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Author Topic: Simple life (WMatsui) - COMPLETED  (Read 15467 times)

Offline Yu_oshi

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Re: Simple life - (WMatsui)
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2013, 10:17:02 AM »
Ah, thank you for commenting, but I feel a little scare that I'm gonna disappoint you guys since I'm not that good with drama ; v ;
I don't even think that I can write drama, ; v ; but since my oshimen is not gonna participates in this year sousenkyo, I think I might lost some motive to write for a few days... so sorry :bow down:

Offline Yu_oshi

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Re: Simple life - (WMatsui)
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2013, 10:12:43 AM »
Feel like it's mine responsibility to finish this story so... thank you any one if there's really any one who read this. Another chapter from my dear phone :(

Chap 3

 .. Saturday afternoon...

"Hey Jurina! Come here and give me a hand, all the groceries are getting me tired"

Rena shouted out when she walk through the door,

"Here, let me help you"

A soft tone voice startled her, looked up, Rena saw the girl that kissed Jurina a few day ago, right here, in hers and Jurina's house

'What the f***!! Jurina! !!'

Unable to say a word at that very moment, Rena watched the young girl hurried got to her side and helped her with some bags. Back from her dazed, Rena quickly muttered a 'thank you' to the other then lead their way into the kitchen. After settled down everything she just bought, Rena turned back to the shorter girl,

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jurina's classmate, Iriyama Anna, you can call me Annin too, yoroshiku onegaishimasu."

Annin bowed down carefully after introduced herself in a flash.

'No honorific already ..'

"Nice to meet you too, Anna-san, I'm Matsui Rena, you must be one of bestfriends of Jurina. I have never seen her invited anyone over before"

Rena answered calmly, wondered what Jurina intended with this little girl in front of her. She knew Jurina would never cheated on her, especially right here at their home. So Jurina must planned something today that might not be good for this Anna girl and must be concerned with Airin. Rena then let out a sigh..

"Speak of Jurina, can you tell me where is she?"

Rena asked before Annin had a chance to have a conversation with her.

"Ano, ... she said she need to go changing, so I guessed she's in her room right now"

"Oh thanks, I'll go get her then, just make yourself at home"

Nodded at Annin, Rena gave out a smile and walked to their shared bedroom.

The moment she walked in, she saw Jurina just out from a shower and her hair still wet. That scene just distracted her attempted to scold Jurina.

"Oh, you back, did you buy enough food or need me as a back up in case you're hungry?"

Heard Jurina teased dragged Rena back from her trance and remembered what she came in for..

"What are you up to? You promised me that you'll behave!"

Rena said puffed out her cheeks cutely like a little kid. Too much cuteness for Jurina to handle, she got close to Rena and kissed on both of them like making amends.

"I am behave! It just.. I thought that since you invited your friend, I may invited mine too. Beside, both yours and mine need a wake-up call. I don't want them to have any illusions."

The younger shrugged her shoulder like it was something obvious. To told the truth, this idea of Jurina didn't bother Rena at all, in some sort of way, it kinda made Rena felt really happy. But Rena still had to think about it.

"Airin has already known about us, you knew that. So I warn you, don't do anything scandalous and be kind to your friend, she just a high-school girl after all"

Rena said in serious voice but still came closer to rubbed Jurina hair with a tower gently. Such a close gesture, Jurina put her arms around Rena's waist to pull her closer. She whispered "Baby, we're crazy" then kissed Rena on the lip playfully and soon formed a smirk.

Look at her lover wicked smile, all Rena could do is punched Jurina lightly on her arm, then back to the kitchen to prepare dinner, hoped that this evening won't be too awkward.

Seeing Rena came back from Jurina's room, Annin cheerfully came to her side and offered to help for dinner.

At that moment, somehow Rena felt pity for the girl's feeling is about to crash. This girl seem like a nice girl enough.


The dinner happened was quite interesting.
Airin came with a nice bouquet but Jurina pretended that she alleged to flower and that made Anna showed her affection of worried which in turn kinda made Rena frowned and so goodbye flowers ~ 'what did I do wrong?'
Then in the middle of the meal, if not mentioned of constant bickering from Jurina and Airin, come a situation.

"There's something really important  I want to say since we have our dear friends here to witness ..."

Jurina said in such a calm but firm voice.

"Rena and I are engaged, and we will get married as soon as I'm at my legal age"


A silence filled up in the room, Rena immediately turned her head to look at her lover, Jurina was smiling, but it's a serious smile not a joke. All Rena could do is nodded weakly with an awkward smile when she catches Airin's gaze at her.

Airin was speechless, her ship of hope just been dunked by a cannibal. Unable to uttered a word, tried to pretend a smile but kinda fail it, she said

"Congratulations then,"

Annin was... well Annin is just completely sat there like an idiot tried to proceed the information she just heard.. 'but I thought they are sister, but their last name.. what the hell is going on? So they're not sister??"..
Take her awhile to understand everything then looked like she tried her best to not cry right at that moment, she just casted her gaze down to floor,..

And that's dinner.

After both "losers of love" made an excuse to left early so they didn't have to see any more lovey-dovey moments. Annin started a conversation with Airin

"You love Rena-san right? I love Jurina and I don't allow to give up that easily "

Quite taken back with what this high-school girl said, Airin just didnt feel like playing along with a kid so she just answered frankly

"Too bad is they too didn't give up on each other that easily, and Rena do not joke about something that serious. So just give up little girl and let them be-"

"Jurina is not old enough, she is one year younger than me so that made her illegal without her parents. I'll find them and talk to them about this"

Annin said firmly, Jurina is still young and there's no way she would decided to bind her freedom that easy! This must be that Rena deceived her. She has to do something, and she gonna do it soon.

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Re: Simple life - (WMatsui)
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2013, 10:18:54 AM »
Jurina is quite frank about her relationship with Rena.  Which leaves the other two in an awkward situation
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Offline matsuru

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Re: Simple life - (WMatsui)
« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2013, 11:06:12 AM »
Lol.. I like how Jurina playing with those losers of love  :grin: :grin:

but kinda worried with Annin..since she will not give up easily and planning to do something which might be give problems to wmatsui  :( :(

Thank you for update  :cow: :cow:
« Last Edit: April 24, 2013, 11:20:30 AM by matsuru »
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Offline Sherin

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Re: Simple life - (WMatsui)
« Reply #24 on: April 24, 2013, 11:24:10 AM »
It's been awhile since I enjoy reading a simple yet interesting fic like this. XD I would love it more if you update more regularly seeing you prefer to write short chapters.

Everyday Juriken

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Re: Simple life - (WMatsui)
« Reply #25 on: April 24, 2013, 11:29:24 AM »
Annin don't u dare ruining WMatsui relationship :angry:

anyway nice update :twothumbs

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Re: Simple life - (WMatsui)
« Reply #26 on: April 24, 2013, 04:40:33 PM »
maybe look at it in a positive way - to test how deep Wmatsui love is?  :)
Visit my FFs:
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My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

Offline Yu_oshi

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Re: Simple life - (WMatsui)
« Reply #27 on: April 24, 2013, 09:28:38 PM »
Here another chapter :) thank for your kind reviews   :)

Chap 4

*Ding Ding*

Airin picked up her phone to check the new message,

'I have found Jurina's parents address, I'm going to talk to them now, I'll let you know more about details later"

For a moment Airin wondered why was she agreed to give her phone number to that little girl and now with all this nonsense. She already knew about Jurina's family situation, her family was agreed with their daughter living with Rena, they even told Rena to take care of their precious, but somehow Jurina want to move to somewhere far and something like "start a new life" with her now soon-to-be-wife, that's the reason why Jurina's in a new school.
Guess that Airin forgot to tell that determined kid about that, but then again, Airin still wanted to give it a shot, maybe if the parents heard about her daughter decision they might took her back or go against it. Beside it's not her fault if something happened because the other girl was the one who did all the work. So she just shrugged her shoulder, closed her phone and waited..


*Ding ding*

Jurina twiched around and pull her arm from hugging her lover, reached for her phone, cursing anyone who decide to text her this late at night.. Okay, maybe it's not that late and it's not that "at night" but she still tired from all the "activities" a newly engaged couple would do and today is Sunday, they have their right to be in bed all day.

'Jurina, we need to talk now, meet me at the playground nearby - Annin'

She sighed, 'And here I thought she would gave up' , wanted to end everything once and for all, Jurina slowly get out of bed in order not to wake up Rena but when she put back her clothes, Rena was up already

"Where are you going? What's time is it already?"

Rena asked with sleepy voice so cute that Jurina couldn't hold back herself a kiss to her forehead.

"Probaly 9pm now, I just going out to get something, you can go back to sleep or prepare yourselves to be my dinner tonight"

Jurina said with a mischievously smile made Rena blushed,

"Shoo ~ you had me too much already, just go and I prepare dinner for you when you back"

Seeing her lover or fiance shyness, Jurina let out a laugh, kiss her lightly on the lip and get going.


At around 9pm, not so many kid can be out on this playground, even she herself is not old enough to go out at this time but who care. From afar, she can see Annin is on a swing by herself, looked like she in deep thought.

"What do you need to see me for?"

Jurina let out her voice pull Annin from her thought. She stood up from the swing and walked in front of Jurina,

"Your relationship with Rena-san, what is it?"

Such a direct question, Jurina felt like she had nothing to hide already, why such a unnecessary question anyway?

"I thought I made it clear to you yesterday, she and I are lover and soon to be married"

Stating the fact obviously, Jurina said in firm voice.

"You didn't do it just because you don't want to returned my feeling right? Because if so all you have to do is say that to me directly, you don't have to go that far to do such a disgusting way with your own sister!"

Annin said with such a hurtful voice, this somehow taken Jurina aback.

"What did you just say? Where did you get that from?"

"I had found your parents address and talked with them"

____Flash back___

*Ding dong*

"Hello, sorry for bothering but is this Matsui Jurina's home? I'm Iriyama Anna, her class president, I need to talk to her parents please"

"So there is something about Jurina that I think her parent need to know about, firstly, I believe you all know Matsui Rena-san right?"

The older woman smile in worried but answered honestly

"Yes, of course. She's Jurina sister, right now she taking care of her because Jurina insisted it. Did something happen to her?"

That information was a really shocking news for Annin. She asked again with her hurried voice

"Wait, can you said again? Did you say she's Jurina sister? How?"

Feel a little weird but like any housewife that very easy to talk about anything in life, Jurina's mother started

"Jurina is our adopted and she have another sister but seem like her sister had been adopted before her. A year ago, Rena-chan coincidence became our neighbor, her name was familiar so my husband had do some researched and turned out, Rena is indeed Jurina sister. We broke that news to Jurina and she was quite shocked about it, we thought she would cried out of happiness but somehow she just .. shocked. Not so long after, Jurina said that she want to be closer to her sister and insist us not to tell Rena about her being Jurina's sister. We thought she just being a brave kid and want to make up for the lost time between them so we agreed. But then suddenly they moved out to somewhere, all Jurina did was sent us letter once a month.. so with you here now, what happened to them anyway?"


After hearing Annin's story, Jurina's hands trembling, stepped forward, she held on Annin's shoulder really tight that made the shorter girl felt the pain

"What did you tell them? Who has known this beside you?"

Jurina spoke in such a weak tone full of fear, this just made Annin felt more desparated, couldn't believe that her theory was right

"So you indeed love Rena-san in that way, even if you guy really sister ... Rena-san still didn't know about this secret right? I think you need help Jurina, this is not "love", she is your sister. This is not right! I'm gonna tell Rena-san about it, you need help, I'm doing this only for you Jurina"

Annin said, took a step back and went forward to the way Jurina just came but suddenly she felt herself being pulled back, threw into the ground, with Jurina's calm but scary voice

"No, you're not"   


About an hour ago

*Ding ding*

Airin hurried reached for her phone, hoped that the new message has something worth expected, the next few line make her eyes opened wide

'Rena and Jurina is blood sister, I have proves from her parents. I'm gonna talk to Jurina, you need to talk to Rena-san about this, she didn't know it"


*Ding Dong*

"Jurina? Did you forget to take the key with you?... Ah! Airin? What-"

Didn't need Rena invite to come in, Airin just walked right into the house and started talking with a serious voice

"We need to talk"

Seeing this side of Airin kinda worried Rena, didn't know what happened that made her friend turn out like this,

"Are you okay? Just tell me if anything wrong"

Rena asked in a concerned tone. Seem like Rena didn't know about the secret she just receive, Airin decided to give it to her slowly.

Both sat down on the couch and looked straight to another's eyes

"You and Jurina are sister, I just found out about it and believe me, I have proves"

Airin said every words slow and clear. Rena's face after hearing every words just get stiffened, her eyes opened wider and wider, then she stood up immediately, unable to say anything.

"I know it's hard for you to take it, but-"

"Did Jurina know about this? Are there anyone beside you know about this?"

Just by such a calming question that somehow made Airin feel weird

"I'm not so sure if Jurina knew it but... Rena, you didn't know it till now, did you?"

Airin asked suspected, it's not what she think what it is, isn't it?

"Tell me, beside you, are there anyone know about it?"

Rena voice a little bit louder than before, like she was angry.

"So you did know about this... Oh my god, Rena! This is wrong! You're grown up already, you know this is wrong! We need to stop this. I can't let this taboo thing happen -"

Didn't care about what Airin was rambling about, Rena made her way to the kitchen. Airin saw this and follow her

"Rena, you must listen to me, you and Jurina can't be together in that way.. let me help you!"

"No, you can't help me Airin, if the truth come out, they will take Jurina away from me.. "

Rena said casting her eyes downward. At this Airin faced up with Rena and held onto her shoulder

"That exactly what you guys need, time to turn something from wrong to right.. You need to let go of this"

Looked deeply into Airin eyes, Rena murmured

"I'm sorry Airin, but I wont let you do that"


*click click*

*The door opened sound*

*The stepping soung*

Jurina slowly put her arm around Rena and hugged her tight from behind,

"Did you just wake up? It's kinda late now for making dinner right?"


A strong silence take over both of them when neither seem like wanted to speak.

Until Jurina decided to say

"Screw my education, let move out of here, the both of us, let go somewhere far.. can we?"

Turned around to hug Jurina directly, Rena replied softly



The End.

So this is the end, I'm sorry if it not so good and thing happen too fast but yeah, I'm just meant to write that short  :nervous and I'm not good with word  :nervous thanks for reading  :D Please reviews  :love:

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Re: Simple life - (WMatsui) [Chapter 4 - end]
« Reply #28 on: April 24, 2013, 09:55:59 PM »
So it is.....

So many questions left to be answered....

So they are just going to run away :lol:
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Re: Simple life - (WMatsui) [Chapter 4 - end]
« Reply #29 on: April 25, 2013, 01:31:09 AM »
Time to run LOL

Err im a bit worried about annin and airin,are they dead killed by rena and jurina,the vibe is kind of scary~ LOL that was just my imagination


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Re: Simple life - (WMatsui) [Chapter 4 - end]
« Reply #30 on: April 25, 2013, 01:53:54 AM »
Err im a bit worried about annin and airin,are they dead killed by rena and jurina,the vibe is kind of scary~ LOL that was just my imagination

me too, i think rena and jurina....
killed annin and airin!!!!!
ohmygod... XD

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Re: Simple life - (WMatsui) [Chapter 4 - end]
« Reply #31 on: April 25, 2013, 02:39:25 AM »
Me 3 I think the WMatsui killed the xD
OMG they are really sisters!

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Re: Simple life - (WMatsui) [Chapter 4 - end]
« Reply #32 on: April 25, 2013, 05:07:01 AM »
Me 4 think that WMatsui killed Annin and Airin xD

But really, this was pretty interesting. The mistery in this final chapter was great! Will you write an epilogue? :)

Please write more fics o/

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

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Offline Sherin

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Re: Simple life - (WMatsui) [Chapter 4 - end]
« Reply #33 on: April 25, 2013, 05:16:54 AM »
What the heck?! Such a mystery and rush ending! XD

I kinda like it though. I actually like WMatsui incest. >.<

As long as my WMatsui together, I don't care what happened to the other two. XD

Everyday Juriken

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Re: Simple life - (WMatsui) [Chapter 4 - end]
« Reply #34 on: April 25, 2013, 05:29:30 AM »
So many question and this already ending  :frustrated:

But at least wmatsui still together so it's okay I like incest story tbh  :shy2:

Waiting for your other fics  :cow: :cow:
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Re: Simple life - (WMatsui) [Chapter 4 - end]
« Reply #35 on: April 25, 2013, 11:41:54 AM »
lol W-incest

So Annin and Airin were killed by Rena and Jurina

I love this scary side of both Matsuis

Please do more, love your fanfics

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Re: Simple life - (WMatsui) [Chapter 4 - end]
« Reply #36 on: April 25, 2013, 05:19:45 PM »
It started as a "simple" love story...2 girls overcoming age and gender stuff and get together...I like how the story was twisted and turned in a dark manner in the end!  :twothumbs

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Re: Simple life - (WMatsui) [Chapter 4 - end]
« Reply #37 on: April 25, 2013, 05:51:49 PM »
I will gonna use my deduction:

1. Rena and Jurina love each other, like married couples.
2. Rena and Jurina already knew that they are biologically siblings.

So in short their love are in already now in incest stage, the most taboo type of relationship.

3. Base on the Jurina's doing, which Jurina pulling Annin down to ground, Jurina asphyxiating Annin. In short she killed her by choking her, then hiding Annin's body somewhere (either bushes or somewhere in playground).
4. Base on the Rena's doing, which Rena went to kitchen while she was followed by Airin, Rena get something on kitchen. In short Rena using a knife (the most commonly object, aside from fork) to kill Airin by either stabbing or slashing her, then hiding Airin's body somewhere in the house (most commonly the backyard).

By investigation, it looks like that they want to hide their most important but most forbidden secret.

So in conclusion, Wmatsui killed Airin and Annin to cover their tracks and planning to leave somewhere where they will nowhere to be found..

That's my opinion....  XD XD XD
« Last Edit: April 25, 2013, 06:02:24 PM by X_Last-Cross_X »
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Re: Simple life - (WMatsui) [Chapter 4 - end]
« Reply #38 on: April 25, 2013, 07:32:49 PM »
;D yeah, all you guy did get it right, both Jurina and Rena commited a crime just to protect a secret from eachother, without knowing their other half already knew it. ^-^ I don't like violence so I decide to keep it that way but really thank Last Cross-san for all the interesting details :D

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Re: Simple life - (WMatsui) [Chapter 4 - end]
« Reply #39 on: April 27, 2013, 09:22:51 AM »
From forbidden love to taboo, great job!!
I like their character and their love. So strong!

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