If you want to guess who the culprit is, BETTER PRIVATE MESSAGE ME. And not discuss it here. Got that right?
If you discuss it here, I'll delete your comment immediately. :3 so obey le rules~
Then, This story has 4 Parts. Part A, B, C and D
PART AIt was already late when a group of students were left in the school, to be specific, in Namba Highschool. These Students, are Namely, Sayaka Yamamoto, Miyuki Watanabe, Mayu Ogasawara, Fuuko Yagura, Kei Jonishi, Akari Yoshida, Shu Yabushita and Nana Yamada. In total, they're eight students who were left in the school. This night, Only them and Other Faculty staffs are left, But the Teachers are in the Main Building, and the group are in the Club Building, so they are the only ones who are in the club buildings.
"Guys, Why don't we play a Silent, Hide and Seek game?" Mayu crossed her arms as she yawned of boredom.
"No, That's kinda boring."Sayaka was playing some games on her phone, but just can't help herself but to yawn.
"Hmm... Guys, do you know of the silent game, Killer-Killer?" Shu removed her glasses and placed it below the book that she was reading earlier, it seems that she also got bored.
"Ah! Yes! I'm familiar with that game!" Fuuko answered as her eyes sparkled with excitement.
"A Staring game, is it?" Akari stopped tampering with her computer and focused on the conversations.
"Hmm... Based on what I know, It is a game where you first form a circle and then pick six or more pieces of paper, and in that Six to Eight Pieces of paper, Contains the roles of Civilian, Police, Guard, Judge, Detective, Spy, Target and the Murderer, but for the six people game, The Roles Available are the Police, Guard, Judge, Spy, Target, and the Murderer. The Role of the Murderer is to try finding the target, by killing the other players using winks, gives the murderer a clue to who is the Target. The Other Players, or the ones who got the roles of police, judge, etc. will say 'I'm Dead' if they got winked by the murderer, and the target will just stay silent when winked at. But there are dangers that await the Murderer, if the Detective figures it out faster, When the Police points gun at the Murderer and the spy points on it too, and when the judge saw what happened, he could simply say 'Guilty'. That's my short knowledge about that game." Kei fixed the glasses that she was wearing, she was an intelligent student for their class.
"Is that what you call short?" Miyuki went to the group who was talking on the big circular table of their clubroom.
"So, Are we gonna play... or no?" Nana was retouching her make up and fixing herself.
"Guys, That was just my Suggestion, unless you don't want to get bored until My Lovely Sir. Kris gets back from their meeting."
[A/N: Kris from EXO-M, He's one of my Ultimate Biases.

"Why don't we use this whole building?" Kei suggested, then smirked.
"Yeah. That would be really exciting, and when the Murderer spots a person that is included in the game, she goes shouting 'BANG!'. How's that?" Sayaka smiled.
"Hmm... That's a great Idea. Let's do it!" Nana chuckled in excitement.
"Why don't we start making the draw-lots if we're gonna play?" Akari crossed her arms and started dialing her so-called 'boyfriend's' number on her Phone. "Baby! I think I'll be going home late for today. You can go home first and not wait for me to go home, Will that be alright?" She asks, the group listens to their conversation, it was in loud speaker. "I still have many things to do since I'm the student council president, so If I can go early, and we see each other on the gates, I can bring you to your home." They heard a light-voiced male on the other line. Thay had already assumed that Akari could get the President as her boyfriend because of her good image as the School Muse.
"Okay then, Bye Baby~ I love you." She smiled and hung the phone up.
Shu was cutting the pieces of paper then writes something on it. Later places it on a box then shakes it and lets the other girls in the room to pick a paper from it. After few seconds of checking of what role they got, they all exited the room and splitted one by one. The Club Building is very big, and you can easily be lost if you don't know much about this building. The Game starts as Shu sends a message telling them that the game has started.
Murderer's POVI can now end your lives. I held my silencer handgun as I exited the clubroom, took out my phone to see who is the nearest person that I could kill. Ah, I saw her name, She's just in the staircase near my place. So, I think I'll walk slowly and Silently. I could already hear her footsteps, How should I kill her? Stab her repeatedly until she doesn't breath anymore? or... Open her stomach and scatter her intestines on the stairs? Which should I pick? A or B? Ah, I'll do both, for the Brutality. I chuckled. The smell of blood, She's already in the second set of stairs, I'll kill her.
"Ah! " I charged on her and stabbed her repeatedly. I kept her mouth shut with my silencer proceeded to my plan, After stabbing her repeatedly, I slit her throat, and traced her stomach deeper for it to be opened. I smirked as saw the blood gushing out of her stomach, I later pulled her small intestines and scattered it on the stairs, then stepped on it afterwards. I see, A Very brutal way of punishing an annoying girl, What a Hindrance. I later noticed that my uniform is full of blood, I don't care.
Then, I later heard another pair of footsteps, I checked my phone again to see who it was. "Ah. It's her." She is just one corner away from me, if she wants to see me, she needs to take another left when she reaches the intersection. I smirked. Then, As I was hiding on a corner, I saw her rush into the stairs, and she was shocked on what she saw, Yes. A Destroyed Yagura Fuuko. I made her face unrecognizable, pretty cruel, am I?
"N-No! T-This Can't be!" She was getting noisy so I shot her to death.
To be Continued on Part B