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Author Topic: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [Chapter 12 - 7/15/13]  (Read 47067 times)

Offline Amakuchi

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [Replies - 03/25/12]
« Reply #160 on: July 15, 2013, 06:01:32 AM »

@DiVAGal2458 : Thanks. Here's the next part! Enjoy!

[A/N: I'm getting depressed so I'm going to pass my depression to the main character... And as per requested by a commenter, HKT48 will be in this chapter. OH YEAH, THIS IS A BIRTHDAY SPECIAL! By the way, I tried my best to avoid putting comedy so expect a boring chapter. OTL]

Saito POV...
Flashback...8 Years ago...

*a vase breaks*

Mom: *goes to Saito and Ren* What happened here? ( = _ =* )

Me: I was chasing Ren and then he bumped on the table and the vase broke. ( ._. )

Ren: ( TT ^ TT ) Sorry Mom...

Mom: It's your fault for chasing Ren! Couldn't you understand that he is not normal!? D:< *looks at Ren* Yoshi, yoshi~ It's okay. ( ^ _ ^ )

Me: S-sorry Mom... ( ; _ ; )

Back then, they always favored him...
And left none of an affection for me...
Good thing Saiki-niisan understands me...

Saiki: Mom, don't be too hard on Saito-kun. He's just 10. I'll take responsibility on this. ( ^ _ ^ )

Mom: Sheesh... No need. ( = _ = ) Saito's really a black sheep.

Saiki: Mom, don't say that. Saito's still your son after all. :(

Mom: Whatever. I'm gonna cook. Make sure you clean this mess, Saiki. ( = _ =* ) *leaves*

Saiki: You okay, kid? ( ^ _ ^ )

Saito: Nii-san... Why is Mom like this when it comes to Ren? ( ; _ ; )

Saiki: You see, Ren is a pretty delicate person. And Mom doesn't want him to die. So he gets special attention. ( ^ _ ^' )

Saito: I see... :(

Saiki: Well, whatever. I'll treat you guys icecream, whaddaya say? ;)

Saito and Ren: Yay! \( ^ o ^ )/

End of Flashback

Me: ( = _ = ) Why am I remembering all that?

Saiki: Remembering what? ( O . o? )

Me: Nothing! ( - _ - )

Back then I never even got Mom's attention. She always sees me as a Black Sheep who only knew how to bother Ren...

[A/N: Say, do you know what happiness is? ( o . o )]

Happiness? What is that shit? Flowers, Rainbows and annoying kiddy music? ( = _ = )

[A/N: ... What the freaking hell are you thinking about? ( = _ = )]

I dunno.

[A/N: Ask your brother. I'm leaving. ( = _ =' )]

Me: Saiki-nii. ( = _ = )

Saiki: What is it? ( - _ - )

Me: What is happiness? ( = _ = )

Saiki: Contentment, Pleasure, Joy. Either of those three is happiness. ( ^ _ ^ )

Me: Contentment Grocery Store, Pleasure Resort and Joy Dishwashing Liquid? Yeah yeah. Sounds legit. ( = _ = )

Saiki: Not that! *hits my head* Contentment, Pleasure and Joy as words. Not as Brands or those establishments outside. DX

Me: Oh. ( > _ > ) (Then I can't really say I've felt happiness before.)

Saiki: Why are you asking that by the way? ( O _ o )

Me: Nothing. ( > _ > )

Saiki: Hmm... By the way, I just noticed that all you've been doing these days are only part-time jobs. Try chilling out sometimes. *massages my shoulders* :D

Me: *smiles slightly* Meh, don't need that. ( = _ = ) (Good thing he knows what I need.)

Saiki: Come on. We all need rest. You've done enough for the week. You also need to be happy with life sometimes. :)

Me: I don't need that happiness thing. I grew up without that and I wouldn't be needing that. ( = _ = )

Saiki: *hits Me* Then what do you call Sasshii-otousan's effort of making you join him in those handshake events? ( - _ - )

Me: It's... Nothing. ( > _ > )

Saiki: Chillax. By the way, I won't be here next week. :)

Me: Training in the mountains again? ( - _ - ) *wears shoes near ze front door*

Saiki: Yeah. :D By the way, where are you going? ( o _ O? )

Me: I am going to relieve stress. ( - _ - )

Saiki: Oh by the way, One of Sasshii-otousan's old students will visit us later. By then, I expect you to be home at that time. Understood? :)

Me: Yeah, yeah. ( - _ - ) *opens door then leaves*

On a Random Park...
Normal POV...

Saito: Sigh... This jealousy I'm feeling now is nothing but an illusion. Moreover, why do I feel JELLY whenever I see those two together...? ( - _ -* )

???: JELLY? Mister, do you have a problem? Do you want me to buy Jellyace for you? ( o . o )

Saito: Ah, no. I'm just thinking about my brother and his girlfriend. ( ^ _ ^' ) (Can't she understand Internet slang? OTL) *looks at the girl carefully* (Why does this girl look kinda familiar? ( - _ -' ) )

???: Oh! I see. Then may you tell me more about it? ( ^ _ ^ )

Saito: Eh? It's kinda embarassing so let's forget about it. What's your name by the way? I'm Miyazawa Saito. :) *still looking carefully at Sakura*

Sakura: My name's Sakura. Nice to meet you. ( ^ _ ^ ) *looks at Saito* Sir, is there something on my face? ( o _ o )

Saito: O-oh... No. You just look like someone I know. ( ^ _ ^' )

Sakura's Butler: Kashiwagi ojou-sama, we need to go home early to finish your Homeworks! ( ^ o ^ )/

Sakura: Haruppi, I'm coming! ( ^ _ ^ ) Saito-san, I had a nice chat with you. I'll take my leave now. :)

Saito: (K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-KASHIWAGI!? This girl is... A RELATIVE OF THAT GIRL!? DX) U-un. Take care, Sakura-chan. ( ^ _ ^' )

Sakura: Saito-san, you're sweating a bit. I'll wipe it for you. ( ^ _ ^ ) *wipes sweat on Saito's face* There. Bye. :) *goes to ze limousine*

Inside ze limousine...

Haruppi: Saa-chan, who was that? ( o . O? )

Sakura: Hmm... Miyazawa Saito-san. The first friend I made outside the household. ( ^ _ ^ ) (He may be my first love right now... ( /// ) )

Aanya~: He~h? Why do I feel like he's more than that? :3

Sakura: Aanya~, it's cute but... It's kinda annoying. ( - . - )

Aanya~: Ttaku... What's wrong with me exposing your inner thoughts? XD

Sakura: Aanya~, I know you can read minds but... Please stop reading mine. You're getting annoying the more you read it. ( - . - )

Aanya~: He~h? You're boring. :3

Sakura: At least, I'm not being treated as a monkey. ( - . - )

Aanya~: Oi! That's below the belt, Sakura-tan! XD

Sakura: Truth hurts. So deal with it. ( - . - )

Aanya~: Doi~hi~! Anyways, how's it talking to your sister's love interest? :3

Sakura: Please don't spoil the readers, Aanya~. ( - _ - )

Haruppi: O-oi, Saa-chan! DX

Sakura: I know, Haruppi. And how did you know that my sister loves him? ( - . - )

[A/N: A warning to HKT48 girls, please don't break the fourth wall... m(_ _)m]

Sakura and Aanya~: Hai.

Aanya~: I met your sister days ago, right? That man was on your sister's mind. :3

Sakura: Sigh... Enough of this talk. ( - . - )

Aanya~: Wait. The Author told us not to break the fourth wall, right? >:3

Sakura: Yeah, that's right- M-masaka...? ( O . O! ) A-Aanya~... Don't tell me... *gulp*

Aanya~: Sou da...! ( - _ - ) CHORI, ONEGAISHIMA-

*Author hits Aanya~*

Aanya~: Itta~i! DX

[A/N: A few more and I'll really forbid you from-]

Chori: HAI! *uses Bat to break the fourth wall*

[A/N: *facepalm*]

Back to ze park...

Saito: Sigh... ( - _ - )

*phone rings*

Saito: *reads message*

From: 柏木由紀 (Kashiwagi Yuki)
(Saito-kun, help me! Please!
Ren-kun will...)

Saito: Yuki! D:< *runs*

Shimazaki Residence...

Atsuki: Matta ka...!? What the heck is happening to my sister? ( - _ -* ) Is it Saito again?

Minarun: No, I don't think so. *sips tea* ( - . - )

Atsuki: Then who? D:

Minarun: Manager-san maybe? ( - . - )

*Paruru goes to the kitchen, gets knife then goes back to her room*

Atsuki: M-mom... She went to get the knife... M-masaka...! DX

Minarun: I don't think she'll do it. She's too cowardly to do so. ( - . - )

Atsuki: I'll check. *goes upstairs then puts ears near Paruru's door*

In Paruru's room...

Paruru: I had broken my heart twice... It hurts so much that I'd want to suicide. Should I hang myself...? ( ; _ ; )

Atsuki (Outside): !!! ( O . O'l| )

Paruru: Nah, I can't breathe that way. What about jumping off the building? ( ; _ ; )

Atsuki (Outside): *mutters* N-no... DX

Paruru: No thank you, my head will get smashed. Hmm... Poison? ( |l'l| )

Atsuki (Outside): OTL

Paruru: I don't want to die with my body colored violet. Sigh... Ah... I think I should cut my wrists...
Uhm... Isn't that painful? Sigh... Forget it. I don't want to suicide now. It's painful. ( > . < )

Outside Paruru's room...

Atsuki: You're right, Mom! :D

Minarun: I raised her for 18 years so I really know her by now. :)

Atsuki: What should we do to cure her depression? ( . _ .? )

Minarun: Call Manager-san and tell him to go here. Let's make Haruka confess, shall we? ( - . - )

Atsuki: M-maji...suka? ( . _ . )

Minarun: As you used to say on your High School days, "Maji dayo." ( - _ - )

On a Dark Alley...

Yuki: R-ren-kun... P-please don't kill me... ( > . < )

Ren: Maji de... Okotteru yo... >:D

Yuki: ( ; ^ ; ) (S-someone... Please...)

Ren: *tries to punch Yuki*

*somebody blocks and gets hit by Ren's punch instead*

Yuki: S-saito-kun!? ( O . O!! )

Saito: Yuki-san, escape now! D:< *got hit in the stomach by Ren's punch*

Yuki: No! I'll escape with you! ( > . < )

Saito: N-no... I'll hold him-

Black: *pulls Saito away* Che, what a wimp. ( - _ - ) I guess I have no choice but to help you.

Yuki: Doppelganger-chan! How did you know that we were here!? ( O . O!! )

Black: 'Doppelganger-chan' iu naa! D:< Escape now. I'll hold him back for you two. ( - _ -* )

Yuki: T-thanks. ( > . < ) *helps Saito walk away then calls a taxi*

Kashiwagi Residence...

Yuki: Saito-kun, are you alright? ( > . < )

Saito: *coughing up blood* Obviously no... Argh... So that's the strength of Gekikara, huh? ( - _ -'l )

Yuki: Gekikara? ( O . O? )

Saito: That's Ren's nickname when he was in a notorious yankee group. ( - _ -'l )

Yuki: I see. I’m gonna get my first aid kit so please remove your top… ( >///> )

Saito: (Why the blush? ( O . O ) ) O-ok… *removes top*

Yuki: *goes back then gets the bandages from the first aid kit* By the way, my cousin's gonna visit later so just act normal when she arrives, okay? ;) *bandages top* (Kyaa! Why am I feeling like this!? Stop it Yuki! You’re an idol! Furthermore, you have a scary boyfriend! DX)

Saito: Yeah, I’ll do that. ( - _ - ) Hmm… *looks everywhere* Hmm? *sees something familiar* (Isn’t this the application for Shinoda University…? Masaka… :O )

Back to ze Alley...
Minutes later...

Black: I knew it. You can’t defeat me, Ren. *switches Ren’s necklace* Sigh. Miyazawa Family... What a bunch of troublemakers. ( - _ -* ) *leaves*

Back to Shimazaki Residence…

*Yuizou arrives*

Yuizou: What happened to Shimazaki-san? ( - . - )

Atsuki: ( > _ > ) Ji…

Minarun: Go and see for yourself. ( - . - )

Yuizou: Ok. ( - . - ) *goes upstairs then knocks on Paruru’s door* Shimazaki-san!

Paruru: Manager Y-yokoyama…!? W-what are you doing here?

Yuizou: What is happening to you!? I have many things to do in the office, y’know? ( - _ -* )


Minarun: ( - _ - ) I knew it. The Paruru we’ve been talking to days ago isn’t the real Paruru. Sigh… R.I.P. My Good little daughter. And Atsuki, why the hell are you acting like that?

Atsuki: I’m only here for some Screen time. Is that bad? ( - _ - )

Minarun: Knew it. Go to the hospital now. That midget might look for you. ( - _ - )

Atsuki: ( - _ - ) Sigh… She’s a tsundere. Bye. *leaves*

Yuizou: YES! I really can’t understand you. IF YOU HAVE COMPLAINS THEN SAY IT NOW! D:<

Paruru: I-! I…

Yuizou: What about you? ( - _ -* )

Paruru: I don’t want to attend anything tomorrow…

Minarun: *spits coffee* (W-what the!?)

Yuizou: That’s it? I’m leaving. I’ll just tell them you have fever or something. ( - _ - ) *leaves*

Minarun: *opens Paruru’s door* ( - _ - ) Mattaku… It was your chance to confess, you know?

Paruru: I don’t even know why this is happening to me… ( ; w ; )

Back to Kashiwagi Residence…

Saito: Yuki-san. M-may I ask a question? *gulps* ( ._. )

Yuki: Yes, Saito-kun? ( o . o )

Saito: Are you planning to study in college? ( ._. )

Yuki: Hmm… Many people are asking me about it so I think I might reconsider the idea of studying in college. Why ask? ( o . o )

Saito: N-nothing.

*doorbell rings*

Yuki: *presses door camera button* ( O . O! ) S-sakura-chan! I thought you’re going to visit later! *faces Saito* Oi! Wear something! My cousin might take it as a wrong idea!

Sakura-tan: Well, the person that I'm gonna visit told me that his brother hasn't come back yet so he told me to drop some other time.

Saito: Ok! Ok! *wears shirt again* Btw, Yuki-san, where’s the toilet…? I’m gonna call work.

Yuki: It’s there. ( o . o ) *points to ze toilet*

Saito: O-ok… *tries to stand up*

Yuki: W-wait. Let me help-

*Saito loses balance then accidentally kisses Yuki*

Saito and Yuki: ( O x O! )

Yuki: (Kyaa! I don’t know what I should feel anymore! B-but wait! T-this is wrong! DX)

Sakura-tan: Yuki-neesan, I’m going to enter now, ok? *enters gate then walks to the door* Ojamashimasu. *opens door*

Yuki: ( O x O! )

« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 07:46:44 AM by Amakuchi »

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Offline CheesyBits

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [Chapter 12 - 7/15/13]
« Reply #161 on: July 15, 2013, 08:51:18 AM »
Hahaha Kuchi XDD

Update ka pa! Miss ko na tong fic na to ehh~ .. tsaka ikaw XD  :heart:

Offline Amakuchi

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [Chapter 12 - 7/15/13]
« Reply #162 on: July 15, 2013, 09:01:20 AM »
Hahaha Kuchi XDD

Update ka pa! Miss ko na tong fic na to ehh~ .. tsaka ikaw XD :heart:

Sure. Inupdate ko lang to dahil mukhang miss na rin to ni Birthday girl (Si Gabby).  :wahaha:

I'll update it when my brain cooperates. :3

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Offline fael_c00l

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [Chapter 12 - 7/15/13]
« Reply #163 on: July 15, 2013, 08:06:27 PM »
Yes, yes,, hakata girls!! Nice update btw, waiting for the next
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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [Chapter 12 - 7/15/13]
« Reply #164 on: July 16, 2013, 09:38:38 AM »
Me cant comment anything due to my overload happiness XD :lol: ugh, my loli princess sakuratan :heart: change it into saesakura alreadeeh XD nyahahaha *got hit*

I hope sakurattan didnt see that acidental kissu >w< neh, saito.. Gave up already on yuki.. You had sakurattan >:D
*how dare I break up my otp Dx

Thanks so much for this chapter.. Me enjoying this sooo much! Please do continue~ me always waiting for your update :bow:

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [Chapter 12 - 7/15/13]
« Reply #165 on: July 17, 2013, 03:19:30 PM »
Will I ever know why I love reading your crap-but-funny-fics?

Sakuratan xDD SakuDaBaws? Chori breaking the wtf did I even read?

*fades ninja-style*

Offline Amakuchi

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [Chapter 12 - 7/15/13]
« Reply #166 on: July 18, 2013, 12:43:44 AM »
Will I ever know why I love reading your crap-but-funny-fics?

Sakuratan xDD SakuDaBaws? Chori breaking the wtf did I even read?

*fades ninja-style*

It's crap? I thought it was some useless shit in this forum. XD

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Offline fuu_kun

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [Chapter 12 - 7/15/13]
« Reply #167 on: December 02, 2013, 05:47:35 AM »
KUCHIIII ! I need an updatee a.s.a.p ! x) :bow:

Offline mayuyuXlyukirinlover13

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [Chapter 12 - 7/15/13]
« Reply #168 on: January 11, 2014, 03:12:03 PM »
Amakuchi, my son... :on shady: 

update this for I will update your SayaMiruki fic!!  :gyaaah:

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [Chapter 12 - 7/15/13]
« Reply #169 on: January 11, 2014, 09:37:24 PM »
I'll update it when my brain cooperates. :3

Half a year later...

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [Chapter 12 - 7/15/13]
« Reply #170 on: January 11, 2014, 11:12:15 PM »
Oh no Sakura saw them kiss by accident

Haruka just confess already

Please update soon

Offline mayuyuXlyukirinlover13

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [Chapter 12 - 7/15/13]
« Reply #171 on: January 12, 2014, 05:36:39 AM »
Ok! So, the author of this fic [ Amakuchi ] has informed me that, he can't use his account since he abandoned it. He said that he's using his tumblr. So, for the people who are waiting for updates from him, it's on tumblr. :D

Offline fael_c00l

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [Chapter 12 - 7/15/13]
« Reply #172 on: January 12, 2014, 03:14:56 PM »
and what is her tumblr?  :) :)
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