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Author Topic: [T-ara] Forgive me [EunJi] C1-4 [END][COMPLETE]  (Read 6977 times)

Offline Ando

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[T-ara] Forgive me [EunJi] C1-4 [END][COMPLETE]
« on: May 24, 2013, 07:48:08 PM »
Another one... XD...I made this after..I guess u can figure out too.. :P...the that have cry cry song... :cry:

It's a fiction...and if u want to read it fast...u can visit my tumblr.. :welcome :welcome ..or..u can just wait I updated it here... :lol:

Anyway.. :peace: :peace:



Chapter 1

This is the fiction story that I just made up…hihi…anyway…its about eunjung that quite popular with her ability of killing someone and doesn’t leave any evidence behind..but she’s only popular for someone that one to kill someone else..dark and cruel world.. While for Jiyeon…she is the one and only daughter of the rich family that very powerful in business and illegal…

In this story…eunjung and jiyeon meet each other without knowing each other background properly. They knew each other because of one incident that unexpectedly happened after eunjung finishing one of her job but she’s hurt as the result of fighting and struggling.


At a quiet street that lead  to Jiyeon’s house. Jiyeon’s is on her way to her house after finishing her tuition class.

“What are u doing??” jiyeon asking the person that walk behind her. Its been a while that both of them following her.

“WHY?? I’m not following u…hihi…but why u’re alone in this dark road…”

“I’m..i’m on my way home..” jiyeon’s calmly answered it.

“HOME?? Where…hmm..this way only lead to rich people house…”


“NO..I”M NOT!!!!” jiyeon’s denied the fact. She felt a bit unsecured after both of them start to act quite unusual.

“Afraid?? Then, don’t do this..”

“WHAT??” jiyeon walk slowly and carefully. She doesn’t realize that both of the guys lead her to the dead end of the road. The other road from the road that she should go.

“Now I look at u..U’re not bad…pretty..”

“GO!!!BEFORE I HIT U..I”M WARN U!!!” jiyeon’s kept warning them.

“What..u want to beat us with that small fist..u doesn’t look strong enough to beat us..”

“I CAN!!! I’ belt..” jiyeon’s voice shaking as she said it. She’s very confident when it come to strength cause she’s winning in lot of competition BUT she doesn’t really face a real situation before.

“ LET ME GO!!!”

“U can…black belt..waaa…too confident..I LIKE IT…”

“LET ME GO!!!”

“HUH..not bad..i’m sorry..BUT WE ALSO NOT BAD AS U THINK!!!” one of the guys start to attack Jiyeon. Jiyeon’s felldown  after receiving a few punch and kick.

“HOW??  GIVE UP…just let us..”

“Let u what?? I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!” jiyeon’s stand again. She’s trying to fight with all of her energy. BUT she failed to attack properly and strongly as both of them teasing her. One of them held her and the other one attack her.

“AS I SAID BEFORE..U shouldn’t make us do is it hurt..hmm..ur pretty face..”

“Let me go..” jiyeon became weak after a while.

“I already tell u to not fight with that small fist..”

Both of the man just teasing jiyeon that sit weakly at the corner of the  road..they also searching Jiyeon’s bag…

“HEY!!!” someone shout from the end of the road. She walk straightly to Jiyeon and the two man. Jiyeon’s that can only heard and can’t see clearly that girl face felt relieve as someone found her. Her eyes slowly close as she’s very tired and doesn’t have any energy left in her body.

“ Huh…I guess we really lucky tonight..another rich girl…”

“ time..”

After a while…that girl stand firmly in front of them. BUT both of them quite shock with that girl appearance that doesn’t fit their imagination. They can’t see it clearly before but when that girl stand in front of them. They felt a strange vibe coming from that girl plus…a fresh blood that just flowing from somewhere…yeah…from that girl body…and her eyes…

“U…who are u??”

“Just..someone…” that girl smile as she said it. Her face doesn’t even show that she’s hurt and even afraid to both of the man that stand in front of her.

“Why?? U want to taste this…” that girl show her blood that flowing non-stop and drop to the road that become red after testing her blood.

“NO..huh..” both of them retreat when seeing the craziness that they doesn’t witness before.


In a hotel..VIP ROOM…the girl that hurt before are staying here. She bring along Jiyeon’s that faint after the incident before.

“thx…”  that girl smile widely as she receiving the food as her midnight snack. She’s very hungry after the whole things that happened that day.

“Its alrite…u’re our we just receiving the order…” the worker just smiling as she also glad that she meet that girl that is also their regular customer.

“Owh..order from??” that girl felt a bit uneasy after she heard about the word ‘order’ .

“Our president..dun one aware about it..” the worker shook her head as the sign of not too worried about her statement before.

“BUT..ur president…” her face  change a bit. She’s quite worried that her secret is known by that worker.

“Here..”  the worker give some sort of memo that she’s been holding a long time before. She’s going back to her work again after give that memo.

“Ok..thx again..” that girl shout from far. She open and read that memo properly. Her heart become calm now that she’s knew the truth. The truth about the things that she’s worried before.

The truth is..the president of the hotel that she’s staying as a regular is one of her customer..long-long time ago..n still once in while be one of her customer.


After 45 minutes….

Jiyeon’s awake from her long sleep. She’s currently felt a bit tired even though she have quite a long sleep after fainting  before.

“Ur awake??..’’ the girls that hurt before asking as she’s very concern about the person that she just met.

“U…u…ur bleeding before..’’ jiyeon’s trying to sit after she see the person that save her clearly. She did remember  the smell of blood when that girls come near her before. Even she can’t see it clearly before, she quite sure that the girls are seriously bleeding .

“Me..not really..u wanna eat?? I’m waiting for u to can eat together..’’ that girls eyes quite excited after seeing the girls that she save awake n smiling widely in front of her.

“hmm..BUT..why u wait for me..’’ jiyeon’s felt a bit uneasy with the looks from that girls eyes. A very pure and innocent eyes, but, something doesn’t seem right.

“Just..I knew that u will awake at anytime after I bring u here..cause..u..strong enough to fight with that two guys before..’’ that girl just smiling and avoiding more question from Jiyeon by standing and going to the table that full of food.

“Come here…hmm.. u want me to help u??’’ that girl give a sign to come to the table that she sit. Her face become a bit red as she’s felt very shy infront of Jiyeon.

Jiyeon’s nodding as she still feel a bit dizzy and weak. That girl grinning alone by herself when she see Jiyeon’s nodding. She’s come forward to help Jiyeon to the table.

“Are u really OK??’’ jiyeon realize  something wrong with the girl body. She can feel a lot of heat coming from that girl while she’s helping herself.

“Yeah…hmm..but its strange that u didn’t even ask me about my name and where u currently stay..’’ that nod and again, she’s trying to change the subject about her condition. She’s sit properly and busy taking some food to her plate.

“Ok..then..who are u?? n where am I??’’ Jiyeon realize that she forgot to ask that and just concern about that girl.

“I’m eunjung…n ur at my place…’’ that girl smiling widely while answering it. She stand and walk towards Jiyeon. She just volunteering put some food to Jiyeon’s plate.

“I dun even concern about where and why I’m here at all before..’’ jiyeon’s talk to herself.

“hmm, but why I keep thinking about this girl..eunjung…’’ jiyeon kept asking the question about the girl that sit and eating in front of her quietly in her head.

“Not ur taste?? U can order other things if u want..’’ eunjung asking after she found out that Jiyeon doesn’t really eat the food.

“why I’m like this..’’ eunjung blame herself cause she only knew and realize that jiyeon’s doesn’t really eating after a while. She’s too afraid to take a look at Jiyeon. She’s afraid that it might make Jiyeon’s felt uncomfortable.

“No..its ok..’’ jiyeon shook her head and start eating properly. She also doesn’t knew that she only eat a little even though she’s keep eating. Maybe she’s too busy thinking about ‘her’.

Both keep eating and sometimes take a look at what each other do. The situation is very awkward but still comfortable. The silent became the ‘friend’ for both of them  that trying to entangled the question that being a puzzles in their head from the moment they met each other.



Thx for reading it till the end…

« Last Edit: June 07, 2013, 04:39:01 PM by Ando »
~LoVe My LiFe~

living normally is a best thing I ever want and have..

Offline Ando

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Re: [T-ara] Forgive me [EunJi] C-2
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2013, 04:20:50 PM »
Part 2

After they have midnight dinner together…

“Do u want me to sent u back this time…’’ Eunjung trying to make a conversation as the awkwardness make a silent that disturbing the peace in Eunjung heart.

“At this time??’’

“Yeah…ur family might worried that u doesn’t get home on time..’’


Eunjung riding a motorbike with Jiyeon’s  at the back. Jiyeon just keep wondering of how Eunjung take her back while she’s unconscious.  After a while, they arrived at their destination aka Jiyeon’s house.

At theplace near Jiyeon house…

“Can I ask something??’’

“What is it??”

“Can we be friend??”



“But u just meet me once….why…hmm..suddenly ask the stranger to be ur friend..”

“Ur not a stranger..u save my life..and I only want to be ur friend…”

“hmm..k…then..friend?” Eunjung nodding weakly and looking straight to Jiyeon eyes. She can’t resist the cuteness of the girl in front of her.

“I’ll call u later….thanks a lot!!!!”  Jiyeons suddenly jump towards Eunjung and whispered the words that she want and then turn her back to walk towards her own house.

“ did u knew my no??”

“I already take it..”


Eunjung see the girl back as that girl walking back towards her house. They see each other from far for a second before Jiyeon lost from her sight.

“hmm..BUT again…she’s cute..” Eunjung grin by herself. She’s quite happy to meet someone and knew them. It’s the first time, first time ever she had someone that want to be her friend.


After a few times meeting each other, they become closer than a usual friend do. Jiyeon always saying that one word that make Eunjung face blushing and her heartbeat beating fast. They always hanging out together.

At one park…both eunjung and Jiyeon walking to have some fresh air and spent their time together.

“I LOVE U” a sudden word came out unexpectedly from Jiyeon’s mouth. It’s a very common word for her. Everytime they meet, Jiyeon always said that one word to Eunjung.

“Waa..u really that type of girl..” Eunjung said as they sit in one of the chair there after buying ice cream.

“what??what??” Jiyeon’s blink her eyes a few times. She look at Eunjung like she doesn’t know what eunjung means.

“A girl that swing other’s heart as much as they want…you have a boyfriend right??” Eunjung add her statement before.

“No…” Jiyeon  answering eunjung question half heartedly. She kept eating the ice cream that melting by time.

“I dun think so…” Eunjung felt a bit empty when she heard Jiyeon’s answer.

“Why u said like that??” Jiyeon look at Eunjung. She realize that there is a change in Eujung’s tone.

“Just…hmm, the cute, pretty and…hmm…u must already have someone..” eunjung said it while eating her ice cream and staring at the beautiful scene in front of her.


“huhu…u really love to hear someone praise u..” Eunjung caress Jiyeon face and wipe some ice cream that left at Jiyeon’s lips by her hand.


“Ice cream..” Jiyeon’s face redden as the result of Eunjung action. Now, it’s her turn to be tease by eunjung.

That day is one of the happiest memory between Eunjung and Jiyeon. BUT there is one think that disturbing Eunjung’s mind as the question that she ask. There is NO serious answer came from Jiyeon.


A few days later….

“Give me…plz…”

“Hmm…hihi..follow me..”


“Ur not working unni??”

“Of course I’m working…”

“BUT….u always spent ur time with me…almost every day…”

“LOL..if I doesn’t work, how I can support my little cute dinosaur” eunjung grin by herself. She patted Jiyeon head and continuously teasing her.


“Unni..I really want to eat something special today..”

“What is it?? tell me..”

“This..this..”Jiyeon showing the small advertisement paper that she get while she’s on the way to meet eunjung before. She make a cute face as

“why not..lets go..”


At the restaurant…Jiyeon and Eunjung done ordering the food that they want. Thus…

“Unni…can u do something for me??”

“What is it??”

“Here…can u answer this for me??” Jiyeon’s giving a few paper that full of question.

“What’s this??”

“Secret…just answer it properly and seriously…can??”

“hmm, alright then…”

Eunjung read carefully all of the contain of the paper that Jiyeon give. Then, she answered it properly and quietly while Jiyeon’s watching her nervously. Jiyeon have some faith with the paper that she give to Eunjung. Her hopes are increase by time.

“Unni….her serious face…” Jiyeon’s blushing by her self while watching Eunjung.

“How’s the result?? Stilll…” Jiyeon’s keep repeatedly asking in her own mind.

After a while…




“Nothing…” Jiyeon grin by herself while having a fun time checking each of Eunjung answer. Her face wearing a wide smile as she nearly finish checking the answer. Eunjung are confuse with everything that Jiyeon’s done.

“You strange..”

“No, I’m not…”

“ are…”


“What..what..”Eunjung’s blankly watch at Jiyeon reaction. She doesn’t know what make Jiyeon happy and excited like that.

“As expected…UNNI!!! Saranghae!!!” Jiyeon make a heart using her hand and show it to Eunjung  that look confuse in front of her.

“What are u doing…” Eunjung felt awkward as they become the centre of attention. Every customer there actually looking at them. Eunjung blushing by herself.


While both of them happily eating and chatting in that restaurant. There is the other customer that suspiciously looking at them.

“A…a..agasshi right??”


“There..BUT the girl that eat with her..”

“Maybe her friend..dun bother about have another work to done..”



“She..she’s the..”

“Don’t joke around..” he looked at the table where their agasshi and her friend eat.

“its true..”

“I’m I??”

“Yeah..u’re not wrong..”

“what should we do..”

“Lets inform our fast as we can…”


~LoVe My LiFe~

living normally is a best thing I ever want and have..

Offline Ando

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Re: [T-ara] Forgive me [EunJi] C-3
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2013, 04:25:32 PM »
Part 3

Next morning…at Jiyeon house…Jiyeon look busy as she goes back and fort f rom her bedroom to her dress room. She have a meeting with eunjung that afternoon. Thus, she want to choose properly a dress that suit that one meeting that she taught as a date.

“Agasshi..where did u go almost everyday that u always absent from home??” one of the worker called kim at her house asking as he quite curious.

“I hanging out with my friend..very special friend..” Jiyeon happily answered while choosing the dress.

“Owh..really..who is she??”

“Why u want to know?? Don’t bother about my matter..u should done ur job properly.”



“Ur father doesn’t give u permission to go out anymore..”

“when?? Why I doesn’t knew about it??” Jiyeon look confuse with her father sudden action. It’s the first time she’s been ban from going out with her friend.

“I just been informed about it..hmm..that’s why I’m curious..”

“huh..father..BUT..” Jiyeon felt confuse and sad. Her facebecome gloomy and clearly shown that she’s very frustrated with that one news.

“why u look like that??”

“I already promised to met my friend at 3 today..” Jiyeon said it and sit on her bed. Staring at the wall blankly. She doesn’t know what to do.

“U knew that u can’t ..right..”

“yeah..” Jiyeon nod her head weakly.

“Give me ur phone..”

“BUT I need to inform my friend..” Jiyeon felt her heart hurt so much that her eyes suddenly full with tears. She’s cried at the moment she give her phone. She really can’t against her father decision. She’s scared of him.

“Dun need..”


3.10 pm…At the place where both eunjung and jiyeon promise to meet…

“Am I late??”

“Did she forget about today…” eunjung check her phone a few times. She’s waiting for her co-worker message and jiyeon’s call.

After 45 minutes…

Eunjung try to call her lovely Jiyeon many times. She did knew that Jiyeon is not the kind of person that broke her promise without any good reason.

“hmm..can’t connected..strange..”

After an hour..

“huh..where is she?? Is something happened??” eunjung start to worry as she doesn’t know how she can confirm that jiyeon is safe or not. She doesn’t even knew jiyeon’s address and her close member.

“Strange..BUT I really doesn’t knew her am I??” eunjung started to arrange her taught properly. She admit that her schedule and work make her life a bit difficult. She can’t exchange her address or having a really close friend to hanging out cause it can cause trouble to them.

“Why she didn’t pick up her phone..” her worried can’t be hide anymore. She start searching something in her bag.


There is small note written by Jiyeon.

To Eunjung Unni…

Unni…huhu…I don’t know that I can go out at anytime like I always do.. (>,<)

I’m a busy person like u too…=,=..maybe I’m not…

BUT I always have some schedule that I can’t arrange by myself…

IF..IF I can’t come or accidently…broke my promise with u….maybe..I have other things to do..

I’M SORRY!!!  ^,^


“huh…” Eunjung sigh a bit. She did felt relieve as she knew that Jiyeon have her own reason. Then, she sending an sms to reassure Jiyeon’s that she understand everthing after reading the note that she give.

Jiyeon-ah…are u that busy???  (=,=”) ..I’m totally freak out that u having trouble or what..XD

Thanks for leaving the small note in my bag..(>,<)

I’m worried a lot…hmmm..BUT dun worry..i’m totally OK!!! ^,^

Anyway..tell me if u want to meet later…I’ll free my time for u…


Another 2 days…morning…in Jiyeon’s room

“Can u give me my phone back??” Jiyeon asking as she felt bored and lonely

“No…ur father…didn’t give any order to give it back to u…”


“Do u want to call ur father?? I guess u can ask directly to him..”

“No..I dun want..I can’t..”

“Then..I go first..”

“Wait!! Did u know my father schedule today??”

“He have an important meeting today..”


“What do u mean by again??”


“K..then..” Kim going out from Jiyeon’s room.

“Important…I HATE THAT WORD!!!!” Jiyeon scream out her taught after Kim, that is the person in charge of watching her all day going out of her room.


At the same time…at some place…eunjung is busy preparing something.

“Eunjung…u remember about tomorrow right??”

“Today..u mean this tomorrow meeting ??”

“Yes..he’s a very important client…plz behave urself..”

“hmm, I already told u I want to stop doing it right??”

“Not this want..make this as ur last..”



Next day…meeting time between Eunjung and her client…

“Come in..”

“I’m Eunjung..nice to meet u..”

“Yeah..nice to meet u too..sit down..”

“Did u already read the document that I sent before…”

“kind of..”

“I hear that you doesn’t want to accept this job…am I right??”

“Yeah..I don’t do this kind of job anymore…hope u understand…”

“I can’t…and I don’t want to understand..”


“Just..I knew urself better than u knew..”

“What do u mean..”

“Let me introduce myself..”

“I already know u..u are our frequent client that I need to respect and the one that I need to behave myself when I talk…right??”

“Huh..u quite rude..I’m wonderin how my daughter can be too fond with u..”

“Ur daughter??”

“I believe u knew her too well than me..BUT u doesn’t know that one important thing..”

“WAIT!!! I don’t know any girl..” Eunjung suddenly felt a uneasy as one girl did came to her mind. The only person that she quite close and make her heart calm and happy all the time. She can’t contact her for a few days now.

“Who are u?? n why??”

« Last Edit: June 07, 2013, 04:41:16 PM by Ando »
~LoVe My LiFe~

living normally is a best thing I ever want and have..

Offline Ando

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Re: [T-ara] Forgive me [EunJi] C-4 [END] [Complete]
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2013, 04:37:01 PM »

I dunno what I felt.. :wub: :wub:

I read this again after a while.. :cathappy: ..I doesn't believe that I write this..

 :heart: :heart: :heart:





“I am someone..just..someone that she hate most…”

“she hate…” Eunjung face become gloomy as she heard that word.

“Yeah…if she had a chance to kill me…she would do that…” that person just calmly sit and explaining it while smiling.

“What?? Who are u??” Eunjung can’t really relate anything that she think with the info that the other person give.

“ As I said before, I’m her dad..”

“Owh..her father??” Eunjung quite shock with that one fact. She really want to denied it till the end even though she think it.

“Yup..and that’s why I said…”


“Huh..I guess u can’t really catch the idea the things that I want to convey…”Jiyeon’s dad take some document in his bag and put it on the table.

“I want u to make it success…the mission that I give any means..” he add more.


“What??” Eunjung become a bit uncertain with her feeling.

“I’ll make sure that I gonna tell the truth about urself to my very lovely daughter..”

“I dun care..go on..tell her…I already told u that I’m not killing anymore..” Eunjung nod weakly like she doesn’t felt afraid with the truth.

“Waa..u split out the word that I want to hear..huhu…Jiyeon, she’s hate me because I ‘killed’ her mother n lot of people” Jiyeon’s dad start to open a bit dark secret about his self.


“Yup..even though I’m not really killed them…”

“U ordering people??”

“Yup..ordering is my things..I don’t use my own u understand what’s that mean…”


“I think u got it..then..”

Eunjung blankly stare the document in front of her. Extra work and burden that she can’t avoid because of that one girl. The girl that suddenly become an important person for her. The one that she doesn’t want to hurt by any means.


THE DAY of eunjung need to work and finishing her mission….a sudden vibration inside her pocket disturbing her concentration. She pick it up after seeing the name on her screen phone.

“Unni!!!” a very familiar voice called her from another side of the phone.


“What’s with ur reaction unni?? I’m disappointed..” Jiyeon make a cute voice. She really miss Eunjung voice.

“Ah…nothing..” eunjung that still surprise can’t really make a decent and complete words to replied Jiyeon.

“I’m sorry…”

“Its alright!! Unni..I’m sorry about before n this few days…I can’t contact u  because my phone have been confiscated by my dad’s worker..hmm..” jiyeon sad voice make Eunjung heart ache.

“Confiscated?? Then, right now??”  Eunjung become worried after remembering about her meeting with Jiyeon’s dad.

“hihi..I take someone else phone…” jiyeon grin by herself. She’s excited by her achievement because it’s very difficult to find the opportunity to take the other’s phone.

“…” Eunjung felt uneasy as she heard that statement. Something came out to her mind. A really dirty trick and heartless that can only be pulled out by someone. Making her heart pain.

“Unni..let’s going out together??”

“No..I can’t..I’vebeen busy recently..” eunjung try to make an excuse as she actually figured out the reason why Jiyeon’s can call her that day.

“Waa..cruel2…” Jiyeon quite down and disappointed with Eunjung.



“Be a good girl..”

“Unni..I’m always a good girl..”

“AND…forgive me…”

“Unni..did you going out with other girl?? Other than me???”

“No..just..I want you to forgive me…”

“I need to go..I have some work right now…”


“I’ll call again!!!”

Eunjung cut off the line. Her eyes redden. Her heartbeat beating fast than usual. She’s become nervous with the plan that she want to done.


“Jiyeon..I’m sorry..”

“Hmm..I..” a big sighed came out from her mouth. She felt suffocated after hearing Jiyeon’s voice. Her mind and her heart is quite determined today. She need to finish something. Something that Jiyeon’s might hate her for her whole life.


Jiyeon’s home…

“You done it??” Jiyeon’s dad sit calmly at his place. He currently meeting his royal bodyguard.


“Good..let’s go..”

The bodyguard leading at the front while Jiyeon’s dad following from back. They going to one place to watch everything that they plan.


At one room..where everything can be watch. The target is at the other building. Eunjung’s can’t be seen at her position.

“Where is she??”

“She’s gonna come..don’t worry sir..”

Sudden knocking sound can be heard clearly as time goes by.

“Who’s coming?? I don’t think I inviting someone else..” Jiyeon’s dad look a bit confuse.

“Let me open it..”


“YOU!!!”  Jiyeon’s dad felt a bit shock as the person that shouldn’t be there are there with a gun in her hand.

“yes..I..” Eunjung calmly walk in after finishing the bodyguard in one blow.

“Why you’re here??”

“As I said before..I’m rejecting this job..”

“You..really?? THIS!!” Jiyeon’s dad showing her phone. There is some message written there BUT Eunjung can’t see it cause she’s quite far from him.

“I’ll sending this and you’re done!!”

“SEND IT!!! I don’t really care..what I care is you..”  Eunjung walk step by step to Jiyeon’s dad.

“WHAT?? WHAT about me??” Jiyeon’s dad quite shock with Eunjung action that suddenly change.

“U make Jiyeon suffer..” the gun is slowly searching for it target.

“UNNI!!!” a sudden familiar voice calling Eunjung from the back.


Someone shot at the target. Not knowing which is the target and who is shooting it. Jiyeon’s face suddenly change as she see someone blood flowing non-stop and droping at the floor.




“I’m sorry…”

“Why say sorry?? Let’s..”


“Forgive me…”

“Unni…Eunjung unni!!”




15 minutes later..police came ater been called by some customer that heard the sound of the gunshot and arrested Jiyeon’s dad and her bodyguard. While Eunjung is sent to the nearer hospital.

“I’m sorry miss..she’s..”

“She’s alive right??”

“Hmm..yeah..BUT..also dead..I’m sorry..”



“Ah..a message..”


“I’m…hmm..I love u…”


“I LOVE U..”

Short after that, a few nurse and a doctor came to that room. They giving some emergency treatment BUT eunjung heart stop beating after a while.



A few days later..a prosecuter came to Jiyeon house.

“What’s this??”

“Someone came to our office and give us this..and giving some memo to us to inform and taking some statement from you..”

“ Who??”


“And this..”

“A letter..for u..Jiyeon-ssi”


“I hope I can meet u later at my office..”


After that prosecuter gone, Jiyeon open the letter that she received in hurry.


How do u do?? Did you be a good girl like I ask u to?? Hmmm.. first of all, If u receive this, I might disappeared already from your side. I’m actually afraid to meet u after knowing some fact about u.

The truth is, I really like you..not like a friend or sister..BUT I LOVE U..and I’m afraid that I hurt u..that’s why I make this decision. I don’t want you to dirt your hand by killing your dad. Actually, I did read your small notebook. Plus, your dad, he confirmed that  one fact.

“Small note book..when??”

^,^ …huhu…cute…

I’m sure that you thinking this question…WHEN??’s when u faint..that is my first time meeting u..while u sleeping, I want to know who are u..thus…huhu, I’m sorry..I done it without ur permission and..yeah, I guess ur dad already sent anything to expose my identity am I??

I’M a I??

Sorry, to make you felt this kind of pain..


For everything…

“Unni..sure is pabo…”

“Unni..I also knew  it..from the start..”



The truth is Jiyeon also knew that Eunjung involve with a dark world as she actually found out the truth at the same time Eunjung know and found her notebook.

Before she passes out, she can see Eunjung using her gun to give a warning to 2 person that hurt her. The warning so that they will not disturbing Jiyeon’s again.

« Last Edit: June 07, 2013, 04:46:22 PM by Ando »
~LoVe My LiFe~

living normally is a best thing I ever want and have..

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Re: [T-ara] Forgive me [EunJi] C1-4 [END][COMPLETE]
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2013, 10:32:14 PM »
uwa... so sad... :( well, at least they had nice and cute and precious moments together...  :cry:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: [T-ara] Forgive me [EunJi] C1-4 [END][COMPLETE]
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2013, 05:20:57 AM »
ooops I stumbled upon a treasure  XD okay, I'll lurk around here....  :nervous
my hat is off. saluting.

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Re: [T-ara] Forgive me [EunJi] C1-4 [END][COMPLETE]
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2013, 01:30:35 PM »
Wow! This is so nice! I don't know there's also has Kpop fanfiction in here  :twothumbs This story makes me feel better, I love how the way you were writing T-ara story.  :twothumbs I like this story very much.  :love: I will be searching around here more  :)
AKB48 & K-POP Lover :love:

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Re: [T-ara] Forgive me [EunJi] C1-4 [END][COMPLETE]
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2013, 04:39:48 AM »
Wow! This is so nice! I don't know there's also has Kpop fanfiction in here  :twothumbs This story makes me feel better, I love how the way you were writing T-ara story.  :twothumbs I like this story very much.  :love: I will be searching around here more  :)

 XD..thanks a'm not updating a lot here...more complete story of my fanfic at my wordpress...u can check the full list on  my tumblr...hihi..thanks for reading this fanfic..I really appreciate it.. :cathappy:

 :sweatdrop: actually...lot of half story in here already complete... :nervous  :cathappy:  :deco:

~LoVe My LiFe~

living normally is a best thing I ever want and have..

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