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Author Topic: Tekishu Soretomo Koibito~Enemy or Lover~(Atsumina & MariHaru) Chap. 12 [2/24/14]  (Read 43395 times)

Offline michiyo48

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  • I give thanks to all great writers! <3
Miichan and Yuko are still alive? Wow its not good!! cause it will be KojiYuu :( but I'm hoping its still MariHaru :D

lol Acchan is jealous XD hey Acchan, why dont you just say that you like Takamina? Haha

Thanks for the update! I'm looking forward for the next chapter! ^.^
Kanon is so cute, but she's only mine! 0.o I mean my sister! ;)
I love SaeYuki, AtsuMina, JuriMayu, and MariHaru :P

You can read my first and only fanfic: What's Wrong With Love? (JuriMayu) -

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

  • Pinoy Alliance {:D
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  • Atsumina~! ♥ forever <3
Haruko: LOL she is...but'll be disappointed since it will not be?  :nervous I have big plans for Yuko...  :twisted:
olive29: Yes...Yuko's alive... hehehe... and well her showing up will stir some things up...near the very end... LOL  XD
cisda83: mhmm...they both alive~  :) Oh their relationship well...some things will happen and yeah ur right it's a MariHaru pairing until the end...since it's already  :lol:
kenjoy12: Haruna will have her doubts~  XD and those will be revealed later...I yeah they will...  :lol:
:O :O :O :O :O omg~! omg~! omg~! ahahaha... *shocks~ ur the very first one that I see here that speaks it~ (aside from that cousin of mine lol) Nu ok lang ken ka, agdamag gak nu ayna ayan mu  :nervous Taga Ilocos ka ba? inbagam gamin nga "iloco" only assuming here...hehehe... tapos ada ka ba 'jay PA group? Nu ada fb mu, join ka  kadi  XD
7sam14: ahahahah good for ya  :thumbsup and that man...who knows  :P Acchan is slowly revealing her feelings~ lol and yeah I can't say how many months  :banghead: but "a few months" LOL  :lol:
michiyo48: they are but i have a good plans for and don't worry I'm still sticking to MariHaru 'till the end  XD and Acchan is such a tsundere, that's why LOL  :yep:

LOL ok, about Yuko...when I started this fiction, I really didn't have a plan for her, I just thought that she's like but when I kept thinking I was like ;o I think imma bring her back just for a few so yeah...  XD 
About this chapter I added another character lolol, it's for Acchan~   :on lol: saying that you may know who it is...   :glasses:

      Chapter 10: From Acquaintance to Friends?

Since a few days have passed, Haruna’s still on the recovery. Luckily, it was only her lungs that got hit not the heart but her wound was still critical. She still can’t leave since the doctor wants to observe her. Haruna at least need to stay in the hospital for a month. The woman also hasn’t woken up for four days. Mariko would visit the woman when she had time, hoping Haruna would finally wake up but so far she hasn’t. The doctor can’t also say for sure if she’s in a coma but she shouldn’t be.

"She's awake!" The nurse burst out as she saw Mariko come in the room. Hearing what the nurse said, the tall woman quickly walked towards Haruna.
"Marichan?" Haruna said, confused on where she is.
Mariko nodded and smiled, "I'm glad you're ok."
"W...where am I?"
"In the hospital...umm...what was the last thing you remember?"
"Ugh...only a little I guess."
"I see."
"How are you feeling?"
"A little weak but other than that I guess I'm ok."
Mariko heaved a sigh and smiled, "Yokatta."
"D-did anyone visit me?" Haruna asked the other woman.
"Not that I know of, we decided not to tell your parents since Minami said that your parents don't know you work in an organization."
"I see...well thanks for not telling them, they will just get worried." said Haruna a little disappointed. She does think she saw Yuko, even though she ruled out the possibility of Yuko actually there and just thought of it as a dream. To her it was real.
"Nothing really to thank me for."
" long have I been out?"
"You could say three days and a half."
"So umm...did we get back Atsuko?"
Mariko nodded.
"If you see Minami can you tell her to come visit me."
"Oh yeah...she's in the hospital too."
" shot on the stomach."
"That's reckless of her." Haruna laughed.
" something wrong?"
"No, nothing."
"I don't believe you."
"I was just thinking of something. Not really important."
"Ok then."
"I'll tell Minami that you want to talk to her. She's getting out tomorrow."
"Thanks and when can I leave also?"
"The doctor says the minimum is a month."
"What a month!? What about my work? I can't stay here." Haruna said and tried to move but the sharp pain in her chest stopped her, "Argh."
"That's why you need to stay here."
"Tomcohin said it's ok, so you don't need to worry about anything."
Haruna nodded, she can't argue however she's thinking about her job in the other organization. She just hopes her other boss wouldn't ask too many questions.
Mariko looked at her watch, "Ah, gomen...I have to go."
"I'll see you then."
"Yeah...see you later." Mariko said and she still stood there. It was kind of getting awkward. The tall woman turn around and walked off.
"Marichan!" Haruna called. Mariko turned around.
"Umm...thanks for always being here." Haruna shyly said, a blush creeping up in her cheeks.
Mariko smiled, "No problem." With that, the tall woman left the room...smiling.


"How are you doing?" Minami asked Haruna.
"Not bad, how about you?"
"How did you manage to get yourself get shot?"
"I could ask the same."
"We're still reckless as always?"
"I heard you're awake..." Atsuko said as she entered in the room. Her voice drifted when she saw Minami there.
"I'll visit later...seems that you two are talking."
"Wait! Atsuko!" Minami called after the younger woman but she was already out of the door.
"Umm...what was that all about?"
"I don't know."
"Don't tell me you did something?"
"I didn't."
"Then what the hell was that?"
"I'm telling you I don't know."
"Something must've happened and I’ll find it out."
"Nothing happened and good luck with that, you'll be here for a month." Minami grinned and stuck her tongue out.
"I'll beat you up so you can stay here too then."
"Good luck with that." Minami laughed, "...I'm glad you're ok though."
Haruna nodded, "So...what excuse are you going to say to the boss?"
"What about one of the most simple excuses like 'we got into a gun fight' I think he'll buy that."
"And if he doesn't?"
"He me."
"If you say so. Oh...I thought you're getting out tomorrow and so I'm wondering what you're doing here."
"When Mariko said you were awake and wanted to talk to me...I sneaked out."
"'Sneaked out'?"
"Why would you need to?"
"An order from Yuki."
"What? way. Seriously. Are you way."
Minami just grinned, "Yeah."
"Hmm…so can you tell me why Atsuko's avoiding you? How did it start?"
"Hmmm...let me think, it happened when I woke up and Yuki and Atsuko were there. Yuki kissed me...then after that she stormed off....wait...was she jealous?"
"Hmm...I thought she really doesn't like you...if you know what I mean."
"I don't know but do you think she's...jealous?"
"Why would she be?"
"True...but she's been avoiding me for no reason."
"Just go and ask her."
"Not right now."
"Oh. My. God. You're scared."
"Why would I be?"
"Because you don't want to know her answer."
"Just go talk things out since you know we're going still working together. Don't want things to be so awkward as it is."
"Fine...after I get out."
"That's the… waiting for a woman."
"Shut up."
"Still...I can't believe you’re going out with Yuki. That happened too quickly. What? Overnight?"
"For a person that just woke up after four days, seems that you have a lot of energy."
"I need to catch up...that's all."
"It's a quick talk but I have to go. I'll come tomorrow when I'm 'officially' out."
"Sure." Haruna said and added, "...don't forget to talk to her."
"I'll try not to."
"Better not."

Minami finally got released from the hospital and the first thing she did, like what she promised, is to talk to Atsuko. She walked up the stairs heading towards Atsuko's apartment. The short woman rang the doorbell, she waited for a while. A minute has passed but no one opened the door. Minami sighed, 'Maybe she's not home.' Deciding to come back later, she was about to go but the door opened.
She turn around, they look at each other for a while then after a few seconds, Minami said, "Atsuko...can we talk?" The younger woman looked hesitant for a moment but after a few seconds she agreed, "I guess...come in." Atsuko led the short woman to the living room, "Take a seat." Minami nodded and went to seat on the armchair while Atsuko went to the kitchen. After a while, Atsuko came back to the living room carrying two cups of tea.
"Thanks." Minami said as Atsuko gave her the cup. The younger woman went to take a seat on the sofa. Minami looked around, "The place looks good."
"How's the arm?"
"Good, how about you? Yours is worse than mine."
"Hanging in there." Minami lightly laughed but Atsuko didn't give any reactions which made the situation more awkward. The short woman cleared her throat, "Sorry for shooting you."
"It's fine, it was the only way."
'Kamisama koroshite.' Minami thought as she struggled to think of something to say to the other woman.
"That day...why did you storm off? And it was totally obvious you were ignoring me."
Atsuko blushed, thinking about what Mariko told her when she went to ask about it to make sure.
"D-don't I always try to ignore you."
"Well yeah but this time it seemed different."
" wasn't."
"Fine, look at my eyes and tell me that you were just ignoring me like usual." Minami said as she looked at the taller woman seriously. Just then Atsuko's cell phone started ringing. She got up and went to look whose calling, "Sorry, I need to take this." then went to the kitchen, ‘saved by the cell phone…’
Minami nodded. The short woman took a drink and sank in her seat muttering to herself, " could this get any more awkward."
A few seconds later, Minami stood up and decided to looks around the place. She picked up a frame of Atsuko with a bunch of little kids in front of a church. 'Her smile is gorgeous. I never saw her smile for me...or wait did I? I don't think so but if I did how can I forget. Hmm...most of her picture is with the kids...I wonder what she is to them.'
“What are you doing?” Atsuko asked.
“Oh just looking.” Minami answered as she set down the frame that she picked up.
“I see…well…umm…I have to go somewhere.”
“Oh…ok. I’ll talk to you another day then.”
Atsuko nodded.

The two went out the apartment, Minami waited while Atsuko locked the door. They walked down the stairs, awkwardly. ‘Why is things so awkward? I’m usually not like this.’ Minami thought to herself. Reaching the parking lot Minami watched as Atsuko got in her car and started the car. A few seconds passed, Minami waited until the younger woman would go but Atsuko didn’t step on the gas yet. Few more seconds passed then the window on the passenger side opened, “You can come if you want.”
“Won’t I be a bother?” Minami asked.
Atsuko shook her head, “Maybe they’ll like you there, c’mon hop in.”
“Hop in or I’ll change my mind.”
With that said, Minami opened the door and sat on the passenger seat.

Atsuko pulled in the parking lot, Minami look at the church dumbfounded.
“Are you coming?” Atsuko asked Minami.
“Oh…yeah.” Minami answered and got out of the car. She look one last time, ‘Why is this place seems familiar?’ After a few seconds it hit her, ‘It’s from the pictures!’

"Atsukoneechan!" The kids yelled and ran towards her as they saw the woman. Atsuko smiled and patted them.
"Ne, ne, why didn't you come and visit a few days ago." Erena asked,
"Err...umm...I had to go to work." Atsuko's said as she scratched her right side of her face.
"Did you get some bad guys?"
“Of course she did! She's the best!" Erena's brother, Shinichi said.
"Acchan who's she?" Kenta asked pointing at Minami.
"She's my friend at work."
Minami smiled at them, "I'm Minami."
"Oooh~ so you catch bad guys too." Erena asked excitedly.
Minami nodded.
"Can you even punch're so short-" Shinichi began but stopped when he felt a bizarre aura around Minami.
"What were you going to say?"  Minami said as she smiled innocently (not really).
Shinichi gulped, "Nothing."
"I thought so." Minami grinned.
"Atsukoneechan I have something to show you!" Erena said excitedly and took Atsuko's hands, dragging the woman inside. Kenta followed the two while Minami and Shinichi were left outside.
Shinichi looked at Minami, "Can you teach me a few moves?"
"How old are you?"
"Why not?"
"I don't feel like teaching a ten year old something."
"I'm ten and a half."
"Still doesn't change things."
"Teach me, onegaishimasu."
Minami rubbed her chin thinking about what she should do. She looked at the boy and sighed, "Fine."
"Yosha!" Shinichi said enthusiastically and fist pumped on the air.
"Shikashi, I'm only teaching you one move."
"If you don't want it then I'm gonna go."
"No! I'll take it!"
"Ok, so where’s a place with a good space?”
“I know a good place not too far from here.” Shinichi said and started walking.
“Where?” Minami asked following the shounen.
“It’s my favorite place to train.”
“You train yourself?” Minami asked him with surprise.
“Un…I have to protect my brothers and sisters if someone bullies them.”
“I see.”
After a few minutes’ walk away from the place, the two finally reached their destination.  It’s a good place in the woods.
“You built this?” Minami asked pointing at the wooden dummy.
He nodded.
“Not bad. Can you show me what you got then, so I know what to teach you?”
“Un.” He took a step towards the wooden dummy and showed Minami what he can do. Minami watched him. After a few seconds when he was finished, he looked at the agent, “How was that?”
“You’re pretty good. Well I think I know what to teach you, though it might be different from you do.”

Atsuko looked at the drawing that Erena gave her. She smiled, “This is nice.” Erena drew a picture of Atsuko and the others.
“I’m glad you like it! Shinichi helped me too with it.” Erena said and looked around for Shinichi but he wasn’t there, “Ah…he’s not here.”
“Maybe he’s out somewhere like always.” Atsuko said, looking around but she also noticed Minami wasn’t there, “She’s not here too.”
“Maybe Shinichi asked your friend to teach him some moves since Shinichi always want to learn a few techniques.” Kato said, “…They’ll be back later.”

“Good you go it.” Minami said as she watched him do he technique right.
Shinichi smiled and nodded, “Arigatou!”
“No problem…you have a good reason.” The agent said and sat down on the ground, leaning against a tree. Shinichi climbed up a tree and sat on the branch, swinging his legs forward and back.
Minami looked up at him, “Hey, can you tell me something.
“About Atsuko…I found a lot of photos of her with you guys…is she?”
“Yeah…Atsukoneechan grew up here. She always took care of us and when she turned sixteen she disappeared. We thought she left us but a few months later she came back and helps us with the money problems.”
“What did she tell you about her work?”
“She didn’t really say specifically but it must be something good, beating the bad guys.”
“I see…she’s special to all of you then.”
“Yep, Minamineechan.”
“Neechan?” Minami asked in surprise.
“Un…you’re a good person, so I’m deciding to trust you. Will you protect Atsukoneechan for us?”
“You showed me some cool techniques, I think you’re strong since you showed them even though you’re hurt.”
“Wha-? How’d you know?”
“You kept touching your stomach after each move that you showed me, so I figured you must have been hurt.”
“You really are a smart kid.”
Shinichi blushed, “Arigatou…”
Minami laughed, “Ok, I promise. I’ll protect Atsuko for you guys. I’ll watch over her.”
Shinichi jumped down from the tree and bowed, “Really? Arigatou gozaimasu!”
“Shinichi!” They heard someone shout.
“It seems they want you, we better go back.” Minami said and got up.

“Where did you go?” Atsuko asked Minami as the agent and Shinichi came back.
“We talked about you.” Minami grinned as she winked at the woman.
“Fine…if you won’t tell me I’ll just ask Shinichi then.” Atsuko said, she looked at Shinichi, “Shinichi, what did you really do?”
“It’s like what Minamineechan said.” Shinichi answered and gave a thumbs up at Minami.
“Fine, anyways the others wants to go swimming, so we’re going to the river.”

Reaching the river the kids immediately jumped in the river. The two women watched the kids as they sat on a huge rock. Minami glanced at Atsuko who’s smiling. The short woman smiled, “You know…you look radiant when you’re smiling like that.”
Atsuko blushed and looked away, “W-what are you s-saying.”
Minami softly laughed, “I’m just saying the truth.”
“Flattery won’t get you anywhere.”
“I wasn’t expecting to.”

Then the two went back to watching them.
"Minamineechan, look what I can do!" Shinichi said as he did a back flip as he jumped into the water.
"Oi! That's dangerous!" Minami said as she stood up.
Atsuko laughed, "Don't worry the river's deep, he likes to show off."
Minami sighed and sat back down.
"They're a good kids." Atsuko said.
"Yeah...I can tell."
"It seems like Shinichi likes you, he usually doesn't trust anyone that quick." Atsuko said, "...So tell me what did you do?"
"Well I'm glad to be in his good side and he asked me to show him some fighting style techniques so I did and I thought him only one move but it's a really good move."
"Wouldn't your wound reopen?"
" was all good." Minami answered and looked at Atsuko grinning, "You're worried about me."
"Baka, I just didn't want to bring you back to the hospital while it's supposed to be my day off."
"I'm hurt...physically and emotionally."
"Do you want me to hit you on the head to add mentally also?"
"I don't need that too. I have to refuse."  Minami grinned.
Erena showed up I'm front of the two and said, "The water's nice."
"That's the cue for we need to go in? Isn't it?" Atsuko asked Erena.
The girl nodded.
"Ok I'm coming." Atsuko said and removed her shirt and jeans leaving her with the woman with her underwear. She picked up Erena and two jumped in the water. Minami was left blushing, a gush of blood running down her nose.
'Too close! Too close! She's trying to kill me.' The small woman thought as she rest her forehead on her palm.
"What about neechan over there?" Erena asked.
"She can't."
"Why not?"
"Her injury will be infected." Shinichi answered.
Atsuko looked at him.
"What? I know things." He said innocently.

They stayed in the river for about an hour before they all got out. As for Minami she just watched even though it was tempting to go in the water but she knows better than to get an infection in her wound. As for Atsuko even though she did get a bullet wound, it's not that bad for her.  The wound isn't really exposed in the water that much.
"Here." Minami said as she extended her arm giving the younger woman her clothing when Atsuko came out of the water and dried herself.
Minami nodded and looked away. Atsuko hid a smirk. After putting on her clothes, Atsuko gathered up all the children and Minami helped also. As they walked back behind the children, Minami said, "You treasure this huh?"
"Yeah...the place where I grew up and the place where I meet there wonderful people."
"It's really nice."
"You think so? Well what about you?"
"Mhmm...and for is distant. I'm not saying we're in an awful terms but not great terms either."
"Oh I what do you treasure them?"
"That's easy...women." Minami grinned. For the first time Atsuko punched Minami on the shoulder.
"Aww...what did you do that for?" Minami asked as she rubbed her shoulders however she was happy inside.
"You're the worst." Atsuko laughed and Minami joined in. After a few moments Minami stopped and extended her right arm, “Can we be friends at least. From acquaintance to friends?"
Atsuko shook hands and nodded, "I can do that."
With the night slowly approaching, it was time to go.  The two women bid their goodbye.
"See you later!" Kato said as he waved goodbye. Atsuko nodded and waved back goodbye.
"Don't forget your promise!" Shinichi said to Minami. The short agent grinned and gave a 'V' sign, "I won't."
As the two agents walked back to Atsuko's car. The younger woman looked at Minami, "What promise?"
"It's a secret."


The two agent sat in Atsuko’s car, waiting and observing. Since Haruna’s in the hospital, Minami and Atsuko were partnered up for this mission. As for Mariko she was sent to another place to gather up information.
“I really hate waiting.” Minami sighed as she put her seat back down.
“I get you but we have to.”
“What are we here for again?”
“We got an intel saying that they may be exchanging ‘goods’, if you know what I mean.”
“The flash drive for money?”
“I bet it’s not the flash drive.” Minami grinned, putting her hands behind her head.
“You think so?”
“Why do you say so?” Atsuko eyed Minami.
Minami shrugged, “I mean…it’s too careless for them, we’re talking about a weapon that can own anything in this world. Everyone would want to get their hands on it and I’m sure there are others there that really want to get it. If someone has it, that person would ‘deliver’ it more safely and if possible more guards but not making it so obvious that they have an item with them. Also there’s the alternative which is really simple, it’s a USB and it wouldn’t really stand out. Use a student. I mean hire them you know.”
“I get your point but you never know.”
“I guess, so do you want to make a bet?”
“What will be the bet?”
“If I win…we go for drinks later.”
“Remember I'm not really good with alcohol."
"Right, I forgot about that. Why is that anyways?"
"I'm not sure myself but I guess it runs in my family. Maybe my mother or father's side."
"Hey...don't you ever want to know who your parents are, isn't it easy since of the work we do and the organization."
"Not really...but sometimes I do wish I know them, to live in a normal lives, growing up, school and such. I question it myself however the people in the orphanage are my family. I'm glad that I grew up there."
"I see."
"Yeah, so I guess there's no bet!"
"Too bad. I was sure to win."
"It's on."
“The bet? But I you said you’re no good with alcohol.”
“I’m talking about them.” Atsuko said pointing at a man carrying a suitcase.
“Oh right…I knew that.” Minami said and put the seat back up. The man sat on a bench and set the suitcase beside his feet. A few moments later another man showed up and also carried a suitcase. He sat beside the first man. There were no words exchanged. Not too long after the first man got up and picked up his suitcase but this time the suitcase he picked up is the other man’s suitcase. The second man did the same and after the two went on their separate ways. The two agents immediately got out of the car.
“I’ll go left.” Minami said and followed the man.
Atsuko nodded and went the different way.

Minami followed her guy but soon after it seemed that he noticed and so he started running. The small agent groaned and picked up her pace running after the guy. The guy bumped and shoved people out of his way as he ran forward. Then when he turned into a corner, he ran over some boxes and they fell over “Dammit.” Minami cursed as she jumped over them, “…So troublesome.” The guy turned into a wrong alley since it was a dead end for him since a galvanised fence were up ahead. He threw the suitcase over the fence and climbed it however Minami got to the guy and grab him on the back, then pinned him down on the ground, “Oh no you don’t.” She sighed, “Never once in my life have I chased someone until now and it’s a drag.”
“Atsuko, I got him, I’m going to get the suitcase.” Minami said,
“Copy that.”

She sighed, " I have to climb this." Climbing up on the and when she was on top she jumped down, landing smoothly beside the suitcase. Opening the suitcase, it was only a pile of money. Minami whistled, "Wow." She looked back up and saw that the guy's on his feet.
"I should've tied his feet." Minami mumbled to herself, "...well you chose this path, you made the wring decision, now I need to shoot you." Taking out her gun, she aimed it the fleeing man. Minami waited, waiting for the man to reach almost the outside and when he did; she was about to pull the trigger but she didn't since he suddenly drop on to the ground. Minami didn't move an inch, her gun still raised but she was surprised. At the end stood...Yuko.
"Yuko?" Minami whispered to herself, it was like she'd seen a ghost. She shut her eyes and shook her head then opened them but this time there was no one standing there. Quickly, she climbed back up with the suitcase and ran to where she thought she saw Yuko. She ignored the guy on the ground and stepped on him then looked around however the street was empty.
"Maybe it was someone else but why would they hit him." Minami said to herself, trying to figure out what just happened but it soon disappeared as she heard Atsuko's voice.
“Minami, I got him but I haven’t opened the suitcase yet, did you open it yet?”

He saw a man running towards him, by reflex he suddenly punch the man on the face. The man watched as the guy that he punched drop on the ground.
"Thank you." He heard someone say. He looked up and saw a woman, the instance he made an eye contact with the woman's eyes. His heart started beating faster. 'I found her!' He thought to himself. Composing himself, he showed his dazzling smile and said, “No problem, and if you don’t mind me asking. Why are you chasing this man?”
The woman showed her fake badge, as an agent they would always carry a badge with the just in case.
“I see, what a coincidence umm…Miss?”
“Maeda…Maeda Atsuko.”
“I’m Sato Takeru, nice to meet you…and I just said it’s a coincidence because I’m a detective.”
“Ah…is that so…umm…can you excuse me for a moment, I need to contact my partner.”
“Sure…sure…go ahead.”

“Minami, I got him but I haven’t opened the suitcase yet, did you open it yet?” Atsuko asked the other agent. When Minami didn’t answer, Atsuko said, “Minami? Hey? You there?”
“Oh umm…yeah sorry, I was just thinking about this…and yes I opened it. Where are you? I’ll go where you are.”
“Not too far from where we started chasing them.”
“Ok, I’ll be there in a minute.”
“Ok.” Atsuko said and turned back, facing Takeru, “Well, thanks for stopping him, I really didn’t want chasing this punk all over. My partner will be coming here soon so…”
Takeru nodded, “I’ll stay until your partner comes.”
“Suit yourself then.” Atsuko said.
“I will.” Takeru smiled.

A few minutes later Minami arrived with the suitcase and the guy. She was surprised to see Atsuko talking to a guy that she didn’t know. The woman looked at Atsuko and raised her eyebrows. Atsuko stood up, “Minami umm…this is…”
“I’m Sato Takeru, a detective.” Takeru said and extended his arm.
“I see…the names’ Takahashi Minami.” Minami said and shook the detective’s hands however she did it with a firm grip while looking into his eyes and smiling, Takeru gulped, a sweat dripped down from the side of his face. Then after a few second she released him. Takeru put his hand behind his back and rubbed it, ‘She’s strong for a short woman.’ He looked at Atsuko, “It was nice talking to you.”
“Same here.” Atsuko replied.
He took out something from his pocket and gave it the young woman, “Here’s my card…if you want to …talk again.” Then he blushed, “…and if you want to go out for dinner sometime.”
Atsuko took it and smiled politely, “Thanks.”
He shyly nodded and quickly walked away blushing.
“Was he flirting with you?” Minami asked the younger woman.
“Are you going to call him?” Minami asked as she gritted her teeth.
“I don’t know.” Atsuko answered, then she decided to become a little bolder, “Why? Are you jealous?”
“N-no! Why would I be jealous? I already have a girlfriend.” The short woman answered a little nervous, ‘Why the hell am I nervous and why did I stutter in the beginning?’ She asked herself, ‘Well…I did have a thing for her…but I figured it would be impossible anyways, even though I usually get who I want but this seems different…why should I care.’
“I see…” Atsuko answered. She didn’t know why, but a little disappoint washed over her.

To be continued...

man...I have trouble righting now... :err: writer's block....tsk  :frustrated: though ik what to do with the ending and such lololol, anyways last update! xD for this month~!  :kekeke:
imma go for a vacation without parents~ yay~ having lots of vacation lolol  :farofflook: hopefully I think of some ideas while I'm there and maybe the next chapter will focus about Mariko and Haruna... :hehehe:
Well, I hope you have the patience to wait... sorry for the delay (>_<)  :kneelbow:


Offline cisda83

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Ah... Minami was so jealous but she didn't dare to confess

What's going to happen next chapter?

Can't wait

Thank you for the update

:twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline kenjoy12

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FlameHazeKatsu - Me too.. You surprised me when you spoke iloco.. :shocked  Ah kasjay.. Taga Ilocos ka.. Ahmm Anya parte iti Ilocos?.  Taga La Union gak ditoy San Fernando.. Hehehe.. Wun adda fb'k.. 'PA group'? Anya group ajay? :? And oh btw i'm not really fluent in speaking of Iloco but i understand it.. Even though i grew up here (SFC,LU) :nervous Sorry, my iloco is really lame.. Kababain met :banghead: Nakakahiya trying hard, Pasensya naman daw.. Gomennasai~♪ :bow: Heehee :oops:

Minami just saw Yuko! But she was unsure about it.. Man! :banghead:

Oh La Laaa~♪ Minami jealous about the appearance of Sato Takeru.. Hehe :oops:

Looking forward for more :fap

Thank you for your hard work and update :kneelbow: :twothumbs

Offline arrow27

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Loved the update!!! Really great chapter! Liked the development in Minami and Atsuko's relationship, glad they're at least friends now :3 & it was sweet when the two of them visited and played with the kids :D

Glad Haruna is okay as well!!!!!! But wow, Yuko is alive :O Minami's going to keep wondering if what she saw was right or not. If so, I'm gladd Yuuchan is here~

Looking forward to the next chapter :)

Offline Haruko

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U_U sorry my kojiyuu´s feelings are stronger.. it gonna sound rude but I prefer yuuchan died. and mariharu be together than yuuchan alive -_____-

BUT its ok you story its good enough to make forget a little about kojiyuu

OMG!! atsumina.. yeah!! step by step they gonna be together..

Offline michiyo48

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Woaaah an update! Yeay!!

Minami and Atsuko in a mission together.. There's a new character huhu Minami was jealous lol but then she made Atsuko jealous too by saying that she had a girlfriend already :D poor Atsuko!

I wonder.. Actually what happened when Minami saw Yuko? How could Yuko be there?

Thanks for the update! And have a nice vacation for you! ;) But please after that dont forget to update soon :lol:

And I'm glad that you're sticking to MariHaru until the end.. So am I!
Kanon is so cute, but she's only mine! 0.o I mean my sister! ;)
I love SaeYuki, AtsuMina, JuriMayu, and MariHaru :P

You can read my first and only fanfic: What's Wrong With Love? (JuriMayu) -

Offline noah minami

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  • atsumina ! kojiyuu ! kaixacchan! mariharu!
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Well I'm in the posting a new fan fiction mood today...and imma in a good mood (well I'm actually in a good mood most of the time) too so yea~  :whistle:
My second fan fiction!  :farofflook: (well kind of I had posted a second fiction a few weeks after the Meeting You's now gone so this my officially second fan fiction) hahaha... anyways.....yeah...for the MariHaru pairing well usually I would go for the Kojiyuu but this pairing was requested by an awesome friend of mine well not really I'm jk! ur awesome <_< :on lol: ahahaha
Ly-chan! <_<umaasa gusto mo 'to!  :depressed: or else it would be for nothing <_< lololol
Moving on....well this story is well...umm....well...i dunno how to explain... o.o well I hope it's not too cheesy  :err:
Oh yeah as for the title well...I just wanted something japanese so I just asked another friend of mine to translate it...I'm hoping it's right...if it's wrong blame her! lol JK  :on lol: ....It's supposed to be "Enemy or Lover"
Well I'm just going to say this at every starting of a new story...umm...if some sentences aren't making sense...  :err: well try to make sense of it...just like some peeps English ain't my first language so yeah~  :on gay:
It may be not that good <.< beginner writer only DX

~I would really like to thank you yanouchi for creating the LOVELY  :mon yeah: AWESOME  :mon yeah: COOL :mon yeah: poster :mon thumb: hehehehe....

      Chapter 1: Encounter

The tall woman fired her gun at her target, cursing as she missed. Her target returned fire, the bullet barely hitting her on the shoulder. She hissed at the pain but didn't do anything about it and instead started moving to pursue her target. Her target started running, pissed on how long the chase was taking, she pushed herself and got closer and closer to the target. However the smaller woman suddenly disappeared when she turned into a corner. "Damn!" cursed the tall woman, her hands on her knees while breathing heavily with all the running. She touched her earpiece and said, "Mariko the target disappeared." On the other end the older woman said, "huh? how'd she disappear?  Well, that's ok, we got the other person here. You can come back to headquarters."
"Copy that."

Atsuko cursed again and kicked a small stone, pissed for letting her target get away. As she walked out of the alley, a pair of hands grabbed her from behind, a gun pointing at her  head. The person whispered, "move an inch and I'll blow your head off." Atsuko was trained for this kind of situation and didn't move a single muscle. As soon as the enemy let her guard down, Atsuko grabbed her attacker from behind and tried to slam her on the ground but suddenly lost her balance and both woman fell on the ground. Atsuko was under, while the other woman was on top of her. As for the small woman, she tried to get back up quickly on her foot but she stopped when she saw  the woman  under her.
"Woah." mumbled the small woman, mesmerized by the woman in front of her, 'she's beautiful.'

Atsuko looked at the woman on top of her, she knew that she was supposed to seize the other woman but somehow her body didn't allow her to move at all. Also, she was too caught up staring at the woman on top of her. Her heart was racing, beating faster and faster. She could feel her face heat up, blushing. They stared at each other for only a few seconds but to them it was like...eternity. Suddenly the small woman leaned closer and closer. The tall woman ordered herself to move but her body didn't obey and stayed down.Their nose touched, their eyes still gazing at each other then the next thing, they were...kissing. It only lasted for a few seconds. Atsuko blushed furiously,  her face became red,  pushed the smaller woman away and lastly, slapped her on the face. Producing  a loud echo.
"Ouch!" yelped the short woman, touching her left cheek. Atsuko stood up abruptly, still blushing deeply and yelled, "what do you think you're!"
"'s natural if you want to touch a beautiful creature." smirked the woman
"Hah, you think you can de-" before she could finish her face flushed again, "...wait...did you say beautiful?"
"What did you think I said?" answered the other woman, already standing next to Atsuko and touched Atsuko's arm where the bullet scratch it off. Atsuko shivered at the touch.  She was surprised with the sudden movement, she didn't even notice the small woman move when she did. "Sorry about the...scratch, if I would've know I was facing such a...beautiful lady then I wouldn't have fired back." smiled the small woman as she walk around the tall woman. Atsuko watched and followed every movement the other woman made. She knew the woman was dangerous and probably stronger than her. When the small woman turned her back on her, Atsuko immediately took her gun and pointed it at her, "turn around slowly and put your hands up where I can see them."  The small woman was calm and removed her hands slowly out of her pocket. She turned around slowly and grinned,"gomen ne hime...but I can't let you capture me yet." She suddenly dropped off the smoke bomb that she was holding and fled. Atsuko covered her eyes with her left and tried to look for the woman. As the smoke slowly disappeared, she was the only one standing there. Atsuko cursed again and again, she had her second chance but she let her target...get away again.

As Atsuko entered their headquarters, she was suddenly greeted by her partner.
"Oi, Acchan why is your face all red?" asked the older woman. Atsuko covered her face as she remembered what just happened, making her blush more.
"N-nothing happened." answered the blushing woman and walked away quickly.
"Matte." called Mariko and hurried quickly  to Atsuko.
"...What's this?" asked Mariko, pulling out a piece of paper that was sticking out of Atsuko's pocket. Atsuko stopped and looked at her partner, Mariko unfolded the paper and read the writing aloud, "Maybe we will meet again...Maeda Atsuko. I would love to see you again." Atsuko's eyes widened as she heard what Mariko read out and mumbled, "How the hell does she know my name." "Eh? That's it?" said Mariko disappointed and inspected every inch of the paper to see if there were more writings. Couldn't find anything else, she looked towards Atsuko and raised her eyebrows, "...who's this?"
Atsuko ignored the question and switched it to another  topic, " Did you check the other one that you captured yet?" Mariko put the paper in her pocket and replied, "Nope, not yet...we should probably go now." Atsuko nodded and the duo headed to the room where they confined the other woman.
"Can I have it back." said Atsuko while they walk on the wide hallway. Mariko pulled it out of her pocket, the note between her index and middle finger. Atsuko reached for it but Mariko moved her hands higher, "Seriously, what is this all about?" The younger woman sighed,"oh, it's just a prank that my friend plays on me all the time."
"Hontou." said Mariko still doubting it but handed the paper back to her partner.

Arriving at their destination, Mariko punched in the code and stepped in the room. Suddenly she froze in place as she saw the woman in front of her. The older woman stared at the other woman who just sat there. The stranger noticed Mariko staring at her thus she also looked at the lady. Atsuko bumped into her and asked, "hey! what was that for!?" Mariko still didn't answer, sighing Atsuko pushed her partner away to see what was happening. She went in the middle of the room and observed the two of them. The younger lady watched them for a while, having fun watching the situation. After a few minutes, she cleared her throat, 'ahem', both women broke their eye contact and looked at Atsuko in unison. Atsuko just smiled and approached the stranger, "so, what's your name?" The stranger looked one last time at Mariko before turning her attention to the Atsuko, "Kojima Haruna." she answered cooly, "say, can you let me go? I don't even know why I'm here." Atsuko ignored Haruna and picked up a file folder from the table, flipping the pages she said, "Kojima Haruna, born April 19, 1988 in Saitama Prefecture. You work with the enemy of ours. Your organization... 'The Empire' is responsible for the recent deaths of p-" Before she could finish the confuse woman interrupted, "matte! I seriously don't know what you're talking about. Agent? The Empire? What the hell...I'm only an office lady."
"You can't fool us, you were there when the explosion happened and you also started running when our agents started to approached you. Aren't I correct Mariko?" said Atsuko looking at her partner for confirmation. Mariko wasn't even listening so she just said, "oh...yeah...yeah." She could only stare at the stranger, she never felt like this before. 'Is this the so called love at first sight?' she asked herself. Atsuko face palm herself and sighed. Usually her partner is always composed, calm and cautious look like a teenager who fell in love for the first time. Suddenly the room went dark, Atsuko and Mariko grabbed their gun and looked around even though they couldn't see anything.

Meanwhile, the small woman sneaked in the room, poked her partner whispering, "Hey! what's up? Had fun here?" and gave Haruna the night vision goggles.
"Minami! finally! took you long enough!" whispered back her partner and put the goggles on. Seeing the two good agents alert, Minami approached them quietly and knocked them both out,
"Sorry again...hime."
Minami started to run, "Haruna! We should go, we only have two minutes before the lights go back on." Haruna nodded and followed the short woman. While they were running she asked,"was it necessary to knock them out?" Minami turned to the left and sped up,"Pretty much." Haruna who was running behind Minami picked up her pace and were now beside the small girl, she sighed, "'pretty much'? Do we have to knock out all of the agents that we'll see?"
Minami thought about it and finally answered, "Hmmm...I'm not really sure...but...why not."

Minami looked at her wrist watch, "45 seconds left."
"Ah, look there's the exit." said Haruna pointing at the exit, "race you there? Whoever loses has to treat the winner."
"Are you sure, you want to do this." grinned the smaller woman, confident about her ability.
"Yup!" answered Haruna and ran faster leaving behind Minami. Minami smiled, "I'll give you a head start." Giving the other woman the start that she needed. After a good distance  Minami  quickened her pace and finally caught up to the taller woman. Haruna  just sighed, knowing  that she already lost. She could just never win against Minami with races. The tall woman felt confident that she could've beat up her partner but it didn't happen. "See ya outside!" grinned Minami and dashed to the exit leaving Haruna.
"I should probably need to learn my lesson now." sighed Haruna frustrated, "I should've challenged her on how many people we can knock out."

Minami waited for her partner, suddenly her phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and decided not to take it. The small woman pressed the decline button and just shoved her phone in her pocket. "You should pick every calls that you get." said Haruna emerging out from the building.
"Meh, you know me." said the small girl aloofly and started walking towards her car.
"Oh well, none of my business but phew* I'm glad we're out safely." sighed Haruna following closely behind Minami.
"Who's fault was it that we're here."
"Sorry, sorry...I didn't expect her to be so fast in capturing me."
"Riiight...I got something out of it...c'mon we should go, I'm hungry from all of that and it's your treat anyways." said the small woman and went in her car.
"Fine." grumbled Haruna, entering in the passenger seat. Minami started the engine making the car roar back to life. The small woman looked at her partner, "You have your seatbelt on right?"
Haruna looked at the girl, "yeah...why? ...wait no, no, no! Don't!" It was already too late as  Minami grinned, releasing the clutch and pushed the gas. Leaving a skid mark on the road and sped off into the distance while Haruna shouted, "MINAMI! You're crazy!"

Mariko woke up groggily and looked around the place. At fist she was confuse but after a few seconds she remembered what happened. She looked around and found that the other woman wasn't there anymore. Seeing her partner on the floor, she shook the girl wildly.
Atsuko groaned and slowly woke up. She stood up slowly, holding the chair for support.
"Huh, what happened?" asked the confused woman, trying to think of what occurred earlier.
"Uhh...the lights suddenly went out and I guess someone knock us out." answered the older woman, grabbing the guns that was on the floor and gave Atsuko her gun.
"Is it the work of Haruna?"
"Hmmm...not possible...she couldn't have done it...probably an accomplice of hers."
"Make sense, that woman probably was the one."
"The girl that I was chasing earlier, probably her."
"We should probably report  Tomochin about this."
"Agreed." nodded Atsuko, walking out of the room. Mariko looked around the room one last time before following Atsuko, hoping to find something but she saw nothing.

Atsuko knocked on the door, waiting for Tomochin to allow them in.
"Come in." commanded the woman.
Atsuko and Mariko looked at each other and went in the room. As they entered the room, they were greeted by Tomochin  and the  assistant Tomo who stood up beside the leader.
 Atsuko hesitated before speaking, "Ah, Tomochin...eto...the woman escaped." Atsuko and Mariko expected something angry from the girl but they were surprise she didn't.
"Oh, is that so?" said Tomochin leaning back on her chair, "don't worry about it."
Atsuko and Mariko became more confuse and decided to question it further, "what do you mean...don't worry about it?"
"Like I said, don't worry too much." Both agents were speechless, usually their boss always tell them to go find them again if the enemy escapes but now she's just telling them not to worry.
"You may go." ordered Tomochin, nodding at them. Atsuko and Mariko nodded and headed outside quietly, still amazed.
"Why didn't you tell them?" asked the other woman.
"Tomo, they'll find out soon enough." grinned Tomochin.

Once they were outside the room, Atsuko looked at Mariko, "what the hell was that?" Mariko shrugged, "Don't ask me."

Arriving at their destination, Minami parked her car way on the back in the parking lot. Getting out of the car Haruna asked, "why do you like parking so for from the restaurants." Minami thought about it before answering, "it's a habit besides... I like to walk." Haruna just rolled her eyes and sighed. As they entered the restaurant, both were greeted by a waitress. Minami smiled at the waitress, Haruna beside her just sighed again. The waitress led them to a table. Minami and Haruna took their seats, the waitress gave them the menu and asked for drinks.
Telling her what kind of drinks they wanted, the waitress bowed and excused herself.
"What are you getting?" asked the taller woman.
"Katsudon." answered the small woman quickly.
"Ehhh? Seriously we go here and you just order katsudon...seriously."
"Well the katsudon here is delicious."
 Few minutes later the waitress came back and asked, "what would you like to order?"
"You?" answered the small woman boldly making the waitress blush. Haruna who watched, kicked Minami on the foot hard making the small girl yelped in pain, "ouch!" and glared at the taller girl. Minami read the name tag of the girl, "Rin-chan eh? A cute name for a cute lady. Say, are you busy after work?" The waitress blushed. Haruna apologized at the waitress for the behaviour of her partner and gave her their order. The tall woman looked at Minami, "do you have to do that every time?"
"I can't help it." smiled Minami sheepishly.
While they stayed in the restaurant Minami kept flirting with the waitress. Haruna just let it be knowing she couldn't do anything about it. She just couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor waitress since Rin already became a prey for Minami. To make it worse, it'll be only a one night stand. Haruna sighed again, feeling really sorry for the waitress. Well, she's used to it, but she does hope her best-friend will find the one. They've been best friends ever since they were kids, both had been through a lot considering their situations and lastly, both have each other's back no matter what. 

Atsuko and Mariko chatted and entered the restaurant. As Atsuko and Mariko headed to their table they fatefully passed by Minami and Haruna. Atsuko back track and looked at Minami, Minami saw we too and both yelled, "ah!"
Atsuko pointed at the small girl, "you!" Minami grinned, "must be fate eh?" Mariko look at the small woman then at the other woman with her.
"Yabai!" said Haruna as soon as she saw the two women. She grabbed Minami by the arm, left their payment on the table and ran for it. Atsuko and Mariko were still surprise on encountering the two and just watched, "shouldn't we chase after them?" said Mariko sprinting after the two. Atsuko snapped out of it and started running too, "ah, wait!"

"This is why you should park closer every time." frowned Haruna. Minami just laughed, "this is more of a challenge." Arriving at the car, Minami and Haruna quickly got in. The small woman fumbled in her pocket for the keys.
"Hurry they'll be here in a few seconds." said Haruna nervously.
"Ah, got it!" grinned Minami and started the engine. She pressed the gas and sped out of parking lot.
"Stop!" yelled Atsuko and Mariko, grabbing their guns and started shooting at the moving vehicle. As they drove, the bullets shot the car's rear window, shattering the glass. "Oh crap!" yelled Haruna, ducking in her seat. Minami look at her rear view mirror to check if they were still being followed. As the distance kept widening, she doesn't seem to see them anymore.
"Ah, I wasn't expecting to meet her so quickly." giggled Minami to herself as she drove.
Haruna looked at her partner but didn't say anything about that and instead, "your car is full of bullets though."
"Ah! My car!" cried the young woman.

"That was unexpected." said Mariko while looking at the distance. Atsuko stood there, not saying anything and also didn't knew what her partner said since she was too busy thinking about the small woman. Mariko looked at her partner, "hey, you think we need to report this?"
Atsuko snapped out of it and said aloofly, "It's not really important."

To be continued... was that?  :on cloudeye: it's short but heh....I wanted to end it there... @_@
 see ya~ :byebye: :byebye: :byebye:

Actually I really fan of atsumina, marimi and haruyuu.. since basket case and this fanfic make me more fans of mariharu..
Plz update n pm me... arigatou

Offline KeiBattousai

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update please!!! :bow:
I'm waiting  :grin:

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

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Yo! I'm back :v hoping i'm back for good *sigh*

cisda83: ahahaha, chapter is
kenjoy12: Pleaso do... xD
arrow27: lol but it took a finally acknowledge
Haruko: ahahahaha, well I have big plans for Yuko xD originally though I planned her to be dead...but well we need to have some 'drama' (if i can create one) and well I'm glad to hear but hmm...idk how you'll like this next chapter then...eventually has to happen right? and as for Atsumina... heh...slooow... alright
michiyo48: being away apparently took me 5 months to update ^^;
noah minami: ahahaha glad you like it and I remember pm-ing you lol ( even though its been several months)
KeiBattousai: ahahaha...yup...sorry for the wait....

*sigh* seems that I rushed this chapter =_="  It's been a while since I wrote...seems off somehow reading this...hah...  :sweatdrop:
anyways read on.....

      Chapter 11: A Date!?

"I have to go, Mariko I'll leave Haruna to you." Minami said and left the room, only leaving Haruna and Mariko.
"Why is she on such a hurry?" Haruna asked puzzled.
"Oh, every week, she goes with Atsuko to go visit the children." Mariko chuckled.
"Atsuko and Minami's relationship went to 'coworkers' to 'friends'."
Haruna laughed, "Atsuko finally opened up to Minami. Good for them."
"I guess."
"So what else have I been missing? Why did no one tell me."
"You just didn't ask." Mariko answered grinning.
"Well putting that aside, where is the doctor?”
"Excited to get out?"
"Yes! Being stuck in a hospital for a month isn't really the best vacation."
"At least you had time off from missions."
"I wouldn't mind, I love my job."
"It was tiring, we had a lot of leads about the flash drive however it was only false leads."
"I see, that's too bad."
Mariko was about to say something else but the doctor finally showed up in the room, then made it quick.
“Kojima-san you’re all good to go, but you need to take this pills so your wound wouldn’t get infected. Also if you have any problems then you can come back. Oh…and you can come back next month for the checkup for your wound.”
“I see…thank you doctor.”
“No problem just next time…don’t try to get hit again.”
Haruna laughed, “I’ll be careful then.”
“Have a nice day then ladies.” The doctor said and left for another patient.
“Well…that was quick.” Haruna said.
“That’s good for you isn’t it?”
“So shall we go?”
“Sure.” Haruna replied and followed Mariko out of the room but before going she looked back at her room and sighed, as she  thought about her ‘dream’ about Yuko.

Leaving the hospital, the tall woman drove Haruna home and when they arrived she took the opportunity to ask Haruna something.
"Say, what about a dinner tonight? To finally getting out of the hospital?"
"Are you asking me on a date?"
"Hmm...did it seem that way?” Mariko grinned. “When I asked I was only thinking of celebrating."
"I'm sure you were."
"...however I don't mind if you think of it that way."
"Sure Marichan, I'd like to go on a 'dinner date' with you." Haruna lightly laughed and entered her house. Leaving Mariko stunned since well she wasn’t expecting that answer.

Night came and Mariko ended up showing at Haruna's place thirty minutes earlier. Well more like a block from their place. The woman sighed and rested her head on the steering wheel and muttered, "God...I'm nervous." She stayed like that for a long time, not bothering to move. Minutes passed and she still stayed on the same position. Finally, she looked at her watch, fifteen minutes had passed. "I'll be fifteen minutes early but totally better than waiting here." She sighed and started the car engine. Parking the car in the driveway, she got out of the car and when she was about to knock on the door, it got opened by Haruna who’s also a bit nervous.
“Oh…umm…seems that I’m a little early.” Mariko grinned.
“It’s ok…I guess this shows how nervous we are? I was also finished a little early and worse, Minami kept teasing me.” Haruna sighed.
“Minami’s here?”
“Yeah, she came back an hour ago.”
“I see…well shall we go?” Mariko asked and offered a hand, Haruna smiled and held Mariko’s arms.
Playing the gentleman for the night, Mariko opened the door for Haruna.
“You’re welcome.” Mariko said and went to the driver’s seat.
Starting the engine, the woman smoothly backed up out of the driveway.

“So…what’s the plan for the night?” Haruna asked.
“It’s a secret, you’ll see when we get there.” Mariko happily answered, “…but don’t be too disappointed. You can say it’s not that fancy.”
“That’s fine, I’m sure it’s really good…whatever you planned.”
“Don’t get your hopes up.”
“Let’s see.”

Driving for about twenty minutes, the women finally arrived at their destination. Mariko quickly got out of the driver’s seat and went out to open the door for Haruna.
“Before we continue, I need you to close your eyes until we’re there.” Mariko said grinning.
“Do I really need to?”
“Yes, don’t worry, I’ll be your guide.”
“Fine, if you say so.” Haruna agreed and closed her eyes.
“No cheating, don’t peak.”
Mariko took a hold of Haruna’s hands and guided the younger woman.
“Are we there yet?” Haruna asked.
Mariko laughed, “No not yet, we only walked a little, a few more steps.”

"Ok, wait here, I just need to do something and don't open your eyes yet." The tall woman said and went to work. Taking the match out of her pocket, she lit the candle on the table and the others that were put into place. A few hours ago, she came and set everything up. Since they were on a lake, she had to do everything, bringing the table, chairs, dining ware; as well as the food and drink. Checking everything over, she nodded in appreciation when she was done. She smiled to herself, excited and of course nervous on how will this 'date' go.
"Ok, you can open your eyes now."
Haruna nodded and opened her eyes. Amazement was the very thing she felt as she looked at what Mariko put together. Their table is under a tall tree, in the middle of the table is a candle lighting up the whole table. Foods were already on the plate, a wine glass and fork & knife on each side of the plates. A bottle of wine sitting in a bucket of ice. Where the younger woman stood, there were trail of candles, lighting up her path to the table. Lastly, she didn't notice there was something else about tree. Small green lights flashed around the tree, blinking, it was amazing.
"Haruna? What do you think? You haven't said anything for a while so I'm worried." Mariko asked still nervous.
"It's...beautiful..." Haruna said softly and looked at the trails of candles leading to her chair. She smiled and started walking towards her chair.
Mariko sighed in relief and after she grinned like a fool, really satisfied with herself. Quickly, she pulled out the chair for Haruna and after, went on her own seat as well.
"I'm really glad you like it, to be honest...I never really imagined myself doing this until now." Mariko chuckled.
"Well, it certainly is a beautiful setting."
"Thank you, so shall we eat?"

While the women ate, Mariko took this opportunity to learn more about Haruna. Even though they work together, they didn't really talk about themselves that much.
"I never really asked, do you have any brothers or sisters?" Mariko asked, looking at the woman in front of her.
"Nope but if you consider it, Minami's like a sister to me." Haruna smiled. "We grew up together since our parents are friends. We're close."
Mariko grinned. "I can see that."
Haruna nodded. "What about you?"
Mariko shook her head, "One and only me. I like it better, I guess."
"Oh really, why?"
"Hmm...I don't know myself." Mariko answered, softly laughing at her own answer.
"I can relate too...I think."
"So, what about your parents?"
"What about them?"
"What do they do?"
"Oh, they own an onsen, so they both run the inn."
"Wow, an inn...nice. To be honest I only went a few times and by 'few times' probably only three times."
"Are you serious?"
"Ok, soon we have to go there and thinking about it it's been a while since I went back so it'll be good to go visit. We'll go with Minami and Atsuko...if they want....wait, do you want to go?"
"Yes...sure...I'd love to go."
“Then it’s all settled then!”
The two women kept talking about random things. They laughed, had their opinion on different things. Talked about their own upbringings, they talked about life.

An hour passed, Mariko suddenly stood up and had a grin on her face.
"You know why I chose this place right?"
Haruna shook her head.
"What about a night swim?"
"I can't."
"You don't want to?"
"It's not that..."
"Then what is it?"
“The water is probably cold.”
“No, it’s not.”
“How do you know?”
“Do you really have to ask?”
Haruna slowly looked at the other woman. "I guess." Then stood up. "But we have no bikinis."
Mariko just laughed. "Who cares, we're the only ones here. C'mon." Mariko grab a hold of Haruna's hands and they ran up ahead. The older woman removed her clothes first, leaving herself in her underwear. Putting her clothes on the big rock, she jumped in, making a big splash. As soon as she hit the water, she shivered. The water wasn't warm but it was pretty cold, but not quite. She dipped her head down, so that her whole head would be wet, surfacing back up, her jaw drop. When she resurfaced, she felt herself stare when she saw Haruna undressing.  It was just removing her clothes but to Mariko the sight of it was Mariko looked at Haruna from head to toe. She gulped and felt her heart beat race. She's beautiful, she thought. To her, Haruna is the most beautiful woman that she ever saw. Something about her is different from the other women that she'd dated. It attracted her, wanting to know more about Haruna. To be more than friends. She knew there is something happen between them. At least. She shook her head and called after the other woman. "Come on in, the water's warm!"
Nodding, Haruna slowly went in the water. Letting her feet, first feel the water, she shivered, even though the water wasn't cold. She relaxed when the water reached her hips, then dived in.

The two women swam for a while then after Mariko swam to where Haruna is without being noticed. Startling the younger woman when she popped up in front of her.
"Ah! Marichan you startled me there."
"Sorry." Mariko half apologized, a goofy grin on her face.
Haruna just smiled and hit Mariko’s shoulder. Soon, the two made themselves float on the water. Haruna closed her eyes, then after a few seconds opened it and looked up at the night sky; the full moon illuminated brightly,  stars twinkled and there's also an airplane that is passing by, it's red light blinking. Thinking where the plane would be going, she mumbled. "I wonder where it's going."
"Did you say something?" Mariko asked.
"No, I'm just thinking that...this really is a nice place."
Mariko gazed at the stars. "I stumbled across this place a couple of years ago. Coming here always made me forget about my problems and stress about work. It's just...calming."
"I do- no...never mind."
"No, what is it?"
"It's nothing important."
"C'mon just ask me, I'm sure I can answer it."
"You're making me curious."
"There you go."
"So did you bring your... 'dates' here before?"
Mariko burst out laughing. "That's your question?" But inside she was smiling. She wasn't sure but, she thought she heard a hint of jealousness in Haruna's voice.
"I'm JUST curious."
Mariko kept laughing.
"Don't laugh at me." Haruna pouted.
The tall woman still laughed, after a while she finally calmed down. She looked at the other woman and shook her head. "No, I never did. You're the first. I wanted this place to be a secret so I never did bring anyone here."
"Until now." Haruna said.
"Yeah...until now." Mariko smiled, then their eyes met. No one moved an inch, just simply staring at each other. 'Shinoda Mariko get yourself out of this situation' she thought. Snapping out of that 'moment', Mariko cleared her throat. "I want to...ummm... show you something."
With that, Haruna nodded and followed Mariko. Haruna stayed behind Mariko while she followed her out of the water.

"Do you want help tidying up the things?" Haruna asked.
"Nah, it's ok...I'll come back here later."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah and besides you have your curfew." Mariko chuckled.
"What curfew?"
" know..."
"What is it?"
"'s just Minami telling me to bring you home before eleven."
"She what?"
"I know she was joking but this is supposed to be"
"Oh...o-ok." Haruna said and looked away, a little embarrassed.

The place that Mariko wanted to show the young woman wasn't really that far. It only took about 10 minutes. Following a short trail, the two women emerged from the woods. A few feet ahead is a huge cliff.
"What's here?"
"Here, I'll show you." Mariko said and started walking towards the end of the cliff. Haruna nodded and closely followed behind. " this safe, the rocks won't suddenly give in or anything like that right?"
The older woman laughed, "Don’t worry it's safe...I think."
"I think?"
"I'm joking, it's safe."
"The rock breaking and me falling wouldn't be how I imagined my death to be."
Mariko reached the edge of the cliff, smiling as she looked at the distance.
After a few more steps, Haruna finally saw what Mariko smiled at. The sight was breathtaking when she laid her eyes on the view. The place they were at earlier is below. The lake that they swam at were glistening; the moon and stars reflected itself on the lake. Then there were the fireflies, they filled the place down below, roaming around with their flashing green lights. They were everywhere.
Haruna looked at the woman beside her, "You're aware that we're on a cliff at night."
"Of course."
"Aren't you scared?"
"There's nothing to be scared of." Then there was a sudden rustling in the bushed behind them.
“What was that?” Haruna asked as she turned around, looking where the sound originated from.
“Hmmm? Maybe it’s a bear.” Mariko answered bluntly.
“A b-bear?”
“Yes. A bear.”
The rustling got louder and Haruna looked at Mariko, ‘How can she be so calm?’ Haruna walked towards the bush as she heard more rustling.
“Are you sure that’s safe?” Mariko asked.
“N-no but I’m curious.”
More rustling, Haruna stopped staring at the bush in front of her, then finally something suddenly emerged from the bush. Haruna was ready to run away (where…?she don’t know) but it was only a rabbit. Then she heard Mariko lightly laughing, “You should’ve seen your face.”
“Marichan!” Haruna pouted.
“There’s no bears in here.”
“That’s why you were so calm…wait how do you know there would be no bears.”
“Like I said…I know everything.” She winked.

“Is this necessary?” Miichan whispered.
“This is like stalking.”
“I know.”
“This is not ok.”
“It is.”
“Following someone is not and it’s at night.”
“I’m worried about her.”
“So you’re following her?”
“And why am I here with you?”
“Because you have no choice.”
“This is a risk we’re taking.”
“We won’t get seen.”
“And if we are.”
“That will never happen.”
“And IF we do get seen?”
“We run.”
Miichan sighed and muttered, “I feel stupid hiding inside a bush.”
“I heard that.”
“You were meant to and how did we get in here in the first place again?”   

~"Where are we going?" Miichan asked.
"I just want to check on her." Yuko answered.
" no no you can't."
"Why not."
"We'll be seen!"
"Relax...we'll be quick."
"So is this your habit now?"
"Going to 'check' on her every day."
"I don't check on her every day!"
"Uh...yeah you do."
"Yes, ever since she was in the hospital and how did you know that she will be home today?"
"I asked the nurses."
"Oh...of course."
"So can we turn around and go now?"
"Never, we're close anyways so it's too late."
"Stalker." Miichan mumbled.
"That's me." Yuko grinned.

Arriving where Yuko wanted to be, when she was about to get out, a car swung out of the driveway. Yuko cursed and quickly went back in.
"That was close."
"Next time it won't be."
Ignoring what Miichan said, she just said, "I think that was Nyan-Nyan but I don't recognize that car though."
"I don't know. I wasn't looking."
"It's her, ok let's go."

Yuko followed the grey car, the distance not too close but not too far either. After arriving at a place where they could be easily seen Miichan said, "You should turn off the headlights if you don't want to be seen."
"Oh right."
"Do you even know where we're going?"
Miichan sighed, "It seems it's more secluded here, probably going to the mountains."
"Who cares?"
"I do, getting lost or something happening in here would be troublesome."
"That won't happen."
"I bet."
"It won't."
Miichan heaved a sigh and leaned back on her chair, "This will be something."
"Ah, they're stopping."
"Well don't follow them until there, park somewhere else so that they can't see us."
"When it's about Haruna you get so blind."
"Love is blind."
Yuko parked the car a few distances away from them and parked the car off the road.
"Now we follow them." She grinned.
"Ok, have fun!"
"No you're coming too."
"Do I have to? I can just sleep here you know."
"I need backup."
"You don't need any backup."
"Yeah, I do just get up."
"Fine, fine."

The two kept following the other two.
"I think this is a date for those two."
"A d-d-da-" Yuko almost shouted but Miichan covered her mouth. "Baka, do you want to her discovered!?"
"B-but...a d-date here?"
"Yeah 'cause look." Miichan said and pointed at the table and candles. "Looks like a date to me." Then Miichan thought, 'Ah...I shouldn't have said that should I?' "So uh...are we still going to hang around here?"
"Of course! I need to see this through."
"Ok then."
"Nyan-Nyan i-i-is u-undressing!" Yuko said in disbelief but at the same time she was eager to see. "I think I'll have a nosebleed."
Miichan who sat on a branch and leaning against the tree just rolled her eyes. "Don't go running over there now or else I have to...shoot you with a tranquilizer."
"Huh? How do you have tranquilizer?"
"There's a tranquilizer gun in the compartment of the car."
"I never knew."
"Mayu told us before when she gave us the car."
"Oh right."
"You weren't listening."
"You could say that. Ok now stop talking more observing."
"You're the only one looking."
"Right well...I don't need any distractions."
Miichan sighed and just leaned against the tree, "I must say...this is a pretty good spot."
"I think I have a nosebleed now."
"How can you even see? It's not really that bright."
"FYI I have a night-vision glasses."
"That explain things."
"It's tempting to go to her."
"Well whatever you're planning just leave it."
"No buts."
"We still have to follow them?"
"Yeah! Now get down here so we won't lose them."
~"Fine." Miichan said and jumped down from the tree then muttered, "This will be a long night."
‘A long night indeed.’ Miichan thought then poked Yuko, “Yuko can we go now? See Haruna almost came here, if it wasn’t for that rabbit then she may have found us.”
“I guess…”
"Yuko you okay?"
"Y-yeah...why wouldn't I be?" Yuko shrugged, “We better go…I think they will be done here soon.”
“Alright then.”
 The duo went back to their car. Miichan offering to drive this time, since she knew ‘things’ are occupying her partner’s mind.

Neither woman spoke while they drove, the radio was the only noise that they could hear and on top of that the song that’s playing is “We Belong Together” by Mariah Carey. “The pain reflected in this song ain't even half of what I'm feeling inside.  I need you, need you back in my life, baby.  We belong together." The lyrics said.
Miichan slowly glance at the woman thinking the words were affecting her, but Yuko’s face was blank, no emotion, none whatsoever. The driver sighed and touched the radio switching the channel.
“Hey…I like that song.” Yuko said.
“Really? Since when?”
“Like…when I hear dthe lyrics.”
“Ugh…I can never understand English lyrics.”
Yuko smiled, “It’s pretty easy to learn.”
“I tried and it was pretty bad.”
“Ha!ha! I know, I was there.”
“Oh…riiight…forgot about that.”
“Uh-huh, now put the station back.”
“Meh…you can do it.”
As soon as Yuko touched the radio, the car suddenly started to stall.
“What the?” Miichan frowned, “Car is dying.”
“I can see that.”
“What did you do?”
“Is that right?”
“The last time I checked, you were going to switch the channels then when you touched it, it started to stall.” Miichan grinned.
Yuko rolled her eyes. “C’mon we have to check what’s wrong before they reached us.”
“Yes ma’am!” Miichan said, giving a salute.
The small chuckled and got out of the car, Miichan did the same. Yuko opened went in front the car and opened the hood of the car. She examined everything to see if there was anything wrong, “Hmmm…I’m sure the motor is fine since it doesn’t seem to be overheating.”
“Maybe it’s the engine.” Miichan suggested.
“Can you go and try to start it?”
“Sure.” Miichan opened the driver’s door and leaned over to turn the ignition. It wasn’t much of a success since it made a slight noise but slowly died. “Yup, I think it’s  the batteries!”
“Hmmm…just to make sure can you check the gas maybe that’s what it is.”
“Nope! It’s half-full! The batteries!”
“I guess it is…”
“Well we can try calling Mayu though she would question us on why were here.”
“We have to take it.”
“So what are you gonna say? ‘Oh yeah…I followed my girlfriend on her date then after a while, I decided to get back but then the car suddenly died’.”
Yuko raised her eyebrows. “Really.”
“Fine, no more joking around.”
“This is really bad.”
“I know right, what if something suddenly shows up and grab us or kill us or do whatever.”
“But this is really bad, when they pass they’ll see us…she’ll see me…”
“Yuko…Yuko…Yuko…” Miichan said in a singing voice then put her arms around Yuko’s shoulder. “My man…you don’t need to worry about that.”
“Why not?”
“Just face ‘em!”
“Eh? I can’t do that! We agreed! We made a promise with Mayu not to let ourselves get discovered yet.”
“What’s the harm?”
“No way.”
“Wow, that was quick I can see the headlights already.”
Yuko cursed.
“What’s the plan now then?”
“Uhhh…we hide?”
“Where will you hide? You can’t hide here.” Miichan said as she look around. Where they were there wasn’t really anything to hide in. It’s pretty much a road on a cliff.”
“Just pray that a miracle happens.”
“I don’t believe in ‘em.”

‘Is that a car?’ Mariko thought and squinted her eyes to see better. She nodded to herself, since she saw two figures beside the car. She looked at the figure beside her, she chuckled at the sight of the sleeping woman. As soon as they left, Haruna told her she would sleep for a while and just wake her up when they were near. The older woman stopped beside the other car and put the window down.
“Hey…is something wrong?”
“Yeah…thanks for stopping by, apparently our car won’t start for some reason…”
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Hmm…actually there is! Since we’re thinking it’s the battery, could you give us a boost?”
“Sure, no problem.”

The tall woman got out of her car and closed the door gently. She went over to the hood and opened it. Miichan looked at the engines, her eyes twinkling.
Yuko glanced at the woman sleeping on the front seat. She smiled, 'this is so just like fall asleep every time she have a late night.'
Miichan connected the other cable wire and Miichan connected the other end to their car's battery.
Yuko got in the car and tried to start the car. It took a while however a few tries got their car finally started.
"Finally." The short woman mumbled and leaned back to the seat.
Miichan went to disconnect both of the wires. Mariko closed the hood gently and looked at her passenger who is asleep. 'That tired?'

 Carrying the booster with her right hand, the young woman bowed to the older woman, showing her appreciation once again for the help.
"Thanks again Shinoda-san."
"You're welcome though I have to ask what are you two doing here this late? Not many people come here often."
"Hmm...I could say the same to you." Miichan grinned.
"We...uhh..." Mariko averted her eyes somewhere else, not really sure what to say.
"...My friend and I lost for a while. And by 'a while' it means for a long time." Miichan answered, just amused that the other woman couldn't really answer. She looked at Yuko who was already sitting at the driver's seat and who was giving her the look so they could go. The longer they stay, the easier Haruna who was sleeping will wake up and see them. "Hmmm...I guess we have to go. Thanks again."
The tall woman nodded and watched as the younger woman climbed in their car. Then something popped in her mind. 'Wait...I don't remember giving her my did she...?' She was about ask but the car already moved.

As they came near to Haruna’s house, she suddenly woke up, probably feeling they were close? She rubbed her eyes and slowly yawned as Mariko drove in the drive way. Her mind registering the situation quickly when Mariko stopped the car.
“I uh…sorry for sleeping and don’t take it the wrong way.”
“Don’t worry about it, I don’t blame you…besides you told me.”
"Thanks for tonight." Haruna said and finally opened the door, getting out of the car. Mariko got out too.
"I should be the one thanking you.”
Haruna smiled. "I really enjoyed it tonight. It was fun, it's been a while since I had that much fun."
"Well...does this mean there will be a second one?" Mariko boldly asked.
"A yes? Or a no?"
"It's a maybe...Shinoda-san." Haruna grinned. "I really had fun tonight, thank you once again and I'll see you soon."
Mariko nodded. Then the two women just stood there, not really sure who should leave first. A few more seconds, Mariko finally decided to move first. "I'll see you then." Then Mariko gently took Haruna’s arm and kissed her cheek. Both women blushed and Mariko bid her goodbye once again then quickly went in her car. Looking at Haruna, she watched the younger woman enter their house. Once she was out of sight, she heaved a heavy sigh and leaned her forehead against the steering wheel. 'Smooth' she thought. After getting her thoughts all in one place. She started the engine and headed home.

"How'd it go?" Haruna heard someone ask, after she shut the door.
Making her way to the living room, she saw Minami sitting on the couch. She didn't stop but continued walking towards the stairs. "How'd you know I was here? I’m sure I was quiet."
"You lost your touch!” Minami joked, the grinned. “I heard the door."
"I had fun." Haruna answered as she climbed up the stairs.
Reaching her room, she changed out of her clothes and went to take a shower.

"Is Kojima-san back?" Yuki asked coming out of the kitchen and went to sit beside her girlfriend,
Minami nodded and rested her head on Yuki's lap. "Why?"
"Nothing." Yuki said, but she said it as she grinned.
"I don't believe it's nothing."
Yuki said nothing and leaned in for a kiss.

After 10 minutes in the shower, Haruna dried herself and put on fresh clothes. She looked at herself on the mirror and touched her cheek, thinking about earlier. The woman smiled to herself and went down to the living room.
"Hello, Kojima-san." Yuki greeted as she saw the older woman descend down the stairs.
"Oh. Kashiwagi-san...I didn't know you were here."  Haruna said surprised to see the younger woman. She was used to Minami bringing her 'girls' home but to see it was Yuki. Well... Minami really went for it.
"We're not staying, in fact we're going." Minami said and stood up.
Haruna nodded and made her way to the kitchen. Minami turned to her girlfriend. "I'll just go change. I'll be quick." The tiny woman said and kissed Yuki on the cheek before running upstairs. Haruna came out of the kitchen and saw Yuki. "Where did Minami go?"
"She said she's going to go change."
"I see."
Yuki nodded.
"Say...I have a question. I don't know if it's rude to ask you think that...Minami's know about-"
Yuki interrupted the woman and chuckled. "You don't have to finish don't think she's serious."
"To be honest...I don't know myself. She's really a great person, it's just that she doesn't commit to relationship...that's why she don't know how great she can be."
Haruna nodded.
"I have a question myself."
"Fair enough."
"Who's this Atsuko?"
"A friend, why?"
However before Yuki could answer, Minami's already down the stairs.
"Ok, I'm done...shall we go?" Minami asked and looked back in forth between Yuki and Haruna.
The couple bid their goodbye to Haruna and went to the door.
"Are you coming back tonight?" Haruna asked.
"Probably not, maybe in the morning." The short woman answered.
"Take your time."
"I will." Minami grinned and left the house.
Haruna looked at the wall clock, it read 11:08.  'Well, I guess I'm going to sleep.' She thought to herself and went upstairs. However it took a while until she drifted to sleep since she kept thinking about their 'date'.

The woman woke up disoriented, her heart thumping. 'Why?' she thought, "Why now?' Getting up, she went to the bathroom and washed her face. With that done, she went back and sat on the bed. Both palms on her forehead while elbows rested on her knees. Her eyes were glued on the floor, she sighed. "Damn it Yuuchan! Why show up in my dream now!?" Then Haruna imagined Yuko's answer if she were there, she sighed and half smiled. 

Haruna waited while the garage door slowly opened, the motorcycle's engine echoed around the garage. With the garage door open, she went out. Then stepped out of her bike to close the garage door. Putting her helmet on, she pushed the throttle and went off.

The woman gripped the flowers tightly as she walked towards the grave. It's the very first time that she came to visit Yuko...alone; since Minami would always be there with her, but this time she's determined. Arriving at the two graves, she set down one bouquet of flowers on Miichan's grave. She looked at the grave beside Miichan's and smiled weakly. "Hey...Yuuchan... It's been a while since I last came...more than a month? Been in the hospital and yeah I'm ok. You know...Minami and I met some new people at work. Minami likes Atsuko yet she stopped making a move and started dating another girl. This is the very first time Minami actually gave up on someone. She sighed. “As for's ok right?" A tear escaped from her eyes and dropped on the flowers she's carrying. "Huh? Why am I crying?" She let the tears come out. After a few minutes she lightly laughed at herself, "I guess this is really hard." Wiping her tears away, she continued, "Yuuchan I really miss you...I really wish you were here....but'll be sad if I won't get over you right? I wonder to it ok for me to...let go?" Forcing a smile, she set down the flowers on Yuko's grave. She stood there in silence for a few minutes then before leaving she muttered, "I love you and always will."

To be continued...

kill meh... :v

Offline yanouchi

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Yes! an update! I'm so happy that you're back!we really miss u flame-san!

Lol yuko n miichan stalking mode and miichan is okay with yuko's wierd plan xD

so someday mariharu will go to mariko's parent osen and haruna will meet them..xD
I'm thinking too much now...and I hope that will happen soon xD...

The date its cute and romantic feeling and I like how mariko really serious about their 1st date
And now haruna slowly open her heart towards mariko but with yuko still in her mind and comes
new person in her life really makes her in dilemma should she stay or let go?

Can't wait for the next update...

Offline cisda83

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Erm... Mayu has something to do with Miichan and Yuko disapearence

But why?

Ah... Haruna went and asked for permission to get over Yuko...

So she can start dating someone... Mariko...

What would Yuko do?

Did she not love Haruna anymore?

Would she just turn up in front of Haruna... too late?

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline michiyo48

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Whoo I've been waiting for it!!!

5 months? :O oh its been a while!
I cant remember it exactly but.. I was so busy too before I'm in this holiday and maybe last time I read it on my last holiday so I could wait for it patiently.

Aww.. MariHaru date... so sweet! <3 :D
I do want to go to that place!! Haha it seems so beautiful! And Mariko is just so sweet for making that surprise! :) lucky Haruna! Lol Mariko thoughts while Haruna was undressing kkk just marry her already, Mariko!
And haha Haruna's curfew.. Its just haha Takimina cared so much for Haruna like a little sister! :3

Lol there were some stalkers too!! Yuko and Miichan.. And lol she called Shinoda-san, baka Mariko didnt realize how Miichan knew her name haha

Apparently, Haruna cant move on perfectly :( but she is about to though! Please do your best Haruna, Mariko-sama is for you!!

And about Takamina and Yukirin. Hmm Yukirin asked about Atsuko.. Why? I wonder what happened? :/

Flame-san, thank you so much for the update! I'm waiting for the next chapter :) please update soon! ^_^
Kanon is so cute, but she's only mine! 0.o I mean my sister! ;)
I love SaeYuki, AtsuMina, JuriMayu, and MariHaru :P

You can read my first and only fanfic: What's Wrong With Love? (JuriMayu) -

Offline noah minami

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  • atsumina ! kojiyuu ! kaixacchan! mariharu!
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YUKIRIN with takamina? :?
not with atsuko? :?
mariharu moments  :P
but poor haruna still sad about yuko~ :(

i just finish my exam frustration yesterday but YUKO gonna graduate make me more sad ... :cry:

Offline Suicchin

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oh! great new update! I wonder how things will turn for Haruna and Mariko and what will happen with MariHaru if Yuko decides to appears!
So many questions!
I really wish Haruna stays with Mariko though...
And for Minami,I hope she realizes her feelings for Atsuko,and Acchan realizes her feelings for the midget too!

Great great! I'll wait eagerly for your next chapter
♥ 恋がしたいのに、うまく恋ができない… そもそも、恋愛なんて私たちには贅沢なんだろうか?  ♥

The Fantastic world of the Wonka Couple FF Chapter 4 [Hiatus]
Who said you can win my heart so easily? Chapter 1 -part 2-[Hiatus]
One-shots / Drabbles / Etc

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

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Thanks for ze comments~ sorry can't reply to them (next time) :sweatdrop: its like midnight and eyes are red ^^;  :imdead: Also need to wake up early for my flight so I'm just rushing this up before I leave :v so yup...and even though imma updating now how I use to...I promise that I will finish with this so pls be patient with meh...    :kneelbow:

      Chapter 12: New Beginning

Few Weeks Later

Minami and Haruna just exited their boss's office. Receiving the information that the weapon is almost ready. That sent a little panic to both women, knowing that everything would end soon. They know their loyalty stays with him but for the past months, they got to know people from the other organization. They were funny and nice. Minami has her sight on Atsuko even though she already has a girlfriend. Knowing herself, she was afraid. Afraid to hurt Atsuko, that's why she stopped going after her, and instead started a relationship with Yuki. There was something between them but she doesn't know if it was real serious. Yuki is a great girlfriend, she has to say. Though sometimes when Minami spends time with her, her thoughts would wander and think about Atsuko. That is a bad cause of Minami's  part in their relationship. Spending a time with your girlfriend and suddenly spacing out just to think about another woman? Heck, that's bad. There's one more thing and it's something worst. Having sex and thinking about another person? Damn, that's real worst. Just wrong, isn't it? She knows- Minami knows that she's being unfair. She would beat herself for it. Yuki deserves better and Minami knows that. So why can't she just stop and not think about one particular person? Why the hell is it so damn hard? Then there's Haruna. Getting over her past girlfriend. It was really hard however as weeks passed it became easier. After learning about what happened. She shut herself in. She didn't want to talk to anyone or even do anything. Her attitude and mood  went to being depressed to being cranky over time. Even though she was at that phase, her best friend stayed by her side. She didn't ever say it to Minami, but she was thankful to her for being there, even though she never mentioned it, the shorter woman probably knew. Their boss gave her time off and that helped. But a person that was with you- a person that you thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with. You were spending time with them then few hours later, hearing that she died in action. That was painful. It was like losing a part of yourself- the other half. How did she expect to get over that? It was a big shock. Knowing you wouldn't see or touch her anymore. It was really  helpless. She felt helpless. It took time but it did slowly become better. It was a slow healing, however it was working. Then suddenly a woman that she just met started to take her away slowly. At first, she really didn't think about it. Her heart still belonged to Yuko. However as time was spent with the other woman, her heart and mind started to doubt and slightly changed. Maybe. Thinking about fighting them whenever the time comes is just well...unthinkable. Do they have a choice? Maybe? But no matter how much they think, the two would never betray their boss. The organization was like their own family too. They have been working with them for years. Their boss could be an ass sometimes, but that was part of who he is. He gave them work, money, a place to live, hell might as well say  everything that they needed or even wanted. Though they never took advantage of asking about things. They were satisfied with what they had. Both women heaved a sighed and after, looked at each other. Then started to laugh. Funny situation they are in. Their laughter died down after Haruna felt her phone vibrate in her left pocket. She took out her phone and it showed who sent her the message.
"Who is it?" Minami asked and stepped in the elevator, Haruna slightly behind her.
"Marichan."  Haruna  secretly smiled and unlocked her phone to see what the message is.
"Remember about what you told me about your parents? That they own an inn? Why don't we go there tomorrow? I already asked "the big boss" and she already agreed. It's for the weekend, only two days but I want relaxation! I plan to go  and Atsuko but I don't know if you two want to come. It feels natural that you have to be there since they're your parents. But if you're busy then...that's ok." Haruna lightly chuckled and looked at her best friend. "Do you want to go somewhere this weekend?"
"Hmm...I have a plan with Yuki." Minami answered, crossing her arms.  "Why?"
"Mariko's asking if you want to go to a hot spring."
"Hot spring huh? That will be relaxing! Can you ask if I can bring someone along?" The short woman smiled and stepped back to give some people room when the elevator stopped on the third floor and people started to  poured in.
"Sure." Haruna nodded and quickly typed. "Minami agrees as long as she could bring someone with her. And yeah, I'll go." She read it over and after being satisfied sent the message. As soon as she put it back in her pocket, it vibrated. 'That was quick.' Taking it out and reading it, it was a simple reply. "Sure." It says. To be honest Haruna, was suprised that Mariko remembered. It's been a few weeks, sure, but it's not really an important information. Is it? The older woman really listened to her closely then and that made her...happy. It was good to talk to someone about different things. It felt refreshing.
Soon the elevator "dinged" upon reaching reaching the first floor. She waited as the people in front of her got out. After getting out she looked at Minami. "She said you could."
"Sweet." Minami smiled. Haruna just shook her head and rolled her eyes, however  smiled agreeing with what Minami said.


The five women arrived at their destination. The place was close to the mountains since it brings fresh water from the mountains. It was also a good place because not too far ahead, there is a hiking trail. Where tourist could go up to the top of the mountain and see the whole city. A camping site halfway of the mountain too. The attraction brings people in the hot spring too. A place to relax after a hike.  It took about three hours for them and also, the ride was kind of awkward for Minami that is. They had to rent a car since it would be better if they all traveled together besides their car was expensive on gas, though they really didn't have to worry about that. But travelling as a group was more exciting. Mariko drove the car. Haruna called 'shotgun' so she was the one on the front seat. Minami had to seat between her girlfriend and Atsuko. Yuki on her right, while Atsuko on the left. Each women "probably" thinking. "So this is Minami's girlfriend." While the other one. "This is Atsuko?"  That was the thing that was awkward. Yuki linked arms with Minami for the whole ride and at times acted all lovey-dovey. The short woman doesn't know why or how but it seemed like she felt an evil aura beside her. Mariko and Haruna talked most of the time and Minami tried to concentrate on their talk but sitting between the person you're going out with and person you have a 'crush' on was distracting. After the lovey drive (hellish for someone), the five women got out of the car and went to the back to get their own stuff.
"I miss this place!" Minami smiled trying to break the ongoing tension. Looking at the Inn, nothing really  changed. It was the exact same thing before but that's a good thing.
"You've been here before?" Atsuko asked. She doesn't know the story that the place is own by Haruna's parents. Mariko took the short route and only asked her if she wanted to go to an inn. She agreed of course since there was nothing to do. And it was tempting since it's been years since the last time she have been in one.
"Yeah, best place if you want to relax."
"I'm glad to hear that." A middle age woman said as she slid the door open. Minami's face lit up, upon seeing the older woman. To her, Haruna's mom was like her own mother since she grew up without a mother. And as childhood friends, Minami spent more than half of her childhood with them. The short woman went over to Haruna's mom and gave her a hug. After that, she turned around to face the group. "Girls, this is Haruna's mom, Obasan the tall one is Shinoda Mariko beside her is Maeda Atsuko then Kashiwagi Yuki and lastly  of course you know Haruna." Haruna rolled her eyes and went to greet her mom. After with all the greeting (and out of the way), they went to their own respective rooms. Each of them got their own (except for the obvious couple that was present). After dropping the bags, they met up outside, planning to go on a little hike. They figured they have time to go and come back and when they're back it would be lunch time. Since the place was a walking distance. It wasn't long until they reached the place.  The group entered the cabin since some people get lost, people needed to sign in if they wanted to go hike. There wasn't many people when they entered. They looked around and soon, someone was calling Atsuko's name or rather nickname. "Acchan!" A certain man called and waved his arms as he approached the group. Atsuko turned around to see it's an old friend.
"Acchan, long time no see!" he said and kissed the surprised woman on the cheek and gave her a hug. Minami raised her eyebrows and looked at Mariko who had the look of 'Who the hell is this guy?'. The taller woman whispered "I don't know." Yuki looked at her girlfriend after she felt that Minami's grip on her hands became tighther since the two were holding hands. Surprisingly, there was no jealousy. Maybe a little bit but not that much.
"It's a surprise to see you here Acchan." He smiled. The last the time they saw each other was probably five years ago at there hometown.
"I could say the same."
"My friends and I came here for camping. Stayed up there for three nights. We're here signing out. " He pointed at his friend over to the corner who were all huddled up talking. "Well, was signing out."
"I see, well we're staying where the hot spring is...and we decided to do some hiking."
Mariko did a fake cough and went beside Atsuko, "Bestie, I believe you haven't introduce who..." she looked at him from head to toe then smiled, "...this guy is." then mumbled, "Since someone is a little curious."
Atsuko nodded and looked at her friend. "Did you say something else?" Believing she heard something afterwards.
"Nah, nothing."
"Ok," She nodded then turn back towards her friend. "Well...this is Onoe Matsuya, Matsuya-kun these are my friends: Shinoda Mariko,Kojima Haruna. Takahashi Minami and Kashiwagi Yuki."
"Nice to meet you ladies."
The other four just nodded. With the silent awkwardness starting to build up, he cleared his throat and decided to go. "Well...I...umm...I guess I'll go."
Atsuko nodded, "Ok."
"It was nice to see you again, maybe we'll see each other again sometime..." He smiled and looked at the other four. "...and it was nice meeting you four."
"Likewise." Mariko said.
He bid his goodbye once again and left. The group watching him go as he walked away. Mariko put her arms around Atsuko. "So tell me...what's your relationship with him?"
"N-nothing." She replied and shook her head. "Just friends...childhood friends."
"U-huh,childhood friends." Mariko just grinned but she was worried. It was just hard to believe that they were just childhood friends, just  because of the way he "looked" at Atsuko. A look of a man that wasn't quite happy to really see someone.
"Whatever you think." Atsuko sighed  and started walking towards the counter. The others, slowly following after her. Minami tapped Haruna on the shoulder, and when her friend turned around. She whispered, "He looked familiar." Haruna nodded in agreement. There was something about him, but they can't think what or why. Yuki tugged Minami's shirt. "Do you know him?" The short woman sighed and shook her head, "That's the thing...I'm not seems like I've seen him before but I dont know where or when."
She nodded. "It's not just me then."
"You too?"
"What are you two whispering about?" Mariko asked, noticing the exchanged whispers between the two. Minami sighed and shook her head. "Nothing really." Mariko raised her eyebrows and kept looking at the short woman. Minami laughed, "Fine, but trust don't want to know."
"If you say that then...yup, don't want to know." She lightly laughed then turned her attention to the front where Atsuko's writing their names down. Then she looked where Matsuya went to, the two made eye contact, but he quickly looked away like a boy caught staring at something or rather someone. She frowned. Why is it that she keeps thinking that's there's something wrong? She shook her head to clear her thoughts, they were there to have fun not stress themselves out. After heaving another sigh, Haruna noticed this and asked, "Are you okay?"
" wouldn't I be?"
"You look worried." She touched the woman's shoulder  and  she have to say she was worried herself. "If you don't feel good then we can go back."
"No, I'm ok." She smiled at the gesture. Over the past month, they were so busy that they actually haven't talked about things yet. Or that second date that she talked about. Ever since their date, well...she hadn't made a move. Perhaps it was because, she's waiting for the other woman to make the first move this time? But they were busy so there was really no room for anything. For the past weeks, all they got was a false lead information about the weapon. It was frustrating, yet they never game up on it. She shook her head and focused on the woman standing in front of her. "Thanks anyways." Haruna nodded in response and withdrew her hands, putting them in her pocket.
"Well, we can go whenever you're ready." Atsuko informed the group, after she finished writing down their names and filling up some information.
"Are you sure you want to go?" Minami asked her girlfriend. Remembering about what Yuki told her before. Like the very first time they became official since they talked about themselves, well Yuki did more of the talking since Minami mostly listening and only shared some things. If she recalls, staying outside in the heat for too long is bad for Yuki. If she really thinks of it, her girlfriend is a 'princess type', that of course wasn't a bad thing. She finds it, adorble perhaps? She's fragile yet strong in her own ways. Minami smiled at this and looked at her girlfriend. She really has to get her head out of the gutter and focus what's in front of her. She have to start playing fair.
"I'll be fine." Yuki answered and smirked, "...I'm not a fragile person you know."
"Just asking."
"I know." She smiled and kissed her lightly on the lips  "...and thank you." Minami was surprised about the kiss, usually Yuki was shy about showing affection in public but just a second ago she did. She can't say she didn't like it. But it seemed there was something about that quick kiss. But what? Minami shook her head. 'You're over thinking.'


Halfway on the trail of the mountain peak, the sunny weather suddenly got replaced by dark clouds and started pouring rain. The five women ran back down even though it was quite dangerous and wasn't recommended. They still did, though no matter how quick they ran, the five of them were soaking wet the time they arrived at the Inn. After taking a quick shower and changing, the five of them hang out in the living room a for a while. Since two of them had really nothing to do, Atsuko and Yuki stood up at the same time. They looked at each other, thinking where the other one is going. Minami noticed them and asked where are they going. Both of them answering, "Since it's lunch time soon, I wanted to see if I can do anything in the kitchen." Mariko was laughing inside and whispered to Haruna, who was beside her, "I have to give Minami this weekend, it seems things will be interesting." Haruna nodded in agreement. Meanwhile, Minami nodded and let the two ladies go.
"Aren't you glad, you have two woman of yours that can cook." Mariko teased. She had to, it was like she was giving the right timing. Besides teasing the short woman was always fun.
 Minami looked at her best friend, "Help me." But Haruna only replied, "I have to agree with her." Minami sighed then  blushed at the thought, "Atsuko isn't my...woman." The older woman caught her, "See, you're blushing~" The short woman seemed to be the focus, then an idea popped up in her head. She smiled like a devil,  "Mariko, if I remember correctly there's some photo albums here."
"You don't know where they are!" Haruna quickly said. If she remembered, she hid them before. The reason? Just in case. And when stuff like this happens.
"That's what you think but I know where you hid it."
"Minami you should go and get it." Mariko grinned. She wanted to see the young Haruna.
"Right away ma'am!" Minami grinned and did a salute and took off.
Haruna looked at Mariko, "Seriously?"
"Yup." The older woman chuckled. "I would like to see your picture from when you were younger."
"No you don't."
"Yes I do."
The argument of "yes" and "no" went for a while. They stopped when Minami came back with photo albums in her hands. Haruna looked at Minami, "I'm sure I hid those properly!"
"Putting them at the back of your bookshelf. Isn't hiding it properly." She grinned.
"How did you know?"
"I saw it before, I was going to ask you about it but well I forgot!"
"Liar, you weren't going to ask."
"Things are easily forgotten." Minami said, and handed the photo albums to the older woman. She opened the album and chuckled. "You were cute." Haruna covered her face with her hands, she was embarrassed. She swears she would kill Minami later, probably choke her to death. This things are always embarrassing, it was just photos, just photos yet it would always embarrass her if someone looked at her photos from before.


Atsuko went back to the living room, since lunch was all prepared, she was asked to get the other three by Haruna's mom. The woman found the others seemed to be looking  at things. Curious, she went to check what they were looking at. "What's everyone looking at?" She peaked over to check. "Pictures from when these two were younger." Mariko answered and winked at her partner, "There's some pretty interesting photos of Minami when she was young." She smirked, "Want to see? You know you want to."
Atsuko lightly laughed at her friend's remark, "Maybe later, I was sent here to get you three since it's time to eat." She really did want to see the pictures right now, but she held herself back. It's all about control after all. Besides she didn't want to lose her "cool". 
"Your loss." Mariko grinned and set the photo down then  stood up. She also helped Haruno to stand up since the younger woman just sat their and raised her hands up on the air, waiting to be pulled up. Minami looked at Atsuko with hoping eyes. Copying what her friend did, "I also need help." To her disappointment, Atsuko just huffed and looked away, however her hand was still suspended on the air waiting. The younger woman lightly peaked back and saw Minami still in the same position. The corner of her mouth slightly moved. 'What am I going to do with you.' She then turned around and touched Minami's hands, electricity seemed to pass, literally. She draw her hands back just a bit. Minami laughed, "Was that me or you?" Atsuko rolled her eyes and started to walk away. "Wait!" Minami called after her, the short woman suddenly standing to her feet. Atsuko stopped and looked at Minami. "Now, wasn't that so easy?"
"You tricked me!"
"I don't know what you're talking about." She replied, though she was smiling.

They set themselves up, three on two. Mariko, Atsuko and Haruna sat on one side while the couple sat on the other side. They ate and of course there was some feeding involved. Was it to make another one jealous? Maybe.


All of them sat on the living room after the interesting and eventful lunch. They couldn't go outside because it was still raining. With the rain, their plan got scrapped so instead they just talked and shared some of their childhood stories. It was kind of a bonding moment for their friendship because they were saying stuff that they rarely said to anyone or never once mentioned before.

Evening soon approached them and the rain finally stopped. All of them except for one suggested to go and soak in the onsen.  Haruna just smirked, it's been years but her best friend still can't get into one with people. She thought the "shyness" or whatever the reason is would be gone since she went out with many people. Like the saying goes, old habits die hard.
"You're not joining?" Yuki asked.
"Yeah, Minami you're not coming?" Haruna grinned. She was having with this.
The short woman rubbed the back of her neck, "Well...I uh...plan to go and visit home."
"But that's like thirty minutes away."
"Well, I don't think we have time tomorrow since we have to go back. So I thought of going tonight."
"We could all go tomorrow, I'm sure we would like to see your house."
Minami sighed, "Fine, but I'm going in later, you guys go ahead." She smiled and kissed Yuki on the cheek, "I'll be back later."  Yuki just nodded, though she was puzzled why Minami didn't want to join them. She waited until her girlfriend was out of sight before looking at Haruna. Haruna must've sensed the question since she just said, "She goes in alone, in the onsen every time."

Minami heaved a sigh as she stepped outside. The clouds were clearing and the sun was barely visible. She started walking, who knows where. She just wanted to go somewhere. Then finally deciding to go to the park since it's only ten minutes. That was her destination. Arriving at the park, it was empty. Not that surprising since it was just raining and almost night time. Wiping the traces of water on the swings with her sleeve, she knew that she wasn't the only one in the park. Sitting down on the swing, she looked around, "I know you're there, come out."
Ray revealed herself who was just hiding behind a tree, "How did you know I'm here?"
Minami grinned, "Call it intuition." She sighed, "So what are you doing here? Are you here because we disappeared at Yamaguchi's house?"
Ray just stood where she was, "Nah, couldn't care less, though I'm wondering why you were there. But I doubt that you're going to answer."
"So why are you here then?" She watched the other woman, keeping her eyes on her.
"I'm here to make a proposition. Well I shouldn't say a proposition. Well technically it is-"
"Just get to the point already."
"I got a job and I can't do it alone."
Minami smirked, "What's this? One of the best is saying she can't do a job alone." She knew Ray rarely gets someone with her on a job. She always worked alone since she said to her before that it was easier. The job must be a huge one if she's coming to her. Though she's not ruling out that there's a reason behind all of this.
"Well, you're the only one that can really do it." Ray sighed, and walked towards the short woman. She stood closely in front of her, "No one else can do's a simple job really."
Minami stared at Ray's eyes to make sure she wouldn't lie with the  next question she's going to ask, "What's the job?"
Ray grinned and simply said, "Kill your boss."
"And if I disagree?"
"This is why, it's a proposition...I'm sure you know already about your friends...they're with us. if you don't do it then we can simply you know..."
"Alright, I get it..." Minami mumbled,  " much for a proposition."
"You get something out of it...besides you're still a member no matter how much you deny it."
Minami didn't say anything and finally looked away. Ray was right, there was no running away from them. She cleared her throat, "So why do you need him gone?"
"Oh you know...same motive...since he has the blue print and we know he's currently well his engineer is building it."
"If he's gone then another one will have to be on top."
Minami raised her eyebrows, "I assume this person knows his role?"
 "I can't back out of this?"
"No." Ray grinned, "After this vacation of yours, call me so I can give you the details. The sooner the better."
Minami simply nodded, can she really kill her boss? He was the one that gave them what they have right now. But if she doesn't do it...they will get killed. She was in the kill or be killed situation.


Deciding to go in for another dip, Atsuko took the opportunity to go and she was thinking she would be alone. However, when she went, she found Yuki there. Having no choice, since it would be awkward if she would suddenly leave because she just arrive there. Going in the water, no words were still spoken, even though they were facing each other. Yuki was on the other end while Atsuko was vertically across from her. Atsuko really didn't know what to say to the other woman. So she just kept quiet, hoping Yuki will be the one to engage conversation. She didn't mind if it was going to be quiet but it had the awkwardness. Atsuko took a quick peak at the woman across and at that she deduced that Minami didn't have a preference. One time before, that thought actually crossed her mind, just once though. She shook her head, trying to get rid of those thoughts.
"How do you feel about Minami?" Yuki asked.
Atsuko looked at Yuki, surprised at the question. However, that was actually a good question. How did she feel about Minami? "I...I don't know."
"She likes you."
"I kind of caught that the first time we met." Atsuko thought of the first time they met, when  they really met, not the first encounter. The short woman tried flirting but she just ignored her.
"But still, even now she still does." Yuki still haven't looked at the woman across from her. Instead she lifted her head and looked up at the night sky. Why was she talking about this? Was it for the better for both parties? Maybe that moment where Minami started talking about Atsuko, that's when she knew. She had her doubts back then but inside she knew. Nobody really talks about one person with fire in their eyes and excitement in their  voice, except if they mean something...more to you. Seeing who Atsuko was, she understood why Minami would like her. She then look at Atsuko and repeated what she said, "She likes you."
"It doesn't even" Atsuko sighed. It was actually weird in its own way. Yuki, the girlfriend  was telling her Minami still liked her. Her own feelings towards the other woman was could say complicated. She would be lying if she said their was no attraction. That moment when she was chasing her and they fell. That moment their eyes met, her heart told her so but her mind tried to denied it. Then there was the kiss. She died inside, who the hell kisses someone the first time they see each other. She told herself, she would never see her again so it was ok, but then she was there suddenly working with them. Not knowing how to act around her, she became that ignorant person around her. Acted like she didn't like her and care. She was happy when Minami would talk to her and...flirt but she was also scared. Scared that if she opened up and accept her feelings, it would happen all over again. The feelings that she didn't want to recall. So she just acted cold and distant. Then she got kidnapped by the yakuza and Minami rescued her. After that, that got her thinking if she should reconsider how she would act around the short woman. Soon, both of them took a step forward, they both agreed to become friends since before they never really acknowledge they were friends. Atsuko started to act like her real self around Minami. Those feelings that she tried to deny, they kept becoming stronger and stronger. She still didn't accept it because she knew the other woman had a girlfriend. Dwelling on those feelings would be useless. It was better to ignore it rather than taking notice of them.  She wasn't the type of person to steal someone's girlfriend, she can't do it. So now the situation they're in, it's weird. Was Yuki just rubbing it off? No way, right? Where was she going with this?
"Does it?" Yuki said, "...what about if it does matter."
Atsuko shrugged, "I can't do anything anyways."
Yuki just  laughed and said nothing. Atsuko just looked at her, with a confuse face. Where was she seriously going with this? Was she hinting something? You don't usually talk like this with someone. At least she doesn't think so.
"Just don't give up on her. She probably knows-but is just trying to ignore it because of me. So don't give up on her." Yuki got up, "Well...I've been here for quite some time...better go."  She let herself out of the water, walking back inside as she wrapped around a towel around her body. Atsuko was left alone to ponder. Why would she even give up if she can't confirm her own feelings.

 After getting dressed, Yuki went to join the other three on patio who were sitting. Her thoughts were still on about what she said to Atsuko. It didn't went the way she had planned to say things. There was supposed to be more words involved but in that moment, they were gone. She sighed, well... every plan doesn't go as planned. Yuki saw Minami smile and wave at her when she got closer.  She smiled in return but it was a weak smile. She suddenly felt nauseous, can she do it? She needed to do it or else it will just get worse. It's better to pull out before the wounds get better. She heaved a sigh, "Minami can I have a word with you?" The short woman raised her head up to look at her girlfriend. She nodded, "Sure." Standing up, she quickly glanced at her two friends who just shrugged. Somehow she had a bad feeling about the talk that they'll be having. "Hey...Is something wrong?" She asked and touched Yuki's arms. The taller woman just shook her head, "Can we go out for a walk?" Minami smiled and took her girlfriend's  hand with hers, "Yeah."

Haruna and Mariko who were sitting side by side just listened quietly. They weren't trying to eavesdrop but they were curious. Though, they didn't hear anything since the couple soon left them.
"Speaking of talking...I need to talk to you.
"Hmm...aren't we already talking?"
"Yeah...I just...well...I need to tell you something." Mariko said nervously. It was time she told herself. It was why she "organized" this trip, well one of the reasons. Few weeks passed since there date and that got her thinking. Could she now pursue the relationship she wanted with Haruna? She held herself back after knowing what had happened. She didn't know the feeling of losing someone but that's what made it special. She can give Haruna time, she could wait- be patient. But that date, she wondered if she made a small crack on that wall between them. It's only a little, but that's where everything starts. Everything start from small to getting big. She took a deep breath then let it out, "I...I knew what  happened."
"Happened about what?" Haruna tilted her head. Was there something that wasn't supposed to happen? There's nothing that she could think of.
"I know...that it is none of my business for knowing."
"What is it?" Haruna asked, the suspense killing her. She nudged Mariko on the shoulder and smiled, "It won't hurt to know."
The older woman took a deep breath, "I know about Yuko." She took a peak at her, Haruna's smiled disappeared. "Like I said it's none of my business but Haruna...I need you to know that I like you...really like you but I don't want to rush you. I can't imagine what it feels like but it must be hard. It's been a few months since we met, the moment I saw at first sight happened to me. Right now, I thought I had to say this to you...If you're still not re-"
Haruna shut Mariko up by kissing her. The kiss was slow and sweet, probably lasted for ten seconds before they pulled apart. They looked at each other. Their eyes staying with one another. 
"What do you think now? That was my answer."
Mariko smiled and took Haruna's hands into hers, without taking her eyes away,  "Does this mean...?" Haruna simply nodded and smiled, "I need to move on...and I don't know how you know's better of you knowing it, rather than me keeping it."
"I see...that's a relief to know." They rested their forehead against each other. "It was Minami...she told me about Yuko."
"I figured."
 Mariko grinned and stood up, extending her hands towards the other woman, "Let's go in, it's getting cold." Haruna nodded and took Mariko's hand.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Minami asked, they were out for their walk. Glancing at her girlfriend, she noticed her shivering. It was colder than usual. Removing her jacket, she placed it on Yuki's shoulder, "I don't want you to catch a cold...It's a little cold outside..."
"Thanks, but won't you be cold?" Yuki tightened her grip on the jacket, 'You're making this difficult.'
"Nah, it's ok, you're my top priority you know."
Yuki smiled but she was starting to have an internal conflict. Since when did Minami have this caring side? Well always. It was a bad idea going outside. She gulped, it was better to this than later. "'re really a good girlfriend. You're caring, kind, protective...heck, I can go forever, but those things aren't meant for me. There's someone out there, waiting for you. Vice versa.  You deserve much more." It was short but she really couldn't say anything else. The shorter the better. Minami stopped walking, is it really happening what she's thinking? It actually hurts. Just when she decided she would starting like a real girlfriend to Yuki, then this happens. Those words that Yuki said, she should be the one saying it to Yuki. Yuki was the kind one and all of that. Yuki's the one that deserves better. Those words shouldn't be directed towards her. She clenched her fist then unclenched them, "I should be the one saying you deserve much more, I felt that I'm the worst, I thought to myself before that I don't deserve you because you're way beyond my reach. However I tried." She took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. The night sky was black, no light were seen only the darkness. There were no stars or moon that could be seen. It was empty. Even though those words "I'm breaking up with you" wasn't spoken. It was clear. It wasn't even necessary really. They both knew. Hah, who knew it would hurt this much? Since she was "the player" before, she had no problem with one night stands. Did those people she slept with felt like this when she was gone the time they wake up? Probably. She finally looked at Yuki, the taller woman was only looking at the ground. Minami touched Yuki's face and made the woman look at her. She smiled, but it was a sad smile, "How about a one last, goodbye kiss?" Yuki lightly laughed but she nodded. She closed her eyes, Minami kissed Yuki's forehead instead of the lips. She felt it was more appropriate that way.  Yuki just laughed and pulled the short woman in for a hug, "I'm sorry."
Minami shook her head and shut her eyes, preventing the tears to escape, "Don't be."

To be continued...

I had an ideal chapter for this and was all written  but scrapped that and went with this~ ahahaha  :on lol: anyways thanks again~!

Offline Feat

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New Chapterrr~  :D

I haven't read it yet. I'll read it later. Have a lot of things to do.

Anywaysss, thank you for this.  :bow:

Wowww~ so many things are happening.

I can't wait on what will happen next.

Till next time.  :twothumbs :)
« Last Edit: February 25, 2014, 02:16:29 PM by Feat »

Offline cisda83

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AH... just when Minami is trying to be a good gf for Yuki, Yuki broke up with her

Yuki knew about Minami's feeling for Atsuko, so she let Minami go...

I do think Yuki did love Minami in more than just a normal lover... but maybe a bit in love but she's not selfish...

And Haruna answered Mariko's feeling.... Poor Yuko...

Yuko left Haruna, not because she wanted to... but Must go to protect Haruna....

What would happen to Yuko....?

Ah... make Haruna back with Yuko please....

And Mariko with Miichan...

Then everyone will have a happy ending...

Well that's my wish... but I'll be waiting how this story is going to develop...

Thank you for the update

Can't wait to see the next chapter

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline ubulubulbilu

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  • I only read ATSUMINA fanfic XD
Actually, I'm atsumina's hard shipper. But, when I read ur fanfic, takayuki it wasn't bad idea. It's just rarely things happend and they're just cute to be together.  :nya:

But again, my priority ending, still Atsumina of course!! :on GJ:

Yeah, keep up the good work author san, this ff is so much interesting :on cigar:

:on slopkiss:

Offline phoenix0i

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  • Aigoo! Hwaiting!
I wanna know what happens next.
TakaYuki here is nice. Well portrayed.

MariHaru is on. Atsumina yet to come.
Discovering the wonders of your vague imagination.
Taeny, Atsumina and SayaMilky <3

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