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Author Topic: AKB Fanfics Contest- VOTING OVER!  (Read 6181 times)

Offline kuro808

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AKB Fanfics Contest- VOTING OVER!
« on: March 02, 2013, 11:26:52 AM »
Hello Writers,

I have been enjoying your company for about two months and being on this forum for over three years.  I always wanted to help out the forum with promotions and other good stuff but to do for which set of people.  As a fan fiction writer, I have seen many great submissions and I have commented on countless fics over the years.  I have also written pretty decent ones or to the many ones that makes no sense what so ever.

Anyways, I wanted to offer all writers contests to have a little competitive spirit within the group.  I know many here don't venture outside of this area and this is a way to promote a part of the forum where it has been our strength and an improving part of the experience for the forum.

Of course, there will be prizes for any contest if it deserves one.  However, not all are going to have physical prizes, most will be a chance to test out their skills among everyone.  I, kuro_808 aka kuro or kurorin based on who do know me, will be coordinating these contests.  To be fair, I will not take on a judge's role and it will be in the hands of the registered members to do the voting most if not all the time.

Participation is highly recommended as it will be also a learning experience for any writer to post it on such public places.  However, the Golden Rules apply in all cases and any entry can be denied at any point if it deems to break any of the set rules within the forum.  The moderators of this area (seigus and mode107) and I will clearly establish that there will be no rule breaking.  It also comes down to any claims that will be brought upon us if in protest of an entry.

So in short, we shall have fun doing this and try not to get at each other's throats.

-kuro_808 aka kuro


All entries shall be in English.  Romaji shall be used in a sense of dialogue.  Any other use or other languages are forbidden

All entries shall be PM’d to the organizer (kuro_808). Unless directed by contest rules.

The entries will be of anonymous source posted by the organizer or any related party to the contest i.e. Moderators

Rallying for votes is strictly prohibited, meaning participants cannot advertise and ask people to vote for their entries anywhere in cyberspace, e.g. Facebook, tumblr, private messages in Jphip, etc. If found out by the organizer or the mods, the entry will be disqualified.

All participants are considered to be registered members of the forum except for the moderators and the organizer (kuro_808)

Any entry will be limited to one unless specified so by the organizer

The deadline for all contests will be based on Hawaiian Standard Time (It is the best period!)

Golden rules apply in all cases unless established by the organizer to do so (Most likely we will won't have ANY perv contests)


This is the first competition which the prize is for pride.

You have one week to make a story 500 words or more based on this theme:

Choose your favorite AKB/SKE/NMB/HKT/SNH/Nogisaka 46/JKT (if I'm missing any group, I'm just implying your favorite overall member :nervous)

They are in a cafe and they just sat down waiting for the waiter or waitress to come by and they see a friend on another table with a supposed enemy of the character (create the situation)

The goal is what will the character do in this situation.

I want to set certain restrictions, please no gory violence, fist fighting is okay but no shooting.  The table is set in the outdoors so people will see the action.  Finally, there has to be an apology.

Now, this is just a chance to develop all the parties involved and make sure you proofread before turning it in.  It is extremely important to do so and if you need assistance please use the other members to do so.  Unfortunately, in this situation, I cannot proofread your work.  This one is highly restrictive because it is a challenge I want to set out for people.

Remember this is for pride


Anything after that will be disqualified and follow all rules said in the beginning part of this post.  Questions will be directed by PM, no questions shall be answered here.

Winners will be decided by ballot voting and thanks received for each entry.  The entries will be posted within two days after the deadline with a week given for voting.

Ballots shall be shaped for example:

1. Entry #2
2. Entry #4
3. Entry #7

Where 1 is given as the best and 3 is the third best

Only entry per slot so you have to enter the entry number with the placement IN THIS THREAD  Once the voting period is over, all votes and thanks will be tallied and results will be posted here promptly

I wish all good luck and let's make a garden with the flowers we possess here :jphip:
« Last Edit: February 25, 2014, 09:45:42 AM by kuro_808 »
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline kuro808

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Re: AKB Fanfics Contest- Shorter stories competition
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2013, 11:40:10 AM »
Deadline has passed and we need more entries before I can post.

Please do consider that I'll rarely make exceptions later on but for now, I'll accept the entries and PM me if there are concerns, I'm always glad to help with anything
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline kuro808

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Re: AKB Fanfics Contest- Vote for your favorites (Rules in first post)
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2013, 04:56:47 PM »
Entry #1

“Mou...” Mayu pouted as she sighed gently and stared at her cellphone messages again as she waited for one of the many waiter and waitresses ,at the fancy outdoor cafe she was currently at, to actually wait on her. As she waited she once more stared at her cellphone messages with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

From: Yukirin ~ <3
Sorry about cancelling on you last minute. Something popped up so I’ll make it up to you next time. ^_^ ~

As Mayu’s eyes scanned the message for the billionth time in that hour, her pout deepened. ‘Hm, I sent her a message saying it was okay and we could reschedule for next week, but I also asked her what she would be up to and if she wanted assistance from me in that but she hasn't replied. Maybe it’s family related?’ Mayu thought to herself as she finally flipped her phone closed and gently shoved it into her purse.

“Oh wow...” Mayu mumbled to herself as she finally realized how busy the fancy outdoor cafe she’s at was. “So many people, no wonder it’s taking forever for a waitress to even come over and wait on me there’s people everywhere. But I’m really not the patient type...” Mayu softly complained with a tilt of her head and a disappointed look. “But I guess it can’t be helped, ne?” To entertain herself while she waited to get waited on Mayu decided to glance around the cafe and look at all the people that were there, just to pass the time. But as she was looking around a particular yellow parka caught her attention, her eyes twitched. ‘I know that disgustingly yellow parka anywhere... That can only mean she’s here. Great, just my luck. Hopefully I’ll be too busy eating my meal to even recognize her existence for the rest of my stay here.’

But as Mayu was about to look away from what could obviously be called her rival she saw that the yellow parka wearing girl was sitting with someone else. Someone too familiar. Mayu looked over at their table for a second time that evening and couldn't believe her eyes. Mayu was shocked, bewildered, perplexed, flabbergasted and what did Mayu do? What any other envious human being would do in her situation. Act before thinking. She got up angrily and marched over to the other two girls’ table but once she was only a couple steps away from them, her conscience finally kicked in and she swiftly took a sharp turn successfully hiding behind one of the waiters on their way inside to the kitchen.

The young male waiter stared at Mayu as if she was crazy. But Mayu didn't care, she shrugged it off and continued to her destination, but this time instead of storming straight towards the table like psycho angry woman, Mayu thought of an even better plan. Why not spy on them and see what in the world these two have to talk about that’s so important that Yuki had to cancel her get together with Mayu.

Mayu wasn’t upset at the fact that Yuki cancelled their plans on hanging out together. Because Mayu cancels her plans with Yuki sometimes too. It’s a normal occurrence. But she was more angered at the fact that Yuki cancelled their plans to be with her.

‘That Miyazawa Sae... Always trying to take my Yuki away huh?’ Mayu thought to herself as she glanced at the Ikemen girl with narrow eyes, as she hid her face behind a crumpled old news paper she had luckily picked up from the floor as she seated herself at the table behind Sae’s and Yuki’s. ‘But why is she always trying to take my Yukirin away from me?’ Mayu blushed at her own thoughts. ‘I mean she’s handsome and popular enough to get any other girl she wants, just not the one I have my eyes on...’ Mayu pouted again, this time with even more disappointment than before.

“Wow wow Sae-chan, you’re so funny! Any girl would be lucky to be with you.”

Mayu gritted her teeth as she heard their conversation. ‘Sae-chan..? I didn’t know these two were close.’

“Heh,” Mayu heard Sae chuckle with a hint of embarrassment in her voice. “Thanks Yukirin, same goes for you. Anybody’s lucky to have you as well, you’re a great girl. So how about your love life? Have anyone you’re currently interested in?”

Mayu heard Yuki giggle, a giggle she’s never heard before. A super cute girly one and it fumed Mayu that she wasn’t the one that caused that giggle to escape Yukirin’s lips. As Mayu felt her jealously level go up she learned something new about herself. She’s a jealous possessive type. Which means that she won’t give up on trying to make Yuki hers until she’s forced to, and even then she’ll still insist on winning Yuki's heart.

While Mayu was lost in her thoughts she completely zoned out of Sae’s and Yuki’s conversation and tuned back into the middle of what Yuki was saying that made her ears perk up.

“I would totally come out with you again, Sae-chan of course. In fact I’d love to, being with you like this is great.”

That’s when Mayu snapped, she no longer was the cutesy otaku girl who’s Yuki’s best friend, she was now a jealously filled girl determined to not let Sae beat her in winning Yuki’s heart. So Mayu stood up and carelessly flung the crumpled newspaper to the floor and slammed both her hands down on Sae's and Yuki’s table and look at Yuki with an intense determined look which caused Yuki to feel weak in her knees. She’s never seen Mayu this serious before.

“Ma-Mayuyu? Wha-what are you doing here?” Yuki managed to squeak out despite her astonishment at suddenly seeing Mayu there.

Mayu shook her head, as a sign of disregarding Yuki’s question and just reached out and gently but firmly took hold of Yuki’s arm pulling her so that she would stand, so that they both could be face to face and Mayu just stared right into Yuki’s eyes and slightly tightened her grip on her arm and after a few seconds just yanked Yuki forward and captured her lips.

Sae who was watching this entire scene unfold just sat there in awe, and great confusion, as she understood absolutely nothing of what was going on at the moment. But felt her ears reddened with embarrassment as everyone else in the cafe, and even people just walking by with dogs or whatever, just took a moment to just stare at the two girls. Yuki on the other hand, who was taken by surprise for like the 3rd time that day, just widened her eyes unable to function or think properly. But before Yuki could respond to Mayu kiss, Mayu pulled away and immediately turned over to look at Sae, and pointed behind her signaling to Yuki.

“See her?”

Sae nodded. How could she not? What kind of question was that?

“Mine.” Even though Mayu chose to express herself with a one worded answer, it was enough to alert Sae of the other woman’s jealousy and possessiveness of the so called reaction queen. “I don’t want you flirting or even playing around with her anymore. Not that she’ll have time to because I’ll make sure to keep entertained as she’s my girlfriend now.”

“Gir-Girlfriend?!” Yuki, being her over reacting self, widened her eyes so much that it seemed like they would just jump out of her sockets.

“Whoa, whoa,” Sae waved her hands trying to calm Mayu down. “I think you’ve got the wrong idea here. I have never flirted with Yuki ever, honestly.”

“What?” Mayu spat out confused. “Impossible, weren’t you two just on a date right now and just planning on going on another?” Mayu asked as her anger levels lowered.

“No,” Sae shook her head with an amused smile on her face. “Yuki and me on a date? That’s pretty funny.” Sae laughed heartily. “No offense Yuki,” Sae added at the end of her fit of giggles but soon noticed that her apology went unheard by the other girl as Yuki was only staring at Mayu as if just trying to figure her out and why she acted that way.

“Then what was all that talk about being happy on going out with each other again and how anyone would be lucky to have you and stuff.”

“Oh you heard that?” Sae laughed. “That was nothing really. Going out as in friends hanging out, talking, giving each advice, you know for when one person has a problem and the other offers a solution for that problem.”


“Yupp,” Sae nodded with a slightly embarrassed look on her face as she scratched her neck. “I'm having dating troubles.”

“DATING TROUBLES?” Mayu asked, or better worded screamed out in disbelief. “You, Miyazawa Sae, dating troubles?”

Sae nodded, “ seems like the girl that I like doesn’t want to go out with me because she thinks I’m a player.”

“Well if you would back off my woman, you wouldn’t have this problem.” Mayu muttered under her breath, feeling like a complete idiot that she flipped out over a misunderstanding that she could have avoided.

Sae chuckled hearing Mayu’s comment and then quickly studied the two girls in front of her and decided to leave these two alone to sort out everything that just went on.

“Well would you look at the time,” Sae lamely said. “Looks like I gotta go. See ya both later!” Sae called as she started walking away from the two.

Mayu smiled at Sae's lame but successful way of giving her and Yuki some private time. ‘Hm, I guess she isn’t so bad after all. I should write her a letter or something as a sign of my gratitude. Hm, nah..that would take up too much of my time. I’ll just have Yuki thank her for me later.’

Mayu looked up and saw that Yuki seemed to be in deep thought and extremely perplexed. ‘Oh great, look what I did now. I just ruined the only relationship I actually cared about, now Yuki won’t even want to be my friend anymore.’

“Ano, ah...Yukirin...” Mayu found it hard to think of the correct words to say at the moment and just blurted out whatever came to mind. “I am really really really sorry.” Mayu bowed down, while continuing to babble on her apology with her head bowed down. “I-I...didn’t mean to disrespect you like. I just let my emotion gain control over me and I just acted out of jealousy which was extremely inappropriate behavior and I know that now that I’m infected with the stupid envious green-eyed monster thing, which clearly causes people to act like complete and utter piles of brainless tard. And I just-ah!” Mayu squeaked a quick and short high pitched scream when she felt Yukirin grab hold of her arm and yank her up into a proper standing position, much like what Mayu did to her earlier. Mayu look at Yuki with a strong fear of rejection in her eyes while Yuki on the other hand looked like she was trying to figure something out.

“So basically what you’re trying to say is that I’m not your girlfriend and that we should just forget the kiss you gave me earlier, which I should mention, almost everyone in Japan saw?”

“Well, ahhh, yes? I mean...that’s what is best for our friendship...right?” Mayu choked out nervously, afraid of messing anything up.

“But who says I still want to be your friend after all that?” Yuki asked looking Mayu straight in the eyes, which caused Mayu to panic and looked down apprehensively at her fidgety hands as she lamely mumbled out.

“Oh, it’s fine. I-I... understand. I mean...yeah.”

Yuki smiled at how vastly differently Mayu was acting right now, compared to how she was acting before.

“I guess you always seem to misunderstand everything then hm?” Yuki giggled lightly, the very same giggle Mayu heard before which caused her heart to skip a beat and she looked up to see Yuki smiling brightly at her as she leaned in and tenderly kissed Mayu’s cheek. “I’m actually glad you misunderstood the entire situation because then I could see what you truly feel for me. And what you feel for me isn’t any different than what I feel for you.”

“” Mayu stuttered out overwhelmed with all the joy she was feeling and felt as Yuki softly intertwined their fingers together in a gentle hold.

“Now come on, let’s get out of here and let me really make it up to you with a real date.”

Mayu tried to hide back her smile but knew she couldn’t and soon just felt herself smiling like an idiot, but the type of idiotic smile that would make most people mistakenly believe that Mayu’s a psychopath but Mayu couldn’t care less because it seems that all of her misunderstandings that day would just bring her happiness.

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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline kuro808

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Re: AKB Fanfics Contest- Vote for your favorites (Rules in first post)
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2013, 04:58:25 PM »
Entry #2

Raindrops patterned against the concrete pavement, voices murmured, and the people watched, but my eyes could only stare into hers. I parted my lips to speak but the words, like silent raindrops fell, and echoed in the pools of reticence.


Her eyes, dancing in the flickers of ill-contained merriment held a captive audience out of me and like a lost child growing weary from hysteria—my tears were beckoned, not to mention the pain I had felt from the impact of my fall just moments prior. It was a tempestuous medley of sensation. The cool press on water beneath my palms however, did well to ease the stinging I had felt and slapped away the hand she offered me.

“You dislike me that much?” Sayaka questioned. The light curls in her hair had unlaced under the weight of the rain and her short raven locks clung to the sides of her face and neck. I imagined that my clothes were similarly plastered onto my body and shifted awkwardly on the wet sidewalk. “…I hate you.” I answered.
Sayaka accepted the harsh words and nodded, but the expression of despair marred her usually cool and composed face. “You know…I didn’t care about how the rest of the world saw me. I don’t think they’d understand, but with the Miyuki I spent so many years of NMB48 working with, competing against, and growing fond of—”
I covered my ears to cut her off. “I don’t need your reasons!” Unable to contain my outrage the tears escaped, I picked myself up and glared at her. “Nothing you say will bring it all back…the group’s broken now. There’s no point in talking about this matter anymore.” My voice trembled with conviction as I finished what I wanted to say. “My dreams are ruined, all thanks to you…captain.” Deep down, whether or not I was in denial, I knew it was wrong to put the blame on her for everything that had happened but like horrible a nightmare—I needed to do something, anything in order to cope.

Holding my chin up high, I turned to leave but the moment I did so—Sayaka’s hand wrapped around my wrist and spun me back around to face her. She looked at me critically, clearly wanting to bury this next point home to subdue any other ideas I may perceive of her. “I never meant to cause such harm, but when everything's made to be broken. I just want you to know who I am. There’s one last thing I’ve always wanted to tell you before we part our ways…”

The tone of my voice was unforgiving. “What is it?”

For the first time, I was able to witness more than just vulnerability in her eyes. “…I’ve always loved you Miyuki.” A weak smile followed her confession as she trembled under the incessant downpour. She lowered her eyes nervously and gradually released her hold on me. “I know it doesn’t change anything, but really, I’m truly sorry.” She broke down the wall that she seemed to have tried so desperately to keep up and covered her face in her hands. “I’m so sorry…”

“…………” Stupefied, I couldn’t say a thing. At the shock of her sudden confession and seeing her break down like so, I felt disturbed with myself. I took a step back and unable to handle the situation anymore…I ran off.


I felt a nudge against my shoulder and was met with sunlight through the vehicle window I was seated in. I guess during the ride to my destination, I had dozed off. I turned to my side and smiled sheepishly at my longtime friend Kondo Rina.

“I see you’ve been working hard.” Rina commented as she exited out of the taxi in which I followed. “How’s managing your new Zauo business?” 

I paid the fare and closed the door behind me, before stretching. “It’s been busy, but I’m having quite a lot of fun actually.”

Rina nodded in amusement. “You were always the successful type.” She hooked her arm with mine and dragged us to our favorite café. “It’s pretty impressive and funny at the same time how you managed to turn fishing into a career though.” She laughed.

“It’s my natural talent.” I flashed the woman a wink before making my way through the crowded shop and being seated at an empty table in the beautiful outdoor area.

Settling down, I placed my purse on top of my lap and raveled in the sweet aroma of fragrances as a soft breeze glided by. Catered with an abundance of exotic flowers, the café always brought peace to me somehow—sometimes, it made me feel like I was sitting in the middle of a garden versus that of a coffee shop.
At the click of his pen, the waiter prepped up to take our orders. “What can I get you ladies today?”

It didn’t even take a moment of pondering to know what I wanted. “I would like a caramel macchiato please.”

I had to bite down on my tongue in order not to burst out laughing at Rino’s shy behavior. Apparently, she’d been accompanying me all this time just for this moment of interaction with the waiter who she’s had a crush on since forever. “Umm…” She hid her face behind the menu.

“Let me guess, hot chocolate like the usual right?” The handsome guy smiled at her and she nodded adamantly.

He laughed. “Alright, I’ll be out shortly with your orders.”

I stopped him before he was able to leave. “I was wondering, is there a special occasion or something? There seems to be quite a lot of people here today.”
The waiter scanned the area and emitted a low hum from deep within his chest. “I don’t think so, but earlier today there were some street musicians playing out front here.”

I thanked him for the information and the minute he left, Rino squished her cheeks together. “I’m so embarrassed~!”

It was always entertaining to watch her get so flustered by such a little thing. “You guys are cute. He even remembered what you ordered the last time we were here.” I giggled at the blissful expression on her face, but then it changed into surprise as she blinked at the crowd of people ahead. “Ahh, isn’t that Maachun over there?!”

I turned to look behind my shoulder and was ecstatic to really see the girl mentioned. Ogasawara Mayu was seated at a table with another person across from her that I couldn’t make out, but we decided to go greet her anyway.

“Maachun~!” Simultaneously, Rino and I both tackled the girl into a surprise bear hug.

Mayu nearly fell over in her seat, but quickly recomposed herself. “Ehhh?!” She eyed us both with a shocked expression. “Miruki and Riichan, what’s going on here?!” With a smile she stood up from her seat and continued on being loud. “It’s been so long!”

The three of us continued to squeal in delight.  I was in the process of hugging the girl some more when I suddenly felt a stare fall upon me—I finally took notice of Mayu’s guest.

“…………” I froze.

The woman bit onto her bottom lip to hide the bitter smile on her face and waved. “Hi…”

Rino freaked out. “Oh my god, Sayaka is that you?!” She ran over to the girl for a hug and it was returned with a light chuckle.


After everyone caught up with each other, we ended up sharing a table and continued chatting about life for another long hour. The whole time in which I took notice that Sayaka barely said a word. I imagined that it must have been as awkward for her as it was for me. It’s been four years since that dreadful confrontation and that long since I last spoke to her. She hasn’t changed much, still beautiful like how I remember sometimes getting envious over, except for the fact that her hair was kept longer now.

Looking up from my empty cup of macchiato, I pursed up my lips and decided to break the air of invisible tension. “So…you do street performances now?” I shifted my gaze on over to her guitar case leaned up against the table and then back to her.
Letting a faint smile grace upon her lips, she nodded but Mayu answered for her. “Today was actually Sayaka’s last day—she finally hit it big with a record contract and is moving to Tokyo~!”

“That’s wonderful!” Rino clapped excitedly along with Mayu.

My serious gaze never left Sayaka however and spoke up. “…You’re leaving Osaka?”

“Yeah, this following Monday actually…” She answered me.

Starring at her like this again, it felt almost as though we were both blocked out from the rest of the world. Despite my own frenetic heart instructing me not to, I brought up something that has been bothering me for years. “I…I’m not mad at you anymore.”

At my out of place statement the duo who couldn’t understand quirked a brow at us.

Sayaka’s eyes glimmered for a slight second as she breathed out a chuckle. “Oh…I’m glad.” With a friendly smile she blinked a couple of times and questioned again. “…You don’t hate me anymore as well?”

I felt a surge of warmth fill a part of my heart that I didn’t know was lacking and laughed softly at her question. “Actually…I kind of miss you.”

Rino and Maachun gave another weird look to each other as they continued to observe our strange conversation.

“Why don’t you play Jungle gym for me?” I suggested, the tears also started to well up in my eyes and I returned her smile.

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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: AKB Fanfics Contest- Vote for your favorites (Rules in first post)
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2013, 04:59:25 PM »
Entry #3

Takahashi Minami looked in the mirror, checking her appearance before going out. Satisfied on how she looked, she nodded to herself and headed out the door.  She invited her friends if they would want to go out, but was turned down since they were busy.

Stepping outside the building, the sky was clear with the sun shining brightly. She could feel the hotness already, showing that summer was clearly approaching. 
Stretching her arms she said brightly, "What a beautiful day! I feel that something will change today!" and started walking. As Takamina passed by some of the stores, she was greeted by the store owners who were sweeping outside their shops. The tiny girl smiled warmly and they did the same. Thinking where she should go first, she thought of the renowned cafe, but decided to go there later and instead will go to the mall first.

Arriving at the mall, she scanned around the area to look for a good store to go in to. Scanning around she saw two of her friends, however she wasn't sure if it was really them since they were facing the other direction. Deciding to approach them, she walked in to the store, unsure with her guess she said, "Tomochin? Tomo? Is that you?" The two girls turned around hearing their names and were surprised when they saw Takamina.
"Oh, Takamina! What are you doing here!?" said Tomochin and Tomo at the same time who was nervous.
Takamina raised her eyebrow at the question and said bluntly, "I'm just hanging around? Am I not allowed to do that? And this is unusual for two being together," said Takamina, since when they're at school the two of them usually fight with each other.
"Err...", they said looking at each other, not knowing what they should say to the small girl. As dense as Takamina is, she was pretty good at knowing what other people are up to and thinking. Coming up with a possibility, she grinned, "wait, at school you're always fighting, but I noticed something of it. Could it be that you two are a cou-". Before she could finish, Tomochin interrupted her admitting to it, "Ok! Ok! You're right...we are." Tomochin blushed at her statement while Tomo did the same.
"Hah, I knew it! So you two are on a date, eh?"
They nodded and looked away from Takamina.
"Since when?"
"T-three months ago," stated Tomo.
"Oh~ and you still kept your act until this"
"Ok, I'll leave you two alone now. I wouldn't want to ruin your D-A-T-E," chuckled Takamina and waved goodbye, leaving the couple alone.

The small girl walked around thinking about the two and her own similar situation. Dismissing the thought since she was there to have fun and not think, she continued. While walking around the mall, her eyes spotted a parka decorated with bananas. Squealing over it, Takamina ran into the shop and grabbed one, trying to find her (small) right size. Finding her size she went over to the counter to pay. With the bag in hand, she continued to roam around, buying some clothes that she spotted and liked.

Tired, she decided to take a break and went to sit on one of the benches. Setting the bags beside her, she watched as the people pass by. Few minutes passed and she was still sitting down, too relaxed to get back up.
"Takamina? That you?" said Rena who approached her with Jurina, Mayu and Yukirin following her. Looking up to see who it was, she only said "Oh."
"Hey~" they said, greeting the small girl.
"Hey guys...what's up?"
"Hmmm...just cruising around." Grinned Rena.
"'Cruising around?'" said Takamina in quotation marks, giving them a look. They all giggled at her expression.
"You could say that."
"So what are you doing all alone?" asked Mayu bluntly. Yukirin just shook her head and sighed.
"Ah, so bluntly asked...I'm here shopping as you can see," sighed Takamina and mumbled, "'s not that I chose to come alone."
"You know, you should make up with Acchan," said Mayu straightforwardly. Takamina could only lightly laugh at it and said, "Well, it's nice seeing you four, but I'll go now. I need to go to the book store."
"Leaving us already?" said Yukirin sounding hurt.
"Hehehe...sorry...and it seems you people are...busy," smirked Takamina.
"Hey! We saw that smirk!" said Jurina.
"Hehehe...ja ne!" said Takamina grabbing her shopping bags and escaping before they could question her.

Near the exit she heard her name.
"Oi! Takamina!" shouted Yuko who was with Kojiharu. Takamina looked around, trying to find the source where her name was being called.
"Behind you!" said Yuko. Takamina turned around and saw them.
"Yo! What ya up to?" asked Yuko.
"Oh, hey Yuko, Kojiharu, and just bought some clothes," answered Takamina raising the bag that she was carrying.
" one was available you two are you on your little date?"
"Yep! Nyan-Nyan and I are on a date!" said Yuko proudly.
"Actually we're on a double date," added Kojiharu.
"Ehh? With whom?"
"Us." Interrupted Sae and Sayaka joining the three.
"Ehh! Is today a couple day or something!? Am I the only one that is alone today!" pouting, "...earlier I saw Tomochin with Tomo, Rena with Jurina, Mayu with Yukirin, and now you four. Great...I wonder who's next," frowned Takamina.
"What? Tomochin and Tomo, those two tsundere? Hah! I knew it!" said Sae.
"Yeah. I saw, they were all over each other."
Yuko laughed and said, "and what about you? Why not just confess to a certain someone, because everyone knows that you two are totally interested in each other."
"What!? With that...that...g-girl! No way! I don't like her at all!" denied Takamina and got her thinking again.
"Pshh, two were so close when you were little! But when that* happened, I don't know what changed," said Sayaka. The others also agreeing to what she said.
"Ugh, please no, don't talk about it. It'll ruin my day," said Takamina coldly. But in truth she thought back on what happened, and why did it all turn to be like this.
"Well, that's your choice...but don't lie to yourself," said Sae.
"We'd like to chit-chat longer, but we're ditching you, we have a lot of plans~ Gotta continue our date~" joked Yuko.
"Hai, hai, ditch your friend! I'll be fine all alone," said Takamina dramatically.
"Ja ne~" they all said to her and started walking away.
"Ehh? Nani, majide?"
"Un, Ja ne~" said Yuko and waved at her friend. Sighing, Takamina returned the wave and thought to herself,*ah-ah, it's so nice to have a date.*

Takamina looked at the time and decided to go to the bookstore. Heading to the bookstore she noticed that everyone was with someone and holding hands. "Nani kore," she mumbled to herself, "this is really weird." At her destination, the tiny girl rushed in and went to her usual section. "Oh here it is," she said to no one in particular, finding her weekly Shonen Jump; flipping through the book, she was satisfied and went to pay for it. Finished with everything that she wanted, Takamina headed to the renowned café.
The café wasn't that far from the bookstore, so it only took her 5 minutes. Debating if she should go inside or just occupy the outside tables, she decided on staying outside just because of the clear weather.  The chibi girl settled down after choosing a table near a tree for its shade. While waiting for the waiter to come, she let her eyes travel around. As soon as she looked ahead, at that direction she saw Miichan with Acchan. Miichan couldn't see her since she had her back on her while Acchan could, if she would just lift her head up. Seeing Acchan she mumbled, "Oh great! She's here too. Ugh!"

The reason they both hated each other was because of the incident that happened when they were 13 years old. It was all too sudden for her. She wrote a letter to her, hoping that she would find it, if she comes over. They were moving overseas, for god knows how long. For the last few days that Acchan and her hang out, she acted strange. Acchan noticed the sudden change but Takamina just dismissed her.  Takamina wasn't sure what to do, should she just tell her? Or not? She was scared of what might the other girl say, so she didn't tell her and just wrote a letter explaining everything. During the same day that they left, Acchan was excited to go over to Takamina's house but when she arrived, the house was isolated. She searched the place but didn't see anything. She turned back confused and not seeing the letter that was left for her, she passed by it.

After two years of spending time abroad. The Takahashi family came back and established a business. When they returned back to Japan, Takamina was overjoyed to be back. Her first stop was her best friend's house, but what awaited her wasn't that sweet of a welcome. Arriving at Acchan's house, she received a slap to the face then a cold glare from her. Takamina was confused and asked herself, "What just happened?"  She got turned away by Acchan and went home confused. When she started school, she was assigned with the same homeroom with Acchan. At first, Takamina always approached her, but she didn't get any response back. Acchan ignored Takamina. Then after a few weeks Takamina with her kind self, snapped and couldn't it anymore. After that, they competed in everything, even the smallest matter and went beyond name callings. Lastly, their family has a business and they're rivals against each other, which made it more spicy. Three years had passed since she came back and both are still enemies against one another.

Acchan finally saw Takamina when she looked up, across from her direction. Getting up she went over to the girl's table, +with Miichan who was surprised with the sudden move said, "Ehh? What's happening?"
"What the hell is this? Are you following me or something? Like yesterday and the day before that," accused Acchan who slammed her hands down on the table.
"Pshh! Right, as if I would follow you around! Why would I follow you?!" said Takamina nearly annoyed and stood up to face the taller girl.
"I-I don't know, you tell me!" shouted Acchan. With just a few exchanged words with each other, people that passed by gave them weird looks while others took interest and gathered around. 
Takamina just let out a huge sigh and was just about to walk away, but Acchan said something that caught her attention.
"Yeah, you're doing it again. Turning your back on me, just like you did five years ago." Takamina turned around, faced her and looked in to the other girl's eyes shouting, "Oh yeah! Acchan tell me exactly what I did wrong...that it happened liked this!? Huh?"

Miichan was bewildered and squinting with what was going on in front of her. She wanted to stop those two because they kept attracting bystanders, but was terrified to do so. All of them knew to never interrupt those two if they're having a quarrel. If they did, the person that tried to break them up will truly wish they never had interfered. It would take at least four people to refrain them from killing each other. Couldn't think of anything, one thing only popped up in her mind and that call her 'partner', Mariko, to come over. Her thought is, 'If you can't stop 'em, just have fun with it!'

Takamina clenched her fist, the tiny girl hated it, sick of it, and tired of it. She hated the fact that Acchan and her became rivals, enemies, the so-called "frenemy". They always competed with spots, grades, positions, and to make it worse, they're company rivals. She hated to admit that she missed her.  Sometimes she even questioned herself on what went wrong. As time passed by she realized that she kept her eyes on the girl. Observing, always following, watching but not in a stalker-ish kind of way. Was it because she wanted her back as a mere friend? Or something more? Did she only talk back to her because she wanted the other girl's attention? What did she want? She wasn't sure. She didn't know. She was confused, especially with her feelings.

Acchan was surprised with the smaller girl. In all the years that they've fought and talked badly with each other, she never saw Takamina like this. In her eyes she saw her, confused, angry, tired and hurt. Acchan shut her eyes tightly, ignoring what she saw and talked,
"You're asking me what you did?!" huffed Acchan.
"Just tell me what the hell is the problem!"
"...five years ago! Does that ring any bells now?!" Hearing that struck Takamina.
"W-what do you mean?"
"Leaving without saying anything! Not even a goodbye! Nor not talking to me about it! How do you think I felt? When you suddenly disappeared without a word!"
"...b-but I...I left you a letter."
"What letter?" said Acchan confused.
"On the doorstep, I left a letter there."
"...I...I...," said Acchan speechless and her mind race over to that day, trying to recall if she see something.
"I didn't see any letters, it doesn't matter now anyways. I could care less anymore!" shouted Acchan but the truth is...she did care. Takamina walked towards her, Acchan who saw the approach backed up slowly and said, "W-what?"
"Do you really not care?" smirked Takamina.
"T-that's right, I don't! The past is the past...I couldn't care l-" She was cut off when Takamina suddenly grabbed and pulled Acchan towards her....kissing her fully on the mouth.
"Hmmmphfff" Acchan who was blushing, pulled back and said, "...what the hell do you think you're doing?!" 

Mariko who was running through the crowd, finally reached Miichan.
"What happened?" asked Mariko, breathing heavily from running.
"Heh, it got interesting, Takamina sure knows how to shut up a girl," grinned Miichan who showed her the picture she took.
"A scoop!" Smiled Mariko with gleaming eyes.
"Yep! And I don't think they're done yet...let's see," said Miichan, turning back her attention to the duo.

Takamina didn't say anything and just kissed the other girl again. Acchan resisted, pushing the girl away and wiped her lips with her sleeves.
"What the hell!"
"I finally realized it," said Takamina softly.
"Realize what?" asked Acchan confuse.
"Atsuko...Aisheteru," said Takamina, her voice filled with passion. Acchan blushed at the confession, making her stumble down on the ground.
"H-huh...?" said Acchan whose heart is racing and forgetting all about her anger towards the other girl.
"All this time...that we fought with each other. I've loved you and I still do...I love you Atsuko." Takamina bent down, looked directly at Acchan seriously and hugged the petrified girl whispering, " you like me?"
"A-as i-if!" Lied Acchan who knew that she was lying but wouldn't admit it. She also realized her feelings long time ago. She thought it was just because they were best friends that she loved her, however as time passed by her love for Takamina went beyond friendship, "...let me go."
Takamina who planned on not giving up didn't let go of Acchan and instead held her tighter, whispering, "no...I won't, not this time. I'll never let you go again." Acchan struggled to get out of the smaller girl's grip but Takamina didn't let her, "can we stop this pointless fighting? I'm tired of it and I know you are too. Please Atsuko. Please. Please...don't make this hard for yourself AND I know you have feelings for me." She chuckled and looked at Acchan. Acchan stayed quiet and looked away. Takamina cupped her face and said, "look at me...Atsuko." Tempted, Acchan looked at her.
"Please accept my feelings," said Takamina and kissed her gently, this time Acchan didn't care anymore and kissed her back.

People who were curious on what was going on, piled up. The crowd was moved with the scene and started chanting, "Kiss her again! Kiss her again! Kiss her again!"
Mariko and Miichan took a picture of them and high-five with each other saying, "Score!"

They pulled back needing air and smiled to each other.
" you too," said  Acchan embarrassed at her own revelation.
Takamina was so happy that she ended up lifting the taller girl and kissing her for the fourth time.
"Wow, just how strong are you midget?" Chuckled Acchan.
"Mou, don't call me a midget," pouted Takamina and mumbled, "...but I guess it's ok if you're the one that says it."
"You're my own midget."
Takamina blushed and kissed her partner quickly again, saying, "...that's my apology for all the things that I've done to you."
"I'm sorry too. I was angry at you, and mostly at myself, it made me act that way."
"It's ok as you said it's all in the past."
"...oh just to say that was the best apology that anyone has ever given me."

Miichan faked cry and leaned against her lover saying, "awww...they've grown up so much."
Mariko wiped a fake tear and agreed with her partner, " mature, I'm so happy." On the other hand the crowd that gathered was touched and cheered at them (Guess everyone is ok with this type of relationship).

Yuko noticed that she received a new message, seeing that it was from Mariko she opened it. As she saw what was there, she nearly choked on her food. Her companions noticed her, giving her water, asking if she was okay and lastly what was it. Yuko raised up her phone for everyone to see and showed them a picture. Kojiharu, Sae, and Sayaka spitted out the water that they just consumed; their eyes grew big, shocked and surprised, shouting, "Ehhhhhhh!?!?!?"
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: AKB Fanfics Contest- Vote for your favorites (Rules in first post)
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2013, 05:18:34 PM »
Okay I want to post the rules to voting as no one has voted yet and if there are any questions please PM me

Winners will be decided by ballot voting and thanks received for each entry.  The entries will be posted within two days after the deadline with a week given for voting.

Ballots shall be shaped for example of a 8-entry contest:

1. Entry #2
2. Entry #4
3. Entry #7

Where 1 is given as the best and 3 is the third best

Only entry per slot so you have to enter the entry number with the placement IN THIS THREAD  Once the voting period is over, all votes and thanks will be tallied and results will be posted here promptly
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Re: AKB Fanfics Contest- Vote for your favorites (Rules in first post)
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2013, 05:43:34 PM »
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Re: AKB Fanfics Contest- Vote for your favorites (Rules in first post)
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2013, 11:42:04 PM »
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Re: AKB Fanfics Contest- Vote for your favorites (Rules in first post)
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2013, 09:29:29 AM »
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“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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Re: AKB Fanfics Contest- Vote for your favorites (Rules in first post)
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2013, 10:07:41 AM »
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Re: AKB Fanfics Contest- Vote for your favorites (Rules in first post)
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2013, 01:13:46 AM »
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Re: AKB Fanfics Contest- Vote for your favorites (Rules in first post)
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2013, 06:15:31 AM »

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Re: AKB Fanfics Contest- Vote for your favorites (Rules in first post)
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2013, 02:46:30 PM »
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:on gay: :on gay:

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Re: AKB Fanfics Contest- Vote for your favorites (Rules in first post)
« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2013, 09:00:06 PM »
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Re: AKB Fanfics Contest- Vote for your favorites (Rules in first post)
« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2013, 03:21:06 PM »
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« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 03:33:58 PM by sakura_drop_ »
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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Re: AKB Fanfics Contest- VOTING OVER!
« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2013, 08:18:12 PM »
The voting period is over, the winners will announced ASAP

thank you to everyone for participating
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Re: AKB Fanfics Contest- VOTING OVER!
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2013, 02:11:14 AM »
Here's the Results

1st Place: FlameHazeKatsu

2nd Place: Minatsu

3rd Place: AKBlasphemy48

Votes were closely held and many have found these stories interesting with the selection in placement

Hope for more entries in later contests congrads to all!!!!! :jphip: :jphip: :jphip: :jphip: :jphip: :jphip:
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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