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Author Topic: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 Epilogue~!! - COMPLETED  (Read 273851 times)

Offline mitsuhara_itsuko

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 14) UPDATE!
« Reply #720 on: September 20, 2013, 01:37:59 PM »
Knew it XD ... dunno if Mayuyu thought of that one tho XD ... thx for teh update! ^ w ^
hallo ... ds is ket

Offline kevinwkl

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 14) UPDATE!
« Reply #721 on: September 20, 2013, 03:57:23 PM »
olive29 : Yup, you're right... that was the sword that Vergil was looking for~

fael_cool : Nah... I didn't take it from Naruto... it's just an idea of my own  :on GJ:

cisda83 : They took down two assistants of the demon generals... This of course will anger them a lot. So, basically team Rena is going to be in a lot of trouble.. And yes.. Yamata no Orochi is the Snake demon with 8 heads.. More info on this in the next chapter..

Angeldarke : Yup... Rena slept for 3 whole days.. it's because she's a human... She definitely took in much more damage rather than her other team members..

mitsuhara_itsuko : Hmmm... Not sure which part you're talking about though.. :mon sweat:

Offline mitsuhara_itsuko

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 14) UPDATE!
« Reply #722 on: September 21, 2013, 01:19:46 AM »
Oh ... dun mind me XD ... I was just thinking out loud XD ... wuz talking about Choukoku and how she defeated Levy from the inside ... I expected the unexpected ... I expected Choukoku to beat Levy from the inside ... what I didn't expect was the part where she confessed and stuff ... I thought that part was all an act and part of her plan XD
hallo ... ds is ket

Offline kevinwkl

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 14) UPDATE!
« Reply #723 on: September 24, 2013, 10:57:30 AM »

Here comes chapter 15 of the series!!! :banana: :pepper: :leek: :taco: :muffin: :strawberry: :lock:

ENJOY!! :on GJ: :on GJ: :on GJ:


Chapter 15 - The legendary demon blade, Yamata no Orochi

“That katana is the legendary demon blade, Yamata no Orochi, am I right?” Nishishi asked, while her blade still piercing Lovetan’s shoulder.

“Y-Yes it is…” Lovetan finally answered.

“Where did you find it and who ordered you to get it?”

“I… can’t reveal that.” Lovetan stated. Nishishi then twisted her blade, inflicting extreme pain on Lovetan’s shoulder.

“Nishishi! Stop right now! This isn’t how things work in Hellsing! You should know better than anyone else!” Akane shouted.

“You don’t understand, Akane! This demon is dangerous! She was going to pass this blade to her demon master to rule the world!”

“The Yamata no Orochi is in our hands now, so let her go!” Akane replied.

“Remove the blade off her shoulder, Nishishi.” Sasshi’s voice was suddenly heard from the side.

“You don’t know what you’re dealing with here, Sasshi…” Nishishi glared at Sasshi.

“My patience is wearing thin. I said remove the blade off her shoulder....Nishishi…” The atmosphere in the room became extremely tensed.

“Do you even know what the blade she was holding was!?” Nishishi angrily asked.

“I don’t know about that. What I know is that you’re hurting Lovetan despite she being so helpless right now.” Sasshi said.

“She’s a demon, Sasshi! Demons are evil! They’re always up to no good.”

“In my eyes, you’re the evil one here, Nishishi. Now, remove your blade off her, and things will not get messy in here.” Sasshi warned.

“Sasshi’s right, Nishsihi. She’s completely helpless now. We outnumber her by a lot. The Yamata no Orochi is with me. There’s nothing she could possibly do.” Akane explained.

“Fine…” Nishishi finally removed her blade off Lovetan’s shoulder before continuing. “Consider yourself lucky. And don’t you dare take this blade away from us, demon! I swear to god, the next time you lay your hands on the Yamata no Orochi, you won’t live to see tomorrow. Are we clear?”

Lovetan didn’t reply at all and just looked away. Being angered from getting ignored by Lovetan, Nishishi then immediately grabbed Lovetan on her collar. A huge skeleton arm suddenly gripped onto one of Nishishi’s arm. “Stay away from her, Nishishi. I will not let you lay a finger on her anymore, you get me?” Sasshi warned.

“What’s going on here? I just got out of the hospital and I already received a call that there was a fight going on in the headquarters.” Rena and Jurina teleported into the room.

Rena immediately separated Nishishi away from Sasshi. She then asked. “Nishishi, what’s going on here?”

“This Lovetan here had been holding onto the Yamata no Orochi blade this whole time.” She explained. Nishishi’s statement caused Jurina to glare at Lovetan as well.

“Yamata no Orochi? What’s that?” Rena asked.

Jurina continued, “It is said that a few hundred years ago, the legendary demon Yamata no Orochi was sealed in the very blade itself. The wielder of the blade will gain the power of the Yamata no Orochi and also the title of the Demon King, having the power to destroy the world as well.”

*Yamata no Orochi = A legendary 8-headed and 8-tailed snake demon

“You heard that, Rena? This girl is dangerous to be left alive. If we let her live, sooner or later, she might have the chance to steal the blade away from us!” Nishishi explained.

“I agree with Nishishi, Rena-chan. We might not know what will happen if we let this demon live.” Jurina stated.

“I will not allow it...” Sasshi stated in a serious manner as a green aura coated both her arms.

“Me neither...” Akane said

“Leave her, Nishishi...” Rena finally spoke out.

“What? Didn’t you hear me, Rena? If we let her live, we’re going to risk the blade being taken away from us!” Nishishi answered out loud.

“She has no way of getting the blade back. She’s completely harmless now.” Rena stated.

“But what if the blade really go missing one day? Who will be responsible, huh?” Nishishi shouted.

“I will.” Rena answered.

“But, Rena-chan! It’s too risky!” Jurina continued.

“I’ve decided, Jurina! Don’t make me repeat again!” Rena raised her voice.

Being a little intimidated, Jurina nodded her head. “Y-Yes... I respect Rena-chan’s decision.”

“Fine!” Nishishi walked towards Akane and poked her shoulder. “You better hold on to this blade properly, Akane. And walked out.

“Wow... Nishishi seemed really sensitive about this matter.” Rena said.

“Yea... This is the first time i see her act like this as well..” Akane frowned.

“I’ll put you in charge of her, Sasshi. Keep an eye on Lovetan. Make sure she doesn’t leave” Akane ordered.

A few minutes later, Sasshi and Lovetan were left alone in the cell. Sasshi walked over to Lovetan and kneeled down on one knee. “Are you alright?”

“Go away...” Lovetan looked away.

“Let me have a look at that.” Sasshi came closer and held onto Lovetan’s injured shoulder.

“Ouch...” Lovetan moaned a little.

“You’re hurt quite badly... Let me fix this up for you.” Sasshi snapped her fingers. A zombie crawled out from the ground. It was wearing a bandage on its forehead.

“Take off your bandage.” Sasshi ordered.


“Don’t ask so many questions and just take it off, will you?” Sasshi raised her voice.


“You’re still not taking it off, are you?” Sasshi stood up and cracked her fingers.

A few brutal  and violent minutes later...

Zombie laying on the ground with a few huge lump and a swell on its head. Sasshi wrapped the bandage around Lovetan’s shoulder gently. Lovetan simply looked on, remained silent.

“Aren’t you afraid of me?” Lovetan finaly spoke out.

“Why would I be?” Sasshi smiled gently.

“...” Lovetan remained silent.

“I know you’re not as bad as how Nishishi and Jurina described you, Lovetan.” Sasshi continued wrapping the bandage around Lovetan’s injured shoulder.

“I’m a demon, though...”

“I know...” Sasshi smiled

"Then, why are you helping me?"

Sasshi stopped for a moment. "You're not evil.. I can tell that from your eyes."

“You’re really nice, Sasshi...”

“They say you’ll be extra nice to the ones you love, isn’t that right?” Sasshi shifted her eyes to meet with Lovetan’s.

Lovetan blushed. Somehow, she felt touched by Sasshi’s action and statement. Lovetan seemed  glued to Sasshi’s eyes. Sasshi looked back as well. Without realising, both of then found themselves in the world of their own. At that time, Lovetan started closing in towards Sasshi. Noticing this, Sasshi closed her eyes and slowly closed in as well. Closer and closer... So close that their lips were almost touching. Suddenly...

“Hey, what did we miss???” Gakuran and Chokoku entered and noticed that Sasshi and Lovetan were in an awkward position.

Upon noticing, Lovetan pushed Sasshi away.

After a moment of silence, Gakuran spoke out. “Is there something that we’re missing here?”

“Come on, guys... Of all time, why now!? I was so close!” Sasshi cursed.

“Making out with a demon, are we?” Chokoku voiced out.

“That’s none of your business. And answering you doesn’t explain why both of you are holding hands right now.” Sasshi stated while looking at them.

“Well, we’re official now... So... Yea...” Gakuran said.

“Well, that explains everything...” Sasshi nodded her head.

“Come out, Sasshi. Let’s have a little chat.” Gakuran stated.

“Sure... Just a minute.” Sasshi walked over to Lovetan and whispered into her ears. “I know you don’t like this place. Don’t worry. I’ll get you out of this place soon.”

Without saying anything, Lovetan nodded and smiled.

Rena’s house

“Rena-chan?” Jurina sounded.





“H-Huh? What?” Rena got startled.

“You seemed a little troubled, Rena-chan... Was it because i insisted on killing off Lovetan before this? If yes, then i’m sorry. I should have trusted your decisions more.” Jurina showed an apologetic expression.

Rena smiled and caressed Jurina’s face. “You don’t have to apologize, Jurina. I can understand. What bothers me is Nishishi. She seemed really angry about this matter. This is actually the first time i see Nishishi acting like this. I’m a little worried if i had offended her or something.”

“Maybe she just wants the best for all of us...” Jurina shrugged her shoulders.

“Yea... Maybe...” Rena still looked a little troubled.

“Just forget about it, Rena-chan...”

“How? It’s kinda a little stuck in my head now...”

“I can help you with that, Rena-chan...” Jurina closed in and started kissing Rena on the lips. Rena replied the kiss as well. Rena then naturally held onto Jurina as she let Jurina warm her up slowly. Jurina's hand moved down to Rena's thigh. Jurina slid her tongue into Rena’s mouth. Rena's tongue wrapped around Jurina's. Jurina's hands travelled up and down Rena's body. Jurina then pulled Rena's shirt off and revealed her black-laced bra. Jurina lightly moved her hands towards Rena’s chest, earning a little moan from her. By this time, Rena’s mind was completely blank.

Before they knew it, they were already laying on the bed, fondling with each other’s bodies while still kissing passionately. Both of them finally removed themselves from the heated kiss, gasping for air. Jurina leaned down again and kissed Rena on the neck before landing a lovebite on that very spot. Rena moaned from Jurina’s action. Jurina then proceeded downwards while leaving small kisses on the way. As soon as Jurina reached Rena’s belly button, she let out a loud moan. Noticing this, Jurina started circling her fingers round Rena’s belly button for quite sometime, earning loud moans for every circle made.

“J-Jurina... Stop...  I’m sensitive there...” Rena panted heavily.

“I know...” Jurina landed a kiss on the belly button.

“So, Rena-sama is actually sensitive at the belly button area...” A voice was heard from the side.

“Yea... I’ll note that down just in case if anything happens, i could use this info as a blackmail.”

“Eh?” Both Rena and Jurina looked to the side to meet up with Mayu and Yuki.

“Yo...” Mayu smiled and greeted.

“Kya!” Rena falcon kicked Jurina away and covered her own body.

Jurina lifted herself from the floor and scolded the Mayuki couple. “You shouldn’t barge into people’s house like this!”

“You shouldn’t have let the windows open.” Mayu replied.

“That’s not the point here, Mayu. Do you know many times have you done this?” Jurina continued.

“Well, i’d have to say this is only the second time. You and Rena on the other hand, barged into our intimate time about 8 to 9 times already.”

“Hey, i can’t help it if vampire make out sessions were so damn hot and spicy...” Jurina explained.

“Alright. Alright... Leave that aside.. What are you doing here?” Rena asked.

“Akane-sama asked for us to get back to the headquarters. She has something to discuss with everyone from Team Rena.” Yuki said.

“Team Rena is becoming infamous in the demon world for defeating two assistants of the demon generals. We attracted a lot of attention from the demons, Rena.” Mayu said.

“So that’s what Akane wanted to discuss with us about?” Jurina asked.

Mayu and Yuki nodded their head. “Akane said that she received a letter from a demon.”

Chapter 15 - The legendary demon blade, Yamata no Orochi

Next Chapter : Chapter 16 - An invitation
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 11:06:30 AM by kevinwkl »

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 15) UPDATE!
« Reply #724 on: September 24, 2013, 11:52:51 AM »
OMG! Hot making out session of Wmatsui...

But once again, get interrupted by Mayuki! Aww!!! lol...
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

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[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

Offline Koneki

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 15) UPDATE!
« Reply #725 on: September 24, 2013, 12:19:39 PM »
I started to hate mayuki(?) ok no xDDDDDdd
but why again?!! I wanted more ;___;
cruel/troll mayuki.. still I love you both >_<


waiting for the contii :D seems interesting :P

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 15) UPDATE!
« Reply #726 on: September 24, 2013, 03:24:43 PM »
Well sashi is attracted to lovetan but how about her?

What would happen to lovetan next?

Would she escape?

What is the content of the letter?

Would lovetan be good or bad?

What's wrong with nishi?

Why did nishi seem to be so angry with demon?

Can't wait up see the next

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Zita

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 15) UPDATE!
« Reply #727 on: September 24, 2013, 10:25:00 PM »
Demons sends letters? :oops: Nice.
Well next time they really should close that window. :lol:

Offline kevinwkl

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 15) UPDATE!
« Reply #728 on: October 02, 2013, 07:38:20 PM »

Chapter 16 of the series is here, people! :banana: :pepper: :leek: :taco: :muffin: :strawberry: :lock:

ENJOY~! :on GJ:


Chapter 16 - An invitation

Hellsing HQ

“What’s going on?” Rena saw that Akane was putting up an uneasy expression.

“Take a look at this.” Akane passed the letter she was holding to Rena.

Dear President of Hellsing Organization,

Yes... We do know about the Hellsing Orgnization. How this...Team Rena was able to defeat Doom and Leviathan despite using their ultimate skills. How do we demons know about this, you ask? That’s the sole reason why I’m writing this letter to you. It’s regarding my personal assistant and informant, Lovetan. I was the one who ordered her to spy on your Team Rena. You see, it’s been a few days since she had come home. I’m beginning to miss her a lot. She was supposed to return with a katana that belonged to me. I am well aware that the Hellsing organization had confined her together with the katana that she was holding onto.

So, I hereby invite you, the president of the Hellsing organization for a face to face confrontation. At 12pm tomorrow, you will be in the forest south of town with my assistant and my katana that you stole from me. Make sure you come alone. Follow my orders, and I will let your organization go free. If you do not comply with my instructions, however... Trust me, i will reclaim my assistant and my katana by pure brute force. Then i will personally destroy you and your organization. An advice for you, president. You shouldn’t mess around with a demon general.

“Lovetan is the assistant of a demon general?!!” Rena frowned.

“She seemed so much less powerful compared to the other assistant of generals we fought.” Gakuran stated.

“Well, the letter started off well... But it ended up as a threat.” Yuki said.

“It’s from a demon. What do you expect?” Jurina replied.

“It’s not just any demon. It’s one of the demon generals.” Mayu added.

“Well, at least the demon general was nice enough to wite a letter to inform me about this matter.” Akane said.

“Right... It didn’t even introduced its own name.” Nishishi stated.

“That’s not the point here, Nishishi.” Mayu said.

“So what’s your plan, Akane?” Rena asked.

“I’m fine with returning Lovetan back, but it’s still too risky to return the Yamata no Orochi.” Nishishi intercepted.

“We will not be returning Lovetan either.” Sasshi voiced out.

“Why not?” Nishishi replied.

“If you’re not returning the Yamata no Orochi, i will not allow you to return Lovetan either..” Sasshi stated.

“What are you talking about?”

“If Lovetan doesn’t return with with the Yamata no Orochi, she’ll be killed by her master. I’m not going to let that happen. Either we return both the Yamata no Orochi and Lovetan, or we do not return any at all.” Sasshi said.

“This isn’t the time to play along with your love games, Sasshi. We can’t just make this decision. It’s not as easy as what you think.” Jurina raised her voice.

“It is easy, actually. If you insist on returning only Lovetan, you will have to get past me.” Sasshi challenged.

“Stop fighting. The thing is, the demon general wants both the Yamata no Orochi and Lovetan back. I don’t think it will tolerate with us giving back only one of them or not giving any of them back at all.” Akane said.

“No. I don’t care about that Lovetan, but we’re not going to return the Yamata no Orochi. It’s too dangerous!” Nishishi retorted.

“If we do not comply with the instructions, we will be in danger as well. We’re not dealing with a normal demon or an assistant of the general we recently fought. We’re dealing directly with the demon general itself. Which, I presume is much more powerful compared to the assistants.” Mayu added.

“So, either way, we will risk our own lives, so why not we just keep the Yamata no Orochi? Who knows? If the demon general comes, we might still stand a chance against it.”

“So, you’re actually planing to fight the demon general? I don’t think it’s a good idea, though. Well, it did say that if we follow the instructions, it will let us go free.” Mayu said.

“You would actually believe that bullshit? We’re dealing with a demon, damnit! Right after following the orders, the demon general will still kill us all!” Nishishi screamed.

“Nishishi... You’re taking this too sensitively. Let’s talk about this nicely.”

“No. As long as you guys have plans on giving away the Yamata no Orochi, I will not agree with it, and i will not allow it to happen.” Nishishi replied loudly.

“I agree with Nishishi actually... Who knows what might happen if we just gave the most dangerous weapon away just like that. What more to a demon general.”

“But Lovetan was the one who found it in the first place. So, in other words, it belongs to her. Why don’t we let her decide what to do with it.” Sasshi exclaimed.

“You want us to ask opinions from a demon? That’s like the last thing anybody will do.” Jurina retorted.

“Then tell us, what other options do we have?” Chokoku sounded after a long moment of silence.

“Well.....” Jurina rolled her eyeballs upwards, trying to figure out an answer.

“So, we’ll go with Sasshi’s option by majority then. We’ll let Lovetan decide what to do with the Yamata no Orochi.” Akane decided.

Team Rena, Akane and Nishishi confronted Lovetan once again.

“So, Lovetan. Mind telling us where you found this katana from?” Rena asked.

“I’m not going to tell you anything!” Lovetan screamed.

“Lovetan... We just want to know a little more about this blade. That’a all...” Sasshi said softly.

“...” Lovetan remained silent.

“Please?” Sasshi’s lovely voice melted through Lovetan’s heart.

“Where did you find it?” Rena asked again.

“Deep within the Krubera Cave.” Lovetan finally answered.

“Kru-what?” Jurina frowned.

“The Krubera Cave. The deepest cave in the world.” Akane and Mayu simultaneously said.

“I heard of it. It is said to have no end to the cave.” Yuki continued.

“There is actually an end to the cave.” Lovetan answered.

“There is?” Mayu and Akane’s eyes widen in shock.

“That was where the Yamata no Orochi was hidden years ago. The late demon king knew that no humans will be able to explore the cave to its deepest, so he hid it there. Out of everyone’s reach.” Lovetan explained.

“Not out of your reach, though.” Jurina looked at Lovetan suspiciously.

“That’s because i was born with a gift. I was special even among the strongest of demons. I’m able to track anyone or anything which is not human or has a demonic aura. The Yamata no Orochi blade’s demonic energy was suppressed completely. So, basically i was the only one in the world who could still track for it. I spent one whole month exploring the Krubera Cave before i finally reached the end of the cave. That was where i found the Yamata no Orochi. On my way returning home, i was ordered by my master to spy on Team Rena who had been gaining a lot of attention from the demons. That was when i was caught by Sasshi.” Lovetan explained.

“Well, that explains how you got the blade. So, what do you plan to do with it?” Akane asked.

“Eh?” Lovetan looked confused.

“We’re giving you a chance to decide something for us. Do you want us to return the Yamata no Orochi to your master or not?” Akane asked.

“W-Why are you asking me to decide something like this?” Lovetan was surprised.

“If we do not return you and the blade to your master, we’ll be killed. If we return you and the blade back, we might still be killed. What more, we will be the ones who recreated the demon king. Just assume that we do not know how to decide for this.” Akane explained.

Lovetan stuttered. “I... I...”

The next day, in the forest

“You actually came...” A voice echoed from behind a tree.

“Yes i did.” Akane was strapping the long box on her back.

A shadow came out from behind the tree. It appeared to be a young lady.

“You’re the demon general? You don’t seem like a demon at all.” Akane questioned.

“Are you questioning me?” She seemed a little angered by it.

“I have to make sure i’m not giving this to the wrong person.” Akane explained.

Without hesitation, she pierced her hand into the tree trunk beside her and lifted the tree up. From what it looks like, the tree was at least a hundred years old and yet she was able to lift it up from its strong roots with only little effort. She then slammed the tree back down. “Believe me now?” She asked.

“May i have a name?”

“Aren’t you asking for too much?”

“Aren’t you being a little too secretive?” Akane asked.

Her hand curled up into a fist for a moment. Then, she released her grip and answered. “My name is Umeda. Now pass me the katana.”

Akane unstrapped the long box from her back and tossed it towards Umeda’s direction. She then opened the box to discover a katana laying in it. A flawless blade with a purple handle. It definitely matches the description of the Yamata no Orochi.

“Good...” She closed the box back before continuing. “So, where’s my assistant?”

“She’s on her way here.” Akane said.

“Well, there’s no need for her to come home anymore.” Within a second, Akane was blasted into a tree and pinned up by the neck.

“Gah!” Akane was in pain. “Y-You betrayed our trust... You said you will let us go free!”

“You believed that?” I was just joking actually.”

“What about your assistant?”

“Now that I got my hands on the Yamata no Orochi, I don’t need her ‘gift’ anymore. I merely used her to get this blade.”

“Y-You’re a cheat...”

“I’ll take that as a compliment...” Umeda laughed before continuing. “From what i know, you’re the President of Hellsing, right? It seems you’re not that bright after all... You're dumber than i expected.”

Akane started snickering. “You’re right... I’m not that bright... I’m dumb. But this makes you even dumber than i am.”

Umeda slammed Akane onto the wall even harder. “What are you saying!?”

“The ‘so called’ Yamata no Orochi you’re holding onto is a fake one... Looks flawless, am i right? I spent the whole night duplicating the blade.”


“Never underestimate the intellect of the ex-captain of the battle strategy and tactics department. I did this to test your actions after getting the blade. Writing a letter does not make you the slight bit nicer. It seems that you failed the test badly.”

Umeda raised her claws ready to strike onto Akane before Akane spoke out once again. “Kill me, and you will never find the real Yamata no Orochi ever! Not even your precious assistant whom you used will help you anymore!”

Chapter 16 - An invitation

Next Chapter : Chapter 17 - Ambush

Offline cisda83

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 16) UPDATE!
« Reply #729 on: October 02, 2013, 10:38:26 PM »
Well... That's interesting...

Umeda revealed her own wickedness too fast...

Now that the hellsing knew about Umeda intention...

There is possibility for Lovetan to help Hellsing...?

Well if that was the case Sashi would be happy

Who was the one that derived with such a tactic...?

Nice one too... Was is Mayu, Lovetan or Akane?

Can't wait to see the next chapter

Ambush... so the hellsing going to ambush Umeda or the other way around?

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 16) UPDATE!
« Reply #730 on: October 03, 2013, 01:17:12 AM »
WoW what will happen next  :ding:

akane will died or team rena are going to save her this is a mystery  :hiakhiakhiak:

great fic continue please  :onioncheer:

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 16) UPDATE!
« Reply #731 on: October 03, 2013, 02:54:18 AM »
Okay, I've been a silent reader for a while but now shall start commenting..

WHOAAA!!! This is awesome!! Ume's the demon general??!! Why did you... *nevermindjustinshock*

Oh man, Sasshi defending Lovetan is so lovely~

Wonder what will happen next.. Will be waiting for your updates for sure. :)

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 16) UPDATE!
« Reply #732 on: October 03, 2013, 11:46:17 AM »
Umeda huh? ... haha ... niiiice :DD

looking forward on how they'll do in dealing with her :DD
hallo ... ds is ket

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 16) UPDATE!
« Reply #733 on: October 05, 2013, 06:30:04 PM »

Here's another chapter of my fic~! :banana: :pepper: :leek: :taco: :muffin: :strawberry: :lock:

ENJOY~! :on GJ: :on GJ: :on GJ:


Chapter 17 - Ambush

“How dare you challenge me like this!?” Umeda was completely furious.

“Seems like you showed your true colors way too fast. I already expected that you will never let us go free even after we returned the Yamata no Orochi. Like Jurina said, demons will always be demons.” Akane snickered.

Umeda slammed Akane onto the tree once again and gripped onto her neck harder to suffocate her. Umeda said angrily. “You made a grave mistake.”

“No... You’re the one who’s making a grave mistake. Kill me right now, and you can kiss the Yamata no Orochi goodbye!”

Being completely angered by Akane’s action, Umeda still didn’t want to let go of Akane. She then smiled evilly. “I don’t need the Yamata no Orochi... I can just rule the demon world using my own powers!”

“You what?” Akane seemed a little surprised.

“In other words... I will make sure you suffer and die right here, right now.” Umeda’s statement shocked Akane quite badly. Umeda raised her claws again to strike right onto Akane’s head.

“Decaforce Type 3 - The Sonic Sword : Silfarion!” Rena appeared from the side in an instant and swinged her sword down to strike Umeda. Without moving away from her position or even looking towards Rena’s direction, she raised her other hand and managed to catch Rena’s sword using only two fingers.

“What!? How did she see that coming?” Rena was shocked. Umeda then tossed Akane towards Rena as thy both fell onto the ground at the same time.

“Your little ambush is mere child’s play for me. I saw that one coming easily.” Umeda answered.

At this time, Yuki and Gakuran came from the nearby bushes with their whole body coated to ambush Umeda. Upon noticing, she gracefully dodged both attacks and managed to grab onto their arm. Yuki’s arm on her left, and Gakuran’s arm on her right. She then spinned around and tossed both of them far away, slamming through few trees. Chokoku used this timing to leap down from the tree above to land a powerful punch onto Umeda. Despite Chokoku having an immense strength, Umeda managed to punch Chokoku’s fist away, deflecting her attack before landing a high speed kick right onto Chokoku’s face that sent her flying far away.

“Another two in that bush over there, why don’t you just come out right now.” Umeda pointed at a nearby bush.

“Crap. We got discovered.” Jurina and Nishishi hopped out of that bush.

“Nobody can ever hide from me... Ever. I can see through everything. Hear through everything...” Umeda stated.

“You never see through my plans, though.” Akane smiled.

“That was my mistake. I accidentally let my guard down that time... I was just too excited about getting the Yamata no Orochi back.”

“What kind of demon general lets her guard down so easily?” Gakuran insulted.

“Speak all you want. This will be your last chance to speak before i destroy all of you.” Umeda snickered.

“Be on guard, all of you. She’s not as simple as she looks. She’s one of the demon general after all.” Mayu sounded from al their earpieces.

“I don’t need you to tell me that, captain.” Akane answered.

“Ah... Forgive me. I almost forgot that you were the captain of the battle strategy and tactics department before me.” Mayu was a little embarrassed.

“So, that was the captain, Watanabe Mayu...” Umeda smiled.

“The voice came from our earpieces. You’re able to hear to that extent?” Rena was shocked.

“As i said, i can see and hear through everything... The slightest sound.. Your movements... Hear your heartbeat... I am even able to look deep into your heart..”

“I remember now... Umeda, one of the four great demon generals. The only known demon who fights using her fists and legs and doesn’t possess any demonic type powers, but instead has the ability to see and hear anything within a kilometer of her range. She could even see and hear things that normal human will never be able to see or hear. With the utilization of her ability to the fullest, combined with the incredibly immense strength and speed she possesses, her hand-to-hand combat skills were said to be even on par with the late demon king.” Jurina explained.

“You know something about me, it seems... I remember you as well... Center. Born as a nephilim from a demon father and an angel mother. Just to let you know, I knew your father for quite some time.” Umeda stated.

“Y-You knew my father?” Jurina’s eyes widened.

“You looked shocked.. Ah... Could it be that you have never met him before?” Umeda asked.

“...” Jurina remained silent.

“Too bad you will never get the chance to meet him, though. Since he’s busy undergoing his eternal torture in hell for making out with an angel. You, Center... Was a mistake in the first place! You’re not even supposed to exist!” Umeda laughed a little at her own statement.

“Stop insulting Jurina, you bitch!!” Rena rushed forward and swinged her sword upwards. “Decaforce Type 7 - The Gravity Blade : Gravity Core!”

Rena swinged her Gravity Core downwards to land a powerful strike. Using only her bare hands, Umeda managed to deflect the Gravity Core away by punching it from the side, causing Rena to be pulled aside as well from the weight before greeted with a high speed kick that blasted her right through a rock. “You’ve got a strong weapon there... But still, your movements are way too slow.. I read your movements easily.”

“Too slow, huh? Try some vampire super speed!” Gakuran and Yuki cracked their fingers and leaped towards Umeda in their fastest speed to land a high speed punch simultaneously. Despite Yuki and Gakuran moving at their top speed, Umeda managed to see through their movements easily and grab hold onto both their fist tightly, halting their movements.

“Gakuran Vondrak Bloodscream and Black Vladimus Dracula. The both of you came from renowned royal vampire families... Umeda stated while still gripping onto their fists tightly. Both Yuki and Gakuran attempted to remove their fist away from Umeda’s grip but to no avail. “The both of you have the speed... But still, you lack the strength.” She then increased her strength and crushed both their fists, causing both Yuki and Gakuran to scream in pain.

She let go of both their fists and landed a high speed punch on both of them at the same time, sending them flying before snickering. “This is what you call a punch...”

Chokoku coated her arm with a concentrated gold aura before leaping towards Umeda to land a powerful blow. Upon noticing, Umeda released her own punch towards Chokoku’s fist to defend against it. Chokoku then swinged her other fist towards Umeda but immediately got deflected away by a high speed kick towards her arm. “You’re strong...”

Umeda spinned her body and attempted a powerful kick, but got successfully defended by Chokoku with both her arm. Umeda smiled a little. “Not bad...”

Chokoku suddenly felt extreme pressure on both her arms as Umeda increased the force on her kick. Not wanting to lose, Chokoku released her aura completely, forming the shape of a huge golden wolf. This time, Chokoku was able to defend against Umeda’s powerful kick effectively. Umeda smiled again. “I’d give you some credit, Chokoku. You really do live up to your name as the strongest werewolf in the world. Being able to make me use 60% of my power...”

Chokoku’s eyes widened. “Only 60%?”

“You wouldn’t want to see me in my 100% form... Even the late demon king wouldn’t want to see it..” Umeda said. She took this chance to spin her body once again and landed a successful high speed kick on Chokoku’s face and sent her flying away.

This time, Jurina leaped towards Umeda with her scythe and attempted a slash. Upon noticing, Umeda somersault backwards and managed to dodge it. “I saw you coming, Center...” Umeda smirked.

“How dare you hurt Rena-chan! I will not forgive you!!” Jurina sent a series of shockwaves towards Umeda. Instead of dodging, she ran towards the shockwaves direction and punched her way through it before reaching the front of Jurina.

“S-She punched through the shockwaves...” Jurina was literally shocked.

“Demons are way stronger than angels, Center...” Umeda said.

“That’s where you’re wrong!” Jurina swinged her scythe towards Umeda once again. This time, she caught Jurina’s scythe with her bare hands. Jurina suddenly smirked. “You know very well what will happen if demons touch an angel weapon..”

Umeda’s hand suddenly started to burn. Jurina took this opportunity to pull her scythe away. To her surprise, Umeda still had her hand tightly gripping onto the scythe despite her hand burning. “I’m not sure what you’re trying to say..” Umeda frowned. “This feels... A little tingly..”

“What!? She wasn’t affected!?”

“I’m not your average demon, Center. Remember this fact. I don't have a weakness.” Umeda lifted the scythe along with Jurina and slammed her to the ground.

At this time, a blade extended from the side, aiming straight for Umeda’s face. As she noticed it, she dodged to the side to evade the attack.

“Release : Kyodaina Ken!” Nishishi shouted. The width of her blade increased in an instant and managed to graze Umeda a little on her face.

“Didn’t see that coming, did you?” Nishishi smirked.

“Don’t get too full of yourself!” Umeda suddenly disappeared into thin air.

“Where did she go!?” Nishishi was shocked.

Umeda reappeared from behind Nishishi and raised her claws to strike down. Another blade then deflected her claws away. “No back stabbing.” It was Akane.

“Not bad.. You read my movements... Try reading this!” Umeda disappeared once again and reappeared behind Akane. She immediately swinged her blade behind her to clash again with Umeda’s claws and deflected them away once again.

“You’re very fast...” Umeda was impressed.

“You’re not the only fast one here, Umeda. I have a special ability as well...” Akane pointed her blade towards Umeda.

“...” Umeda remained silent and looked at everyone.

“What’s the matter? Let’s end this fight right now.” Akane said.

“Seems like I’m done here. I’m leaving.” Umeda’s statement shocked everyone.

“What? You’re leaving? Just like that?” Nishishi looked at Umeda suspiciously.

“I think I’m just going to sit back and watch some interesting drama that is going to happen in the near future...” Umeda answered.

“What the hell? That was so random...” Nishishi stated.

“I can see through everybody’s hearts... And I saw... One of you possess an evil heart. One more evil than mine... I’m not going to reveal who is it, though. There will be no fun if i just tell who is it. I think I’ll just sit back and watch how this drama will develop. I’m more interested in this now.” Umeda expained.

“You’re talking nonsense right now, Umeda.” Akane retorted.

“Trust me, President. There is nothing that i will see wrongly.” Umeda stated her final sentence before disappearing into thin air.

“What did she just say?” Rena got back to her feet.

“Not sure what she really meant by that, though...” Jurina shrugged.

“What she meant is that there is a betrayer among us.” Chokoku sounded.

“I still do not trust her.” Akane stood firm on her opinion.

“But Umeda said that she was never wrong in this...” Rena said.

“If the president lose faith even in her own members, the organization is sure to fall. I know all of you very well, and i do not believe any of you will betray Hellsing.”

“It’s probably just some psychological thing she did to make us suspicious of each other...” Gakuran answered.

Nishishi nodded and smiled “I’m proud to have a president who trust her comrades to this extent, Akane.. I should buy you a parakeet..”

“You will?” Akane got a little excited.

“Nope. I was just joking..” Nishishi laughed.

“I knew it... We’re done here, so let’s go back now.” Akane stretched her body and sheathed her blade back.

“Aww... I was just getting pumped up to see you in action, Akane...” Rena said.

“I haven’t fought for quite some time, so my skills may have gotten rusty a little...” Akane explained.

“But you were so cool when you defended against Umeda’s high speed attacks! I wanna see more of your fighting skills, Akane!” Jurina screamed like a fangirl.

“Don’t worry... You’ll be able to see it sooner or later..” Akane smied.

Back in Hellsing HQ

“You asked us to go against your master... Why?” Sasshi asked.

“I just didn’t want to work under her anymore... I was always threatened and tortured by her if i do not listen to her orders or when i fail to track someone. I was afraid of her... I just do not want to face her anymore... She wouldn’t kill me though, because she needs me to track for the Yamata no Orochi. But once she lay her hands on it, i doubt i will be of any use to her anymore. Then, she will kill me.” Lovetan explained.

“You’ve gone through a harsh life... How did she torture you?” Sasshi asked in a worried expression.

“She mostly punched me....”

“It must have hurt a lot, huh...”

“Yea, it does...” Lovetan nodded.

“I’m a zombie, so i don’t know much about pain and i don’t really remember what pain feels like..” Sasshi shrugged.

“Well, my pain isn’t something anybody would want to remember, though.

Without uttering a single word, Sasshi pulled Lovetan into an embrace, startling her. “W-What are you doing?”

“I’m sorry.. Please forgive me, Lovetan..” Sasshi suddenly apologized.

“W-Why are you apologizing suddenly?”

“I’m sorry that i didn’t get to protect you from your master, Lovetan. I just wish i knew you long ago... Then i could have protected you. You wouldn’t have been tortured by your master, then.”

“...” Lovetan remained silent as Sasshi tightened her hug.

Lovetan then sounded. “You’re really nice, Sasshi... You care for me a lot..”

“Of course i do... I love you, that’s why.” Sasshi shot a smile at Lovetan.

Lovetan blushed at Sasshi’s statement. Sasshi continued, “You don’t have to be worried about getting tortured or hurt anymore, Lovetan. From now on, i will be the one who protect you.. I will not allow anybody to hurt you.”

At another side of the headquarters, Mayu and Yuki were chatting with each other.

“Hey, Yuki...” Mayu called out.

“What is it, Nezumi-sama?” Yuki replied.

“Something bothers me a lot...”

“You’re bothered by something? What is it?”

“It was what that demon general Umeda said... She said someone from the group possesses an evil heart.. I’m really troubled by this.”

“I see... I’m not too sure about that..” Yuki rolled her eyes for a moment before meeting up with Mayu’s eyes squinting suspiciously at her.

“W-What’s wrong, Nezumi-sama?” Yuki seemed surprised.

Mayu poked Yuki’s nose. “You’re not the one that Umeda’s talking about, are you?”

“Of course not. I suspect you’re the one instead...” Yuki poked Mayu’s face.

“How can i be the one she’s talking about when i wasn’t even there in the first place? You’re the one!” Mayu pinched Yuki’s face.

“And i already said i’m not a betrayer.” Yuki pinched both Mayu’s cheeks.

“Ouch! Ouch! It hurts!” Mayu complained. Yuki realised that she was using a little too much strength and released her grip immediately.

Mayu immediately got teary eyed, covering her face. “Y-You just hurt me, Yuki... How could you...”

“F-Forgive me, Nezumi-sama... I didn’t mean to...”

“You’re the betrayer, Yuki... You just tried to hurt me...”

“I’m sorry... Is there anything i can do so that you will forgive me?” Yuki sincerely asked.

“Kiss me.” Mayu removed her hands off her face and closed her eyes. Without hesitation, Yuki leaned in and kissed Mayu on the lips. The kiss started becoming more and more passionate.

Mayu immediately pulled away before things get more intimate than this. “We’re in the organization, Yuki. We shouldn’t be kissing here. Let’s wait till we go back home first, ok?” Yuki smiled and nodded at Mayu’s statement.

“Aww... Finished already?” Jurina who was watching pouted her mouth.

“Yea.. I was waiting for more.” Rena said.

“Hey, stop watching!” Mayu shouted.

“You’re the one who started making out in a public place. Don’t blame us for watching.” Jurina replied.

“Oh yea... Nezumi-sama, you have to get ready.” Yuki sounded.

“Huh? Get ready for what?” Mayu frowned.

“Your hunter training with Akane-sama. I already applied your name to be an official hunter in Hellsing.” Yuki smiled.

Mayu’s jaw dropped open. “YOU DID WHAT!?”

Chapter 17 - Ambush

Next Chapter : Chapter 18 - Lightning Blade

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 17) UPDATE!
« Reply #734 on: October 05, 2013, 07:12:55 PM »
I think its nishi or mayu?since mayu family still mystery

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 17) UPDATE!
« Reply #735 on: October 05, 2013, 07:23:43 PM »
I'm curious about this one who possesses an evil heart XD
and a little hot Mayuki moment at the end of the the chapter  :wub: SWEET!
So now Mayu'll train to be a hunter like Yuki and the others, too! Can't wait.
Thanks for this update  :P

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 17) UPDATE!
« Reply #736 on: October 05, 2013, 08:42:47 PM »
Ohh an evil heart... Hmm nishi or akane would be my guess

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 17) UPDATE!
« Reply #737 on: October 05, 2013, 10:51:51 PM »
Who is the betrayal...?

I think I agreed with qr.rima-san.... My guess would be between Nishi or Akane....

Ah... sashi and lovetan...

Eh... Mayu is going to undergo training...

Going to be interesting....

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 17) UPDATE!
« Reply #738 on: October 05, 2013, 11:04:52 PM »
prob nishishi... ah... this 'll be really interesting(though it's already real interesting)

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 17) UPDATE!
« Reply #739 on: October 06, 2013, 03:07:19 AM »
Lightning blade???

If my hunch seems right, that's Alastor???

Hey Jurina, why the Osiris and Mjollnjr are your only weapon?? You should have at least Beowulf or Cerberus...

Maybe they need a Reaper to help them against Demon General since their strength are comparable to the demons... :) :)

Waiting for your next update... XD XD
(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
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