring Rena back. The pulled the girl back in and set her gently down. Then Rena collapsed to her knees and started crying as well. Gekikara was gone and Rena was back. Thank goodness.


Haruna ran over to help Yuko up and over to Rena and Jurina.

"We better get out of here."

All four of them went to the nurses office who seemed to be gone at the time. Rena and Jurina treated each other's wounds while Haruna was treating Yuko's.

"Yuu-chan hold still!"

"It burns!"

"Nyannyan trying to help Yuu-chan so hold still."

Haruna smacked a band aid on Yuko making her feel a shock way of pain.

"There all done. Better?"

"Yep!" Yuko said trying to keep herself from screaming.

"Good. Nyannyan make you all better."

Rena and Jurina had finished bandaging their injuries.

"So what's going to happen now?" Jurina asked.

"Well if the girls up there tell the teachers what happened, Rena could be sent to jail or a mental hospital." Yuko said.

"No I won't let them take Rena away."

"But if we say that they got into a fight with each other then maybe we can get away with it."

"It could work."

"Nyannyan go out and tell a teacher there was a fight on the roof but don't mention we were there ok?"


Haruna ran out and a couple minutes later, Yuko could hear teachers running up to the roof. She even heard on scream.

"They found them."

Haruna came back with a smile on her face.

"Good job Nyannyan. Now let's go to class. Rena, Jurina, I'll see you later."

"Good bye Yuko. Thank you so much for helping us."

"No problem."

Yuko and Haruna left and started walking down the hall. But then Yuko realized she forgot something and had to go back. She was about to walk in she heard noises coming from the inside. She looked in and once again couldn't believe what she was seeing. Jurina was sitting on top of Rena kissing her neck and using one hand to massage Rena's chest and the other was under her skirt. There were a pair of panties on the ground and Yuko could tell they weren't Jurina's.

"Jurina we should stop before someone sees us."

"Why? Are you embarrassed?"

"No it's just..."

"Ha Rena you're so cute when you're embarrassed."

Rena was cut off with a kiss but Yuko could hear the moans coming from Rena. Yuko couldn't see everything but she could see Jurina's hand moving faster under Rena's skirt and Rean's moans became quicker and louder. Right when the big moment was about to happen, Yuko felt something tap her from behind.

"Yuu-chan what are you looking at?"

Yuko pushed Haruna back before she could look into the room.

"Yuu-chan what was that?"

"Nothing Haruna. I just think Rena and Jurina are sleeping and need some time alone."

"Ohh ok. Hey can Nyannyan get ice cweam after school?"

"Sure you can have as much as you want."


Once again, Yuko had another close encounter with Haruna learning about the naughty things humans do. Yuko wondered if she'd be able to keep it up.

Now I couldn't write a Mayuki hot scene without writing a Wmastui one as well. So to all the Wmatsui and Mayuki fans consider this a well earned treat for reading my story. Look forward to the next chapter and please tell me what you think. Also I updated to OS file so check it out when you have the time!
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 04:22:32 PM by miyumi »

Offline yuukimoko

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 13
« Reply #74 on: August 17, 2012, 04:19:57 PM »
Gekikara?! XD

That horror song was scary!!!!!! it made me remember Fredy.......... :shocked :cry:

Wmatsui scene~ Jurina moves fast under the clothes~! :inlove:

thanks for the update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I was bored and waiting to read something~ you saved me! :wub:)
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 13
« Reply #75 on: August 17, 2012, 06:44:36 PM »
WOW !!!!

Not just Hot scene! But fighting scene!

Uuh *cough*i have nosebleed *cough* hehehe LOL

Love love love i love your fic miyumi-chan!!!!!!!


Offline sasumiofjp

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 13
« Reply #76 on: August 17, 2012, 06:50:06 PM »
Oh geez Gekikara  :badluck: they should have known, they're lucky they're all not dead lol. Great chapter!

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 13
« Reply #77 on: August 17, 2012, 06:57:19 PM »
WMatsui~~  :drool: :drool:
Gekikara was too cool there~ and the song too~  :thumbup  :thumbup
I wonder what will Haruna do if she sees 'that' something~ hahaha... Yuko will be in trouble~  XD XD
Thanks for the update Miyu-san~

Offline miyumi

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 14
« Reply #78 on: August 18, 2012, 12:11:36 AM »
@yuukimoko: I"m glad my fic saved you from bordum. Haha I made up the horror song mysself. I didn't mean to  make it  that scary! Yes Jurina can be very fast when it comes to something she wants.  :wub:

@kurogumi: Yes I decided to make a fight scene and a hot scene as a double treat. YES I have achieved my goal in making someone have a nosebleed! Now the next goal is to make someone cry. Anyways, thank you so much for loving my story!  :lol:

@sasumiofjp: The power of Gekikara is something everyone should fear. Sadly they didn't know until it was too late.  :twisted:

@ichikawa: Yes the Wmatsui moment was awesome and Gekikara was epic! If Haruna does see "that" then Yuko is going to have a lot of explaining to do with Haruna. Oh boy oh boy.  :smhid

it appears all the Wmatsui fans liked this one. I'm gald you all did! Now let's move onto Acchan and Takamina shall we? I hope you all enjoy.

Chapter 14

Yuko was hanging out with Haruna when Takamina and Acchan came over.

"Hey you guys." Acchan said.

"Oh hey. What's up?" Yuko asked.

"Well we got these tickets to a concert and wanted to know if you and Haruna wanted to come with us."

"Who are you seeing?"


"No way! You got tickets to see them!"

"Yeah tonight at eight. So are you in or not?"

"Heck yeah I'm in. Nyannyan you're coming with."

"Yuu-chan what AKB48?" Haruna asked.

"Heavy Rotation."

"Oh Nyannyan want to go!"

"Alright then it's settled. We'll meet there at five." Takamina said.

"Why so early?" Yuko asked.

"Because there are going to be a lot of people there in line so I want to get good seats."

"Alright sounds good!"

After school, Yuko took Haruna home to get changed.

"Mariko we're going out! Will you be able to handle yourself alone?" Yuko said.

"Yeah I'll be fine. I got Miichan."

"Ok then we'll see you in a couple of hours."

Haruna and Yuko left and walked to the concert hall. There, Acchan and Takamina were standing right there in the front of the line. However behind them there was a line that was a 1830 meters long. Thank goodness Acchan and Takamina had showed up early.

"I'm so glad you guys came early." Yuko said.

"I told you to come early." Takamina said.

"Yes and you were right." Acchan said.

"Hey look the doors are opening!"

Everyone flooded in and took their seats. Yuko and Haruna got good spots right in the front row. There were thousands of people there and Yuko was lucky enough to get a spot right in the front. The lights turned off and the lights on the stage turned on. Then the girls from AKB48 came out. The first song came on and everyone went nuts.

"In your... position SET!"

The music started blaring so loudly that Yuko thought her ears were going to explode. She looked over at Haruna who was having just as hard of time. But then someone tapped Yuko one the shoulder and when she turned around she saw a girl holding up ear plugs. She was giving them to her. She nodded a thanks and took them.


She handed Haruna the ear plugs and showed her how to put them in. As soon as she did, Haruna's face became more relaxed. Now that the music wasn't blasting their ears out, they were finally starting to have fun. Yuko saw Acchan and Takamina jumping up and down and thought her and Haruna should do the same.

"Take my hand!"

Haruna grabbed Yuko's hand and together the two started jumping up and down to the beat of the music. Then when the song ended, everyone cheered as the girls ran off. It was during that short break, Yuko felt Haruna let go and saw her run off. Yuko saw this and had no choice but to go after her.

"Acchan, Takamina grab Nyannyan!"

The two tried to catch her but she was too fast. The three chased Haruna all the way to back stage. Yuko had no idea how they got there because usually there would be security guards but there weren't. Yuko searched everywhere for Haruna but still couldn't find her. But then Haruna came out only she wasn't in her original clothes. She was in one of the stage outfits.

"Nyannyan put that back! That's not yours!"

"NO! Nyannyan dance!"

"No Nyannyan put it back!"

"Two minutes till stage! You girls go change now."

"But we're not-"


The stage hand had confused Acchan, Takamina, and Yuko for some of the girls on AKB48. They had no choice but to change into outfits that weren't theirs.

"What song are we performing?" Acchan asked.

"I don't know just listen and hope you know the dance to it." Yuko said.

The music started playing and Yuko knew exactly what song it was. Haruna was jumping with glee as she ran out to the stage followed by the others. The song they were playing was Heavy Rotation and sadly for Yuko, she was right in the front leading the song.

"Ahh yabai yabai!"


The music started and so far Yuko was doing ok. Thankfully Yuko knew the chorus and Haruna was dancing happily behind.

"I want you~"

"I need you~"

"I love you~"

"Atama no naka. GAN GAN natteru MUSIC. HEBBI ROOTEESHON!"

Yuko rememberd there was a huge break dance for her character so she had no choice but to do it. Surprisingly did everything perfectly down to the splits. But then the first verse came up and Yuko had to sing with Acchan. She was afraid she didn't know the lyrics but then the time came she they suddenly came to her head.

"Hajikeru you ni."
"Suki to iu moji ga odoru."
"Kao ya koe wo."
"Omou dake de."
"Ite mo tatte mo irarenai."
"Konna kimochi ni narerutte
"Boku wa tsuiteiru ne!"

The chorus came back and Yuko was able to sing it perfectly. Every once in a while Yuko would take a quick glance at Haruna and saw she was having a blast. Acchan and Takamina also looked like they were having a fun time. The crowd was loving it and no one seemed to notice that they weren't actually performers so Yuko decided to keep going.

"Hito wa dare mo."
"Isshou no uchi."
"Nan kai aiseru no darou?"
"Tatta ichido."
"Koi ga dekitara manzoku sa."
"Sonna tokimeki wo kanjite."
"Hana wa hokorobu no ka na!"

The chourus repeated and this time there was a huge dance scene after it. Yuko was doing good so far but then at one point she stumbled and was about to fall. Luckily Takamina had grabbed her and threw her back up for the last part of the song. Then Yuko ended it by going up to the mike and singing,


The crowd cheered and everyone ran off the stage. Yuko quickly grabbed Haruna and ran out off the dressing room. Acchan and Takamina were right behind them. They found a place to change and got out of the stage clothes and into regular clothes. Then they blended in with the swarm of people leaving the concert hall.

"That was so much fun!" Acchan said.

"We were awesome!" Takamina said.

"I was so scared!" Yuko said.


"I was afraid I'd mess up."

"But you did fine and the crowd was going nuts."

"Yeah which is why I'm happy. Thanks for catching me back there. Everything would've been ruined if you didn't save me."

"No problem."

"Hey Takamina let's go home I'm tired."

"Sure thing Acchan. I'll see you guys later!"


Acchan and Takamina left while Haruna and Yuko started to make their way home.

"So did you have fun Nyannyan?" Yuko asked.

"YEAH!" Haruna said.

"Good because you're not doing it again."


"Because that was too dangerous."

"Yuu-chan so mean."

"I know you can hate me now but remember I'm the one that feeds you shrimp."

"Not the shrimp!"

"Then behave. We're almost home."

"Yay home! Nyannyan tired!"

Haruna ran up ahead of Yuko and Yuko had to catch up. She walked in and saw Haruna staring at something but what? Yuko looked into the room and almost had a heart attack. There were Miichan and Mariko on the couch doing it right in front of Haruna and sadly Haruna was wide awake.

"Oh god yes! Right there Miichan!"

"Faster mistress faster!"


Yuko grabbed Haruna and dragged her up to her room. She threw her on the bed and shut the door. Haruna was just sitting there with the same expression she had before. Then she finally said,

"Yuu-chan... why Mari-chan and Miichan naked?"

Yuko had no idea what to say to the horribly shocked alien. She's never seen that before and Yuko had no idea how to explain it to her. Then she remembered something she saw in a TV drama once when a child walked in one his parents doing it. Maybe it'll work on Haruna.

"Uhh they were playing at game!" Yuko said hoping it worked.

"What kind of game?"

"A game where you touch someone in certain spots and try to make them feel really good. You'll know you win when one person shouts IKU!"


"And they were naked because that was one of the rules."

"Ohh Nyannyan want to play!"

"No Nyannyan not tonight. I'm tired."

"But Nyannyan want to play with Yuu-chan!"

"No Nyannyan. Maybe tomorrow ok?"

"Yay! Ok!"

Haruna climbed into bed and fell asleep shortly after. Yuko got in bed also and hoped that Haruna would forget everything by the next day.

Oh no Haruna has seen the naught side of humans! What will Yuko do? Find out in the next chapter! Please tell me what you think!

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 14
« Reply #79 on: August 18, 2012, 02:28:34 AM »
Oh geez, Mariko and miichan work so fast :shy2:! NyanNyan has been corrupted XD, can't wait for the next chapter

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