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Author Topic: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 Epilogue~!! - COMPLETED  (Read 273811 times)

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 12) UPDATE!
« Reply #700 on: September 04, 2013, 02:46:32 PM »
so cute~! LoveTan the demon~  :hee:
i wonder who is her master and what is the identity of the katana~ :dunno:
5km below the sea is really deep~!   :pleeease:
water pressure must be very high~!  :frustrated:
Compare the size with hunters is like pea to Leviathan~!?  :shock:
with all disadvantage in this pacific ocean battle field~
wonder how their gonna defeat Leviathan with their power and strength~?  :glasses:
can't wait for the next chapter~!   :ding: :ding: :ding:

Big Thumb up for your story~!  :onionwhip: :onionwhip: :onionwhip:
Thank you~!!!  :on lol:

Offline cisda83

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 12) UPDATE!
« Reply #701 on: September 04, 2013, 08:15:00 PM »
Ah... Would lovetan accept sashi to being her partner or lover?

What kind of their power being picked that one?

Can't wait to see the drama...

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 12) UPDATE!
« Reply #702 on: September 04, 2013, 08:42:43 PM »
Oh Sasshi ........... that was quick. :grin:

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 12) UPDATE!
« Reply #703 on: September 05, 2013, 02:40:04 AM »
hehe I like Sasshi's personality

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 12) UPDATE!
« Reply #704 on: September 07, 2013, 07:57:13 AM »
Hrm??~ Sasshi you just confessed you love!!~
-Aw...I'm happy for you Sasshi but...Will Lovetan accept it??~
-But she's acting good after the confession so possibly, yes!!~
-Woah!!~ I want to know Sasshi's past life when she's alive too!!~
-But...Meh...Anyway, leviathan has appeared and wow...
-By the looks of it...It's going to be a hellish fight there...Geez...
-Hehe...Beat it!!~ I know they'll figure it out sooner or later!!~

>So plz update soon!!~ I can't wait for the next one!!~ Great chapter!!~

Offline kurogumi

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 12) UPDATE!
« Reply #705 on: September 07, 2013, 12:12:51 PM »
wa sasshi! taht soo straigh!
our zombie lord falling in love...

the demon became more stronger

aww bad bad mayu why don't you go with yuki...


Offline kevinwkl

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 12) UPDATE!
« Reply #706 on: September 11, 2013, 12:26:53 PM »

Sorry for the late update, guys... Been busy~

Well, here's Chapter 13 of my series~

ENJOY!! :banana: :pepper: :leek: :taco: :muffin: :strawberry: :lock:


Chapter 13 - Boil

“GOTCHA!!” Chokoku managed to grab hold onto both its tentacles.

“Good one, Chokoku!! Now hold it like this!” Gakuran and Yuki then propelled themselves towards the leviathan with an incredible speed and landed a successful punch on its head at the same time. The leviathan definitely felt some pain in that punch as it growled. But still, to their surprise, both Yuki and Gakuran actually felt pain in their own fists as well.

“Wow.. Just how hard is its scales!? That actually hurt quite a bit.” Gakuran swinged her hand to rid herself of the pain. Yuki did the same.

Enraged by the punch, the leviathan started swinging its tentacles around vigorously, bringing Chokoku swinging along. It then slammed Chokoku against a rock continuously to release her from the grip but to no avail as Chokoku persevered and remained gripping onto both its tentacles, restricting its movements. Despite the leviathan being so huge, Chokoku was able to remain her grip onto its tentacles with her immense strength.

“Let’s go, Yuki!” Both Gakuran and Yuki increased the concentration of auras in their arms before propelling themselves towards the leviathan. Upon noticing, it slashed both its scythes towards them and sent a shockwave of air with an incredible speed. Gakuran and Yuki immediately dodged to the side. Due to the immense force from the shockwave, they still got hit by it.

Without wasting any more time, the leviathan swinged one of its scythe towards Chokoku to land a deadly blow on her. As Yuki and Gakuran got blown off, they didn’t get a chance to react to the sudden action. All of a sudden, its scythe was stopped by something. It was Jurina. She was blocking the leviathan’s scythe with her own scythe. Though the leviathan’s scythe was at least one hundred times larger than Jurina’s, she managed to stop the attack effectively using her full strength.

“Decaforce Type 1 - The Metal Sword : Eisenmeteor!” Rena then appeared on top of the leviathan’s head and attempted to pierce the sword through its head but instead, upon impact, it made a clanging sound. A little spark was also seen as well. “Wow! It’s scales are really hard! It’s like iron!” Rena was literally shocked.

“Scales as hard as iron, huh? That’s nothing for a zombie!” Sasshi who appeared at the scene attempted a bite onto it as well. To her surprise, her fangs wasn’t able to penetrate the scales fully either. Sasshi then removed herself from it and complained. “That’s even harder than iron!!”

“You guys came!” Gakuran, Yuki and Chokoku were happy from the sight of Jurina, Rena and Sasshi entering into the fray.

Jurina and Rena were already engulfed with a holy aura.  Sasshi was engulfed with her own green aura as well. Sasshi engulfed herself not because she couldn’t breathe under water. In fact, she doesn’t even have to breathe at all. It’s just that the aura is protecting her from the water pressure. The water pressure could have easily crushed her whole body completely without the aura.

The leviathan then released an aura that blasted everyone away from it.

“It’s more powerful than I thought!” Rena complained.

“So… I guess it’s six against one…” The leviathan growled.

“Exactly.. You should give up. We have the advantage here!” Jurina shouted.

“………” A moment of silence…

The leviathan then burst into laughter. “I’m not sure what you mean by you have the advantage here actually… Just look at your size! All your sizes are like peas to me! I can easily crush all of you!”

“You just made us look like fools, Jurina..” Sasshi looked at Jurina.

“Oh yea? You can summon zombies! Go summon them out now. We’ll see if it’s able to take on a million zombies at the same time.” Jurina replied.

“We’re 5000meters below sea level, Jurina… To summon the normal infected, I need to channel my aura into the ground.”

“T-Then summon your huge arms! Your skeleton arms! You have a lot of them too, right?”

“Well… I need the ground for that too… No ground, no summon. Get it?”

“What!? So, that basically means you’re useless under water!?” Jurina stated.

“Well, I didn’t say that, though. I’m the zombie lord after all… There are a lot of things I can summon. Even in the middle of the sea.” Sasshi increased the concentration of aura on her arms and held them to the side and channeled her aura into the water. “I need some time for this.”

“Then we’ll start our assault first. Hey, Mayu. Any plans?” Rena asked.

Mayu sounded from everyone’s earpiece. “Its scales are extremely hard. It’s protecting its body. We need the scales out of the way.”

“You’re right about the scales. It’s too hard. How can we pierce through its scales?” Yuki stated.

“No… We can’t pierce through its scales. Piercing damage does nothing to the scales. We need something explosive or destructive to burst open the scales instead. In other words, the best weapon for Rena is the Explosion sword or Gravity Core blade. Jurina could use the brute force from her Mjolnir. Chokoku shouldn’t have much problem with her immense strength. I’m not sure what Sasshi is going to do though, but I trust her abilities. As for Yuki and Gakuran, the best task for the both of you is to grab on to the leviathan. It can move with an incredible speed under the sea, but the both of you are vampires. You have incredible speed as well. Even under water, I know you’ll be able to catch on to its speed.” Mayu explained.

“Got it. Let’s go!” All of them surrounded the leviathan.

“Angel weapon : Mjolnir!” Jurina leaped into action first.

Jurina aimed straight for the leviathan’s face. Upon noticing, it slided its head to the side only to be met up with a powerful punch from Chokoku which brought its face back towards Jurina’s mighty hammer. Jurina striked its face with all her strength and managed to make a huge dent on the scales. The leviathan screamed in pain and attempted to swim away but to no avail as both Gakuran and Yuki grabbed onto its tail, halting its movements. “Not so fast!” Both of them simultaneously said.

“Decaforce Type 2 – The Explosive Sword : Explosion!” Rena grabbed this opportunity to land a strike on the leviathan’s dented scales. Upon impact, the scales exploded, revealing its flesh.

“Wow… You were right about this, Mayu. Explosive and destructive weapons really do work well against those hard scales.” Jurina said.

“Of course she’s right. She’s Nezumi-sama after all…” Yuki stated.

“Awww, Yuki… You’re so sweet. This is what I love about you…” Mayu found herself giggling.

“Leave the lovey-dovey moments for when we come home safely. Concentrate for now, Yuki.” Jurina complained.

“Forgive me… Oh, one last thing, Nezumi-sama… When we come home, we’ll continue where we left off.” Yuki let out a grin all of a sudden.

“Wait… Continue what?” Jurina seemed interested all of a sudden.

“Our intimate time.” Yuki replied.

“How? Mayu had casts on both her arms.”

“I never said that she had to move…”

“What? You mean…… Oh…… I get it now… Wow, you sure are a teaser, Yuki.” Jurina giggled. Without realizing, Jurina got smacked away by the leviathan’s tail.

“Jurina!!” Rena shouted.

“Decaforce Type 3 – The Sonic Sword : Silfarion!” Rena then sent a series of shockwave barrage towards the leviathan. It easily dodged Rena’s attacks despite the speed of the shockwaves being so fast. It then swam towards Rena to deliver a scythe attack. As the leviathan sped up in an incredible speed, none of them had the time to react to it. Before they knew it, the leviathan was already in front of Rena, ready to strike. As it swinged down its scythe towards Rena, the scythe suddenly broke in half as something huge bit onto it and crushed it. The leviathan growled in pain. Despite having its scythe covered in the tough scales, it still got crushed in two. That is when everyone noticed it was a shark. A huge one.

“A-A shark? That’s huge!” The sight of the 70-foot long shark shocked everyone.

Mayu frowned. “Wait… That’s not just any shark. The only shark which can grow up to that size is the megalodon, the world’s largest species of shark ever. But megalodons don’t exist anymore. They’re extinct!”

Sasshi then voiced out. “You’re right, Mayu. They’re extinct. In other words, they’re also dead. My powers allow me to bring back any extinct or dead creatures back to life whether their bones were crumbled into pieces or not. I can just stick back pieces of bones and meat from dead fishes to form a body for the megalodon. That’s why I needed some time for that.”

“Your powers always seem to surprise me, Sasshi… Just how strong is the bite to be able to tear of the leviathan’s scythe with only little effort?” Mayu stated.

“Alright, let’s take humans for example. A normal human has a biting force of 100psi. After they become a zombie, it’s enhanced to 7000psi.” Sasshi explained.

“So, by calculating this way, a zombie’s biting strength will be enhanced by 70 times compared to when it was still alive. As far as I know, a megalodon had a biting strength of 30000psi. It means that as a zombie, it has a biting strength of 2100000psi!? I’ve never heard of any living thing with this amount of force before! No wonder it was able to crush its scales and scythe in just one bite! Even the crocodiles are nothing compared to this. That’s amazing!!” Mayu was literally shocked.

“Wow. It has a biting strength of 2100000psi? That’s amazing.” Sasshi looked surprised as well.

“How can you not know about your own zombie!?” Mayu scolded.

“Well, I wasn’t really good in Math in the first place, so leave me alone.”

“Well, now we have a monster on our side too.” Jurina said.

Being enraged with the sight of the scythe broken in half, the leviathan let out an angry growl. A huge burst of blue energy is then seen blasting out of its body, but nothing seemed to be happening.

“What just happened?” Rena frowned.

“She definitely did something there.” Jurina said.

Chokoku then noticed a tiny bubble floating upwards. “What the…”

Gakuran noticed a few bubbles floating upwards as well. “Hey, do you guys feel a little hot?”

“Yea, I do.. Strange…” Yuki frowned.

This time, more bubbles were seen floating upwards.

“Wait a minute…” Mayu seemed to have noticed something. As soon as she did, her eyes widened. “Guys, you need to finish that leviathan off quickly.”

“Why? What’s wrong, Mayu? You sounded panic.” Rena asked.

“ The sea… It’s boiling!” This statement made everybody’s eyes widen in shock.

“It has to be its ultimate skill. To make the sea boil! Finish it off and you’ll be able to deactivate its skill. Make it fast, though. Your auras are not resistant to withstand the boiling temperature for a long time! The longer time you take, the more auras will be evaporated from your body. Then the water pressure will start to crush you and by the end of the day, all of you will be boiled and cooked like steamed pork!” Mayu ordered.

“Stop scaring us like that, Mayu!” Jurina was a little shaken by Mayu.

“Then finish it off quickly!!” Mayu shouted.

“Let’s go! We can’t waste time!” Rena ordered. All of them rushed forwards at the same time. More bubbles are then seen floating upwards.

“It’s really getting hotter and hotter… I’m already starting to sweat.” Jurina said.

Yuki attempted a punch onto the leviathan but got easily dodged, only to be met up with a powerful punch from Chokoku which dented the scales on its face. Gakuran then landed a powerful high speed kick onto the same spot, causing a crack on the scales. This was followed by Jurina’s powerful Mjolnir and also Rena’s Explosion strike. Upon impact, the scales burst open, damaging it a lot. Enraged, it let out an ultrasonic roar that blows everyone backwards except for Gakuran who replied with her very own bat ultrasonic roar.

By this time, the sea was completely boiling. Without realizing, everyone was already feeling weaker and weaker from the extreme heat. All their auras are slowly fading and evaporating away. “M-My whole body feel weak…” Jurina stated as she panted.

“We can’t give up! We have to finish this together, Jurina.” Rena held her hand out for Jurina.

Sasshi’s megalodon dashed towards the leviathan and attempted a bite. Upon noticing, it dodged to the side and slashed the megalodon in half. To its surprise, despite being cut in half, the megalodon continued its way towards the leviathan and managed to land a powerful chomp on its neck, crushing its scaled completely while unwilling to let go. The leviathan screamed and growled loudly in pain from the powerful bite. This gives the others time to rush towards it to land their respective strike.

“Decaforce Type 7 – The Gravity Blade : Gravity Core!” Rena and Jurina smashed their Gravity Core and Mjolnir simultaneously on its head, instantly breaking its scales and striked right into its flesh. This gives Yuki and Gakuran to land a powerful high speed punch onto its bare flesh, inflicting extreme pain to it. Adding on to the pain was Chokoku, who punched that very spot as well. The leviathan then swinged its tentacles and managed to smack everyone away from it.

“Gah…” All six of them received extreme damage from that one tentacle swing itself. Maybe because their auras are getting weaker and weaker by the minute.

“M-My whole body hurts…” Yuki started to feel her body being crushed by the water pressure already.

“M-Mine too…” Chokoku as well.

The leviathan let out a series of water cannons from its mouth, blasting all six of them continuously and weakening them. At this time, the leviathan dashed towards Chokoku and opened its jaw, attempting to swallow her whole. Upon noticing, Chokoku held onto the top of its mouth with her full strength and the bottom part with both her feet. The leviathan then increased its strength, surpressing Chokoku completely.

“Chokoku!!” Others would want to help, but they felt too weak to react. Gakuran, who didn’t want her best friend to get eaten, dashed towards the leviathan with all her strength. She just couldn’t make it fast enough.

Chokoku then looked towards Gakuran’s direction as the fangs slowly surpressed Chokoku more and more. “Hey, Gakuran… This is something I should have told you for quite some time. If I don’t say this now, I might not have the chance to… I never liked Otabe. Your attention was always diverted to her. I…I just wish that you could pay some attention to me as well.”

Gakuran shouted as she continued her way towards the leviathan. “Just hang in there, Chokoku!”

“I think…I’m in love, Gakuran. Despite you being a vampire, you still cared for a werewolf. You’re the only person in the world who could understand me, Gakuran.

“Enough talking for now, Chokoku! Don’t you dare let go of your hand!!”

“I’m glad that I’m finally able to express myself. I have no regrets…” At this time, the leviathan slammed its fangs shut, completely putting Chokoku out of sight.

“NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Gakuran screamed. Everybody was shocked by the scene of Chokoku being swallowed whole.

“T-This can’t be…” Jurina was stunned.

“Chokoku was…” Sasshi as well.

“You son of a bitch!!!!!!” Gakuran released her black aura completely, being enraged so much. Despite already weakened so much, Gakuran was able to squeeze out the last bit of her energy for this revenge. Gakuran then dashed towards the leviathan with an incredible speed and landed a powerful punch on its face, instantly breaking its scales. As the leviathan tried to stay away from Gakuran, its movements were restricted by a few giant zombie octopus summoned by Sasshi. Rena and Jurina took this opportunity to land another powerful strike on its face once again while followed by Yuki’s high speed kick. The leviathan was finally in too much pain as it started swinging its whole body around, releasing itself from the scuffle.

By this time, all of their powers were completely drained from the extreme heat from the boiling sea and also from the extreme water pressure. They found themselves slowly losing consciousness as their auras got thinner. Despite already seriously injured, the leviathan blow another water cannon towards then, further injuring them. It then rushed towards them and attempted to swallow them whole as well.

“J-Just how powerful is this thing... M-My body… It’s too weak to move.” Gakuran panted heavily as her eyes got heavy.

“I-Is it over for us?” Rena said as she started to lose her consciousness.

“My body hurts a lot… I can't channel my powers out properly.” Jurina felt the water pressure crushing her as she slowly lose her conscious.

Yuki and Sasshi are also slowly losing their consciousness as well. By that time, they could hear nothing. It was as if they were in a vacuum area. They couldn’t breathe. Their whole bodies were being crushed. They could only see blurry images of the leviathan rushing towards them. It was unknown what happened during that period of time. Before they lose their consciousness completely, they noticed a shadow of someone reaching towards them. Their eyes then slowly closed, as their auras slowly faded away.

Chapter 13 - Boil

Next Chapter : Chapter 14 - I love you

Offline Zita

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 13) UPDATE!
« Reply #707 on: September 11, 2013, 01:04:20 PM »
Pffffff No worry.
Choukoku will kick his stomach or something like that. :thumbsup

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 13) UPDATE!
« Reply #708 on: September 11, 2013, 01:10:12 PM »
Pffffff No worry.
Choukoku will kick his stomach or something like that. :thumbsup

 :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: I sure hope so... Sayaka... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 13) UPDATE!
« Reply #709 on: September 11, 2013, 01:24:29 PM »!?!?!?  :shocked Chokoku??!!! And everyone too!!!!!!!!!!!  :shocked
Someone must save them!!!!!!! And I wonder who that is, the shadow at the last part of this chapter......
Thanks for this update :) Good chapter

ps: Mayuki's lovey-dovey chat is so cute  :lol:

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 13) UPDATE!
« Reply #710 on: September 11, 2013, 02:04:38 PM »
Thanks for the update... :bow:

Pervert Mayuki.. :inlove:

Argh..I hope they're all okay..

Can't wait for the next chapter..

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 13) UPDATE!
« Reply #711 on: September 11, 2013, 02:37:11 PM »
Ah... Everyone lost consciousness...

What's going to happen to them?

Who was the shadow at the end of the story?

What kind of troubles are they going to face?

Cant wait for the next chapter

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner (Chapter 16)(UPDATED)
« Reply #713 on: September 11, 2013, 07:49:30 PM »
WOW. STAGE 3? i wonder what gonna happen next?

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 13) UPDATE!
« Reply #714 on: September 12, 2013, 11:31:48 AM »
The next chapter title make me curious. XD

I'm guessing the helper is Nishisi?

Everyday Juriken

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 13) UPDATE!
« Reply #715 on: September 18, 2013, 04:23:32 PM »

Here comes the 14th chapter of the series!!!

ENJOY!!  :banana: :pepper: :leek: :taco: :muffin: :strawberry: :lock:


Chapter 14 - I love you

Rena finally opened her eyes and found herself lying on a hospital bed. “W-Where am I?”

“Rena-chan, you’re awake!!” Jurina glomped right into Rena’s embrace immediately.

“Ouch!” Rena flinched immediately, as she still felt pain in her whole body inflicted by the water pressure.

Jurina then removed herself from Rena as tears filled her eyes. “I was so worried about you!”

‘W-What?” Rena frowned.

“You slept for three whole days, Rena-chan…”

“T-Three days? I was out cold for that long?” Rena was surprised. Jurina nodded her head.

“Wait… What happened? I remember we were losing. Then the auras faded away.” Rena asked.

“Well, apparently we were saved, Rena-chan…”

“We were saved?? By who?” Rena frowned.

“Akane and Nishishi came on time… With full body equipments, of course. To withstand the pressure.”

“Wait… But that didn’t explain how we survived the water pressure.”

“Here’s the thing… Chokoku helped out on that.” Jurina’s statement shocked Rena quite badly.



The leviathan dashed towards them and opened its jaw wide to swallow all of them whole. That was when an extremely long blade extended and pierced the leviathan right where the scales were destroyed, halting its movements as it started growling in pain. Nishishi and Akane appeared on the scene with their full equipments. At this time, Akane unsheathed a blade from her waist, grabbing the attention of Nishishi.

“Wow wow. You’re not gonna use your sword ability here, are you? You’ll get us all killed instead.”

“Don’t worry about it, Nishishi. I’m not going to release its form.” Akane replied.

“We have to get them out of here fast. Their auras are fading away.” Nishishi said.

The leviathan is seen coughing out a lot of blood. It then grabbed its stomach and growled. At this time, its stomach burst out open as Chokoku is seen coming out of it fully coated with aura. The sight of Chokoku shocked both Akane and Nishishi. “You were eaten??”

“I did some thinking while in its stomach… Maybe, it was way too fast for me to leave just yet. It’s not fair for Gakuran to continue living her life in regret of losing her best friend. But still, I never thought its insides were so soft… So vulnerable… It didn’t feel hot at all in its stomach. It was so tempting. So, I just punched my way out of its stomach.” Chokoku explained.

“Good to see that you’re still alive.. Now, get them out of here. We’ll deal with this leviathan.” Akane ordered as she pointed towards Rena, Jurina, Yuki, Gakuran and Sasshi’s direction.

“I’m afraid there’s no need to deal with that leviathan any longer.” Chokoku said.

“What do you mean?” Akane asked. At this time, the sea stopped boiling. The leviathan laid there completely motionless.

“I tore and bit off most of its guts while on my way out.”

“Werewolves… Such vicious creatures…” Nishishi smiled.

“I’m doing it to save Gakuran.” Chokoku said.

“To save Gakuran?” Akane frowned.

“N-No… I said to save my team members.” Chokoku got flustered a little. She then swam towards her team members and grabbed hold onto all 5 of them before coating them with her very own gold aura.

“Well, mission accomplished. Let’s go back.” Akane said.

Back to present time

“Where’s Chokoku now?”

“She’s fine. She’s somewhere else with Gakuran right now.”

“Then what about Yuki and Mayu?”

“Well, they went for a mission…”

“They went on a mission without us?” Rena frowned.

“Nah… It’s just a small mission.” Jurina smiled.

At this time, Sasshi entered the ward, cheering loudly.

“Woooooooo…… Long live our leader!!!!!!” Sasshi screamed and cheered loudly.

She immediately got smacked on the head by the doctor in charge. “No screaming in the hospital, Sasshi.”

“Hey… Getting married with Acchan does not give you the privilege to smack me on the head. I’m the Zombie Lord after all, Takamina. I was the one who entrusted Acchan under your care, after all.” Sasshi pointed at Takamina’s face.

Takamina shifted Sasshi’s fingers away. “Right… But being the Zombie Lord does not give you the privilege to scream in the hospital. There are other patients here who need to rest as well.”

“Fine…” Sasshi gave up.

“Oh, Rena. Guess who came to see you as well.” Takamina said.

At this time, a very familiar people came into the ward. “Rena! It’s been some time!!”

Rena’s smile widened. “Acchan!”

“I heard from Takamina that you were admitted to the hospital. So, I came after I cleaned up the house.” Maeda smiled.

“So how’s marriage life?” Rena smiled.

“It’s a little hectic, I must say… I have to prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner… Clean the house… Mow the lawn… Housewife stuff…” Maeda scratched the back of her head.

“Talking about this… It’s been some time since I met Yuko and Kojiharu as well… I wonder how are they doing.” Rena said.

Jurina gave out a fake smile. “Emm… You see, Rena-chan… That’s the mission that Yuki and Mayu went on.”

“Huh?” Rena frowned.

“It seemed like Yuko caused some trouble in her village.” Jurina said.

Maeda nodded her head. “Yea… I heard about it too…”

A village far away from town

*Knock Knock*

Yuki knocked on the door of a cottage. The door slowly opened. Yuki smiled as she saw the person who was opening the door. “Hey there, Yuko-san. It’s been some time.”

Without replying, Yuko slammed the door shut immediately. A voice then sounded from within the house. “Who was that, Yuko?”


“There’s definitely somebody…”

“I said there’s nobody!”

“Did you just raise your voice on me!?”

“E-Eh? N-No…”

At this time, the door opened to reveal Kojiharu. “Ah… Yuki, Mayu. Come in.”

Yuko rolled her eyes as they made their way towards the couch and sat down. Kojiharu then looked at Yuko. “Bring some tea for our guests, Yuko.”

“Tea? Vampires don’t need tea. They just drink blood.” Yuko said.

“It’s ok, Haruna-sama. We don’t need drinks. We’re just here to have a talk.” Yuki said.

“Oh… Is there something?” Kojiharu asked.

“We received a complaint that there had been a wolf threatening the safety of the sheep in this village.” Mayu explained.

“What? Just because you had a complaint that there was a wolf in this village, you automatically assumed that it was me!?” Yuko got angered.

Yuki took out a photo of a lycan with its fangs wide open, grabbing onto a sheep. “Don’t tell me this lycan isn’t you, Yuko-san.”

Looking at it closely, it really does look exactly like Yuko in her lycan form. “That wasn’t me.”

Kojiharu smacked her own head. “Let me apologize. That was Yuko.”

“Hey, they didn’t want to listen to me. They will only listen after I threaten them like that.” Yuko growled.

“So, you really did threaten the lives of the sheep here.” Yuki said to Yuko.

“I told them to get into their barn nicely. They just keep sticking around. So I had no choice but to do it by force. If I don’t threaten them, they will just keep sticking around me.”

“Well, The sheep love Yuko a lot. That’s why they didn’t want to get back to their barn. They just want to stay close to Yuko, that’s all.” Kojiharu giggled.

“Those sheep are annoying, Nyan Nyan…” Yuko said.

“Well, you need to use some other way to get those sheep into the barn instead. You’re going to raise a lot of anger from the villagers here.” Mayu explained.

“There’s no other way to get them into the barn. Can’t you hear?” Yuko growled.

“You still haven’t changed your attitude, Yuko-san. Still as barbaric as ever.” Yuki smiled.

“What did you say about me, bat!? I’ll beat you up so badly right now.” Yuko growled.

“You can’t win against me, Yuko-san…”

Without hesitation, Yuko transformed into her lycan form and landed a punch on Yuki. With only a little effort, Yuki managed to grab hold onto Yuko’s lycan fist with her coated arm. She then twisted Yuko’s arm around, causing her body to turn as well. “Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!” Yuko growled in pain.

“Yuko-san, I could arrest you for threatening the safety of the sheep and the villagers here, you know?”

“Yuki, please don’t arrest Yuko. She never meant to hurt anyone. Even the sheep. Yuko loves her sheep a lot. She’s just simply scaring them so that they will listen..” Kojiharu begged.

“I know… I’m not going to arrest you, of course…” Yuki released her grip on Yuko.

“We’re here to give a warning, you see… Our organization can’t really tolerate with a lycan running around, scaring off sheep and villagers.” Mayu explained.

Yuko reverted back into her human form. Kojiharu then nagged Yuko. “You heard that, Yuko? Stop turning into a lycan and scaring those sheep off.”

“Well, basically we’re done here.” Yuki said.

“Yeah, you better be done here. I don’t want to see yours and your girlfriend’s bat face anymore.” Yuko dissed.

“Oh, come on, Yuko… Why must you be so rude… You know it yourself that you don’t hate them so much.” Kojiharu said.

“So, I’ll see you next time, Yuko-san. Have a nice day, Haruna-sama.” Yuki nodded her head in respect.

“Have a nice day…” Kojiharu waved at them as Yuki and Mayu left the village.

On top of a hill

“You called me out?” Chokoku sounded.

“Yup… We haven’t really conversed since our last mission. I never really got the chance to say thank you yet.” Gakuran said.

“Nah… It’s ok. I’m not used to people thanking me for anything…”

“Just accept it already, will you?”

Chokoku then smiled and nodded. “Alright. You’re welcome…”

“You killed the leviathan alone… I’m really impressed, Chokoku.” Gakuran praised.

“The reason why we lost is because we were vulnerable to the heat from the boiling sea. Once I was swallowed, I literally don’t feel the heat any more. I immediately got back my energy, so I told myself, why not kill it from the inside instead.. Well, nothing in this world can survive its guts being torn apart from the inside.”

“Wow… Brutal…”

“It has to be taught a lesson for hurting my family.”

“Your family?” Gakuran frowned.

“You guys are my family, Gakuran… The only family I have left. I can’t let anybody hurt you guys even if I have to die for it. I will not forgive those who hurt my family…”

Gakuran showed a satisfied smile towards Chokoku. “You changed, Chokoku… You finally opened your heart completely.”

“Yea… I have to thank you for that, Gakuran. You’re the one who helped me.”

“You were the one who did it yourself, Chokoku… Not me. I merely convinced you a little. That’s all.”

“Well, whatever it is, I’m glad that I can finally live normally.” Chokoku let out a sigh of relief.

Chokoku then continued,“The sunset here is really beautiful, Gakuran…”

“Yea, I know… It’s beautiful… That’s why I chose this place to meet up with you in particular.” Gakuran stated.

“What do you mean by that?” Chokoku frowned.

Gakuran remained silent for a short while.

“Hey, Chokoku, can I ask you something?” Gakuran sounded all of a sudden.

“Sure. Anything…”

“Before you got swallowed, you told me you were in love… Was it real?”

“I never said anything like that…” Chokoku turned away.

“Yes, you did.” Gakuran insisted.

“No, I didn’t.”

“So, you never liked Otabe because I always stick to her, huh?”

“I didn’t say that either…” Chokoku continued denying.

“Why are you denying this fact?” Gakuran questioned.

Without answering, Chokoku turned her body around, wanting to leave.

Gakuran gripped onto Chokoku’s arm immediately. “Why are you running away, Chokoku?”

“Let go, Gakuran…”

“No. I’m not going to let go until you tell me what’s wrong. You can’t just confess to someone and then leave just like that, leaving that person in confusion. I need to know, Chokoku…” Gakuran stated in a firm manner.

“I…I’m not worth being in your life, Gakuran.”

“What are you talking about, Chokoku?”

“I confessed that time was because I literally thought that I was going to die.” Chokoku explained.

“That still doesn’t explain why you’re trying to run away from me now, Chokoku…”

“You’re a vampire, Gakuran. I’m a werewolf. We’re just not meant to be with one another, you see. I’m afraid of rejection, Gakuran… The world rejected me before, and I’m afraid of it happening all over again. I just can’t go through rejection one more time.”

At this time, Gakuran pulled Chokoku into a hug. “Who’s rejecting you?”

“Let go, Gakuran…” Chokoku tried to pry off Gakuran’s arms.

“No, I won’t!” Gakuran shouted.

“Y-You can’t do this, Gakuran… What about Otabe?”

“I love her as a sister. That’s all. Otabe is the vampire Queen. Even if I wanted to ne in a relationship with her, she will definitely refuse.”

“B-But…” Chokoku was flustered.

“Like I always said, Chokoku… Just accept it. Stop questioning so much, will you?”

Chokoku smiled and finally returned the hug as they embraced themselves for a long time.

"I love you, Gakuran..."

"Me too..."

Hellsing HQ

Nishishi and Akane confronted Lovetan, holding onto the long box which was previously owned by her. “Lovetan, was it? Who’s your master?” Nishishi asked.

“I’m not revealing anything!” Lovetan screamed from within her cell.

Nishishi then unlocked the cell. Without another word, Nishishi stabbed Lovetan on her shoulder.

“Gah!!!!” Lovetan screamed in pain.

“Nishishi, stop! You’re hurting her!” Akane ordered.

“What could you be possibly doing with this katana, Lovetan? I’m asking you nicely, so you better answer me.” Nishishi warned with a loud voice.

This was actually the first time Akane saw Nishishi act like this.

“I…I don’t know…” Lovetan’s statement displeases Nishishi so much that she had to pierce her blade deeper. “Gah!!”

“Nishishi, what are you doing? Stop!” Akane raised her voice.

“You better give me a good reason why I shouldn’t kill you right now.” Nishishi’s eyes were concentrated with the intent to kill. Somehow, Nishishi’s glare intimidated Lovetan a lot despite being a demon.

“I…” Lovetan was stunned.

“That katana is the legendary demon blade, Yamata no Orochi, am I right?”

Chapter 14 - I love you

Next Chapter : Chapter 15 - The legendary demon blade, Yamata no Orochi

Offline olive29

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 14) UPDATE!
« Reply #716 on: September 18, 2013, 04:42:09 PM »

THANKS A LOT !!!  :bow:

Yeah..Atsumina and Kojiyuu made an appearance..

Saeyaka finally together..  :inlove:

And I'm right about the sword that Lovetan had is the sword that Vergil has been looking for..

Can't wait for the next chapter..

Update soon, please..  :bow:

Offline fael_c00l

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 14) UPDATE!
« Reply #717 on: September 18, 2013, 06:29:51 PM »
Nice update  :thumbsup :thumbsup

Yamata no orochi? Is that belongs to Orochimaru from Naruto?  :grin: :grin:

Waiting for the next update  :thumbup
TomoTomo is my OTP

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Offline cisda83

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 14) UPDATE!
« Reply #718 on: September 18, 2013, 06:34:58 PM »
Yeah.. They made appearance...

Kojiyuu and Atsumina....but I guess they are exiting again

Nice funny situation Yuko got herself into

Anyhow, can't wait to see the next chapter

What other troubles are they going to get into?

What would the others react about Saeyaka?

Yamata no Orochi is the snake with 8 heads...

Interesting demon there... Who is it?

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Angeldarke

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 14) UPDATE!
« Reply #719 on: September 19, 2013, 01:56:06 AM »
Rena was pretty wound to sleep for 3 days  :stoned:

thanks god she's ok now  :on drink:

chokoku sugoi  kill the leviathan from inside  :cool1:

yuko and the sheeps are funny  :grin:

Great fic as ever please contunue :onioncheer:

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