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Author Topic: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ New Fic Backwards Drama (WMatsui) Ch.9 12/09/2017  (Read 81031 times)

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.9
« Reply #80 on: January 23, 2014, 11:35:44 PM »
Ch.9 Lies and more lies

I sighed in contentment as warm water hit my muscles completely relaxing them. I had always loved warm morning showers, but in the modeling business where you were always in the run it was more useful to shower at night. When I bring this up most people look at me strangely stating there is no difference between the two, but there is. When you take a shower in the morning you are able to wake up and think of what you are going to do that day or you could also dose of even more if you aren’t in a hurry. Which was what I was currently doing.

Scenes of last night began to fill my head causing me to smile. It had been utter bliss. I couldn’t bring myself to feel regretful even though I knew it was wrong. I already had a girlfriend. But it felt so right. Being in Rena’s arms, kissing her… It all felt so right. I never felt this way with Mayu. I felt like an idiot for not realizing it sooner, but now what am I suppose to do about Mayu? With that the comfortable spell was ruined. My body suddenly felt tense again and the water suddenly didn’t feel so warm. What was I going to do?

There was a faint knock on the door. “Jurina I am making breakfast.” Rena told me from the other side of the door. I grinned. It was Friday and Rena didn’t have class. We could spend the whole day together. “Okay. I’ll be out in a bit!” I yelled so she could hear me over the running water. I stood there a couple of more minutes and then turned off the water. I grabbed a nearby towel. If I just call Mayu and tell her it’s over without an explanation would it really be so bad? Yes. The answer instantly formed in my head. We been in a relationship for two girls. Surely Mayu would want an explanation and I would be a jerk if I didn’t give her any.

But wasn’t it crueler to tell her I found someone else? Or that I cheated? Once I was dry I began to get dress. Finally I concluded that anything I told Mayu would make her hate me regardless. There was no solution to my problem. I was going to have to hurt Mayu no I already hurt Mayu and I couldn’t go back. I had to do this. I called out of the bathroom to find Rena flipping pancakes. My smile returned. When did I start liking her and why didn’t I notice until last night? The attraction between us was so obvious.

I grinned as an idea popped into my head. I slowly sneaked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She felt so fragile in my arms. I wanted nothing more than to protect her. Always. “J-Jurina,” she stuttered surprised by my sudden embrace. I grin. Her reaction adorable just like I predicted. “I wished all my morning were like this,” I whispered into her ear.

It was the truth. I wished Rena didn’t have to go to school so we could spend all our time together, but I knew how unrealistic that was. No one said love was ever rational. I felt Rena’s body tense up at my voice. Rena slightly craned her neck to face me. She was smiling. “Well good morning to you too.” Rena said with a giggle. I removed my arms and flashed her a smile. “Do you need help?” I asked. Rena looked around and shook her head.

“You could set the table if you want. I am almost done here.” Rena replied. I nodded and began to pull out plates and glasses. Sometimes it felt so odd to set the table since I was used to it being set by someone else. It wasn’t that I mind setting it because I didn’t. It wasn’t hard or anything, but it simply felt so weird how when someone has money they don’t even have to bother with the simplest of things.

Of course I wasn’t always rich. I used to be a normal girl living in a normal apartment with my aunt, but that was so long along and such a faint memory. Shortly after I started my modeling career my aunt passed away with cancer and I had no one, but big houses. Until I met Mayu… Guilt began to sink in. What in the world am I doing?

“Is something wrong Jurina?” Rena asked as she served us pancakes. She must have noticed the vexed look in my face. I shook my head. “No I was just thinking that’s all. The food looks really good Rena,” I told her. Rena smiled and sat down across from me. We began to eat our breakfast in peaceful silence and my guilt once again faded. Mayu was a good girl and pretty, but she didn’t make me feel in ease or captivated as Rena did. I couldn’t stop looking at Rena. Her movements were so graceful. I could never tire of staring. Rena seemed to notice because I saw her cheeks color slightly and she said, “You’re staring.” I giggled at her embarrassment.

“I can’t help it. You’re beautiful,” I admitted with a grin. Rena blushed even more making her look even more adorable. “Just eat your breakfast,” Rena replied. I laughed. “You’re so cold. I don’t even get a thank you or something?” I teased. Suddenly a familiar ringtone filled the room. Mayu’s ringtone. I literally jumped. “Are you okay Jurina?” Rena asked for the second time that morning. I quickly nodded. “Let me get that,” I replied feeling weak. I had forgotten to call Mayu last night even though I promised I would.

The time I was suppose to call Mayu I was kissing Rena. I suddenly felt sick. What kind of person was I? I grabbed my phone and stepped outside of the apartment ignoring Rena’s raised eyebrow. It probably seemed strange that I always made my calls outside, but I had no choice, but to keep up with the lie. Especially now that I got together with Rena. Is this what you call two timing? “Hello?” I said into the phone piece. “You didn’t call.” Mayu hissed to the phone piece. She sounded angry. I gulped.

“I am so sorry Mayu! I really am! I mmm… Fell asleep. Yeah I fell asleep while watching T.V,” I lied. “That’s the lamest excuse in the book,” Mayu scoffed. I sighed. She was right. I was horrible. “I know I know. You’re right. I forgot and I feel bad about it. You should have called me or something. You know what an idiot I can be sometimes,” I told her hoping my half honest response would satisfy her. She giggled. I was safe. “You are a huge idiot.” Mayu replied. I could almost picture her bright smile. “What do you say I take you out one of these days?” I blurted out without thinking. Mayu seemed surprised by my words as well.

“But I thought you were hiding.” Mayu said sounding happy I asked even though she seemed surprised. “I already risked going to your house. I think a date will not be a big deal as long as we keep low key,” I replied. “Really?! That’s great! Mmm… What day should we go?” Mayu asked sounding more and more excited. “How about Monday?” I suggested knowing it was the day Rena got out of school really late. After a couple of minutes of chatting sound more Mayu excused herself and I let out a sigh. What in the world was I doing? I wanted to slap myself, but then thought maybe I could use the opportunity to end things…

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.10
« Reply #81 on: January 23, 2014, 11:39:02 PM »
Ch.10 The truth will always come to the surface

Ever since Jurina has gone into hiding life has been a little on the boring side. Sure I had been hanging out with Yuki, but now that my mother was back I couldn’t even do that. I stared at the ceiling. I thought about calling my old friends, but then realized that hanging out with them would just exhaust me. It wasn’t that my friends weren’t good people or anything like that. They were, but they were a little on the shallow side and the way I was now wouldn’t allow me to keep up with their conversations. I don’t mean to sound like I am better than them because truthfully I am not, but I have changed the way I view life now thanks to Jurina and Yuki.

I still don’t know whether it was for good or bad. I sighed. When did my life get so complicated? Suddenly I was bombarded with the issue of the differences between social classes and I didn’t know what to do. Was it bad that I was in the winning side of things while people like Yuki were in the less fortunate side? And was it really bad that I wanted to hang out with Yuki even though we lived in two completely different worlds? I just didn’t understand anymore. The answers used to be so clear, but now they were burry and gray. Part of me wanting to be everything my mother wanted me to become and to follow her ideal and the other probably the more strong part of me urging me to rebel against these ridiculous and unfair ideals.

“Mayu-chan! I am going to go out this afternoon. I won’t be back till midnight.” my mother’s voice came into the intercom that was installed in my room so my mom didn’t have to bother walking up here when she had something to tell me. I pressed the button and replied, “Okay have a nice day.” I sighed. Even my mother had something better to do than I did. Now I was just stuck indoors all alone and bored. Wait. If my mom was gone there was nothing stopping me from hanging out with Yuki! I grinned and pressed the intercom again this time dialing a different room.

“Yuki-san, can you please come to my room?” I asked in my most serious voice just in case my mother was still around. She would kill me if she heard me calling her Yukirin or even just Yuki. “I’ll be there in a bit.” Yuki responded. I smiled and then thought of something. I should buy a new outfit for my date with Jurina. It’s been so long since we been on one. Logically I have to look my very best right? Maybe I could take Yukirin with me and we could have ice cream. Yes! That sounded like so much fun. There was a faint knock in my door and I instantly knew who it was. “Come in!” I said while grabbing a nearby magazine to get ideas for my new outfit.

It had to be perfect! “You called me Mayu-sama?” Yuki asked and I cringed when I heard the sama added after my name. I really did hate it, but I hated it even more when it came from Yuki’s lips. I walked towards the giant window in the right of my room and peered through it to see if there was any cars leaving. “Is she gone?” I asked in a low voice almost as if I was scared my mom would overheard us. It wasn’t a logical fear though. The house was huge and my mom’s room was in the other extreme of this big floor.

Yuki giggled softly and nodded. “The car already left.” Yuki reassured me as if sensing my fear. My smile grew. I wasn’t going to be stuck indoors all day! “Let’s go shopping! And let’s go to that ice cream place again!” I exclaimed excitedly grabbing Yuki’s hands. I really hoped she wouldn’t refused. Going alone sounded so lonely plus… I really wanted to spend more time with her. “B-But I have things to do here in the house!” Yuki replied rejecting my offer.

I pouted. “Come on Yuki! I am your boss right? If I tell you I want you to go shopping with me you go shopping with me and that’s final.” I told her in a exaggerated superior tone. Yukirin giggled. “Your mom is so going to murder us one day.” Yuki warned me. We burst into fits of laugher disregarding the seriousness in her words.

“You’re spoiling me too much.” Rena mumbled shyly as I paid for her manga in the bookstore. We had decided to spend our day shopping since Rena wanted to buy new manga. I don’t think, however, she expected me to suddenly start buying things. Truthfully I was expecting that either, but I found myself really wanting to treat her and I had some money to burn. I smiled and grabbed her hand as soon I was I was done paying. “Don’t be silly. I am the one who has freeloading in your apartment.” I reminded her as we walked out of the small store. “But you pay me rent!” Rena argued not satisfied with my answer. I kissed her cheek.

“Is the fact that I love you not good enough of a reason?” I asked causing her to blush heavily Rena hit me lightly in the arm embarrassed. “You’re too good with words,” Rena grumbled, but had a small smile in her face. She was really just too cute. “I can’t help it. It’s just in my charming nature I suppose.” I replied knowing it would egg her on. Rena laughed. “Someone is self-centered.” Rena said. I giggled. “That’s why you love me.” I replied smoothly causing Rena to roll her eyes. “Anyways what should we do next? I feel like her are walking around aimlessly now.” Rena pointed out. I stopped thoughtful for a while then my stomach grumbled.

Rena noticed this and giggled. “Sounds like someone is hungry. How does some ice cream sound? I know this really cute place nearby.” Rena told me. I licked my lips. “Ice cream sounds divine.” I agreed. We began to make our way there holding hands Rena leading the day. It had been a nice day filled with sweet smiles and flirty comments. I felt light and carefree which is something I hadn’t felt in a while. Being with Rena felt so right. I wished we could be this way forever, but of course reality wasn’t so kind.

The shop Rena took me to was the cutest thing ever and unlike anything I had ever since. It was bubble gum pink and had a cute retro décor. It was perfect for a first date. We were about to walk in when I heard a familiar voice behind me.


I forced myself not to gasp as I found myself face to face with Mayu and her maid. My eyes grew the size of planet earth. Never ever ever had I foreseen this. I tried to look calm, but inside I was a mess. What was I suppose to say? How did I explain? Mayu’s eyes were fixed in our held hands. This wasn’t good. “Do you know her?” Rena asked innocently unaware of the tension that was currently rising every second that passed. “What is the meaning of this Jurina?” Mayu asked her voice shaking. It was at that moment that I felt my world crumbling and I realized the full gravity of what I had done. Rena still looked confused and Yuki was glaring at me. I gulped unsure of how I was going to explain things.

“I meant to tell you…” I mumbled like a coward. Mayu suddenly had an angry look in her face and I grew scared. This wasn’t good, but then again I deserved it didn’t I? “You meant to tell me? When before or after you start seeing other woman?! Does our relationship mean nothing to you! I trusted you. I trusted you so much!” Mayu screamed tearing now streaming down her face. Rena instantly let go of my hand when she heard those words. She looked stunned as if she couldn’t believe what she just heard. I wanted to explain, but I had bigger issues in front of me.

“I didn’t want to hurt you. I was planning to tell you that’s why I wanted to meet up.” I explained hoping that would soothed the angry girl, but it did the opposite. “Y-You were planning to dump me? And here I thought we were going on a date. I bought clothes and everything!” Mayu said in hysterias now. “I am so sorry.” I replied not sure of what else I could say to her. I had already done enough damage. I didn’t want to do anymore. “Whatever. I don’t think it needs to be said, but we are done. DONE.” Mayu replied bitterly emphasizing the done part quite well. “I understand,” I mumbled feeling weak. I wanted to throw up.

Mayu stormed off Yuki trailing behind her. I turned to face Rena who had an unreadable expression in her face. I gulped. She was the one person I didn’t want to lose. “R-Rena I can explain…” I said reaching out for her hand, but she slapped it away. “That was your girlfriend?” Rena asked as if wanting to confirm what she just heard. I looked at the ground and nodded. “You have to understand that things were already in bad state with us. We were going to break up sooner or later even if I hadn’t gotten involved with you.” I tried knowing that my excuse was beyond weak. Rena glared at me and I knew that I wasn’t forgiven. Not one bit.

“You should have told me! You should have told me since the very beginning Jurina! God… I wouldn’t have confessed to you if I knew you were with someone!” Rena shouted the betrayal ringing in her voice. ”Please Rena don’t leave me. I love you. I really do. I was going to break up with Mayu. I never intended to two time you. You just caught me by surprise and I feared you might get upset if I told you what was going on.” I explained. I didn’t want to lose her. “You can stay at my place, but I don’t want to talk to you or see you when I am around. I am going to stay at a friend’s house today. Do you have a key?” Rena asked her tone cold.

“That’s not necessary…” I told her, but she interrupted me. ”I asked do you have a key?” Rena demanded her voice bitter. I looked at the ground once more defeated.

“Yes I have a key.”

I knocked on Airi’s door praying to god she was home. My face was strained with tears and my frame was shaking. I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe. I sincerely thought Jurina loved me. She was so sweet and… But it was all lies. I suppose all girls that get two timed feel this way. And to think I was the other woman! Still I didn’t have the heart to kick her out. I should have kicked her out. Any other person would have kicked her out. What was wrong with me? “Coming.” I heard a familiar voice answer. I smiled relieved that Airin was home. I wasn’t sure. As soon as Airi opened the door I tackled her into a hug. I began sobbing into her shoulder without meaning to.

“Can I sleep here?"

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.11
« Reply #82 on: January 23, 2014, 11:42:54 PM »
Ch.11 Best Friend’s Feelings

I didn’t intend to tell Airin what was going on let alone cry, but I couldn’t help myself. I was devastated and heartbroken among so many other things. Part of me couldn’t completely comprehend what just happened and refused to accept the fact that Jurina sweet wonderful Jurina had been lying to me.

She as just so kind and charming it seemed impossible. But it was true. I saw it with my own eyes. I would have to be a fool to deny the fact. My sobbing got louder as I thought more of this and Airin gently guided me inside her apartment still holding on to me. I should have been embarrassed, but I was too upset to care about such things at the moment.

“You should sit down. Do you want some tea?” Airin asked her face full of concern. I nodded weakly and collapsed in her brown sofa. I just wanted to disappear. When did things get so mess up and confusing? I should have kicked her out. I know I should have. Anyone else would have, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

I guess at the end I was too gentle to think of doing such a thing. Just the thought of putting Jurina in the streets for her to face the vicious paparazzi made me feel guilty. Not that Jurina thought much about my feelings though. I shouldn’t care, but I did and that was what hurt the most. That I care and she didn’t care at all.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I knew it was Jurina, but it was too late for her explanations. It was far too late for us. We were to the point of no return. The saddest thing was that our relationship didn’t even last very long. Perhaps I shouldn’t be so upset, but graceful that I saved myself an even worst heartache if that was possible. That, however, wasn’t very reassuring. It wasn’t reassuring at all. Airin returned holding two cups of tea in her hand. She took the seat next to me and handed me a cup. I gave her a small grateful smile as I took the warm cup. I took a sip feeling the soothing warm liquid calm my senses.

It wasn’t much, but it made me feel slightly better. I knew coming to Airi’s place was a good idea. She knew the best ways to calm me down and cheer me up. Airi’s face was suddenly serious and I knew what she was about to say something. “What in the world happened Rena?” Airi inquired. I could tell she was trying to give me space even though she was dying to know what was going on. She was worried. I could tell and it made me feel guilty.

I debated whether to tell her the truth or not, but decided to be half honest. If Airi found out what Jurina did I doubt she would help me keep her secret. I was a fool for helping Jurina keep her secret at this point, but I couldn’t help it. I knew that even though Jurina lied to me she really did want to start a new life. I couldn’t ruin it for her after watching her work so hard in keeping away from the public eye. No matter what she did it just didn’t feel right.

“I got two timed,” I mumbled while looking at the floor. Saying it made me feel ashamed almost as if I should have known better even though I knew it was illogical to think this way. It wasn’t my fault. There was no way I could have known. Especially since it seemed like Jurina didn’t even leave the house to begin with. There were no indicators whatsoever.

Airi looked very surprised her eyes the size of tennis balls. “E-Excuse me?” Airi blurted out completely taken aback by my sudden odd confession. I could tell she didn’t see it coming. I had never even told her I liked somebody let alone that I was dating someone. I hoped she wouldn’t be too angry because I kept this to myself. I responded with a nod and said, “I didn’t know she had a girlfriend and such…”

Airin instantly hugged me. I was taken aback since I expected her to be angry, but it felt nice and warm. I liked it. I felt like Airi was the sibling I never had. I knew I could always count on Airi to protect me and it made me happy. I was unsure of what to say to her. I wanted to thank her, but wasn’t sure how to word it. ”I-I didn’t even know you were in a relationship, but that’s awful. If I had you I would never do such a thing,” Airin whispered.

Her words were odd. My eyes widen as realization hit me. If I had you… Could it mean? No it couldn’t! Airi was like a sister to me! I shook the thought. I was going nuts. “I am sorry I didn’t tell you I just… It was recent. We weren’t together for long and then we bumped into her girlfriend in our first date. I would have told you. I would have…” my voice faded towards the end as guilt began to sink in once more.

Airi pulled away and clasped my hands. I began to feel nervous especially after her previous statement. I didn’t want to make much of it, but it was all pointing towards the wrong direction. Maybe it was because her touch seemed more intimate than normal or maybe it was the look in her eyes that I couldn’t decipher. Nonetheless something wasn’t right here and I didn’t know what to do or how to avoid what was going to happen next.

I guess I really couldn’t. Perhaps it was just inevitable.  ”Look I been meaning to tell you and I know this is probably the worst timing possible, but I meant to tell you before when we had coffee, but then you took off… Well I guess that doesn’t mater anymore and I am just blabbering, but I really really really like you as more than a friend and I wish you would just consider that,” Airi stated her cheeks bright red and her eyes averted downwards.

Dread began to fill my body as I hear the words I hoped I wouldn’t hear from her. I love Airi. I do. Just not in the way she wanted me to and I could never play with her feelings. She wasn’t the one for me. I didn’t feel my heart beat faster near her nor butterflies in my stomach.

The thought of her smile didn’t brighten up my day nor did her eyes hold me captive once I took a look. She didn’t make me feel like Jurina made me feel even though I wanted her to. Even though it be better that way. She simply wasn’t Jurina. She was amazing in her own way, but she wasn’t the person I loved. Taking my silence as acceptance for her feelings she leaned in.

My eyes widen as I became aware of what she wanted to do and I moved back. Her eyes that seemed to have been in a trace awoken and they suddenly looked sad. She moved back. I resisted the urge in sigh in relief. It would seem to cruel, but I was relieved. I didn’t want to have to push her away. It would have been worst than this already bad predicament. This day felt like a bad joke.

“I am so so sorry Airin, but I don’t feel the same. I love you, but not in that way. Please understand I don’t want to hurt your feelings more than I have to. This is already painful enough knowing that I will never be able to return the feelings you have and that I am hurting you by not doing so,” I told her pain written all over my face. Airi seemed to sense this and gave me a sad smile. “I understand Rena,” She said.

Except I could see the pain in her eyes and I knew it wasn’t okay for me to stay there. I had to leave her by herself. I didn’t want her to have to pretend around me. Even though I didn’t want to face Jurina I had to leave. I stood up. “I am going home. I’ll text you later,” I told her. Airin looked panicked. “You can stay! I forget what I said! You should stay.” Airin blurted out. I smiled and shook my head. “I think it be best for you for me to leave and as your friend I want to do what is best.” With that said I left knowing that I would have to face Jurina back home.

I could hear Yuki knocking on my door, but I just didn’t have the strength to open it. I knew Yuki was worried, but the last thing I wanted to do was be with someone at the moment. I didn’t want anyone to see me in this moment where I felt so utterly humiliated. I didn’t want to have to explain my feelings or talk about them. I just wanted to lay in my bed and cry. That’s all.  Jurina was cheating on me. I don’t think I really saw that one coming. I am not sure if it even crossed me mind. If it did it was something I dismissed right way. Jurina wasn’t like that or so I thought because now I knew that she was indeed like that.

I hugged my pillow tears escaping from my eyes again. The other girl was so pretty. So so pretty. Much prettier than me. I wondered if that was the person she was staying with. I wondered if the other girl knew I existed or if she was lied to by Jurina like I was. I don’t think she knew judging from her shock reaction. She seemed to be as much as a victim as I was.

Of course I couldn’t be one hundred percent sure, but her expression seem to mirror my own. I could instantly recognize the pain and betrayal in her eyes. Still I was envious of her. At least she wasn’t the one being replaced even though she was lied to. The fact that Jurina had another girl meant probably stopped loving me a long time ago and just didn’t know what to do about it.

It was more than just heartbreaking. It was as if my entire world was falling apart as the realization came to me. I wasn’t good enough. I would never be good enough. I knew this since the beginning though. How could I be suited to date not only such as beautiful, but such a wonderful person? There was nothing special about me other than my rich parents.

I suppose Jurina isn’t so wonderful if she cheated on me, but some part of me was still insecure. No all of me was insecure. I wasn’t good enough to be the only girl in her heart and it killed me so much. “Mayu let me in I am worried,” Yuki called from the door. I thought she left when I briefly heard the knocking stop, but I guess I was wrong.

I sighed.  She even called me by my first name knowing that my mom might be around. She wasn’t going to go away. She was probably worried sick. I wouldn’t blame her. I hadn’t said a word since I yelled at Jurina and proceed to lock myself in my room after we got home. I got up my body feeling heavy and unlocked the door. I could tell Yuki was taken aback by my appearance. I was always so careful to look flawless even in the house, but know my eyeliner was straining my cheeks due to all my crying, my hair was all over the place, and my eyes were red. Yuki quickly closed the door behind her. I went back to my bed and got under my sheets.

I could tell Yuki was searching for the right words to say to cheer me up. When I saw her mouth open I thought she was going to try and cheer me up and tell me it will be okay, but instead she growled, “I could just kill her.” My eyes widen in shock surprised to be hearing such menacing words from a normally peaceful sweet girl. “Yuki?” I said in shock.

“I am sorry it’s just what she did it isn’t right! I just hate that she hurt you that way!” Yuki explained herself as if reading my mind. I gave her a small smile. “It was bound to happen though I mean we were already distant to began with and I mean I am not that great,” I said softly. Yuki looked frustrated for some reason and said, “Why are you excusing her after what she did?” I looked at her bewildered by her words.

Excusing her? I wasn’t excusing her. I was simply pointing out the facts which were clear: she was beautiful and I wasn’t. Beautiful people always dated equally flawless people. Of course I didn’t just mean it in a shallow way of course, but I wasn’t exactly very bright either or kind. I didn’t have much to often. If you removed the expensive clothing and make-up I was nothing, but a very normal dull girl. It was the facts. “I am not excusing her. I am just stating the truth. I am not that great. I am lucky she even agree to date me because I honestly have nothing to often nor in the beauty department nor in just personality,” I said her.

“I don’t know why you would think in such a way, but you deserve better Mayu,” Yuki told me clasping my hands. My heart suddenly began to pound under my chest. The look in her normally gentle kind eyes was intense and had another emotion I could quite pinpoint. Her eyes made me nervous. It almost felt like she could see my soul with her piercing gaze. Her eyes were beautiful though.

“Yuki…” her name slipped my lips as I looked at her slightly in awe. The look in her eyes changed almost as if reality crashed down on her and she looked embarrassed. Her hands slipped away from mine suddenly feeling cold with the lost of her warmth. She looked down suddenly not wanting to face me in spite the fact she been doing it before with no reserve.

I guess she had gotten embarrassed by her words and the matter in which she said them or just plain self conscious. I found it sweet though and touching. She really cared about me and just wanted me to be happy. She was the first person I met that didn’t just say she wanted me to be happy, but genuinely looked concerned and worried if it seemed like I wasn’t. She was always by my side making sure I was alright. I couldn’t be more happy to have someone like that in my life. If it weren’t for her I would still be sobbing alone in my bed. It wasn’t that I didn’t feel sad now, but I was no longer alone. And that was a lot.

“Thank you. You are really an amazing friend,” I said her voice grateful.  She seemed to stiffen. I couldn’t quite see her face so I had no idea what she was thinking at all. ”I am not that great,” Yuki murmured her voice soft and sad. She sounded upset, but I couldn’t fathom why. I didn’t say anything that could upset her. At least not that I was aware of. I was only stating how important her friendship was to me. But then why did she look to heartbroken with my words?

“Why do you say that? You’re a great friend. You always stick by me in the hardest of times even when I haven’t been very kind to you. You are a good friend Yuki. Any friend that sticks with their friends through hard times is a good friend,” I reassured her. She was silent for a moment and then answered, “I don’t stick with you because I want to be a good friend or I am a good friend. I stick by you because I loved you. Before the entire meaning of her words could truly sink in she bolted out of the room leaving me stunned.

I knew it was dangerous to roam the streets this late regardless whether I was an ex model or not, but I couldn’t help it. I never felt so lost in my entire life. I know Rena told me that I didn’t have to move out, but I just felt like I was taking advantage of her at this point. I knew she didn’t want me around and that I hurt her, but she was too kind to kick me out. I suppose I should leave, but where would I go? I suppose I could go back home, but that would involve facing the media. I sighed. I guess I can’t keep running away.

Running away has only created a mess. I mean due to my cowardice I ended hurting both Rena and Mayu the only two people that had my back. I sighed and decided to head back to Rena’s apartment to get my stuff. I am moving out. Tonight. I couldn’t live with Rena and be in ease after knowing what I did to her. Maybe this was also me being a coward because I didn’t mind when she didn’t know what I did. I guess I was disgusting. I was walking back when I suddenly heard a shout.

“Matsui Jurina!”

I spun around to find myself surrounded by flashing flashes. For nearly half my life I was accustom to flashing lights, but now at this moment I had forgotten what it felt like. My hands instantly flew to cover my face. How in the world did they know?

“Matsui-san why did you quit?”

“Is it true you underwent plastic surgery?”

“Can we get a shot of your new look?”

I just froze unsure of what to do. I knew I should run, but my legs refused to move. I was bombarded with more questions, but it was all a blur to me. I thought I was going to faint. How did they find me? How? How? How? I worked in keeping my secret so hard. How did it get out? Is it possible Rena told somebody? No I refused to believe that. Rena was not like that.

She was not like that at all. Was she? I hurt her so much. Did she say something out of spite? Suddenly I felt a arm grab me and pull me away from the crowd of cameras that had surrounded me. I looked up in a daze. It was Rena. She was pulling me away saving me from the cameras.

She torn her jacket off and put it in my face covering my face. “Get really to run,” Rena whispered before we actually began running full speed.

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.12
« Reply #83 on: January 23, 2014, 11:47:17 PM »
Ch.12 Lost and Found

I slammed the door shut behind us collapsing in the floor beneath me. My legs were shaking and quivering with pain from all the running we did. That was… Quite the workout. I never ran so hard in my life! Luckily we somehow miraculously managed to get away from the millions of paparazzi that had surrounded us. I guess lady luck was in our side today. While the media was following us we reached a huge crowd of people and got lost in the crowd. We were able to get away completely unscratched. Well sort of.

Physically both us were fine, but mentally… Let’s just say Jurina was having a total meltdown in my sofa. I had never seen her this way before all curled up hugging her body. She looked so defenseless. She was completely shaken. All my previous anger and feeling of betrayal subsided as I watched the shattered girl in front of me. I supposed I couldn’t blame her for her reaction and for once I understood why immense fear of being found by the media. That was terrifying to me and I wasn’t even the one being chased. How could someone live their life like that with someone constantly watching and constantly prying for details?

The biggest question was how did they find her? Jurina had been really careful so how on earth did they find her? Maybe her ex girlfriend told the press? But that didn’t make any sense either. From what I understood Jurina’s ex had no clue where was staying at. Or who for that matter. I supposed that wasn’t the important thing at the moment though. I got up and settled next to her. She looked a bit surprised by this probably expecting me to be angry at her. I couldn’t find it in me to be angry at her though. Not at that state she was in. I patted her head gently and said, “Calm down. It’s going to be okay. Everything is going to be fine.”

“Why are you being so nice to me? Aren’t you mad?I betrayed your trust and I played with your heart! Why did you save me?” Jurina asked tears pouring from her beautiful eyes. Well for starters it pretty hard to be angry at you when you are looking at me like that, I thought to myself. After all who could be angry when such a beautiful angelic girl looked so broken and distraught? I sighed. “I guess I should shouldn’t I? But even so you know I would have felt guilty if I had left you there by yourself,” I responded giving her a kind smile. Jurina returned my smile, but grumbled, “This has been the worst day ever.” I laughed. I couldn’t agree more.

“Tell me about it. My day wasn’t been exactly jolly either,” I replied recalling Airi’s sudden confession and the horrible break-up. I didn’t mean to sound bitter about it. I was just responding in playful agreement, but it seemed Jurina took it to heart. “I-I am so sorry! I didn’t mean for things to happen that way. I really didn’t!” Jurina quickly apologized for the second time that day. Even though the apology was well deserved I couldn’t help, but to feel horrible for making her feel worst after what just happened to her. “No no no! I didn’t just mean that, but thank you. It’s just something else happened,” I quickly answered not really wanting to touch the topic about us at the moment.

As long as we didn’t touch it things would be fine. Sort of. Jurina looked confused. “Something else? I don’t mean to pry, but what exactly do you mean?” Jurina asked curiosity all over her voice. She seemed a bit calm. I probably distracted her. Maybe I should tell her what happened with Airi. Not only would it help her get her mind off things, but she might even offer helpful advice. Quite frankly I don’t want Airi’s confession to ruin our strong friendship, but I have no idea how to handle it.  I just don’t want to hurt her feelings. “Well it’s just after we argued I decided to sleepover at a friend’s house. I think I mentioned that when I left?” I wondered out loud not quite remembering since I was so mad at the time. Jurina nodded, “Yeah you did.”

“Yeah well I went to my friend Airi and told her what happened. Don’t worry I didn’t tell her who you were. Anyways she took the opportunity to confess to me which is kind of why I ended up heading back home instead of sleeping over,” I continued. “Wow… So do you like her?” Jurina asked. I could tell it sort of made her uncomfortable to ask this and she sort of looked sad, but at the same time she wanted to act friendly. “No I don’t,” I quickly answered. Jurina looked relieved by this response.

“That’s the issue. I have no clue what do. I hope I didn’t make things worst by rushing out of there, but I just didn’t know how to handle it. I just don’t want to hurt her feelings you know? She is my best friend,” I told her explaining the vexed feeling the confession left me. I decided to leave out the part of the kiss. I didn’t know how Jurina would react to that. Jurina looked thoughtful for a moment. I could tell she was really thinking about my problem and how to help me. I guess Jurina wasn’t all bad.

“That is tough. I suppose it depends in what kind of person this Airi is. If she really truly is your friend then she won’t try to force anything, but honestly her feeling might get hurt regardless of what you do. Just try to act normally and be careful not to lead her on I guess,” Jurina said attempting to give me advice. In spite the lack of sureness in her voice, her advice actually seemed pretty good and she was right. Airi would appreciate it more if I kept our friendship how it was before. I know that if I were confess to someone my biggest fear who be changing what we had before. If things stayed the same we should probably be fine.

“That was really good advice. Thanks Jurina,” I told her. Jurina grinned. “Your welcome and I am glad,” she replied confusing me a bit. Glad? “What do you mean?” I asked her with a puzzled face. “I am glad you don’t like her. Just so know I am not giving up on you yet,” Jurina told me clasping my hands. I was surprised at first. My heart couldn’t help, but to beat faster at her statement and I suddenly felt the urge to kiss her at that moment. But I knew I shouldn’t. I pulled my hands away. “Jurina…” I said in a warning tone as if telling her with just her mere name don’t go there. I really hoped she wouldn’t. Of course I should have know better.

“Look I’ll make it up to you I promise! I am not asking you to completely forgive me yet or go out with me again straight away, but give me a chance to proof myself to you. Please!” Jurina begged. I sighed as I looked over at her. She was giving me the puppy eyes. The sort of eyes that were just so hard to resist. Dammit I shouldn’t have looked! “Fine! But you better not have told your other ex the same thing!” I grumbled. Jurina instantly lit up and hugged me hard. “I swear I didn’t! I haven’t even called her. I love you Rena. Only you!” Jurina insisted. I couldn’t help, but grin. “Alright alright. Come on help me make dinner,” I told her getting up from the sofa.

What on earth had I done? I was an idiot! An complete and utter idiot! What was I thinking confessing to Mayu? Mayu loved Jurina! I knew that perfectly well. Mayu was crying over Jurina this very moment. Mayu didn’t love me. Why did I set myself up for rejection? And why did I put Mayu in such uncomfortable situation? I continued to sweep the floor of the kitchen. I guess it was time to get a new job. I don’t think I be able to handle seeing Mayu everyday after what happened. Not to mention how weird seeing me will be for Mayu after this. I didn’t wait for her answer, but I already knew what it was going to be. Rejection.

It had to be that because there was no way Mayu possibly could love me. Putting Jurina aside, I was Mayu’s maid. Sure we became friends, but even so it didn’t mean the same thing to both of us. To Mayu I was just her sweet kind maid who looked out for her like a mother or sister. To Mayu I was nothing more than a person who not only did room service, but was also kind to her. To Mayu I wasn’t her equal. Mayu had tried to approach me later on, but I kept within her mother’s earshot so that we wouldn’t be able to talk about what just happen.

She looked pretty frustrated with this, but I didn’t want to hear it. I knew Mayu would try to let me down easy, but that would only be more painful. I wouldn’t be able to handle it. I had to quit. I finished sweeping and realized I was free for the evening. I excused myself with the head maid and headed to my room. I locked the door knowing that if Mayu was insistent she might try to follow me here. I grabbed my phone and dialed a friend’s number. She had offered me a job in her shop a couple of days ago with better pay than the one I received at Mayu’s house, but I refused it because of Mayu. Now nothing was stopping me from taking the job.

“Hello?” a familiar voice said from the other side of the phone piece. I brighten up as I heard the voice of an old friend. “Sae! Hey it’s me Yuki,” I told her. “Yuki! Long time no see. Where have you been hiding? You never hang out with me anymore!” Sae complained sounding slightly playfully, but I could tell she was serious of the complaint as well. It was true.

Ever since I started hanging out with Mayu I started neglecting my old friends. I felt guilty. “I am sorry! Work kept me busying and that’s kind of why I was calling. Do you still have that job opening for me?” I asked. “Of course I do! I’ll always have a job opening for you here and as it turns out a girl just quit! I was barely going to put up a hiring sign, but of course I rather hire you,” Sae told me.

I smiled. At least after all this mess I had a new job and a nicer one at that. Part of me was mostly bitter, but another part of me was a bit excited to finally be getting out of this house. “That’s perfect! I just need to quit and find a new place to live,” I told her trying to sound excited. I wasn’t completely excited of course, but I didn’t want to worry her.

“That’s great and about the living situation don’t worry about it. You can move in with me again. That girl that quit was my new roommate so she left the apartment as well. I am curious why are you are you quitting your job now? I thought you really liked it,” Sae asked sounding slightly worried. I didn’t want to tell her the truth for some reason. I suppose cause it was kind of embarrassing when I thought about it.

Quitting because you were afraid of getting rejected by a friend who also happened to be your boss? Staying in a job because you had a crush on your boss? That was the worst excuse to quit and stay in a job. Sae would probably laugh at me. The whole thing sounded stupid to myself. So I simply replied, “It’s just the pay isn’t so high so I need more money.” ”I see. Then I’ll see you?” Sae asked. “Tomorrow. You’ll see me tomorrow,” I answered. I wasted to time in notifying my resignation to the head maid.

She looked very surprised probably because it was so sudden and unexpected, but she nodded and told me she alert Mayu’s mother. When I headed back to my home I collapsed in the floor and looked at my surroundings. I needed to start packing and tell Sae to pick me up. I also needed to leave early if didn’t want Mayu to find out. Very very early.

I woke up in the morning my heart feeling heavy. It had been a day since Yuki had confessed to me and a day since I talked to her. She refused to talk to me and refused to see me. She didn’t even bother to hear my response! Of course she couldn’t avoid me forever! We lived in the same house! I smiled as I recalled her sweet confession. It sort of made my heart beat faster. Ever since that confession I been thinking a lot about Yuki. About her smile, about her laugh, about her kindness. I think I like her.

I think I like her a lot. If only she gave me the chance to tell her this. I had to come up with something to get us alone. If I say I am sick she be forced to bring my food upstairs. That was it. I press the button in the intercom in my room and spoke softly, “I am not feeling well. Can someone bring me breakfast?” Instantly there was a reply from the head maid, “Right away!” Now I just needed to wait. Finding out Yuki loved me was a huge shock, but it was a nice one. Ever since I heard those words I have not thought about Jurina at all. She was all, but long forgotten. And now I had a chance with someone new. Someone who truly loved me.

Even only she would show up. I wonder if breakfast was taking a while. Then door opened and in came in the head maid instead of Yuki. “Where’s Yuki-san?” I instantly blurted out in spite the fact I was supposed to be too sick to talk. “She quit last night. Your mother was furious since we are pretty short staffed now and she needs to hire someone. She left early in the morning,” the older woman explained. Yuki left?! She didn’t even tell me anything! Not even good bye! I instantly flew out of my bed and rushed to my closet. “Mayu-sama?!” the maid behind me yelled. I ignored her. I needed to find Yuki and I needed Yuki fast.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2016, 05:40:40 PM by kawaiiidolworld »

Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.13
« Reply #84 on: January 23, 2014, 11:50:41 PM »
Ch.13 Misunderstandings at a cafe

I sighed as I sat lazily on Rena’s sofa as usual and watched the morning news. It turns out I had gotten discovered by none other than the taxi driver who drove me to Mayu’s house that day I thought she was sick. I should have known better. That watch was personally customize for me by a very noteworthy designer.

It was the only one of it’s kind and a watch that constantly got media exposure as my signature piece. Once the driver tried to sell it someone along the way instantly found out who the watch belonged to. I switched the T.V off and walked towards Rena’s small kitchen. I was getting hungry. Rena was off at school again. I missed her like I usually did when she was gone, but I supposed it was for the best.

I knew she was still pretty angry at me after the whole Mayu incident, but was trying to hold it in because of everything that happened with the press. I hate myself for causing so much trouble to her. She was always constantly saving me and I only paid her back with lies and betrayal. I supposed things could only get better from here though. There was nothing else that could affect our relationship.

All I need is to win her trust back and I intended to win back her trust. That is going to be more difficult than it sounds. Winning someone’s trust when you lost it is the hardest thing in the world. It’s like trying to find a small lost earring in a crowded mall. Not impossible, but extremely difficult. All good things are difficult I suppose. Otherwise they wouldn’t be worth it. Still I miss her. It’s surprising since we were literally only a couple for a day, but I miss it already. I miss her fragrance, her loving gaze, and most of all her sincere smile.

It’s not that her smiles are fake now or forced, but somehow I feel like they aren’t as sincere and bright as they used to be before this entire mess happened. I can’t complain of course. This is all my fault. I brought this upon myself. I will fix things though because honestly I can’t imagine a life without her at this point. As I continued to think of this, I searched the kitchen for food, but much to my dismay there was none. Then it hit me. Rena and I were suppose to buy food that day the whole mess with Mayu happened. My stomach grumbled. I pouted. Now what? I couldn’t just go buy some.

I am pretty sure the whole area is full of eager paparazzi’s that are waiting to capture me in action. Last night was insane. I don’t think I have the strength face them again. My stomach grumbled once more. On the other hand my stomach didn’t seem to grasp that message. I glanced at my hung hat at the corner. Maybe if I hid my face it wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe I can pass unnoticed. I weighted my options, but so far my need of food was winning. Blame my persistent stomach. I placed a hat on my head and sunglasses on my eyes. How bad can it be?

I was lost. Completely and utterly lost. I should have thought this through. I should have made a plan or something. But no instead I ran out in an instant and headed to the city by myself without having any clue as to where Yuki was. Yuki… Why did she just leave without telling me? Without even waiting for my answer too. That girl… I always knew she was a bit shy, but she completely ran away without hearing my answer! It was just so so frustrating! I just felt like pulling off my hair.

I bit my lip as I looked around my surrounding area. None of it familiar and I had no idea where to even look for Yuki. Getting back home would be easy as long as I called my driver and named the street I was in, but finding Yuki… That was going to be way more complicated. Yuki never talked much about her life with me at all. Mostly she mention things she liked to do or programs she liked to watch in her spare time, but she never talked to me about her family nor any friends she could have in the city.

Where could she be living? Finding a place to live in had to take more time than two days so she had to be living with a family member or friend she could instantly just pack up and be ready to move in. I sighed. This would be impossible. Tokyo is huge. I can’t expect to find her by just wondering around the city. I need to ask someone up in the house if they know anything about her relatives or friends. Of course I would need to be careful. If mom found out what I was trying to do she be furious. No beyond furious.

According to the head maid when Yuki resigned my mother was fuming stating how could that girl be so irresponsible leaving a job without even a three week notice?! Of course I could answer that, but I have a feeling my answer would only anger my mother even more. I pulled out my cell phone. I guess it’s time I should head home. “Mayu!” I heard a familiar voice behind me call. I was instantly filled with dread and annoyance. Out of all the people I had to bump into at the moment. “What do you want Jurina?” I grumbled not wanting to deal with my unfaithful ex. I had bigger problems at the moment.

“Shh! Not so loud! I am just really surprise to see you here and without a driver. Is everything okay?” Jurina asked her voice laced it concern. It pissed me off. Here she was acting as if she was worried about me when she started this entire mess to begin with. I turned around with a scorn in my face. “I am not in a mood to talk to you Jurina. I have bigger issues,” I growled with crossed arms. Jurina sighed. “Don’t be like that Mayu, I just want to apologize to you. It’s the least I could do after what I done. I didn’t think I would ever get the chance to and well here you are,” Jurina said her voice calm not unnerved by my unfriendliness.

I raised an eyebrow. “You better not be trying to ask me to forgive you and to take you back,” I warned. Jurina shook her head. “I am not. I know I didn’t do things correctly, but I love Rena. I promised I wouldn’t betray her or go running back to you anymore, but that doesn’t mean I am not sorry. You were a dear person to me,” Jurina replied. I was a bit shocked by her words, but surprisingly not sadden by them. Now that I discovered my feeling for Yuki, Jurina ceased to matter as much as she did before.

“Thanks I suppose. Look I don’t mean to be rude to you or anything, but I really don’t have time to talk,” I told her. I began to walk away, but Jurina grasped my arm. “Well I don’t mean to be rude either, but you are not okay. First off all you look like you are in the verge of tears and you are wondering Tokyo alone without a driver which is something I have never seen Watanabe Mayu do so what gives?” Jurina demanded my arm captured in her strong grip.

I sighed. ”You were always too nosy,” I was all I answered and she let go. She was grinning. “Yeah and your point is?” Jurina asked with her silly catlike grin. And that’s how we ended up sitting in a nearby cafe me pouring out all my worries from Yuki’s confession to her sudden resignation. Jurina listened without saying a word until I finished walking. “Wow I knew there was a reason why she always glared at me,” Jurina finally said making me laugh.

“You can’t be serious! Yuki did not glare at you!” I countered trying to contain my laughter as I tried to imagine Yuki glaring at Jurina. In my mind the image didn’t make sense at all. Yuki was too kind for such behavior.  Jurina pouted. “She did! I swear! I always thought she was just weird, but now I know the truth! She was jealous! It so clear now!” Jurina exclaimed her eyes wide. I chuckled at her reaction.

“You don’t seem too upset about this,” I pointed out. I thought even though we were over she might still feel a little bit of jealously, but there were none in her eyes. I felt like I was talking to an old friend rather than an ex girlfriend. It felt nice. “I am not. I am happy for you. You deserve to be with someone who truly loves you and I guarantee you that Yuki is that person,” Jurina stated before taking a sip of her coffee. I looked at her surprised. “How could you be so sure of it?” I asked her noting the confidence in her answer.

Jurina smiled. “I told you I see the way she looks at you. I never looked at you like that,” Jurina said. “Nice to know you never loved me,” I said in a joking matter. Jurina seemed to think I was literally upset about this because she instantly apologize. “I am not trying to say I didn’t care about you while we were dating or anything!” Jurina quickly exclaimed waving her hands nervously.

I laughed. “Relax Jurina. I am only joking. I know what you meant,” I reassured her. Jurina’s smile quickly returned and I remembered she wasn’t the kind of person to stay upset for long.

“What are you going to do about your mom though?” Jurina asked since she was well aware of my mother’s view on others. I gulped nervously. She was right of course. My mom never knew about me and Jurina, but she was pleased to see me around Jurina since Jurina was famous and all. Being around Yuki however… That would not please her at all. Especially after the way Yuki quit. “Don’t remind me!” I grumbled miserably.

Jurina chuckled. “Your mother is quite scary Mayu,” Jurina giggled for some reason finding my situation quite funny even though it wasn’t. I frowned and glared at her. “It’s not a laughing matter Jurina!” I hissed as I punched her shoulder while she laughed away.

Jurina stopped laughing, but she kept smiling. Suddenly she grabbed my hand surprising me. “I like this us as friends. We should try it. What do you say?” Jurina asked her eyes dead serious. She was right. I liked this too. It was easy and simple especially now that we had other people we loved. Nothing could go wrong.

“Yeah I  see nothing wrong with us being friends.”

Rena watched as Jurina took Mayu’s hand with her own and said some words she couldn’t quite decipher. It wasn’t hard to figure out the meaning though. She was on her way home from school when she spotted them sitting by themselves having a coffee. They were gazing at each other’s eyes like a new couple who had just gotten back together after a couple of painful days of separation.

Mayu smiled at Jurina’s words and then the two began to laugh. Their smiles made Rena feel sick. Even though Jurina promised her that she wouldn’t go running back to Mayu, she lied. She tricked her once again. She probably thought she could get away with tricking her twice. Rena clenched her fists never remembering feeling so angry and betrayed in her entire life.

Matsui Jurina made a fool out of her for the last time.

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.14
« Reply #85 on: January 23, 2014, 11:53:57 PM »
Ch.14 Kicked out

I hummed as I headed back home armed with heavy grocery bags. We really needed to stock up on food and I bought a ton of things. Rena is going to be so happy. I was in a very good mood myself. It was a good day. I was able to talk to Mayu and get her to forgive me. We even agreed to be friends! I felt so light no longer having any burdens.

I had been feeling guilty because of what I did to Mayu and knowing that I was forgiven by her was a huge relief. I was really happy to find out Mayu found someone too as unexpected as the choice was. I guess it wasn’t so unexpected. Yuki’s protective behavior made a lot more sense now and they would make a really good couple. Hopefully they will be able to end up together.

I wish there was some way I could help Mayu look for Yuki, but it was impossible since I couldn’t risk going out that much. Today was already a big enough risk. Maybe Rena can help me after I tell her the story. My eyes almost fell off my sockets when I was greeted with all my stuff thrown out of the apartment. Every single one of my belongings was lying on the floor in a hectic messy pile.

I gaped as I stared at my clothes. What in the world? Did we get kicked out or something? Where was Rena? Where were her things? I instantly pulled out my key and tried to pry the door open, but it stayed shut. I knocked on the door wondering if there was someone inside.


I took a step back bewildered by the anger I heard in Rena’s voice. I don’t understand. What did I do? What made her so upset that she would throw my clothes out of the apartment? “Rena, calm down! I don’t understand. Why are you so angry?” I asked in a low voice not wanting to anger her even further.

“Don’t act innocent Jurina! I saw you with her! What did you think you fooled me?!” Rena bellowed from the other side of the door. I blinked for a moment not understanding what she was facing and then it hit me. She must had seen me and Mayu having coffee. “You got the wrong idea! I can explain!” I told her desperately. Was this it? Was I really going to lose my second chance for a misunderstanding?

I was only trying to do the right thing and apologize to Mayu. “Don’t lie to me Jurina! I saw it with my own eyes! You were holding her hand and you two were smiling like a lovesick couple!” Rena shouted back. I wish I could see her and I wish she could see me so she could see I was being genuine. ”You’re misunderstanding! Let me in and I’ll explain. You don’t even have to believe me, but just give me a chance to explain!” I begged her.

Rena didn’t listen and instant she said, “No way you will not fool me again. I am through with your lies Jurina. I want you out. There’s bags outside where you can put your things. Don’t come again.” Her voice was cold and broke my heart. I collapsed on floor unable to hold the sobs that began to escape. “Rena, I love you! Please don’t shut me out like this!” I pleaded. I heard Rena sigh. I was filled with tiny hope. Was she considering listening to my story?

“You should have thought about that before.”

Living with Sae turned out to be surprisingly easy to get used to. She was easygoing and not a messy person. Not to mention we been friends for a long time. Working at her family’s small souvenir shop wasn’t an easy job, but it was nice and a change of pace. I was content. Sort of. I know I would be happier if it wasn’t for the fact that I miss Mayu. I miss her terribly. I regret leaving so rashly. I should have at least spoken to her beforehand, but I couldn’t take it back.

I made my choice and now I have to deal with it. I’ll forget her as the days go by. I got back to work unpacking the inventory from the large boxes in the backroom. Many tourist frequented Sae’s shop due to the cheap prices, so it constantly needed to be stocked up again. I wasn’t usually doing this, but today there wasn’t anyone else that could do it. I sighed as I tried to lift up a heavy box. I tried and tried, but it wouldn’t bugle. I wasn’t used to this type of job at all.

“Need a hand?” Sae asked before carrying the heavy box where I needed it to be. “Sae!” I exclaimed surprised to see her there. It was suppose to be her day off. Sae smiled and replied, “Hey there.” “Isn’t this suppose to be your day off?” I asked. “I came to check up on you. I don’t know why you are here. I told the girls specially to put you in the front since you weren’t use to carrying heavy things yet,” Sae said with a frown. I redden with embarrassment at her words.

“It’s really no problem! You didn’t need to do that. I have to get use to this job somehow,” I quickly told her not wanting to cause a problem on my first week of work. Sae’s frown didn’t disappear. “I know, but someone needs to train you first. Come. You’re going to be in the front for the rest of the day and don’t object. I had already told those girls you were suppose to be there. They were the ones who didn’t listen to their assignments,” Sae insisted.

Before I knew it was at the front with Sae. My teammates looked pretty upset and sort of glare at me. It made me feel shaken, but Sae was usually around and she knew me. I knew that if anything happen she would stick by me. “They seemed pretty angry,” I told Sae nervously. Sae shrugged. “I don’t really care. They have training on stocking and you don’t. I wouldn’t want you to get hurt just because they were too lazy to do it,” Sae said. I blushed a little. Sae was always so caring towards me since we were young.

She reminded me a bit of a prince. It didn’t help that she was a really handsome girl. I mean cute girls are common, but handsome girls are rare. Sae is still cute in her own way though. “Thanks Sae. For everything,” I told her with a smile. I was really grateful to her. I sincerely hope I am not causing her too much trouble. “It’s really nothing. What are friends for right?” Sae replied with a grin. I noticed there was a pink tint in her cheeks. At least I think there was. But it couldn’t be. Sae never blushed.

The shop was slow for a while and we relaxed chatting away. Sometimes Sae would go to the backroom to check on the other two girls and then come back. Being with Sae was easy and comfortable. I began to realize how much I missed her. “Do you remember the time you asked me if you could be my bride?” Sae asked in a teasing matter. I giggled. We had been five and I had once a wedding magazine. I couldn’t help, but to be enchanted with the pictures of all the pretty brides. Naturally I wanted to be one.

“I remember! You were so shock saying ‘But we are both girls’ ” I replied with a huge grin on my face as I remember the memory. “Yeah then you were like ‘That doesn’t matter! I bet you look handsome as a groom anyways!’ ” Sae replied. “Ah memories. We were such silly kids weren’t we? Although I still like you would look handsome as a groom,” I told her. Sae looked a bit taken aback by my comment and then she smiled.

“Hey I wanted to tell you something, but I am not sure how you will react,” Sae suddenly said with a seriously look in her eyes. Sae wasn’t a serious person so I knew she wanted to say something important. I had no clue as to what though. Before I could tell her to go ahead the door opened and in walked in a familiar girl carrying three heavy looking black bags. “Yuki-san!” Matsui Jurina exclaimed with wide eyes. For some reason she looked really happy to see me. “J-Juri?!” I almost said her full name, but kept my mouth shut.

As upset as I was with the girl I wasn’t mean enough to blow her cover. “It is you! I can’t believe it. Out of all the places. I have to text Mayu!” Jurina said pulling out her phone. I grabbed her wrist to stop her from texting anyone. “Mayu?!” I questioned in disbelief. Were Mayu and Jurina back together? So soon? After everything Jurina did? And what had Mayu told her about me anyways? Jurina seemed to have read my mind because she answered, “Relax we are not back together.” I calmed down and loosen my grip.

“Okay that’s good I guess,” I answered and completely letting go of her this time. Sae who had observed the whole thing quietly finally spoke, “Who is this?” I turned around and replied, “Someone I know from work.” I didn’t feel like explaining anything. Jurina had nothing to do with me after all. In fact I really wished she would just leave. She was just a reminder that I couldn’t be around Mayu.

“Mayu and I met by chance in the streets. She was looking for you. She wasn’t even accompanied by a driver,” Jurina continued not showing any signs of leaving any time soon. I was surprised by her words. Mayu went looking for me? Alone? “I don’t understand…” I said feeling slightly dizzy. Why would Mayu go looking for me? I never in a million years thought that would happen. Jurina looked exasperated by my response. “Of course she went looking for you! What did you expect?!” Jurina replied impatiently.

My eyes widen. Did this mean that maybe just maybe Mayu returned my feelings? But no that couldn’t be. Mayu… Mayu loved Jurina. She didn’t love me! I was a maid. A peasant in her world and I was nowhere near as beautiful as Jurina. “But Mayu loves you!” I countered knowing what Jurina was insinuating. She was wrong though. Mayu didn’t love me. She loved Jurina or someone better than me. I wasn’t good enough for her. Jurina grinned. “That not what she told me when we talked,” Jurina insisted with a knowing look. I blushed. Mayu told Jurina she loved me? “You are not in any way messing with me right?” I asked her with a wary look.

I simply couldn’t believe her. Mayu loving me simply seemed so impossible in my head. Jurina shook her head. “Nope. You should really call her. She is worried sick you know,” Jurina added. I won’t lie. I was stunned. I never in a million years thought Mayu would respond to my feelings and now that she did I had no clue what to do. “Do you want me to text her for you two to meet up?” Jurina questioned noting my shell shocked expression. I nodded.

“Okay is meeting tomorrow at the ice cream shop at 3:00 okay?” Jurina asked as she typed on her phone. I nodded again while biting my lip. I was going to meet Mayu again and it seemed like a date. I mean that is what it is called when two people like each other right? It felt strange thinking of it that way. A few minutes ago I thought there was no hope for me and Mayu and now we were being set up by none other than Jurina.

She smiled at my response and sent the text. ”Okay I guess we will just wait till she responds,” Jurina told me. She leaned onto one of the shelves and put her bags down.  I finally property observed Jurina. Her eyes were red. Why was she carrying those bags? ” I hope you don’t mind me asking, but what’s with the bags?” I asked. Jurina’s happy expression fell. “My roommate kicked me out. She saw me talking to Mayu and thought I was cheating on her again,” She answered sadly.

She looked like she wanted to cry. I regretted asking. I must have reminded her of something very painful. From what I had understood Jurina had no close family and parents. She must feel very alone. “What are you going to do?” I asked feeling worried for her. Anywhere she went she would probably eventually get  recognized. If I once envied Jurina that instantly vanished. Jurina took in a shakily breath before answering, ”I am going back home.” My eyes widen.

“Wait you mean you’re going to go back to that house! You can’t! It’s surrounded and you know that! You will get caught for sure. The tabloids when you got sighted were bad enough,” I reminded her. Jurina sighed. “There is nothing else I can do plus I am tired of running. Mayu was right. I only made things worst by hiding. Besides… I think I am going back to modeling,” Jurina replied. “You can’t be serious! I mean after you went through all of the hiding to quit you want to go back?” I asked.

“I got nothing else to live for anyways.”

Jurina took a deep breath as she made her way to the nearest designer shop. She was still carrying her bags from Rena’s. She knew she should throw them out. She would probably never wear those outfits again. Not after she went back to modeling. Her clothes would be all designer and way more expensive, but somehow she couldn’t bring herself to throw them out as she wandered the streets wondering what she should do with herself. After some thinking the resolve to return to modeling was made.

Of course she had enough money to live without going back, but… The thought of living alone was depressing. At least of she was modeling she would be able to take her mind off things especially Rena. She needed to forget her especially since Rena wanted nothing to do with her. It was painful, but the reality and she needed to accept it. It was her own damn fault anyways. With this in mind she finally tossed all the clothes and shoes she had from Rena’s place along with the junk food she bought an hour ago.

She needed to move on. This wasn’t a step back. It was a step forward. Finally working up some courage she removed her hat and sunglasses tossing them to the trash as well. As soon she she stepped into the store everyone went silent. Probably with shock of seeing her in such shape. “Call your designer,” Jurina ordered the girl in the cashier. Jurina opted for a exclusive bontique that was barely starting off. She heard about it from the magazines she read while in Rena’s.

The designer was often spotted there since she wasn’t so famous again. It was perfect for Jurina who wanted to keep things under wraps before she made an appearance. “I-I,” the poor girl stuttered shocked as she found herself face to face with such a famous model. Jurina smirked at her reaction and replied, ” Trust me she is going to want to see me so I suggest you hurry.” “What is all the commotion?” A voice from the back room spoke up. From the room emerged a tall beautiful with stylish short brown.

She was one of the most beautiful person Jurina has ever seen and she found herself wondering if this was a designer or a model. The girl seemed to not have seen Jurina because she instantly turned to her employee and snapped, “Kawaei did I not tell you I musten’t be disturbed today because I was designing something important?” The girl, Kawaei Rina, turned bright red and could only point towards Jurina. The young designer finally turned and her eyes grew two times bigger than their normal size.

“If you don’t say a word to anyone of how I came in I’ll came sure everyone knows who styled my comeback look,” Jurina stated smugly with cross arms. “I don’t believe it…” the young designer mumbled. She quickly made her way towards Jurina and looked her over very carefully. If Jurina wasn’t so used to be looked at by designers she would have felt self conscious. Finally the girl stood in front of her and smiled. “Come with me. I have just what you need,” the girl said grabbing Jurina’s hand and dragging her towards the back room.

Jurina had surprised to see such a new designer acting so casually around her, but she liked the vide she was getting. “I am Shinoda Mariko by the way, but you call just call me Mariko,” the designer told her. “I am Matsui Jurina, but I guess you might already know that,” Jurina said suddenly feeling awkward. Mariko laughed. “Yup I do. Interesting story. If you’re going to be wearing my outfits you better be planning to make a comeback as a model,” Mariko replied quite bluntly. Somehow it made Jurina smile though.

“Yeah I am. Now get me ready for my first appearance!”

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness (posted, no new update)
« Reply #86 on: January 24, 2014, 02:21:02 AM »
cotto! isn't yuki is rena friends?? or i'm wrong?

i can't wait for the next!
too bad jurina back to modeling
why she comeback if at first she leave it and not wanting too loose herself? if she continued means she will loose herself??
Reana chan must save her! T.T awwwww 
rena! you misunderstood!! jurina just want being friend with mayu
but if i'm rena,who's not mad? she already betrayed by jurina at first so it was normal if rena was mad and missunderstading all, not to mention in just shortly time another looks a like betrayed scene happen,who's not mad yeah~ hahaha
but i'm sure rena will know the truth soon,but on that time i don't know what happen,jurina already choose to back too her lifestyle,it's gonna hard for rena to approach jurina now,since they are on different worlds,and maybe more hard moment will come too~
it's quite interesting to know how rena gonna do, will she just raise the white flag or fight over jurina?i know she still love jurina,and jurina also still loved her,but with jurina comeback to modeling worlds i doubt she will tried to approach rena,she though rena doesn't want with her anymore, so i think it's rena time to come too jurina (ah my imagination running wild)~~

as for mayuki,i hope their meeting gonna fine,with good result
mayuki problem is just their well social s. and all, oh and mayu mother! haha
if mayu and yuki really date, i wonder how mayu manage too keep it as secret and how yuki will fight over mayu mothers,it really interesting

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness (posted, no new update)
« Reply #87 on: January 24, 2014, 08:34:14 AM »
I'm glad you posted the origin of happiness here. :on woohoo: I don't have a tumblr so I can't comment and continued to be a silent reader. :nervous

Will Jurina really would let go Rena? Rena why didn't you let Jurina explain?! :OMG:

I really want to read Mayuki's date. :on gay:

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness (posted, no new update)
« Reply #88 on: January 25, 2014, 12:45:11 PM »
Me too

I'm glad!

You should update the origin of happines more often here LOL

Jurina really cool when she ask mariko LOL so bossy and her cutenest gone


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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness (posted, no new update)
« Reply #89 on: January 26, 2014, 02:57:28 PM »



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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness (posted, no new update)
« Reply #90 on: January 26, 2014, 05:03:11 PM »
I cant waitfor the next ch

Rena u got it wrong

Jurina going back to be model

Please updatesoon

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness (posted, no new update)
« Reply #91 on: January 29, 2014, 01:38:59 PM »
 :on GJ: You are awesome writer
Keep going :grin:

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.15
« Reply #92 on: January 29, 2014, 11:51:47 PM »
A/N: Short update, but the next one will be a lot longer. It's almost getting to the end of the story. Thanks everyone for the support and I'll try to update here more often.

Ch.15 Life Changes

I looked at myself in the mirror for the third time making sure everything was in order. My hair looked somewhat perfect, my make-up looked natural and my clothes stylish. My reflection looked good, but I had still nervous. It’s funny how even after knowing your feelings are mural nerves still hit. I needed to remind myself to thank Jurina. I was only able to find Yuki because of her help.

Jurina… I was worried about her. Perhaps we were no longer a couple, but I cared about her and feared for her. I wondered if she was doing the right thing. She texted me last night telling me she intended to make her first public appearance and also about how Rena kicked her out of their shared apartment. I felt guilty since it was partly my fault and sincerely hoped Jurina wasn’t pushing herself too hard just to keep Rena out of her mind. I looked at the time mounted on the clock and grabbed my purse.

I had bigger things to think about than Jurina’s problems. I was going to meet Yuki since the first time she confessed. It was nerve wrecking. My hand began to feel slightly sweaty. I didn’t know what to tell Yuki. I guess an ‘I like you back’ would be appropriate, but somehow it didn’t feel fitting. Not that I didn’t like her of course! I did, but it felt like I wasn’t saying enough somehow. All I can hope is to be enlightenment when I see her and that I know exactly what to say. Still I knew it was going to be slightly awkward since we haven’t since each other and such. I sighed.

It couldn’t be helped after all. Not after Yuki’s confession and brief disappearance from my life. I headed to the car downstairs. It was time for the moment of truth. I can only hope I don’t make a fool out of myself. My driver as usual seemed surprised by my request to visit the ice cream shop. I am pretty sure he’s been questioning my bizarre choice of locations not to mention companions for a while now, but whatever. It was no one’s business who I hanged out it or where I did it after all.

Soon enough I found myself standing outside the ice cream shop. I don’t remember ever feeling so nervous in my life. My heart was pounding so fast I thought I would have a heart attack. “Mayu.” I heard a familiar soft voice say. I spun around to find myself face to face with Yuki. God she looked beautiful. Her silky raven hair was tied up in a pony tail her bangs falling elegantly just above her eyes. She was wearing a peach colored blouse with a beige skirt combined with wedges.

I felt like I was barely noticing the full extend of her beauty. I felt my cheeks get warm and smiled awkwardly. “Hey,” I mumbled. I was too nervous. I don’t even know how I am going to be able to say complete sentences at this point. Yuki suddenly wrapped her hand around mine causing a pleasant unexpected shiver to travel down my spine. “Let’s go inside shall we?” She replied rather calmly. I wondered how on earth could she keep her calm after a time like this.

Then again after a full out confession this must be nothing to her, but it meant the world to me who was seeing her for the first time after discovering my feelings. Part of me wondered how I went on living my normal life without realizing the feelings I had for the gentle sweet girl. After more and more observations I came to the conclusion I have always felt this way. Strange isn’t it? Loving someone without realizing it. I have got to thank Jurina for this.

If we were still dating I would have never realized my feelings until it was too late. In a way Jurina’s betrayal actually ended up being a good thing. It made me realize we weren’t right for each other. That my heart laid elsewhere. ”Do you want anything?” Yuki asked after we settled in a table near the window. “Yeah what we had the first time we were here,” I answered. Yuki grinned. “Of course. I’ll be right back,” She replied. I watched her go still not believing such a pretty girl harbored hidden feelings for me for the longest time.

I mean compared to many girls I am not exactly pretty nor handsome. I don’t have much of an interesting personality and feel like I am rather shallow at times. Why me? I suppose I shouldn’t question it and just thank god for being so good to me. Yuki make back with a huge sundae which was a larger version of the one we had the first time we came here. “I suppose we could just share if you don’t mind. I mean I could just get you another one if you wish…” Yuki said with a blush. It was absolutely adorable.

“I don’t mind at all,” I answered reassuringly. The girl turned redder finally seeming as nervous as I was. It sort of made me relax a little. I wasn’t the only one nervous. We ate in silence for a moment simply enjoying each other’s company and the ice cream goodness, but we knew we needed to talk. It was Yuki who spoke up first. “I think I should apologize to you for leaving without telling you. I was just so scared and panicked. I should have listen to what you had to say,” Yuki stated staring at the plate.

“Thanks. It means a lot and I understand. I can’t imagine the amount of anxiety you must have felt. I would have done the same probably,” I confessed trying to get her to feel more comfortable. I realized after saying that how true my statement was. I would have run away like Yuki did. Or worst I would have never confessed. What Yuki did took a lot of guts and I couldn’t reproach her for being scared. “I am relieved. I feared you might be angry,” Yuki revealed. I laughed softly.

“Oh I could never really stay angry at you,” I replied without thinking causing her to blush again. “What does this mean then?” Yuki asked for the first time confronting me about my feelings. Without thinking I blurted out, “We are dating. It’s as simple as that.” Yuki hearing my words dropped her spoon and looked completely surprised. I don’t think she expected me to be so direct about my feelings. Neither did I to be quite honest , but after those three days of separation I felt beating around the bush wasn’t appropriate.

“I-I guess so huh?” Yuki stuttered in the cutest matter. She looked so cute when she was embarrassed, so I couldn’t help, but to lean forward and steal a small kiss off her ice cream covered lips. It was short, but sweet and soft. I pulled away my cheeks red, but smiling. Yuki was smiling too. “I love you,” I told her. Yuki’s smile grew. “I love you too Mayu,” she replied happily in a dreamlike state. I think we were both in a dreamlike state though. We both suddenly began to giggled.

“Ah I was such an idiot. I shouldn’t have left,” Yuki groaned as she remembered her decision. ”I understand. You had no way of knowing if I felt the same or not. Seeing me everyday knowing I didn’t share your feelings and was your boss’s daughter would have been awkward,” I said trying to make her feel better. “So what happens now?” Yuki asked taking a spoonful of ice cream.

“What do you mean? Isn’t it obvious? We are together now!” I told her blushing at the last sentence. It was going to take a little taking use to the idea of me and Yuki. But then again we had all the time in the world. Yuki turned scarlet due to my blunt comment and instantly stuttered, “I-I suppose so…” I giggled softly at her surprised, yet adorable reaction. She smiled at this in spite her embarrassment. The another question struck my mind. “Hey where are you living by the way?” I asked her.

Ever since she left I have had no idea of her whereabouts and Jurina never mentioned where she found her. I was a little curious as to where Yuki was that made it seem to me as if she been swallowed from the face of the earth. “Ah I am staying with a close childhood friend of mine. She had offered me a job a while back, but I didn’t want to take it for obvious reasons,” Yuki explained in a more joking matter. She seemed to be getting less shy around me. Maybe it wouldn’t take too much taking used to us.

“So you won’t be going back to my house anymore?” I asked her feeling slightly disappointed. I had only been a day or two without her and I already missed her presence in the house so much. I knew it was selfish of me to want her by my side all the time like she used to be, but I couldn’t help it. Beside without her living there the chances of us seeing each other were slimmer. Yuki shook her head. “No I feel bad quitting on my friend like that and besides I doubt your mom would take me back. She was very angry you know,” Yuki pointed out.

I nodded in agreement. “So I have heard. This sucks. I am going to miss having you there. Really. Just the company,” I told her. Yuki smiled at this and replied, Me too. Living with my friend is so different, but I’ll adapt. We’ll adapt somehow.” I nodded. Yuki looked at her watch and sighed. “I got to go. I work the next swift. Text me tonight,” Yuki told me before getting up. “Yeah I will!” I replied and soon she was out the door.

I looked at the time at my phone and let out a sigh. I should head back soon. Being alone in a ice cream shop wasn’t as fun as being there with your new girlfriend. I quickly made the call to get picked up and sat outside the shop in a bench. It was a nice sunny day. The birds were chirping and the sky was blue. I wondered if everything was brighter than usual or it was just my happy mind acting up. I feel like I can take on the world with my bare hands. It was an amazing feeling. I mentally squealed as I thought about the fact that me and Yuki were dating.

Every time I thought about it I got excited all over again. I waited for a couple of minutes, but finally a familiar black limo appeared in front of me and my driver got off to open the door. I thanked him and walked in only to find myself face to face with someone I didn’t want to be face to face. The one person who would completely disapprove of this place and the person I feared finding out I was here. My mother. She was fuming. I don’t think I ever seen her so angry. I was so shocked I nearly fell on my way in the car.

“M-Mom!” I managed to say once I sat down. Her eyes narrowed. Oh boy this isn’t good. This isn’t good at all. “You will not see her again,” my mother simply said trying to keep her calm. She couldn’t no she wouldn’t allow herself to scream. It wasn’t proper or ladylike. I knew this very well. What I didn’t understand is how she found out about Yuki. Was she spying on me? “H-How did you know?” I questioned to shocked to think of the previous words she told me and their implications

“Oh Mayu nothing happens in my house I don’t know about. The other staff talks you know. The other maids where spreading rumors, so I decided to ask your driver who confirmed those claims. I decided to follow you. I couldn’t imagine however you would not only befriend someone of her social standing and eat in their establishment, but you would also kiss her! What on earth were you thinking? Are you not disgusted by the fact that you are both girls or at least the fact that she is poor?!” my mother bellowed finally losing her cool. I felt anger crawling through my veins.

“You are so prejudiced and vain! I will keep on seeing her and you cannot stop me!” I countered angrily. My mother looked agitated  by my response, but not to concerned about it. It worried me. “Oh no you are not. I will see that you do not leave the house without an escort and that you never see her again. Give me your phone!” my mother ordered. I shook my head holding my phone for dear life. If I let go of it I wouldn’t be able to text or call Yuki anymore. I would never have any contact with her. I couldn’t do it. I just couldn’t.

“No! I will not! I have a right to pick and choose my friends and whoever I want to love. I have a right!” I yelled tears flowing down my cheeks. That’s went the most shocking thing happened. My mother, my classy rich mother, lunched forward to grab the phone. I don’t know exactly how it happened since it happened so fast, but before I knew it I was watching my phone flying in the air only watch it land harshly in the ground the screen cracked. My mother, who ended up in the ground, picked herself up and dusted her clothes in spite the fact the floor of the limo was completely clean.

My hands began to shake and dived towards the phone to inspect the damage. I tried trying it on, but it refused to. I tried again, but once more failed to. It was completely broken and unusable. I lost Yuki’s number. I lost the last thing I had left of her. I looked at my mother who had a slightly triumphant look in her face. I could no longer control myself. It was too much. Yuki was everything I had and she took that away from me. It was too much. My frantic screams filled the car.

“I hate you! I hate you!”

The apartment felt empty without Jurina’s presence. It’s strange because I only lived with her for a few months while I lived alone for a year. I guess it’s easier to get used to company than to get use to being alone. The apartment was so silent now. I used to want silence all the time so I could focus on my work, but now it was sort of bugging me. I suppose that isn’t the only thing that is bugging me though. I shook my head as dangerous thoughts began to creep through.

No. I will not think about Jurina. I will not think about what she might be doing right now. I will not. I will focus on my homework and drink my tea peacefully. I turned back to my book and then sighed. Was I too harsh? “Ugh!” I cried out loud frustrated with myself. Jurina cheated on me. Not once, but twice. I shouldn’t be feeling sorry for her. She got what she deserved! Who cares if she was sobbing outside the apartment for an hour straight? She was probably just acting anyways so she wouldn’t be out in the street.

Part of me couldn’t picture Jurina being that sly, but I refused to listen to it. I couldn’t otherwise my guilt would shallow me alive. I am not that one who was wrong here. I can’t spend my days in despair because I know she isn’t doing that. I can’t let her destroy me. I can’t… I felt something wet fall down my cheek. Tears. I was crying. Without meaning to. I shut my eyes and tried to stop them. I would not waste my tears on her. Grabbing the phone I decided to phone Airi. We been talking even after what happened and I was glad. I can’t be alone right now.

After the third ring she answered.

“Hey do you want to hang out?”

“Mmm… Sure. Where at?”

“The café we usually go to I suppose.”

With that plans were made and I was getting dressed. Airi was nice I realized. She did a lot of things for me and never hesitated to make time for me. Maybe I was wrong so rejecting her for someone who betrayed me. Maybe she deserved a chance. After all Jurina had moved on. Why shouldn’t I do the same? It might seem rash, but I mean what better person to move on with than with Airi? She knew me better than anybody and cared a lot about me. And I cared a lot about her too. Heck I am pretty sure I can come to love her if I try. With those thoughts I began to get ready for my meeting with Airi.

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.15 Updated!
« Reply #93 on: January 30, 2014, 12:37:50 AM »
Poor Mayu...

She just got together with Yuki and now because of her mother, they have to separate again....

I want to kill Mayu's mom.... :angry:

And Rena... I hope you regret your decision...

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.15 Updated!
« Reply #94 on: January 30, 2014, 01:17:30 AM »
Oh no! Mayu mother~ scary~ but that was a mother should do,it was gonna weird if she just said, 'ok fine,do what you wanna do' easily

Rena i hope you regret a lot! You should listen to your heart!

Now. I think 'what so worried about jurina? She just comeback to modeling,its not like she doing bad thing right?

I cant wait the next


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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.15 Updated!
« Reply #95 on: January 30, 2014, 02:26:03 AM »
I woke up to this.... Rena you idiiiioootttt!!!!! Not only did she not give jurina a chance to explain, and now in hopes of "moving on" she'll also hurt her best friend in the process. OTL

Also... I can't with mayu... Did she not memorize Yuki's number?

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.15 Updated!
« Reply #96 on: January 30, 2014, 02:48:09 AM »
noooo.... ;A; RENA you can't do that !!!  :cry: :cry: :cry:

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.15 Updated!
« Reply #97 on: January 30, 2014, 05:33:28 AM »













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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.15 Updated!
« Reply #98 on: January 30, 2014, 07:36:18 AM »
I feeL weird when Mayu's mother said "both girLs". . Isn't she know when Jurina's reLationship with mayu ?? Her mother so non-sense.That's unreasonabLe.N' Rena,You'LL regret it if Jurina REALLY 4get and not back 2 ur side.So,pLease 4give her.Thx 4 d'update

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  • Posts: 241
Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.15 Updated!
« Reply #99 on: January 30, 2014, 03:58:19 PM »
They just had their first date and Mayu's evil mother already found out about them!    :banghead: :panic: please kawaiiidolworld-san please update again...  :bow:  :bow:  :bow:   :cry:  :cry:  :cry:

ps. the mayuki kiss is so cute  :inlove:

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