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Author Topic: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 Epilogue~!! - COMPLETED  (Read 272464 times)

Offline mitsuhara_itsuko

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 7) UPDATE!
« Reply #640 on: August 16, 2013, 05:48:11 AM »
I love your fic and how fast you update XD

Vergil ... is he a friend? or a foe? CX ... well, I'm looking forward for the next chappy :DD
hallo ... ds is ket

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 7) UPDATE!
« Reply #641 on: August 16, 2013, 06:13:22 AM »
Hrm?? Vergil?? My fault for not buying DMC...(actually, forgot the char.)
-I've seen the walkthrough on a certain blog so...
-When i found the game...I end up picking God
-Anyway, still...Jurina is upset with Rena...Poor Rena...
-*sniff* *sniff* I too smell something...Hrm...Choukoku?? Hehe~
-Ah...That's why Sasshi is my Oshi~~ Curse her life huh?? Lol...

>Whatever it is, plz update soon!!~ I can't wait for the chapter named Vergil!!~

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 7) UPDATE!
« Reply #642 on: August 16, 2013, 11:20:50 AM »
melonpan disease  :lol: XD
poor rena  :(
too bad i don't know about devil may cry  :(
i'm curious  :thumbsup
please update soon  :bow: :bow:


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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 7) UPDATE!
« Reply #643 on: August 16, 2013, 11:42:18 AM »
This story is very interesting! I guess this is my first comment in here!  :jphip:

I also love this story! Especially about Mayuki team! I already vote for Mayu!  :shy2:

Cannot wait for the next update!   :hee:

Thanks for the story  :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 7) UPDATE!
« Reply #644 on: August 16, 2013, 11:48:52 AM »
Wow vergil? Should i said jurina in danger or what?


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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 7) UPDATE!
« Reply #645 on: August 16, 2013, 02:26:10 PM »
ve vergil??? is he jurina brother or maybe someone else in this fic?? what he want from juri-chan?

rena....please keep an eye on your juri....even thought she's now an angel but she actually once become demon before...i dont think her demon side loose so easily...well that justb  y guessing

Offline Angeldarke

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 7) UPDATE!
« Reply #646 on: August 18, 2013, 12:26:42 AM »
I love this fic and the caracters especialy Wmatsui  :inlove:

poor Jurina, she is alone   :cry:

rena go save her  :panic:

wow this vamps dont lose their time go mayuki rsrs

please continue  :on woohoo:

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 7) UPDATE!
« Reply #647 on: August 19, 2013, 12:13:34 PM »

Chapter 8 is here!!! :banana: :pepper: :leek: :taco: :muffin: :strawberry: :lock:

Some note before you start reading :

Dante is Vergil's brother.
Vergil's katana is called Yamato, a katana possessing demon powers given by his demon father.
Both Vergil and Dante are able to remain control over their demon powers.

Well, have fun reading! Enjoy!! :on GJ:


Chapter 8 - Vergil

“How did you get here?” Jurina’s eyes widened in shock from the sight of Vergil.

“You should know very well how I got here, Center.. Have you forgotten that I’m a nephilim like yourself too? I can teleport to wherever I want to.” Vergil replied with a smirk.

“What are you even doing here?”

“How about I’ll answer you after you stop crying?”

Hearing Vergil’s statement, Jurina wiped off her tears and stood up. “Alright. What do you want?”

“I need your help, Center.”

“The answer is a no.”

“Hear me up, Center. With your help, we could put an end to the demon’s rampage.”

Vergil’s statement caught the attention of Jurina. “Go on..”

“After Dante and I killed the Demon King Mundus, the limbo world has gone out of balance. What more at the same time, you have exposed the existence of demons to the whole world. Demons can now roam the earth as they like. They need a leader, Center. They need someone to control them. That’s why I need you, Center. You could have the spot alongside me.”

“So, you want me rule the underworld together with me? Of everyone in the world, why choose me?”

“Nephilims possess the power to kill the strongest of demons, Center. That’s why Dante and I were able to kill the Demon King Mundus. They’re afraid of us. Even though you had the demon extracted out of you, you were still born a nephilim. Do this with me, Center. We’ll make this world a better place.”

“Wow.. Dante must have hit your head hard..”

“What are you saying?”

“You must be crazy to think that I will even think about ruling the underworld with you.”

“Do not use that tone with me, Center. I, after all am the one who thought you how to fight in the first place.”

“I was young and dumb. Little did I know that you actually had such ridiculous plans running through the thick skull of yours. Now that I think of it, I should have gone training with Dante instead.”

“Dante was foolish! He could have ruled the entire world with me. With the fall of the Demon King Mundus under both our hands, we could have stopped the demons from continuing their rampage in this world. Create our own peaceful world.”

“Join me, Center.. Together, we will rule over the humanity. We will rule even the demons. We do not have to be looked down on anymore..”

“Keep your invitations to yourself, Vergil. I’m not helping you do anything. I will not allow you..”

“How? By crying alone in the middle of the woods?”

Jurina then shouted, “Angel Trigger : Activate!” before summoning her giant blue scythe.

Looking at Jurina’s scythe, Vergil smiled. “So, I see you’re wielding Dante’s angel scythe Osiris..”

“You’re right. Dante said that he had an extra one, so he gave it to me as a present few years back..”

“And what will you do with that scythe?”

“I could end your life with this.”

“I’m not here to fight you, Center..”

“But you’re here on the most ridiculous reasons. You think that I will just sit aside after knowing your plan to rule the underworld? Well, guess what? You can rule the underworld over my dead body!”

 “Don’t challenge me, Center.. You should know the difference of our powers.”

“Don’t compare my current state with the one you fought years ago. My angel powers are way more powerful after I had the demon extracted out of me.”

Vergil smiled and shook his head. “Tsk Tsk Tsk… You shouldn’t have done that in the first place, Center. Demon powers are way more powerful than angel powers. You should know that very well.”

Without a moment of hesitation, Jurina slashed her scythe towards Vergil, sending huge amount of shockwaves, causing him to dodge away immediately. Jurina then smirked at Vergil. “These aren’t any simple angel powers, Vergil. It’s the angel powers of a nephilim..”

“Ah.. Yes.. Nephilim’s angel powers possess the power to rid demons.. Normal angel powers are nothing compared to a nephilim’s angel powers. You’re right…” Vergil grinned all of a sudden before grabbing onto his legendary katana, Yamato which is strapped onto his waist and unsheathed it from its covers.

“I’m a nephilim too, Center.. Remember that..” Without Jurina realizing, Vergil’s voice sounded from behind her. Vergil is no more in front of her. It happened in a split second. Jurina then swinged her scythe behind only to hit the air. There was nobody.

“You’re still too slow, Center. You’ll never be able to match up to my speed. Nobody is faster than me..”

Jurina turned her body around again and noticed Vergil standing a few feet away from her. Jurina smirked. “Dante’s faster than you..”

Infuriated by Jurina’s statement, Vergil slashed his katana to send a huge shockwave towards Jurina. Without wasting any more time, Jurina replied it with a shockwave of her own. Upon their shockwaves clashing, Jurina’s shockwave got destroyed immediately as Vergil’s shockwave continued making its way towards Jurina. Upon noticing, Jurina leaped out of the way and pointed her scythe towards Vergil. “Angel Technique : Holy flame!”

Jurina shot out a ball of fire towards Vergil. Instead of dodging away, Vergil leaped towards the fireball’s direction and held his Yamato straight on. With only a little effort, Vergil was able to thrust right through the flames and headed straight for Jurina. She attempted to leap out of the way. As her movements were easily read by Vergil, he leaped towards that direction as well and managed to grab Jurina by the neck and pin her up onto a tree. Struggling to release herself from Vergil’s grip, Jurina dropped her scythe onto the ground and attempted to pry his hand open.

Vergil sighed. “You see, Center. I never came here to fight you.. I just needed a little help from you, that’s all.”

He then released Jurina from his grip as she continued coughing and gasping for air on the ground.

“This could be a good opportunity, Center. Dante didn’t appreciate it, so I’m actually offering you the opportunity instead.”

“Suck on this!” Jurina summoned her Mjolnir and slammed it towards Vergil. The impact was so strong, it sent Vergil flying back, crashing through a few trees.

Vergil stood up immediately as if that hit did nothing to him at all. “You’re getting on my nerves, Center.. I asked you nicely and this is how you answer to my questions?”

“It doesn’t matter if you’re asking nicely or not if it is something as ridiculous as ruling over the underworld. I will not allow you to do anything as silly as that. Even if you say that you’ll take over the place of the Demon King, how sure are you that all the demons will listen to you?”

“Answer me, Center.. You must have heard of the legendary demon blade Yamata no Orochi, am I right?”

Jurina’s eyes widened in shock.

“It is said that the one who wield the blade will have the power to take control over any demons. The king of the Demon Blades.”

“You’re not planning to find it and keep it for yourself, are you?”

“How right you are, Center.. That was actually my plan.”

“No… It’s too dangerous! I will stop you!” Jurina screamed and leaped towards Vergil.

"There’s no way I will be stopped by the likes of you…” Vergil grinned as a red aura engulfed his body completely.

“Devil Trigger : Activate.”

Jurina Search Team


“Jurina, Where are you!?” Screams echoed in the dark forest.

“Where could she have gone to?” Sasshi engulfed her arms with green aura and slammed the ground. At this time, a few zombie wolfs emerge from the ground.

“I want all of you to sniff Jurina out. Once you found her, howl. Now go!” Sasshi instructed.


Sasshi looked down and discovered that her feet got snapped by a bear trap again. She then sighed and looked at Akane. “You should really disarm all the traps here.”

“No time for that! Let’s go...” Akane ordered as she rushed forwards together with Nishishi.

Sasshi who was busy removing the bear trap off her feet kept on rambling and complaining. “We’re having a search mission in such a dangerous place! This is ridiculo-……..”


“Err… Guys?” Sasshi sounded.


“They left me alone again!! I don’t have a map! Hey! I have no sense of direction! How am I going to know where am I heading to?” Sasshi shouted only to be replied with silence once again.

Sasshi then sighed and slammed her hands on the ground again as a zombie emerge from the ground. “You.. Accompany me.. Let’s go.”



“Jurina… I know I’ve been really stubborn. No matter how many times you asked me to get rid of this obsession, I still couldn’t. I really am sorry. I was the one who drove you away. I just hope you’re fine.. If anything happened to you, I’m not sure what will happen to me.. Just please be safe..” Rena’s eyes teared up. “Jurina!! Please tell us where are you!!”

“Hey.. Some signs of footsteps..” Chokoku touched the ground. “It seems new.”

“It seems a little too big for Jurina…” Mayu frowned at the size of the footstep. It really didn’t match Jurina’s feet size at all. This was a size of a man’s.

“Hey, come here and check this out!” Nishishi called out to them. As they rushed forwards towards Nishishi, they noticed that a wolf was laying on the ground, sliced into two.

As they took a closer look, Rena’s eyes widened. “That was the wolf that attacked Jurina and I just now.. It fell off from the cliff. This was where it landed.”

“If it just simply fell, why the hell is it cut into two pieces?” Mayu asked.

“Maybe it got sliced off by some traps?” Yuki answered.

“That’s not possible.. I didn’t set any traps in this area. Something else got to it..” Akane sounded.

“We have to go find Jurina now! She might be in great danger!” Rena shouted and rushed forwards.


“Poor poor foolish little Center…” Vergil softly said.


“If you had quietly followed me, it wouldn’t have ended up like this.” Vergil stated as he gripped onto Jurina’s bloodied up face. Her body was completely motionless. Bloods dripping from her head all the way to her toe.

All of a sudden, a huge skeleton hand emerged from beneath Vergil and grabbed onto him tightly, causing him to be startled as he loses his grip onto Jurina.

“I have no idea how but I found my way here..” A voice echoed into Vergil’s ears as he looked to the side to notice Sasshi.

Jurina laid completely motionless on the floor. She was still breathing at least. The sight of the bloodied up Jurina angered Sasshi a lot as the grip of the skeleton hand became tighter and tighter. Struggling, Vergil managed to reach for his Yamato and sliced the skeleton fingers off from within the grip.

“You, sir..did a serious mistake…” Sasshi shook her head.

“And who might you be, woman?” Vergil asked.

“Wait.. You don’t know me?” Sasshi frowned.

“No I don’t and I do not bother to know.”

“You know what? I think I’m just going to add you into my collections.”

“Collections of what?”

Sasshi snapped her fingers, causing a lot of zombies to emerge from the ground.

“Zombies!?” Vergil was a little shocked.

Sasshi then pointed at Vergil. “Bite off his limbs..”

The zombies groaned as they rushed towards Vergil in an instant. At the same time, Sasshi slammed the ground, causing the ground to rumble as ten huge skeleton hands appear randomly around that area and started attacking Vergil at the same time. With zombies attempting to grab onto him and huge skeleton hands trying to smash him at the same time, Vergil was literally suppressed a little. He then sent a series of shockwaves that sliced through a line of zombies before slicing up two of the huge hands.

This did not stop Sasshi at all as she continued slamming her hands onto the ground, summoning even more giant skeleton hands from the ground. Without wasting any more time, Sasshi engulfed both her hands in a darker green aura and slammed her left hand onto the ground. “Zombie lycans!!”

At this time, about ten lycans punched its way out from the ground and leaped towards Vergil. Sasshi then slammed her right hand onto the ground. “Zombie vampires!!”

A few vampires blast out from the ground in an instant and immediately flew towards Vergil at a high speed. Sasshi grinned evilly at Vergil. “Let’s see how well you can deal with this…”

Countless of zombies rushing towards Vergil.
Huge skeleton arms trying to slam him into pieces.
10 of each zombie lycans and zombie vampires attacking him.

All of these happening at the same time. Vergil was literally exhausted from fending off zombies and the skeleton arms alone. What more now, he has to deal with zombie lycans and zombie vampires.

“Any living thing that died will be added into my collection doesn’t matter they were supernaturals when they were alive or not. Strength of a lycan with the defensive ability of a zombie.. The speed of a vampire also with the defensive ability of a zombie.. The perfect army..” Sasshi grinned again. “This is the power of the Zombie Lord. Remember that, asswipe..”

“Tch- If only I was able to use my Devil Trigger now, this will be a piece of cake.. I can’t use it now because I had just used it against Center. I have to wait half a day before I could use it again..” vergil kept being pushed back again and again.

“Suffer the wrath of the Zombie Lord..” Sasshi engulfed her right hand in a green aura and punched the ground. This caused a huge skeleton arm to punch out from the ground and towards Vergil’s direction. As Vergil was busy defending himself from the countless number of assaults, the punch got him straight on and blasted him towards a rock. It then pinned Vergil onto the rock as Sasshi walked herself towards him. “I may not know you, but you have hurt my friend.. This is one lesson you should learn, stranger.. You do not mess with the Zombie Lord..” Sasshi’s eyes turned green.

The grip onto Vergil tightened to the point where Vergil could feel his ribs breaking apart. “Gah!” Vergil coughed out blood.

“I shouldn’t have used the Devil Trigger just now.. I should have kept it for now.. I will continue the search for the Yamata no Orochi Blade myself.. Then, I will make all of you pay…..” Vergil weakly said as he teleported away from the skeleton hand and away from the scene.

“Well, that went well..” Sasshi breathed out loudly and unsummoned all her giant skeleton hands and zombies.

“S-Sasshi….” Jurina called out to Sasshi.

“You’re awake!” Sasshi immediately rushed towards Jurina and helped her stand up.

“You saved me….” Jurina weakly said.

“Well, wasn’t that hard at all..” Sasshi shrugged.

“You’re lucky, Sasshi…”

Sasshi frowned. “What do you mean?”

“Vergil used his Devil Trigger against me, so he wasn’t able to use it on you..”

“What’s this Devil Trigger anyway?”

“It’s hard to explain..  But if he were to use his Devil Trigger against you instead, you might have been the one who lost, Sasshi…*cough cough*”

“Stop talking for now.. We have to heal you up now. You look pretty beat up.”

At this time, the search team appeared from the darkness. “Jurina!!!”

“Jurina, what happened!?” Rena ran towards Sasshi who was balancing Jurina on her feet.

“Some stranger got to her..” Sasshi answered for Jurina.

“I was so worried about you, Jurina!” Rena proceeded and hug Jurina tightly. Emotionlessly, Jurina pryed Rena’s arms off her, shocking Rena.

“Emm… Maybe you should let Jurina rest awhile for now..” Sasshi said to the confused Rena.

Akane ordered. “Sasshi’s right.. Let’s go back now and get Jurina healed up. Then we’ll talk.”

Chapter 8 - Vergil

Next Chapter : Chapter 9 - Date
« Last Edit: August 21, 2013, 11:17:20 AM by kevinwkl »

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 8) UPDATE!
« Reply #648 on: August 19, 2013, 12:32:43 PM »
An update...  :twothumbs  :twothumbs  :twothumbs

Vergil is the enemy here...

Now, besides the demon, they have Vergil as enemy as well..

Juju got beaten up..  :cry:

Juju is so cold towards Rena..

Can't wait for the next chapter..

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 8) UPDATE!
« Reply #649 on: August 19, 2013, 01:01:48 PM »
VERGIL!!!!! HOW DARE YOU HURT MY JURINA!!!!!!  :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Where's my Beowulf, Cerberus, Alastor, Agni and Rudra, Pandora, Kalina Ann and Nevan....

I'm gonna destroy him now!!!! "Datenshi no Hikigane: Kaishi (Fallen Angel Trigger: Activate)"

I'm gonna use my signature weapon Kusanagi on him.....

Waiting on your next update....  :) :) :)
(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 8) UPDATE!
« Reply #650 on: August 19, 2013, 01:25:13 PM »
Jurina... :( New villain arrives!!!!!
And still she's cold towards Rena.  :O2 Somehow I feel pity for Rena.
Thanks for this chapter.  :)

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 8) UPDATE!
« Reply #651 on: August 19, 2013, 02:25:46 PM »
next chap dante? so dante appears next? haha

comon jurina make up with rena

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 8) UPDATE!
« Reply #652 on: August 19, 2013, 02:31:56 PM »
MarJ : Err... the title is called date. Not dante.. :nervous

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 8) UPDATE!
« Reply #653 on: August 19, 2013, 02:37:07 PM »
Poor J :V

I'm anxious with the next chapter ... I want that my wmatsui all *lovey dovey* (? XDDDD

I'm also looking forward for the next battles *O*

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 8) UPDATE!
« Reply #654 on: August 19, 2013, 02:47:20 PM »
If the next chapter title is "Date" then who're the one going to go on a date :dunno:
Maybe it's WMatsui since they were having a conflict :mon huh2:
OMG~~~~~ That Vergil guy almost killed Jurina :OMG:
Luckily, Sasshi was there and save her on time :mon exhaust:
Vergil and his brother, Dante seem very strong :shock:
Anyway, update soon, please :kneelbow:
Working on translating an awesome Kojiyuu fanfic, right now ☆〜(ゝ。∂) :mon beam:

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 8) UPDATE!
« Reply #655 on: August 19, 2013, 02:57:30 PM »
Jurina dont be so cold rena love you

excelent fic continue please :bow:

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 8) UPDATE!
« Reply #656 on: August 19, 2013, 03:01:59 PM »
Dante and Virgil ... XD
LOL Divine Comedy~ XDDDD
nice fic  :twothumbs  :twothumbs
can't wait for the next~
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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 8) UPDATE!
« Reply #658 on: August 19, 2013, 04:33:59 PM »
so that's how it is eh? ... interesting XD

Looking forward for teh next chappie XD
hallo ... ds is ket

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 (Chapter 8) UPDATE!
« Reply #659 on: August 19, 2013, 06:09:02 PM »
I actually thought the idea of Jurina ruling that underworld sounds nice. XD

Don't add too much OC now.

And I didn't expect to see J still cold to R...this is probably not JUST about the Melon pan anymore...guess losing to Vergil really get on her nerve. But I love seeing cold J while R is trying to win back her affection~

Lol so R bribe J with a date? I see~

Everyday Juriken

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