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Author Topic: [Scribbles] 3/1/14 Homecoming (MaYuki)  (Read 104631 times)

Offline olive29

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Re: [Scribbles] 11/3/13 Right here, Right now Pt. 1(SayaMilky) with Eriko!!
« Reply #160 on: November 03, 2013, 05:10:25 AM »


Can't wait for the next chapter..

Update soon,please..

Offline kuro808

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Re: [Scribbles] 11/3/13 Right here, Right now Pt. 1(SayaMilky) with Eriko!!
« Reply #161 on: November 03, 2013, 05:20:43 AM »
I wonder how Milky would react to Eriko.  That is what I will be waiting for :nervous
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline smarty0821

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Re: [Scribbles] 11/3/13 Right here, Right now Pt. 1(SayaMilky) with Eriko!!
« Reply #162 on: November 03, 2013, 05:27:27 AM »
This is so cute!!! I love how the Yamamotos interact  :love:

Wonder how SayaMilky's first real meeting ???

Anyway, pls update this and Design to love  :heart: :heart:

Offline Llyloo

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Re: [Scribbles] 11/3/13 Right here, Right now Pt. 1(SayaMilky) with Eriko!!
« Reply #163 on: November 03, 2013, 01:31:05 PM »
I read it on tumblr and loved it ~~

NMB's fic ~~ And Sayanee & Eriko are so cute together *-*.

Offline chaya

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Re: [Scribbles] 11/3/13 Right here, Right now Pt. 1(SayaMilky) with Eriko!!
« Reply #164 on: November 04, 2013, 04:23:51 PM »
I'm sayamilky fan. Thank you for you story. Jo-chan is very very cute.  :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Offline kurogumi

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Re: [Scribbles] 11/3/13 Right here, Right now Pt. 1(SayaMilky) with Eriko!!
« Reply #165 on: November 13, 2013, 12:13:41 PM »
i shouldn't ask this but where's the last part of Design To Loved ?



Offline Koneki

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Re: [Scribbles] 11/3/13 Right here, Right now Pt. 1(SayaMilky) with Eriko!!
« Reply #166 on: November 14, 2013, 06:53:35 AM »
i shouldn't ask this but where's the last part of Design To Loved ?

wanna ask the same  XD

I'm such a desperate wmatsui shipper  XD



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Re: [Scribbles] 11/23/13 Drabble: Weirdest Night of my Life (WMatsui)
« Reply #167 on: November 30, 2013, 06:46:59 AM »

first off, i'd like to apologize to the power rangers fic that i've posted before. it was really a weird one shot and since i got so many negative messages, i took it down. i wasn't trolling. it was really a drabble and it was really intended to be posted. it's crazy i know so i'm sorry

didn’t had time to edit! sorry!!!


Designed to Love Last Part

"Day 11"

Today’s going to be a biiiig daaaaaay~

We’re going on a dinner~


Dinner date~

And I can’t stop gushing about it. I can’t stop gushing that I almost look perfectly stupid. I kept thinking about it all day. I hope Rena didn’t notice how excited I was..from all the constant squeals and muffled screams. I was so awkward when I asked her yesterday. It felt surreal though.

Rena was walking in front of me with my DSLR, taking pictures of the sight we went to. I followed her behind and read the things written on the walls. We’re in the magnificent Chateau de Versailes. The palace and its magnificent formal garden became the quintessential model for palace in Europe.

While walking in the museum of the palace, I saw a portrait of a couple having a nice dinner in a nice location. It looked like a impressionism painting and it reminded me of something. And then something like an idea bulb appeared above my head.

I then looked over Rena who was like a meter away in front of me. She was still busy taking photos, so I ran to her side and back hugged her. She likes hugging me at night to be honest. Since now that we’re considered together..yet we have not officially made it, we have slept in the same bed. Don’t get the wrong idea!

We haven’t done it yet!

It’s just that we sleep together. JUST SLEEP.

Anyway, the sudden hug surprised her. She quickly turned around to see who has hugged her. When she realized it was me, she smiled, carried on and continued taking pictures while asking me,

"Oh. J, what’s wrong?"

Lub-dub. Lub-dub.

Iku zo!!

"Rena-chan, do you want to go out on a date with me? Uhm, tomorrow?"

Although, I knew she’d say yes, I still felt nervous. And I swear, while I was asking her, I felt electricityjolt through out my whole body. I heard her giggle. Rena looked at me and said,

"Sure. That’ll be sweet…but where are you taking me then?" She replied quietly and kissed my cheeks. She got out of my grip and continued taking pictures.

"Great! And I’ll be taking you to dinner and somewhere." I grinned and nodded.

"Somewhere? Where?"

"Just, wait for it."

She shook her head and casually smiled a little. Then Rena took another shot then looked at me for a moment, “Fine, Ms. Mystery. If that’s the case, I’ll have to buy a dress then.”

I smiled and chuckled, “No need to. It’s not really an expensive date or somethin’.” I looked down and kicked some things that aren’t important.

She shook her head and said, “No. I’m going to get a dress because it’s you who I’m dating with. Not just any other guy or someone. It’s you. Okay?”

I feel myself turning into a tomato while she said that! And as usual, with her cool aura, she continued what she was doing again, leaving me once again, breathless.

I mean duh? Finally, after waiting for years..a dinner date will finally happen!

Now, we’re currently back here in the room after a nice tour from Arc de Triomphe. It’s in the middle of Place Charles de Gaulle and is considered one of the greatest arches in history. It’s the Arch of Triumph.

I took a shower and Rena’s out to get that dress she bought last night. And by the time she got back, I was playing with my phone.

"Hey R." I stood up and greeted her. She smiled at me. Rena had a big box with her and a pair of shoes. She looked exhausted as she dump herself onto the couch.

Then I continued, “Can I see the dress?”

"No." Too blunt.

I whined and said, “Why not?”

"It’s a surprise. Besides, you’ll be seeing it later anyway."

Ugh. But I was so excited! I can’t even wait to see her.


Aw fuck!

What am I supposed to wear anyway?!

I’m the one who asked her out yet I don’t have anything to wear?!


She was adjusting the box when I started to panic inside. She must have heard me so she asked, “Somethin’ wrong?”

I shook my head and nervously smiled. Fuck! What now? What now?!

Oh. I got an idea!

"J? What time will we be going?" Rena asked out of the blue without looking at me. My mind went on a sudden haywire.

I started to formulate fast plans on my head on how to get myself a nice suit or something that I can wear. Since she’ll be wearing a dress, I guess I’m left to wear something a suit..or even a nice dress that’ll make me look handsome.

What? A dress that will make me handsome? Does that thing even exist?!

"Err, we’ll be leaving by around 6PM?"

Rena nodded and continued to fix the box.

"Uh Rena, I’ll just get something from uhh…Yuka. And uhh.. I’ll just be picking you up by then."

She was so busy with fidgeting with the box that she just nodded. Taking it as a ‘sure’, I went out of our room and started to walk weirdly.

I quickly called Airi for a moment. I know there’s like a 8 hour difference but I definitely need her help.. But wait.


"Nope! Bye!!"

But Airi doesn’t know I’m with Rena yet. I hurriedly hung up and closed my phone.

So..fuck, I can’t ask her. Ughhhh!! Why is life so frustrating?!

Think Jurina! Think!


I punched in some numbers and put my phone on my ear,

"Hello? Yeah. I’m so sorry I woke you up but I need you to help me."

- - - - - -

Yui was someone who knew a lot about fashion. She wasn’t a fashion designer or anything but she’s just one fashionista next door. I knew she was because there were a lot of clothes that were pretty. Sometimes, I have to stop Bisu from chewing them. Though I get them wet with saliva from Bisu’s mouth, they’re still somehow very fashionistic.

So, I went to this nearby clothes store to get myself something to wear. There were loads of dresses that I don’t know what to do with.

"Okay Jurina, a simple clothing can be outstanding according to my book. It just depends on how you carry it and how you express yourself with it. I think you’re very pretty that’s why I prefer that you were a dress rather than a suit."

So it’s around 1AM in Japan right now and I woke Yui up. She was laughing when I told her everything about Rena and I. Of course I hafta tell her! It’s like the main reason why I woke her up! Turns out, Yui likes to help people and so she helped me pick a dress. Even though she cannot see it, she sounded like an expert thru phone. She asked for the color of the dresses and my skin tone, so she can match the color with my skin tone.

"Yui, there’s a black dress here. It looks nice."

"Really? Take a picture and send it to me."


I hung up the phone for a few seconds to take a picture of the dress, sent it to Yui and called her again.

"So? How is it?"

"Erm, Jurina, it looks disastrous."

God. I do have a bad fashion sense. Ugh.


"Don’t be. Just look around more and tell me what you see."

I roamed around the store for a while. I still have 30 minutes to spare. Gee, quick Jurina! But while I was looking for a decent dress, I chatted with Yui for a while and knew that Airi and Churi are already living with each other. Bisu gained weight and Yui has a new job. She’s now a barista in a nearby Starbucks. I found it unusual tho, it’s very far from her old job. Strange.

"Okay. I found something."

It was another black dress. And I hope it wasn’t another failure.

"Take a pic."


So I did the same thing I did before and sent it to Yui.




"Surprisingly, well done."

I kinda did a small fist pump party and celebrated for a while. Finally! Got something right!


"Okay, stop celebrating and get it. Like RIGHT NOW."

"Okay okay. I’ll call you back."

I got the dress, fitted it and bought it. Good thing it’s a perfect fit, or else I would have troubled myself by altering it. I didn’t take the dress of too. I paid it while I was wearing it. I asked the owner if I could leave my clothes there and I’ll get it tomorrow. She agreed right after I started to show off my ikemen skills. Then after buying the dress, I called Yui back.

"Yo Yuihan. Thank you so much."

I heard her chuckle and said, “It’s fine Jurina. You took care of Bisu for me so, it’s just like returning the favor.”

"But really, thank you."

"No problem Jurina. I’m grateful that I helped."

"Thank you again. I promise I’ll buy you some macaroons here."

Yui laughed and said, “Okay! I’ll expect that. Now go get her, tiger.”

I laughed with her and bid our farewells. Maybe I can consider Yui a best friend already. I don’t know but I felt comfy talking to her. Like, she was someone I knew before. Get me?

Okay. I’m walking back to the hotel. It’s almost 6 and my heart’s pounding so hard already. Rena and I have had dinners before but with investors with us. Now that I know the reason why Rena always chooses me to accompany her, I felt really flattered. Not just because of my brains but also because she feels comfortable with me.

I might get her some flowers okay. Luckily, there’s a flower shop nearby. You see, you don’t just give a girl a flower. Because each flower has a different meaning. Like Azaleas mean abundance, Cosmoses mean peacefulness, Orchids, for delicate beauty and Roses for love and honesty.

Roses would probably be the best choice. Don’t tell me it’s corny. I know that. But you have to admit, it’s still effective.

So I walked to the florist, asked for a bouquet, paid for it and quickly walked back to the hotel. I was wearing sandals and it fitted well with the dress. I didn’t have to buy a pair so yeah.

The moment I got back to the hotel, it was already 5 minutes after 6. Yikes. I’m late. Rena doesn’t like late people. She’s always on time and tardiness isn’t really in her blood. So I quickly ran to the elevator to pick Rena up.

The ride took nearly forever. As the elevator said ‘ding’, I stormed out of the elevator and ran to the room. As soon as I reached our unit, I silently muttered a prayer that she won’t kill me and fixed my self for a mo.

"Go Jurina." I cheered myself and knocked on the door.

I heard the TV so I guessed that she was watching the TV to pass time. I’ve never watched the TV because they only had French channels which neither of us can’t understand. So it means that she was so bored that she retorted on watching the TV.

Perhaps she didn’t hear so I knocked again. Then I heard some heels clacking. Then the door opened and someone jumped on me! I dropped the flowers! Nooo!!



Then somehow, the world stopped for the nth time. And I felt soft lips on mine. For the second time.

God. How I love my life.

For a second I was awkwardly stading outside our room and now, I’m being kissed by the most beautiful person I’ve ever laid my eyes on.

Thank you Lord.

She pulled back after a few seconds and smiled shyly in front of me. She bowed her head and played with her hair. A typhical nervous Matsui Rena.

"Sorry, I sorta kinda missed you and you took so long." She said while fidgeting with her fingers. These little things about her just makes me want her more. She’s a living goddess and I’m lucky to have her.

Because I was so happy and gay, I pulled her in for another kissed and this time, she was the shocked one. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer. She reciprocated my kiss and responded even much bolder. When I ran out of breath, I pulled myself out and leaned my forehead against her.

"Looks like I missed you more."

- - - - - -

"J, where are we going?! These heels are killing me!" Rena was already close to taking off her shoes. She looked tired and I feel guilty.

I patted her back and offered her a piggyback ride but she refused. So I just told her, “Just a little more. Okay?”

"You’re lucky I love you." She pouted and mummbled. I heard it tho.

"I love you too."

We left the hotel after some countless kisses and walked to my secret rendezvous. I actually planned this the night I asked her out. I sneaked out while she was sleeping and went to Nishi (what I call Yuka now) and Mizuki’s room.

"What the fuck do you want kid? You ruined our sexy time."

Nishi opened the door and groaned in front of me. I felt my ears turn red when I realized what I just interrupted.


Then I heard Mizuki laughing in the background and came to the door too. She hugged Yuka from the back and smiled at me.

"Yuka’s lying. Come on Jurina, come in."

I scratched my head and looked at them. Nishi finally smiled and dragged me inside. She ruffled my hair and said, “I was kidding. Man, you looked so dense.”

"Sorry." I apologized as I sat on their couch. Interrupting sexy times would be the worst sin in the love book. So, I felt sorry even if Yuka was lying or not.

Mizuki sat beside me and patted my back. These two have become like my second parents here in Paris. Not just because they’re older than me but because they act like one for me.

"So, baby Ju, what seems to be the problem?"

I looked at Mizuki and irked a little. “Uhm..”

"What? You gonna ask some sex positions?" Yuka bluntly asked. My eyes went big and before I knew it, Mizuki stood up and was hitting Yuka in the head with her slipper.


"Pervert!" Mizuki hit Yuka again and again. The scene made me chuckle and they looked so adorable.


"Guys cut it out." I laughed and stood up to break the little fight between the two. I swear, they were so cute.



They kept insulting each other and then I pushed them both away from each other. But they kept insulting each other even more. Gee, I didn’t know what to do anymore. I kept them away from each other because things might get physical. But Yuka pushed me away and kissed Mizuki right in front of me.

Because of the push, I was pushed back to sit in the couch as I watched them kiss each other. They broke the kiss and Mizuki said,

"Hmm. Pervert. Yeah. Love you."

"Bully. Love you too."

I was dying inside because of their cuteness. My God!! Then the two smiled at each other and Yuka asked me again,

"We should have been on bed right now. But you’re here. Why are you here again?"

I grinned at the two and I said,

"I need help."

I told them everything about what I planned inside my head. They actually made it better and added more ideas. Ya know, to make it more fun and romantic. I do hope that Rena will like it.

Rena and I were walking hand in hand. She was looking at different things while we were walking. I was secretly glancing at her from time to time. She would look at the sky sometimes, at dogs, who were walked by their owners, and different things that she found interesting.

Simply gorgeous.

I’m lucky to have her.

Then I felt my phone vibrate.

From: Yuka

To: Jurina

Dinner’s ready! You’re on your own now.

I grinned and nodded. Rena was still distracted from things so I sneaked out to cover her eyes.


"Shh. Promise me you’ll close your eyes till I tell you do open them."

She nodded and smiled, “Okay.”


So I lead her towards a garden restaurant. It wasn’t really far so, I didn’t really had a hard time on leading Rena. Hufffff~ I’m so nervous!

"J? Are we there yet?"



I was actually kidding. We were already there. I just have to make a few more arrangements in the set. Nishi and Mizuki were there, fixing everything and the dinner was already fixed. Everything was so perfect. The view was stunning and the foods looked delicious. Then I saw Yuka and Mizuki talking to the waiters. Yuka was talking to the manager and Mizuki waved at me. She then mouthed, “Good luck.”

I smiled and nodded. Then I turned back to Rena who was gripping tightly on my hand.

"Uhm, okay R. Stay here."

"Ehh?! Where are you going?"

"Chill. Just stand still."

Rena nodded and so I went to get another bouquet of flowers since the first one got completely forgotten. I also checked the food, arrangements and other things so our dinner won’t be destroyed.

I inhaled deeply and told myself, “Go Matsui.” And I walked towards Rena who was still blindfolded, maybe half confused, half excited. I smiled as I held her hand and cleared my throat.

"Ehem. Hi Rena."

Rena smiled a little and replied, “Hi Jurina.”

"I..uhm, sorry if this isn’t going to satisfy you. I did my best I swear and I hope this will make you happy."

I took off her blindfold and I said, “Surprise.”

Rena looked at me with big eyes and hugged the hell outta me. She squished me! She looked like she was already going to cry.

"Jurina! I love you!"

"Mmmpphhhh wub yosduuyy!"


I got out of her grip and stole a kiss from her lips.

"I said I love you too."

- - - - - - -

"Dinner was awesome, J. Thank you."

After two hours of pure fine dining, Rena and I went home with extra tempuras in our hands and a bottle of wine as take-outs. The ribs were extravagant and it was just simply delicious.

"Anything for you, R."

Everything was just perfect. Rena was wearing a stunning dress and the night cooperated with the outdoor dinner. I wish this night will last forever. It feels so good to finally let out your closeted feelings and pour it all out. You just have to love and be loved back.

Since Rena wore very high heels, her feet got sore and left her limping. So I gave her a piggyback ride once again. The last time I gave her one, she was drunk and unconscious. But now she’s all awake and conscious.

We could actually ride a taxi home you know. But it lessens the romantic side of our story.

Rena was light but she kept giggling. She said I tickle her but I ain’t doing anything. I kept laughing too! Because everytime I adjust her on my back, she’ll giggle and hit me in the head. I’ll act like I’m struggling and then she’ll be sorry and she’ll give me a kiss on my cheek.

"Am I too heavy?"

"No no. You’re light as a feather."

"Moee! You’re just saying that so I won’t worry!"

"Then don’t ask me."


By this time in the neighborhood, everyone’s back in their houses and only a few cars would pass by. There would be people passing by but they’d be all in a hurry.

"Hmmm Jurina."

Rena buried her face on my neck and eagerly hugged me tight. The warmth that I’ll always yearn will truly belong to Rena.


"This night was just wonderful. Thank you for making my dreams come true."

"It’s been my pleasure."

Rena wiggled and jumped off my back. She walked barefooted and I was left stunned. Her heels were on my hands and she was happily walking around then she faced me.


Fuck. For the nth time today, she took my breath away again.

She was just utterly beautiful.

"Wait! Your feet!"

She ignored what I said while the moon’s rays were shining above her. She looked like a goddess. Need I say more?

"But I have one more wish.. Dance with me, my prince!"

Huh? I stood there, puzzled by what she said. But later on I realized what she wanted and chuckled while she continued walking happily in front of me.

"But there’s no music!" I shouted. Dancing in the streets isn’t illegal in Paris? I suppose?

"Then make one!" Demanding.

I gave her a “WTF” face and shook my head. But she gave me the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen in my life and said,


She was already dancing weirdly in the street and I was still there, standing like a stupid worm.


"I can’t think of anything!"

She then ran towards me, swung my arms and danced crazy. By that time, there was only one song in my mind.


I grabbed her by her waist, looked her in the eyes, spun her around and started singing,

"Heaven.. Must be missin’ an angel.. Missin’ one angel child, cause you’re here with me right now."

She looked at me and grinned. I pulled her closer and spun her around again.

"Your love is heavenly, baby. Heavenly to me."

Then like on cue, the rain started to pour.

"J, it’s raining!"

"Who cares?! You got me started! Now let me finish it!"

I heard Rena laughing but I continued singing and we danced throughout. Who cares if we get sick?!

"Your kiss, filled with tenderness. I want all. I can get of your sexiness. Showers, your love comes in showers. And every hour of the hour you let me feel you loving power."

I sang while we danced through the rain. When we got tired, we ran hand in hand towards the hotel. We got completely soaked. But it was all worth it.


"Run! Come on!" I held her hand and dragged her to the hotel.

"Don’t let me go!"

When we entered the hotel, we were dripping wet. I was afraid that we would ruin the carpet. Water was dripping from all parts of our body. We were both out of breath from all the running and dancing we did but it was just all worth it.

"You okay?"

She nodded and smiled. Then she threw her arms around my neck and nuzzled my neck.



"I’m not quite sure about everything in my life.." Rena lifted her head and looked at me in the eyes.

"But the only thing I’m sure about is that..I’m hopelessly, happily and very in love with you. Thanks for tonight. I love you, J."

"I love you too, R. Thank you for waiting for me."

Our foreheads came in contact and the next thing I knew, her lips were on mine again. The feeling of kissing Rena was just pure bliss. It was so amazing.

But our kiss got interrupted when the elevator bell rang and revealed Yuka who looked like a zombie.



- - - - - - -

Last night was going well till Yuka scolded us for going home late and ruining the carpets. Nishi was really mad and both of us were sorry. But she told us that it’s fine since it looked like we had so much fun.

Today’s Day 12. Two more days and I’m back in Nagoya. Since I arrived later than the others, Rena will be leaving tomorrow and today will be her last day. And today’s the day I’ve been waiting for.

Eiffel Tower, baby.

"Jurina!! Get your lazy ass up!"


But I’m too tired. Last night took all my energy. From all the dancing and raining, I guess I’m running with an empty batt today.

"Eiffel Tower today. Remember?"

"Yep." I lazily answered while I bury myself into the thick sheets of my blanket.

"Then get up. Or else."

"Or else what?"

I looked up to see her reaction. She had her arms crossed in her chest and she was staring at me.

"Or else I’m going to drag you out."

I grinned and said, “Try me.”

- - - - - - -

"If you just stood up, then your nose would not bleed right now." Rena was beside me in the bus, holding an ice pack while placing it above my nose once for a while. I pouted and scratched my head. I feel stupid. We’re on the way to Eiffel.

"You were stronger than I thought.." I mumbled.

Hmm. Fuck. My nose is still bleeding.

"Just get up!!"

"Try me! Come on!"

*drag drag* *blag*


Guess who hit her head in the bed’s stand.

Ugh. I feel so dizzzzyyyyy. It’s like there’s an earthquake inside my head. I’m inside the bus already but I feel like I’m still somewhere.

"Are you sure you’re okay?" Rena put down the ice pack and cupped my face. I nodded slowly and she sighed. Am I supposed to feel bad? Or does she feel bad? Gaahhhhh.

"Now I feel bad."

I glanced at her and she looked so worried. Rena was blaming herself when in fact I’m the one who challenged her to drag me. I guess I deserved it tho.

I turned to her and held her hands. “Don’t feel bad, R. It’s my fault in the first place.”

"I can’t stop it. If I didn’t drag you—"

"If you didn’t drag me, we wouldn’t catch the bus." I cut her off.

She huffed and puffed, finally taking it down. I smiled at her and kissed her in the cheeks. I took hold of the ice pack again and put it above my nose. Coooolddd.

Rena looked so sorry. I kept telling her that it’s okay but she won’t budge. She kept staring out in the window while she held my hand. My nose already stopped bleeding and I halted the ice-pack-placing. Yuka was doing a head count again and she said,

"We’re about a kilometer away from Eiffel so please take care of your valuables. Don’t leave anything important here in the bus. And, have fun." Nishi smiled and bowed. Kumi then stood up and said, "Tomorrow will be everyone’s flight except for Jurina-san who arrived a day after. Also, Iriyama-san has left yesterday. So, if anyone looks out for her, she’s gone to Tokyo."

I see.

Annin has left. Probably Rena did scare the hell outta her. Poor girl. But perhaps she deserves it. Rena chuckled silently, confirming her victory. This evil girl..

I then resorted my attention to my fellow tourists. They’re all typhical tourists who have cameras on hanging on their necks, brochures popping out of their pockets and they take pictures of almost everything. Sometimes, I do wonder if they even appreciate the art or why these places have been built. Tourism isn’t just about the places’ extravagance but it’s about appreciating the reason why they’ve been there for the first place.

But you know, maybe I’m just a weird ‘ol kid who likes art so much. Meh.

After a few minutes, we arrived at the Eiffel Tower. Hnggghhh. Finally. FINALLY. I can see the tower by my window and I can’t wait to finally see it upclose! What an amazing structure indeed!

"Okay, we’ve arrived. The same buddy system is implemented and be sure to be back here after 3 hours. Enjoy." Yuka said with a smile and she opened the door.


But wait..

I turned to Rena who’s still looking in the window, obviously in deep thought.


"J, I just.."

"Stop blaming yourself." Seriously, Rena is taking this way too seriously.

"I can’t help it!"

"Why so?"

Rena finally faced me and she was crying!

What have I done?!


She bit her lip and wiped her tears. “You see, my last boyfriend..he had a nosebleed before. And he blamed me for it because his nose got rearranged.. He broke up with me because of that too..”

What? Yo, I’m trying not to laugh. But a stiffled chuckle came out of my mouth making Rena shoot a glare right at me. I quickly covered my mouth.

"What are you laughing at?!"

"It’s just that.. I don’t really care if you mess up my face." I cupped her face again and said, "I just wanna be with you so bad and even if my nose gets broken or my eyes get blinded, I still wanna be with you. Because I love you.. Get it?"

It was like I hit a jackpot. Rena was a burning tomato and she hated it when she blushes in front of me. She hid her face with her hands and I laughed because of her cuteness.

"Now come on. Eiffel’s waiting for us." I obediently fixed our things and grabbed my camera when Rena pulled my arm and gave me a quick kiss.

"I love you too J."

I love Eiffel. And Rena.

- - - - - - - -

The Eiffel Tower is an iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris. It was named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower. Erected in 1889 as the entrance arch to the 1889 World’s Fair, it has become both a global cultural icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. The tower is the tallest structure in Paris and the most-visited paid monument in the world; 7.1 million people ascended it in 2011. The tower received its 250 millionth visitor in 2010.

"Wow." Being a big Eiffel Tower fan, I found myself like a little curious kid, checking everything and touching everything. The tower has *insert floor* and I can’t wait to get to the top, if it’s possible.

I looked back at Rena who was busy looking at the beautiful view of Paris from the tower. As just like before, she’s the one who uses my SLR.

I was reading a nearby post when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw that it was a French woman. She was taller than me and had blonde locks. Cute.

"Bonjour?" The woman said. She was beeming on me and waving too. I’ve never seen this woman before.

"Bonjour madamoiselle." I carefully answered back. Look, I know a little French. Juuuust a little.

"Vous êtes seul?" what..

"I’m sorry. I can’t speak French that much?" I scratched my head and smiled a little.

"Oh. I’m sorry. I was just wondering if you’re alone." She shrugged. "I’m Liza by the way." She reached out to shake my hand.

I reached out to shake her hand too. “My name’s Jurina.”

"And my name’s Rena." I quickly looked back to where Rena was before but she’s gone. She’s now near my shoulder and was smiling at the French woman in front of me too. "And I’m also her girlfriend." She continued.

"Oh." Liza said. "Sorry." Then she left.

Rena was still holding my shoulder. And by each second, her grip’s getting more and more stronger.

"Ow ow ow." Gee, I sounded like a dog.

"J, what did I say about competitions?"

"R, she was just talking to me!"

"You stupid puppy! When I told her that I’m you girlfriend, she walked away. Meaning she was really interested in you!"

We were screaming in whispers. You know..silent screams. But her grip was painful.

"I’m sorry. I’m sorry!" I pleaded.

And so she released her grip and walked away.


"No." Rena glared at me once again and took off.


Ughhhhh. Why am I so ikemen?!

- - - - - - - -

15 minutes have passed and I can’t still find which floor Rena is. There’s so many floors in this tower and it’s impossible to look for her in each floor.

I then reached the *highest floor*. There was a lot of tourists in this floor. Everyone was snapping pics and admiring the stunning view. From the top, you can see the whole Paris. It was a breathtaking view, but not as breathtaking as Rena. I also took a moment to appreciate the view. But then something grabbed my attention.

"Scream-o! Scream-o! Whatever you scream in here will be heard in all floors! Scream-o! Scream-o!" The guy wearing a suit was shouting in english. There were a lot of passerby who tried it and shouted random things. Like how they loved Paris, or how Paris sucks.

Then an idea bulb popped over my head again.

I quickly made my way towards the booth and said,”Hi! Can I try?”

"Sure! Only for a franc." Then I gave him a dime and he gave me the mic. "Is it fine if I speak in Japanese?"

"Sure mate. Whatever you say." He smiled at me and nodded.

So I was here, in the top floor, holding a mic. Whatever I say will be heard by all the persons here in the tower. Jesus. Here goes nothing.

"Rena-chan! Will you be my girlfriend?" I shouted in Japanese. So no one will understand except for the japanese tourists.

The people that were watching me didn’t understand a word, and so they scrambled out. Some people laughed at me and some looked at me weirdly.

"Hey, mate. What did you say?" The man asked me when I returned the mic.

"Oh nothing." He then nodded and smiled. Again. I waved and left. I walked towards the edge of the floor and looked at the view.

So since it will take time I guess, for Rena to come up. I admired the view for a few seconds. But after around 10 minutes, Rena’s still not here yet. I’m thinking that she’s still mad at me.

The clouds are forming up again and the sky got darker. It’s like the weather’s cooperating with my feelings. Gee.

Then due to frustrations, I shouted, “Matsui Rena!!”


Hmm? So I turned around and saw Rena, who was still in her angry stance. “Rena-chan.”


"Did you hear?" I murmured.

"No." I sighed. "But the answer’s Yes."


"Huh?" Tell me I’m stupid but I didn’t comprehend.

"Stupid. I didn’t hear but Nishi and Mizuki came to me, spazzing."

"So…" I grinned and she blushed.

"Shut up and kiss me."

And so once again in my life, my lips have been captured by the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and the most amazing girlfriend I’ll ever have. Most probably, the only girlfriend I’ll ever have.

I’m in Paris. Rena’s here. We’re in Eiffel. What could I ask for more?

Gummy bears?

- - - - - - -

“It’s raining again.” So we’re now on our way home. And it’s raining again, like last night. I’m actually bothered by the rain. It means we can’t get out more today. It’s R’s last day here. I wanna explore Paris more today but it’s raining so hard. The thunderstorms were getting worse. I guess we’re expecting a storm.

"I feel cold." Rena was shivering. Although the cold weather wasn’t something new to us, the coldness was somehow foreign. It’s different to the coldness in Japan. The droplets from the rain keep rolling down the window of the bus. To pass time, I count them or sometimes I bet on which going to drop faster. The traffic’s terrible. And it’s not going to get any better soon.

"J? What are you doing?" Rena liked to know. She leaned on my shoulder and held my other hand. Right now, she’s officially my girlfriend. Though not legal to my parents, we’re legal to ourselves. We’re not committed to each other and our relationship will be more serious.

"Hmm. Nothing." I silently replied. There were some tourists who were sleeping so I tried to keep my voice down. "What are you up to?"

"Checking the pictures I took." Rena grabbed the camera from the bag and started to browse her shots earlier. I continued the little game I was playing before when she giggled. She pointed the screen of my camera and it was a shot of someone playing with balloons. It was a great jumpshot.

"Hey, that’s awesome."

"I know right?" She giggled again and continued browsing.

I love lazy days like this. Although I don’t like rain very much, I love lazying around like this rather than having busy days in the office. I’ve always been somewhat, somehow, in love with the habit of doing nothing.

Then while I was counting them raindrops in the window, Wentz stood up and called for everyone’s attention, “Ehem?” All eyes on him. Those who were sleeping were woken up by their buddies and all looked at Eiji.

"Err, hi everyone. Since I just called the airline company regarding about the flights for tomorrow, I got information that a storm’s coming to Paris. So, because of that, all flights for tomorrow back to Tokyo are cancelled until further notice. All tourists are advised to stay indoors and there will be no more tours tomorrow. We’re sorry, but safety’s first. I hope everyone understands. Thank you."

After Eiji’s short announcement, the bus became noisy. Some were chatting about the cancelation and some were glad that flights were cancelled because they can stay here more. While some were happy, Rena looked at me worriedly.

"What’s wrong?" I asked.

"Work." She heavily answered. She took her phone and looked at her calendar. "I have three meetings this week. I don’t have time."

"Safety’s first, R."

"I know, I know. But it means that Kojiharu has to send all the paper works to me via internet." She sighed and leaned on me again. Wait, Kojiharu? Isn’t Kojima the inventory clerk?

"Haruna’s your new secretary?" I was surprised. What happened to Seira? Rena nodded and played with my fingers. "Seira’s now in the sex industry."

Well, can’t blame her. Her body’s smokin’ hot. Her boobs are just.. Jeez. But she’s really nice to me. Whenever Rena’s angry at me before, she gives me a warm, nice coffee and she’ll talk me out. Nice sexy woman.

"I can help you, you know." I offered. I know everything and how they work out. I was like her P.A before, remember?

"If you help me..wait. Is this a trap, Matsui?" She sit up straight and pointed a finger on my face.

"What trap?" I wondered.

"Are you trapping me so I could rehire you?" She grinned. And I got shocked. "Hey J, I’m not into office sex." She said while laughing.

I wasn’t thinking about rehiring but since she brought it up, why not?

"Rehiring me is a great idea." Ooh, I want a job. I don’t wanna go back to being a housegirl.

"Hmm. I’m gonna think about it." Rena said while she played with my hands and kissed my cheeks. "Well, you’re still gonna help me, riiight?"

"Hmm yeah. No choice. Don’t wanna see HellRena here in Paris." I chuckled while I shook my head.

Rena shot up from her sitting position and glared at me. “What HellRena?”

- - - - - - -

It was already afternoon when we came back to the hotel. Everyone was tired and proceeded to their rooms. I got coffees from the cafe first before I headed out to our room. Rena went first because she was on phone with one of her clients. Workaholic Rena is back. She looks sexy when she’s working, I have to admit. The way she concentrates and the look on her face is just very attractive. No matter how pale she is, she’s like a bionic woman whenever she works. I guess it’s in the genes though. Airi has told me before that Rena’s father is as hardworking as she is. No wonder their company’s a big shot.

"Look, Mr. Han, we could just talk about this the moment I get back from Paris. This is a business trip." Yeah right, business trip. The moment I got back to the room, Rena was on our bed, taking off her heels while on the phone with her client. I waved at her and she smiled.

"Yes, Mr. Han. It will be done accordingly. Thank you. And see you on Friday." She hang up and slouched to the bed. "Ugh, work." She groaned.

"Business trip? Really?" I laughed as I handed her one of the coffee cups. She smiled and sipped a little.

"Can’t make any reasons. I can’t tell them I’m here to find my true love." Oh that made me laugh. "Yeah riiiight."

"J, don’t start." She looked at me seriously and I waved my hand. "I’m not!" So Rena got serious with her phone. She grabbed her handbag and started to take some papers out. She got her laptop from her luggage bag and then called someone on the phone.

From what I can remember, this is a hotel room, not an office.

So, since Workaholic Rena is now activated, I have to do something to pass time. I can’t go out so, I have to find something that can amuse me. I stood up to open my laptop. I went online and did some things. I played, surfed, searched and everything but Rena’s still busy.

"R.." I whined.

"Not now." She waved me off. "Sorry, J."

Aw darn it. I can’t do anything right now. So I called Airi via Skype. It’s around 9 in the evening in Japan now. I’m pretty sure she’s wide awake, doing sketches. I put my headphones on and clicked ‘Call’.

Rena looked at me with her apologetic face. She sadly smiled while talking to someone on the phone and mouthed, “Later.” I smiled and nodded. “Take your time. I’m gonna talk to Airi.” She smiled back and went back to the phone.

Imagine our telephone bills when we get home. Ugh.

"Yo." Airi’s face appeared in my monitor and she waved at me. "Hear me?" Airi’s face didn’t change. She was the same like when I last talked to her.

"Yeah Airin. I can hear you. Internet’s better in the afternoon here." I remarked. She chuckled and adjusted her mic for a while. "I miss you."

"Aww. I miss you too Ju." Airi chuckled and we fist bumped each other in each’s monitors.

"Anyway, I have news for you." I started.

"What is it?" She looked at her side and her eyebrows meet as her forehead wrinkle.

"Got a bitch." I grinned.

"Really?!" Her eyes got big and she covered her mouth.

"Yeah! Yea—ow!"

I rubbed my head and I turned to Rena who threw me a pillow and mouthed, “J, help!”

"I gotta go, Airi. I’m sorry. Anyway, flight’s delayed because there’s an incoming storm here in Paris."

"Aw okay. Good luck and stay safe. Love you Ju."

"Love you too, Ri. Bye. Expect the bitch!"

So after Airi gave her last wave, we both disconnected and I turned off my laptop. I went to Rena’s side and looked at the monitor of her laptop. She leaned on my shoulder and threw her pen. I took one of the papers that were stacked on her bed.

"Design for Sunshine Sakae" I read it out loud. Sunshine Sakae is Reichi’s new handled project. The Sunshine Sakae or SS’s developers got Reichi as the developing company for the industrial and the architectural designs for the building. It’s the last project that I’ve worked on. The sketch that I submitted before I got fired was part of the plan. "Project SS must have been stressing you out much." I remarked.

"Well, yeah." She sighed. "The developers are pressuring us. They said that SS will be one of Nagoya’s most successful establishments. And because of that, they’re hurrying the project. God. Ugh."

"Don’t stress out. Chill."

"I can’t chill!" She closed her eyes and sharply said. "Okay, I need you to do a sketch for me. Can you do it? It’s not the same as the one I asked you do before."

"Yeah sure. It’s fine." I sit up straight and grabbed a pencil from the desk.

"You’re hired and you’re going to work with me all night." She said.

"Does this mean.." I smirked.

"No office sex, you pervert." Rena glared at me and threw a sketch pad at me. "Work now."

I groaned and sighed. “Aw man.”

- - - - - - -

"Fuck it."

I threw the pencil and groaned. I feel like a zombie. Actually, both of us look like zombies. Rena had stayed up all night doing all the paperworks and I did almost all of the draft sketches. She needed to present something when she comes back from Paris. Rena doesn’t like relying her projects to her employees even though it’s the reason why she has employees.

"Coffee and donuts?" Rena was standing in front of me. She was holding two cups of coffees and a box of donuts while in her jammies. Our flight back to Nagoya has been delayed for today because of the storm coming up. Everyone was advised to stay indoors so we cannot go outside.

"Yum!" I took the other cup and sipped a little. Hot. Ack. I put the cup down and stood up to stretch. Rena went back to her laptop and checked the draft designs that I’ve made.

"For a graphic designer, you’re really good in making architecture designs." Rena nodded and complemented my work.

"I know." I smirked and went to her side. Rena’s working on her report slides. "I’m afraid we’re going to do this all day." Rena said.

"I don’t mind. As long as I’m with you, I’m fine with it." I lazily remarked. Rena took one of the donuts and fed me. "Donuts." She whispered. I ate it and gave her a peck on the lips.

- - - - - - - -

"Spongebob Squarepants, Spongebob Squarepants. Spongeybob! Squarepants!!"

Ugh. Where on earth is that coming from..

I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I looked around the room and stood up. I turned off the tv and sighed.

Fuck. I fell asleep. Well, referring to what I said earlier, I was practically correct. We did nothing for the whole day. After breakfast, I did some sketches but fell asleep and just woke up now. Rena wasn’t in the room but the tv was on. I walked to the refrigirator to get something to drink. As usual, there was a note.

"Off to get some food. Good evening sleepyhead hehe


Food. Yay! I hope she’ll get some tempura. I’m so hungry. So while I was waiting for my girlfriend, I packed my things for tomorrow’s flight. I fixed my drawing tab and my laptop. I brought my camera back to my luggage and some of my clothes. I took the packs of gummy bears I bought and stuffed it in my luggage.

I was already done packing my things and now I don’t have anything else to do. Darn it.

But Rena’s bed caught my attention. It’s so messy. Aha! Why not clean it up?

"Great thinking J." I said to myself. So I went to Rena’s bed and stacked some papers properly. I folded some clothes and properly placed her heels else where. I opened her luggage and put some clothes in there. I was carelessly stacking some of her clothes inside when my hand touched something. So I got curious and opened the side pocket of the bag. I got surprised with its’ content.

"What the…"

Wait, I didn’t know Rena stacks lacy lingerie.. There were so many colors to choose from. And each were so sexy. Some were…hnhnggg

Then I felt something flowing down my mouth. I touched my upper lip and saw blood.

I’m having a nose bleed!

Then everything went black.

- - - - -

It was just like yesterday when I arrived here in Paris. I didn’t notice that two weeks have already passed and now it’s time to go home and to go back to my old life. But now that Rena’s already my girlfriend, my old life is now something interesting, something new and exciting.

"I didn’t know you were a closet pervert." Rena was in front of me walking and pulling her luggages. I have a compress on my nose again and pulling my own luggages too. Today, all flights are resumed and we’re on the lobby, waiting for our ride to the airport.

I bowed my head and blushed. After I blacked out, Rena came back and knew that I was inspecting her bags. She didn’t get mad but instead told me that she’ll show me how she puts her lingerie and then I blacked out again.

"Hey." I turned around to see who tapped me. Turns out, they were Yuka and Mizuki.

"Hey!" I said and hugged the two of them. I looked back at Rena and she also went to my side to talk to the two.

"So, you guys are gonna leave today." Mizuki said. She touched my cheek and hugged me tight.

"We’re going to miss the two of you the most." Yuka continued. She smiled and hugged me again too.

"You guys have the best romantic story that we’ve ever seen. So, we’re giving you this." Mizuki said and gave me a box. "It’s a good luck charm." She added. I took it and said, "Thanks." The two smiled and nodded. Then we heard a honk from the outside.

"Alright! The ride’s here!"

- - - - - - -

The plane ride was awesome. But I’m so so tired. I can’t wait to meet my bed. Beeeed. Rena’s head was in my shoulder and her right hand intertwined with my left. Her strawberry smelling hair was all over my face.

I don’t know but I keep finding myself falling and falling again and again for her. It doesn’t bug me already but yeah, I love it.

"Please fasten your seatbelts. We’re going to touchdown in 15 minutes. Thank you for choosing Tiger Airlines. Welcome to Nagoya!"

Ah yes.

- - - - - - -









"So..where’s the bitch.."

"Here’s the bitch."

"It’s Rena?"


"You asshole! I expected for a female dog!!"


"Come back here you son of a bitch!"

"Hi Akane-san."

"Hi Rena-san. You’re prettier that I thought."

"Oh, thank you. You yourself is pretty. And congratulations on being engaged."

"Ahh, thanks. Finally, Jurina got her dream girl."

"Heh, took her long enough though."

"Come back here you asshole!"

"Catch me!!!"

"Why am I engaged to Airi again?"

"Why is Jurina my girlfriend?"

"Ah right. That’s because I love her."

"Ah right. That’s because I love her."


"Rena-san, we’re going to be good friends."



if you’re wondering about the song J sang when they danced. it’s this

and uhm, i might not write anymore...i'm too busy to work on my fics,. it took me so long to write this chapter. i hope it turned out fine. but until then, byebye~~

I fucking love nail art.

Offline Koneki

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Re: [Scribbles] 11/30/13 Designed to Love (Final Part)
« Reply #168 on: November 30, 2013, 07:37:48 AM »
I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!


PERFECT!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh  :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

~ KamiOshi 松井玲奈 || AKBOshi 高橋みなみ~
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Re: [Scribbles] 11/30/13 Designed to Love (Final Part)
« Reply #169 on: November 30, 2013, 12:22:46 PM »
Another WMatsui ended happily~ I love WMatsui happy ending, especially with a dense a J and a tiger R? XD

Your fics are one of the few which have a good sense of humor and really make people laug. I laughed a lot. XD

PS: I wish you didn't delete the Power Ranger fic. It was weird. But it was geniusly new. XD I couldn't stop myself from "What the heck?!" the whole time when I was reading. Please post it back cuz there're people like me who appreciate it. :D

Everyday Juriken

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Re: [Scribbles] 11/30/13 Designed to Love (Final Part)
« Reply #170 on: November 30, 2013, 07:50:06 PM »
Your fanfic about Wmatsui are awsome

I really in love with it

Hooe u will write another fanfic like that

Offline Juribait

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Re: [Scribbles] 11/30/13 Designed to Love (Final Part)
« Reply #171 on: December 01, 2013, 01:09:11 AM »
Whoa a funny ending, I really liked this fanfic mainly the comedy parts, there so much good phrases on this fanfic chapters like "at least the gummy bears love me"
srly I loved this phrase so much  :lol: thanks for finishing this fanfic.  :thumbsup

Offline Zita

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Re: [Scribbles] 11/30/13 Designed to Love (Final Part)
« Reply #172 on: December 01, 2013, 02:56:49 PM »
This is great ending. :grin:

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Re: [Scribbles] 11/30/13 Designed to Love (Final Part)
« Reply #173 on: December 02, 2013, 03:47:35 PM »

Offline p-o-p-e-y-oppa

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Re: [Scribbles] 11/30/13 Designed to Love (Final Part)
« Reply #174 on: December 03, 2013, 01:37:32 PM »
@gek geki oh my god i'm an unnie not an oppa hahaha

I fucking love nail art.

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Re: [Scribbles] 11/30/13 Designed to Love (Final Part)
« Reply #175 on: December 04, 2013, 01:57:07 PM »
Jurina and Rena's little competition

*You get to decide who won!*




“Do you watch Pokemon?”

“When I was still a kid, yeah.”

“So, are you a Pokémon?”

“What? Why?”

“Because I choose you.


“Rena-chan! Good morning!!”

“Good morning Jurina.”

“Gee, you look like a camera today?”

“Excuse me?!”

“Because whenever I see you, you always make me smile.”


“Howdy Rena-chan! How’s the lesson today? Sorry I didn’t make it.”

“It’s fine. But the lessons were all hard today.”

“Hmm. I doubt so. I guess you’ve been tired even before you started practicing.”

“Eh?! Why?”

“Because you’ve been running on my mind for a while.”


“Rena-chan!! Have you seen Nishishi?”

“Sorry but I haven’t. Why?”

“I’m going to ask her to teach me math.”

“Oh well, I guess you should give her a call then.”

“Hmm yeah. I guess. Well, let’s try applying math in real life.”


“Rena-chan, when you’re gone, life’s gonna be like the square root of negative one.”

“Why so?”

“It’ll be imaginary.”



“Hi Rena-chan.”

“Finally, I’ve found the right pick up line for you.”

“Oh really? Let’s hear it then.”

“Okay. Hmm. You know, you’re like an acid and I’m like a litmus paper.”

“Eh? Why?”

“Because I turn red when I’m with you.”


“Hey Jurina!”

“Hi Rena-chan. Good afternoon.”

“I’m guessing you’re like math.”

“Oooooh. Why?”

“Because even though you’re tough to understand, I always go back to understanding you.”



“Ju-chan, you must be a chemist one day.”

“What…but I hate chemistry.”

“Hmm. Maybe you could do me a favor and rearrange the periodic table so Uranium and Iodine will be next to each other so U and I could be together.”



“Last one!”

“Okay Rena. Hit me.”

“You must be gravity!”


“Because I keep falling for you!”

I fucking love nail art.

Offline hikari_043083

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Re: [Scribbles] 12/4/13 Jurina and Rena's little competition (WMatsui)
« Reply #176 on: December 04, 2013, 02:12:25 PM »
Mwahaha!!! This is like a compilation of cheesy pick up lines that Filipinos love to read, hear, and laugh at. Are you Pinoy like me?

Offline Zita

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Re: [Scribbles] 12/4/13 Jurina and Rena's little competition (WMatsui)
« Reply #177 on: December 04, 2013, 05:19:56 PM »
It is a draw :mon yoyo:

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: [Scribbles] 12/4/13 Jurina and Rena's little competition (WMatsui)
« Reply #178 on: December 05, 2013, 01:09:22 AM »
Ur  competition story are funny and sweet

Please continue update more 

Offline p-o-p-e-y-oppa

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Re: [Scribbles] 12/4/13 Jurina and Rena's little competition (WMatsui)
« Reply #179 on: December 05, 2013, 01:21:05 PM »

The thing about you that I love the most is the way you weirdly care about cows.

Cows have always been special to you. I asked you about it before but you just smiled at me and chuckled afterwards. It strangely bothers me, you know.

Hey, remember the time when we went to Hakata to help the children in the orphanage? You became so excited when you found out that there was a nearby farm. You were so hyper! So after the operation, we quickly went to the farm and there were a lot of cows! I saw your eyes brighten as you watch in awe. Cows always make you happy, but you always tell me that I make you happy.

Because of your weird liking towards cows, I gave you a cow plushy last Christmas. I remember your smile that night! Your smile can light up the whole Tokyo. You jumped on me and hugged me. That was also the first time you told me you love me.

But, did you really love me?

After a year of being with you, your cow obsession became quite tolerable. Whenever we watch NatGeo, you wouldn’t spazz that much anymore. Whenever we’re at the mall, you wouldn’t fawn over cow stuffed toys anymore. You became busy with your animal clinic too and buried yourself to your books that were so thick; they can protect you from bullets.

Then one day, I went to your clinic and stood outside your office. My heart was pounding as I held on to the cow plushy that I gave you before. I stole it from your closet before I headed here.

I got surprised when the door opened and you revealed yourself. I didn’t knock anyway. I just stood there. You were carrying a dog with a bandage on its’ foot. You looked so shocked and you asked me why I was there while you were stuttering.

All the emotions that I kept from months of missing you and waking up without you by my side came out. I cried and slowly handed you the cow plushy. Tomorrow’s Christmas but you were so busy. Tears started to fall from my eyes as I slowly asked you,

“Are cows more important than me, Kei?”

You eyes fell to the plushy as you slowly took it. You held on it and closed your eyes. I heard you sighing.

“Fuuko, I’m so sorry if I haven’t been looking out for you that much. I told you—no! I promised you that I’d take care you whatever happens but I broke my promise. I’m so sorry.”

You took my hand and hugged me. Tears on my face didn’t stop falling. You started to sob too. Now I feel bad. I shouldn’t have come and bothered you. I felt your hands encircle around my waist and you pulled out of the hug while holding my waist with the cow plushy between us. You looked straight into my eyes and whispered,

“In whatever universe we may be, whether it’ll be a world full of cows or a world full of cookies, I’ll always choose you over everything. Remember that. And that’s because I love you and no one can change that.”

I slowly smiled and buried my face on your neck once again. You chuckled and told me you love me once again. I know it was stupid to get mad or jealous over cows but I might just thank them one day. Cows mean something to you and now, because of cows, we became one again. I guess I should start obsessing over cows too.

Thank you cows!

 :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked

I fucking love nail art.

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