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Author Topic: [imTD's OS/SS comp] Choices-3  (Read 91526 times)

Offline imteedee

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] LOVE GAME -Part 5
« Reply #300 on: December 31, 2013, 07:20:54 AM »
A/N On this special day...I wrote this OS, a very short one to give praises to one particular writer here, this is for you. I wish you eternal happiness. KUDOS!

Special thanks to mayuyuXlyukirinlover13 for letting me use your lyrics.

Last Page

It's not so easy to live a life
Where pain and happiness
live side by side
For every joy there is pain
The pain of losing one thing

They say life is magical as it is a gift from God. No one knew where it came from as the bible says God blew the muds he has moulded and suddenly they started breathing air…his air. As Science only stated, we came from the ancient beings or as they call organisms and just evolved from there.

Still, I still see life as magical, whatever they say…I couldn’t be any more grateful to that someone, something or whatever it is, for this life I have….no. I had.

“I’m happy…” I said. I feel my cheeks puffing out. I chuckled. I’m smiling. I couldn’t believe even after leaving my mortal body, I still could afford to smile.

“Hey! It’s your turn to smile now…” I said childishly. Would it reach her? I let minutes…hours waiting for her response. She didn’t.  “Hey you owe me a smile…baka”

I wake up in the morning
Realizing that something's missing
The presence of someone I know
Has vanished into thin air.

“At least I could watch you every day from now on, nee?” I uttered as I stared on her gloomy face. Why are you still sad? I’m here. I slowly reached for her. Sadly, I knew it, it wouldn’t reach her. My hand passing as thin air through her…

I saw her take her steps and rummage for a book. “Ah! That book…” I said feeling very homie by her side as I threw myself beside her on the sofa. It’s our photobook together. She slowly turns the pages…that moment. I saw her smile as she stared on one particular photo. My eyes traced her gaze and I saw the very photo which made her smile.

“Oh. That….” I exclaimed in surprise. Unlikely, it wasn’t a very formal photo wherein one couple would pose side by side and just smiling close together..

It was actually a photobombed picture…She was smiling like the usual and there I am, making an ugly face behind her. I still remember.

“HA…baka…” She hushed as she brushed the photo with her fingers; curls at the corners of her lips became evident. But…those eyes… they’re still sad.

Still empty..

And suddenly she started crying….”Why? What’s wrong?” I asked as I freely hopped in front of her. I wanted to pull her for a tight hug. Like how I used to before whenever I sees her down…crying. I’d pull her for a very tight hug as if not wanting her to even breathe and so she would stop and just would resort to laughing her lungs out.

 But, I knew it wouldn’t be possible.

“Can I just pat you like this…then?” my hand hovered on her head, doing a patting motion. “Even though they’re not really touching? Haha” I chuckled.

Seconds after, like magic, she stopped crying as if feeling my comfort. She quickly wiped her tears on her cheeks. “Good girl…”
Can't I turn back time?
Can't things just stay the way it is
Can't I save you right now?
Isn't there anyway you can hold on to life?
Is there any way I can see you

 And then feeling lazy like in the old days, I decided to lean my back on my favourite sofa as she would stay still sitting like an honourable princess with straightened back. I still remember you would place your hand on my thigh whenever we watch horror movies…You’re so stubborn. A scaredy-cat who always wanted to watch horrors. ..

And there, I’m seeing you slowly reached for the very spot where I would be probably at. “Yeah…I’m here, don’t be afraid” The irony. Would you be scared if even for once you would see me again?

I would want to…you, seeing me…for once.

And suddenly you turned your eyes on me. Your eyes on me. Naturally, everyday as this happens, I would go on daydreaming as if you’re really seeing me…cause you never cease to make me squeal with those cute eyes.

I stood up and decided to just shove it away.


I hear you speak my name. I turned my head and sees you on the verge of crying once again.

“Baka Yuki….”

I tried to put myself in a world of delusions
Thinking that you aren't leaving
I tried to keep myself from falling and drowning
In a sea of Tears I've created
And here I am waiting and waiting
For you to give me a sign...
A sign that you're alive.


 Her tears started flowing like a river once again.  “What do I do to you?”  and as if you were hearing my complaints you started ranting once again.

“BAKA! BAKA! Hentai! Baka! Cyborg pretending a hum….man….” and there you go again, punching that poor book aimlessly, wasting your energy and tears.

“Baka-rin…fat…baka-rin…” I murmured softly as I normally do whenever you start ranting, words I always keep for myself cause I don’t wanna hurt your feelings.

“Can I just pat you again?” I asked her and as if once again, hearing me she made a nodding motion. I smiled as if we’re just like talking like the old days.

“Pat…Pat….” I uttered as I literally pat her head.”Stop crying….”


Can't I turn back time?
Can't things just stay the way it is
Can't I save you right now?
Isn't there anyway you can hold on to life?

 “WHY?! Why today….?” She muttered between her sobs, hugging close that book.

“Today…? What’s the date today? I can’t remember……”

“Why did you leave me…?”

December 31, 2013.

“ It’s today…” I uttered. I remember now. It’s today. I see now.

I don't want to lose you now (I don't want to lose you)
There are many more things to be done(I don't want to lose you)
I still have to see you...
Don't you dare leave us here
Don't you dare leave me here

 “Yuki…I have to go now…..” But it’s as if you heard my goodbyes and you started crying even more.

“Please see the fireworks outside….as we normally do”

“It’s not that I wanted to leave you….but this time, I’ll let you go…and fill the last page with new memories…”

Is there any way I can see you
(Please stay...)

“Yeah, my memories…our memories would stay…Yuki”

“Happy New Year Yuki, I love you…”

my hat is off. saluting.

Offline Konoe

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] LOVE GAME -Part 5/ Last Page (OS)
« Reply #301 on: December 31, 2013, 01:22:16 PM »
Yey! An update. :cow:

How come Mayu still haven't told Yuki about Jurina? Yuki can help them too. I feel sorry for Jurina. The pain of unrequited love.

All this time Mayu spent with Yuki, she still doesn't love fluff until now? XD

I like that small JuriMayu moment. :inlove: But of course Mayuki is my Kami OTP. :P

@Last Page

As usual, Yuki is alive; Mayu is dead. :on cloudeye:

What's wrong TD?! Don't tell me those sad fics started to influence you?! :scared:

Offline leEwẬy

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] LOVE GAME -Part 5/ Last Page (OS)
« Reply #302 on: December 31, 2013, 03:20:44 PM »
A new update and also a new Mayuki OS :mon trudge: :mon trudge:
I can't wait to see some JuriMayu in here :mon rush: And also some RenaJuriMayuki in here :mon evillaff:
Yuki's jealous here :mon fan: So does Mayu :mon fu:
Little Atsuyuu here, too :mon beam:
About the OS, I have something to tell you :mon psst:
WHY EVERYONE LOVE TO MAKE MAYUKI SUFFERRRRR !??!!!!!!????? :mon headbang: :mon headbang: :mon fire: :mon fire: :mon mad: :mon runcry: :mon runcry:
AND WHY IT ALWAYS BE MAYU DIE Although sometimes it was Yuki :mon whine:  :mon duh: :mon speechless: :mon zoom:
Anyway, that's my thoughts when I finished reading your OS :mon ignore:
Looking forward to your new update :mon firecrack:
P.S : Happy new year to you  :mon money:
Working on translating an awesome Kojiyuu fanfic, right now ☆〜(ゝ。∂) :mon beam:

Offline imteedee

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] LOVE GAME -Part 5/ Last Page (OS)
« Reply #303 on: January 04, 2014, 11:15:03 PM »
A/N I know right guys?!  :lol: Anyway, Hi  :) just a random story coming from the random writer  :sweatdrop:



“Yow, why the heck are you so slow?!”

It’s almost like a drama line where a girl is shouting over her lazy friend trying to reach the school to make it on time, who is apparently should act as the ultimate opposite of the morning people. As one would know, it wouldn’t even make an impact on the other as the reluctant one as expected would only sigh or would yawn as a response or worse, would just totally ignore the spirited one. Yeah, everything feels like just a drama opening…

But it’s happening…

“WATANABE MAYU!!” the taller figure shouted as loud as she could in front of the smaller figure. Her hands fisted into balls and were tracing her slender hips. It’s morning for God’s sake. The sun fully set at the skies and God forbid the figure named, Watanabe Mayu, as she could only respond with a loud and evident yawn over her friend.

“Easy..Yuki easy!” Mayu said weakly as she fixes her eyeglasses with red frames. Her hair was just plain  straight though even the simplicity of her look wouldn’t matter as Mayu looks best with her hair let down. On the other hand, Yuki, looks something more special than of a typical meaning of special as she looks radiant as always with her slightly curly hair. Indeed, no wonder as she was considered the queen of their university.

“I don’t know why I am even your friend..” Yuki sighed softly. She knew very well the smaller figure as she would only waste her time, energy and effort sticking it to Mayu that they’ll be late. “I don’t know too…” Mayu responded with a chuckle. She would always hear it from Yuki….that one particular line of uncertainty whenever she faces the ugly truth that she is friends with one of the notorious otakus of the university, not to mention the cutest of them all as they’re known to be geeky, nerds or worst messy. But hey, that’s just a label, indeed Mayu doesn’t fit the description as she always looks neat and presentable and on top of that attractive, well except for her eyeglasses.

The two dashed towards their mother station as fast as they could but too bad it was already a rush hour as they zipped through the swarm of people. Thankfully, Mayu is smaller than Yuki and so she got a heads up from Yuki. She easily zigzagged though the people rushing as she held Yuki’s hand, with that, they both made inside the earliest possible train.

The train was packed with students and adults most probably working with white-collar jobs. Fortunately, the bond between the two is stronger than any other entity in this whole damn world, well literally. Yuki held Mayu's hand tightly as she didn’t want to be separated with her friend, like a child holding her doll, and so she was able to pull the smaller figure by the side, preventing Mayu being dragged towards the heart of the capsule. Resulting to Mayu ending up in Yuki’s embrace, well it’s actually normal already for them.

It’s quiet.

Tokyo trains are dreadfully quiet as Japanese people are known to be respectful towards other people’s private space. There are only four choices for Yuki and those are left, right, up or down. Yeah the four directions she could only turn her head to. And typically she would always choose the latter; down. Staring at her usually sleepy friend and alas! She is actually at that moment.

“Sleepy?” Yuki asked in a sarcastic manner. Her face almost looking just waiting for that renowned laughter of victory, her cheeks flushing rosy-pink every second she gazes upon that comical figure in front of her. “Too adorable…” She thought. Mayu on the other hand is honestly, sleepy as always probably from her all-night browsing of mangas, animes and what not? Supernatural things all over the web. Her inquisitiveness cannot be compared and so she’s also the brightest in their campus.

Mayu could only respond with a soft nod as her eyelids are closing, seemingly having a cold war with her drowsiness. Understanding the whole situation Yuki could only let a sigh and habitually just spoil the smaller figure and so with closest possible, if there’s even some space to close, she pulled Mayu against her.

“Sleep…” Yuki murmured, her hands wrapped around the smaller figure’s head, supporting it still from the train’s wobble. Mayu could only go with the flow as she leaned her head on Yuki’s shoulder and, at least, get a minute of sleep.

“Just a minute…”


“Your graduation is coming…” A girl with wavy chestnut hair uttered as she reads her book. Her companion didn’t bother glancing towards the other girl though. “Our graduation…you mean?” the girl who is enjoying the rooftop view of the morning university with squirrel like features responded along with a chuckle.

“Yes?” The other responded as she snapped her book and glanced towards the squirrel girl. “What’s your plan?”

The question seemed got struck through the other’s attention and so with the slightest effort she could do, she twisted her body slightly gaining a faint vision of the other. “I could always fail the examination and stay here…forever if you like?” The squirrel girl answered, grinning to her companion. However, this typical response coming from the squirrel girl wasn’t entirely a joke. IN fact she has been doing this for years, and well together with her friend.

“Forever….If you…like? Huh, Acchan?” She repeated.

However, the other girl just closed her eyes as she expected such suggestion coming. Truthfully, she has nothing against it. She would love to actually. “Hmm, if that’s the case…then..” She said in a seemingly lethargic manner and turned her back and soon aimed for an exit.

“Let’s stay for a bit here then Yuko…” She continued as she held the knob, turned it and finally left the other alone.

“Good Morninght then Acchan”


“Mayu….seriously?!” Yuki exclaimed in frustration as she dragged the poor drowsy figure. Fortunately, making it to the school gate is still plausible for them.

“Mayu, you’re not in the night class! Why are you always sleepy in the morning?!” Yuki growled as her infamous reactions one after another came out unconsciously.  Essentially, the night class actually exists as this is only eligible for the people coming from the elite families. People of the morning classes, however, haven’t seen any of those students as they weren’t allowed to, as this was an absolute order; it became an infamous idiom for the morning people.

“How I wish I belong to that class….” Mayu replied as she seemingly got her consciousness back by just hearing Yuki’s words. Since the beginning Mayu always wanted to discover such mystery of the night class as they were even prohibited to even see the students. "You know Yuki, last night I discovered that people of the night class are actually living in the closest sophisticated dormitory............................................and yeah.......that....."

“Here we go again…” Yuki sighed.


I put some random clues for you to figure things out, I mean the theme  :nervous
« Last Edit: January 04, 2014, 11:25:36 PM by imteedee »
my hat is off. saluting.

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] Choices
« Reply #304 on: January 05, 2014, 01:03:59 AM »
Mayu is a sleep head

Please updatesoon

Offline ZorxCemoon

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] Choices
« Reply #305 on: January 05, 2014, 05:30:27 AM »

Neee . . . Sibling-chan is this Mayuki and Atsuyuu? I reckon it's rather obvious, but who knows what works in my semi-malfunctioning brain.

So fluffy :D!, Okie dokie then, update soon!

Gaming time!

P.S. Sibling-chan would you be able to make a horror genre story?
Once upon a time, There lived two beautiful girls.
One named Watanabe Mayu.
Another named Kashiwagi Yuki.
They fell in love with each other and married.
The end.

Yukirin :heart: Mayuyu
Mayuyu :heart: Yukirin

Offline chroumia

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] Choices
« Reply #306 on: January 05, 2014, 05:52:58 AM »
Well, you're not a random writer for me ~
Yuki spoiling Mayu was cute !! :heart: :heart:  :cathappy:
the night class is interesting, I wonder who the students are ...
my forever Kami OTP which is starting to bloom again:

Offline Koneki

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] Choices
« Reply #307 on: January 05, 2014, 06:28:08 AM »
the last part.... reminded knight xDDDDDDDDDD

go ahead~  :thumbsup

~ KamiOshi 松井玲奈 || AKBOshi 高橋みなみ~
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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] Choices
« Reply #308 on: January 05, 2014, 07:25:40 AM »
the last part.... reminded knight xDDDDDDDDDD

Lol. Me too. XD  And those night students are not allowed to be interacted became more suspicious of them being a vampire or something supernatural.

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] Choices
« Reply #309 on: January 05, 2014, 08:43:40 AM »
Oho~ I smell some AtsuYuu here~ lol.. I'm curious now  :lol:

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] Choices
« Reply #310 on: January 05, 2014, 01:41:37 PM »
a new fic?

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Offline amachan48

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] Choices
« Reply #311 on: January 05, 2014, 02:17:42 PM »
teedee-san :'( why are you already make a new fic while you haven't complete Wrong Answer and Love Game yet

well, I just hope you won't make Love Game on hiatus just like Wrong Answer :'(

but anw, nice fic :) but please also update Wrong Answer and Love Game ^_^

Offline imteedee

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] Choices
« Reply #312 on: January 06, 2014, 01:59:04 AM »
okay I wasn't supposed to reply today but...

amachan I really thought no one wants an update on Wrong Answer  :nervous but yeah I'll update it next for you OwO it's not actually on hiatus  XD and I just updated Love Game up there  :sweatdrop: thanks for reading!  :deco:

mo-chan yes yes! by looking at seems new to me  :lol:

applelink *stares at you* *evil laugh*

Koneki & Konoe oops my cover has been breached  8)

chroumia that's coming from a fellow writer,  thank you very much  :bow:

sibling-chan oh you got me  XD well *insert TD facepalm here* I can't  :nervous

Kirozoro here, an update  :)




A word which supposed to be profound, meaningful, packed with memories, emotions...but apparently has became meaningless since that day. The day I chose to embrace the darkness.

My eyes are glimmering just like rubies. My healthy wavy hair bouncing immersing its shine, complementing my porcelain white flawless skin.

I’m beautiful….they told me.

I am Oshima Yuko, and let’s get along, from now on.



“Chocolate or…hmm strawberry?” It was Yuki bumping softly the figure beside her asking the smaller figure, Mayu, for her desired flavour. Apparently Mayu only had a vague response of a nodding motion which can also be considered as a NO. Nothing new and so in the end Yuki had to choose for both of them. It was already about their lunch time and Mayu has only been blabbering about the same topic since morning, the night class, the renowned night class whom no one has ever laid his or her eyes on.

The morning and the night classes are actually using the same building, same classrooms and even facilities however, when the morning classes end their shift no one is allowed to even stay inside the university even extra-curricular club activities are prohibited, and most especially during the time when the night class is about to enter the university from their dormitory specialized entrance which connects the two vicinities.

Since the beginning only from rumours morning students can ponder on about the physique and on how actually the night classes’ works, not to mention the mysterious members of it, as rumours only had excellent reports about them being incredibly attractive as Goddesses. Rumours no one has proven yet as these taletellers were sure expelled and who knows what happened to them as they vanished consequently.

The only thing that differentiates the night classes from the morning classes are that night students use a different color for their uniform which is white as the morning classes use red.

“Strawberry….” Mayu murmured as she stared on the moistened cold soda can at hand. It’s her favourite though and yet her facial expression wasn’t even an inch looking complimentary towards her friend at her side. Indeed. Her consciousness must be as always floating around the corner.. a typical scenario to be expected from Mayu though. They were sitting against the infamous giant sakura tree behind the school grounds. The only one which can only witness the university from day to night; the only reliable source Mayu could actually depend on. Well too bad, if only it could only speak and spit everything out, all the mysteries and the truth behind every other suspicious rule their school has been implementing since the beginning.

“Mayu..finish your food” Yuki uttered as she knew from the very start that Mayu didn’t even plan on touching her food.



“I wanna see the night class…” Mayu responded. Her voice was still and firm and Yuki knew whatever Mayu wants she get it, even if she has to sacrifice anything. She’s a stubborn-brat in a different level, an extreme one to be precise.

“Mayu, that’s prohibited…we can’t” Yuki declined, her voice slightly controlled especially with the ‘prohibited’ word, as she was very cautious for anyone not to hear and be aware of their topic although they were alone. However Yuki knew that her answer wouldn’t matter at all. Mayu displaying her puffing cheeks was a no-no for Yuki, a critical hit she wouldn’t be able to stand.

“What?! No… No…Mayu, you won’t” Yuki shook her hands in front of Mayu’s pouting face expressing her discord. However, Mayu is that stubborn to even lean closer on her poor friend. “Kashiwagi…” She puffed. Her eyes were threatening that Yuki actually understood she didn’t have any choice at all.




The sun has set, the formerly dark room suddenly was filled with life, sophisticated lights illuminating across the spacious room. The small squirrel girl just stood in front of her human-sized glass window… Her eyes staring straight through the void seemingly dead plot “empty…” Her polo shirt still undone and yet it was almost time for her schooling.

It was when a sudden figure appeared inside the room. However, the visit didn’t even surprise the figure.

“Yuko..” The calm and understanding voice she has been hearing for years, every single day. Hearing her name, Yuko slightly turned her head to side signalling the other her understanding of the situation. “I know…”

It was when she felt the arms slithered through her sides wrapping around her body, her gracious hands searching for those tiny round buttons and placed them where they are supposed to be. “Lazy….” The taller figure breathed onto the smaller figure’s ears, as an evident smirk formed across the other’s face.

Footsteps and lively chatters from the other occupants out of the blue echoed coming from the hallway.
“I’ll go ahead…” The taller figure uttered as she retreated her body and headed for the door.

“Thank you Acchan…”


“Bye Yukirin! Bye Mayu!” goodbyes suddenly filled the school’s gate. It was almost time for the shifting of classes to take place and it was expected for the morning students to vacate the whole vicinity and so the students one after another are leaving for their homes.

Just not…Mayu and Yuki.

However, Yukirin wasn’t still fully-convinced that time since they were in fact just about to break the supreme rule of their school. Unfortunately, it seems that it didn’t even matter to Mayu at all as she looked very lively and excited for their journey unlike Yuki who was full of facepalms and jitters all across her face.

“Mayu, are you really sure about this??”

“YES.” A firm and quick yes came from the smaller figure. There was a quick pause before Mayu actually made an effort to face her partner. “It’s okay….just stay here then” She continued as she cupped both Yuki’s cheeks and playfully shook it. The gesture seemed like a tease for Yuki however, she couldn’t help but feel guilty about it, she really is afraid of it.

But before she could redeem herself Mayu has quickly let go of her and without further notice headed forward leaving her all alone outside…no matter how she tried to take a step to follow her friend, it seems her fear is growing every second. She hates it. They never complemented each other and it was actually one of those times she has to say it once again "I don’t know why am I even your friend….UGH”


Mayu quickly hid herself behind the gigantic sakura tree. Thankfully the specialized gate is actually visible from that point. However, it seems heavens hasn't sided on Mayu this time as she noticed the white-uniformed class already reached the classroom entrance and were already settling inside “Whaaat?! Ugh”

Suddenly, a faint thud has gotten Mayu’s attention coming from her behind as tiny droplets of perspiration formed at the sides of Mayu’s temples. It became dead silent afterwards as only rushes of air could be heard. An eerie atmosphere she first experienced all throughout her life, her heart beating fast every second as she felt eyes watching her. The thrill and uneasiness are killing her but she couldn’t seem to turn her head as she was stoned on her very feet. She never knew fear since then.

“What’s your name?” an unfamiliar voice came from her behind. The voice startled the morning student and so without any thoughts she about faced and found a small girl standing right before her. She was only wearing her polo top on, without her jacket puzzled the already bewildered one even more.

She’s beautiful.

That’s what all she could think of as if she even has forgotten her own name. A figure looking dashing under the moon’s glimmer.

“It’s true after all….” Mayu unconsciously murmured still perplexed at everything happening to her.

“Hmm?” The girl with squirrel features smiled looking amused to a seemingly rare creature heavy breathing in front of her.

“I’m Mayu…Watanabe Mayu”

“I see….it’s nice to meet you Mayu-chan….”

“What’s….your name?” Mayu still trying to grasp her situation asked, her hands touching the tree’s bark feeling a little cautious. There was a quick pause before a response was made by the beautiful stranger. “It’s Yuko..” She said.

“…Are you a morning or a night student?” Mayu eagerly asked, her long mystery case has finally reaching its conclusion, is it?

“What do you think huh?” Yuko playfully answered, grinning with her one brow moving up and down and her arms crossed above her chest feeling comfortable already with her new found friend. “I know you know the answer…” She continued with a chuckle.

However, the formerly lively expression on Yuko’s face suddenly changed and became firm; an authoritative expression emitting control and supremacy which weren’t left unnoticed by the morning student. “I think you should go now…”

“Yes…o-okay! I’ll go now…” Mayu stuttered as she shook her head from left to right unsure where to go, full of anxiety. Yuko couldn’t help but feel amused by Mayu, it has been years since she interacted with a morning actually. It was fresh and very interesting and so Yuko moved towards the anxious figure.

A brief moment of silence has once again enveloped the two as Yuko leaned on Mayu to take a closer look. She closed her eyes as the sweet smile plastered on her face didn’t fade.. “Your friend….she’s almost crying right now, you should go pick her up outside Mayu” Yuko uttered as if she’s using a mystic ability of seeing things.


“Yep!” Yuko answered, her sweet smile overlapped with a playful grin. “So go…now”
“o-okay….” Mayu obliged and soon after seconds of uncertainty of where to go and even stop her shameful interaction with the night student dashed towards the darkness.


“Where have you been?”

A familiar and expected statement coming from the influential figure sitting on a table with her legs and arms crossed, Acchan.
“I was just out…nothing new” the newly arrived student responded as her eyes wandered around the corridor “Where are the others?”

“They’re already inside waiting for you…as always...”

“Okay…” the smaller figure uttered as she held the knob but a hand suddenly stopped her form turning it. She turned her head to her side, waiting for any unfavorable response from the other. Acchan, leaning closer as her cheek almost touching the smaller figure’s neck made a lungful of Yuko’s scent.

“Yuko…you’re crazy….” Acchan uttered in realization; a smirk covering her face.


Mayu ran towards where she left Yuki and found no one, the area was as expected vacated by everyone. She would’ve gone home but still she couldn’t shake that even for a bit she believed the stranger’s intuition. “Yukirin..where are you?” She hummed softly as she turned her head to all possible sides just to have a clue the whereabouts of her dear friend.


She was sitting on a bench close to the school’s gate, her head kept down.


Hearing her name, Yuki lifted her head, exposing her swollen eyes. “Bakarin…” Mayu knew it all along. Instead of sitting beside her friend, she just opted to stand in front of her. But why is it the more you console a person the more you’re making her cry? It’s a fact she knew and believed since their childhood days. Whenever she’s making her friend cry, she never tried consoling Yuki as one friend is expected to.

Mayu just tapped her friend’s shoulder repetitively as it was the most comforting gesture she could do and Yuki would just lean closer and sob to her heart’s content.

“Stop crying now…I’m here”


my hat is off. saluting.

Offline AshuraX

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] Choices-1
« Reply #313 on: January 06, 2014, 05:01:06 AM »
Wait.. Night school, Acchan being forward, Yuko almost drained of energy, weird things happening.
Is this what I think it is? O.O

Offline irgheto

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] Choices-1
« Reply #314 on: January 06, 2014, 09:48:32 AM »

Will this be exactly like the manga or you will twist it?
Either way, I'm interest in the pairing.. Oshiri Sister or mayuki/atsuyuu?
Do surprise us..  O0

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] Choices-1
« Reply #315 on: January 06, 2014, 11:35:26 AM »
hoho mayu made yuki cry~~~

comfort time  :yep: :yep: :yep: :fap :fap :fap
mayuyu and rena is <3

mayuki and mayurena is my fav <3

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] Choices-1
« Reply #316 on: January 06, 2014, 01:21:52 PM »
*Stare back* *laugh* *Give forcing smile threatening to make AtsuYuu there*  :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
And said it loud, TD-san make AtsuYuu please or don't kill the characters,  coz I always end up shed some tears in there lol~..  *and runaway quickly* *back to hiding*

Offline AshuraX

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] Choices-1
« Reply #317 on: January 06, 2014, 02:35:59 PM »
^And blood.
We WILL shed some blood. On a certain panda.

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] Choices-1
« Reply #318 on: January 06, 2014, 05:42:33 PM »
teedee is a Panda  :shocked :lol: XD new ff!

Offline kenjoy12

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Re: [imTD's OS/SS comp] Choices-1
« Reply #319 on: January 06, 2014, 06:16:51 PM »
Night and morning class? :? It sounds familiar :nervous

Anyway! :fap What will happen next.. :twothumbs

Can't wait to witness everything with the exciting twist of the story..  :hip smile:

Thanks for your hardwork and more updates to come, yeah? :fap :kneelbow:

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