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Author Topic: The Kamei Eri thread (亀井絵里)  (Read 334780 times)

Offline BigDnm01

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Re: The Kamei Eri thread (亀井絵里)
« Reply #1740 on: October 29, 2008, 01:40:43 AM »
Does any have a picture of Eririn getting angry, mad?  even a little or pissed off?  Or stories of her getting angry/mad/pissed off? 
I never heard of one nor seen Eri angry, can't even imagine it, really...

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Re: The Kamei Eri thread (亀井絵里)
« Reply #1741 on: October 29, 2008, 08:58:18 AM »
I think Eri would be the sort of person who would be really scary when they get really angry.  Though I remember the time Eri said how she cried when her sister got angry after Eri refused to give her some allowance  :lol:

There is a story of Eri and Reina getting into a big fight around Tsuji and Kago's grad concert (summer of 2004), and they wanted to make up but were sort of waiting for each other to make the first move. Rika stepped in and helped the two make up, and it is said that Reina became close to Rika after this incident. I guess this counts as an 'angry story' of Eri.

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Re: The Kamei Eri thread (亀井絵里)
« Reply #1742 on: October 29, 2008, 09:15:47 AM »
There is a story of Eri and Reina getting into a big fight around Tsuji and Kago's grad concert (summer of 2004), and they wanted to make up but were sort of waiting for each other to make the first move. Rika stepped in and helped the two make up, and it is said that Reina became close to Rika after this incident. I guess this counts as an 'angry story' of Eri.

Wow never heard of this fight story but that is so unlike Eri. Because after some sleep, she'll probably forget about the feud already. :wahaha:

4th Pic of Eri courtesy of t-motion's gallery ~ Sangokushi Taisen anyone ? ~ Lame attempt at a personal blog ~

Offline OnDiet

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Re: The Kamei Eri thread (亀井絵里)
« Reply #1743 on: October 30, 2008, 09:14:03 AM »
Here comes Morning Musume DVD Magazine Vol.19!

- The cat helps the nervous turtle :B
- Want to know why Eri got that hairstyle in PK? x:
- The Aho's willpower.
- Warning :Thunderthighs' strength improved
- Lol, "n" makes a difference.

Morning Musume DVD Magazine Vol.19 - Kamei Eri's interview.
Q. Have you reached any of your goals in 2008?
Eri : For me...Not that I don't like to set goals..but sometimes I will feel disappointed in myself if I worked real hard towards my goal and yet unable to achieve what I wanted. So for me usually I'll just set a few targets for a day that I want to meet and carry them out on that day. So my daily targets adds up as my goal for the year. I've been planning my goals like this all the time. Frankly, compared to other people I'm those who worries a lot, and I turn nervous easily. Reina is a very composed person and she'll often hold onto my hands and tells me calm down. I'll reply with a "got it!" and it'll help me relax a little. Yup..thats how nervous i can get. So I hope I can proceed with my work without worrying about every single thing and I shall set this as a goal for myself.

Eri : Good morning ~
Gakisan : GAKIKAME desu!
Eri : GAKIKAME desu!
Gakisan : We're shooting for the March to April calender.
Eri : Theres no Art Theater here!
Gakisan : (laughs)
Eri : We're not gonna throw anything today!

Q. What hairstyles do you like?
Eri : Kappa's hairstyles. Not really kappa...something like a doll's straight at the sides and the fringe. I'd wanna try that hairstyle (That explains the legend of the PK hairstyle x: ) Every single strand of my hair will be of the same length this way and my fringe will be thick and long. It'll definitely look cute. Actually i like those long and thick fringe but since we have to appear on television programs or to take photos, it'll make it look real thick and black. If I don't have to worry about these factors, I'll definitely want to try this hairstyle.

Q. If you have 10 days off, what would you like to do in the 10 days?
Eri : Ten days? Thats a lot...Where should i go? Seriously...I don't go out much...I'm always at home. Where should I go...? Nothing happens much at home actually...But when I feel that I wanna go out to play I'll go out to play.

Q. Is there anything that you think you improved on in 2008?
Eri : A lot of things happened this year...Like for Bow 30 Degrees...I got to know of more people...It wasn't really a musical...Instead it was a play. I found plays really fun and even though we had to hold the play 3 times per day and to concentrate till the end but everyday just flew past quickly. Talking about improvement my level of concentration probably improved the most. Also, my stamina too. Our concert tour had 36 songs and it had a really long duration. But even till the end of the concert I was still able to hold on and this surprised me a little. Even though it was really tiring but the concerts didn't end with me feeling tired. Instead I'll have a sense of accomplishment b'cos I was able to concentrate till the end of the concert. In conclusion I became stronger...I think? I'm not sure if i can consider this as an improvement though...I'd like to be confident in saying this but I don't think I've really improved that much...but still, i think i improved.

Eri's message : I'll turn 20 in I'm still nineteen but when i turn 20 it'll be twenty. Theres no "n" in 20. Not that I find myself old but thats quite an obvious change...It makes me think that "Ah...I'm no longer a teen". And since I'm going to be at such an age soon, I hope that I will be able to work towards my goals without being worrying too much. I'll like to continue to work hard and to have fun everyday. Please continue supporting me!


Lol, the summary was just something I did cos' i was bored, don't mind me :B
The haristyle part i didn't really know how to describe so all i used was long and thick, lol, hopefully you guys got it. Its probably something like her Pepper Keibu hairstyle just that its a little thicker at the fringe.
Btw, fringe are bangs, but I'm more used to using fringe though.

*Forces a hug on everyone, even those who don't want my hug x: *

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Re: The Kamei Eri thread (亀井絵里)
« Reply #1744 on: October 30, 2008, 10:40:56 AM »
Thanks for the translation.  I liked the kappa hair part and daily goals...oh and the gakikame, that was very cute on the dvd.

and thank you for the hug!  I really needed considering my computer kind of died...still trying to fix it but it's still harsh depressing.  but where was i? oh yes..this has made me feel a little better =)

Offline OnDiet

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Re: The Kamei Eri thread (亀井絵里)
« Reply #1745 on: October 31, 2008, 12:10:01 PM »
Another GAKIKAME! Cheesebox done a short translation on for this episode but I thought I'll do them all up. I'll recommend you to listen to it as you read this episode (: GAKIKAME's laughter makes is really funny :B And this is probably one of the very few times that GAKIKAME didn't have enough time and had to end asap. Lol.

- The turtle don't like spicy things.
- Ojousan have big appetites
- Eri puts her cuteness into good use and got what she wanted to order.
- Gakisan's personality test was surprising. Job and money over family and friends o:
- Gakisan's encounter with a robot
- Turtle vs Orangutan

GAKIKAME #064 [2008.06.21]
Eri's four word idiom - 遠慮会釈 enryoeshaku : reserve and consideration (to others).


K : Gakisan, next week will be the 28th and we're gonna hold our shanghai live concert!
G : Shanghai ~ Our last for this concert tour
K : Awesome...
G : Awesome...We managed to come so far.
K : We're looking forward to the Chinese cuisine aren't we?
G : Yeah! At Taiwan...the food we ate...the prawn, the prawns were delicious.
K : Yes! It was tasty!
G : And also the Spicy Mapo Tofu
K : I didn't try that
G : Yeah..Kame don't like to eat spicy things.
K : The tofu was bright red wasn't it!
G : Yeah, bright red.
K : For me...The dish that i ate in Korea..was it Bulgogi?
G : Bulgogi was delicious!
K : Bulgogi right? It was really delicious.

Letter : The sender was dining with a friend and apparently when he looked over to another customer's table and was tempted by the dish that that customer ordered. Instead of looking through the menu for it he actually told the waitress "I want that please!' and pointed to that table. The waitress laughed a little at that. The sender asked what was GAKIKAME's most embarrassing encounter when dining at a outside.
K : Ehhh?
G : Was there any?
K : I wonder what...
G : At a shop?
K : Hm...I do encounter such embarrassing events sometime...
G : Ah..I do dine outside with the with KonKon...or even with Sayumin, Kame we'll usually order so much of dishes that its not the amount that any ordinary people will eat. The waiter will then ask "How many people are you waiting for?" and we'll reply "Nope. We aren't waiting for anyone" and the waiters will usually ask if we are able to finish that much of food. And usually we'll finish them all off.
K : Awesome isn't it? We ate everything.
G : When I was asked that it was a little embarrassing for me but since we all can really eat a lot right?
K : Yes.
G : So we'll usually experience such things. Is there any of such events for you? Any pokepokepoo episode?
K : Yup. There was. Just now when you were talking about it I remembered something
G : Don't tell me you forgot about it alr?
K : ..Wait wait..(Click sound from eri's pen)
G : (laughs) Why must you hold up your pen? You're gonna write it down?
K : It wasn't the menu...ah..the lunch! Not from the lunch menu...I wanted to choose something from the normal menu...
G : You mean you wanted to choose something from the normal menu and not from the lunch menu?
[It seems like at the time Eri went there was the shop was only serving lunch menu already at that time]
K : But even when i requested for it they didn't allow me to. I bugged them a few times for it.
G : You went during lunch time?
K : Yeah, around 2-3pm. Just right at the start of lunch time. I wanted to eat a couple of dishes from the normal menu and not from the lunch menu so I requested for it. After I asked for it a couple of times more they finally allowed me to order from it.
G : How many times did you requested for it?
K : Quite a number of times...Like "Is it really impossible to order from here?"..."I really wanted to eat this thats why i came.." I tried really hard to convince the waiter!
G : The waiter must have been stuck in between you and his job eh?
K : Yeah. He was like "I'll go and check then..."
G : (laughs) He was probably thinking "This pokepokepoo!" (laughs)
K : He helped me request for it
G : Thats good for you. So you enjoyed your meal?
K : Yeah...
G : (Coming back to the letter) I understand this type of feeling. Sometimes when you see some people eating certain dishes it'll tempt you too and you'll end up ordering that dish that the person was eating instead of ordering something else from the menu.

Morning Musume - Resonant Blue

Personality test : You're currently having a very long trip with some animals. The animals are monkey, sheep, tiger, cow and horse. But since its a long trip, when you move on you have to leave an animal behind in the middle of your trip. Which animal will you bring along for the longest before leaving it behind? Please rank the animal that you will bring along for the longest period of time as number 1 while the one that you will leave behind first as number 5.
K :  I have to rank 1 and 5? Do i have to rank 2, 3 and 4?
G : You have to rank all the animals. The last one that you wanna leave behind will be number 1. It was really difficult to make a decision for this test when i was doing it.
K : Ehhh ~
G : For me..the first one that I'll leave behind is the tiger and the next will be the monkey...number 3 will be the cow...then number 2 will be the sheep...and number one will be the horse.
K : Oh..
G : I wanted to rank the sheep number 1 but I like the horse's nose. Do you know? Have you thought it before? Its soft...
K : (laughs) I don't wanna hear that!
G : I really like their noses! Are you thinking?
K : Yeah.. Number 1 is the first one you'll leave behind?
G : Number 1 is the last one you'll wanna leave behind.
K : ...Okay...wait a while...
G : It might be a little difficult for Kame to decide...concentrate alright...
K : Its something like to choose it in order of the animal you like best right?
G : Kind of...
K : (Thinking in process) Whats this...Monkey...cow...maybe cow...? Number 1 will be monkey...
G : ... And number 2 is...?
K : Number 2 is...this is difficult! ...Ah I got it! Sorry sorry. Number 1 will be cow. Number 2 will be monkey. Number 3 will be the sheep. Number 4 will be the horse. Number 5 will be the tiger.
G : So tiger is the one you'll leave behind first right?
K : Yeah.
G : Ah...same here.

These are GAKIKAME's rankings.
Gakisan :
1. Horse
2. Sheep
3. Cow
4. Monkey
5. Tiger

Eri :
1. Cow
2. Monkey
3. Sheep
4. Horse
5. Tiger

G : The listeners probably have their rankings done long time ago. Kame really took her time in doing it. We'll move on to the results now.
K : (laughs)

Result : This is the ranking of things that are important to you. Number 1 is the most important thing to you.
Tiger : Pride
G : That means we don't really think that pride is the most important thing.
K : Yeah...pride in life isn't really that important...
Horse : Job
G : Isn't that really bad for you?
K : No! No! Wait! Wait! I know! Job is just one part of my life...
Monkey : Family (Parents and children)
K : (laughs)
Sheep : Money
G : Its somewhere in the middle for us.
K : Money is important...
Cow : Friends
G : Kame's number one is cow...
K : (In English) Cow! Cow!

GAKIKAME's results
Gakisan :
1. Job
2. Money
3. Friends
4. Family
5. Pride

Eri :
1. Friends
2. Family
3. Money
4. Job
5. Pride

G : (reading from the letter) How was your result? Job was the most important thing to Kame-chan wasn't it?
K :
G : Unfortunately Kame ranked it quite low.

GReeeeN - SUN SHINE!!!

Narikiri Narcissist : Asking about what types of dreams GAKIKAME have.
G : Did you dream of anything recently?
K : Yeah..But i don't really remember the details. Its a little dreams..not really scary...its mysterious. Like there was once i dreamed that only my legs were long
G : Eh...Thats scary...
K : And when I wanted to enter somewhere I was so big that I couldn't go in through the door.
G : Its said that you have certain dreams cos' you thought about them and such...
K : Yeah..
G : There were such occasions right? Are you okay?
K : Yeah.
G : For me...I don't really dream of anything recently...But there was something i wished that it was a dream. When I was going on the train, at the ticket machine there was a robot.
K : Eh? What? Was it scary?
G : This is a real thing. seriously. The robot was buying a ticket
K : Really? In the near future?
G : Not in the near future or anything. In reality.
K : Eh?
G : Seriously. It was real.
K : The robot bought the ticket for you?
G : The robot didn't buy it for me. I bought it myself.
K : Then the robot?
G : The robot bought it for himself. Why will it buy for me? Why would I be related to a robot?
K : That means the robot bought it for himself to ride the train?
G : Yeah
K : How big was it?
G : Its a little bigger then human.
K : Just like any other common people?
G : Not really. Seriously, this is true. The robot even pressed the machine. There was something like a gun on him or something. It was that type of robots. Seriously, this is true. For a moment I wondered if it was a dream. In that dream when i saw that I was like "The robot is buying a ticket!"
K : Really? When you were riding on the train were you looking at him?
G : I didn't see it was I was on the train. I didn't see it after I tapped my card and went into the station.
K : Hai hai! I have a dream to share too!
G : What is it?
K : I was at a train station's washroom. (laughs)  And was it the sink? There was an orangutan standing next to the sink!
G : EH?! (Her reaction =.= was loud.)
K : (laughs)
G : Are you joking with me?
K : Really! Its true! Its belly...
G : You made it up right?
K : Its true! Please believe me! Please believe me! (laughs) and the orangutan was there while I'm with my friends (laughs) And since it was a big train station so I thought I went into the wrong place. When i entered the washroom I saw the orangutan adjusting (laughs) his *high pitch* hair (laughs) This is true! It happened around 3 years ago.
G : Thats an old story (laughs)
K : I was really scared and i called my mother immediately.
G : Really?
K : It really surprised me.
G : This is funny...orangutan?
K : It was there alone.
G : In the toilet?
K : When I saw it I was like "Ah?" and ran away immediately. And I told my friends about it. My friends went to check it out and they only found the orangutan's hair. It was left as traces! (laughs)
G : Really?
K : The orangutan's hair...(laughs)
(GAKIKAME laughing. They forgot about the time and spent too much time on this segment)
G : Okay okay (laughs) We'll talk about it later. We can't continue like this (laughs)
K : (laughs)
G : This is probably the first time I laughed so hard here recently.
K : Yeah..
G : Do we still have time for one more letter? We can't right? Alright so next time...
K : Eh?
G : We can't read the second letter already. Your orangutan story was too long (laughs)
K : Then what about my part?
G : Ah..Then read it. Go ahead.
K : (Eri's Narikiri Narcissist sentence)
G : Even though you saying this...but that orangutan story is still in my mind. And your acting was...(laughs)
K : We're gonna end like this?
G : Blahblahblahblah...GAKIKAME's spelling is G-A-K-I-K-A-M-(laughs)E.
K : (laughs)
G : (laughs) Sorry!
K : You should have done it properly!
G : Sorry bout' that! But its really ticklish (laughs) Kame Kame. Its your selection
K : Yeah. Today is Kame's selection. This song...I've chose a song that I'll like the listeners to listen to on Sunday mornings.

Morning Musume - Mirai no Taiyou

Letter : The sender is just got married. Her husband is a big fan of Morning Musume too. This couple went to Morning Musume's concerts together and they have decided to go the Cinderella the Musical together too and she is looking forward to the musical.
G : Congratulations!
K : Congratulations! (claps)
G : It makes us happy to hear this from our fans.
K : Its great...
G : Do come to our musical and H!P's summer concert!
K : Yeah...Under the appearance of the bride and the groom
G : They can't do that. (laughs) In order to let all of us enjoy this summer we shall work hard for this musical and the concert alright?
K : I will!

Promotions for Hello! Project Summer Wonderful Hearts Kouen concert, Cinderella the Musical.

GAKIKAME : Oyasumi nasai!


These GAKIKAME translations may stop coming in for some time.. Apologies!
But of cos', do continue listening to the recordings of GAKIKAME (:
« Last Edit: October 31, 2008, 12:33:56 PM by OnDiet »

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Re: The Kamei Eri thread (亀井絵里)
« Reply #1746 on: November 04, 2008, 06:37:42 AM »
*Prays that I don't get caught for double-posting*

Morning Musume Concert 08/11/02 Tokyo Day

Here comes some Eririn-ness ~

First MC
Kamei : It was something I dream about not long ago.
Aichan : OhHh!
Kamei : I was in the dressing room preparing for a concert. And as usual just as the concert was about to start I've yet to finish my preparations for the concert. There wasn't any clock hanging around so i asked Sayu who was next to me "Whats the time now?" but she ignored me even though she heard it. So I repeated my question "Ne...Whats the time now? Whats the time now?". And Sayu responded with a very scary expression and scolded "YOU'RE ****in' IRRITATING!"
Fans : (lol)
Sayu : Perhaps thats what I really wanna tell Eri (lol)
[The ****in' was added in by me to show the emphasis cos Eri emphasised the phrase when she was talking. The actual is not really so exaggerated, just that it was suppose to sound firece.]

Rokkies MC
Reina : Are you familar with things in Tokyo?
Sayu : I am for sure...I've been here for already 6 years or so.
Reina : Yeah ~
Sayu : Eri how long have you been in Tokyo?
Reina : Yeah, how long?
Eri : Me?
Fans : (lol) - [Eri is born in Tokyo, lol]
Eri : ...19
Reina : Shes a veteran!
Sayu : A veteran!
[They talk a lil more before moving on to the main point]
Reina : Alright. So this is the question. Tokyo's catchcapi...
Fans : EHHHH? [Reina screwed up :B Fans reactions were great]
Reina : (corrects herself) What is Tokyo's catch copy?
Eri : Tokyo has no catch copy!
Reina : There is!
Eri : There is?
Sayu : Ah! I know! "Welcome to Japan"?
Fans & Reina : (lol)
Reina : Thats not the answer. I'll use "simplicity" to describe the catch copy. You'll react in "HAHA" when you hear it.
Fans : (lol)
Eri : I know I know! Since theres a lot of people in Tokyo...when you pass by one another we'll give a high-five?
Fans : (lol)
Sayu : ??? [I think she asked "Do you even do that?" to Eri]
Reina : I'll give one more hint. Theres 5 characters.
Eri : 5 characters..?
Sayu : Kanji?
Reina : Its kind of like __ __ __ [She was kind of giving them the "tune"]
Sayu : Arigatou Nihon (Thank you Japan)?
Fans : Ohhhh ~
Sayu : ??? Nihon (??? Japan)?
Reina : Nope
Sayu : Sumimasen Nihon (Sorry Japan)? [Sayu throws in random answers :B]
Fans : (lol)
Reina : Is the "Japan" really necessary? With this hint you'll be able to answer it for sure.
Eri : That means the answer is something something Tokyo?
Reina : Yup.
Sayu : I got it!
Fan : Here it comes here it comes here it comes [Apparently it was a fan who was near this fan recording's mic, lol]
Sayu : Arigatou Tokyo (Thank you Tokyo)?
Fans : (lol)
Reina : No! I'll give one more hint. You must try and get it after this hint alright? Look closely. (Did something) [Okay, Reina used a gesture to give the other two rokkies the hint. And after the gesture the fans kind of got the answer. The gesture is probably "Welcome in" gesture or maybe a bow]
Eri : (directed to Sayu) Did you get it?
Fans : (lol)
Sayu : I don't get it?
Eri : Can you do it again?
Reina : (Does some gesture again, but this time round, she added in "Hey!")
Sayu : Ah! I think I got it? "Hey, come here!"? (Hey, rasshai!)
Fans : Ahh! [A hint that she was close to the answer]
Reina : You're close!
Sayu : Eh?
Eri : I think I got has the word Tokyo in it right?
Reina : Yup.
Sayu : Nono! Don't let Eri get it right!
Reina : Sayu added unnecessary words in just now in her answer.
Sayu : (cuts in) "Come here!"?
Eri : I got it! "Welcome to Tokyo!". (Irasshai Tokyo)
Reina : Just one word off!
Sayu : Isshai Tokyo? [Lol, its not suppose to make sense. Sayu was guessing randomly]
Reina : No! You're totally off!
Eri : (trying to rearrange the words)
Sayu : ira.. (gives up) I don't know!
Eri : "Come to Tokyo!"? (Rasshai Tokyo)
Reina : You got it!
Fans : (cheer)
Reina : Sayu was close. She shouldn't have added in the "Hey"
Sayu : So that was what you mean?
[Rokkies cont. discussion about the catch copy]
Alright, in conclusion, Tokyo's catch copy : Rasshai Tokyo and Eri got the answer right.

Last MC
Eri : I really feel that everyone here...your lower half of the awesome. Not as if I lose out to you guys.. but during the live performance, you guys were seriously jumping a lot!
Fans : (cheer)
Eri : Thank you for that! It made me really happy and it motivated me to do my best.

Parts that I left it as "???" are the parts whereby I wasn't able to hear clearly.
I can't say it with confidence that this is 100% accurate cos' there were parts that were too soft.
Rokkies MCs were entertaining. Thanks lovemusic for the recording (:
« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 06:44:21 AM by OnDiet »

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Re: The Kamei Eri thread (亀井絵里)
« Reply #1747 on: November 04, 2008, 10:07:46 AM »
Thanks for the translation.  I liked the kappa hair part and daily goals...oh and the gakikame, that was very cute on the dvd.


Thanks for the translations OnDiet, are you having exams soon that's why you are gonna be busy?

You should watch MM DVD MAg 21 for all the Rokkies MCs. You're gonna have a field day. And us too if you're gonna translate them :P

I like how Eri ranks things that are important to her. Though I'm kinda surprised friends came before family. I learnt something new about Eri again today, she doesn't like spicy stuff.

Offline Sukoshi

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Re: The Kamei Eri thread (亀井絵里)
« Reply #1748 on: November 04, 2008, 11:15:54 AM »
Thanks for the translation OnDiet.  I always find mic recordings a little difficult to listen to..since it's hard to make out all the words.

It's strange but I think I'm keep track of who can eat spicy food...ah my love for trivia.

so far Gaki and Ai seem to have no probs with spicy food. 
Eri doesn't like spicy food.
Reina gets heartburn from spicy food.
and Sayu totally loves super spicy food.

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Re: The Kamei Eri thread (亀井絵里)
« Reply #1749 on: November 04, 2008, 11:28:42 AM »
Yup! I agree! The fans' cheering makes it really difficult to hear certain things. I kind of skipped those I couldn't hear x:
Heartburn? Whats heartburn?

I've watched it! (: I'm not sure if I'll be working on them though, apologies!
Nope, not exams. Just that I'm receiving a lot of assignments lately and I was warned by my teacher to get those assignments which I delayed out immediately. LOL.
But I'll do out translations whenever I get the time to. Just like today :B

A short review for MM DVD Magazine Vol.21
Eri's gags during Rokkies MC worked well :B in giving everyone the "cold" atmosphere.
Fellow Rokkies' reactions and such made it really entertaining too.
And if anyone don't know what was Eri's topics all about it was about "What day is it today?". I somehow learned a little from her MCs.

Morning Musume Concert 08/11/01 Tokyo Night

First MC
Koharu : Theres something worse then that..its about Kamei-san though. Kamei-san buys a lot of clothes and shoes.
Gakisan : Yeah
Koharu : Isn't it better to buy different variety of clothes and shoes? But the colours she buys are all the dark brown and such. So when you see her clothings it looks like as if its the same one.
Gakisan : So you mean she should get different colours one right?
Koharu : Yup. Her shopping skills are bad. Maybe you should try red?
Eri : Red?
Aichan : Koharu, don't say that her shopping skills are bad. I buy things the same way she does! (As in Aichan buys items of the same colour too)
Koharu : You gotta be joking!
Reina : Ehhh? Obasan...
Eri : This is actually the skillful way of shopping! ne ~
Aichan : ne ~
Fans and MM : EHHHH?!
Koharu : Its more like the opposite of that!
Somehow, Koharu ended up being the one having the "bad skill"
Gakisan : Bring Koharu along next time you go shopping
Koharu : Yeah, lets go together.
Aichan : Alright. With that, lets move on to the next song.

Rokkies MC
Reina : Lets take a @$#@%$#
Reina screws up right at the start of the MC :B She wanted to say Lets take a seat btw.
Reina : Since we're in Tokyo today, then I'll give a really difficult question that you guys won't be able to answer.
Sayu : We'll get it for sure.
Eri : And afterall I'm born in Tokyo.
Reina : You said it! You said it!
Eri : Yah, I said it.
Reina : There is a street right in front of this concert hall...
Sayu : (cuts it) I got it!
Sayu : 246
Fans : EHHH?
Eri : She got it?
Sayu : Is my answer correct?
Reina : Not at all. My question is, what street is it?
Sayu : 246?
Reina : Thats not the answer...
Eri : Frankly speaking, one won't get it if you just say "246"
Reina : But you hear "246" often right?
Sayu : Yeah.
Reina : Even though I don't know where "246" is.
Sayu : Somewhere around Aoyama
Reina : I don't know Aoyama well. Sorry. We're talking about streets here!
Eri : Roppongi street?
Fans : EHHH?
Sayu & Reina : What did you just say?
Eri : Like roppongi street and such.
Reina : Nope. Its not that. "heheheheh" kuni street [She was dropping a hint]
Eri : Theres the word kuni in the answer right? Yasukuni street? Its the answer right?
Fans : (cheer)
Sayu & Reina : EWWW [They ewww'd cos' Eri got the answer right. And Eri got it right a little too early xD, and when this happens, the first two alphabets that comes to you is...]
Reina : You're seriously KY.
Sayu : Shes a little more "ancient" then KY.]
Eri : Yasukuni...
Reina : (cuts in) You seriously can't read the atmosphere.
Eri : ...yasu
Sayu : Lets listen to her
Eri : (mumbles)...[Lol, she sounds like shes gonna cry anytime]
Reina : Sorry!
Eri : Theres a shrine in yasukuni isn't it? I knew about the Yasukuni Shrine thats why it striked me that it might be yasukuni and guess I got it right eh?
Sayu : I see...
Reina : Why did it even come into your mind?
Eri : Thats b'cos you said ______ kuni.
Sayu : I thought it was a country (kuni).
Reina : I thought I should be kinder and give kuni as a hint... (acts like as if shes crying)
Sayu : ne..Reina-chan. [Lol, they were trying to make Eri feel guilty so...]
Eri : Sorry!
Reina : Guess that was too big a hint.
Sayu : But as expected from a Tokyo girl...[Eri is born in Tokyo FYI, if somehow anyone don't know]
Eri : Yeah, thats b'cos Kamei Eri's spirit is here.
Fans : (cheer)
Sayu : Your chin [Seems like Eri was making some expressions]
Reina : Lets move on
Eri : Rokkies are strong ne ~
Sayu : Your chin looks cute
Eri : Please stop saying "chin" (lol)
Sayu : Chin chin!

Gokkies MC
- Explanation for the album name "Cover You". Well, in fact they do this for all the concerts, lol.
- Talks about this MM line-up being the same for the past one and a half year and about how much more they got to know another.
- Aichan says that Aika is very reserve/thoughful when she just joined MM. An example was that Aika will ask Aichan if she wants some tea and such. But now she is able to joke around with them.
- Apparently the strawberry-earings that Aichan had on that day was a gift from Aika.
- Lol, the way Aika gave Aichan - "Its still unused, you want to use it?"
- Aichan and Aika love strawberries

Morning Musume Concert 08/11/03 Tokyo Day

First MC
Sayu : I went out for a meal with LinLin. LinLin told me that she knows of a really good chinese cuisine shop and she really wants to bring me there. So we went there and we chatted as we eat. Halfway through LinLin told me "Michishige-san please wait for a while" and blahblahblah [Apparently LinLin was doing something, fidgeting with her muffler or something o: If you listen to Sayu talk you'll understand why i skipped here.] and after that she said "Ah feels good this way" [She imitated LinLin at the feel good part].
Eri : That sounded like her!
Fans : (lol)
Sayu : After chatting for something we were about to leave. So we went to pay the bill and she paid it for me!
Fans : EHHH?
Eri : Why?!
Sayu : I thought "ah! What a good junior!". But if the senior let her junior pay for her won't she "lose face"? So I thought I should pay...???
MM : Sugoi...
Aika : Shes so mature!
Sayu : Lets go to a Italian shop together next time, LinLin!
Aichan : (rounding up)
Sayu : The leader should come along too. [If Aichan goes with them, Aichan has to foot the bill. Lol, Sayu is smart (: ]
Fans : (lol)

7th and 8th Generation MC
- Are your endurance levels high?
- JunJun vs Koharu : JunJun says she understands what "edurance" in Japanese is and explained to Koharu. Koharu told her she knows, and reminds JunJun that she is a japanese. JunJun explains that b'cos Koharu showed her a "I don't know" expression so she thought she didn't know what "endurance" meant.
- JunJun thinks her endurance level is high.
- JunJun vs Koharu battle continues.
- To make it a fair battle Aika told them to challenge one another in seiza. [seiza : sitting correctly in the japanese-style]
- JunJun vs Koharu battle turned intense and Aika tried to stop them from arguing
- LinLin uses the best way to stop them from arguing. She moved on straight to announcing the next song. lol.

Gokkies MC
- Talk about how they surprise one another on their birthday along with their managers
- Aichan's Birthday surprise
- Everytime its someone birthday Reina will go "Ah...How good..." So that started to talk about preparing for Reina's bday

Morning Musume Concert 08/11/03 Tokyo Night

First MC
Gakisan : During this concert tour. On Tokyo first day concert I thought of changing my nails so I talked to the rest of the members about it and they told me they were looking forward to seeing my new set of nail art. But on that day after the concert I was sleepy so i just left my nails as it is. And the next day, I was in the dressing room preparing for the concert and Michishige Sayumi-chan was sitting next to me. And Sayumin told me "Gakisan, your new nails look good!"
Fans : (lol)
Gakisan : So it made me think "This girl is so halfhearted". Adding on, whenever i change my nails shes the first person to tell me that my nails looks cute and such. And I hope that what she said was true!
Fans : (lol)
[Gakisan and Sayu starts screaming through the mic arguing with one another, lol.]

Rokkies MC
Skipping the whole lot of it in front.
Apparently it seems like when they want to answer Reina's qns they have to either raise their hands or something. SayuEri got the answer at the same time so they wanted to answer but Reina will only let one of them answer.
Eri insists that she raised her hand or something first. But the crowd start screaming Sayu. Sayu chuckled at the sight of Eri being dumbfounded. Eri continue to insist that it was her but Reina sided Sayu, so too bad for the turtle. Eri ended up saying "This is recorded in the DVD, thats why i want to answer it".
Not sure who was the one who was first. Guess we have to wait till the DVD comes out :B Judging from Eri's reaction she sounded like as if the crowd gang up on her. But still, it might just be Eri's desperation that made her insisted on her being the first one :B  

7th and 8th Generation MC
- Topic : Till what extent do you love MM?
- JunJun has posters of the individual MM members in her house. JunJun throws in a couple of examples of the posters she have. Eg. Aichan in Bikini, Poster of the short-hair Eri.
- LinLin says that the biggest poster in JunJun's house is of cos', JunJun's poster.
- JunJun pins up all her posters. She listed them out : Onna ni Sachi Are, Mikan, Resonant Blue and Pepper Keibu.
- JunJun vs Koharu : Koharu says she'll ??? at Aichan and Gakisan's posters before she eat. [The crowd cheered too loud, I couldn't hear Koharu's sentence]
- JunJun vs Koharu : JunJun says when she leaves her house she'll tell the members' poster "I'm going off!"
- JunJun vs Koharu : JunJun says before she sleeps she will say "goodnight" to the posters
- Koharu asks if JunJun has Koharu's poster pinned up too and JunJun answered straight away "No."
- JunJun explains that she don't pin up koharu's poster but she sleeps with Koharu's photo. And she adds on saying that the koharu in the photo is the most peaceful moment of koharu.
- Koharu complains about JunJun being evil.
- Lol, poor Aika and linlin had to stop their "intense argument" and end the MC.

Thanks to lovemusic for all download links

Lol, i just posted everything here, even those which are not related to Eri.
I can't confirm 100% accuracy for all of it cos' I rushed through everything. Fan recordings are x.X You won't be able to predict when the fans are going to cheer and you'll find their cheering blasting right into your ears xD

7th and 8th Generation MC seems more like a JunJun vs Koharu battle. But hopefully it don't seem as bad as i think. JunJun and Koharu's "arguments" sounded real to me.


Coming back, lol'd at Eri getting "buillied" by fellow Rokkies.
And a remainder, to those who are gonna listen to the recordings I won't advise you to blast your speakers x: Some fan recordings are scary x:

*forces hug on hammy*
Lol, I'm a little in the wrong mode now :B
« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 12:27:21 PM by OnDiet »

Offline picky56

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Re: The Kamei Eri thread (亀井絵里)
« Reply #1750 on: November 04, 2008, 11:34:22 AM »

Offline Sukoshi

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Re: The Kamei Eri thread (亀井絵里)
« Reply #1751 on: November 04, 2008, 12:26:03 PM »
I'll second the wow!  *hugs OnDiet*  you're way too awesome =D

man the MCs were so cute~  I loved them all.  Hearing Koharu and JunJun talk about their posters cracked me up so bad XD're lucky you don't know what heartburn's terrible >.>
it's this pain or a burning pain you get in the chest (close to the heart area) when the acid in your stomach decides to travel upwards.  Usually caused by things such as greasy or spicy food, alcohol and a whole bunch of other things. 

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Re: The Kamei Eri thread (亀井絵里)
« Reply #1752 on: November 04, 2008, 01:09:58 PM »
OMFG! OnDiet, you are amazing! :heart:
I haven't had much time lately so I just had a heaaaaap to catch up and thank you sooo much for that :gmon heartu:
*forces hug on you seeing you like doing it to others* :P

I can't comment on all the things I wanted to coz after reading so much, I don't remember a lot of what I was gonna say XD But the two things I remember: shush Koha, I shop like Ai and Eri (yay~!), it's convenient ;) I've forgotten the other thing... *goes back to the last lot of MCs*... oh the Junjun vs Koha sounds awesome :lol: I don't think it's was real to start with but maybe after fighting so much for these it will start something :o (I doubt it though)... And Jun having a poster of her leader in a bikini XD how weird/uncomfortable(?) would that be but yet still :wub:

Thank you so much again for all of these, I can't imagine how much work it takes to do all that... I've always wished MCs got translated more, so you've made my wish come true :heart:
Its beautiful people like you and Sukoshi (still have to catch up on your work) that makes me not bother to learn anymore Japanese coz I can be lazy and just let you guys do all the work :twisted: But I :heart: you both for it :D

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Re: The Kamei Eri thread (亀井絵里)
« Reply #1753 on: November 04, 2008, 02:08:23 PM »
@OnDiet: Thanks for the translations!
They're so funny I think I'll go download them all.

I think JunJun certainly wouldn't mind a poster of Kame in a bikini :lol:I know I certainly wouldn't mind one

Offline BigDnm01

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Re: The Kamei Eri thread (亀井絵里)
« Reply #1754 on: November 04, 2008, 08:32:11 PM »
thanks OnDiet for the translations.  they were really entertaining. 
i feel bad for Eri, being bullied right on stage by Rokkies and by the audience in 11/03 tokyo night.  then there's also her fashion sense being called into question. 
But i really like the JunJun vs koharu battle.  go JUNJUN!

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: The Kamei Eri thread (亀井絵里)
« Reply #1755 on: November 05, 2008, 04:27:45 AM »
Thanks for the translations again, OnDiet. <3

After reading this, I discovered that I, too, shop like Eri and Ai. xD I try to vary my colors, but it never ends up working out. A lot of my closet is brown/black/gray. Somehow my closet just ends up like that. I try to find other colors, but then they all go missing...somehow...

If Junjun had a poster of Kamei in a bikini, I wouldn't be surprised. Who could resist? :P Panda admiring the turtle~ XD

Offline OnDiet

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Re: The Kamei Eri thread (亀井絵里)
« Reply #1756 on: November 06, 2008, 01:44:43 PM »
Morning Musume Concert [2008.09.28] - Kanagawa Night
(I'm too lazy to look for the download link xD But if you want to download the recording you can find it in H!O's Resonant Live thread)

First MC
- Gakisan complains about Koharu. During the Hawaii FC tour and there was some game battle. So during the rehearsal Gakisan explained the rules to the rest of the members. And after that they went back to their rooms.
- A while later Koharu went into Gakisan's room and said "Gakisan, can you explain the rules to me?"
- The senpais advise Koharu to listen closely at times :B

Rokkies MC
- Reina announces that there shall be no hint. Lol.
- Sayu demands for hints.
- Eri says that she don't want to answer Reina's question (cute)
- Reina responds and says that she don't want to question since she don't want to answer.
- Sayu told them to continue and threatens that if they don't finish this MC Sayu will take charge of the MC the next concert. (Great way to threaten TakaKame)
- TanaKame, "Yada yada yada"
- Entertaining answers from Sayu as usual (:
- Sayu got the answer before Eri but Eri took Sayu's answer and said "The answer is ________" and Reina sided Eri even though Sayu screamed the answer out first. Perhaps the hugging system applies for every single of their MC.
- TanaaKame starts celebrating with the fans, Sayu asks them to let her join in the celebration. Lol. She does that every concert :B
- SayuEri screwed up in the end and Reina was like "Eh?". SayuEri quickly said "Alright, enough, lets move on fast" and they went on to Koharu's song (:

7th and 8th MC
- Topic : Is there any sports that you're good in?
- Koharu brings up the "Village Captain" topic again. She talks about volley (bare)
- JunJun mistook Koharu's volley (bare) for ballet (bare)
- When Koharu shows her that its volley JunJun says thats call Volleyball. (barebaru). After that JunJun asked "You're a japanese right?", lol
- Aika talks about the Olympics and Koharu says "It'll (Olympics) have been better if I joined Olympics". Fans "EHHHH?"
- JunJun says that she've seen Koharu playing volleyball before and she found Koharu's posture weird.
- Koharu asks LinLin "Isn't that evil?". LinLin feels that it was a little.
- They quickly move on to the next song before they start arguing again :B

Gokkies MC
Topic : JunJun
- Aichan finds JunJun interesting.
- Aichan says that JunJun has a few sides of her that the fans have never seen
- They talk about how hardworking JunJun is in studying Japanese.
- Gakisan brings up a couple of occassions whereby Junjun's improvement can be seen clearly.
- Gokkies say that when JunJun found a "gag" of her own she'll keep on repeating it.
- Gakisan says that they as Japanese should work harder and study Japanese.

Last MC
- Eri : She says that she love seeing the fans jump. Apparently it seems like they all started jumping after Eri said that. Lol.
- LinLin : They started doing the "Ring ring ring ring" thing.
JunJun : I love all of you. I really love all of you. I really really love all of you. I really really really love all of you. I really really
Reina : (cuts in) We got the message already!


Morning Musume Concert 080928 Kanagawa Day
Credits to lovemusic for the download link! (:

First MC - Btw, their topic for the first MC was to talk about something that was yabai, they take turns to talk about it every concert.
Eri : I had negitorodon for lunch today. Everyone was there saying that its good so i tried it. But when i ate it but there weren't any onions. Instead of a negitorodon it was more like a torodon.
[No reaction from fans]
Sayu and Reina : Yabai, yabai. (repeats) [Lol, Eri's story was a little cold or something, so they were just being sarcastic]
Aichan covers up for Eri in the end while Sayu and Reina continues going Yabai, yabai. Lol.

Nothing much happened during Rokkies MC. Eri got the answer after Reina gave the third hint. Seems like Eri has been getting quite a number of them right :B Sayu gotta work harder! (: But Sayu's answers are entertaining though.

7th and 8th generation MC
Topic : Do you clean up often?
- JunJun cleans her house herself since shes living alone. And apparently JunJun does the house chores daily.
- Koharu starts the battle : She starts talking about how messy JunJun's table was after doing her make-up.
- JunJun defends herself and says that she cleans up after that.
- JunJun vs Koharu : She talks about Koharu's bag.
- Before JunJun finish her sentence Koharu cuts in and says that her bag is clean and tidy.
- JunJun vs Koharu : Junjun says that the outside of Koharu's bag looks neat, but on the inside...
- Koharu says that she've never shown JunJun whats in her bag before.
- JunJun took a peek in Koharu's bag seeing that it was left opened.
This MC's talk wasn't as intense as the first few that I've done. Probably b'cos it was their first few concerts of the concert tour. Seems like Koharu and JunJun are doing this b'cos it might be their "job" for this MC.

Gokkies MC
- Topic : Kamei Eri
Gakisan : We were in Sakura Gumi with Kame back then when she had black hair. Everyone told her to speak louder and she'll respond saying she'll try speaking louder next time in a soft voice.
Aichan : She was so soft (voice) back then!
Gakisan : She'll go like "sumimasen" (in a soft voice). But the Kame now is unimaginable.
Fans : (lol)
Aichan : (agrees)
Gakisan : Kame is like the current MM's moodmaker.
Aichan : (agrees)
A fan screams : You just said a good thing!
Gakisan : Did I?
Fans : (lol)
Aichan : Yeah, it was a good thing.
Gakisan : Like sometimes Kame will fool around and go "aheheh" and everyone will be like "man...Kame..." and we'll get fired up from there. This is the 6th or 7th years (Of Eri being in MM)?
Aichan : Isn't it 5 years? [Nice way of saying it, Aichan]
Fans : (lol)
Aichan : We are the ones who are in MM for 7 years aren't we?
Gakisan : We're in MM for already 8 years right?
Aichan : Yeah. Isn't it 6 years (for Eri)?
Gakisan : 6 years?
Aichan : Its 6 years right (asking the fans)?
Gakisan : Ah! Its 6 years. 6 years is quite a lot and now that we see how much Eri has grown it makes me thing "Ah...She got herself a great character"
If I'm not wrong Gokkies were in MM for only 7 years not 8. And Rokkies are in MM for 5 years, soon to be 6 years I think. It might be gokkies messing it up or me. I don't know the exact date Rokkies joined, so I can't confirm it :B

Last MC
- Eri reminds everyone to take care of themselves and not catch a cold :B Well. She said this for most of the concerts in this tour.
- Lol, LinLin's fans are really fired up in this recording. They go "linlinlinlin".
- Reina : Reina thanks her fans for all the Reina calls. [This recording is full of Reina calls, definitely suitable for a reina lover] Otsukareina ~

Morning Musume Concert 080927 Kanagawa Night
Credits to Amber for download link! (:

First MC
Its reina's turn for this MC. She complains about how slowly LinLin eats. There was once Reina saw LinLin eating, so she joined LinLin. Even though LinLin started eating before Reina, when Reina finished her meal Linlin's plate was still half filled. Reina says that eating slowly is alright, but eating at such a speed is... Not that Reina is complaining, in fact Reina finds it good for one to eat slowly cos' its good for health.

Rokkies MC
Nothing much. Reina made a mistake during the MC, lol. SayuEri took a long time to give the correct answer despite Reina's hints. Reina thought they'd overrun while Sayu just ignores it and says its alright. As usual, SayuEri threw in lots of entertaining answers, lol. Eri got it right in the end but Sayu's answer was really close.

7th and 8th generation MC
- Topic : Are you good in English? [Lol, i heard english (eigo) as movie (eiga) earlier on and the whole MC didn't make sense to me]
- JunJun says she is and starts saying "Shake shake, shake shake"
- Koharu took a long to think of a english word and she ended up saying English (in english). [Of cos' she is good :B Bus come on, come on!]
- Koharu throws in an example and says "Rose" in english. [Before that she said something like forker or what and i heard it as ****er.]
- JunJun vs Koharu : JunJun starts to challenge Koharu and ask her if she knows the meaning of "rose"
- JunJun vs Koharu : Koharu knows what it means and explained (:
- JunJun vs Koharu : JunJun challenges Koharu again and ask her to spell "Rose"
- JunJun vs Koharu : Koharu says she spelled it before and when she was trying to remember how its spelled JunJun started counting down.
- JunJun vs Koharu : Koharu gets it right "R-O-S-E"
- JunLin have taken English lessons.
- Koharu asked JunLin to throw in a few english phrases.
- LinLin "Hello! My name is Qian Lin"
- JunJun "My name is Li Chun"
- LinLin "Nice to meet you!"
- JunJun "Nice to meet you!" [Perfect (: I understood both of them]
- Somehow, Koharu found that amazing :B
- LinLin asks why did they have to do that. Hinting for Koharu to try it too.
- JunJun requests for Koharu to try it
- Koharu "Hello! How old are you?"
- Aika stopped their conversation, lol. Probably b'cos their MC took up quite a lot of time.

Aichan's fans are looooud! o:
Gokkies MC
- Gokkies MC talks about their Album and this MM line-up being the longest. [They repeat this in every concert]
- Topic : LinLin
- Aichan starts going "ring ring ring" lol, the way Linlin sang koi no dial earlier on.
- Talk about how LinLin was when she first joined
- But now they are able to get along really well
- Gakisan imitates the way LinLin says "Tanaka-sa~n, Niigaki-sa~n"
- Aichan finds LinLin cute
- It makes Gokkies really happy seeing that JunLin have opened up to them
- Gakisan ends the talk by saying LinLin is cute  :wub:

Last MC
- As usual Eri reminds everyone to not catch a cold as usual :B Sweeeeeet ~
- JunJun : She says "I love you" in four languages. (Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean)
- Sayu : "Anata no Michishige Sayumi deshita!" (Those who got it, good for you :B She ends this way for all the concerts)


Weeee ~ More Eri more eri more eri ~
Lol. Again, I'm in the wrong mode after listening to the screams of the fans.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2008, 11:10:00 PM by OnDiet »

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: The Kamei Eri thread (亀井絵里)
« Reply #1757 on: November 07, 2008, 01:14:03 AM »
Eri is the topic of a Gokkies MC?! :D Thank you so much for the translations again. And wow...Junjun is pretty good with languages. ._.

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Re: The Kamei Eri thread (亀井絵里)
« Reply #1758 on: November 07, 2008, 02:07:17 AM »
hehe ari~ OnDiet  :luvuluvu:

It's so cute how they have to cover for Eri when things get cold XD
but it's so true, Eri's the best moodmaker in MM =D  (I bet she makes them want to hug her all the time) XD

7th and 8th generation MC
Topic : Do you clean up often?

for the next concert tour, they should change that to

Sayu and Eri MC
Topic: Do you clean up often?   :lol:

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Re: The Kamei Eri thread (亀井絵里)
« Reply #1759 on: November 07, 2008, 04:03:12 AM »
Lol'd. I seriously lol'd when i saw the SayuEri part.
If Eri ever says she does I'm sure Gakisan will rush onto the stage even though its not her turn and start talking about how messy Eri's room is :B
Meanwhile Sayu may be one who cleans up often x: When the left side is messy she dumps everything to the right side. And when the right side is messy she dumps everything to the left side  :D

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