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Author Topic: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ New Fic Backwards Drama (WMatsui) Ch.9 12/09/2017  (Read 81030 times)

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.17 Updated!
« Reply #120 on: February 24, 2014, 03:25:13 AM »
Yuki is hopeless. :lol: She didn't even had a concrete plan to save Mayu and her clumsiness in sports just makes you facepalm. XD  Good thing Sae is a very good friend.

My Mayuki has been reunited! :luvluv2:

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.17 Updated!
« Reply #121 on: February 24, 2014, 08:53:51 AM »
it's not gonna end up just like that easy right?

they still have many problems that need to be resolved

mayu mother,and... police?? lol i never though they will back to sae apartement after this kidnapping event lol that place is not safe for them at least for mayu and yuki

this is interesting



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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.17 Updated!
« Reply #122 on: March 01, 2014, 04:00:31 PM »
Oh yuki idea is kidnapping?????


Where they go after kidnaped mayu? Maybe rena apartement will be great since mayu want to give those dress to her

Wmatsui case could end easily if rena really attend to that fashion show and talk to jurina

If it goes well then they should be together

But why i felt uneasiness after seeing mayuki kidnapping even hahaha

It make me think it would not that easy

Its rena,she dating airi even though they on the edge of break up but rena still doesnt finish it yet

I wonder if jurina know it

Thank you always make a great fic

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Soldiers, you've got to soldier on
Sometimes even right is wrong

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.17 Updated!
« Reply #123 on: March 22, 2014, 03:28:33 PM »


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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.18 UPDATED
« Reply #124 on: November 05, 2014, 07:45:10 PM »
Ch.18 Everything back to where it belonged

Shit what did I get myself into! My head screamed as I heard the alarm of Yuki's girlfriend's house blaring. I winced at the loud almost painful sound. I mean sure I knew we were technically breaking and entering, but seriously it sounded like we had broken into a bank or something. Boy I must really like this girl considering I could probably end up in jail if I got caught. Climbing down from Mayu's room was easy enough, but the problem was getting out without being spotted.

 Even though the house was huge, I could hear guards' footsteps in every corner. These people really did have a lot of money to burn. Couldn't they waste it on something else? Dunno maybe charity? Seriously they had to decide to invest everything in security measures? Leave it to Yuki to fall in love with a complicated girl. She was always getting herself in trouble since we were young and as usual I have to bail her out. Some things never change.

"Sae-chan!!!" I heard a familiar voice call in the distance. I frowned. "Yuki is that you?" I called out not able to pinpoint the exact location she was in. We had been playing together in the nearby park like we did every weekend. I had left her alone for two minutes because I was going to get us both ice cream cones. It was a nice day, but pretty hot so ice cream had been the perfect solution for that. At least that's what it seemed like when you were five. I had strawberry for Yuki and chocolate for me. I was on my way back with two ice cream in hand when I heard her voice. There was no mistaking it. I grew worried.

"Yuki where are you?" I asked craning my head left and right. No sigh of her. "Up here!" Yuki yelled. "What do you mean up here?" I asked getting impatient. The ice cream was melting. I tried to lick mine to stop it from dripping, but I couldn't do that with Yuki's so it was getting all over my hand. Truthfully the five year old me was very annoyed. "On the tree," Yuki clarified.  I looked up and sure enough there was Yuki on a tree with a black kitten in hand. She was crying.  I frowned and yelled, "What are you doing up there? Come down so we can eat our ice cream. It's going to melt if you don't hurry!" Yuki sniffed. "I can't. I am scared!" Yuki cried holding tightly into the black kitten. I looked at her confused.

"But if you are scared why did you go up there in the first place?" I asked my voice laced with curiosity. I was still a little annoyed, but confused by Yuki's odd behavior. Yuki looked as me as if I was asking the silliest question in the world. "Don't you see? There was a kitten up here and it was crying! I couldn't just leave it here!" Yuki exclaimed momentary forgetting her problem. "But now you are both stuck up there," I reminded her not quite understanding her logic. "But now at least it isn't alone! Besides you get us down right! You aren't scared of anything right Sae-chan," Yuki answered. I blushed a bit, but nodded determinedly.
"Of course not! I always be here to help you out!"

Come to think of it that's probably when I fell in love with Yuki. Her kindness was one of a kind. A true rare gem. But… It can't be. Yuki loves someone else. And it hurts. I can't lie to myself. In reality I didn't want to come help her. I was hoping she wouldn't be able to get to her girlfriend. Maybe that way I would finally have a chance. But I told her I would always be there for her. I promised I would always help her out. I couldn't break that promise, but why did this have to be so… Painful? "We need to split up if we want to have a chance of getting out of her. We will draw more attention as a group," Mayu's bodyguard, Sayaka I think, said. She was interesting. She was pretty, but not in the same way Yuki was pretty. Yuki was soft while this girl was strong. Her type of beauty was exotic and wild. Her cheekbones were sharp and her eyes reflected strength, yet also a certain gentleness. It was a type of beauty that probably got overlooked often especially by men, but it was there. How odd.

Although she was the completely opposite from Yuki I felt a bit drawn to her. "Well Mayu can go with Sae and I can go with Sayaka. That way Mayu and Sayaka lead us so we don't get lost and we have one athletic girl in each side," Yuki stated probably remembering the difficulty we had getting her and Mayu to climb down the tree near Mayu's bedroom. While I have to admit the idea of being teamed with Yuki's lover wasn't exactly pleasant, I couldn't deny it was smart. Oh how I hated logic right not. "That would be perfect. Hopefully there isn't many guards near the employee garage," Sayaka said. I tried to hide the frown threating to appear. I really couldn't talk myself out of this one could I?

"Alright let's go. We need to get out of here soon," Mayu said with a worried look in her face. As if that wasn't obvious. "Alright, see you in soon," Sayaka stated leading Yuki towards the opposite direction of where we were. "Where to?" I asked Yuki's girlfriend. Yuki's girlfriend point towards a bush in front of us. "That way," she replied. I nodded waiting for the coast to be clear. Luckily house was huge so there was a ton of hiding places. "C'mon let's go," I told her once the coast was clear. We rushed to the bushes she had pointed at earlier and crouched down to hide We waited for the guards to pass by before we went any further. Suddenly the girl spoke, "Thank you for this. You don't even know me so thank you."

I instantly felt guilty. She was thanking me. For helping her. As if I was doing it out of the goodness of my heart. I wondered if she would still thank me so readily if she knew about my feelings for her girlfriend. Probably not. I flashed her a sad smile and answered, "Don't thank me. I am not doing this for you. I am doing it for Yuki." I had to be honest. I couldn't stand being thanked when I didn't deserve it. She didn't say anything else, but I could tell by the look on her face that she realized what I meant with that. The air was now filled with awkwardness and I kind of wished I haven't had said that, but I couldn't take it back.

Besides it felt a lot better than lying which I am really not fond of. Still I felt the need to say something to her so I added, "Relax. It's not like I had a chance anyways. We grew up like sisters you know and that's how she sees me. I just want to keep a promise to her that's all and truthfully I was a little worried about her coming her alone." Although the girl didn't really show any expression that might indicate she was embarrassed she quickly said, " You don't have to explain anything to me you know." I laughed at this although I am not sure why. I guess it was because of the irony of it all.

Because I couldn't muster up any bitterness towards this girl. I mean believe me I wanted to hate her. I did. I had all the reasons to hate her. Not only did she take Yuki away from me, but if things went badly she would probably get me arrested. And yet I couldn't find it in me to hate this girl. In fact I might even like this girl.  "Right. I am Sae by the way. I don't think Yuki really introduced us earlier," I said recalling I never gave her my name. The girl smiled and replied by giving me her name, "I am Mayu." I grinned and looked around finding the coast clear. "Well Mayu. I think it's clear so let's make a run for it."

Being with Mayu's bodyguard was the most awkward thing I've ever experience in my life. I had no idea what to say to the women and she was so intimidating it made me too nervous to think. Without a doubt I could see there was a certain kindness in her eyes, but this was just too weird no matter what way I look at it. I was hiding in the bushes with a total stranger. One I met when trying to rescue my girlfriend from her crazy mother if I may add. "So mmm… When did you start working here? I never saw you around when I worked to the Watanabe family," I said trying to fill up the silence. No response. Sayaka looked around the surroundings and pointed at a nearby tree.

"We run and hide behind that. We are close. I can the see the garage from here," Sayaka gestured pointing at a small gray building in the distance. I sighed. Well so much for starting conversation. Still I couldn't help, but I smile. We were so close. So close yet so far away, I thought as I heard the footsteps of guards. It wasn’t over. We still had to get by them.  I wonder how Mayu and Sae are doing. I know it might be strange to send Sae with Mayu after Sae's confession, but I trust Sae with my life. She'll protect Mayu in spite of everything. I know she will. She wouldn't have come otherwise. I knew Sae well. She was too kind turn on Mayu even if she was stealing the person she loved.

Suddenly the stoic guard spoke up breaking me away from my thoughts. "I got hired shortly after you left. A lot of people did. I was to ensure you never got near Mayu. Many people got hired with that purpose. Ms. Watanabe didn't want anyone around that might help you get to Mayu," Sayaka finally said answering my question. I frowned. That lady was seriously messed up. "Watanabe-san is a bit crazy don't you think? I mean I understand I am not in fit social standing for Mayu, but to go this far to separate us…" my voice trailed off at the end. "Who understands rich people? Quite frankly I always thought the whole thing was insane. Then again that's probably what happens when you have too much money to burn. C'mon let's go the coast is clear," Sayaka informed me.

We got up and quickly ran to the tree Sayaka pointed at earlier. I was panting by the time we got to the tree. I was not physically strong and truthfully this whole thing was taking a toll on me, but it's for Mayu. That's all that keeps me going. This is for Mayu. The most important person in my life. I couldn't stop just cause I was a little tired. "Are you okay? Do you need a break?" Sayaka asked giving her a worried look. I looked at her. Her face was laced with concern. Did I look that bad? "No I am fine. Besides we can't afford any breaks can we?" I asked wiping the sweat off my forehead. Sayaka nodded. "Alright. Have it your way. Let's go on then. I think the coast is clear."

"Shit this place is crawling with bodyguards! How many people did your mom hired?" Sae asked me with a look of sheer disbelief. I shrugged. It been a while since I left my room therefore I didn't notice the amount of new staff the house had gotten. I wasn't surprised though. My mom was determined to keep me away from Yuki and when my mom wanted to do something she got it done. Which kind of scares me a little. Sure I agree to go with Yuki, but would this even be good for her? What if my mom did something to her? Would I be able to live with myself if something happened to Yuki because of me? "Do you think this is a good idea?" I asked as we hid behind one of the many trees in my house. Sae looked at me surprised.

"What do you mean? I mean yeah it's completely insane, but don't you want to get out of here?" Sae asked with a confused voice. I sighed. It was true. I wanted that. I wanted that more than anything in the world, but… Yuki was far more important to me. "Yuki could get hurt you know. It's not just breaking out of here. I am sure my mother won't stop until she finds us and separate us," I stated. "Do you fear your own mother that much?" Sae asked. Do I fear my mother that much? That was an interesting question. The sensible answer would be no of course not. How could I? She is my mother. She is doing it for my own good, but honestly I don't even know anymore. How far would my mother's prejudice for the lower class take her? What is she capable of? I can't be sure anymore. Especially after she kept me locked up for nearly a year.

I mean I never thought she was capable of something like that and yet she was. How could I be certain she wouldn't try hurting Yuki? "I want to say no, but honestly I am not sure how far she'll go to keep me and Yuki apart. She's my mother, but I feel like she is a complete stranger to me right now and I don't know what's she's capable of anymore," I answered honestly. Sae nodded. "I see. Well I guess we better not get caught huh?" Sae mused while checking around for bodyguards. "You got the idea," I told her. We were really close to the garage already. Soon sweet freedom. I could almost taste it. "Let's go," Sae said and we quickly moved. Surprising enough it seemed we were in the exact same pace as Sayaka and Yuki because they remerged at the same time. I met Yuki's eyes and smiled. This was it. I turned away and focused on my goal. The next bush. It may be a small random object, but to me reaching it meant being closer to something bigger.

Something better. One step closer. There. We made it. I turned to high five everyone when I realized something was missing. More like someone. I heard a sharp cry. Horrified I look up ahead and realized Yuki was in the ground. Her face was filled with pain. She quickly tried to get up, but failed to. I instantly ran towards her not caring about getting caught or anything else. "Are you alright?" I exclaimed falling next to her. Yuki tried to smile, but grimaced in pain. "Yeah I just fell. Come on let's just hurry before someone comes," Yuki told me attempting to get up, but failing.

"Too late," I heard a familiar voice say behind me. I looked up to find myself looking at my one and only mother. Laughing. She was laughing as if any of this was funny. As if someone's injury was amusing. As if she wasn't the one who cause all this to happen. Suddenly guards were surrounding us and before I knew it Sae and Sayaka were being pulled out of the bushes. Sayaka looked resigned while Sae was fighting the guard's tight grip. It was really over huh? No. It couldn't be. I wouldn't allow it to be. If I let it be Sae and Yuki would be charged with trespassing. Sayaka would be fired. I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't let that be the reward for trying to save me from my mother's crunches.

 They risked everything to get me out. I can't let it go to waste. "Take her back to her room," mother ordered. "No!" I screamed fighting the guard's grip. I wasn't the strongest person out there. Growing up I was a sickly kid, but I had to do something. I couldn't just stand there. I had to fight back.  Mother rubbed her temples a frown in her face. "Mayu you already messed things up enough as it is. Go quietly. The cops will be here any moment now. We do not want to cause a bigger scene than the one that's already been made," mother scolded as if she was talking to a five year old child who was throwing a tantrum. "I will not go quietly! What is your problem?!?! These are my friends and she is my girlfriend may I remind you whether you like it or not! I am a legal adult now! Forcing me to stay here is no better than kidnapping me!" I yelled.

With that mother completely lost it and before I knew it I was being slapped in the face. I winced in pain, but looked up at her with defiance. I would not let her win. Not anymore. "How dare you speak to me that way? I am your mother! And whether you like it or not I will continue to have a say so in your life and I say you can't date the help!" mother shrieked sounding like a crazy woman. I looked at her my gaze serious and unwavering. "You may lock me up and order me what to do, but you cannot tell me who to love and even if I never see Yuki again I will always love her. You can't force me not to," I said my voice even. I didn't need to scream or yell this to her.

The words themselves were powerful enough without having to be said in a louder tone. Mother laughed at this. "Please you'll forget all about her once you meet a decent man. A man of your same position. Do you think love is going to feed you and buy you all those fancy dresses you are used to wearing? Give me a break. You wouldn't last a day without all of this! You don't belong in their world Mayu! You are not like them!" mother hissed as she gestured towards Yuki. Yuki looked like she was close to tears and I couldn't tell if it was because of physical pain or because of my mother's words.

"What is going on here? What's all the commotion?" I heard a voice demand. My dad! But he was in a business trip! Either ways I was sure glad to see him. He could stop this. My mom had prevent me from speaking to him, but now she couldn't stop me from telling him. As soon as he laid eyes on me he snapped, "Momo what the hell is going on?! And you there what the hell are you doing with my daughter let her go on!" my dad snapped and instantly the guard let me go. I ran to Yuki's side. "Are you okay?" I asked and checked her leg. Her ankle was swollen and purple. That must have been quite a fall.

 "Honey! I thought you were supposed to be back tomorrow night! What are you doing here?" mother asked too shock to think of anything else to say. Father didn't immediately answer looking at Yuki's leg. "Are you a right? Jesus have you guys called an ambulance or something? This girl's leg looks awful! It must be broken!" my dad exclaimed. I shook my head. "Well goodness gracious. I am calling one this instant," my dad answered pulling out his phone. Mother looked annoyed and said, "Honey this person was trespassing. The person we should be calling is the cops," At this I grew angry.

"Trespassing?!?! She was rescuing me! And that wouldn't have been necessary if you didn't lock in inside the house!" I screamed losing it. Father instantly turned to look at my mother. "Locked in the house? Momo what is she talking about? Why would anyone lock you in the house sweetie?" my dad asked confused. My mother crossed her arms and feigned innocence. "I don’t know what she is talking about. She has clearly gone mad," mother said. I rolled my eyes at her lame excuse.
"Oh I've gone mad! Because locking your daughter in her house because she went out on a date with the maid isn't mad. I won't take this anymore! I am leaving and that is final!" I declared knowing that if my father accepted my leaving my mother could do nothing of it. "But there's no need for that. This is your home sweetie. God I don't even know what to think," my dad stated unsure of how to deal with the situation. I could tell he was at a dilemma here. For one he wanted to believe his only daughter, but he also wanted to believe his wife. I couldn't blame him for that, but I really needed him to believe me. "

Sir if you allow me I could tell you what's been happening in your absence," a voice spoke. We turned around to find Kojima Haruna, one of the maids, standing behind us. She had her arms crossed and I briefly remember her being one of the people that got along well with Yuki before she had left. I am surprised my mother kept her around. "Kojima-san isn't it? I would like that very much, but first let's call an ambulance for this young lady," my dad said dialing for an ambulance. My mom was fuming, but I could care less. Finally this were falling where they belonged.

Mayu rode with me the whole way to the hospital. It had been a wild night. Part of me was relieved, yet part of me was worried. Was it really over? Would Mayu's dad fix everything or would he be on Mayu's mother side? Mayu held my hand the whole ride to the hospital which sort of helped take my mind off the pain in my leg, but it still hurt. The doctor said I would be fine though. Even so I broke my leg so I was going to need a cast. I would be released from the hospital the next morning. Mayu had just stepped out of the room to speak with someone on the phone.

I sighed. I can't believe I broke my leg. Some rescuer I am supposed to be. I watch Mayu hang up her phone and walk back in. "I am staying the night," Mayu announced settling in the small one person sofa next to me. My eyes widen in surprise. "You are? What happened?" I asked unable to help myself. The suspense is killing me. "Well my parents are fighting. Dad wasn't pleased when he learned the truth. I am not sure what's going to happen, but he is getting me an apartment outside the house to keep my mom away from me. What's going to happen between them I am not sure," Mayu stated.

I beamed. Now I would be able to see Mayu whenever I wanted. This couldn't have gone better. But… "What do you mean what is going to happen between them?" I asked her. "Well the word divorce is running up in the air," Mayu explained. I felt bad instantly. I didn't want something like that to happen. "I am sorry. This is my fault," I told her. Mayu smiled and got up. She leaned down and kiss my forehead. I blushed at the sweet gesture. "Don't be. This wasn't your fault. My mother had a handful of affairs. My dad found out about those tonight as well," Mayu explained.

I felt relived. So I wasn't completely wreaking a good marriage. "Oh well. I guess it worked out in the end," I said happily. Mayu smiled. "Yup," She said and then looked thoughtful. "Oh and another thing. You get to move in with me," Mayu said. My eyes nearly fell of my sockets. Did I hear her correctly? Did she just say we are moving in together? No way. I have to have imagined this. "You're not actually serious are you?" I asked.

Suddenly she looked troubled. "I am sorry. That was rash of me. I should have thought about this more. I mean you already have a living arrangement somewhere and all…" her voice trailed off in the end sounding a little sad. I instantly interrupted her. "No no no! I'd love to move in with you! I just thought it was too good to be true!" I exclaimed excitedly. Mayu beamed and kiss me in the lips. The kiss was short, but sweet. We both were smiling when she pulled away. "Nope. But enough with all the talking. We'll discuss it tomorrow. For now get some rest!" Mayu ordered and I giggled. I was so excited. Finally we get to be together again!

I sighed as I switched the channels from the television idly unsure of what to watch. I had a bucket of popcorn in my hand. Finals were finally over and classes didn't begin until three weeks. I was beyond bored and had nothing to do. Normally I would go photograph something in the nearby park or call Airin to go get coffee, but I couldn't do neither. For one it was freezing outside and I wasn't bored enough to go freeze my butt off and as for the second one… Airin was still not talking to me. I am not surprised. Not after the way I ran away from her. I wouldn't be surprised if she never wanted to talk to me again. But that wasn't even what was bugging me most.

I looked at my counter were the tickets Mayu had given me a couple of days ago sat. The fashion show was tomorrow. And I still didn't know if I was going to go. Even without considering the fear of being rejected by Jurina, I don't even think I own the appropriate dress for that sort of occasion for crying out loud! Still it was my last and only chance to see Jurina. She was a celebrity now so it would be impossible to get close to her and I am pretty sure she is never going to come looking for me ever again.

 Even so I couldn't bring myself to go shop for a dress and make preparations. Honestly I am just so so so scared. Scared to go only to be rejected by Jurina. Scared of her anger towards me. Scared of heart break.  I don't think I can take any more heart break without having a breakdown. I just can't handle it. I spent a whole year convincing myself I didn't love Jurina anymore and now I can no longer lie to myself.

And I don't think if this goes badly it will be as easy to forget about her as it was the first time. Not that it even was easy the first time, but at least the first time I thought it was Jurina's fault and I was too mad to even feel that sad. Even so this was my fault. If anything I am the one who ruined things by not listening to Jurina so therefore I should go apologize right? Ugh my head can't with all this dilemma. Not to mention this fashion show was probably going to air on T.V.

How would Airin feel about seeing me with another girl on T.V.? She was already mad enough as it is. How would she react to seeing me with Jurina? Would she even talk to me again? I mean sure I don't love her, but she is still my best friend. Ugh, this is such a mess. I heard a loud knock on the door. I sighed. I really didn't want to get up. Besides who could be visiting me? The only person to visit me was Airin and I sincerely doubt she wanted to see me right now.

If she did she would have already answered to the hundreds of messages I left on her voice mail.  Even so I got up and tried to soothe my unruly hair trying to make it seem like I haven't spent my whole day lying around even though that's exactly what I had done.  I opened the door only to find Mayu holding a beautiful white gown on her right hand.

"If you thought I was going to let you get away with not going to that fashion show you thought wrong."

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.18 Updated!
« Reply #125 on: November 05, 2014, 08:04:42 PM »
Omfg you finally updated this fic!!!!!! Yayyyy!!!

I dunno what to say right now but I'm really grateful for the update!
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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.18 Updated!
« Reply #126 on: November 05, 2014, 08:22:27 PM »
O-MY-GOD you updated! :') you don't know how much I love you for updating it. :3 j-just too beautiful. :3

You are just awesome! I cann't wait for wmatsui part! :3


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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.18 Updated!
« Reply #127 on: November 05, 2014, 11:03:19 PM »
Thank you for the update~ :cow:
Hehe~ There is no way for Rena to get away, now that Mayu has arrived  :hehehe:
Mission accomplish for breaking Mayu out of her house :mon thumb:
Can't wait for Wmatsui meeting each other again :hee:

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.18 Updated!
« Reply #128 on: November 05, 2014, 11:08:37 PM »
Thank you for your update !!!

Finally Mayu can be together with Yuki
She finally get her happiness

And Rena and Jurina should get their happiness too >.<

Rena should go to the fashion show and knock some sense into Jurina's thick skull..

Anyway, I'm so happy you're back !!!
Nice update !!!

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.18 Updated!
« Reply #129 on: November 06, 2014, 12:24:40 AM »
 :shy2: Wahh! Everyone is so nice! Thanks for reading this even though I took forever to update! I promise the next chapter will be updated quickly!

Offline Konoe

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.18 Updated!
« Reply #130 on: November 06, 2014, 02:35:42 PM »
:shy2: Wahh! Everyone is so nice! Thanks for reading this even though I took forever to update! I promise the next chapter will be updated quickly!

I will trust your words. :twothumbs

Jeez, Mayu's mom is really crazy but good thing the dad is a good man. Now nobody can separate Mayuki anymore! :farofflook:

Looking forward for Wmatsui's reunion. :cool1:

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.18 Updated!
« Reply #131 on: November 06, 2014, 04:47:55 PM »
kawachin!!!! I'm so glad to see you back!   :w00t: I miss your update you so much :on slopkiss:

Please update again!  :cow: more MaYuki please!  XD

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.18 Updated!
« Reply #132 on: November 07, 2014, 01:37:25 PM »
You came back!!!

Mayu has finally escape...hope her family will setle down


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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.18 Updated!
« Reply #133 on: November 11, 2014, 04:01:53 AM »
















Offline kawaiiidolworld

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.19 (Final) Updated!
« Reply #134 on: November 16, 2014, 07:03:42 AM »
Ch.19 The girl I am going to propose to someday
Two of weeks later

I stood outside the waiting room of today's fashion show extremely annoyed. Mayu was late. Beyond late. And it was cold. I hate the cold. I don't understand why I have to wait for her outside the venue. Mayu always comes to these things with me plus this is a venue she is fairly familiar with. She doesn't need me to guide her or to wait for her outside. I am pretty sure she can find her way in like she has hundreds of times before. I guess she is just showing her childish spoiled side. That or she is making me pay back to telling Yuki where she was. That seemed more probable. I couldn't help it though. I just wanted her to be happy for once.

Is that really a bad thing? I couldn't let her mother control her fate anymore. It just wasn't right and I couldn't bear to see it any longer. I care too much for my best friend to allow it to happen. Not to mention it worked. They were together now. If anything she should be thankful right? Right? Then again Mayu was a little weird. Who knows what she is thinking. I looked at the clock. 6:55 p.m. The show started in five minutes. I wanted to strangle Mayu. She knew how much I hated being late to these things. I don't want people to get the impression I am irresponsible. Many people already thought that as it is because of the whole quitting scandal.

No way… I spun around and gasped as I confirmed my suspicion. Before me was not Mayu, but Rena. She was wearing a long white gown that clung to her body showing off her curves. Her hair hung loosely below the shoulders, a huge white crystal clip placed in the side. She looked completely and utterly breathtaking. I never seen her this beautiful before. I mean she was always beautiful, but right now she just looked like a princess straight out of a fairy tale. Before she always had this elegant aura around her, but now it that outfit it increase to an overwhelming level. I stared for another minute until I finally came to my senses.

"What are you doing here?" I finally asked confusion all over my voice. I suddenly felt like I was blasted with from a ghost from the past. What was going on? Why would Rena be here out of all places?  Rena flashed me a shy smile. She looked so lovely when she did that. Wait Jurina focus! "Watanabe-san gave me a ticket," Rena explained being a bit vague on the whole matter. As if it wasn't so unusual for her to suddenly show up in my life after kicking me out of her apartment a year ago. I wondered if this was Mayu's revenge. "Mayu did?" I asked her dumbly. Rena nodded. "Yeah and the gown too," Rena answered. Oh Mayu was definitely trying to get her revenge. I knew it. Shaking away that thought I asked, "Why are you here Rena?"

Rena looked uncomfortable by the question. She seemed nervous. Although I don't blame her. I was nervous too. I mean I haven't seen her in a year and the last time I saw her she was yelling at me. It wasn't exactly a pleasant memory. But at the same time I don't care if she is nervous or not. I have the right to know why she is here messing with the life I worked so hard to build in her absence. It may sound harsh, but getting over her was hard. I am barely standing on my own feet again and her standing before me is like taking a step back. "I wanted to see you and talk to you if possible," Rena replied honestly. For some reason this rubbed me the wrong way.

Oh now she wanted to talk to me after I begged her so much to let me talk to her? I begged her to give me at least a minute. I waited outside her apartment for an hour with my stuff laying in the ground, but she never opened the door. Did she think she could suddenly waltz into my life after a year and everything would be okay? I understand she threw me out because she was upset at the moment, but she didn't even try to reach out to me after she calmed down to ask for the truth. That was what angered me the most. "I don't want to see you," I answered coldly crossing my arms. Rena looked down for a moment obviously upset by my words. I instantly felt guilty for being so defensive.

She dressed up to come all the way over her and all even though it wasn't her thing. Plus she really did have a reason to believe I was cheating with her on Mayu. I mean I had done it before. I didn't mean to of course, but it played out that way. Those were the seeds I sowed. Seeds of distrust. But then again at that time she kicked me out it wasn't really cheating since she didn't even agree to go out with me again in the first place. At the point we were only roommates. She had no right to be so angry. I am not trying to excuse the fact that I tricked her at one point, but still. She had no right.  At least not angry to the point where she kicked me out.

Out to the streets even though she knew everyone was looking for me. It was a selfish move of her part and all because she was jealous. Still I couldn't bring it to myself to be mean to her. I just couldn't. I sighed. Why would you do this to me Mayu? Why? "You can stay if you want since you already came all the way over here, but don't expect anything from me," I told her my voice only a bit warmer, but not quite warm. This seemed to lighten up her mood though because she grabbed my hand and replied, "Yeah I like to stay." I blushed slightly at this, but turned around to hide it. I didn't want her to know how much her slight touch bothered me.

 "Come on our seats are over here," I said guiding her to our exclusive seats. This was Mariko's fashion show so I ended up scoring better private seats than usual. Mariko told me to sit this show out to rest since I had a busy schedule lately. Although I argued she refused to bulge. She said even I need a day off sometimes. I disagreed, but in the end she won. We sat down. Awkwardly. After all what do you say to the girl who broke your heart when she randomly shows up in your life a year later? Normally you yell at them, but I am not normal and I don't have it in me to yell at her. I sighed. This was going to be a long night. Once the show was about to start the venue grew dark. Rena suddenly grabbed my hand again. I looked at her trying my best to put up an annoyed look in spite the fact my heart was soaring.

Why? Why did it affect me so much even though I was supposedly over her? It shouldn't be like this. I shouldn't feel anything. She gripped my hand tighter and I know if there had been light she would have seen my blush increasing. I threw her another annoyed look. At least as annoyed as I could muster. Rena seemed to sense my discomfort because she then explained herself. "I don't like dark places," Rena finally revealed her voice shy. I felt my heart melt. How cute. Anyone would use that as an excuse to hold hands with the person they like, but Rena was too honest for that which made it cuter.

 No bad Jurina! You can't find her cute! My mind fought the urge to kiss her right then and there. Even though I was angry that's what I wanted to do most, but I won't. She doesn't get to get me back so easily. Not after what she did. Still I comforted her. "The lights will be on soon. Don't worry," I reassured her gently. Before I knew it Rena was resting her head in my shoulder and I didn't have the strength to push her away. I wanted this so badly, but... No what am I doing? It took me such a long time to even be able to stop crying over Rena. I couldn't do this again. My heart wouldn't be able to take it.

"You're really a kind person you know that?" Rena pointed out causing my already redden cheeks to flush even more. This time I did as gently as possible pushed her away. "Don't play games with me Rena. I don't want this. I don't know what you were thinking by coming here tonight. You made it clear we were over a year ago," I told her in a tired voice. Rena sighed. "I am not playing any games. I-I need you in my life again. I had move on Jurina. I had started dating Airi. I was happy," Rena said. Rena went out with Airin after she kicked me out?

For some reason that pissed me off. She told me she didn't have feelings for Airi. And yet she dated her when she broke up with me? "Oh yeah? Well maybe you should just go back with her," I snapped forgetting all about the previous hand holding. All I could see right now is red. I briefly wondered if that's how Rena felt when she saw me with Mayu. "I can't! I wish I could, but I can't. All the time even when I was with her it was always you in my mind. Then she proposed to me and I knew. I knew I couldn't do it anymore because the whole time I was wishing it was you. And then Mayu showed up and I just hoped I could make everything right again and that maybe one day I won't have to wish you were proposing to me because you'll me proposing to me," Rena cried.

Her tears flowed freely across her cheeks. I was just lost for words. Rena rejected Airi's marriage proposal because of me? Rena wished I would propose to her? I couldn't help, but be touched. My heart felt like it could leap right out of my chest right then and there. Somehow I wished I could be the one to propose to her too. In spite of everything that happened that was my biggest wish. To be with her forever. It's all I ever wanted since I met her.  I turned and saw her looking at me with the saddest eyes. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and captured her lips right then and there. Screw it. She stiffen at first probably due to shock since I kissed her so suddenly, but then she returned the kiss with the same amount of intensity. Her lips were so soft and sweet...

 I missed them so much. I missed her so much. Her sweet scent. Her warmth. Everything without her seemed so hallow and now everything is falling into place again. Her arms draped themselves around my neck as her lips devoured mine in the most passionate way. I gently nibbled on her lower lips asking for entrance which she readily agreed to. Our tongues proceeded to join in a fiery dance. My head was spinning and I wondered why I even tried to deny myself of this feeling which was so unlike anything I ever felt before. Screw pride. This is so much better.

Finally Rena pulled away panting. Our breath mingled as we smiled our faces only a mere inch away. And for this first time in a while I felt happy. I felt complete. "I love you," Rena whispered softly. I leaned in and gently kissed her milky neck. "I love you too," I replied burying my head in her shoulder. Suddenly I saw a flash. I quickly jumped and looked up to find myself surrounded by a ton of reporters who were eager for the most recent scoop. I groaned. Way to ruin the romantic moment.

"Matsui-san! Who is this?"

"Are you two dating?"

"Are you gay?

I sighed, but was slightly amused by it. This couldn't be helped after all and honestly I am too happy to even care. I grabbed a mic and said, "This is the girl I am going to propose to one day. So yes we are dating and yes I am gay. Now if you excuse me we should probably go someplace more private." I got up and grabbed Rena's hand who looked completely terrified. "Get ready to run," I whispered before pulling Rena up and making a mad dash out of there.

"Are you crazy?" I panted when we finally reached my apartment successfully avoiding the paparazzi. I have a feeling I am going to have to get used to it. I mean it wasn't the first time it happened, but god running in heels was not a pretty feeling. I was drenched in sweat and I basically spend the whole afternoon getting ready for nothing and yet I couldn't bring myself to be angry. Instead I felt giddy inside. We were back together. She didn't reject me. I feel like I can fly right now! Jurina chuckled and wrapped her arms around my waist. "Aww don't be mad. I just didn't wanna spend our first day back together harassed by the press," Jurina said in her most charming voice.

I resisted the urge to shiver as she pulled me closer to her body. "I am not mad. Well maybe a little. I mean I did spend the whole day getting ready for this stupid event," I answered with mock annoyance. Jurina raised an eyebrow and smirked. She leaned into my ear and whispered, "Well it was worth it. You look very nice." I bit my lip as I felt her warm breath in my ear. The gesture itself was so seductive I couldn't help, but to turn dark red. "T-Thanks," I stuttered embarrassed by the unexpected compliment and intimate gesture.

Jurina pulled away and flashed me a genuine smile. "You're welcome," she said in a soft voice. I felt my heart speed up as she looked at me with a needy look in her eyes. I am sure mine looked the same though. I never wanted a person as much as I wanted her. After a long year away this want instead of disappearing increased and got pended up. But that stupid year doesn't matter. We are together now. Her lips were close to mine now and moving closer and closer until… Bzzz! Jurina's phone went off in a rather unfortunate moment. Jurina groaned pulling away from our embrace and grabbing her purse to get her phone.

"Crap I am in trouble," Jurina exclaimed a bit flustered once she checked the caller Id. I watched as she answered the phone. "Hello? Hey Mariko!" Jurina answered cheerfully as if she done nothing wrong. It was probably how she got off of trouble all the time. Judging by the name I am thinking that is the designer she works for. Shinoda Mariko. I suddenly felt guilty. I hope this doesn't get her fired. She had been doing so well lately! I would hate to see it go downhill because of me. Maybe I should have met with her somewhere more private. Jurina kept talking by the phone, but it seemed she wasn't in trouble considering the conversation seemed to be light and she looked carefree. Finally she hanged up with a smile on her face.

"That was Shinoda Mariko. She is the main designer I work with and something like an older sister to me. She called to congratulate me on getting such a cute girl," Jurina said once more flattering me. I instantly blushed again. Jurina was such a sweet talker sometimes. I wonder if she even realizes it. "S-Shouldn't you be in some kind of trouble for this?" I asked trying to change the subject towards something less embarrassing. Jurina shrugged. "Not really. It's not like I am doing anything too scandalous. It's my life. People will forget about it soon enough. Besides Mariko was more amused than anything else," Jurina stated.

I nodded. Well at least she wasn't in trouble.  "I see. That's good then," I said awkwardly unsure of what else to respond. There was certain tension in the room and Jurina was the first to sense it. "I am aware we were interrupted. Get over here so we could continue where we left off," she said quite suddenly causing me to turn even redder than I already was. "Y-You don't have to be so blunt about it!" I managed to say as she laughed pulling me towards her. As her lips met mine all I could think was so this is where happiness comes from. I know one thing for sure. If this is the origin of happiness I am never letting go.

A/N Final chapter, but you see a longer piece for the epilogue! Promise. Thank you guys for reading.

Offline Zhen

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.19 (final) Updated!
« Reply #135 on: November 16, 2014, 07:43:05 AM »
THANKS FOR THE HARDWORK~ Can't wait for the epilogue :cow:

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.19 (final) Updated!
« Reply #136 on: November 16, 2014, 08:48:40 AM »

NEVER Thing it will update this fast!!!!

Thank you!!!!!!

And yes we needed the epilogue!!!



Offline Kirozoro

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.19 (final) Updated!
« Reply #137 on: November 16, 2014, 02:14:16 PM »
Wmatsui is finally back togethere!!!!!!



Offline River1721

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.19 (final) Updated!
« Reply #138 on: November 16, 2014, 07:59:00 PM »
Wmatsui are back together~ :onioncheer: and the whole world knows about their relationship too :mon lol:
Thank you for this amazing story!!! :mon thumb:
Can't wait for the epilogue~ :hee:

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Re: Kawaiiidolworld Fanfics~ The Origin of Happiness Ch.19 (final) Updated!
« Reply #139 on: November 16, 2014, 08:48:31 PM »
Oh my goodness, I was torn between feeling happy yet sad when I saw the word "final" on the chapter title but I'm glad that it's not the end yet with you preparing the epilogue!

Finally one story I follow will come to an end. ;)
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