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Author Topic: The Void Chapter 5: Dark Past [MaYuki + Others]  (Read 14540 times)

Offline leEwẬy

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Re: The Void Chapter 4: My First Mission Part 1 [MaYuki + Others]
« Reply #40 on: September 16, 2013, 04:13:49 PM »
Although it didn't have any horror scenes in here but it still made me scared :mon curtain:
Rena~~~ the girl she was talking to is Jurina or someone else :dunno:
My my, I wonder what is Yuki's ability :mon huh2: So curious now :tantrum:
Some little Kojiyuu :luvluv1:
Anyway, update soon, please :kneelbow:
Working on translating an awesome Kojiyuu fanfic, right now ☆〜(ゝ。∂) :mon beam:

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Re: The Void Chapter 4: My First Mission Part 1 [MaYuki + Others]
« Reply #41 on: September 17, 2013, 02:34:49 AM »
mayuyu talking...
me: doki doki desu~

Offline Haruto Lee

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Re: The Void Chapter 4: My First Mission Part 1 [MaYuki + Others]
« Reply #42 on: September 17, 2013, 11:46:44 AM »
Yui.... :sweatdrop: just like a slave

It is quite funny when Mayu said to Yuko look herself. I can't stop laughing.

Yuki and Mayu still so cold...

Anyway hope u can update soon

Offline sidny48

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Re: The Void Chapter 4: My First Mission Part 1 [MaYuki + Others]
« Reply #43 on: November 10, 2013, 03:59:37 PM »
 :ptam-mad: :frustrated: WHERE IS THE UPDATE!!!!???? :fainted:

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: The Void Chapter 4: My First Mission Part 1 [MaYuki + Others]
« Reply #44 on: November 11, 2013, 09:16:00 PM »
Your story is so cool and cute

Will there be Wmatsui

Mayu fell in love with Yuki already

Can't wait for the next ch plwase update :bow:

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Re: The Void Chapter 4: My First Mission Part 1 [MaYuki + Others]
« Reply #45 on: November 22, 2013, 06:18:05 PM »
my hat is off. saluting.

Offline sidny48

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Re: The Void Chapter 4: My First Mission Part 1 [MaYuki + Others]
« Reply #46 on: December 21, 2013, 02:29:02 AM »

Offline alexsher99

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Re: The Void Chapter 5: My First Mission Part 2 [MaYuki + Others]
« Reply #47 on: January 04, 2014, 05:53:22 AM »

I'm back!! I'm so sorry I haven't updated for almost 4 months (A lot of things happened  :sweatdrop: ) . Well... enough talking and let's get to the story. Enjoy~ :vv:

My First Mission Part 2: My decision!

As the sun died down the team decided to head to their destined places to patrol.




“What exactly do we have to do?”

“We have to secure every hiding place possible and look for any clues that could show us the way to where that closed void is.” As soon as Mayu finished speaking Yuki stopped on her trail, pulled her arms backward, slightly bent her back forward and said this following words as loud as she can:

“A-ano! I-I don't know much about this things and what we're doing right now but... but I swear I'll do my best!”

These made Mayu stop and look back at the taller girl. Yuki looked up and her face immediately brightened up with a smiled as she saw a slight grin on the shorter girl's face although it's not a full smile it was a sign that Mayu's slowly accepting her and for Yuki this is more than enough.

“Stop grinning there like an idiot and keep walking” Mayu said.



“Nee~ Takamina, don't you think Paruru's going way too hard on Yui?”

“Well yeah but in a way Yuihan's the one at fault.”

“Why is that?”

“Well one thing's for sure and that is Yuihan already knows that Paruru have zero interest in her and yet she still chooses to cling on to her so in other words-

“She's bringing it to herself... is that it?”



“Nyannyan, why do we always need to close all the lights when we patrol?”

“Because we're looking for lights that voids emits. If we turn on the lights then how are we supposed to look for clues?”

“But... but I hate using flashlights! Flashlights makes it look creepier than it already is!”

“How so?”

“You know! Because using flashlight inside a freaking huge mansion is like looking for a ghost!”

“But that's exactly what our job is”

“No! Our job is to look for voids!”

“Voids are another word for ghosts! Jeez! You're a void hunter and you don't even know that?”

“I know that fully well... but ghosts are still scary!!!” Yuko said and she cling onto a door with shaky legs. Kojiharu notice this and scratched the back of her head.

“What do I have to do to you?” Kojiharu said and sighed then all of the sudden a scream rose up.


“That voice belongs to-

“LET'S GO!” Yuko said and ran towards it. While running towards the voice Yuko and Kojiharu met up with the group they all exchanged eye contact and continued running.

“Yuki-chan! What happened? Where's Mayu?” Yuko asked Yuki who's seating on the floor terrified.

“Yuki! Yuki! SNAP OUT OF IT!” Takamina said as she slapped Yuki across her face.


“Mayu? What happened to Mayu?”

“She took her away... I couldn't help her” Yuki said as she brought both of her hands on her face and started crying.

“Stop crying! There's no time for that. Don't worry about her she can manage her self. For now we should concentrate on opening it now that we know it's location.” Takamina said

“Paru” Acchan turned around and nodded to Paru.

“I understand. Please just give me a minute to lock on it.”

“Ok, on the mean time everybody get ready for battle!” Takamina said.

“Can you stand up, senpai?” Yui asked Yuki.

“Yeah” Yuki said. By this time Yuki was able to recover and her face is now clearly showing determination.

“I've located the target! It's right in front of Yuki-senpai! I don't know how long I can keep it open but please rush inside as soon as you see the light!” Paru said.

“Ready when you are!” Kojiharu said.

“Okay! I'm opening it!” Paru said as she took a deep breath a sudden gush of wind circled her creating a magical circle made of light. Paru started murmuring words that nobody could understand. As soon as she opened her eyes a light as tall as a door came out. Taking this as the signal Yuki rushed in. Just before Yui and the others can get in Yuko yelled suddenly.

“WAIT!” Yuko said.

“What?” Takamina asked.

“I'm picking up something!” Yuko lifted her chin up as she started sniffing the air around her.

“What is it?” Acchan asked.

“We're surrounded. There's four wolves and they're not just wolves... they're void guards!”

“What? But only real powerful void owners have void guards as their familiar!” Takamina said.

“Then that means! Yuki-chan's in trouble!” Yui said as she started sprinting towards the light but it's slowly fading away.

“I CAN'T HOLD ON ANY LONGER!!” Paru yelled.

“What?” Yui bit her lower lip and ran even faster. “MAKE IT!!!!” Yui yelled but the light disappeared and Yui fell on the floor. “No way” Then she realized that Paru used up all her strenght so Yui immediately stood up and ran full speed towards Paru who was about to hit her head on the floor. “I made it somehow” Yui said with  the unconscious Paru on her arms.

“Tsk! What do we do now? Yuki-senpai's in there!” Yui asked.

“Have you forgotten that Mayu's also in there?” Acchan said. Yui looked up to her senpais who's now formed a circle around her and Paru.

“Just have faith in that girl. Mayu might be always like that but that girl always have an ace up her sleeve!”  said.

“Here they come!” Yuko said. Everybody raised up their defense and got ready for combat.

“I'll assist you from behind!” Yui said.

“We're counting on you” Takamina said with a smirk as they engaged in the combat.


“Are? Where am I?”

“Onee-chan!” As Yuki's eyes adjusted to it's surroundings she saw a little girl with such bright radiant eyes staring back at her.

“Onee-chan! Are you okay?” The little girl asked.

“Un! Arigatou! What's your name?” Yuki asked with a friendly voice.


“I see... nee~ Rena-chan, do you have a sister?” Yuki asked

“Un! But... she changed”

“What do you mean?”

“She was really nice and very happy but now... she's mean to everybody! But I think that's only because  deep inside she's lonely”

“Rena-chan, why do you think is that?” Yuki asked. Rena's face suddenly changed in realization.

“I...I ignored her.... It's because I didn't play with her anymore” Rena said while crying.

“Come here... let's go save her... okay?” Yuki said and Rena nodded. Rena then showed Yuki the way to where Rin is. As soon as they reached the top of the hill a huge field engulfed by flames were seen.

“So this is where Rin is... wait! Is that? Watanabe-san!” Yuki said as soon as she saw two girls fighting each other. Mayu's holding her gun on the other hand, Rin is slightly taller than Mayu and unlike other humans she have a dog like ears, fangs and she have 4 tails.

“There's no way Watanabe-san can win with just her gun!” Yuki said but she clenched her fist. “Wait! Watanabe-san probably does have a chance! After all she defeated that void owner that attacked me that night.”

Then as Yuki predicted after playing tag Mayu manage to shoot a bullet through Rin's forehead the girl went berserk.

“Rin-chan!” Rena slipped right through Yuki like a fox and ran towards her sister.

“Rena-chan! Don't it's too dangerous!!” Yuki yelled. This got Mayu's attention as she was about to sent the finishing bullet she saw Yuki running after Rena.

“YOU IDIOT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?” Mayu yelled. Then Rin got her off guard.

“AAAGGGHHH!!!” Mayu yelled in agony as a sharp branch penetrated her upper right arm

“Watanabe-san!” Yuki stopped and stared at the scene in front of her.

“You idiot! RUN! NOW!” Mayu said but Yuki's glued on the spot.

“Rin stop!!!” Rena yelled but it didn't helped. Berserk Rin rushed towards Yuki and sent her flying backwards. Yuki's back hit the rock really hard and caused her to spit out blood.

“Didn't I told you not to follow me!?” Mayu said as she released a loud screech from the pain of removing the branch off her arm. Blood rushed down from Mayu's arm. Rin rose her sharp finger nails up an it's now threatening to kill Yuki. For a short moment Mayu got a flashback of Yuki's smiling face and how she said that she'll do her best.

“Tsk! This is why I hate humans” Mayu bit her lower lip as she raised the gun and pointed it towards her head.

“Watanabe-san? What are you-” Yuki looked at Mayu.

“Here goes nothing.” Mayu pulled the trigger. The sound of the gun shooting the bullet echoed throughout the area then a red beam shot out from Mayu to the sky turning the whole dark blue sky to a blood red color. Mayu's head dropped down.

Then she looked up and her whole face changed. Mayu's eyes turned pure red with her pupils shrunk into a dot, her nose wrinkled, her fangs started growing, she started growling, Nails turning deadly sharp, a red fluffy tail grew out from her behind and powerful gust of wind started blowing on her putting down her hood which revealed a pair of horns hidden under it.

Mayu leaped with extremely high speed and sent Rin flying away from Yuki and Rena.

“Ka-shi-wa-gi! Run away!” Mayu said with a hint of resistance in her voice. From what she's resisting for? Right now that's a mystery.

Yuki was terrified of what she's seeing but she stood up and took little Rena away with her.

“Onee-chan? What's happening?” Rena asked

“I don't know but I need to take you somewhere safe!”


While running Yuki saw a faint light so she started running towards it.

“It's an exit!” Yuki said in relief. Before she crossed the line Yuki stopped.

“Onee-chan, who are those people fighting?” Rena asked.

“Those are my friends.” Yuki said.

“Why are they fighting those dogs?” Rena asked.

“Nee~ Rena-chan, can you stay here for a little?” Yuki asked and Rena nodded.

“Yokoyama-san!” Yuki yelled. Fortunately Yui was able to hear her.

“Yuki-senpai! How did you?”

“That's not important! I have Rena-chan here with me but why is she in her kid form and Rin's not?” Yuki asked.

“There's an explanation for that but that comes later also. Where's Mayu-san?”

“Well... about that.... Even I don't know what's happening but right now she's fighting Rin and I can't explain how this happened but she somehow transformed... what does this mean?”

“WHAT? Mayu transformed?” Yuko said alarmed.

“Hai” Yuki said.

“This is bad. He's not here to stop her... no one can stop her right now.” Takamina said.

“Takamina watch out!” Acchan said as she emitted sparks out from her palm and hit the wolf that was about to attack Takamina.

“What should we do?” Kojiharu asked.

“Paru would've been able to help us a little but right now she's” Yui said as she looked at the unconscious girl.

“Take Rena-chan, I'm going!” Yuki said and she picked up Rena and gave it to Yui. Then as soon as Rena's feet touched the floor the girl fell unconscious and transformed. Rena's not a kid anymore and now a beautiful teenager around Yuko's age.

“OI! What are you gonna do?” Yuko tried running after Yuki who already disappeared but the gate closed.

“Watanabe-san, I'm coming!”

Roars were heard coming from the sky.

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Re: The Void Chapter 4: My First Mission Part 2 [MaYuki + Others]
« Reply #48 on: January 04, 2014, 06:28:13 AM »


:fap :fap :fap :fap :fap


THANK YOU :kneelbow:

Offline sidny48

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Re: The Void Chapter 4: My First Mission Part 2 [MaYuki + Others]
« Reply #49 on: January 04, 2014, 08:20:06 AM »
Whoaa!! An update!! Yaay!! Thanks for the update the chapter is interesting!! Wohoo!! Please update the next chapter as soon as posible :D
« Last Edit: July 27, 2014, 05:01:24 AM by sidny48 »

Offline Haruto Lee

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Re: The Void Chapter 4: My First Mission Part 2 [MaYuki + Others]
« Reply #50 on: January 04, 2014, 09:19:37 AM »
Finally an update!! :deco:

Mayu transformed? For protecting Yuki?

Update soon!!!!

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Re: The Void Chapter 4: My First Mission Part 2 [MaYuki + Others]
« Reply #51 on: January 04, 2014, 11:25:38 AM »

I NEED IT!!!!!!!!! :bleed eyes:

~ KamiOshi 松井玲奈 || AKBOshi 高橋みなみ~
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Re: The Void Chapter 4: My First Mission Part 2 [MaYuki + Others]
« Reply #52 on: January 04, 2014, 10:52:05 PM »
You're back~~~~~ update!!! Hurrah!! :3

fighting...I can't help but think that Yukirin is basically useless...
Yuki gomenasai!! *bows
Huhuhu...Mayuyu transformation...ur...I wonder if that's bad...somehow.

Now~~ that you're back. Joshi Gakuen update onegai.  :kneelbow: :on comhere: :on comhere:
I shall lurk in the darkness forever waiting.... I can wait for a long time...
(still my fav fic in here~~ Joshi Gakuen that is.)

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: The Void Chapter 4: My First Mission Part 2 [MaYuki + Others]
« Reply #53 on: January 05, 2014, 12:54:42 AM »
What happen if Mayu transform?? And who is that persoj they talk about

Please updatesoon

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Re: The Void Chapter 4: My First Mission Part 2 [MaYuki + Others]
« Reply #54 on: January 13, 2014, 04:57:48 AM »

Offline DKA48

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Re: The Void Chapter 4: My First Mission Part 2 [MaYuki + Others]
« Reply #55 on: January 23, 2014, 11:23:05 AM »
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...... :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:

please updated soon.... this fic is awesome!!!!!! :panic: :thumbsup
Kami Oshi: Matsui Jurina
Oshis: Takahashi minami, Kojima Haruna, Minami minegishi, Yamamoto Sayaka, Yokoyama Yui, Miyazawa Sae, Watanabe Miyuki, Watanabe Mayu, Iriyama Anna, Iwata Karen, Takayanagi Akane, Matsui Rena, Furukawa Airi, Takayo Aki, Kashiwaki Yuki
OTP: "Wmatsui", Atsumina, Kojiyuu, jurimayu, juriannin, mariharu, saeyaka, saeyuki.
GroupOshi: Kami Oshi: AKB48 Oshis: SKE48, NMB48, JKT48

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Re: The Void Chapter 4: My First Mission Part 2 [MaYuki + Others]
« Reply #56 on: July 25, 2014, 05:24:41 PM »
Update soon~~

I want to now how Yuki save Mayu  :drool:

Want to now what Will happen next to  :thumbsup

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Re: The Void Chapter 4: My First Mission Part 2 [MaYuki + Others]
« Reply #57 on: July 27, 2014, 12:02:20 PM »
Update Please...........:mon pray2:

Offline alexsher99

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Re: The Void Chapter 5: Dark Past [MaYuki + Others]
« Reply #58 on: August 07, 2014, 01:13:16 PM »

Hey guys! I'm removing the horror part on this story since I realized that I can't do that on the long run. I'm very sorry about that. But hey! On the bright side here's an update! No? Okay I'll shut up. Enjoy~

The Void Chapter 5: Dark Past

       As soon as I dropped Rena off to where the group is I immediately ran back to where Watanabe-san is. Being dead worried I fastened my pace. Reaching my destination I was pushed back by the scene right in front of me. The once green field is now a pit of doom as the two demonic like figures kept fighting. The ground beneath them became small-like mountains.

“What should I do now?” I asked myself.


A long high pitch sound was heard before one of the two fell on the ground really hard. There laying down full of injuries was Rin. Bright lights were coming out of her as her appearance went back to being human. There lies a beautiful girl about Rena's age that has silky black hair falling right just below her shoulders. She opened her eyes with a very peaceful look with a cat-like smile.

“Rena-chan” She looked at the sky as her eyes obviously longed for the girl.

      However, those peaceful look had vanished and was replaced by pain when Watanabe-san came and stabbed her right on her chest. The girl's mouth flooded with blood as Watanabe-san kept stabbing her over and over laughing hysterically. This stomach-churning scene that I'm watching makes me want to scream and yet no sound came. Rin's feet slowly turned into light green color as it converts itself into dust with the wind carrying it. This doesn't seem to stop Watanabe-san though. Wanting to stop Rin's pain I jumped in and hugged Watanabe-san from behind.

“STOP IT ALREADY!” I yelled with all my might. The laughter stopped along with the stabbing. I exhaled and looked right in front of me only to see Rin slowly turning into light green dust.

“What are you doing here?”
“Get out, now!”

       With that Watanabe-san threw me on the ground. She turned around and is now on all fours right above me. Her eyes that were once red turned back into being brown.

       “Did I do it again?” She asked. 'Pain' it's what her eyes are showing me

  “Why?” I asked.

       “It's what happens whenever I transform.”

  “What are you?”

       “I wish I know.”

              Watanabe-san got off me as she got on her knees holding her head with both of her hands screaming in agony

“HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO GET OUT?” She continued to cry as her horns started growing some more.

“I won't leave you!” I ran up to her and hugged her. I kept telling her that I'm right here. It's okay but I don't know for sure if it's getting to her. All I remember was her pain and suffering seemed to have lasted forever.


       Before I know it I came around seeing white walls, white sheets, white pillows, stainless tables full of medicines and needles on top. I looked down as I saw my arms with countless needles kissing it. Right beside me was a beeping machine... no scratch that. All around me was endless machine. I'm practically skin and bones. I tried to reach for my finger and that's when I noticed that it wasn't my body that I'm looking at since my hand went right through the finger.

“Xe05, it's time for your medications.” A doctor wearing all white from head to toes came in. I  stood up and was surprised to see a little girl at around 6 years old to be laying on the bed that I was at.

“I don't want it” The little girl said avoiding the eyes of the doctor.

“Just take it. You know the consequences if you don't take them.”

“I'd rather die.” The doctor stepped back as he gestured something to the assistants. The assistants went in the room and carried the little girl somewhere.

“LET GO OF ME! I DON'T WANT TO DO IT AGAIN! PLEASE! JUST BRING ME HOME!” The little girl pleaded. The scene flashed and turned into a different one. Instead of the bright white room this room is dark with light illuminating it. Black walls, big aquarium in the middle and an observation deck upstairs. The assistants dropped the little girl in the water and let her drown. As soon as the little girl lost consciousness her eyes opened with her whole eyes bloody red no pupils no nothing just pure red. Nails turned into claw veins threatened to pop and after a minute of her trying to escape the aquarium the men on white that was observing her electrocuted her in the water to put her back to sleep.

“THAT'S NOT THE RIGHT WAY TO TREAT A LITTLE GIRL!” I yelled. I was completely enraged by this but nobody seemed to pay attention to me and I continued blasting them with words. I even tried to punch them but my fist went straight through them.


“How is she Yui?” Yuko asked. Yui looked at the group and nodded.

“She's okay now.” The group sighed in relief to know that all of their comrade is now safe and away from danger.

“But still, how in the world did Yuki managed to stop the berserk Mayu?” Takamina wondered. To the group that is a current mystery.


       I woke up and looked around only to see that I'm in a room with three other people laying down.

“I did it again.” I rubbed my head as I felt extreme pain. I stood up only to be pushed back down by my own weight. It seems that I still need more time to recover. Looking around I now realized that it was Paruru, Rena, and Kashiwagi that are laying down. Kashiwagi looked the worst in terms of the physical appearance.

I remember going berserk but I don't remember anything after that. The next thing was that nightmare that keeps hunting me ever since I escaped from that facility.

“How did I managed to get back to human form though?” I asked myself. Looking at the far right corner Kashiwagi mentioned something unthinkable.


My eyes shut right up the red flag was raised. Questions bombarding my head. How does she know that code name?

Thank you guys for the support if there's anything that I can do for you don't be afraid to tell me.
             I know I'm very slow to update and I'm not going to make up excuses again but instead I'm just going to apologize GOMENASAI! :bow:

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Re: The Void Chapter 5: Dark Past [MaYuki + Others]
« Reply #59 on: August 07, 2014, 02:24:53 PM »
Ummm so Yuki knows of Mayu's past and she's badly injured.....Okay now I need answers as to why that happened.... If you want I could help you write :D

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