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Author Topic: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ New Fic Backwards Drama (WMatsui) Ch.9 12/09/2017  (Read 81055 times)

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~
« Reply #20 on: June 22, 2013, 03:23:52 AM »
Poor Jurina gotta suffer against Churi's friends and rena comes in to save her...
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~
« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2013, 04:02:51 AM »
Skater Girl

Chapter 2. Things don’t always go as plan

Rena sat on the school steps wondering what in the world did she get into. Rena wanted to help Jurina. She really did especially since she gave Jurina her word, but the question was how? Rena watched as students headed home. Everyone was chatting and laughing. Rena was the only one sitting down the school steps being gloomy. Rena should take off too. Rena got up and began to walk home. Rena knew better than anyone how important popularity was to Akane. Rena gave off a cool pretty mysterious girl vide according to Akane, so no one gave Akane trouble when she befriended her. In fact it might of even added to her popularity status since Rena was regarded as the school lone beauty again according to Akane. Rena didn’t want to sound conceited as well, but she knew too well how the school worked and had heard enough rumors about herself to know it was partly true. Jurina, on the other hand was a completely different story.

Jurina was everything peppy popular kids hated. A punk, a guitar player, a skater, and could care less about clothes or status. Rena thought Akane could use someone like that in her life, but would Akane accept that fact? She at least went out with Jurina in the summer which meant she did like Jurina, but… Akane was Akane and popularity was a must for her. But, maybe just maybe Jurina could change all of that.

Jurina walked home along with her three best friends Kashiwagi Yuki, Watanabe Mayu, and  Furukawa Airi. Mayu and Yuki had their arms locked together and Jurina began to feel envious. Must be nice to be able to show affection to your girlfriend in public without worrying about who might see or what people think. ”We need a new singer for our band! Our vocals are okay, but come on! If we want to make it big we need someone with more talent!” Yuki told the four girls as they walk. Jurina looked up at the clouds. Jurina knew her friend was talking serious business, but her mind was somewhere else. In spite the fact Rena agreed to help her win Akane back she felt uneasy. Maybe Akane didn’t want her back. Not only that, but was Rena trustworthly? After all she did hang around with all those peppy kids. What if Rena was trying to mess with her or Akane? You never know.

“Nee, Jurina are you playing attention?” Mayu demanded sounding slightly annoyed. Yuki sighed and chimed in, “Your mind is always somewhere else nowadays. You need to focus! Our big gig is coming up soon!” Their band, AKB, had managed to get a spot in a very famous battle of the bands contest. Whoever won got to record an album. It was truly the opportunity of a life time. Jurina suddenly felt guilty. They were right. It was no time to space out. Jurina needed to focus on the band.
“Give her a break you guys! She just spaced out. Haven’t you ever done it?”Airi snapped defending her best friend. Airi was the only one that knew what was going on between Akane and Jurina. Airi must have figured Jurina was worrying about Akane again. If her other friends knew they would freak out. Jurina gave Airi a tiny graceful smile.

“I’ll work on finding someone, okay?” Jurina promised so her friends would relax. Her friends smiled. Finally, Yuki and Mayu went their separate ways leaving Jurina alone with Airi. The sun was setting and it was beginning to get dark. “How are things with Akane? You look upset,” Airi pointed out once the others were gone. Jurina sighed and replied, “Bad, but I want to win her back! Besides Matsui Rena her friend, agreed to help me!” Airi smiled and replied, “You got my cousin to help you?” Jurina’s eyes widen. “Your… Your cousin! Rena is your cousin!?” Jurina exclaimed in utter shock.

Airi laughed and asked, “You didn’t know?” “No, I didn’t!” Jurina replied in a surprised voice. Even though she knew Airi for so long Jurina never knew she had a cousin at their school. “We don’t hang out as much as school anymore, but we are close.” Airi told Jurina. “Why aren’t you close at school anymore?” Jurina asked her voice oozing with curiosity. “Akane didn’t like her hanging out with me much since I am a punk and all. It’s the same reason she dumped you. Rena won’t avoid me at school or anything, but it still isn’t the same and I don’t push it cause she adores Akane and Rena doesn’t get close to people easily,” Airi explained. Jurina recalled Rena’s sad face when she found out Akane was hiding something from her. That explained it very well. Suddenly, the question that was troubling her slipped out, “Can I trust her?” “Well, of course! If Rena told you she would help you trust me she will, but still it’s surprising!” Airi told Jurina. “What’s surprising?” Jurina asked with a puzzled look in her face.

Airi must have noticed this and continued, “Rena is a very reserved person. She must of really liked you to agree to help you especially since it could risk her friendship with Akane. Rena is pretty awesome though. She completely different from what she seems.” This sparked Jurina’s interest. “What do you mean?” Jurina asked. “Well, she’s actually not preppy at all. I have come to wonder how she can stay to hang out with Akane and her friends all the time. She likes the same music as us, is a big manga reader, and isn’t concerned with popularity at all! She so awesome my cousin.” Airi gushed with a big grin. “Someone likes their cousin a little too much!” Jurina giggled. Airi’s cheeks redden and she smacked Jurina playfully. Still Jurina couldn’t get Rena off her head. Jurina was much too curious now that Airi told her more about her. How could someone look so different in the outside from how they are in the inside? Jurina has had that question since dating Akane actually, but she still had no answer.

“Even though Rena is helping you I really do think you should give up on Akane,” Airi insisted. Jurina sighed. They were going to have that conversation again. Jurina looked at her shoes and mumbled, “You know I can’t do that even though I want too...” Airi noticed Jurina’s bitter face and instantly felt mad at herself for making her friend sad. Of course it was hard for Jurina to forget Akane. It was Jurina’s first love after all. Airi put her arm around Jurina and declared, “Rena will be able to help you and Akane will be back in your arms, so don’t worry okay?” Jurina grinned and ruffled Airi’s hair playfully. Jurina felt herself relax. Her friend was right. She would get Akane’s heart back.


The next morning, Rena decided to have a chat with Akane. Rena wondered if she should she ask about Jurina straight up or if she should try and gently get her friend comfortable with the topic. The latter was a better idea because maybe Akane would get angry at Jurina for telling Rena about their relationship. Rena watched Akane from afar. Akane was sitting with a huge crowd of people. Rena groaned. Rena hated people. Rena hated being in awkward social situations. Akane always told her that she looked like part of the crowd and fit in well, but Rena still hated it. “Rena-chan!” Rena heard a familiar voice yell. Rena smiled and turned around. She only knew one person that would be that loud in the morning. “Jurina! Hi!” Rena greeted warmly. Jurina pulled her into a big hug. Rena eyes widen in surprise and she was unsure as to how to relax. People were staring now including Akane.

While Jurina was well known for causing a ruckus, it was a rare sight to see Rena hanging out especially hugging with someone other than Akane. “J… Jurina!” Rena mumbled nervously turning bright red as she felt everyone’s eyes on her. Jurina pulled away. “Gomen Gomen! I am a hugger!” Jurina explained happily. Rena couldn’t get angry not when Jurina was getting her that big goofy smile and showing her those puppy eyes. Rena met Akane’s angry glare and quickly looked down. Akane looked really angry. Rena began to feel scared of her wrath. “Ano nee, Jurina... I think Akane didn’t really like the idea of us two hugging. She looks… upset,” Rena pointed out nervously looking at Akane again.

Akane was fuming. Who did Jurina think she was flirting with her best friend right in front of her? Was she simply just trying to date someone who was popular or was she trying to make Akane jealous cause if that was the case it worked. It pained Akane so much to see Jurina with a another girl even if it was sweet innocent Rena who wouldn’t hurt a fly. No that pissed her off even more. How dare Jurina mess with her best friend in that way? Rena was too nice. Jurina could easily take advantage of her or something like that. Akane met Jurina's eyes and walked into the school not even knowing where she was heading too.
Jurina watched as Akane stormed off. “I… I didn’t think she would get mad,” Jurina stammered nervously afraid she had pushed the other girl futher away.

 “This could work in your favor!” a voice laughed behind them. “Airin!” Rena exclaimed as she turned around to find her beloved cousin behind her. “What do you mean?” Jurina prompted wondering how in the world could Akane’s angry work in her favor. “Well, you know maybe it will help her realize she doesn’t want to lose you to someone else,” Airi explained. “That’s brilliant!” Jurina exclaimed and Rena nodded in agreement. Airi laughed. “No, it’s really quite simple. You two are just dense!” Airi teased and ruffled her cute cousin’s hair. Rena and Jurina pouted at the same time and Airi tried not to giggled. Those two were really alike in some ways it was surprising. The school bell began to ring and the girls exchanged panicked looks and began to run to class.

“Nee, Akane I heard Mizuki-kun likes you!” Minako gushed while Akane tried to focus on their notes. Akane sighed. There was no way Akane was going to get any studying done while being teamed up with Minako. Suddenly, Akane felt annoyed at the stupid seating chart. Why couldn’t she sit with Rena? That way Akane could actually focus and get help in her work instead of listening to silly gossip even though Minako’s info this time did spark her interest. “Mizuki Tadase-kun from the baseball club?” Akane asked. “Yeah, he is super cute and popular! Rumor has it he is going to ask you out today!” Minako practically squealed. While that sparked Akane’s interest, Akane mind was still on Jurina and the way she hugged Rena that morning. Did Jurina like Rena? Akane turned and eyed her best friend. Rena was really pretty. Plus, she had a beautiful mysterious girl vide which drawn people in. Akane groaned and hated the seating chart all over again. If Rena was her partner she wouldn’t have to worry about Jurina liking her.

Meanwhile, Jurina was in a good mood. Jurina felt that it was the day she would get Akane back and that Akane would finally accept their relationship. After all, the plan she was plotting with Rena was simply brilliant or at least she thought so. Rena wasn’t convinced. “Jurina, it's not that it’s a bad idea, but I am pretty sure Akane will not be convinced by just mere homemade chocolates! You need to add more to the plan!” Rena told Jurina, but Jurina was too stubborn. Jurina thought that Akane with melt with the chocolate she made last night and her love letter, but Rena knew it wasn’t so simple. Akane wasn't that type of girl. A gift that would make her consider going out with Jurina again would leave them bankrupt. Of course, Rena didn’t have the heart to tell Jurina that out loud. “Well, let’s hear your idea!” Jurina retorted slightly annoyed that her new friend was not being agreeable.

Rena didn’t respond. “See, you got no ideas so my idea it is!” Jurina declared. Rena sighed and just nodded. Rena just hoped Jurina’s simple plan somehow managed to capture Akane’s heart. “So, you’re Airi’s cousin?” Jurina asked out of the blue. “Yeah, Airi is my cousin. I didn’t know you two were friends though. Gosh, we really been out of touch!” Rena said. Rena haven’t realized how distant she had become from her favorite cousin. Rena began to feel guilty as she realized that her cousin began to drift away when Rena befriended Akane. It was Rena’s fault. She should of handled the situation better, but instead…

“Rena! What movie are we going to watch today?” Airi asked linking her arm around her cousin’s. Rena was walking home with Akane and Akane shot her a funny look. “Gomen, Airi. I am going out with Akane today. I thought I told you,” Rena said. Airi gave her a hurt look. Rena never called her Airi. It was always Airin. Airin pulled away from Rena. “I see how things are, Rena..." Airi replied coldly and took off. Rena just watched her leave without trying to stop her.

Rena regretted that moment the most. Not trying to stop her cousin because after that day Airi and Rena were no longer close. Their exchange in the morning has the first one they had in a year. Well not really, but at school it was. It felt nice. It reminded Rena of how much she missed her cousin. “Earth to Rena!” Jurina giggled waving her hand in front of Rena’s face. “Sorry! I just spaced out!” Rena replied. “You should hang out it us! We should go to the movies or something! You, me and Airi!” Jurina suggested eagerly. Rena beamed and thought maybe just maybe she could get her cousin back. “I would love that! I want to hang out with Airin!” Rena agreed and put her arms around Jurina. Rena didn’t know why she did it. It was just one of those impulsive moments where Rena let herself express how she has feeling and at that moment Rena was glad to have been teamed up with Jurina.

Jurina gave her hope. The hope that she would be best friends with her cousin again, the hope that Akane would forget popularity and be more laid back, and the hope that Rena would for once be able to be herself fully. Jurina gave her a smile and teased, “Someone likes their cousin too much. Airi was the same though.” Rena blushed and replied defensively, “She’s my cousin! Of course I like her and of course she likes me!” Jurina kept on teasing her leading to more laughs and giggles. Well at least now Rena knew Airi missed her as well.

Akane witnessed Rena hugging Jurina and couldn’t take her anger anymore. She could understand Jurina hitting on Rena and hugging Rena, but Rena hugging Jurina? Was Rena attempting social suicide? “What the hell is up with those two? Rena seriously got some explaining to do. People are going to think we like hanging out with freaks or something!” Minako hissed. Akane nodded even though she was more concerned with Rena stealing Jurina from her. Then, Akane thought Let her have her. Rena can have my sloppy seconds. I’ll date someone better and more popular!

“So, Mizuki-san was going to asked me out today?” Akane asked Minako. Minako looked surprised that Akane bought up the issue again, but nodded. “Yeah, Momoko heard it from one of his baseball teammates! Don’t tell me you are going to say yes! You should though he is super cute and popular!” Minako insisted. Akane gave her a mischievous smile and stole one last glance at Jurina and Rena. “Oh, of course I am going to say yes. He is so handsome!” Akane gushed like a love-struck teenager even though she didn’t really think that at all. Jurina was more handsome and cooler than any guy, but Akane would never admit those feelings to herself let alone out loud.

The lunch bell rang and everyone was dismissed. “Nee, Rena sit with us!” Jurina demanded in her sweet childish voice. Akane, Momoko, and Minako gave Rena a sharp look as if saying you are not welcome with us. Rena shivered and told herself after Jurina and Akane get back together Akane would not care about what Minako and Momoko thought. “Okay!” Rena replied trying to sound as cheerful as possible. Jurina and Airi sat outside under the nice shade of a sakura tree along with their two other friends Mayu and Yuki. Students were allowed to eat outdoors, but Rena was never able to because her friends thought that being outside was disgusting and annoying. It was sort of refreshing to sit outside for once.

“Oh, you got Rena to sit with us! I am really happy with you these days!” Airi beamed and hugged Jurina playfully. “Airin!” Rena whined feeling slightly embarrassed by her cousin. Mayu and Yuki giggled. Jurina, Mayu and Yuki began to talk about their band and Airi sat closer to Rena. ”She got angry at you didn’t she?” Airi whispered to avoid being overheard by Jurina. Rena bit her lip and nodded. “But it’s alright! Once Akane gets back together with Jurina we will be able to sit together like this and be happy!” Rena insisted with a smile. Airi simply returned her smile even though deep down she didn’t believe for one second that Akane would return to Jurina, however Rena and Jurina… That was a relationship that was getting interesting…

The girls messed around for a bit, but then Jurina decided to put her plan on motion. ”You tell Akane to come over here and then I give her the chocolates, okay?” Jurina told Rena. Rena nodded and headed to the cafeteria. Akane usually sat there. As soon as Rena walked in she noticed something funny. Was it her or was the cafeteria louder than usual? Rena’s eyes scanned the tables for Akane and found her except… Akane was in the arms of a baseball player. She was laughing messing around with his baseball hat. Rena stared for a moment in utter shock, but then worked the guts to approached her. Rena had seen Akane flirt with various guys before. It didn’t have to mean anything.

“Akane-chan?” Rena tapped Akane on the shoulder. “Oh, Rena-chan! Look this is Mizuki-kun! My new boyfriend!” Akane said. Rena felt her world collapse momentary. What in the world was Rena going to tell Jurina who was waiting for Akane with a box of chocolates filled of hope? What about sitting together at lunch and forgetting status. “Hi, that's great Akane! I got to go though!” Rena mumbled and rushed out of there. She felt people looking at her funny, but she was already getting used to it. Rena slowed and saw Jurina waiting for Akane in the empty hallway in the distant. Jurina was looking at her small box of chocolates with worried eyes. Rena wished she was bearing good news. Jurina saw her and asked, “Where’s Akane?” Rena looked down unable to face Jurina. Why did it upset her so much that Akane had a boyfriend? Maybe Rena just didn’t want to see Jurina sad. Was that a bad thing? Come to think of it Rena got attached to Jurina a little too fast. Somehow Rena felt they know each other for years even though it only been two days.

“She is not coming,” Jurina said. Her voice sounded hollow. “Sorry, she… she’s dating someone now…” Rena’s voice trailed off. Jurina warm glance suddenly looked cold. “She is dating someone huh? Who?” Jurina demanded. “A baseball player. Mizuki-san..” Rena answered. Jurina looked at the ground. “Jurina…” Rena said. “I am not giving up yet. I know Akane doesn’t like him. I… I can’t give up. Will you still help me?” Jurina asked. “Y… Yeah!” Rena replied quickly.
The two began to make their way back and Jurina tore the chocolate box open. “You want a chocolate?” Jurina asked. Rena’s eyes widen. “I… I can’t! You made those chocolate’s for Akane! I can’t take them! You should give them to her!” Rena responded. “Akane doesn’t want them and there is no one else I rather give them to. I guess this wasn’t really what I had planned, but consider them a thank you gift,” Jurina insisted and popped a chocolate truffle into Rena’s unsuspecting mouth. Rena was shocked, but quickly chewed on the warm smooth chocolate. Rena’s heart was pounding for some reason and she felt herself blush.
It only got worst when Jurina flashed her that beautiful smile. What was wrong with Rena all of a sudden? “T… Thanks! You cook really well!” Rena managed to say after she swallowed the chocolate. Jurina got closer to Rena and moved her hair off her face making Rena shiver. “I am glad you like them!” Jurina whispered softly. Rena had a hard time keeping it together at that point. Was Rena falling for Akane’s ex-girlfriend?!

Offline kuro808

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2013, 04:31:20 AM »
Damn Churi being swayed by her friends.... I do have a question since you started this one.... you weren't inspired by the song right?  :nervous

And Rena is slowly being lulled by Jurina's charm and friendship
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~
« Reply #23 on: June 24, 2013, 09:50:52 PM »
Skater Girl
Ch.3 Don't Change

The sunlight was bright and it was a warm yet fresh Saturday.  You could hear birds chirping in the distance and the autumn air was pleasant. It was cold, but not too cold. The leaves were beginning to color vibrant reds, browns, and oranges as fall approached. The school week went by in a flash and Rena was at the park trying to clear her head. In spite all the bad stuff going on, Jurina always seemed put a bright dazzling smile in her face. Rena had learned that those past few days because even though Akane had a boyfriend, Jurina never once stopped smiling. She kept having hope. It was one of the things Rena was beginning to love. No, admire not love. Rena groaned as the issue presented itself all over again like bad catchy song you can’t get out of your head, but wished you could. Rena was supposed to be helping Jurina get back together with Akane not developing a crush on her. Usually, going to the park near her house helped clear her head, but today it was not helping. Rena put her headphones on and turned the music full blast. Rena bit her lip. Jurina didn’t make things easier. She was way too affectionate. Like on Friday while they were walking home from school.

“Rena!” Jurina exclaimed happily and hugged Rena from behind causing the shorter girl to blush furiously. “J.. Jurina!” Rena stammered nervously. Jurina giggled at Rena’s shock reaction and pulled away. “You’re so cute when you’re embarrassed!” Jurina giggled and ruffled Rena’s hair playfully causing Rena’s blush to deepen. Rena knew Jurina was just teasing, but she wondered if maybe just maybe Jurina really did think she was cute. “Don’t say things like that!” Rena whined and pouted. Jurina gave her a shy smile and said, “Will you walk home with me?” Her tone was so cute and shy Rena couldn’t help, but nod. In spite the dark clothing and the punk appearance, Jurina was actually cute like a  lovable puppy.

It was then when Rena realized she might be falling for Jurina. Hard. No, she told herself stubbornly. I simply admire the way she is that’s all. The lie didn’t even sound convincing to herself, but after repeating a couple of times Rena was satisfied. Because Rena couldn’t fall for Jurina. Because she promised Jurina she would help her, because she wanted Akane to be happy, and because Jurina loved Akane and Akane loved Jurina in spite of not accepting Jurina. Plus, Rena couldn’t get the memory out of her mind. The memory where Akane defended her from everyone and took her under her wing. Surely, that Akane was still there somewhere. The Akane that befriended her when no one else would.

“In 1982, when Japan…” Rena began her speech, but was interrupted by a bunch of goofy kids in the back. “Boring!” one yelled out. “What a snooze! I can’t even hear you!” another remarked. “Silent!” their history sensei yelled. However the teasing didn’t stop and Rena wanted nothing more than to run away. People began to commented about how weird she was for not having any friends and how she should just go back to sitting in a corner. Rena felt she was about to cry when Akane got up and yelled, “Let the poor girl talk dammit. Didn’t you mothers teach you matters at home?” The classroom was instantly quiet. No one went against Akane. She was popular and the head of the class. Going up against her was social suicide as some might say. But, Rena also knew that Akane had risked her butt to stand up for her. After class, Akane caught up to her and asked, “Hey, you want to sit with me at lunch? It must suck being alone all the time!” After that Akane befriended her and no one ever teased her again for being the weird quiet girl that didn’t talk in class.

Rena was alone until Akane defended her. People bullied her before Akane defended her. Sure she had her cousin, but Airi couldn’t defend her from everyone. Akane didn’t have to stand up for her, but she did. And now Rena was paying her back by crushing on the one girl that Akane had truly loved. It made Rena get mad at herself. Akane wasn’t a saint, but surely she had feeling for Jurina. Rena cranked the music up higher trying to get lost in space. Rena began to sing as well. Her voice carried into the distance striking another girl who was at the park was well. Jurina. Jurina was skateboarding to Airi’s for band practice when she heard a pleasant voice singing a familiar song.

This voice! It would be perfect from our band. It’s soft, but it has an edge to it and it’s beautiful! Jurina thought excitedly as she searched for the owner of the voice. Much to her surprise she found Rena laying in the ground under the shade of a tree with her eye closed singing. So, you sing too huh Rena? What more are you hiding? Jurina thought with a smile. Jurina couldn’t help, but wonder about Rena sometimes. Jurina approached Rena slowly. Rena's face looked completely peaceful. Jurina almost felt bad for trying to interrupt her. Jurina slowly tapped Rena’s shoulder. Rena rose up at the touch bewildered and pulled off her headphones. “You sing… Wow! You seriously need to join our band!” Jurina blurted out in awe. Rena was too shock to even reply. How much had Jurina heard? Rena didn’t normally sing around people. ”Are you kidding? I can’t sing in front of people! If I had noticed you were there I would have never sang!” Rena exclaimed extremely embarrassed. Rena had the worst possible stage fright. She wasn’t the type of person that liked people looking at her and performing required that. No, Rena was much happier singing in secret. “Come on! It will be fun! Trust me! Please!” Jurina insisted.

Rena looked at the ground. If she looked into Jurina’s puppy eyes she wouldn’t be able to resist. Rena was silent. Jurina suddenly got very close to Rena’s face and said once again, “Please!” “No is no, Jurina!” Rena snapped. Jurina’s smile disappeared. “Gomen… I didn’t mean to get you upset.” Jurina said sadly. Rena cursed herself for snapping. It wasn’t the other girl's fault she had stage fright nor was it her fault that Rena had conflicted feelings. ”It’s okay. I am sorry for snapping at you,” Rena apologized. Jurina nodded and asked, “Are you okay, Rena?” Rena blinked. Rena wondered if she should lie, but decided against it, “No, how did you know?” “I didn’t think that you singing in the park under the shade was something you normally did. No offense you do sing beautiful, but like I said this doesn't seem like the Rena I know...” Jurina explained. Rena sighed and replied, “You’re right. I don’t normally do that. It’s… It’s personal.” Jurina seemed to understand because she didn’t push the subject, but it didn’t mean she didn’t have a worried look in her eyes.

Jurina changed the subject by saying, “I was going to meet up with Airi. Want to come? We have band practice. You can hear us play! ” Rena considered it, but the less time she spend with Jurina the better. She needed to sort out her feelings. “Nah, I am good. I think I am going to buy some manga and then head home,” Rena answered and got up. There was an air of awkwardness around them. “I guess I’ll see you later then!” Rena continued. ”Okay, I’ll see you later!” Jurina replied with a wave. The two parted ways and Rena could finally breathe again. Once more Rena began to wonder what in the world did she get herself into.

The shopping mall was crowded. It was a weekend. Rena should have expected that. Luckily, the book store wasn’t packed it never was. Rena grinned as she headed to the manga section. Rena stayed there for a while reading her favorite manga. It sort of relaxed her. After paying for her manga, Rena decided to go get some coffee. It was a must in such a nice cool fall day. Rena worked her way around the crowd and finally reached her destination. Her light mood however was ruined when she saw Akane, Momoko, and Minako in the coffee line as well. They didn’t tell her they were planning on going to the mall. They didn’t invite her. In fact the whole week, they seemed to be avoiding her. They were probably upset over her befriending Jurina and the others. It was to be expected.

“Hi!” Rena greeted nervously. The three girls shot her mean glares. They made Rena want to run away. What surprised her the most was that Akane was giving her a mean look as well. She thought only Minako and Momoko would be upset. “Look what the wind brought around. If it isn’t punk-loving Rena!” Minako sneered. Rena began to feel uncomfortable. “I…” Rena began to say, but was cut off. “Save it. You are so over Rena. Did you really think we would hang out with you after you befriended those freaks?” Momoko scoffed. “Do you feel the same Akane?” Rena asked. She could care less what Minako and Momoko thought. Akane didn’t replied. Instead she simply nodded and gave her an annoyed look. Finally, Rena couldn’t take it anymore. She was sick of Akane pretending to be someone she was not. Rena grasped Akane’s arm and dragged her aside. “Rena! What the hell?!” Akane snarled.

“You are going to listen to me Akane and listen closely. I am sick of you acting like someone you are not. You know why I been hanging with Jurina so much? I been trying to help her win you back!” Rena snapped. Akane looked taken aback. Shy innocent Rena snapping at her? She never saw that one coming. And how did she know about Jurina and her?  “What the in the world are you talking about, Rena?" Akane demanded. Rena didn't even look shaken by Akane's tone. She was much too angry. “Jurina told me about you and her! I agreed to help her win you back because I know you still love her as well!” Rena explained slightly annoyed that Akane was being so difficult. “I dumped her because I was over her so do us both a favor and stop hanging out it her. People are talking you know. I don’t want her anymore anyways!” Akane hissed. Rena was outraged at her response. “Jurina is a person not something you suddenly want or don’t want. And not everything is about you Akane! I actually happen to enjoy hanging out Jurina and all the other girls you call freaks! They happen to be a lot nicer than you all!” Rena screamed and began to leave.

“Rena! You can forget about our friendship!" Akane called out in anger. “Good, I don’t need it anyways!” Rena yelled back and stormed away. Akane said something else, but Rena couldn’t hear her with the distance. Tears began to roll down her cheeks. Rena began to wonder when did her friend become so mean or more like why didn’t she notice how mean Akane was before. All that was in her mind was What am I going to tell Jurina though? Rena pulled out her phone and dialed Airi. She needed advice.

“Hello, Rena?” Airi asked. You could hear guitars and drums behind her. “Airin! I need to tell you something! Can you meet with me?” Rena pleaded. “I am in the middle of band practice, Rena. Can it wait?” Airi asked. “N…No…” Rena replied biting her lip. Airi seemed to notice the urgently in her voice and asked, “Where are you?” Airi could hear Rena sniff. “At the shopping mall,” Rena answered. “I’ll be right there!” Airi said and was about to hang up, but Rena’s voice stopped her. “Don’t. Don’t bring Jurina along.” Rena told her and hanged up.

Rena waited near the bookstore for Airi to show. Finally, she spotted Airi in the distance. She was panting. Rena felt bad knowing her cousin she probably ran all the way over there. Airi noticed the tears in Rena’s eyes and grew worried. “What happened? Did someone do something to you?” Airi demanded. “Akane that’s what happened,” Rena replied bitterly. Airi’s face went from a worried one to an angry one. “That girl I swear one of these days!” Airi began, but was cut off by Rena. “Save it. She is not worth it,” Rena told her. “Then why were you crying?” Airi prompted. Airi was right of course. Rena shouldn’t be crying for Akane, but Rena herself wasn’t sure if she was crying because of Akane or because of her feelings her Jurina. Or maybe the two things put together at once.

“We got in a big fight. Over me hanging out with you guys and over Jurina,” Rena explained sadly. “Figures. I knew this was going to happened eventually. When are you and Jurina going to understand that Akane is never going to care about anyone, but herself?” Airi wondered out loud. “Oh, trust me I got that part already, but what do I tell Jurina? I gave her my word. I said I would help her plus…” Rena wanted to tell Airi about how she felt for Jurina, but wondered if she should. “Rena you like Jurina don’t you?” Airi guessed. Rena turned bright red and gasped. “How did you…” Rena managed to ask in shock. “We are not cousins for nothing and I knew something was up the moment you agreed to help her. I don’t think you realized you liked her at that moment, but something was there,” Airi explained. Rena looked down. Had she liked Jurina since the beginning? ”What should I do?” Rena asked. “Ah, Rena… I wish I had an answer,” Airi replied.

Meanwhile, Jurina had followed Airi to the shopping mall, but lost her. Jurina groaned. She was worried about Rena too. Why didn’t Airi let her come with her too? Jurina wondered the mall in vain. Where were they hiding? It was much too crowded to tell. Suddenly, Jurina spotted a familiar face. Akane. “Churi!” Jurina called out and ran to her. Jurina was the last person Akane wanted to see at the moment. “What do you want Matsui-san?” Akane scoffed. Jurina should of been hurt, but she was beginning to get used to Akane’s cold tone. ” In summer it was Juritan,” Jurina reminded her.

“That was summer. Now it’s fall. Surely you have heard I have a new boyfriend,” Akane boasted. That…. That comment did hurt. “You don’t love him Akane. You’re kidding yourself,” Jurina insisted. “Who cares? He is way more popular than you will ever be and dresses better than you do!” Akane sneered. Jurina was silent. It was true of course. Akane’s statement. Akane walked away and Jurina thought So, if I change my clothes will you look at me again. Clothes don’t matter. Clothes are clothes. I can change them if it will please you.

Jurina pulled out her cell and debated whether she should call Rena or not. Jurina wanted Rena to help her buy clothes that would please Akane. Rena did say she would help her, but Rena was upset. Then again maybe Jurina could cheer her up while they shopped. Jurina finally dialed Rena’s number. “Hello, Jurina?” Rena answered. “You’re at the mall right?” Jurina asked. “Yeah, I am,” Rena replied. Jurina grinned. “Will you come shopping with me and don’t invite Airi! Tell her it’s revenge for leaving me behind.” Jurina said. That would teach Airi not to leave her behind.

Rena covered the phone’s mouth piece gently and whispered to Airi, “It’s Jurina. She wants me to go shopping with her without you. She says it’s revenge.” Airi giggled recalling how she had to run to escape Jurina who insisted in going along with her to see Rena. “Say yes. Something is up. Jurina hates shopping,” Airi whispered back. “Okay, meet me in front of the bookstore!” Rena answered and hanged up. “I guess I’ll leave you then!” Airi announced. “Airin! What do I do?” Rena asked beginning to panic. “Whatever you feel like doing!” Airi replied as she walked away.

Jurina hurried to the bookstore. Jurina was desperate. Jurina was in love. “Rena!” Jurina called the other girl who was standing outside the bookstore like she said she be. “Hey, what’s up?” Rena asked. “Nothing, I just want to buy new clothes,” Jurina lied. Jurina wondered why didn’t she tell Rena about her plan. Maybe it was because Jurina thought she would be against it. If Airi heard it she would be upset too. Rena made a face. “Just so you know I hate shopping for clothes,” Rena warned. “Ehh? Really? That is so unexpected,” Jurina giggled. Rena frowned. “What do you mean unexpected?” Rena asked. “Well no offense, but you do seem like the girly type a girl that likes to shop,” Jurina admitted. Rena sighed. “What ever happened to not judging a book by it’s cover?” Rena wondered out loud. Jurina noticed a sad hint an Rena’s voice and wondered if she had offended the other girl without meaning to. There was still a lot about Rena she didn’t understand.

“Okay, well let’s get started!” Jurina announced happily making Rena smile. Jurina grabbed Rena’s hand and dragged her to a nearby store. Rena wondered if they looked like couple that way holding hands. They probably did. Rena was a bit surprised when they stopped in the girlish store in the mall. It was not the kind of store that suited Jurina. It wasn’t Jurina at all. “Mmm… You want to shop here?” Rena asked. Jurina nodded. Rena wanted to object, but she didn’t want to offend Jurina either. That seemed like the sort of store that they could bump into Akane and her friends.

Luckily, they were no where in sight. Jurina ran around the store like an overexcited puppy and looked completely out of place. Rena tried to look around, but nothing caught her attention. Rena never really saw the point in shopping for clothes. They wore uniform most of the week anyways and Rena was always more of a practical person. She shopped for comfort not style. Apparently, Jurina didn’t seem to grasp that point because she kept getting tops and asking, “Which one is prettier?” Rena mostly bit her tongue and tried to answer honestly although she really did wonder why was Jurina concerned over clothes all of a sudden?

 Rena stood outside of the dressing room waiting for Jurina to finished trying on all the clothes she grabbed. “How does it look?” Jurina asked as she walked out the dressing room. Rena gasped. Jurina looked immensely different. She looked pretty, but… Somehow she lost some of her charm. Pink wasn’t Jurina’s color and frills aren’t her thing. “You look different,” Rena replied blandly. Jurina took one last look at the mirror. “Different can be good, right?” Jurina seemed to tell herself more than Rena.

Rena frowned as Jurina paid her clothes. Something wasn’t right. Jurina was keeping something to herself. Finally, Jurina finished paying and Rena finally got the guts to ask, “Why this all of a sudden?” “What do you mean? I needed clothes.” Jurina lied. Rena raised an eyebrow. “You needed to buy a white frilly skirt with a peach top? Since when do you wear stuff like that?” Rena demanded sharply. Jurina avoided Rena’s glance. “Everyone needs a change once in a while.” Jurina stated. “Jurina, you cut your hair when you need change or do something small. You don’t go from punk to chic overnight!” Rena argued. Maybe Rena was pushing too far, but the whole thing was just too fishy. “Maybe it be better if I was girly! Maybe if I change into a peppy girl, Akane will love me again!” Jurina finally revealed the truth. Rena never felt more irritated in her life, but not towards Jurina, but Akane for making Jurina insecure like that. Rena snatched the bags off Jurina.

“Come on! We are returning these!” Rena declared. Jurina eyes widen. She couldn’t believe what Rena just did. She didn’t understand why Rena was so angry all of a sudden. Her eyes held an fury Jurina had never witnessed before. Rena’s usual meek demeanor was replaced with a fierce one and Jurina didn’t know what to make of it. ”What the hell Rena? Aren’t you supposed to be helping me?” Jurina demanded. “I said I would help you get Akane back not help you become someone you are not! If you want someone to help you do that call someone else because I can’t do that. I like you! I like the Jurina that is fearless, hyper and could care less about clothes! ” Rena declared without thinking. Jurina was awestruck. Rena liked her? Did she mean it as a friend or something else. Jurina sort of felt like she was looking at Rena for the first time really looking at her. Rena had more guts in her than Jurina originally thought. “Rena…” was all Jurina said.

Rena realized what she said and instantly felt shy and awkward. “I got to go… Do whatever you want with the clothes…” Rena lied and tossed the clothes to Jurina. Rena took off before Jurina could object leaving a stunned Jurina behind. Jurina stared at the bag. Rena was right. Jurina shouldn’t change herself. Jurina was good the way she was, but… Still the idea nagged her, but at the end Jurina knew what she had to do, so she returned the outfit. Then, once more Jurina found herself wondering about Rena and what sort of girl was she really. Everyday Jurina saw a new part of Rena she never knew making being with Rena exciting. Jurina really did owe Rena a lot. She was one of the reasons she was happy at the moment. Jurina was heading out of the mall when a bracelet grabbed her attention. It was hand woven and white. It was simple, elegant, and yet mysterious in an odd way like Rena. I do owe her, Jurina thought to herself. So, Jurina brought the bracelet for Rena wondering what other things she didn’t know about Rena. Somehow it made her heart beat faster.

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Skater Girl Ch.3 (Wmatsui) Update
« Reply #24 on: June 24, 2013, 10:29:06 PM »
Skater Girl
Chapter 4: The Shy Singer

Akane laid in her king sized bed looking into the ceiling. She couldn’t calm her nerves. Akane massaged her temples hoping to ease her stress, but no luck. Normally at times like those, Akane would call Rena. Akane had actually reached for her phone a few minutes ago and then remember she couldn’t call Rena. Rena was one of the reason why she was upset after all. Akane groaned in frustration. Why did Rena have to side with Jurina? Wasn’t Rena supposed to be her best friend? Wasn’t Rena supposed to be loyal to her? Of course that wasn’t the big issue at all. What bothered Akane the most was why couldn’t she do the right thing and take Jurina back. Akane wanted to take Jurina back. Akane loved Jurina, but Akane didn’t want to lose it. Her popularity. Her security.

Akane had only transferred to Sakura Prep about year ago. Before that in her old high school, Akane was the girl with braces, glasses and frizzy hair. Nobody liked her and everybody teased her. When Akane would sit in a table everyone would get up and leave. Girls mocked her and boys ignored her. When her parents announced they were moving, Akane took the opportunity to make herself into a new person in the summer. Akane got her braces removed and her teeth became a row of perfect pearly whites. Akane’s hideous thick glasses were replaced by clear contacts and Akane’s hair was helped by a thing called deep conditioner. It didn’t happen overnight of course, but by the time Akane transferred she was a true beauty queen. While being popular wasn’t everything Akane had dreamed of it sure beat the alterative. It was better than being the outcast.

The reason why Akane befriended Rena was because Akane could relate to her situation. Plus, Akane knew that Rena didn’t need any makeover she just needed a popular friend to quickly become popular herself. Unlike Akane, Rena was always beautiful. Rena had curves in all the right places, but was still slim. Rena’s huge doe-like eyes and her long lashes were pretty and the perfect smooth black hair that reached her lower back was to die for. Akane would never admit it, but she sort of envied Rena’s natural effortless beauty from time to time. Akane had to work so hard to look pretty and Rena who could care less about her looks and clothes always look like a chic model in a fashion magazine.

Akane looked at the picture in her mirror of her and popular friends. Her smile looked faked and forced, but Akane looked beautiful. Stunning as a matter of fact. Somehow Akane felt that if she gave up her popularity she would go back to being that ugly isolated girl with the huge glasses and braces again. Akane could never let that happen. Besides her new boyfriend was cute and handsome and NOT a girl. Akane shouldn’t be dating girls anyways right? It was wrong either ways right? And if Rena didn’t want to be her friend she had plenty of friends anyways right? Akane told herself this over and over, but Akane couldn’t help thinking If I have so many friends why can’t I call them to ask them for advice right now?

Meanwhile, Rena was pacing around her room with a melon pan in one hand and her cellphone on the other. “Rena, calm down!” Airi insisted trying to calm her cousin down. Rena was a complete utter mess. Rena’s room was a complete utter mess. Her usually neat organized room was a disaster well at least for a neat freak like Rena. Her new manga was tossed on top of her drawer instead of being organized in alphabetical order in her bookshelf. Rena didn’t even bother to pick up her clothes after she changed to her p.js to put them in the laundry basket. To top it off, Rena was eating a melon pan in her room breaking her No food in my room rule she had made for herself. Rena was too stressed out to worry about a few crumbles in her bed. “How can I not freak out? What am I supposed to do? I bet she hates me for snapping at her! Then I acted all self righteous and all!” Rena continued ranting as she walked back and forth in her room. Airi sighed in the other end of the line. Rena was always like that when things went wrong. Rena was too organized too practical. Whenever things got out of order or didn’t go as planned Rena freaked out. Big time. “Rena, just calm down and breathe. Breathing is important. I guarantee you , Jurina is not angry at you and even if she was she is not the type to stay mad for long,” Airi reassured Rena. “Okay, Okay…” Rena repeated as if trying to soothe herself. Airi resisted the urge to laugh. It was much too funny to see Rena in that crazy worried state even though she knew she was having a hard time.

“See, better?” Airi asked like a concerned parent. Rena nodded even though she was on the phone and replied, “Yeah.” “Okay, I got to go now. Can I trust you not to jump off your window?” Airi asked playfully trying not to giggle. “Yeah, thanks Airi,” Rena answered in a calmer matter. “Okay, Bye!” Airi said. “Bye!” Rena replied and hanged up. Rena sat on her bad and wondered how her perfectly normal Saturday ended up in confrontation, a somewhat confession, and overall a bad day. Being with Jurina was nice enough it was really nice actually, but the way things enfolded ruined those happy moments. Rena crawled into bed and made herself comfortable under the covers. Maybe maybe the next day would be better.

The next afternoon Jurina suddenly came up with a idea. Jurina couldn’t get Rena out of her head especially her singing they needed a singer like her in the band, so Jurina decided to take Rena to karaoke and convince her to join their band. Jurina smiled as she thought about the plan. Plus, it would let her hang out with Rena more. An added bonus that got more tempting the more she thought of it. Jurina wondered if Rena was still angry at her. Jurina was scared to bother her. Maybe she should let the other girl let out some steam. Jurina thought about, but then decided she couldn’t wait. If Rena was mad at her then it be better to fix the problem right away. Besides Rena just seemed concerned behind her angry words.

Meanwhile, Rena was in dreamland having the sweetest dream.

Jurina and Rena were walking in the park holding hands and laughing. The day was beautiful. The sun was up and it was warm, but not too hot. Suddenly, rain began to fall as the two girls walked. The sun was still shining though. “Rain!?” Rena exclaimed extending her hand to feel the raindrops. “I love rain!” Jurina squealed and twirled around happily. Rena smiled, but quickly hid under a tree to avoid getting wet. She is so cute!!!! was all Rena could think as she watched Jurina dance under the rain. Her bright warm laugh, her deep beautiful brown eyes, and her entire being seemed to envelop Rena with warmth she never felt before. Rena felt her cheeks turn red as she admired the other girl. Jurina noticed her watching and grabbed her hand. Rena’s eye widen in shock as she felt Jurina’s hand on her own. She stopped breathing for a few seconds as her eyes met Jurina’s eyes.

 Jurina gave her a warm smile and whispered, “Come play with me in the rain.” Rena opened her mouth, but nothing came out. Rena was too awestruck to speak. Jurina gave her a shy smile and pulled her toward her. Their bodies collided and Rena’s breath hitched. The rain was pouring down on them and Rena could hear her loud heartbeat or maybe it was Jurina’s. Jurina began to twirl her around and Rena felt light like a feather. Rena and Jurina were both giggling now lost in their own little perfect world. Suddenly, the twirling stop. Rena looked at Jurina with a frown wondering why she had stopped their innocent fun. “I love you,” Jurina declared with a huge grin. Rena was so shocked she slipped and fell on top of Jurina. Even though the two girls fell pretty hard, Rena didn’t feel hurt and Jurina didn’t complain either. All Rena could thinking about was Jurina’s body under her own and the way Jurina’s eyes were gazing at her lips. Rena leaned in closer and closer…

Rena’s phone began to ring causing Rena to awaken from her sleep. Rena jumped up too frighten to even realized what was happening. Finally, Rena relaxed realizing it was only her phone. Who was waking her from the most pleasant dream? Rena quickly grabbed her phone and answered groggily, “Hello?” “Rena! Were you asleep?” Jurina asked. Rena's face redden as she remembered her sweet dream the instant she heard Jurina speak. “It’s okay! It’s doesn’t matter! What do you need?” Rena asked a bit too eagerly.

Jurina was relieved. Rena didn’t sound mad at her. She sounded like her cute normal shy self. “Do you want to go out somewhere with me?” Jurina asked shyly unsure of how the other girl would react. Jurina was still scared that Rena might be angry at her. “Ehh?” was all Rena was able to utter. Jurina wanted to hang out with her after Rena had snapped at her at the mall? Were her ears working property? “Never mind. I guess you wouldn’t want to go out with me after yesterday forget it…” Jurina voice trailed off. “I would love to spend the day with you!” Rena quickly blurted out.  “Really?! You are not mad! Thank goodness! I was worried!” Jurina sighed in relief. Jurina started heading to Rena’s while still talking on the phone. Airi had given her the directions earlier. Jurina wanted to surprise Rena. “Wait, you thought I was angry at you? I thought you were angry at me!” Rena told her with a laugh as she recalled how much she freaked out the previous day. “Nah, I was a bit surprised, but not mad. You were right. I think I am going to forget about Akane,” Jurina revealed. Rena was silent. Did that mean Rena could have a chance with Jurina?

Rena felt her heart jump in happiness. She felt just a little bit guilty for thinking that way, but Akane clearly did not want Jurina back, so… “Why did you decide that?” Rena asked trying not to sound too nosy. Rena was very curious to know the reason why Jurina gave up on Akane, but she didn’t want to pry. “Ah, well I guess you convinced me in a way,” Jurina replied. “H…huh?” Rena blurted out nervously. “Well yesterday before I called you I had an encounter with Akane,” Jurina began. “You too?” Rena asked sounding surprised. Jurina furrowed her eyebrows. “You saw her too?” Jurina prompted. “Yeah, I… I got in a big fight with her actually. That’s probably why I snapped at you at the store. I was already pretty upset,” Rena told her recalling her horrible fight with Akane. “What did you guys fight about?” Jurina asked wondering how in the world Akane managed to make sweet quiet Rena angry. Rena was hesitant to answer. Rena didn’t want to hurt Jurina by telling her Akane’s cruel words, but at the same time shouldn’t Jurina know? “About you and the fact that I was hanging out with you, Airi and your friends too much. I told Akane I was helping you hoping to get her to shut up and she told me to stop helping you. That she didn’t want you anymore and to stop hanging out with you because people were talking. I got angry. The way she said it was... Infuriating” Rena answered honestly. Jurina sighed. Akane… She would never really accept her huh?

“What did you tell her?” Jurina inquired in a curious tone. Rena took a deep breath. “I told her I didn’t care about popularity that I liked being with you guys and that you aren’t just a thing she could suddenly decide she didn’t want anymore,” Rena answered getting a bit angry as she recalled Akane’s attitude. Jurina's eyes widen as her head registered that Rena had ruined her friendship with Akane because of her and probably all her other friendships. “You didn’t have to do that much! I mean I never meant for you to ruin your friendships or anything,” Jurina said. Rena smiled at Jurina’s sweetness and replied, “Don’t worry about it. The rest of the girls weren’t really my friends and honestly if Akane can’t get over popularity I don’t think I want to keep hanging out with her. You changed the way I saw things Jurina.” Her words warmed Jurina’s ears. “What do you mean?” Jurina asked her voice laced with curiously. Rena realized that the conversation was taking a more personal direction, but it made her happy that she could be that honest to Jurina.

“I used to think that if I could just fit in and not cause problems it be fine. I used to think that if I hide my interests and my music that it was okay and that I didn’t care. But, I realized that I do mind and it’s not okay. When Akane tried to change you and when I saw how honest you were I realized all this.  I realized I don’t want to be defined by who I hang around with, but for who I am,” Rena explained. Jurina felt her heart beat faster. “That’s beautiful,” Jurina responded.  Rena blushed at the compliment. “It’s just the truth!” Rena stammered slightly embarrassed by Jurina’s words. “So why did YOU get in a fight with her?” Rena prompted. Jurina bit her lip as she recalled the bitter memory. “I wouldn’t exactly call it a fight. I guess it was more of Akane insulting me…” Jurina’s voice trailed off. Rena felt herself getting angry at Akane all over again. Rena hated that Akane never thought of anyone’s feelings, but her own.

“Just forget it. Hearing about it will probably piss me off more at Akane even more,” Rena told Jurina. “Why?” Jurina pushed wanting to know how the other girl saw her. It was funny how close the two had gotten in so little time. Not to mention Rena's words the day before. How exactly did she 'like' Jurina? “Because you are my friend Jurina and you are an awesome person!” Rena pointed out. Jurina chuckled at the cute compliment. “Really? You think I am awesome?” Jurina asked. Rena got nervous all of a sudden. “Y… Yeah…” Rena replied shyly. “I got to go bye!” Jurina said as she reached Rena's house. “Ok, bye.” Rena replied

Rena hanged up the phone and sat on her bed. Jurina never told her what time they were meeting nor where they were going. Rena began to dial the number again, but no answer. That’s strange Rena thought. Why wouldn’t Jurina answer her phone? They were just talking a few seconds ago. Click! Click! Rena scrunched her eyebrows together as she heard a soft tapping noise coming from her window. Rena walked to the window slowly. Her steps were hesitant. Rena didn’t like weird noises or occurrences. Rena peaked through the window only to see Jurina tossing a rock up and down. Rena grinned and opened the window. “You know normal people knock on the door not throw rocks at windows!" Rena called out from the window. Jurina smirked. "But isn't this supposed to be I don't know more romantic?" Jurina joked. Rena blushed heavily at her words. “Let me open the door for you so you can come in. I still need to change you know!” Rena told Jurina and ran down stairs. “Mom, I going to go out with a friend in a bit,” Rena yelled so her mom could hear her. “Okay!” her mom replied from the kitchen. Rena opened the door to find Jurina waiting for her. Suddenly she became aware she was still in P.js. Rena blushed even harder as she watched Jurina eye her outfit.

"Don't laugh!" Rena warned with a blushing face. Jurina giggled at her words. “Your p.js are cute,” Jurina complimented honestly after she stopped giggling. “T…Thanks,” Rena mumbled. Rena led Jurina upstairs to her room after briefly introducing her to her mom. Jurina looked around Rena’s room in awe.  It was spotless. Rena had actually spend the whole day cleaning it. That’s the reason she was taking a nap in the first place. She was really worn out. Rena fumbled through her closet wondering what to wear. She wanted to look nice, but she didn’t want to make Jurina wait. In the end she went for a light green skirt, a pink tee shirt, and a baby blue hoodie. It was a simple yet cute combination.  ”I’ll be right back. I am going to change,” Rena told Jurina and went to her restroom to change. Jurina looked around Rena’s room and discovered how alike they actually were. Jurina never would have thought that Rena would be into the same things as her. Rena finally finished changing and sat next to Jurina in her bed. “So where are we going?” Rena asked. Jurina gave her a huge grin and replied, “Karaoke!”

“K…Karaoke!?” Rena exclaimed. Jurina nodded and said, “I want to hear your pretty voice again!” Rena blushed. She couldn’t even respond. “Let’s go!” Jurina said and grabbed Rena’s hand making her turn even redder. The two girls made their way to a nearby karaoke place. Rena was nervous. Jurina expected her to sing, but Rena couldn’t sing in front of people. It had been years since Rena sang in front of someone. It happened when she was eleven. Rena had sang in a choir her entire life and for the first time she had a solo part. Rena was really excited, but she blew it. She got nervous and forgot the song lyrics. The audience gasped and her fellow teammates gave her sharp glances. Afterwards all her teammates blamed her for making the performance a disaster and started bullying her, so Rena quit. Rena quit the choir and till that day Rena hasn’t been able to sing in front of anyone.

Jurina ran into the small karaoke room excited. Rena giggled at Jurina as she flipped through the songs in the karaoke machine excitedly. “What are you laughing at?” Jurina demanded with a pout. Rena couldn’t help, but smile before replying, “You!” “Why?” Jurina whined puffing out her cheeks in an adorable matter. “It’s just… I can’t really explain it, but it’s not a bad thing don’t worry about it.” Rena explained and ruffled Jurina’s hair in a loving matter. Jurina gave her a cat-like smile and pointed to a song. “I want to sing this one!” Jurina told Rena. Rena nodded and gave Jurina the mic before taking a seat in the sofa of the room they rented.

The room was filled with the sound of a guitars. Rena grinned when she realized what song it was. She didn’t think Jurina would listen to idol music. “It’s not all fun and games there are some roads you can’t avoid,” Jurina sang. The song was idol group AKB48′s Majisuka Rock n Roll. Rena laughed as Jurina danced and sang. Jurina suddenly grabbed Rena’s hand and said, “Dance with me!” Before Rena could object Jurina pulled her up. Before Rena knew it she was laughing and dancing with Jurina.

“What song do you want to sing?” Jurina asked after the song was over. “You can sing a few more while I decide,” Rena told Jurina. Jurina quickly jumped to the chance before Rena could change her mind. Jurina’s voice was warm and unique. It wasn’t the most talented one although it wasn’t bad either and Rena really enjoyed listening it to it. Rena found herself wondering why didn’t Jurina just take over the vocals in their band? Her voice was talented enough or perhaps that was just Rena's crush speaking? Rena smiled as she watched Jurina sing all sorts of songs.

“RENA!!!” Jurina suddenly whined loudly startling Rena. “What?” Rena asked in a surprised tone. Jurina sat next to Rena and frowned. “I am doing all the singing. I brought you here because I want to hear your voice too!” Jurina replied with a cute pout. Rena gulped. Rena hadn’t been able to avoid singing after all. Rena wondered if Jurina realized she was asking for the impossible. Rena was about to say no, but then she looked into Jurina’s huge puppy eyes and she found herself saying, “Ok.” “Yay!” Jurina exclaimed and put her arms around Rena. Rena blushed and pulled away to pick a song. Rena picked her song and got up to stand with the mic.

The song began to play and Rena opened her mouth to sing, but nothing came out. Rena’s palms began to sweat as Rena tried desperately to get her voice out of her throat. Rena gazed into Jurina expectant eyes and grew more desperate. Rena wanted to make Jurina happy and to let Jurina hear her voice, but her voice refused to cooperate almost like it had a mind of it’s own. Rena felt tears falling across her cheeks as she opened her lips, but nothing came out. Jurina got up and wrapped her arms behind Rena around her waist. Rena felt her heart pounding at Jurina’s close proximity. Jurina had hugged her before, but somehow the gesture felt more intimate. Rena’s heart stopped for a moment and then picked up tremulous speed. Rena felt Jurina’s warm breath in her neck causing her to shiver slightly.

“Why are you scared?” Jurina asked in a faded whisper. ”I….” Rena tried to answer, but nothing came out. Her mind was more preoccupied by the other girl’s body pressed against her and her sweet intoxicating scent. “What if I told you I would be besides you when you sing? What if I stayed by you side? Would that help?” Jurina whispered with an enthralling voice. Jurina rested her head on Rena’s shoulders causing Rena to hold her breath. Without thinking finally the words of the song came out, “Almost till my voice grows hoarse. I continue to scream from here. Damaging my muscles. For the sake of the one I love…” Rena softly sang the tragic melody in the sweetest voice. Her voice captivated Jurina. It was beautiful and so full of emotion. Jurina suddenly joined Rena. The voice blended perfectly.  Rena sang the rest of the song along with Jurina with no problem and by the time it was over Jurina was breathless. “I… I can be in your band if you are besides me,” Rena said softly.

Jurina suddenly became aware of the compromising position the girls were in and let go of Rena’s waist awkwardly. ”That’s great!” Jurina exclaimed happily. As the two girls headed home later that night, both felt as if something deep within them changed. Both their hearts were shaken. Neither could forget the feeling of their warm bodies tucked in an embrace. Nor the way they sang together.

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Skater Girl Ch.4 (Wmatsui) Update
« Reply #25 on: June 24, 2013, 10:39:30 PM »
So Akane was once like Rena and developed a persona to get new popular friends while avoiding her past.  rena is slowly coming into Jurina and still fighting off those feelings.  Jurina wants Rena but doesn't because of what rena is trying to do for her.  :nervous
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Skater Girl Ch.5 (Wmatsui) Update
« Reply #26 on: June 24, 2013, 10:51:18 PM »
Skater Girl
Chapter 5: From Best Friend to Enemy

The autumn air was beginning to turn cruel as mid-fall approached. Colorful leaves were dancing in the air and falling towards the rowdy high school students. Rena and Jurina stood under the huge sakura tree in the corner of the school. It had become their unofficial meeting spot. The two girls stood there in awkward silence waiting for Airi to show up. Ever since the night at Karaoke, the two girls grew shy around each other. Something changed the night. It wasn’t something you could easily see, but something had changed. Perhaps it wasn’t necessary a bad thing though. It was a good shyness. ”Airi is sure late…” Rena mumbled breaking the silence. That was all it took for Jurina to start blabbering, “I know! I don’t understand why she doesn’t walk to school with us! She’s just lazy and wants to wake up late!” Rena giggled. It was unusual to hear the other cheery hyper girl complain. Jurina was usually so positive and happy.

Jurina noticed Rena’s light giggle and pouted. “What so funny?!” Jurina demanded. Rena giggled again. “I am sorry! It’s just it’s rare to see you mad. It’s sort of cute!” Rena admitted cheerfully. Jurina's cheeks redden at the unexpected compliment. “Cute?” Jurina asked quietly. Rena instantly realized what she had said and began to blush furiously. “I.. I mean…” Rena stammered unable to come up with an excuse. Jurina giggled her musical laugh filling Rena’s ears. Jurina grabbed a strand of Rena’s hair. “I get it. It’s just how I find your nervous stammering cute,” Jurina whispered softly inching closer to Rena. Rena’s heart beat increased as the other girl inched closer. “Ehh?” Rena blurted out nervously. Did the other girl just say she founded her cute? Did Rena hear her correctly?

“Hey guys!” Airi called out heading towards them. Jurina let go of Rena’s hair. The strand fell back limply. Rena sighed and bit her lip. What would of happened if her cousin haven’t interrupted? Airi noticed both Rena's and Jurina's blush. She smiled inwardly. “Did something happen between you guys?” Airi questioned. The vide between Airi’s best friend and cousin had changed and she was dying to know the reason. Both girl exchanged a look and blushed even more as they recalled what they had been doing before Airi got there. Suspicious indeed, Airi thought. “Airi! Rena agreed to be our singer!” Jurina announced happily putting her arm around Rena. Airi’s eyes widen in utter surprise. “Are you serious? Oh my gosh! How the hell did you convince her?!” Airi demanded as if Jurina as announced the most bizarre thing in the world. Rena and Jurina blushed once more as the recalled the heart throbbing memory of the previous night.

Airi noticed their sudden blush and silence. Airi giggled softly.  Things were getting interesting. “This is good though!” Airi declared breaking the silence. “Yeah! You know what? We should take her to tonight’s practice since she is joining and all!” Jurina suggested excitedly. “Sure, but don’t you get to full of yourself. Mayu and Yuki have to approve you first!” Airi teased. Rena gulped nervously. Jurina clasped Rena’s hand and said, “Rena is going to blow them away! You’ll see! Right, Rena?"  Jurina squeezed Rena’s hand softly. Rena smiled and nodded. Airi smirked evilly and gushed, “You guys would make like the cutest couple you know?” The two girls instantly turned tomato red and quickly let go of each other’s hands.

“Airi!” Rena exclaimed in disbelief. Her cousin had some nerve. Jurina bit her lip nervously and looked at Rena. With her long raven hair and slender frame, Rena was beautiful. Not to mention those innocent round brown eyes and her angelic voice. Jurina’s blush deepen. Since when did Jurina begin to think Rena was beautiful? Suddenly, there was a loud thump. The three girls turned bewildered only to find Akane standing in front of them her purse on the ground. “Akane…” the name escaped Jurina’s shocked lips. Akane gave them an hostile glance and quickly snatched her purse from the ground. Akane stomped away angrily. The three girls watched her leave their mouths agape. “ What the hell just happened?” Airi managed to blurt out saying exactly what the other two were thinking. Soon the bell for class rang and the three headed to class in silence shaken up by the bizarre encounter with Akane.

Meanwhile, Akane was fuming in the other side of the school grounds. The side where the more attractive people hanged out. There was hardly any privacy at all, but it was popular and Akane was popular. It was where she belonged. “Are you alright, babe?” Akane’s boyfriend, Mizuki-kun asked when he noticed his girlfriend’s angry face. Akane glared towards Rena’s direction. Who did Rena think she was stealing away Jurina and backstabbing her? Was she out of her mind? ”Rena is a backstabbing bitch!” Akane huffed. Mizuki-kun put his arm around his girlfriend’s arm and simply replied, “That’s the problem, Akane? Rena? Just put her in her place.” Akane looked at her boyfriend. He looked like he was up to something.

“What are you thinking? You got an idea don’t you?” Akane prompted with a grin in her face. There were times were her idiotic boyfriend was actually really useful. “Akane, you have the school to you feet! You can easily teach them a lesson. Listen, Watanabe Miyuki is having a party this Saturday,” Mizuki-kun told Akane. Akane rolled her eyes and replied, “That loser that wants to be our friend and invited us to her stupid party? Why is that relevant?” Mizuki-kun grinned. ” Miyuki-san is Mayu-san’s cousin meaning Rena will probably go. We could prank her!” Mizuki-san explained. Akane recalled the previous piece of information she heard. “That’s perfect! You are brilliant!” Akane gushed and awarded her boyfriend a kiss. Rena doesn’t even know what she has coming to her, Akane told herself.


“Rena! You got to let them hear you sing!” Jurina gushed excitedly. The girls were in Airi’s garage. The garage was set up for the girls’ band practices. There were two guitars, one bass, three microphones, and a drum set. The garage was pretty disorganized, but it looked liked the perfect place for a rock band to practice. “Jurina!” Rena complained softly with a faint blush. Mayu leaned against her drum set. “I am pretty curious to hear Rena too since Jurina keeps saying how awesome of a singer she is,” Mayu said. Yuki nodded agreeing with her cyborg-like girlfriend. Rena felt her palms get sweaty. Would the other girls approve of her singing? Rena didn’t know them as well as Jurina and Airi so it made her nervous. Rena shot Jurina a nervous look. Jurina simply smiled. “How about we let her sing your new song, Jurina?” Airi suggested.

“You write songs?!” Rena asked in awe. Rena had always wanted to write songs, but her writing was completely awful in her opinion. Jurina nodded shyly and pulled out a notebook for her backpack. Airi was wearing a big grin in her face. She was looking forward to her cousin’s singing. It had been years since she last heard her sing. “Here," Jurina told Rena handing her the lyrics of her song. Rena stood in front of the mic. She paused briefly to read the songs lyrics. Rena let a sigh escape her lips as she felt Jurina’s pain put together in a song. The song was titled Complicated. Rena looked up to face Jurina. Rena’s eyes soften and she felt a calm she never felt before. The other girl’s mere presence reassured her. Not only that, but Rena was determined to convey the feeling Jurina put into the song.

“Chill out. What are you yelling for? Lay back. It’s all been done before. And if you could only let it be you would see. I like you just the way you are. When we are driving in your car and you’re talking to me one on one, but you become somebody from everyone else. You’re watching your back like you can’t relax. You’re trying to be cool you look like a fool to me. Tell me why you have to go and make things so complicated? See the way you are. Acting like you are somebody else gets me frustrated…” Rena sang in a clear loud voice. The entire room was silent. You couldn’t even hear breathing. Suddenly, Airi began to clap. “That was beautiful!” Airi gushed and hugged her cousin. Rena blushed and replied, “Airin!” “She is amazing! You have got to join us Rena!” Yuki added with a smile. “Yeah, I thought maybe Jurina was exaggerating, but you got serious talent!” Mayu exclaimed with a big smile. Jurina, on the other hand, was too awestruck to say anything. It was the same feeling that came over her the last time she heard Rena sing. It was a bit stronger though hearing her sing the lyrics of her song was something else.

“Jurina’s lyrics are amazing as well though!” Rena pointed out. Jurina smiled shyly and replied, “They are not that good…” “They are! This is like one of the best songs you have written and I only heard a part of this!” Yuki agreed. Mayu hugged Yuki from behind and said, “Guys, I forgot to tell you. My cousin asked if we could play in her party on Saturday.” “Of course! You know we will take any gig we could take plus we love Miyuki!” Airi told Mayu. Yuki frowned and asked, “Is she still trying to hang out with those preppy kids though?” Rena instantly recalled how Miyuki tried to befriended them in various occasions, but Akane always blew her off saying she was annoying. Rena bit her lip nervously as she waited for Mayu’s answer. “Yeah, I think she invited them…”Mayu answered. The room was silent and then Airi said, “Maybe we shouldn’t play.”

“No!” Rena exclaimed. The other four girls looked at her in shock. “A gig is a gig. We shouldn’t just back down because some spoiled kids might go. So what if they don’t get our music? It’s their lost. I am sick of letting them run my life. I don’t know about you guys, but I say we play the gig and play Jurina’s new song!” Rena declared. The four girl exchanged smiles and Airi replied, “She is right! We are AKB after all! We do not back down!” “Yeah, especially for some preppy rich kids!” Mayu added. Airi, Mayu and Yuki began to get pumped talking about what songs they should play and what they should wear. Jurina couldn’t stop looking at Rena. She looked so beautiful and elegant when she told them to play the gig. Rena noticed Jurina’s gaze and didn’t know what to make of it. It made her heart do nervous thumps. Jurina put her arm around her and said, “That was pretty cool. I didn’t expected that sort of speech from a shy girl like you. You are really something Matsui Rena.” Rena blushed softly and replied, “Is that good or bad?” Jurina smirked and answered, “I like it.”


Akane walked home hand and hand her with loyal boyfriend. It was already dark outside and it was getting cold. Akane wished her boyfriend would give her his jacket or something romantic like that, but she knew he wouldn’t. To him, Akane was nothing more than a mere price. Akane knew it perfectly well, but she still hoped for more. A thought haunted her mind and Akane tried her best to get ruin of it. The thought that Jurina would have given me her jacket. Akane recalled how different walking home with Jurina was different than walking home with Mizuki-kun.

“You look so cute today!” Jurina told Akane while putting her arms around her. Akane blushed lightly and replied shyly, “Thanks.”  Jurina pursed her lips and asked, “Does that earn me a kiss?” Akane giggled softly at Jurina cuteness and kissed her nose playfully. Jurina pouted and whined, “Churi! Not on my nose!” Akane laughed and replied, “You never said you wanted a kiss on the lips.” Jurina stopped on her tracks. Akane turned to ask what was wrong, but was met with Jurina’s warm eager lips. Akane’s eyes widen, but they fluttered shut and kissed Jurina back.

Jurina gave Akane those small sweet little surprises often, but Mizuki-kun never did. His kisses aren’t sweet they were just… More for his own pleasure you could say. It was difficult to put it into words, but Akane preferred Jurina’s kisses. Suddenly, two familiar figures caught Akane’s attention. “Jurina! Stop it!” Rena giggled and smacked the other girl playfully. Akane stopped in her tracks. Jurina gave Rena a huge grin. Jurina put her arm around Rena and sneaked in a playful kiss in her cheek causing Rena to blush deeply. Akane gasped. The two girls looked up.

Akane glared at them before pulling Mizuki-kun into a deep passionate kiss. Akane saw Jurina ran off from the corner of her eye and felt satisfied. Mizuki-kun raised an eyebrow as she pulled away. "What was that?" He asked clearly surprised at her sudden kiss. “My parents are out of town if you want to come over,” Akane suggested in a seductive voice. Mizuki-kun simply nodded dumbfounded and Akane was too angry to think about what she was doing. She would show Jurina she had someone else and Rena would pay back later.

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Skater Girl Ch.5 (Wmatsui) Update
« Reply #27 on: June 24, 2013, 11:11:33 PM »
Let the childish games begin XD
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Skater Girl Ch.5 (Wmatsui) Update
« Reply #28 on: June 26, 2013, 06:15:49 PM »
hello there!

i had read your fanfic in other forum before and i really like it :)

i'm so happy you post your fanfic in this forum, it is easy for me to know your update.

i really love wmatsui :wub:

i'll be waiting for your next update :jphip:

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Skater Girl Ch.5 (Wmatsui) Update
« Reply #29 on: June 27, 2013, 04:42:55 PM »
love your fics!!!! :hee: :hee:

is it just me or does "Skater Girl" remind me of Avril Lavigne's song SkaterBoy... :dunno: :dunno: Totally had that song playing in my head the whole time i was reading it... :shy1:

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Skater Girl Ch.5 (Wmatsui) Update
« Reply #30 on: June 28, 2013, 03:34:57 AM »
It is kind of based on that song and some other songs. I am going to post up a playlist for it after I post all the story. You should certainly should listen to the song ^_^

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Skater Girl Ch.6 (Wmatsui) June 27 Update
« Reply #31 on: June 28, 2013, 04:13:20 AM »
Skater Girl
Ch.6 A Mean Prank

It was a warm, quiet afternoon. The sun was peaking into Rena’s desk from the big window in her room. There was a bunch of homework papers spread out in Rena’s desk. Rena was trying to focus on her homework, but her mind had a life of its own and kept taking her back to the same bothersome scene. First off all, was the unpleasant encounter with Akane three days earlier. What haunted her the most was Jurina’s reaction. Why was Akane so cruel? Rena bit her lip as her head replayed the bitter memory over and over again like a broken record.

The sky was dark and there was not a single star to be once. The city silent until the sound of heavy footsteps could be heard in the distance. Jurina seemed to be running aimlessly with no path or sense of direction. Behind Rena tried to desperately catch up to her, but Jurina was too fast. Finally, Jurina stopped jogging and collapsed to the floor. Rena put her hands in knees and tried to catch her breath. Rena was glad Jurina didn’t run any further otherwise Rena’s legs would have given in. Rena wasn’t a girl would did sports and her condition was horrible. How Rena even managed to follow the girl this far was a mystery to her. “Sorry, I must have worried you,” Jurina apologized when she noticed how tired Rena looked. It didn’t occur to Jurina that Rena would actually run behind her. “It’s okay,” Rena reassured whole heartily.

While Rena hated the running, she would do it again without a second thought because Jurina’s well being was more important. Jurina looked up at the sky. Jurina was clenching her fists as well. “Its not like I care that she is dating someone else its just the way she does it! Like if she is trying to make a fool out of me or something! I mean seriously did she really have to kiss him in front of me? She doesn’t care about anybody else’s feelings and it upsets me so much. How is it that someone claimed to care so much about you treats you like utter shit?” Jurina wondered out loud her voice filled of pent up anger.

 Jurina was right of course. “Just forget it, Jurina. Its not worth your time,” Rena told her unsure of what else to tell the angry girl. Jurina stayed silent looking at the ground. Tears began to roll from her eyes. Rena’s heart felt like it was breaking into pieces seeing Jurina so vulnerable like that. “I just don’t understand,” Jurina cried pulling her hands in her face. Rena sighed and kneed down to Jurina’s level. “Look I know its not as easy as it sounds, but honestly Akane is going to be Akane and we can’t change it. Its better not to dwell on it.” Rena insisted and patted Jurina’s head. Jurina looked up and Rena used her thumb to wipe her tears away. A faint smile appeared in her beautiful face causing Rena’s heart to flutter. “You are right. Thanks,” Jurina said. Rena got up and brushed her skirt. “Come on. Let go home,” Rena told Jurina and extended her hand to help her up.

While Jurina said she was simply upset about Akane’s bratty attitude, Rena couldn’t help, but to wonder if perhaps the reason Jurina was so upset was because still she still had feelings Akane. If so then Miyuki’s party was truly something to worry about. Rena put her head down on top of her homework. Rena was sure that Akane was only attending Miyuki’s party because she was planning something. What if Akane took the opportunity to make Jurina feel even worst? Rena wouldn’t be able to stand seeing Jurina so upset again. Rena simply wouldn’t


Miyuki’s house wasn’t a house it was a mansion. Rena looked around the place in shock. That was the biggest house Rena had ever seen. It looked right out of a movie! “Hey, guys!” Miyuki greeted with a warm smile. “Hey! So the party is in the backyard?” Mayu asked. “Yeah don’t worry about you instruments and stuff. I’ll have someone bring them up,” Miyuki told them. “They better not drop them,” Mayu retorted clearly not happy with the idea. “Mayuyu! Don’t be rude!” Yuki scolded hitting her in the arm. Miyuki simply giggled and guided them to her backyard. The backyard was simply magical. Rena had the impression that it would still feel that way even without the beautiful Hawaiian decorations. There were tikis and lovely fresh Hawaiian flowers everywhere. Over by the table drinks were being served pineapples and coconuts designed glasses. Some drinks were even served in real coconuts! There was snacks of all sorts in the table as well consisting of mini hot dogs, chips, candy, and cookies.

“This is amazing!” Rena managed to say after being awestruck for a couple of minutes. “The Watanabes come from a rich family of business men. Mayu’s house isn’t too shady either,” Airi explained. “Yeah, why do you think I am dating her?” Yuki said. “Yuki!” Mayu shirked. The girls giggled. “Aw, I am just kidding Mayuyu! You know I love you!” Yuki replied hugging her girlfriend. Mayu sighed and hugged Miyuki back. Rena shifted uncomfortably feeling a little weird next to the couple. ”Its really nice though,” Rena continued looking around again. ”My my some people act like they have never seen a big house before! Losers,” Minako scoffed as she pass by along with Akane and Momoko. The light atmosphere was killed and even lovely dovely Mayu and Yuki untangled themselves from their embrace. “Like you seen anything bigger than Akane’s house which by the way isn’t as big as this,” Jurina snapped annoyed with the uptight girls. Akane’s face darken at the comment. “Let’s go girl. Let’s not bother with these nobodies. We got more important people to talk to,” Akane told Momoko and Minako pulling them away before they could even object.

“I really hate girls with that sort of attitude seriously,” Yuki spat with a look of disgust in her face. A solemn air surrounded the girls until Airi spoke up, “Oh come on! Don’t let those spoiled bratty girls bring you down! We are here to have fun right?” “Yeah, I guess you are right! Nee, Yukirin lets go see what over there!” Mayu exclaimed and took Yuki with her before she could say anything else. “Well, I guess that makes three of us now,” Jurina said as she watched the couple leave. Rena nodded in agreement. “Actually, I need to go check on our instruments. Although I am not as blunt as Mayu about the whole issue I really am worried about someone dropping our stuff. Don’t worry about it though. You two have fun!” Airi ordered patting the girls backs before heading to Miyuki’s side. ”I guess it’s just us huh?” Rena mumbled nervously.

“AKANE! This is boring! I want to go dance! My favorite song is on!” Minako whined. The three girls were currently hiding behind a vase with huge exotic flowers watching as Airi instructed people where to place the supplies for the band. “Shut up, Minako!” Akane snapped annoyed at the airhead. Usually Akane was really patient with the two girls, but her patient was wearing thin. Akane was beyond pissed off at Jurina for insulting her house and now her plan was failing. Akane wanted to mess with Rena’s microphone, but that was going to be impossible to do with Airi watching the band’s supplies like a hawk. “Akane, Minako is right! I want to dance too!” Momoko insisted tugging at Akane’s red dress sleeve. Akane turned around and hissed, “For the love of god, if you are not going to help me then go away and stop making noise! You going to get us caught!” The two sidekicks were instantly silent. “Airi! Can you come and check something with me?” Miyuki called from inside the house. Airi simply nodded and began to walk away leaving the supplies and most important the microphone unguarded. Finally, a chance! “Finally! Let’s go girls!” Akane ordered. Poor little Rena. Hopefully this would keep her from performing in public for a very long long time.


“This is so weird! I really never been to one of these things before. God, must they really play that music?” Rena asked silently cursing the D.J. Jurina looked at her with surprise in her eyes. “Really? Never? But weren’t you like super popular? I would have thought you were flooded with invitations!” Jurina pointed out. Rena shook her head. “I never accepted any of them. The whole idea seemed to weird to me and thankfully Akane never dragged me to one of them,” Rena explained. Jurina put her hands behind her neck casually and mused, “Mmm… Then again now that I know you, you aren’t really that type at all huh?” “No, I guess not really,” Rena replied shyly suddenly feeling self-conscious. Jurina looked up at the night sky lost in thought. Rena was curious as to what the other girl was thinking about.

“What should we do? I feel so weird just standing her by the table,” Jurina admitted watching everyone else in the room dancing. Well everyone except Mayu and Yuki. The two were no where to be found. Rena furrowed her eyebrows. “Mmm, would you like to dance?” Rena asked. Jurina laughed and quickly shook her head. Rena laughed as well and replied, “Thank god cause I wouldn’t have want to join you.” Jurina kept giggled and said, “Too bad! I would have forced you!” The giggling increased at Jurina response, but slowly disappeared leaving a weird vide between the two. Jurina’s face suddenly turned serious. “Jurina?” Rena asked. “I need to tell you something. Something really important…” Jurina started, but was interrupted. “Guys! Miyuki wants us to go perform already. Have you seen Mayu and Yuki? I swear those two are probably making out somewhere!” Airi complained causing Rena and Jurina to giggled. This seem to annoy Airi even more and she snapped, “Well what the hell are you waiting for? Head to the stage already!” The two girls quickly obeyed her seriously frighten of Airi’s wrath. Jurina was smiling, but felt frustrated inwardly. I guess I’ll just have to tell her later then, Jurina told herself trying to get over her disappointment.

Rena was so nervous. Her hands refused to stop shaking. Waiting for Mayu and Yuki only made her nerves worst.  Rena just wanted to get things over with already. “Are you feeling nervous?” Jurina asked noticing the girl couldn’t keep still. Rena simply nodded her mouth becoming dry. Jurina grabbed her hand startling the nervous girl. “Rena, hey I’ll be up there the whole time okay? You can do this. I know you can,” Jurina reassured her. Her voice sounded so warm in Rena’s ears and while her heartbeat was beating even faster under her chest she felt a mysterious sense of calm wash over her. Only Jurina could make her feel that way. The moment was interrupted by Airi, who was dragging Mayu and Yuki by the wrist with a pissed off expression. The two lovebirds didn’t look bothered at all though both wearing a smug grin in there face. “We are all here!” Airi told Miyuki who was waiting for them to arrive as well. Miyuki smiled and made her way to the stage.

“Hey, guys! Today for my birthday I got a special band to come play!” Miyuki announced carrying her own personal microphone. Her voice was loud enough to project to the entire group somehow. The crowd grew loud with excitement until Miyuki spoke again. “They aren’t famous or popular yet, but I assure you they got talent." The crowd began to cheer. "Please welcome, AKB!” Miyuki screamed before hurrying off the stage. With that cue the band ran up to the stage and took their position. Rena was never so nervous in her life. In spite Jurina’s words, Rena couldn’t help, but to feel overwhelmed by the huge crowd in front of her. The guitar riffs began to fill the room and Rena took a deep breath. This is it, Rena thought. “All I did was walk over start off by shaking your hand.” Rena began, but something was off. Her voice. It wouldn’t project. “That’s how it went. I had a smile on my face and I sat up straight,” Rena tried again, but again she couldn’t be heard. Rena suddenly spotted Akane in the crowd, who was wearing a huge grin. “BOO!” Minako screamed. The three girls laughed and began to boo her urging the rest of the crowd to boo. The crowd laughed and followed suit much to Rena’s horror. The worst wasn’t over however. Akane, who was next to the refreshments table, thought it would be funny to start throwing food on stage. Rena gasped at a mini hot dog landed on her cheek. More food was thrown and the girls were telling her to go downstage, but Rena couldn’t move.

Jurina ran to her side and dragged her off stage with a angry look in her face. Finally once they were off stage, Miyuki hurried to the stage to deal with the crowd. “Rena! Are you okay?” Jurina asked taking some food off Rena’s hair. Rena simply nodded not able to speak. Jurina’s face was filled of concern. The rest of the girls were silent knowing that it was probably best to let Jurina deal with Rena. Jurina began to caress Rena’s cheek. Rena gave her a small smile. Jurina’s worried face suddenly turned to an angry one. “This isn’t going to stay like this,” Jurina hissed. With that Jurina got up and headed Akane’s way. Airi grabbed her arm. “Think about what you are going to do, Jurina! They are not worth it!” Airi told her, but Jurina ripped her arm away. Rena and the rest of the girls ran behind her. Over by the table, Akane was laughing her head off enjoying her temporary triumph. Akane noticed them and said, “Oh, Rena! Are you here for more food?”

Jurina responded to the question with a punch in Akane’s eye. Everyone’s eyes widen at Jurina’s sudden act of aggression. ”Jurina…” Rena uttered completely shocked by the event that had just enfolded before her. Had Jurina really just punched Akane? “Mess with Rena again and you and your little friends will be getting worst than that! That goes for everyone!” Jurina screamed her face red with anger. Akane looked simply stunned, but tears were flowing from her eyes. Rena suddenly felt bad for her. “Come on, Akane,” Minako said pulling Akane away from the scene. Rena was suddenly filled with a new sense of strength. Rena couldn’t believe Jurina went to such extreme measures to defend her. The way Jurina handled things might have been foolish, but it made Rena feel special. For once, Rena felt Jurina cared about her more than Akane and it gave her courage. “I want to go upstage again.” Rena spoke up for the first time still the humiliating event. The girls looked at her in shock. “Are you sure?” Airi asked with a raised eyebrow. Rena nodded. “Completely sure, but I want to change the song. I want to do Misery Business,” Rena told Airi. “A cover song?” Airi asked sounding slightly confused. "Do you know it?" Rena questioned. The girls nodded with puzzled faces. Rena smiled. “You’ll see why,” Rena said looking at Jurina. Miyuki smiled and replied, ” Let me fix the microphone problem first, okay?”

The girls stepped on stage one last time. Rena flashed Jurina a huge smile. Jurina smiled back wondering why Rena was suddenly so happy. On their cue the girls began to play. Rena allowed the music to take over her as she heard the familiar beat. Her voice began a bit hesitant, but without Akane to move the crowd everyone was cheering for her. By the time Rena reached the chorus the words were loud and clear, ” I waited 8 long months she finally set her free. I told her I lie she was the only one for me. Two weeks and we caught on fire. She got it out for me, but I wear the biggest smile. I never meant to brag, but I got her where I want her now.” While singing this, Rena was facing Jurina the entire time. Jurina was extremely red. Is Rena talking about me? Jurina wondered her eyes wide with shock at the realization. Rena gave her a flirty smile and wink at one point causing Jurina to nearly lose the beat. Jurina smiled. Jurina couldn’t wait for the song to finish.

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Skater Girl Ch.6 (Wmatsui) June 27 Update
« Reply #32 on: June 28, 2013, 04:23:40 AM »
Jurina delivered what was rightly theirs but I wonder how that will implicate her life for being violent :nervous
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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Skater Girl Ch.6 (Wmatsui) June 27 Update
« Reply #33 on: June 28, 2013, 04:47:31 PM »
Lol. Haha I have a feeling she gets away with it XD

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Skater Girl Ch.6 (Wmatsui) June 27 Update
« Reply #34 on: June 29, 2013, 01:49:24 AM »
Oh god poor Churi but it was so cool!

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Skater Girl Ch.6 (Wmatsui) June 27 Update
« Reply #35 on: July 02, 2013, 12:17:10 AM »
Skater Girl
Ch.7 The Truth is Out

A/N Short Ending, but there is still the epilogue. Look forward to it. It is a very important piece of the story :)

A roar. That was the best way to describe how the crowd's cheer sounded like. A huge roar except it was a good kind of roar. Rena smiled. "Thank you! That was our last song, but you been an amazing audience!" Rena yelled into the mic and bowed. A loud round of applause could be heard once more. The band bowed as well and began to make their way downstage. “That was amazing!” Miyuki gushed as the band walked offstage. They had been asked to play five more songs until Miyuki announced they had to go home already.  The all the girls were celebrating and high fiving each other, but Jurina was just desperate to get Rena alone. Their eyes briefly met for a moment and Rena gave Jurina a small smile making Jurina’s heart to pound under her chest. “I know! Next up is the Battle of the Bands! We are going to rock!” Airi declared excitedly. Suddenly, Mayu began to laugh. “You know I think Rena has had enough excitement for the day!” Mayu giggled pointing at Rena’s food strained clothes and face. The girls laughed as Rena rushed to get some napkins to clean the ketchups for the mini hot dogs thrown at her from her face. "You guys are awful!" Rena said with a pout in her face. Jurina laughed. The girl was just to cute sometimes. "Let me help you." Jurina said and grabbed a napkin. Jurina began to drab Rena's ketchup strained cheeks causing Rena to blush a little due to having Jurina so close to her face.

“You should probably head home and clean up. Jurina can walk you home if you want,” Yuki offered. "Yeah I am sure Jurina doesn't mind. Right Jurina?" Airi added casting a look at her best friend. A look that said this is your chance you better take it. “Is that okay with you, Jurina? Don’t want to stay in the party a little longer? I would hate to impose...” Rena said sounding a bit shy. “No, not at all! I am actually a bit tired myself,” Jurina lied. In reality, Jurina felt more pumped up than ever, but she really needed to find out what Rena meant with that song. Was the song really about Jurina? Was it possible that Rena loved Jurina as well? If that was the case, Jurina had to do her confession already! “Bye, guys! Thanks for coming. Sorry about those rude girls. I am never inviting them again!” Miyuki swore. “Yeah, thanks Miyuki! Bye, guys!” Jurina responded cheerfully grabbing Rena's hand. "Let's go!" Jurina told her with a bright smile. Rena looked down at their held hands and blushed. "Bye!" Rena waved as Jurina pulled her away from the girls. "Do you think those two will be alright on their own?" Yuki wondered as she watched the two girls leave. Airi smiled looking at their held hands. "Yeah they will be alright." Airi replied. "Yukirin! I wanna go home too!" Mayu whined grabbing Yuki's arm. Yuki laughed. "I guess that's our cue to leave as well."

Jurina and Rena began to make their way home. It was dark already and the bright stars and full moon gave the night a romantic quality. Rena wondered if Jurina understood the message she tried to sent her with her song. Probably not. It was so unclear and indirect. Rena should probably just tell her directly, but… Her fear stopped her. What if Jurina was still love Akane? But then again hadn’t Jurina just defended her from Akane in that breathtaking passionate matter that made her heart stop? Surely, Jurina was over Akane and surely Jurina felt strongly towards Rena to go that out of her way to defend her in such a matter. At the same time, Rena was just a useless coward who couldn’t say a word. Why couldn't Rena just be a little more braver and honest about her feelings? It would make things so much easier.

Jurina was having the same conflict inside. However, her heart couldn’t wait anymore. How much longer could Jurina stay being near Rena without pulling her close and kissing her. Even at that moment Rena’s perfectly pink lips were tempting her. There was almost a magical quality to the night. Jurina knew what she had to do. Besides if her suspicions were correct, Rena confessed to her already. What if Rena was just waiting for Jurina to realize how she felt. No matter what if that was the case, Jurina had to take the risk. For Rena’s sake as well. Rena was surprised when Jurina suddenly stopped. “Jurina?” Rena questioned in confusion. Jurina suddenly grabbed Rena by the waist and pulled her closer. Rena's gasped as their bodies came in contact. Her breath was heavy now. “Rena…” Jurina began, but was tongue-tied as she looked in Rena's stunning face. Rena’s heart was racing and her face was flushed.

Was it maybe possible that Jurina felt the same way? Rena cupped Jurina’s cheeks eager for her to continue letting her fear of rejection melt away as she looked into Jurina’s intense warm gaze. "Jurina... I..." Rena stopped as Jurina's leaned in closer. Her mind was invaded by Jurina's intoxicating scent and suddenly she couldn't form an sort of corhant thought.  Before they knew it their lips were less than inches away. Rena drew a breath as Jurina inched closer and captured her lips with her soft warm ones. Rena couldn’t believe what was happening. Rena’s arms found their place behind Jurina’s neck pulling her closer to Rena. Jurina felt she could never stop kissing Rena’s strawberry-like tasting lips. Their lips kissed eagerly never wanting to let go. It was the sweetest sensation. Rena couldn’t put it into words. Rena pulled away after a long while breathless trying to get some air. "Jurina..." Rena finally managed. Why had Jurina suddenly kissed her? Did Jurina really feel the same? “I love you, Rena,” Jurina whispered resting her head on Rena’s shoulder. Rena's eyes widen, but then she replied, “I love you too. Since I first met you.” Jurina's breath hitched at Rena's sudden confession. 

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Jurina demanded. She couldn't believe Rena had loved her for so long! And even with those feelings she still tried to help Jurina. It was all too astonishing. “How could I? You were in love with Akane and I never imagine you would feel the same about me…” Rena’s voice trailed off. Jurina held on to Rena even tighter and replied, ” How could I not?" Rena gave her a sad look and dropped her limp arms from Jurina's neck.  "I am no Akane. I am no beauty queen. I don't do ballet nor do I have many friends. I... I am just me....." Rena told her sounding a bit depressed.  "I don't care. I don't want you to be Akane. I love the Rena that's just Rena. She is cute and is fun to be around with," Jurina answered kissing Rena's cheek. Rena smiled and carassed Jurina's cheek. "Of course that is if you don't mind going out with a girl that's a punk and spends her time skating all the time." Jurina added. Rena laughed and kissed her lips once more. "You're being silly. Of course I don't mind. Now let's go home. It's late!" Rena laughed and the two began to head home hand in hand.

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Skater Girl Ch.7 (Wmatsui) 07/1
« Reply #36 on: July 02, 2013, 12:27:04 AM »
Skater Girl Playlist

Sk8ter Boi By Avril Lavigne (The entire Fic is based on this song. Title might make it obvious if you are an Avril Fan)

Koe ga Kasureru Kurai By SKE48 Akagumi (Song Wmatsui sings in the karaoke scene)

Complicated By Avril Lavigne (the song Jurina wrote and that Rena sings to get accepted to AKB)

Unwanted by Avril Lavigne (Song Rena performs before getting booed by Akane and her friends)

Misery Business by Paramore (Confession song to Jurina after Rena get back on stage)

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Skater Girl Ch.7 (Wmatsui) 07/1
« Reply #37 on: July 02, 2013, 01:21:52 AM »
^ I kinda figured it would be like that :lol:

Although they ended up happily ever after :lol:
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Skater Girl Ch.7 (Wmatsui) 07/1
« Reply #38 on: July 02, 2013, 04:45:00 AM »
Skater Girl

A year later

Jurina sat in Rena’s rug with her legs crossed and a worn notebook in her hands. Rena was watching her attentively in silence with hopeful eyes as Jurina read the words written in the old notebook. Jurina looked completely immersed in the writing to even notice her girlfriend’s staring. Finally, Jurina looked up with a huge smile and broke the silence, “This is awesome! I love it!” Rena’s serious face was replaced with a huge grin. “Really?!” Rena blurted out hugging her girlfriend out of pure happiness. Jurina’s eyes widen in surprise. Her girlfriend didn’t usually act that way, but it was nice when she did. “Whoa, Rena!” Jurina giggled putting her arms around her girlfriend. “I am sorry! It’s just this is the first song I’ve ever written and I was afraid you wouldn’t like it!” Rena explained excitedly. Jurina giggled once more. Her girlfriend could be really cute and childish at times. “Of course I love it silly. It’s simply brilliant!” Jurina replied the words of the song still haunting her mind. Rena smiled once more and snuggled closer to Jurina. “In fact, I think this would be the perfect song to use as our album single,” Jurina told Rena. Rena eyes became wide like saucers. “You’re joking, right? I mean it’s good, but not it’s not nearly as good as your songs! We can’t use it as a single!” Rena exclaimed in utter shock.

Using her song as a single? Instead of Jurina’s? That was madness!“Why not? It’s a good song and I think it’s a good idea to have a cheerful yet at the same time sad song as our album single rather than just a moody one. I am sure the others will agree with me too!” Jurina countered. “Call them over then. I am sure they will think otherwise,” Rena responded. Jurina gently pushed her girlfriend to the floor and pinned her down. Rena’s heart began to hammer in her chest as her girlfriend got closer and closer. “Jurina! Get off!” Rena ordered and squirmed beneath her trying to keep her cool against her girlfriend’s charm. Jurina smirked enjoying the position she was in a little too much, but then she remember her argument. “Why do you always have to bring yourself down?” Jurina questioned with an intense look in her beautiful eyes. Rena was mesmerized by them. It was almost as if those eyes could look through her soul and read her like a book. “I don’t know what you are talking about.” Rena denied in a stubborn voice. “Then why not let us use your song as the main single?” Jurina insisted. Rena bit her lip and search her head for a reasonable explanation other than fear.

“Because even though it is good you have way more experience in songwriting than I do. Clearly, I want us to present your lyrics written by a person with more experience in songwriting than my amateur lyrics. Beside, it was Complicated that won us the battle of the bands. Not to mention we already recorded the album,” Rena pointed out. Jurina recoiled surprising defeated by her girlfriend’s clever point. Rena sighed in relief. Complicated did earn them battle of the band and the opportunity to record an album. Jurina remember the moment as if it were yesterday. They were up against fifty bands. Jurina thought they had no chance against so many people. Still they gave it their all and when the announcer yelled out their band’s name as the first price winner it felt unreal. It still did! They were going to record an album for crying out loud! It was going on sale in two weeks! In two mere weeks! It was completed already, but Jurina felt Rena’s song would complete it fully. ”You bring up a good point, but still!” Jurina whined in a sulky voice. Rena had a triumph smile in her face. ”Come on get off me. I know you can’t help yourself, but band practice starts in 10 minutes and I don’t want to be late again.” Rena replied merrily. Jurina smirked and shook her. "I think being late every once in a while can be a good thing," Jurina said leading in for a kiss. Rena laughed softly and returned Jurina's kiss.


Akane collapsed in the nearby armchair exhausted. Finally, the baby had gone to sleep. Yes, baby. Akane had slept with Mizuki-kun out of spite and jealously after seeing Jurina with Rena. It was the stupidest thing Akane had ever done. Akane didn’t even enjoy it. Akane didn’t even love Mizuki-kun. Akane loved Jurina! It wasn’t long before Akane began to feel funny and get morning sickness. Akane bought a pregnancy test and it was confirmed. She was pregnant. It was funny because Akane never imagine she would ever end up pregnant in such an early age. Yes, Akane understood that having sex could lead to getting pregnant, but at that heated up moment she didn’t think things through. Not to mention Akane thought that sort of thing could never happen to her. It seemed like something that only happened in TV shows and movies. It didn’t feel real. Things got hard. Not just with her parents who were completely furious and disappointed with their only daughter, but at school too. Akane never thought that getting pregnant would make her unpopular. She always assumed people would stare and be disappointed, but she never imagine Minako and Momoko would ditch her completely. Not like the others ditch her! They spread all sorts of nasty rumors about her too. People began to call her things like slut and whore.

The worst part of it all was that Mizuki-kun, the father of her baby, bailed out on her. He transferred schools and never spoke to Akane again. Rumor had it that he was dating Momoko, but that was just a rumor. Frankly, Akane could care less. Akane never love him and she didn’t want to date him, but she hated him for leaving her innocent baby without a father! Her daughter, Juri, would grow up without a father and an unfit mother who probably would never amount to much. Akane never meant things to get so far, so complicated. How did things get so far?


“I agree! We are totally using this song as our single! I am calling manager-san to see what we could do!” Airi announced. Rena shifted in her seat uncomfortably. “You too, Airi?” Rena asked with a defeated small voice. Rena should be more ecstatic, but what if they didn’t make it because her lyrics were bad or amateur? Rena didn’t want to ruin the amazing opportunity they landed their hands on. “I have to agree with Airi and Jurina. This song is amazing. We could totally work with this,” Yuki said. Mayu nodded as well. Jurina had a wide grin in her face.

“It’s settle then. Let’s call manager-san and see what can be done.” Jurina declared. Airi pulled out her phone and stepped outside. No one followed her. They had learn to leave that sort of business to Airi. She was sort of the band’s personal manager. In spite of having her head in the clouds and always reading manga, Airi could be responsible when she wanted to. “Your song reminded me of Akane. How do you think she is doing?” Mayu wondered. “What with her baby? Who knows. She dropped out from school. I feel kind of bad that something like that happened to her though. We may have not ended in the best terms, but we were still friends at a time. I know Akane had bigger dreams than that,” Rena sighed. “Yeah, not to mention I heard Mizuki-kun didn’t take the responsibility for the baby,” Mayu told them. “That pisses me off. If he was man enough to get her pregnant he should at least man up to his responsibly,” Jurina spat. “I know! I mean it is your child!” Yuki agreed.

“Guys! Manager-san said we still had time to record one last song, but we would have release the record a week later than planned.” Airi explained. “Yay!” Jurina exclaimed and hugged Rena. Rena knew she was supposed to be nervous and upset, but Jurina’s excitement was just too contiguous. So, Rena’s song would be the one that would draw people into her band, huh? “You’re smiling, Rena. Did you change your mind about not wanting to make it a single?” Mayu asked. Rena looked at Jurina’s bright dazzling smile and replied, “Yeah, I sort of did.”

1 month later
Akane was sitting in front of the TV munching on popcorn. Her mother had told her to take a rest and that she would babysit little Juri-chan. Ever since Akane became pregnant, she never had a day to herself. She always fantasized about what would she do if she had one though. Akane always thought she would go shopping or to do something fun. She never pictured herself taking a day to watch TV and read magazines all day, but that was exactly what she planned to do. Akane was too tired to go shopping and even she hated to admit it she had no friends to go to the mall or anywhere else with. It was at times like those where Akane really regretted hurting Rena so much. Rena would of never abandoned her if Akane hadn’t hurt her so much and destroyed their friendship. But, it was too late for their friendship. Jurina and Rena were dating now. In a way, Akane had sort of pushed them towards each other. Akane envied them so much, but Akane could of had Jurina, but she messed up.

Akane flipped through the channels until she finally found MTV. It had been a while since Akane had gotten a dose of the entertainment news and she was dying to get back on track. The channel was playing music videos. Suddenly, a familiar face no familiar faces came up on the screen. “RENA!” Akane shrieked in shock. It wasn’t just Rena. It was all of her band. They were ON TV!!!!! Jurina was their on her guitar. Akane couldn’t believe it and the lyrics of the song… They were about her… About how Akane reject Jurina because she wasn’t popular. The lyrics hurt… The message at the end as well. Rena is basically talking about how Akane lost Jurina. Rena couldn’t have gotten the story any better. Akane began to cry as she watched Rena kiss Jurina at the end of the video.

Akane decided to phone Miyuki. Surely she be less cruel than the other. “Miyuki-san,” Akane asked. “Akane-san? What do I owe the pleasure?” Miyuki asked sounding surprised. “I just saw Jurina and her band on at MTV. Did something happen?” Akane questioned. “Oh, Akane! You are so behind. They won the battle of the bands and signed a record deal. They are at the top of the charts. Even I had a hard time getting tickets to their show and Mayuyu is my cousin!” Miyuki replied. Akane was silence for a moment and asked in a small voice, “So it’s really hard to get tickets, huh?” “I have an extra if you want to go. My friend cancelled last minute,” Miyuki offered. “You would really do that for me? Why?” Akane asked. “Because I like you. You are pretty cool and fun when you aren’t being mean, but I figure you are over that already, right?” Miyuki prompted. “Yeah, no more of that for me and thanks Miyuki-san.” Akane replied. “Call me Milky,” Miyuki said.


The stage was illuminated by bright lights and it looked huge. Akane stood next to Miyuki in the center seats. They aren’t the closest ones, but they had a good view. Akane didn’t know why she wanted to see the concert so badly. Maybe it was because the song she heard hit her heart so much. Akane regretted so many things, but she could do nothing, but watch as everyone moved on, but her… There were screams as the band immerged to the stage. Miyuki was screaming and Akane founded herself screaming as well. “Is everyone feeling good tonight?” Jurina yelled in the mic. The crowd responded with an unbelievable volume. It shocked Akane.
“Okay, guys before we start remember we asked you to email your questions to our blog. We be answering them right now!” Rena announced. Yuki appeared suddenly with a box. “Okay, let me pick one,” Rena told the audience putting her hand in the box to grab a question. “This one is from penname Kawaii-san. The question reads Rena-chan, I love you!” Rena began and smile. “I love you too, kawaii-san!” Rena said blowing a kiss with a wink. Akane eyes widen.

Was that the shy Rena she knew? “Rena-chan!” Jurina whined and hugged Rena in a possessive matter. “Jurina!” Rena giggled. “Kawaii-san, you made Jurina jealous!” Mayu announced with a giggle. “Anyways, the question is What is the song SK8r Girl based on?” Rena read put loud. “Well, Rena that question is for you since you did write the song,” Yuki pointed out. Akane felt her heart drop. “That song was based on a personal experience for me and Jurina, actually. Jurina was dating a really popular girl, but she dumped her because no one would like it if they knew she was dating Jurina. She was actually my best friend. As the song says she ends up pregnant and I end up with Jurina. I don't like the tragic ending of my friend, but I think it could serve as a life lesson,” Rena said.

At this point Akane was crying. “Oh, Akane!” Miyuki told her pulling her to a hug. The band finished their questions and began to perform and it was clear to Akane. Akane could never go back in time and change what she did. Forever Akane would be the girl who did ballet and refused to accept her only true love. It wouldn’t change.


The live was over and it was still early in the afternoon. The girls rarely did live so early in the day, but that one had been one of those. Rena still had to go record a new song though. It was one she wrote with Jurina. It was another song about Akane. “Jurina, I’ll see you later. I am going to the recording studio,” Rena told Jurina. Jurina pulled Rena close. "I love you,” Jurina whispered. “I love you too,” Rena replied. Jurina pulled her in for a kiss.

The kiss was intense like all their kisses. Their lips eager as they met. Jurina’s lips were soft and tasted amazing as usually. Rena put her arms around Jurina’s neck and let herself get lost in the pure bliss of it all. Rena didn’t want to let go, but she had to go already. ”I’ll be waiting, so hurry up okay?” Rena ordered. “Of course. I wouldn’t want to keep my cute girlfriend waiting,” Jurina replied with a wink. Rena blushed and stammered, “J… Just don’t keep me waiting, okay?” With that Rena took off to the studio to record a song about a girl her girlfriend used to love.

Offline tfme3638

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ Skater Girl Epilogue (Wmatsui) 07/1
« Reply #39 on: July 02, 2013, 09:11:45 AM »
The ending is kind of predictable since its based on the song... BUT!!! BUT!!! Its still amazing!!! :farofflook: :farofflook: :ptam-cry: :ptam-cry: :ptam-glow: :ptam-glow:

It's kind of a shame for Akane though... a bit heartbreaking... :pleeease:

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