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Author Topic: Tekishu Soretomo Koibito~Enemy or Lover~(Atsumina & MariHaru) Chap. 12 [2/24/14]  (Read 43650 times)

Offline kenjoy12

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OH MY GOSH~!  :w00t:

This is so awesome!~ Me like it~! :thumbup

Sending an assasin? What a nice way to greet a friend.. :twisted: Heehee :peace:

Haruna can't seems to move on.. Aww.. Yuko why you broke her heart.. :( Mariko, do something to put Haruna's heart back together..

Oh man~! :banghead: Minami sleeping with different girls? What a weird hobby, i guess.. :nervous

You've got to be kidding me~! Someone just kidnapped Acchan~! :banghead:

Oh yeah~! I get to see more action~! Can't wait for it~!

Thank you for the update :bow: :thumbsup

AWESOME~! :twothumbs

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

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  • Atsumina~! ♥ forever <3
yanouchi: and there will be the and those will happen soon enough  XD
cisda83: LOL well you could say she and Minami has a "rivalry" and so everything will always do something about the other one... and to answer ur question...not anymore?  :twisted: Minami "conquering" Yuki will be'll see and yeah Sae will be...
insan: hahahaha... apan isunan....  8)
michiyo48: ah...It's Minami's character  :banghead: and umm...well...don't hate me when u read this update...  :nervous
kenjoy12: lol thanks~  :) and like i said above... Minami's character lololol.... Haruna will be able to move on...I hope...and's not that Yuko broke her heart more like she disappeared as in like forever? well...something happens here.. oh and Mariko will...she will...   XD


Well...I'm glad I could still write... @_@ I'm just in an effing depressing/disappointed mood..... *sigh* dammit...
anyways...hmm...what should I say...hahaha...I got nothing but...
Ly-chan yung sinabi ku kahapon, mangyari  yun sa susunod na update...  :nervous
Chi & michiyo48: two...don't kill me after reading this...  :sweatdrop: don't worry it'll end good...hahaha.... doing this is more drama... still don't kill meh...  :banghead:

      Chapter 7: New appearances

The constant dripping of water on the ground woke her up. Her eyes fluttered open and looked around in confusion. The room was completely dark besides the flickering light that hung over her. Looking around it's a basement, it seemed empty...except for her. She tried to move but  her her hands and feet were bound. 'What the?' The woman took a deep breath and exhaled. Feeling that it was a rope around her risk, she smiled. Being an agent has sometimes its uses. As part of their basic training they were trained to escape from danger. She looked around the small room, hoping to find any sharp object but to her dismay there weren't anything to help her. 'Ok...not a problem.' Wriggling her arms, it didn't work since thhey tied it tight. In the end the rope just left some marks on her risk. "Ok, moving to plan B." She moved her tied hands under her butt, thighs, knees, legs until she reached her foot then brought it up in front of her. The woman sighed, it was always hard doing that. Having her hands in front of her, she used her teeth to loosen the knots. After a few attempts, the rope finally loosened a bit then that's when she wriggled her hands free. She worked fast and untied the ropes on her ankles. The woman stood up then rubbed her risk as she made her way up to the stairs. She wiggled the doorknob but the door was lock, suddenly she heard voices approaching. "Just my luck!" groaned the woman, then hid at the corner of the door. The two yakuza entered the room and confusion spread all over their face as they saw the room empty, the ropes spread on the ground.
"Shit! She's gone! Go tell the others!" exclaimed the taller guy. His companion nodded and turned to face the exit but he was greeted by a punch right on the face. "I think I see birds." mumbled the guy before falling on the ground. The tall guy turned around and charged towards the woman immediately by throwing a punch at her.  Atsuko simply moved her head to the left, grabbed the guy's arm, pulled him towards her, kneed him right on the stomach and gave a heavy elbow blow on his back, sending the poor guy right on the ground. She quickly made her way out of the room then peeked over the wall to see if there's anyone. Luckily, the short hallway was empty, running on the empty hallway, there's either two choices left or right. She turned left then left again. The woman haulted and cursed as she saw five members hanging around. Making a turn, she went back to try the right path. This time she got unlucky as bumped into someone when she turned right.
"What the hell..." said the yakuza.
Atsuko looked to see who she bumped into and it didn't intrigue her. Standing in front of her is over a six foot, bulky man with a shave head and a goatee. The agent quickly threw a kick but the big guy caught it and swept the woman off her feet. He tightly grab her leg and swung the agent around and threw her, hitting the wall. Astuko slowly got up and shook her head then faced her opponent in a fighting stance. She threw several punches but he didn't wince one bit. The yakuza grinned, "My turn." He cracked his knuckles them threw a right punch aiming for her cheek. She dodged by jumping back. This time he did a right kick and Atsuko ducked. Atsuko stood right back up and did a front flip but her foot didn't land, instead she's now on his shoulder. She crossed her legs, trying to choke the big guy but he went near a wall and kept slamming the agent there however she still didn't let go. Having a good grip on his head, she used all her strength to twist the guy's head, the big guy stop struggling and drop on his knees then on the floor but before dropping on the ground, Atsuko jumped off and crouched down. Before she could stand back up, she heard a gun click behind her, "If you move, you're dead."  She quickly raised her arms and slowly stood up. The guy that pointed her gun at her nodded at his companions, then three of them went behind her and tied her risk. "Move." ordered the guy and still pointed the gun at her. She nodded and started walking. They followed her, gun still pointed at her head. Upon reaching the basement, he shove her forcefully into the room. A few seconds later, the head of the yakuza came striding the room. He looked at her, "So this is the woman who killed some of my children eh." Two of his men went forward and grabbed Atsuko. The leader puffed his cigarette on the agenct's face, making her cough.
"I've got connections so it was quite easy to find you. You were the easiest to find." He puffed his cigarette again then with his right fist curled up threw a punch on her cheek, her hair covered  her face.The woman stumbled but she didn't since the men still held her tightly.
"You cost me most of my dear children." growled the leader and threw another punch but this time with his left.
"Heh, is that what you call a punch? It didn't even hurt one bit." smirked the agent and head butted the leader. The leader stumbled backwards and held his head groaning.
"'re head is bleeding." said one of the man that held Atsuko.
"I can see that you idiot." answered the leader quite pissed, it wasn't himself to loose his cool that easily. Angry at the agent, he threw one last punch on her stomach. She dropped on her knees since the two men that held her let go.
"Do whatever is necessary to find out where her 'friends' are, I'll make them pay for killing my children." said the leader then left the room, three people following him. The other three men stayed behind to 'interrogate' the agent. They nodded and grinned at each other. The three men looked at her then pulled her up, dragging her to another room.

Yuki woke up to find someone holding her close. She looked down to see a certain midget sleeping in her arms, the woman smiled and didn't move from her position. The woman thought of what had happened last night and how it led to 'this', she chuckled to herself remembering that she was the one who actually made a move. It has been actually a year since she was in a relationship, well she don't know if this would turn into a relationship but thinking about the small woman that she's holding right might be possible. She had to move a bit to check the time, it was 7:00 am. The small girl opened her eyes and yawned. Yuki noticed that Minami woke up and apologized, "Ah, did I wake you up? Sorry about that."
Minami shook her head and buried  her face against the woman's chest, "'s ok..." then she nuzzled against her neck and kissed her mark that she placed on her neck last night, "...more importantly...I have to you want to move this relationship to the next level."
"Didn't we already do that last night."  chuckled the tall woman.
This time, Minami kissed Yuki on top of her chest, "Silly, I wasn't talking about that."
"I know." said Yuki looking deeply into the smaller woman's eyes.
"So what do you say?" whispered Minami to the woman's ear, 'It might not be that bad, it's actually been a while huh.'
"I guess?"
Minami raised her eyebrows, "'I guess'?"
Yuki smiled and this time it was her turn to whisper on Minami's ear, "Doesn't that mean...yes."
"Might as well see...if this could work out."
"Fine by me." grinned Minami and kissed the woman on the lips.

"Hmm...this is strange...Atsuko's not picking up." said Mariko to herself as she put down the phone. Mariko had been trying to call her friend, she called her ten times  but no one picked up. They had a plan to go the orphanage. The two women always went to the orphanage at least once a week. Well more precisely, Mariko accompanied Atsuko and over time that they went, she quite has gotten attach to the kids there.
"I better go to her apartment." sighed the woman heading out to her car.

After driving for twenty minutes, she finally arrived at Atsuko's apartment. Getting out of her car, she jogged up the stairs and rang the doorbell. She waited for about ten seconds and when no one answered, she rang the doorbell again. Still, no one answered. The woman tried and tried again until she ran out of patience. Giving up she grab the doorknob and checked to see if it's open. Surprisingly, it was. Opening the steel door, she stepped in and called out her friends's name but of course no answered. Mariko went first to the living room and gasped at what she saw. The room was a mess, everything was on the floor and some stuff we're even broken. "Atsuko!?" shouted Mariko then ran in the kitchen just to find the same mess and there's no one. Cursing, she ran to her friend's room just to find it empty. The room was left like it was. "This is bad." muttered Mariko, pulling out her cell phone, she dialled the very first person she could think that would worry about Atsuko's disappearance.
"Hello Minami?"
"Oh hey, Mariko...ohayou." said Minami, then Mariko heard a voice in the background. 'Is that a woman's voice?' thought Mariko then shook her head, ignoring any minor things for the moment. The tall woman took a deep breath,"Atsuko's gone."
"Huh what do you mean gone?"
"I'm in her apartment right now and no traces of her."
"What about if she went out or something?"
"That's not possible."
"First of all, I tried calling her phone a lot of times and no one answered, second when I came here and rang the door one answered...and lastly, her apartment is a mess. It looks like someone mess it all up."
"Yeah...'oh'. You have any idea who might've took her?"
"Eh? Why ask me, I...I'm not that" said the small woman, her voice died down as each words were spoken, then she sighed, "What about you, you were the one who knows her the best...any idea?"
"I don't know yet...can you come here instead, it's better to talk about this in person and not through the phone."
"Sure, I'll be there as soon as I can."
"Ok, I'll see you then." said Mariko and ended the conversation. Next, she called Tomochin and asked for an 'investigating team'.

After hearing about Atsuko's disappearance, Minami quickly got out of bed and took a brief shower. She came out of the shower and found Yuki still on the bed. The short agent approached Yuki and cupped the woman's chin. Minami smiled at her, "I have to go...but I'll call you later." then gave a quick kiss on the lips. The short woman got in the taxi that she called earlier and while she's in, she took the opportunity to call her partner.

After ten minutes, the small woman finally arrived at Atsuko's apartment. She immediately went to see Mariko.
"Hey, wasn't expecting you to be here that quick." grinned Mariko.
"Ah, it seems I was kind of close to the area."
"I bet." smirked the tall woman noticing that her friend still had the same clothes yesterday.
"So, did you think of anyone that could've done this?"
Mariko shook her head and sighed, "Sadly...nope."
"Hmmm...did you ask any of her neighbours if they heard anything at all?"
"Actually no."
"Then let's just do that then."

The two women rang the doorbell beside Atsuko's apartment but after waiting no one answered.
"I guess no one's home." sighed Mariko but still rang the doorbell.
"We can just check the others." said Minami and rang the doorbell of another place. They didn't have have to wait that long since the door was immediately opened, revealing an old woman late in her seventy's.
"Hi ma'am, can we ask you a question?" asked Mariko.
"Yes, what is it?"
"Did you hear anything strange last night?"
"Actually I did...around midnight I heard some crashing noises and because of that I couldn't sleep. So I went out them suddenly I saw two men coming out of the apartment carrying a baseball bat. The two just ignored me when they saw me. Curious as I was, I took a peek and saw them enter this black car."
"So you remember anything about the car?" asked Minami.
"Well...I ain't no expert on cars but it had that logo, it's a circle and inside there's like a three pointed star."
"Thank you ma'am." smiled Minami and bowed politely. Mariko also bowed and the two left their places.
"The one that she describe, it's a Mercedes and if I remember correctly those yakuza punks had a Mercedes too."
"You mean..."
"It's a possibility."
"That was so quick though...but if you think about would be possible to find anyone since they would have those connection of theirs."
"So we're going with this 'hypothesis' then? Atsuko got 'kidnapped' by the yakuzas."
Minami put her hand under her chin and pondered about the situation a bit, "...but why couldn't she just fight them off...hmmm..."
"I don't know."
"They must've used something."
"Well...all we can do now is find out where she is."
"So do we go tell this to Tomochin?" asked Minami leaning on the railing.
"I guess, we need to know who this particular yakuza is and prepare."
"Alright, let's go."
As the two agents walked down the stairs, they saw Haruna who was about to go up the stairs. Minami grinned and waved at her best friend. Mariko just smiled and nodded as a greeting at the woman.
"Hey you two." smiled Haruna and waved at them, "Anything new?"
"Yeah, we think that the yakuza took her." said Minami as they reached the bottom steps.
"Eh? The yakuza? How? That was too fast."
"It's possible though." sighed Mariko.
Haruna nodded.
"Shall we go then?" asked Minami who's already in front of the their car.
"Yeah." said Haruna and Mariko and unison.
Minami grinned,  "I'll see you two at the HQ then, I'm going first, I need to change my clothes so you two go first..."
"I'll come with you." said Haruna taking a step forward
"No you don't have to, going back to the house is boring... well I'm off! Bye you two!"  then the small woman sped off to the distance.
"Oi! Chotto matte! What about me!?" shouted Haruna after her.
Minami actually saw her partner reach out on the side view mirror but grinned to herself, "You don't want to go back to the house, catch a ride with Mariko...hmm...maybe she'll thank me later for this."
" know you can just come with me if you want." said Mariko. Haruna turned towards the taller woman, tears almost forming in her eyes, "Mari-chan...arigatou!"
"Eh? 'Mari-chan'?" asked Mariko, blushing at her nickname. It was too cute actually for her.
"Oh umm...if you don't mind...can I call you that?" said Haruna and looked down at the ground, refusing to meet the eyes of Mariko.
"Is that a no? If you don't like it...just ignore that I called you that then."
"No, no, no...y-you can c-call me's just that no one really gave me a nickname before so...I'm actually quite happy." smiled Mariko, then on a spur of moment next thing she knew, she's hugging Haruna. 'Eh!? Chotto...nani!?' screamed Mariko in her mind, 'How the hell did it turn out like this!? I was just happy maybe that I move without noticing?'
As for Haruna she was surprised when she felt someone hug her and to her surprise she returned the hug too but after a few seconds, she finally spoke.
Mariko immediately pulled back and put right hand behind her head, "Oh...uh...sorry...I was just happy...I guess."
"'s ok."
"So umm...shall we go?"
Mariko nodded, briskly walked towards her car and opened the passenger seat for Haruna.
"Thank you..." said Haruna a blush forming on her face; the last time that someone did that to her was when...Yuko was still alive.
Mariko smiled and closed the door then made her way to the driver's seat. Starting her Lamborghini, the two women headed to their HQ.

The ride's getting awkward, since no one spoke, both were actually glancing at each other, thinking about anything so they could strike a conversation. Finally, the two women opened their mouth but found themselves laughing.
"Sorry...I just didn't know what to talk about." said both women in unison. They briefly looked at each other then laughed again.
"I guess we were both tensed up huh." said Mariko who finally calmed down.
" long have you been with the agency?"
"Hmm...about five years I guess."
"Wow, is it a passion?"
"I guess you could say that, actually my parents were agents that's why I wanted to follow their path."
"I see...that's really awesome."
"Is it? Well what about you? What made you want to be an agent?"
"Well you could say we didn't have a choice."
"What do you mean?"
"Minami and I came here in the big city to find work but we couldn't find one and here we are." said Haruna, what she said was true but of course there's more behind it.
"So it's just because you couldn't find a job?"
"Yes but I really like it."
"That's glad to hear."

Haruna nodded and so for the rest of the drive, it went quiet all again but this time it wasn't that awkward. They were quiet and it was quite nice in it's own way.

Thirty minutes later, the two women reached the HQ. They quickly made their way to Tomochin's office. Tomochin greeted the two and asked where Minami, noticing that the other agent isn't present.
"She'll be here soon." answered Mariko then mumbled, "I think."
"Ok, so what do you got so far?"
"We think that Atsuko may have been taken by those yakuza that we encountered yesterday night."
"That is possible, they can be clever sometimes. If we believe that they're the one who took her then we really are in a pinch here."
"Why is that?" asked Mariko then turned back and saw Minami already walking towards them. Tomochin nodded and continued with her explanation.
"Like I said yesterday, they're one of the most influential and top yakuza. Going against them would be well be dangerous for you."
"Tomochin what are you saying? We can't just leave Atsuko. We have to go get her." said Minami slamming her hands on the desk, making Tomo flinch who stood behind Tomochin.
"I'm not saying we leave her, I'm just saying that we can't just attack head on, we need a plan for this."
"Oh yeah? And that is?"
"Sneak in with Kai and Riku." grinned Tomochin then leaned back on her seat.
"Ah...I see where you're going with this."
Tomochin nodded, "You two could go in an search, they wouldn't be that suspicious since they'll think that you two are a new recruit members so it's a no problem."
"And what about me?" asked Mariko.
"Since you're the sniper in the group, I want you to find a good location for you and watch when or who will be coming in and out especially their boss."
"Easy enough."
"If 'Kai' and 'Riku' find Maeda then help them if possible, since this could get dangerous."
"Roger." said the three in unison.
"If you want you can go to the equipment room and get anything you want there." informed Tomochin then turned her gaze towards the two best friends, "You're 'disguise' will be in the changing room."
"Sweet." grinned Minami and started walking out the room. Haruna and Mariko shortly followed after her.

Before going to the equipment room, the three women went to the changing room. Mariko waited while Minami and Haruna put their outfit. A black suit with a white polo shirt. Minami's the first to finish and stepped out of the dressing room fixing her sleeves.
"I still can't get use to you dressing up like that. It changes you completely."
Kai just smiled, "That's the idea of it."
A few minutes later, Haruna emerged from the dressing room. Mariko almost fainted as she looked at her.
"Is this good?" She asked and fixed her collar.
Minami nudged Mariko.
"Yeah, it's perfect." smiled the tall woman.

The three agents entered the equipment  room and Minami and Haruna were amazed by it. When Atsuko and Mariko gave them the tour, they pointed it out but never went it. It's a huge room, different kind of things were there. Different type of weapons for revolvers, pistols, shotguns, sniper rifles, grenade launchers, rocket launcher, knives, etc.There's even bulletproof vest, ropes, grappling hook, all kinds of equipment you would need for a mission. Minami whistled as she set her eyes on each weapons. Mariko smiled and went directly to look at the sniper rifles. The sniper laid her eyes on the Istiglal IST-14.5 Anti-Material Rifle. Haruna went and picked up a Taurus Raging Bull revolver. As for Minami she's the type that prefers hand to hand combat since she grew up learning it. There were some fist weapons but she didn't bother taking anything from that section, she just looked at them, her father always told her having a weapon in your fist is a disgrace to their fighting style. However she did grab a P229 elite stainless handgun.  The small woman look at the two other agents, "Ready to go?"
Both women nodded.

The two cars parked several feet away from the big mansion. Mariko went to search for a place that has a good view of the entrance. Kai and Riku took a quick peek from their position. Several men kept watch on the place.
"Going through the front door is a no huh." said Riku and sighed.
"That just means we have to do it the hard way." grinned Kai and ran across the road, Riku followed behind her.
"You want to climb this?" asked Riku staring at the tall wall in front of them, it was probably about ten feet, "...any plan on how to climb this?"
"Duh yeah, I came prepared." smiled Kai and set down the bag that she carried. She opened the bag and took out a grappling hook then threw it up. The hook safely hooked at the end of the wall. The agent tugged at it just in case and it didn't budge. Kai looked at her partner, "You want to go first?"
" can go first."
Kai nodded and started climbing with ease. After a minute, she finally arrived at the top with not trouble. The agent was about to take the rope and place it to the other direction but she saw a yakuza turning around and quickly took off the grappling hook letting it drop down. The item almost hitting Riku on the head if she didn't move.
"Hey!" said Riku and looked up but Kai wasn't longer there.
Kai rubbed her back, "My back..." Earlier when the grappling hook drop she also lost her footing and fell down on the hedges ten feet off the ground.

Mariko set herself on a construction building. Luckily, there's a tall building being constructed not too far from the mansion. Opening the suitcase that she carried, she assembled all the sniper's part altogether and placed it on a good spot. The sniper looked through the scope and the first thing she saw was Minami falling backwards. Mariko laughed, "What the hell?" She touched her earpiece, "Minami are you ok?"
"Y-yeah...the hedges broke my fall but falling ten feet is not the best thing."
"That thing almost hit my head." said Riku joining the conversation.
"Sorry about that." apologized the short agent.
"I'm in position, I can see everyone's position. Haruna...I'll tell you if enemy will almost spot you."
"Thanks Marichan."
"Marichan?" asked Minami, curiously filled her voice but is amused.
"Don't laugh or I'll send you a warning bullet." joked Mariko.
"I wasn't."

Mariko watched as Haruna climbed up the rope, almost reaching the top she told her to stop for a moment since a yakuza started walking towards them, especially where Minami hid.
"Minami someone is coming to your direction."
"Yeah, I see him."
"Can you take care of him?"
"No problem."

Kai counted the footsteps that the guy took, she could hear it getting louder and louder meaning he's getting close. Taking a peek through the hedge, he saw him looking up the wall, "What the?" He muttered, before he could do anything else. Kai's small hands emerged from the hedges and pulled the yakuza into the hedge with her. The yakuza flailed but Kai knocked him out...rather snapped his neck.
"Did you have to do that?" asked Mariko, hearing the snap clearly.
"Yes...if I just knock him out he'll wake up later and warm everyone."
Mariko sighed, "Anyways...Haruna you can continue."
"Finally...I don't think I could've continued hanging another second." Riku climbed up and switched the direction of the rope and drop it down. She slid down without any problems. Riku took off the grappling hook and hid it behind the hedges. The two agents emerged from the hedges and ran behind the big fountain.
"Mariko how many is there?"
"Four, one on the steps to your left and right, the other two guarding the back door."
"Can you get the two standing on the door?"
"Haruna I'll take the one on the right you go the one on the left."
"Ok, on my"
On three Riku and Kai ran towards their target and quickly disposed of them. As for Mariko, she calculated  on how strong the wind is blowing and positioned her weapon. She waited for Minami's count. When it hit three, she pulled the trigger, not even bothering to look if the bullet hit his target. She slightly moved her sniper and pulled the trigger again, the second bullet fired about three seconds after the first one. She watched as the bullets hit their target perfectly, headshots on the middle of their forehead. The two yakuza never saw it coming and dropped on the ground. The small agent whistled, "Nice."
Kai and Riku drag the bodies out of sight and continued further in.
The two agents fixed their clothing and looked around the place. The place is huge, a big chandelier hang high in the middle of the room, the furniture were all antiques.
"So where do we start?" asked Kai while looking around.
"Just walk around?"
"I guess."

The two agent looked around the huge mansion, opening every door that they encountered. They just nodded at the other members that they passed. The clueless yakuza didn't suspect a thing since everyone really don't know everyone.
"How stupid are they?" whispered Riku to Kai. Kai softly laughed, "'s easier this way."
"You two, someone just pulled in front of the house and it seems...the boss is meeting her."
"Eh, who?"
"I don't know...never saw her before. Seems tall though, long hair, wearing white clothes. That's all I can say."
"I see."
"They're going inside the house."
The two knew they have to avoid seeing the boss since they'll be in trouble. However curiosity filled  Kai's interest. She slowly went to the living room and hid behind a big plant. Riku convinced her that they should go but Kai eyes were glued to the woman.
"Isn't that Ray?" mumbled Kai in shock.
"Eh? What? Now way..." said Riku and also took a glance and she gasped. It was indeed Ray. They were to stunned that the to agents didn't notice footsteps behind them until they heard a voice.
"Who are you? You aren't from here."
Kai and Riku cursed silently, they looked at the man in front of them, his hand on his gun, ready to pull it out any second.
"We...uhh..." said Kai and averted her eyes, the two slowly stepping back that they were now in the view of the boss. The boss looked at the man that had his gun out and raised his eyebrows.
"Takashi what is it?"
"Oyabun these two aren't from here...I don't recognize them."
"I guess we have to do it the hard way." whispered Kai to Riku who nodded. They were about to get their weapons but Ray's voice stopped them.
"These two are my men."
"Oh? Is that so? Then why are they there instead of being with you?" asked the boss.
"Mr. Yamaguchi, I assure you these are my men however I don't know how they ended up here but I will teach them a lesson when we are done here." said Ray and stood up from her seat. Her hands roamed around Kai's shoulder making the agent shudder.
"I see." Yamaguchi seemed satisfied and nodded at his 'son' then he put his gun away.
"So shall we go back to business?" asked Ray.
"Yes, but for us to continue, it is better for us to continue talking in my office." said Yamaguchi and started walking towards his office, his 'sons' followed behind him.
Ray nodded and followed Yamaguchi to his office, with no choice Kai and Riku also followed them since they were supposed to be 'hers.' When they open the door to office and Ray went in, a yakuza stood in their way when the two were about to enter.
"I'm afraid your 'men' has to stay outside, this talk is confidential after all." said Yamaguchi and went to his seat.
"That is fine." nodded Ray then the door closed behind her.

The three women looked at the two graves in front of them.  The two long haired woman carried a bouquet of flowers with them and set it down after a few seconds.
"C'mon let's go." said the short woman.
"A-are you sure?" The woman with the medium length hair hesitated to ask.
"We gain nothing from visiting here besides I was just curious. We need to go back to work, the sooner we find him the sooner everything goes back to normal." sighed the short woman and looked at the sky, Ah...I wonder how is she doing...'
"Why not just go to her." said the tall woman like she read the thoughts of her friend.
"You know I can't do that. The less contact we make with people the better everything ends."

Arriving at their hideout, the short woman stretched and sighed.
"Well...back to work I guess."
The other two nodded and three resumed their work. They searched for any information on the net that may lead them to the man that they're looking for.

To be continued...
yup...that's it...for this...heh.... 'till next time~  :byebye:

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So yakuza kidnapped atsuko

ehhhhhh minami and yuki .....

hahah mariko is so cute when haruna called her mari-chan ^^

I cant wait for the next chapter ^^
Love AKB

Love this Pairing
                                And more ^^

Offline kenjoy12

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FlameHazeKatsu - Right.. Hehe.. Yuko disappeared.. More like MIA while on mission..? Now i'm so curious what happened before? And especially Minami's past..

Yuki and Minamin! Oh well.. Might as well see the development of their relationship.. I want tp see jealous Acchan! Heehee :twisted:

Rescue mission! :fap So far the mission run smoothly.. Oh wait.. Ray?! I think she knows Kai and Riku.. I can smell history! :smhid

Who are the 2 persons at the cemetery? I have a feeling i know them.. :nervous Will TakaMariHaru able to rescue Acchan from yakuzas? What about Ray she's now on sight will she be a interference on the mission?

Can't wait what will happen on the next up! :fap

Thank you for the update :bow: :thumbsup
« Last Edit: June 30, 2013, 12:10:22 PM by kenjoy12 »

Offline michiyo48

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Oh dont worry! I wont kill you and I wont hate you, FlameHazeKatsu-san! Cause I love you! ;) x <3

OMG Minami and Yukirin are now in the next level... Acchan will be jealous absolutely if she knows it. I hope so.

OMG Kai and Riku again! And I'm glad that Haruna call Mariko, Mari-chan! So sweet! XD They are getting close! I'm so happy

God... Who's Ray?
and who were the women in the cemetery?

Thank you for the update! Please update soon! ;) x
« Last Edit: June 30, 2013, 05:11:04 PM by michiyo48 »
Kanon is so cute, but she's only mine! 0.o I mean my sister! ;)
I love SaeYuki, AtsuMina, JuriMayu, and MariHaru :P

You can read my first and only fanfic: What's Wrong With Love? (JuriMayu) -

Offline cisda83

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Yuki and Minami were trying out relationship

Erm...Ray was there om business... What kind?

Can Minami rescue Atsuko?

Erm...who are those three women that were visiting the two graves...?

Are they Yuko and Miichan?

Can't wait to find out what's going to happen next

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Terragen

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Conthnue please

Lovers, keep on the road you're on
Runners, until the race is run
Soldiers, you've got to soldier on
Sometimes even right is wrong

Offline DeadSouls

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Eh? Ray makes an appearance now....  :glasses: wonder what's her connection to Minami and what she does...hmm...
and who are those three people!?  :dizzy: hmmm...
So Acchan got kidnapped by the yakuza... find and rescue 'er! Minami~! (lol that's what she's doing now)  :hehehe:

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

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@Elo: hahahaha...I dunno y ok...  :sweatdrop:
@kenjoy12: not really ;p you'll see in the next chapter...I think it will be explained there...ahahaha  :nervous
lol ikr...i dunno what i was thinking about those two...  :? I was supposed to put another character with Minami but it was already too late... BUT that person will still be close...hehehehe
@michiyo48: Phew* that's good~  XD hahahaha... oh Acchan will definitely be jealous~ As for Ray and the peeps on the cemetery...I think they'll be explained and revealed on the chapter after this...  :lol:
@cisda83: lol yepp "trying"  :twisted: LOL Ray and those three on the cemetery will be explained next chapter...  :)
@Terragen: lol glad u find it interesting~  :lol: hahaha I will...
@insan: makitam damdama  8)


I actually change my plans here...  :nervous but oh well...

      Chapter 8: Rescue

Kai and Riku looked at each other as the man blocked their way. They both sighed then leaned against the wall. After a few minutes, the two started walking away.
"Hey, where do you think you’re going?" The man asked.
Kai looked at him, "Going to take a piss. Why? Want to come?"
The two agents went back to their track and sighed once they were quite far from them.
“I wonder what Ray is doing here.” said Kai and stroked her chin, “…Well I can’t care less…this is what she would call ’business’ anyways.”
“But she did save us and we didn’t have to blow our covers yet.” Riku said.
“Enough about her, we should keep searching.”
Riku nodded and the two went back to searching, opening every door that they stumbled upon. It’s a three floor mansion; they searched high and low but couldn’t find Atsuko. They went back down on the first floor and checked again, this time the two stood on the very last door. Kai took a deep breath and exhaled loudly, “Ok…last room…if she’s not here…then I don’t know.” Riku nodded and turned the knob and opened the door but no sight of Atsuko. Kai heaved a sigh and threw her arms up in frustration, “C’mon! Where did they hide her!?” Riku put her right hand on her partner’s shoulder, “Don’t get all frustrated. We could just ask you know.”
“Why didn’t we do that first? We could have just asked a random guy here and if he doesn’t say anything…we could have beaten the hell out of him.”
“I don’t know.” said Riku shrugging her shoulders.
“Shall we go then?”
“I feel sorry for whoever we’re ‘snatching’.”
The two roamed freely around the area until they heard two members talking about some woman. Kai and Riku stopped, looked at each other then listened.
“That woman that we took earlier, heard she killed Brutus.”
“No way, Brutus beaten and killed in a fight? That’s something unbelievable.”
“It’s your choice if you believe it or not.”
“Heard she tried to escape but Oga got her.”
“Yeah and I think right now they’re trying to get some information out of her.”
“Tsk…Oga and the others are lucky.”
Kai clenched her fist, she was sure they were talking about Atsuko and those two punks talking about her that way like she’s some kind of price, enraged her. The agent in disguise stepped out, rushed towards one of them and threw punch right on his face. The yakuza staggered back and touched his nose, red substance oozed from it. He wiped his nose and scowled at Kai however, she didn’t let him recover and attacked the bastard right away. She charged towards him and slammed him on the wall, throwing punches at his face. The agent lifted him up by his collar and looked at the yakuza right in the eyes, “Where. Is. She?” The man just laughed and spat the blood on Kai’s face. Losing her cool, she slammed him on the wall again and kneed him on his gut then let him go. The yakuza drop down on the ground clutching his stomach. Kai bent down, “Now, let’s ask again…Where is she?” He didn’t answer and smirked, “Probably getting fucked.” Then kept laughing like crazy. She gritted her teeth and stood up. The agent put her hands on her hips and looked up. Furious at what the man said, she gave him one strong kick right on the face making him shut up.
”Woah…did you just…kill him?” asked Riku who watched all along as she sat on the other yakuza’s back. He thought Furuichi was mad to keep laughing like that even though he was all beaten up. The yakuza’s eyes widened as he saw Furuichi got kick on the face, his laugh instantly died down. He wanted to get out of there but he couldn’t. Kai turned towards him and grinned at the yakuza, “What’s your name?”
He didn’t want to answer but he knew that if he didn’t he’d be probably next, he gulped, “T-tojo…”
“Tojo, I’ll ask nicely and you better answer wisely. AND if you don’t, you’ll experience the same thing as him.” said Kai and looked at the unmoving Furuichi, “…but for you Tojo, it’ll be much more….excruciating.”
Sweat trickled down his forehead and nodded eagerly, “I’ll tell you! I’ll tell you!”
“S-s-she’s at the underground basement at the warehouse! Not too far from here!”
“That’s why we can’t find her…another building.” Kai said.
Riku touched her earpiece, “Marichan…you heard that?”
“Yeah, I’ll be down waiting.” Mariko replied.
“Since we don’t know where that is and have no time to search for it. You, brother, are going to show us the way and don’t think of doing anything funny or else…”
Tojo nodded.
“Riku, I hate to ask but can you release him now.”
“No probs.”
Tojo stood up and started walking out, the two agents walked closely behind him.
“Wait what about that guy over there.” said Riku pointing at Furuichi.
“Leave him be…I bet the boss will be ecstatic to see it.”
“But wow…I’m surprised no one came with all that slamming on the wall thing noise.”
Kai shrugged.
The three of them got out of the mansion and walked at the driveway towards the gate; there’s ten yakuzas on standby. When the three of them reached the gate, Tojo ducked and shouted, “Shoot them!”
The two of them cursed and immediately took out their gun. They ran behind a tree for cover and when they peeked, three were already down on the ground. “Thanks~” said Kai and Riku in unison to Mariko.
“Got your back.”
The two of them returned fire, Kai’s current target hid behind the car. Riku only manage to shoot one right on the head. One more fell on the ground by Mariko’s shot. After a few minutes of shooting at each other, three were down and only two were left.
“Marichan can you get them?”
“Sorry no, they’re near the door and can’t see them.”
“I see…we’ll take care of them then.”
Kai and Riku patiently waited for them to come out and after a few seconds, they did but before the two men could shoot, the two agents already shot them down.  Riku turned her back against them and angrily walked towards Tojo. Kai glanced back and saw one of the fallen men lift his gun, ready to fire at Riku. Reflex took over her and quickly shot him on the head. Riku looked back and saw the man’s head fall on the ground. Eh?”
Kai sighed, “That was close.”
“Thanks for that.”
“No problem.”
The two made their way towards Tojo with a murderous aura and cracked their knuckles. Riku picked him up on the ground and raised him in the air. His feet swung back and forth, struggling to get free from Riku’s grip but she held him tightly. After a while Riku dropped him on the ground.
“Didn’t you hear what I said earlier?” Kai asked, glaring at Tojo. He only squirmed.
“Can we shoot him? He almost got us killed.” Riku said.
“I guess…we can…”
“Wait no! If you do then no one will show you to where she is.” Tojo said.
“We could just contact out HQ and ask.” said Kai and raised her gun, pointing it at the yakuza.
“Hey you two…stop fooling around.” said Mariko showing up.
“We got carried away.” said Kai then drag Tojo with her on the car.
After five minutes, they finally reached their destination. The three of them plus the yakuza guy got out of the car and made their way in the warehouse
There were to men guarding the entrance however when they saw Tojo with Kai and Riku, they didn’t question them. When the two were near they knocked the two guards out. Afterwards Mariko followed them but still hid herself, just for extra-precaution. 

Tojo guided the agents to where Atsuko is and once they were in front of the door, Kai smacked Tojo behind his head. Kai looked at Riku then nodded. Riku kicked the door open and Kai went in first followed by Riku and Mariko.
“Minami!” Atsuko shouted then added, “Mariko! Haruna!”
The three yakuza turned around. Oga tsked and nodded at the other two, “Hayato, Takeshi take care of them.” They nodded and grinned at the agents, “Sorry but this is your unlucky day.”
“Let’s see about that.” said Mariko.
Mariko and Hayato faced each other leaving Riku and Takeshi to face against each other.
Hayato run towards Mariko and threw a punch: left, right, left, right however Mariko easily dodged them as she took a step back each time. He still kept going and when he knew that he won’t probably land a hit by doing that, he lifted his left knee, spun himself counter clockwise but before completing it, he put his left back down and kicked with his right leg getting Mariko on her left ribs.The attack happened so quick that Mariko wasn't able to block. She staggered to her right, still she grinned and looked at the yakuza, "Not bad."Hayato didn't say anything and attacked. The agent dodge them, then when she saw an opening. She gave a high kick to his left ribs also. "You can call that payback and this one...well is my attack." said Mariko and kicked him on the chest, sending him flying towards Takeshi.
"He's my opponent you know." said Riku, turning to look at the older woman.
"Gomen...I didn't know he would fly towards your opponent." Mariko grinned.
"Oh, don't fight over us now." Hayato smirked.
"Who said we are." Mariko said.
"It seemed like it." He said and started running towards Mariko however Riku stuck out her foot and Hayato tripped. Mariko burst out laughing, Riku smiled to herself pleased. He got up and glared at Riku, he's about to go get him but Mariko stepped in, "I'm your opponent you know."
"Enough with this!" shouted Oga and drew his gun and went behind Atsuko, automatically the three agents did the same, along with the other two yakuzas.
“Drop your guns or else she dies.” Oga said.
“If we do, you can just shoot us.” Mariko said.
“Just drop it.”
The three agents didn’t. All of them stared at each other, guns pointed at each other, sweat trickled down there forehead.
“Shoot them! Don’t worry about me!” Astuko yelled.
“Shut up, nowd drop your guns or she dies.” said Oga and pointed the gun at the agent’s head.
Kai looked at the others and slightly nodded.
“No way in hell.” said Kai and pointed her gun at Astuko’s left shoulder then pulled the trigger; the bullet travelled through Atsuko’s shoulder and hit the yakuza. Having a clear shot at Oga, Kai shot him at his chest.

When Kai shot her weapon, Takeshi was fast enough to pull the trigger and it hit Riku, however for her she had enough time to shoot before the bullet pierced in her chest. Mariko heard a thud close to her, she thought it was Hayato but the yakuza is already on the floor. Turning her head to see how Riku’s doing, her eyes widened as she saw Riku on the floor, blood oozing out of her stomach.
“Haruna!” She shouted and run towards the fallen woman.
“Ah…what’s this?” said Haruna, putting her right arm to where the blood is flowing, “…I feel something warm.” Lifting her hands so she could see she softly laughed, “…Of course…I got shot…I didn’t even feel a thing.” Now, blood started coming out from her mouth. She coughed.
“Haruna don’t talk.” said Mariko and slid her jacket off her. With her jacket folded, she pressed it against the fallen woman’s chest to put pressure, trying to stop the bleeding.
“Hmmm…am…I…dying?” said Haruna in a sarcastic tone.
“No you’re not going to die. You’ll live.”
Haruna smiled the mumbled, “…with this…maybe I can go see…Yuko.”
Mariko heard what Haruna said and she didn’t know what to say. Her heart ached, seeing the woman she loved thinking about death and to add to Haruna wouldn’t regret dying so she could be with Yuko.
Sometimes, she would wondered…what Haruna thinks about her.
“No…” Mariko mumbled, “…no…I still need you here.” Without thinking she leaned down and pressed her lips against Haruna’s. It was a few seconds later that she registered what she has done. Pulling away, she could see that Haruna was surprised, her eyes said so. The older woman blushed, “I…I…I’m sorry…”
However before Haruna could say anything, the younger woman’s eyes were already closed.

Haruna wasn’t regretting anything. She almost felt happy, glad that she’ll be able to see Yuko again but at the same time it felt like she shouldn’t go yet. Like someone needed her. Then she heard Mariko saying something. She couldn’t hear clearly what the older woman is saying however the only thing that she had gotten was ‘you here’. The fallen woman was about to ask but in the next second, she felt something warm against her lips. It has been a few months since she was kissed by someone and it felt different.
‘Huh?’ She thought, ‘What?’
After a few seconds, she could hear Mariko apologizing but before anything else could happen, darkness took over her.

Minami quickly ran over to Atsuko when she saw the young woman is about to drop on the ground. Catching Atsuko in her arms, she helped her sit on the floor. The blood on Atsuko’s shoulder oozed down on her skin. To begin with her top is gone and she’s left topless. Minami blushed seeing Atsuko topless, even though she had seen a lot of women topless. Right now, it’s different. Taking off her jacket she put it over Atsuko, “You can have this.”
“Thanks.” said Atsuko and winced when the jacket hit her left shoulder.
“Sorry, wait…are you ok? Why am I even asking…Of course you aren’t.” said Minami and then she started unbuttoning her white polo shirt.
“What are you doing?” Atsuko asked.
“Taking my shirt off? …So I can try to slow down the bleeding on your shoulder?” replied Minami then she smirked, “…If you’re worried about me being naked…don’t worry I’m wearing a tank top.”
“I’m not worried about that!” half-yelled Atsuko but her face did turn red.
Minami smiled then with her shirt off, she quickly tied it on Atsuko’s shoulder. Even if it won’t stop the bleeding, it should at least slow it down. She was puzzled on why suddenly her shirt seemed red but she ignored the thoughts quickly and just thought of it as Atsuko’s blood. After that was done, Atsuko tried to stand up but she ended up staggering.
“Hey you shouldn’t move.” said Minami and helped Atsuko.
“No I can move.” Atsuko replied stubbornly.
“Sit down will you.” Minami sighed. Atsuko slowly sank on the ground. When Atsuko’s finally sitting down, Minami touched the younger woman’s cheek then she moving closer. Atsuko’s heart started to beat faster. The younger woman is thinking that she’s going to get kiss but instead Minami just rested her forehead against Atsuko’s and shut her eyes, she inhaled long and slow, as if weighed down by an invisible force. Breathing out, she slowly opened her eyes and looked deeply into the other woman’s eyes, “Gomenasai.” Then suddenly Minami felt her vision go blurry and felt herself falling back. She heard Atsuko calling for her but it seemed like her energy is all gone. She could feel her consciousness slipping away.


Minami opened her eyes to see two familiar faced hovering in front of her.
“Atsuko…? Yuki...? What are you doing here?” Minami asked trying to sit up. Atsuko was about to stop her but Yuki beat her to it.
“You shouldn’t get up…and it seems you got shot.” Yuki answered.
“I see…I don’t even remember getting shot…and whe- wait, what are you doing here Yuki?”
“I heard that you’re in the hospital so I rushed over here, why? You don’t want me here?” Yuki pouted.
“Eh…Ah no…it’s just…” Minami quickly glance to look at Atsuko. Atsuko seemed confuse… no it wasn’t confusion, she had the look of anger and… jealousy?
“I’m glad you’re ok though.” said Yuki and kissed Minami on the lips. Minami didn’t close her eyes, she took another look at the other who haven’t spoken. Atsuko, now, showed no emotion, she met Minami’s eyes and quickly turned away then headed out the door. When Minami met Atsuko’s eyes, she saw…betrayal. The small woman wanted to call out but she couldn’t. Few seconds later Yuki pulled away then looked around, “Wait…where’s the other woman here?”
“I…don’t know.” answered Minami then she tried to sit up again but the pain in her stomach stopped her.
“Mou~ I told you early don’t get up.”
“But how did you end up getting shot?”
“When…I was on a…mission.”
“So it’s Shintaro’s fault.”
“Huh? Shintaro?”
“Wait, you don’t know him?”
“You work for him and yet you don’t know his name.”
“N-no…he never told us, I thought his name should be anonymous…so we never asked.”
“Ah…yeah…I forgot about that.”
“You forgot about it?”
“I never told you, did I? Well… Shintaro is my uncle.”
“Whaaaaat!?” Minami shouted, forgetting about her injury, she quickly sat up, “Itaaaaai!”
“Why are you so surprise?”
“I…just never expected it to be…so I guess that’s why he chose you.”
“You could say that. Ah see now you’re wounds are re-opening, wait I’ll go call the doctor.” said Yuki and went out of the room.


Atsuko stormed off the room, feeling angry at the short woman. She didn’t know why but she was just. When she saw the other woman kiss Minami, she felt jealous and anger towards the small woman. As much as she tried to deny it before, she did find herself attracted to the short woman. ‘So what was all those ‘little things’ before that Minami did, didn’t she try to flirt with me?’ the woman thought in her head. Couldn’t take it anymore, she let out an audible scream of frustration. “Minami you baka! To think that you were interested in me! Wait…wait…what? Did…I…just…say…that? If I’m thinking this way…does this really mean?” Atsuko stopped and faced the wall, an image of Minami appearing in front of her then after a few seconds she punched the wall with her right hand.


Haruna woke up, the brightness of the lights were the first thing she saw, and she turned her head on her right and saw that it was completely dark. A figure also stood close to her, “It seems you’re awake.”
Haruna’s heart pounded hearing the similar voice, she turned her head and looked at the figure standing beside her. Tears slowly building up in her eyes, “Y-Yuko?”
‘Yuko’ smiled.
“Am I dead now? Is this why I can see you?”
‘Yuko’ chuckled, “No…you’re alive.”
“Are you really here or am I just dreaming.”
“That depends on what you believe.”
“I…don’t care as long as you’re here with me. Yuko…I missed you so much.”
“Same here…Nyan-Nyan…” said ‘Yuko’ and leaned down to kiss Haruna on the forehead.
“Will you stay here with me?”
“You’ll be here right?”
“I’ll always be close.”
Haruna nodded then after she drifted back to sleep.


The brightness of the sun woke up Haruna up. She looked to her right where ‘Yuko’ stood before but to her disappoint, ‘Yuko’ wasn’t there. Thinking about that conversation, ‘Yuko’ told her that she’ll stay, thinking about it maybe it was just a dream after all, however it was too real to be a dream. Still, if it wasn’t a dream why wouldn’t be ‘Yuko’ there with her? She sighed. Looking over to her left, she saw Mariko sleeping. Seeing Mariko, the scene that happened replayed clearly in her head however she had doubts about it. ‘It must be a dream right? Why…would Mariko kiss me?’ She thought to herself and touched her lips, ‘…Yeah…it was probably a dream…but weird…why would I dream of Mariko kissing me?’ Her head were all filled with questions, all about Yuko and Mariko.


Ray walked on the empty hallway, finding the right room, she slid the door open and went in.
“Ray…what are you doing here?” asked the person, who watched her enter.
“Not happy to see me? Even though I save you earlier?” Ray pouted.
“I’m thankful for that, but you’re not answering my question.”
“I’m here to visit you~ what else? Am I not allowed to visit the person that I love?”
“Like I told you before, we’re over.”
“Takahashi Minami…like I told you before, there is no such thing as ‘we’re over’ in my dictionary.”
“I already have a girlfriend now.” Minami shrugged.
“Kashiwagi Yuki?” Ray grinned.
“How’d you know? Wait, why am I even asking, don’t answer that.”
“So who cares if you have a girlfriend? I still like you. It’s so easy to kill someone you know.”
“Don’t you even dare doing that.”
“I’m just joking.”
Minami rolled her eyes, “How did you even find me?”
“Duh…I have my sources.”
“Should’ve known.”
“Well…I need to go, I have a job after this. It’s really nice seeing you again and I’ll be here and there.”
“Finally.” Minami mumbled.
“Did you say something?”
“No, nothing. Now leave.”
“If I didn’t have a job, I would probably be staying here.”
“Thank you job, you save me.” She mumbled.
Ray just smirked and when Minami was off guard, she leaned in and kissed Minami on the lips. She lightly laughed leaving Minami agape. As she walked towards the door she waved her hand, “Ciao~”

To be continued...

ugh short...  :nervous but  i dunno else what to add since the next chapter will be about their past maybe...hahahaha
ja~  :byebye:

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*goes out of comfort zone*  :mon suspect:
Whaaa! 3 girls and 1 "boy"!!!  :mon spit:
I dislike Taka being player!!  :angry1:
Need more Atsumina moments!!!  :tantrum:
Please update!! :tantrum: :tantrum:
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Kami-oshi: -----
AKB oshi: Okada Nana, Kizaki Yuria, Yamada Nanami,
Mogi Shinobu
SKE oshi: Takayanagi Akane, Tani Marika, Matsumura Kaori,
Oba Mina
NMB oshi: Jo Eriko, Yamamoto Sayaka
HKT oshi: Murashige Anna, Sashihara Rino, Yamashita Emiri,
Kojina Yui
NGT oshi: Kitahara Rie, Ogino Yuka
Graduated member: Oshima Mai, Ohori Megumi, Shawako Hata,
Ogiso Shiori, Fukumoto Aina, Akimoto Sayaka (original kami-oshi),
Furukawa Airi, Yamada Nana, Kadowaki Kanako,
Takahashi Minami (2nd kami-oshi), Oya Masana, Kinoshita Momoka

Offline arrow27

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Thanks for the update! Intense chapter! Glad they were able to save Atsuko but many of them got hurt in the process, though managed to come out alive! :D
Sweet moment b/w Mariharu and Kojiyuu T_T I'm missing Yuko already!! But glad Haruna was okay! :)
& wow, Minami was so focused on the mission, she didn't realize she was shot, glad she was okay too! Seems like she's finally conflicted about her feelings to Atsuko. Clearly she doesn't seem to like Ray, so it's down b/w Yuki and Atsuko. Clearly she loves Atsuko, but Yuki is really sweet too!

Can't wait to find out what happens next!

Offline michiyo48

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Whooa an update! Kinda shorter than before but thats okay though! Its always interesting! :D

Aww.. MariHaru!! <3 So sweet! Finally, Mariko could say that she needs Haruna XD but its sad because Haruna thought it was a dream ( " ; _ ; )

I'm so glad that Atsuko could be saved! Yeay! Uhm when did Takamina get shouted? :O She didnt realize it. But nice she was okay! And wow Takamina was kissed by 2 girls; Yukirin and Ray XD Lol Acchan was jealous haha

Thanks for the update! :)

Kanon is so cute, but she's only mine! 0.o I mean my sister! ;)
I love SaeYuki, AtsuMina, JuriMayu, and MariHaru :P

You can read my first and only fanfic: What's Wrong With Love? (JuriMayu) -

Offline yanouchi

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Owh i missed comment on previous chapter, but i wanna do it anyway...XD

Haruna call Mariko's nickname that makes Mariko hugging her and Haruna return her hug....kyaa!!!

Mariko, controll yourself XD. Some of Mariko's act towards Haruna always remind her of Yuko...

Mariko the sniper...cho mecha kakkoi!

Chapter 8

Haruna been shot! And MariHaru first kiss! first the hug then the kiss, well
Haruna thought it just a dream...But its kinda sad for Mariko
to hear that from Haruna...I hope this will slowly change everything for Haruna
since we know that Mariko already falling in love with her and Haruna
still in process accepting Mariko....

Can't wait for the next update...thanks Flame-san!!
« Last Edit: July 08, 2013, 06:24:39 PM by yanouchi »

Offline DeadSouls

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  • Atsumina! ♥
Minami got shot!? eh? where...but awww...she went to tend Atsuko even though she was...  :inlove:
Mariko...going over to Haruna...kyaa...she kissed her!  :inlove: but Haruna thinks it's a dream...and also the one with Yuko...also a dream?
Ah....Atsuko getting jealous now... ooooooh~ XD
Ray's also showing and kissing Minami....  :twisted: lol wow...
cuz update!  :thumbsup

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

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  • Atsumina~! ♥ forever <3
@correnereyes: lol the lurker comments~  :glasses: It'll start very soon...patience....  :on lol:
@arrow27: They are injury prone LOL'll see.... ;p As for Ray'll see...all I can say is "you will see..." hahahaha  XD
@:michiyo48: Thank you~  :) and yep finally right? and if u notice Haruna's always in those state when Mariko do/tells her something...poor Mariko...
@yanouchi: LOL, we already talked so I don't know what to say anymore lololol ;p and for this chapter don't get disappointed...  :banghead:
@insan: Makitam~  :lol:
Thanks for reading~~  XD

Hmmm...the sub-title says it all~ XD

      Chapter 9: Their Past

It's been several months ever since they escaped from their ‘death sentence’. If it wasn't for the medium haired woman, they would've been a goner for sure. The two owed their life from her. They tried to avoid going out of the public as much since they’re supposed to be ‘dead’. It would be dangerous if someone would recognize them.  During their last mission, they think it was a set up. When Shintaro told the two their mission, it sounded easy (to them). They were told to go and infiltrate a government base to get data that their organization needed. When they got their mission, it was talked over the phone. Shintaro rarely does it, usually Shintaro would call them to his office and brief the agents their mission but when he’s away for business it would be always in a phone call with a secure line.

“Don’t you think that the mission is too easy?” Miichan asked Yuko.
“Is it?” Yuko asked her partner. The two were already in front of the building. Security guards were all over the place. Yuko shook her head and sighed, “Is this what you would call easy? Look there’s a lot of those damn guards. Ah…I just want to go home and see my Nyan-Nyan.”
“Oi, focus on the mission. After we’re done then you can do whatever you want.”
The two stealthily made their way at the back of the building, avoiding being seen the security guards. Miichan watched for the guards as Yuko worked with the grappling gun. The short woman climbed up the wall and stopped in front of the vent. Taking out a screw driver, she unscrewed the four screws on each corner. She grinned and complimented herself for the good work, putting the screw driver in her pocket, she went in the vent however when she did the screw driver fell from her pocket. Since the night was quiet, the screw driver dropping on the ground made a noise. Miichan cursed as she saw one security guard heading their way. On a haste, she grabbed the fallen screw driver on the ground and grab the rope. The woman quickly climbed up the wall and went in the vent. She look down and saw the light of the security’s guard flashlight. As quick as she could, she unhooked the grappling gun and gave it to Yuko. The security guard was now on sight. He looked around with his flashlight. Miichan took the vent cover carefully and slowly put the vent cover back. The security guard saw nothing on the ground and frowned. Slowly, he directed his flashlight up and looked up. Just when the light hit the vent, it was the same time that Miichan successfully put the cover on. She heaved a sigh and wiped the sweat off her head. The woman looked at Yuko and handed her the screw driver. Yuko took it and apologized, “Gomen.”
“We’re safe…anyways let’s go.”
Yuko nodded and led the way. The two agents crawled in the vent quietly. Miichan looked at her electric gadget, “Yuko stop, there’re lasers up ahead.”
“Ok, can you deactivate them?”
“Hmm…I’ll try, give me a two minutes.”
“Umm…Miichan…I don’t think we have two minutes.” Yuko informed her partner as she saw five rows of red lasers move towards them. She saw a small rat go towards the lasers and as soon as the lasers hit the rat. The small rat got sliced into pieces. Yuko’s eyes widened, “Miichan back! Back! Go back!”
Miichan didn’t know what was happening since she was focused on deactivating the system but she nodded and kept backing up while still on her electric gadget working. Then the two hit a dead end, where they came in.
“Miichan…we need to go back more…it’s coming closer.”
“I can’t, this is the farthest we can back up.”
“Then, are you close to deactivating it?”
“Almost.” Miichan replied, her fingers working fast, hacking into the government’s system.
“Ummm…Miichan…it’s really closing in.”
“Don’t rush me, this is harder than it looks.”
“It’ll be here in…I think…ten seconds.” Yuko gulped, “Nine...eight…seven…umm….Miichan? Tell me you’re done… I don’t want to be reduced to pieces.”
“ONE! ONE! ONE!” Yuko yelled as she the laser touch her pants and it burned, a smoke rising up.
“Done!” Miichan grinned.
“Miichan you are awesome.” Yuko said to Miichan, then heaved a sigh.
“I know.” Miichan laughed, “…Shall we continue?”
“Let me calm down a bit.” Yuko said her right hand placed on her chest.
The two agents continued without any troubles. After a few minutes, they finally found the room and lifted up the vent cover. Soon the two woman dropped down from the vent. Miichan didn’t waste any second and went directly to the computer. Figuring the log in and the password and when it was finished loading she laughed, “What the heck?”
“What?” Yuko asked, coming over to see what was Miichan laughing about. The desktop picture was a cute picture of two dogs.
“That’s cute.” Yuko remarked.
“I can’t believe someone from the government military personnel has such a cute picture as this on his desktop. If you think of them wouldn’t it be more of a muscular things or whatever.”
“Anyways…stop looking at the picture and just get what we need to have.”
“Fine.” Miichan said and searched for the necessary folder that they needed. After a few seconds, she found it and put it in a USB device and deleted the file on the computer like what their boss instructed. Removing the USB stick, she safely put it in her pocket and nodded at Yuko, “Ok, we’re all finish.”
“Well…this is fairly easy.”
“Right, tell me again, who was the one who kept saying, ‘are you done yet’?” Miichan grinned.
“I wasn’t worried at all, I knew you were going to finish on time.”
Miichan just laughed, “So the door or back up to the vent?”
“Door.” Yuko answered in a heartbeat.
Miichan nodded and the two soon stepped out the door. When they were walking on pass a room full of computers, Yuko knew something was wrong and there was. The lights suddenly turned on, a lot of police officers and an FBI agent surrounded them with their guns aimed at the two.
“Shit.” Yuko cursed and grab Miichan by the shirt then pulled her down on the ground.
 “Put your hands were I can see them!” The FBI agents yelled to them.
“We were set up.” Yuko mumbled.
“So how will we deal with this?” Miichan asked.
“There’s a window there, big enough for a person to fit.” Yuko said pointing at the window on their right.
“Are you crazy!? We’re at least twenty feet high up the ground.”
“We can make it…I think.”
“You think?”
“Yeah, we’ll get out…I still have my Nyan-Nyan waiting for me.”
“Ok, I’ll trust you on this.”
“Mou ii?”
“Last warning! If you don’t get up and surrender yourselves, we have no choice but to fire!” The FBI said to them.
Yuko and Miichan got up their hands behind their head.
“Move your hands so we can see them.” The FBI agent commanded again.
Yuko and Miichan simultaneously slowly moved their hands but when Yuko’s hands were on view she dropped a smoke bomb. As soon as it hit the ground Miichan and Yuko moved. When they were on the window Yuko threw two flash bangs. Miichan got the grappling gun and aimed at the electric post. With the hook wrapped around the pole, Miichan secured the grappling gun on the window so it wouldn’t move when they go or else they’ll be falling. With it done, Miichan took her jacket off and used it to go across down the rope, same with Yuko following her closely behind. However with the two agents up high up, the ground were surrounded by police and some tried to shoot at them. Luckily they were close, only about five feet off the ground but with that Yuko got shot on her right shoulder. She lost her grip and fell on the ground. Miichan jumped off and quick went over to Yuko, the officers not too far away from them. “Damn it.” Miichan cursed and helped Yuko on her feet. “You okay?” Miichan asked her. Yuko nodded, “It’s only on the shoulder, I’m fine.” Miichan took out a small knife and ripped a piece of her jacket and wrapped it around Yuko’s wounded arm.
“The car is parked on the other side of the building and I think they probably are there already.”
“Tsk…There are too many of them, I don’t think we can fight them. Is this it? Are we done?”
“There should be another way.”
“Like what? If we run right now, they’ll catch up to us, probably even shot us down.” Yuko said and looked at her friend, “I’m not ready to die yet. I’m scared to die.”
Miichan looked at her friend with surprise, taken back to what her friend said.
 “Yuko…what are you saying? Are you saying you’re giving up? That’s not you. You’re always lively, never really showing fear, when we’re on a pinch you would always think of a something to do so we could escape, but what is this? You’re doubting yourself, what about Haruna? Didn’t you say you had a big plan after this!?”
“I…b-but…look at the situation we’re in, how the hell can we escape!? Police are here and a lot of them! I don’t even know why the hell there’s an FBI agents working with them. If we get arrested we still die since remember our organization code rules, ‘if we get arrested or some kind of mess, they will kill us, an agents from our own organization.”
Miichan looked and saw that the officers were getting close, “Screw that, c’mon we have to try and go.”
Miichan hurled Yuko on her feet, looking back to see how far the officers are. They were closing in. The two agents started running with the officers chasing after them. After a few minutes of running Yuko started to slow down, she was still losing blood even with the clothing wrapped around her shoulder. Eventually she fell on the ground, panting, her left hand clutching her right shoulder. Miichan stopped and went back to the fallen Yuko, “Hey, Yuko get up, they’re really starting to get close.”
“I can’t, I’m losing my energy, you go ahead and I’ll catch up.”
“Hah, no! What are you talking about? You’ll catch up? As if, look at your condition.”
“You’re really persistent.” Yuko laughed.
“C’mon, get up.” Miichan said and helped Yuko get up.
Not long after the officers caught up with the two, “Stop!”
Miichan groaned and cursed.
“Is this is for us then?” Yuko lightly laughed.
Just then they saw a car’s light coming close to them. The car screeched to a stop beside the two agents, blocking the two from the police’s view. “Get in.” the driver said as she opened the door. With no much choice, Miichan shoved Yuko in the car and close the door. The car sped off, the police shouting after them and shot at the escaping car. They weren’t still safe since police cars chased after the Camaro. The driver looked at her rear view mirror and sighed, “Ok…cops really are annoying.”
“Who are you?” Miichan asked.
“That doesn’t really matter right now. Right now we have to get those cops off our back.” The mysterious driver said and made a sharp turn to the left. The police that was chasing after them tried to turn left but they were unsuccessful and instead three police cars crashed into one another.
“Baaaaaka~” The driver grinned. However there were still a few cops on their tail.
After a few minutes of chasing and police crashing after another, they finally got away, more like they hid themselves and the police passed by. The driver of the Camaro parked the car in a big warehouse, the police didn’t see the car go in there since to them the car disappeared after turning on a right corner. The driver got out of the car and said, “You should get your friend, we need to get that bullet out of her shoulder.” Miichan nodded and helped Yuko out of the car.
The warehouse was actually a good place, a few feet away from the car, it’s just like a living room of a house, with chairs, sofa, table, tv, etc.
“Set her down on the couch.” The woman instructed. Miichan did on what she was told.
“So who are you?” Miichan asked the mysterious woman again.
“Watanabe Mayu.”
“How can I know that you can be trusted?”
“Hmm…you don’t” Mayu grinned, “…anyways we have to remove the bullet, I’ll just go get the tools.” After a few minutes Mayu returned and with scalpel, forceps, thread and a needle.
“You know what you’re doing right?” Miichan asked Mayu.
“Sure…I always wanted to try removing a bullet from a person’s body, the movies made it always look easy.”
“Then you can’t do it!”
“Do you want to do it instead?”
“No.” Miichan mumbled.
“Then it’s settled, I’ll do it.” Mayu said and went over to Yuko, “…can you pin her down?”
Miichan pinned down Yuko, while Mayu got to work. She got an alcohol and poured it on the wound.
“Are you sure you’re doing it right?” Miichan asked.
“It’s what I see on the movies.” Mayu replied. With it done, she pressed the scalpel into Yuko’s flesh, slicing a good length to she can take the bullet out. Yuko winced when she felt the small blade pierced her skin, sweat trickled down her face. When that was finished, Mayu got the forceps and dug it into Yuko’s shoulder for the bullet. She slowly pulled it out from Yuko’s flesh. She looked at the bullet and said, “A… .40 S&W cartridge from a Glock 22.”
“Ok stop admiring it and stitch her wounds up.” Miichan sighed.
“Right.” Mayu said, dropping the bullet on a steel container and applied a disinfectant on the wound. Yuko clenched her fist together so she wouldn’t scream. Lastly, Mayu took the thread and needle and stitched up Yuko’s wound in a running cross stitch then put a gauze to cover up the wound. Mayu heaved a sighed and went to the refrigerator taking three bottle of beers with her.
“Here.” Mayu said and tossed a bottle to Miichan and Yuko. Yuko almost missed it.
“Thanks.” Both agents said and opened up the bottle.
“No problem.”
“So you rescuing us wasn’t probably a coincidence.” Miichan said.
“You could say that.”
“So what do you want?” Yuko asked.
“I’m looking for a certain man.”
“Who?” Miichan asked.
“The one that wants the files that you two took.”
“So our boss?” Miichan said and touched her pocket wehre the USB is. When she was looking for it and transferred it on the USB, she had a small glimpse of what’s the file is.
“No.” Mayu answered and took a deep breath, “Do you know how or why the police were there?”
“Someone set you up and this man that set you up is the one I’m looking for.”
“But…the only one that knew about our mission, is our boss and our two closest friends…Minami and Haruna. Besides they wouldn’t set us up.” Miichan said.
“Still, there’s a third party involve in this. He knew about your plan and he was actually waiting for someone to get it. This proves that he has an authority with the police since what I think is that, if you two got caught, he will get the USB for himself from you.”
“Wait…so you’re telling us that there’s this person whom is involve with the police and he wanted the files?”
“But why couldn’t he get it himself?”
“When you got it, wasn’t it protected?”
Miichan nodded.
“That’s the reason, no one really can access the files except for the person that has that computer and he’s not really allowed in that facility. Your ability in hacking things made it easy for you to get it.”
“I see.”
“So any more questions?” Mayu asked.
“How’d you know where we were?” Yuko asked.
“From the police, I have chips installed in their phones from their base.”
“Smart.” Miichan said.
“But why?” Yuko asked again.
“You two can help me track down the man I’m looking for.”
“If we don’t cooperate?”
“You can walk away but that guy who wants the files will still go after you….besides don’t you want to know…how he knew that you were going to go get that files.”
Yuko shrugged and Miichan was thinking about it.
“If you do cooperate though…then we have to fake your deaths so that guy won’t look for you anymore and this means you can’t really have any communication with your family or friends since you’re supposed to be dead. When we figure out who our guy is and get him arrested then…you can freely do whatever you want. Go back to your family and friends then just explain or really do whatever you want.”
“No way…I can’t leave my family and friends thinking I’m dead especially her.” Yuko said.
“I’m in.” Miichan said. Yuko looked at her partner, “Miichan…”
“I know what you mean but…when we’re all finished with this we can return right? I want to help, I’m curious on how that guy knew about us going to get the files. If I refuse this and go back to the world, it’s like what Mayu said they will be looking for me everywhere and that would suck.”
“Gah! Fine! I’m in!” Yuko said and crossed her arms.
“Ok, I’ll make arrangements.” Mayu said and called someone on her phone. When she was finished Yuko asked, “So…who are you really? How do you know all this?”
“Hmmm… I’m a CIA.”
“EH!? You don’t look like someone from America.” Yuko half-shouted.
“That’s right, I’m Japanese but when I was small my parents had to move to America for a job and well I grew up there…then became a CIA. I was sent here by my superiors and I’ve been here for six months trying to pin-point that guy and now I finally have something.”
“That explain things.”
“So uhh…how do we do this faking our deaths?” Miichan asked, curios about how they’ll do it.
“It’s a secret but you’ll know soon.” Mayu answered and grinned.


“Tadaima.” Yuko said and closed the door to her car. Going to the ‘living room’.
“Okaeri.”Miichan said, looking up from her work to give a small greeting, “…So how is she?”
“She’s doing fine.” Yuko answered, thinking about her visit.
“Was she awake when she saw you?”
“Hmmm…kind of…but when she waked up again, she will probably think it’s only a dream.” Yuko smiled sadly.
“I see, well…don’t give up, once we get that guy then you can go back.”
“I hope. Anyways…where’s Mayu? I want to ask her something.”
“What? Did I hear my name being called?” Mayu said as she popped out from a small room and walked in the ‘living room.’
“Yeah…you know before…you said that you’ll take care of our deaths. What did you put in the coffin?”
“Oh yeah! You never told us, I’m also curious.” Miichan said.
“Wax.” Mayu answered.
“Wax?” Both agents asked in unison.
“Yeah, wax…your body, from the coffin is all made out of wax. It’s really realistic you know. You can’t even tell the difference.”
“How’d you know?”
“I was the one who confirmed it, when I had it made.”
“Why didn’t you take us with you?” Miichan asked.
“Hmmm…you two just never asked.” Mayu replied simply.


“Yuki…I’ve been wondering…but where’s Sae…I thought she’s supposed to be your ‘body guard’?” Minami asked. Yuki’s peeling apple for Minami.
“Ah…yeah…I told her not to come…sometimes I need my space.” Yuki replied and gave a piece of sliced apple to Minami.
“Oh…I see…”
A few days have passed since that incident, the two best friends have been healing. As each days passed both women have been doing great with their wounds, their energy’s been rising also. Minami also hasn’t seen Atsuko for a few days now, the last time she saw the woman was that time when she woke up. Other than that, she never saw the woman but she heard that Atsuko did go and visit Haruna. This made her wonder if Atsuko is avoiding her and why. Mariko also visited her and informed her about Haruna’s condition. It’s funny to her that both of them got hurt, seems like they do everything together. She do worry about Haruna but due to her not being allowed to get off her bed because Yuki said so, she can’t visit her best friend until she is free to go. However Mariko is there with her so her worrying eased down a bit. Then another thing crossed her mind and it’s…Ray. It happened a year ago, Minami and Haruna were assigned to go meet some people that they’ve been dealing with and kill them.

“Takahashi, Kojima for this mission Ray will be accompanying you. Also she’ll be here for a month.” Their boss said to the two agents.
“Who’s Ray?” Minami asked.
“I’m Ray.” Ray said as she walked in the room and extended her arms to both agents.
“Takahashi Minami.” Minami smiled at the tall woman and shook Ray’s arm.
“Kojima Haruna.” Haruna said and shook her hand.
“I hired Ray to work with you two.” Shintaro said.
“We can take care of it ourselves you know.” Minami said then turned to Ray, “No offence.”
“None taken.” She answered.
“I know you two can take care of it but Ray is good at what she do. She’ll be joining us for a month.”
“I see.”

The three women waited at the rendezvous spot. They were instructed to get the items and kill them since Shintaro found out that they’ve been feeding information about their organization and also been selling some weapons that they own. Like what Shintari says, ‘they’re all scumbags’. While waiting, Minami decided to ask Ray some questions.
“So Ray-san, what do you do?”
“Ray is fine and I’m a hitman.”
“A beautiful lady such as you is a hitman? Somehow…I don’t believe you.”
“Why not?” Ray smirked.
Minami turned to her partner and asked, “Don’t you agree? It’s quite unbelievable?” Haruna just sighed and rolled her eyes, “If she wasn’t, why would she be here with us.”
“I like you already.” Ray said to Haruna. Haruna simply smiled and nodded.
“Hmmm…true boss doesn’t just hire anyone.” Minami said.
“Believe me now?” Ray asked the small woman.
“Not until you show me your skill.” Minami grinned, “If you kill most of them then I’ll do anything you say and if I can kill more than you then go with me on a date.”
“A date if I lose hmmm…not bad.” Ray smirked, “…Either way is fine by me. Fine. Deal.”
“Does this mean I can just sit back and watch while you two do all the work?” Haruna smiled.
“Nope.” Minami answered.
“Too bad.”

After a few minutes of waiting, their targets finally arrived. The guy that's in charge of the operation, ordered his men to get all the box of weapons. The three women watched as each men loaded every boxes on the ship. After the last box was placed on the ship. Ray took out her Beretta and shot the guy on the back of the head that put the last box on the ship. He lay lifeless on the floor, blood oozing out from his head. Immediately, they all went for cover.
"What the fuck! What's the meaning is this!?" The guy asked.
The three women didn't answer and kept firing their SMG guns. The men couldn't fire back since the bullets didn't stop coming. Shortly, Haruna stopped and grab the bazooka. Aiming it at the big truck where some men were hiding, she fired the weapon. In a matter of seconds the truck made a big explosion. Haruna targeted the other trucks so they wouldn't be able to flee. With all the five big trucks gone, the men didn't have any choice but to fight back.

That was their first mission together. In the end Minami won by just one, however it’s still a win and of course Ray had to go on a date with the little agent. Soon after, the two hit things off and they officially went out together. At first everything hit off fine but when the relationship drag on Minami started to doubt her relationship with Ray. Minami also found out that Ray is possessive, which is something, the short woman doesn’t really like…when dating someone. That time though Minami is still a player and she still slept with other women even though she already had a girlfriend. When Ray found about the other women, she raged at Minami and went after those women that slept with Minami. Ray ‘just’ sent them a ‘warning message’. Minami found out what Ray did and well she didn’t take it positively. And so the short woman did what she think is the best and that is to break things off with Ray…besides she was ‘kind of’ losing interest. Ray took it fine when Minami told her but she still didn’t let go. Every time Minami was with someone, Ray would scare the woman off and it always succeeded. Minami found about it again and went to seek Ray, their conversation turned into a fight which ended badly. A few days letter, Ray went to Minami’s place and apologized saying she was only jealous, also she apologized however Minami didn’t take her back. With that done, their terms with each other isn’t really that bad but Minami still hold onto what Ray did and Ray still likes Minami.


‘Why would Ray be there? Of course she’s a hitman but why work with a yakuza?’ Minami thought to herself. When Minami was with Ray, she told the small woman that she hated the Yakuza. That was one of the first reason she became a hitman. That’s why Minami is puzzled on why Ray was there.
“Mi-na-mi~!” Yuki waved her hands in front of her girlfriend’s face.
Minami snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Yuki who had a worried face, “Oh…sorry…uh…were you saying something?”
“The doctor informed me that you can be released tomorrow.”
“Finally!” Minami cheered, “…I’ve been here for four days and I’m not even allowed to get out of my bed even though it doesn’t really hurt anymore. It’s just on the stomach anyways.”
“The stomach…is a big deal.”
“…” Minami changed the subject, “Say…why did you agree to build it?”
“I’m an engineer, I would always welcome any challenge whether I think if it’s possible or not.”
“But aren’t you worried on what will happen after?”
“You know what will happen right?”
“Yes, besides when I looked at the blueprint it seems like something was missing. I’m not sure what it is though or if even there’s something missing, I have to build it to see.”
“I see…so if it completely works?” Minami asked the engineer.
“I couldn’t care less, it doesn’t really involve me afterwards.”
“Even if that means…people die?”
Yuki merely shrugged, “…It’s…not my problem.”
Minami sat up, putting her right arm over to the wound; even though she’s been in the hospital for a few days the pain is still in her stomach. She looked at Yuki, and put her hands on the woman’s chin, “Hey…can you look at me?” Yuki turned and looked at Minami. The small woman’s hands clasp Yuki’s hands, “There’s something…isn’t there?”
Yuki sighed, “It’s nothing.”
“C’mon…tell me.”
“Fine.” Yuki finally agreed and heaved a sigh, “When I was a little kid, my parents were killed and no one really did something about it. They were in this business, being an agent. My father was the boss while my mother worked on the field and sometimes my father would go with her for missions. The police say it’s a suicide but I know that it’s not a suicide, my parents valued their life. They knew that being an agent means risking your life every time and they were ready for it as long as they’re on the field. That’s why I don’t believe it’s a suicide. Also…that night, I remember a voice that I don’t recognize, not my parents but a man’s voice. I’m sure that guy was the one who killed them. After they died…my uncle took over the organization and he took care of me. I tried to convince the adults, it wasn’t suicide, that I heard someone’s voice but they just ignored me. So…now…I couldn’t care less anymore, they ignored me and now I’m going to not care, like they did in the past.”
“I’m sorry.” Minami said and tightened her clasp on Yuki’s hands.
Yuki smiled, however there’s still a sad look, “It’s fine…really.”

To be continued...

Hmmm...that's where it'll end for now. Imma upload next chapter not this weekend but the next since...imma go on a lil' vacation with parents... (>_<)  :on drink:
Anyways...hope that wasn't too bad...  :depressed:
ja ne~  :byebye:

Offline Haruko

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OMG!! yuko is alive!!! pleaaaaaaaaaase tell me its gonna be kojiyuu in the end *O*....

Offline olive29

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Thanks for the update...  :bow:

Yuko is alive !!!  :panic:

What's gonna happen to MariKojiYuu??

Can't wait for the next update...

Offline cisda83

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Yuko is still alive same with Miichan...

What's going to happen next to thier relationship?

Would Yuko be with Haruna or would Haruna be with Mariko...?

In here you said it would be MariHaru fic... so I guess Haruna is going to end up with mariko...

Oh... Poor Yuki... she had a sad past

Well can't wait to find out what's going to happen next

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline kenjoy12

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Aha! I knew it that was Yuko and Miichan.. Oh well :fap

Oh Yuko went to visited Haruna.. But she thought it was just a dream..

Oho! What will happen on their relationship?

Ah.. I see.. But why was Ray on the Yakuzas' nest?

Mayu's looking for who? Shintaro? or other clients?

Aww.. Poor Yuki about her past..

Can't wait to find out! :fap

Thank you for the update :bow: :thumbsup

FlameHazeKatsu - I see you speak iloco dialect.. Agyaman nak ken ka.. :P
« Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 02:48:15 PM by kenjoy12 »

Offline 7sam14

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I was right!!!! Yuko and Miichan are Alive!!!!  XD

I wonder who that man would be.....  :huhuh

Is the man who Mayu is looking for, the same with the man who killed Yuki's Parents?  :?

Acchan is in a Jealousy Rage!!! XD
which means she likes Takamina too....  :wub:

has it already been a long time ever since the fake death of yuko and miichan? :huhuh

Can't wait to really know the answers to all these ^!!

Thanks for zee update!!! Still waiting for more!!!  :twothumbs
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